THE VIRTUES AND EXCELLENCY OF THE American Tobacco Plant, FOR Cure of Diseases, AND Preservation of Health: And the noxious Qualities of the TOBACCO growing in Northern Countries. LONDON, Printed for R. Parker, at the Unicorn under the Royal-Exchange; and sold by J. Morphew near Stationers-Hall. 1712. Price 2 d. THE VIRTUES AND EXCELLENCY OF THE American Tobacco Plant. THE Discovery and Conquest of America by the Spaniards, enrich'd Europe with not only vast Treasures of Gold and Silver, but also discover'd and furnish'd us with (perhaps) much more useful and valuable things; to wit, many excellent Specific Remedies, for the Cure of Diseases, and Preservation of Health. Nature had been so kind to the poor ignorant Natives of that Country, as to direct them to, and Experience taught them, the peculiar Virtues of many Herbs, Roots, Plants, &c. growing amongst them, and how to apply them. The Learned Physicians in no Age had ever the Knowledge of a more celebrated Specific Remedy for any Distemper, than we in this last have found the Peruvian Bark to be, for a never failing and sudden Cure of Intermitting Fevers and Agues: And to which alone, since it has been generally us'd, more Lives have been owing, than to any other Medicine whatsoever. So wonderful is it in its Operation, that it looks almost like a Charm. But above all, their Tobacco Plant deserves to be plac'd in the first Rank, for its many amicable Qualities and Usefulness to Human Bodies, for the Cure of several Distempers, Preservation of Health, and Prolongation of Life. Besides the agreeable Diversion and Entertainment it affords to those that use it. The Indians by their plentiful Smoaking and Chawing it, find great Relief for their inward Diseases: And in case of Wounds or Ulcers, &c. they apply the Leaf, which eats away the proud Flesh, and inclines the Sore to heal. It is an Opiat to those that are in Pain, makes the Poor forget their Necessities, supplies Food to the Hungry, making them bear the Want of it easily. It is well known how Armies have been enabled to undergo tedious Marches, and Seamen long Voyages, with hardly any other Provision, when well supply'd with this. It is endued with a Salutiferous Sulphur, and hath also a Narcotic composing Quality, which gives Ease, Refreshment, and Tranquility both to the Body and Mind Insomuch that it may seem to resemble the Famous Herb mentioned by Homer, that had the Power to turn Sadness into Joy. The frequent Smoaking of Tobacco discharges Phlegm and other watry peccant Humours out of the Glands. It removes Obstructions in the Vessels, by dissolving the coagulated Juices: It promotes a due Circulation of the Blood, and a free Perspiration, thro' the Pores of the whole Body, so necessary to Health. It not only purges the Head, but with very many, operates downwards, rendring the Bowels soluble, whereby costive Constitutions find great Benefit. It destroys Worms in Human Bodies, and is likewise by Experience found to be a Remedy against Leprosies, Scurvy and Itch. To which the Poor (heretofore) inhabiting the Sea-Coast of this Island, were by their Eating too much Fish very much subject: But since the smoaking of Tobacco came to be much in Use among them, they have been totally free from. Chawing Tobacco is by many prefer'd to Smoaking it, as being a greater Drain, and communicating its Virtues and Warmth more effectually to the Stomach and Brain; preserving the Teeth, killing the Worms, and altering the Juices that occasion Pain and Rottenness in them By the Chawing it, the Glands of the Jaws, Throat and Vessels being continually mov'd and compress'd, dismiss or spue out great Quantities of Rheum, the Cause of Defluctions, Coughs, Catarrhs and Consumptions. It communicates also a certain Impulse to the Membranes of the Lungs, which helps their Discharge of vicious Phlegm and other Matter, apt to breed Ulcers, Astma's, and other Distempers. It's observ'd by many, That those who from their Youth have been accustom'd to chaw Tobacco, are never afflicted (or at least very rarely) with Gout, Rheumatisms, Scurvy, or Tooth-ach, which proceeds from an Acrimony in the Blood or Juices, that this Plant wonderfully helps to correct and sweeten. As Smoaking and Chawing of Tobacco, by Experience, is found to have these good Effects; so the using it by way of Snuff is beneficial, as well as diverting, to many Persons, (especially to such as have weak Eyes, affected with too much Moisture.) By its gently pricking and stimulating the Membranes, it causes Sneezing or Contractions, whereby the Glands and Channels, like so many squeez'd Sponges, dismiss their Serosities and Filth. And as it serves for a Drain to excessive Moisture in the Eyes or Head; so when a sufficient Moisture is wanting, its quick and noble Spirit opens the Vessels that afford Supplies thereto; and pure Snuff put into the Corners of the Eyes is found to alter and destroy the sharp Humours that occasion Bloodshot, &c. So beneficial is this Powder for the Preservation of that most dear and valuable of all our Senses, the Sight. But Care ought to be taken, That the Snuff made use of in all these Cases be made of only pure clean Tobacco Leaves, without any Mixture of Stiptic Earths, or Rotten Wood, which Common Snuff-makers put thereto to deaden, colour, or else encrease the Quantity. Tobacco also is often a Remedy for Deafness, by putting a Drop of its Oyl into the Ear with Cotton Wool. But its most useful and excellent Quality is still to be mention'd; to wit, That it is the most sovereign Antidote and greatest Preservative against the Plague, or other pestilential Diseases; the Small-Pox, or other Infection. The Turks and others, among whom the Plague often rages, have recourse to nothing more effectual to avoid it, than constant Smoaking of Tobacco, Chawing, Snuffing, and burning it in their Rooms and Streets; and when the Pestilence is among them, many stuff their Bedding and Pillows with it. The Indians where it grows hang it about their Necks, and are seldom seen without a Pipe in their Hand. When the Plague raged so violently in London, in the Year 1665. it's well known to many now living, how very few it seized of those that were constant Smoakers and Chawers of Tobacco: And what was more remarkable, not any of those poor People, whose Employment was to manufacture, roll, or cut Tobacco, of which there were many Hundreds at work in several Houses within this City, were infected. By these and many other Instances which might be given, it is evident, that Tobacco wonderfully helps to purify the Air, and prevent Infection; so that it were very much to be wish'd, that in time of Pestilence and other infectious Distempers, the Rich would be so charitable, as to supply the Poor with great Stores of this most useful Drug, and sovereign Antidote in such Cases; which may be a Means to put a stop to the raging of such Distempers, and preserve whole Families. But it is to be noted, there are many sorts and degrees of Tobacco Plants; and those highly preferable, which grow in Climates and Soils natural to them, having a light Earth and warm Sun, which gives that noble Flavour, Strength and Virtue to that Tobacco produc'd in Brazil, New-Spain, Virginia and Mary-land: Whereas that Plant raised in Northern Regions (where Tobacco-Plantations have of late mightily increased) has not only a faint, earthy Taste and Smell, but is also very unwholsom and pernicious to those that use it. Instead of preserving, it destroys Health; which though not so immediately and sensibly felt by poor People of strong and robust Constitutions, yet it is certainly so much Poison suck'd into their Veins, which by Degrees consumes the Body, and often immediately causes Vomitings, Vertigo's and Convulsions. To conclude, All Persons who love long Life and Health, will daily have Recourse to the American Tobacco, as a noble Remedy; and shun that of the European Growth, as Poison. FINIS.