THE DIFFERENCE, BETWEEN WORDS, esteemed SYNONYMOUS, IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE; And, the Proper CHOICE of them determined: TOGETHER WITH, So much of Abbé GIRARD's Treatise, on this Subject, as would agree, with our Mode of Expression. Useful, to all, who would, either, write or speak, with PROPRIETY, and, ELEGANCE. VOL. II. LONDON: Printed, for J. DODSLEY, in Pall-mall. MDCCLXVI. THE SIGNIFICATION OF WORDS, esteemed SYNONYMOUS, IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, INVESTIGATED. 208. Effigy, Image, Statue. CORPOREAL representation, is the common idea of these three words; but, an effigy, is, to supply the place of the real thing; an image, is, to shew the attitude, and, design, but, in miniature; a statue, the same; but, as large as life. Persons, who draw on themselves the popular odium, are, sometimes, hung in effigy. Images are made of china, silver, &c. and, set up in houses, by way of ornament. We erect statues of our kings, in grateful remembrance of them. 209. To Give, Present, Offer. Of these three words, that of give, is, generally, used in a familiar sense; that of present, in a respectful one; that of offer, in a religious one. We give to our servants. We present to princes. We offer, to God. We give, what we would have received. We present, what we think, will be agreeable. We offer, what, we imagine, will be acceptable. We cannot give, what does not belong to us, nor offer, what is not in our power; but, we, sometimes present, what is neither ours, nor, in our power to give. 210. Frugality, Oeconomy, Frugality, implies, only, discretion of expence; oeconomy, includes, in its idea, some kind of management, in order to eke matters out. Frugality, is, generally, the province of the husband; whose business is, to take care, his expences do not exceed his income: oeconomy, is, principally, the care of the wife; whose study is, by a prudent management, if possible, to make up every deficiency. 211. Cloaths, Dress. Cloaths, express, simply, that, which covers the body; and, includes all, for that purpose, from head to foot, and, nothing more; it is for this reason, we say, with propriety, the necessaries of life, consist in meat, drink, lodging, and, cloaths. Dress, has a more confined meaning; besides, that, of a bare covering, it, includes in its idea, a relation to form and fashion; as well to the ornaments, as the necessaries; thus, we say, a Spanish dress; a Hungarian dress; a rich dress, &c. Though the sword and cockade, cannot be called cloaths; they are, nevertheless, part of the dress of an officer. 212. Wonder, Astonishment, Amazement, Consternation. Surprize. Of these words, that of wonder, implies, admiration at something extraordinary; astonishment, is, a sudden confusion of mind, arising from either fear or wonder; amazement, implies, a greater degree of astonishment; consternation, such a degree, as almost borders upon horror, arising, chiefly, from dreadful circumstances; as to surprize, it means, only, being taken unawares. Of all these words, wonder, and, surprize, are supposed to be nearest to each other, in signification; but, even between these, may be observed a difference; the first, being generally, considered, as relative to things, good in themselves, the latter, with respect to either good or bad. We are apt to wonder when a bad man does good, and, be surprized, when a good man does ill. Besides, wonder, includes in its idea, some small degree of consideration; surprize, does not. If a mean-spirited person, whom I have insulted, should come to me, in order, to sollicit a reconciliation; I should naturally, say; I am surprized, at his coming, but, when I reflect on the meanness of his spirit, I do not much wonder. Wonder and surprize, act upon the mind; astonishment and amazement, upon the senses; consternation, upon the heart. The words astonishment, and, amazement, equally, with that of surprize are used, be the matter referred to, either good or bad; but, consternation, is never made use of, but, with respect to bad. We wonder, and, are surprized, at the miraculous events of providence. We are astonished and amazed, at the extraordinary qualities of the magnet. An unexpected calamity, will throw us, often, into the greatest consternation. 213. Liberality, Generosity, Bounty. A ready and willing distribution; according to our abilities, is the general idea of these three words; but, they have each, a particular one, as follows: liberality, implies, acts of mere giving or spending; generosity, acts of greatness; bounty, acts of kindness. A liberal man, gives, freely; a generous man, nobly; and, a bountiful man, charitably. Liberality, is a natural disposition: generosity, proceeds from elevation of sentiment; bounty, from religious motives. Liberality, denotes, freedom of spirit; generosity, greatness of soul: bounty, openness of heart. Too great liberality, borders upon profuseness; it then, becomes a fault. Generosity, is a princely quality, and, if it does not exceed the bounds of our abilities, is, always, commendable. Bounty, is an amiable virtue, and never goes unrewarded. 214. Prepossessed, Opiniated, Obstinate, Infatuated, Headstrong. These epithets denote a folly, which consists in being too much wedded to our own opinion; but, that, which is particularized by the word, prepossessed, seems to arise, from excess of prejudice, which seduces, and, causes us to think, what we have preconceived, the best; paying little or no regard to the opinions of others. In one opiniated, this folly seems to be, the effect of an over-fondness for his own notions, and, a contempt for those, of others. Obstinacy, seems to spring, from an affected perverseness, which renders it intractable, and, which, against the rules of good-breeding, will never give way. An infatuated person, is supposed to be folly-struck, to suffer some loss of reason, which is the occasion of that inflexibility we observe in him. As to the word, headstrong, though, often, used as synonymous with the above; it appears to me, to have a greater relation to a man's actions, intimating a blind determination, that stops his ears to every argument, and, renders him ungovernable. Prepossessed, and, opiniated, imply, a mind, strongly, prejudiced; obstinate, and, headstrong, an unruly will; infatuated, a wandering in the dark. Thus, to be prepossessed, opiniated, or, infatuated, is involuntary; to be obstinate, or, headstrong, voluntary. A person prepossessed, follows his own opinions, after examining in some sort, those of others. One, who is opiniated, follows his own notions, implicitly, without ever listning to those of others. Obstinacy, pursues its own way, in spite of every opposition, and, often, through mere caprice. Infatuation acts so strongly, as in some measure, to take away that reason, which is the light of the mind; and thus darkening it, leads a man into the grossest errors. The headstrong person, often, acts through a spirit of opposition, and seldom leaves his course, till he has completed his ruin. 215. To Lift, Raise, We lift, in taking any thing up; we raise, in setting it upright, or, placing, according to some order. Thus, we lift a weight, &c. we raise the head; we raise a ladder; we raise a mast. 216. To Institute, Found, To Establish, Endow. To institute, is, to create and form things, having some relation to the author, or, him, who first contrived, or, laid down the plan. To found, is, to give birth to such plan. To establish, is, to fix that plan, upon a lasting basis. To endow, is to provide the necessaries, for its subsistence. After universities were once instituted, colleges were founded, though not at first endowed; since which, those noble institutions, have been well established, by such endowments, as do honour to our country. 217. Chance, Fortune. Chance, forms neither order or design; we neither attribute to it, knowledge, or, will, and, its events are, always, very uncertain. Fortune, lays plans and designs, but, without choice; we attribute to it, a will, without discernment, and, say, that it acts, blindly. The chief of our successes, are more owing to chance, than skill: it is, sometimes, a long while, before fortune will look upon us, with a favourable eye. 218. Lot, Destiny. Lot, supposes, distinctions, and, a method of decision; we attribute to it, a hidden determination, which keeps us in doubt, till the instant, it shews itself. Destiny, forms designs, dispositions, and, connections; we attribute to it, knowledge, will, and, power; its views are determined, and, unalterable. Lot, decides; Destiny, ordains. We observe many, so extremely rash, as to leave their lives, to the lot of a die. Whatever destiny decrees, is inevitable; because we can neither force its disposition, nor see, beyond the reach of its light. 219. Religion, Piety, Devotion. The word religion, is not considered here, as signifying the worship we owe to the Deity, and, the tribute of our dependance upon him; but, as denoting, a quality of the soul, and, a disposition of the heart, towards God: it is in this sense, only, that it is reputed as synonymous, with the other two. This disposition, then, prevents our failing in any part of our duty, to the Supreme Being. Piety, makes us acquit ourselves with greater respect and zeal. Devotion, adds to this, outwardly, a serious, composed behaviour. It is sufficient, for a worldly person, to be religious; piety, agrees best with persons, who pride themselves in virtue, and, as to devotion, it is the employ of people, perfectly, recluse. Religion, is more internal; piety, is, both internal, and, external; devotion, is, sometimes, more external. Where there is no integrity, there is no religion. He, who fails in his respect, for religious worship, fails in piety. Devotion, unless sincere, is mocking the Most High. 220. Able, Skilful, Learned. That knowledge, which we can reduce to practice, makes us able; that, which requires speculation, makes us skilful; that, which fills the memory, makes us learned. We say, an able preacher or lawyer, a skilful mathematician or philosopher; a learned historian or civilian. Able, seems to imply, something, more extensive; skilful, something, more profound; learned, something, more universal. We become able, by long experience; skilful, by deep study; learned, by great reading. 221. Empire, Kingdom. These are names given to different dominions, whence princes take the title of emperor, or, king; 'tis not, however, in this alone, that their difference consists. It appears to me, that the word, empire, conveys an idea of a vast territory, composed of various people; whereas, that of kingdom, implies, one more bounded; and, intimates the unity of that nation, of which it is formed. It is, perhaps, from this difference of idea, that the different denomination of states, and, the titles their princes enjoy, take their rise; if it is not, the only reason, it is at least, the common one, as, we may remark, in the empire of Germany, the empire of Russia, and, in the Ottoman empire, of whose diversity of people and nations, the world is well acquainted; on the other hand, we see, in those states which bear the name of kingdom, such, as France, Spain, Poland, &c. that the division of provinces, does not destroy the unity of the people. There is in kingdoms, a uniformity of fundamental laws; the difference of particular laws, arising from different customs, which, in no respect, hurt the unity of political administration. It is, from this uniformity, or, single government, that the words king, and, kingdom, take their rise; for this reason, also, though there may be many persons in the administration, there is, nevertheless, but one prince, or, sovereign minister: but, it is not the same in empires; one part of which, is, sometimes, governed by fundamental laws, very different from those, by which, another part of the same empire is governed: this diversity, destroys the unity of government; and, 'tis the submission of certain chiefs, to the command of a general superiour, that preserves the union of the state: it is, also, from this right of governing, that the words emperor, and, empire, are derived. Hence it is, that there are many sovereigns, and, kingdoms, in the same empire. The Roman dominion, was, originally, a kingdom; being formed of one single people; the name empire, was not given it, till such time, as it brought under its subjection, other foreign ones, who became, though in themselves distinct nations, members of that state, and, over whom, the Romans established one government, tho' they had separate administrations. The advantages we find in the society of a body politic, contributes as much, on the part of subjects, to form kingdoms, as the desire of governing, on the part of princes. It was ambition, alone, that formed the plan of empires, which were established, and, are supported, chiefly, by the force of arms. 222. Power, Ability, Faculty, These words are explained, and, taken here, in a moral and literal sense: They all signify, a disposition in the subject, by means of which, it is capable of acting, or, producing an effect: but, that of power, results from supply, or, liberty of acting; ability, rises from strength; faculty, from natural properties. A man, without the aids of grace, has not, even, the power of doing good. Youth, is in want of wisdom, to deliberate; old age, of ability, to execute. The human mind has the faculty of reasoning. Our power, frequently, diminishes; by long use. Age destroys our ability, to satisfy the passions, though it does not, our desires. The mind, will often, lose its faculties, by accidents happening to the organs of the body. 223. Pleasure, Delight. The idea of pleasure, is, of a good, much more extensive than that, of delight; because, this word relates to a greater number of objects, than the other; whatever agreeably affects the mind, the heart, the senses, the fortune, &c. produces pleasure. The idea of delight, rises upon that of pleasure, by force of opinion; but, is nevertheless, a good, of much less extent, with respect to objects; it is limited, properly, to sensation, and, has a particular relation, to good entertainment. True philosophy, finds pleasure in every occupation. There cannot be a greater delight, than, in the true relish of innocent mirth. There is still another sense, in which these words are used; that, in which we say, of a person, that, he gives himself up, entirely, to pleasures; that, he enjoys the delights of the country. Taken in this last sense, they have, equally, as, in the other, their differences, and, particular niceties. Thus, pleasures, relate, more, to personal practice, such as customs, pastimes, and, recreations; delights, more, to the charms which are furnished by nature, art, and, opulence; such as, sweet habitations, studied conveniences, and, choice company. 224. Content, Satisfaction. Content, alludes, properly, to that inward serenity of heart, which renders the soul sedate and composed. Satisfaction, relates, more, to the passions; being a change, owing to some success, in which we hug ourselves. No restless, or, turbulent man, can ever enjoy true content. Satisfaction, hardly, ever, accompanies immoderate ambition. 225. Excursion, Ramble, Jaunt. Excursion, supposes, a pleasurable expedition to some distant place, determined on, some time before. Ramble, implies, an irregular roving, in places unthought of, till the time we arrive there. By jaunt, is understood, a walk or journey; agreeable to the person, who takes it, but, held in contempt by others, or, considered, as an act of levity. We say, innocent excursions; wild rambles; and, imprudent jaunts. Excursions are necessary to persons, in a sedentary way of life, in order, to unbend the mind, and, exercise the body. Rambling, is an evident sign of an unsteady disposition. Jaunts, in parties of pleasure, have been, often, attended with calamitous consequences. 226. Ale-house, Public-house. Nothing is more common, than the general use of these terms, to express one and the same thing, but, with great impropriety: though every ale-house is, undoubtedly, a public-house; it does not follow, that every public-house, is an ale-house. Public-house, is a more extensive expression, implying a house, open for the entertainment of the public; whereas, ale-house, is more limited, denoting, a particular species of public-houses, that, which is appropriated to the sale of beer. Thus, taverns, coffeehouses, &c. are public-houses; but, not alehouses. Gentlemen frequent many public-houses, without any sort of disgrace; but, it, always, lessens their character, to be seen in an ale-house. 227. Lie, Falsehood. Contrariety to truth, is the general idea of these two words; but, that of lie, supposes, always, something criminal; whereas, that of falsehood, does not. If questioned in a cause, wherein bound to tell the truth, we do not, we are guilty of a lie; if we deviate from truth, where there is no such obligation; it is no other, than a falsehood. Lies are, always, sinful; falsehoods, many times, justifiable. A lie, is an offence to God, and, a disgrace to man. A beneficial falsehood, is preferable to a destructive truth. 228. Sea, Ocean. By sea, is understood, a large body of water, opposed to land, confined within certain bounds; by ocean, a much larger body, whose utmost verge is not particularly known. Thus, we say, the Baltic sea; the Mediterranean sea; the Adriatic sea; but, the Western ocean; the Atlantic ocean; the Pacific ocean: So, again, the wide sea; but, the vast ocean. 229. Social, Sociable. Of these two words, that of social, relates, more, to a christian-like disposition; that of sociable, more, to a familiar one. 'Tis goodness of heart, that makes a man social; sweetness of temper, that makes him sociable. Humanity, benevolence, beneficence, friendship, &c. are the social virtues; good-nature, good-humour, condescention, &c. are the qualities, that render sociable. 230. Luxury, Voluptuousness. In the general sense of these words, luxury, implies, a giving one's self up to pleasure; voluptuousness, an indulgence in the same, to excess. The luxury of a people, is the forerunner of their ruin. The voluptuous man wallows in sensuality, and, is void of the feelings of humanity. Besides this distinction, there is one, far more delicate, and refined; and, which requires some attention to be thoroughly conceived. Notwithstanding, custom has, always, made use of the word voluptuousness, in a bad sense, equally, with that of luxury; it appears to me, that it may, sometimes, be used, with propriety, in a good one. To comprehend this, properly, it must first, be considered, that luxury, implies, gross corporal indulgence only; voluptuousness, mental, as well as corporal. Thus, ebriety, epicurism, venery, &c. are each, a species of luxury; but, we may be voluptuous, even, in things innocent in themselves, as, in the rapturous enjoyment of a fine prospect; the studied delightfulness of a rural retreat. In this sense, lust, indulged to excess, is luxury; love, indulged to excess, voluptuousness. 231. Sober, Temperate, Abstemious. A man may be sober, and, not temperate; temperate, yet, not abstemious. In that sense, in which these words are reputed synonymous, sobriety, implies, present freedom from the power of strong liquor; temperance, signifies, moderation in drinking; and, by abstemiousness, is understood, a refraining from all sorts of liquor, that may intoxicate. Some men, who have the character of being sober, very little deserve it; as their freedom from intoxication, is more owing to strength of constitution, which resists the force of strong drink, than, to the virtue of temperance. An abstemious person, practices the virtue of self-denial, and, by a rigid abstinence from all liquors, that may hurt him, keeps his head clear, and his constitution sound. A sober man, may drink much, and, not be affected with it. A temperate man, drinks little. An abstemious man, drinks not at all. Note. By the word drink, here, is meant, the use of strong drink. 232. Sharp, Sour, Acid. These words express different degrees of sourness; sharp, implies, sourness without astringency, or, a small degree of sourness. Thus, wine, beer, &c. grow, frequently, sharp, by long keeping. Sour, includes in its idea, little or no acrimony. Thus, cyder, vinegar, verjuice, &c. are sour, but, palatable; made so, for use. By acid, is understood, a corrosive sour; as the acid lemon; the acid vitriol, &c. 233. Unreasonable, Inconsistent, Absurd. The general idea of these three words, is, incongruity; but, that of unreasonable, implies, rather, non-agreeableness to reason; that of inconsistent, contrariety of act, or, argument, where one part, destroys the other; that of absurd, seems to intimate, both. Nothing can be more unreasonable, than requesting the services of another, to his detriment; he who complies with such request, would act very inconsistently; and, both, would commit the grossest absurdity. He, who endeavours to raise his own name, by crushing that of another; acts unreasonably. He, who would be thought a man of sense and learning, and, strives to support that character, by a contumelious contempt of others; acts inconsistently. He, who is culpable in either of these particulars; acts absurdly. 234. Abstinence, Fast. Abstinence, implies, a forbearance from such food, as, is supposed to pamper the flesh; fast, a refraining from all sorts of food. Wednesdays and Fridays are appointed, by the church, as, days of abstinence; Ash-Wednesday and Good-Friday, as fast -days. 235. Contiguous, Adjacent. By the word contiguous, is understood, so situated, as to touch; by adjacent, so lying, as having nothing, of the same kind, between: Thus, one house, or, one room, is contiguous to another; but, we say, an adiacent church; the adjacent village. The true sense, then, of these words, is, that contiguous, implies, actual contact; adjacent, only, hard by. 236. Benevolence, Beneficence. Of these two words, one, is the intention; the other, the act; benevolence, being, the desire of doing good; beneficence, actual goodness. A benevolent man, delights in beneficence. Providence has, sufficiently, evinced its love to mankind, by planting in our nature, a benevolent disposition, and, rewarding the effect of that disposition, beneficence. 237. Acquainted, Familiar, Intimate. A slight or initial knowledge of any one, constitutes acquaintance. To be familiar, requires an acquaintance of some standing. Intimacy, supposes, such an acquaintance, as is supported by friendship. These words, then, rise one upon the other, by gradation; intimacy, resulting from close familiarity, which, proceeds from long acquaintance. Those, who are apt to be familiar, on a slight acquaintance, will never acquire any degree of intimacy; as forwardness of that sort, generally, meets with the contempt of mankind. 238. Pillar, Column. By the word, Pillar, is understood, a supporter of some roof; by the word, column, a particular kind of pillar, that which is round: thus, every column, is a pillar, tho' every pillar, is not a column. In most buildings, where the beauty of the architecture is studied; columns are generally insulated; whereas, square pillars, are, for the most part, set within a wall, shewing, only, a fourth or fifth part, of their thickness. 239. Servitude, Slavery. The state of a hired servant, is servitude; that, of one mancipated, is slavery; the one, is voluntary; the other, involuntary. Servitude, is a kind of willing bondage, if the expression may be admitted; Slavery, is a yoke, dreaded by all mankind. Servitude, is, in some measure, honourable: Slavery, generally, contemptible. All persons, strictly speaking, are in a state of reputable servitude, with respect to one another; but, slavery, has been ever considered, as derogatory to the character of man. 240. Amusement, Diversion. The general idea of these words, is, innocent recreation; but, that of amusement, implies, tranquil entertainment; that of diversion, tumultuous merriment. Card-playing, concerts, plays, &c. are amusements; cricket, cudgel-playing, horseraces, &c. are diversions. Some persons are so quietly inclined, as to find great amusement in reading; while others, are of such a riotous disposition, as to imagine all diversion, consists in uproar and confusion. 241. Satire, Lampoon. Satire, is general; being a poem, in which, the folly and wickedness of the times, are severely, censured; written with an intent to reform. Lampoon, is a poem also, but, personal; containing invective reflections against one person in particular; with a design, only, to vex. A satire, then, is commendable; a lampoon, scurrilous. The lash of satire, has been, often, found more beneficial to a state, than the scourge of power. The writer of a lampoon, may be well compared to a bee, whose sting, wounds but slightly, and, whose malicious act, is sure to be punished by the whole swarm. 242. Steeple, Spire, Tower. By these three words, is meant a high building, raised above the main edifice; but, that of steeple, is more general; those, of spire, and, tower, more particular. Steeple, implies, the turret of a church; be it of what form soever. By spire, is understood, a steeple, rising taper to the top. By tower, is implied, a square steeple. Spire, and, tower, then, are certain kinds of steeples. The steeple of St. Bride's church, London, is a spire; the steeple of St. Andrew's, a tower. The words, steeple, and, spire, are never applied, but to churches: The word, tower, is, sometimes, made use of, with respect to other large edifices. In former times, palaces, and gentlemen's seats, were, commonly, built with towers; such as, the tower, at St. James's, London; the tower, at Lord Rochfort's feat, at St. Ofyth, Essex. Spires, are generally, erected upon towers. Bells, are, usually, hung in towers; weather-cocks, commonly, fixed on spires. 243. Religion, Persuasion. The sense, in which these words are held as synonymous, is that, of a certain system of divine faith and worship. But, that, which religion, implies, seems to be one, more general, and, established; that, which, is understood by persuasion, more particular, and, vague. By persuaston, then, is meant a deviation from some settled religion. The divine systems of the church of England, and, of the church of Rome, are religions; those, of a Presbyterian, and, a Lutheran, are persuasions. 244. Letter, Epistle. Custom has made the word, letter, of more general use, than epistle: letter, being quite familiar; epistle, rather pedantic: but, this is not the only observation, I would make. Letter, appears to me, more proper, when the matter relates, to private correspondence; epistle, when the business is public. Thus, we say, letters of friendship; letters of business; but, if these letters relate to public matters, or appear in print, we may, with elegance, call them epistles; as Paul's epistles; Ovid's epistles; Melmoth's epistles. 245. Gold, Golden. The present age has made an innovation, with respect to these two words, converting the substantive gold into an adjective; and, altering the sense of golden, which, in reality, implies, made of gold, into that of gilt. In this corrupted sense, then, I am obliged to consider them; as such, the word, gold, relates to the metal, of which a thing is made; that of golden, to the hue, it bears. Thus, we say, a gold ring; a gold watch; a gold buckle; but, the golden lion; the golden head; the golden lamp. That, these ideas are, often, confused, is very evident; as, we, sometimes, hear of a golden cup, or, a golden ewer. Should it be said, such a one, stole a golden cup, from the house, with the golden lamp; we must either imagine, that, both cup and lamp were of solid gold; or, that, they were only gilt. 246. Endeavour. Effort. Endeavour, is, labour directed to some certain end; effort, is, a laborious endeavour. When we would accomplish a design, we use our endeavours; if we meet with any considerable and unexpected obstacles in the way, we apply our utmost efforts. 247. Mute, Silent. By mute, is understood, incapability of speech; by silent, a voluntary forbearance. In eastern countries, nobles have mute attendants. Silence, is a mark of wisdom. A man had, sometimes, better be, absolutely, mute, than, inadvertently betray himself; as is, frequently the case, by too great a volubility; and, which Silence, only, would prevent. 248. Beam, Rafter. Tho' the distinction of these words, may be thought useless to the general reader; yet, to him, it is more particularly, serviceable; they being seldom, if ever, confused by the carpenter, or, builder. By beam, then, is meant, the main piece of timber, that supports the house; by rafter, the secondary timber, which is let into the great beam: To make them better understood, beams are those timbers, that girt the top of a building; rafters, those, that support the tiling. 249. Room, Chamber, Apartment. With respect to the two first; room, is a general expression; chamber, a particular one. Room, implies, any divided part of a house. Chamber, is a room, appropriated to sleep in. By apartment, is understood, a set of rooms, convenient to dwell in. We say, a spacious room; a snug chamber; a commodious apartment. Some chambers, are so contrived, as to conceal the bed, and, make the room, fit to entertain company. Many families of slender fortune, choose rather to live in elegant apartments, than, in indifferent houses. 250. House, Tenement. The present signification of these words, is, that house, means, a dwelling, distinct by itself; tenement, part of a house, divided off, for the use of another family. We say, a spacious, magnificent house; a snug, pretty tenement. Large houses, which the owners find difficult to set, to one family, are, frequently, converted into small tenements, and let out, to many. 251. Lodging, Apartment. Lodging, relates, more, to a set of rooms, appropriated to a family, in some private house; apartment, more to a convenient dwelling, in some public edifice. The first or second story of a house, let out, is called a lodging: any particular range of rooms, in a large building, so allotted, as to contain a number of families, one over another, is called, an apartment. As, the apartments, in an hospital; the apartments, in an inn of court; the apartments, in a palace. It is, in some respect, mean, to live, in a lodging; but, persons of great fortune, have dwelt, with credit, in apartments. 252. Warmth, Fervency. Considering these words, in a religious sense; that of fervency, seems to rise upon warmth; warmth implying, a flame of devotion, in opposition to coolness; fervency, great heat of mind, as opposed to coldness. Warmth, is, in some measure, necessary; it will make us punctual, in the exercise of our duty, thro' a sense of gratitude and affection: fervency, has a dangerous tendency; it will, if not kept within due bounds, drive men into enthusiasm. Warmth, is the offspring of a good heart; fervency, of a weak mind. Warmth, makes the heart beat high in the cause of God. Fervency, will carry us into a vain considence, of having some intercourse with the Deity. 253. Plenty, Abundance. By plenty, is understood, enough, and some little to spare; by abundance, more than enough; or, a considerable deal over. He, that wants but a yard of cloth, and, possesses a yard and a quarter, has plenty: he, that needs but one yard, and, has several, may be said to have, abundance. A contented man, will be satisfied, tho' he should fall short of plenty; but, the covetous man, is still grasping for more, even, though he enjoys abundance. 254. Surmise, Suspicion. Surmise, is, imagination in general, without certain knowledge: Suspicion, is imagination of some ill, without proof. Surmise, is, often, used, with respect to things, good in themselves; suspicion, never, but, with regard to things, that are ill. Surmise, is, an imperfect notion, or, a kind of conjecture, rising in a great measure from curiosity; suspicion, supposes, a degree of fear and jealousy, concerning things not known. We should never build an opinion upon bare surmise, which is, at best, but a sandy foundation. Suspicion, is, in reality, its own tormentor; raising in the mind, a thousand apprehensions, which is no easy matter, afterwards, to quell. 255. Sequel, Conclusion. Sequel, is the succeeding part; conclusion, the close. The sequel continues; the conclusion ends. A story is unintelligible, without its sequel; but, not so, without its conclusion; the conclusion, being comprehended, in few words; the sequel, requiring many. The sequel, in part, forms the story; the conclusion, puts the finishing stroke to it. Before we pass any judgment on what we hear, we should attend to the sequel, and wait till the conclusion. 256. To Disperse, Scatter. The act of spreading abroad, is the general idea of these two words; but, that of disperse, seems to imply, some sort of order and care: that of scatter, means, to throw about, loosely and carelesly. In order, to sow a field, we disperse the seed, in different places. He, who scatters his wealth, without making a proper use of it; will one day come to want. To disperse, is, always, voluntary: to scatter, is, frequently, involuntary. When a family of children are come to years of maturity, they, generally, disperse themselves into various parts. It is, almost, impossible to carry a load of hay, from one place to another, without scattering some of it. 257. New, Fresh, Recent. That, which has not been used, is new; that, which is not stale, is fresh; that, which has just happened, is recent. We say, of cloaths, that, they are new; of topics, that, they are fresh; of actions, that, they are recent. A thought, is new, by the turn we give it; fresh, by the sense, it expresses; recent, by the time, of its production. New things carry with them a creditable appearance. Fresh matters, are food for tatlers. We are more affected with recent stories, than, with those, of long date. 258. Expression, Word. These words have been treated of before, when that of expression, was considered, as implying, a phrase of speech; but, there being another sense, in which, it is used, as synonymous with word, it may not be unnecessary to shew the difference between them: and, as the distinction is very delicate, we must view it with attention. Expression, then, represents the meaning: a word expresses the idea, which we employ to form that meaning. It is in order to use the expression, that the word is established. The first, is natural, general, and, universal among all men; the second, is arbitrary, and, different according to the varied custom of the people. The YES, and, the No, are, always, and in all places, the same expressions; that is, they carry the same meaning; but, that meaning is not expressed by the same words, in all languages, and, on all occasions. We have the gift of expression, and, the knowledge of words: we give a turn, and, justness to the one; we choose, and, range the others. The production of sense, and, formation of a proposition, are what we expect from an expression: but, a word, is, commonly, of no other value, than to make a part of that sense, or, of that proposion. Thus, expressions, differ among themselves, according to the difference of the senses they bear; and, words differ among themselves, either, by the simple articulation of the voice, or, by the difrent ideas they convey. A word, is no otherwise bad, than, by its not being in use, in the polite world. A variety of expressions, proceeds not, always, from the fertility, and extent of the mind. An abundance of words, enriches not the language, unless those words convey an abundance of ideas. 259. Not, No. Not, barely, expresses the negation; no, strengthens, and, seems to affirm it. The first, often, denies the thing, in part only, or, with limitation; the second, denies it, always, absolutely, wholly, and, without reserve. Thus we say, he has not money; he has not patience; meaning, he is not overburthened with either: but, when we say, he has no money; he has no patience; we would be understood to say, he has none at all. It is on account of this limitation, that the word not, is, generally, used in company, with those words, that mark, either the degree of quality, or, quantity; such as, MUCH, VERY, ONE, and the like. There is not, commonly, much money to be found, in the possession of men of letters. The major part of those, who frequent divine service, are not, very devout. It, often, happens, that he, who has not one single penny, in his pocket, is much happier, than many rich men. 260. Great, Sublime. These words here, are considered, in no other sense, than, as they relate to language; in which, that of great, seems to me, to have more relation to the learning, or, the nature of the subjects we treat of; and, that of subtime, more, to the spirit and manner, in which we treat them. Lock, on Human Understanding, is a very great work; Milton's Paradise Lost, is very sublime one. Great, or, scientific pieces, are, often, starched, and, discover the labour of the author; but, sublime pieces, tho' composed with a great deal of art, seem, always, natural. Studied words, known only to the learned, joined to profound and metaphysical reasonings, form the great, or, elevated stile; expressions, equally just and brilliant, joined to beautiful thoughts, finely and nobly turned, constitute the sublime. It is not possible, for every work to be great; but, it may be sublime: sublime works, however, are more rare, than great ones. 261. To Excell, be Excellent. To excell, supposes, a comparison; is, being superior to all of the like kind; excludes equals, and, is applied to all sorts of objects. To be excellent, is, being in the highest degree, without any sort of comparison; it admits of equals, and, agrees best with things of taste. Thus, we say, that Titian excelled in colouring; Michael Angelo in design; and, that Garrick, is an excellent actor. Persons, who excell in any particular art, gain a name. The more excellent, the meats, the more dangerous, the feasting. 261. Lazy, Indolent. A lazy man, never goes through with an undertaking. An indolent man, will undertake nothing. The first, wants courage and resolution; he stops, he turns, he fears, and, changes, presently. The second, wants will and emulation; one cannot animate, or, make him sensible. The lazy man, is a burthen to society. The indolent man, is an enemy to himself. 262. To Name, Call. As much as these words differ in in their meaning, they are, nevertheless, used, frequently, to express the same idea; the absurdity of which is gross. We name, to distinguish in conversation: we call, as for help, when wanted. The Lord called every living creature before Adam, and, he named them. It is not proper, to name all things by their names; nor, call all sorts of people to our assistance. 264. Quality, Talent. Qualities, form the character of persons; talents, are their ornament. The first, render them, either, good or bad, and have a great influence over their morals. The second, make them useful or entertaining, and go a great way towards making them esteemed. We may use the word, quality, either, in a good or bad sense; but, we cannot take that of talent, in any other, than a good one. Man, is a mixture of good and bad qualities, sometimes, so strange as to possess the extremes of each: There are persons, possessed of such talents, as make themselves admired, and, yet, give some pain to others, who would be witnesses of them; but, in this case, I should think it more eligible, to endure the caprice of the entertaining, than the disagreeableness of the tiresome. The qualities of the heart, are, more essential; those of the mind, more brilliant. Talents, which are of use in necessity, are more necessary; those, which conduce to entertainment, are best rewarded. Our qualities render us, either, beloved or despised. Our talents, make our company coveted. Excellent qualities, joined to rare talents, constitute great worth. 264. To Extol, Praise. We extol a person, to procure him the esteem of others, or, raise his reputation; we praise him, to testify the esteem, we have for him, or, to applaud him. To extol, is, to say a great deal in the favour of others, and, ascribe to them great qualities, whether they possess them or not. To praise, is, to approve, with a kind of admiration, whatever they say or do, whether they deserve it or no. We extol the abilities of a man; we praise his conduct. The word, extol, supposes, that the person, of whom we speak, and the person, to whom we speak, are diffrent; which the word, praise, does not. Quacks, never fail to extol themselves; they promise, always, more than they can perform; and, pride themselves in an imaginary esteem. Conceited persons, frequently praise themselves, and, are generally well satisfied with that praise. It is far more ridiculous, in my opinion, for a man to praise himself, than extol himself: for, we extol ourselves, through a desire of having the esteem of others, which is a vanity, one may look over; but, when we are guilty of self- praise, it is done, through the great esteem we have for ourselves, which is a pride insufferable. 265. Darkness, Obscurity. Darkness, seems to signify, something real, in opposition to light: Obscurity, is, a mere privation of brightness. We say, often, of darkness, that, it is thick; of obscurity, that, it is great. Considering them, in a figurative sense, darkness, implies, a state of life, in which, we are shut up from the world; as, the state of a hermit; the state of a recluse. By obscurity, is understood, a state of retirement, or, a state unnotic'd; as, when we retreat into the country, far from the observation of the public eye. He, who lives in a state of darkness, is useless to society, and, dead, as it were, to mankind. He, who lives in a state of obscurity, enjoys a serenity, unknown to him, who revels in the open world. 266. To Feel, Handle. We feel, lightly; we handle, with the full hand. We feel, a column, to know, whether it be made of marble or wood; we handle stuff, to know what strength it has, or, what body it is of. It, often, happens, that a thing, though disagreeable to the eye, shall be agreeable to feel. There is no pleasure in handling any thing, that is rough. 267. Translation, Version. Translation, relates to the turning into modern language; version, into ancient. Thus, the English Bible, is a translation; but, the Latin, Greek, Arabic, and, Syriac Bibles, are versions. Translations, to be perfectly good, should be neither, more or less, ornamented, than the originals. The antient versions of scripture, have acquired, almost, as much authority, as the Hebrew text. A new translation of Virgil, and, Horace, would, still, please, notwithstanding the many, that have appeared. The time, when the version of the Septuagint was made, is unknown. 268. Vile, Bad. Although the first, of these words, is not in very general use, with respect to the sense, in which, I would here consider it; yet, it is not so entirely disused, but, that I may characterise it, without fear of impropriety. As to the second word, it is not here taken in all its significations, but, in that only, in which, it is used as synonymous with the first. Uselessness, and, little or no value, make a thing vile. Defect, and, loss of merit, render it bad. Thence it is, we say, in a mystic sense, that, we are vile creatures; intimating, that, we are nothing, with respect to God, or, that, he does not stand in need of our services; and, that, we say, he is a bad christian, who is void of faith, or, who has, through sin, lost the grace of baptism. He, is a vile subject, who is fit for nothing, or, who cannot be of any service to the community. He, is a bad subject, who will not attempt to do good, but, gives way to every vicious inclination. A vile man, is contemptible, and, becomes the outcast of the world. A bad man, is condemnable, and, draws upon himself the hatred of every honest person. In speaking of useful things, as stuffs, linen, and, the like, the word vile, rises upon that of bad. That, which has been much used, but, will still serve, upon an occasion, is bad: that, which cannot be used any more, or, that, we cannot use, with credit, is vile. Bad cloaths are not, always, a mark of poverty. There is, sometimes, more pride under a covering of vile rags, than, under that, of gold and purple. 269. Matter, Subject. Matter, is that, which we use, in the work; subject is that, on which, we work. The matter, of a discourse, consists in the words, in the phrases, and, in the thoughts; the subject, is that, which we explain, by those words, those phrases, and, those thoughts. The reasonings, the passages of holy writ, the characters of passions, and, the maxims of morality, are the matter of sermons; the mysteries of faith, and, the precepts of the gospel, ought to be the subject. 270. To Mask, Disguise. In order, to mask, it is necessary, to cover the face with a false visage; but, to disguise, it is sufficient, to change the common appearance. We mask ourselves, to go to a ball. We disguise ourselves, to bring about an intrigue. 271. View, Prospect. The sight of something distant, is the general idea of these words; but, that of view, seems, in my opinion, to imply a sight, more extensive, than, that of propect. Thus, we say, a little, or, confined prospect; but, a long, or, extended view. Besides, there seems to be less variety in a view, than, in a prospect. Thus, we say, the pleasing prospect of the neighbouring villages. The fine view of a distant mountain. 272. Hovel, Shed. A hovel, is a small place, indifferently, run up, with mud walls, in order, to preserve things from the weather: a shed, is, a supported roof only; a place covered, overhead, but, open, on the sides; generally erected as a dry standing-place for carts, or, other things. Hovels, are seldom seen, but, in country places; sheds, frequently, in towns. The poor, in many parts of the kingdom, are reduced to the necessity of dwelling in huts, very little better, than hovels. Happy is the traveller, in bad weather, to take shelter, even, under a shed. 273. Oval, Oblong. By oval, we mean, that, which is regularly so; by oblong, that, which resembles the longitudinal section of an egg, whether regular or not. Tables are, frequently, made oblong, tho' not, exactly, oval. We may say, with propriety, that an oval, is oblong; though custom will not admit us, to invert the expression. 274. Mist, Fog. By mist, is understood, a thin cloud, hanging very low; or, rain, so extremely small, as not to be perceived in drops. By fog, is implied, a moist vapour, near the surface of the land; or, water, so dense, as to obscure the sight. The mist, falls; the fog, rises. A mist, prevents our seeing things at some distance; a fog, those, immediately before us. Some days, are so extremely misty, as, to obstruct prospects; others, so very foggy, as, to be unhealthy, and, mislead the traveller in his way. 275. Genteel, Elegant. Genteel, implies, something above the common run; elegant, means, beautiful without grandeur. Genteel, carries with it the idea of something, reputable; elegant, of something, tasty. By a house, genteely furnished, is understood, a house, containing every necessary, good, and, creditable; by, elegantly furnished, is meant, genteely, and, in such a manner, as, to please without elevation. Genteel, relates, more, to the neatness, and, goodness of the furniture; elegant, more, to the disposition of it. A man's notions, are discovered in the genteelness of his house; his taste, in the elegance. 276. To Beat, Strike. In order, to beat, we must redouble the blows; but, to strike, we need give only one. We are never beaten, without being struck; but, we are often struck, without being beat. We never beat, but, with design; we, often, strike, by accident. Wise men have said, that the rod should be, always, on the back of children: those therefore, who have the bringing of them up, should never think differently: however, we are to interpret these words, no otherwise, than alluding to fear, not imagining, that we are to be, constantly, beating them; for nothing is more opposite to good education, than the example of violent conduct, and, severe discipline. The preceptor who strikes his pupil, does it, oftener, through hastiness of temper, than, design of correction. 277. Coward, Poltron. The coward, will fire up, upon the least offence, but, proceed no farther. The poltron, is so meanly spirited, as, through want of courage, to take every insult, calmly. The coward, draws back; the poltron, dares not advance. Cowards, they say, will fight, when desperate. We must not depend on the succour of a poltron. 278. To Think, Study, Muse. We think, quietly, and, orderly, to be, thoroughly, acquainted with our object. We study, with inquietude, and, without order, to attain our wishes. We muse, deeply, to pass away the time agreeably. The philosopher, thinks, on the arrangement of his system. A person, in difficulty, studies, for expedients, how to get out of it. The solitary lover, muses, on his mistress. I have, often, remarked, that obscure things, frequently, appear clear to those, who know not how to think properly; they comprehend, but, are not able to explain. It is an act of prudence, to study to avert such evils, as threaten us. The pleasure of musing, is, perhaps, most agreeable, but, less useful. 279. Sign, Signal. The sign, makes known, and, is, sometimes, natural. The signal, gives notice, and, is, always, arbitrary. The appearances of the face, are, commonly, the signs, of what passes in the heart. The hoisting of a flag, in one ship, is, a signal to another. We make ourselves understood, by the deaf, by signs. The readiest way of making persons understand us, at a distance, is, by signals. 280. Only, Alone. When, speaking of a thing, we make use of the word, only, we mean, there is no other of the same kind; when that of, alone, that, it is not accompanied with any other. A child, that has neither brother or sister, is, an only child. A person when by himself, is said, to be alone. That thing must be very rare, of which we can find only one. Nothing is more tiresome, than to be, always, alone. 281. Love, Gallantry. As different as these words may appear, they have, nevertheless, been, and, are still, frequently, used, as synonymous, when intended to imply courtship. It may not be then unnecessary, to point out their peculiar ideas. Love, is more sanguine, than gallantry; having for its object, the person, whom we are studious to please, through a view of possessing; and, whom we love as much, on her account, as our own: it takes possession of the heart, suddenly, and, owes its birth, to a certain something, which enchains the sentiments, and, draws the esteem, without any examination, or, information. Gallantry, is more sensual, than love; having for its object, the sex; we enter into intrigues, in hopes of enjoying it, and, love, more on our own account, than on that, of our mistress. It acts upon the senses, much more than upon the heart, and, is more, owing to constitution, and, complexion, than, to the force of beauty. The one, has a power of making those persons agreeable in our eyes, who study to please the object of our love, provided, they in no respect raise our jealousy. The other, engages us to keep an eye upon all those, who are capable, either, of forwarding, or, hurting our designs; and, to watch them, as we would a rival, taking every advantage within our reach. The first, leaves us not the liberty of choice; it commands in the beginning, as a master, and, reigns, afterwards, as a tyrant, till we are accustomed to its chains, by length of time; or, till they are broken by the efforts of powerful reason, or, the caprice of continued vexation. The second, suffers, sometimes, another passion to get before it; reason and interest, often, hold the bridle, and, make it give way to our situation, and, affairs. Love, attaches us, solely, to one person, and, delivers up our heart, without reserve, so as to engage it, wholly, and, make every other object, of what beauty or merit soever, indifferent to us. Gallantry, rivets us, generally, to all persons, who are either beautiful or agreeable, and, unites us to those, who make the least returns to our eagerness and desire; in such a manner, however, as leaves us no liking for others. It appears to me, that love, delights in difficulties; so far from being weakened by obstacles, they, generally, increase it; and, we make it one of our most serious engagements. As for gallantry, it banishes formality, is less accustomed to difficulty, and, is often entered into, merely, for amusement. It is for this reason, we observe more spirit of gallantry in men, than love: for, it is rare to find a first love, followed by a second; and, I doubt, whether ever it can be said, by a third: but, gallantries are, sometimes, without number, and, succeed each other, till that age arrives, when their source is dried up. There is, always, honesty in love; but, it is troublesome and capricious; we consider it, now-a-days, as a distemper, or, as a weakness of mind. In gallantry, there is a degree of knavery, but, it is free and good humoured; and, is become the taste of the age. Love, designs on the imagination, the flattering idea of eternal happiness, in the entire and constant possession of the object we love. Gallantry, fails not to paint there the agreeable image of a singular pleasure, in the enjoyment of the object we pursue; but, neither the one, nor, the other, copies after nature; experience shewing us, that their colours, however agreeable, are, equally, deceitful. All the difference we find, is, that love, being more serious, the unfaithfulness of its pencil, gives greater offence; and, the recollection of the pain it has given, in seeing it so ill rewarded, creates our disgust; whereas, gallantry, being more wanton, we are less sensible of the fallacy of its colouring, and, the vain notions we have of being arrived at the end of its designs, reconcile any disappointments, we may have met with. In love, it is the heart, which, principally, tastes the pleasure; the mind, making itself a slave, without any regard; and, the satisfaction of the senses, contributing less to the sweet enjoyment, than a certain contentedness of soul, which produces the charming idea, of being in the possession of what we love, and, receiving the most sensible proofs of a tender return. In gallantry, the heart, is less affected with the object; the mind, being more free, to indulge itself, and the senses, more attentive to their own satisfaction, partake the pleasure with greater equality; voluptuousness, contributing more to its enjoyment, than the delicacy of sentiments. When we are too much tormented by the caprices of love, we endeavour to disentangle ourselves, and, become indifferent. When we are too fatigued by the exercises of gallantry, we take a resolution to desist, and, become sober. Excess makes love degenerate into jealousy; and, gallantry, into libertinism. In the first case, we are subject, to trouble of mind; in the second, we are in danger, of destroying our health. Upon the whole, love, is, generally, justifiable; gallantry, always, blameable. 282. To Lower, Let down. We make use of the word, lower, with respect to diminishing the height of things, or, to certain motions of a body; we lower a beam; we lower the sails of a ship; we lower a building; we lower the eyes, the head. We use the expression let down, with regard to things, made to cover others, and, which being lifted up, leave them uncovered; we let down the lid of a trunk; we let down the eyelids; we let down the lappets, or, the gown. The contrary, of to lower, is to raise; that, of to let down, is, to lift up. To lower, is in use, in the neuter sense; to let down, is not. Rivers lower in the summer. Tall persons are obliged to lower their heads, when they pass through small door-ways. It is dangerous, to let ourselves down, as advantages, are, frequently, taken of it. It is not a prince's letting himself down, even to familiarity, that acquires him the reputation of being good; but, the mildness and equity of his government. 283. Plant, Herb. A Plant, is, any vegetable production arising from seed; but, seems confined to such, as are not very large. Thus, saplings are the largest, that should be called plants. Herbs, are those plants, whose stalks are soft, and, have no woody substance in them, such as, grass, hemlock, &c. The knowledge of plants, is both useful and entertaining. There are many medicinal qualities in herbs. 284. To Grow, Increase. Things grow, by the nourishment, they receive; they increase, by the addition, that is made to them, of the same kind. Corn grows; the harvest increases. The better, we manure the land; the faster, the trees grow; and, the more, our revenues increase. The word, grow, signifies, only, the augmentation, independant of that, which occasions it. The word, increase, gives us to understand, that, that augmentation is caused, by a fresh quantity which, casually, joins it. Thus, to say, that, the river grows larger, is, to say, only, that, the water is risen, without expressing, that, it is become so, by the arrival of an additional quantity of water: but, to say, that, the river is increased, is, to say, that, it is swelled, by a fresh quantity of water. This distinction, is, extremely, delicate; it is for this reason, therefore, that we make use of the words, grow, and, increase, indifferently, on many occasions, where that delicacy of choice, is of no great importance, as in the example I have mentioned; for, we may say, with equal propriety, that a river either grows larger, or, increases, although, each of these words, has its particular idea. But there are other occasions, where, it is proper, and, sometimes, even, necessary, to pay a regard to the peculiar idea, and, make some kind of choice between these terms, according to the strength of meaning, we would give our thoughts: for example, when we would be understood to say, speaking of the passions, that, they are in our nature, and, that the nourishment, we take to support life, at the same time, gives strength to them; the use of the word, grow, would be elegant. Otherwise, we might employ that of increase, with respect, either to the passions, or, the talents of the mind. The passions, in general, receive birth, and, grow, with the man; but, there are some, which exist, but, for a time, and which, after having increased, to a certain age, diminish, and, disappear, with the powers of nature: there are others, which last the whole life, and, which are always increasing, so as to be stronger in old age, than in youth. Love, which forms itself in infancy, grows, with age. True courage, never brags; it increases, at the sight of danger. Ambition grows, proportionably, as our wealth increases. It is easy, to see, through all these examples, that, one of these words will agree in some places, in which the other will not: for what person is so little delicate, in expressing himself, as, not to perceive, by his natural taste, if not on reflexion, that, there is more propriety in saying, ambition grows, proportionably, as our wealth increases, than to say, ambition increases, proportionably, as our wealth grows. If it is not difficult to perceive this delicacy, it is, to explain the reason of it: to do this, I must express myself, a little metaphysically, and, have recourse to such ideas, as may enable me to explain it: these ideas, however, shall be no other, than the proper ones. Since wealth consists in many different things, which unite themselves in the possession of one single person; the word, increase, which, as I have said before, denotes the addition of a fresh quantity, agrees better with it, than, that of grow, which, precisely marks the augmentation of one single thing, caused by some sort of nourishment. For this same reason, the word, grow, agrees best with ambition, it being a single passion, to which wealth serves, as a kind of nutriment, to support it, and, make it act, with more force and ardour. Corporeal things grow, by an inward and mechanical addition, which is, in effect, their proper and real nutriment; they increase, by the bare outward addition of a fresh quantity of the same matter. Spiritual things grow, by a kind of nourishment, considered in a figurative sense; they increase, by the addition of degrees, they bear. An egg does not begin to grow, in the ovaria, till it teems, that is, till fruitfulness, has made it fit, to receive nourishment; nor, does it leave the body, till its bulk is, sufficiently, increased, to cause an alteration in the membrane, that encloses it. Our pride grows, in proportion, as we exalt ourselves; and, increases, sometimes, till we become contemptible in the eyes of the world. 285. To Rise, Get up. To change our posture from recumbent, to erect; is the true meaning of the verb, to rise; whereas, to get up, implies, rather, to climb: thus, we rise, from the ground; we rise, from our bed; we rise, from our seat. We get up stairs; we get up a ladder. 286. Copy, Model. The sense, in which these words are reputed synonymous, does not, instantly, present itself to the reader; the first glance of the eye, that shews us a copy, made after an original work, and a model, made as the original of a work, throws them, so far distant from each other, as, not to admit the least similitude; but, a second reflection, will make us sensible, that custom has used these two words, under one common idea, on many occasions; and, that, to denote equally, the original, after which a work is made, and, the work, made after the original; copy, having been understood, as well as model, to mean the first work, by which we, form the second: and, model, as well as copy, the second work, formed after the first. Thus, then, they have been considered, as, in a manner, doubly synonymous; but, they have each their peculiar ideas, as follow. In the first sense, copy, should be never used, but, with respect, to the manuscript of an author, upon which the printer works. Model, may be used, on every other occasion, as well, with respect to morality, as the arts. A proof sheet is not, often, very incorrect, unless the copy is so. Booksellers, who, often, refuse to purchase excellent copies; frequently, buy bad ones, at too great a price. There is no perfect model of virtue. I should imagine, that the arts and sciences would gain more ground, if artists and authors would pursue more their own genius, than imitate the models, they meet with. In the second sense, copy, is used, for painting; model, for relief. A copy, ought to be faithful; a model, just. The second, of these words, seems to suppose, a greater resemblance, than the first. Some copies, are so, extremely well performed, as, to be little inferior to the originals. Models of antiquity, are, frequently, more expressive, than modern originals. 287. Precision, Abstraction. The common idea of these two words, is, that of a separation made, by the force of the mind, in the consideration of objects; but, difficult as it is, to find out their peculiar ideas, and, determine their respective characteristics, I have attempted it, in the best manner, I am able. Precision, then, separates things, distinct in themselves, in order, to prevent the confusion, which arises from a jumble of ideas. Abstraction, if I may use the expression, separates things, that are in themselves inseparable, in order, to consider them apart, independent one of another. The first, is the effect of the justness, and, clearness of the understanding, which prevents our adding any thing, that is useless, or, foreign to the subject we treat of; consequently, it will agree, in every circumstance, either, with respect to affairs, or, sciences. The second, is the effort of a metaphysical mind, which removes, from the point of view all, that we would detach from the subject; it in some respect mutilates, but, sometimes, contributes to the discovery of truth, and, sometimes, draws it into error. We may however use it, but, with care. It appears to me, that precision, is, more applicable to things, which may not only be considered apart, but, may be conceived, to be one, without the other, such as, for example, alms, and, charity; and, abstraction, more particularly, to things, which may indeed be considered apart, but, which cannot be conceived to be one, without the other, as, body, and, size. Thus, the design of precision, is, to prevent a wandering from the subject, removing, for that purpose, all, that is foreign to it; and, that of abstraction, to obviate our entering into the utmost extent of it, considering only one part, without any regard to the other. There is no science more certain, or, more clear than, that of geometry; it making very exact precisions: There are, however, certain metaphysical abstractions, blended with it, which make geometricians fall into errors, equally, with others; not indeed when size and quantity are in question, but, with respect to physics. Our ideas cannot be too precise; but, it is, sometimes, dangerous, to have them too abstracted. The first, is the surer way of arriving at the truth, in science, and, our aim, in affairs; whereas, the second, often, puts us farther from both. Precision is the gift of nature, receiving its birth with the mind; those, who are endowed with it, are excellently qualified for conversation; we listen to them with pleasure, because they listen to us, in return: they understand what is said to them, equally, as they make themselves understood. Abstraction, is the fruit of study, produced by profound application; those, who are familiar with it, talk of common things, sometimes, with too great refinement; simple, and, natural subjects, are in their conversation, very difficult to comprehend, in the manner, they speak of them. Precise ideas, embellish common language, and, make it in my opinion, sublime. Abstracted ideas, are very tiresome, they seem to me, to be of little use, except, in the schools, or, in certain learned debates. We express by precise ideas, the most simple, and, most sensible truths; but, we cannot prove them otherwise, than, by ideas, very abstracted. 288. Justness, Precision. Justness, prevents our running into errors: precision, removes every thing, that is useless. The precision of discourse, is, a common mark of the justness, of the mind. 289. Astronomer, Astrologer. The astronomer, is, thoroughly, acquainted with the course, and, motion of the celestial bodies; the astrologer, reasons upon their influence. The first, observes the state of the heavens, marks the order of time, the eclipses and revolutions which arise from laws, established by the first spring of nature, in that immense number of spheres of which the universe consists; and, hardly ever errs in his calculations. The second, foretels events, casts nativities, prognosticates rain, cold, heat, and, all the variations of the weather; but seldom, if ever, calculates to any purpose. The one, explains what he knows, and, merits the esteem of the learned; the other, vends his imaginations, and, seeks the admiration of the vulgar. We apply ourselves to astronomy, through a desire of knowledge. We dive into astrology, from disquietude about events to come. The generality of people, look upon astronomy, as a science of mere curiosity, and, of little utility; not reflecting, that, its object, is the arrangement of seasons, the regulation of time, and, the various motions of the heavenly bodies; all which, is of great service to agriculture, to the proper ordering of every thing, in civil and political life, and, is the necessary groundwork of geography, and, the art of navigation. But, when, on such reflections, they come to know, that, without this science, history and chronology would be nothing but confusion, perpetually, contradicting each other, on account of the different manner, in which different nations regulate their days and years; they would pay that respect to astronomy, and, its professors, as their merit deserves. Astrology, is, at present, much less in vogue, than it was, formerly; either, because men are grown less credulous; that, the love of truth, is more the taste of the learned part of mankind, than, the desire of dazzling, or, imposing upon the world; or, because the brilliancy of reputation, does not, in this age, depend, so much upon the number of fools we make, as, upon the approbation of the discerning, and, the wise. 290. Attachment, Passion, Devotion. Although the word attachment, may, sometimes, be used, with respect to things bad, in themselves; it is, however, applied, with more propriety, when an honest or moderate passion is in question, than, either of the two others. As, for example, we are attached, to our duty, to our friends, to our families, and, to virtuous women, whom we esteem. That of passion, is more applicable with respect to things, less approved, or, when they are carried to excess; thus, men, are said to have a passion for gaming, for women, &c. As to the word devotion, though I have ranked it here, as most agreeable to the other two substantives; the idea, it is supposed to convey, is best comprehended by the preterite of the verb, devote; the substantive devotion, being, very rarely used in this sense: by it, then, is understood, an implicit obedience, or, a perfect disposition to conform in every thing. Thus, we say, a man is devoted to his prince, to his master, to his benefactor, to a lady, who has acquired an absolute empire over him. Attachment is strong; passion, is violent; devotion, has no reserve. The first, unites us, to what we love; the second, to what we thirst after; and, the third, makes us submit, to the will of those, we are desirous of serving. The manners of the present age have banished from the laws of friendship, all attachment, contrary to interest. We dare not confess a passion, for any thing, through fear of censure. We, often, observe that those persons, who devote themselves to others, in expectation of future advantage, are, frequently, disappointed. Life, would not be agreeable, without some attachment. A passion, for any one thing, generally, gives as much pain, as pleasure. It is difficult, to please the great, without devoting ourselves, entirely, to their will. 291. In love, Lover. It is sufficient, to regard with passionate affection, in order, to be said, with propriety, that, we are in love; but, we must testify that affection, in order, to be called a lover. We become in love, with a woman, whose beauty affects the heart; we become her lover, by waiting on her. Variety of tender sentiments, crowd into the breast of a man, in love. Passionate airs, appear, with caution, in the behaviour of a lover. We are, often, very much in love, without daring to appear a lover. We, frequently, declare ourselves a lover, without ever being in love. It is, always, the passion, that constitutes our being in love, of which, the possession of the object, is the only end we propose. Reason and interest may form the lover, of whom, an honest establishment, or, some particular advantage, is the chief aim, or, tendency. It is very, rare, to be in love, with two persons at the same time; there is none, that I ever heard of, except, Phillis of Siro, who was so much in love, with two men, that she could not give the preference, or, her company, to either one, or, the other: but, it is not, very, rare, to find a man, at the same time, the lover, of many mistresses; which, they continue to be, frequently, to the very hour of marriage. We may, also, be in love, with one person, and, the lover of another; I speak of that case, where interest engages us to the one, whilst, we sigh in secret for her, whom it is not convenient for us, to marry. Assiduity, finds opportunity to favour the designs of a man in love. Riches, give the lover, a great advantage over his rivals. 292. Absent, Inattentive. These two words, equally, express want of attention; but, with this difference, that, it is our own inward ideas, occupying us, so fully, as to prevent our attention, to any other thing that offers, which renders us absent; whereas, 'tis some fresh outward object, attracting our attention, in such a manner, as to turn it, from what, we at first gave it to, or, from what we ought to give it to, that makes us inattentive. When these faults are become habitual, they are very inconvenient in our commerce with the world. We are absent, when we think not of any present object, or, any thing, that is said to us. We are inattentive, when we pay more regard to any other object, than, to that, which is proposed to us, or, when we listen to any other conversation, than, to what is addressed to us. Very studious persons, and, those, who have great affairs upon their hands, or, are endued with strong passions, are more apt to be absent, than others; their internal ideas and designs quite engrossing them. Young people are the most apt to be inattentive; a mere nothing, being sufficient to amuse and divert their attention. Our absence of mind, is owing to thoughtfulness; our inattention, to curiosity. The mind of an absent man, is never where, he himself is; nothing round him, makes the least impression on him; he is, often, at Athens or Rome, in the midst of London or Paris; and, frequently, muses upon politics, or, geometry, while the conversation, perhaps, runs upon love, or, gallantry. The mind of an inattentive man, is, always, present with him; is caught by every thing, he either sees or hears; he quits his attention to one thing, in order, that he may attend to another; listening to all that is said, both on the right and left; he, frequently, understands not thoroughly, or, comprehends but in part, which makes him liable to take things, sometimes, in a quite opposite sense, to what they are meant. The absent man, cares little for conversation; the inattentive man, loses the fruit of it. When we are in company with the former, we had best give ourselves up to silent meditation; when, with the latter, we had better wait for their attention, till every other object is out of their way. A new passion, if strong, seldom fails to render us absent. We can scarce help being inattentive, when listening to a tiresome story; or, when we hear, on the other side, something more interesting. 293. To Conduct, Guide, Lead. The two first of these words, suppose a superiority of light, which, the last, does not; but, on the other hand, the last, carries in its idea, a degree of credit and ascendancy, entirely foreign, to the other two. We conduct, and, guide those, who know not the way; we lead those, who cannot, or, care not to, go by themselves. In the literal sense, it is, properly speaking, the head, that conducts; the eye, that guides; and, the hand, that leads. We conduct an affair. We guide a traveller. We lead an infant. It requires understanding, to conduct, in business; politeness, should be our guide, in all proceedings: Taste, should lead the way, in pleasures. We are conducted, step by step, that we may do, exactly, what is necessary. We are guided, in roads, to prevent our losing the way. We are lead, to the knowledge of people, in order, to procure their acquaintance. Wise men do not conduct themselves, by the light of others, so much as by their own. An attentive perusal of the gospel, is sufficient to guide us, in the way of salvation. It is great weakness, to suffer ourselves to be lead, in all our actions, by the will of another; sensible persons, will, indeed, consult a friend in matters of doubt, but they make their determinations themselves. 294. To Fortify, Garrison. We fortify a town, in strengthening it against attacks, by walls and works. We garrison it, by placing soldiers in it, to defend it. We are said to fortify, strongly; to garrison, largely. A town without a soldier, or, any one inhabitant, may be fortified, but, cannot be garrisoned. Some fortified places, require a greater number of men to garrison them, than others. 295. Entire, Complete. A thing is entire, when, it is neither mutilated, broken, or, divided, but when all its parts are together, as they ought to be. It is complete, when it wants nothing, but, has every thing, that is necessary. The first, of these words, relates, more, to that totality of parts, which constitutes the whole of a thing; the second, more, to that totality, which contributes to its accidental perfection. Small families in the country, occupy entire houses; but, in London, they have scarcely complete apartments. 296. Disgraceful, Scandalous. Both these words, express the effect of those actions, that hurt the reputation of those who commit them; with this difference, that a disgraceful action, is an obstacle to glory, loses us the esteem, and, draws on us the contempt, of the honest; whereas, a scandalous action, is a shameful blot in our life, destroys our honour, and, draws on us the hatred of the just. He, who has the folly, or, the misfortune to do any thing disgraceful, should be very careful, not to give himself any unbecoming airs. When we have been guilty of any thing scandalous, the best thing we can do, is to hide ourselves, entirely, from the eyes of the world. Nothing is more disgraceful to men, than meanness of spirit; nor, any thing more so to women, than gallantry carried to excess. Nothing is more scandalous, to all sorts of people, than to be punished, according to the sentence of public justice. 297. Reserved, Modest. The advantage of these two qualities, is confined to the person who possesses them; they contribute to his perfection, and, are nothing to others, but, an object of speculation, which merits their approbation; but, is, sometimes, injurious to their satisfaction. We are reserved, in our words and actions. Taking too great a liberty, is the fault, in opposition; when that liberty is carried to excess, and, we are, in no respect, reserved, it becomes impudence. We are modest in our desires, in our gestures, and, in our dress. There are three kinds of modesty, those, of the heart, the mind, and, the body; but, their opposite vices are not all expressed by the word, immodesty, which denotes, only, that, which regards the body, proceeding from the indecency of gestures and cloaths. That vanity, which we assume, in giving ourselves bold and unbecoming airs, is the vice in opposition to modesty of mind: that, which is contrary to modesty of heart, is immoderate ambition, which makes us covet all that comes in our way, and, all that we can possibly attain. Reservedness, is good, at all times; but, it is, absolutely, necessary, in public, and, in company with our superiors; any liberty, they may seem to wink at, giving some degree of offence: for, they reserve to themselves a certain title to respect, the failure of which, they consider, as an unpardonable fault. Modesty, is an ornament to persons, who have some pretence for carrying their head higher than others; and to those, who are possessed of some known and distinguished merit; but, to all other persons, it is an indispensable virtue, and, a quality, without which, they cannot appear becoming, or, avoid ridicule. 298. Ashamed, Bashful. It is the reproach of conscience, that makes us ashamed; but, the sentiments of modesty, that make us bashful. Both one and the other, throw a colour into the face, but, when we are ashamed, we redden; when bashful, we blush. We need never boast, or, be ashamed of our birth; which is a mark, only, of pride; but, it is praise-worthy, in all ranks of people, both high and low, to be ashamed of their faults. Although bashfulness is a virtue; there are, nevertheless, occasions, when it would pass for weakness and timidity. 299. To Finish, Cease, Leave off. We finish, by putting the last hand to a work. We cease, in quitting it, entirely. We leave off, in discontinuing. To finish a discourse, properly, we should do it, just before it begins to grow tiresome. We ought to cease from our pursuits, as soon as we discover them to be useless. We should not leave off work, but, to refresh ourselves, that we may begin again, with fresh spirits, and, more vigour. Man is born to trouble; he has no sooner finished one affair, than another succeeds; he may indeed seek repose and tranquillity, but, Providence will not permit him, in this life, to cease from labour; and, if want of spirits, or, fatigue induces him, sometimes, to leave off his work, it is not, for any length of time; he is, presently, obliged to return to his task, and, continue his employ. That is, certainly, a good maxim, which says, we should not begin a thing, which we cannot finish; but, that, in my opinion, is much better, which forbids our ceasing from one work, in order, to begin another, without necessity obliges us. When our mind is employed, it is necessary, sometimes, to leave off; not, at that time, when the imagination, full of fire, finds itself best capable of its task; but, only, at the first instant, we perceive it flag; it being wrong, either, to stop it, in its career, or; attempt to drive it, when it stops. Persons, who never finish their stories, cease talking, or, leave off; are as little fit for conversation, as those, who never speak a word. 300. To Invent, Find out. We invent, new things, by the force of imagination. We find out, things, that are hidden or unknown, by examination and study. The one, denotes the fruitfulness of the mind; the other, the penetration. It is the principle of mechanics, to invent tools and machines; of physics, to find out causes and effects. The ventilator was invented, by Dr. Hales. Harvey, found out the circulation of the blood. 301. Joy, Gaiety. Joy, is in the heart; gaiety, in the manners. The one, consists, in the sweet sentiments of the soul; the other, in the agreeable situation of the mind. It, sometimes, happens, that the possession of a good, from which, we expected, a great deal of joy, gives us, a great deal of uneasiness. It is, often, owing, to a turn of imagination only, that the bitterest tears, are succeeded, by the greatest gaiety. 302. Project, Design. A project, is, a plan, or, an arrangement of means, in order, to execute a design. The design, is, what we propose to execute. We, commonly, say of projects, that, they are fine; of designs, that, they are great. The beauty of projects, depends upon their order and magnificence. The grandeur of designs, rises from the advantage and glory they may procure. We should not suffer ourselves, to be dazzled with the beauty of the one, or, the grandeur of the other; for practice does not, often, agree with speculation; the admirable order of a system, and, the advantageous idea, which we form from it, do not, always, prevent projects from running aground, or, put designs out of the possibility of failing. The experience of all ages, teaches us, that heads, fruitful in great designs, and, excellent projects, are, frequently, chimerical. The word project, is taken, also, for the thing we even propose to execute, as well, as that, of design. But though these words, considered in that sense, are, more, nearly synonymous, we shall, nevertheless, find a difference, very conspicuous to those, who have any delicacy of taste. The following, is such, as I am able to discover. It appears to me, that project, relates, to something, more, distant; design, to something, more, near. We make projects, for the time to come; we form designs, for the time present. The first, is, more, vague; the other, more, determined. The project of an avaritious man, is, to enrich himself; his design, is, to amass money. A good minister of state, has no other project, than the glory of his prince, and, the happiness of the subject. A good general, studies as much to conceal his own designs, as, discover those of his enemy. The union of all the states of Europe, into one single republic, for general government, and, the discussion of their particular interests, without changing the interiour government, peculiar to each of them, was a noble project of Henry the IVth of France; but, perhaps, more difficult to execute, than the design of universal monarchy, in which, Spain was at that time busied. 303. To Oblige, Engage. To oblige, implies, rather, something of force; to engage, rather, something, agreeable. Duty, and, necessity, oblige us; promises, and, good manners, engage us. Convenience, often, obliges those, who are abroad, in the world, to do things, they, very much, dislike. complaisance engages those, who are not, very, choice in their company, sometimes, to enter upon bad actions. 304. Also, Likewise. Also, relates more to number and quantity, its proper office is, to add, and, to augment. Love is, not only, liberal, but, also, prodigal. Likewise, is used, with most propriety, when it relates to similitude or comparison; its particular office, is, to denote the conformity, and, equality of things. When the body is sick, the mind is so, likewise. Politeness is not, only, to be met with in London, but, likewise, in country places. 305. Upright, Up. We are upright, when, we are neither crooked, or, stooping. We are up, when, upon our feet. A graceful air, requires us to be upright. Respect makes us, sometimes, hold ourselves up. 306. Flags, Colours. By the word flags, we understand, ensigns, hoisted upon the top of towers, castles, or, churches. The word colours, implies the jack, ensign, and, pendant of a ship; or, the standard of a regiment. The arms of England, are generally, painted upon flags; the union, upon colours. The first, for the most part, is used in the singular number; the second, never. We say, the flag, of a fort; the colours, of a regiment. English flags, except those, on which, the arms of the country are painted; are, commonly, of one colour; such as, white, blue, &c. But, colours, are of many. Flags, are hung out, on days of public rejoicing; and, frequently, hoisted, as signals. Great respect is, usually, paid to the colours of a regiment, as military honour seems, there, to be, chiefly, centred. 307. Trench, Ditch. A trench, is either a channel, made in lands, by digging out the earth, in order, to carry off the water; or, earth thrown up, in order, to defend soldiers, in their approach to a town, or, to guard a camp. Ditch, is, a trench, cut in the ground, between two fields, in order, to seperate them. The earth, dug from trenches, that serve as drains, is, generally, spread, so as to leave no heap. The earth, dug from ditches, is, usually, thrown up into a bank, on one side. Trenches, are, commonly, regular. Ditches, are, often, irregular. The largeness of a ditch, is determined, by the wideness of the trench. 308. Fine, Delicate. To conceive things, that are fine, we need, only, sufficient comprehension; but, it requires taste, to conceive that, which is delicate. The first, is within the reach, of many persons; the second, but of few. A fine discourse is, sometimes, usefully, repeated to those, who do not, at first, comprehend it: but, he, who perceives not the delicate, at first glance, will never perceive it. We may seek, the one; but, must catch, the other. The word, fine, is of more extensive use; we apply it, equally, with respect to the strokes, of ill-will, as to those, of good. The application of the word, delicate, is more rare; it agrees not with any thing malicious, but, is used, with most propriety, with respect to things, in themselves, flattering. Thus, we say, a fine satire; a delicate encomium. 319. Steadiness, Constancy, Resolution. Steadiness, prevents our varying, and, supports the heart against levity and curiosity, which, diversity of objects may produce: it rises from preference, and, justifies choice. Constancy, prevents, our changing, and, furnishes the heart with resources against being disgusted, or, tired with the same object: it results from perseverance, and, gives a lustre to attachment. Resolution, prevents our giving way, and, endues the heart with strength, to resist the attacks it meets with: it springs from resistance, and, throws a brightness upon victory. Rakes, pride themselves, more, in being fickle, than, in the steadiness of their engagements. If the affections of the ladies, do not last, for ever; it is less owing to a want of constancy, to the persons they love; than, to a want of resolution, in the object of their affections. 310. To Conceal, Dissemble, Disguise. We conceal, by a profound secret, that, which we would not have known. We dissemble, by reserve, that, which we would not have appear. We disguise, by contrary appearances, that, which we would not lay open to the penetration of others. It requires care and attention, to conceal; art and cleverness, to dissemble; labour and cunning, to disguise. He, who would conceal, throws, as it were, a veil, over himself, that, he may not betray himself, through indiscretion. He, who would dissemble, throws a veil, over the eyes of others, that, what he does, or, says, may not fall within the reach of their knowledge. He, who would disguise, never opens himself, any otherwise, than, to elude. Were we to enter into affairs of interest, or, policy, we should, always, conceal our designs; often, dissemble; and, sometimes, disguise them: with respect to matters, which concern the heart, we should be more frank. It is sufficient, to conceal, from those, who cannot see, without some additional light; we must dissemble, with those, who can see, without any such accessary brightness; but, it is necessary, to disguise thoroughly, from those, who, not content to piece through the darkness that opposes, examine into that light, with which, we would dazzle them. When we have not resolution, to correct our faults, we should, at least, have wisdom, to conceal them. That maxim of Louis the XIth of France, which says, in order, to know how to reign, we should know how to dissemble; is very just, even, with respect to domestic government. When the necessity of circumstances, and the nature of affairs, require us to disguise, it is political; but, when urged to it, thro' an inclination to cheat or shuffle, it is knavish. 311. To Adjust, Reconcile. To adjust, supposes some dispute, or, disagreement. To reconcile, supposes, only, some distance, or, difference. We adjust matters; we reconcile minds. It seems impossible, to adjust the liberties of the Gallic church, with the pretensions of the court of Rome; sooner or later, one must necessarily destroy the other; for, it will, always, be difficult to reconcile the maxims of their parliaments, with the opinions of the consistory. We use the word, adjust, with respect to opinions, which oppose one another; and, that of reconcile, with respect to passages, that seem to contradict each other. Want of justness in the mind, is what, commonly, prevents schoolmen, from adjusting their disputes. A precise knowledge of the value of every word, in all the different circumstances, wherein, they may be used, would go a great way, towards reconciling authors. 312. To Bring, Fetch. To bring, implies, conveying a thing, ourselves, from one place to another, in opposition to the verb, send. To fetch, implies, going to a place, in order, to bring. He, who fetches a thing, is, always, supposed to bring it; but, he, who brings it, is not, always, supposed to fetch it. Thus, we cannot fetch, without bringing; but, we may bring, without fetching. If we send for a workman, in any branch of business, in order, to make, or, repair, he, naturally, brings his tools with him: should he leave any behind, through forgetfulness, he is obliged to go back, and, fetch them. 313. To Swallow, Gulp. In the literal sense, these words are more nearly synonymous, than, in the figurative; yet, even in that, they will admit of some distinction. We gulp, in order to swallow. This, however, is not the only difference. By swallowing, we understand, taking down the throat, simply; by gulping, we mean, sucking down, eagerly, or, without intermission. With respect to eating, swallowing, carries in its idea, the act of chewing; gulping, does not. The glutton, will gulp down, a greater quantity of food, in five minutes; than a moderate eater, would swallow, in half an hour. In the figurative sense, gulping, rather, implies, a difficulty of swallowing. We are all too apt to swallow flattery; and, as fulsome as it may possibly be, there are some vain persons, that will make a shift to gulp it down. 314. Detraction, Defamation. Injuring the reputation, is the general idea of these two words; but, that of detraction, implies, the taking off from a man's good name; defamation, the giving him a bad one. Were we to be silent, when asked the character of a worthy man, it would be detraction. Were we to vilify him, by declaring him guilty of infamous practices; it would be defamation. Defamation, is punishable by human laws; detraction, is not. The one, is an open and scurrilous way of injuring the reputation; the other, a close and demure one. There are those, accustomed to detraction, who would fly the thoughts of defamation; little imagining, that both are, equally, bad; being, two different means, only, working to the same end. 315. Meager, Lean. In that sense; in which these two words, are reputed synonymous; meager, signifies, want of flesh; lean, want of fat. Meagerness, supposes, a waste of body, owing, either, to a bad constitution, or, a scarcity of food. Leanness, supposes, no want of flesh, being opposed, only, to corpulency, or, fatness. A man may be lean, yet, not meager. The lean, are, usually, strong; the meager, commonly, weak. The first, is, generally, a mark of beggary; the second, frequently, denotes, the person accustomed to labour. Activity attends the lean; Indolence, the meager. Many persons, if possible, would choose to be lean; but, none, would care to be meager. 316. Sailor, Seaman, Mariner. These words denote persons, who live by the sea, or, practise navigation; but, sailor, in my opinion, is used, with most propriety, with respect to the common men, or, in the sea phrase, those, before the mast. Seaman, agrees best, with regard to the superior class of the ship's company, such as, the officers, boatswain, gunner, &c. Mariner, relates, more, to chose, who gain their livelihood at sea, but, who are, generally, their own masters; as fishermen. Sailors, are ignorant of navigation, and, are they, who work the vessel, by the direction of others; seamen, are supposed, to understand it; and, are they, who, generally, direct it: mariners, are supposed, to have no greater knowledge of the art, than such, as is sufficient to serve their purpose; working their vessels, themselves. Both sailors, and, seamen, take long voyages; whereas, mariners, do little else, than coast. We say, an able sailor; an expert seaman; a bold mariner. The great hardships the poor sailors undergo, one would imagine should be sufficient, to endear them to their country. It is not every captain of a ship, that is a good seaman. Mariners, earn their bread very hard; they, not only, being obliged to work more than other men, but, are in daily danger of their lives. 317. Grot, Grotto. Though these words are, evidently, one and the same, grot, being no more, than, an abbreviation of grotto; yet, custom has made them expressive of different ideas. Grot, then, seems to denote something, more natural; grotto, something, more artificial. The first, is, in effect, the work of nature; the second, the work of art. The one, implies, a cool cave, appropriated to pleasure, stony, rough, irregular, and, overgrown with moss; the oother, a pleasurable cave, or, room, ornamented with shell-work. We say, a pretty grot; a beautiful grotto. It is, as much out of the power of the most ingenious artist, to make a grotto, any thing equal to a grot; as it is, for art, to rival nature. 318. Cave. Cell. The sense, in which, these words are esteemed synonymous, is that, of the retired dwelling of some religious person. Cave, is, a habitation under ground, made, either, by art or nature. Cell, is, some little dwelling, raised above ground. We dig a cave. We build a cell. Hermits, or, such persons, as chuse to seclude themselves from the world, bury themselves in caves, they may chance to meet with; or, wear out their lives in cells, remote from public view. 319. Broad, Wide. By broad, is understood, extended each way; as broad -cloth; a broad -brimmed hat. By wide, is meant, broad, to a certain degree; as three inches wide; four feet wide. Broad, seems to be confined to things of less extent; wide, to those of greater. Thus, we say, a broad bean; a broad face; a broad back; a broad apron; a broad table-cloth; but, a wide room; a wide ditch; a wide field; the wide ocean. 320. School, Academy. School, implies, a place, of discipline and instruction; academy, a place, where the sciences are taught. School seems appropriated to the teaching of children; academy, to that of youth. In schools, are taught, languages, writing, music, dancing, &c.; in academies, natural and experimental philosophy, geography, geometry, astronomy, ethics, rhetoric, &c. Schools, begin the education; academies, finish it. Children, who learn to read, with a tone, at school, seldom get the better of it, even, when they are grown up. Academies, are the nurseries of learned men. 321. Blessing, Benediction. Benediction, appears to me, to be limited, to the decretory pronounciation of happiness. Blessing, is a more general expression, intimating, the various means of happiness. Religious men, find as much comfort, in the benediction of the church; as others experience, in the blessings of life. Blessing, seems to intimate, divine favour; benediction that, which is human. We say, the blessing of God; the benediction of the priest. Heaven showers down its blessings upon the virtuous. The benediction of a good man, is a very desirable thing. 322. Ambassador, Resident. The general idea of these words, is, that of a minister, representing the person of his sovereign, sent from one court to another; but, ambassador, seems to be superior to that of resident. The first, are, generally, men of greater rank; the second, of less. Ambassadors, are not supposed, to stay long at the court, to which they are sent; their office being, to transact some state affairs between the two powers. Residents, are supposed, to reside, for some considerable time, as a testimony of the good harmony between the two states. The Earl of Northampton, was sent from London, ambassador, to Venice, in the year, 1764, during the time that Mr. Murray was there, as resident. 323. Dregs, Sediment. Dregs, are gross; a sediment, is fine. After the dregs are taken away, there will, frequently, remain a sediment. We say, the dregs of wine; the dregs of melted tallow; but, the sediment of water; the sediment of urine. 324. Lofty, High. Lofty, seems to carry with it an idea of magnificence, which high, does not. Thus, we say, a lofty room; the lofty cedar; but, a high house; a high tree. With respect to other things, 'tis the same. Thus, it is in the power, only, of a severe fit of sickness, or, a heavy stroke of adversity, to lower the high looks of the great, and, the lofty imaginations of the proud. 325. Betwixt, Between. If any two words, in the English language, may be said to carry the same meaning, these, in some respect, may. As a studied delicacy, here, is not, immediately, essential, custom has made no other distinction, than, that, of using the word, between, on every occasion, as, being softer on the tongue; and, almost banishing the use of the word, betwixt, as, being much harsher: but, as I deviate, from the common opion, and, think, there is no word so trivial, but the choice of it, on particular occasions, may be necessary; I hope, I may not be condemned, as too nice, with respect to the word before us. Betwixt, then, appears to me, to be used, with most propriety, when that, which is in the middle, is, as it were, embraced by the other two; between, when that, which is in the middle, is at some distance, from the other two. Thus, to speak properly, with respect to a house, standing in a row, we should use the word, betwixt; as, for example, the house, I dwell in, stands betwixt two high houses: but, with respect to a tree, standing in a line with others, we should use the word, between; as, for instance, the oak tree, I mentioned, stands between two elms. 326. Middle, Midst. A thing is, in the middle, when it stands at an equal distance from the two extremes; it is, in the midst, when it stands, in the center of a great many. Thus, we say, in the middle of a pond; in the midst of a crowd. There cannot be a more tormenting situation, than to hang in the middle between hope and fear. Providence, sometimes, has taken a man out, from the midst of misfortunes, when he has seen no visible way of escaping. 327. Marshy, Boggy. Marshy lands, are those, that lie low, and, are watry; boggy lands, are those, where there are many quagmires. In walking over the first, we sink not deeper than our ankles. In passing over the second, we may, entirely, be lost. Marshy lands, frequently, produce fine meadows; boggy lands, are, wholly, useless. 328. Rough, Rugged. Roughness, is a small degree of ruggedness; ruggedness, a great degree of roughness. Smooth, is the reverse of rough; level, the reverse of rugged. We say, a rough hand; a rugged road. 329. Ray, Beam. A beam, seems to me, to be more powerful than a ray, casting a greater degree of light, and, heat. We say, rays of light; beams of the sun; by the first of which expressions, we mean, that, those are rays, which shine, early, in the morning; by the second, that, those are beams, which gleam at noon. We, frequently, apply the epithet chearful, to the word, ray; that of scorching, to the word, beam. The rays of the sun, being separated by a prism, is the original of colours. The beams of the fun, collected into one point, by means of a convex lens, will set fire to any thing they touch. 330. Clergyman, Parson. There are three ranks of clergymen, below that of a dignitary, viz. parson, vicar, and, curate. Parson, is the first, meaning, a rector, or, he, who receives the great tythes of a benefice. By the word, parson, then, is implied, one of a particular class of clergy; whereas, by the word, clergyman, is understood, any person, ordained to serve at the altar. Parsons, are, always, priests; many clergymen, are, only, deacons. Every bishop, dean, &c. is a clergyman; tho' not, always, a parson. As the general and indiscriminate use of these two words, has rendered it necessary, I have pointed out the distinction, that should be made between them; but, am of of opinion, as custom has thrown into the word, parson, an idea of contempt, it would be better, not to use it at all; but, when we have occasion to point out one, of that class of clergymen, who enjoy the great tythes of a living, to substitute in its room, that, of rector. 331. Suffocated, Smothered, Choaked. Death, brought on, by a stoppage of breath, is the general idea of these three words; but, that of suffocated, implies, an extinction of life occasioned by being in a place where we cannot breathe; that of smothered, by being in a place, where we are not suffered to breathe; that of choaked, by having the wind-pipe closed. Thus, men are, frequently, suffocated by smoke. Persons, raving mad, when in curable, are, sometimes, smothered, between two feather beds. Malefactors, when hanged, are choaked. It has happened, that travellers, by falling into bogs, have been, sometimes, suffocated, before assistance could be had. Children, are, frequently, smothered, in bed, thro' the carelesness of nurses. Persons are often, choaked, by eating too greedily. The words, smother, and, choak, are, often, used in a figurative sense; the word, suffocate, never. We smother a flame. We choak a passage. It is an act of charity, to smother the failings of another. When interest is predominant, it is sure to choak up all the avenues to the heart, which, would, otherwise be open to the cries of distress. 332. Cloak-bag, Portmanteau, Trunk. These are machines for carrying cloaths on a journey. Cloak-bags, are made of leather, contrived to be laid upon the back of a horse; portmanteaus, and, trunks, are of wood, generally, covered with hair, and, made to be carried before, or, behind a carriage; with this difference between them, that, portmanteaus, are long, and, their lids round; whereas, trunks are made square, every way. 333. Rule, Order. Rule, respects, properly, those things that ought to be done; order, the manner, in which they should be done. In the idea of the first, there seems to be something, arising more, from natural right; in the idea of the second, something, resulting more, from positive right. Equity and charity ought to be the two grand rules of our conduct; they may, even, deviate from all kind of order. We submit to rule. We conform to order. Although the first, is much more indispensable, it is, yet, much more broke through; the particularity of order, making a greater impression on us, than, the advantage of rule. 334. Regular, Methodical. We are regular, in our conduct. We are methodical, with respect to our affairs. A regular man, is careful of his reputation; he runs into no excess. A methodical man, takes care of his time; he gives no way to dissipation. With respect to expences; we are regular, in relation to, the bounds we set to them; methodical, with regard to, the manner of them. Regular persons, are always, admired; methodical persons, are, frequently, laughed at. 335. To be sorry for, Regret. We are sorry for the misfortunes of another; we regret his absence. The one, is the effect of pity; the other, of attachment. Grief, occasions our sorrow: repentance, excites our regret. A court favourite, in prosperity, is the object of envy; but, when he falls into disgrace, no one is sorry for him. Those princes, who are most commended, during their life, are not, always, most regretted, after their death. The expression, sorry for, when used, with respect to ourselves, in some measure, changes its signification. Retaining the common and general idea of sensibility, it ceases to express that particular motive of pity, that makes us sympathise, inwardly, for the distresses of others; and, in its room, marks, only, a certain uneasiness, which discovers itself, outwardly. When we are sorry for the misfortunes of others, we are, often, inwardly touched, and, perhaps, no outward sign of it shall appear: when we are sorry for our own; we shew it, outwardly, in order, to draw the compassion of others. This expression is, sometimes, used, in another sense, besides that, mentioned; instead of motives of pity, it denotes, motives of repentance: In this sense, we say, he is sorry for the steps he has taken. As much taken up, as we may be, with ourselves, there are eertain moments, when we are sorry for the distresses of others. However philosophical we may pretend to be, it is extremely difficult, to suffer, a long time together, without shewing some signs of sorrow. Mercenary people, are sorry for every step they take, that does not turn out to advantage. We often, seem to regret the absent, in order, to affront the person present. A hard heart, is sorry for no one. An insensible man, is never sorry for any thing, that happens to him. A miserly person, regrets every morsel he eats. We should never be sorry for a man, who suffers deservedly; for ourselves, when we can procure no kind of comfort; nor, for any trouble we take, when prudence enjoins it. we should not regret the departure of a friend, when his absence, will turn out to his advantage. 336. Rivulet, Brook, Stream. Rivulets, and, brooks are certain species of streams, which are running waters; with this difference, that a rivulet, runs between banks; whereas, a brook, winds its way, through the meadows, or, by a hedge side. A rivulet, is, a much larger stream, than, a brook. Fish are found in rivulets; but, never in what we, properly, call, brooks there not being sufficient depth of water. We say, the rapid stream; the clear rivulet; the gurgling brook. Heavy rains will swell a stream, in such a manner, as to overflow the neighbouring grounds. Poets are, very, luxurious, in their description of rivulets, and, brooks. 337. Stream, Current. A stream, issues from a head, and, moves forward, with a continuity of parts. A current, is a certain progressive motion of some fluid body. These words, in the literal sense, are applied to water. Thus, we say, the stream of a river; the current of a sea. Streams, are, frequently, rapid; currents, are, seldom so. In the figurative sense, these words, convey the same ideas. Thus, we say, a stream of light; a current of air. 338. To Swear, Make eath of. Custom has made the word, swear, to signify, the profane and illegal use of the sacred name, in common conversation; whereas, by the phrase, make oath of, is understood, the divine name, used solemnly, on legal occasions, in confirmation of the truth. In courts of judicature, we are required to make oath of every thing we have to say. He, who swears, upon every occasion, gives us to understand, that his bare word is not to be credited. 339. Pleasing, Agreeable. It is the air and behaviour, that renders pleasing; good sense and good humour, that renders agreeable. We love, the company of a pleasing man; because he charms. We covet, the company of an agreeable man; because he diverts. Well-bred persons, are, always, pleasing. Merry persons, are, commonly, agreeable. How difficult is it, to avoid being attached to one, of a pleasing address, and, agreeable coversation! It appears to me, that it is, more, the behaviour, than the air, that makes the men pleasing; and, that, it is, rather, the air, than the behaviour, that makes the women, so. It seems to me, also, that, it is, rather, good sense, and, a liveliness in conversation, that constitutes agreeableness, in the men; and, that, it is an even temper, and, a merry disposition, that establishes that quality, in the women. When these words are used, otherwise, than to denote personal qualities, that of pleasing, properly speaking, implies, something, which flatters the sense, or, self-love; that, of agreeable, something, which agrees with the taste, and, the mind. It is pleasing, to have, always, desireable objects before us. Nothing is more agreeable, to a joyous man, than good company. It is, sometimes, dangerous, to approach that, which is pleasing to the sight; and, it may happen, that, what is very agreeable, may be very prejudicial. 340. Graces, Charms. Graces, result from natural politeness, accompanied with a noble freedom; it is a varnish, that appears in our conversation, our actions, and, our carriage; making us please in every thing we do. Charms, rise from an assemblage of fine touches, animated by good-humour, and, good-sense; and, are, sometimes, far superior to what is, perfectly, agreeable. The body, seems to be more susceptible of graces; the mind, of charms. We say, of a lady, that she walks, dances, and, sings with grace; and, that her conversation is full of charms. What can a man desire more, in a lady, than, an outward union, of graces, and, charms; and, an inward composition, of solidity, in her disposition, and, delicacy, in her sentiments. 341. Ready, Easy. Both the one, and, the other of these words denote that, which is done without difficulty; but, the first, excludes difficulty, which arises from obstacles and oppositions; the second, that which springs from the very nature of the thing. Thus, we say a ready entrance, when no one stops the passage; an easy entrance, when the passage is large and commodious. For the same reason, we say, of a woman, without reserve; that, she is ready of access: and, of a shoe, that does not pinch; that, it is easy. It appears to me, best, to use the word, ready, in naming the action; and, that of easy, in expressing the event, of that action. Thus, speaking of a commodious harbour, I should say, we have there, a ready landing; and, that it is easy, to land there. Of these two adjectives, there are formed, two adverbs, easily, and, readily. Which, besides the difference of ideas, remarked in their originals, have one peculiar to themselves; which, I should not, here, omit taking notice of. In speaking, then, of a sensible person, I should, rather, say, he comprehends easily, and, pardons readily; than, that he comprehends readily, and, pardons easily. This choice of words, I must confess, is delicate; but, as I, can perceive the necessity of it, why should not another, do the same? 342. Flat, Insipid. That, which is flat, does not pierce the taste; that, which is insipid, does not touch it, in the least. Thus, the last, rises upon the first; the one, wanting, only, a degree of seasoning; the other, wanting it, entirely. In works of the mind, they are both very far from pleasant: but, the flat, appearing to affect the graces; displeases: the insipid, appearing to have no knowledge; tires. In relation to the beauty of the sex, I do not think the word, insipid, should be used, but with respect to those, who are of a disposition, wholly, insensible: but, we say, beauty is flat, when it is not animated, and, when it has neither the charms of vivacity, nor those of softness. 343. To Keep, Detain. We keep, what we intend not to part with. We detain, what we propose not to restore. We keep that, which is our own. We detain, that, which is another's. The miser, keeps his money. The debtor, detains the property of his creditors. The honest man, finds a difficulty, in keeping what he possesses; when the rogue, finds none, in detaining what he has taken. 344. Complicated, Involved. Affairs, or, actions are complicated, one with another, by their mixture and mutual dependance. Persons are involved in actions, or, in affairs, when they are far immerged in them. Things, extremely complicated, become obscure to those, who have not sufficient understanding or discernment, to unfold them. If we are, often, in company with rash people, we are liable to be involved in disagreeable matters. The most complicated affairs, become simple, and, easy to be understood, in the mouth, or, in the writings of an able advocate. It is dangerous to be involved, even innocently, in the crimes of the great; as, at those time we are, always, the dupe, and, are sure to be sacrificed to their interests. Complicated, has a substantive, in general use; involved has not; but, in return, that, has a verb, in general use, which, the other has not. We hear, frequently, of complication; seldom, of involution; so again, we meet, frequently, with the verb, to involve; seldom, with that, of to complicate. Nothing embarrasses physicians more, than a complication of disorders, of which, the remedy of one, shall oppose the cure of another. It is very disagreeable to have such acquaintance, as involve us, always, in their own faults. 345. For, As to. However synonymous these may be, for, seems to me, to agree best when, speaking of a person or thing which governs the following verb: As to, appears to me, to be used, with most propriety, when, speaking of that, which is governed by the verb. I should say, then, for my part, I will not interfere in such matters, as do not concern me; as to me, all things are indifferent. The religion, of the understanding part of mankind, consists in a lively faith, a pure morality, and, in a simple conduct, guided by divine authority, and, supported by reason. For that, of the people in general, it consists in a blind credulity, and, in exterior practices, authorised by education, and, corroborated by the force of custom. As to that, of those, belonging to the church, we can determine nothing concerning it, unless we could detach them from their temporal interests. 346. Trade, Business, Profession. In the sense, in which these words are esteemed synonymous, that of trade, implies, a manual occupation; that of business, such an occupation, as consists, only, in buying and selling; that of profession, such, as results from the lucrative use of the sciences. Thus, the occupations of a carpenter, taylor, baker, &c. are trades; those of a linnen-draper, mercer, haberdasher, &c. are businesses; those of a physician, counsellor, musician, &c. are professions. In point of rank, professions take place of businesses; businesses, of trades. 347. Divination, Prediction. Divination, brings hidden things to light; prediction, fortells what will come to pass. The first, regards things present and past. The objects of the second, are things to come. A learned and discerning man, one, who knows what relation, the least outward signs, bear to the motions of the soul, readily, passes with the world, as well-skilled in divination. A wise man, one, who sees what will be the consequences of certain principles, and, the effects of certain causes, may pass with the people, as having the knowledge of prediction. 348. To Reprove, Reprimand. He who reproves another, points out his fault, and, blames him. He who reprimands, pretends to punish, and, mortifies the offender. We reprove a friend. We reprimand a child. Reprove, is seldom used, but, with respect to the faults of the mind; reprimand, with regard to the manners and conduct. We, sometimes, reprove one, who knows better, than ourselves. No one has a right to reprimand, but superiors. 349. Austere, Severe. We are austere, by our manner of living; severe, by our manner of thinking. Softness, is the reverse of austerity; it is rare to pass, immediately, from one to the other; a common, regular way of life, is the medium, between the two. Remissness, and, severity, are the two extremes, in one of which, we are sure to fall; few persons being able to distinguish the true medium, which consists, in an exact and precise knowledge of the law. We are austere, only, with respect to ourselves; but, we may be severe, as well with respect to others, as ourselves. Enthusiasts give themselves up to the exercises of austerity; this was, also, once, the custom of recluses. Some casuists affect to distinguish themselves by a severe morality; extending it, even, 'till it loses sight of every degree of reason. An austere life, consists in the privation of pleasures and conveniences; we, sometimes, embrace it through a taste of singularity, and, would fain have it thought to proceed from a principle of religion. Morals, too severe, may equally, with morals too remiss, wound the regularity of manners. 350. Tempest, Storm. By tempest, is understood, the utmost violence of the wind; by storm, a commotion of the elements. Tempests, are more dreadful at sea, than storms. We use the word storm, to denote any violence of weather; but, then, in order, to determine what weather we mean, we are under a necessity of adding such other words to it, as shall express the idea, we want to convey. Thus, we say, a storm of wind; a storm of hail, &c. but, the word tempest, is understood to be, neither more or less, than, as was said before, the utmost violence of the wind: should this excess of wind, be atttended with rain, thunder and lightning, it, then, becomes a storm. We, may, say, with propriety, a great storm; but a great tempest, would be absurd. Words cannot describe the distresses of seamen, when out, in tempestuous weather. Stormy weather, is, generally, succeeded by serene. 351. To Appear, Seem. I know not how much I may differ from the rest of my countrymen; but, the verb, appear, in my opinion, relates, more, to the eye; seem, more, to the imagination. An object, always, appears less, the farther it is off. Many things seem practicable, which cannot be carried into execution. 352. Fast, Hard. The sense, in which these words are accounted synonymous, is that of quick motion; but, fast, denotes quickness, without force; hard, quickness, with violence. Thus, to run, ride, or, rain fast, implies a quicker motion, than common; but, to run, ride, or, rain hard, some degree of force or violence. With respect to work, fast, means expeditiously; hard, laboriously. Thus, he, who works fast, will soon have done. He, who works hard, will soon be weary. 353. Clock, Dial. These are both time-pieces, with this difference, that the clock strikes; the dial, does not. 'Tis, for this reason, we call that plate, which determines time, by a shadow, in the sun, a sun- dial. The clock, tells, the hour; the dial, shews, it. Dials, were long in use, before the invention of clocks. 354. Every, All. Though the word, every, is, more frequently, made use of, by itself; it is, sometimes, connected with the word, ONE; especially, when used as synonymous to all. As, all of us; every one of us. These expressions shew, that every, is, rather, particular, relating more to individuals; and, that all, is rather, general, relating to the whole; the word, ONE, being added to every, specifying that determination. Every, includes, always, in its idea, the word all; though all, does not, always, include the word every: that is, all, speaks in general, only; whereas, every, excepts none. Every man is, undoubtedly, bound to assist his neighbour. All men, are mercenary. All, seems to me, to be the plural of every; every being, constantly, applied to the singular number; all, to the plural. Thus, we say, every man; every thing; every part, &c. but, all men; all things; all parts, &c. 355. Pity, Compassion, Commiseration. I cannot say, whether in the characterising of these words, I may fall in with the opinion of the public; but, with respect to the two first, pity, seems to me, to be, rather, particular, and, to be used, with most propriety, with regard to persons, we have some knowledge of; whereas, compassion, is more general, and, may be used, equally, with respect, to those we know, as, to those we know not. We are said, to pity the distresses of a friend; and, compassionate the misfortunes of a stranger. Pity, seems most applicable to the first emotions we feel, at the sight or description of an object in distress; rising from tenderness of heart. Compassion, seems to result from reflection, on the unmerited calamities of another; springing from the truest benevolence. Thus, we say, it was through pity, we were led to compassionate his case. Commiseration, in my opinion, implies a fellow-feeling, or, the bearing a part in another's woe, and, rises from sympathy. We, naturally, commiserate the sorrows of one, we love. According to this interpretation of the words, we may pity, and, yet, not have compassion; we may have both pity, and, compassion, yet, not commiserate. The word pity, on some occasions, has been made use of, by way of contempt; as I pity her pride: but it seems hare, to be used, rather, ironically, than, to imply, in its real signification, any degree of scorn. 356. Slippery, Glib. Glibness, implies, a great degree of slipperiness; slipperiness, a small degree of glibness. All ice is slippery; but, that, which is, remarkably, smooth, is glib. The proper, and, literal definition of slippery, is, affording no firm hold, or, footing; that of glib, made easy to be moved. In this sense, the first, denotes, something, natural; the last, something, not so. An eel is so slippery, as to be difficult to hold. Wet weather, succeeded by a frost, makes the ways slippery. Oiling, the fly of a jack, makes it run glib. So, in the figurative sense; speaking of a woman, fond of gallantry; we say, she is a slippery dame. Nothing is of a more slippery nature, than true happiness; it slides through the fingers, even, while we think, we hold it fast. Strong liquor, on different persons, has different effects; some, it sickens; others, it stupifies; of others, again, it makes the tongue run so glib, as to be, greatly, entertaining. 357. Ridicule, Derision. Laughter in scorn, is the common import of these words; but, that of ridicule, implies, contemptuous merriment; that of derision, sportive insult. We, ridicule, in order, to shew another his fault, and, induce him to amend: We never deride, but, with the utmost contempt. A friend will, often, ridicule; none, but an enemy, derides. If we have done any thing deserving ridicule, we should endeavour to retrieve our character, lest we become the derision of all who know us. 358. To Cry, Weep. Shedding of tears, is the general sense, in which these words are understood; but, to cry, implies, shedding of tears, audibly; to weep, shedding of tears, with silence. Children, commonly, cry; grown persons, generally, weep. 'Tis not the noise we make, that denotes a greater or less measure of grief; for, the secret weeper, may be more distressed, than one, who crys, aloud. Crying is found, by experience, to give greater relief to sorrow, than, bare weeping. 359. To Shake, Tremble. Both these words imply, being agitated with a vibratory motion, but, as this motion seems to arise from different causes, it renders the choice of them, necessary. Shake, appears to me, more applicable to a tremulous motion, occasioned by cold; tremble, to a like motion, occasioned by fear. We shake with cold; we tremble with fear. When the blood is chilled, we, naturally, shake. The very thought of danger, will make the coward, tremble. The verb shake is often used in the active sense; the verb tremble, never. Thus we shake the house; shake a tree; shake hands, &c. 360. Pedigree, Genealogy. Pedigree, is our lineal descent from some ancestor, ages back, pointed out: genealogy, is a history of such pedigree. We trace our pedigree. We write our genealogy. It is, sometimes, necessary, to examine into our pedigree, in order, to claim or secure our property in lands. The transmitting of genealogies to posterity, though they may be, in some respect, useful, is a standing mark, of the vanity of our ancestors. 361. Prebend, Prebendary. Prebend, implies, a certain stipend, granted to the clergy, in cathedral churches: prebendary, denotes, properly, the person who receives that stipend. Though it is well known to every one, that, one of these words, implies, the stipend; the other, the stipendiary, yet I thought fit to take notice of them, especially, as it gave me an opportunity of correcting their erroneous use; it being common, to employ the word, prebendary, to express, the benefice; and, that of prebend, to denote, the dignitary; whereas, they should be reversed; i. e. Prebend, should be used to mark the office: prebendary, to point out the person, filling that office. 362. Discourse, Conversation. The general import of these words, is, the mutual intercourse of speech, but, that of discourse, implies, serious or set talk, upon any particular subject; that of conversation, such, as is easy and familiar, and, not confined to any particular topic. Discourse, is, generally, formal; conversation, commonly, chearful. The attention of men is so much scattered, by dissipation, that, when together, exclusive of business, they seldom enter into any discourse, that is improving: but, their general conversation runs on things, in their nature, trifling, and, impertinent. 363. Impertinent, Impudent, Saucy. Nothing is more general than the indiscriminate use of these words, though none differ more among themselves: if a man gives rude language, how common is it to say, he is an impertinent, impudent, or, saucy fellow. One would imagine their peculiar ideas, are so well known, as to render it unnecessary, to take farther notice of them; but, as some people never see the stumbling block till they fall over it, it may not be unnecessary to give them a perfect view of it: in order to which, I need, only, define them. Impertinent, then, means, intruding, and, meddling with what, no way concerns us. Impudent, implies, shamelessness, or, want of modesty. Saucy, means, insolent, and, abusive. To shew a further difference between them, or, give any examples of their use, would be needless. 364. Tongue, Language. I know not whether in characterising these words, I may fall in with the taste of the public; but, according to my opinion, tongue, seems, to agree best with a corrupted language, that is, tongue, appears to be more particular, or, provincial; language, more general, or, national. Thus, I would say, the vulgar tongue; the mother tongue; the Yorkshire tongue; but, the English language; the French language; the Spanish language. That, of the Indians, may be, rather, called a tongue, than a language; it being neither formal, or, regular. The generality of people, content themselves, with speaking the tongue, common to the place they are bred up in; without paying any regard, to the beauties of their native language. 365. Fuddled, Drunk, Intoxicated. With respect to the two first of these words, drunk, rises upon that of fuddled; fuddled, implying, a less degree of inebriation; drunk, a greater. As to the word intoxicated, its greatest distinction is, that, whereas fuddled, and, drunk, are seldom used, in the figurative sense; that, is hardly ever, in the literal. Half a pint of wine, will make some men, drunk; when others, shall drink a gallon, without being, the least, fuddled. Good success will, sometimes, so intoxicate a person, as to take him off from his business, and, render him disagreeable to all his acquaintance. 366. Bargain, Agreement, Contract. Bargain, is more limited, relating to sale; agreement, and, contract, are more general, implying, any sort of stipulation; with this difference between them, that agreement, seems to denote, a verbal one; contract, one, that is written. It is a mark of honesty, in dealing, never to draw back from a bargain, once made. Such is the unsteadiness of mankind, that we are, frequently, obliged to enter into contract, in order, to bind them to their agreement. 367. Mine, My own. Though many are of opinion that, the the word, own, is added to the possessive pronoun, my, by way of emphasis, or, corroboration, only; yet, custom seems to have thrown into the idea of the expression, my own, a greater degree of property, than, into that, of the word, mine. Thus, a workman, to whom certain tools have been appropriated by his master, for the work he is imployed on, might, with propriety, say, these tools are mine, though, at the same time, they are not his own, being the property of his master. So, again, a wife, might lay claim to the cloaths she wears, and, say, they are mine; though, she could not say, with propriety, that, they were her own, being, in reality, the property of her husband. On the other hand, the expression, my own, may, with elegance, be used, by the person, in whom the sole right of a thing, is vested. 368. Nigh, Near. I will leave it to the decision of the curious, whether or no, the word near, is not a corruption of nigher, the comparative of nigh: be this as it may, near, in my opinion, implies, a less distance than nigh. Thus, I should say, when we come nigh to such a place, we shall be near home: the nigher the enemy, the nearer the danger. As a farther proof of this, speaking of the close tyes of kindred, we use the word near, in preference to that of nigh, as implying a less distance, or, greater degree of consanguinity, between the two persons. Thus, my brother's child is my near relation, or, is nearly related to me. 369. Efficacious, Effectual. With respect to these two words, that of efficacious, seems not so powerful, as that of effectual. The first, gets the better of most obstacles; the last, of all. By an efficacious remedy, we put an effectual stop. 370. Width, Wideness. Width, seem, more applicable to things small in themselves; wideness, to those, which are large. Thus, we say, the width of paper; the width of cloth; but, the wideness of a ditch; the wideness of a field. An ALPHABETICAL TABLE, Of the WORDS, treated of in these VOLUMES. A. TO Abandon, Forsake, Leave, Relinquish, Desert, Quit. Numb. 1 To Abate, Diminish, Decrease, Lessen. 3 To Abdicate, Renounce, Resign. 2 To Abhor, Hate, Loath, Detest. 4 Abilities, Ingenuity, Cleverness, Parts. 13 Ability, Capacity. 143 Abject, Low, Mean, Beggarly. 5 Able, Skilful, Learned. 220 To Abolish, Abrogate, Disannul, Repeal, Revoke. 6 Absent, Inattentive. 292 Abstemious, Sober, Temperate. 231 Abstinence, Fast. 234 Abstraction, Precision. 287 Absurd, Unreasonable, Inconsistent. 233 Abundance, Plenty. 253 Abuse, Affront, Insult. 126 Abyss, Gulph. 84 Academy, School 320 To Accept, Take, Receive. 114 To Accost, Approach. 12 Acid, Sharp, Sour. 232 Acknowledgement, Confession. 22 Acquainted, Familiar, Intimate. 237 To Acquiesce, Agree, Consent. 124 Act, Action, Deed. 9 To Add, Augment. 14 Address, Air, Mien, Behaviour, Manners, Deportment, Carriage. 11 Adjacent, Contiguous. 235 To Adjust, Reconcile. 311 Administration, Management, Conduct, Government, Direction. 125 Admonition, Advice, Counsel. 23 Advantageous, Profitable, Beneficial. 80 Advice, Admonition, Counsel. 23 Affairs, Business. 148 To Affirm, Aver, Assert, Avouch, Attest, Declare, Swear, Protest, Maintain. 18 To be Afraid, be Apprehensive, Fear, Dread. 131 Against, In spite of. 78 To Agree, Acquiesce, Consent. 124 Agreeable, Pleasing. 339 Agreement, Contract, Bargain. 366 Aim, View, Design. 34 Air, Address, Mien, Manners, Behaviour, Deportment, Carriage. 11 Ale-house, Public-house. 226 All, Every. 354 Allurements, Attractions, Charms. 20 Alone, Only. 280 Also, Likewise. 304 Always, Continually, Perpetually. 100 Amazement, Astonishment, Wonder, Surprize, Consternation. 212 Ambassador, Resident. 322 Ambiguity, Equivocation, DoubleEntendre. 61 Amusement, Diversion. 240 Ancient, Antique, Old. 86 Angry, In a Passion, Passionate. 117 Antique, Ancient, Old. 86 Apartment, Chamber, Room. 249 Apartment, Lodging. 251 Apparition, Vision. 129 To Appear, Seem. 351 Appearance, Outside. 128 To be Apprehensive, be Afraid, Fear, Dread. 131 To Approach, Accost. 12 Arms, Weapons. 19 Arrogance, Pride, Vanity, Haughtiness, Presumption. 177 Artifice, Stratagem, Trick, Device, Finesse, Cunning. 40 As to, For. 345 Ashamed, Bashful. 298 To Ask, Interrogate, Inquire. 96 To Assert, Affirm, Avouch, Aver, Attest, Declare, Protest, Swear, Maintain. 18 Assiduous, Expeditious, Quick. 183 To Assist, Succour, Help, Relieve. 99 Astonishment, Amazement, Wonder, Surprize, Consternation. 212 Astrologer, Astronomer. 289 Attachment, Passion, Devotion. 290 To Attest, Avouch, Aver, Assert, Affirm, Protest, Swear, Declare, Maintain. 18 Attractions, Allurements, Charms. 20 Audaciousness, Effrontery, Impudence, Boldness. 79 To Augment, Add. 14 Austere, Severe. 349 Authority, Power, Dominion. 137 Avaritious, Covetous, Miserly, Niggardly. 21 To Aver, Avouch, Attest, Swear, Assert, Affirm, Protest, Declare, Maintain. 18 To Avoid, Shun, Fly. 97 To Avouch, Aver, Attest, Swear, Assert, Affirm, Protest, Declare, Maintain. 18 To Awake, Awaken. 50 B. Bad, Vile. 268 Bargain, Contract, Agreement. 366 Barter, Truck, Exchange. 160 Bashful, Ashamed. 298 Battle, Combat, Fight. 25 To Be, Exist, Subsist. 43 Beam, Ray. 329 Beam, Rafter. 248 To Beat, Strike. 276 Beautiful, Handsome, Pretty. 26 Beggarly, Abject, Low, Mean. 5 Behaviour, Air, Address, Mien, Manners, Deportment, Carriage. 11 To Behold, Look at, See, View. 81 Benediction, Blessing. 321 Beneficence, Benevolence. 230 Beneficial, Advantageous, Profitable. 80 Benevolence, Benignity, Kindness, Tenderness, Humanity. 27 Benevolence, Beneficence. 236 Besides, Furthermore, Moreover. 58 Between, Betwixt. 325 Bias, Inclination, Propension. 56 To Bid, Order. 174 Big, Great, Large. 62 Billow, Wave, Surge. 54 To Bind, Tie. 134 Blessing, Benediction. 321 Bliss, Felicity, Happiness. 31 Boggy, Marshy. 327 Boldness, Audaciousness, Effrontery, Impudence. 79 Book, Volume. 138 Bottom, Dale, Vale, Valley. 92 Bounds, Limits, Confines. 32 Bounty, Liberality, Generosity. 213 Bravery, Resolution, Intrepidity, Courage, Valour. 116 Brightness, Light, Splendor. 106 Brilliancy, Radiancy, Lustre. 107 To Bring, Fetch. 312 Broad, Wide. 319 Brook, Rivulet, Stream. 336 Burden, Load. 35 Business, Affairs. 148 Business, Trade, Profession. 346 Buttress, Support, Prop. 16 C. Calamity, Misfortune, Disaster. 123 To Call, Name. 262 Cannot, Impossible. 73 Capacity, Ability. 143 Care, Caution, Prudence, Discretion. 38 Carriage, Air, Address, Mien, Deportment, Behaviour. 11 Case, Circumstance, Conjuncture, Occasion, Occurrence. 163 Cave, Cell. 318 To Cease, Finish, Leave off. 299 Celebrated, Famous, Renowned, Illustrious. 44 Cell, Cave. 318 Chamber, Apartment, Room. 249 Chance, Fortune. 217 Change, Variation. 186 Changeable, Inconstant, Fickle, Unsteady. 189 Charm, Enchantment, Spell. 36 Charms, Graces. 340 Charms, Attractions, Allurements. 20 To Chastise, Punish, Discipline, Correct. 37 Chief, Head. 93 Choaked, Suffocated, Smothered. 331 To Choose, make Choice of. 150 To Choose, Take. 149 To Choose, Prefer. 151 Church, Temple. 68 Circumspection, Regard, Consideration. 39 Circumstance, Case, Conjuncture, Occasion, Occurrence. 163 Clergyman, Parson. 330 Cleverness, Ingenuity, Parts, Abilities, 13 Cloakbag, Portmanteau, Trunk. 332 Cloaths, Dress. 211 Clock, Dial. 353 Clownish, Unpolite. 192 Colours, Flags. 306 Column, Pillar. 238 Combat, Fight, Battle. 25 Commerce, Trade, Traffic. 159 Commiseration, Compassion, Pity. 355 Common, Ordinary. 197 Compassion, Commiseration, Pity. 355 To Compel, Constrain, Oblige, Force. 203 Complaisant, Polite, Well-bred. 120 Complete, Perfect, Finished. 122 To Complete, End, Conclude, Finish. 7 Complete, Entire. 295 Complicated, Involved. 344 To Comprehend, Conceive, Understand. 199 To Conceal, Dissemble, Disguise. 310 To Concern, Regard, Touch. 66 To Conclude, Complete, End, Finish. 7 Conclusion, Sequel. 255 Condition, State, Situation. 111 Conduct, Management, Direction, Administration, Government. 125 To Conduct, Lead, Guide. 293 Confession, Acknowledgement. 22 Confines, Limits, Bounds. 32 To Conquer, Subdue, Overcome. 52 To Consent, Agree, Acquiesce. 124 Constancy, Resolution, Steadiness. 309 Consternation, Astonishment, Wonder, Amazement, Surprise. 212 To Constrain, Compel, Oblige, Force. 203 Content, Satisfaction. 224 Contented, Satisfied. 170 Contiguous, Adjacent. 235 Continual, Continued. 173 Continually, Always, Perpetually. 100 Continuance, Continuation. 172 Continued, Continual. 173 Contract, Agreement, Bargain. 366 Conversation, Discourse. 362 Copy, Model. 286 Counsel, Admonition, Advice. 23 Courage, Bravery, Resolution, Valour, Intrepidity. 116 Covetous, Niggardly, Miserly, Avaritious. 21 Coward, Poltron. 277 Crime, Fault. 202 Crooked, Deformed, Humpbacked. 121 To Cry, Weep. 358 Cunning, Device, Trick, Artifice, Stratagem, Finesse. 40 Cure, Remedy. 178 Current, Stream. 337 Custom, Fashion. 185 Customs, Manners, Fashions. 42 D. Dale, Bottom, Vale, Valley. 92 Danger, Hazard, Risk, Venture. 77 Darkness, Obscurity. 265 Death, Decease, Departure. 90 To Declare, Protest, Maintain, Avouch, Assert, attest, Aver, Affirm, Swear. 18 To Decrease, Diminish, Abate, Lessen. 3 Deed, Action, Act. 9 Defamation, Detraction. 314 Defect, Imperfection, Fault. 201 Deformed, Crooked, Humpbacked. 121 Dejected, Dull, Low-spirited, Melancholy. 166 Delicate, Fine. 308 Delight, Pleasure. 223 Departure, Death, Decease. 90 Deportment, Air, Address, Mien, Carriage, Behaviour, Manners. 11 Derision, Ridicule. 357 To Desert, Abandon, Forsake, Relinquish, Leave, Quit. 1 Design, Aim, View. 34 Design, Intention. 191 Design, Project. 302 Destiny, Lot. 218 To Detain, Keep. 343 Determination, Resolution. 85 To Detest, Hate, Loath, Abhor. 4 Detraction, Defamation. 314 Detriment, Harm, Hurt, Injury, Mischief. 181 Device, Trick, Stratagem, Cunning, Artifice, Finesse. 40 Devotion, Religion, Piety. 219 Devotion, Passion, Attachment. 290 Dial, Clock. 353 Difference, Dispute, Quarrel. 102 To Diminish, Decrease, Abate, Lessen. 3 Direction, Administration, Conduct, Management, Government. 125 To Disannul, Abolish, Abrogate, Repeal, Revoke. 6 Disaster, Mifortune, Calamity. 123 Discerning, Knowing. 157 Discernment, Judgment. 169 To Discipline, Correct, Chastise, Punish. 37 To Disclose, Discover, Divulge, Reveal, Tell. 60 Discourse, Conversation. 362 Discretion, Prudence, Caution, Care. 38 Disdain, Haughtiness. 179 Disease, Distemper, Sickness. 104 Disgraceful, Scandalous. 296 To Disguise, Mask. 270 To Disguise, Conceal, Dissemble. 310 To Disperse, Scatter. 256 To Dissemble, Conceal, Disguise. 310 Ditch, Trench. 307 Diversion, Amusement. 240 Diversity, Variety. 101 Diverting, Merry, Gay. 194 Divination, Prediction. 347 Dominion, Authority, Power. 137 Double-entendre, Equivocation, Ambiguity. 61 Doubt, Suspense, Uncertainty. 164 To Dread, Fear, be Apprehensive, be Affraid. 131 Dregs, Sediment. 323 Dress, Cloaths. 211 Drunk, Fuddled, Intoxicated. 365 Dull, Dejected, Melancholy, Lowspirited. 166 Duty, Obligation. 46 To Dwell, Live. 47 E. Easy, Ready. 341 Effectual, Efficacious. 369 Effigy, Image, Statue. 208 Effort, Endeavour. 246 Effrontery, Audaciousness, Boldness, Impudence. 79 Elegant, Genteel. 275 Emolument, Gain, Lucre, Profit. 140 Empire, Kingdom. 221 Enchantment, Charm, Spell. 36 To End, Complete, Conclude, Finish. 7 End, Extremity. 33 Endeavour, Effort. 246 To Endow, Establish, Institute, Found. 216 To Engage, Oblige. 303 To Enlarge, Increase. 10 Enormous, Huge, Vast, Immense. 69 Enough, Sufficient. 17 Entire, Complete. 295 Epistle, Letter. 244 Equivocation, Ambiguity, Doubleentendre. 61 Erudition, Literature, Learning. 95 To Establish, Endow, Institute, Found. 216 Esteem, Regard, Veneration, Respect. 161 Event, Incident. 49 Every, All. 354 To Excell, be Excellent. 261 Excellence, Excellency. 176 To be Excellent, Excell. 261 Exchange, Barter, Truck. 160 Excursion, Ramble, Jaunt. 225 Excuse, Pardon, Forgiveness. 45 To Exist, Be, Subsist. 43 To Expect, Hope. 135 Expeditious, Assiduous, Quick. 183 Experiment, Trial, Proof. 207 Expression, Word, Term. 88 Expression, Word. 258 To Extol, Praise 264 Extremely, Very. 141 Extremity, End. 33 F. To Fade, Wither. 155 Falsehood, Lie. 227 Familiar, Intimate, Acquainted. 237 Famous, Celebrated, Illustrious, Renowned. 44 Fanciful, Fantastical, Maggotty, Whimsical. 142 Fashion, Custom. 185 Fashion, Figure, Form. 200 Of Fashion, of Quality. 112 Fashions, Customs, Manners. 42 Fast, Abstinence. 234 Fast, Hard. 352 Fatigued, Weary, Tired. 105 Fault, Crime. 202 Fault, Imperfection, Defect. 201 To Fear, Dread, be Afraid, be Apprehensive. 131 To Feel, Handle. 266 Felicity, Happiness, Bliss. 31 Fervency, Warmth. 252 To Fetch, Bring. 312 Fickle, Inconstant, Changeable, Unsteady. 189 Fight, Combat, Battle. 25 Figure, Form, Fashion. 200 To Find, Meet with. 109 To Find out, Invent. 300 Fine, Delicate 308 Finesse, Stratagem, Artifice, Trick, Cunning, Device. 40 To Finish, Complete, End, Conclude. 7 To Finish, Cease, Leave off. 299 Finished, Perfect, Complete. 122 Flags, Colours. 306 Flat, Insipid. 342 Flesh, Meat. 152 To Fly, Avoid, Shun. 97 Fog, Mist. 274 Footstep, Track. 188 For, As to. 345 To Force, Oblige, Constrain, Compel. 203 Forgiveness, Excuse, Pardon. 45 Form, Figure, Fashion. 200 To Forsake, Abandon, Leave, Relinquish, Desert, Quit. 1 To Fortify, Garrison. 294 Fortune, Chance. 217 To Found, Institute, Establish, Endow. 216 Frankness, Plainness, Ingenuousness, Sincerity. 206 Frequently, Often 72 Fresh, Recent, New. 257 Frugality, Oeconomy. 210 Fuddled, Drunk, Intoxicated. 365 Furthermore, Moreover, Besides. 58 G. Gaiety, Joy. 301 Gain, Lucre, Profit, Emolument. 140 Gallantry, Love. 281 To Garrison, Fortify. 294 Gay, Merry, Diverting. 194 To Gaze, Stare. 82 Genealogy, Pedigree. 360 General, Universal. 87 Generosity, Liberality, Bounty. 213 Genius, Talent. 64 Genteel, Elegant. 275 Gentle, Tame. 133 To Get up, Rise. 285 To Give, Present, Offer. 209 Glib, Slippery. 356 Glory, Honour. 74 To Go back, Return. 146 Gold, Golden. 245 Good-Fortune, Prosperity. 29 Good-Humour, Good-Nature. 30 Government, Conduct, Direction, Management, Administration. 125 Graces, Charms. 340 Grave, Serious, Staid. 63 Great, Big, Large. 62 Great, Sublime. 260 Grot, Grotto. 317 To Grow, Increase. 284 To Guide, Conduct, Lead. 293 To Gulp, Swallow. 313 Gulph, Abyss. 84 H. To Handle, Feel. 266 Handsome, Beautiful, Pretty. 26 To Hanker after, have a Mind for, Wish for, Long for, Lust after. 139 Happiness, Felicity, Bliss. 31 Hard, Fast. 352 Harm, Hurt, Injury, Detriment, Mischief. 181 Hasty, Passionate. 118 To Hate, Abhor, Loath, Detest. 4 To Have, Possess. 24 Haughtiness, Disdain. 179 Haughtiness, Pride, Vanity, Presumption, Arrogance. 177 Hazard, Danger, Venture, Risk. 77 Head, Chief. 93 Headstrong, Obstinate, Opiniated, Prepossessed, Infatuated. 214 Heap, Pile. 89 To Hear, Hearken. 198 Heaviness, Weight. 204 Heavy, Weighty. 51 To Help, Succour, Relieve, Assist. 99 Herb, Plant. 283 High, Lofty. 324 Honour, Glory. 74 To Hope, Expect. 135 House, Expect. 135 House, Tenement. 250 Hovel, Shed. 272 However, Nevertheless, Yet, In the mean while. 175 Huge, Vast, Immense, Enormous. 69 Humanity, Tenderness, Benevolence, Benignity, Kindness. 27 Humpbacked, Crooked, Deformed. 121 I. Idea, Imagination, Thought, Notion. 147 Ill, Sick. 103 Illustrious, Famous, Celebrated, Renowned. 44 Image, Effigy, Statue. 208 Imagination, Idea, Notion, Thought. 147 Immediately, Instantly, Now, Presently. 184 Immense, Huge, Enormous, Vast. 69 Impediment, Obstruction, Obstacle. 94 Imperfection, Fault, Defect. 201 Impertinent, Impudent, Saucy. 363 Impossible, Cannot. 73 Impudence, Effrontery, Boldness, Audaciousness. 79 Impudent, Impertinent, Saucy. 363 In the mean while, However, Yet, Nevertheless. 175 In order to, To. 127 Incident, Event. 49 Inclination, Propension, Bias. 56 Inconsistent, Unreasonable, Absurd. 233 Inconstant, Fickle, Changeable, Unsteady. 189 To Increase, Enlarge. 10 To Increase, Grow. 284 Indigence, Poverty, Need, Want, Necessity. 28 Indolent, Lazy. 262 Ineffectually, In vain, To no purpose. 53 Infatuated, Prepossessed, Headstrong, Opiniated, Obstinate. 214 Influence, Sway, Weight. 136 Ingenuity, Cleverness, Parts, Abilities. 13 Ingenuousness, Plainness, Frankness, Sincerity. 206 Injury, Hurt, Harm, Mischief, Detriment. 181 To Enquire, Ask, Interrogate. 96 To Insinuate, Suggest. 196 Insipid, Flat. 342 Instant, Moment, 41 To Institute, Found, Establish, Endow. 216 To Instruct, Learn, Teach. 132 Insult, Affront, Abuse. 126 Intention, Design. 191 To Interrogate, Inquire, Ask. 96 Intimate, Acquainted, Familiar. 237 Intoxicated, Fuddled, Drunk. 365 Intrepidity, Resolution, Valour, Courage, Bravery. 116 To Invent, Find out. 300 Involved, Complicated. 344 Jaunt, Excursion, Ramble. 225 Joining, Union. 110 Joy, Gaiety. 301 Judgment, Discernment. 169 Justice, Right. 165 Justness, Precision. 288 K. To Keep, Detain. 343 Kindness, Benevolence, Tenderness, Benignity, Humanity. 27 Kingdom, Empire. 221 Knowing, Discerning. 157 L. Lampoon, Satire. 241 Language, Tongue. 364 Large, Big, Great. 62 Laziness, Sloth, Sluggishness. 180 Lazy, Indolent. 262 To Lead, Conduct, Guide. 293 Lean, Meagre. 315 To Learn, Study. 15 To Learn, Instruct, Teach. 132 Learned, Able, Skilful. 220 Learning, Literature, Erudition. 95 To Leave, Abandon, Forsake, Relinquish, Desert, Quit. 1 To Leave off, Cease, Finish. 299 To Lessen, Abate, Diminish, Decrease. 3 To Let down, Lower. 282 Letter, Epistle. 244 Level, Smooth. 154 Liberality, Generosity, Bounty. 213 Lie, Falsehood. 227 To Lift, Raise. 215 Light, Splendor, Brightness. 106 Likewise, Also. 304 Limits, Confines, Bounds. 32 Literature, Learning, Erudition. 95 Little, Small. 144 To Live, Dwell. 47 Load, Burden. 35 To Loath, Abhor, Hate, Detest. 4 Lodging, Apartment. 251 Lofty, High. 324 To Long for, Wish for, have a Mind for, Hanker after, Lust after. 139 To Look at, Behold, See, View. 81 Lot, Destiny. 218 Love, Gallantry. 281 Lover, In Love. 291 Low, Abject, Mean, Beggarly. 5 To Lower, Let down. 282 Lowspirited, Dull, Dejected, Melancholy. 166 Lucre, Gain, Emolument, Profit. 140 Lustre, Brilliancy, Radiancy. 107 Luxury, Voluptuousness. 230 M. Maggotty, Fantastical, Fanciful, Whimsical. 142 To Maintain, Protest, Declare, Affirm, Assert, Avouch, Swear, Aver, Attest. 18 Management, Administration, Conduct, Direction, Government. 125 To Manifest, Publish, Proclaim. 59 Manners, Mien, Address, Air, Deportment, Carriage, Behaviour 11 Manners, Customs, Fashions. 42 Mariner, Sailor, Seaman. 316 Marshy, Boggy. 327 To Mask, Disguise. 270 Matter, Subject. 269 Meagre, Lean. 315 Mean, Low, Abject, Beggarly. 5 Means, Ways. 71 Meat, Flesh. 152 To Meet with, Find. 109 Melancholy, Dull, Lowspirited, Dejected. 166 Merry, Gay, Diverting. 194 Methodical, Regular. 334 Middle, Midst. 326 Mien, Air, Address, Manners, Deportment, Carriage. 11 To have a Mind for, Long for, Wish for, Hanker after, Lust after. 139 Mine, My own. 367 Mischief, Hurt, Harm, Injury, Detriment. 181 Miserly, Niggardly, Covetous, Avaritious. 21 Misfortune, Disaster, Calamity. 123 Mist, Fog. 274 Model, Copy. 286 Modest, Reserved. 297 Moment, Instant. 41 Moreover, Furthermore, Besides. 58 To Muse, Think, Study. 278 Mute, Silent. 247 My own, Mine. 367 N. To Name, Call. 263 Near, Nigh. 368 Is necessary, Ought, Should. 57 Necessity, Need, Indigence, Want, Poverty. 28 Nevertheless, In the mean while, However, Yet. 175 New, Fresh, Recent. 257 Niggardly, Miserly, Covetous, Avaritious. 21 Nigh, Near. 368 To No purpose, Ineffectually, In vain, 53 No, Not. 259 Notes, Remarks, Observations. 113 Notion, Idea, Imagination, Thought. 147 Novel, Tale, Romance, Story. 171 Now, Presently, Immediately, Instantly. 184 O. To make Oath of, Swear. 338 Obligation, Duty. 46 To Oblige, Force, Constrain, Compel. 203 To Oblige, Engage. 303 Oblong, Oval. 273 Obscurity, Darkness. 265 Observations, Notes, Remarks. 113 To Observe, Remark. 145 Obstacle, Obstruction, Impediment. 94 Obstinate, Opiniated, Prepossessed, Infatuated, Headstrong. 214 Obstruction, Obstacle, Impediment. 94 Occasion, Occurrence, Case, Circumstance, Conjuncture. 163 Ocean, Sea. 228 Oeconomy, Frugality. 210 To Offer, Present, Give. 209 Often, Frequently. 72 Old, Ancient, Antique. 86 On, Upon. 8 Only, Alone. 280 Opiniated, Obstinate, Prepossessed, Infatuated, Headstrong. 214 Opinion, Sentiment, Thought. 115 Order, Rule. 333 Order, Regularity. 158 To Order, Bid. 174 Ordinary, Common. 197 Ought, Should, Is Necessary. 57 Outside, Appearance. 128 Oval, Oblong. 273 To Overcome, Subdue, Conquer. 52 P. Pardon, Forgiveness, Excuse. 45 Parson, Clergyman. 330 Parts, Abilities, Cleverness, Ingenuity. 13 Passion, Attachment, Devotion. 290 Passionate, in a Passion, Angry. 117 Passionate, Hasty. 118 Peace, Quiet, Tranquillity. 67 Pedigree, Genealogy. 360 Penetrating, Piercing. 167 People, Persons. 65 To Perceive, See. 130 Perfect, Finished, Complete. 122 To Permit, Tolerate, Suffer. 193 Perpetually, Continually, Always. 100 Persuasion, Religion. 243 Piercing, Penetrating. 167 Piety, Religion, Devotion. 219 Pile, Heap. 89 Pillar, Column. 238 Pity, Compassion, Commiseration. 355 To Place, Put. 168 Plainness, Sincerity, Frankness, Ingenuousness. 206 Plant, Herb. 283 Pleasing, Agreeable. 339 Pleasure, Delight. 223 Plenty, Abundance. 253 Polite, Complaisant, Well bred. 120 Poltron, Coward. 277 Portmanteau, Cloak-bag, Trunk. 332 To Possess, Have. 24 Power, Authority, Dominion. 137 To Praise, Extol. 264 Prebend, Prebendary. 361 Precision, Abstraction. 287 Precision, Justness. 288 Prediction, Divination. 347 To Prefer, Choose. 151 Prepossessed, Opiniated, Obstinate, Infatuated, Headstrong. 214 Prerogative, Privilege. 156 To Present, Give, Offer. 209 Presently, Immediately, Now, Instantly. 184 Presumption, Haughtiness, Vanity, Arrogance, Pride. 177 Pretty, Handsome, Beautiful. 26 Pride, Haughtiness, Vanity, Arrogance, Presumption. 177 To Proclaim, Publish, Manifest. 59 Profession, Trade, Business. 346 Profit, Emolument, Gain, Lucre. 140 Profitable, Advantageous, Beneficial. 80 Project, Design. 302 Proof, Trial, Experiment. 207 Prop, Buttress, Support. 16 Propension, Inclination, Bias. 56 Prospect, View. 271 Prosperity, Good Fortune. 29 Prudence, Wisdom. 108 Prudence, Discretion, Caution, Care. 38 Public-house, Ale-house. 226 To Publish, Proclaim, Manifest. 59 To Punish, Chastife, Correct, Discipline. 37 To Put, Place. 168 Q. Quality, Talent. 264 Of Quality, of Fashion. 112 Quarrel, Difference, Dispute. 102 Quick, Soon, Speedily. 182 Quick, Expeditious, Assiduous. 183 Quiet, Peace, Tranquillity. 67 To Quit, Abandon, Leave, Forsake, Relinquish, Desert. 1 R. Radiancy, Brilliancy, Lustre. 107 Rafter, Beam. 248 To Raise, Lift. 215 Ramble, Excursion, Jaunt. 225 Ray, Beam. 329 Ready, Easy. 341 To Receive, Take, Accept. 114 Recent, Fresh, New. 257 To Reconcile, Adjust. 311 Reform, Reformation. 153 Regard, Circumspection, Consideration. 39 Regard, Respect, Veneration, Esteem. 161 To Regard, Concern, Touch. 66 To Regret, be Sorry for. 335 Regular, Methodical. 334 Regularity, Order. 158 To Relieve, Succour, Help, Assist. 99 Religion, Persuasion. 243 Religion, Piety, Devotion. 219 To Relinquish, Abandon, Forsake, Leave, Desert, Quit. 1 To Remain, Stay. 48 To Remark, Observe. 145 Remarks, Observations, Notes. 113 Remedy, Cure. 178 To Renounce, Resign, Abdicate. 2 Renowned, Celebrated, Famous, Illustrious. 44 To Repeal, Revoke, Abolish, Disannul, Abrogate. 6 To Reprimand, Reprove. 348 Reserved, Modest. 297 Resident, Ambassador. 322 To Resign, Renounce, Abdicate. 2 Resolution, Determination. 85 Resolution, Constancy, Steadiness. 309 Resolution, Valour, Courage, Bravery, Intrepidity, 116 To Restore, Return, Surrender. 205 Retinue, Train. 162 To Return, Go back. 146 To Return, Restore, Surrender. 205 To Reveal, Tell, Discover, Divulge, Disclose. 60 To Revoke, Repeal, Disannul, Abrogate, Abolish. 6 Ridicule, Derision. 357 Right, Justice, 165 Rigour, Severity. 98 Riot, Uproar, Tumult. 55 To Rise, Get up. 285 Risk, Hazard, Danger, Venture. 77 Rivulet, Stream, Brook. 336 Road, Way. 70 Robust, Strong, Stout, Sturdy. 119 Rogue, Sharper, Thief. 190 Romance, Tale, Story, Novel. 171 Room, Chamber, Apartment. 249 Rough, Rugged. 328 Rule, Order. 333 S. Sailor, Seaman, Mariner. 316 Satire, Lampoon. 241 Satisfaction, Content. 224 Satisfied, Contented. 170 Saucy, Impertinent, Impudent. 363 Scandalous, Disgraceful. 296 To Scatter, Disperse. 256 School, Academy. 320 Sea, Ocean. 228 Seaman, Sailor, Mariner. 316 Sediment, Dregs. 323 To See, Perceive. 130 To See, Look at, Behold, View. 81 To Seem, Appear. 351 Sequel, Conclusion. 255 Sentiment, Opinion, Thought. 115 Serious, Staid, Grave. 63 Serviceable, Useful. 83 Servitude, Slavery. 239 Severe, Austere. 349 Severity, Rigour. 98 To Shake, Tremble. 359 Sharp, Sour, Acid. 232 Sharper, Rogue, Thief. 190 Should, Ought, is Necessary. 57 To Shun, Avoid, Fly. 97 Sick, Ill. 103 Sickness, Disease, Distemper. 104 Sign, Signal. 279 Silent, Mute. 247 Sincerity, Plainness, Frankness, Ingenuousness, 206 Situation, Condition, State. 111 Skilful, Able, Learned. 220 Slavery, Servitude. 239 Slippery, Glib. 356 Sloth, Sluggishness, Laziness. 180 Small, Little. 144 Smooth, Level. 154 Smothered, Suffocated, Choaked. 331 Sober, Temperate, Abstemious. 231 Sociable, Social. 229 Soon, Speedily, Quick. 182 To be Sorry for, Regret. 335 Sour, Acid, Sharp. 232 Spell, Charm, Enchantment. 36 Spire, Steeple, Tower. 242 In Spire of, Against. 78 Splendor, Light, Brightness. 106 To Stare, Gaze. 82 Statue, Effigy, Image. 208 To Stay, Remain. 48 Steadiness, Resolution, Constancy. 309 Steeple, Spire, Tower. 242 Storm, Tempest. 350 Story, Tale, Novel, Romance. 171 Stout, Strong, Sturdy, Robust. 119 Stratagem, Device, Trick, Artifice, Finesse, Cunning. 40 Stream, Current. 337 Stream, Rivulet, Brook. 336 To Strike, Beat. 276 Strong, Sturdy, Robust, Stout. 119 To Study, Learn. 15 To Study, Think, Muse. 278 To Subdue, Overcome, Conquer. 52 Subject, Matter. 269 Sublime, Great. 260 To Subsist, Be, Exist. 43 To Succour, Help, Relieve, Assist. 99 To Suffer, Tolerate, Permit. 193 Sufficient, Enough. 17 Suffocated, Smothered, Choaked. 331 To Suggest, Insinuate. 196 Support, Buttress, Prop. 16 Surge, Wave, Billow. 54 Surmise, Suspicion. 254 Surprize, Amazement, Astonishment, Wonder, Consternation. 212 To Surrender, Restore, Return. 205 Suspense, Doubt, Uncertainty. 164 Suspicion, Surmise. 254 To Swallow, Gulp. 313 Sway, Influence, Weight. 136 To Swear, Declare, Affirm, Attest, Avouch, Aver, Maintain, Protest, Assert. 18 To Swear, make Oath of. 338 T. To Take, Choose. 149 To Take, Receive, Accept. 114 Tale, Novel, Romance, Story. 171 Talent, Genius. 64 Talent, Quality. 264 Tame, Gentle. 133 To Teach, Instruct, Learn. 132 To Tell, Reveal, Discover, Divulge, Disclose. 60 Temperate, Abstemious, Sober. 231 Tempest, Storm. 350 Temple, Church. 68 Tenement, House. 250 Term, Expression, Word. 88 Thief, Sharper, Rogue. 190 To Think, Study, Muse. 278 Thought, Notion, Idea, Imagination. 147 Thought, Sentiment, Opinion. 115 To Tie, Bind. 134 Tired, Weary, Fatigued. 105 To, In order to. 127 To Tolerate, Suffer, Permit. 193 Tongue, Language. 364 To Touch, Concern, Regard. 66 Tower, Steeple, Spire. 242 Track, Footstep. 188 Trade, Business, Profession, 346 Trade, Traffic, Commerce. 159 Train, Retinue. 162 Tranquillity, Peace, Quiet. 67 Translation, Version. 267 To Tremble, Shake. 359 Trench, Ditch. 307 Trial, Proof, Experiment. 207 Truck, Barter, Exchange. 160 Trunk, Portmanteau, Cloak-bag. 332 Tumult, Uproar, Riot. 55 U. Uncertainty, Suspense, Doubt. 164 To Understand, Comprehend, Conceive. 199 Union, Joining. 110 Universal, General. 87 Universe, World. 75 Unpolite, Clownish. 192 Unreasonable, Inconsistent, Absurd. 233 Unsteady, Fickle, Inconstant, Changeable. 189 Up, Upright. 305 Upon, On. 8 Upright, Up, 305 Uproar, Tumult, Riot. 55 Useful, Serviceable. 83 V. In Vain, Ineffectual, to No purpose. 53 Vale, Valley, Bottom, Dale. 92 Valour, Resolution, Courage, Bravery, Intrepidity. 116 Value, Worth. 91 Vanity, Haughtiness, Presumption, Arrogance, Pride. 177 Variation, Change. 186 Variation, Variety, 187 Variety, Diversity. 101 Vast, Immense, Huge; Enormous. 69 Veneration, Esteem, Regard, Respect. 161 Venture, Risk, Danger, Hazard 77 Version, Translation. 267 Very, Extremely. 141 To View, Behold, See, Look at. 81 View, Aim, Design. 34 View, Prospect. 271 Vile, Bad. 268 Vision, Apparition. 129 Volume, Book. 138 Voluptuousness, Luxury. 230 W. Warmth, Fervency. 252 Wave, Surge, Billow. 54 Way, Road. 70 Ways, Means. 71 Weapons, Arms. 19 Weary, Tired, Fatigued. 105 To Weep, Cry. 358 Weight, Heaviness. 204 Weight, Influence, Sway. 136 Weighty, Heavy. 51 Well bred, Complaisant, Polite. 120 Whimsical, Fantastical, Fanciful, Maggoty. 142 Wide, Broad. 319 Wideness, Width. 370 To Wish for, have a Mind for, Long for, Hanker after, Lust after. 139 Wisdom, Prudence. 108 To Wither, Fade. 155 Wonder, Astonishment, Amazement, Surprize, Consternation. 212 Word, Expression. 258 Word, Term, Expression, 88 World, Universe 75 Worth, Value. 91 Y. Yet, However, Nevertheless, In the mean while. 175 FINIS. ERRATA. VOL. II. Page 4, line 4. for, includes, read, include, p. 17, l. 8. for, contributes, r. contribute. p. 28, l. 20. for, practices, r. practises. p. 58, l. 2. for, Paradise Lost, is very, &c. r. Paradise Lost, is a very, &c. p. 61, l. 3. for, differ in in their, &c. r. differ in their, &c. p. 108, l. 14. for, they continue, r. he continues. p. 120, l. 5. for, make us bashful, r. makes us bashful. p. 133, for, 319. r. 309. p. 148, l. 17. for, word before us, r. words before us. p. 209, Index, l. 3. for, 262. r 263. VOL. I. Page 60. for 261. r. 262. p. 61. for, 262. r. 263. p. 65. l. 5. for, 50. r. 51.—l. 17. for, 52. r. 51. p. 156, l. 13. for, 242. read, 142. p. 157. l. 18. for, 141. r. 143.