Francis Douce. THE LIFE And SURPRIZING ADVENTURES OF GILBERT LANGLEY, Formerly of Serle-Street, near Lincoln's-Inn, Goldsmith and Jeweller, and afterwards a notorious Sharper and Gamester; having ran away to Holland, with upwards of Twenty Thousand Pounds of his Creditors Money. Written by HIMSELF in Maidstone Goal, whilst under Sentence of Death, for robbing John Springate of Feversham, of three Farthings, on the King's Highway in the County of Kent. LONDON: Printed by J. Webb, opposite the Queen's-Head noar the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily. THE LIFE &c. OF GILBERT LANGLEY. T HE following Pages contain the Adventures of Gilbert Langley, Goldsmith, written by his own Pen. It is conceived, that a liker Picture cannot well be drawn than that which he has given us of himself, it is published chiefly for the Use of such as may resemble him in some Respects. Many would fly from Vice if they saw her Face all at once, and in Day Light; here she is, never was was she better known to any than to this Man, and he has sent her abroad in her own Cloaths. His Stile is the Stile of a Man of Pleasure, and was not altered, because it may be of Use to know what sort of Stile that is. Some People may perhaps fancy the reading such a Life dangerous, for their Sakes this Advertisement is prefixed. If they see young People make ill Use of it, let them set them right, let them bid these inconsiderate Folks make the Growth and Progress of Vice, from abusing Education to cheating a Father, to defrauding the World, from defrauding the World to downright Robbery, and so to the Gallows; an open broad Road, and his unhappy Journey makes the Stages for others, that they stop or ride back in Time, according to the old approved Maxim. Satius est recurrere quam currere male. Better return, than in an ill Road run. We commonly hear the young Spendthrists of our Times, discourse exactly in Mr. Langley's Language, and reason, or rather pervert Reason as he does. In such a Case, point out a similar Passage in this fine History of modern Gallantry, and put him in Mind of the Conclusion; tell him, which is a certain Truth, that Greenwich Rambles lead to Maidstone Goal, that Intrigues with Prostitutes in the Pleasure rather of a Goat, than of a Man, and that the Digressions from the Paths of Virtue, is walking for the Air in Tyburn Road, where you run more Hazards than one of Choaking. But to proceed to his own Account. Gilbert Langley, eldest Son of Holdenby Langley, an eminent Goldsmith in London, and Nephew to Sir Thomas Langley, Bart. was born Nov. 19, 1710; at three Years of Age he was sent down to his Grandmother's Seat at Peldersley in Derbyshire, under whose Care he continued till he was seven Years of Age, when his Mother growing impatient at his long Continuance in the Country, came down from London to setch him Home. No sooner had he received the Visits common on such Occasions, and recovered from the Fatigue of his Journey, but he was put to School to Mr. Adams in Red-lion-street, from whose prudent Instructions he in his tenders Years made so great an Improvement, that few or none in the same School were thought his Equals, and his Father unwilling to curb the promising Genuis of his Child, by the Advice and Consent of his Master, removed him from thence to the Charter-House, and thereby gave him a further Opportunity of exerting his natural Parts. Here in a short Time he began to read Virgil, Ovid, Horace, and Demosthenes, and had as great Knowledge of those Authors as his tender Years would admit. But such is the Misfortune of some of our English Schools, that the Masters, either to please the Parents, or indulge the Child, hurry their Pupils, from Class to Class without consulting whether they are sufficiently grounded in the first Rudiments of Learning, Hence it is, that so many Youths who have ran through all the Classic Authors, after a Year or two's Absence from School, are almost as far to seek, as if their Parents had not expended any Thing on their Education. Gilbert's Father being sully persuaded of this almost universal Error and Corruption in our English Schools, resolved to send him over to the Benedictine Monks at Doway in Flanders, there to have him brought up in his own Religion; but notwithstanding the great Disparity between a Foreign and English Education, was so fully proved by several of Mr. Langley's Friends, yet his Wife could not by Arguments, be induced to a Compliance in parting with her Child, preferring rather the Presence of her Son in Ignorance, before his Absence, in a Place where he was sure to have the fairest Opportunity of acquiring solid and useful Learning. Thus her Fondness triumph'd over her Reason, and she could not bear the Thoughts of a Separation from her Darling, who to please her, though to his own Prejudice, was continued at Home, till Providence, was pleased to take her away, and by that removed the sole Obstacle to the intended Progress of our young Student; for no sooner was his too-fond Mamma dead, and decently interred, but the Father, earnestly bent on his Son's Advancement, made diligent Search for a proper Person, to whom he might commit the Trust of his Son, until he should arrive at Doway, the Place designed for his future Education. Upon Enquiry, he found out Mr. Sturton, the Prior of the Benedictine Monks, who being come to London about some particular Business, was now returning to his Convent; with this Gentleman he agreed on an annual Sum for my Board, Learning, and all other necessary Expences, and it was agreed my Departure was to be as soon as possible. The Day been fixed, we met at the Cross-Keys, in Gracechurch-Street, where my indulgent Father, with reiterated Entreaties, sollicited Mr. Sturton, to a peculiar Care of his young Pupil, and after he had tenderly embraced me, with flowing Eyes, committed me to the Management of my new Tutor. For my Part, I readily consess, that being fond of Novelty, and having a roving Disposition, I was rather pleased than concerned at our Parting, and with Joy resigned myself to a new strange Guardian. In short, we lay at the Inn that Eight, and in the Morning took Coach for Dover, from whence (the Packet being ready to Sail) we embarked for Calais, and in a fw Hours, with a fresh and favourable Gale, we reached the wished-for Haven. My Tutor being intimately acquainted with Mr. Francia, (commonly known in England by the Name of Francia the Jew ) we lodged in his House, and were civilly and agreeably entertained by him for the Space of three Days. Now all Things appear'd to me very uncommon, and being unable to understand the Native Language, Manners, or Customs, I thought myself in a New World, asking several impertinent Questions of my Guardian, who well pleased with my Curiosity, and juvenile Observations, gave me such Answers as my tender Age was capable to understand. Now after Thanks to Mr. Francia for his kind Entertainment, we proceeded on our Journey, and the next Day arrived at St. Omers, where we spent the whole Day viewing the Curiosities of that Town, which I shall not presume to describe, being then but in the 12th Year of my Age; yet I cannot forbear taking Notice of the Cathedral of St. Bartin 's, an ancient and stately Structure, adorned with several curious Pieces of Painting, and embellished with numerous Ornaments; but what struck me most with Wonder and Surprize, were the Skins of a Toad and a Crocodile, each of an enormous Size, that were fixed to one of the Columns of the Church; but since there are so many various Reports, and omantick Fables devised by the Populace concerning the prodigious Dimensions of those Animals, and the Manner of their being discovered, I shall omit troubling my Reader any farther on that Head, since where I cannot give a full, true, and satisfactory Account, my Resolution is to be silent. Adjoining to this noble Cathedral, is a magnificent and splendid Convent, resembling more the Palace of a grand Monarch, than the Receptacle of Persons, who under the spacious Pretence of Religion retire thither; although in Reality, they much more fully iudulge their irregular Passions and inordinate Desires, than those who struggling in the tempestuous Ocean of the World, boldly expose themselves to all Dangers, and to the utmost of their Abilities, serve and glorify their great Creator▪ In this Convent are upwards of 150 Jesuits, and near 100 Students, who all pay the annual Salary of 25 l. Sterling, except twelve of them, who are upon the Pope's Foundation. My Guardian and I paid a Visit to the Prior, who entertained us in a sumptuous and elegant Manner, none being so profuse in their Entertainments as the Romish Clergy one among another. The next Morning we set out for Doway, where we arrived in the Evening, to the great Satisfaction and Comfort of the Benedictines, who with all possible Demonstrations of Joy, received their Superior, and (as I was afterwards informed) highly applauded him for the due Execution of his Commission, and commended his Diligence and unwearied Endeavours, in encreasing the Number of the Faithful. At the Expiration of three Days, which are usually allowed to young Sparks, to initiate themselves in the Forms and Precepts of the College, I was examined by three Reverend Fathers, and upon a strict Examination, was found capable of nothing higher than Alvarus's Grammar, and Caesar 's Commentaries, a plain Proof of the Vanity of some of our English Schools. But since my Readers may be curious, and willing to be informed of the Manners and Customs of our Collegiate Life, I shall for their Satisfaction give a true Account thereof. The annual Salary is 25 l. Sterling for an elder Brother, and 20 ditto for a younger; at our first Entrance we are divested of our secular Garb, and cloathed with a Cassock and a Gown, resembling in Form those of the Foundation of the Charter-House, which Dress, according to the ancient Rules of the House, is allowed to each Student new every Year. The Scholars are divided according to their different Abilities and Capacities into several Classes, each apart, to prevent Noise and Interruption, and over each Class presides a proper Master, whose Business is to instruct his Pupils in the Knowledge of such Authors as he thinks most proper and suitable to their Genius and Understanding. We were obliged to continue twelve Months in the same Study, that we may be entirely perfect therein, and during that Time, have Monthly Examinations, in which the most perfect is for his Encouragement to receive a Praemium from the Hands of the Prior, at the three several grand Examinations, that are held before the whole House; at Easter, Michaelmas, and Christmas. All (except those who are in the Accidence ) are compell'd at all Times, and on all Occasions to speak the Latin Tongue. We have a large Dormitory, where each Student has a Bed a-part, a Cale-factory, and at each End thereof, a large fire Place, though but small Allowance of Wood, having but one Faggot, and two Billets to each Fire, and that only in the Evening, which causes some of our young Sparks, sometimes privately, and sometimes by open Force, to break into the Wood-house, that stands in our Area or Yard. Our Refectory or Dining-Room, is large and commodious, and served with due Oeconomy, where each Scholar has the first Choice of the Portions of Meat, according to his Superiority in Learning. Our Diet is Bread and Butter every Morning, at Noon half a Pound of boil'd Meat, with a Porringer of Broth, and at Night, the same Allowance of Roast, with a Sallad, except on Fasts; but at Meals, we have as much Bread and Beer as we desire, although at all other Times, we are debarr'd even from a crust of Bread, or a Draught of Beer, which makes us Frequently convey out the same under our Cassocks, and sometimes like ravenous Wolves, make bold Incursions into the Kitchen, and there plunder and carry away all that we can meet with; but of this more hereafter. Over the Students, which are never less than fifty or threescore, a Prefect is appointed by the Prior, who ought to be a Person of great Sagacity and Discretion, for to his Care the Direction of all the Scholars (when out of their respective Schools) is committed; he hears all Debates, settles all Controversies, and appeases all Quarrels that arise amongst his Pupils; his Business is to call them at five in the Morning, as well in Winter as Summer, he rings the Bell to Prayers, at their Meals says Grace, and orders one of the Scholars in his Turn to mount the Pulpit, and read the Martyrology, during the Time of Repast, whilst he himself stands at the upper End of the Refectory to keep Silence, and prevent any Confusion or Irregularities, that might otherwise happen among such Boys. Hours of Study are from Five till half an Hour after Seven, the other half Hour being allowed for washing and breakfast Time; at Eight we go to School, at Eleven to Prayers, at Noon to Dinner, at One to Study, at Two to School, at half an Hour after Four to Play, at Five to Study, at Six to Supper, and afterwards to play if in the Summer Time, or in the Winter to our respective Seats in the Calefactory. None dares presume to go into the Town without the Prefect's Leave; we have a capacious Area or Yard, wherein is a Terras Walk, and a Place very proper for the Exercise of Hand-Ball, in which we strove to surpass each other. At Christmas the Scholars are allowed to chuse a King to promote Pastime, and all the great Officers of his Court; which occasions a great deal of Diversion. On Twelfth Night, the King sends his Ambassadors to invite the Prior, and some of the Grandees of the House, to an elegant and costly Supper, to which none except the great Officers of State, are admitted; all the rest being then in waiting, and receive, as his Majesty's Bounty, what comes from his Royal Table. For my Readers Satisfaction, I shall mention an odd Accident that happened to me, whilst I had the Honour of serving in Quality of an Ambassador. On the Eve of the Epiphany, I received an Order to take three of the Lords of the Bed-chamber, and go about two Miles out of Town to a Publick-house, and there to purchase four Gallons of Brandy for the abovementioned Entertainment. As I could speak the French Language, I soon executed the Commission, at a far more reasonable Rate than I could possibly have done in the Town, there being a large Duty on the Import of any Spirituous Liquors into the Garrison, and that farm'd by a Comis, or Officer, that hath his Myrmidons constantly attending at the Entrance of the Town Gate, who search all comers in; but it being usual to let the Students of different Colleges pass and repass, without Hindrance or Examination, we thought ourselves secure from any Danger that might arise on that Head; so after our Bottles were filled, we sat down in the House, and drank a Glass or two to refresh ourselves; but, as ill Fortune would have it, a Soldier coming into the same House, privately took Notice of our Bottles that stood on the Table, and went to the Searcher's Office, and gave Information that four Students of the Benedictine Monks, were going to convey Brandy into the Garrison. We were entirely ignorant of the private Information that he had given, and therefore in a merry Mind, paid the Reckoning, and returned homeward with the Liquor under our Cassocks, when, to our great Surprize, as we were going in at the Gate, we were stopped, the Brandy found upon us, and we secured in the adjoining Office, till they had called a File of Musqueteers to conduct us to the head Comis's House for further Examination. I had then a Pistole in my Pocket, and knowing the mighty Force of Gold, offered it to the Searchers for our Enlargement; but they were inflexible, and therefore any one may judge, what Horror and Confusion we were in, at the approaching Danger. In short, as we marched along with the Guard of Soldiers, the Inhabitants wondered what Crime such Youths could be guilty of, that had thus exposed them to publick Scandal and Shame. Some pitied our Misfortune, and others condemned our Folly, but by a lucky Accident, we met with two Irish Franciscan Fryers, who enquiring of the Serjeant the Cause of this unusal Treatment, reprimanded him severely for his Folly, in carrying us to the Officer of the Customs, and at the same Time advised him to conduct us to our own College, and inform the Prior of what had happened, it being properly his Business to answer for the Misdemeanors and Trepasses of all Students under his immediate Care and Direction. This sage Advice of the Fathers, prevailed on the rigid Officer, who conveyed us safe to our own Convent and asterwards made his Report to the abovemention'd Officer, who next Morning sent to demand four hundred Florins of the Prior, the usual Forfeiture, or Fine imposed for the infringement of his Dues and Privileges. Our Prior was startled at this exorbitant Demand, and absolutely refused to give the least Satisfaction, which so exasperated the Comis, that he resolved to prosecute us with the utmost Rigour. Hereupon the Prior consulting the Sages of the Law, was advised to quiet the impending Storm, and bring this unlucky Accident to an amicable Composition, which was accordingly effected on the Payment of one hundred Florins, and a further Promise that none of his Pupils should ever be guilty of the like Offence. The March following, another Misfortune happened to me that had likely to have proved fatal, and of greater Consequence than the former, which was as follows: John Hussey, William Etherington, George Pigot, John Racket, William Brown, and myself, formed a Conspiracy against the Peace of the Common-wealth, and by a mutual and solemn Engagement, were fully determined to make an Irruption into the Kitchen, and there plunder all that we could meet with. The Night before the Execution of our Plot, we, by the Help of Gimblets, had secretly bored two Holes in the Kitchen Door, that leads to the Refectory, and fixed two Pieces of Packthread, blacked on purpose to prevent their being observed, to the Bolts that fastened the Door on the Inside; this Scheme, though artfully managed, was perceived by one of the Scullions, who immediately gave Notice thereof, to the rest of the Servants, who judging our Intent, armed themselves with Bludgeons, and resolv'd to dispute the Entrance into their sooty Kingdom against all Invaders. They likewise furnished themselves with a dark Lanthorn, either to descry the Number of the Assailants, and loudy complain against such publick Acts of Rapine and Hostility. No less diligent were we to execute our Intent, and having provided ourselves with lusty Cudgels, and a Chissel to open the Refectory Door, between the Hours of twelve and One, we began to attack the Garrison; first with little or no Noise, forced open the Door, and gained an easy Entrance into the Kitchen Passage by the Help of those Cords we had fastened to the Bolts of the said Door that guarded the Entrance. We now thought ourselves secure, and found in the said inlett into our intended Port, two large Barrels of Raisins, with the Heads of them open; this unexpected Prize overjoyed us, and we immediately fell to plunder, and filled a large sack that we had brought with us, to carry away our Booty; but to our great Astonishment, we were suddenly saluted with repeated Blows on our Heads, Backs, and Shoulders, from different Quarters laid heavily on us, by the numerous company of Servants, that were fully bent to retrieve their lost Reputation, and make us Prisoners of War. We straitway quitted our Prize, and fell Pell-mell on the Enemy, with true English courage, and Bravery, and returned their blows so briskly, that they began to give Ground, which so redoubled our Ardour, that we drove them out of their Fortifications, into the open Garden, belonging to the Religious; where finding themselves unable to withstand our Fury, they immediately set up a great cry, calling out, Laroon, Laroon, which is in English, Thieves, Thieves, and the Shoemaker, who was one of the Gang, stretching forth his dark Lanthorn, looked stedfastly on us; whereupon Hussey knocked it out of his Hand, tho too late, for he already knew us, and their Out-cry by this Time having alarmed the House, we were obliged to make a precipitate Retreat, and endeavour to regain our Quarters before the Perfect's Arrival, which was happily effected, and we all in our respective Beds, pretending to be fast asleep; but this Artifice would not pass on him, for we not having Time to Undress, our Cassocks were not as usual spread over our Bed-cloaths, and he thereby easily discovered us. The next Morning we were summoned before the Grand Prior, where the poor battered and bruised servants made a most pitious complaint of their barbarous Treatment, vowing that they would all leave the House, except they had ample Satisfaction for the Injury done them. The Prior taking this Affair into his consideration, rightly judged, that if he countenanced snch open Acts of Theft and Hostility, that none would ever serve in the Convent, and that it vastly derogated from his character, whose Office was to maintain Peace and good Tranquility throughout his Jurisdiction, and therefore he pronounced this harsh, tho' just sentence, that we should for this unparallel'd crime, be expelled the college, as an Example to deter others from the like notorious Offence. We were now like criminals under Sentence of Death, none caring to converse with us, least they should be suspected to be infected with our wicked and perverse Dispositions. However, as Mercy is sometimes extended to the most abandoned Wretches, we all (except Brown ) by great Itnerest, and the characters our Masters gave of our being Youths of a promising Genius, were reprieved, and once more on promise of our future good behaviour, again admitted into Favour. Notwithstanding this unexpected clemency, we could not suppress our Resentment, at the Expulsion of our old confederate Brown, but vowed to revenge the Injury and Injustice that we thought was done to our former companion, in the most secret Manner that possibly we could; and therefore we had frequent Debates and consultations how to bring about our intended Project. At last, the following Method was unanimously resolved on. In our Area stands the Wood-house, to which the Scullion (the Informer of our first Attack) usually came every Day with a Wheelbarrow to fetch Wood, between the Hours of four and five in the Afternoon, for the Use of the Kitchen. We therefore provided ourselves with a cloak belonging to one of the minor Students to prevent Suspicion, ready against his Entrance, to surprize him in the following Manner. There was a Ladder standing in the Yard, by the Help of which, we privately got in at the Window, and hid ourselves behind the Faggots, and there with Impatience waited his coming, having, in the mean Time, well provided ourselves with smart Switches, to lash the bare Bumb of our inveterate Enemy. No sooner had he opened the Door, and began to load his Barrow, but the Cloak was thrown over his Head, and fastened with a Cord round his Neck, so that being blinded, he was uncapable to discover who was the Foe, or make any Defence to prevent his intended Punishment. In short, we first shut the Door, to prevent his Cries being heard, then knocked him down, let down his Breeches, and paid his bare Buttocks in Turns, 'till we were all weary▪ Nor were his hideous Cries, or loud Invocations of his Tutelar Saints, able to abate our Rage, or defend him from the severe Punishment, that we were in Honour bound to inflict on this Delinquent, as a Retaliation, and Satisfaction for the Disgrace of our former Companion. No sooner was this bloody Flagellation, or Scourging ended, but the Bell rang to Study, and we left the poor unhappy Wretch alone to bemoan his dire Misfortune, and vainly vonjecture who were the Persons who had thus irreverently prophaned their Characters, and went in a decent Manner to the Musaeum, where we took our respective Seats, as innocently in Appearance, as if nothing had happened, though well pleased in our Conceits at the good Success of what we had so long and so earnestly wished for. The Scullion had no sooner freed himself from his Hood-wink, and recovered his lost Sight, but he ran crying out, le Diable, le Diable, with the utmost Speed into the Kitchen, and there after having recovered his Breath, recounted the dismal Story to his Fellow-Servants, who were all amazed, and sorely affrighted lest the same Devils should unexpectedly surprize and punish them for the said Offence. However, when the pannic Fear and Terror they were in, was something abated, they in a whole Posse, with the injured Party at their Head, went to the Prior, and loudly exclaimed against the Insult and barbarous Treatment of their Countryman, by those Bougre de Chiens, or English Dogs, as they were pleased to call us, his Students. The Prior calmly heard their just Accusation, and faithfully promised them, in Verbo Sacerdotis, to redress their Grievances, and inflict condign Punishment on those who should be sound guilty of this villainous and unpardonable Act of Cruelty. Accordingly he came into the Musaeum, and cast a piercing and observant Look over all the Scholars, hoping thereby to discern by their Countenances, who were the guilty Persons; but as the most sagacious and cunning, are sometimes deceived, so was he. All his Artifices proved ineffectual, and therefore, he with Reason good, as we were formerly prov'd guilty of a Misdemeanor, positively charged us with the Fact, and called us one by one, into a private Room, for further Examination; but we, who were alway true to each other, absolutely denied that we either directly or indirectly, were privy to, or knew any Thing of what we were thus charged with: And I, for my Part, to clear myself and Co-partners in the Crime, swore by the Holy Cross of Christ, that then stood on a Table, in the Room, that we were no ways accessary, or concerned in the Commission of this horrid Villainy, and in Confirmation thereof on bended Knees, kissed and embraced the same. This solemn Protestation had its desired Effect, and the Prior being thoroughly satisfied with this frank and unprecedented Manner of acquitting ourselves, afterwards treated us with more than usual Marks of his Civility and Esteem. Nor was it ever known during my Stay in the College, who were the Authors of the abovementioned Riot, Affairs being thus happily accommodated, all Things seemed to bear the chearful Air of Joy, Peace and Tranquility, and I plyed my Studies so very diligently, that for the two following Years, I had the Honour to receive the annual Praemiums, given for the Encouragement of the industrious Student. Now the Eyes of the whole Synod was fix'd on me, of whom they had great Hopes, if they could by any Means or Arguments induce me, to relinquish all Thoughts of a gay and secular Life, and embrace a religious Monastical State, and to accomplish this their Design, they treated me in a Manner different from that used towards the rest of my Contemporaries, and by their artful and engaging Behaviour easily persuaded me to promise that, with my Father's Consent and Approbation, I would accept of the Habit, and add one more to the Number of the Faithful. But mark how Providence, by an unexpected and unforeseen Accident, subverted and frustrated wha they with so much Art had endeavoured to obtain. As by the Benevolence, and kind Indulgence of my Father, I was constantly supplied with Money, I frequently went into the Town, partly for my Recreation, and partly to improve myself in the French Language, which I was very desirous to become Master of, and therefore one Thursday in the Afternoon, which is always a Holyday with us, I asked Leave of the Prefect for me and my Companion, Roger Meynel, to go out and walk on the Ramparts. The Prefect being vexed at some Disappointment or other, was in a sullen morose Humour, and theresore denied our Request. Exasperated at this unexpected Denial, we determined Nolens Volens to accomplish our Intent, and thus resolved, we boldly went out at the Convent-Gate, into the Town, and from thence to a Tavern, where we gave a loose to Pleasure and revelled at large, till we were weary and intoxicated with Liquor, and then to sober ourselves we stagger'd about an Hour on the Ramparts; not unobserved by many, and from thence we reel'd Home, but had the Wit to steal privately to Bed: When the Bell rang to Supper, we being missing, were enquired for; however, Answer was made by some of our Friends, that we were taken ill and gone to Bed. This Excuse pass'd for two or three Days, till a Gentleman who knew us, came to visit the Prior, and informed him in what a scandalous, foolish Condition we had been observed on the publick Ramparts, which so highly incens'd our Governor, that after several Reprimands, he ordered us both to be smartly slogg'd. I was then in Poetry, and therefore was so highly exasperated at this Insult, that I resolved to lay aside all thoughts of any further Progress in my Learning, and therefore betook myself to a sullen and continued Silence, which I strictly observed for near a Month, and no Persuasions were able to alter my perverse Disposition, till Father Howard took me to task, and by his winning Affability, prevail'd on my sullen Temper. This Gentleman indulged me with the free Use of his Chamber, where I spent my leisure Hours with the umtost Pleasure in the Perusal of his Books, and was highly delighted with his ingenious Remarks and Observations, on such Authors as best suited my Genius, and heightened the natural Conceptions of my growing Capacity. Thus having relinquished all Desires of coming to England, I closely followed my Studies, and having ran through all the Classicks, I proceeded to Philosophy, pass'd through my Dialect of Logick, and was just entring upon a Course of Metaphysicks, when an Order came for my immediate return Home. This unexpected News greatly surprized the whole House, and the Prior with my Consent wrote to my Father, in the most moving Terms, urg'd the future Advantage I should reap by a full Conclusion of what I had so happily began; but all his Endeavours were in vain, for the old Gentleman remained inflexible, and once more sent a positive Order for my Removal, and also for five Guineas for my Return Home. Thus having bid adieu, and taken my last Farewell of the Religious, and all my Fellow-Students, with Tears in my Eyes, I took Coach to St. Omers. We had not drove above a Mile or two out of Town, but my gloomy Melancholy was dispers'd and dissipated, by the Sprightliness and Alacrity of my Fellow-Travellers, consisting of two French Officers and three Ladies. The Thoughts of a College Life, were now turned into Gaiety and Pleasure, and I was emulous to outshine the Officers in Point of Complaisance to my fair female Companions. At Night we arrived at St. Omers, where we had an elegant Supper, and spent the Evening with the utmost Mirth and Delight. The Ladies being excused from any Part in the Reckoning, according to the Custom of France. From thence I took Post to Calais, and lodged at the Sign of the Ville des Londres (or the City of London ) where I met with several English Gentlemen and Ladies that were waiting a Passage to England. Next Day having a Letter of Recommendation to my old Friend Mr. Francia, I went and din'd with him, who generously offered me the free Use of his House during my stay at Calais ; but pleased with the Variety of diverting Company at my Inn, I modestly declined his courteous Offer, because thereby I had a greater Freedom of indulging my juvenile Follies and Extravagancies. The Wind continuing N. W. for near three Weeks, no Vessel could stir out of the Harbour, wherefore my Money being almost exhausted by this unexpected Delay, I was obliged to make Proof of Mr. Francia's Friendship, who procured me a Passage on board the Mary Sloop, Capt. Hawkins, who quartered at the same Inn with me and the rest of the Company, who were all his Passengers. At last the Wind chopping about to the Southward, we all embark'd, cast of from the Key, and had a pleasant Passage to Gravesend, where we went ashore, and supped at the Faulcon Tavern and drank plentifully; but here I confess I sat on Thorns, for having expended all my Money, I was at a great Loss how to discharge my Share of the Reckoning. At last I assumed an Air of Boldness, and putting my Hand in my Pocket, asked the Gentleman that sat next to me, if he would favour me with Change of a Pistole, telling him that I had no English Coin; the Gentleman replied, Sir, a Crown is at your Service. I humbly thank'd him and readily accepted the pleasing Proffer, which was sufficient to discharge my Dividend of the Reckoning; highly delighted at my good Luck, and the generous Treatment of a Stranger. At last we arrived at Tower-stairs, and having returned many Thanks to the abovementioned Gentleman, and gave him Directions where my Father liv'd, I took my leave of the rest of the Company, went ashore, and call'd a Coach, and order'd him to drive to Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. My Father was standing at his Door, but scarcely knew me, habited like a Frenchman, and dressed Alamode de Paris, till at last recovering himself from his Surprize, he took me into the Parlour and there tenderly embraced me. Numbers of the Neighbours came to compliment me on my safe return Home. Sometime after I had refreshed myself, the good old Gentleman asked me, what Course of Life I was willing to embrace, for my future Support and Maintenance. I proposed the Study of the Law, or Physic, both which the rejected, and I at last by his earnest Sollicitations, was bound Apprentice to him. Mr. Thomas Gilpin, (my Fellow Apprentice) having then about one Year and a half to serve, my Father made use of this Opportunity, of giving me a further Education, and more suitable for the Transaction of Public Business than the former, and therefore he sent me to Mr. Yeate 's Academy, in Chancery-Lane, there to be perfect in Arithmetic. He likewise provided me a French Master, who daily came to instruct me in the Theory of that useful Language, of which before I had nothing but the practick Part. In the Evening, I went to a German Limner, in Craven-Buildings, there to learn that noble and ingenious Science of Drawing, so vastly beneficial in all the Stages of human Life. Thus for a considerable Time, my Thoughts were wholly intent on the Pursuit of the abovementioned Accomplishments; till by Degrees falling into Company with some other gay Sparks▪ I grew weary of my habitual Exercises, and soo found that my weekly Allowances was not sufficient to furnish out those frequent Excursions. and Irregularities, that my unlimitted Desires urged on and excited by lewd Company, often subjecte me to, and therefore I privately began to pilfer (though at first with an Intent to repay) from th several Quantities of old Silver, that were brough into the Shop, and was grown so expert and cun ning in this my villainous Practices, that neithe my Father, nor Mr. Gilpin, ever suspected me t be any Ways concerned in such base wicke Practices. One Summer's Evening being sent with a Bag of Plate to a Gentleman's House in Grosven r square, as I crossed Covent Garden, I cha ced to meet with a beautiful Lady, well dressed and gay, who by her airy Appearance, seemed to be a W oman of the Town; this Nymph, so struck me at the first Sight, that I resolved at all Events to follow her Home, which as it happened was not far off that Part of the Town, being the usual Residence for those of her Stamp. In short, seeing her go into a House, I thought myself secure, and went to a neighbouring Publican's, where calling for a Quartern of Brandy, by the Description of my fair Charmer, I soon found that that was the usual Place of her Residence and Abode. However, having then a Charge of Plate, and being in a Dishable, I durst not presume to gratify my ardent Desires with my fair Phillis for the present, but resolved at all Events to visit her, the Sunday following, and therefore I discharged my Trust and went Home. Her lovely Form, filled my Soul, and therefore all my earnest Care and Study was, how to raise Money sufficient to indulge and gratify my eager Wishes in the Possession of those Charms, with which I was so passionately enamour'd. Now Fortune, by the following unexpected Accident, gave me an Opportunity to furnish myself with a Sufficiency to execute my amorous Exploit. My Father according to Custom, being gone to smoak a Pipe after Dinner, I was left alone in the Shop, and knowing that he would not return in less than an Hour, I thought this a proper Time to execute my intended Project; then going to his Desk, to my great Joy and Surprize found the Key in it, and willingly embracing this favourable Opportunity, opened the Desk, and took seven Guineas out of the three several Bags, least that Sum, if taken out of one, should be missed, and I suspected of the Fraud. No sooner had I put the Money in my Pocket, but I called up the Maid to look after the Shop, whilst I went backwards and hid the Money, least perchance I should be discovered, and the Cash found upon me. But the old Gentleman who never kept any regular Account thereof, never missed it, and I the Sunday following, having dressed myself to the best Advantage, put three Guineas of my stolen Treasure into my Pocket, and about three in the Afternoon went to visit my lovely Goddess. Her Apartment was up one-Pair-of-Stairs, well furnished, her Attendant an old superannuated Curtezan, worn out in the Wars of Venus, who in a snuffling Tone, asked me what I would please to have? I briskly reply'd, your Lady. Sir, says she, please to walk in, and she will be here immediately. I obeyed the old Hag's Command, and seated myself in the Dining Room, where the old Bawd fatigued me with the fulsome and impertinent Discourse, concerning her former antiquated Amours, and desired me to treat her with a Glass of Wine; I readily consented, and flung down two Shillings for a Bottle; presently after, in came my Phillis, I arose, and paying my Respects, civilly saluted her. She returned the Compliment, and seating herself by me, with a pleasing Air of Gaiety, and careless Negligence, orders her Servant to put on the Tea Kettle. Her Discourse was melting and amorous, which so raised my youthful Vigour, that unable any longer to oppose the mighty Force of Love, with eager Haste, I conducted her to the Bedchamber; but not willing so soon to quit the Company of my Darling, I proposed a Supper at the Fountain Tavern, in Katherine-street, and she readily yielded to my Request. But it being Summer-Time, and a fine Day, I handed her to the abovementioned Place of Rendezvous, but was (to my Sorrow afterward) observed and taken Notice of by my Father, who watched my Motions, and saw me go into the said Tavern. Nevertheless, for some secret Cause unknown to me, he avoided my Sight; and I wholly intent on my amorous Dalliances of Love, never so much as saw him, nor had the least Suspicion of his being privy to my secret Amour. In short, we had an elegant Supper, Arrack Punch, Jellies, and other Provocations to Lust, and about Three in the Morning I discharg'd the Reckoning, satisfied my mercenary Nymph for her Attendance, and well pleased with this my first Entrance into this new Scene of Life, went Home, little thinking how dearly I should pay for so trivial and transitory a Pleasure. The next Day my Father called me to him, and with an angry and frowning Countenance, asked me where I had been Yesterday in the Afternoon, and what induced me to keep such unreasonable Hours? I replied that I had been at Church, and afterwards in Company with two or three of my Companions. Mr. Gilpert, says he, I know your Tricks, and therefore think myself in Duty bound to chastise, and restrain your libidinous Excesses, by a timely and severe Punishment; so taking me down into the Cellar, he made me strip, and there scourg'd me very heartily with a Horsewhip, and afterwards ordered that I should not be admitted again to his Table, until by my future and good Behaviour, I had amply atoned for my former past Offence. But this harsh Treatment had not the desired Effect; for being banished from my Father's, I dined with the Maid, and my Desires daily waxed more fierce and ardent; wherefore to appease the Rage and Torrent of Lust, I made a vigorous Attack on the Servant, who neither armed with the Shield of Modesty or Virtue, made a faint Resistance, and soon rendered herself a Victim. Nor was I wanting in Generosity to my new and pretty. I cannot omit to tell you, that one Day having bought a Pair of Gold laced Shoes for my Chloe, (my Father being out) I called her up into the Parlour, and shut the Shop Door. Madam, said I, saluting her; please to accept of this Trifle, and with it the Heart of your Admirer. This, I presume, is a Proof of your being sole Mistress of my Esteem and Affections, which I shall always maintain fixed and unalterable. Chloe well pleased with the Present, fondly caressed me, which so fann'd the amorous Flame, that notwithstanding my Father's expected immediate Return, or any one's coming about Business, I hasten'd to enjoy her. But as the Devil would have it my Father knock'd at the Door, at which Confusion and Shame o'erspread my Countenance. However, Chloe had the good Fortune to get off unperceived by him, who seeing the lac'd Shoes standing on the Table, said, Pray whose are these? methink they are very gay. I replied, Sir, a Lady of whom I bought some Silver Lace, desir'd she might leave them here till her return. This Answer as I plainly perceived was not satisfactory to the old Gentleman, who ever after kept a stricter Eye both on my Conduct in Point of Honesty, and Behaviour towards the Maid; wherefore I grew more cautious and artful in tricking him of Cash, and more vigilant and circumspect in the Pursuit of my Amours, till having by Hypocrisy, and a well dissembled good Behaviour, reinstated my self in the Love and Esteem of my Father. I was again admitted to his Table, and all former Flights of Youth buried in Oblivion, till one Sunday Night coming Home drunk, and finding no body there, but the Maid, I out of a Frolick, toyed with her on the Kitchen Floor, but by ill Fortune was again surpriz'd by my Father, who contrary to Custom opening the Shutters of the Kitchen Window, saw me engaging in the amorous Combat. The Wench and I were both ignorant of this unexpected Discovery, and he for that Night took no Notice thereof; but the next Morning he called up the Maid, whom he immediately discharged, and severely reprimanded me, vowing by all that was good and sacred, that if I ever was guilty of the like Impudence, he would totally discard, and turn me like a Vagabond out of Doors; and furthermore to prevent such Disorders in his House, he hired a grave, sedate Matron, and who (as he thought) was past the Follies and Dalliances of Love; but as there can be no Reason assigned for that bewitching Passion, o neither the wrinkled Furrows of her aged Face, nor the Vigilancy of my Father, were able to restrain my furious and ardent Desires of enjoying that living Sepulchre; but as Youth and Age are as opposite as Fire and Water, so the cold and feeble Embraces of this antiquated Dame, serv'd only to allay and quench my lustful Ardour, which reillumin'd by the various and pleasing Objects of the Town, therefore in the Bloom of vigorous Youth I pursed the willing Fair ones, who tho' like the Apples of Gomorrah, they appear beauteous and alluring without, yet are their Insides both rotten and pestilential. I soon grew tainted by their poisonous Infection, for the Cure of which, I secretly apply'd myself to an able Surgeon, who religiously kept my Secret, and faithfully discharged his Trust with Honour and Integrity. One Evening being in Liquor, as I crossed Drury Lane, I was saluted by a Female, who in a soft and engaging Voice said, Come my Dear, won't you give me a Pint of Wine, and as Bacchus is the constant Companion of Love, I replied, Yes, my Angel; so in I carried her to the Feathers Tavern, up Stairs we went, and I called for a Bottle of Wine, when as soon as we had drank a Glass or two a-piece, I grew passionately fond of my new Prize, which she observing, and seeing me disguised in Liquor, resolved to make her Market, and therefore insisted upon Half a Crown before Hand; I condescended, and foolishly gave it her, but was then no nearer the Point I aim'd at than before: Well said she, give me the other two Shillings and Sixpence, and you shall be feasted, which I had no sooner parted with, and was preparing for the wanton Engagement, but upon a Stamp that she gave with her Foot, in rush'd four more bold Viragoes, who seizing me, held my Hands, and rifled my Pockets, swearing that if I offered to make a Noise, or cry out, that they would charge me with a Constable, for attempting to abuse them. At the Word Constable, I was sorely affrighted, fearing I should be exposed, and my Father become acquainted therewith; wherefore I seemingly condescended to what I could by no Means prevent. When they had robbed me of every Thing valuble except my Cloaths, they swore they would strip me, if I did not call for a Bottle of Arrack, wherefore to prevent the impending Ruin, that would have proved my total Overthrow, I readily submitted to their Imposition, and ringing the Bell odrered the Drawer to bring in my Forfeit, (for that was the Term they ordered me to make use of;) no sooner was the Bottle out, but the she devils disappeared, and left me alone to bemoan my unfortunate disappointment. In short, I went to the Bar, and loudly complained of the ill Treament I had met with, but it availed nothing, for the Landlady insisted on her Reckoning, and said, Sir, I know nothing of the Women, they came in with you, had you applied to me for a Lady I should have provided you one, and been accountable for her Civility and good Behaviour; at length finding it in vain to dispute, I left my Waistcoat to satisfy her Demands, and went Home much sobered by the Fright and Surprize that I had been in. Sometime after this, standing alone at the Shop Door, an old Woman came and gav me a Letter sealed with a Thimble, (a Mark peculiar to fallen Women) I opened it, and found by the Scrawl, that it came from the Maid whom my Father had formerly discharged on my Account; the Contents were, that she was big with Child, and expected in a Fortnight or three Weeks to be brought to Bed; and therefore if I was willing to screen myself from Shame and Disgrace, I must take Care, pursuant to the Directions in the Letter, either to come and see her, or else send a constant supply during her lying-in; but that if I failed to comply with her request, that she should through necessity be forced to expose me. I was not a little startled at this sudden, and, as I thought, unreasonable demand; however, I gave the Bearer half a crown for her use, and sixpence for her own trouble in bringing the unwelcome letter, with a promise shortly to visit my Molly, and ease her under her misfortunes; but as the old saying is, Out of sight out of Mind, I forgot my promise, but she strictly observed hers, for in less than three Weeks she swore the bastard to me▪ and I was taken into custody for the same. Hereupon I immediately wrote to my father, who came and passed his word to see the affair compounded, which he in three days time, upon the payment of 15 l. with the utmost secrecy effected. This was a standing memorial of my folly, and therefore to blot out the remembrance of it, I seemed vastly uneasy and shagrined, insomuch, that my father took notice thereof, and kindly compassionating my anxious troubles, and disquietude of mind, gener ously forgave the offence, and promised never to reflect on these my former f ights of youth. Having thus freed myself from this scandalous reflection, I pursued my former pleasures, and being in high esteem and credit with my father, I artfully altering the figures and current of the cash book, amassed together a considerable sum, which I hid in the cellar, making use thereof on extraordinary occasions. My reigning favourit s were Molly St. Gerrge, Phebe Player, and Sally King, with whom I indulged myself in all libidinous excesses, as often as time or opportunity would permit. Being now almost grown to man's estate, and my father was taken very ill, and obliged to keep his bed, and therefore the whole charge of the business lay upon my hands, and to do myself justice, (during the time of his sickness) I faithfully discharged the great trust reposed in me; honour, gratitude, and filial duty, gaining the ascendant over the base allurements of a depraved nature. Now the good gentleman dying, left me a large fortune, and a shop well stocked with abundance of plate, jewels, and other valuable effects, as also a set of worthy gentlemen for my customers, who (to their onour and credit be it spoken) discharged their debts due to the deceased, and continued their favours to me his unworthy son. My father nominated three Executors, viz. Francis Cunning, Esq Mr. Richard Lacon, and Mr. Thomas Gilpin, who all unanimously agreed, that I, altho' under age, should carry on the business, and Mr. as an Overseer and observer of my behaviour in this new scene of life, boarded with me in the house. Now the goddess of fortune seemed to shower down her favours on me, and my trade daily encreasing, I found it absolutely necessary to hire a journeyman, and a boy to run on errands. I now totally relinquished all thoughts of extravagancy, abhorred and detested my former vicious course of life, and therefore for my instruction and amusement, I furnished myself with a select library of books, and was so constant and diligent in my business, that it was the received and general opinion of the town, that young Langley would in a few years gain a plentiful estate; and had I been so happy as to have maintained the prudent and discreet Oeconomy that I observed at my first launching out into the world, I had certainly verified those candid conceptions that the town in general had conceiv'd of me; for in the first year that I followed business, upon the ballance of accounts, I found myself 700 l. gainer by my trade, and that more likely to encrease than diminish, if I trod those paths in which I had so wisely began. But alass! what is so prevalent on youth as bad example, disguised under the false pretext of paternal care, and inviolable friendship. M. (whom I mentioned before) was the only acting executor, wherefore to please him was all my earnest care and study; now this gentleman having imprudently entrusted me with my brother's fortunes, which were 1000 l. on the payment of 5 l. per cent, I naturally grew fond of his company, and made him a present of a gold watch and chain, thinking thereby, more firmly to rivet myself in his affections, and wholly engage him to my interest; and by my artful and engaging behaviour, I won so insensibly upo him, that (laying aside the respect and awe du to a guardian) he not only reposed an entire confidenc in me, and never examined into the state of my affairs but chose, nay even insisted on my being his companion and partner in his frequent debauches, which by the continual repetitions so vitiated my former principle that the young goldsmith was soon metamorphosed in to the pro use prodigal and spend thrift. Thus having none to awe and restrain my unboundless and unlimited desires, I soon became a profest rake, and whoremaster; I cannot forget one night, being in company with and having drank very plentifully, I proposed to conduct him to the apartments of one of my favourite ladies; he seemed highly pleased with the proffer, and took coach and drove to madam's lodgings, who being a well bred woman, entertained us in a courteous and obliging manner: The old gentleman was soon captivated with her charms, and burn'd for enjoyment, which I observing, called her aside, and said, Madam, the gentleman is my uncle, and therefore I desire you would oblige him, and me also, in the request I am now going to make you; she, with a smile consented; whereupon, I ordered her, whilst the fumbler was in the vain pursuit of delight, to pick his pocket of some notes that I knew he had about him. She faithfully performed her promise, and afterwards gave them into my Hands. Shortly after this, she and he (after several attempts to do, what in reality he could not effect) returned into the dining-room, little thinking of the merry trick that had been put upon him. To be brief, we staid till about three in the morning, then calling a coach, went home. The next day, recollecting himself where he had been, and missing his bills, called for me, and acquainted me with his loss, and that he suspected that, that damn'd painted whore had stolen them from him. I seemed to be in a passion, and sware, that I believed she would scorn so base an action, but that for his satisfaction, I would go and enquire into the matter, and at the same time let him know, that if she had them, she would insist on a handsome present on the delivery of the same; damn her, says he, give her two guineas, and place them to my account. Thus the old gentleman paid the forfeit due to his folly, and Mrs. Morris and I revelled the ensuing night at his cost and charge. This imposition gave the old fool such a distaste and abhorrence to the female prostitutes, that after I had returned him his notes, he solemly vowed and declared never to converse with any of them for the future. Sometime after, (as the Biter is Bit at last) a Gentleman well dressed, stopt at my Door in a Coach, and coming into the Shop, complimented me on my Father's Decease, and expressed the great Value and Esteem he had for him, and that upon his Account he was willing to continue his Favours, for the Encouragement of me his Son. I humbly thank'd him for his Civility, and told him, I should strenuously endeavour to maintain the good Repute, and fair Character of my deceased Father, by a strict Adherence to his Principles of inviolable Honour, and Integrity. He, full fraught with Deceit, seem'd highly pleased with my Reply; and therefore, as a seeming Promise of his Friendship, bespoke 150 l. worth of Plate, and after he had given me the Impression of his Coat of Arms, from a Seal that hung to his Gold Watch, said, He should be glad to take a Glass of Wine with me. I was proud of the Honour, and we went to a neighbouring Tavern, where drinking plentifully, he took the Opportunity, whilst I was elevated with Liquor, to propose a Lady to me in Marriage, who (altho' deform'd) he said, had 50,000 l. Fortune; and further more he added▪ that she was under his Tuition, and Direction of his Spouse; and that if I pleased to come down to his Country Seat, he would engage to gain her Consent, and bring her to a very speedy Compliance. This artful Bait had its desir'd Effect, for I now not only look'd on him as a good Customer, but as a worthy Friend, and therefore I invited him to Dinner with me the next Day, and he in return engaged me to sup with him the next Evening at his Lodgings in Tavistock-Street where an elegant Entertainment was provided. The Chambers were richly furnish'd, and illuminated with Wax Candles▪ in silver Candlesticks, and Sconces, in the same Metal; two Footmen in lac'd Liveries waited at Supper, and every Thing augmented the Opinion I had already received of his being a Gentleman of a large and plentiful Estate. About Twelve I took my Leave of him, and the next Day gave Orders for getting ready his Plate as soon as possible, which being done, he in about a Week's Time came to me; I shew'd him the Plate, with which he was extreamly pleased, and highly commended the curious Workmanship thereof; and said, Sir, Come let's take a Bottle before we part, for to Morrow Morning I must go to my Country Seat. I with Pleasure yielded to his Request, and whilst we were in the Tavern, he pull'd out his Pocket-Book, and gave me a Note on a Vintner in Bartholomew-Close, for 150 l. payable in three Weeks; saying, Sir, This I presume is the same to you as ready Cash; but please for your own Satisfaction, to send immediately and enquire into the Character of the Man▪ I readily obey'd his Order, and finding by the Account I receiv'd from my Servant, that the Vintner was a Person of a fair Character; upon his Endorsement of the Note, I accepted it in full Payment for my Goods, and sent the Plate pack'd up to the Gun Tavern at Billingsgate, pursuant to his Order; neither did I forget to take a Direction where he liv'd in the Country, but promised, as soon as possible to visit my intended▪ wealthy Bride. In short, we parted, and I went Home quite blown up with the aspiring Thoughts of raising my Fortune at once and making a splendid and gay Appearance in the World; but as I lay one Night in my Bed, ruminating on the imaginary Possession of the Nymph, who (like the Goddess of Riches) was to load me with her Favours a sudden Thought eclipsed my Joys, perhaps (says I to myself) I am deceived, and this great Fortune like Fary-land, as soon as seen disappears, wherefore I resolv'd to send to my Neighbour (a cunning and artful Man, whose Veracity and Integrity I had often experienced) the next Day down to the Gentleman's Seat, with Orders to make a private Enquiry in the Neighbourhood, of the Truth and Reality of what my seeming Friend had given me so fair an Expectance of. Accordingly I gave him two Guineas, and loaded with Instructions, he departed. I was now rack'd with alternate Hope and Fear till his Return, which was in three Days Time, when he ingeniously told me, that after the utmost Search and strictest Scrutiny it was possible for Man to make, he could not find out, or even hear of any such Gentleman or Lady that ever lived or resided in that Country. This was shocking News to me, and I reasonably conjectured, that since I was deceiv'd in my Mistress, there was also some Fallacy in the Note he had given me in Payment for my Goods; but since I had accepted the same, I knew no other Remedy but to wait with Patience, till Time should bring to Light the Fraud, and discover the whole Villainy. As I judged, so it happened, for on sending my Servant with the Note, after three Days Grace to demand the Money, the Vintner was gone, and his House shut up. Highly incens'd at this base and scandalous Trick I vowed revenge on the pretended Gentleman, and resolved if possible, at all Events, to lay him by the Heels, and make an Example of him, to deter others from the like Falshood and Treachery. About a Fortnight afterwards, a Gentlewoman came to my Shop, and desired to speak with me in private; I led her into the Parlour, where she immediately burst out into Tears, and for some Time, could not utter a Word, till being recover'd from her Disorder, she said, Sir, I am ruin'd and undone for ever, that Villain has imposed on my Husband's Credulity, and under a Pretence of raising him 450 l. by the Discount of his Notes, to keep his Payments good with the Wine-Merchant, has obtain'd three Notes of Hand of him for 150 l. each, which he has paid away, and applied the Money to his own Use. This (I confess) at first startled me, but upon a further enquiry, I found that her husband was the same person on whom I had the abovementioned note, endors'd to me by the said Anthony G , the sham gentleman, and my pretended friend; so commiserating her deplorable circumstances, I not only promised not to trouble her husband, but also to use my interest and endeavour with the other gentlemen (my fellow sufferers in the fraud) to engage them to a compliance, in granting Mr. M , her husband, a letter of licence for three years. Highly satisfied with this ganerous proffer, and a farther assurance of my resenting the injury and injustice done both to myself and her by Mr. G , she humbly thank'd me and departed, leaving directions with me where to find her husband. Next Day, according to my promise, I went to the Gentlemen, who being of tender and human Dispositions, were easily brought to an Accommodation, wherefore sending for M , and an Attorney, we agreed on Terms to the Satisfaction of all Parties. But one Day walking along Fleet Street, near St. Dunstan's, a strange Gentleman came up to me, and asked me, whether my Name was not Langley, I replied, Yes. Sir, says he, have you not a Demand on one Anthony G ? Yes, Sir, quoth I, well then said he, we'll step into the Bull Head, and there I'll inform you further of the Matter. So in we went, where he told me, that he had G Dead-set, and that if I would give him one Guinea, he would engage to have him in close Quarters in less than an Hour, Overjoyed at this News, I freely granted him his Demand, and told him that I would wait there till his return; but had I been as good as my Word, I should have staid there till now, for I never saw him afterwards. This second Bite exasperated me more than the former, and I resolved if ever I caught G , to make him pay for all. Wherefore I employed a brisk and expert Attorney to hunt him out, and promised to be accountable for all Charges in the Execution thereof. At last, I took the Villain, and clapt him into the Marshal-Prison, where he obliged me to sue him to an Execution, and there he remained during the whole Time that I continued in Trade. Some Time after this, I became acquainted with a Vintner, near Gray's Inn Gate, in Holborn, with whom I contracted such an Intimacy that very Evening I paid a Visit, and he was foolishly fond of Horse Racing, Cock Fighting, Hunting, and the like expensive and costly Pastimes, and Diversions, and being a constant Attendant at Newmarket Seasons, kept a good Gelding for that Purpose. Being daily at his House, he often sollicited me to accompany him thither, and greatly enlarged on the Grandeur of the Assembly, and the Variety of Recreations and Amusements that presented themselves, for the Delight of the curious Spectators. At last, I yielded to his Request, and furnished myself with a good Saddle Horse, and other Jockey-like Accou rements, suitable to the Humour of such vain and giddy Fools, who neglecting their proper Employments, endeavour to shine in a Sphere of Life, that renders them the Scorn and Contempt of Men of Fortune. Newmarket is seated in a Bottom, and hath nothing to recommend it, but the extravagant Imposition of the Inn-keepers, occasioned by the numerous Concourse of hair-brained Fellows, that swarm like Ants in a Mole Hill, whilst the rascally Grooms, under Pretence of letting them into th Secret, pick their Pockets, and run away with thei Money. In the High Street is a Coffee House, a commo Receptacle for N and Sharpers, Thieve and common Tradesmen, who pass the Evening Hazard, where the Noblemen looses his Estat the Tradesmen his Cash and Credit, whilst th others laugh at their Stupidity, and enrich themselves by their Downfall. Early in the Morning the Heath swarms with Horses and Dogs, as th Land of Egypt did formerly with Locusts, when every one pursues the Bent of his Inclinations, generally comprised under the three following Classe some Hunt, some Course, and the rest stand ga ing at the Race Horses, taking their Mornin Sweats, who are so swaddled up, that were the not a distinct Part of the Creation, any reasonab Man would take them for so many Egyptian Mu mies raised from the Dead, to scamper upon th grassy Turff, for the Benefit of the Mornin Air. About Twelve each Troop hastens to its Ba racks, like Oxen to Smithfield, on a Market Day where the mercenary Grooms are looking out sha for new Faces, to wheedle themselves into a go Dinner, and striving to out do each other in lying pretending to give you as true a Genealogy of t Race of Horses, as an Antiquarian of Wales cou of Owen Tudor's Family. About Three in t Afternoon, the Horses are led upon the Cour where the whole Company assembles at the Devi Ditch, and there till Four, they are as noisy a busy as so many Stock Jobbers, or Jew Brokers Exchange Alley, a little before the Drawing of a State Lottery. A little after Four, at the solemn Beat of a Drum, the Horses start, and the whole Host, like a Company of wild Arabs, in a confused and promiscuous Rout, scour after them without Rhime or Reason, and at the Turn of the Lands, set up as hideous an Out-cry, as a Parcel of naked Wenches discovered bathing in a River; some damning the Riders, and others the Horses, for losing the Heat, whilst the Winners laugh in their Sleeves, and pay as much Reverence and Homage to the Victor, led into the Town, as the Indians do at present to any of their most celebrated Pagods. Here it was that I first caught the ruinous Itch of Gaming, which was ever after so prevalent, that I could not see a Box and Dice, but I was as fond of the Gewgaw as a Child is of a Rattle, and at first (as the old Saying is, the Devil is kind to a young Gamester ) I won upwards of 700 l. and had the Wit and Discretion to carry it off; but this was but a glimmering of life, that vainly buoys up the departing Patient, before the fatal approach of Death; for in less than six Months, I doubled the Loss of my former Gain, and by my too frequent Extravagancies, now found my Circumstances in a melancholy Posture, and my Substance vastly impaired; however, I play'd my Cards so artfully, that none of my Creditors ever suspected me in the least guilty of so much Imprudence and Folly. One Day being at my Friend the Vintner's House, he called me aside, and desired me to take his Niece to my Service; I readily condescended, and giving my old Servant a Month's Warning, prepared for the Reception of the new one, whom, on her Uncle's Account, I always used with the utmost Civility and good Manners. In short, after she had been with me a Month, I discovered something so innocent and modest in her Behaviour, that so insensibly stole upon me, that in despite of my vicious and inordinate Desires, her Virtue so awed and restrained my villainous Intentions, that for some Time, I durst not approach her but with the utmost Respect and Modesty, till one fatal Night to her, coming Home a little elate with Liquor, I called for a Bottle of Wine, and desired her Company to partake of it; she with a Blush modestly excused herself, which rather heightened than diminished my Passion; and therefore I insisted on her Compliance with my friendly Request; she consented, and I took this favourable Opportunity to acquaint her with my sincere Love, and Esteem; then turning the Discourse to an amorous Scene, gave her to understand, by a double Entendre, the Meaning of my foul Design. Whether her amorous Star had then the Ascendant, I soon read her approaching Destiny, who was then upon the Point of being ruined by me, without any Regard to my former Esteem for her, or the Friendship I had long professed to her Uncle; such Is the Worth of a Man given up to Lust, and of such Value his Friendship. My own House, which before seemed to me a Prison, was now changed into a perfect Elysium▪ and I neither knew, nor wished for any greate Bliss, than the Pleasure of my never to be forgotten Clarinda's Society, for she disdained all mercenary Ends, and was far more deserving of being the legal Partner of a Marriage Bed, than Mistress of a lawless Love, that sometime or other would prove her Ruin. In short, had I been so happy and prudent, as to have made her my Wife, I am well assured, that the Union of the sacred Knot, would have exempted me from various Inconveniences, that destable Poverty and horrid Want in the Sequal exposed me to. During the Heat of my Amour, I had several advantageous Offers of Marriage proposed to me, which I declined for the following Reason, viz. That the Parents or Friends of such young Ladies that were actually in a Capacity to bestow on them large Fortunes, insisted on proper Settlements for their Daughters, and also an exact Scrutiny into my Affairs, which although by my artful and deceitful Conduct, appeared to be in a flourishing Condition, yet if nicely examined into, there was nothing to be found, but the Ruins, and poor Remains of a shattered Fortune; for by this Time I had obtained a considerable Credit from several Merchants in Jewels, and by the punctual Payment of my Bills, my Notes passed as current as those of the Bank, and I confequently was reputed a great and eminent Trader, particularly in that most advantageous and profitable Part of Business; but alass! to my Sorrow, I only fulfilled the old English Proverb, Robbing Peter to pay Paul; for under the specious Pretence of disposing of the abovementioned Goods to Persons of Quality, I secretly pawned them to those, who out of a sordid Lucre of Gain, and an avaracious Desire of more than legal Interest, supplied me with what Cash I required, and by their Indiscretion and Folly, in relyiag on my Integrity, suffered them to be greatly imposed upon by me, who frequently borrowed larger Sums on those Goods, than what I had contracted to pay for them. By this Means I had always a large Quantity of Money at my Command, and thinking this Artifice would always pass undiscovered, I liv'd more like an Heir apparent to a great Estate, than a wary and industrious Tradesman. Assemblies, Opera's, Masquerades, Plays, and Country Journies, were now my only Delight, and my sole favourite Companions, such young Gentlemen, who were either in the full Possession of large Estates, or in a fair Expectation of the same. I can't omit, that two of these young Sparks and I, having made an Agreement to pass a Fortnight or three Weeks at Greenwich, for the Benefit of the Air in the Summer Season, we quartered at the Greyhound Inn there; when one Evening over a merry Bottle, a Proposal was made to patrole through the Town in quest of Ladies of Pleasure, which was readily agreed too by all Parties; but finding none there either handsome enough or fitting for our Purposes, I immediately proposed to return to London, and bring down three of the best of that Stamp, that I could find were willing to indulge themselves with the Diversions of a Country Life. My Companions highly applauded my Design, and I took a pair of Oars, which presently wasted me to Temple-Stairs, where as soon as I landed, I went in Pursuit of my Game, and being well known to the Porter at the Rose in Covent-Garden, to him I apply'd for the Execution of my Design. The Porter went directly out, whilst I called for a Pint of Wine, to wait for his Return, who in about half an Hour's Time brought three wanton Lasses well dressed, and not disagreeable; I arose, and saluting them, said, Ladies, please to seat yourselves; my Business is to acquaint you, that your Company is desired for a Fortnight or three Weeks at Greenwich, where you may be assured to be treated in the most courteous and polite Manner; for the Persons that you will have to do with, are Gentlemen of Honour, and therefore if you approve of my Proposal, please to provide yourselves with such Linnen and Apparel as you shall think proper for your Use, during your Residence in the Country, I'll remain here an Hour longer; so Ladies, if ye are willing, go and prepare yourselves for the Journey. They unanimously agreed, and dropping a Curtisie at their going out of the Room, returned with their Baggage within the Time appointed. I called a Coach and drove to the Temple Stairs, where I took a Pair of Oars, and landed at Greenwich, but not without the repeated Insults of opprobious Language, commonly used by the Vulgar on the Thames ; however, my Female Companions verified the Latin Adage, Nemo me impune lacessit, and returned their Scurrility with as smart and satyrical repartees, as if they had served a seven Years Apprenticeship to any of the most celebrated Fishwomen at Billingsgate. I looked upon myself now as an Eastern Monarch, bearing as absolute Sway in my floating Seraglio, as the Grand Seignior ever did in his sumptuous Edifice at Constantinople. In short I conducted the Ladies to the Greyhound Inn, where my Companions were with Impatience, waiting for my Return. Upon our Entrance into the Room, they civilly complimented the Women, and we being all seated, I said, Gentlemen, I presume I have answered your Expectations, and honourably discharged my Trust, please therefore to take the first Choice, and the Nymph that hath not the Honour to please either of you, shall be the Co-Partner of my Bed, and be taken under immediate Care and Protection. This generous Offer augmented their Delight, and each Pyramis chose his favourite Thisbe. Now nothing was to be seen but perfect Harmony, and an uninterrupted Scene of Joys, the Gods of Love and Wine, by alternate Possession, resided in our Hearts, nor were the Sylvan Deities exempt from participating the mutual and transporting Pleasures that we fully possessed, in the shady Retirement of the adjacent Park; but those soft and endearing Caresses of our amorous Goddesses, by reiterated Repititions, grew dull and infipid, and we cloy'd and wearied with the continual Performance of daily Sacrifice to the Cyprian Dame, resolved to put a merry Trick upon the Ladies, and leave them in the Lurch. One Day after we had dined, we desired them to go and walk in the Park, and we would follow immediately and order the Tea-kettle, and other Necessaries, to be brought up with us thither. They seemed well pleased with our Request, and readily obeyed, whereupon we called our Landlord, and paid him his Bill, and then crossed the Water to the Isle of Dogs, where we spent the Remainder of the Day in Mirth and Jollity, highly diverted that we had bilked the Prostitutes of their expected Fare. They walked in the Park a long Time, and seeing no Appearance of us, or the Servant of the House, returned to the Inn, and on Enquiry, finding that we were gone, (as the Landlord told them by our Order) to London, they quarrelled with each other for their Folly, in complying with our Request, before they had had Satisfaction for their Ware; but finding it in vain to trifle away their Time in railing and scolding to no Purpose, they hired a Pair of Oars for London and as ill Fortune would have it, our Boats both met ver-against Cuckolds Point ; they immediately set up a Cry, that both alarmed and surprized us, the Female Virago's were for boarding, but we sheered off as fast as we could, and encouraging our Watermen to make Way, we in spite of our Adversaries, kept about sour Boats Length a-head of them, but were forced to bear the Lash of their Tongues, till we got within three or four Yards of the Landing Place of the Temple, and then we jumped ashore, making the best of our Way to one of the Gentlemen's Chambers, to prevent the Scandal and Disturbance that would have ensued, had they come up with us. Sometime after this, a married Gentleman of my Acquaintance, desired me to accompany him and his Spouse to Greenwich, to which I readily assented, being glad of the Opportunity to make knownn my Affections to Miss Jenny, their Chambermaid, we stopt at the Gun Tavern at Billingsgate, and put three Bottles of Wine into the Boat, to animate our Spirits, and excite Mirth and Gaiety in our Passage to the intended Port. The Gentleman asked me, if I could recommend him to an Inn? Yes, Sir, I replyed, and the best in Town, where I have been very civilly entertained, the Landlord knows me perfectly well, and I'll engage that you and your Lady shall be accommodated to the utmost of your Desires; and as for Miss Jenny, says I, in a jocose Manner, I'll recommend her to a brisk young Fellow, that's worth Money, though he serves as a Drawer in the House; Jenny blushed, the Lady laughed, and my Friend drank a brave Bumper to the good Success of this new Amour. In an Hour's Time we landed, and I led the Way to my Inn the Greyhound, where the Master expressed a great Satisfaction in seeing me, and returned me Thanks for the Favour I did him, in recommending his House. Here we ordered a Supper, and I took an Opportunity, whilst Jenny was in the Kitchen, to let her know how passionately I loved her, and by a stedfast Observance of her Eyes, found that my Proposals were not disagreeable; wherefore I holdly urged her to yield to my Embraces, could it be managed with Secrecy; whereupon I faithfully promised to contrive the Matter with so much Privacy ond Cunning, that none in the House should have the least Occasion to dream or suspect any Thing of our Amour. With this solemn Assurance of Secrecy, confirmed with a Volley of Oaths and Imprecations, Jenny consented, and the only Difficulty remaining was, to engage the Chambermaid to be faithful to her Trust; wherefore I immediately took her aside, and sliding half a Gui into her Hand, imparted my Design to her, who promised to perform her Part to my Satisfaction. At Supper we were exceeding merry▪ amd I was highly pleased at the Conceit of my new Favourite, when we ogled each other as the Figures in an old Suit of Hangings. The Hour of Repose drawing igh, my Friend called to the Chambermaid to shew him a Room with two Beds in it, one for himself and Spouse, and the other for Miss Jenny, who (the Lady being big with Child) was de ired might lie in the same Chamber with them; but it was all in vain, for the artful Hussey, well vers'd in Intrigues, with an hypocritical Cant and Smile, declared, that would the Gentleman give her fifty Pounds, she could not oblige him with that Favour, for all the Rooms (except those reserved for our Lodgings) were taken up and engaged. The Gentleman being an easy credulous Person, believed what she said was true, so ordering her and Jenny to light them to bed, took his Leave of me for that Night. As soon as they were gone up Stairs, I called for a Bottle of Wine, and sat smoaking my Pipe with Impatience, waiting the Return of my Mistress, who as soon as she had undressed her Lady, and put her to bed, came and sat down by me, and presently after in came my true and faithful Confident, whom I desired to sit down and bear us Company. When the Bottle was out, I desired her to shew us to our Room, and bring a Cool-Tankard with her up Stairs. The Chamber we lay in was up two Pair of Stairs backwards, and commodiously contrived for the like Intrigues, for there was two Doors to it, and a private Pair of Stairs, unknown to any but us, and the People of the Inn; so that supposing the Gentleman had had any Suspicion, and should have attempted (if he had known my Apartment) to surprize us, it was morally impossible that he should succeed in his Design, for as I locked the Door fronting the great Stair-case, before we went to bed, so I could easily have concealed my Doxy, by turning her out at the private Stairs; but, poor Gentleman, he, I suppose, had something else to think on, for although Jenny and I lay together during our whole Stay there, neither he or his Spouse ever imagined any thing of the Matter. In about ten Days we returned to London, where I visisted him as usual, and by private Billets appointed my Charmer at the Blue Posts without Temple Bar ; she was truly observant to my Assignations, managed her growing Burthen so artfully, that although she lay with the other Maid, yet neither she, nor her Lady, for a very considerable Time, observed that she was with Child, till at last unable to conceal▪ her public Shame any longer, she quitted her Service, and took private Lodgings, from whence she daily plagued me with fulsome Letters stuffed with Nonsence and Love, with which (being pretty well cloyed) the Remembrance of her former Embraces was grown not only grating but loathsome. However, rather than to suffer her to lay the Child to me, I appointed her a Meeting, where to acquit myself with Honour, I gave her a Purse of Guineas, and there took my final Leave of her, neither have I ever heard of her since, nor would the Gentleman or his Lady have been acquainted with this our Amour, had I not now published it to the World. But notwithstanding these Excesses, Clarinda, by Merit claimed the greatest Share of my Affections; and being acquainted with all my Follies and Extravagancies, she often with an engaging and persuasive Air, represented the dismal State of Want and griping Penury, which she clearly foresaw must be the future Issue of my profuse and licentious Manner of Life; and as often with repeated Assurances of real Love and sincere Friendship, warmly pressed me to desist, and leave my vicious Courses; but all her Tears and amicable Admonitions prov'd abortive, and unable to curb and restrain me in the full Career of my lawless Passions, that blindly hurried me on to my utter Ruin. However, to do her Justice, although she knew the Parties of whom I had borrow'd considerable Sums of Money, and doubtless might by a Discovery of my Affairs, been amply rewarded by them; yet so extensive was the Generosity of her Soul, that she disdain'd so vile and sordid a Practice, and detested and abhorred such mean and mercenary Views. Sometime after this, I went to Windsor, with my particular and worthy Friend Capt. L , his Spouse, and a young Lady a Relation of his. We were very merry in our Journey, and during our Residence there, we enjoyed all the Diversion of a rural Life, for having a▪ Coach and four at Command, we took the Benefit of the Morning Air in the Park, and her Grace the Dutchess of Marlborough, being then in London, we frequently visited her Lodge, celebrated for its curious and inimitable Pieces of Painting; and in the Afternoon drove to the antient College of Eton, fam'd for Learning, and so eminent in the Numbers of bright and ingenious Gentlemen, who are deservedly deem'd the Pride and Glory of their Country; Nor was the Castle unobserv'd, that noble and magnificent Structure, so much honoured with the Presence of our ancient Monarchs, and greatly ornamented and embellish'd by various and bizarre Figures, form'd in different Shapes, from Numberless Arms, by the ingenious and artful Contrivers. Here is also a beauteous Terras, commanding a delightful Prospect of all the adjacent Country, and from whence the curious Spectators are gratified with a View of the stately Cathedral of St. Paul's in London. Love and Gallantry were now the fole Topicks of our Conversation, and the young Lady being single, I made honourable Proposals of Love to her, with which neither she, nor the Captain or his Lady, were in the least displeased. In a Fortnight's Time we returned to Town, and stopped at the St. Alban's -Tavern in St. Alban's-Street, where we ordered a Supper and the Footman to bring the Arms that we carry'd into the Country for our Safeguard and Defence into our Room. After Supper, we drank plentifully, and Wine growing more potent than Reason, the Captain (for variety Sake) would kiss my fair Companion, whereby I thinking my Property infring'd opposed his Intent, upon which Words arose, and the Pistols lying on a Marble Slab in the Room, we each of us hastily snatch'd up one of them, and presenting, attempted to give Fire; but were providentially disappointed in our Design, by the Diligence and Care of the Footman, who had unloaded them, well knowing the capricious Temper of his Master, when disguis'd in Liquor. The Ladies were sorely affrighted at this surprizing Rencountre, and skream'd out, at which the Landlord and his Drawers came in upon us, and seeing us (for we had thrown down our Arms) hard at it with our Fists, parted us, and calling two Coaches sent us home to our respective Habitations. Next Morning when I awak'd, I was ignorant of what had happened, and about Eleven the Captain came to see me, then we went to take our Mornings Draught, when, upon saying what News, Sir? News, quoth he, my Wife tells me that you and I were going to murther one another last Night, on Miss B 's Account, but I declare upon Honour, that I knew nothing of it, and since it was a mad Frolick, I'll engage the young Lady to be at my House this Evening, and shall expect your Company there likewise. I punctually obey'd his Orders, and we spent the Evening very agreeably, all Strife and Contention gave Place to Mirth and Gaiety: We ask'd the Ladies Pardon for putting them in a Fright, which they readily granted, and Miss B , with a pleasing and jocose Air, added, that she had conceiv'd a much better Opinion of herself than she ever had before, since two such Gentlemen, at the hazard of their Lives, had contended for her Favours; whereupon bowing we returned the Compliment, and it now growing late, I waited on Miss Home. All Night I was no more Master of my own Person, but pass'd the tedious Night rack'd with alternate Hope and Fear. The next Evening, I sent for the Captain to the Queen's-Head Tavern in Holhorn, and there (to ease my Torment) disclos'd my ardent Passion; he Gentleman-like, in an open and free Manner told me that her Fortune was but small, and that too, in the Hands of those who he feared would not, without Difficulty, surrender it. However, said he, if you are upon honourable Terms, I'll use my interest to bring Miss to a Compliance. Sir, says I, I should think myself undeserving of that Frieudship you always professed for me, should I even presume to entertain the least Glympse of a dishonourable Thought for a young Lady any ways releated to your worthy Family. Hereupon the Captain well pleased with my generous Reply, told me where her Uncle lived, and in a friendly Manner advised me to apply to him, who being a Gentleman of Fortune, if he approved of my Proposal, would inevitably compel her Guardians to pay her Fortune upon the Marriage Day. Pursuant to my Friend's good Counsel, I went to he Uncle and to him opened the whole Affair, who seemed very willing for the Match, and promised his Friendly Assistance, for the Recovery of her Fortune. Nothing now remained, but the usual Ceremony of a ew Days Courtship, and therefore I, with free Consent and Permission of her Friends, visited her daily; but as the old Saying is, many Things happen between the Cup and the Lip, for this young Lady had a younger Sister, who for the first two or three Days that I went to the House treated me with an Air of Indifferency, even littl Inferior to that of Ill-manners. However, I too no Notice of it, but continuing my Courtship a usual, I soon saw the Scene was changed, for sh it seems at my first coming, being ignorant of m Intent, resolved to resent the Affront, which sh thought was offered her, in preferring her Sister's Company to hers, when we went the above mentioned Journey. Being apprized hereof, I communicated it the Captain, and desired him to use his Endeavours to repair the Breach, and appease the young Lady's seeming Indignation. He at first seemed to slight the Affair, as merely trivial and frivolous, till seeing me very urgent and importunate, he then promised his friendly Assistance to accommodate the seeming Difference, and therefore gave the two Sisters and me an Invitation to sup at his House. After Supper, he very genteely, and with so much Prudence, excused both himself and me, in the Choice of our Companion to Windsor, that they were both highly pleased, and were extreme good Company, particularly Miss Fanny, who was naturally of a more gay and airy Temper than her eldest Sister, and although she had not the finest of Faces, yet so graceful was her Air, so easy and engaging her Behaviour, and so soft and alluring her Voice, not strained by Art, but by the meer Effect of the lavish Bounty of Nature, that she captivated the Hearts of all who had the Pleasure of her Company; upon the Captain's Request, she favoured us with a Tune on the Spinnet, and to perfect the Musick, joined so melodious a Voice, that transported with Ravishment and Delight, I thought myself in Paradise. 'Twas then, that I began to repent my Choice. Miss B 's Charms, once so prevalent, now appeared as mere Phantoms and Illusions, and Fanny reigned sole Mistress of my Affections. However, as I thought it was not Prudence in me to disclose this sudden Change, I behaved myself as one indifferent to her, and insensible of those amicable Qualifications, that she was perfect Mistress of. In short, having paid our Compliments to our generous Host and Hostess, I waited on the Ladies home. The next Day I began seriously to consider, wha would be the Consequence of breaking my Affai with the Elder, and making my Addresses to the Younger; when upon mature Deliberation, it appeared to me so vile and scandalous an Action, after such mutual and solemn Assurances of Fidelity that fearing (as with just Reason I might) that should not succeed in my Design upon Fanny, fully resolved of the two Evils, to chuse the least and therefore with great Difficulty and Violence to myself, I broke off the Intimacy, and after, wa entirely regardless of that Love that at first I ha so warmly pursued. Next Door to me, lived one Mr. Elias Brown Peruke Maker, who had by his Marriage and Success in Trade, acquired a very handsome Fortune This Man had one only Daughter ahout sixtee Years of Age, a likely young Girl enough, an well educated. Upon some trivial Difference tha arose in my Father's Time, between him and M Brown, our Families were at Variancè with eac other; but upon my Father's Decease, all Contention and Animosity ceas'd so that from bein in a manner Strangers to one another, we in short Time commenc'd an Intimacy and Friendship: By this means, I was admitted as a Membe of the weekly Club, held at the Golden-Lyon T vern in Fleet-street, on Thursday. Moreover, o Custom was every Saturday to dine at the Castle Kingston upon Thames, where we usually drank hard, and play'd high; and Mr. Brown finding that notwithstanding my Youth, I was Master of that valuable Art of Secrecy, placed an intire Confidence in me, and made me privy to all his Intrigues and lawless Pleasures. This Intimacy of the Father's gave Birth to the Daughter's Love, that afterwards proved both her Ruin and mine. She took all Opportunities of being in my Company, and frequently staid so late at my House, without the Leave of her Father and Mother, that in a little Time it became the publick Talk of the Neighbours, and almost the whole Town; and as Fame is generally attended with Falshood, some there were that scrupled not to report, that I was more familiar with her than was consistent with the Modesty of her Sex; but this Accusation (I take God to Witness) was utterly false, for upon my hearing that her Character and Reputation was so so grosly injured, and that those malicious Aspersions arose from the innocent Pastimes with which we amused ourselves together, I acquainted my Neighbour Brown with what I heard was currently reported, concerning his Daughter and me, and furthermore desired him, as he tendered the Welfare of his Child, to keep her away from my House; he heartily thanked me for my good Counsel, and accordingly removed her to her Cousin H 's at Mile End, where she continued near three Months, but not without sending me a Letter or two, to let me know she should be very glad to see me at the Place appointed in the same. But I who had no Thoughts of making her my Wife, out of Friendship to her Father, scorned to take Advantage of her Youth, nor ever answered her Billet-doux, or went according to her Request to the Place of Assignation. In the mean Time, my intimate and bosom Friend F F proposed to take a House on Epping-forest, the Rent of which he said was twenty-five Pounds per Annum, whereupon I promised to become his Tenant for one Room, and moreover to send down some Houshold Goods to furnish it withal. F laughing, said, but are you willing to have Leases drawn in your Name. for you know how my Affairs stand? Yes, Sir, quoth I, withal my Heart, provided that you'll engage for the Payment of the Rent. By all Means, quoth he. Thus we concluded upon the Hire of our Country Seat, and over a merry Bottle christened it Langley Hall. About a Week after, I sent down the Goods according to my Promise, and likewise for my Part in the House-warming, a large Ham, and two Gallons of Brandy. Soon after, my Friend F and I, with some other merry Blades, went down to our Country Seat, where we staid three or four Days. On our Retur , an Accident happened to me, that had like to have proved very fatal, but I verified the old Saying, Nought is often in Danger, but never hurt; for being three Parts mellow, and mounted on a Golding of great Spirit and Courage, by my frequent tickling him with the Spur, he in Spite of all I could do, ran away with me till I came to Hackney River, where to punish my Courser for his Obstinacy, and cool his Courage, I clapped Spurs to him, and plunged him into the River, down he fell, broke his Knees, and in the Fall pitched me clear over his Ears, where for some Time I could not recover myself; but by good Fortune, at length I regained my Legs, and kept puffing and blowing like a Porpice, till my Companions came up, and seeing me in that pityful Condition, dispatched old Charon to take me up, and waft me to the other Side of the Ferry, whence like a drowned Rat I went dripping along, stripped myself, and got half a Pint of Brandy made hot, and went to bed, where I lay till my Shirt and Clothes were dried by the Fire. In the Evening I rose, and returned to London, and adjourned to the old Place of Rendezvous, the Trumpet Tavern, in Sheer Lane, where we passed the Evening very merrily, but I resolved for the future never to be guilty of the like Frolick again. Sometime after this, Mr. Brown thinking that Absence had sufficiently abated the Warmth of his Daughter's Affections, sent for her home, and I out of good Manners went to compliment Miss on her Return; but alas, her Absence had only served to smother the amorous Flame, which by frequent Interviews soon burnt with fiercer Rage. In fine, one Morning the old Gentlewoman sent for me to Breakfast, and then proposed very advantageous Terms of Marriage with her Daughter, and urged me to a Compliance with very great Warmth and Zeal. Furthermore to corroborate her Argument, down came▪ Miss Nancy, with her Hair dishevel'd, her Eyes flowing with Tears, and her Dress careless and negligent. See, says the Mother, i canting Tone, in what a Pickle poor Nancy is, how can you be so cruel and hard-hearted, as not to return her Love? Come, come, Neighbour Langley, I'll engage you'll have no Occasion to repent of your Bargain, Mr. Browne and I shall never have any more Children, and when we die, you'll come in for ALL. At the Word ALL, which had a far greater Impression on me than what she had said before, I pricked up my Ears, and seemed to hearken to her with Pleasure, and Nancy, who was before cruelly in the Dumps, now began to revive, and put on the Air of Joy. In short, I told Mrs. Brown, that since it was an Affair of such great Consequence, I must desire a Month's Time to consider of it, and that then I would give her my final Answer. Upon this she was well satisfied, and I took my Leave of them for the present. Now I began seriously to consider the State of my Affairs, and finding by the private Accounts that I kept in my Pocket Book, that the Payment of those several large Sums borrowed on Jewels of a considerable less Value, than what I had fraudulently pledged them for, was within three Months of its Expiration: I thought my Circumstances in a very melancholly Posture, and my Case almost desperate, for if I should not redeem those Pledges pursuant to Contract, my Credit and Reputation would be entirely lost; and on the contrary, i Honour and Honesty should have the Ascendan over Fraud and Villainy, then I should be great Sufferer thereby; wherefore I resolved, tha since I had begun to play the villainous Part, that would at all Events complete it. Thus determined there nothing now remained, but the Manner o effectually executing what I so fully intended, and was so stedfastly resolved upon. Marriage, I considered with myself, would not only furnish me with a pretty Sum of ready Cash, but would likewise corroborate my Credit, and strengthen my Interest. For as the greatest Villainies are carried on, and supported by the specious Pretect of Sanctity and Dissimulation, so I thought it was but a reasonable Supposition, that the Town now generally acquainted with my frequent Debauches, would upon my Entrance into the Connubial State, judge me thereby reclaimed, and become a sedate and sober Man. For this Reason, sometime before and after my Marriage, I gave due Attendance at the Romish Chapel in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, and in about three Weeks Time I invited Mrs. Brown and her Daughter to Supper, I told her, that upon a mature Deliberation of her Proposals, I was willing to acquiesce and condescend thereunto, on the following Terms, viz, That Mr. Brown should be at the Expence of the Wedding-Clothes, and pay the stipulated Sum on the Morning of the WeddingDay, She readily agreed, and promised her Husband's punctual Compliance with my Demands. Furthermore, as a Surety to bind the Bargain, I gave the old Gentlewoman a Ring set with Rose Diamonds in Form of a Coronet, Nanncy was now all Life and Gaiety, and by her Parents Approbation, as well as mine, acted the Part of a Mistress in my House, with the same Freedom and Authority before, as she did after the Ceremony was performed. But alas, poor Girl, she little thought how short her Reign would prove, and how the Sunshine of her Glory would speedily be darkened and eclipsed by black impending Clouds that threatened sure, though not immediate Destruction and endless Woe. But notwithstanding this Engagement and solemn Contract with Nancy, I continued my lawless Embraces with Clarinda, whom I made my Counsellor and Confidant in the most secret Transactions of my Life, and therefore although to satisfy my intended Spouse, and please her Parents, I turned her away soon after Marriage, yet I frequently kept Company with her afterwards, and made her several considerable Presents. Mrs. Brown immediately purchased all Things suitable for the Wedding, and also was so very indulgent, as to bring the several Patterns of Silks and Laces designed for Nancy's Parapharnalia, to me for my Approbation thereof. This Courtesy, and the Richness of the Dress, so pleased me, that I made her a Present of a Gold Watch and Chain, and likewise a brilliant Diamond round-about Ring, that she might appear in the Fashion of other married Ladies; and now the Licence being taken out, and all Things ready for the Consummation of our Nuptials, Mr. Brown desired me to six the solemn Day, which he said he should chuse on that of his Birth Day. But I declined so speedy an Execution, on Account of a Tour I had promised to take with some Friends, to a Gentleman's Seat in Essex, and desired the Marriage might be deserred for three Weeks longer, which Favour was easily granted. And now all Things being agreed on, I bethought myself of a Clergyman of my Acquaintance, a Gentleman void of a Living, and reduced to a low State, greatly inferior to that of his Profession. Nevertheless he was a boon Companion, told a merry Tale, and sung a Song with a good Grace, and by his Industry made a Shift to get a red Face in the Service of the Church; for having given my Word to this Gentleman, that he should be my sacred Magician, whensoever I altered my Condition of Life, I thought myself in Honour bound to perform my Promise therein. I therefore sent for him to the Bull Head in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, where over a merry Bottle, I acquainted the Doctor with my Intent, and enjoyned him to be ready on the Day appointed for the Performance thereof. Having thus prepared the Minister, I went down in the Country, and after a sincere and hearty Welcome, returned to London on the Evening before our appointed Nuptials, when after having drank a Bottle or two with the Inn-keeper, where my Horse stood at Livery, I went to Mr. Browne's, who had prepared a handsome Supper for my Reception, where none were present but Captain H 's Lady and our Family. After Supper Mr. Browne asked me, if I was provided with a Clergyman? Yes, Sir, said I, and he will be punctual to his Appointment at Gray's-Inn Chapel at Eight in the Morning; well then, replied he, all's right, for I have ordered a Coach and Four to be here at Seven, and after the Ceremony we'll drive to Tim Harris's at Egham. Agreed Sir, said I, so taking my Leave went home, where, according to Custom, I lay with Clarinda all Night. At Six in the Morning I arose, and went to my Neighbour Browne's, where they were all very busy in preparing the new Bride; he called me aside, and asked me whether I would have the Cash before or after Marriage. Before, Sir, said I, by all Means; whereupon he immediately complied with the Contract, by Notes drawn on Sir Francis Child, and likewise gave me the Writings of a House belonging to his Daughter, in Charles Court in the Strand, and afterwards taking a Bottle of Rum out of his Corner Cupboard, we drank all Health to each other. Now the Bride being ready, we drove to the Chapel, where my good Friend the Doctor was waiting, and performed his Duty as a Gentleman worthy of his Profession. From Chapel we drove to Egham, where an elegant Dinner was provided at Mr. Browne's Expence, and to use the Words of the ingenious Mr. Phillips, 'Naught but Mirth and Joy around the Table flow'd.' At Four we returned to Town, and I, regardless of my Spouse, mounted the Coach-box, and drove to the Queen's Head Tavern in Holborn, where Clarinda, by my Direction, had ordered a sumptuous and elegant Entertainment to be provided, at which Mr. L n, Mr. H d, jun. and his Spouse, the Host and Hostess, were all present. About Eleven we adjourned to my Father Browne's, where whilst the Men drank a Bowl of Punch, the Women out of their pious Care, dished out the Bride in Bed, fit for the Reception of her Husband. I must observe that we were married on a Thursday, and therefore I thought, if I could prevail on my Wife (who was one of the Church of England) to accompany me to Mass on the Sunday following, I should thereby gain the Applause and Esteem of all those blinded Zealots. This I confess I did not attempt out of a religious Motive, but from a Thought of private Gain, hoping by this well feigned Hypocrisy, to insinuate myself further into the good Graces and Esteem of the most eminent and wealthy Followers of that Faith and Profession. My Spouse to oblige me, yielded to my Request, and her Condescention thereunto had its desired Effect; for a Merchant in Basinghall-street sent for me next Day, and commending the meritorious Act of making a Convert, favoured me with Nine hundred and Seventy-five Pounds worth of Silver on my Note, payable in a Month's Time. This was a great Encouragement to me, and served further to facilitate my Design in running away as much in Debt as possibly I could. Wherefore I resolved to strike while the Iron was hot, and make as much of my Credit as Time and Occasion would permit. For the effectual Performance of which, I took up large Quantities of Jewels of several Merchants, under Pretence of disposing of them to several Ladies, whom I had the Honour to serve, and in three or four Days, artfully returned them again, telling the Owners, that the Ladies were not as yet come to a full Resolution for the Purchase of them. I likewise took up a Repeating Watch of one Mr. Vernon in Fleet-street, the outside Case whereof was set with large Brilliants of the first Water, in Form of a Mariner's Compass; betwixt the Hours and Minutes were interspersed some Brilliant Sparks, with Rubies, Topazes, and various precious Stones of different Colours, resembling the Iris. The Rims of the Case were also ornamented with costly Jewels, imitating the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac, and on the Top of the Spring, that causes the Movement to strike, was set a large Brilliant of the first Water, The Chain was three continued Rows of Diamonds, and on the Top of the Hook was a very large oval Brilliant. In short, it was the richest and most curious Performance of that Nature, that had been seen in Europe at that Time. This Watch I pretended was designed for the Queen of Spain, and having the Honour to shew it to several Noblemen and Ladies of the highest Rank, I could have disposed of it to them; however, I thought it would turn more to my Advantage to refuse the Sale thereof, for this Reason, viz. if I sold it in England, the Owner would have expected the Payment thereof in a short Time, and on the contrary, it was not reasonable to think that he would refuse to wait for the Return of foreign Bills, if it was supposed to be sent to her Catholick Majesty. And now the Time drawing on for the Execution of my full Purport, I made it my Business to frequent Slaughter's Coffee House in St. Martin's Lane, where I soon got acquainted with a Set of Foreigners, of whom I enquired into the Laws and Customs of those Countries relating to broken Tradesmen, that fled thither for Refuge and Safety, and being assured by them that Holland was the safest Azylum to skreen Villanies of that Nature, I resolved to steer my Course thither, and therefore went to Bland 's on Tower Hill, to enquire for a Vessel that would be ready to sail in about a Fortnight's Time. Upon Enquiry, I met with one T s J s Commander of the C s Sloop, a Gentleman observant of his Word, if the Wind and Weather permitted; with this Captain I agreed for the Passage of two Persons, to have the Conveniency of his State Room and great Cabbin, and gave him a Guinea Earnest. The next Thing I did was to get a Bill of Exchange for five hundred Pounds, in the Name of Robert Clinton, Esq payable to nim or Order, which being easily obtained, I then applied myself to the above-mentioned Merchants for their Jewels, pretending that the Ladies were now come to a final Resolution, and would purchase them; and now the Prices being agreed on, I gave them my promissary Note, three Months after Date for the same. All Things being thus carried on with the utmost Secrecy, I appointed Clarinda, whom I still kept Company, to be at the Prince William's Head at Charing. Cross. She was punctual to my Assignation, and there after mutual Assurances of constant Love and inviolable Friendship, I acquainted her with my secret Design, and insisted on her accompanying me in my Voyage thither, and that upon her Condescension thereunto, she should be an equal Co-partner and Sharer of my large Fortune, which in all human Probability, was sufficient for our Maintenance, in a polite and genteel Way, during the Term of our Lives. But she, like a generous Girl, declined my base Proposals, and in her Defence, urged my being already married to a very deserving young Lady, whom in Honour I could not leave, and that if she consented to my Proffer, she should thereby deservedly incur the Scandal of the most vile and abandoned Adultress. In fine, all the Arguments I could use were fruitless. So having engaged her religiously to keep my important Secret, I took my Farewel of her; and then resolved, that since I could not obtain her consent, that I would take my Wife over with me, which confess I did not so much out of pure Love, a out of a View of Interest, hoping, that if I should be frustrated in my Design, that her Father, out Love and Regard to her, would look with a fa vourable Eye on me, and impute my Misfortunes, or rather ill Management, to the Folly Youth. Wherefore, as soon as I came home, I proposed my wife a country journey on the sunday following and ordered her to get ready, and pack up all he clothes, my intent being to stay there for three week or a month. In the mean time I hired a chaise an four for two days, to be ready at the time appointed and to prevent my being seen, or taken notice of i passing through the city, I ordered the chaise to wa for me on St. Margaret's-hill, Southwark. I the sealed up my jewels, bank notes, and the above-men tioned watch, with bills of exchange, amounting i all to the Value of nineteen thousand or twenty thou sand pounds, in a little trunk, and meeting the cap tain at Bland's, pursuant to his Appointment, on Fri day at four in the afternoon, I gave the trunk in his custody, with a particular charge to lock it up i his bureau, and took a receipt for the same; bein well assured by him that he would sail from Gravesen on the monday following. In the evening I went my father Brown's, and acquainted him with my pr tended journey into the country, with which he seeme well pleased, it being the long vacation time. In morning I gave my journeyman charge of the shop, an left all my plate standing therein, least the remove thereof should cause a suspicion amongst my creditor and intercept my intended flight. I likewise ordered him to pay all such trivial sums as were owing to my workmen. And now my spouse and I having taken leave of our parents, called a coach, and drove to the above-mentioned place, where the chaise and four were waiting according to my order. Then discharging the coach, we went into the King's Arms, and breakfasted. From thence we went to Gravesend, and put up at the Faulcon, where I paid two guineas and an half for the discharge of the chaise according to agreement. On Sunday we dined with the captain, and other gentlemen and ladies that were going passengers with us. On monday morning the captain, according to his promise heaved up his anchor with the wind S. W. All the passengers with my spouse went on board, but I staid ashore till the captain went off, which was nigh an hour after, and now the ship being adrift, lay to for his coming on board. In the mean time as I was drinking with my landlord in his back yard fronting the water, I espied a one eye game cock, which I purchased for half a crown, for a venture in Holland. Now the captain having completed all his business ashore, hurried me and my new purchase on board, we then braced about, filled our held sails, and spread all the canvass we could to the welcome gale, that freshing on us, wafted our ship the next day to the Bombkays at Rotterdam, where we went ashore, and by the commander's recommendation lodged at the sign of the Koning Van England, (or King of England's Head) kept by one John Gadbury, on the Vine Haven. The next day captain J came to dinner with us, and acquited his charge honourably. Thus all things seemed to favour my undertaking, and I being of a vain and aspiring temper, resolved to pass for the younger son of my lord F , and to the end that I might make an appearance suitable to the dignity that I had falsely assumed, I ordered a Taylor to make me a rich suit of clothes; and as it happened, one Mr. Loven, a decayed gentleman,, quartered at the same inn with me, who speaking the Dutch and French languages to perfection, with him I contracted to be my gentleman and interpreter, and to do him justice, he faithfully executed the trust I reposed in him. This gentleman I ordered to hire three French footmen, and cloth them with the utmost expedition, with my livery, which was blue cloth turned up with red, scarlet waistcoats and breeches trimmed with silver, and broad gold lac'd hats. As to the coach, Mr. Laven informed me, that it was customary in Holland for all persons of quality, except foreign ministers, to hir their equipages, as they had occasion for them, there being many grand and stately ones kept for that purpose. Having thus settled my equipage and servants after the nicest and richest fancy, I resolved to devote myself to pleasure for some time; although in the interim I privately enquired for a gentleman of worth and integrity, to whom I might with safety commi the trust of my effects, that if peradventure, my creditors should come over in quest of me, that they no finding any thing valuable in my possession, might no think it worth their while to give themselves any further trouble about me, but rest contented with those effects I had left in England. Now I must observe, that upon my return to my quarters, I frequently found the above-mentioned Captain in Company with my Spouse; however, I took no Notice thereof, but on the contrary always entertained him with the utmost Courtesy and good Manners; but one Night, as we were in Bed, I asked her the Meaning of the Captain's frequent Visits, and whether he endeavoured to shew a more than lawful Love and Respect for her. Hereupon she frankly told me, that she believed it was the Captain's Design to betray her Virtue, for that he often expressed how passionately he loved her; that therefore she had used all possible Means to avoid his Company, but found it a very difficult Matter, which gave her cause to suspect, that he had bribed the Landlady to acquiesce in the Pursuit of his Amours, wherefore she earnestly requested me to provide fresh Lodgings, where she might be more retired, and shun the vile Impertinence of the said Commander: Well pleased with this open and generous Confession, I highly commended her Honour and Integrity, but desired that she would not offer the least Affront to the Captain. I artfuly said, until I could be further informed of the Punishments inflicted on Persons in Adultery, by the severe Laws of the United Provinces, Upon consulting with my Gentleman, who was well versed in Statutes of that Republick, I found that the Penalty on such henious Crimes, was immediate Forfeiture of all the Delinquent's Effects, and close Imprisonment during Life, as a Satisfaction or Atonement to the injured Party, for the Dishonour. One Day, hearing that there was to be a Cock-fight, I ordered one of my Servants to prepare mine, who had been for some Time in keeping, to enter the Lists, and by my Spouse's earnest Entreaty, I took her (though contrary to the usual Custom of the Ladies) with me, to see the Pastime. In short I backed my Cock against the Opposers, and he, by good Fortune, at one chance Blow killed his Antagonist, by whose unexpected Death I was a Gainer of about ten Pounds. Highly pleased with my Success I returned home, and it being Summer Time we seated ourselves under a shady Tree, that fronted the Inn Door, and called for a Bottle of Claret, but had not been there long, before the Captain came and joined us, and being informed of my good Fortune, wished me Joy. I returned the Compliment, and Nancy with an Air of Gaiety, desired that I would favour her with the Winnings for the Purchase of some Dutch Toys; I replied, With all my Heart, my Dear, for this and all that I have is at your Service, and thereupon immediately flung the Money into her Lap. Soon after this, I saw her Countenance change, and ask'd her what was the Matter? but she made me no Answer, whereupon Madam, said I, what are you dumb? This rash and hasty Expression so nettled her, that she threw the Money into the Street, which I knowing the Value of better than she, ran and picked it up, swearing, that since she had abused my Generosity, I would give her sufficien Reason to repent it; but my Passion was over, and by Mr. J 's Mediation, I promised to forgive and forget that silly Flight of Youth. Hereupon the Captain proposed a Tour to th Hague, which was with Pleasure agreed to, and w next Morning set out for that agreeable Rendez vous of Nobility, where we dined in a sumptuous and elegant Manner, at the Sign of the English Parliament, a celebrated House for polite Entertainment. From whence we returned to Rotterdam, where I entertained the Captain and some of the other Gentlemen with a grand Entertainment; when the Company was gone, I used all possible Arguments to perswade Nancy to yield a seeming compliance to the Captain's lawless Desires, and to appoint him pursuant to my Direction, a Place proper for the Execution of his villainous Design. Furthermore, I urged the great Advantage accruing from thence, and the diligent care and caution I would take to surprize him, blasted in the fruitless Expectations of satiating his luxuriant and adulterous Passion. But notwithstanding all my Arguments, Nancy remained inflexible, and could not be induced to acquiesce to this treacherous Proposal, and in her Defence urged, that no Lucre or sordid Gain (though ever so great) could expiate or atone for that Dishonour and Loss of Character, that she must inevitably sustain, by condescending to so infamous an Act; wherefore I thought proper to drop an Argument so displeasing and ungrateful to her, and to proceed to an Affair far more weighty and important, viz. the Security of my Person and Effects. For the effectual Performance of which, being recommended to Mr. H , a Man of Worth and experienced Fidelity, that kept a large Warehouse on the Bombkays, to him I committed the Charge of my Cash and Jewels; and now finding by his Discourse, that he was well versed in the Laws of that Republick, and more particular in those relating to broken Tradesmen that took Sanctuary in those Parts, him I judged to be the properest Person to consult and communicate with about my own Affairs. Nevertheless I was not so rash as to let him into the Secret of my Circumstances at the first Interview, but taking a Note of him for the Re-delivery of my Cash and Effects on demand, I parted with him for the present, and as soon as I came home, enquired more strictly of my Landlord, into his Character and Repute. Mr. Gadbury, my Host, scrupled not to expatiate largely on his undoubted Veracity, and unbiassed Fidelity to his Trust, and at the same Time nominated several Gentlemen, whose Affairs were then in a melancholly and dangerous Posture, that by his Prudence and Sagacity, had been re-instated in their pristine Glory. These Words uttered with so much Warmth and Ardour, easily induced me to a Belief, that Mr. H was in Reality deserving of so great a Character, and therefore I engaged him to dine with me the next Day at the Hague, and without Reserve I unbosomed myself to him in a frank and friendly Manner. Hereupon he promised to be steadfast, and true to my Interest, and advised me immediately to procure a Protection from the States General, which he assured me, would totally exempt me from the Jurisdiction of any other Foreign Laws; and as a farther Proof of his Sincerity, he promised by the Assistance of a Lawyer, (his particular Friend) to obtain what he so heartily wished, as well for my Security as his own Satisfaction, that I were now in Possession of. Moreover added he, it must be done with the utmost Expedition, least peradventure, your Creditors being apprized of your Intent, should by their unwearied Diligence, and extensive Interest, undermine your Undertakings; wherefore you must not regard the Expence, for Favours of that Nature are not to be obtained but by a well timed Liberalty, and some Presents suitable to the Persons concerned in the Management of so great and important an Affair; your Protection (which I doubt not you will obtain) stands for six Months, both for your Person and Effects, and at the Expiration of the limitted Time, it is easily renewed for a trival Cost. Charmed with his Discourse, that inspired me with new Life and Vigour, and banished the gloomy Thoughts of Fear, or approaching Danger, I pressed him to a speedy Execution of his Promise, and gave him a full Commission to disburse whatever he thought proper on that Occasion; and assured him, I'd satisfy him and his Friend for their Trouble, and ever after gratefully acknowledged the Favour. In the Evening we returned to Rotterdam where we supp'd together, and Mr. H with repeated Assurances of his Sincerity, and utmost Endeavours to assist me in all my Designs departed. Four Days after this Mr. H , and his Friend the Lawyer came to my Lodgings, from whence we went to Michael Edward's, at the Sun on the Bombkays, and there the Lawyer with an Air of Gaiety said, Sir, I wish you Joy, of what replied I? Of your so much desired Protection, Sir, which I here present you with. By this extraordinary Dispatch, you may see how unwearied our Endeavours have been to serve you; the States are not now sitting, but this I have by great Interest obtained of their Secretary for the Space of twelve Days, at the Expiration whereof their High Mightinesses will assemble, and grant you a further Protection for six Months longer. I humbly thanked him for this so singular a Mark of his Esteem and Friendship, and ordered Mr. H to pay the Gentleman one hundred Guineas for his Trouble. I now rambled up and down without Fear or Apprehension of any Molestation that could arise from any Quarter, and Mr. H and I contracted a Partnership in Merchandize on the following Terms and Conditions, viz. that I should lend the said H 5000 l. 'at common Interest, and thereupon add 5000 l. more to make up a joint Stock of 10,000 l. from which large Sum, with good Success, we promised ourselves to raise a fair Fortune. Wherefore that we might immediately proceed to Business, we went to Amsterdam to purchase a Ship, and there upon Enquiry we found, that the Prince William Snow, Captain B was lying there for Sale, upon which we sent for the Commander, went on Board with him▪ examin'd into the Vessel, and purchased her fo 450 l. Sterling, which Money I paid on my own Account, being desirous to become the sole Proprietor thereof. In the Interim I received Advice that four of my principal Creditors were came ove in Quest of me, and that they by great interest had engaged the Earl of Chesterfield then Ambassador at the Hague) to prevent my promised Protection, and upon the Expiration of that which I had, to obtain a Grant from their High Mightinesses to seize my Person and Effects. This News I confess, struct me with Horror and Confusion, and judging that if I returned to Rotterdam, I should inevitably fall into their Hands, I resolved to lie perdue at the House of Mr. A at the Hague, and there wait the Issue of their Proceedings, and in the mean Time, to dispatch Mr. to try if possible, to subvert my Enemies Designs, by large Sums of persuasive Gold. I now laid aside my Equipage, and the grand Title of my Lord, passed for a private Gentleman, by the Name of Robert Clifton, and continued at the above-mention'd House nigh upon a Week, without ever going out of my Chamber. When one Morning my Landlord, who was privy to the Affair, came into my Room, and trembling, gave me a Letter from Mr. H , which inform'd me, that the Creditors having Intelligence where I lay, were on the Road to surround the House, and take me Prisoner; that he used all possible Means to renew my Protection, but that all his Efforts therein was vain and fruitless; that there had been publish'd a Reward of 400 l. for securing my Person, and likewise 400 l. more for the Discovery of my Effects; that my Taylor had given a Description of the Cloaths that he had made, and moreover that my Picture was set up at the Change, and the most publick Places of Amsterdam and Rotterdam ; that the best Advice he was capable to give me at present was, to exchange my Apparel, disguise myself, and make into the adjacent Wood, and there wait for his coming, which should be punctually at four in the Afternoon. Scarce had I read the Letter, before I was alarm'd with a confused Noise in the Street; whereupon my Landlord looking out of the Window, cry'd Zounds▪ Sir, you are taken, my House is now surrounded. Be calm, Sir, said I, and send up one of your Dutch Servants to me, I'll change Habits with him; also let me have a lighted Candle and a Cork immediately. The Landlord obey'd my Orders, I stript, put on Mynheer 's Habit, black'd my Eye-brows, and passed out at the back Door, unobserved by any; from thence I went into the Weod, where I lay hid until the Time appointed, when Mr. H came, highly overjoyed to find me escaped from the Fury of my Adversaries. Come, Sir, said he, you must now personate the Dutchman, and we will go to Vienna, a protected Place, of ten miles in Circumference, where I will obtain for you the Governor's Protection, and there you may live secure and free from all Molestations and Arrests. This Scheme was no sooner proposed than with Pleasure agreed to, so from the Wood we went into the next Town, and there hired a Phaeton or Chaise for Vienna. In the Evening we arrived there, and the next Morning waited on the Governor, of whom for 50 Guineas I received the Favour of a Protection, with a strict Charge and Caution not to exceed the Bounds of his Minute Territories. The next Day Mr. H took his Leave of me with repeated Assurances of Frienship, and a solemn Promise not to discover my Effects. Here I enjoy'd all Pleasures, that a Place inhabited by unfortunate Persons cou'd afford, this being but a living Goal in Epitome. However, having a sufficiency of Cash, the Honour and Respect I met with there, in some Measure alleviated the Hardship of my Confinement. Here I became acquainted with two Irish young Fellows, of daring and bold Dispositions, who had here taken Refuge and Sanctuary for Murder, no Crime being reckon'd sufficiently black or infamous, to exclude the vile Offenders from the Graces and Protection of his Tartarean Excellency. These two Rus ians for want of better Society, I daily admitted to my Table, and on all Occasions bore their Expences, and they, as the only Satisfaction that they could make, faithfully promised at the Hazard of their Lives, to secure me from all Insults and Dangers. Hither came Mr. H , pursuant to his Promise, Weekly, and supplied me with what Cash I demanded, and assured me, that my Creditors began to be out of all Hopes, and that if I patiently submitted to my Confinement for a short Time, that they would soon be wearied out, with the large and extravagant Charges they were at, in their vain Search and fruitless Pursuit. Whereupon I charged him to make my Wife as easy as he possibly could, and let her know, that as soon as the Storm was over, I would pay her a Visit▪ but at the same Time, cautioned him not to let her into the Secret of my Abode, least peradventure, thro' the Folly and indiscretion of Youth, she should inadvertently blab it out. Nancy, I must observe to you, had near upon four hundred Pounds by her, besides her Jewels, Gold Watch, and Snuff Box, so that I knew she could not be in any Want, and therefore made myself easy on that Head. During my Stay here, I was taken violently ill, which prevented my intended Journey to his Prussian Majesty's Dominions, whither I had designed to go, and by presenting my so-much▪ amed and celebrated Watch to his then favourite Lady, flattered myself with the Hopes of obtaining a Commission in that great Monarch's Service. Dr. W was my Physician, who lived contiguous to the House where I lodged, and three Times a Day visited me, lying in a dangerous Condition in my Bed, not able to move either Hand or Foot, but racked with tormenting Pains both Night and Day. My faithful Irishmen constantly attended me, and for my Security brought Fire Arms into my Room, least the Governor being influenced by a larger Sum, or sollicited by their High Mightinesses, should cancel or supercede my Protection, and thereby expose me to the free Arrest and Fury of my Adversaries. One Night as I lay in my Bed, two of my Creditors came and surprized me in my Room, and insisted on my going with them immediately▪ producing the Governor's Order to compel me to acquiesce to their Demands; but I excused myself on Account of my Illness for that Night, and promised to be ready in the Morning, to comply with their Request. Nevertheless this Answer, was not Satisfactory, for they insisted on lying in the same Room with me, as a Guard to my Person. Here upon my Comrades armed themselves with a Brac of Pistols each, and presenting, swore, that if the Gentlemen did not immediately depart, that they would severely punish their Rashness and Insolence, for they insisted on that Room being their Property; and that I was only there on Sufference. Hereupon the Creditors withdrew, but placed a Guard round the House, swearing that they would hurry me away with them very early in the Morning. Now the Fright I was in dispelled all my Pain, and I, who before could not move myself in my Bed, now put on my Cloaths, and walked hastily up and down the Room, ruminating what Course to take to extricate myself from this Emergency. At last I sent for the Doctor, who had already heard of the Affair, and with him I agreed, that if he would leave open his back Door, between the Hours of Twelve and One, I would make my Escape, and take Shelter in his House. To this Purpose he readily consented, and promised to be punctual in the Execution of his Trust. Whereupon my Companions and I called for Liquor plentifully, and I seemed to be no ways concerned at the Danger I was in, Now the Time of my intended Flight drawing nigh; we called for a large Bowl of Arrack Punch, which whilst the Landlady, (the sole Person then stirring in the House) was making, I by the Favour and Obscurity of the Night, escaped out at the back Door, and slipped unseen into the Doctor's House, where I lay concealed for nine or ten Days, leaving my Pursuers to curse their unhappy Stars, and commence a fresh Hunt after their flown Game, At length, growing weary of this intolerable confinement, I resolved to venture abroad in disguise, and therefore borrowed a suit of woman's apparel of the Doctor's spouse, in return for which I gave her a diamond girdle Buckle. The dress I had was French, and therefore I was now obliged to play the part of Madam de Paris, and for two or three days behav'd very modestly among the ladies, being instructed in my female discipline by the Doctor's spouse. At last I set out for Amsterdam, having a gentleman of the Doctor's recommendation to personate my Husband; as soon as I arrived there, I wrote to Mr. H , desiring him to remit me 200 Guineas, but he never complied with my demand. Three days afterwards I received a letter from an uuknown hand, assuring me that my Partner H had proved false, and betray'd his Trust to me; for that he had actually agreed to deliver up all my effects, on promise of the above-mentioned reward; that therefore the only expedient I had left to prevent his villainous design was, a voluntary surrender of myself. Whereupon, as the old saying is, Needs must when the devil drives, I determined to make the best of my way to Rotterdam, where I heard that my creditors were assembled at Mr. E , at the Sun on the Vine-Haven, and by a voluntary submission to their mercy and clemency, to appease their just indignation, and thereby obtain that Reward that my partner had by so infamous and treacherous a plot, endeavoured to gain. The design happily had its desired Effect, for upon my free surrender, the creditors not only used me in a generous and gentleman-like manner, but sent for Mr. H , and absolutely demanded all those effects that▪ I had lodged in his hands, threat'ning upon refusal thereof, to seize them by authority. In short▪ he was obliged to comply, and produced all that eve I had committed to his trust, and at the same time brought in a charge against me for cash drawn out of his hands, as likewise his bill for attendance and services done for me, whilst under my Misfortunes. The gentlemen, as well as I, were greatly amazed at his exorbitant demands, which were upwards of 700 l. but nevertheless, to avoid further trouble and expences, they were advised to acquiesce to his exactions; the laws of the united provinces being strictly severe in compelling all persons to satisfy the parties by them employed, to the utmost of their demands, tho' never so immoderate. And now as a gratuity, the creditors gave me the sum of 200 l. enjoining me to be ready to sail with them for England on the first opportunity. Matters being thus accommodated, I went to my old landlord's at the King's Head, but to my surprize, sound that my wife was gone from thence, at the instigation of the above-mentioned H , who had basely persuaded her to make a tour to Antwerp, in Flanders, where he said I was settled. Upon a further enquiry about her effects, the landlord told me, that she had honourably discharged the house, and took her trunk along with her. However, I made myself as easy as possible, under my unfortunate circumstances, but vowed to revenge myself on H , for the injury and injustice he had done me; and therefore, I privately bought a pair of pocket pistols, loaded them, and then went to his house to drink a glass with him, under pretence of accommodating our differences, tho' my full and real intent was to have shot him, as an example to deter others from violating the sacred ties of friendship, by the horrid and scandalous breach of trust. But he (unable to bear the reproaches of the populace) was gone, and so preserv'd his own life, as well as mine, which would have been inevitably forfeited to the just laws of the Republic, severely rigid against homicide. Soon after this, my creditors and I returned for England. On our arrival at London, we went to Mr. Barnes 's, a goldsmith on Ludgate-hill, and one of my principal creditors, who was generonsly pleased to treat me better than I deserved; at this gentleman's house I lay all night, and the next morning was carried to the Crown and Rolls Tavern in Chancery Lane, where the Commissioners of the Bankruptcy were assembled; here to my surprize, I met with my wife and mother-in-law, both dressed in mourning, for the death of their relation capt. Holden ; when after a civil salute, the old gentlewoman said, Ah! Mr. Langley, this Dress well becomes our present Circumstances, for we are all ruin'd by your Folly. Mr. Brown raves like a Madam, and will by no Means be pacified, and Nancy's Dutch Landlord has ran away with all her Cash, Cloaths, and Jewels, whilst she was in Quest of you. Our further discourse was interrupted by an order from the commissioners for me to attend them immediately; where after a long and strict examination passed, to the content of all parties, I was discharged, upon promise of giving due attendance to the attorney for the commission, and one of the assignees for my encouragement thereunto, gave me five guineas in hand. After this, I took an apartment for myself and wife, in Devercux Court, near Temple Bar, and daily wa ted on the assignees and their attorney, for the execution of the then dependant business, viz. to settle my affairs, and cell in my debts, which were large, there being upwards of eighteen hundred pounds in the book, and my plate and houshold furniture was sold for upwards of twelve hundred pounds more. But amongst all my misfortunes, none so much grieved me as to see my curious library of books, that with pains I purchased for two hundred and fifty pounds, disposed of for the trivial sum of thirty pounds. And now my wife being taken very ill, was removed to her mother's, to be attended with all necessary care for a sick person; whereupon finding 5 s. per week too much for my fallen circumstances, to pay for a room barely to sleep in, I discharged the same, and took another at 1 s. 6 d. per week in Hemlock Court. During the indisposition of my spouse, I was not permitted to see her, being strictly forbid the house by her father. Wherefore having now settled the book debts, and given an account of the respective abodes of the different creditors, I resolved to seek my fortune abroad, hoping that upon my return, I should find my affairs happily concluded, and myself thereby master of a great sum arising from the Statute. Mrs. Brown used her utmost endeavours to dissuade me from my purpose; but I remained inflexible, and deaf to all her earnest entreaties, and therefore mustering up the sum of thirty Guineas, I went to the Barbadoes Coffeehouse, where I agreed with captain Joseph Richardson, commander of the Frere Galley, bound for the above-mentioned island, for my passage thither. Upon the captain's telling me that he should be ready to sail in a fortnight, I prepared myself pursuant to his directions; and having packed up my cloaths and linnen, I took a final leave of my firiends, and went down to Blackwall, where the Ship then lay, having given a letter of attorney to my good friend Mr. G , to act for me in my absence. Whilst the Vessel staid at Blackwall, I quartere at the White-Horse, and being now metamorphose into a kind of Sea Officer, with my laced Hat and speckled Shirt, I passed upon some for th Mate of a Ship. I cannot forget, that being ac cidentally in Company with a Barber, the credu lous Fool forced me to accept of a handsome Ty Wig, on my Note, payable on my Return, an I conf ss, I believe, that I could then have ha all the Wigs in his Shop on the same Condition. I now went by the Name of James Englefield and having purchased 20 Gallons of Alderma Parsons 's Beer, four Dozen of Wine, 100 Le mons, and a Loaf of Sugar, I went on Board, an fell down to Graves nd. The next Day, the Captain and the rest of the Passengers arriv'd there from whence we sailed with a fair Wind at N. W into the Downs, where the Winds hanging to th Westward, we continued for ten Days. Here w stock'd ourselves with Brandy at a very reasonabl rate. From the Downs we steered our Course t our intended Port; our Company consisting two Ladies, eight Gentlemen, and myself: Wh one Day (to my sorrow I speak it) some of th Passengers began to play at Hazard, whereupon, who always had a strong and ungovernable Inclination, to Gaming, made one amongst them; w play'd high, and Fortune frowning on me, I soo became a broken Merchant. Upon this Disaste I thought myself the most unhappy Man in th World, being bound to a strang Place, and en i e destitute of either Money or Friends; however, I amused myself with settling the Accounts of one Mr. Morgan, a yearly Trader to those Parts, and knowing no other Antidote to my present Afflictions but Patience, I determined to bear up against the Torrent of Adversity, with a chearful Alcrity, and pleasing Hopes of some unectxpeed Turn of Fortune. On Christmas Day we went ashore, and the Ship's Doctor invited me to Dinner with him at a Friend's House, for every one by my Apparel, judged me to be a young Gentleman of Fortune. In the Evening I went to Mrs. Carmichael's, the best Tavern in Charles Town, where I quartered for a considerable Time; my good Friend Mr. Morgan having given me a fair Character to my Landlady, and also presented me with two Moidores, for the Service I had done him, in settling his Accounts; but this ready Cash was soon expended, and I considerably indebted to my kind Hostess, which threw me in so a great Dilemma how to manage my Affairs, that I could neither rest Night nor Day; full well I knew that I could not get off from the Island without giving public Notice thereof for one and twenty Days. Nevertheless, as I had artfully lodged my Chest and Apparel at a little Tavern adjoining to the Water-side, I waited in Hopes of some favourable Opportunity of bilking my Landlady. Accordingly, some Time afterwards his Majesty's Ship the Gosport, arrived in the Bay, and by good Fortune, some of the young Officers came to Dinner at my Quarters, where in the Afternoon, over a merry Bottle, one of the Gentlemen asked me, if I was not a Commander, of some Vessel, for so he judged me to be my Apparel, which was Scarlet trimm'd with Silver. Sir, said I, my Appearance, I confess, may speak me to be such as you please to imagine, but to tell you the real Truth, I am the most unfortunate young Fellow alive, for here I am involv'd in Debt, which I am unable to discharge, neither know I how to escape from this accursed Island. Sir, replied he briskly, If that be all your Grievance, I'll put you in a Way to redress it immediately; our Captain is an honourable and good-natured Gentleman, and therefore, if you apply to him for your Passage, to Jamaica, I doubt not but that he will easily grant your Request; he comes ashore every Morning about Nine, and your best Way is, to address yourself to him on his Landing, before he is engaged in other Company; in the mean Time, be cautious how you let any one into the Secret, and you need not fear Success therein. In fine, I heartily thanked him for his wholesome and highly agreeable Advice, and the next Morning met the Commander, to whom I freely without Reserve, made known the State of my Affairs, and he as generously was pleased to promise me my Passage on Board the Ship, and at the same Time, as a Signal, ordered me, when I saw his Maintop sail Sheets hauld home, to come on Board, and he would receive me into his Care and Protection. Highly pleased with this unexpected Courtesy from a Stranger, I was not failing in an humble and grateful Acknowledgement of so singular a Favour, and elate with Joy, returned to my Quarters. Now my sole Business was to keep a sharp look-out for my so much desired Signal; which on the fourth Day I espied, to my great Joy and Comfort; whereupon, I directly took a Canoe, put my Chest therein, and went on Board. Captain Richardson seeing me go on board the Man of War, imagined how Affairs went, and sent his Mate to me, with three Guineas, for the Whig which I had had of my aforesaid Friend the Barber at Blackwall. From Barbadoes we sailed to Jamaica, and during the Passage, I had the Honour to Mess with the Lieutenats, who seemed well pleased at the merry Recital of my various Adventures. I leave my Readers to judge of the Confusion that my Landlady was in, at the News of my sudden Departure, and now proceed to the Relation of what happened to me in the above-mentioned Island of Jamaica. I lodged at Mr. Wade's at Port Royal, and by my coming there in the Man of War, passed currently for one of the Midshipmen. Here in a short Time I expended my small Stock, but was happily prevented from running in Debt, by an unexpected Accident. For one Night being at Supper with some Gentlemen of the Island, one of the Company gave me a kind Invitation to come over to his Plantation, near Salt-pan-Hill, there to spend three Weeks or a Month with him in a retired Life. I readily embraced the Opportunity, as hoping thereby to gain the Favour of being recommended to some Employment on the Island. The next Day we went to his Country Seat, far more resembling the infernal Regions, than the pleasing Abode of a Mortal here on Earth. His numerous Attendants, both Male and Female, were all Black, and their young, like Swine, lay groveling in the Dust. Here the parched and yawning Earth brought to my Remembrance, how Dame Tullis raised up her barren Head, invoking Jove to crush the giddy Phaeton in his wild and mad Carreer, and by his deserved fall, to save her vast Dominions from an universal Conflagration. As this Gentleman had no European but myself to Converse, I soon became familiar with him, who being acquainted with my Circumstances, promis'd to serve me to the utmost of his Capacity, Although I here enjoyed all that the Island afforded, yet a retired Life was not agreeable to my own Disposition; and therefore, I resolved to use some Stratagem to get a little Cash of him, and then go on board the Fleet commanded by Admiral Steward. To effect this, I proposed to live with this Gentleman as his Servant or Overseer, which Favour after many Solicitations, and earnest Entreaties was granted, and my designed Employment was to overlook the Negroes in the Fishery. Now as soon as Mr. Lynch (for that was the Gentleman's Name) and I, had agreed on Terms for my Wages, I freely told him, that my Chest and Cloaths lay as a Security for twenty Dollars at Port Royal, and I most humbly entreated him to advance me Money for the Redemption of the same; to which h readily consented, and ordered his Negroes t Man the Canoe, and then row me over to Port Royal, and there wait till I had compleated Business. No sooner was I landed there, but I took one the Slaves with me to a Tavern, and there gav him a Letter to carry to his Master, the Contents whereof were, 'That I returned him many Thanks for his kind Entertainment, and generous Assistance; but that Fortune had unexpectedly provided something for me far superior to the Station of a Servant; that I hoped he would excuse my Breach of Promise, and that as to the Cash, that he had lent me, I would repay him as soon as possible.' Having thus dismissed the Negroe, I forthwith addressed myself to the aforesaid Admiral, who generously compassionating my Youth, and Misfortunes, was pleased to order me on board the same Ship that brought me thither, and the Commander thereof, favoured me with the Liberty of walking the Quarter Deck. In three or four Days, the Fleet sailed round for Port Antonio, situate on the Northermost Part of the Island, where we continued near four Months, all Hands being daily employed Ashore, in building a Dock for his Majesty's Service. From whence we returned to Port Royal, and after a short stay there, our Ship was ordered home to Plymouth, and there, soon after paid off. Whilst I was on board, I had contracted an Intimacy with the Surgeon's Mate, and we two now became inseparable Companions, we both lodging at the Three Guns at the Dock. Amidst the various Company that resorted thither, was an old Gentleman, Clerk of the Dock Yard, a Man of an affable and engaging Temper, with whom, as he daily frequented the House, we soon became acquainted. This Gentleman had a very agreeable young Lady for his Daughter, with whom, as she accidentally came to call her Father Home, my Comrade, the Doctor, was so smitten at the first Sight, that he could not rest, till he ha engaged her and her Father, to favour us with thei Company, to Supper on the following Evening Mr. B , (for that was the Gentleman's Name readily consented, and we passed the Hours i Mirth and Gaiety; the young Lady to heighter our Pleasures, diverting us with several Songs Between Twelve and One we waited on our Company Home, and afterwards returned to our Quarters, where the Doctor was now more inflamed, his Thoughts and Discourse running continually on the Perfections of his new Mistress. But, for my Part, I concealed my ardent Passion, and resolved to wait a more favourable Opportunity, of disclosing my Love and Esteem, in an honourable Manner, if so it may be called in me, who had already tied the Conjugal Knot. In the mean Time, the Doctor and I (being both flush with Money) revelled at large, till by our repeated Extravagancies, we had almost drained our Pockets, and in return to our Folly, got the French Disease. However, one Day as we were playing at Billiards, I looking out of the Window, accidentally saw my Charmer standing at the Door of a Corner Shop; whereupon, giving the Game for lost, Doctor, said I, there's Molly, come, let's go and drink a Dish of Tea with her; by no Means, replied he, for the People of the House are Strangers, and consequently would deem it Impudence in us to force any Acquaintance with them. No matter for that quoth , if you won't go, I will; so down Stairs I ran to the Shop, and (as in a Surprize) said, Bless me, Madam! what good Fortune has brought you hither, 've oftentimes promised myself the Happiness of drinking Tea with you, but never till now had the Opportunity; so slipping into the Shop, I told the Mistress thereof, that I hoped she would excuse my Freedom, in desiring the favour of her to make a Pot of Tea, and at the same Time flung down Half a Crown as a Satisfaction for her Trouble. She seemed very well pleased to have the Opportunity of obliging her Cousin, as she called her, and me, and therefore desired us to walk into the Parlour, whilst she prepared the Tea Equipage. Here I freely disclosed my Mind to my lovely Goddess, and met with a more favourable Reception than I expected: soon after, in came the old Gentleman, who merrily said, So, so, Mr. Englefield, see that Molly and you are got together. Yes, Sir, said I, and since I have had the Pleasure of drinking Tea with Miss, I desire the Favour that we may now go and drink a Glass together, for I've something to impart to you of great Consequence. Agreed to, Sir, replyed he, and you and I will go first, and Molly, if she pleases, may follow after us. In short, I told the old Gentleman how passionately I loved his Daughter, and that I should be proud to make her my Wife: Whilst we were thus discoursing, Molly came to us, whereupon I shewed all possible Marks of sincere Love and Esteem for her in the Presence of her Father, who invited me to breakfast with him next Morning. All this Time, my good Friend, the Doctor, was on Thorns, and longed to know the Result of our long Conferences, which I told him was on various Subjects, but never mentioned that I had made the least Prosser of Love to Molly, no th t I was to go there in the Morning to Breakfast Wherefore I arose early, and under a Pretence o taking a Walk, went privately to Mr. Brown 's, wh received me with the utmost Civility, and left hi Daughter and me alone in the Parlour; here it was that I repeated my Addresses, and passionately expressed my inviolable and constant Love, vowing always to maintain the same fixed and unalterable. length▪ the Nymph consented, provided that her Father would be content to ratify it; whereupon▪ warmly saluting her, I went into the Garden to the old Gentleman, and desiring him to consummate our Happiness by his consent; to which he generously replied, since my Daughter willing, I am content. Whereupon we went in to breakfast, and all my desires being thus happily accomplished, I took my Leave for the present. As soon as I came to my Lodgings, I began seriously to reflect on my past Folly in engaging myself in so solemn and important an Affair, without any Probability of effecting what I had seemingly carried on with so much Success; the sole Reason whereof was owing to my Imprudence; for although I made a gay Appearance, yet I had but ten Shillings lest in Money, and moreover was severely pepper'd by the Favours of a Miss I had met with at Plymouth. Wherefore on mature Deliberation, of the Consequences that must inevitably arise from the Consumption of my intended Nuptials, I determined to visit her once more, to let her know, that, that I had received an Ordor from my Friends to repair to London forthwith, on some urgent Affair; but that upon the Conclusion thereof, I would return, and honourably perform my promise. Molly seemed well enough pleased herewith, but insisted on knowing how to write to me, whereupon I told her to direct to the Gun Tavern at Billingsgate. Now there being a Sloop ready to sail that Day for London, my Friend the Doctor and I, embark'd therein, and landed at Tower Stairs. The first thing I then did, was to send for Mr. G e, to whom I related my Adventures, and of him enquired into the State of the Bankruptcy: Hereupon he told me, that Mr. L n, and the Assignees, were involved in Law, and that no Dividend had as yet been made, but says he, I have two Guineas for you, that was lest by your worthy Friend Mr. Gilpin, which I should have sent to you on board the Ship that you went out in, had I not heard that she was sailed before I could possibly remit them to you. Mr. Brown has sent your Wife to board in the North of England, but as to the particular Place I can't inform you. I would therefore now advise you to lodge privately on Southwark Side, where if you send me a Direction, I will sometimes call and see you. Hereupon I took my leave of him, and went in search of an Apartment, which by good Fortune I soon met with, agreeable to my Taste, it being in a Publick House, where I had the Room Gratis. Near unto my Mansion lived a Mantuamaker and her Daughter who I besieged so closely, that in a little Time her Virtue began to stagger, and her Concupiscence to be a Tiptoe. In short, the sole Prevention of her Ruin was my being so pickled with the abovementioned Distemper. Notwithstanding this, I visited the Assignees and the Attorney two or three times a Week, from who I had a constant Supply of Money, though n sufficient to support my Extravagancies. Wherefore being now pretty deep in my Landlord's Deb I resolved to make another Trip to Sea, but wa happily prevented, by being one Day arrested as was walking in Cheapside, at the Suit of a Perso who had been Attendant on my Wife in her Progress to Flanders. For this Debt I was clappe into the Poultry Compter, and now thinking my self secure for some Time, I applied to my Frien G e, who generously ordered a Surgeon to attend me for my Cure. In this unhappy Place soon became acquainted with some of the most notorious Villains and noted Prostitutes of th Town, from whose bewitching Conversation sucked in the deadly Poison of unblushing Vice, and lost what Impressions of Virtue and Honour I had yet remaining. Here I continued near eleven Months, living on the Spoils of the unfortunate, whom I used to cheat and cozen at Cards and Dice, &c. 'till being wearied of this long and tedious Confinement, I entered into a Conspiracy with two others, to take the Opportunity when the Turnkey brought in the unhappy Women of the Town at Night, to force our Passage out; but this base Design was frustrated by one of the Confederates turning Informer, whereupon I was confined for four Days in the strong Hold, and afterwards moved by a Duce to Newgate, where (it being the Summer Time) through the noisome and filthy Stench of the Place, I fell dangerously ill, whereupon my Friends compassionating my Misfortunes, and to prevent the scandalous Reflection of my Death in so detestable a Place, procured my Enlargement, and generously paid for my Board and Lodging for three Months, hoping that in that Time I should get into some honest Employment. Now being pretty well recovered of my indisposition, by propitious Fortune, I crept into the good Graces of Mr. L 's Attorney, who employed me for a considerable Time. One Day I chanced to meet John Gadbury, (my former Landlord in Holland ) who had ran away with my Wife's Effects whom I dogged to his Lodgings, and acquainting my Attorney for the Commission therewith, had him secured in the Fleet, from whence after seven Months Imprisonment, he made his Escape to the great detriment of the Warden, who was obliged thereby to satisfy our Demands. Upon the abovementioned Attorney's going to settle in the Country, I contracted with one K k, a Buckle-maker in Water-Lane, Fleet-street, to learn the Art of carving Buckles. Our Agreement was, that I should serve him twelve Months, and for his Trouble in instructing me in that Branch of Business, give him a Promissory Note for twenty five Pounds, payable six Months after the Expiration of my Servitude. For some time I lived very happy with this Man, 'till by an unexpected Accident he became jealous of me and his Wife; the sole Reason whereof was as follows. A Relation of Mr. K 's, who supplied the Widow A n, at the Star Musick House near the Dock-head Southwark, with Wine, used annually to give an Entertertainment there, to which he always invited m Master and Mistress. Now it happened that m Master was ill at the Time appointed for t Merry-making, wherefore he desired me to a company his Spouse thither, to which I readi agreed, and the Hours passing swiftly away Mirth and Dancing we staid there till four o'Cloc in the Morning. This innocent, though imprude Action, gave Birth to his Fears and Jealousies, a caused him to imagine that I had violated t Rights of his Marriage Bed. However, he too no Notice thereof for the present, but resolved watch for an Opportunity to confirm what he a ready suspected. This Mr. K k had a Neice, a very pret young Girl, for whom I prosessed a great Respec and used always to wait on her home, when s came to visit her Uncle. Now it fell out, that o Morning as I was in the Kitchen, and my Master Stairs, that this young Woman came and asked h Aunt to take a Walk to ington ; my Mistress co sented, and I out of a Frolick offered my Service accompany them to Mr L 's there, at The La of Nod, which being readily accepted, I pretend to my Moster, that I was obliged to attend the A signees in the Afternoon, and therefore desired Leave to make half a Holliday; he freely comply with my Request, and I, according to my Agreemen met my Company at the Place appointed, but h not been there long, before Mr. K k came puffing and blowing like a Porpice, and almost as pa as Ashes; his first Salutation was a blow on h Wife's Head with a large Stick, which he wou have repeated had I not prevented him. The W men affrighted, ran out of the Room, and he and I sat down together, where I used all possible Arguments to eradicate these groundless Whimsies that possessed his Brain; but all to no Purpose, for he remained inflexible, and vowed Revenge on her. Wherefore finding it in vain to reconcile the Difference, and that I should run in danger of my Life, if I continued any longer in his Service, I proposed a Separation, to prevent any farther Mischief, which he readily agreed to. Now being destitute of all Business, I lived on the Reversions of a Prostitute of the Town, 'till growing weary of that scandalous Course of Life, I resolved to go to Sea, and therefore applied to my Friend G e, who was so kind as to obtain for me a Letter of Recommendation to Captain Tollard, Commander of the Pearl Man of W , that was going on her Station to Barbadoes. Now I might have been happy, and recovered my lost Reputation and Credit, had I been so wise as to have gone on board pursuant to Order; but so prevalent was my lewd Habit of Life, that I could not quit the ruinous Company of my Harlot, with whom I staid in Dalliances of lawless Love, till the Ship was sailed. By this Imprudent Action I entirely disobliged all my Friends, and was therefore obliged to keep on in the same abandoned and despicable State of Life, till one Day, as I crossed Lincoln's-Inn-Square, I was arrested by Mr. Dod the Officer at the Suit of K k, my former Master. Mr. Dod knowing me when I was in Prosperity conducted me to his House, where he told me I might remain as long as I could find Money. I was now in the utmost Despair, and had there ended my Days miserably by hanging myself, had not the Rope unfortunately broke. Now Mr. Dod 's wife being ill, had lodgings in the country, and his business often calling him out, I was left in the house with only two women servants, which made me resolve to take the first favourable opportunity of making my escape, neither was it long before I effected it; for one day as Dod, and his follower were gone to Kentish Town, I sent the old woman out for a quart of gin, and ply'd her so close with that intoxicating liquor, that she soon fell fast asleep. As to the young one, I elevated her spirits with sack and walnuts, till by amorous toys, and merry waggish tales, I prevailed on her to grant me the favour of standing at the street door for the benefit of the air. In the interim came by a barrow of peaches, whereupon, come, my dear, said I, will you eat a peach? she replying, yes, sir, I gave her sixpence to purchase some of them, but did not stay to partake of the remainder, for I immediately ran down to Temple -stairs, and crossed the water, where I lay perdue at the house of one L , an acquaintance of mine, who employed me to make handles for brushes, and afterwards recommended me to Mr. Weed, a colourman, who had built a Shed in a field remote from all houses, where he boiled his bullock's blood, an ingredient used amongst them in the composition of blue. This retired life, attended with a noisome stench did not long agree with me, and therefore I resolved to sell myself for a four year's servant. Accordingly I contracted with one Burge, who sent me on board the Spanish Town Factor captain Gray, bound to Jamaica. In my passage I settled the captain's books, who sold me for a school-master to Colonel Sands at Port-Royal, who having a Plantation at Saltpan-Hill, removed me and his children thither, for the better conveniency of their education. Here I continued near three months, frequently diverting myself in the company of one Quimino, a facetious and trusty negroe slave, belonging to my master, till growing weary of the mean and poor diet I met with there I resolved at all events to run away; and accordingly about four in the morning, I went privately to Passage Fort, but had not got into the boat that was to carry me to Kingston, before I was pursued, overtaken, and conducted back. Notwithstanding this, I still remained obstinate, and insisted on going to the colonel's at Port-Royal, which being agreed to, I loudly exclaimed against the ill Treatment I had met with, and plainly told him, that I would serve him no longer; which so exasperated the colonel, that he threatened to have me whipt by his negroes. Enraged at this menace, I swore that nothing less than his life should expatiate the gross affront; whereupon he finding me so resolute, remanded me to my former captain, with whom (he having buried one of his hands) I returned to England, and in the Downs was pressed by his majesty's ship the Portland, from whence I went to Ilvercomb, Bristol, and Bath, and rambled up and down the country with my comrade, who was one of our corporals o board, till having expended all our cash, we made the best of our way to London, taking the opportunity of passing for sea-faring men cast away in the Lamb, captain Morgan, bound for Ireland, with the transport soldiers; by which false pretence we obtained great relief on the road. When we came to London, we lodged in St. Giles 's, at one of those mean and scandalous houses, that harbour strangers for two pence a night. But this life not being agreeable to either of us, I persuaded my companion to enter for a soldier in the foot guards, and for my part I sold myself once more to go to Pensilvania, and continued on board near a week in the river; but there finding indifferent usage, and searing to meet with worse at sea, I stole ashore in company with a weaver▪ who was likewise going on the same foolish errand▪ From thence we travelled to Canterbury, where pretending ourselves to be Frenchmen, we were r lieved by the Protestants of that town, and then continued on our journey to Dover, where by good fortune we met with captain Jennings, who gave us our passage to Calais. At my landing there, I was solicited by by several Irish officers to enlist into the French service, but would by no means agree to their proposals. My companion now parted from me in search of business, but I entered myself on board a snow, loaded with corn, and bound for Lisbon. At Calais, we staid seven weeks, in which time the captain and all the crew were so involved in debt, that we were obliged to put to sea in the middle of the night. When we arrived at Lisbon, the Commander was turned out of his employ, and we all paid off. Now the English Fleet lying there, I had some thoughts of entering on Board thereof, but was prevented by Messr. Ibraham and Joseph Guest, who kept a large avern at B ll Bay, who agreed with me sor ten Pounds per Annuum to serve them in the Capacity of a Drawer. Here I must confess that I lived upon the best that the City afforded and each of my Masters keeping a separate Lady of Pleasure, I likewise grew wanton, and maintain'd a Miss for myself; but as this Course of Life could not be supposed to have any long Duration, my Master soon fail'd, and I thereby was obliged to seek out for a fresh Service. Hereupon I shipp'd myself with Captain Brook, Commander of the Sarah Galley, bound to Sancta-Cruz, in Barbary, and from thence to Cadiz and so home to England ; but the Captain and I not long agreeing together, I ran away from her at Cadiz, from thence, (after I had involved myself in Debt) I made the best of my Way to Malaga by by Land, all through the Province of Andaluzia. In my Journey, I was greatly surprized at the Poverty, and extreme Misery of the Inhabitants, chiefly owing to their Bigottry, they scarcely having Bread to eat whilst the pretended Religious are pampered up in the most exuberant Luxury. When I arrived at Malaga, I lodged at one O'Brian 's almost a Month upon Credit, but finding at last cold Reception, I resolved to apply myfelf to the Clergy, who I knew full well were the only Persons for me to work on, and having observed that it was customary for some of them to frequent the Sea-side daily; I seated myself there on a Stone, and in a melancholy Posture waited for their coming; nor was it long before two of the Dominican Order came, and seated themselves by me, asking in the Spanish Tongue, what Countryman I was? I replied in Latin, an Englishman ; whereupon according to their foolish Notion, deoming me no Christian, and therefore incapable of Salvation, they out of their seeming Piety, invited me to their Convent, there to be instructed in their Faith. In short, I verify'd the old Proverb, Necessity has no Law ; for being then almost starved, I was glad to embrace any thing that offered for my immediate Relief, and pretending to be entirely ignorant of the Romish Principals, I pass'd on them for a great Proficient therein. Here I liv'd a retir'd and indolent Life near four Months, during which Time they often press'd me to the Acceptance of the Habit, which I always declin'd, as having an Aversion to their superstitious Follies, though by them artfully contrived to impose on the giddy Vulgar. These Fathers recommended me to the Service of a Spanish Nobleman, in Quality of Page to his Lady, with whom I liv'd eleven Months, till being unfortunately discover'd in an Amour with his Niece, whom I had debauched, and was forced to skreen myself from the Rage of the injured Don, by leaping out at the Window, and making the best of my Way to the House of an Irish Taylor of my Acquaintance, where I lay concealed for a considerable Time, till at length meeting with a Sloop bound to Gibralter, and from thence to Ireland, I entered on Board thereof, our Passage was unparallell'd, and hardly credible, for we were thirty-five Days before we got into the Bay at Gibralter, which from Malaga, is but eighteen Leagues distant. Wherefore thinking that such an uncommon and unusual Disappointment, portended something fatal attendant on our Sloop. I there quitted her, and offered myself as a Soldier in the Garrison, but was rejected, by the Followers of Mars, on Account of my Stature, whereupon having nothing to subsist on, I was forc'd to perform the disagreeable and slavish Part of a Labourer to the Bricklayers, which I thought was the greatest Hardship that I ever yet met with, and therefore I resolved to quit this intollerable fatiguing Service, and seek out for some other more facile. Accordingly I applied my self to the Tennis-Court, and served therein as a Waiter; but that likewise did not answer my Expectation, for my Mistress, on Account of the wet Season, not having so much Company as usual, put me to fetch Water from the Fountain, and clean the Hogsties, which servile Employs not consisting with my Notions of Life, I quitted her Service, and commenced Usher to a School-master, who not living within the Bounds of his Scholastical Revenues, was in a little Time compelled to quit the Garrison. I now thought I had a fair Expectance of succeeding him in that Occupation, but my Hopes therein prov'd abortive, through the Malice of some envious Persons, who represented me to the then Governor (General Sabine ) as a Person sent thither as a Spy, though in Disguise; whereupon his Excellency ordered me to be confin'd in the Moor 's Castle, and in a noisome and filthy Cell, where I continued for the Space of seventeen Days; at the Expiration of which I was released and turned out of the Garrison. Whereupon I shipp'd myself as Cook on Board a Tartan, commanded by one Anthony Jenkins, bound for Walidea, on the Barbary Shore. We went out in our Ballast, with four Moorish Merchants on Board, that were to freight our Vessel with Corn, and then return to Gibralter, for the Sale thereof. But the Master, either through his Ignorance, or adverse Winds, could not gain his desired Port; but kept busking the Sea, till our Provisions were almost expended, and we reduced to the Allowance of three Pound of Barbary Rusk per Week, and half a Pint of Water a Day. These Hardships, with the ill Treatment of the Master, made me resolve to leave him as soon as possible, and soon after it luckily happen'd that I had an Opportunity of effecting what I so much desired, for in a - hard Gale of Wind we sprung our Mast, and tore our Sails to shatters, but at length the Storm abating, we the next Day made the Canary-Islands, when putting her before the Wind, under an old spare maintop Sail, that we had on Board, we anchor'd about eight at Night at the Colerada 's belonging to the Island of Lancerota ; our Captain being afraid to go into the usual Port of that Place, left his Hands, who had been all barbarously treated by him, should run ashore and leave him. Now resolved to loose no Time in freeing myself from this Slavery, and therefore about Twelve o' Clock at Night, my two Confederates and I, after we had taken three Pieces of Linnen, and what else we could find, from the Moors, embarked in the Boat, and went ashore, making the best of our Way from the Sea Side, though we knew not whither it led to. About the Dawn of Day we met with a Spaniard, mounted on a Bourico, or Jack-Ass, who civilly bidding us Good-Morrow, asked for an old Pipe, whereupon, I having the Language at Command, returned the Compliment, and favour'd him with one half full of Tobacco; whereat he expressed a great Satisfaction, and at the same Time gave me to understand, that he was Mayor of that Town, which we then saw on the Hill. I confess that by his mean Garb, and wretched Appearance, I had formed a despicable Idea of the rest of the Inhabitants, which was further augmented at the Sight of their poor straggling Huts, and miserable manner of Life; their common Diet being Greens and Oatmeal, mixed with cold Water, which they call Gosio ; neither do any of the Inhabitants, except the Grandees and Clergy (altho' the Island affords plenty of Corn) ever bake any Bread for their own Use. In the Evening by the help of our Guide, whom we hired for two Reals of Plate, about a Shilling Value, we reach'd the Port, where stood ten or twelve ruined Houses, with only one which appear'd in tollerable good Repair, which upon Enquiry, we found was the Mansion Seat of Seignor Don Bernado Trojano Cocillio de los Esperones, the Person who assumed to himself the Title of the British Consul; to this Gentleman we complained of the ill Treatment that we had received from our Commander, representing him as no Christian, but as an Encourager to Mahometism, and to prove our Assertion, we declared, that he had four Moors on Board. In short, we made him appear so black in the Spaniard 's Eyes, that he thought him a mere Devil, often signing himself with the Cross at the mention of his Name. Whereupon he commiserated our Hardships, and entertained us very handsomely for three Days: To this Gentleman we sold our Linnen Cloth for 40 Dollars, but not thinking it secure to make any longer Stay here, least the Captain (who without Dispute would come in Search of us) shou'd on his Appearance confute our Assertions, and thereby making us appear greater Villains, than what we had represented him, and obtain an Order to have us bound Neck and Heels, and carried on Board, where we could expect no Mercy from him, or the injured Moors, we therefore went privately in the Night to the Place called la Valla, the Residence of the Governor, where stood two Convents, one of Dominican, and the other of Franciscan Fryars, where we took Sanctuary, my two Comrades in the latter, and I in the former Monastery. The Priors of the respective Orders, treated us very handsomly, and promised to secure us from all Danger, if we kept in the Confines of their priviledged Territories. We had not been long here, before the Captain came up to the Governor's, and upon Complaint, that he could not put to Sea without his Hands, obtained of him an Order to apprehend us, if found without the Limits of the Convents, it not being in his Power to take us out of the Pale of the Church. Hereupon the Captain endeavoured by Flattery, to persuade us to return on Board, but all in vain, for we not only resolved to continue in our Station, but also to do him all the Prejudice we cou'd; and therefore I drew up a Complaint to the Governor, and prevailed on the Prior to present it to his Excellency, setting forth our barbarous Usage; and that the said Commander had Moors on Board, who under Pretence of Traffick, came to take a View of the Island, in order to return with Force, and surprise the Inhabitants. This so incensed the Governor, that he ordered a Company of Soldiers on Board, to search the Vessel, and to oblige the Captain to pay 334 Dollars as a Fine for not anchoring in the open Port; and furthermore, to put to Sea in ten Days Time. All which he unable to resist their superior Power, was obliged to comply with. As soon as he was sailed, we ranged through the Island at our Liberty, and were civilly entertained by the Natives, in the best manner they could afford. My Companions went on Board a Genoese Vessel, but I waited for the Arrival of the Father Provincial, well knowing that if I had the Fortune to get into his good Graces, that it would turn considerably to my Advantage; wherefore on his Arrival there, I play'd my Cards with so much Art and Cunning, that I soon obtained the Favour of waiting on his Person, who I must acknowledge treated me with the utmost Humanity. With him I went to Santa Cruz, another of the Canary Islands, where I continued in the same Post; but altho' I never wanted for the best of Victuals, nor Cloaths, nevertheless seeing no Prospect of getting Money in his Service, (the Clergy of that Profession being generally much addicted to the inordinate Love thereof) I left him, and from thence proceeded to the Port of Oratava, where for some Time I was maintain'd by the English Merchants; but as Courtesies of that Nation are not of any long Duration, I was soon obliged to Ship myself on Board the Charming Molly Captain Patrick Mackhugh, bound to Genoa, where we unloaded onr Orchilea, (a Weed used by the Dyers ) and after about a Month's Continuance there, we loaded with Bale Goods for Cadiz. And I now waiting on the Captain, I had an Opportunity of seeing the Directions of the several Letters that he brought for the numerous Merchants of that City, and amongst them I found one directed to Messrs. Ryan and Mannock ; whereupon knowing Mr. Mannock to have been my old School-fellow, and familiar Companion when in Trade, I resolv'd to wait on him, and therefore asked the Captain Liberty to go ashore, where I secreted myself all Night in a Genoese House, and the next Morning waited on my worthy Friend, who asked me What Service could he do me? To which generous Offer I reply'd, Sir, please to obtain my Discharge from the Commander. Whereupon he immediately gave me a Note to the Captain for that Purpose; yet he absolutely refused to discharge me, and the next Day sailed for St. Lucan, to load with Fruit for London, leaving me behind. Mr. Mannock (as my Wages were but trivial) advised me not to trouble myself about them, but ordered me to take a Lodging, and come to Dinner with him every Day, untill he could procure my Passage to England, in a Gentleman-like manner; he enabled me besides to quit my Seaman's Garb, and gave me a genteel Suit of his own, with Shirts, Hat, Wig, &c. and 20 Pistoles in my Pocket. Now I began to taste the Pleasures of Life once more and buried all my former Hardships in Oblivion; yet still I observed a regular and sedate Conduct for fear of disobliging my generous Patron; till one Night in the Carnaval Time I unfortunately picked up a Spanish Lady, with whom I went Home, and spent the Evening in lewd Pleasures, sures, and as I was returning Home thro' a dark Passage, my Hat and Wig were snatch'd from off my Head, and at the same Time a Book that I had borrowed of my Friend was pick'd out of my Pocket. The Place was so dark and obscure, that I could not discover the Villain, who fled as fast as he could, and soon skreen'd himself from my fruitless Pursuit. It is oftentimes very Dangerous for Strangers at Cadiz, and many other Places in Spain, to frequent Houses kept by Courtezans, because there are frequently, if not always, Fellows who resort thither and make their Prey of poor Sailors, and others, who are so unfortunate as to go thither. They watch every Person very narrowly and are sure to make something of them; for if they have not an Opportunity of robbing you in the House, you are sure to be met, and plundered as you return home to your Quarters; and many Times English Sailors have been stabb'd in dark Places in that City a cruel Instance of which happened during the Time I tarried there. A young Fellow, an Irishman, Clerk to the Captain of the Cales Factor, (for Cales is more frequently used by Mariners than Cadiz ) being returning from a bad House, where he had idly spent two Days and Nights with lewd Women, and squandered away a great deal of Cash, he was attacked in the Dusk of the Evening by some Assassins, who barbarously murdered him, after they had taken all his Money, and even stript all the Cloaths from off his Back; and I never could hear that these Russians were ever detected, tho' the British Consul and the Commander of the Vessel to which the Youth belonged, publish'd a Reward for apprehending them; and the Governor of Cadiz did all he could to bring them to Justice and Punishment; but all the Searches that were made by the Officers of the City were ineffectual, and the Rogues were never found out, as I ever heard of. This unhappy Affair however, put most of the British and Irish Seamen on their Guard, who rather chose to tarry on board their respective Ships, than hazard their Lives on Shore among such abandoned Wretches as the Courtezans, and the Villains who resort amongst them, who act much in the same Manner as Bullies do to the common Prostitutes who ply in London Streets, but with a good deal more Caution, for fear of being clapp'd up in Prison, from which they are seldom or ever discharged, without being fined, and corporally punished. But, to return to my own Story. Stung with Remorse, not so much I confess for the Offence, as for the Loss I had sustained; I went Home greatly perplex'd, how to prevent this sad Disaster from reaching my Friend's Ear, which full well I knew I cou'd not effect but by procuring the Book the sole Obstacle to the Concealment of my past Folly; but Mr. Mannock had unfortunately heard of the Affair by the Book being exposed to Sale; wherefore at Dinner he asked me for the same, saying, That he highly esteemed it, as being a present from his Brother to him. I blush'd, and after Dinner called him aside, freely acknowledged my Fault, and humbly begg'd Pardon for the Offence, which he generously forgave; but cautioned me to beware of the like Folly for the future. I now resolved, (since my Friend was acquainted with the Amour) to make the Harlot (whom I suspected to be an Accomplice in the Robbery) to render me an ample Satisfaction for the Injury received, and therefore I made my Complaints to the Alcade Major, or Mayor of the Town, who order'd two Officers to go with me to the House, and to demand the Goods I had lost; and if the Prostitute refused to deliver them, to seize her Effects, and carry her to Prison. In short the Hussy to prevent the impending Storm returned the Things, and as an Attonement for her Crime, gave the Officer and me a Dollar a-piece, and a handsome Treat. At Cadiz, I had an Opportunity of keeping Company with some Spanish Sea Officers, and other Gentlemen of Fashion, who finding me a Man of tolerable Capacity, took some Pains to instruct me in the Spanish Language. Many Authors have mentioned the Multiplicity of Titles used by the King of Spain, but without having perfect Knowledge of them, and therefore I will here give them my Readers. He is stiled King of Castile and Leon, of Aragon, of the two Sicilies, of Jerusalem, of Portugal, of Navarre, of Grenada, of Toledo, of Valencia, of Galicia, of Majorca, of Sevil, of Sardinia, of Cardovia, of Corsica, of Murcia, of Jean, of the Algarves, of Algezira, of Gibraltar, of the Canary Islands, of the East and West-Indies, Islands and Continent of the Ocean, Arch-Duke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant and Milan, Earl of Flanders Tirol and Barcelona, Lord of Bisca and Molina, &c. &c. &c. I have been in the City of Barcelona, which is a very antient one, and was built by Barea, a Carthagenian, 200 Years before Christ, has a safe Harbour on the Mediterranean, is large, well fortify'd, and secured by a Castle without it, called Mount Jovi. It was well built before the French Siege in 1688, which ruined many stately Structures, and the Inhabitants were rich. Into this Place the Spaniards put all their Foot, under the Command of the Prince of Hesse Darmstadt. The French opened their Trenches, and carry'd them on with extraordinary Vigour, though much retarded by bad Weather, and the continual Fire of the Besieg'd. At the same Time the French Fleet riding before the Harbour threw in abundance of Bombs. The Garrison made several great Sallies, in which many Men were killed on both Sides, but yet they were always repulsed, and had not their intended Effect. Yet the Besiegers had no great Reason to rejoice in their Success, for being too few to enclose the City, it was daily supplied from the Spanish Army that lay hard by. Vendosme (the French General) understanding that it was concerted to attack him by way of a general Sally, and from both the Vice Roy's small Camps, resolved to prevent them, and therefore leaving a sufficient Force to secure his Works, he marched himself with one Part of his Army, sending the the Sieur d'Usson, with the other in the Dead of the Night, and surprizing both the Spanish Camps, put all to the Rout, killing many, and dronwing many more, who endeavoured to get over the River Lobregat, taking all their Baggage, among which was the Vice Roy's, in it a Box with 22000 Pistoles, and 700 Horses and Mules. This Success encouraged the Besiegers, who sprung two Mines under two Bastions, and lodg'd themselves on them, though with the Loss of many Men, and having blown up other Mines, and made a considerable Breach, at last the Garrison capitulated to march out the 15th of August in an honourable Manner, and be conducted to Tarragona. It was reported that this City cost the French 12000 Men, which indeed seems incredible, but very many died of Sickness. The Bombs thrown in by the Fleet had destroy'd above half the Town, but when I was there, it appeared like a flourishing City. The trade at Cadiz is far more extensive than that of any other port belonging to the Spanish monarch either in Europe, or elsewhere; the galleons and flotilla load and unload here, when go to, or return from the West-Indies. The Spanish Monarchy, from whatever I have heard or read of it, is beyond Dispute the longest in Extent; and, if we consider the infinite and great Wealth of the West-Indies, perhaps the very richest in the World. The Emperor of China, generally esteemed the greatest Monarch for compass of Dominions, possesses not above as much Land as all Europe together makes; but the King of Spain has more than that in America alone, besides all his great Dominions in Europe, and some, though not very large, in Asia and Africa, yet they are such as are of a considerable Value. It is well known that this Monarch has Lands in all the four Parts of the World, and therefore the Spaniards say the Sun never Sets upon his Dominions. They are too large to be describ'd by me who here only give the Reader a view of them in the Names of the several Countries with the Arch-bishopricks, Bishopricks, and Universities, in them together with the Number of Towns as near as Authors have been able to compute, and some Hints of Revenues which are as follows. In Spain twelve Kingdoms, or large Provinces, which are Castile, Leon, Aragon, Navarre, Catalonia, Galicia, Valencia, Murcia, Biscay, Granada, Andaluzia, and Estremadura, wherein there are sixteen Thousand seven Hundred Towns, eleven Arch-bishopricks, and forty-seven Bishopricks, and fourteen Universities, the Revenues of the Crown out of only these Provinces here mentioned, amount to above thirty-six Millions of Ducats yearly. The Income of the abovemention'd Archbishopricks is near nineteen Million of ducats. The prebendaries, parishes, and other ecclesiastical benifices, are worth as much more. There are nine thousand monasteries, and in them near eighty thousand religious persons. The estates of the dukes that are grandees of Spain are worth near two millions of ducats per annnm, and some say a good deal more. Those of the Marquisses that are grandees, about one million and a half of ducats. Those of the Earls grandees, upwards of four hundred thousand ducats. All these revenues are within the kingdom, without including the vast income hoth King and Nobles yearly have from the West Indies, and other parts of the world. I have heard the Spanish clergy declare, that their most catholick, and august monarch is the richest and most powerful prince in the universe; but we all know this is false; however, it was not my business to contradict the priests, for I always concurr'd with what they said, because I was greatly carress'd, and led a lazy life, and lived very well amongst them during my stay. In Africa, on the Coast of Mazelquivir, the King of Spain has Oran, Penon, Melillae and Ceuta. The Canary Islands being seven in Number, called Lancarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Tenrife, Gomera, Falma, and Hierro. In Asia he has the Philipine Islands, which with others between them and New Spain, are possessed by the Spaniards are above two Hundred, but the chiefest of them all is Lucon, which though not broad is above two Hundred Leagues in length, on it is built a good City called Manila, upon a noble River, at the Mouth of which is a strong Fortress, and on the other Side the River an indifferent Town. All these Islands produce Gold, Cinnamon and other rich Commodities. In America, he is Master of so many Islands on the North Sea, that the Number was never yet known. Those call'd Kecayes, are many and large, those of St. John de Puerto Rico, about eighty Leagues in Length, and twenty in Breadth, Cuba three Hundred Leagues in Length, and twenty in Breadth, Hispaniola above five Hundred Leagues in Compass. The Continent of America, is divided into two Peninsulas, link'd together by a small Neck of Land, but eighteen Leagues over. The Northern Peninsula is called New Spain, and the Southern Peru. The Southern Peninsula, which is all encompassed with the Sea, except where the Isthmus joins it it to the Continent, and here are many very rich Provinces. In these Western Countries there are six Archbishopricks and thirty-one Bishopricks; but as I intend to have done with this Subject, I shall proceed to my own History, until I land myself once more in my native Country. My good Friend, Mr. Mannock, having sent for me, told me, he had agreed for my Passage Home, and that I must go on board in the Evening, for the Ship would sail the next Morning for England: Whereupon I humbly thank'd him for all Favours, and took my last Farewell of him, highly overjoy'd at the Thoughts of my returning one more to my native Country. But as I passed through the City Gates with a full Intent to go on Board, I unhappily met a Courtezan, a quandom Acquaintace, with whom I stay'd all Night, but the next Morning when I came down to the Mould, I found to my equal Sorrow and Surprize, the Ship was sail'd; whereupon I was so enrag'd at this fatal Disappointment occasioned entirely by my own Folly, that I almost resolved to put a Period to my wretched Life, and now being no longer able to stay at Cadiz, for fear of being seen by my injured Friend, I took Boat and went over to Fort St. Mary, and from thence to St. Lucar, where I had heard, that one Mr. Brown, a wealty Merchant resided whose Sister had been married to my Uncle Sir Roger Langley. Here I had the Honour to dine with this Gentleman, who made me a a Present of two Doubloons, and advised me to return Home. Whereupon, lodging at the House of one Mr. Smith, who kept an Ordinary for the Masters of Vessels, I fortunately became acquainted with Captain Whitaker, bound for Cowes and Hamburgh, with this Gentleman I came Home, landed at Limington, and from thence made the best of my Way to London, where finding that my Creditors had received 10 s. in the Pound in my long Absence, I was in Hopes of receiving the sum stipulated by Parliament for Bankrupts, and thereby reinstating myself in some settled Business with my Wife. Mr. Brown her Father being dead in my Absence, and all the Differences now now seemingly thereby to be appeased, whereupon I waited on my Mother-in-law, and to her made Proposals of sending for my Wife to Town, which she agreed to, but through her avaritious Temper, refused to assist me with Money to enable me to advance myself once more in Trade, and recover my Right from the Statute, and to obtain my Certificate from the Creditors. Whereupon finding my good Designs rend'red impracticable, I gave a Loose to false Pleasure, leading a loose and extravagant Lise, until I had almost exhausted all my slender Gains, as likewise a small Legacy that was lest me by my Cousin Brent. Wherefore I now resolv'd once more to range abroad in Search of new Adventures, and accidentally coming acquainted with one Mr. Hill, a young Spark of as desperate a Fortune as my own, with him I proposed to make a Tour to Paris ; in order whereunto we travelled by Land to Dover, but on our Arrival there, we were unhappily disappointed in our intended Progress, by an Embargo laid on the Shipping in that Port. Where on our Return Home, Money being low, we stopp'd John Springate of Feversham, within Sight of the Turnpike at Harble Down, but upon rifling his Pockets, and finding no more than three Farthings therein, not thinking so inconsiderable a sum worthy our Acceptance, we return'd him the same, and civilly dismissed him. An Account of our being apprehended, and Commitment to Maidstone Gaol for this Robbery. THE same Day we committed this Robbery, both of us were taken by a Hue and Cry, raised by the Country, and after being reviled by those who were set as a Guard over us, we were carried before a neighbouring Justice of the Peace, where poor Springate appeared more terrified than we were. As to my Part, I did not care what became of me, for my Life had already been miserable enough; but my unfortunate Fellowman, (which is generally used by those who engage in bad Courses) or I may say, more properly, Brother Thief ) knew not the Consequence of this Affair, nor did he seem more affected than a poor Country Fellow that had robb'd a Hen-Roost: I bid him be quiet and easy, and keep up his Countenance, for I was conscious we had committed the Robbery, and, if the Man swore to our Persons, we must stand committed to the County Gaol. After we had tarried near an Hour in the Apartment where the Justice hears Affairs of this kind, in came his worship with his bouncing Belly, attended by the Constable, Headborough, and Tythingmen, who all of them seem'd to be pleased with the Reward of 80 l. that they should have for hanging us, and quarrelled in the Hall, even before the Magistrate was seated, who was entitled to the greatest Share. After Silence was demanded in the Hall, Allibone the Constable, who had Charge of us, was commanded to bring us forward to the Place of Audience. Both of us had our Hands tied behind us, at that Time; but his Worship was so humane as to order us to be untied, which was done in an Instant. Whilst we tarried for a Hearing, the Justice had Notice brought him by a Livery Servant, that Sir Thomas s, had called to pay him a Visit, an to take a Dinner with him.—His Worship departed, but returned again presently, on purpose to dispatch us one way or other.—I had forgot to mention, that poor Hill, whilst we were together in the Hall, whisper'd me, and said, why Gill, this is only a Bridewell Job, tell me?—I shook my Head, and told him, I was afraid it was much worse;—at which he appear'd to be quite dispirited, and very sorrowful. Our Examination before the Justice was but very short; Springate was called, and ask'd if he knew either of us, and was cautioned to be positive to what he swore. He told the Justice that we had robb'd him, but he believed it was only in Fun, (that it is in a merry Way) for that he had got his Three Farthings returned him again. However, some of the Country Fellows persuaded him to swear that he was put in sear of his Life; and told him, that if he did not, we should ruin him for ever;—so the poor Fellow very justly swore it; we did order him to deliver; and swore we wou'd either have his Money or his Life. From my Heart, I don't believe the Man would have troubled himself about us, had he not been spirited on by his clownish Acquaintance, (I mean our Pursuers and Apprehenders) who wanted us hanged for the sake of the Reward, which was sorry Pounds sor each of us. On the Man's positive affidavit, the Justice soon ordered his Footman to write our Mittimus to the County Goal, where we were convey'd by a strong Possee, being mounted on Horseback, with our Legs chained under the Horse's Belly, and guarded by thirty Country Loobies, the Constable who had the Commitment, riding first with his long Staff, pitched on his Boot, exactly representing an Officer guarding a poer Criminal to the Place of Execution. At this Time the Country being pestered with Smugglers, and as we passed on to Maidstone, every Body imagined we were some of that Gang that were reported to be taken in Sussex, which caus'd Numbers of People, both on Horseback and on Foot to follow us into Maidstone Town. I never in my Life suffered so great a Punishment as the Fatigue of this Journey from the Justice's to Prison; it being excessive hot Weather, and in the Month of August, I could not persuade my Guard to stop for a little Refreshment, the Constable pretending he apprehended a Rescue was intended by the Smugglers. When we approached near the Entrance of Maidstone Town, there appeared to me to be as many People as were generally at Newgate to see the poor Criminals go forth to Execution. As I went into the Goal I thought to myself, Poor Gill, here you have cast you last Stone ! My Friend Hill, napp'd his Bibb (a cant Term for Weeping) and said he was ruin'd. I told him, I hop'd not, but I was afraid we were undone (Body and Breeches) 'till next Month ; meaning the time we were to be try'd. No sooner were we un-hors'd, but the cunning Constable deliver'd his Commitment o the Turnkey, who was a funny Dog ; and on looking at it, return'd it to the Constable, telling him he had no Business with Three Farthing Chaps, and that he must take us to the Place from whence we came. The silly Constable star'd; and the Turnkey snatching the Commitment from him again, ordered us (Prisoners) both to walk forward into the Lodge, which we, with sorrowful Hearts, were oblig'd to comply with. Notwithstanding I was under these unhappy Circumstances, nothing diverted more than the Pastime between the Constable, his Attendants and the Turnkey, who told him, As we were the first two Prisoners he had ever brought thither, he should ca l for his two Bottles of Wine ; and, said he, Mr. Constable, if you don't, I'll kick your men out again. The Silly Oaf laugh'd, and ordered the Wine immediately, which was not deliver'd before be tipp'd 'em the Ready-Pull-Out; and what was very merry, it went round so fast, that before it came to the Constable's Turn, he ne'er tasted one Drop; but oon after more was called for, that the Constable drank so freely that he was Top-Heavy (meaning he had it in his Nob) and dropp'd the Receipt which the Turnkey had given him as a Discharge for his Delivering us to the Keeper of the County Goal of Kent ; for the Return of which he paid another Bottle; and, after drinking a Glass or two, went away, but soon return'd, nd demanded the Horse Locks that Hill and I were chained with. The Turnkey told him, it was very well and when we were unlock'd he should, have them if he did not go out of Town before; but if he did, he should receive them by a Penny Post Letter. The Silly Cull went off full of Booze, and I remained there full of Sorrow. No sooner was the constable and his assistants departed but my poor c nfederate Hill and I were called before the head turnkey; when we appeared, he, Cerberus like, ordered us to come to Book. I put on a very dejected and sorrowful untenance, and told him neither I nor my companion ad e sowse to save us from perdition. He then ordered us to sit down at a table, where he, like Radamanthus the Judge of Hell, sat to determine complaints amongst the prisoners. We had not been long seated before he call'd out to a fellow who wos one of the jiggers, or understrappers belonging to the goal, and the fellow immediately appearing before him, made a low bow, and desired to know his pleasure. Here, Bob, said the turnkey, (pointing to me) that gentleman has a good uppershell, and desires to borrow a trifle on it. At this expression I stared like a conjurer, well knowing that my Upper-Shell, was my great coat; but, however, I had no remedy but patience, being obliged to comply with this villainous demand; and so I was immediately obliged to strip, not so much rogarding the loss of my coat, as the tyranny and oppression of these sort of fellows, who always make the best market they can of the unfortunate persons that are committed to their care. Finding myself stript, I look'd on poor Hill a pitiful Aspect, and Hill (shaking his empty pitied my Condition, and said he s afrai would serve him in the same Manner; I told him he was in no anger of that, for his Coat was not worth one Shilling; but tho' I was mist n in the Stripping Lay, they play'd off a new Game with my Friend, as will appear in the Sequel. But, to return to my Story: In about half an Hour returns the Fellow, seemingly very joyous, running to me in a great Hurry, and putting three Shillings into my Hand, told me that was all he could borrow on my Coat; and, D mn me (said he) I believe I have buk'd my Grandmother (meaning the Pawnbroker) for your poor Joseph was not worth half an Ounce;—and at the same Time shaking me by the Fist, said he, Friend, I believe your'e a Cock. I was under a Necessity of pocketing the Insolence of this Rascal, and was glad to get rid of his Impertinence and Stupidity, considering such Fellows as he were the only Persons that could relieve me under my present unhappy Circumstances. Poor Hill (who now look'd as cunning as a dead Pig) ask'd me what I intended to do with the Money? I answer'd him, You'll soon see an end of it: —And just as I was speaking, up stept the Turnkey, who had then just left Company, and accosted me in this Manner:—'Well, Friend, I suppose my Man has been with you to bring you the Money on your Coat? I told him he had brough me three Shillings in Silver, which I had in my 'Pocket.'—Ay, (reply'd he) D mn these Thieves of Pawnbrokers, they'll not lend any Thing on a Garment unless it is very good; and as yours was Threadbare, I think Bob has flung 'em, for he's a funny Dog, and a special Customer to the House; and he often gigs it with the old Dutchess.'—On this the Turnkey was called out to take Charge of another Prisoner, and I was glad he was gone, fearing he wanted my little Cole, having only that to support me. Newgate now came fresh into my Memory, but recommend me to that Prison (terrible as the Name is) for Humanity; for being a Prisoner there for Debt a considerable Time, I could perceive how the Felons were used by the under Keepers, and even the Master of the Gaol himself, who at that Time was Rowland Ingram, Esq who would come into the Common Felons Ward, and hear Complaints against the Jiggers or Runners, if they had beat or injured any one. Our Turnkey of Maidstone was a civil Fellow enough, especially to those who had the Cash, and of the three Shillings I had, he was so civil as to accept only of half a Crown; and when he got near my All, he desired one of the Followers to put on our Darbies.—This Scene, which I never had yet been accustom'd to, gave me the greatest Uneasiness; but to do Justice to my worthy Friend, the Turnkey, he order'd me only a fingle Link and one Basil, which is the Iron Ring that goes round the Leg. When I Brig, with my Irons on, the Block, to be likewise a slout Fellow, tho' a poor , I may more properly call him eeper, ordered him to be double iron'd, I thought was a very great Hardship. I expostulated all in my power with these mercenary mis reants, and begg'd on my knees, that they would not use him unkind, because we were far from our friends. This however, had no effect, till the Fellow who brings the setters, perceiving my friend wore a good pair of buckskin breeches, he desired him te exchange them for a pair that would fit him better. Mr. Hill, finding himself under a Necessity of parting with them, made no words, but immediately withdrew, and gave them to the Villain, who in return, furnished him with an old Pair of Sheepskin, big enough for a Colossus; his Breeches were worth at least three Crowns, and those he had in return only sit for the Rag Shed. However, this Condescension was the only Reason that he was not double setter'd; and a ligh single Iron being put on his Left Leg, we were oth conducted to our silthy Apartment. In this Place were three Felons for petty Crimes, o had been committed since the last Assizes, one f whom was ill of the Small-pox. That Night we rested as well as we could on the bare Board and, considering our unhappy Condition, slep sound, occasioned, no doubt, by the Fatigue our Journey the Day before. In the Morning at the Time of unlocking our ward, I ask'd the Turnkey, if I could be admitted to write a Line or two to a Friend in London, for a little Subsistance. He told me I was welcome, provided I was furnish'd with Pen, Ink, and Paper; but that not being in my Power to obtain for want of Cash, to supply the Urgency, I was oblig'd to sell my Shirt, which setch'd me one and twenty Pence▪ That Day I wrote to my good Friend Mr. G , informing him of my terrible Condition; but whether he ever received the Letter I know not, no Answer being ever returned, which was a very shocking Disappointment to me. I really believe the Hussy that I entrusted to carry it to the Post House, sunk the Two-pence I gave her; the week after the Mother of a Fellow Prisoner, who daily visited her Son, was so kind to carry a Letter for me, which I had wrote to a woman I formerly kept Company with near St. Martin's in the Fields. This Letter was received, but not by the Party it was directed to, she having been married some Time before; but her Sister, lodging in the same House, luckily took it from the Postman, and opening it, read the Contents, which she generously communicated to her Sister; which last Lady was so kind as to remit me a 27 s. Piece by the Maidstone Carrier, who fafely deliver'd it, inclosed in a Letter, into my own Hands. I would have paid the Carrier, but he refused to accept of a Farthing, saying that he scorned to take any thing from a poor Prisoner; for this generous action I return'd him my hearty Thanks, which he freely accepted of for his Trouble, and call'd for two Mugs of Ale to treat my unfortunate Companion and myself. Soon as the honest Man was gone I perused the Contents of the Letter, which contain'd some Reflections on my former Folly, and the bad Usage she had received from me, tho' the Direction of her Epistle was no ways intended to affront me under my unhappy Calamity. I confess I wept heartily; and the next Day I wrote her an Answer, which was sent to a place by her own direction; by her own Desire; but I never received any Return, or ever heard from her again, which I was heartily sorry for, considering my terrible Misfortune. I lived, whilst under my unhappy confinement, pretty tolerable, srequently doing little services for my sellow prisoners, in writing petitions and letters to their relations, by which I gained their good-will, and the esteem of all those belonging to the prison: The day the Judges came into Rochester, to open their commission for holding the Assizes, a gentleman came to the gaol, and presenting me with a guinea, delivered me the following letter; which was directed thus: To Mr. G. Langley, a Prisoner in Maidstone Gaol, in the County of Kent. My old Acquaintance, I Am surprised to hear that you are in confinement for so great an offence: I wave all reflections, for I scorn to insult the unfortunate. I took this opportunity of sending this piece of gold by a gentleman who was obliged to attend the assizes; and I wish you a safe deliverance with all my soul; I intended to be more liberal, but my follies have brought me almost to beggary, being abandoned by my wife, and despised by my parents. Your Friend, Z. The assizes for the Home Circuit being appointed to be held at Rochester for the county of Kent, we were removed thither, with a great many other criminals, to take our Trials for the felony we stood committed for. It was reported, that other indictments would be preferr'd against me for robberies on the highway; but I declare the fact I was charg'd with was the only one of that kind that I ever was concerned in. On the 20th of March, 1739, the Assizes on the crown side began, before the hon. Sir John Fortescue Aland, one of the justices of his Majesty's court of Common Pleas; and being both raigned, and pleading Not Guilty, we were the next Day tried and convicted, and received judgment of death; but the judge was pleased to reprieve us for transportation. Under this sentence these pages were written. May all young men read them with a proper disposition to avoid by my example the miserable state I have brought myself to. A state too frightsul to describe, and the very Thoughts of which stops the pen. Yet a state to which Numbers are running, as full of mirth and nad joy, as if their fools paradise was a real one. The royal mercy hath saved me from an ignominious death, and I humbly trust in GOD, that he will give me his grace to amend my conduct, and by a thorough and sincere repentance save me from death everlasting Maidstone Gaol, July 20, 1740. G. LANGLY. FINIS.