A DESCRIPTION OF THE CITY, COLLEGE, AND CATHEDRAL of WINCHESTER. EXHIBITING A complete and comprehensive Detail OF THEIR ANTIQUITIES and PRESENT STATE. The whole illustrated with Several curious and authentic Particulars, collected from a Manuscript of ANTHONY WOOD, preserved in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford ; the COLLEGE and CATHEDRAL REGISTERS, and other Original Authorities, never before published. —Capiturque locis, et singuloe loetus Exquiritque auditque VIRUM MONUMENTA PRIORUM. VIRG. viii. 311. LONDON, Printed for R. BALDWIN, in Pater-noster Row: Sold by T. BURDON, in Winchester; B. COLLINS, in Salisbury; and by the Booksellers of OXFORD, and CAMBRIDGE. [Price One Shilling.] PREFACE. THE pious Designs, and the magnificent Works, of our Ancestors are Themes, on which every Reader of a liberal Curiosity receives Information with Pleasure. But the following Work is more immediately calculated for the peculiar Convenience of the Traveller; and is principally designed as a local Guide to Strangers, who may be tempted to visit the curious and entertaining Particulars which it professes to describe and illustrate. For the Satisfaction of the Reader it may be necessary still further to premise, that our Account is compiled from the best private Information, from an attentive Examination on the Spot, and from a Variety of Materials relating to the Subject, incidentally dispersed in different Books, which have been carefully collected, and succinctly digested. To reader our Detail still more complete and authentic, we have consulted two Folio Volumes written on Vellum, belonging to the Cathedral Church of Winchester, containing the Acts of the Pontificate of William of Wykeham, whose Benefactions make so conspicuous a Figure in the History of Winchester. It is called Registrum Wykeham, and begins with the Year mccclxvii. But our principal Assistance has been derived from a valuable Manuscript of Anthony Wood, never before printed, and preserved in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, D 4. 56, 8518. pag. 308. 4to. It is dated, Febru , 1684, and consists of the following Articles. 1. The Church of the Hospital of St. Cross, with it Epitaphs. 2. Winchester College, with the monumental Inscriptions, painted Windows, Memorials of Arms, and other Particulars in the Chapel, Cloysters, and Library. 3. The Obits of several of the Fellows of the said College, as in the Register of the College from A.D. 1397. to A.D. 1668. None of which appear to have been buried in the Chapel or Cloysters. 4. Catalogue of the Masters of St. Cross Hospital, A.D. 1382. to A.D. 1619. 5. Extracts from a Register of Benefactions to Winchester College. Begining with "A Missal given to Winchester College by Mag. Thomas Nevil, Prior of the Cathedral Church of Winchester: " And ending with, " John White, Bishop of Winton, gave to the College at Winton, by Will, his Mitre and Cro -Staff, a Tankard silver-gilt, a Bason, and Yeure of Silver, and a Turkie Carpet." —Besides these, we have been favoured with the Perusal of several original Evidences, and authentic Papers. THE CITY. WINCHESTER appears to have been a City of considerable Note among the antient Britons, by whom it was called Caer Guen, or the White City, from its Situation upon a chalky Soil. Many reputable Historians report, that it was founded by Ludor Rous Hudibras, 892 Years before the Birth of Christ. It afterwards became a Roman Station, and probably one of their Cities, as appears from the Discovery of a Pavement of Brick, and Coins of Constantine the Great, found in digging the Foundat on of the Royal Palace of Charles II. Camden But. p. 1 Ed. Cib. tells us, that during the Saxon Heptarchy the West Saxon Kings resided in this City; who adorned it with magnificent Churches, and an Episcopal See. King Ethelstan established here six Mints for the Coinage of Money. The Dome-boc of Alfred was reposited in the Cathedral of this City, thence called Codex Wintoniensis; as was afterwards the present Domesday book of the Conqueror Kennet's Paroch. Ant. pag. 63. . From its first Foundation to the last mentioned Period, it was three Times destroyed by Fire. In the Civil Wars between King Stephen and Maud the Empress, this Place was almost totally desolated; but the Misfortune was amply repaired by Edward III. who fixed here a Staple Leland acquaints us, that the Staple Houses "lay from the West Gate in a back Way to the North Gate." Itiner. vol. iii. pag. 86, ed. 2. for Wool, and Woollen Manufactures Camden, ubi supra. . It is said to have been first fortified with Walls by Guidorius, Anno Dom. 179. The present Walls are reported to have been erected by Moleutius Dunwallo, Anno Dom. 341. On the South and East Sides, for some Distance, they remain entire, and many Fragments of them are continued to a considerable Extent on the North and West, particularly to the Westward, on which is to be seen a Bastion, called the Hermit's Tower. Their Circumference is one Mile and an Half. There were formerly six City Gates, the four principal of which still subsist, as does one of the Posterns called the King's Gate Leland says that St. Michael's Gate is spoken of by antient Writers, and conjectures that King's Gate was sometimes so called, on account of St. Michael's Church standing near it. Itinerar. vol. iii. pag. 86. ; the sixth Gate Leland, ut supra, pag. 87. says it was called B rne-gate, and that it led to a small Suburb. , which stood between the North and East Gate, is utterly destroyed. On the West, and on Part of the North and South Sides, is a Foss of prodigious Breadth and Depth, but to the Meadows, which were easily floated by the River, such a Defence was thought unnecessary. The vacant Spaces within the Walls, now formed into Gardens, demonstrate that the Town has been greatly depopulated. Near the West Gate we survey the Ruins of a strong and stately Castle, which according to Tradition was built by King Arthur Anno Dom. 523; and was a Place of remarkable Defence in the Reign of King Stephen, against whose Attacks it was bravely maintained by Maud the Empress for a considerable Time. By a Plan of it drawn Anno Dom. 1630, it appears to have been a quadrangular Structure, with a Tower at each Angle: And by a small Sketch in Speed, Anno Dom. 1614, we discover, that the Entrance from the West was over a Bridge thrown across the Western Foss, leading to a Gate-way contiguous to the South West Angle of the Building. It appears by the same Sketch, to have had some Outworks, with Towers, to the South. Heylin inform us, that "it was a gallant, but not great Castle, bravely mounted on a Hill, for Defence, and Prospect Cosmograph. pag. 312. edit. 1666. ." The West Saxon Kings, and many of our Princes after the Conquest, resided in this Castle, some of whom were born, and others crowned William Rufus was crowned here every Christmas. Angl. sacr. vol. i. pag. 259. Our Kings often kept their Christmas and Easter here. here. In later It appears to have been in the Crown in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, who allows 6 l. 13 s. 4 d. to the Constable of Winchester Castle. Peck's Desid. Curios. vol. i. l. 2. p. 19. Times, it was inhabited as a Dwelling House by Sir William Waller and his Family near one hundred Years before the Grand Rebellion, in which it was demolished about Anno Dom. 1642. During the Troubles the King had seized and garrisoned this Fortress; from whose Forces it was afterwards taken by Sir William Waller its original Owner, who was one of Cromwell 's Generals. The Chapel of the Castle, which was, as at present, originally a detached Building, is still entire, and is a magnificent Edifice, consisting of three Iles, 110 Feet in Length and 55 in Breadth. In this Chapel a famous Cause concerning the Superiority of the See of Canterbury over that of York was tried Anno Dom. 1072, before Hubert the Pope's Legate, King William, and all the Bishops and Abbots in England Wharton's Angl. Sacr. vol. ii. pag. 635. . A Chantry formerly belonged to this Chape, as appears by its Dissolution at the Reformation Willis's Mitr. Abb. vol. ii. p. 209. a Pension of 6 l. is allowed to Nicholas Hill, late Incumbent, Anno Dom. 1553. . The Assizes for the County of Hants were originally kept in this Castle; at least as early as the Year 1272, as we learn from the Winchester Annalist, who frequently remarks that the Royal Family quitted their Residence at this Place to make Room for the Judges; but at present the Chapel, of which I have been just speaking, is appropriated to this Purpose. At the End hangs what is commonly called King Arthur's Round Table, which is 18 Feet in Diameter. It would be needless to multiply Authorities for a Proof that this Table is of modern Date. However it is of higher Antiquity than it is commonly supposed to be: For Paulus Jovius Descript, Region. , who wrote above two hundred Years ago, relates, that it was shewn to the Emperor Charles V. and that at that Time many Marks of its Antiquity had been destroyed, the Names of the Knights having been then just written afresh, and the whole Table, with its Ornaments, newly repaired. Turnaments being often held at Winchester before the Court and Parliament, this Table might probably have been used, on those Occasions, for entertaining the Combatants; which, on that Account, was properly inscribed with the Names of Arthur 's twenty-four Knights; either in Commemoration of that Prince, who was the reputed Founder and Patron of Tilts and Turnaments; or because he was supposed to have established these martial Sports at Winchester. In later Times these Exercises were called Mensa Rotunda Thom. Walsing. edit. i. pag. 49. See also Selden, De Duello, pag. 64. Works, Fol. vol. iii. . The Names of the Knights inscribed on the Table are much the same as those we find in an old Romance concerning King Arthur Called Morte Arthur, &c. printed by Caxton, 1484. , viz. Sir Lancelot du Lake, Sir Tristram, Sir Pelleas, Sir Gawain, Sir Garethe, &c. On or near the Site of this Castle Charles II. Anno Dom. 1683, laid the Foundation of a magnificent Royal Palace, only the Shell of which was finished. A Cupola was designed 30 Feet higher than the Roof, which would have been seen at Sea; and a Street was intended leading from the West End of the Cathedral to the Centre of the Front. The Length of the whole is 328 Feet. A Park was also projected ten Miles in Circumserence: but the Death of the King prevented the Progress and Execution of this noble Plan. The Palace is at present converted into a commodious Prison for French Prisoners of War. The City of Winchester contains eight Parish Churches. It had formerly 45, or more, many of which were suppressed by Bishop Fox in the Reign of Henry VII. as insufficient to maintain their respective Incumbents Leland, ut supra, pag. 85. . In a Meadow, called Denemrch ead, between Hyde Abbey and the City Wall, Guy Earl of Warwick is said to have encountered and conquered Colbrand the Danish Giant. The Battle-Ax with which he atchieved this memorable Exploit was kept in the Treasury of St. Swythun 's Cathedral till the Reformation, and was called Colbrandis Axe See Rudbourne apud Wharton, vol. i. pag. 211. . Eastward of the Town, on a Hill called St. Giles 's Hill, where stood a Chapel dedicated to St. Giles, Waldawus a Saxon, Earl of Northumberland, was beheaded by Command of the Conqueror Leland, ut supra, pag. 86. but Camden says Waltheof Earl of Huntingdon, pag. 143. edit. Gib. vol. i. . On the opposite Hill, called Catharine Hill, Leland acquaints us, there was a fair Chapel dedicated to that Saint. It was endowed with Lands, and suppressed by Cardinal Wolsey Ut supra, pag. 87. . The Prospect from either of these Hills is very delightful. The City, interspersed with Trees and Gardens, magnificent Structures and venerable Ruins, and the Country consisting of watered winding Vallies, bordered by Declivities of a prodigious Height, gradually rising into extensive Downs bounded by distant Woods, must charm every Lover of romantic or rural beauty. St. John's House is appointed for the public Meetings of the Mayor and Aldermen. It has an Hospital annexed, and is said to have been founded by William Lamb, Esq 1554. In Leland 's Time it was an Hospital for the Sick, and in the Chapel was a Statute of St. Bristan Bishop of Winchester, who probably was the Founder Ut supra, pag. 85. . He died A.D. 932. On the West Side of the Close-Wall is a commodious Hospital founded by William Symonds, Gent. A.D. 1607, for six old Men, one Woman, and four Boys. On the North Side of the Cathedral is a decent College founded by Bishop Morley, A.D. 1672, for ten Widows of Clergymen. The County Hospital in this City is a magnificent Edifice, the Front of which is 224 Feet in Length. It was opened for Patients at Michaelmas, A.D. 1759. This Institution was the first of the Kind in England, and was begun, but not in the present Building, A.D. 1736. The Market Cross, about the Middle of the High-street, is an elegant Gothic Structure, 43 Feet high, and, as I conjecture, of the Age of Henry VI. Besides the College and Cathedral, which will be separately described, there have been several religious Foundations in this City. The most eminent was Hyde-Abby for Benedictines, which stood for 200 Years within the Precincts of St. Swythun 's, and on a Quarrel between the two Societies was removed to a Suburb called Hyde. It was established at Hyde by Henry I. and W. Giffard Bishop of Winchester. A.D. 1121. and at the Dissolution, A.D. 1538, was valued at 865l. 18s. Tanner Not. Mon. pag. 155, 156. Fol. . It's Abbots had a Seat in Parliament. The Church almost fills a large Meadow with it's Ruins, and appears to have consisted of three Iles, and to have been at least 240 Feet long. It was built with Flint cased with Stone. Of the Monastery nothing remains except some Out-buildings toward the Street; and one Gateway, the Mouldings of which exhibit, on each Side, the Head of a King. The same Head occurs on a Wall towards the South. Great Part of the Precinct-Wall is still standing. In this Abby many Saxon Kings and Princes were sumptuously buried. The Church now called Hyde Church "In Atrio Hydae," MSS. Coll. Wint. , originally stood within the Precincts, as did many Parish Churches in other Places As at Winchecombe, Co. Glocester, Cirencester, ibid. Evesham, Co. Worcester, &c. . The Tower of Hyde Church was probably built with the Stone collected from the Ruins of the Abby. Next to this, in Point of Eminence, was a Benedictine Nunnery, called St. Mary 's Abby, founded by Alswithe the Wife of King Alfred, A.D. 900. It was situated near the House of George Pescod, Esq and is now reduced to a small Heap of Stones. It consisted of an Abbess and 21 Nuns, and was valued at the Dissolution at 175 l. 7 s. 2 d. Tanner, ibid. From this Nunnery Henry I. took his Wife Maud, Daughter of Malcolm King of Scots, by which Marriage the Royal Families of the Saxons and Normans were united. Camden acquaints us, that the Ruins of this Monastery shewed it to have been a stately Fabric Brit. vol. i. Gib. edit. pag. 143. . Besides these there were the following Monasteries See Tanner, Not. Mon. in Hampshire. , or religious Foundations. The Hospital of the Almonry of the Church of St. Swythun, commonly called the Sustern Spytal, maintained by St. Swythun 's Convent, adjoined to the present College on the West. The College of St. Elisabeth, founded by John de Pontisora, Bishop of Winchester, A.D. 1300, for one Provost, six Chaplain Priests, six Clerks, and six Choristers, was valued at the Dissolution at 112 l. 17 s. 4 d. The Provost had six Marks, and the Chaplains 40 s. per Annum, besides Commons. It stood in a Meadow, called St. Stephen 's, near the present College on the East. Leland thus describes it's Site. "The College of St. Elisabeth of Hungorie lyith straite Est upon the New-College [Winchester-College]: and there is but a litle narrow Causey betwixt them. The mayne Arme and The same Writer observes, that "Blak Brydge, made of Wood, is betwixt Elisabeth and Est Bridge." Ibid. pag. 89. East Bridge is, I suppose, the Bridge just without the East Gate. Stream of Alsford-Water, devided a little above the College [Elizabeth College] into two Armes, runnith on each Side Leland, ut supra. pag. 85. ." Afterwards he adds, "within these twoArms, not far from the College Church of St. Elisabeth, is a Chapel of St. Stephen. " The Bishop in his Statutes sets forth, that he founds this College before the Gates of Wolvesey Castle in a certain Meadow called St. Stephen 's Meadow, containing six Acres, in which also stands an antient Chapel of St. Stephen Dugdal. Mon. vol. iii. Eccles. Coll. pag. 49. . On the North Side of the Church-yard of St. Mary 's Abby, described above, stood the Chapel of the Holy Trinity, consisting of a Warden and several Priests. Here was a Convent of each of the four Orders of Mendicant Friers. The Augustine Friers were just without the South Gate on the left in the Road to Southampton. The Grey Friers, or Minors, on the right just with the East Gate. The Dominicans, on the North, within the City. To these we may add the Prior and Brethren of St. Peter in the Church of St. Maurice, and the Church of St. Mary Kalender. We shall close our Account of the City with a Description of the Hospital of St. Cross, which stands about half a Mile Southward of the Town. This From Lowth's Life of Wykeham, edit. 1. pag. 72. Tanner's Account varies in one or two Circumstances. Ut supra, pag. 161. Hospital was founded by Henry de Blois, Bishop of Winchester, and Brother of King Stephen, about the Year 1136, for the Maintenance of thirteen poor Men: who likewise ordained, that one hundred other poor Persons should be entertained here every Day at Dinner, in a Place appointed for that Purpose, called Hundred-Mennes-Hall. Of these there were always thirteen of the poorer Scholars of the great Grammar School of Winchester. But this Institution of daily feeding the one hundred Poor was not of long Continuance; for it was abrogated before the Reign of Richard II. and instead of it, an Establishment was substituted of four Priests, thirteen secular Clerks, and four Choristers. In the Year 1444, Cardinal Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester, made ample Additions to the Hospital, for the Maintenance of two Priests, thirtyfive Brethren, and three Sisters, besides those of the original Foundation. He gave his new Constitution the Name of The Alms House of Noble Poverty; by which it appears, that he designed the House for the Relief of decayed Gentlemen. This Hospital, though considerably diminished in it's Revenues, still subsists on the Remains of both Endowments. The Building consists of one extensive, irregular Court. The Church, which was built in the Reign of King Stephen, by the first Founder, is a curious Remain of Saxon Architecture "We have some Examples of the ancient SAXON Manner; which was with Peers or round Pillars, much stronger than Tuscan; round-headed Arches, and Windows. Such was Winchester-Cathedral of old; and such, at this Day, the Royal Chapel, in the White Tower at London: The Chapel of St. Crosses; the Chapel [the Cathedral] of Christ-Church in Oxford, formerly an old Monastery: and divers others, I need not name, before the Conquest." Life of Sir Ch. Wren. PARENTALIA; or Memoirs, &c. pag. 296, from a Letter of Sir C. Wren, &c. : It is in the Form of a Cross, and the Body consists of three Iles with a Transept. From the Altar to the West Door it is 150 Feet in Length; and the Transept 120. The Roof is remarkably lofty. On each Side of the Altar are handsome Screens of Spire Work in Stone. The Names of all the Officers belonging to the Hospital about A.D. 1575, are carved on a Desk in the Chancel, among which we find those of a Chanter, and singing Men; but at present there is no Provision for a Choir. The great West Window, the Construction of which is in a more ornamental Style than any of the rest, was probably altered to it's present Form, by the second Founder, Cardinal Beaufort. It has some Remains of painted Glass, with an Inscription, nothing of which is legible, or at least intelligible, at present, except the Words Nicholas Bedford. In a South Window of the cross Ile, are these Arms, viz. Gules three Lions Heads passant, Fl. de Lis reversed, or three Eagles quartering Barry, and a Chief. In an East Window of the North Transept we find an Ave Maria, with some Fragments of painted Glass, under which is Orate pro anima Ricardi de Buteshall; if I am right in the Name, which is the most imperfect Part. He was Master of the Hospital, A. D, 1346. On the Roof of the Nave are two Cheverons, the Arms of Wykeham, between three Roses; also the Arms of France and England quartered. The Coat between these two is defaced. In this Church are the following antient Epitaphs. On a Stone of grey Marble, placed within an Arch in the North Ile, is this Inscription in Saxon Characters. "Hic jacet Magister Petrus He is mentioned in Catal. Willis, Magist. Circ. 1292. Mitr. Abb. vol. i. p. 344. de Sanctâ Mariâ quondam Custos hujus Domus." On a Brass Plate on the Ground, "Here lieth Elizabeth Wroughton, Gentlewoman, who departed the xxiii Day of May, in the Year of our Lord 1551. whose Sowle Jesu pardon." On another "Hic jacet Johes Knyght, qui quondam erat frater istius loci novae fundationis editae per Henricum epum Winton et Cardinalem Angliae. Cujus anime, &c." On another, "—rward Richard Harwood, or Harward, Magist. 1489. Willis ut supra, p. 345. et Mss. Wood. decretorum Doctoris ac nuper hujus—die Aprilis Anno Domini Mcccc nonages. tertio." On another, "Hic jacet Johes Turke, qui quondam erat frater — as before in Knyght's Epitaph. On another. "The Yere of our Lord Mccc and two, upon the eleventh Day of the Month of Feberere the Soul of John Newles the Body passed from a Brother of this Place restyng under thys Stone here born in Be Squyer and Servant more than xxx Yere unto Harry Beauford Bishop and Cardinal whose Soulys God convey to his Mother dere unto the blys of Heaven that is eternal Amen." In the Middle of the Nave, on a large flat Stone is the Figure of a Man on a Brass Plate with two Labels over his Head, "Jesu cum veneris justificare noli me condemnare—qui servasti me miserere mei." Under the the Figure is, "Hic jacet Johes de Camden Circ. 1383. Willis, ibid. He was also Canon of Southwell, and a Benefactor to Winchester College. Regist. Coll. Winton. quondam Custos istius Hospitalis, cujus animae, &c." Round the Verge, "Credo quod redemptor meus, &c." On a Brass Plate. "Hic jacet donus Johes Berton quondam Vicarius sci Johis in Soca Winton." In the Southern Transept, on the Ground "Hic jacet Johes Prews quondam Rector ecclesiae de Mechelmersh qui obiit 13 Die Mensis Aprilis, A.D. 1418. Cujus Animae, &c." On another, Orate pro anima dni Willi Saunders quondam Cappellani novae fundationis hujus Collegii qui obiit 29 Die Nov. Ann. Dom. 1464. Cujus Anime, &c." On another, "Under this Stone resteth Alexander Swart late Brother of this place who departed this transitory Life to Almighty God the xvii Day of July, 1569." In a Chapel on the South Side of the Choir, or Chancel, "Hic jacet Johannes Wayte filius Johis Wayte Armigeri, et Agathae Uxoris ejus, qui quidem Johes Wayte filius obiit ult. Die Octob. An. Dom. 1502. Cujus Animae, &c." On the North Side of the Court is the Refectory, in the Windows of which we find these Arms, viz. Arg. A Cross pat. S. Quart. Fr. and England. a bord. Gobon. The same are over the Gate. I suppose for Cardinal Beaufort. The Lodgings of the Master, contiguous to the Refectory, are spacious and decent. On the East Side of the Court is this Inscription. "Henricus Compton Episcopus." He was Master here, and promoted A.D. 1674 to the See of Oxford, and afterwards to that of London. We likewise find his Initials on the Stables, H.C. with the Year 1675. In the Eastern Gallery, and in other Places, we frequently read "Dilexi sapientiam R.S. 1503." This is the Memorial of Roger, or Robert Sherborn, Master of the Hospital, and from hence preferred to the Bishoprick of St. David 's. He was afterwards Bishop of Chichester, and founded in that Cathedral Church four Prebends, for which those alone are qualified who are, or have been, Fellows of New College in Oxford. The Gateway of the Hospital is formed in a square stately Tower, on one Side of which is the Statue of the Cardinal praying to another Figure, now destroyed. This Tower was probably built by the Cardinal. About the Year 1370 Lowth, ut supra. the Revenues of this ample Foundation were valued at 400 l. per Ann. at which Time the yearly Salary of the Master was estimated at 7 l. 4 s. 6 d. Its second Founder Cardinal Beaufort added to the former Endowment an annual Augmentation of 500 l. besides several Impropriations. THE COLLEGE. THE College of St. Mary of Winchester, commonly called Winchester College, is situated to the South East of the Cathedral, just without the City Wall. The Front is extended to the Length of 249 Feet, and consists of Offices on the West Side of the Gateway, and of a Part of the Warden's Lodgings on the East. Under the Gateway, the Tower of which is adorned with a Statue of the Virgin Mary, we enter the first Court. On the left are the Warden's Lodgings, which are commodious and ample. That Part of them which fronts the Garden was erected at the Expence of Warden Nicholas . the Year 1692. That Part which faces the Street, was raised in the Wardenship of Dr. John Harmar, as appears by the Initials, J.H. and the Date 1597. The North Front of the second Quadrangle loses much of its intended Effect by Means of another Part of these Lodgings, built A.D. 1613. which runs at right Angles against it on the left. We enter the second Quadrangle under a stately Tower, called the Middle Gate, adorned with the Statues of the Founder, the Virgin Mary, and an Angel. This Court is 96 Feet over. The lower Rooms, on either Side of the Gateway, and of the whole Eastern Side of this Court, are the Lodging Rooms of the Scholars; over which are the Apartments of the Fellows. The Stair Case adjoining to the North West Angle, leads to the Apartments of the Schoolmaster, which are spacious, and elegantly furnished. On the West is the Kitchen, and a convenient Conduit. The whole South Side is magnificently formed by the Chapel and Hall. The latter is a noble Gothic Room 63 Feet in Length, and 33 in Breadth; in which the Scholars dine at Twelve, and sup at Six. In the uppermost Window, on the North Side, are the Arms of England, and of the Marquis of Winchester. The Chapel is equal to most, and superior to many, in our Universities; whether we regard its Dimensions, its Furniture, and the Solemnity which strikes us at our Entrance. It is 102 Feet long, and 33 broad. The Screen, Stalls, and Altar-piece, which is of the Ionic Order, were executed in the Wardenship of Dr. Nicholas abovementioned. The Altar is adorned with a beautiful Salutation Piece, painted by Le Moine, and given by the Reverend Dr. Burton, the present public-spirited, and learned Head Master. The Branches are the Gift of the Reverend Mr. Christopher Eyre, formerly Usher. The East Window is painted with the Genealogy of Christ, and has been celebrated in an elegant Poem written by the Reverend Dr. Lowth, Prebendary of Durham, which is printed in an admired Collection of English Poems, entitled The UNION Printed for R. Baldwin in Pater-noster Row. . The rest of the Windows are decorated with the Pourtraits of Saints, with their Names underwritten: Together with the following Inscription, which is in many Places at present destroyed. " Orate pro anima Wilhelmi de Wykeham Fundatoris istius Collegii. " On the North Side stands the Organ. The Roof is covered with a Cieling of Wood in Imitation of arched Stone Work, without which, the Height would be too great, as it is at New College Chapel in Oxford, where such a Cieling was, probably, originally intended. At least, the present Rafter Work of that noble Chapel is by no Means equal to the Magnificence of the rest. This Cieling seems to have been finished about the Time of that which covers the Presbytery in the Cathedral, as it is exactly of the same Workmanship. In this Chapel, Choir Service is performed at Eight and Five, on Sundays and Holidays, and at Five on their preceding Eves. The Choir consists of three Chaplains, three Clerks, one Organist, and sixteen Choristers. In the Ante Chapel is a Recess to the South, over Part of which stands the Tower, containing five Bells. This Addition, which exhibits a more modern Style of Architecture, seems to have been erected in the Reign of Henry VI. together with the Tower, by William of Wainfleet, Bishop of Winchester, whose Arms are cut in the Roof, together with the following Arms and Rebuses. Two Cheverons between three Roses. WYKEHAM. Lions passant quartering a Fret. Giron. of 12, in Fess, a Rose. Three Sugar Loaves, over it a Doctor's Cap. Arms of the See of Winton. Lions Ramp. in chief four Keys; two and two endorsed. Three Pheons in Base, three Bucks Heads cabossed in chief. Or Fess, a Mitre in Fess. Four Lozenges impaling a Fess between two Cheverons. R.T. for Robert Thurborne, Warden, A.D. 1413. The Device a Rose composed of Rays of the Sun. A large T. charged with Tapers in Saltire, for Thomas Chandler, Warden A.D. 1450. A Beacon with Arrows, and a Tun, for Thomas Beckington, Bishop of Bath and Wells, a liberal Benefactor to the College, about the Time of the last mentioned Warden. Besides these there are Letters interwoven for Cyphers, which by Length of Time are rendered unintelligible. One of the Windows belonging to this Recess has been lately closed up, and the other is greatly defaced; but the Paintings and Inscriptions of both having been fortunately preserved by Anthony Wood, the Oxford Antiquary, who visited this College in February 1684, I shall insert them from his original MSS. which has never yet been printed. The curious Observer will easily supply the Defects of the remaining Window, by the Assistance of the following Description. Arms. Girony of 12, Or and Bl. a Rose in Fess, Point G. A Mitre in chief, between three Bucks Heads, cabossed in chief, and three Pheons in Base. Arg. two Chev. S. between three Bucks Heads, cabossed in chief, and Pheons in Base. Arg. two Chev. S. between three Roses G. Two Chev. Or, between three Roses Arg. In one Compartment is the Pourtraiture of a Bishop in his Habit, supported by another Bishop, and an Archbishop, as appears by the Cross, placing the Mitre on his Head. Under him are two Chaplains praying: This was most probably to represent the Consecration of William of Wykeham. Underneath the whole Length of the Window is this Inscription. —Hulyn, A.M.—Schola Grammaticali hujus Collegii et pro animabus parentum et amicorum eorundem. In another Compartment is this Inscription. Orate pro anima Magistri Willi Densford quondam Socii perpetui hujus Collegii, qui obiit Octavo Die Decemb. Ann. Dni. 1476. Cujus animae, &c. In another Compartment is the Figure of a Saint. Beneath it is a Man praying, with the following Scroll from his Mouth. Felix precatrix mihi sis precor auxiliatrix. In another Compartment St. Anne is represented teaching her Daughter, the blessed Virgin. Under these is a Woman praying, with the following Label. O mihi per natum vitam precor Anna beatum. In another Compartment is a Painting of God the Father, with our Saviour in his Arms. Beneath are two Men praying at a Table; at their Mouths are two Scrolls; in the one, Per mortem nati qui mundum vivificasti. In the other, Simus salvati-petimus quos ipse creasti. At the Bottom is the Name " Agnetis Uxoris ejus, " probably for Agnes Champnewys, the Founder's Sister, and Mother of Alicia Perrot See the Founder's Pedigree in Lowth's Wykeham, Append. No. 1. Round the Ante Chapel are placed the Stalls originally belonging to the Choir, or Inner Chapel. The Brass Plates on the Floor were removed hither from the Choir, when it was paved with black and white Marble in the memorable Wardenship of Dr. Nicholas, before mentioned. Many of the Epitaphs on the Brass Plates are obliterated, and many others have been destroyed, or removed. The following Account is taken from Wood 's Manuscript, which has been carefully compared with what now remains. An Urn of white Marble, set upon an Altar Stone raised upon three Steps; on the three Sides of it are these Inscriptions. On the Front. Humph May hujus Collii socii, quia rarum virtutis Exemplar posterorum interest non extingui haec urna. D. On the other Side. HM Natus Rawmeriae in Agro Sussex Cal. Apr. An. Sal. mdcxiii. 1613. On the other Side. HM Denatus Wintoniae in Coll. B. Mariae prid. Cal. Sep. A. Sal. mdclvii On a Brass. Orate pro aia Mri Willi Exule in Decretis bacalarii, Coll. B Marie Wintonie in Oxonia quonda Socii, et Epi Wintoniensis Capellani, qui obiit An. dni mvcxxi, mensis vero Martii die xvi. Cujus aie. On a Brass on the Ground. Orate pro aia Mri Johis Beckynton quondam Socii istius Collegii, qi obiit ix die feb. An. D. mcccclxxiii, cujus aie &c. On a Brass on the Ground. Orate pro aia Johis Barrat in Artibus bacala rii, quonda socii hujus Collii, qui obiit xiv di Maii an. mvcxxiii. Cujus aie. On another Brass. Hic jacet Henricus Kesewyk Specialis amicus hujus Collii qui obiit penultim. die Marcii An. Dom. mccccix, cujus aie. On another. Orate pro aia Johanne nuper Uxoris Johis Bedell que obiit xiiii die Mensis Feb. An. mcccclxxxxvii, cujus aie, &c. On another. Orate pro aia Mri Johannis Wyght quondam Socii hujus Coll. qui obiit po die Mens. Januar. An. do. mcccclxxxxiiii. Cujus aie &c. On a Scroll from his Mouth— per tua quinque vulnera succurre mihi omni hora. On another. Orate pro aia Dni Thome Lyripin olim Socii istius Coll qi ob. xxxdie Mens. Marcii, An. Dom. mcccccix. cujus aie &c. On another. Orate pro aia Mri Thome Ashburn quonda Socii hujus Collii qi Obiit decimo die Januarii An. do. mvcxvi, cujus &c. On a Brass in the West Wall, near the S. Side. Epit. Thom. Basset. soc. et Vicecust. defunct. xxiii Aug. an. mdlv. Hic Bassete jaces nullo memorandus in aevo Si tua in haeredes gratia sola foret. Nunc quia me gratis Vicecustos esse Scholarem Jusseris, hoc gratis praesto tibi officium. Te que legent alii uttua (quanquam ô) facta sequantur, Et moniti dicant: optime vive Deo. C. Johnson posuit MDLX. On a Brass on the Ground under the Arch. Epitaphium Johis Leffe in jure Civili Doctoris. Nominis hic quid habet (Lector) si forte requiras, A folii ductum nomine nomen habet. Wintoniae studuit simul Oxoniae, ut tulit aetas, Doctorem haec vidit, discipulum ille habuit. Sede in utra que fuit verae pietatis Amator, Sede alia pretium nunc pietatis habet. Judicium si forte Deus suspenderit, ut sit Judex propitius, Lector, habeto preces. Obiit anno aetatis suae 66, an dni 1557 Augusti 19 On another Brass on the Ground. D. O. M. S. Hic positus est Nicholaus Love SS. Theol. Doctor, Collegii ad Ventam Wichamici primo informator, postea Custos, docuit An. xi, praefuit xvii, sta ut aedibus hisce providentia sua statum optumum, dignitate honorem conciliaret. Eruditionis magnum testimonium accepit quod Jacobo Regum doctiss. a Sacris fuerit. Mira res potuisse in unum hominem coire molestiam cum faelicitate, gravitatem cum comitate, cum judicio ingenium, prudentiam cum Eloquentia, ita ut omnia Summa Essent. Haec qui citra invidiam legis abi faelix et Collegio optuma quaeq. precare, hoc est Custodes huic similes. At tu jam felix et diis conjunctior umbra, Hunc tumulum, hos titulos, et breve carmen habe. At pudet: at quae homines virtuti reddimus haec sunt Praemia: nil ultra Wickamus ipse tulit. Nic. Love haeres patris B. M. maerens posuit. On a Brass on the Ground. Orate pro aia Mri Johis Wyllynghall quondam Socii istius Collii, qi obiit quinto die Mens. Febr. an. dni mccccxxxii. cujus aie, &c. On another Brass. Amice Sacer, hic Sepultus est, te que (ut ut feras) pulverem satagit, paulisper sibi immorari, huic subsunt marmori, quas Naturae cl. Johes Harris debuit, Exuviae, qui per annos 28 hujus Collii Custos, in difficili Saeculi illius Aestuario per varias tempestates navim cui praeficiebatur, cum deo rexit et sospitavit, nec tamen Saecula quibus usus est coluit, sed saeculorum deum. Natus Hardwichiae in Agro Bucks. patre presb. Eccles. rectore, matri Academiae Oxon dulce Decus, procurator sagax et providus, reverendus in S. Th. Doctor, Graecae linguae professor regius, in Cathedral. Ventae ecclia aliquando praebendarius, Meonstochiae rector pius et concionator frequens, fide, innocentia, pietate, prudentia ΣΤΟΡΓΗ, liberalitate, virtute deni que omni per dei gratiam ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΩΝ, cui advolavit mens quem pulvis hic et testa ΑΠΟΚΑΡΑΔΟΚΕΙ. obiit 11 die Augusti An. Dom. 1658 aetat suae lxx. On another Brass on the Ground. Orate pro aia Johis Bedell nuper majoris Civitatis Winton, quondam Scholaris hujus Collii, qi obiit penultimo die mensis Julii an. dni mcccclxxxxviii—Cujus &c. On another. This round the Verge of a large Stone. - - - - - qui vero mala egerunt in resurrectionem judicii . . Johanes . . quinto reposita est haec spes . . . . . . millesimo quingentesimo . . . . . . . Cujus aie—At each Corner his Armes viz. a Mullet betw. 3 fountains. Under the Figure this Inscription. Hic tegor, hic post fata John White adm. Warden. 1541. Willis, ut supra. Whitus propono jacere, Scriptor Johanes Carminis ipse mei. Sin alibi sors est putrescere, qui meus esset Tunc patior tumulus fiat ut alterius. Ne sine honore tenax sine nomine linqueret heres Id timui, exemplis turbor et inde novis. Ingrati heredes! phas nil sperare sepulto Ore tenus, putei Spes in Amicitia. Nec mihi fama tamen de marmore quaeritur . . . Sed spes magna piis ponitur in precibus. Hoc custode avet hic, hoc preceptore avet ille. Hoc que puer puero (dixerit alter) eram. Parce deus socio, custodi parce magistro, Hic avet, ille avet hoc, hoc etiam alter avet. Septem annos docui, que lux postrema docendo Stata preessendi munere prima fuit. Mutavit mihi non minuit fortuna Labores, Cura que non modicis rebus adaucta mihi. Nunc subeat lector quia sancta est at que salubris Res pro defuncto fratre rogare deum A more correct Copy could not be given, Halt the Inscription being covered with a Pew. . On the North Side of the outer Chapel an Effigies engraven on Brass, I suppose of a Warden, the Inscription torn off, at his Mouth a Scroll. Thus. Cum non possitis fratres evadere mortem, me . . . On another near the former under an Effigies. Hic jacet Magister Johes Morys The first, after the Foundation was entirely settled. Willis, pag. 333, ut supra. primus custos istius Collii qui obiit die undecim millia Virginum, anno dni millesimo ccccxiii, et anno regni regis Henrici quinti primo, litera dominical A. Cujus &c. On a Brass on the Ground. Hic jacet Dnus Johes Cleir quondam Socius istius Collii qi obiit xi die Mensis Julii anno millesimo ccccxxi. cujus aie &c. On another this. Orate pro aia Dni Nicholai North quondam socii istius Collii qui obiit xii die Mensis Octob. An. Dni mccccxlv, cujus aie &c. Against the North Wall on a Table of black Marble. Marmor Henrici Madgwick Pullatum metrosis Frustra Lacrymis plangentes lavamus. Pretium viri integerrimi, perliterati concionatoris, Seduli, utilis, carendo didicimus. Triplex de corpore quieto certamen Collegii, Gregis, Allingtonii, Nativi Dumer Initur. Solus Sapiens deus Arbiter aequissimus Corpus ab omnibus humo Condens, sibi Animam Vindicavit. Ille tandem sibi Creditum thesaurum, Omnibus aeque participandum perpetuo refundet. Cum ab omni oculo Omnis Lacryma Abstergetur. Vixit ab Anno Salutis mdxc Sep. 21. ad Annum mdcxxiii Sept. 28 On another Marble Table near it. M S. Manta Viator nec parum ut scias refert, quis propter hic sepultus est Gulielmus Wither natus in parochia de Dummer Comitatus Hantoniae australis, cui parochus postea invigilavit annos ultra xxx, ubi consilio, Charitate, doctrina, exeplo singulis profuit. Denatus in hoc juxta Wintoniam Coll. ubi puer humanioribus literis Educatus donec in Coll. Nov. Oxon promotus tandemque in Collegii hujus societatem ascitus Evangelium praedicando, pueros Catechizando, Bursarii, caetera que Colli Munia obeundo, annos itidem absumpsit ultra xxx. quibus omibus exequendis, prudentiam, probitatem, fidem adhibuit egregiam, opes, scientias, virtutem, pietatem, habuit, et (quod vix credas) sine Fuco, Fraude, Vanitate habuit, Pacis semper eximius Cultor, In pace obiit ano aerae Christianae mdclvi aetatis suae lxiiii. Epit "These following, which were on Brass Plates, were torn off long since, and their Brasses are preserved." Wood's Note. Some of them do not at present appear. T. Vole olim socii. Ut Volus in Montem dni volat ore volenti, Christo funde preces Christum quicun que precaris. Obiit x die Augusti an. 1558. W. Walynford olim socii hujus Collii qui . . . cccxxxix, cujus &c. Hic jacet Magister Joh. Bouke, quondam custos Collii B. Mariae Wynton in Oxon tertius, qi obiit secundo die mensis Martii an. dom. mccccxlii litera Dominicali G. Et anno regni regis Henrici Sexti xx, cujus &c. Thomae Wood, Ath. vol. i. 244. & fast. 79. ob. 9 Feb. 1580. Willis, ibid. Stempe Custodis in hoc Collegio undecimi, LL Dris et sacre theologiae musices que Laude Clarissimi, Epitaphium. Qui jacet hic Custos viginti quatuor annos Praefuit, et qui sit si legis ista, scies. Voce manu que modo didicit formare canoros. Addidit huic Linguas Rhetoricam que puer. Grandior ad leges civiles ibat, in illis Doctor, et huic judex non sine laude fuit. Presbyter in Sacris Scripturis plurimus haesit, Quas populo acceptas plausibil Esq debit. Quid memorem vitâ quam se constanter in omni Praestitit, et fluxas quam prope sprevit opes. Obiit nono die Feb. 1581. Custos Admiss. Custos 10 Dec. 1413. A.M. Robertus Thurbern cognomine dictus, En morior certus cui non parcit necis ictus, Spes mea vera quies, bone Jesu suscipe gratum Quem tricena dies rapit Octobris vere stratum Anno milleno domini C quater sociato Et quinquageno morior, bone Christe juvato, Deprecor oratis pro me custode secundo, Discas lege pari custos non credere mundo. On four round Pieces of Brass at the Corners of some old Monuments. On one, St. Michael. Satrapa Caelorum Michael Custos paradisi Sortem justorum Custodi da Michaeli Sc. Michael Cleeve, admitt. Ward. 1487. . Round another with the Picture of St . John, More volans Aquilae scrutans que abscondita verbi Coelestis patriae requiem confer Michaeli. On a third, whereon are Arrows, Cui Sebaste dedit nomen confosse Sagittis Praesta perpetue Michaeli gaudia lucis. On the fourth, one praying to the V. Mary. Virgo facta parens dum consentis Gabrieli Servo Sancta tuo Natum placa Michaeli. Orate pro anima dni Johis Fraunces quondam Socii istius Collii, qui obiit xxii die Mensis Maii An. dom. mccccxlv. Cujus &c. Against the Walls on elegant Marbles. H. S. E. Johannes Cobb L.L.D. Dni Thomae Cobb in argo Oxon. Baronetti Filius, Utriusque Wiccamicorum Collegii Successive Custos. Qui generosam unde ortus est, prosapiam Moribus honestavit ornatissimis, Illustrissima, ubi educatus est, Collegia Studiis ornavit honestissimis. Fuit enim Magni animi, et preclari, benefici, nihil non Honorificum meditantis, nihil non audentis. In negotiis ordinandis nec defuit ei Prudentia, Nec in exequendis Industria. In custodis munere obeundo Nec Disciplinam passus est languescere, Nec imminutum in Autoritatem. Cui muneri per ac duod. ita totus incubuit, ut nihil Wiccamicis desiderandum relinqueret, Praeter vitam ipsius longius producendam. Ob. Nov. 25. Anno Dom: 1724 Aetat: 48. Sarah, Vidua illius superstes, Dmni Hugonis Stukely in Com. Southton Barti. Filia, Monumentum hoc Optimo Marito. H. S. E. Thomas Cheyney Ecclesiae Wellensis Canonicus. Collegii hujusce Informator. Vir In omni scientiarum genere, In humanioribus etiam literis, et liguarum elegantiis Optime exercitatus. Quanto et quam felici labore Theologorum studiis incubuit Et concionando, et vivendo palam fecit. In animo effusa Benevolentia, In vultu placens Benignitas, In verbis intemerata Fides. Tranquillus, patiens, clemens, pudicus, Et quas propulsare potuit injurias Amabili candore oblivisci maluit. Et sanctissimis et facillimis moribus excelluit, Nec voluptate trahebatur adolescens, Nec Severitate induruit Senex, In hoc unice intentus Ut quod Deo, Sibi, quod amicis debuit Id pro virili et graviter expedire posset. Tali virtutum choro instructus Sibi soli interea minime placuit, Eâ quippe modestiâ Ut quos abunde meruit Honores Nullis rogandi aut ambiendi artibus Solicitare potuit: Sed quo minores ab hominibus affectare voluit, Eo solenniores a Deo aliquando habiturus est. Obiit 4to. die Octobris, anno Dni 1724 Aetat: 72 Thomas Cheyney Filius unicus superstes Patri optimo et defideratissimo Posuit. M: S: Thomae Braithwaite LLD Qui Celeberrimo Collegiorum Pari, Quae Wiccamus magnifice fundavit, Dignissime praefuit; Utrius que loci Ornamentum et Deliciae. Fuit enim Multiplici et curiosâ Eruditione Instructissimus, Singulari mentis dulcedine inter primos Conspicuus, Constanti vitae integritate nemini Secundus, In privatis de Seipso Sumtibus bene parcus, In Amicis et hospitibus Excipiendis tantum non prodigus, Quam benignâ et comi fuerit Indole, Quam vivido et festivo Ingenio, Quam antiquis et incorruptis moribus Testantur Wiccamici, Testantur Academici, Testantur quibuscunque innotuit, Boni omnes et Cordati: Fuit vir Egregius Fidei Primaevae et Orthodoxae tenacissimus, Eccliae Anglicanae firmiter et summopere devotus, Peromnem Vitae Cursum Simplex Caelebs et semper Idem, Obiit 23: die Julij Anno Dni: 1720. Aetat: 60. Francisca Dobson Soror, et ex testamento Haeres, Charissimo Fratri P. Before the Chapel Door is the following Inscription. Orate pro anima Magistri Willhelmi Nyghtyngale quondam socii hujus Collegii qui ob. xxiv. Die Mensis Junii Ann. Dom. 1467. From hence, turning on the Left, we pass into the Cloisters, near the Entrance of which we perceive, in the Eastern Wall, a Door Way, now closed up, by which the Society formerly passed from the Chapel, through a corresponding one in the opposite Wall, for celebrating the Procession called the Circum, in which they every Morning circuited the College. The Cloisters constitute a Square of 132 Feet. In the Centre of the Area stands an elegant Gothic Edifice erected in the Reign of Henry VI. by John Beckington, Bishop of Bath and Wells, was his Executor. This Bishop had been Fellow of New College, in Oxford, and was a Benefactor to both Wykeham 's Societies. He gave to New College the Manor of Newton Longueville, Bucks: A Silver Cup weighing ten Pounds: The Bible written on Vellum, finely illuminated, in four Volumes: a Silver Cup weighing ten Pounds, besides Vestments for the Choir of that College, A.D. 1465. To Winchester College he bequeathed a Silver Cup gilt, weighing ten Pounds nine Ounces: two Silver Candlesticks of the same Weight, and Vestments for the Chapel. John Fromond, and intended by him for a Chapel: He likewise appointed a Chaplain John Clyffe was the first Chaplain, buried in the Cloisters, ut inf. to officiate in it; for whom he also added spacious Lodgings to the West End of the North Side of the first Court. This Chaplain was removed at the Reformation. The same Benefactor also ordained Liveries or Gowns, annually, for the Choristers; and his Wife Maud gave two Cups to the College, on one of which was the following Inscription: He shall have Crystes blessing to his dele Whoso of me drinketh wele Regist. Coll. . This Chapel was converted into a Library, Ann. Dom. 1629, by Robert Pink, Warden Ex Albo Bibliothee. . Fess fleury, between five Martlets. Saltier between three de lis. Quart. France & Eng. Label. Quart. fr. & Eng. a bordure. Quart. fr. & Eng. Quart. fra. & Eng. gobony; over it a Cardinal's Hat. Two Chev. between three Roses. WYKEHAM. Cross fleury. The following Paintings in the Windows, de ribed by Wood, in the MS. abovementioned, are now entirely destroyed. In one Window the Picture of a Bishop writing in a Book; under him . . . . . . . S. Epus. . . . . In another Window, a Bishop writing as before, "with Robertus Lincolniensis." In another Window two Doctors writing; under them . . . . . . . Doctor . . . . . . . Under the whole, Matilda quondam Uxor Johannis Fromond legavit Collegio Winton Cyphum I suppose, ornamented. Dame Catharine Rede of Borstall, Bucks, by Will, dat. 1489, leaves among other Things, "a Girdle of Tysshew harnessed. " Kennet's Paroch. Ant. p. 678. In an Invento of the Vestments and Furniture of St. George 's Chapel at Windsor, we find "duo Baculi harnizati cum berillo." Dugd. Mon. vol. 3. Eccles. Coll. p. 85. harnesiatum cum argento deauratum vocatum. . . . In the Cloisters, surrounding this Library, are the following Epitaphs. In the West Cloyster. On a Brass on the Ground. Orate pro aia Willi Laus quondam Socii istius Collii, qui obiit die jovis in Vigilia Sti Georgii An dni mccccxvii, Cujus aie, &c. On a blue Stone engraven. Hic jacet Johes Marshall istius Collii Socius qui aiam Deo efflavit 25 Aug. An Dni 1670. Aet. suae 47. On a Brass in the Wall. Epi. mi Jo. Dol. Socii defunct. 3 Aprilis 1560. Claustri pro foribus Dolberum cerne Sepultum Umbrarum assessor janitor ille loci est. Non Malus; ille uit qi verba novissima dixit O bone Christe precor te miserere Mei. Sanctorum Assessor vel coeli janitor ut sit Funde pias Christo lector amice preces. On a Brass in the Wall. Edmunde Hodson Clerk and Fellow of this Colleg died the vii of August 1580. Who so thow art, with loving harte, Stonde, read and think on me, For as I was, so now thou art, And as I am so shalt thou be. On another Brass in the Wall. Epit. Will. Adkins in Artibus Magistri et socii stius Collegii. Nolle tuum nihil est ad Magni velle tonantis, Jnvitusque licet nunc Gulielme jaces. Ingenio tam laetus eras quam Corpore obesus, Commodus, et multa, non sine teste, fide. Nunc te Christus habet, habeasque o xte precamur Nec tibi qui Moritur desinat esse tuus. Obiit xviii die Deceb Ao mdlxiiii. Cujus aie &c. On a Brass in the Ground. Hic jacet R. Dene Mag. in Art, et quondam informator Scholarium hujus Coll. qui ob. 28 D. Maii, A.D. mcccclxxxiiii. Cujus, &c. On another. Orate pro aia mri Thome Beche juris Canonici bacalaurei quondam hujus Collii Socii, qui obiit mvxxxi. die vero Mensis Julii vii, Cujus aie &c. On a blue Stone is engraven this. Thomas Colnet LLB. bujus Coll. Socius Obiit 2 die Aprilis Anno Salutis 1679 Aetatis 79. On a Brass in the Wall. Thomas Emes hujus Collegii Capellanus post Annos tres et triginta Sacris hic impensos obiit 24 die Sept. An dni 1629 Aetatis suae Climacterico. Innocuus multos Emuaeus vixerat Annos Jamque Senex moriens hac requiescit humo. Nec dives nec inops qui paucos inter Amicos Quaesitasque bona fruge reliquit Opes. In the Wall. Epitaph Joh. Boles Art. Mag. Olim hujus Coll. Socii Obiit 7 Sept. 1910. Wicchamicae cui cura domûs, cui cura peculi, Cui fuit in studiis irrequieta quies, Cui corpus sanum, cui meus validissima, velox Ingenium, Et multus sed sine felle Lepos, A Cura et Studiis nolens requiescere vivus, Mortuus hoc tumulo quo requiescat habet. On a Brass on the Side. Orate pro aia Mri Edw. Tacham quonda Soc hujus Collegii, qui obiit xvii die Marcii Anno D mccccxxiii, Cujus aie &c. "Ed. Tacham, or Thacham, Vic. de Writtle, Com. Essex." W. Ms. N. On another Brass. Orate pro aia Mri Willi Ball quondam Socii hujus Collegii qui obiit iiii die Maii An Dni mcccclxxi. Cujus aie &c. Engraven on the Pavement. Gulielmus Emes hujus Collii Organista, Obiit 7 Aprilis an dni 1637. On a Brass in the Wall. Tho Davison Obiit 20 Julii 1586. Hic nunc deinque Davisone putres, Triginta Socius perennis Annos, Vivens ipse tibi nimis severus, Expirans Aliis satis profusus. On a Brass on the Ground. Pray for the Soul of Edward . . . . . . . . . New College of Wynchester . . . . . . . . . . of Septemb. the yeare of our Lord . . . . . . . . . On a Brass on the Wall. Epitaphium Thomae Geffres sacrae Theologiae Baccalaur. olim hujus Collii Socii qui obiit 21 Aug. 1605. Quem Chamus puerum, juvenem aula, virum que recepit Venta Senem, quem Mors hunc rapit iste locus. Talis erat qualis cui quaeque fuere minuta, Pectoris Exceptis ingeniique honis. Musaeo vixit, musaeo mortem pereptus Conveniens vitae mors fuit illa suae. On a Brass on the Side. Orate pro aia Dni Willi Clysse primi Capellani istius Capelle, qui obiit xxiiii die Mensis Marcii an. Dni mccccxxxiii. Cujus aie, &c. "Istius Capellae" means the Chapel in the Middle of the Cloysters, now the Library. On a Stone on the Ground. H. S. E. Antonius Rous A.M. hujus Collii et socius et Luctus ppetuus, qui prudens facilis ingenuus omnibus, Amicis fidelis, Omnibus dignus, Nullius, Nifi minus vivendo, Spem fefellit. Obiit an. Sal. mdclxxxi. Aetatis xxxvi. On a Brass in the Wall. Epitaphium Thomae Jones in legibus Baccalaurei quondam hujus Colli Socii. Hic jaceo juvenis primum Civilia jura Qui didici, qui idem sacra sequntus eram. Qui vitam Morbis variis gravibus que peregi Tandem per te (Mors) hoc requiesco loco. Jura mihi multum, plus pagina sacra placebat, Nam que fuit morbis haec medicina meis. Dum Vixit hoc Saepe in ore habuit, satis diu mihi vixi, si deo satis. Obiit 26 die Sept. An. Dni 1585. On a Marble against the Wall. Deposit. Josephi Cox LL Baccalaurei, hujus Collii Socii, Optime meriti, quem media Aetate floridum importuna febris Amicis maerentibus abripuit. Obiit 18 die Octobris An. Dni 1680. Over all these Arms, viz. a Chev. betw. three Stags attired. On a Brass on the Ground. Orate pro aia Thome Ryve quondam istius Collii Scholaris qui obiit ix die Octob. an Dni mcccccxxiii. Cujus aie, &c. In the South Cloister. Against the Wall is this on a black Marble in Golden Letters. H. S. E. Joan. Chalkhill A M. hujus Collii Annos 46 Socius, vir quoad vixit solitudine et silentio, temperantia et Castitate orationibus et Eleemosynis, Contemplatione et Sanctimonia Ascetis vel primitivis par: qui cum a parvulo in regnum coelorum viam secisset Octogenarius tandem rapuit 20 die Maii 1679. On a Stone on the Ground. Hic jacet Corpus Xtophori Badger filii Ricci Badger Londin. hujus Collii olim Scholaris, qi obiit 26 mar. an dni 1635. On a Brass. Hic jacet Mauritius Morrys quondam clericus Capellae hujus Collii, qui obiit xxiii Jun. an. dni mcccccxxiii. cujus aie &c. On another. Orate pro aia dni Richardi Cole qunodam Conductitii hujus Collii, qui Obiit xxiii. die Deceb. an. dni mvcxix, cujus aie &c. Engraven on a Stone on the Ground. Mariott Stopes hujus Collii alumnus filius Jacobi Stopes S. T. B. Vicarii de Haddenham in Com. Bucks, qi Obiit et Abiit ad dnum die dominico Maii 4 An. dom 1673. On a Brass on the Ground. Orate pro aia Dni Johis Hopkyns quondam Conductitii hujus Collii, qi Obiit xvi die Mensis Augusti an. dni mvcxiv. Cujus Aie, &c. On another. Hic jacet Dnus Johes Curtoys quondam socius hujus Collii qi Obiit penultimo die Januarii An. Dni. m. Quingentessimo Nono, cujus aie &c. On another. Orate pro aia Johis Fylde, qi Obiit xxiiii die Mensis Febr. An. Dom. Mill. cccccvii, cujus aie &c. Engraven on a Stone. Orate pro aia Henrici Hendyg quondam Socii hujus Collii, cujus aie &c. [He died 2 Jan. 11 Hen. 6.] MS. W. N. On a Stone on the Ground. H. S. E. Joshua Cooke A.M. hujus Collii Capellani qui obiit 8 die Febr. an. Sal. 1678 aet. 44. On a Stone engraven. Hic sub marmore sepultus est Thomas Welsted quem calculi icti mors prostravit. in hac schola primus erat, nec ut speramus in Caelo Ultimus est, quod pro Oxonio adiit xiii die Januarii An. Dni 1676 aet. suae 18. On a black oval Wall against the Wall. Siste viator. Qui Lethi Calcas viam quisquis es ex spartanorum Choro hic Choragus est tuus Stephanus Cooke L L. Baccalaureus et hujus Collii Socius, qui tantum aetatis vixit juvenis moriendo, quantum alii non degunt senes, obiit Novemb. 12, Anno Sal. mdclxvi Aetat. xxxiv. Insequere nunc ad patriam et morere viator. On another like the former. H. S. E. Jonathan Cooke LLB et hujus Collii socius frater Stephani Cook juxta Sepult, quorum uter que circa unius lustri spatium hoc in Coll. socii transegerunt, felices in hoc ambo quod in tam brevi vitae loci que ambitu tantum amoris laudis et honoris apud omnes passim fibi conciliarint. Obiit Octob. 5 an. sal. mdclxxiv. aetatis suae. 32. On a Stone on the Ground. Depositum Henrici Banks LL Bac. hujus Coll. socii in quo ad hominem absolvendum omnibus Elogiis dignum nihil desiderari potuit praeter vitam diuturniorem, quam tamen pro sempiterna feliciter comutavit, Octob. 11. an 1672, aetat. suae 32. Over all his Arms in a Cross ingr. betw. 4 de lis. On a white Marble Mon. against the Wall. H. S. E. Audoenus Philips AM. hujus Coll. Hostiarius, de Clever. pepp. in Comitat. Wilts Oriundus, qui cum et pietatem et doctrinam quibus ipse excelluit apud wiccamicos sex et quod excurrit lustra uberrime transfudisset, rem que publicam et ecclesiam numerofissima prole literaria locupletasset, ingens in Omnibus bonis desiderium sui x die Maii an dni 1654 aet. 54 suae moriens reliquit. Over all his Arms Arg. a Lion ramp. sab. chained, Or. In the East Cloister "Here was a Brass for Rich. Bowrman, once Fellow, where now the School Boys learn in the Summer Time." He died 1464. Ms. W. N. . On a Brass against the Wall. Gulielmus Turner hujus Coll. Clericus obiit 14 die Martii an dni 1644. Olim Cantica, musicae peritus, Dulci voce dedisti, et arte multa; At nunc (longe anima polis fruente) Edis dulcius haec peritiusque. On a Brass on the Ground. Orate pro aia Mri Johis Dere Artium Mri quondam socii istius Collii, qui obiit secundo die Mensis Maii an dni mvcxxxii, cujus aie &c. On three Brasses on the Ground near and like one another. Orate pro aia Dni Ricardi Skynnir olim socii istius Collii qui obiit penultimo die Mensis Julii an dni mvcxiiii. cujus aie &c. Orate pro aia Dni Johis Grewaker olim socii istius Coll. qui ob. penultimo die Mensis Julii an dni mvcxiiii. cujus aie &c. "This Man is often written in the Register of this College Grewaker Capellanus Conductitius." Ms. W. N. . Orate pro aia dni Johis Gilbert olim socii istius Coll. qui obiit xvi Mensis Julii an dni mvcxiiii. cujus &c. On a Brass on the Wall. Epita. Mri Ro. Watton socii hujus Coll. defunct 13 Jan. 1596. Postquam transegi centum vel circiter annos Longa mihi sed non curva senecta fuit. Languor inexhaustos quassans paralyticus artus Hinc animam Caelo, tradidit ossa solo. On a Brass on the Ground. Orate pro aia Dni Johis Taknell quondam socii perpetui hujus Collii, qui obiit vicesimo viii die Januarii an. dni mcccclxxxxiiii. Cujus &c. On a Brass on the Wall. Epitaphium Mri Thomae Lark nup. socii istius Coll. ob. 16. Maii 1582. Qui premor hoc tumulo dicor praenomine Thomas, Cognomen secit dulcis alauda mihi. Bis septem Menses, ter septem presbyter annos, Hic colui, cujus nunc sruor, ore deum. In the North Cloisters. Against the Wall at the End, this on a Brass Plate. A fronte hujus monum. fitum est Corpus Philippi Devereux presbyteri nup. istius Coll. Capellani Conductitii, viri tum in Coll. quam in pauperes vere benefici at que pii. Obiit ix die Mensis Febr. An. 1578. Engraven on a Stone on the Ground. Robertus Beely hujus Collii socius, obiit 21 Dec. An. Dom. 1634. aet. 69 "He was born at Glossop in Derbyshire. and admitted perpetual Fellow of New College in 1586." Wood's Ms. N. . On a Brass on the Wall. Epita. Georgii Flower in Artibus Magistri. Ecce Georgius hoc Florus sub Marmore dormit, Floruerat, sed flos ille caducus erat, Bis septem socius vix hic transegerat annos Mors pede cum pulsat Florus ut hinc abeat. Obiit 18. Nov. an. 1578. On another Brass in the Wall. Positum ob memoriam Jo. Scotte presbyteri nup. socii istius Collii, Cujus corpus prope hoc monumentum lapide sub Marmoreo humatum conditur, obiit vi die Menfis Decemb. an. dom 1575. On a Brass on the Ground. John Gray obiit 6. Octob. 16. . . . . . . . . . On another Stone engraven Lancelotus White Art. Mag. hujus Coll. socius, obiit Apr. 17. an, dom. 1642. aetat. suae 40. Lector candide stetur ad Sepulcrum, Albus nomine mentis albioris Orator vigil atq. pastor, ista est Artis nescia vita pulcrioris. Defunctus jacet hàc repostus urna, Sanctorum que simul repostus albo. On a Brass in the Wall, Epita. Johes Clerke. Clausus Johanes jacet hic sub Marmore Clerkus, Qui fuit hic quondam presbyter et socius, In terra roseos solitus stillare liquores, In Coelo vivis nunc quo que gaudet aquis. Obiit x die Mensis Julii 1571. On a little oval Marble against the Wall, H. S. E. Georgius King hujus Collii Organista, qui obiit x die Mensis Maii an dni 1665 Aetatis suae 79. Arms are. — — Hic jacet Gulielmus Windham, Gulielmi Windham Equitis Aurati de Orchard Windham in Comitatu Somset. filius tertius, qui Vicesimo Octavo die Novembris in hoc Collegio occubuit 1678. On a blue Stone on the Ground, L.R—Arms are Chev. betw. 3 fl. delis: the Crest a fl. de lis with a Serpent about it. On another blue Stone on the Ground, Hic jacet Thomas Harris hujus Collii nup. Socius, Obiit 10 die Apr. an. Dom. 1662 Aetatis suae 32. Over all, a Chev. betw. three Hedge-Hogs. On another blue Stone on the Ground, Gulielmus Terry hujus Collii Socius obiit 19 Dec. 1657. These Cloysters appear not to have been comprehended in the Founder's original Plan; as in the Commission he gives for the Consecration of his Chapel, he calls the Place where they now stand "Locum in cimiterio in dicto Collegio ordinatum While he was indisposed at Farnham Castle in Surrey, he directs another Bishop "Capellam Collegii nostri prope Winton. Necnon Altaria in eodem erecta, et locum in cimiterio [cimiterium] dicti Collegii ordinatum, et lapides pro supraaltaribus ordinatos dedicate et consecrare." Regist. Wyk. part. 3. b. fol. 136. A.D. 1395. As he specifies every Particular so minutely, he certainly would have mentioned the Cloisters distinctly by their proper Name, had they existed, or even been intended. ." This likewise appears from the outside Buttresses which finish one Side of the Chapel; to which the Cloisters are contiguous. Westward of the Cloisters, on one Side of a small Area, stands the School. Over the Entrance is a Statue of the Founder, with the following Inscription. M. S. Gulielmi de Wickham, Episcopi Wintoniensis, Collegii hujus fundatoris, Statuam hanc e Metallo conflandam Atque heic sumptu suo ponendam curavit Ex conjuge affinis sua Caius Gabriel Cibberus, Statuarius Regius M DC, LXXXXII. This Room is finely proportioned, and elegantly finished. The Roof is adorned with beautiful Stucco, of a bold Relief; in which are introduced the Arms of many of the Benefactors. It is ninety Feet long, and thirty-six broad. On the West End are inscribed the following Laws, to be observed by the Scholars, &c. TABULA LEGUM PAEDAGOGICARUM. In TEMPLO. Deus colitor. Preces cum devoto animi affectu peraguntor. Oculi non vagantor. Silentium esto. Nihil profanum legitor. IN SCHOLA. Diligentia quisque utitor. Submisse loquitor secum. Clare ad Praeceptorem nemini molestus esto. Orthographice scribito. Arma Scholastica in promptu semper habeto. In AULA. Qui mensam consecrat clare pronunciato. Caeteri respondento. Recti omnes stanto. RECITATIONES. Intelligenter & apte distinguntor. In mensa quies esto. In atrio, oppido, ad montes, sociati omnes incedunto. Modestia ac obviis honestioribus genua flectuntor. Capita aperiuntor. Vultus, gestus, incessus componuntor. In CUBICULIS. Noctu dormitor. Interdiu studetor. Solum cubiculorum verritor. Sternuntor lectuli. Munda omnia sunto. Per fenestras nemo in atrium prospicito. Contra qui faxit piaculum esto. In omni loco & tempore qui plebeius est praefectis obtemperato. Qui praefectus est, Legitime imperato. Uterque a mendaciis, ostentationibus, jurgiis, pugnis, & furtis, abstineto. Togam, caeteramque vestem, nec dissuito nec lacerato. Patrium sermonem fugito. Latinum exerceto.—Haec, aut his similia, siquando deferantur, judicium damus. On the opposite End, with proper Decorations, is inscribed Aut disce, aut discede, manet sors tertia caedi. The Foundation of this superb and elegant Edifice was laid in September, A.D. 1683, and it was finished June 11, 1687. We have here annexed, from the College Register, a List of the Benefactors who contributed to raise this Structure. George Morley, Bishop of Winton, gave 10l. and forty Oaks 80 0 0 Francis Turner, Bishop of Ely, formerly Fellow of New College 20 0 0 Thomas Kenn, Bp. of Bath and Wells, formerly Fellow of the College 30 0 0 William Pierpoint, Earl of Kingston, formerly Commoner of the College 100 0 0 Charles Pawlet, Earl of Wiltshire, eldest Son to the Marquis of Winchester, formerly Commoner of the College 502 0 0 Wriothesley Baptist Noel, Viscount Campden, only Son to the Earl of Gainsborough, formerly Commoner 30 0 0 John Nicholas, Knight of the Bath 3 4 6 Henry Beeston, L.L.D. Warden of New College 50 0 0 Richard Trafles, Fellow of New College, and Charles Trafles his Brother 50 0 0 Edwin Sandys, Fellows of New College, 5 0 0 Thomas Lee, 3 4 6 Robert Swester, 2 3 0 Thomas Munday, 2 3 0 William Hughes, 2 0 0 Thomas Roberts, 2 0 0 David Wickham, 2 3 0 Charles Ford, 2 3 0 George Thomas, 4 6 0 John Ballard, 2 10 0 William Musgrave, 2 3 0 Samuel Palmer, 3 4 6 Robert Woodward, Canc. Ecc. Sarum. 20 0 0 Edward Spencer, Steward of New Coll. 5 0 0 Sir Edward Law, formerly Fellow of New College 20 0 0 Edward Masters, formerly Fellow of New College, Chancel. of Exeter 10 15 0 Robert Sharrock, formerly Fellow of New College, Prebendary 10 0 0 Dr. Bouchier, L.L.D. Regius Professor of Oxon, formerly Child of this Col. 5 7 6 William Oldys, L.L.D. formerly Fellow of New College 5 0 0 Nicholas Stanley, M.D. formerly Fellow of New College 5 0 0 Stephen Penton, Principal of Hartford Hall, formerly Fellow of New Coll. 5 7 6 Thomas Harris, Esq of Colern, formerly Fellow of New College 10 0 0 John Herseat, formerly Fell. of N. C. 10 0 0 Richard Glyde, formerly Fell. of N. C. 2 0 0 Thomas Penruddocke, formerly Child of this College 5 7 6 Tho. Oxenbridge, Esq formerly Child of this College 5 0 0 John Bloodworth, formerly Commoner of this College 5 0 0 John Franklyn, Master of Chancery, formerly Child of this College 10 15 0 George Reynel, S.T.P. formerly Child of this College 2 3 0 Richard Pocock, formerly Child 1 0 0 Ambrose Philips, Esq Serjeant at Law, formerly Fellow of New College 20 0 0 Henry Wallop, Hujus Coll. Commensales, 10 15 0 John Wallop, 5 7 6 Thomas Brown, 10 0 0 Robert Hyde, 10 0 0 Brian Turner, 5 0 0 Richard Harris, 5 0 0 William Beech, 5 0 0 Richard Browne, 1 1 6 James Batten, 5 7 6 Roger Jones, Steward of the College, formerly Child 100 0 0 Allen Garway   10 0 0 Henry Parker   10 0 0 Matthew Hatton   10 0 0 Charles Cutts   10 0 0 Godson Penton, of Winchester City 5 7 6 Maria Brideoake, Widow of the Bishop of Chichester 20 0 0 Elizabeth Mompeson, the Warden's Sister 5 7 6 Susan Daniel, the Warden's Sister 5 0 0 Jane Harris, the Schoolmaster's Mother 5 0 0 Eleonora Rawlinson   50 0 0 Richard Osgood, Fellows of this College. 20 0 0 William Emmes, 10 0 0 Seth Ward, 20 0 0 Pharamus Fiennes, 20 0 0 Peregrine Thistlethwaite, 10 0 0 Edward Young, Dean of Sarum, 10 0 0 Thomas Cheney, 10 0 0 George Beaumont, 10 0 0 Thomas Peachman 10 0 0 Robert Eyre,   10 0 0 William Harris, Schoolmaster 100 0 0 Johannes Nicholas, Collegii Beatae Mariae Winton, Custos, quibus instituta sua perfecit, dedit 1477 11 9   Summa totius Operis 2599 18 9 Cui det Deus Aeternitatem. Amen. The original School, specified as such by the Founder in his Statutes, was the Room which is now called the Seventh Chamber. He calls it magna illa Domus, situated under the Hall. From the School Area we pass into the College Meadow; in the Middle of which stands an Infirmary, built for the Use of the Scholars by Warden Harris in the Reign of Charles I. Part of this Meadow originally belonged to St. Elizabeth 's College At the Dissolution of this House, Thomas Lord Wriothesley sold it to Winchester College for 360l. on Condition that the Warden and Fellows wouid either convert it into a Grammar School for twenty Scholars, or pull it down before Whitsuntide 1547. The College chose the latter. Regist. Coll. Winton. , which stood in an adjacent Meadow to the East; in Remembrance of which are the following Inscriptions on the Eastern Wall. Solum Ecclesiae In Occiden Tali: Parte: Hujus: Muri Ab: Hoc: An gulo. On the Western Wall are these Inscriptions. In: Occidentali Parte: hujus Muri: Solum: Col legi: extendit Se Super: Tene mentu: Eccle sie Cathedra lis Winton 46 Pedes: in Longitudine 13: in Latitu dine On the Right of these we find the Date 1554, being the Year in which that Part of the Wall was built which includes the Additions from the Meadow, in which stood the College of St. Elizabeth. From this Meadow we have a Prospect of Catharine Hill abovementioned, on the Top of which is a Danish Circumvallation. To this Hill the Scholars are permitted to make Excursions on Holidays. Ah happy Hills! ah pleasing Shade! Ah Fields belov'd in vain! Where once my careless Childhood stray'd, A Stranger yet to Pain! I feel the Gales that from ye blow, A momentary Bliss bestow, As waving fresh their gladsome wing; And redolent of Joy and Youth, My weary Soul they seem to sooth, And breathe a second Spring! GREY. Contiguous to the College, on the West, is a spacious quadrangular Building, in which the young Gentlemen not on the Foundation, who are called Commoners, live in a Collegiate Manner, under the Care of the second Master or Usher; a Situation which must be acknowledged to be far more convenient sor the Purposes of Learning, and good Discipline, than the usual Custom of our great Schools, where the Youth are boarded in the Town, and are at a Distance from the constant and immediate Inspection of their proper Governors. On one Side of the Area of this Structure is a commodious Cloyster. There is also a noble Hall, 50 Feet in Length, and 30 in Breadth, in which the Commoners dine, and, when absent from the School, pursue their private Studies. This College was founded by that magnificent Prelate William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester, for one Warden, ten Fellows, one Schoolmaster, one Usher, three Chaplains, seventy Scholars, three Clerks, and sixteen Choristers. The first Stone was laid March the 26, 1387, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning, near a School in which Wykeham when a Boy was educated. The Building being compleated on the 28th of March, A.D. 1393, the Warden and Scholars made their solemn Entrance, at Nine in the Morning, chaunting in Procession. It should be observed, that the Founder, by his first Charter, established only a Warden and seventy Scholars, which was the whole Society who took formal Possession of the College, as abovementioned; and who, before the Building was finished, were provided with Lodgings in the Parish of St. John upon the Hill. The Founder obtained a second Charter for the Establishment of the ten Fellows, and Officers of the Choir See the Charters in Dugd. Mon. vol. iii. Eccl. Coll. pag. 106. 133. . THE CATHEDRAL. SOME Writers report, that a Monastery was founded in this City by King Lucius, A.D. 169, which was destroyed in the Persecution of Dioclesian, A.D. 266 Tho. Rudborne Hist. Maj. Wint. Ang. Sacr. tom. i. pag. 182, 183. . This, it is said, was afterwards restored, and underwent various Revolutions; till Kyngelise, the first Christian King of the West Saxons, began a Cathedral Church, A.D. 611. which was probably finished by his Successor Kenwalch, and replenished with Religious by Birinus, the Bishop and Apostle of the West Saxons, A.D. 646. Soon afterwards, viz. A.D. 660, the See of Dorchester, now in Oxfordshire, was removed hither, and Wina was appointed the first Bishop. But before this new Constitution commenced, Birinus and Agilbertus were the two first Bishops of Winchester. The Chapter of this Foundation, who were Seculars, continued about 300 Years, and were at length removed by the Persuasion of Bishop Ethelwold Hist. Maj. ut supr. pag. 218. , in the Reign of King Edgar, about A.D. 963, who substituted a Convent of Benedictines, which remained till the Reformation. About the Year 1079 Bishop Walkelyne See Annal. Ec. Wint. ut supr. pag. 294, 295. began the present Edifice, and finished the Tower, the Choir, the Transept, and probably the West End Rudborne, ibid. 271. . Accordingly the Monks, in the Presence of almost all the Bishops and Abbots of England, passed with much State and Triumph from the old Monastery to the new one, A.D. 1093, on the Feast of their Patron St. Swythin; and in a most solemn Procession translated the Shrine of that Saint to the new Church. The next Day Walkelyne commanded the old Monastery to be demolished; which was effected the same Year, one Porch and the high Altar excepted Ut infra. . The whole being nobly improved by William of Wykeham, was at lenth finished, as it now appears, by Fox; of whose respective Benefactions and Alterations I shall find a proper Occasion hereafter to speak more particularly. Notwithstanding the positive Assertions above, concerning Walkelyne 's entire Demolition of the old Church, I am persuaded that the low-built Iles at the East End of the Choir, existed before the Time of Walkelyne, and are a Part of the old Church erected by the Saxon Kings. This appears from several demonstrative Proofs: For, they are in a more simple and confined Style of Architecture, than any Part of Walkelyne 's new Work; and, admitting that Walkelyne demolished great Part of the old Church, it seems probable that he should leave that Part of it standing in which many of the Saxon Kings, and Bishops his Predecessors, are confessedly buried. Another Evidence of this Hypothesis are the Crypts on which these low Iles stand to this day; and which, as appears from a Latin Epistle in Verse of Wolstan Apud Leland. Collecta . vol. i. pag. 151. , Precentor of the Church, to Aelphege, Bishop of Winchester, A.D. 946, were constructed by Ethelwold in the Reign of King Edgar. He is speaking of Ethelwold 's rebuilding the Church. Insuper occultas studuistis & addere cryptas. These Crypts, now remaining, if they do not prove the Antiquity of the Building they support, yet at least they point out the original Situation of the Church; and invalidate those Testimonies which assert that Walkelyne entirely demolished the old Church, and chose a new Ground-plot for his new Structure. There is another Circumstance mentioned by Rudbourne Pag. 270, 271, apud Whart. Angl. Sacr. vol. i. , which still further corroborates my Supposition. He observes that William Rufus was buried in the Choir under a Tower, which fell down a few Years afterwards, and that in the Place of it Walkelyn erected the present Tower. He adds, that Walkelyn did not build this Tower in his Life-time, but committed the Care of it to his Executors, who finished it after his Death. The Writer of the Epistle abovementioned, who lived A.D. 946, tells us that Ethelwold introduced a Water-Course into the Priory, now corruptly called the Log-Pond. —Hucque Dulcia piscosae flumina traxit aquae. Secessusque Sic. Laci penetrant secreta domorum, Mundantes F. Mu centes. totum murmure coenobium. This Water-Course is formed in a large Piece of subterraneous arched Stone-work. The antient Course of it is thus described in a Passage faithfully translated from Wykeham 's Register Part 2. fol. 178. seq. , "And because there is a certain Water-course, running from within the City of Winton into the aforesaid Priory of St. Swythun, through the Middle of the Dormitory, Cloisters, Buttery Celerariae. , Malt-house, Kitchen, and the Middle of the Court, or Quadrangle, of the said Priory; which Course of Water is called Lourte-borne, in which, and by which, Rubbish, Offalls, &c. [are carried through the Priory to Wolvesy House.] It is agreed that the Prior and Convent shall place a strong and sufficient Grate of Iron, in the outward Southern Wall Now called the Close-Wall. of the said Priory, to prevent, &c." In the same Instrument Mention is made of the Course of the River now running through the Gardens of the Prebendaries on the East. "And because the said Prior and Convent have agreed to maintain Half the Bridge at le Floudestoke in the Soke of Winchester over the River which runs from within the Priory of St. Swythun towards the South, and passes directly by the College there, commonly called Seinte Marie College of Wynchestre, and it's Close on the East Side; also by the College and Close of St. Elisabeth, and its Meadow called St. Stephen's Mede, on the West Side, into the large and deep River which runs from the said College of St. Elisabeth towards the Hospital of St. Cross: And the Bridge, near the great Northern Gate of the Sisterhood of the Hospital of St. Swythun 's, but on the East Side of the said Gate, &c." — "From the Chapter-House within the Priory of the Church of Winton, A.D. 1398." After this eminent Convent, which consisted of a Prior and They were originally sixty. About A.D. 1404, forty-two. Leger B. of Church Winton, No. 1. fol. 20. citat, apud Lowth's Wykeham, p. 215. edit. 2d. At a Visitation of the Convent 1505, they are reported to be thirty-five. Success. Priorum Eccl. Winton. apud Wharton, Angl. S. 1. 325; and again in Lowth's Wykeham, forty-six, pag. 69. In the Catalogue specified in the next No , Mention is made of forty-two Copes of Tissue. forty-two Monks, had flourished in the Splendor of its The curious Reader may find an Account of them in Strype's Cranmer, Append. No. 16. pag. 24. Also in S vens's Monastic. b. i. pag. 222. with an Inventory of the Furniture of the Prior's, and Sub-prior's House, &c. Ornaments, the Magnificence of its Buildings, and the Extent of its Possessions, for near 900 Years, it was dissolved by Henry VIII. Nov. 15, A.D. 1539; who within less than five Months afterwards, viz. on March 28, A.D. 1540, instituted a new Foundation, consisting of one Dean, twelve Prebendaries, six Minor Canons, ten Lay Clerks, or Singing Men, eight Choristers, and other Members, which he dedicated to the holy and undivided Trinity. The Revenues at the Dissolution were valued at 1507 l. 17 s. 2 d. the greatest Part, if not all, of which, was It appears likewise by the Episcopal Registers before the Reformation, that most of the Livings, formerly presented to by the Convent, are now in the Patronage of the Dean and Chapter. appropriated, by the King, to the new Dean and Chapter Willis Mitr. Abb. vol. i. pag. 301. Tanner, Not. Monast. edit. fol. pag. 152. . The last Prior was William Basyng, alias Kyngesmell, who was made the first Dean, and died A.D. 1548. Of the Conventual Buildings, which were transferred with the Revenues, nothing considerable at present remains. Some, we may reasonably suppose, were demolished in the Reign of Henry VIII. or soon afterwards, as useless to the new Foundation; and others have given Way to modern Improvements. The principal Part, now standing, is the Dean's, formerly the Prior's, Hall. It was very losty with a Roof of Rafter-Work still to be traced, and was 65 Feet long, and 22 broad. But as the whole is subdivided into several Apartments, its Height, Length, and Breadth, are at present lost to the Eye. Five Windows on the West Side of it remain, with its End-Window on the South. The Traces of two Windows, remarkably long and narrow, discernible in the East End of the Prebendal House, now belonging to the Reverend Mr. Letchmere, and of three Arches on the North Side of the same, indicate one End of the Resectory: And the House itself, which has several Apartments with arched Stone-Roofs, seems to be made up of the Kitchen, Buttery, Cellars, and other Offices. The Cloisters formed an Area on the Southern Church-yard, and were built This, with the Addition of other Circumstances, appears from a Precept in the Register of Wykeham's Episcopate, to prohibit the Inhabitants of Winton, or others, from claiming a public Way, or Passage, through the Cloisters, or Court, of the Monastery. Registr. Wykeham. pag. 2. sol. 180. penes Episcopi Winton. Officiar. against the South Side of the Church, which on that Account is not furnished with Buttresses and Pinnacles as is the North Side. The opposite Wall retains the Vestiges of Arches, and of a large Gateway, which probably led from the Cloisters to the Refectory before mentioned; or perhaps was the public Entrance from the Monastery into the Cloisters, and from thence to the Church. Through an antient Portico on the Eastern Square of these Cloisters, near the Deanery, they passed into the Chapter-House, which is destroyed, and makes a Part of the Dean's Garden. It was extended under the End of the Southern Transept to the Length of ninety Feet, against which the Heads of Arches, with some of their Pillars still appear; and prove from their Style, that it was built with the Transept by Walkelyne. Some of the Priors were interred in it; particularly Godfrey, a famous Scholar in his Time, A.D. 1107, towards the East End T. Rudborne, Ang. f. vol. i. pag. 285. . That Side of the Cloisters which was contiguous to the Church appears to have been terminated, on the West, where the rough End of a Wall forming the Outside of the Western Square, appears against the Church; beyond which, the Cloister cea ing, the Remainder of this Side of the Church is finished with a Window lower than the rest, and of enlarged Dimensions: Under it is a lofty Gateway, which was an Entrance into the Church on the Outside of the Cloisters. It is conjectured by Camden Britannia, edit. Gibs. vol. i. pag. 139. See Burton on Antonin. pag. 221. , that the ruinous Walls of Flint, near the West End of the Church, are Part of a College, the Foundation and Dissolution of which are equally obscure, where Constans the Monk, Son of Constantine, who usurped the Empire against Honorius, A.D. 408, was educated. But it seems more probable that these are the Remains of the most antient Part of the Convent in Question, erected by some of the Saxon Kings; that Part, perhaps, which, as Rudborne already quoted, relates, was demolished by Walkelyne. The Height of the Ground hereabouts demonstrates the Demolition of some considerable Pile. It appears also, that there was a Garden with several Houses within the Cemetery, under the West End of the Church, an Encroachment which arose after the Reformation, and which by Archbishop Laud 's Injunctions was ordered to be removed, A.D. 1635 Wilkins's Concil. vol. iv. pag. 517. . Leland observes that there was a Chapel with a Carnary, at the West End of the Cathedral Itin. vol. iii. pag. 85. ed. 2. . But the conventual Buildings seem to have been for the most Part Heylin's Hist. of Presbyt. pag. 540. edit. 1670. destroyed by the Presbyterians in the Civil Wars; who A.D. 1646, demolished more than Half of the Deanery and eight Prebendal Houses, together with the magnificent Episcopal Palace of Wolvesey, and afterwards sold the Materials. Most of the present Prebendal Houses, and Part of the Deanery, were rebuilt after the Restoration. The Library, at the South End of the Southern Transept, was reduced to it's present Form, and replenished with a valuable Collection of Books, A.D. 1686, by Bishop Morley. But it was evidently a Room belonging to the Convent, as appears by the initial Letters of Prior Silkestede 's, Name cut in a Moulding of the East Window, answering to the Arms of the See in the opposite Moulding. The present Chapter-House, being the Western Ile of the South Transept, was appropriated to that Purpose, A.D. 1621 Inscribed over the Chimney, with J.Y.D. Joh. Young Decanus. His Arms are over a modern Doorway in the North Transept with the Date 1630. The Church received many Improvements during his Government. His Arms are also on the Roof of the Choir, and in a Window of a Chapel in the South Transept. . The antient one abovementioned was totally demolished, as I conjecture, with the adjacent Deanery, though long before decayed and disused. The principal Repairs of the Devastations committed by fanatic Enthusiasm and Ignorance, were made about A.D. 1663, soon after the Return of the Dean and Chapter; who having been suppressed and expelled, during Cromwell 's Usurpation, retook Possession of the Cathedral, Aug. 19, 1660 Walker's Sufferings, part 2, pag. 77.—The King was proclaimed in May preceding. "At Winchester the Mayor and Aldermen in their scarlet Gowns met at the Market Cross, and went down to the Cathedral, where they heard a very loyal and eloquent Sermon from Mr. Complyn, Minister of Avington near Winchester. Marching thence into the Highstreet, the Mayor with the rest of the Corporation ascended a Scaffold, covered with red Cloth, and there solemnly proclaimed King Charles. The which ended, the Musketeers gave a gallant Volley; then, Silence being commanded, the remaining Part of the Cathedral Singing Men, whereof Mr. Burt, a Gentleman of eighty Years of Age, was one, with the Master of the Choristers, and other musical Gentlemen, sung a solemn Anthem, in a Room built on Purpose somewhat above the Mayor's Scaffold. The Words, O Lord, make thy Servant Charles our gracious King to rejoice in thy Strength, &c." Kennet's Register and Chronic. Lond. 1728. pag. 144. See also Mercur. Publ. 4to. No. 21. . The Arms of England, painted on the Windows of the Dean's Hall, were put up in Honour of James I. A.D. 1621, who was entertained at the Deanery; during which Time he planted a Fig-Tree in the Dean's Garden, which still remains, with an Inscription on the Wall behind it. In the same Window is another Coat for King Charles I. and his Queen Mary; with the Inscription C. M. viz. Carolus, Maria, as in the Roof of the Choir of the Church. In the Windows of the Dean's Library, which is 28 Yards long, built soon after the Restoration, are some ancient Pieces of stained Glass, which originally belonged to the Prior's, now the Dean's House; viz. three Saints, the Arms of King The same Arms, on the Presbytery Partition-Wall of the Choir, are inscribed EDWARDUS REX. But Edgar was properly the Founder of the Convent. See Dugd. Mon. vol. i. 37, 38, and pag. 981, 982. Also Wilkins's Conc. vol i. pag. 244. In Speed's Hist. Eng. pag. 368. edit. 1614, Edward's Arms are only the Cross. But Edgar's, ibid. pag. 369, The Cross with the Birds, as in this Window, and the Partition-Wall abovementioned. Edgar was the first who added the Birds. Edgar or of Edward the Elder, of the See, and of William Kyngesmil, the first Dean. Among the Fragments is the Name of Thomas Silkestede, who was a Prior of the Church, and probably was a Benefactor to the Buildings of the Deanery. At least it appears that he added the Stone-building with round-headed Windows, at the South Entrance of the Deanery, as his Initials T.S. connected with his usual Device of a Skain of Silk, still remain in the uppermost Windows. He died A.D. 1524. The Entrance, or arched Gateway, under this Building, is however evidently much older than the Superstructure. The Precincts of the Church, called the Close, are surrounded, on the South and West Sides, by a losty Wall of Flint, originally belonging to the Convent, Part of which also remains on the North East. The Communication between the Episcopal Palace, called Wolvesey-House, and the Church See Wykeham's Registr. supr. citat. part 2. fel. 181. , was through a Gate still remaining, Eastward of the Church, on which the Arms and Name of Bishop Fox appear. On the Gate beyond is inscribed "Georgius Morley Epus, 1670." The Dean's Garden, and those of the Prebendaries, on the South East Side of the Close, are extremely delightful; being watered by a Branch of the River Itchin, remarkably clear and rapid, disposed in an elegant Taste, and opened on the East to a Prospect of the magnificent and extensive Ruins of Wolvesey-House, and other striking Objects. The Ruins just mentioned, are the Remains of a noble Palace belonging to the Bishops of Winchester, built A.D. 1138, by Henry De Bloys, Bishop of Winchester, Nephew to Henry I. and Brother to King Stephen Hist. maj. Winton. Angl. Sacr. vol. i. p. 284. . This Palace being demolished by the Presbyterians, Bishop Morley erected near it a convenient House for his Successors, over the Gate of which appears his Name, with the Date 1684. But it afterwards received considerable Improvements from Bishop Trelawney. The Chapel still remaining is undoubtedly ancient, and belonged to the old Palace; but is much more modern than De Bloys 's Building. The Residence of the Saxon Kings is by some conjectured to have been on this Spot; and the Name Wolvesey is supposed to be formed from the Wulphian Kings, and Eye, which signifies a Nook of a Meadow Heylin's Cosmograph. pag. 312. ed. 1666. . Leland says of this Palace, that the Castle or Palace of Wolvesey is "well touirrid, and for the most Part waterid about Itinerar. vol. iii. pag. 84. ed. 2. ." And Camden observes, that, in his Time, it was very spacious, and surrounded with several Towers Britann. edit. sec. pag. 142. 70l. i. . After this introductory Detail, I proceed to a distinct Description of the Church itself. The Length of this magnificent Fabric, from East to West, is 545 Feet: Of, these, our Lady's Chapel includes 54 Feet, and the Choir 136. The Length from the Iron Door, near the Entrance of the Choir, to the Porch at the West End, is 351 Feet. The Length of the Transepts is 186 Feet. The Breadth of the Body, below the Transepts, is 87 Feet; and of the Choir 40. The Vaulting in the Inside is 76 Feet high Willis Mitr. Abb. vol. ii. pag. 207 & 296; and vol. i. pag. 295 & 70. in addend. . The exact Height of the Tower, which is an oblong Square, and contains ten Bells, is 138 Feet and an Half, and its Breadth 50 Feet by 48 Willis, ibid. vol. ii. 207. Gale's Mensuration is imperfect and erroneous, pag. 25. . The Prospect from the West End of the middle Ile, to the East Window beyond the Choir, must strike every Mind which is susceptible of those aweful Feelings that arise from the Contemplation of that Greatness and Extent which are peculiar to the Proportions of Gothic Architecture. A judicious and entertaining Passage from Lowth 's Life of Wykeham will here be properly introduced. "This Ile was originally of the Saxon Architecture not greatly differing from the Roman; with round Pillars much stronger than Doric or Tuscan, or square Piers, adorned with small Pillars; round-headed Arches and Windows; and plain Walls on the Outside without Buttresses; as appears by the Cross-ile and Tower which remain of it to this Day. The Nave of the Church had been for some Time in a bad Condition: Bishop Edyngdon undertook to repair it in the latter Part of his Time, and by his Will ordered his Executors to finish what he had begun. And whether in Pursuance of his Design and by his Benefaction, or otherwise, it appears, that in the Year 1371, some Work of this Kind was carrying on at a great Expence. However, Wykeham, upon due Consideration and Survey, found it either so decayed and infirm, or else so mean in its Appearance, and so much below the Dignity of one of the first Episcopal Sees in the Kingdom, that he determined to take down the whole from the Tower westward, and to rebuild it both in a stronger and more magnificent Manner. This great Work he undertook in the Year 1394, and entered upon it the Beginning of the next Year, upon the following Conditions stipulated between him and the Prior and Convent, who acquit the Bishop of all Obligation to it, and acknowledge it as proceeding from his mere Liberality, and Zeal for the Honour of God: They agree to find the whole Scaffolding necessary for the Work; they give the Bishop free Leave to dig and to carry away Chalk and Sand from any of their Lands, as he shall think most convenient and useful for the same Purpose; and they allow the whole Materials of the old Building to be applied to the Use of the new. He employed William Winford as Architect: Simon Membury was appointed Surveyor of the Work on the Bishop's Part, and John Wayte, one of the Monks, Controller on the Part of the Convent. As the Church of Winchester is situated in low Ground, which, without great Precaution and Expence, affords no very sure Foundation for so weighty a Structure, Wykeham thought it safest to confine himself to the Plan of the former Building, and to make Use of a Foundation already tried, and subject to no Hazard. He even chose to apply to his Purpose some Part of the lower Order of Pillars of the old Church, though his Design was in a different Style of Architecture; that which we commonly call Gothic, with pointed Arches and Windows, without Keystones, and Pillars consisting of an Assemblage of many small ones closely connected together; but which is more properly Saracen, for such was its Origin: The Crusades gave us an Idea of this Form of Architecture, which afterwards prevailed throughout Europe. The Pillars or Piers of the old Building, which he made Use of, were about sixteen Feet in Height; of the same Form with those in the East Side of the Northern Cross-ile: These he carried up higher, according to the new Design, altering their Form, but retaining their Strength, and adopting them as a firm Basis for his own Work. The new Pillars are nearly equal in Bulk to the old ones; and the Intercolumniation remains much the same. These Circumstances, in which Stability and Security were very wisely in the first Place consulted, have been attended however with some Inconvenience, as it seems owing to them, that this Building has not that Lightness and Freedom, and that Elegance of Proportion, which might have been expected from Wykeham 's known Taste in Architecture, and from the Style and Manner of his other Works in this Kind; of which we have evident Examples in the Chapels of both his Colleges, especially in the Western Part of that of New College in Oxford, which is remarkably beautiful. To the further Disadvantage of its present Appearance, an Alteration which could not then be foreseen has since happened. At that Time the Buildings of the Monastery covered the whole South Side of the Church, so that it seemed needless to be at a great Expence upon Ornaments in that Part which was like to be for ever concealed. By the Demolition of the Monastery this Side is now laid open, and discovers a Defect of Buttresses and Pinnacles, with which the North Side, which was then the only one in View, is properly urnished. Another Alteration of the same Kind has been made in Inside, and with the like Effect: Immediately before the Entrance of the Choir stood the Vestry, which extending from Side to Side of the Nave, prevented the intire Conformation of those Pillars against which it rested to the new Design, but at the same Time concealed the Irregularity: In the Time of Charles the First this was pulled down, and the present beautiful Skreen, the Work of Inigo Jones, was erected; but no Care was taken, by an easy and obvious Alteration, to correct a Deformity, which was then uncovered, and still continues to disgrace the Building, in a Part which, of all others, is the most frequently exposed to Observation. However, with its Defects, which appear thus to be owing partly to an accidental and unforeseen Change of Circumstances, partly to the Care of avoiding greater Inconveniencies, there is no Fabric of its Kind in England, after those of York and Lincoln, which excells this Part of the Cathedral Church of Winchester, in Greatness, Stateliness, and Majesty. This great Pile took up about ten Years in erecting, and was but just finished when the Bishop died. He had provided in his Will for the intire Completion of his Design by his Executors, in Case of his Death; and allotted 2500 Marks for what then remained to be done, besides 500 Marks for the Glass Windows: This was about a Year and Half before it was finished; by which some Sort of Estimate may be made of the whole Expence Lowth's Life of Wykeham, pag. 208. ." From this Ile, by a stately Flight of eight Steps, we approach the Choir. The Screen abovementioned is of the Composite Order, and adorned on the Right Hand with a Statue of James I. and on the Left of Charles I. They are both of Brass, and were given, together with the Screen itself, by the latter of these Monarchs. During the Civil Wars, the Pressbyterians, among other Outrages, barbarously defaced and abused both these Statues, but particularly that of Charles; at tempting to break off the Crown, and declaring with much malicious Triumph, that they would bring him back to the Parliament Dugdale, ubi infr. . The Stalls are of Norway Oak, and are a masterly Piece of Gothic Spire Work, being at once elegant and majestic. They were erected by Prior Silkestede, as appears by his Name out on the Pulpit The Stone-Pulpit in the Body of the Church was probably used for preaching before the Reformation, as it was for many Years after. "Wykeham buildid the great Body of the Church of St. Swithun's, where now the Sermons are made, and where odie is enter ed, a very princelie Work." Stowe's Annals, by Howes, pag. 351. ed. 1615. This is now entirely disused. , with which they are terminated on the North Side. He died A.D. 1524. On the same Side stands the Organ, which was removed thither by the Command of Charles I. from the old Screen, where it was justly supposed to intercept the View from the West to the East End. The Stalls on the South Side are bounded by the Bishop's Throne, erected by Bishop Trelawney, translated from Exeter, A.D. 1706. The Pediment, which is embellished with a Mitre and the Arms of the See impaling those of his Family, is supported by fluted Columns of the Corinthian Order. The Vaulting of the Roof of the Choir was executed in the Reign of Charles I. there being, before this, an Opening from the Choir into the first Story or Room of the Tower; on which Account the Side Arches of this first Story, being intended to be seen from below, are wrought and ornamented. We find the same Opening in the Tower of St. Cross, built about the same Time. It was undoubtedly looked upon as a Beauty in the Architecture; and had, in some Measure, the same Effect, as the Louvre, or open Lantern formerly used in great Halls. Height of Roof in the Inside was also a favourite Circumstance in Structure of this Sort, which was produced from this Expedient in a very striking Degree. The Arms and Initials of the King, with those of his Queen Mary, and of John Young, Dean at that Time, are introduced among the Ornaments of the Vaulting, which is of Wood. The two Branches are the Gift of the late Dean, Dr. Cheney; who has left, by Will, 220 l. for paving the Choir with Marble. In the Pannels below the Stalls, under the Organ, and on the opposite Side are some Memorials of the new Foundation of Henry VIII. viz. the Date 1540, in which the new Establishment commenced: The King's Arms with H.R. Henricus Rex: The Arms of the Church, given by the said King Vid. Sigill. Eccles. A Church, in the Gate of which is the Image of the Trinity. : The Portcullis, and the Arms of William Kyngesmill, the first Dean, with W.K. The Arms of a Bishop of Winchester As appears by the Garter, and a Mitre, with the initial S, and another Letter doubtful. . These, I suppose, were put up at the Alteration of the House. In the Area leading to the high Altar, is a plain raised Monument, of a greyish Stone, without any Inscription, under which, William Rufus, who was killed in the neighbouring new Forest, A.D. 1000, is buried. This Tomb was opened by the Rebels in the Civil Wars, who stole from thence the Remains of a Cloth of Gold, a Ring set with Rubies, said to be worth 500 l. and a small Silver Chalice. With this Area the Presbytery begins, which is ornamented with a Roof highly finished in a different Taste from that of the Tower, and is separated, on each Side, from the North and South Iles, by a well-executed Partition Wall of open Work. On the Top of either Wall are placed three Shrines, or Chests, beautifully carved, painted, and gilded, with a Crown on each, in which are enclosed the Bones of several of the West Saxon Kings, Bishops, and some later Princes, who had been originally buried behind the Altar or in different Parts of the Church. These Remains were thus no less piously than carefully collected and deposited, by Bishop Fox, A.D. 1525. Their Names, &c. are inscribed on every Chest, which the Reader will find among the Tombs and Monumental Inscriptions. The Ascent to, and Area of, the high Altar, is paved with Marble, by the Benefaction of Dr. William Harris, Prebendary, and School-master of Winchester College, who dying, A.D. 1700, bequeathed 800 l. for ornamenting the Altar. The Wood Work about the Altar was erected by Bishop Fox: But the Canopy, with its Festoons, and other Ornaments, were added, about the Time when the new Screen of Inigo Jones, at the Choir-Entrance, was built, as I conjecture from C R in the Cornice. The two Doors or Entrances on each Side still remain, through which the Priest approached the Altar from the Sanctum Sanctorum. The Tops of three Niches are likewise remaining over the Altar, which probably contained three Images representing the Trinity. A good Piece of Painting would be a noble and proper Improvement of this superb Altarpiece. Behind is a a very lofty Screen, or Partition of Stone, charged with most exquisite Embellishments of Gothic Workmanship, and infinitely superior, in Point of finishing, to another of the same Sort in St. Alban 's Abbey Church. The Niches, before the Reformation, were filled with Statues; but are at present supplied with Urns, which by some are thought inconsistent Decorations. These were the Gift of Dr. William Harris abovementioned From his Epitaph. . The Screen, Side Partition-Walls, Roof of the Presbytery, and of the adjoining Side Iles, with their Walls and Windows, were finished at the Expence, or by the Interest, of Bishop Fox, A.D. 1525, as appears by his Name and Arms carved in many Places. The same liberal Benefactor new glazed, with painted Glass, as he had new made, the Windows of this Part of the Church; that is, the Choir Windows, and those of the parallel Iles. He likewise fronted the Boundary of the Choir, on the Outside, with two beautiful Pinnacles, and other ornamental Architecture, among which his Statue is placed, cloathed in the Episcopal Habit. He probably intended to complete the Remainder of the East End in the same Style He seems to have reduced the Windows in the West Side of the Northern Transept to their present Form. . It is said, and from good Authority, that the Bishop was assisted in this Work by Prior Silkestede Willis's Mitr. Ab. vol. i. pag. 301. . This Prior, at least, co-operated with Fox in improving the Church by building the Stalls, and a Chapel, about the Time when Fox began these Alterations See Wood's Hist. Univ. Oxon. L. ii. p. 230. . His Initials T.S. are in the Roof of Fox 's Presbytery. It should seem that Cardinal Henry Beaufort left some Money for this Purpose, as H.B. appears on the Outside of the South Partition Wall, and over its Entrance. He died not many Years before Fox was advanced to the Bishoprick. In the Grand Rebellion, the Altar-Screen, just mentioned, was artfully protected from the Violence of the Presbyterians, by Means of an extemporaneous Wall, or Partition, erected in a parallel Line just before it, so as entirely to conceal its Beauties from the Observation of the sacrilegious Intruders. Other Parts of the Church did not however escape the mistaken Zeal of these Enemies to all that was graceful or majestic. On the 16th of December, 1642, the Soldiers of Sir William Waller entered the Church, where they broke in Pieces the carved Work of the Choir, containing the Story of the Old and New Testament in admirable Imagery, destroyed the Organ One of their Friends has recorded a most extraordinary Anecdote, that in the Houses of the Prebendaries "they found great Store of Popish Books, Pictures, and Crucifixes," which after a mock Procession were burnt, with the Organ-pipes, in the Streets. John Vicars's God in the Mount, or England's Parliamentarie Chronicle, &c. 4to. London, 1644, p. 229. , seized the rich Tapestry, Cushions, and Vestments of the Choir, with the Vessels of the Altar, threw down the Communion Table, and carrying off the Rails, which enclosed it, burnt them in their Quarters. After this, they defaced many of the Monuments; and pulling down some of the Chests which contained the Remains of the Saxon Kings, they threw their Bones against the painted Glass, which they thus destroyed throughout the Church Heylin H.st. of Presbyt. pag. 450. edit. 1670. Dugdale's Short View, &c. pag. 558. . But the beautiful Window over the Altar, exhibiting the Pourtraits of several Saints and Bishops of this Church, being more out of their Reach, and less exposed than the rest, is still preserved entire, together with a few Figures on the Windows contiguous. The grand West Window seems to be made up of the dispersed Fragments, which, imperfect as it is, has a fine Effect, and leaves the pensive Imagination to supply that religious Light which was diffused over all the Church, when every Window retained its original Splendor. The East End of the Church is terminated by three Chapels. That on the South is adorned with a Monument of Thomas Langton, Bishop of Winchester, who died A.D. 1500. The Rood-Loft consists of elegant Gothic Carving in Wood; and both the Sides are finished in the same Taste. But the Work has been much damaged. Under the Window are several Niches for Statues. The Bishop is said to have built this Chapel Leland, Collectan. vol. i. pag. 116. . The Roof is painted with a Hen on a Tun, being a Rebus on Henton, the Place of his Nativity, and partly on his Name. The Inscription " Laus tibi Christe. " The Chapel in the Centre, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, was erected by Prior Silkestede before mentioned, and is used at present for early Prayers. His Name is on the Roof; and on the Sides, which are adorned with ancient Painting, are embossed the Arms of England, of Silkestede, of the See, a Rebus on T. Langton, viz. T.L. with a Tun, as in his Chapel just described, and who was Bishop in the former Part of Silkestede 's Priorate, for whom also a Tun is introduced on the Cieling. The Inscriptions, " ad gloriam dei. " The same Embossments appear on the Outside of the Building in the Church-yard. In this Chapel Queen Mary was married to King Philip, and the Chair in which she was seated, during the Ceremony, still remains near the Altar. It is a Mistake Willis Mitr. Abb. vol. i. pag. 301. that this Prior built the Chapel in the South Ile, called Silkestede 's Chapel. Probably he might use it as a private Oratory, or perhaps might be interred in it. He seems to have born some Relation to it, for opposite to it are the Remains of a Canopy, under which the Presses for the Ch Vestments are placed, which formerly seems to have been the Covering of Stalls, and still preserves in the Cornice the initial Letters of Silkestede 's Name often repeated. These I suppose belonged originally to the opposite Chapel. It is not unlikely that Silkestede altered the Windows on this Side of the Transept; for on the Library Window, contiguous to them on the Outside, is carved T.S. for Thomas Silkestede, as I have before observed. The elegant Screen of this little Chapel was at least erected by this Prior; for on it is carved in large ornamented Gothic Capitals, C HD MA S S On the North Side of the Virgin Mary 's Chapel, is a small Chapel perhaps dedicated to S. Michael, as the Pourtraiture of that Angel appears in many Parts of the Roof. About the Middle of the great Western Ile stands an ancient Font. It is a square massy Block of jet-coloured Marble, in which a circular Bason is formed for the Water. It is three Feet three Inches over, and supported by a plain Pedestal of Stone. The Sides of the Square are embellished with rude Bass Relievos, which seem to represent the Miracles of some Saint belonging to this Church. If we may judge from the Stile of the Architecture introduced in the Carving on the South Side, this singular Monument of Antiquity was the Workmanship of the Saxon Times. In the Northern Transept are some imperfect Traces of antient Painting, supposed to represent the Combat of Guy Earl of Warwick, with the Danish Champion before mentioned Mention is made of a Painting in the Queen 's Chapel at Winchester. "The King to the Sheriff of Hants."— "Cause to be painted in the Queen 's Chapel at Winchester, upon the Gable-End towards the West, the Image of St. Christopher, who holds in his Arms our Blessed Saviour." From a Latin Record in the Court of Liveries, 32 Henry III. m. 7. citat. apud Stukeley, Palaeograph. Brit. No. 1. pag. 36. I presume this was some Chapel in the Castle of Winchester, where the Royal Family resided. . By Way of recapitulating what has been said concerning the building this Church, I shall observe, that it contains three Stiles of Architecture, agreeable to the Taste of the three different Ages, in the Progress of which it grew to the present Perfection. The first is the Saxon, of which is the Tower, the Transept, and the Eastern Iles, for the most Part built, or begun, by Walkelyne. The second is the Gothic, simply so called, of which are the Western Iles and West Front, erected by Wykeham. The third is the ornamental or improved Gothic, which began about the Reign of Henry VI. and of which the Presbytery, Side Iles, and outward East End of the Choir, by Fox, as well as our Lady's Chapel, by Silkestede, are elegant Specimens. TOMBS AND MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. On the South Partition Wall of the Presbytery, the first Chest from the Altar has this Inscription. Edredus Rex, obiit Anno 955. Hic pius in tumulo Rex Edredus requiescit Qui has Britonum terras rexerat egregie. On the second is inscribed: Edmundus Rex obiit . . . . . . Quem theca haec retinet Edmundum suscipe Christe Qui vivente Patre Regia sceptra tulit. The third Chest formerly contained the Bones of Canutus, and of William Rufus, who was interred below. This Chest had once this Inscription. Hic jacent Ossa Cnutonis et Willelmi Rufi. The present Inscription is this. In hac et altera è regione cistà Reliquiae sunt Ossium Canuti et Rufi Regum; Emmae Reginae, Winae et Alwini Episcoporum. On the first Chest on the Outside of the North Partition Wall. Rex Kingilsus obiit 641. On the Choir Side of the Chest. Adulphus Rex obiit 857. On the Outside. Kingulsti in cista hac simul offa jacent et Adulphi Alter Fundator hic Benefactor erat. On the second Chest. Adulphus Rex obiit 754. On the Outside of the same. Egbertus obiit 837. Hic Rex Egbertus pausat cum Rege Kenulpho Nobis egregie munera uterque tulit. The third Chest formerly contained the Bones of Bishop Wina. Hic jacent ossa Winac Episcopi. With Bishop Wina 's were enclosed the Bones of Stigand, at first Bishop of Winchester; afterwards translated to the See of Canterbury, A.D. 1052: and on the North Side of the Coffin was this Inscription. Hic jacet Stigandus Archiepiscopus. But at present this Inscription is placed thereon. In hac cistà, A.D. 1661, promiscuè recondita sunt Ossa Principum et Praelatorum sacrilegà barbarie dispersa, A.D. 1642. Under the second Chest, on the South Wall, we read the following Inscription. Intus est Corpus Ricardi, Willielmi Conquestoris Filii, et Beorniae Ducis. Under the same Wall, under the second Chest, is entombed the Heart of Ethelmarus, Bishop of Winchester, with this Inscription. Obiit Anno 1261. Corpus Ethelmari, cujus cor nunc tenet istud Saxum, Parisiis morte datur tumulo. Near the Choir Entrance in the same Wall is this Inscription. Intus est cor Nicolai olim Wintoniensis Episcopi cujus corpus est apud Waverly. On the North Side of the Wall formerly stood a fourth Chest, containing the Bones of the Bishops Elmstan and Kynulphus, with this Inscription. Pontifices haec capsa duos duos tenet incineratos, Primus Elmstanus, huic successorque Kynulphus. The Monument of Bishop Alfimus was on the same Wall, Eastward from Bishop Elmston 's, with this Inscription. Alfymus plumbo praesul requiescit in isto. Under Kingulstus 's Chest, in the same Wall, is this Inscription. Qui jacet hic Regni Sceptrum tulit Hardicanutus Emmae Cnutonis gnatus et ipse fuit. Obiit A.D. IIIIo . In the same Wall. Alwinus Obiit 1047. Hic jacet Alwini corpus, qui munera nobis Contuli Egregia, parcito Christe pio. In the same Wall, within the Choir, is this Inscription for Queen Emma. Hic Emmam cista Reginam continet ista, Duxit Etheldredus Rex hanc, et postea Cnutus; Edwardum parit haec, ac Hardicanutum Quatuor hos Reges haec vidit Sceptra tenentes; Anglorum Regum fuit haec sic Mater et Uxor. Under the Monument of Bishop Alfimus, we read this Inscription. Defuncti Corpus tumulus tenet iste Johannis Pointes Sometimes called John De Pontissara, who built St. Elisabeth 's College, mentioned supr. pag. 15. , Wintoniae praesulis eximii. Obiit Anno 1304. In the Wall on the same Side, under the Chest of Wina, is the Monument of Bishop Toclive, with this Inscription. Praefulis egregii pausant his membra Ricardi Toclive, cui summi gaudia sunto poli. Obiit Anno 1189. At the East End of the Southern Partition lies the Body of Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, the pious Founder of Corpus Christi College in Oxford, under a Shrine, which is a most finished Specimen of the improved ornamental Gothic. Adjoining to the Shrine is a small private Oratory, built with the rest, which he usually frequented for his Devotion, and which is still called Bishop Fox 's Study. He died A.D. 1528. At the East End of the Northern Partition Wall is interred Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of this See, under a Shrine of plain Architecture. He died A.D. 1555. The recumbent Figure of the Bishop was much injured in the Civil Wars. Behind the Sanctum Sanctorum is a traverse Wall, at the Bottom of which we discern the Entrance into the Vault, where the Saxon Kings already mentioned were first buried. Over it is this Inscription. Sancta Maria et Dominus Jesus. Over the Entrance from End to End are these Names. Kyngulstus Rex. Kinewaldus Rex. Adulphus Rex. Edwardus Rex Senior. S. Birinus Episcopus. Egbertus Rex. Aluredus Rex filius ejus. Athelstanus Rex filius ejus. Edredus Rex. Edgar Rex. Emma Regina. Alwinus Episcopus. Etheldredus Rex. S. Edwardus Rex filius ejus. Canutus Rex. Hardi-Canutus filius ejus. Over each Name is a well ornamented Niche and Pedestal. Under the whole is this Inscription. Corpora Sanctorum sunt hic in pace sepulta Ex meritis quorum fulgent miracula multa. The Niches abovementioned seem to have made, or ornamented, by Fox. The Arms above are of Charles I. In the Area, on the East Side of this Wall, is a sumptuous and stately Monument, to the Memory of Henry Beaufort, Cardinal of St. Eusebius, and Bishop of Winchester. His Effigies is represented in the Cardinal's Habit. The Inscription is now totally lost, this being all, according to Godwyn, that remained legible near two hundred Years ago. Tribularer si nescirem misericordias tuas. He was a liberal Benefactor to the Hospital of St. Cross, near this City, as I have before observed, and died A.D. 1447. Opposite to it, and designed in evident Imitation of it, is the magnificent Shrine and Monument of William Wainfleet, Bishop of Winchester, the munificent Founder of Magdalen College in Oxford. He is represented on the Tomb in his Episcopal Habit, grasping his Heart between his Hands. The Roof and Spire Work of the Shrine is perhaps superior, in Exuberance of Ornament, and Height of finishing, to any Structure of the same Kind. It was gratefully repaired by Magdalen College A.D. 1741. Hedied A.D. 1486. Westward of this are the Traces of the Effigies of a Bishop, said to be St. Swythun. Near these is a Monument, raised somewhat higher than the Pavement, said to be that of Lucius the first Christian King. It has no Inscription to illustrate this improbable Conjecture. At the Bottom of the Steps, on the South Side of the Choir, are two very ancient Monuments; one of which has no Inscription, the other belongs to a Prior of the Convent, who died A.D. 1295, and is thus inscribed. Hic jacet Williemus de Basing, quondam Prior istius Ecclesiae, cujus animae propitietur Deus, & qui pro anima ejus oraverit, tres annos & quinquaginta dies Indulgentiae percipiet. His Predecessor may with equal Probability be the Prior here interred, whose Name was likewise William de Basynge, and who died A.D. 1284. Near the Stone Pulpit in the Body of the Church, we read the following Epitaph to the first Dean of this Cathedral. Wilhelmus Kingsmell prior ultimus, Decanus primus Ecclesiae . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obiit 1548. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Almost contiguous is the following Inscription. Robertus Horne Theologiae Doctoreximius, quondam Christi caufa exul, deinde Episcopus Winton. pie obiit in Domino Jun. 1. 1580. Episcopatus sui Anno 19. Opposite to the former, upon another Marble, this Inscription appears. D. Johannes Watson hujus Ecclesiae Winton. Praebendarius, Decanus ac Deinde Episcopus, Prudentissimus Pater, Vir optimus, praecipue erga inopes mis icors. Obiit in Domino Januar. 23. Anno Aetatis suae 63, Episcopatus 4. 1583. Nearer the Choir is the Tomb of William of Edingdon, Bishop of Winchester, with this Epitaph. Edyndon natus Wilhelmus hic est tumulatus, Praesul praegratus, in Wintonia Cathedratus, Qui pertranfitis, ejus memorare velitis, Providus & mitis, anfit cum mille peritis, Pervigil Anglorum fuit adjutor populorum, Dulcis egenorum Pater, & Protector eorum, M.C. tribus junctum, post LXV fit I punctum Octava Sanctum notat hunc Octobris inunctum. 1366. He was a noble Benefactor to the Church. Not far from the little South Door is the superb Tomb and Shrine of WILLIAM of WYKEHAM, Bishop of Winchester, the munificent Founder of Winchester College, and of New College in Oxford, who died A.D. 1404. His nobler Shrine is the magnificent Ile, under which he lies entombed, and which was erected at his Expence. The Figure of the Bishop is remarkably fresh, and well preserved: But the Shrine was much injured by the Presbyterians. This grand Mausoleum is placed on the very Spot on which an Altar stood, where Wykeham, when a Boy, constantly frequented a Mass called Pekismass Lowth's Wykeham, pag. 278. . At the Feet of the Bishop are three small Figures of Benedictine Monks; and at his Head two Angels. This Epitaph encompasses the Tomb. Wilhelmus dictus Wickham jacet hic nece victus, Istius Ecclesiae praesul reparavit, eamque, Largus erat, dapifer, probat hoc cum divite pauper, Consiliis pariter Regni fuerat bene dexter. Hunc docet esse pium fundatio Collegiorum Oxoniae primum stat, Wintoniaeque secundum. Jugiter oretis, Tumulum quicunq que videtis Pro tantis meritis quod sit sibi vita perenni . Near the Choir is the Figure of a martial Personage, which is much defaced. We learn his Name from the following Inscription. Hic jacet Willielmus Comes de Insula Vana alias Wineall. Besides the Saxon Kings already recited, Ethelwulf, Edsed and Edwin were interred in this Church; together with some of its more ancient Bishops not yet mentioned, viz. Denewulf, E wold, Brithwald, Walkelyne, It is d that he was buried before the high Altar, A.D. 1171. But T , among his many curious manuscript Insertions in Le 's FAST. [ Bibl. Bodl. Oxon. In Museola Bibliothecarii. ] acquaints us, that he was buried at Ivinghoe, Co. Bucks, a Manor belonging to the Bishop of Winchester, where he founded a Nunnery. There is a Statue in that Church, which the Inhabitants suppose to be his. See Mon. Angl. T. 1. pag. 490. Ivinghoe was, or is, in the Patronage of the Bishop of Winchester. Henry de Bloys, &c. The more modern Monuments and Inscripscriptions of this Church, which are very numerous, are here purposely omitted, a formal and entire Recital of them would have exceeded the Limits of our Plan, and extended our Work to a tedious, and perhaps unnecessary, Prolixity. Those I have described are most likely to engage the Attention of curious Observers, and their Inscriptions are such as are not immediately obvious to every Spectator. From this Survey of the Inside of the Church we would conduct the Spectator to the West End, which is a striking Specimen of the massy Gothic Manner. It is finished with two small Side Spires and a central Pinnacle, with a Niche containing an Episcopal Statue of WILLIAM of WYKEHAM, from whose ample Beneficence this venerable Pile derives its principal Magnificence and Beauty. FINIS.