RECEIPTS FOR Preparing and Compounding THE PRINCIPAL MEDICINES Made USE of By the late Mr. WARD. Together with An INTRODUCTION, &c. By JOHN PAGE, Esq; To whom Mr. WARD left his BOOK of SECRETS. LONDON: Printed for and sold by HENRY WHITRIDGE, at the South-West Corner of the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhill. 1763. Sold also by Mr. MARSH, Bookseller, at Charing-Cross; by Mr. R. WITHY, Bookseller, near the Royal-Exchange; and at the Magdalen-House, in Prescot-street, Goodman's-Fields: At which three last-mentioned Places the late Mr. WARD'S Medicines, now made publick, are appointed to be sold. TO THE PUBLICK. FRIENDSHIP, and perhaps Gratitude, having incited the late Mr. Ward of Whitehall, in his last Illness, to order his Book of Medicinal Secrets to be delivered to me, as my Property, in case of his Death, I should think myself unworthy of a Bequest of this Nature, and made upon such Honourable Principles, if I was not disposed to apply it to the Noblest of all Purposes, The Common Good of Mankind. This was the first Impression I felt, upon the Information I received, of my being made Master of this Book, (valuable for its Contents) although I understood it to be given to me, as it certainly was, in the most Liberal Manner; to be absolutely at my own Disposal; and without Condition, Direction, or Limitation of any kind whatever. Many and various have been the Thoughts which have occurred to me, and the Opinions I have heard, as to the Best Method to be taken in order to answer the Great End I wished to accomplish: And many were the Difficulties which presented themselves, and encountered the Idea of Dispensing the Principal Medicines made use of by Mr. Ward, under the Direction of a Regularly bred Physician, of known Honour and Integrity; as well as That of throwing them open to the World; taking Care, at the same time, to have the said Medicines duly prepared, in the same manner they used to be, and Publickly sold, at Prices so moderate, that the lowest of his Majesty's industrious Subjects may have the Benefit of them. However, as I was inclined to allow Mr. Ward 's Executors a Reasonable Time to dispose of the prepared Medicines, which became their Property; I had thereby Leisure to deliberate upon these two Principal Propositions. The latter of the two I always stood most inclined to adopt. But vain would have been my Inclination in this Particular, had not His Majesty's most Benevolent Disposition and Extensive Bounty removed an insurmountable Obstacle which stood in my Way; by making ample Provision for certain Ingenious Chymists, who had been employed by Mr. Ward, the Moment it came to be Humbly represented to Him. By His Majesty's Royal Bounty, then, these Men were made willing to give me that Assistance, which I could not, in Conscience, have otherwise asked or expected from them; as it would have been injurious to themselves; and without which I could not have made all these Medicines known to the World, on account of certain Omissions and Inaccuracies discovered, upon Examination, in the Book: Since none, but such as have been employed in making the Chymical Medicines, could give a Clear and Perfect Account of the Processes which had been actually used in the preparing of them. Having presumed to suppose that what I have, by His Majesty's Bounty, been enabled to do; and am now, in consequence thereof, going to do, will prove Beneficial to Mankind in general, it may be thought rea onable that I should inform the Publick upon what Foundation I raise my Expectation of seeing so happy an Effect resulting from it. It is, shortly, this. I knew the late Mr. Ward at Paris, before he began to administer Medicines; and, when he did, I resided there for a considerable Time, at different Periods. I had attention to the Operation and Effects of them there; as well as here, when their Reputation had opened his Way to his Native Country. I took his Emetic Drop and Sweats myself, above Thirty Years ago; and at a time when I was reduced (by a Complication of Disorders, occasioned by my Stomach having lost the Power of digesting properly the most simple Food) to so low and wretched a State, both in Body and Spirits, that those who were supposed to understand most, and knew me best, looked upon me as past all Hope of Recovery. To the Use of these Medicines, under God, I always thought I owed the happy Removal of the Cause of all my Disorders. I have often given them, with Success, in my own Family; and, at times, to that part of it which sat nearest my Heart: I have encouraged many to apply themselves to Mr. Ward, in very strong Cases: I have distributed his Medicines to the Afflicted, in various Disorders, which he used to give me for that Purpose: And I can wind up all I have said upon this Head with averring to the Publick, that I myself never, as far as I can recollect, knew any Person, excepting one The Person here referred to, had great Pains in the Body; and took Mr. Ward 's Sweating Powders Thirty-two successive Nights; taking sometimes half, sometimes three Quarters of a Dose, which brought on a Weakness, of which this Person complained: But this seems to have been owing to the Quantity of these Powders, taken in so short a time, and not to their Quality. , who thought himself hurt by taking, or dissatisfied for having taken Mr. Ward 's Medicines; on the contrary, I have known many Great, and Radical Cures effected upon those of my Acquaintance who have taken them, in the Space of more than Thirty Years; and that, without complaining of the Medicines for their Manner of Operating. When I have said this, no one will wonder that I not only hope, but presume to expect that the Publication of these Medicines, and causing them to be sold at very low Prices, will prove Beneficial to Mankind; whatever some may think, whose Minds remain warped by Prejudice; or others may say, whose Interest, perhaps, may have prompted them to infuse those Prejudices. To the former of these I cannot help saying, I should wonder extremely (if Time and Observation had not shewed me the great Force of Prejudice) that any strong Suspicion should still remain of these Medicines being Dangerous, when taken in proper Quantities, and under proper Regulations, now that all the World knows they have been gaining Ground and Reputation for so many Years, only by the Force of their own Acts; notwithstanding they had to break their way through the strong Barriers of Interest, Prejudice and Ridicule. To the latter I shall only say, that the Medicines I am now going to make Publick are such as have been mostly applied to Cases called Chronical; and, generally, to such as were of Old-standing, before the Sufferers under them would consult Mr. Ward: And if, in the same sort of Cases, they should hereafter be taken, without waiting so long, I hope the Gentlemen of the Faculty, especially the Candid and Respectable, will not set up an Opposition to them, and endeavour to discourage the Middling and Lower Sort of People from taking what will cost so little, and probably do them a great deal of Good. In this reasonable Hope, I flatter myself I shall not be disappointed: Yet, if that should happen to be the Case, I shall be sure of their Approbation for one certain Effect of this Publication; (and which, indeed, was a great Motive to it) suppressing the Practice of Ignorant Pretenders to the Knowledge of Mr. Ward 's Secrets; and thereby preventing the Mischiefs which would otherwise be done by such Bold Practitioners dispensing, under the Name of these Excellent Medicines—One knows not What. I shall trouble the Publick no farther, now, upon this Subject, in general; but proceed to give the Genuine Receipts for making each Particular Medicine; specifying the Doses, and the several Disorders to which they have been usually applied, according to my Observation, and the best Information I have been yet able to obtain. Method of preparing Antimony, for the PILL and DROP. PROVIDE yourself with an Earthen un-glazed Pan, that will hold three or four Quarts; set it on a naked Fire, and have in readiness, of the finest and purest crude Antimony, as much as you please; (that which appears in long shining Needles, and is the easiest powdered, is the best; being most free from metallic, or other heterogeneous Bodies) powder it indifferently fine; put ten or twelve Ounces into your Pan, stirring it continually with an Iron Spatula, and increasing your Fire till it sends forth white Fumes, and a Flame like burning Brimstone: Continue that Degree of Fire, continually stirring, till it burns or fumes no more; but is become a grey or ash-coloured Powder. If it should melt, and run into Lumps, in the Beginning of your Operation, you must take it out of your Pan, and pound it again; putting it in again, and stirring as before, till it be thoroughly calcined. Then put in four Ounces more of your crude Matter; proceeding as before, and continuing so to do, till you have as much as you desire. By this Method you will calcine your Antimony with much less Labour and Time, than in doing it all together, as is usual: For, by putting your crude Antimony to your calcined, its melting will be prevented, and the Fumes will fly off much sooner. [ N. B. It must be done in a Chimney; otherwise the Fumes will be hurtful to the Operator.] Take a clean Crucible, which will hold about a Quart; put into it about two Pounds of your calcined Antimony; set it in a melting Furnace, and make a gradual Fire under it; put Coals nearly to the Top of your Crucible; keep it in a moderate Fusion, sometimes stirring it about with an Iron Rod: Care must be taken that your Fire be not too violent, while your Matter is in Fusion; or it will liquify it to such a Degree, and render it so subtle, that it will all run through the Pores of your Crucible, into your Ash-hole; not leaving one single Drop, or Grain behind. When you find your Matter, which adheres to your Rod, transparent and bright (which it will be, in about half an Hour after it is in Fusion, if you have kept a proper Degree of Fire) have, in readiness, a smooth Marble Stone, well dried, and heated as hot as you can bear your Hand upon it; for fear your hot Matter should break it. [It will be proper to have an Iron Curb round your Marble, to rise half or three Quarters of an Inch above its Surface, to prevent your Matter from running off.] Pour your vitrified Matter upon your Stone; and if you have any more of your calcined Matter, put your Crucible again into the Fire; put in more, and proceed as before. If your Crucible is good, and your Fire moderately governed, you may use the same Crucible five or six times; as I, myself, have frequently done Thus have you a fair and pure Glass of Antimony, of a light red Colour. As I have been informed that most, if not all the Glass of Antimony, used in this kingdom, is imported; and that the erroneous Process, in making it, is also introduced here; I shall make the following Observation upon it. As the Glass of Antimony, used here, is made abroad, we cannot be competent Judges whether it is made of pure Antimony, or such as may be mixt with other heterogeneous Matter. I have also observed, that keeping the Crucible covered, during the time of its Fusion, both hinders the Vitrification, and makes the Glass less pure, by preventing the remaining combustible Parts of the Antimony from flying off. The Pill and Drop are made as follows. TAKE, of the aforesaid Glass of Antimony, as much as you please; Pound it in a clean Iron Mortar, and sift it through a fine Lawn Sieve; then grind, or levigate it, on a smooth Marble Stone, to an impalpable Powder. Take also Dragon's Blood, dried and powdered. To four Ounces of your levigated Glass, put one Ounce of this Dragon's Blood; grind them very well together; and with good Sack, or rich Mountain Wine, make into a Mass for Pills, of about One Grain and half each, which is a full Dose for a Man or Woman. The Drop, so called, is made by putting about half an Ounce of your levigated Glass of Antimony into a Quart of the richest Malaga Mountain, or Sack. Shake them well together, and let them stand two or three Days to settle, and grow clear. Then pour it off gently, to be quite fine. The full Dose (half an Ounce) is for a Man, or Woman: But best to begin with the half or two thirds; according to Age or Strength of Constitution. OBSERVATIONS. Common Glass of Antimony, as sold at the Shops, though reckoned a very rough Medicine, is, I find, prescribed in Dispensatories from Two to Eight Grains: Therefore I shall make the following Observations upon it. First, As I have made large Quantities of Glass of Antimony, for Mr. Ward; so I find a very essential Difference between what I made by the foregoing Process, and what I have bought in the Shops: Mine being of a brighter Red, much softer, and not so harsh and gritty in the Pulverisation, and Levigation: Whence I imagine, that the Glass of Antimony imported, is not prepared from pure Antimony, or not genuinely prepared. Secondly, I apprehend that, where it has been prescribed, and given inwardly, it has only been powdered and sifted; whereby it is not reduced to the Hundredth Part of the Fineness to which it is brought by the aforesaid Levigation, if duly performed. It is well known to the Learned in Chymistry, that, by Trituration See Quincy 's Dispensatory, on Trituration, Page 10, 11 Ed. 1736. , several rough Bodies may be rendered soft and smooth: corrosive Mercury, by repeated Operations, is changed from a violent Poison, to a safe Medicine, frequently prescribed, even for Children. I have found, by Experience, that the Pill and Drop is a safe and very efficacious Medicine, when prepared, as before directed. I must farther observe, that, by Grinding and Incorporating the vitrified Antimony with the Dragon's Blood, which is a Balsamic Gum, the Medicine is rendered still more soft and smooth. Attested December 1, 1762, by me, JOHN WHITE. The Pill and Drop were the two first Medicines which Mr. Ward administred at Paris; and were, to the best of my Remembrance, the Principal Things made use of, when he first returned from thence to London. These were in 1736, attacked in a Printed Pamphlet, by Mr. Jos Clutton, Apothecary and Chymist; who, being honestly concerned for the Publick Good Vid. Preface, Pag. 3. , told the World he had discovered the Component Parts of the Pill to be Red Arsenic and Glass of Antimony, equal Parts; with about one sixteenth Part of Calcined Cobalt Vid. Pamphlet, Pag. 108. This he pretended to have proved, with so much Plausibility; and reasoned upon the supposed Proof with so much real Art, and seeming Sincerity, that he had well nigh sunk the Credit of these Medicines: For Mr. Ward could only deny what was averred upon pretended Chymical Demonstration; unless he would have declared his Secret; which was, at once, depriving himself of all future Benefit from it, as this Candid Writer well knew. At last, Truth prevails, as it generally does sooner or later: And it is now known to the Publick, that there was neither the least Particle of Arsenic nor Cobalt in the Composition of these Medicines, which I have so often seen taken, with such surprising Success, in various Cases, that I am convinced Glass of Antimony, duly prepared, and given in proper Quantities, will often prove a Remedy in Cases which may baffle the Skill of the ablest Physician. Wherefore I hope those Gentlemen will pardon my Presumption, if I venture to recommend it to their serious Attention, and wish them to make Experiments upon some of their Hospital Patients, in desperate and perplexing Cases. To encourage them thereto, and farther to apologize for the Liberty I have taken, I proceed to relate the following Facts. In the Year 1733, being then in the Country with my Family, my Housekeeper, from forty to fifty Years of Age, had long complained of Indigestions, Reachings, at some times Sickness, and at others Pains in her Stomach, &c. for which she took the usual Remedies, and was sometimes better sometimes worse, for what she took; but the greatest Relief she found, from the best Advice to be had at Newbury, was very transient; and her Disorder increased until she became, as they call it, very bad indeed. This inclined her to venture upon One of Mr. Ward 's Pills; which had no other Effect than that of a Vomit; and, by clearing her Stomach, seemed to have wrought a perfect Cure. However I remember that I advised her to take a second Pill, in about a Fortnight or three Weeks. It did not operate near so much as the first, the offending Matter being greatly diminished, but esta ished the Cure: For she lived with me several Years afterwards, without any Complaints of that Nature. About the same time, a Man-Servant of mine had frequent Complaints in his Bowels; to which, he said, he had been long subject. At length he grew very ill, the Passages seeming to be obstructed, and he was distressed for want of a Stool. Under these Circumstances, I gave him one of these Pills, which very soon relieved him; for it moved him downwards, and carried off his Pains. I do not remember to have heard him complain, during some Months, which he afterwards remained in my Service. The Third, and last Case I shall mention, is that of a woman-Servant, at the same time in my Family. She was confined to her Bed, by violent Rheumatick Pains all over her body. I gave her this Pill, having before seen very extraordinary good Effects from it, in Rheumatick Cases. It caused her to sweat profusely, for several Hours; during which time she said she felt little Workings in the Leg most affected; and, in a few Days, she was able to do her Business about the House. I mention these three Particular Cases, only to shew, that, in my own House, and in a very short Space of Time, this Pill cured three People of Complaints very different in their Nature, by as many different, though proper Operations. From whence, and other Instances, which I have seen, I am inclined to think, that the Nature of Antimony, thus prepared, is to work safely upon vicious Humours in the Body; to carry them off by the proper Channels; and to remove Obstructions, in some Degree, if not totally, wherever it meets with them. But if it meets with neither Obstructions to remove, nor bad Humours to work upon, it passes quietly through the Body, without giving it the least Disturbance; as I have known it do, in the Shape of these Pills, after taking three or four of them, within a Month; and even the first time when taken, by a Person in perfect Health; which Fact I saw verified, by a Gentleman who took one of them in Contempt of its Size There are few Medicines which will bear the Change of Climate, the Damps and Closeness of a Ship in long Voyages: Whereas these Pills neither suffer by Time, nor those Alterations; and there is scarce a Remedy applicable to so many Disorders; as is sufficiently evinced by the Cases above-mentioned; At the same Time that the Cheapness of them will render an Experiment very easy, to Seafaring Men. . Nevertheless, (to deal Candidly, in all Respects) I must confess that it is not adviseable, according to my Information, to adminster these Pills in Cases wherein the Viscera or Inwards are judged to be unfound. I have said a great deal upon these Pills; and more, perhaps, than may be thought Prudent, tho' True: But as my View is, what I at first professed, to promote the common Good of Mankind; the Object is too great, and I am too much in Earnest in the Pursuit, to suppress Truth; or my Opinion, founded upon Truth; although the Cautious may impeach my Understanding; and the Interested may Ridicule it. The DROP, so called, (though not with strict Propriety, as appears from the Manner of preparing it) has been usually given in Disorders occasioned by foul Stomachs, and Indigestion. It generally operates as an Emetick, as it did with me; yet, sometimes, it moves both ways; as does the Pill. They both make the Patient Sick, very much like Sea-Sickness, for a short time before the Discharge, if upwards, and the Stomach be loaded with a great quantity of very foul Matter; but not otherwise. If the Stomach be thus foul, the putting the Matter into Motion must Occasion Sickness, in proportion to its Quantity, and Quality; but it came from me, and I have seen it do the same in Others, with more Ease, and less Straining than is oceasioned by the Emeticks usually given. With this Medicine it is not necessary to drink large Quantities, to Gorge the Stomach. Half a Pint of Warm Water, or thin Gruel, when the Sickness comes on, may generally suffice. When that is come away, and the Reaching over, for that time; half a Pint more may be taken; going on thus, till the Sickness returns no more. I have taken about three of these Emetick Drops, treating them in the Manner above described; and don't remember that any of them worked more than six times; not always so often; yet they may work oftener, where the Peccant Matter, to be brought away, is more Abundant. The full Dose, in which it will be made up and sold, is for a Man, or Woman. For young Persons, it must be proportioned to the respective Age and Strength of each Individual. Even full Grown People, if of Weakly Constitutions, may abate of the full Quantity, for the first Time, at least. The chief Object before me in Publishing these Receipts, being, as I have said, Promoting the Common Good of Mankind; I should act very inconsistently with that Profession, if I was not explicit upon this Important Subject. Upon this Principle, I think myself obliged to inform the Publick that the Book, left me by the late Mr. Ward, (supposed to contain full and clear Receipts for preparing all the Medicines he made Use of) does not, upon Examination, fully answer that End. What the Omissions and Inaccuracies are to be imputed to, I am not able to determine. All I know is, that some few Receipts are not yet found in this Book; and some Alterations, if not Mistakes, appear in the Entry of Others. However, by the Help of the Chymists employed by Mr. Ward, and other Information, I have been enabled to get those Defects supplied and rectified, to my Satisfaction; as far as this Publication extends. It must be confessed, that the Receipts for preparing the two Original Medicines, viz. the Pill and Drop, are as yet no where discovered in the Book: But Mr. Ward has owned to me, that the principal Ingredient in them is Antimony, prepared in a particular manner: Every Circumstance attending their Operation, I am told, confirms it; and Mr. White Mr. White is the Ingenious Chymist, who carried on the Great Vitriol Works, at Twickenbam, for Mr. Ward; and was employed by him in other Chymical Preparations. , (persuaded that Glass of Antimony, prepared by him, for Mr. Ward, was the Essential Ingredient made use of in these Medicines) assures me, that he has long made and administered them in his Family, &c. and upon a Comparison as well of their Operation, as Analization, he found them, at that time, to answer exactly to those made by Mr. Ward. For these Reasons, and Others which I forbear to mention, I have no Doubt that the above Receipts point at the Genuine and Best Manner of preparing the Pill and Drop. The true and genuine Method of preparing the WHITE DROP. POUND and bruise fourteen Pounds of the Cleanest Copperas into a Rough Powder; then dry it, with a very gentle Heat, spreading it thin, till it becomes a dry and subtile Powder, to appearance like Quick Lime, only much Whiter. [Care must be taken, at the Beginning of the drying, that the Heat be very moderate; otherwise it will melt, and shut up the Pores of the Copperas, and greatly injure your future Operation.] When your Copperas is thus become dry and subtle (which may be done in about 6 or 7 Days) weigh it, and take an equal Quantity of good and clean Rough Nitre, or Salt Petre, which let also be tolerably dry. Pound your Nitre and dried Copperas together, and sift them through an indifferently fine Hair Sieve: Then put them into a large Glass Retort, coated at the Bottom, and set it in a Sand Furnace: Let not your Retort be above an Inch from the Bottom and Sides of your Sand-Pan: Fix on a very large Receiver, and lute it; but leave a small Vent-hole in the Joint, by sticking in the Point of a small Skewer, to let out the Wind, (which will issue from the Matter at the first making of your Fire) by drawing it out, and putting it in as you shall see Occasion, to prevent your Retort or Receiver's bursting. Make a gentle Fire for the first three or four Hours; then increase it, gradually, for four Hours longer, till your Iron Pan be Red at Bottom: Continue your Fire for about thirty Hours; then let it out, and when all is cool, you will have a most powerful Aqua Fortis. Put it into a Bottle, and stop it close: let it stand six or eight Days (the longer the better) to digest itself. Put this Aqua Fortis into a Glass Retort; let it be about half, or two Thirds full; set it in your Sand-heat, and fix on a Receiver, which need not be very large: Make an indifferent Fire, till all your Aqua Fortis is come over into your Receiver; leaving behind only a Brown Reddish Earth, which was forced over, by the Violence of the Fire, in the first Distillation. Thus have you a most strong and pure Aqua Fortis. [As I have never been able to procure any Aqua Fortis, proper for making the said Drops, but what I made myself; I have here set down a true and full Process for making it.] Take of your rectified Aqua Fortis, as much as you please; put it into a large Bolt-head, with a long Neck, but not above a Quarter full. Then take, of the purest and finest Volatile Sal Armoniac, in which there is not the least Acid Salt, or Lime. [As I have usually bought this Volatile Salt ready made, and doubt not but it may be had pure and genuine at Apothecary's Hall, I have omitted here setting down the Process for making it; having bought it of Mr. Godfrey, Chymist.] To sixteen Ounces of the aforesaid Aqua Fortis, in your Bolt-head, take seven Ounces of the said Volatile Sal Armoniac; and, by half an Ounce at a time, put it into your Bolt-head, to your Aqua Fortis, immediately stopping the Mouth of your Bolt-head, till the Fermentation is over; yet not so close, but to leave some small Vent, for fear the Wind, caused by the violent Fermentation, should burst your Glass. When all your Sal Armoniac is in, let it stand two or three Hours, till the Fumes are settled. ☞ [N. B. This is the Right and exact Proportion; if your Operations in making your Aqua Fortis are rightly performed; and your Volatil Sal Armoniac be good and pure.] Now put it into a smaller Bolt-head, half full, and set it in a moderate Sand-heat; when it is warm, put in four Ounces of the finest Quicksilver to each Pound (of sixteen Ounces) of your Solution; and let it stand, in that Heat, till all the Quicksilver is dissolved. Increase your Fire a little, and put in a small Quantity more of Quicksilver; thus letting it dissolve, by gentle Additions, as much as it will. When it will dissolve no more, take it out of the Bolt-head, put it into an open Glass Vessel, or a large White Stone Bowl. [I generally cut off a large Glass Body in the Middle.] Set it in a Moderate Sand-heat, and let it evaporate till a Pellicle or Skin comes over the Top of it. Then take it from the Fire, and let it stand in a cool Place to congeal. [Great Care must be taken, that your Heat be not too great in your Evaporation; nor continued too long; or it would coagulate, and mix the corrosive Oil (which is to be poured off after its Congealment) with the fine pure Salt; and quite spoil the Medicine.] There will remain, uncongealed, a Heavy Liquor, or Oil, which pour off, and let it drain, until no more will run or drop from it. Take the remaining Salt, put it into a Glass Body, and to each Pound (sixteen Ounces) put Three Pounds of the finest Rose Water; stopping the Mouth of your Body, by tying over it a Piece of doubled brown Paper. Set it again in your Sand-heat; make an indifferently hot Fire, till all your Salt is dissolved; which is usually done in 24 Hours. Thus the WHITE DROP is prepared. OBSERVATION. This Medicine, thus rendered extremely Mild, cannot possibly be accounted Dangerous; seeing that, in the Dose of two Drops, usually taken in 24 Hours, the Quantity of Mercury does not amount to Half a Grain. Attested December 1st, 1762, by me JOHN WHITE. This WHITE DROP was wholly and constantly prepared by Mr. White, for Mr. Ward. I, who am neither Chymist nor Physician, do not pretend to say any Thing as to the Nature of this excellent Antiscorbutic Medicine; and, therefore, shall confine myself, merely, to its Effects; which, under my Eye, have been very Extraordinary, in the several Stages of that Distemper; and, even, where the Patients have been supposed to derive their Disorders from their Parents. This being the Case; and, as I am thoroughly convinced that these Drops are a most Excellent, perhaps the greatest known Antiscorbutick, and best Purifier of the Blood; so, I cannot help flattering myself with a Hope, that they would be a great Preservative against that fatal Distemper, which destroys, in a Year, so many of our brave Seamen; and often occasions National Losses and Disappointments, in the most important Undertakings. The Method I would propose is, that they be given to the Seamen, under proper Direction, from the time of their sailing upon long Voyages: And I most heartily wish some Experiments, of this kind, may be made of them; as I am persuaded that they may be tried without the least Hazard; and the Expence too trifling to be mentioned as an Objection. For if they prove Successful, and answer the End hereby proposed, and hoped for; it will be Happy for the Publick; for the valuable Individuals; and for Me, who have presumed to recommend the Experiment. Late Mr. Ward 's SWEATING POWDER, No . I. according to his Book. TAKE Ipecauanha, Liquorice, and Opium, each one Ounce. Nitre and Vitriolated Tartar, each four Ounces. Fulminate. Beat them, in a Mortar, with the Opium. Sift through a fine Sieve to the Ipecacuanha and Liquorice: Mix well by sifting. The Dose from Twenty to Forty Grains. It appears, at first View, that Mr. Ward must have made a Mistake in ordering Nitre and Vitriolated Tartar to be fulminated together: For Vitriolated Tartar will not fulminate with Nitre: Wherefore I apprehend that the Manner in which those Ingredients are to be prepared, must necessarily be as follows, viz. Take four Ounces of Refined Nitre, and the same Quantity of Vitriolated Tartar. Rub them together, in a Mortar, into a Powder. Take a Crucible, (not of the blue Sort) set it in the Fire; and when it begins to be Red, put in about Half of your Nitre and Tartar; stirring it about with an Iron Rod. There will arise Red Fumes; which take care to avoid, for they are Noxious. When the Red Fumes cease, put in the Remainder of your Matter, stirring it as before, till no more Fumes arise. Then pour it out into an Iron Mortar; and, when Cool, put to it Opium, Ipecacuanha, and Liquorice Powder, of each one Ounce: Pound and Sift them through a fine Lawn Sieve; then mix them well together. N. B. The Ipecacuanha must be pickt of such a Sort as will break easily; and not of the Tough Woody Sort. After these Powders are thus prepared, they should be spread thin upon White Stone Dishes, and set in a Cool Place, for about two Days; mixing them very well together, and spreading them again, twice a-day: Then dry them before the Fire, or some gentle Heat. JOHN WHITE. SWEATING POWDERS, No . II. TAKE Common Tartar, and Refined Nitra, each one Pound; fulminate them together in a Crucible, or Iron Pot; which will reduce them to about fifteen Ounces, after the Fulmination. To these add of White Hellebore, and Liquorice Powder, each six Ounces; of Opium five Ounces. Powder all these together; and sift them through a fine Lawn Sieve. Dose, from Twenty-five to Fifty Grains, For, it is to be observed, that Mr. Ward advised such of his Patients, as had never taken any of his Sweats, to begin with half a Paper only, (containing the full Dose) and to increase the Quantity, or not, according to its Operation, or the Age and Strength of the Patient. Mr. Ward 's Sweating Powders, from what I have seen and felt, are, in my Opinion, the most Excellent of all Sweats, for removing Rheumatic, and other Pains, occasioned by Obstructions. They generally raise plentiful Sweats; the Patient drinking moderately, now and then, something Warm. They do not fatigue the Body, nor exhaust the Spirits. Instead of being restless, as is commonly the Case in a Sweat, all those who can bear Opiates, find themselves comfortably at Ease, during the Sweat. Those, with whom Opiates do not perfectly agree, need not be afraid of the first of these Sweats: For though I cannot bear even Venice Treacle, or Diacodium, on account of their Narcotic Quality; yet I have taken these Powders, without finding that Inconvenience. This, I am told, is to be attributed to the Correcting Ingredients, and the Manner of preparing and compounding them. Whether those, who have informed me, Reason justly or not, is not my Province to determine: But the Fact, in regard to myself, is strictly True. I have seen One of these Sweats restore a Limb rendered almost Useless, by a Paralytic Disorder: And, in Rheumatic Cases, Cures performed, where the Use of all the Limbs had been quite taken away. Mr. Ward always advised those who took These, and all Sweats, to put themselves rather between Blankets than Sheets; which I have experienced to be the most agreeable Way, notwithstanding a little Prejudice against trying the Experiment. The former of these Receipts is taken from Mr. Ward 's Book; and I do believe it to be his first Manner of making them, and what he continued to give for some Years: For I remember his telling me (when I related to him the Sensations I felt during their Operation) that there was Opium and Ipecacuanha in them. Yet I am of Opinion that Mr. Ward has, in some Degree, departed from his First Manner; and made them according to the Latter Receipt: For I am credibly informed, that they have been so made, and sold, since his Death; excepting in the Quantity of Opium; of which there are three Eighths less in this Receipt, than was put into the Powders so made and sold. This Alteration is made, upon hearing that those, who took them, complained of the Effects of so large a Quantity of Opium. However, I believe that Both are very good, with this Abatement of that Ingredient in the Latter: And, therefore, Care will be taken that Both these Sweats be prepared, and sold: Whereby the Tryal may be made, and the Preference given to That which shall be found most agreeable to each respective Constitution. The First of these Powders seems to be most proper for those who have not been used to take Opiates, or have found them to disagree; (as they, in general, do with me) and the Latter for such, with whom they are known to agree: For there still remains (notwithstanding the beforementioned Abatement) a larger Quantity of Opium in the Latter, than in the Former of these two Receipts. By Way of Experiment, I prevailed on a Person to take one of the Latter Sweats, charged with the full Quantity of Opium; (that is, three Eighths more than in the above Receipt) and he told me that it affected his Head very much. At a proper Interval he took one of those, according to the first Receipt; and assured me that Both sweated him very well; but the Former much more agreeably than the Latter. Paste for the FISTULA, &c. TAKE a Pound of Alicampane Root; Three Pounds of Fennil Seeds, and One Pound of Black Pepper. Pound these separately, and sift them through a fine Sieve. Take two Pounds of good Honey, and two Pounds of Powder Sugar; melt the Honey and the Sugar together, over a gentle Fire, scumming them continually, till they become bright as Amber. When they are Cool, mix and knead them into your Powder, in the Form of a soft Paste. This Paste has been found to be a Specifie Remedy for the Fistula, Piles, &c. The Dose is the Size of a Nutmeg, Morning, Noon, and Night, drinking a Glass of Water or White Wine after it. Attested by me, F. J. D'OSTERMAN. As to this Fistula Paste, it is not above Twelve Years since Mr. Ward first made use of it; and it has happened, that but one of my Acquaintance has been afflicted with this Wretched Complaint. He was under Sentence for Cutting; and was to have been Cut, had not a sudden, and severe Frost hindered the Operation. In the mean Time, the Gentleman (hearing that I had spoken of Mr. Ward 's Medicine, which cured many of this Distemper, when the Operation had failed) sent to me to enquire whether what he had heard was true; and whether I thought he had a Chance of being relieved by Mr. Ward, without undergoing so painful an Operation, at a Time when he had an Hectic Fever; and was, upon the whole, very ill. Having a Confidence in what I had heard of the Cures made by Mr. Ward, with this Paste; I dispatched the Gentleman's Servant to London, with a Letter to Mr. Ward, and the Gentleman's Case in Writing, drawn up by his Surgeon. Mr. Ward sent down a Ball, weighing one Pound, of this Paste; directing him to take the Size of a Nutmeg two or three times a Day. He did so; and, in less than three Weeks his Feverish Disorder left him; his Appetite returned; and, in about three Months he was perfectly cured of his Fistula, without any visible Operation, or taking any other Medicine; to the great Surprize of his Surgeon. However, Mr. Ward ordered him to take another Ball, to confirm the Cure; which he did, at proper Intervals, and has had no Return of his Disorder, that I have heard of, though some Years have past, and the Gentleman lives within a few Miles of my House in the Country. N. B. The Receipt for making this Paste stands entered in Mr. Ward 's Book, in some respects different from that I have given from Mr. D'Osterman: For, in the former, there is double the Quantity of Alicampane, to what there is in the latter. The Book likewise directs clarified Honey alone; whereas the above Receipt orders Honey and Sugar, equal Quantities, clarified together. I suppose, therefore, that Mr. Ward entered his Receipt some Time ago, and mistook the Quantity of Alicampane: For I am assured and convinced, that Mr. D'Osterman always prepared this Paste for Him, in the Manner he sold it; that Mr. Ward never sold any but of Mr. D'Osterman 's preparing; and Mr. D'Osterman affirms he never put a greater Quantity of Alicampane into this Paste, than is mentioned in this Receipt, signed by him; and that the Addition of the Sugar was made, in order to preserve the Paste from turning Mouldy; as it is, otherwise, apt to do. I think it proper, in this Place, to acquaint the Public, that Mr. D'Osterman is another ingenious Chymist, who has been, for several Years past, consulted and employed by the late Mr. Ward, in wholly preparing several of the Medicines which he dispensed; and particularly those which I thought it necessary for Mr. D'Osterman to attest, as they differ, in some Particulars, from the Entries made in Mr. Ward 's Book. LIQUID SWEAT. TAKE a Gallon of good Spirits of Wine, and Half a Gallon of good White Wine. Put them into a strong Bottle, and add half a Pound of good Saffron; four Ounces of good Cinnamon; two Ounces of Salt of Tartar; and one Ounce of good Opium, cut into small Bits. Stop the Bottle close, and set it within the Air of the Fire, Eight Days; shaking it three or four Times a Day. Filtre it through filtring Paper. The Dose is from Thirty to Sixty Drops, in a Glass of good White Wine. Attested by me, F. J. D'OSTERMAN. This Liquid Sweat I have had no Experience of myself; nor do I happen to be acquainted with any Body, who has taken it: But I am well assured Mr. Ward used to sell a great many of them, in a Year; finding them answer, with some Constitutions, and in certain Cases, better than the Sweating Powders before mentioned. I have not yet found this Sweat, precisely entered in Mr. Ward 's Book: But as He is known to have sold many, as I have already said; and as I am thoroughly satisfied that Mr. D'Osterman always prepared them for him, in the Manner above-mentioned; I have thought it right to give this Receipt to the Public, as One worthy of Notice. DROPSY PURGING POWDER, from Mr. Ward 's Book. JAlap, Cream of Tartar, Florentine Iris. Each four Ounces. Make them into a fine Powder separately, and mix them well. DROPSY PURGING POWDER, As prepared by Mr. D'Osterman for Mr. Ward. TAKE a Pound of Jalap, in Powder; a Pound of Cream of Tartar, and an Ounce of Bole Armenic, in fine Powder. Mix them well together. The Dose is from Thirty to Forty Grains in Broth, or warm Beer, two or three Days together; or oftner, if necessary. This Remedy seldom fails in the Watery, or Windy Dropsy; provided the Patient has not been tapt. Attested by me, F. J. D'Osterman. Though the above Receipts so nearly agree; yet as the Ingredients differ in some Respects, I have given both. The first is taken from Mr. Ward 's Book. The second is vouched by Mr. D'Osterman, to be the same he prepared for Mr. Ward; and he assures me that the Powder, thus prepared, was what Mr. Ward gave, with great Success, in Dropsical Cases. I am informed, by a Person skilful in Pharmacy, that the latter is the Softer, and Smoother Medicine: For which Reason, and the Assurance given me by Mr. D'Osterman, that Mr. Ward dispensed it, chiefly, of late Years at least; I make no Scruple of preferring it. I am not able to say any Thing, of my own Experience or Knowledge, upon the Subject of these Powders; for I never took any of them myself; nor ever knew any Body that did: But I have heard so much of Mr. Ward 's Success in this Distemper, and of the Efficacy of these Powders, that I have not the least Doubt of their Merit. Essence for the Head-Ach, &c. from Mr. Ward 's Book. SPirits of Wine four Ounces, Camphor two Ounces, Volatile Spirit of Camphor two Ounces; mix well, and apply with the Hand. Essence for the Head-Ach, &c. as prepared by Mr. D'Osterman, for Mr. Ward. TAKE two Pounds of true French Spirits of Wine: Put them into a large strong Bottle; and add two Ounces of Roch Allum, in very fine Powder; Four Ounces of Camphor, cut very small; Half an Ounce of Essence of Lemon; and four Ounces of the strongest Volatile Spirit of Sal Ammoniac. Stop the Bottle quite close, and shake it three or four Times a Day, for five or six Days. The Method of using it, is to rub the Hand with a little of it, and hold it hard upon the Part affected, until it is dry. If the Pain is not quite relieved, repeat it twice or three times. Attested by me, F. J. D'OSTERMAN. The first of these Receipts is taken from Mr. Ward 's Book; and, I suppose it to be a very good one: Yet, I give the Preference to the last, signed by Mr. D'Osterman; who assures me that the Essence, long used by Mr. Ward to remove Pains in the Head, Side, &c. by outward Application, was prepared and delivered by him, from time to time, to Mr. Ward, at a certain Price. I am of Opinion that Mr. Ward never sold any of this Essence; nor would He ever give any of it even to me: But He once cured me of the Head-Ach with it; and afterwards told me that He had entirely removed a Pain long settled in the upper Joint of His late Majesty's Thumb; when many other Remedies had been tried, without Effect: And that, in the same manner as he cured my Head-Ach. From many other Instances, which I have, occasionally, been informed of, I do believe that this Essence, applied as above, will very often remove Local Pains. What Deficiencies have occurred in Mr. Ward 's Book, respecting the foregoing Receipts, I have got supplied to general Satisfaction, I hope, as well as my own. That there are a great many more Receipts, of various Kinds, contained in the said Book, I acknowledge; yet, I have thought it best for the Publick, to confine myself, at present, to such as are justly esteemed the Principal, the most Efficacious, most known, and best understood. Having said this, I proceed to put down the Prices at which these Medicines are intended now to be sold, viz.   l. s. d. White Drop, in a Bottle, containing one third of an Ounce, which is about a third Part more in Quantity than in the late Mr. Ward 's Bottles, for 0 1 0 Red Pills, six in a Box 0 0 6 Emetic Sack Drop, half an Ounce, in a Bottle 0 0 6 Sweating Powders, No . I. Forty Grains 0 0 3 Sweating Powders, No . II. Fifty Grains 0 0 3 Fistula Paste, a Pound 0 2 6 Liquid Sweat, half an Ounce, about five Doses 0 1 0 Dropsy Purging-Powders, six in a Parcel 0 0 6 Essence for the Head-Ach, &c. half an Ounce 0 1 0 The Difference, in Price, between what the above Medicines were sold for, and that at which they will now be sold, is undoubtedly great; and yet, there still remains a considerable Difference between the Expenc s of making them, and the Prices now put upon them: But when it is considered that a Profit must be made, to pay those who are to have the Trouble of selling them; and a Person, who must be employed to carry them from the Makers to the Venders, and keep an Account with each: What a vast Number must be sold, at such low Rates, to raise a Sum sufficient to answer these, and, perhaps, other necessary Contingent Charges: And that the Surplus, after discharging these Expences, will, under certain Limitations, be equally divided between two Charitable Foundations: When all this is, I say, considered; no Dissatisfaction can, I think, arise upon account of Price. Neither can I suppose, that any Prudent or Well-disposed Person can, or will be inclined to buy these Medicines of any New Makers of them, though offered at a lower Price, when he considers that Those, who have been long practiced in preparing Medicines of this kind, are most likely to do it in the best Manner: And that the Net Profits, accruing from the Sale of those made by the two ingenious Chymists before-mentioned, will go towards the Support of two Laudable Undertakings; the One, intended to preserve young destitute Girls from Prostitution and Wretchedness The Asylum. : The Other, to retrieve them from Both The Magdalen. . I have now explained which of the late Mr. Ward 's Medicines I propose to lay open to the Publick, at this time; and, why I stop here. The very low Price, at which it is intended they shall be sold, has been mentioned: But let not this Circumstance, which shews how little they cost in making, and renders them attainable to the Lower Class of Mankind, cause them to be despised by the Highest; who ought always to remember, that they are of the same Species with the Lowest; and that Price does not alter the Nature of Things; though I have seen it influence Taste; which, like other of our Senses, is too often governed by Imagination. Nor let this Circumstance of Cheapness detract, in the least from the Character of my late Friend; nor add too much to mine: For it should be made known▪ and not forgot, that He obtained some of his Medicines by Experiments; some from his Assistants in the Chymical Way, whom he paid; and others, perhaps, he bought at High Prices: That, when he returned from Paris, His sole Dependence was upon the Sale of his Medicines; and that He was at considerable Expences, to keep himself upon a Respectable Footing. Wherefore, if for these Purposes, and the better to enable him to gratify his Inclination in giving to the Poor, he made the Rich pay, who will blame Him? But, to me He gave these valuable Secrets: And I (who am not, Thanks be to God, in the Situation in which Mr. Ward was, at the time I have been speaking of,) give them to the Public. Advertisement. WHEREAS two Charitable Institutions (the Asylum for the Support of Female Orphans, and the Magdalen for the Protection of Penitent Prostitutes) are to have, under certain Regulations, the Profits arising by the Sale of such of the late Mr. Ward 's Medicines as are now made Public, and will be prepared by Mr. White and Mr. D'Osterman, who have long prepared the greatest Part of them for the said Mr. Ward: It has been thought advisable for me to give this Notice, that I have requested and appointed Sir John Fielding, Knt. One of the Guardians of the Asylum, and Robert Dingley, Esq; Treasurer of the Magdalen, to take upon them the Trouble of giving such Orders, Directions, and Public Notices, by Advertisement, or otherwise, as they shall from time to time judge necessary for carrying on the Sale of the said Medicines, at the Prices before specified; and to do all such Matters and Things as shall be found expedient for the Purpose above declared. J. PAGE. APPENDIX. RULES necessary to be observed in taking the several Medicines of the late Mr. WARD, now made Public. WHITE DROP, for the Scurvy, &c. TAKE two Drops, in a small Glass of Water, in the Morning fasting, or at Night, going to rest, for two or three Days together. Then forbear as many Days as you took them; and proceed as before, till the Bottle is finished. They seldom work visibly; excepting that, in some Constitutions, they occasion one or two Motions. RED PILL. BRUISE the Pill, and take it in a Spoonful of any small Liquid, on an empty Stomach. It sometimes works upwards; sometimes downwards: according to the Nature and Seat of the Disorder: In which Cases it is proper to drink a small Quantity of Balm or Sage-Tea, &c. between each Motion: And, if it sweats, as it sometimes does, keep yourself warm, and encourage it by drinking, as above. The Day you take it, avoid Milk, Greens, and Fruit. It has been experienced, with great Success, in Cases where the Stomach or Bowels are foul; or the Passages obstructed: And, particularly, in inveterate Rheumatic Disorders. The EMETIC, or SACK DROP, This Drop is a Vomit. WHEN the Sickness comes on, drink about half a Pint of warm Water, or thin Water-Gruel; and continue to do so every time it works. It has been found to cleanse the Stomach more effectually than the Vomits usually given; and that, without occasioning uncommon Reachings. The Bottle is a full Dose for a Man or Woman; which must be lessened, according to the Age and Strength of the Patient. SWEATING POWDERS for the Rheumatism, &c. BOTH Sorts of these Powders are to be taken in any Liquid, going to Bed, between the Blankets, and drinking moderately, now and then, something warm; such as White-wine Whey, Balm-tea, &c. The Sweating is not to be check'd, but encouraged, by lying still, and keeping warm. At first taking, it may be proper to begin with half a Dose; increasing it gradually, as Occasion may require. If half the Quantity does not raise a proper Sweat; then take, the next Night, three Quarters, or the whole Dose; and repeat it, every other Night, at Discretion; and for as long a Time as shall be found necessary; or as they agree with the Constitution. In stubborn Rheumatic Cases, and other settled Pains in the Limbs, the Red Pill has been found to answer better than these Powders. ☞ N. B. It is to be observed that the Quantity of Opium is somewhat less in the Powder No . I. than in No . II. PASTE for the Fistula, Piles, &c. TAKE the Size of a Nutmeg twice or three times a Day, drinking a Glass of Water, or Wine-and-Water after it. LIQUID SWEAT. THIS is found, by Experience, to be an excellent Remedy for removing Pains; and sometimes to answer better than the Powders. The Patient must lie between the Blankets; and encourage the Sweat, by drinking now and then, something warm; taking care not to catch Cold, by going out too soon after it. The Dose is from Forty to Sixty Drops, in a Glass of good White-Wine. DROPSY POWDER. THE Dose is from Thirty to Forty Grains, to be taken in Broth, or warm Beer, two or three Days together; and longer, if necessary. They must be repeated, at proper Intervals, as the Case may require. ESSENCE for the Head-Ach and Pains. GENTLY rub a little of it upon the Palm of the Hand, and apply it to the Part affected; holding it there till it is dry. Repeat it two or three times, if the Pain is not sooner relieved. N. B. The Sweating Powder, No . II. when compounded as ordered in Pag. 19 and 20, must be spread thin upon white Stone Dishes, &c. as directed for the Sweating Powders, No . I. FINIS.