THE HISTORY OF NEWCASTLE upon TYNE. OR, THE ANCIENT and PRESENT STATE OF THAT TOWN. By the late HENRY BOURNE, M. A. Curate of ALL-HALLOWS in NEWCASTLE. —Haec—alias inter Caput extulit Ʋ rbes— VIRG. Ecl. 1. NEWCASTLE upon TYNE: Printed and Sold by JOHN WHITE. M.DCC.XXXVI. To the Right Worshipful WALTER BLACKETT, Esq Mayor, JOHN ISAACSON, Esq Recorder, Aldermen. William Ellison, Esq Matthew Fetherstonhaugh, Esq Richard Ridley, Esq Francis Rudston, Esq Nicolas Fenwick, Esq William Carr, Esq Nathanael Clayton, Esq Cuthbert Fenwick, Esq Robert Sorsbie, Esq Matthew Ridley, Esq JOHN WILKINSON, Esq Sheriff; AND TO THE COMMON-COUNCIL OF THE Town of Newcastle upon Tyne: This WORK is most humbly Dedicated, By the AUTHOR 'S Children, Henry Bourne, Eleanor Bourne. A LIST OF THE SUBSCRIBERS. A ALLEN Thomas, Esq Allen, Mr. Richard All good, the Rev. Mr. Anderson, Mr. Joseph Anesley, Mark, Esq Anesley, Mr. William Armstrong, Mr. John Askew, Dr. Adam Atkinson, Mr. Henry B BELL, Mr. James Bell, Mr. Matthew Biggs William, Esq Binks, Mr. Thomas Blackett, the Right Worshipful Walter, Esq MAYOR Blackston, Mr. John Bland, Dr. Dean of Durham Blinkinsop, Mr. William Bolton, Mr. Silvester Boulby, Mr. Adam Bowes George, Esq Bridgman William, Esq Brooke Philip, Esq Browell, Dr. Browell, Mr. Mark Buck, the Rev. Mr. (York) Butler, the Rev. Mr. Benjamin Butler, Mr. Benjamin. C CALEY, Mr. Samuel Chambers, Mr. Robert Campbell, the Hon. Alexander Hume, Esq Clark, Mr. James Clavering James, Esq Clayton Nathaniel, Esq Alderman Clennell Percival, Esq Clennell Thomas, Esq Colpits, Mr. George Cooper, Mr. Challoner Coulson, Mr. Henry Cunningham, Mr. of Beadale, Surgeon Cuthbert, the Rev. Mr. Cuthbertson, Mr. George D DAWSON, Mr. Christopher Dawson, Mr. John Davison William, Esq Dennet Robert, Esq Dick, Mr. Andrew Dockwray, the Rev. Mr. Thomas Dunn, Mr. Anthony E EDEN, Sir Robert, Bart. Eden, the Rev. Mr. Ellison Henry, Esq F FAIRLESS, Mr. Edward Farrington, the Rev. Mr. Firebrace, Sir Cordell, Bart. Fenwick Cuthbert, Alderman Fenwick, Mrs. Esther Fenwick the Rev. Mr. George, Vicar of Bolam Fenwick John, Esq of By well. Fenwick, Mr. Thomas Foster, Mr. Henry Foster, Mr. Timothy Foster, Mr. — Jun. of Alnwick G GAPE, Tho. Esq of St. Alban 's. Gent, Mr. Thomas (York) Graham, Mr. William Grey George, Esq H HALL, the Rev. Dr. Prebendary of Durham Hall Charles, Esq Hall, Mr. James Hanby, Mr. William Harle, Mr. Edward Harper, Mr. William Hawden, Mr. Thomas Hedworth John, Esq Henderson, Mr. William Henzell, Mr. Peregrine Heron, Mr. of London Hildyard, Mr. John, of York Hinkster, Mr. George Hobson, the Rev. Mr. Vicar of Bosall Holden, the Rev. Mr. of Morpeth Hopkins, Mr. Lancaster Huddleston, Mr. John Hudson, Mr. John Hudspeth, Mr. Robert Hull, Mr. John Hunter, Dr. Christopher, of Durham Hunter, Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Hylton John, Esq of Hylton J JENNISON Ralph, Esq (Walworth) Johnson, Mr. Richard Johnson, Mr. Robert K KEMP, Sir Robert, Bart. Kennedy, Mr. Archibald L LANGSTAFFE, Mr. Joseph Lattany, Mr. Joseph Lawson Robert, Esq of Chirton. Lewen George, Esq Lewin, Mr. Thomas, Barrister at Law Liddell, Sir Henry, Bart. Liddell George, Esq Liddell, Mr. Joseph Linton, Mr. William Lowther, Sir William, Bart. Lowther, Dr. M MABELL, Mr. Edward Maddison, the Rev. Mr. Marshal, Mr. Thomas Midford, Mr. George, Milbank John, Esq Moncaster, Mr. James Morris, Mr. John Mowbray George, Esq N NEWTON, Mr. William Nichols Francis, of Lintz Green, in the County of Durham, Esq O OLIVER, Mr. John Ord, Mr. John Oyston, Mr. Thomas, of Bishop Auckland P PAWSON, Mr. John Packer Winchcomb Howard, Esq Peacock, Mr. Joseph Preston, Mr. Cuthbert Probyn, Mr. Henry (London) Pye William, Esq Pye, Mr. John R RAMSDEN, Mrs. of York Rawling, Mr. Thomas Rawlison Richard, LL. D. F. R. S. Ray, the Rev. Mr. Vicar of Warden Reay Henry, Esq Alderman. Ridley Richard, Esq Alderman Ridley Matthew, Esq Alderman Richardson, Mr. Cuthbert Richardson, Mr. John Robinson, Mr. John Rogers John, Esq Rudd John, Esq Rudston Francis, Esq Alderman Rutter, Mr. Christopher S SCARBOROUGH, the Right Hon. Richard Earl of Scourfield, Mr. John, of Washington Selby, Mr. William Shaftoe John, Esq Shaftoe, Mrs. Anne Shaftoe, Mrs. Sarah Sharp, the Rev. Dr. Shields, Mr. Thomas Shipley, Mr. Thomas (London) Simpson, the Rev. Mr. John Simpson, Mr. John Smith George, Esq Smith, Mr. Joseph Smith, Mr. Thomas Snowden, Mr. John Soresbie Robert, Esq Alderman Sowerby, Mr. Ralph Spearman Robert, Esq Spoor, Mr. Christopher Stafford, the Rev. Mr. Staples, Mr. Alexander, Bookseller in York Stillingfleet, the Rev. Mr. Robert Steel, Mr. John. Surtees, Mr. Robert. Swaddell, Mrs. Mary T TALBOT, the Hon. William, Esq Talbot William, Esq Thompson, the Rev. Mr. William, Curate of St. Nicholas Thornton John, Esq Thornton Tempest, Esq of Wakefield Thorold John, Esq Son of Sir John Thorold, Bart. of Marston in Lincolnshire Thorsby, Mr. Thomas Toker, Mr. Walter (London) Tomlinson, Mr. Richard Tomlinson Robert, D. D. Trefusis Robert, of Trefusis, Esq Trewit, Mr. William Trinity-House Trotter, Mr. Ralph, of Durham U VAUGHAN, Mr. Shaftoe Usher, Mr. William W WALLIS, Mr. Thomas Walph, Mr. Timothy (London) Walton, Mr. Samuel (London) Waring, Mr. Waters, Mr. Henry Waters, Mr. Thomas Watson, Mr. John Weddell, the Rev. Mr. Wheeler Granville, Esq Whitfield Utrick, Esq Widdrington, Mr. John Wilkinson, Mr. Jacob, of South Shields Wilkinson, Mr. John Wilkinson Thomas, Esq of Durham Williams, Mr. Edward Williams, Mr. John Wilson, Mr. Chilton Woodbourne, Mr. Henry, of Wolverston Wrightson William, Esq of Cusworth THE PREFACE. I Am sensible that this Performance will come into the World much more imperfect than I at first thought it would. But I have labour'd under so many Difficulties in the compiling of it, that when but a few of them are mentioned, I hope for a candid and favourable Judgment. AFTER I had collected in private what Materials I could, I was then obliged to go publickly in Quest of more. Upon this I publish'd an Advertisement, desiring the Assistance of such as had ancient Writings, or Deeds, or any other Things that might contribute to the helping of the Work. THIS immediately, occasioned the following Reflections, that it might be of dangerous Consequence to shew ancient Writings, that He was but a Curate that undertook the Work, that his Abilities therefore of Pocket and Mind must be vastly unequal to such a Task; in short, above 12 Months before the Publication of it, some have made it their Business, (so great has been their Ill-nature and Prejudice) as to take all Ways and Methods of decrying it; by Print, by Manuscript, lessening it in all Companies to hinder it's Publication, and speaking as freely of of it, as if they were acquainted with every Line of it's Composition, and by a Prophetick Spirit knew it to be as they talk'd of it. BY these Means I am certain I have been hindred of many Materials. BUT there are two grand Disappointments I met with in the Compiling of this Performance, which must not be untaken Notice of. The One is my not being so happy as to see Dr. Ellison 's Collection of the Antiquities of this Town. A few indeed were sent me, but having the same Copy from Mr. Douglas, they were of no Service; and excepting these I saw no more. 'Tis to be hoped, as the Dr. must have made a large Collection, having been about it, as is said, for many Years; that the present Possessor of them will oblige the Town with the Publication of Them, and cure the Imperfections of the present Performance. THE other Disappointment is the not Meeting with those large Collections of Sir Robert Shaftoe, taken Notice of by Bishop Nicholson in his English Historical Library. I endeavoured after a Sight of them, but they were then either lost, or so mislaid, that there was no coming at them. AND if I add to all this, an Illness of many Months, and which it pleases God still to continue, The Author did live but few Months after he wrote this Preface, dying Feb. 16. 1732. which too frequently obliges me to trust the Copies of others, and depend upon them, I hope a few Errours and Failings will fall gently to my Share. HOWEVER in the midst of all this Malice and Ill-nature and these Disappointments, there were some so communicative, and generously assisting, as to give all the Help they could. They are the Gentlemen following. MR. JOSUAH DOUGLAS, who assisted me with a great Number of Materials. JOHN MILBANK, Esq who sent me a Manuscript which is frequently mentioned. CHRSTOPHER HUNTER of Durham, M. D. who has obliged me in the kindest Manner, with several curious Manuscripts which are acknowledged in their proper Places. The Rev. Mr. SMITH of Melsonby, who sent me a Book of antient Deeds and Charters copy'd from one in Ʋ niversity College in Oxford, relating to some Lands in this Town. JOHN THORNTON, Esq of Nether-witton, who obliged me with a Sight of some ancient Writings, particularly the Will of his famous Ancestor Roger de Thornton. ROBERT SHAFTO, of Benwall, Esq who contributed some ancient Writings, particularly One relating to the Chanteries of the Churches of this Town. The following Gentlemen have also been very kind and ready in assisting me with Books, Transactions, Modern Papers, &c. The Rev. Dr. THOMLINSON, Rector of Whickham. The Rev. Mr. DOCKWRAY, Lecturer of St. Nicholas. The Rev. Mr. LODGE, Master of the Free-School. The Rev. Mr. COWLING, Curate of St. Nicholas. EDWARD COLLINGWOOD, Esq WILLIAM CUTHBERT, Esq JOHN LOWTHER, Esq M. D. GEORGE GREY, Esq Mr. CHARLES CLARK, Jun. Mr. THOMAS WATERS. Mr. CHARLES ATKINSON. Mr. HENRY ATKINSON. Mr. GEORGE CUTHBERTSON. IT will neither be necessary nor proper for me at this Time to answer the trifling Objections above-mention'd. I shall therefore only add, that I have spared no Pains; but that as in my Health I laid out all my Endeavours, in the Collecting of Materials from all Quarters I could possibly come at any, so I have now finish'd it according to the best of my Abilities and Judgment. Close Gate A White Fryer Tower B White Fryer Gate BB Nevil Tower C Westspittle Tower D Stank Tower E Gunner Tower F Forth Gate EF Pink Tower G Westgate H Durham Tower I Herber Tower K Black Fryer Gate L Mordon Tower M Ever Tower N Andrew Tower O Newgate P Bertram Mumboucher Tower Q Ficket Tower R Pilgrim Street Gate S Carliel Tower T Plummer Tower V St. Austin Tower W Corner Tower X Pandon Gate Y Carpenters Tower Z Wall Kell & Habkin Tower Sandgate &c Ratten Rawe 1 Fennel Street 2 St . John's Church 3 An Alma House. 4 Westmorland Place 5 Back Rawe 6 Fouthill 7 Batliss Gate 8 White Fryers 9 Newgate Street 10 St . Andrews Church 11 High Fryer Chare 12 Parn Crock 13 Hucksters Booths 14 Back gate of the 15 Black Fryers 15 White Cross 16 Fryer Chare 17 Vunn Gate 18 The Earls Inn 19 Bigg Market 20 Poultry Market 21 Pudding Chare 22 Rose mary Lane 23 Great Market 24 Wooll Market 25 Penton Chare 26 Yron Market 27 Flesh Market 28 St . Nicholas Church D Nether Dean Bridge 29 Franciscan Fryers AA Upper Dean Bridge 30 The Pilgrim's Inn 31 Wheat Market 32 Painter Hugh 33 All Hallows Church 34 Dog Bank 35 Butcher Bank 36 Herb Market 37 Fish Market 38 Masen Dieu and M Merchant's Court M Guild Hall Y St . Tho ye Mu y Chappel 39 The Close 40 Mayor's House X.E Sail makers Meeting house FO Yawe Grappe 41 The Dark Chare 1 Granden Chare 2 Blew Anker Chare 3 Pepper Chare 4 Palester Chare 5 Colum's Chare 6 Horns by Chare 7 Plumber Chare 8 Fenwick's Chare 9 The Dark Chare 10 Bread Garth 11 Peacock Chare 12 Trinity Chare 13 Remcastle Chare 14 Broad Chare 15 Spicer Aime 16 Bourne Bank 17 Byker Chare 18 Cockis Chare 19 Lore Lane 20 Minor Chare 42 St . Austine Fryers 43 Barber Sur ans Hall WH The Hospital of clergy Mens St . Merchant Widows 44 M ey's Island 45 Stock Bridge 46 Fisher gate 47 Wall Knoll, 48 St . Michael's and Mount 49 Gulleram Green 50 Cowgate 51 Blith's Nook 52 Trinity House TXG Duckhill in Bread Chare 53 Pants or Fountains P. THE Ancient and Present STATE OF Newcastle upon Tyne. CHAP. I. Some Account of the Roman Walls in the Country of the OTTADINI; particularly the Walls of HADRIAN and SEVERUS, which went through this TOWN. The most ancient Name of this TOWN. I T was about an hundred Years after the Landing of Julius Caesar in this Island, when the Brigantes, a populous and warlike Nation of the Britains, whose Country extended from the North of Humber to the River Tyne, containing the present Counties of Yorkshire, Durham, Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland, were first assaulted by the Romans. The Britains behaved themselves in the War with great Courage and Resolution, 'till at last, in the Reign of Vespasian, the greatest Part of them were conquered. After this in the Reign of Titus, Julius Agricola, the Lieutenant of Britain, who was at least equally Famous for his Conquests over the Customs and Manners of the Britains, as for his many Victories over them in Battle, did in the third Year of his Lieutenancy make a Discovery of other Parts of this Island, which were not brought under the Roman Yoke. Upon which he marched Northward into the Country of the Ottadini, which extends from the North of Tyne to the River Taus, wasting and destroying all before him, 'till he came to the Tay it self. And now according to some was the first Wall made in Britain: But it was not properly a Wall, it was only a Line of Garrisons placed upon that Slip of Land between Edinburgh-Frith and Dun-Britain-Frith, for the Security of what they had already gain'd; and if the Valour of Agricola 's Army, and the Renown of the Roman Name could have suffer'd it, there was no Need of a further Search after the Bounds and Limits of Britain. The Friths above-mentioned, called then Glota and Bodotria, might have been very sufficient, being the Arms of two opposite Seas, and only separated by a small Space of Land, which was well fortified with the Roman Garrisons; so that the Romans were Lords of the whole South, and had cast the Enemy as it were into another Island Tacit. in vit. Agricol. . But what could ever bound the Roman Glory, and limit their never satisfied Ambition? It was not enough that they had intirely secured themselves for any Attempts of the Caledonians, but They also were to be subdued. This was effected in the 8th Year of Agricola 's Lieutenancy in the reign of Domitian. HOWEVER after this, Cambd. that further Part of the Island was left to the The inhabitants went naked, had no Houses to live in, neither did they Till the Ground. As one writeth, de praeda & venatione, Frondibus que Arborum vivant, degent in Tentoriis Nudi & sine calceis. Grey ex Xiphilin'. Barbarians, as neither Pleasant nor Fruitful; but this nether Part was fairly reduc'd to a Roman Province; which was not governed by Consular, or Proconsular Deputies; but was counted Praesidial, and appropriate to the Caesars, as being a Province annex'd to the Empire, after the Division of Provinces made by Augustus, and having Propraetors of its own. HADRIAN, who was made Emperor about the Year of our Lord 117, made the second Wall. Cambd. He drew a Wall, says Spartian, of eighty Miles in Length, to divide the Barbarians from the Romans; which one may gather, from what follows in Spartian, to have been in the Fashion of a Mural Hedge of large Stakes, fix'd deep in the Ground, and fastned together with Wattles. The same Authority from the Scotch Historian who wrote the Rota Temporum, tells us, that Hadrian did first of all draw a Wall of a prodigious Bigness, made of Turf (of that Height that it look'd like a Mountain, and with a deep Ditch before it) From the Mouth of the Tyne to the River Eske, i. e. from the German to the Irish Ocean. This is supposed to have been done about the Year 123. THE Cambd. Third Wall was built by Lollius Urbicus, Lieutenant of Britain, under Antoninus Pius, about the Year 144, who by his great Success removed back the Bounds to where Julius Agricola had set them, and raised a Wall there. THE Cambd. Fourth Wall was that of This Emperor died at York about the Year 211, Feb. 4th. Severus, which was built about the Year of Christ 210, which extended from Sea to Sea, quite cross the Island. This was a Wall of Stone, built much about the same Place where the Wall of Hadrian was. It had it's Beginning at Bulness on the Irish Sea, and crossing the Island, went as far as Walls-End, a Village about 3 Miles East of Newcastle. A Cambd. Fifth Wall was built between the two Arms or Bosoms of the Seas for many Miles together, that where the Waters did not defend them, the Wall might be a Security against the Incursions of the Enemy. This Wall was made by Carausius, Governour of Britain, in the Reign of Dioclesian, and stood in the same Place where Lollius Urbicus had built his. THIS being finished, the Romans left the Britains to their own Valour and Conduct, being called away for the Defence of Gaul; But no sooner were they gone, than their Enemies returned, and slew all before them: Upon this they sent Ambassadors to Rome to sollicite the Assistance of the Romans, which was granted them. For Valentinian sent three Companies under the Conduct of Gallio of Ravenua, who routed the Enemy and relieved the Province. After this Cambd. p. 86. ex Gild'. they made a Wall of Stone (not raised at the publick and private Costs, as the other was) with the Help of the poor Natives, built after the usual Manner, quite cross the Country from one Sea to another, by those Cities which were perhaps built there for fear of the Enemy: They exhorted them to be couragious, and left them Patterns to make their Weapons by. Upon the Southren Shore of Britain also, where their Ships lay, (because the barbarous Enemy might enter there) they built Turrets at some Distance from one another, that lookt a long Way to the Sea. And so the Romans intending never to return more, about the Four Hundred Seventy Sixth Year from the coming of Julius Caesar, took their last Farewell. THIS last Wall, according to Bede, was eight Foot broad and twelve Foot high, and stood in the Place where the Walls of Hadrian and Severus had stood. Cambd. It had great Number of Towers or little Castles, a Mile one from another, called now Castlesteeds; and on the Inside a Sort of fortified little Towns call'd Chesters. The Inhabitants tell you there was also a Brazen Trumpet or Pipe, (whereof they now and then find Pieces) so artificially laid in the Wall between each Castle and Tower, that upon the Apprehension of Danger at any single Place, by the sounding of it, Notice might be given to the next, then to the Third, and so on. THESE are all the Walls of the Romans; and that three of them went through this Town is something more than probable. For Severus 's Wall was in the Place of Hadrian 's, and the last Wall mentioned, in the Place of Severus 's, and that last Wall went through this Town. Mr. Camden is so sure of this, that he declares, 'Tis most certain that the Rampier, and afterward the Wall passed through this Town; and that at Pandon-Gate there still remains, as 'tis Thought, one of the little Turrets of that very Wall. There is indeed to this very Day a Part of that Turret in being, above Pandon-Gate, which, as the same Authority justly observed, is different from the Rest both in Fashon and Masonry, and undoubtedly carrys along with it a very great Age. NEAR this Turret is the Wall-Knoll, a very ancient Place, which our Historian Grey says positively, Was a Part of the Picts-Wall; and indeed the very Name of it speaks as much. For the Word Wall upon the Knoll, which signifies an Hill or Eminence, cannot be understood of any other than the Roman-Wall; Because it had this Name from very ancient Times, long before the Building of the Town-Wall, to which it almost adjoins. A little above this Place is a Tower, commonly call'd the Vide Wall-knoll Tower. Carpenters-Tower. This was one of the Roman-Towers, as was very Visible, before the taking down of the Upper-part of it. Lib. de rebus Novocast'. For it was of the same Size, Model, and Stone with the Tower of This Village is now in the Possession of John Rogers, Esq of Newcastle, who has turned the inner Part of the Tower into Modern Rooms, but left the Walls of it still intire. Rutchester in Northumberland, which was undoubtedly one of the Roman Towers, by the Picts-Wall. IT must also not be omitted, that there is an ancient Tradition among the Inhabitants of this Town, that the Roman-Wall went through the West-Gate, and the Vicar's Garden, along that Ground where St. Nicholas-Church now stands, along Nether-Dean-Bridge, by the Wall-Knoll, Sally-Port, and so on to Walls-End. NOW to these Reasons and Authorities let us add what Hollins. Descrip. of Brit. p. 128. Hollinshead says, where he gives an Account of the Course of the Roman-Wall. It begins he says at Bolness upon Burgh, and so he brings it from Place to Place, 'till he brings it to Rutchester, then to Heddon, then to Wallbottle, then to A small Village about 3 Miles West from Newcastle, belonging to John Rogers, Esq Denton, and to Newcastle, where it is thought St. Nicholas Church standeth on the same. TO this I shall add the Authority of a Manuscript, I am obliged to a very worthy John-Milbank, Esq Gentleman for; Hadrian built a Wall of Turff or Sods, from the Sea-Side beyond Carlisle unto Tinmouth. It was demolished after he was gone, and after him Severus built near the same a Wall of Stone, and made Towers and Watching Places at every Miles End, and a Passage all along by the Help of an Horn, or such an Instrument, that they might speak through the Wall, and tell where the Enemy was. This ended at the River of Tyne near Walls-End. This Authority goes on, I my self have seen it at Thirlwall, and it cometh by Portgate, near Stanchebank, by Halton, near the Long-Lane, where both the Walls are Apparent; as also at Denton, over Bonwell-Hill, down to the Westgate. And he also adds, you may see it down the Hill by Mr. This House was in Pilgrim-street on the West-side, a little before you come to Silver-street. Leonard Carr 's House, and over Walker-Moor to It has been a Vulgar Error in many, who from the Name Wallsend, have imagined that the Wall did actually end at that Village; but it could never have been so, because that Place is half a Mile from the River Side. It is therefore not presumable that the Romans would have begun or ended the Wall but at the Side of the said River, seeing all to the Eastward of this Place, the River was the Continuation of the Praetentura or Fence, from hindring the northerly Incursions. The first Track is half a Mile South from Wallsend, near Cousins 's House, beginning a little to the East of it, at the Side of the River Tyne; and here certainly the 1st Station of Segedunum was originally placed. For 162 Paces a saint Track of the Wall appears running North twelve Degrees and a half Westerly; then forms an Angle, Pointing south westerly for 135 Paces to the abovemention'd Mansion of Cousins 's House. About 131 Paces West of this, the Fossa begins to appear pretty distinct, measuring about 20 Foot in Breadth, and a little beyond it, is the Foundation of the Stone Wall, from hence it passes by a few Houses called the Bee-Houses, next through a small Village called Walker: Here the Fosta is 40 Foot broad, beyond which the Foundation of the Stone-Wall appears plain, then it ascends the Byker-Hill, runing betwixt the Village of Byker and the Windmill, thence going down the Hill, passes through the Euesburn, crossing the Rivulet there; then I found it ascend the high Ground to the Westward of it, passing by the Mansion House and through the Garden to the Red-Barnes; from thence it is visible through the Fields, going Streight to the Sally-Port Gate of Newcastle. Gordon. Itiner. Septent. p. 70. — This Place where the End of the Wall is, belongs to Mr. Henry Waters of Newcastle. Walls-End. THUS I think it very clear that these Roman-Walls went through this Town. Let us now see what this Town was in these ancient Times. p. 779 Mr. Cambden gives his Opinion thus: Gateside is commonly believed to be of greater Antiquity than Newcastle it self. And if I should say further, that this and Newcastle (for they seem formerly to have been only one Town parted by the River) were that Frontier-Garrison, which in the Times of the later Emperors was called Gabrosentum, and defended by the second Cohort of the Thraces; and that it retained it's old Name in a due Sense and Signification, notwithstanding this Newcastle has changed it's Name once or twice, I hope it will be no ways inconsistent with Truth. For Gaffr is used by the Britains for a Goat, and Hen, in Composition for Pen, which signifies an Head: And in this very Sense and Meaning it is plainly called Caprae Caput, or Goats-Head by our old Latin Historians. THUS far this learned Antiquary. But notwithstanding this his Judgment, and that no tollerable Reason can be brought against the two Places having been but one; yet some will still have it, that Gateside, exclusive of Newcastle, is the ancient Gabrosentum, because of it's Name. For my Part I cannot help being of Mr. Cambden 's Opinion, and for this, among other Reasons; that if the Name of Caprae Caput discovers the Gabrosentum, then it is more probable that the principal Part of it lay on the North-side of the River than on the South: Because Gabrosentum was one of these Frontier Garrisons, which lay ad Lineam Valli, within the very Range of the Wall. For all these Garrisons ad Lineam Valli, were placed on the same Side of the River with the Wall it self, consequently Gateside could but at most have been a Part of Gabrosentum, and the meanest Part of it too; a Sort of Suburbs to it, as it actually was to this Town of Newcastle, in the Reign of Edward the Sixth, as shall be shown hereafter. BUT if this is not allowed, (and yet it must be allowed, if Gateside has it's Name from the Gabrosentum ) yet most certainly it was a Vide Chap. of the upper Parts of the Town. garrison'd Fort in these very Times. For still there is the Remains of a Roman Turret, and the under Part of one of the Roman Towers to be seen, and the Name of Pandon is no small Corroboration of the Truth of it, as may be seen in our Account of that Place. THUS I think whatever is boasted of the Antiquity of Gateside, it plainly appears, that if Caprae Caput, or Gateside Points out the ancient Gabrosentum, Newcastle must be her elder Sister; forasmuch as a Town must be earlier than it's Suburbs. And if it does not Newcastle is by Mr. Cambden called the old Gabrocentum where the 2d Cohort of the Thracians lay; but according to the Course of the Forts in the Notitia Imperii, Gabrocentum is the seventeenth Station on the Wall; if therefore we follow the Noticia strictly, Newcastle would rather seem to be the Pons-Aelii, the 2d Station on the Wall, where the Cohort of the Cornovii lay. In this I have the concurring Opinion of the learned and judicious Antiquary Dr. Hunter of Durham. Gord. Itin. Septent. pag. 71. The ancient Orrhea, mentioned by Ptolomy has been thought by some to have been the Original of this Town, but for what Reason I know not. Point it out, it will then be a certain Conclusion, that there is an indisputable Account of this Town in these very Times of the Romans, which was some Hundreds of Years before Caprae Caput, or Gateside is mentioned by the most early of our Latin Historians. CHAP. II. Of this TOWN, after the Time of the ROMANS. A FTER the Departure of the Romans, it seems to have changed it's Name, as I shall shew immediately; and probably by the latter Part of it's after Name Monkchester, it was a Place of Defence, or Garrison'd Fort, during the Times of the Saxons and Danes. This Name of Monkchester it retained 'till after the Conquest. Thus we are told from Simeon Dunelmensis, a Monk of the Church of Durham, that Newcastle upon Tyne was anciently called Monkchester, civitas Monachorum, or the Town of the Monks, not because it belong'd to the Monks, but because the Monks of those Parts dwelt there. Ex Collect. Mr. J. Douglas. SOME, are of Opinion, that Newcastle got it's Name of Monkchester, because the Monks in Time of Danger came for Protection to it, and not from their inhabiting it. This is quite contrary to the Authority above-mentioned, and all others that I have met with. Mr. Eachard in his History of England says, that Monkchester was so called from certain Monks who lived there in great Austerity and Retirement; and the Monasticon gives us the following Account. In the Year 1074, there was a certain Man in the Province of the Mercians, a Presbyter and Prior of the Monastery of Winchelescumbe, who was a Monk, whose Name was Aldwin: This Man preferr'd a voluntary Poverty and Contempt of the World to all it's Honours and Riches; and having learned from the History of the Northumbers, that that Land was formerly famous for Multitudes of Monks and religious Men, who tho' in the Flesh, lived not according to the Flesh, but whilst they were on Earth, had their Conversation in Heaven: He desired greatly to visit the Monasteries of these Places, (tho' He knew they were forsaken and left desolate) and there to lead a poor Life in Imitation of them. Coming therefore as far as the Monastery of Evesham, he made known his Purpose to certain of the Brethren; upon which, two of them associated with him; one of them was named Elfwie, who was a Deacon, and after that a Priest; The other's Name was Renifrid; he was ignorant of Letters. These the Abbot gave leave to accompany him, but not 'till he had set Aldwin over them, and committed to him the Care of their Souls. After this, they set forward on their Journey a Foot, having an Ass to carry their Books, Necessaries, and their Sacerdotal Vestments, to celebrate divine Service in. At length they came to York, desiring of Hugh, the Son of Baldrick, who was then Sheriff, Ut eis ducem itineris inveniret usque locum qui Monkcester, i. e. Monachorum civitas appellatur, nunc Novum-Castellum nominatur. Quo per ductum venientes, ad tempus ibidem sunt morati, ubi nullum antiquum Sanctorum Christi reperirunt Vestigium. Dugd. Mon. Tom. 1. p. 41. that he would procure them a Guide to Monkchester, that is, the City of the Monks, which is now called Newcastle, whither being brought by their Guide, they staid a-while, but found not any Remains of it's former Sanctity, no Footsteps of the Religious People who had formerly dwelt there. Walcher Bishop of Durham hearing of this, sent for them, and gave them the Monastery of Jarray, which at that Time was unroof'd, and had scarce any Thing remaining of it's ancient Grandeur. AND now how long it had been in this desolate Condition we may gather from Mag. Brit. Nov. & Antiq. ex Holbius. Hollingshead. By the Invasion of the Danes, says he, the Churches and Monasteries throughout Northumberland were so waisted and ruined, that a Man could scarcely find a Church standing at this Time in all that Country; and as for those that remained, they were all covered with Broom or Thatch: And as for any Abby or Monastery there was not one left in all the Country; neither did any Man, for the Space of Two hundred Years, take Care for the repairing or building up of any Thing in Decay; so that the People of this County knew not what a Monk meant. And if they saw any, they wondered at the Strangeness of the Sight. One Place there was in this County, famous for being the Habitation of Monks, from whence it was called Monkchester, but that also was so ruinated and destroy'd, that when the Monks of Mercia (the Monks mentioned before) came to it, they found no Token or Remnant of any Religions Persons who had had an Habitation there; all was defaced and gone. NOW with respect to Monkchester this seems to be punctually true. For as Hollingshead observes that it was about 200 Years from the Ruin of the Monasteries to this Time after the Conquest Anno 1074 ; so it must be taken Notice of, that the Danes, in the Year Hollin. 875, which was the 4th of the Reign of King Alured, divided themselves. So that King Haldon with one Part thereof went into Northumberland, and lay in the Winter Season near He sat down with his Men at Tamesmouth, which is between Gateside and Whickham. Sim. Dunel'. to the River of Tyne, where he divided the Country amongst his Men, and remained there for the Space of two Years, and oftentimes fetched thither Booties and Preys out of the Country of the Scots and Picts. IT appears then from this, that the Monasteries of Monkchester had been in Ruins about 200 Years, that is to say, from the Year 875 to the Year 1074, the Time of the Coming of the Mercian Monk. LET us now see if we can form any probable Conjecture when it was first inhabited by Monks, and got the Name of Monkchester. And this I imagine happen'd towards the later End of the 7th Century. For in the Year 635, the Monastical Life was brought in among the Northumbers by Aidan, who was that Year made Bishop of Northumberland, and had his Seat at Lindisfern is a small Island on the Northern Shore of England, made only by swelling Tides, for at Ebb it is joined to the main Land of England, by a Ridge of sandy Earth. It is, as we are inform'd called the Holy-Island, from it's first Bishop living in an Holy Society with his Clergy. He dy'd Aug. 31 st, Anno 651 and was buried in the Church of Lindisfern. He was succeeded by Finan a Monk of the Monastery of Hy, who died Feb. 12, in the Year 601. Coleman succeeded him, and was Bishop about 3 Years. But being worsted in the Controversy about the keeping of Easter, he gave up his Bishoprick, and left Lindisfern. Tuda succeeded him, and dy'd the same Year he was made. After this the See was vacant fourteen Years, and then fill'd up by Eata in the Year 678, who continued 'till the Year 685, being then chosen to the See of Hagustald. He was succeeded by St. Cuthbert, who was consecrated at York by Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury upon Easter-Day, which happened March 26. The Archbishop was assisted by seven other Bishops, and King Egfrid, and many of his Nobles were present. When he had been Bishop about two Years, he gave up his Charge, and foreseeing his Death approaching he resigned his Bishoprick, and retired to his former Solitude, the Island of Fern, where he died in two Months Time, viz. March the 20th 687, and was buried at Lindisfern. Eadbert was chosen after him, he governed the See about ten Years, and dy'd in the Year 697. Eadfrith or Egfrith succeeded him, who is said to have wrote a very fine Book with his own Hand, containing the Gospels in Latin, which Ethelwold, his Successor, adorned with Gilding and Jewels, Bilfrid the Anchorite painted, and Aldred the Priest enlarged, with an interlineary Version in the Saxon Tongue: My Authority says further, that this very Book is still preserved in the Cotton-Library. — This famous Library had the Misfortune this last Year 1731 to be set on Fire, and part of it, and its Manuscripts were burnt, but we hope this valuable Piece of Antiquity has escape. This Bishop died Anno 721, and was succeeded by Ethelwold, after the See had been vacant near three Years. He died in the Year 740. Keneuif, or Kenulf succeeded him the same Year, who died in the Year 783. Henulf was succeeded by Higbaldus, who died May the twenty fifth, 803. Ecgbert succeeded him, who was consecrated by Eanbald, Archbishop of York, Eanbert Bishop of Hagustald, and Baldulf, Bishop of Whithern, at Bigwell, June 11th 803. He died Anno 821. Heathured succeeded him, and died Anno 830. Ecgredus was his Successor, who dy'd in the Year 845. He was succeeded by Eanbert, who died in the Year 854. Eardulph succeeded him. This Bishop left Lindisfern in the Year 875, on Account of the Invasion of the Danes, and wandered up and down for some Years. At length he and his Company fix'd at Cunacestre (now called Chester in the Street ) which is a Village about seven Miles distant from Newcastle, Southward. This was in the Year 883, and there the See continu'd 113 Years. This Bishop died in the Year 900. He was the first of the Bishops of Lindisfern that exercised Episcopal Authority over the See of Hexam; which he did in the first Year that he settled at Chester: The See of Hexam continued 'till the Reign of King Henry the first, under the Jurisdiction of the Bishops of Lindisfern. Eardulph was succeeded by Cutheard, who died in the Year 915. Tilred succeeded him, and died in the Year 928. Tilred was succeeded by Wigred, who died in the Year 944. Wigred was succeeded by Uhtred, who sat above 3 Years. Senhelm succeeded him; who seems to have been removed from his Bishoprick in the year 957. He was succeeded by Aldred, who died in the year 968. Aldred was succeeded by Elffig, who is also call'd Ellfinus, who died in the year 990. Aldwin succeeded him, and in the year 995 was obliged to remove the Body of St. Cuthbert, and the Clergy that were with him, from Chester to Rippon, because of the Danes; But Things becoming peaceable again, they left that Place about four Months after their coming thither. In their Return, they passed through Durham, which at this Time was a Place wild and not habitable, being all a Wood, full of thick Bushes and Trees, saving only a little Plain upon the Top of the Hill, which was wont to be sowed, and is the very Place where now the Church standeth,) and were mightily taken with the Situation of it. Here Aldwinus first deposited the Body of St. Cuthbert, and resolved to make this Place his Episcopal Seat. Having therefore grubb'd up the Wood, he began to build a Church of Stone, Mag. Britt. p. 742. ex Godwin. and Houses about it for his Company. The Governour of Northumberland, then named Uthred, and the People from the River Coqued to the Tees, came in so readily to his Assistance, and continued their Help so long, that the Wood was soon grubbed up and the Church and Houses finished, insomuch that Aldwin dedicated the Church in the 3d year after he began the Work, upon Sept. the 4th. This was the Beginning of the Church and City of Durham or Dunhelm more properly, which takes it Name from Dun, which signifies a Mountain, and Holm a River-Island in the Saxon Language, because the River Were, with it's circling Stream, washes the Hill on which it stands on all Sides, so that it makes it almost an Island. — Aldwin died in the year 1017, and was succeeded by Eadmund, who was elected the year 1020, after the See had been vacant about 3 years, he died Anno 1040, and was buried in the Church of Durham. Eadred succeeded him, but enjoyed that Honour no great while; for in 10 Months time he died, He was succeeded by Egelric, Anno 1049, who built a Church at Chester upon the Street, in Memory that the Bishops of Lindisfern had rested themselves there, together with the Body of St. Cuthbert, 118 years, during the Time of the Danish Wars: He resign'd in the year 1056, and was succeeded by Egelwyn, who died in the year 1071. Walter or Walcher succeeded him, who was slain at Gateside (as a shewn in our Account of that Place) May 14th, 1080. After this the See was void for 6 Months; and then on the 9th of November was filled up by William Kairlipho, who died Anno 1095. This Man, as Godwin goes on, pulling down to the Ground the Church of Durham, which Aldwinus had first built, began to erect another far more magnificent, but lived not to finish it himself, Malcolme, King of Scots, and Purgot Prior of Durham, laid the 3 first Stones, July 30, or (as some deliver Aug. 11. ) 1093. This Bishop, after the See, had been vacant 3 years, and 4 Months, was succeeded by Ranulf Flambard, Anno 1099, who died Sept. , 1128. Geoffry Rufus was his Successor, who died May the 6th, 1140. After him succeeded, William de Sancta Barbara, who died Nov. 14, 1153. He was succeeded by Hugh Pudsey. Vid. in Regu. Reg. Au. 1195. Lindisfern, Hexam is a Town about 16 Miles West of Newcastle. It was in the Times of the Romans, as Cambden says, the Axelodinum, where lay the 1st Cohort of the Spaniards. It had among the Saxons the Name of Hextoldesham, from the Rivulet Hextold, which runs by it. In the year Dugd. Vol. II. pag. 70. 674, Etheldreda, Wife to King Egfrid, assign'd it for an Episcopal See to St. Wilfrid, who built here a Church, and dedicated it to St. Andrew the Apostle. The Order of it's Bishops is as follows; 1st Eata, who is also reckon'd the 3d or rather the 4th of that See, he was ordained Bishop of Hexam at York, by Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, Anno 678, and governed that See three years whilst he was Bishop of Lindisfern. In the year 681 Tumbert the 2d Bishop was consecrated; but he was deposed the same year, St. Cuthbert was chosen into his Place; but being better pleased with the Situation of Lindisfern; Bishop Eata, in respect to him, left the See of Lindisfern, and became the 4th Bishop of Hexam. The 5th was St. John of Beverly, who was Bishop about the year 685, He continued Bishop about one year, and was then translated to York. After the Translation of John, King Alfrid restored the Church of Hexam to Wilfrid the 6th Bishop, who died Anno 709. St. Acca succeeded him, who was the 7th Bishop, he was depriv'd in the year 733; he died Nov. 20, Anno 740, and was buried, as is said, near the Consistory of the Church of Hexam. Frithubertus the 8th Bishop succeeded Acca, and came to the See Anno 735; he died Anno 766. Alkmundus the 9th Bishop succeeded him, Anno 767, and died Sept. the 7th, 781. Tilbert the 10th was the next Bishop; he died 789, and was buried in his own Church. To him succeeded Ethelbert the 11th Bishop; he died October 16, 797, and was buried in the Church of Hexam. Heardred 12 succeeded him; who died in the year 800. To him succeeded Eanberth 13th Bishop; who died Anno 806. To him succeeded Tidferth, the 14th Bishop; who died about the year 821. After this, the See of Hexam, because of the Danish Wars, lay neglected for above 63 years together. But at length it was united with Lindisfern, under Eardulph, the 15th Bishop of Lindisfern. This happened in the year 883. Under this Jurisdiction it continued 'till the Reign of King Henry the 1st, when the Town of Hexam and the Church, Anno 1113, were taken from the Diocess of Durham and given to that of York, the King being highly displeased with Ranulph Bishop of Durham. Ex. Mag. Brit. p. 737. This Church at the Time it was built, was supposed to exceed all the Churches on this Side the Alps, for it's Pillars, Porches, and Allies leading round it; afterwards in the Time of Bishop Acca, that Bishop superadded to the Buildings of his Church many Decorations and curious Works; he got from all Parts some Relicks of the Apostles and Martyrs, and erected several Altars in Reverence to them, and for that End made distinct Porches in the Walls of the Church. He also with great Diligence and no small Charge, gathered the Histories of of their Sufferings, with many Volumes of Ecclesiastical Writers, and of them he made a very large Library. He also provided several sacred Utensils, as Flaggons, Cups, Pattens, Candlesticks, and other Vessels of the like Nature, which belong to the Service of God. He also brought a famous Chorister who had been taught to sing in the Church of Canterbury, whose Name was Maban, to instruct those of his Church of Hexam. Mag. Brit. ex Bed. lib. 5. c. 21. He is also said to have gilded the Walls with Gold and Silver, and covered the Altars with Purple and Silk. That Part of this Church which is now standing (for the West End of it, is intirely demolished) is still grand and noble, and speaks what it was in ancient Days. About 3 years ago it was repair'd by Contribution, no small Part of which was raised in the Town of Newcastle. — This Church was honoured with the Sepulchre of the good King Alfwold, who was murder'd by Sigga, (a certain Nobleman) at Silcester, Some Remains of which Place are yet to be seen on the West Side of the North Tyne, in the Grounds belonging to Walwick Grainge, between that Place, and the Roman Wall. Rich. and lies buried under the Arch, at the South End of the North East Isle; a Monument is erected since the Foundation, in Honour of that Prince. Rich. p. 61. Stav. p. 173. ex Richard. Pri. Hagulst. de Stat. Eccl. Stavely in his History of Churches gives us the following Account. That Privilege which I read to have been granted unto the Church of the once eminent Monastery of Hagulstad is very remarkable: That is, there were 4 Crosses set up at a certain Distance from the Church, in the four Ways leading thereto. Now if any Malefactor flying for Refuge to that Church, was taken or Apprehended within the Crosses, the Party that took or laid hold on him there, did forfeit Two hundredh; (in Hundredh viii. Librae continentur) If he took him within the Town, then he forfeited Four Hundredh; if within the Walls of the Church Yard, then Six Hundredh; if within the Church, then Twelve Hundredh; if within the Doors of the Quire, then Eighteen Hundredh; besides Penance, as in case of Sacriledge; but if he presum'd to take him out of the Stone Chair near the Altar, called Fridstol, or from amongst the Holy Relicks behind the Altar, the Offence was not redeemable with any Sum; but was then become sine emendatione Botolos (i. e. Bootles, vid. Gloss. W. Somner ) and nothing but the utmost severity of the offended Church was to be expected, by a dreadful Excommunication, beside what the secular Power would impose, for the presumptuous Misdemeanour. The Canons Dug. Mon. Vol. II. p. 91. Regular of this Church, which were appointed by Thomas the 2d, Archbishop of York about the year 1109, continued 'till they were displaced by King Henry the 8th, Anno 1539. when the Revenues of the Monastery was valued at 122 l. 11 s. 1 d. It was of the Augustine Order. Several Rents were paid to it out of the Town of Newcastle. — It is still very stately and magnificent, and by far exceeding any Thing in that Town. It is now inhabited by Sir Edward Blacket, Bart. but is the Property of Walter Blacket, Esq Among the eminent Persons of this Place, I meet with two in particular. Stephen. addit. Vol. 1. p. 203. The 1st is John of Hexam born in that Place, and first Monk, then Prior of the Monastery there. He was a Man, grave, modest, meek, courteous, assable, yet severe and rigid in punishing the Faults of those under his Charge; learned and eloquent, and a diligent Searcher of History and Antiquities, and tho' he taught Philosophy and Divinity publickly in his Monastery, yet in private He, as much as Time would permit, read Historians, and particularly venerable Bede. He made an Addition of 25 Years to the History of Simeon of Durham, beginning at the 9th Year of King Henry the 2d, and proceeding to the first of King Richard, calling it an History of 25 Years. He also writ of Signs and Comets: A Discription of the Scottish War: Sermons, and some other Things; and flourish'd in 1190. The other is Richard of Hexam, first Monk, and then Prior of that Monastery, educated there in Monastical and School Learning, and in all Sorts of Piety; so diligently imitated his Master, John, Prior of that Place, that he succeeded him in that Employment, and in Teaching. When made Prior, he in all Things most exactly copy'd after his said Master; for tho' he in publick taught his Brethren Philosophy and Divinity; yet in private he read History, and accurately writ the Affairs of his Time, especially in England, by the Titles, The Actions of King Stephen; The Actions of King Henry the 3d, and proceeding to the 1st of King Richard; The War of the Standard; A short Chronicle from Adam to Henry the Emperor; Of the State and Bishops of the Church of Hexam. He died and was buried in his Monastery, about the year 1192. Hexam was made a Bishoprick in the Year 678, and had Eata for its first Bishop; Churches and Monasteries were built in several Places, and Religion flourished in this whole Kingdom. This Account Hollingshead gives in the following Words: Great Numbers of Persons daily offered themselves to be baptized, insomuch that within the Space of 7 Days (as is left in Writing) Aidan christned 15 Thousand Persons, of the which no small Part forsaking the World, betook themselves to a Solitary kind of Life. Thus by continual Preaching the Gospel in that Country, it came to pass in the End, that the Faith was generally received of all the People; and such Zeal to advance the Christian Religion daily increased amongst them, that no where could be found greater. Hereupon were no small Number of Churches built in all Places abroad in those Parts by Procurement of King Oswold, all Men liberally consenting (according to the rated Substance) to be Contributors towards the Charges. By this Means the Kingdom of the Northumbers flourish'd, as well in Fame of Increase of Religion, as also in civil Policy and prudent Ordinances. When now it is considered that the Business of Religion went on so Briskly throughout the whole Kingdom of the Northumbers; it is rational to suppose that this Place, as it was not only convenient for the monastical Life as to Retirement, but also a Security to it too, (being at that Time a garrison'd Fort) was certainly as early inhabited by the Monks as the abovementioned Time; and besides if we consider the Veneration it is mention'd with by many Historians for the severe rigid Lives of it's Monks; how it was the most eminent Place in the North, for the monastical Life, so very famous on that account, as to change it's former Name to that of Monkchester: There can scarce be allowed it a later Time to arrive at such a Pitch of Eminency and Glory. Before the Name of Monkchester, I imagine, from it's being a Place of Fortification, that it had the Name of Chester, as Weremuth was the original Name of that Place, but was afterwards called Monkweremuth, from the Monks inhabiting there. It seems all along to have been a Place of Defence and Fortification. It was the Ancient Gabrosentum, according to Mr. Cambden; or as others more justly imagine the Pons Aelii of the Romans; was a garrison'd Fort, 'till inhabited by the Monks; and was such from the Time of the Monks 'till the Conquest. THE Name of Monkchester continued 'till the Building of the Castle, and after that, from the Building of it, it got the Name of New-castle: The Occasion of which was this. Malcolme King of Scotland having entred with his Army into the Confines of England, came with it into Northumberland, and waisted and plundered the whole Country as far as the River Tyne; the Conqueror being all the while in Normandy, and also his Son Robert Curtois. But no sooner were the King and his Son come into England, than Robert was sent with an Army against Malcolme to drive him out of the Country. The Scots being appriz'd of this, retir'd into their own Country, and Robert with his Army encamp'd upon the Banks of the Tyne, where he built the Castle to defend these Northern Parts from the Incursions of the Scots, for the Mag. Brit. p. 608. Poly. virg. &c. Future. The Chronicle of Mailros says, that the Conqueror sent his Son Robert into Scotland, against Malcolme, in the Year 1080, who, having done nothing, upon his return, built the New-castle. From hence it is easy to conclude, that the Castle was founded the same Year, towards the latter End of it. For Dugdale tells us in his Monasticon, that Anno Domini MLXXX Rex Willielmus Autumnali Tempore Robertum Fillium suum contra Malcomum misit; sed cum pervenisset ad Egglesbreth, nullo consecto negotio, reversus Castellum Novum super flumen Tynae condidit. Dug. Mon. Tom. 1. p. 42. King William in the Year 1080, about the Time of Autumn, sent his Son Robert into Scotland against Malcolme. But having got as far as Egglesbreth, he returned (having done no Exploit) and built the New-castle upon the River Tyne. THUS the Town lost it's Name of Monkchester for that of Newcastle, which it retains to this Day. But however by the building of the Castle it lost nothing else; for the Building of the said Castle did not destroy or take away the Right or Interest which the Towns-men had before; but that still remained as before. AFTER this the Town grew more populous, and increas'd in Trade and Wealth; had great Privileges granted them by the Kings, built Churches, Monasteries, Walls, Bridges, &c. as shall be seen in the following Treatise. CHAP. III. Of the WALLS of this TOWN. N EW CASTLE is seated on the Northern Bank of the River Tyne; and is bounded on the East by the Land of Byker; on the West by the Lands belonging formerly to the Prior of Tinemouth; on the North by the Lands of Kenton, and Coxlodge, and on the South by the County of Durham. IT is surrounded with a Stone-Wall, which at the Time it was built, and for many Ages after, was undoubtedly of very great Strength. This has several Gates belonging to it, Round Towers, and Square Turrets, which shall by and by be considered. On the Out-side of it is a Ditch or Trench, and on the Inside it is ramper'd with Earth. Grey. THE Cause of Building this great Wall was the often Invasion of the Scots into this Place and Country; they continually infested it and the rich Monasteries in these Northern Parts; the religious Houses of this Town, and the adiacent Places being above Forty. SOME are of Opinion, that the Walls were begun in the Reign of King Henry the Third. But the Author just now mentioned, imagines Them to have been earlier. King John, he says, gave great Priviledges to this Town, and probably the New-gate, and Walls thereabout, were built in his Time; the North Part of the Wall being the oldest, and of another Fashion than the other Walls. IN the Reign of King Henry the 3d, the same Author says, the West part of the Wall was built; but I am rather inclined to believe, that that Part of the Wall was not built 'till the Reign of Edward the 1st. The Wall from the Time it was begun, went on but slowly 'till this Reign, when an Accident hapned, which revived the former Fears of the Towns-Men, and put them in Mind of the neglected Wall, which, 'till that Time had got no farther than Ever-Tower, as appears by the old Part of the Wall, ending thereabouts. The Accident was this, Cambden. in the Reign of Edward the 1st, a very rich Burgher being carried off a Prisoner by the Scots, out of the Middle of the Town, first paid a round Ransom himself, and afterwards began the 1st Fortifications of the Place. IT is true, that this Accident was the Occasion of carrying on the Wall; but Mr. Cambden is mistaken in saying it occasioned the Beginning of it. For it was begun some Years before the Reign of Edward the 1st. For from Newgate to the Ever-Tower as has just now been observed, is a Work older, and vastly different from what the Wall is from Ever-Tower towards the West-gate. This Wall, leading to the West-gate, was it which was begun in the Reign of Edward the 1st, for in this Reign it was, (when Leave was granted to the preaching Friers to break out that Little Gate which now leads into the Wardens-Close, then their Garden, that this Wall was called the Vid. Durham-Tower and Black-Friers. New-Wall; and surely a New-Wall, will imply that there was an Old one before, was the thing itself not still a Matter of Fact as it really is to any Observer. HOW long the Walls were a Building, or who they were in particular that contributed towards the Building of them, is a Matter pretty much in the Dark. However, 'tis Gardiner, chap. 4. This Author, whose Name was Ralph Gardiner, liv'd at Chirton, a Village East of Newcastle, near the Town of Shields, which Village is now in the Possession of Robt Lawson and Edward Collingwood. Esqrs. He was a bitter Enemy to this Town, and did all the Mischief to it that lay in his Power, as appears in every Page of his Book. In which are Numbers of Falsities. supposed, that King Edward the 1st, was a Contributor to them. The Names of some of the Round-Towers also give us some Light, which to this Day do seemingly bear the Names of their ancient Founders, which may in some Measure occasion a Guess at the Time of their Building. THE Town, after the compleating of the Walls, was divided into 24 Wards, according to the Number of the Gates, and round Towers in the Wall, which Towers and Gates were wont be defended in Times of Hostility with the Scots, by the particular Wards appropriated to them. THE 1st Gate I shall begin with is the Close-gate, which is so called, because it stands in a narrow Street called the Close, it had in Ward, from the Close-gate upon the South-rawe, so going Eastward unto the Javil-grippe, but nothing of Javil-grippe, then going Westward upon the North unto the Close-gate. FROM the Close-gate there are Stairs leading up to a Round-Tower called the White-Fryer-Tower. This Tower had in Ward, from the East-end of Bailiff-gate, opposite to the Javil-grippe, with all that dwell upon the High-Stairs in the Close, unto and with the West-side of these Stairs that lead unto the South-Postern of the Castle, with all Javil-grippe Eastward, and from the Javil-grippe to the South-rawe of the Close, and with all the Bridge-End. THIS Tower, with the Wall leading to the little Gate, (commonly called the Postern-gate, but originally the Gate of the White-Fryers, or White-Fryer-gate ) were together with the Gate itself, probably built by the White-Fryers; for the White-Fryers were situated in the South-west-end of the Street of West-gate, in the same Grounds were are now the Houses of Mr. Anderson, George Grey, Esq and others. And as it is reasonable to believe, that whatever Religious House, or Nobleman, built a Tower or Piece of the Wall, that it would be built chiefly for their own Security; so the Buildings now mentioned, being so situated as I have just now observed, are a Proof that the White-Fryers were the Founders. And if it be considered that the White-Fryers were See White-Fryers. founded by King Edward the 1st, in whose Reign the above-mentioned Accident happened, which occasioned a fresh Beginning of Building of the Wall; it will appear still more probable, that these Fryers were the Builders. It may indeed be said, that as they were sounded in this Reign, it can't be imagin'd they had sufficient Riches for such an Undertaking. This is readily granted, but when it is considered, that these Fryers were newly founded by King Edward the 1st, that they were the first of that Order that had been in this Place, that they were Carmelites, or originally coming from Mount Carmel in Syria, and that the Prayers of all Monasteries were thought more particularly available for the Souls in Purgatory; it will follow I think rationally, that they were more able then to do such a Thing by getting the Contributions of others, than they could have been of themselves 200 Years after. The Name given to these Walls is also another Argument; it is more probable, that the White-Fryer-Tower, the Wall and Gate now mentioned, were so called, (as other Towers were) from their Founders, than from their bare Situation. For the Walls behind the Black-Fryers are not called after their Name, because they were not built by them, but by King Edward the 1st, as shall be shewn below. THIS Tower is now the Meeting-House or Hall of the Company of Masons. GREY in mentioning the Ports or Gates of Newcastle, says, there were besides These, Postern-Gates belonging to the Religious Houses; I have met with no more than three, and this White-Friers-gate is undoubtedly one of them. It seems to be much of the same Kind with that which leads into the Warden's-Close. It has been an Out-let to the Fryers, that they might walk to the Forth and the neighbouring Fields; and that it might be of Use and Service to the Castle, in Times of Hostility with the Scots. I imagine it was out at this Gate, that the Townsmen made that famous Sally, mention'd by Grey, who says, that in the Reign of Edward the 3d, See a more perfect Account in the Year of the Mayors, 1342. Three hundred valiant Men issued out of the Town through a Postern-gate, and came suddenly in the Night upon a great Army of the Scots, which lay in the West Part of the Town, and raised the Army, put them to flight, and took Earl Murray Prisoner in his Tent, and others. THE next Round Tower to White-Fryer-gate is Denton-Tower, or Nevil-Tower, which had in Ward all the Hairy-Hugh, on the South Side of the White-Fryers, with all the Houses standing there, upon the Burn-bank, betwixt the Fryer-Kirk, and a Burne, unto the Stone Bridge in Bailiff-gate, with all Bailiff-gate, upward that same Rawe unto Denton-Chare, with Denton-Chare. WHY it was called Denton-Tower, I can give no Reason, unless it was from it's having in Ward the Lane called Denton-Chare; but it has the Name of Nevil-Tower, from the Nevil Family of Raby who built it, which Family was honoured with the Title of Earl in the Reign of Richard the 2d, Ralph Nevil Lord of Raby, being created Earl of Westmoreland, in the 21st of that Reign: His House in West-gate, called Westmoreland-place, which shall be considered when we treat of that Street, had this Tower built behind it for it's Security and Defence. The Tower is now the Hall of the Wallers, Brick-layers and Plaisterers, and was repair'd by them Anno Dom' 1711, Richard Fletcher, and William Johnson, Wardens. THE next Round Tower is West-spittle-Tower, which had in Ward the Side upon the West Rawe under the Castle Moat, from the Castle-gate, so downward on that Rawe, to and with a great Waste belonging to Laurentius Acton, opposite to a Corner Shop of a Chauntery in St. John 's Kirk, next the Pant; also from that Pant upwards upon the East-Rawe in the Side, with the South Kirk-Style of St. Nicholas, by the East-Side of St. Nicholas. THIS Tower has it's Name from St. Mary the Virgin's Hospital, which was otherwise called West-spittle, to which it almost adjoins; it must have been built by the Master and Brethren of that Hospital for the same Reasons that the other two Towers before-mentioned were built by their supposed Founders. THE Tower next to this has the Name of Stank-Tower. It had in Ward all Now called Back-rawe. Gallowgate; opposite to the Castle-Yates, so going Northward, from the East-end of Gallowgate, upwards that same Rawe, unto the East-end of Denton-Chare, with the Iron-market, with all the Houses opposite to the Iron-market, down to St. Nicholas Pant, as their Doors open towards the Iron-market, or towards the Pant, or towards St. Nicholas Kirk-Yard. GUNNER-TOWER, is the next; it had in Ward, from All-Hallow-Pant, beside Cordiner, so going downward the same Rawe towards Cale-Cross, and so going upwards by that Flesher-Rawe, unto Painter-hugh beside Swin-burne-place, unto a Place called Pencher-place, beyond Painter-Heugh, as it standeth beyond Lorkburne. BETWEEN this Tower, and one next to it, is a Postern which leads to the Forth. It was made Anno 1705, when Thomas Wass, Esq was Mayor, Matthew Matfin, Esq Sheriff. There is also another Passage from it into Westgate. PINK-TOWER. This Tower had in Ward in the Close, from the High-Stairs that lead from the South Postern of the Castle towards the Close, so going Eastward on that same Rawe, by the North-side of Sandhill, unto and with St. Mary-lane, with the Houses upon the Corner, called St. Mary-Lands in All-hallow-kirk, and so going upwards all the West-rawe in the Side, to a great Waste upon the Castle-hugh, sometimes call'd old Laurentius Acton 's Waste, opposite to the Pant at Lorkburne. WEST-GATE, is the next, which is the High-way West into the Counties of Northumberland and Cumberland, and is Grey. said to have been built by Roger de Thornton, in Memory that he came from the West-country, according to the old saying, At the West-gate came Thornton in, With a Hap, and a Half-penny, and a Lamb-skin. THIS Gate had in Ward from the Vennel that leads into White-Fryer-Kirk, so going upon the West Rawe of Westgate, unto the Westyate, with all that dwell without that Yate. Also from the West-end of Denton Chare, so going upward upon the East-Rawe of Westgate unto the Westyate, with all that dwell in St. John 's Kirk-yard, and with all that dwell from the said Kirk unto the West-gate. It is now the Hall of the House-Carpenters. DURHAM-TOWER is the next, and it had in Ward from St. John 's Chare to going upward by Urd-place, upon the West-Rawe of Beer-market, unto the Shod-Frier-Chare, with all the Shod-Frier Chare. HEBER-TOWER is the next; it had in Ward all the Meal-market from Denton-Chare, to Pudding-Chare, with all Pudding-Chare and St. John 's Chare. THIS Tower is now the Hall of the Armourers, Curriers and Felt-makers, who were made one Fellowship in the 36th of Henry the 8th. They were ordered to associate themselves in the Feast of Corpus Christi, and go together in Procession, as other Mysteries, and sustain the Charges of the Lights Pageant, and Place, on the same Feast; according to old ancient Custom. And the Ordinance therein was to be devised by Their Wardens when the Hour was assigned, upon Pain to lose and forfeit one Pound of Wax, to be applied to the Use of the whole Fellowship of the said Occupations. The best Account I have met with of these kind of Plays, is of one that was play'd in the City of Coventry. Step. 1st V. p. 138. Before the Suppression of Monasteries, the City of Coventry was very famous for the Pageants that were played therein upon Corpus Christi Day, which occasioning very great Confluence of People to it from far and near, was of no small Benefit thereto; which Pageants being acted with mighty State and Reverence by the Franciscan-Fryers, had Theatres for the several Scenes very large and high, placed upon Wheels, and drawn to all the eminent Parts of the City, for the better Advantage of Spectators: and contain'd the Story of the old and new Testament, compos'd into old English Rhimes, as appears by an ancient Manuscript, entitl'd Ludus Corporis Christi, or Ludus Coventriae, that is, The Play of Corpus Christi, or The Play of Coventry. in Bibl. Cotton. sub Effigie Vesp. D. 8. A Specimen of them is as follows; NOW Gracyous God groundyd of all Goodness, As thy grete Glorie nevyr begynnyng had; So You succour and save all those that sytt and sese And Lystenyth to our Talking with Sylens stille and sad For we purpose no pertly Stylle in yis prefe, The Pepyl to plese with Pleys full Glad. Now Lystenyth us lonly both mar and lesle Gentillys and ȝemanry off Goodly Liff Lad Yis Tyde, We xall ȝou shewe as that we can, How this yis a Werd first began, And how God made bothe Mold and Man, If that ȝe will abyde. IN the first Pagent we yeuke to play, How God dede make Yowe his owyn Myth, Hevyn so clar upon the first Day, And therein he sett Angell full Bryth Thou Angell with Song yis no nay, Xall worchep God as it is ryth; But Lucyfer, that Angel so gay In such Pompe Yan is he Pyth. And sett in so grete Pride That Goddys sette te Gynnyth to take, Hese Lordys per Hymself to make But Yan be fallyth aftend full Blake From Hevyn to Helle to a—bide, &c. A little beyond this Tower, opposite to the Monastery of the Black-Friers is a little Gate in the Wall, which I imagine to be one of those which Grey calls Postern-Gates. It leads into the Warden 's- Close, and was made in the Reign of King Edward the 1st. The Black Fryers petition'd the King, he being then at Durham, that they might have a Passage though his New Wall into their Garden, which was accordingly granted. The original Grant is still in Being, with the King's Seal at it, in the Hands of Mr. Joshua Douglas, who obliged me with the following Copy of it. EDWARDUS Dei gratia Rex Angliae Dominus Hiberniae Dux Aquitaniae Omnibus ad quos presentes Literae perveniunt salutem. Sciatis quod de nostra Gratia speciali concessimus dilectis nobis Fratribus praedicatoribus de Novo Castro super Tynam, quod per medium Novum Murum circumagentem Villam praedictam, quem per medium Gardini Praedictorum Fratrum fieri opertebit, ut dicti facere possint quandam strictam Portam ad ingressum in Gardinum suum habend' Portam sust' sibi & successoribus suis tenere in perpetuum. Dum tamen Porta illa ad voluntatem nostram, Vicecomitis Northumbriae aut Constabuli nostri ibid' qui pro tempore fuerit, obstruatur. In cujus Rei Testimonium has Literas nostras fieri Patentes; Tests me ipso apud Dunelm' decimo octavo die Septembris, Anno Regni nostri Octavo. MORDEN-TOWER had in Ward both the East-Raw of Spurrior-gate, Sadler-gate, and over Flesh-shambles, from the North-West Kirk-Stile of St. Nicholas unto Fish-shambles, and the said Raws opened either to the Cloth-market, or the Meal-market. This Tower was granted to it's Companies Anno 1619. The Ordinary was granted them 1536. In that it is order'd, that they shall go in Procession on Corpus Christi Day, and maintain the Play of the Three Kings of Colleign. In the Year 1700, this Tower was by the Plumbers, Glaziers, &c. made a beautiful Hall. EVER-TOWER, which is now the Hall of Colliers and Carriage-Men, with Pavers, had in Ward the Shod-Frier-Yate, so going up that Raw beside White-cross unto Newgate, with all the Darnecrook, and with all the Gallow-gate without Newgate, unto the Barriers, as Men go to the Gallows. ANDREW-TOWER, so called, because it is almost contiguous to St. Andrew 's Church, had in Ward from the Great Nun-gate, so upwards upon that East-Rawe, unto a Burn, beside Lam-place that runs to Lorkburne, with all the Cockstale-Booths, and with all the West-Rawe of Sidgate without New-gate from Gallows-gate unto the Water-Mill beside St. James 's Kirk. NEWGATE had in Ward all Ratten-Rawe, as it opens towards the Pillory in Cloth-market, with them that dwell in the North of St. Nicholas upon that East-Rawe of the Cloth-market, unto the Over-dean-bridge end. THIS Gate of all the others is not only the strongest, but also the most ancient. It is of the same Masonry and way of Building with that Part of the Wall which leads to Westgate Westward, as far as Ever-Tower, which is visibly the oldest Part of the Wall. From this Gate is a Causey that leadeth to the Town-moor, and towards the North Parts of Northumberland and Scotland; it is now, and has been many Years a Prison for Debtors and Grey. Fellons. The new Buildings on each Side of it were built, the one Anno 1702, William Ramsey, Esq Mayor, William Boutflower, Esq Sheriff; the other Anno 1706, Sir Ralph Carr, Mayor, William Ellison, Esq Sheriff. BERTRAM-MUMBOUCHER-TOWER. From Newgate towards the East we pass to the Tower of Bertram Mumboucher, which was so called from Bertram Mumboucher the Founder of it, Ex Fuller Wor. who was High-Sheriff of the County of Northumberland, in the 49th of Edward the 3d, and in the 1st, 2d, and 3d of the Reign of Richard the 2d. This Tower has to Ward all the West-end of Over-dean-bridge with the Shops between the Fish-shambles and the Beer-market, and from the same Bridge-end unto the Great Nun-gate. FICKET-TOWER had in Ward from Whelpington-barn, beside the Great Cross standing within Maudlin-Barras without the New-yate, so coming upon the East-Rawe of Sidgate, without the New-yate, unto the New-yate, and also within the New-yate, and so going up the East-Rawe Southward unto a Burne beside Lam-place, that runneth towards Lorkburn, with all Grey-Frier-Chare from the Barras over against Ficket-Tower, and their North Kirk Door of the said Fryery West-ward, and no further Eastward in that Lane. PILGRIM-STREET-GATE had it's Name from the Pilgrims who were wont to lodge in that Street, and go out of that Gate when they came to visit the Shrine of the Virgin Mary at Gesmunde; to which Place with great Confluence and Devotion they came from all Parts of this Land in these Times of Superstition. It is now the Hall of the Company of Joyners, who repair'd it 1716, Thomas French and Paul Cook being Wardens. This Gate had in Ward without the same Gate beginning at the great waste Barn, call'd Emeldon-barn, opposite to the Maudlins, coming downward and inward upon that West-Rawe of Pilgrim-street-yate, within the Yate, and within the Yate unto All-Hallow-Pant, besides Cordiner 's- place beside the South-Kirk Stile of All-Hallow 's Kirk, with all Painter-hugh, and with all Neither-dean-bridge, and with all the North-end of Upper-dean-bridge, both Sides thereof from Lorkburn Eastward to Pilgrim-street, with Pencher-rent, and in Grey-Fryer Lane from Ficket-Tower Eastward. THE Tower next to this Gate is that in the Corner of the Carliol Croft, now the Hall of the Weavers who repair'd it Anno 1682. It got it's Name very probably from it's Founder: For the Carlills or Carliols were several of them Magistrates of Newcastle: and as this appears probable from the Name, so it is also equally probable that the Founder of this Tower had his House somewhere at the Head of Pilgrimstreet, nigh his own Tower, as Nevel 's Tower was behind his House; and that the Field called vulgarly Carling Croft, had it's Name of Carliol Croft, being at that Time of Day the Property of this Founder. The last Mayor of this Town of that Name, before the Completion of the Walls, was Nicholas de Carliol in the 2d Year of Edward the 3d, so that this Tower could not be much later in Building, to say the least of it's Antiquity imaginable; but it is rather probable it was built a good while earlier. It has to Ward all the East Raw of Pilgrim-street within the Yate, and without the Yate, from and with the Maudlins, so coming inward upon the East-Raw, unto the Austin-Chair. CARLILL-CROFT-TOWER, otherwise called Plummer-Tower, it has in Ward from the Austin-Chare in Pilgrim-street, upon that East-raw of Pilgrim-street, unto the Kirk-Garth of All-Hallows, with all Temple-Gate, otherwise called All-Hallows-Gate, beneath All-Hallow Kirk, unto a Burn called Cogo, with all Cowgate and other Places between Cogo and the King 's Wall unto the Stone-Brigg over Pandon-Burn, also upon the Sandhill on the East Side of Lorkburne, beginning at the Barber 's- Shop upon the Corner, in Booth's-Rent, over-against the Mason-Dieu, so going up that East-Side of Lorkburne, all that Rawe towards Cale-Cross, to and with the Corner called Oliver-Rent, and so upward, all that Corner unto the North-End of Grindon-Chare. AUSTIN-TOWER; this Tower was built by the Fryers of St. Augustine, commonly called Austine-Fryars, and has its Name from them. It stands opposite to the Monastry that built it, as the White-Fryer-Tower and Wall does to that of the White-Fryers, and West-Spittle-Tower to that of St. Mary the Virgin, or the West-Spittle. It seems to have been built in the Reign of Edward the first. IT has in Ward from the North-end of Grindon-Chare, so up that South-Raw of the Neither All-Hallow 's- Bank unto Galeway-Rent with them that Dwell in Brown-Chare, Grindon-Chare, Tud 's- Chare, Norham-Chare, Philip 's- Chare, Shipman 's- Chare, Oliver-Chare, Galeway-Chare, with half of the Fryer of Austin. This Tower is now the Hall of the Ropers, and was repair'd at the Charge of the Company, 1698, John Langlonds, and John Dawson being Wardens. CORNER-TOWER had in Ward all the House-side upon the Key, as their Doors open Southward towards the King's Wall upon the Key-side from the Stone Stairs beside the Common; so going East-ward upon the Key-side, to the South-end of Broad-Chare-Yate, in the said King's Wall. PAMPEDEN-YATE is so called from the Ancient Town of Pampeden, where was the Picts-Wall, and a Roman Turret, part of which is still to be seen. Out of this Gate is a Causey that goeth into a Place of Recreation and Perambulation, called the Shields-Field, and a Way to a Village called Walls-end is a Village Fast from Newcastle about three Miles; nigh it was the Station of the 1st Cohort of the Fraxagi as the Liber notitiarum says, which calls the Place itself Vindobola, or as Antoninus names it, Vindomora, which last seems in the Provincial Language of the Britons to have signified the Walls-end, as the later does the Rampier's-end. For they anciently named a Wall Mur, and a Ditch or Rampier Gual, or Val, or Bal. Cambden. But with this a late ingenious Author cannot agree, because Mr. Cambden brings no Proof from Inscriptions, and also because Pancirolus, in the same Notitia places Vindomora at the ninth Station per Lineam Valli, where the fourth Cohort of the Galli lay, and which appears by Inscriptions to have been the Little Chesters upon the Wall; He concludes therefore, that where the Wall begun, which has already been shown, the first Station of Segedunum was certainly placed. Gord. Irinerar. Septontion. p. 70. The present Wals-end is a very agreeable Place, having about it very good Grounds, and in it some beautiful Houses and Gardens. Some of the Possessors of which, are Mr. Henry Waters of Newcastle Hoastman, Mr. Charles Atkinson of Newcastle, Hoastman, Mr. Thomas Waters of Newcastle, Merchant, Mr. James Monkcaster of Newcastle, Merchant, Mr. William Dixon of Newcastle, Brewer, &c. There is a Chapel belonging to this Village, which is very inconveniently situated, on the Top of an Hill, the present Incumbent is the Reverend Mr. Thomas Dockwray, Lecturer of St. Nicholas in Newcastle. Wals-end, by Bede, Villa ad Murum, This is certainly a Mistake. For according to Mr. Cambden, that was Wall-town, which from the agreeableness of the Name, and (as he goes on) it's 12 Miles Distance from the Eastern Sea, was the Royal Burrow, which Bede calls ad murum. But the learned Dr. Smith upon this Passage of Bede is of another Opinion. He says, it is commonly supposed to be Walton, but this, he adds, can't be true. For it answers not the Distance at which Bede places the ad murum from the Sea. But Wallbottle, both as to it's Name, and as to it's Distance, which is not far from Newcastle, and from the Sea about 12 Miles, will answer exactly well. But be this is it will, certain it is, that the ad murum is famous on Account that Sigebert King of the East-Saxons, and Penda King of the Mercians, together with his whole Train of Courtiers and Attendants were baptised in it by the Bishop Finanus. —One Matilda, of this Village of Walls-end, had some Lands in Pampeden confirmed to her at a Court held at Byker, Anno 1285. In a Charter of William de Carilepho, Bishop of Durham, which he granted to the Monks, we have mention made of this Place. For the Bishop is said to have given this and Willington to the Monks. Ultra ampnem Tinam duas villas Wyllynton & Walleshend cum suis Appendiciis. and so into Tinemouth-shire. This Gate had in Ward from Galeway-Rent in Cross-gate, beside All-Hallow Pant, both the Rawes of that Cross-gate, so going-Eastward down to the Pant called Broad-Chare Pant, with Bell-place that standeth upon the Pant; and with all the Broad-Chare, and Narrow-Chare, otherwise called Collier-Chare, with Michael-place, cutting upon the West-side of Pandon-bourne. WALL-KNOWL-TOWER and HABKIN-TOWER, are now but one Ward, and they have in Ward from the Broad-Chare part, beside Bell-place, so going to a Burn called Cogo, both the Towers unto the South-side Cogo -Burn, as it runneth beside the Stone Brig unto Pandon -Burn, from Pandon-yate, to the Sand-gate either in Pandon or Fisher-gate, or in other Places from the said Burn Eastward, with the Wards, with all that dwell upon North Rawe in Sandgate. THIS Tower commonly called the Carpenters Tower, because the Company of Carpenters or Ship-wrights meet in it, was one of the Towers of the Old Romans. This Company in the Year 1716, built upon the under Part of it a very grand and stately Square-Tower, adorn'd at the Top Corners with 4 fair Turrets built in the form of a Lanthorn. Lib. de Reb. Novocast'. BUT before the taking down the Top of the old Tower, it was much of the same Size, Model, and Stone with the Tower of Routchester in Northumberland, which was certainly one of the Towers belonging to the Picts-Wall. THERE is under it an ancient Postern-gate, which leads into the Field called the Garth-Heads, the most part of which was last Year enclosed and turned into Garden-ground, by Richard Ridley, Esq the Owner of it. FROM Sandgate, which is so called because, it was built upon the Sand, or the River-side, is a Wall, having many little Gates in it, extending itself as far as the Merchant 's Hall, along the Street called the Key-side. IT must not be forgot what is mentioned in the Manuscript of Mr. John Milbank, that between every one of these Towers, there were for the most Part 2 Watch-Towers made square, with the Effigies of Men cut in Stone upon the Tops of them, as tho' they were watching, and they were called Garret, which had Square Holes over the Walls to through Sones down. WHEN these Walls were finished is not exactly found. Grey Grey 7. seems to think they were finished some little Time before the Reign of Henry the 6th. BUT this I imagine is a Date too late for the finishing of them; for Henry the 4th, in the 4th Year of his Reign, Aug. 16, granted at the Castle of Port-tefract, that all Fines, Redemptions, Amerciaments, Issues, Forfeitures and Profits, as well of Pleas as that of Justices of the Peace, &c. be received by the Mayor and Burgesses of this Town and their Officers, for supporting, amending, and repairing the Walls, Bridges and Gates of the Town. The Walls then in this Reign must have been compleated, forasmuch as they then probably wanted Repairs. BUT further had Grey remembered his own Story above-mention'd, of the 300 valiant Men, that issued out at the White-fryer-gate, and put the Scottish Army to flight, he would surely have concluded that the Walls were finished before that Accident, which hapned in the Reign of Edward the 3d. Certainly the Scottish Army, which is said to have been a great one, would not have lodged without the Town if they could have lodged in it, and what should hinder their lodging in it, but the Walls of the Town well guarded? I conclude therefore that the Walls of the Town at the latest were compleated in the Reign of King Edward the 3d, before the Year 1342 for it was in this Year that this Transaction hapned. AFTER they were finished, it Grey 27. was famous for being a Bullwark against the Scots, all the Power of Scotland could never win it, but of late, viz. in the Time of the Civil Wars, being assisted by the English, it was stormed, and our Churches and Houses defaced, and the Ornaments of both taken away. IT is now going fast into Ruins, several of the Turrets and some of the round Towers being fallen; but the Towers which stand, together with some little Parts of the Wall adjoining to them, are kept in good Repair by their respective Companies. THE Circumference of this Wall, from the Close-gate, to the same, is two Miles and 175 Yards. CHAP. IV. WEST-GATE. T HIS Street has it's Name from it's being on the West Part of the Town. FROM the Gate Eastward is a Little Street called Ratten-Rawe, at the End of which is a narrow Passage, turning up to the North, which leads to the Monastery of the Black-Fryers. Sect. I. Of the BLACK-FRYERS. THE Dominicans commonly called Black-Fryers, Preaching-Fryers, and Jacobine Fryers, came over into England in the Year of our Lord Fuller C. Hist. 1221, or as others say, 1217, and had their first Residence in Oxford, they were a Prior and 12 Brethren; their Prior's Name was Gilbert de Fraxineto; the Name of the Order was taken from St. Dominick, born at Cologona in Spain: Of this Order were no sewer than fourscore famous English Writers. De reb. Novocast'. This Monastery was founded by Sir Peter Scott, who was the first Mayor of Newcastle, Anno 1251, and Sir Nicholas Scott his Son, who was one of the 4 Bailiffs of the Town, 1254, 1257, and Capital Bailiff, 1269; but the Site of it was given by 3 Sisters, whose Names have long since been ingratefully buried in Oblivion. WHEN was the particular Time of it's Building, I have met with no Account; but it is not difficult to give a probable Guess; the Order itself of the Dominicans or Black-Fryes came into England, as is mentioned above, in the Year 1221; consequently it must have been founded after that Time: And that it must have been founded some Years before the Year 1280, is plain to a Demonstration. For in that Year, which was the Eight of Edward the First, the Black-Fryers had Licence from the King to break a Door through this New Wall, Vid. Town Wall. into their Garden; which proves them a regular settled Body at that Time; and therefore that their Priory was built some Years before that Licence. Black-Fryers. Grey 20. WE are told, that this Monastery was in old Time called the Grey-Fryers; which in my Opinion is a Thing highly Improbable; for the Grey-Fryers, or Franciscans, came not into England 'till about the Year 1224; and if as I have proved above, the Black-fryers were a Settled Body some Years before the Year 1280; how is it possible to have been called of old Time the Grey-Fryers? This is therefore a Mistake, and beside, the Dominicans came into England before the Franciscans or Grey-Fryers, and therefore more probably were sooner in this Place. IT has been a very stately and Beautiful Building, as appears by the present Remains of it. The Area or Grass-plat is about 87 Foot in Length, and as many in Breadth; on the East Side of it was the Chapel, which is now the Hall of the Company of Smiths in this Town. On the West-side of it is a curious Old Well, which served the Monastery with Water, called our Lady's Well. On the South may still be seen the Ruins of a curious Front, on which Side is the Hall of the Cordwainers, in which I saw a Pair of winding Stairs, which they told me (before they were walled up) led by a Vault as far as the Nunnery of St. Bartholomew. On the North of it were their Gardens, a Part of which was the Warden 's Close, before the Building of that Part of the Towns-wall. This appears by the Charter granted to this Monastery in the Reign of Edward the first, about breaking out that Narrow-Gate in the Wall between Westgate and Newgate; in which Grant it is said, that the Wall went through the Middle of their Garden. This Monastery was dependant upon the Priory of Tinmouth. IN the Reign of Edward the 2d, the Brethren of this Monastery had License granted them for the Building of a Drawbridge, beyond the New Ditch of the Castle. WHO were the Priors of this Monastery, what eminent Men belonged to them, or what Things were transacted by them from their Beginning 'till their Dissolution, were Things undoubtedly preserved among themselves whilst they were a Body; but, after their Surrender, were either destroy'd, or have not yet come to Light. ONE of the Priors of this Monastery was one Richard Marshall. I take this Gentleman to have been the last Prior of this Monastery, for in the 28th of Henry the 8th, a Grant of a Tenement, nigh the White-Cross, (signed by Fryer Richard Marshal, Dr. and Prior; and Fryer David Simpson, and Fryer John Sowrby ) was given to Anthony Godsave, upon his paying to the said Priory or Monastery 9 s. per Ann. This Grant is now in the Possession of Mr. Thomas Marshal, of Newcastle, Joyner, who purchased this Tenement, and has lately rebuilt it. He pays the same Rent to the Town of Newcastle, which the Tenement pay'd to the Monastery. ABOUT 2 Years after the Signing of this Deed, in January the 30th of this Reign this Monastery surrendered; it consisted of a Prior, and Twelve Fryers. THE Nature of surrendering was this, according to Bishop Burnet, who says, Burnet 's Records, p. 146. at the surrendring of Monasteries and Abbies, &c. there was generally a Confession along with the Surrender. Few of them are remaining, the following one is one of the Six the Bishop had seen, and is a Copy from him, Pag. 150. Coll. Rec. FORASMUCH as we the Prior and Fryers of this House of Carmelites in Stamford, commonly called the White-Fryers, in Stamford, in the County of Lincoln, do profoundly consider, that the Perfection of Christian living doth not consist in same Ceremonies, wearing of a White Coat, disguising of our selves after strange Fashions, Dockying and Becking, wearing Scapulars and Hoods, and other like papistical Ceremonies, wherein we have been most principally practised, and Nose-led in Time past; but the very true Way to please God, and to live a true Christian Man, without all Hypocrysie and feigned Dissimulation, is sincerely declared to us by our Master Christ, his Evangelists and Apostles; being minded hereafter to follow the same, conforming ourselves to the Will and Pleasure of our Supreame-head, under God, on Earth, the King's Majesty, and are not to follow henceforth the superstitious Traditions of any Forensecal Potentate or Power, with mutual Assent and Consent, do submit ourselves unto our said Sovereign Lord, and with the like Assent and Consent do surrender, &c. Sign'd by the Prior, and Six Fryers. WHAT became of the Brethren of this our Fryery, after their Surrender, what they had allowed them annually for a Maintenance, or whether they had any Thing allowed at all, I have no where met with. Some Account indeed I meet with afterwards of the Prior himself, but none of the Fryers. It is this which follows. Collier Eccl. Hist. Vol. II p. 302. RICHARD Marshal, Prior of the Black-Fryers in Newcastle, about the Year 1551, went into Scotland and preach'd at St. Andrews, that the Pater Noster should be addressed to God, and not to the Saints. Some Doctors of the University being disgusted at this Assertion, prevailed with one Tofts, a Grey-Fryer, to undertake to prove that the Pater-Noster might be said to the Saints; whose Ignorance in doing the same was so manifest, that he became the common Jest, and quitted the Town. AFTER the Surrender of the Monastery on Jan. the 10th, 30th of Henry the 8th, the Black-Fryers was granted to the Town of Newcastle, in Consideration of 53 l. 7 s. 6 d. The annual Value of it, was 2 l. 19 s. 6 d. The King says in the Grant, that He gives to the Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle, the whole House and Site, lately a Priory, or a House of Brethren, called vulgarly the Black-Fryers in Newcastle upon Tyne; The Chapel, Houses, Edifices, Gardens, &c. the Hall, two Chambers, a Chamber called the Cross-Chamber, and the two Gardens, with their Appurtenances, and the whole Close within the West-gate, and another Close near the Site of the said Priory on the North. And a Close containing 3 Acres, and a House in the same Close without the Walls of the said Town, and a House called the Gate-house, situated near the Street. IT also appears from the Grant, that the King reserved to himself and Successors, the Bells and Lead that was upon the Church belonging to this Fryery, and the other Buildings of it; the Lead in the Gutters, together with the Stones and Iron of the Church, &c. THE Nine Crafts of this Town had their Meeting-houses or Halls in it, and still have, except two of them, the Taylors and the Cordwainers, who have bestowed these upon some poor Widows, and got themselves others in other Places. These Halls are of great Service to this ancient Building, in preserving it from an entire Ruin. Such is the Hall of the Smiths, which was repaired by them in the Year 1709, John Kellet, Thomas Turner, Jonathan Gibson, Roger Haddock being Wardens; The Hall of the Dyers, The Hall of the Bakers and Brewers, which was repair'd Ann' 1711, Christopher Rutter, Lionel Dixon, William Dove, John Make-piece, being then Wardens: These Halls are on the East-side of the Fryery. Such also are those on the West-side of it, viz. the Hall of the This Company has belonging to it, an ancient Manuscript, beautifully wrote, in Old English Rhime; it relates to our Saviour's Sufferings. I take it to be the play they were obliged by their Ordinary to maintain on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Sadlers, which was repair'd by them in the Year 1729, Cuthbert Berkley and Matthew Anderson, Wardens; and the Hall of the Skinners and Glovers, which was repaired by them in the Year, 1712, John Emmerson, Robert Barnes, Robert Shutt, Philip Smith being Wardens. Such are those also on the South-side of it, viz. the Cordwainer 's Hall, which was turned into Appartments for three Widows, in the Year 1729, John Wheatley and George Alder being Wardens; the Hall of the Butchers, and the Hall of the Tanners, was repair'd in the Year 1717, Thomas Anderson, William Harrison, Thomas Dixon, William Slaiter then Wardens. BY Means of these Halls, there is still some Visage of the Fryery remaining, which had otherwise been intirely in the Dust. 'Tis a Pity that those People who are permitted by the Companies to reside in some of those Rooms are not threatned into more Cleanliness, and that the Companies themselves are not at the Expence of repairing the Area; were these Things done, it would be a Beautiful Piece of Antiquity, and an Entertainment to the Curious, from whencesoever they came. Sect. II The VICARAGE. IN coming back by the narrow Lane which led to the Black-fryers, we face a little Street called Fennel Street, which leads into Westgate; a Street more retired than any other in this Town; there being no Artificers or Mechanicks in this Street, nor any Market. It is chiefly inhabited by the Clergy and Gentry; and indeed it seems all along to have been inhabited by such more than by others. In some Writings above 400 Years old, we meet with the Names of some Clergy-men who lived in this Street, viz. Robertus de Gonwerton, Thomas Abelot, &c. not to mention those who belonged to the Monasteries and Hospitals; and Grey tells us, that the Men who lived in this Street in his Time, had Employment for both Town and Country, he says also that in old Time the Earl of Westmoreland had his House in this Street. AT present several of the Houses in it, are large and beautiful; such are the Houses of the Lady Clavering, of Utrick Whitfield, Esq Thomas Ord, Esq Mr. Abraham Dixon, &c. in the Upper Part of it; and of George Grey, Esq and others adjoining to him in the lower Parts of it. ON the North Side of this Street, a little above St. John 's Church, is the Vicarage House, the Dwelling of the Vicars of Newcastle. It stands, at least equally pleasant with the other Houses in this Place, being situated in the middle of Fields and Gardens, and more retir'd, being at some Distance from the Street. WHO it was that built this House, I have not been able to learn; but 'tis not improbable that it was the Town of Newcastle, who has been always famous for it's Generosity to it's Clergy; as the Vicarage itself in particular must always acknowledge. It is at present more beautiful and convenient than it was wont to be, having been repair'd and enlarged in the Year 1694, by the Rev. and Worthy Dr. Ellison, the then Vicar. THERE is a Hall belonging to this House, built in a very grand and stately Manner, according to the Hospitality of the Times it was built in. In particular, it was the Place where the Vicars of Newcastle were wont to entertain the inferiour Officers of Churches, the Clarks, Sextons, &c. at the Season of Christmas. If I am not very much mistaken, there are many still living, who remember this laudable Custom. The Garden belonging to this House, tho' beneath some others in this Street for Art and Curiosity, and Beauty of Flowers; yet in this it glories above all the others, that the Roman-Wall, which was undoubtedly one of the great Works of the Roman Empire, is said to have passed through the middle of it. Sect. III. Of St. JOHN's CHURCH. THIS Church is situated almost close to the Vicarage. It is dedicated to St. John the Baptist; but who was the Founder I never met with: I am inclinable to believe it was founded by the Towns-people, notwithstanding a Conjecture of an Anonymous Gentleman, which is, that Robert Rhodes was the Builder of this Church. But this I think is impossible; for the earliest he can be supposed to have lived, is about the Year 1430, in the Reign of Henry the 6th, when John Rhodes, who was perhaps his Father, was Mayor; whereas it is certain this Church was built at least an Hundred Years before. For the Grant of Adam of Durham, to the the Priest of St. Thomas the Martyr's Chantery in this Church, bears Date the 26th of March, 1319, in the Reign of Edward the 2d; consequently then the Church must have been in being at this Time, and so could not have been built by Robert Rhodes. Nay, in a Charter dated 1287, belonging to the Rev. Mr. Smith of Melsomby, to whom I have been obliged for a Sight of a great many Writings, I meet with these Words, Venellum quo itur ad Ecclesiam Sancti Joannis. So that this Church was still earlier in Being, viz. in the 15th of Edward the 1st. However, it is supposed that the Steeple of this Church was either built, or at least beautified by him, as also the South-Cross of the Church; for his Coat of Arms, as also these Words, Orate pro Anima Roberti Rhodes, are upon both of them; which indeed makes it somewhat probable. THIS Church, as Grey informs us, was commended by an Arch-Prelate of this Kingdom, because it resembleth much a Churches were usually built in form of the Cross, to represent and commemorate the Cross on which our Lord died. Cross; which indeed it does more than any other in this Town. THERE were three Chanteries consisted of Salaries allowed to one or more Priests to say daily Masses for the Souls of their deceased Founders, and their Friends. These were Adjectives, not able to stand of themselves, and therefore united (for their better Support) to some parochial, Collegiate, or Cathedral Church. Ful. Ch. Hist. p. 350. Chanteries belonging to this Church, one of which was the Chantery of Sciant presentes, &c. quod Ego Adam de Dunelm', Burgensis Villae Novi Castri super Tynam, &c. pro salute Animae meae, & pro animabus Rogeri patris mei, &c. hac presenti Carta Mea confirmavi Domino Rogero de Burneto Capellano — Singulis diebus ad altare Beati Thomae Martyris in Ecclesia Parochiali Sancti Joannis de Novo-Castro divina Celebraturo; totum illud messuagium, &c. Et volo quod post decessum meum, Major & Ballini praedictae villae Novi-Castri, quicunquae pro tempore suo fuerint, habeans Jus patronatus dictae Cantariae, & quod ipsi nun cum quatuor de Prebioribus & Discretioribus hominibus Parochiae praedictae ad hoc Eloctis possint ad dictam Cantariam, quotrescunque ipsam Vacatam contingat, vtrum capellanum Honestum, Discretum, er Honestum eligere & instituere, &c. St. Thomas the Martyr, which was founded about Anno 1319, in the Reign of Edward the 2d. For Adam of Durham, Burgess of this Town, (according to the Opinion of the Times he liv'd in) for the Sake of his own Soul, and the Souls of his Father Roger, and Agnes his Mother, &c. gave an annual Salary to Such Priests as have the Addition of Sir before their Christian Name, were Men not graduated in the University; being in Orders, but not in Degrees; whilst others intitled Masters, had commenced in the Arts. Note, that generally Founders of Chanteries preferred Priests not beneficed to those Places, as best at Leisure constantly to attend the same. Fuller C. Hist. p. 352. Sir Roger de Burneton, the Chantry-Priest, for celebrating Divine Service every Day, at the Altar of St. Thomas the Martyr, in this Church. I take this Chantry to have been situated on the North Side of the said Church, extending as far as, and adjoining close to, the North-Cross of the Church. WHEN this Priest of the Chantry dyed, another was to be chosen (after the Decease of the Benefactor Adam ) by the Mayor and Bailiffs of this Town for the Time being, together with four of the most discreet, and judicious Men of the Parish of St. John elected for that Purpose. The Mayor, &c. had also the Power of turning out the Priest of this Chantry, St. JOHN's Church. and putting another in his stead, if he neglected his Duty upon any Canonical Impediment, beyond 40 Days. If he was taken with a Fit of Sickness, he was obliged to provide another at his own Expence to wait upon the Altar. They had a Power also of turning him out, and putting another in his Stead, if any Scandalous Crime was proved upon him. THIS Writing was sealed by the Seal of the Benefactor, and the Common Seal of the Town of Newcastle; and Witnessed, by Richard de Emelden, then Mayor, Thomas de Frismarisco, Richard de Acton, William de Burneton, Gilbert de Hankyn, Bailiffs of the Town, Sir Nicholas Scot, Knight, Nicholas de Carleol, Thomas de Carleol, Peter Graper, &c. THE yearly Value of this Chantry was 4 l. 3 s. which was raised out of certain Tenements in the Sandhill and Westgate. ANOTHER Chantry belonging to this Church, was that of our Lady, founded by Edward Scott, in the Reign of Edward the 3d; the yearly Value of which was 4 l. 4 s. 4 d. which arose out of Tenements in the Sandhill and Westgate. THE 3d Chantry was that of the Holy Trinity, founded by John Dalton, William Atkinshawe, and Andrew Accliffe, Clerks; the yearly Value of which was 5 l. 13 s. 4 d. which arose out of Tenements in Westgate, Side, without Westgate, and a Close without Westgate. I have been told, that the Painted Glass on one of the South Windows of the Quire of this Church, had on it the Representation of the Trinity. It does indeed still resemble some such Thing, but, if the Knowledge of it was needful, it might be Queried whether it ever was any such Representation. THERE is another Thing at the Top of this Quire, which tho' little known, is yet of greater Certainty; and that is, the Funnel, or Wood Box, in the Form of a Spout, which hangs from the Top of this Quire. This was a Conveyance for an Artificial Dove, on the Day of Pentecost, in the Times of Popery, to represent the Descent of the Holy Ghost. That there were such Things in Churches, tho' in none that I know of in this Town, but this; is Matter of Fact. For thus we are told, that Bee-Hive of the Romish Church. Geo. Gelding, p. 207. on Whitsunday the Papists begin to play a new interlude. For then they sent down a Dove out of an Owl 's Nest, devised in the Roof of the Church. But first they cast out Rosin and Gunpowder with Wild-fire, to make the Children afraid; and that must needs be the Holy Ghost, which cometh with Thunder and Lightning. THERE was formerly an Organ in this Church. This appears from the last Will and Testament of Mr. John Wilkinson, Merchant of this Town, who was one of the Ancestors of the present Mr. John Wilkinson Merchant, to whom I am obliged for a Sight of this Will. It bears Date Feb. 1, 1570, and has these Words, I, Iohn Wylkinson, &c. commend my Soule unto Almyghtie God, and my Bodye to be buryed in Saincte Iohn-Church, on the Northe Syde of the same Church, nygh where the Organes doithe stande. A little below this he thus orders, I wyll have the dyvyne Service at the Daye of my Buryal, according to the Lawes and Custome of this Realme. Item I wyll have delt and gevyn to the Poore the Daye of my Buryal, fortye Shillings. Item I will that myne Executors shall in the Daye of my Burial make a Dynner for my Brethren the Aldermen, and for my Neighbour-heade in the Myddle-Streete, &c. M. S. Milbank. IN the Year 1639, when the Scots sought to deface the ancient Monuments, and said they were Papistry, and Supestition, they began with the Spoon of this Church's Font, and broke it all to Pieces. It had been given by one John Bertram. For there was written about it; For the Honour of God and St. John, John Bertram gave this Font Stone. Cuthbert Maxwell, a Mason, observing the Barbarity of the Scots, came in Haste to St. Nicholas, and saved the Spoon of that Font in it's Vestry, and also that of All-hallows. He lived, after the King return'd, to set them up again. THE Porch of this Church was rebuilt in the Year 1710, Thomas Fletcher; Robert Percival, John Quincy, John Fairlam being then Church-wardens. In the Year 1723, the Steeple was new pointed at the Expence of the Corporation, Matthew Featherstone, Esq being then Mayor; and the same Year was the Body of the Church pointed at the Charge of the Parishioners. There are two Galleries in this Church; one on the West-End of the Church, and the other on the North-Side. The Latter Gallery was built in the Year 1710, for 33 Persons, by Mr. Robert Percival, Pin-maker, of this Parish, who was a great Lover of the Church, and an industrious Promoter of every good Design towards Her. In the Year 1707, when the Parishioners took down the 3 old Bells belonging to this Church, and contributed to the 6 they have at present; Mr. Percival contributed three Pounds. In the Year 1710 he beautified the Altar at his own Expence. He dyed on the 8th of February, 1729, and lest by his last Will and Testament to the Parish of St. John for ever; a House which stands in the Wool-market, which is let at the yearly Rent of 20 l. THE Communion Table of this Church was given by Mr. Robert Crow, Merchant, Anno 1712. MR. Robert Rymer of this Town left to this Church in the Year 1722, a large Flaggon, a Chalice, and a Plate, all of Silver, valued at 60 l. to be used at the Holy Communion. LEGACIES left to the POOR of this Parish, are these following. HENRY Hilton of Hilton, Esq left 4 l. Yearly for Ninety Nine Years. He dy'd in February, 1640. SIR William Blackett, Bart, left 2 l. yearly for ever, to be paid on the 1st of December, out of a House at the Tyne Bridge-end: To be distributed by the Minister.   l. s. d. Sir Alexander Davison 02 00 00 Mr. William Carr 01 00 00 Sir Thomas Davison 01 00 00 Sir Mark Milbank 03 00 00 Mr. John Rumney 03 00 00   10 00 00 ALL these are paid out of the Town Chamber, the one half at Michaelmas and the other half at Lady-day. ISABEL the Wife of William Wrightson, Esq left 50 l. the Interest paid yearly out of the Town's Chamber on the 30th of September. MR. Aldworth left 1 l. to be paid out of Lands in Oakwell-gate, yearly, for Ever. NICHOLAS Ridley, Esq left 1 l. to be paid out of Lands in Heaton, yearly, for Ever. MR. Thomas Davison left 1 l. 6 s. 8 d. to be paid out of the Merchant's Company, yearly, for Ever. MR. Timothy Davison left 1 l. 5 s. to be paid out of the Merchant's Company, yearly, for Ever. MATTHEW White, Esq left 1 l. to be paid out of a House in Pilgrim-street, yearly, for Ever. MR. William Carr left 1 l. 2 s. 4 d. to be paid out of Houses in Westgate, yearly, for Ever. MR. William Harrison left 50 l. the Interest paid out of the Town's Chamber, yearly, for Ever. MARGARET Percival. Widow, left a House in the Back-row (in the same Parish) Lett at the yearly Rent of 3 l. 7 s. 6 d. MR. Robert Percival left a House in the Wool-market, (after the Death of his Daughter in Law) Lett at the yearly Rent of 20 l. BURIED in this CHURCH. Near the Altar Table. SEpulchrum Roberti Fenwick Mercatoris, & Dorotheae vxoris ejus Suorumque Filiorum & Filiarum, Ille Obijt Sept die Octav. A0 D. 1689. Aetatis Suae 61. Robert Filius natu maximus Obijt 23 die Martii 1690 Illa Obit 15 Julii 1701 Petrus Potts Geners Annam Filiam eorum natu maxima Duxit Vxorem Exqua Liberos Suscepit Quorum Sex Sibi Fuere Superstites (viz) Dorothea, Jana, Maria, Petrus, Robertus, Johannes; Illa Obijt 30 April A. D. 1719. Aetatis Suae 63. THE Burial Place of Mr. John Bell, Merchant Adventurer, and Margaret his Wife. Margaret Bell dy'd the 21st of November, 1710; Aged 55. John Bell dy'd the 22d of June, 1716; Aged 62. Sepulchrum Radulphi Scourfeild Gennerosi qui obijt Februarij 16th 1675 Et Jane Uxoris ejus quae obijt Maij 120 1689. Quorum filius Radulphus Scourfeild Armiger de Comitatu Northumbriae quondam Vicecomes Obijt Septembris 1st 1728. THE Burial Place of John Clutterbuck, Gent. and Barbara his Wife, and their Children. Hannah buried July the 16th, 1683. Catherine buried July 23, 1683. James buried April 3d, 1692. Barbara his Wife buried Sept. 2d, 1695. Richard their Son departed the 9th of Nov. 1702. He departed the 3d of July 1717. In the CHANCEL. THIS is the Burial Place of Thomas Errington, Merchant Adventurer. These Words are writ about the Arms cut upon the Stone; Remember Death God's Word ne'er shun With Wings Time slieth Whilst Glass doth run. THE Burial Place of William Wallas Mercer, and Merchant Adventurer of England, He departed this Life the 23d Day of Sept. 1664. William Wallas Son of the said William, departed this Life the 11th Day of January, Anno 1688. Aetatis Suae 23. THE Burial Place of Charles Clark Barbar Chyrurgeon; He departed the 2d of August, 1667. Margaret his Wife, departed this life the 30th Day of March 1683. At the Bottom of the Arms, De Pretient Dei. THE Burial Place of the Rev. Matthew. Forster, Lecturer of this Church, who dy'd October the 23d, 1723. Aged 46. OSWOLD Chayter, Lining Weaver, 38 Year Clerk of this Church, departed to the Mercy of God July 21, A. D. 1623. Aged 68 Years. HERE lieth the Body of John Dixon, Plummer, who died April the 12th, 1728. Aged 42. NORTH ISLE. LYES the Body of John Wilkinson, Merchant Adventurer. THE Minister of the Church is the Curate and Lecturer of it. He is Curate to the Vicar, for which he receives 3 l. per Annum, and the Surplice-Fees; and Lecturer to the Corporation, for which he receives 90 l. per. Annum. The other Minister of this Church is the Assistant Curate, who is paid by the Minister himself. I have not been able to collect more of the Ministers and Curates of this Parish, than these following. ROBERT Urguart, who suffered in the Beginning of the Civil-Wars. He afterwards went beyond the Seas, turn'd Papist, and dyed in a Convent. JOHN Shaw. He was the Son of a Clergyman, born at Bedlington, was first of Queen 's College; from whence he removed to that of Brazen-Nose in Oxford. In the Year 1645, he was both instituted and inducted to the Rectory of Whalton, but not permitted to enjoy it. However, with much ado he afterwards got the Church of Bolton in Craven in Yorkshire: Which being but half the Value of Whalton, they allowed him to keep it. IN 1661 he returned to Whalton; was made Preacher also of the Parish Church of St. John 's in Newcastle; twice chosen a Member of the Convocation for Yorkshire; and if I mistake not, served once for the Clergy of the Archdeacoury of Northumberland. He was a Man of good Learning and of an unblameable Life, a strict Observer of the Orders of the Church: Somewhat warm in his Temper; equally zealous against Popery and Presbytery, with it's Brood of Sectaries; as appears by his Writings: The Gout confin'd him to his House, and at last to his Bed, some Years before his Death. He bore his Affliction with Christian Fortitude; being patient, resign'd, and chearful under it; more solicitous for God's Church than for himself, and died in a good old Age, in the Year 1689. I had almost omitted to say, that he was imprisoned no less than four Years by the Rebels. HE lies buried near the Altar, with this Inscription on his Tomb-stone. Hic Quod Remanet Johannis Shaw Hujus Ecclesiae Pastoris; Deo, Ecclesiae, Patriae Regi, Piè Fidelis. Obijt Maij 220 A. D. 1689. Aetatis Suae 77. ANTHONY Proctor was his Curate, who was buried at St. Nicholas 's Nov. 7. 1688. ANDREW Bates, A. M. Minister. He was of the Family of the Bates 's of Northumberland. He was a Man of good sound Principles, and an excellent Parish Priest; being very diligent in his Parish, in taking Care of the Poor and visiting the Sick. MR. Bullock was Curate to him, who was succeeded by John Potts, A. B. of St. John 's Coll. Camb. MATTHEW Forster, A. M. of St. Peter 's Coll. Camb. A Worthy generous Man, who delighted in good Works, and Acts of Charity. He dy'd Oct. 23, 1723. JOSEPH Carr, M. A. of Trinity Coll. Camb. was his Curate after the Decease of Mr. Potts abovementioned. HENRY Featherstone-Haugh, B. D. of St. John 's College, Camb. succeeded Mr. Forster as Lecturer. He was removed from St. John 's to the Afternoon Lectureship of All-Hallows, Sept. 27, 1731. JOHN Thompson, A. M. of St. John 's College Camb. is the present Assistant Curate. THE Curate or Minister of this Church has paid him annually from the Crown 5 l. THE Town of Newcastle was wont to give to this Church at Easter 15 Gallons of Wine. THE Weekly Prayers of this Church are on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday: On the two former Days in the Morning, at 9-o'Clock, and at 2 in the Afternoon; On the latter at Two in the Afternoon. THE Sacrament is administred at this Church every third Sunday of the Month. The CHARITY-SCHOOL of this Parish. THE Charity-School of St. John 's consists of Forty four poor Boys, but no Girls, and was endowed by the late Mr. John Ord, in the Year 1705, which Matter was transacted between him and Dr. Thomlinson, whom he consulted and made privy to his Design, but enjoyn'd to Secrecy; and the Founder of that School was not known 'till after his Death. He gave towards supporting it a large Close without Pilgrim-street-gate, called Great Magdalen Close, alias the Mill-Close, which is held by Lease of the Master and Brethren of St. Mary Magdalen Hospital, under the Rent of 4 l. per Annum. The Close is Lett at 25 l. so that the neat Rent to the School is only 21 l. MRS. Margaret Allgood, Widow, by Will dated the 15th of July 1707, devised to this School 100 l. to be put out at Interest, and which is accordingly put out at Interest for the Benefit of this School. AND there is annually raised by Subscription towards the Maintenance of this School 33 l. 14 s. THE Master's Salary is 24 l. per Annum and 40 s. for teaching the Boys to sing, and 16 s. per Annum for Pens, Ink, and Paper. THE Subscriptions were raised to cloath the Boys, and to bind them out Apprentices; but the Endowment being short of paying the Master, part of the Subscriptions are applied that Way. THE School-house was provided by, and is repaired at, the Expence of the Corporation. THE Boys are supplied with Hose, and Shoes twice a-Year, (to wit) Midsummer and Christmas, and with a Coat, Shirts, Bands, and Cap, once a-Year only, at Midsummer. THE Anniversary Sermon is preached on the Sunday next after the 24th Day of June, being the Feast of St. John Baptist. THE School is to be governed by the Heir of Mr. John Ord, the Mayor of Newcastle, the Vicar, the Forenoon Lecturers of All-hallows, St. John 's, and St. Andrews, and the Afternoon Lecturers of St. Nicholas and All-hallows, or any five of them, and they have the chusing of a Master. THE Rules and Orders for the better governing of the School, and directing the Choice of a Master, and his Qualifications, were made by Mr. Ord the Founder, and approved by Dr. Thomlinson, to whom he communicated his Thoughts from Time to Time by Letter, and those Letters, with the Doctor's Answers, are transcribed in the School-Books. SUBSCRIBERS Names.   l. s. d. LADY Clavering 02 02 00 Mrs. Swinbourn 01 00 00 George Grey, Esq 01 00 00 John Bacon, Esq 01 00 00 Thomas Ord. Esq 01 00 00 Mr. Charles Clarke 01 00 00 Mr. Richard Coates, by Will 01 00 00 Mr. James Bell 01 00 00 The Lady of Cuthbert Fenwick, Esq 01 00 00 Mr. James Ilderton 01 00 00 Mr. George Anderson 01 00 00 Mr. William Wharton 01 00 00 The Rev. Mr. Fetherston-haugh 00 12 00 Mr. Henry Wilkinson 00 10 00 Mr. Ralph Fetherstone 00 10 00 Mr. Anthony Proctor 00 10 00 Brought from the other Side 15 04 00 The Rev. Mr. Edmund Lodge 00 05 00 The Rev. Mr. James Ferne 00 05 00 Mr. Thomas Milbourn 00 05 00 Mr. Lionel Dixon 00 05 00 COMPANIES. Bakers and Brewers 01 10 00 Taylors 01 00 00 Barber-Chirurgions 01 00 00 Sadlers 01 00 00 Plumbers and Glaziers, &c. 01 00 00 Skinners 01 00 00 Cord wainers 01 00 00 Tanners 01 00 00 House-Carpenters 01 00 00 Rope-makers 01 00 00 Smiths 01 00 00 Joyners 01 00 00 Slaters 01 00 00 Butchers 01 00 00 Bricklayers 01 00 00 Hatters 01 00 00 Weavers 01 00 00   33 14 00 Sect. IV. St. MARY 's Hospital. OPPOSITE to St. John 's, on the other Side of the Street, is the Hospital of St. Mary the Virgin, which contains two Foundations, an Old one, Lib. Cart. and a New one; as they were call'd upon the Founding of the latter. The old one must have been founded, not many Years after the Nunnery of St. Bartholomew, which was founded by King Henry the First: For in a Charter granted by King Henry the Second, to the Nuns of St. Bartholomew, there is mention made of St. Mary 's in this Town, as may be seen in our Account of these Nuns. But this Conjecture will be more confirm'd, if it be consider'd that a Charity was bestow'd on this Hospital by the Lord Walter de Bolbeck, (as is mention'd below) who, Gib. Camb. p. 855. as we are told, in a Charter dated the first Year of King Stephen, convey'd some Lands to the Church of Winchester. If this was the same Walter with him below, and there appears nothing to the contrary; then it is a strong Reason, that this Hospital was founded in King Henry the First's Reign. The latter Hospital and Chapel, were founded by one Ego Aselack de Killynghowe fundavi Hospitale Sancta' Mariae Virginis & Capellam super Terram meam, in Novo Castello super Tynam, & ibi posui duos fratres regulares & unum Capellanum ad serviandum Deo & pauperibus; reddidi meipsum Deo & Beatae Mariae & Fratribus eju dem Hospitalis ibidem Deo serventibus, ad Hospitandum Pauperes, & egenos Clericos, & Peregrinos transeuntes pro Salute animae. Patris mei, Matris meae, & omnium pertinentium, & pro salute animarum Omnium Hospitalis Benefactorum. Lib. Cart. Aselack of Killinghow or Killingworth, as he himself acknowledges in his Charter for that Purpose: I Aselack of Killinghowe have founded the Hospital and Chapel of St. Mary the Virgin, upon my own Land, for Two Brethren to be Regulars, and one Chaplain to serve God and take Care of the Poor. WE learn also from the same Charter, that the Founder devoted himself to God and Religion, as he himself says, (according to the Way of that Age) I render my self to God, and the Blessed Virgin Mary; and the Brethren of the same Hospital there serving God; to do Works of Hospitality to the Poor, the Needy Clergy and Pilgrims. And this, he says, he does for his own Soul, St. MARY 's Hospital. for the Soul of his Father and Mother, and his other Relations; together with the Souls of all the Benefactors of the Hospital. SOME of the Witnesses to this Foundation Charter, were Gilbert, Parson of Eland, Richard, Parson of Standfordham, Waldon Parson of Newburne, Eustachius, Parson of Benton. THE particular Time when it was founded can't be exactly learned; there being no Date at the Charter. But it is probable from a Charter of King Richard the First, that it was founded some little while before he began to Reign; for when he confirms the Sciatis me dedisle & concessisse Domino & Sanctae Mariae & Sanctimonialibus de Novo Castello, pro salute Animae meae & antecessorum meorum, Aselack Burgeum meum de Novo Castello, &c. Lib. Cart. Foundation of Aselack, he speaks of him as then living, otherwise he would not call him his Burgess of Newcastle, as he does in the Charter. WE meet also with an Account of a Third Foundation belonging to this Hospital, which Account is this. The Hospital of our Lady, called Westgate Spittle, was founded by the Inhabitants of Newcastle, for a Master and Chaplain to say Divine Service for 6 Bede Folks in the Alms-house, and to lodge Poor and way-faring People, and to bury such as hapned to die there, and to distribute yearly Nine Chaldron of Coals among poor People. The yearly Value of this was 33 l. 15 s. De Rebus Novocast'. AFTER the founding of this Hospital and Chapel, there were several Donations and Charities bestowed upon it, as had been before upon the old one; some of the Benefactors of both which, and Masters among a large Number which might be mentioned, are these following. Benefactors. Mayors. Other Witnesses. Masters. Robert de Heddon, Clerk, gave by the Will and Consent of his Lord Walter de Bolbec, a yearly Sum, on Condition that the Fraternity would pray for the Souls of his Lord and his Ancestors; and also for his own Soul and his Ancestors: This was confirmed by the said Lord to this Hospital. It is no small Confirmation of the Conjecture above-mentioned, the Antiquity of this Hospital, from the Donation of Walter de Bolbeck, that there is no mention made here of the Mayor of Newcastle; which is a Proof that this Donation was before the Time of Mayors, and consequently that this Hospital was founded at the Time supposed, Reginold de Benwell. John Morress. And several others.   Julian, Daughter of Agnes Blanch, gave a Charity to this Hospital, that her Soul and the Souls of her Ancestors might be pray'd for, and that she might be entit'led to a Lodging in the said Hospital when she came to Town. Henry de Carliol, Mayor, about the Year 1257, in the Reign of Hen. 3d. Adam Clerious. Thomas de Carliol John Flemmynge. John Sante. Bailiffs of the Town. Robert Lacy was now Rector of the Hospital. Martin Corman gave a Messuage to it for the Sake of Charity, as he himself says in his Grant, and for the Sake of his Soul. To this Writing was annexed the Seal of the Town of Newcastle, Henry of Carliol being Mayor that Year, which probably was the Year 1259, the 6th Year of his Mayoralty, for he was Mayor 10 years together. Robert de Mitford, who was probably one of the Northumberland Family of that Name, was Witness to this Deed; as was also Adam de Blakedene.   Roger de Quintingham. Nicholas Scott, 1269. Gilbert de Tindale. Robert Scott.   Nicholas Essot. Hugo de Carliol, 1292. William de Oggel. Walter de Cowgate. Hugo de Pandon Magister, 1292. Robert Tunmbysiman and Matilda his Wise. Peter le Graper, 1305. Nicholas Scott. Walter de Cowgate. Richard Emmelden. Hugo de Pandon. William Herringe. Richard de Immelden. Thomas de Morpeth. James Magister, 1317. THERE were a great many more BENEFACTORS which would be tedious to mention here, such as Alan de Wylam, Alan de Gateside, John Porter, Thomas de Gosforth, Radulphus de Causi, William Son of Robert de Corbrigg, Gilbert de Mora, &c. BESIDES the Masters already mentioned, I meet with one Radulphus, Master, but at what Time is not said. SIMON was Master 1251. ANOTHER Simon was Master in the Year 1264. ROBERT Lacy being Master between them. JOHN Norrys was Master about the Year 1267. JAMES, Master 1333. ROBERT Morden was Master about the Year 1371. WILLIAM de Burnham, 1401. JOHN Colman, 1415. JOHN Fitzherry was Master about the Year 1444. BOBERT Davell was Master about the Year 1534. JOHN Raynes was Master 1575. HENRY Dethick, L. L. D. 1581. HENRY Ewbank, Clerk, 1590, he resign'd 1615, Oct. 18. EDWARD Wigham was Master 1627. JOHN Bewick was Master 1669. EDWARD the Third sent Letters Patents to this Hospital, to Compensate for the Losses it had sustained by the frequent Incursions of the Scots in these Days; and therefore gave them Liberty to receive to the Value of a hundred Shillings; tam in Feodo suo quam in alieno. RICHARD de Bury Bishop of Durham, granted a Confirmation of all Lands, Rents, Rights, Privileges, &c. belonging to St. Mary 's in Westgate; it was given at Gateside, Jan. 8, 1335, in the Second Year of his Consecration. IN the Year 1444, when William Harding was Mayor, we have an Account of the Things belonging to this Hospital, some of which were as follows. Imprimis, Tres Calices Deaurati, &c. THREE Chalices gilded with Gold, one intire Vestment of Bloody Velvet, woven about with Goldon Fringe, with one Cap, one Casule, three Albs, for the Principal Festivals. ALSO one Cap of Cloth of Gold of red Colour, wrought with Golden Images, with one Casule, three Albs. Item, One Cap, of a Black Colour, woven with Dragons and Birds in Gold. Item, One Single Vestment wrought in with Peacocks with a Corporal belonging to the same. Item, Another Single Vestment for the Priest, only of White, border'd about with Roses, and with a Corporal belonging to it. Item, another Single Vestment for the Presbyter of a Bloody Colour, with a Corporal belonging to the same. Item, another Vestment for the Presbyter of Cloth of Gold. Item, another Vestment of Cloth of Gold interwoven with Leopards and Birds. Item, One Hood or Cap, one Casule, one Alb, with a Stole. Item, One Single Vestment for one Priest in the Hands of John Fitzherry the present Master. Item, One Single Vestment for the Priest of St. Nicholas. Item, One Hood. Item, A Cover of Bloody Velvet for a Sepulchre. Item, Two Casules, the middle Part of the Casule of white Colour. ALSO one Hood of a red Colour for an Ornament to the Altar of St. Nicholas. ALSO TWO Linen Cloaths of a red Colour for the Side Ornament of the Altar. ALSO One Frontale of Sathan of a Bloody Colour, woven with golden Images for the Altar. Item, One Quadrigessimal Vale of Linen Cloth of white Colour, with a red Cross below in the same. Item, One Table set apart as an Ornament for the Linen of the Altar. Item, One Table gilded, with the Image of the blessed Virgin Mary. Item, Two Tables with the Pax, one of them gilded and beset with precious Stones, &c. IN the 24th of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, the Hospital of St. Mary in Westgate, and St. Mary Magdalene without Pilgrim-street-gate, were granted to Theophilus Adams and James Woodshaw, under the yearly Rent of 3 s. 4 d. IN the 9th of King James the First, a Charter was granted for the Hospital of St. Mary the Virgin. THE Grammar-School of this Town, which is now at West-spittle, was originally founded by Thomas Horsly, who was Mayor of Newcastle, in the Year of our Lord 1525. By his last Will he devised all his Lands in Newcastle, after the Death of him and his Wife, to erect a Grammar-School, which was to be free for any one within and without the Town, in the Manner directed by the said Will. BUT in the Year 1559 it was removed from St. Nicholas 's Church-yard, (from that House which is on the North Side of the Church, over that Place where the Privy now is, M. S. Milbank. where it had been from the Time of it's Institution) to the West-spittle. The Reason of which was this, Queen Elizabeth ordained and granted, that within this Town of Newcastle, and the Liberties thereof, there should be erected, and for ever there be, one Free Grammar School, which should be a Free Grammar-School of Queen Elizabeth in Newcastle, and should consist of one Master and Scholars, to be instructed in the same, and that they, the Master and Scholars of the same, should for ever be one Body Corporate in Law, Fact, and Name, by the Master and Scholars of the Free Grammar-School, of Queen Elizabeth in Newcastle upon Tyne, &c. and by that Name should have perpetual Succession, and should be in perpetual Times to come able and capable in the Law, of having, purchasing, &c. Lands, Tenements, &c. to them and their Successors, in Fee-simple, or for Term of Years, so they exceed not the yearly Value of 40 l. and so they were not holden of the said Queen, her Heirs and Successors in chief, nor by Knight-Service. And that the Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle, and their Successors, or the greater Part of them, &c. should have Power to make an honest, learned and discreet Man to be the First and Modern Usher in the said School, there to continue during the good Pleasure of the said Mayor and Burgesses, &c. and that if the said Master and Usher should die or leave the said School, &c. then they might chuse other Men to be Master and Usher, &c. IT is very probable that the Town of Newcastle, who always presented a Master to this Hospital, as it did to St. Mary Magdalen 's and St. Thomas the Martyr upon Tyne-Bridge, did at this Time make the Master of the Grammar-School, Master also of the Hospital. Grey tells us, that the first Master of the head School, was the Rev. Master Robert Fowberry, a learned and painfull Man, to indoctrinate Youth in Greek and Latin: To be sure he was the first Master after the Removing of the School to the West-spittle. For undoubtedly there were Masters before that, as the School was so much earlier founded; And accordingly in the Manuscript above-mentioned, 'tis said, that when Mr. Burras gave over the the Free-School in St. Nicholas Church-yard, the Mayor and 24 more sent for Mr. Fowberry to Hull, and he came and first taught in the Writing-School, until the Chapel of St. Mary 's Hospital was made into a School-house, and the Election-house was at the East-end of it, which had been the Vestry; But Sir George Selby who was then Mayor, set up his Arms on the East-Window, made a Traverse over it, and sent to London for 24 Chairs of Mustinie Leather, and there is the Election, tho' the Mayor lays down his Staff in the old School. THE Masters of this Hospital and School since Robert Fowberry, M. A. 1599, are EDWARD Wigham, Clerk. FRANCIS Grey, Clerk, 1630. Walk. Suff. Clergy. AMOR Oxley had the Free-School of Newcastle upon Tyne, in the Time of the Great Rebellion, and was both Sequestred and Plunder'd. NICHOLAS Hall, B. D. 1649. JOHN Bewick, Clerk, 1669. RICHARD Garthwaite, M. A. 1671. JOHN Cotterell, M. A. 1690. THOMAS Rud, M. A. 1699. now Rector of Washington, in the County of Durham. JAMES Jurin, M. A. 1709/10; now M. D. and F. R. S. THE present Master of this Hospital is the Rev. Dr. Thomlinson, D. D. Prebendary of St. Paul 's in London, and Rector of Whickham in the County of Durham, near Newcastle upon Tyne; who is also Master of the Chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr, upon the Bridge-end, and the Hospital of St. Mary Magdalen, at the Barras-bridge. He became Master in the Year, 1715. The present Master of the School is the Rev. Mr. Edmund Lodge, who has under him Two Ushers; the Rev. Mr. James Ferne, and the Rev. Mr. George Carr. The three last mentioned Gentlemen have each of them Appartments where the Hospital was; which is a pleasing Situation, and in some of the best Air of this Town. There is also in this Place a Writing-School, erected by the Town for the Children of Freemen: The present Master, Mr. Henry Benson, has also an Appartment here. THE Town allows to the Master 50 Pounds per Annum. TO the first Usher 35 Pounds per Annum. TO the second Usher 32 Pounds 10 Shillings per Annum. THE Writing Master is allowed 35 Pounds per Annum. THIS Town allows to every one who goes from the Grammar-School, to either University, 5 Pounds per Annum. IN our Lady 's Chapel, which still carrys it's Name along with it, having the Effigies of the Virgin Mary, with her Son upon her Knees, at the East-end of it, is now the Place of Electing Mayors, Aldermen, Sheriffs, and the other Officers of the Town, and is therefore now called the Election-House; but formerly the Mayor was chosen in the Writing-School. This is constantly done the Monday after Michaelmas Day, which is therefore in this Town called Michaelmas Monday. Sect. V. EARL of WESTMORELAND 's House. NEXT to St. Mary 's, on the same Side of this Street, is a very old Building, which was lately the Dwelling-house of Sir Robert Shaftoe, Kt . Recorder of this Town, now the Property and Dwelling-house of Mr. Charles Clark, Junr . It has the Magnificence and Grandure of Antiquity in it's Looks, but what it has been formerly I could never find out. Grey tells us, That in this Street the Earl of Westmoreland had his House, which indeed is true. It was built by the Baron of Bywell and Bolbeck, about the 9th of Edward the Third. Much about the same Time he built a House within the Bounds of the Castle, for the Defence of it, as may be seen in our Account of the Castle. This House in Westgate was called Bolbeck-Hall; but afterwards, upon it's Founder's being created Earl, which was in the Reign of Richard the Second, in the Year 1398, when Ralph Nevil, Lord of Raby was created Earl Marshall, it got the Name of Westmoreland-Place in Wesgate. Some have conjectured, that Sir Robert Shafto 's House, above-mentioned, was part of it, and indeed it looks much liker a Part of such a Building, E. Westmorland 's house. than any other Thing remaining thereabouts. I am sure much more so than the House which is supposed to have been it, which I am told was the House opposite to the West End of Denton-Chair, which the Rev. Mr. Cowling lately lived in, and which belongs to Mr. Ord. HOWEVER, be this as it will, whether it was this House now mentioned, or whether Westmoreland-Place reached from this House to Sir Robert Shafto 's, including it, which some have conjectured; yet this is certain, that it must have been hereabouts: for Nevil Tower is directly behind this Piece of Ground we are speaking of, which is a sure Token this must be the very Place, because, whoever in the Town built a Tower at their own Expence, it was generally nigh them for their own Security. Thus the White-Fryers; the Brethren of St. Mary 's Hospital; the Brethren of St. Austin, &c. Built their Towers over against their Monasteries, for their own Safe-guard and Security. But what I think puts it out of Dispute, that Sir Robert Shafto 's House was no Part of it, is that in the Eleventh of Queen Elizabeth, upon the Attainder of Charles, Earl of Westmoreland, this House where Mr. Cowling lived, was in Charge, which the other never was, before the Auditors; and in the Third of Charles the First, was sold to the Citizens of London. Lib. de rebus Novocast. IT was afterwards in the Tenure of James Bertram, and after that in the Tenure of Robert Bertram. OPPOSITE to this House, is a Chair or Lane, called Denton -Chair, which leads into the Groat-Market, Middle-street, &c. THIS Street is continued 'till you come to the Street leading Westward to the Postern, and Eastward to the Back-raw: From thence the Street changes it's Name, and is called Tuthill, 'till you come to the Tuthill Stairs, which lead into the Close. Sect. VI. BAILIFF GATE. ON the East-Side of this Street, is a Street facing the West-side of the Castle, called Bailiff Gate, which is said to have got it's Name from the Coming of the Fellons, of the County of Northumberland, along that Street attended by the County Bailiffs. They came, as is said, to the Westgate, then down an old Way, close by the Out-side of the Town-Wall, and so in at the White-Fryer Gate, from whence they went along Bailiff Gate, and so were conveyed in at the Postern-Gate, on the West-Side of the Castle, opposite to this Street of Bailiff Gate. This is only Traditional, and has been therefore deny'd by the Town of Newcastle. Grey 's Account is, That at this Gate the Prisoners were brought in, who were taken in Times of Hostility with Scotland, and carry'd from thence privately into the Castle, where the Goal for the County is now. THE same Author also tells us, that this Street of Bailiff Gate, formerly belonged to the Castle and County of Northumberland. But I imagine, had this been true, the King would long ago have had his Right. The Town of Newcastle indeed has sometimes been made uneasy about that, Bailiff-gate. but still had it surer fixed to her, as her undoubted property. IN the Year 1649, the Year after the King was beheaded, there was a Survey taken of Bailiff Gate, &c. IN the Year following, April 25th, 1650, an Order was sent down for annulling and vacating the Survey made, &c. which was as follows; 25th April, 1650. At the Committee of Parliament in removing Obstructions, in the Sale of the Honours, &c. of the late King, Queen, and Prince. WHEREAS the Mayor, Burgesses, and other the Inhabitants of the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, did prefer their Petition unto this Committee, complaining, that certain Persons employed for the Common Wealth, have returned a Survey to their Trustees, for Sale of the late King's Lands, of and concerning divers Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments within the said Town of Newcastle, and Precincts thereof, to the Value of 2000 l. 3 s. 4 d. per Annum, for which they have paid only a Fee Farm Rent to the Crown; and in which the Petitioners declare, they had an indoubted Inheritance: Further complaining, that the Premisses in Question, were not in the Possession of the Crown, Anno 1635, neither was there returned any special Matter in the Survey, whereby to entitle the late King to the same: The Petitioners being the undoubted Proprietors and Owners of the Things in Question. And whereas upon reading of the said Petition, and the Certificate of the Trustees and Survey, made in pursuance of an Order of this Committee, grounded upon the said Petition, and the hearing of this Cause this Day before the Committee, concerning the Premisses in Question, in the Presence of Council for the Common Wealth, as also the Council in behalf of the said Town: The Council in behalf of the Common Wealth did acknowledge, that the said Survey was returned without any just Grounds: And forasmuch as the Council for the said Town of Newcastle were ready to produce their Charters and Evidences, whereby to make it evidently appear, that the Inheritance of the Premisses in Question, have been for 300 Years and upwards in the Possession of the Petitioners and their Predecessors. It is therefore this Day order'd by the Committee, that the Original Survey returned of divers Messuages, Lands and Tenements, and Hereditaments, within the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, and Precincts thereof, held by the said Town, now remaining with the Trustees, Surveyor, and Register, for Sale of the said Lands, be annull'd and void; and is hereby vacated, and that no further Sale, or other Proceedings he had, or made thereupon; and that an Entrance of this Order be made upon the said Survey, and a Memorandum be made thereupon: That the said Survey is vacated, to the Intent that the Mayor, Burgesses, and other Inhabitants of the said Town of Newcastle, may not for the Future be questioned or molested concerning the Premisses mentioned in the said Survey; and the Transcript of this Order be likewise entred with the said Trustees, and Contracters for Sales of the said Lands. JAMES CHALONER, NATH. RICH. JOHN GARLAND, THO. LISTER, JO. JONES. AT the East-End of this Street, upon the Right Hand, is a Way to the Long Stairs, which lead into the Close, and on the left you go to the Side, and St. Nicholas Church, &c. THE South Side of this Street is mostly the Property of Mr. Joshua Douglas. White-fryers. Sect. VII. LOWER down a little, almost at the End of the Street, on that same Side of the Street, where are the Houses of George Grey, Esq Mr. Anderson, &c. was the House of the Carmelites, or White Fryers. THE Carmelites are so named from Mount Carmel in Syria: They were first brought into England by Ralph Freeborne, and by him placed near Alnwick, at a Place called Holm in a Wilderness; which was in his Opinion likest to Mount Carmel in Syria, the Place they came from. The first Provincial of this Order was Ralph Freeborne himself, who began his Rule in the Year 1240, and ruled 14 Years. He lies buried at Alnwick. Fuller's Hist. of Abbies. Speed. THis Monastery was founded by King Edward the First, and dedicated to St. Mary. I have met with little else relating to them, except that they were a Prior, seven Fryers, and two Novices, and that they surrendred Jan. 10th, 30th of Henry the Eighth: It was valued at 9 l. 11 s. 4 d. THERE are not now the least remains of this Priory to be seen, except a small Part of the ancient Building facing the White-Fryer Tower Walls. KING Henry the Third, by his Letters Patents, dated the 20th of November, in the 51st Year of his Reign, at the Instance of Robert de Bruce, dedit Fratribus de Penitentia, I Christi quandam Placeam Vocatam Constable Calgarth, in Villa Novicastri super Tinam, & quae contigua erat Clauso & Placeae Dictorum Fratrum in eadem Villa. THIS Place called Calgarth, which the above-mentioned King gave to the Brethren of the Pennance of Jesus Christ; otherwise called Brethren of the Sack, was supposed by Sir John Fenwick, to be in the Close of the White-Fryers, late in the Holding of Sir Ralph Delaval, then called by the Name of Domus Fratrum de Penetentia I Christi. P. 13. de Reb. Nov. FROM the White-Fryery, this Street leads to the Tuthill Stairs, which is a Passage into the Street called the Close. CHAP. V. NEWGATE-STREET. Of the upper and higher Parts of this Street, towards the North. T HE old Part of Newgate, together with that Part of the Wall, leading as far as Ever-Tower, being visibly older than the other Towers, and the Rest of the Wall; is a sure Sign that when the Walls were began, this Part of the Town was then inhabited. IT is probable that hereabouts was the ancient Monkchester, where the Monks and religious Men inhabited. This appears from a Place in this Street, viz. That Row of Houses which stands almost in the Middle of the Street, called to this Day the Huckster 's Booths: For the People who dwelt in these Houses, were Hucksters, and supplied the Religious Houses with Provisions. There is a Tradition still among the Inhabitants of this Part of the Town, That in old Times there were many Markets between the Newgate and the White-Cross; nay, some of them, according to the Tradition they have received, will Point out the very Ground where such and such Markets were. NOW this, I think, is a sufficient Proof that these Upper Parts of the Town were first inhabited by the Monks, the Lower Parts, as far as the Castle Yard, were the Habitations of the Town's People: The Castellum, or Fortification having been thereabouts, from the Beginning of Hadrian 's Wall, as we are inform'd, by a Mr. Horsely of Morpeth, who dy'd a few Months ago, a little before the publishing of his Romana Britannia, the Book referr'd to. This Gentleman was of he was of the Publick Grammar-School of this town, and afterwards studied in one of the Scotch Colleges. He was Master of Arts there, and Fellow of the Royal Society. He is supposed to have been equally Knowing with any in his Time, in the British Roman Antiquities. Rom. Britt. 132. late ingenious Author. He says there must have been a Station in this Town, for these Reasons: If we consider the Importance of this Place, it's Distance from the first Station at the End of the Wall, and the Turns the Wall makes, (especially at the East Side of the Town) in Order to it's passing through the Heart of it; we can scarce Question but there has been a Station here: And it's old Name of Monk-Chester seems to put it out of Doubt. The former Part of the Name is taken from the Settlement of the Monks in this Place, and the latter Part from the Word Castra, which is a pretty sure Mark of a Station: Besides the Name Newcastle, (given first to the Castle it self, and then to the Town) has been thought to imply (as in other Instances) that there was an old Vid. Chap. of the Castle. Castle or Fort there before, and near the Place where the new One was erected. And as this Newcastle was built by Robert, Son of William the Conqueror, the old Castle must have been undoubtedly Roman. And some Years ago, a Coin of Vespasian was found near the Castle, as I was told by the Person himfelf that found it. THE same learned Author goes on thus: The next Thing is to determine the Boundaries and Situation of this Station, which I persuade my self may be done. I hinted before that there was a Traditionary Account of the Walls passing through St. George 's Porch, near the North West Corner of St. Nicholas Church. But it is certain that the Line of the Wall lies a little to the North of this End of the Church, and I think has not touched this Porch, tho' it comes near it. And therefore I conjecture, that the Wall which has passed through this Porch, must have been the East Rampart of the Station; for the Supposition will reconcile these seemingly differing Accounts: And if a Line be erected Perpendicular to that of Severius 's Wall, so as to pass thro' that Porch, and be continued along the Brow of the Hill, at the Head of the Side, 'till it meet the Line of Hadrian 's Vallum, near the East End of Balygate, and not far from the Castle. This Line seems to answer so well in Respects, that I cannot much Doubt it's having been the Eastern Limits of the ancient Station: For this brings the Station near to the Castle, which probably has been built a little more to the South East, in order to bring it nearer to the Top of a Steep Hill. And fixing the Eastern Boundary of the Station here, leaves a Plain and Level Area for the Station it self, and without it, a Descent towards the South and the River, for the Town to stand upon, which might extend it self to the Bridge, supposing the ancient Bridge to be near the same Place where the present one stands: From which Bridge the ancient Town and Station might probably take the Name of Pons-Aelii This Eastern Boundary of the Station must at that Time have been nearer the River, than it is now now; since 'tis certain, that the River formerly flowed farther up towards this Part of the Town. The Position of the Eastern Rampart of the Station being thus determined, the other Boundaries may be also defined; for the Distance here between the Lines of the Walls seems to be about six Chains; and it is not much to be questioned, but the two Walls here, (as in other Cases they frequently did) have fallen in with the Northern and Southern Ramparts of the Station; so that these six Chains have been the Breadth of the Station. And if we suppose the Station to have been of a middle Size, we must make it a Square, and allow six Chains for the length of it. If at this Distance another Line be drawn equal and Parallel to the former, and between the Lines of the Wall, it will be the Western Boundary of the Station, as the two respective Parts of the two Walls make the Northern and Southern Limits. And upon this Supposition, a Line drawn from the Foot of the Flesh-market to Baily-gate, near the east End of it, will be the Eastern Limits of the ancient Station. That Part of the Vallum which reaches from Baily-gate to Mr. Ord 's House, will be the Southern Limit; and a Line drawn from hence, to that Part of the Line of Severus 's Wall, which is about thirty Yards East from the End of Rosemary-lane, must be the Western Boundary, and the Part of Severus 's Wall included between this and the Foot of the Flesh-market, remains for the Line of the Northern Rampart. Sect. I. Of St. ANDREW'S CHURCH. NIGH to Newgate, on the West-side of the Street, is St. Andrews Church. This is questionless the oldest Church of this Town, not only from it's Situation, which is that Part where was principally the ancient Monkchester; St. Andrew 's Church. but also from the Model and Fashion of it's building, it appearing in these Things older than the others. De Reb. Novocast'. IT is supposed to have been built by one of the Kings of Scotland. David King of Scots is mention'd in particular as it's Founder; but for what Reason I know not. Indeed, that David, who dy'd in the Year 1153, was a great Benefactor to Churches and Religious Houses, and he is said in particular to have founded in this Town Collier Eccles. two Religious Houses, but there is not a Word of his being the Founder of St. Andrew 's, which in all Probability would as soon have been taken Notice of, and handed down to Posterity, had it been true; as the Building of two Religious Houses. But besides, if St. Andrew 's be the oldest Church in this Town, and this I think ought to be allowed for the Reasons already given, as also from the constant Tradition of it's being so, then it is undoubtedly older than St. Nicholas 's, and if so, it must have been built before the Time of Henry the First; for St. Nicholas 's was built in that Reign, at latest; and therefore it will follow, that this Church of St. Andrew 's was built before David King of Scots was born. I am therefore rather inclinable to believe, that it was founded by the Town's People, and the Religious Houses, which at that Time of Day were chiefly in those higher Parts of the Town. THERE were three Chanteries belonging to this Church; one of which was dedicated to our Lady, which was of the Yearly Value of 6 l. 12 s. 10 d. No Deed of Foundation is shewed, but however it must at least have been founded in the Reign of Edward the First; for in the latter End of that Reign, in a Charter which one Roger Amyas granted to one Stephen —, it is ordered, that he shall have such a particular Booth for the Term of 30 Years: Provided he pay so much to the Tyne Bridge, and to the Altar of St. Mary in the Church of St. Andrew 's in Newcastle upon Tyne. IT had a House of Seven Shillings per Annum belonging to it; it abutted on the North, next to the New-gate and on the East on the High-street, on the West on St. Andrew 's Church-yard, and on the South on a Tenement, which in the Nineteenth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth belonged to Robert Hallyman. THERE belonged also to this Chantery a House, and a Rig lying in the Croft, value 6 s. 8 d. ANOTHER was the Chantery of the Trinity, which was of the yearly Value of 4 l. 2 s. 10 d. There is no Deed of Foundation to be seen of it; But however to give some Account of it's Founder, it may not be amiss to Copy what I writ a few Years ago on Parchment, and presented to the Church of St. Andrew 's. To the Rev. Mr. John Ellison, Minister, And To the Church-Wardens of St. ANDREW's in Newcastle upon Tyne, Mr. Christopher Rutter, Mr. Fenwick Lambert, Mr. Thomas Shevil. Mr. Percival Bell. GENTLEMEN, I Had the Curiosity lately to search among the Old Writings in your Vestry, for that famous Indulgence, which is said to have been Vid. Grey. p. 12. granted to your Church by the Pope for Nine thousand Years to come; but found no such Thing. THERE is however another Indulgence which discovers a Piece of Antiquity, relating to your Church, which I chused to acquaint you with in this Manner, that the ancient Name of a Part of your Church, now worn out of the Memories of our Towns-men, and almost intirely lost, might again be brought to light. THIS Indulgence was granted in the Reign of King Richard the Second, in the Year 1392, an Age in which Indulgencies were common, and when they were of Particular Service towards the Building or repairing of Churches. For at that Time of Day, when the Building, or repairing, or adorning of a Church was requisite, an Indulgence was granted for such a Term of Years or Days, to all such as would be assisting in the Things aforesaid; by which Means many Churches have been built, repair'd and beautified, and accordingly this Indulgence of yours was granted partly for the same End, that the Church of St. Andrew 's might be kept in sufficient Repair: For it promises an Indulgence or Pardon for Qui ad reparationem, seu ornamentum sive emendationem Ecclesiae Sancti Andreae villae Novocastri super Tynam, lin. 50 Indul. — Quadraginta dies Indulgentiae concedimus. 40 Days to every one, who shall contribute towards the repairing or beautifying of the Church of St. Andrews in Newcastle upon Tyne; and then follows the Antiquity design'd. THAT whoever Ac Capellae Sanctae Trinitatis in parte Aquilonari ejusdem Ecclesiae aurum argentum, &c. Lin. 60 Indulg'. offers or sends, or Causes to be sent to the Chapel of the Holy Trinity in the Northern Part of the same Church, either Gold, Silver, Vestments, Books, Chalices, or any other Ornaments, which are wanting to the aforesaid Chapel, or Altar, or Image of the Holy Trinity, which is in the same Chapel. — Or who shall fall down upon their Knees before the Image of the Holy Trinity, aforesaid, and pray for the Health of Sir Adam de Athol, Knt as long as he lives, and for his Soul after his Decease, and for the Soul of the Lady Mary his Wife, whose Body lies buried in the same Chapel of the Holy Trinity, shall, as often as they perform those Things, or any of the Things before-mention'd, have the Benefit of a Forty Days Indulgence. NOW from this it is observable, that that waste Place in the Northern Isle, which opens into the Quire must be the Chapel here spoken of. For there lies the Body of Sir Adam 's Wife, which is said in the Indulgence to be buried in the Et pro Anima Dominae Mariae sponsae suae cujus Corpus in eadem Capella sanctae Trinitatis Qutescit. Lin. 9. Indulg. Chapel of the Holy Trinity; as also the Body of Sir Adam himself. The Building itself is after the Manner of Chapels, which were added to parish Churches; and it is still observable, that at the Top of the North Window in the Chapel there seems to be a Picture of the Holy Trinity, represented according to the Superstition of these Times by the face of an old Man, our Saviour upon the Cross, and the Figure of a Dove; it having been always Customary in these Times, not only to have the Image of the Saint set up to whom the Church was dedicated, but also to adorn the Windows with it. I am of Opinion, that Sir Adam de Athol himself was the Founder of this Chapel, and my Reasons for it are these, 1st, It was customary formerly for People of better Figure, to build a small Chapel, at a convenient Part of their parish Church, that they might have a convenient Place to Worship God in, or that it might be a burial Place for them and their Families. Now it is evident, that this Chapel of the Holy Trinity is such a one. For if you suppose the Chapel away, the Church itself will appear exactly uniform; which shews the Chapel has been added to the Church; and as Sir Adam and his Lady are buried in it, is pretty clear that They were the Founders. It may also be presumed, that He built it, because it seems to have been built when Sir Adam liv'd: For it is said in the Indulgence to want Books, Chalices, Vestments, &c. which implies it, at that Time, to have been a new Chapel. And besides, Indulgences were granted towards the adorning of Churches or Chapels, immediately after they were built. This Chapel was therefore built a little before the granting of this Indulgence, which was when Sir Adam was living. And as his Wife was then dead and buried in this Chapel; so she seems to have been the first that was buried in it, and consequently her Husband must have built it. BUT my last Reason, I think, makes it amount to a Demonstration. It may be observed in all Indulgences of this Kind, that it was not only requir'd of the People to offer Church Ornaments, but also to put up Prayers for the Founder. Thus for Instance; in an Indulgence granted in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth for the Repairing and Maintaining of the Church and Convent at Kirby Belers in the County of Leicester, it was not only required that Money should be given, but that they should also say a Stavely Ch. Hist. pa. 100. Pater Noster with an Ave for the Souls of Sir Roger Beler and Alyce his Wife, Founder and Foundress. NOW from hence it is plain, that Sir Adam and his Lady must have been the Founder and Foundress of this Chapel, because they alone are mentioned in this Indulgence, and Prayers were to be put up for them, as they were for Sir Roger and his Lady just now mentioned. THUS I think I have found out the ancient Name of your Chapel, and who was the Founder it. It may perhaps be somewhat Satisfactory to those who are curious in those Things, may retrieve the antient Name of your Chapel, and establish the deserved Remembrance of it's Founder. But be this as it will; as I have only these Things in View in making these Observations; so I hope you'll be so good as to accept of them, and allow them a Place among the Parchments of your Church. I am, Gentlemen, Your most humble Servant, Henry Bourne. Silver-street, Oct. 27. 1726. THE Indulgence on which these Observations are founded are granted by Oswald, the Bishop of Candida casa, which is in Gallaway in Scotland; it is dated at York 1392, the 12th Year of his Consecration. THE 3d Chantery belonging to this Church was dedicated to St. Thomas. This I learn from an Account I have met with of a House in this Street, which is said to have belonged to the Chantery of St. Thomas, in the Church of St. Andrew 's. IT bounder'd on the West by St. Andrew 's Church end, and on the North by a House, which in the Reign of Q. Elizabeth was in the Possession of Richard Atkinson, and on the East by the High-street, and on the South against the Church-Style. It was valued at ten Shillings per Annum. THAT there was such a Chantery in St. Andrew 's (notwithstanding the two former are supposed to be all belonging to this Church) is further evident, because I meet also with an Account which says, that the Chantery of St. Thomas in St. Andrew 's, had an Orchard belonging to it, which paid a yearly Rent of Three Shillings and Four Pence to it; but where it stood is not mentioned. It was occupied by Sir Robert Brandlin. THAT there were Lands belonging to the Chantery of St. Mary in this Church, which were situated in this Street, is certain. But where to fix them at this Time of Day is pretty Difficult. But wherever they were situated, there was an House situated near them, which paid to the Priory of Hexham Six Shillings per Annum. THIS is mention'd when Rowland was Prior, in the Year 1490, in the Reign of Henry the 7th. De Reb. Novocast'. I meet with no account of the Lands belonging to the Chantery of the Trinity, except that of an House, situated in a Place called le Cow-garth in this Newgate-street, which paid one Shilling per Annum to this Chantery, and a Tenement in Westgate which paid 4 s. 4 d. THE Altar of this Church is very pretty and decent, it was beautified a few Years ago at the Charge of the Parish. THERE is at the West-end of this Church a Beautiful Gallery, which was built in the Year 1711, at the Charge of the Parish. In the Year 1726, the Old Porch was taken down, and the present one built, Mr. Christopher Rutter Mr. Fenwick Lambert Church-wardens. Mr. Thomas Shevil Mr. Percival Bell Church-wardens. IN the Year 1726, the old Bells were taken down, and the present 6 were procured by a Collection made in the Town for them. The Corporation gave towards them 50 l. They are exceeding Tunable, and have a soft melodious Sound. THE Floor of the Body and the Isles of this Church, were flagg'd in the Year 1707, which before they never had been. BURIED in this CHURCH. In the Chancel, near The Altar. JAMES Ogle of Causey-Park, Esq upon whose Tomb-stone, which is of Marble, is the following Inscription. Hic Jacet Jacobus Ogle de Causey-Park in Comitatu Northumb. Armiger. Antiquitate Domus, Ut pote ex prenobili Baronia Ogle, de Ogle Stirpe Recta Linea Oriundus, vere clarus; Sed invicta in perduelles, Grassentibus nuperis Civilibus Bellis, animi Magnitudine, Constantia in Regem etiam in Tristissimo Authoritatis Deliquio Fidelitate in Superiores Observantia, in Pace Comitate, in Inferiores Benignitate, quae omnia Justissimo Titulo sua vocare poterat, Multo Illustrior. Obij Dec. 4 die Anno que Dom. 1664. THOMAS Harrison, Barber Surgeon, who died Feb. 24th, 1679. THOMAS Bednel, 14 July, 1701. CHRISTOPHER Barker, Octob. 26, 1718. ROBERT Tod, Oct. 5, 1730. In TRINITY-CHAPEL. SIR Adam de Athol, and his Wife Mary, under a very large Stone; which has originally been plated very curiously with Brass. The Remains of their Effigies are still to be seen. He is pictured at length in Armour, having a Sword on his left Side, and a Dagger on his Right. Her Effigies hath no thing remaining of it, but from the Shoulders upwards. The Arms of both their Families are still to he seen on the Tomb-stone. WHAT remains of the Inscription, is this, Hic Jacent Dominus Adamarus de Atholl, Miles, & D'na Maria, Uxor ejus quae obiit Quarto decimo Die Mensis — Anno Domini Millesimo Tricentesimo — Animarum propitietur. THE remaining Part of the Date is broken of: However Grey, in his Account of this Stone, tells us, It was in the Year 1387, which is very probably the Time that his Wife died; for it is a Mistake that he died then, as appears by the Indulgence above-mentioned. JOSHUA Twizell, June 23d, 1718. THOMAS Winship, Tanner, September 2d, 1695. CHRISTOPHER Rutter, Baker and Brewer, March 17th, 1714. MRS. Elizabeth Davison, Mother of Mr. Thomas Davison, January 20th, 1724, aged 84 Years. NICHOLAS Fenwick, Merchant, 14th December, 1725. MR. John Dawson, Taylor. MRS. Barbara Davison, January 8th, 1730. NORTH ISLE. ROBERT Mills, House-Carpenter. SOUTH ISLE. DOROTHY Harrison, May 27th, 1702. LEGACIES left to the POOR of the Parish of St. ANDREWS. LEFT by Sir William Blackett, Bar't, One Thousand Pounds, the Profits, &c. of the Whole, in three Parts, equally to be divided, and yearly to be disposed off at Christmas, as followeth, viz. ONE third Part to binding of Apprentices to Trades. ONE other third Part to poor House-holders. THE remaining other Third to a School-Master to teach 30 Children.   l. s. d. LEFT by Madam Margaret Allgood, in Moneys, now in the Hands of Mr. John Ord, the Sum of 100 00 00 PAYING yearly to the Church-Wardens at Christmas the Sum of 006 00 00 LEFT by Mr. Thomas Davison, to be yearly paid in December, out of the Merchant's Company 001 00 00 LEFT by Mr. Timothy Davison, to be yearly paid at Christmas, for 15 poor Freemen or Widows, not Merchants; out of the Merchants Company, the Sum of 001 00 00 LEFT by Mr. Andrew Aldworth, to be paid at the Feast of St. Andrew yearly, out of a House in Akewell-gate, in the Possession of Edward Wetherly, the Sum of 001 00 00 LEFT by Henry Hilton, Esq to be paid yearly at Christmass, for four poor Widows, the Sum of 004 00 00 PAID out of the Town of Newcastle, at two Payments, viz. half at Michaelmas, and half at Lady-day 004 00 00 The NAMES of such who pay out Rents.   l. s. d. JOHN Barnes 1 00 00 Mrs. Harrison 0 03 04 Robert Bell 1 04 00 Mary Bell 0 10 00 John Dawson 0 16 00 Robert Bell 0 04 10 Widow Oliver Darn Crook 0 03 08 Widow Dixon Darn Crook 0 05 04 Anthony Hixon, Huxter-Booths 0 02 08 John Stobbart Big-market 0 04 09 John Makepeace Big-market 0 04 09 Mrs. Cooke, Groat-Market 0 13 04 Mr. Pigg 0 00 06 Robert Davison Pilgrimstreet 0 02 00 Nicholas Waugh Pilgrimstreet 0 04 00 William Varey 0 02 00 Mrs. Fetherstone, Pilgrim-gate 0 02 00 Nicholas Robson 0 03 00 Richard Kirkhouse 0 03 00 William Stephenson, Sidgate 0 02 00 Widow Tate 0 02 06 Widow Forster 0 02 06 Robert Armstrong 0 03 00 Richard Robinson 0 03 04 John Stephenson 0 04 00 CHARITY-SCHOOL. THE Charity-School of this Parish was founded by Sir William Blackett, Bart. and the first Boy entred the School in January 1707/8: The Number of Boys it was founded for is Thirty. About the Year 1719, the late Sir William Blackett, the Son of the Founder, began the Cloathing of them. THE Vicar of this Town, and the Church-Wardens have a Power of putting in the Master of this School, if their Choice is approved of by the Heir at Law. THE Sallary of the Master is 20 l. per Ann. but out of it he pays School-Rent. MINISTERS. THE Minister of this Church is, as the Minister of St. John 's, Curate and Lecturer. As Curate, the Vicar pays him 3 l. per Annum, and as Lecturer he is paid by the Town 100 l. per Annum. The other Minister is the Assistant, and is paid by the Minister of the Parish. THE Register of this Church has been so badly kept, that I meet with the Names of none of it's Ministers in it but one, viz. one Stephen Dockwray, Anno 1656; who succeeded him I know not, but one Pottinger was Minister here, and I remember Mr. Richards and Mr. Shadford. JOHN Ellison, A. M. of University-College, Oxon. the present Minister. Curates I am told, were Mr. Perkins, Mr. Straghan, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Lyon, Mr. Simkoe. WILLIAM Wilkinson, the present Assistant Curate, A. M. of Christ-College, Camb. THE Crown pays to the Minister of this Parish Five Pounds two Shillings and Six-pence per Annum. THE Town was wont to give to this Church 12 Gallons of Wine every Year at Easter. THE Town allows the present assistant Curate of this Church 10 Pounds per Annum for reading Prayers to the Prisoners in Newgate. THE Prayers of this Church in the Worky-days are on Wednesday and Friday in the Morning. THE Sacrament is administer'd here every 4th Sunday in the Month. Sect. II. ON the East-side of this Street, near the New-gate, is a Tenement which was given by Mrs. Alice Belaysys to University-College in Oxford. The Site of it is thus describ'd; Situatum est infra praedictam villam juxta Novam Portam ejusdem villae in quo quidem Tenement' Thomas Gray Lidster modo inhabitat, (viz.) Inter Tenementum Roberti Daunt ex parte Boreali, & vicum Ducentem ad fratres minores ab Ecclesia Sancti Andreae ex parte australi; But the same Writing goes further, ac Tria Tenementa & duo Tofta, inde in simul situantur in eodem vico ducente a dicta Ecclesia Sancti Andreae usque Fratres praedictos, &c. OPPOSITE to St. Andrew 's Church is a Lane, which leads to Pilgrimstreet Gate, called the High-fryer-chare, because of a Fryer which was in it, and because it is higher up in the Town than the other Fryer Chare. IN coming down this Street Southward from the Church of St. Andrew 's, on the Right-hand, is an ancient Street called Darn-crook; in which Street were some Wastes and House belonging to the Nuns of St. Bartholomew, as there were in almost every Street in the Town. Opposite to this Place, on the East-side of this Street of Newgate is a little running Water which goes into Lorkburne. This little Bourn is taken Notice of in the Account of the Ward belonging to Ficket-Tower, and is called there, a Bourn beside Lam-place, that runneth towards Lorkburne. To this Bourn it is, that the Prisoners belonging to Newgate, have Liberty to walk during the Time they are not confin'd to the Goal. FROM thence, going still Southward, the Street changes it's Name from Newgate to Huxter 's -Booths; for thereabouts it was that the Huxters lived, as has been observed above, who supply'd the Religious-houses, and the other People of this Part of the Town with Provisions. A Part of these Houses are still to be seen, they stand by themselves almost in the middle of the Street, nigh the White-cross. Grey says, That this Part of the Town was in his Time called the Huxters-Booths; that is, as I understand him, from the Bourn abovementioned, to those Houses. OPPOSITE to the Booths was a great Gate that led into the Black-fryers. It was situated between the House of William Wilkinson, Smith, and the House of Elizabeth Bell, Widow. The Place now is the Entrance of a Garden belonging to Mr. Nicholas Baily of Newcastle. This I think is evident from a Grant of a Tenement from the Black-fryers, now in the Hands of Mr. Tho. Marshall, of this Town; wherein in describing the Situation of the Tenement, are these Words; Sicut jacet in villa antedicta prope crucem vulgariter vocatam Whyttcross inter magnam portam praedictorum Fratrum e Regione praedictae crucis ex parte Boreali, &c. The Tenement described is the House lately rebuilt by Mr. Marshall aforesaid. Since this Conjecture from the Writing above-mentioned, I have met with the Manuscript of Mr. Milbank, which very much corroborates it. The Words are these; the Gate-way to this House was from the Whitecross, and was called when our Author liv'd, Wind 's -hole. The way was a narrow Lane to the Fryery, which in his Time was joining to Mr. Brandling 's Ground, whereupon there was, (and still is) a Mill. THE Business and Trade of this upper Part of the Street, is chiefly that of the Tanners. WHITE-CROSS. FROM the Huxters Booths to almost the Nun-gate, the Street changes it's Name again, for the Name of the White-Cross, because of a Cross which stood there; to which, from the Huxster 's Booths, was the ancient Market of this Town, as there is at this Day at the Cale-Cross. This Cross was pulled down that very Night after Sir George Selby dyed, and King James, of Sacred Memory, March 24. Milbank, M. S. ON the Place where the Cross stood was a Cistern for receiving of that Water, which goes by the Name of the New-Water. This was lately pulled down, and there is now in the Place where the Cross was, a Pillar of Stonework. The Street hereabouts is wide and spacious, and having in it several good Buildings; such are the Houses of William Carr, Esq Thomas Clennell, Esq &c. There are four Fairs kept in this Street in the Year, one at Lammas for Horses, and another at St. Lukesmass for Horses: The other two are for Black-Cattle, the one on All-Souls Day, and the other at Martinmas. NEAR the Cross is a Lane called the Low-fryer-chare; it got the Name of Fryer-chare from it's being situated near the Black-fryers, and of the Low-fryer-chare; because it is not so high up the Town as the other Fryer-chare. IT was also called formerly Shod-fryer-chare, because the Black-fryers were also called Shod-fryers. Sect. III. NUNN-GATE. FROM the White-cross Southward the Street leads to the Nun-gate, which gives Name to a small Part of the Street thereabouts. THIS Gate was not the Great-gate of the Nunnery, but a back Passage to it; for Nunnery was situated lower down, as may still be seen by the Ruins of some old Walls in their Garden: Probably it was situated about the Place where Mr. Hebdon, a few Years ago built a large House, which is built upon the same Ground where the old stone House stood, inhabited by Mr. Green, which seem'd to have been built out of the Ruins of this Nunnery. Here it was that King Speed Hist. Henry, the First founded the Hospital of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, for the Nuns of Newcastle. In H. Rex, &c. Sciatis me concessisse & Charta confirmasse monialibus Sancti Bartholomei de Novo Castello super Tynam omnes Donationes, quae eis rationabiliter factae sunt: Videlicet, Ecclesiam Sancti Bartholomei, & Hospitale Sanctae Mariae de praedicto Castello & Terram, &c. Et XX acras de scala & IX Tosta & Horseyol, & duos Solidos de Gatisheved & omnia alia quae eis Rationabiliter data sunt vel Dabuntur. Quare volo & firmiter precipio, &c. Test' Will. de Mandavilla, Reginald. de Curtnay, Willielmo de Scuttevilla, Thomas de Bardulf, Robert de Scutevilla, Richard Gosfard. a Charter granted them some Time after they were founded, Nuns of St. Bartholow . which I take to be a Charter of King Henry the Second's, they had all the Things bestowed upon them, confirmed: The 20 Acres mentioned in the Charter I have not been able to find out. A Manuscript of Mr. Joshua Douglas 's says, that probably all that Side of the Street, from the Nuns to Newgate, belonged to these Nuns, for their Garden reaches to High-fryer-chare. This indeed is highly propable, for the nine Tofts or Crofts confirmed to them in this Charter, seem to be a good Proof of the Truth of it. IN the Garden which belong'd to them, call'd still the Nun 's -Garden, is a low Square Vale, at the South West Corner of which Tradition says, there is a Vault, which leads to the Black-fryers. Mr. Richmond, the present Steward of Mr. Blackett, told me, he had seen the Entrance into it; but that now it was fill'd up with Earth. De rebus Novocast'. STELLA, an ancient Village, situated on the South of the River Tyne, belonged to the Nuns of this Hospital, ON September the 12th, 2d of Charles the Second, after the Death of Sir Nicholas Tempest, of Stella, of the County of Durham, Knight and Baronet, it was found that he dyed possessed of the Manour of Stella, in the Parish of Ryton, in the County of Durham, which had been Part of the Lands of the House or Monastery of St. Bartholomew in Newcastle upon Tyne. The following Writing, for which I am obliged to the worthy Dr. Hunter, of Durham, and from which I had this Confirmation, is as follows. 120 Die Septemb. Anno 20 Caroli Regis Compertum post Mortem Nicholai Tempest, de Stelley, in Com' Dunelm' Milit' & Baronet' Quod fuit Seissatus de & in Manerio de Stellingley, al's Vocat' Stelley, situat' Stant' & existen' prope aquam de Tyne in Parochia de Ryton, in Ep'tu Dunelm' cum suis Juribus, Membris & Pertinenciis Universis: Ac de omnibus terris arabilibus Pratis, Pascuis, Pasturis, Boscis, Subboscis, Communiis, Piscationibus, Mineris Carbonum, infra solum & Fundum ibidem comoditatibus, Prosicuis, emolumentis, & aliis advantagiis, eidem Manerio de Stellingley, al's Stelley, pertinentibus Vel Ullo modo Spectantibus Nuper parcello Possessionum Domus five Monasterii S. Bartholomei infra Villam Novi Castri super Tinam Dissoluti. THERE were, as is observed above, Wastes and Houses, in the Side, in Pilgrim-street, in the Flesh-market, Oat-market, Darncrook, and almost all the Town over, which belonged to the Nuns. The Piece of Ground above the Town-moor, called from them the Nun-moor, belonged to them. Mr. Riddle 's House and Chapel in Gateside, (commonly called Gateside-house ) was, according to some, a Sort of Infirmary for the Nuns of this Hospital. DR. Smith, in his Ecclesiastical History of Bede Ubi nulla remanent antiqui monasterii Uttani: vestigia Resentioris quidem, Pulcherriniam videmus Capellum vix adhuc Ruinis Succumbentem. Traditio est, cellam fuisse sanctimonialium Novocast rentium, licet ejus Historiam apud Autores vix inveneris. Smith in Not' Bed. lib. 3. C. 21. says, that in Gateside there are no Footsteps remaining of the ancient Monastery of Uttanus; but of a more Modern one, we see a most beautiful Chapel, which is not as yet in Ruins. There is a Tradition that this was a Cell of the Nuns of Newcastle, tho' we cannot readily Quote any Authority for it. THE Tradition mention'd by these Gentlemen appears somewhat probable, for in the Charter before-metioned the Nuns of St. Bartholomew received two Shillings annually from this Cell. IT is also not improbable but St. Mary 's Hospital in Westgate, was also a Cell to this Nunnery: It appearing plainly from the Charter above, that St. Mary 's was dependant on it. AND it's said in Leland, that the Hospital of St. Mary in Newcastle upon Tyne was given to the Use of these Nuns. Lel. Vol. 1. p. 41. IT appears also from the Charter just above-mentioned, that among the other Things confirmed to this Hospital, the Church of St. Bartholomew was one. I may be ask'd therefore where this Church was Situated. In answer to this I dare venture to say, that there never was any such Church in this Town; I mean a Parish Church: And therefore it must have been the Church or Chapel belonging to this Hospital; and consequently must have been seated where the Hospital was. And this appears to be the rather true, because we have no other mention made of their Chapel, and because when it is mention'd in the Charter it is said to be given them, that they may serve God in it. IN the Year 1355, Thomas Hatfield, Bishop of Durham, confirmed to the Nuns of this House, the Abbess they had elected; her Name was Alice Davill. She had been not duly elected, and therefore he made the Election void; but however, as she was a Person the Convent very much approv'd of, the Bishop of his special Favour order'd her to preside over them. THIS was granted at Aukland, May the 9th, in the Tenth Year of his Consecration. DR. Hunter of Durham obliged me with the following Copy of the Bishop's Grant. THOMAS permissione divina Dunelm' Episcopus Religiosae mulieri Dominae Aliciae Davill salutem gratiam & Benedictionem. Licet Electionem quam dilectae Filiae moniales & Conventus Domus seu Prioratus S. Bartholomei in villa Novi Castri super Tynam nostrae Dioces' de Te in Priorissam earundem & Domus suae praedictae fecerant; propter peccatum in forma ejusdem Cassaverimus, justitia suadente Considerantes tamen quod praedictae moniales in Te tanquam habilem & idoneam ad regimen Prioratus praedicti Direxerant vota sua, Te in Priorissam Domus praedictae de nostra speciali gratia, praeficiamus & ordimamus, Tibi que curam & regimen ejusdem committimus, cum suis juribus & pertinentiis universis, In cusus Rei, &c. Dat' in Manerio nostro de Aukland die nono Mensis Maii Anno Dom' 1355, Et nostrae Consecrationis Decimo. IN the Year ladox Firm. Burg. p. 4. 1486, the Prioress and Convent of St. Bartholomew, granted Land to Thomas Lokwood and his Heirs, ad Feodi Firmum. AGNES Lawson, the last Prioress, surrendred up this Convent the 3d of January, 154 , 31st Henry 8th, and had a Pension of 6 l. per Annum allowed. It was valued 26th of Henry 8th at 36 l. 10 s. per Ann. Dugdale 37 l. 4 s. 2 d. IT was after this in the Hands of the Lady Gaveere, who sold it to Mr. Robert Anderson, who pulled down all the Houses therein; it being a Recepticle for Scots and Unfreemen, and he bought it on Purpose to dislodge them. He also bought the Garden, and after having raised the Dean that went thro' it, he made it a very pleasant Place; it was from Corner to Corner Eleven Score Yards. Milbank M. S. IT is now the Property of Walter Blackett, Esq and is a very delightful Meadow. Sect. IV. SCOTCH INN. OPPOSITE to this Nunnery, on the West-side of the Street, is an ancient Building with a large Gate, which has formerly been a Piece of stately Workmanship. De rebus Novocast'. This Sir Robert Shaftoe, Recorder of this Town, was of Opinion, was the House of the Earls of Northumberland, and was called the Earls Inn. Grey says it was called the Scotch Inn; because it was there that the Kings, Nobility, and Lards of Scotland lodged in Time of Truce or League with England. THIS Street from the Scotch Inn, or thereabouts, takes the Name of the Bigg and Oat-market; because in the Middle of it is kept a Market of Bigg and Oats every Tuesday and Saturday. Here the Street is broader than almost any Street in the whole Town, and adorn'd with good Houses: At the End of it Southward, is a very great Market for Poultry, which gives the Name of the Pullen-market to this Part of the Street. CHAP. VI. Of the Division of this Street. H AVING now got as far as the End of the broad Part of this Street, we have the Breadth of it divided into Three Streets. The first Street, or that on the Right Hand, is called the Meal-market, the Oatmeal-market, or Groat-market, because of the Oatmeal, which is sold there every Day of the Week, but more especially on the Saturday 's. What Name it had formerly, or whether it ever had any other, I cannot say; but this is certain, that it has retained it's present Name above two hundred Years. AT the Upper-end of this Street, or the North-end of it, is the Post-house of this Town, which is adorned with a pretty Area of a Quadrangular Figure, together with a good Garden: It belongs to Mr. James Bell, the present Post-Master. AS you descend from this End of the Street, you turn the Corner of this House upon the Right Hand, into a Lane called the Pudding-chare, or as I have seen it in some ancient Writings Budding-chare, which leads into Westgate. There were three Houses in this Lane which paid an Annual Rent to the Chantry of the Holy Trinity in St. John 's Church; one paid 20 d. per Ann. another 2 d. and the third 4 d. The Lane called Rosemary-lane, which turns upon the Right Hand as you go down this Chare into Westgate, was formerly called St. John 's Chare; because it led from the Pudding-chare to St. John 's Church. IN this Lane there is a Waste, which belong'd to the Nuns of St. Bartholomew, boundering on the West on the Common Gutter, and on the North on the Chantery Lands. THIS Waste is the Ground where are now the Gardens of Mr. James Bell, Post-master, and the old Houses on the North of these Gardens, now the Property of Mr. Ralph Trotter, are the Chantery Lands here mentioned. OVER against the South-end of this Lane, which so leads to St. John 's Church, is an ancient Alms-house, in which live seven poor People, who have a small Allowance at Christmas from the Town. HAVING past the East-end of the Pudding-chare, we go Southward, which leads into the Body of the Meal-market, aforesaid. THERE is little in this Street worth taking Notice of; the Houses generally are very ancient and mean, the few good ones are one which was built the last Year by Mr. Prior of this Town, Cooper, an ancient Inhabitant in this Street; and another the House below it, which belongs to Mr. William Harrison, Dyer, which was formerly the Dwelling-house of Timothy Robson, Esq Alderman of this Town, and sometime Mayor; and some few others. IN the Reign of Queen Elizabeth a House in this Street belonging to one William Penrith, whose Site is now lost, paid an annual Rent to the Chantery of our Lady in the Parish Church of Long-benton. Rom. Britann. p. 132. THE late Mr. Horsely tells us of another House in this Street, in the laying of the Foundation of which, about 15 or 16 Years since, the Masons struck upon the Roman Wall at each of the Side Walls, so that the Building stands cross the Roman Wall. But where the Site of it is he does not say. TOWARDS the lower end of this Street is a large open, where is a Market every Saturday for Wool, below this again a Lane leading into Westgate, called Denton-chare. PASSING by the East-end of this Chare, we come to the ancient Iron-Market, which was opposite to St. Nicholas Church, in that Piece of Ground leading to the Side, from the House of Mr. Charles Clark, and from below the Shop of the late Mr. John Kellot, Smith. ANOTHER Street which the broad Street of the Big-market is divided into is the Middle-street, so called because it stands in the Middle of the Streets in this Part of the Town; for it has on the East-side of it the Flesh-market and Pilgrim-street, and on the West, the Oatmeal-Market, and Westgate. THIS Street bore anciently three Names, the upper Part of it was called Skinner-gate, the lower Part of it Spurrier-gate and Sadler-gate. IT is a Street as it was in Grey 's Time, where all Sorts of Artificers have Shops and Houses. WE come now to the 3d Street, (viz.) the Flesh-market, at the upper-end of which is the Upper-dean-bridge, so called because of the two Bridges which cross this Dean or Rivulet, which runs into Lorkburne, this is that which is the higher or upper one. HAVING passed by the West-end of this Bridge we go Southward into the Flesh-market. GREY tells us, that when the Good-men of this Town began to trade and venture beyond the Seas, they built many Ships, and procured a Charter from the Kings of England to carry Fells beyond Seas, and to bring in foreign Commodities. The Staple was then at Antwerp in Brabant, called Commune totius Europae Emporium. The Charter of the Merchant Adventurers was the first Charter that was granted by any King to any Town. AFTER this Grant this Town flourished in trading, built many fair Houses in the Flesh-market, then called Cloth-market. The Merchants had their Shops and Ware-houses there, in the Back-parts of their Houses: The River of Tyne flowed and ebbed, where Boats came up with Commodities; which Trade of Merchandizes continued many Years. IN this Street the Mayors, Aldermen, and richest Men of the Town lived. PART of the present Flesh-market was called the Cloth-market, and part of it the Flesh-market and Fish-market. An Anonymous Authority says, that in Pilgrim-street was the Market for Fish, that came up to the Nether-dean-bridge. But this in my Opinion is a Mistake. For in the Ward belonging to Morden-Tower, part of it is over the Flesh-shambles from the North West Church Stile of St. Nicholas, unto the Fish-shambles. Consequently the Fish that came up to the Nether-dean-bridge must have been sold in the Flesh-market, not in Pilgrim-street. The Shops of this Street are at present the Shops of Artificers, and the Houses either chiefly Coffee-houses or Taverns, or Ale-houses. IN some ancient Writings belonging to that worthy Gentleman The Rev. Mr. Smith of Melsonby, I find that several Houses in this Street paid an annual Rent to University College in Oxford; one of them in particular nigh the Church Yard paid 6 s. in the Year 1304, and so did many Houses in the other Streets of this Town to the same College. Several of these were the Gift of the Lady Ann Bellasys to this College, An. 1444. THE Flesh-market in this Street, which is held every Saturday, is a very great Market, not only as it supplies the Town in a great Measure, but as it also furnishes the Country for several Miles round. Besides there are several Thousands of People belonging to the Coal-Works, such as Staith-Men, Waggoners, Pit-Men, Wrights, Keel-Men, &c. all which for the most part have their Provisions from this Market. THE Provision also for Ships, is got from this Market. And this indeed must be very considerable, when there will be sometimes 3 or 4 hundred Sail in at a Time. THERE are 2 Fairs kept in this Market every Year for 8 Days together, the one begins upon Lammas Day, or the First of August, which Grey calls a remarkable Time of the Year, but why he calls it so, he gives no Account. This Fair is in some Measure of an ancient standing. For we meet with some Account of it in the Reign of King John, mentioned in a Charter of another of our Kings. The Words are these, Insuper cum Dicti Burgenses per Chartam praefati Joannis Regis habeant in dicto Burgo unam feriam singulis annis per duos dies duraturam, viz. in vigilia & in die Sancti Petri ad Vincula, &c. NOW from this it appears that King John granted to the Town of Newcastle, Lammas Fair, which he order'd should be held on the Eve of St. Peter ad Vincula, and upon the Day it self. Blount in Verb. I suppose Grey calls it a remarkable Time of the Year, as well because it is called Lammas Day as because it is called St. Peter advincula. As it is Lammas Day, it is a remarkable Time of the Year, for it is called Lambmas because Lambs were not then fit to eat, they were grown too big: aliter from the Sax. III asmaesse q. d. Loafmas, because on that Day the English made an Offering of Bread made with new Wheat. On this Day it was, that Tenants that held Lands of the Cathedral Church of York (which is dedicated to St. Peter ad Vincula ) were bound by their Tenure to bring a Live Lamb into the Church at High-mass on that Day. IT is also a remarkable Time, as it is St. Peter ad vincula, and as it is called the Gule of August, from the Latin Gula, a Throat. The Reason is set down in Durand 's Rationale ( Lib. 7. c. 19.) who says, that one Quirinus, a Tribune, having a Daughter that had a Disease in her Throat, went to Alexander, then Pope of Rome, the 6th from St. Peter, and desired of him to borrow, or to see the Chains, that St. Peter was chained with under Nero; which being obtained, the said Daughter kissing the Chains, was cured of her Desease, and Quirinus with his Family baptized. Tunc dictus Alexander Papa hoc Festum in Calendis augusti celebrandum instituit, & in honorem beati Petri Ecclesiam in Urbe Fabricavit, ubi vincula ipsa reposuit, & ad Vincula nominavit, & in calendis augusti dedicavit. In qua, Festivitate Populus illic ipsa vincula hodie Osculatur. So that this Day being before called only the Calends of August, was upon this Occasion termed indifferently either St. Peter 's Day ad Vincula, from the Instrument that wrought the Miracle; or the Gule of August from that Part of the Virgin whereon the Miracle was wrought. Blount in verb. AFTER this Fair granted by King John, it was by a succeeding King, ordered to begin at the same Time, and to continue 28 Days. When it was reduced to the Time above-mentioned I have not met with. THE other Fair held in this Market is at St. Lukesmas, it was granted to the Town in the Reign of Henry the 7th. During the Time of these Fairs there is a Court of Pye-powder. All the Privileges and Power that a Court Leet can have, is granted to this Court. Grey 17. TOWARDS the South-end of this was a large Cross, with a lead Cistern at the Top of it to hold the Water, called the New-water; which was pulled down about 3 Years ago. Beyond this, at the End of this Street is the Cordiners Meeting-house. CHAP. VII. Of St. NICHOLAS Church. A T the End of the Flesh-market, on the South-side of the Cordiners Meeting-house, just now mentioned, stands the Church of St. Nicholas. It is a very grand and magnificent Building, being in length 79 Yards, two Foot, three Quarters; in breadth 24 Yards, two Foot, three Quarters; and of an Height equal and proportionable. Who it was founded by I have no where met with, but if a Conjecture may be made, it was perhaps founded by Henry the First: But be this as it will, it is certain it is as old as his Days. For Henricus Rex, Angliae Archiepiscopo Ebor' & Episcopo Dunelm' & Vicecomiti de Northumberlanda Salutem. Sciatis me dedisse & concessisse Deo & Sanctae Mariae de Cairlelia & Canonicis ejusdem loci, Ecclesiam de Novo Castello super Tynam & Ecclesiam de Newburna & Ecclesia quas Ricardus de aurea Valle de me tenet' post obitum ejus, & Ricardus, & Clerici qui ipsis Ecclesiis deserviunt, recognoscant de Canonicis ipsius & faciant eis servitium quod mihi facere solebant & Post obitum eorum redigantur Ecclesiae in Manus Canonicorum. Ita quod Clerici qui eis Deserviant, habeantinde Necessaria & Canonici habeant reliquum. Dugdal. Monast. P. 2. p. 73. it was this King that gave it to the Church and Canons of St. Mary 's of Carlisle; and also at the same Time the Church of Newburn. IN a Book belonging to the Vestry of St. Nicholas, it is said to be founded in the Year 1091; but what Authority this Account depends upon, I know not; however it is somewhat probable. THE ordering of the Vicarage was not 'till some Years after. The King indeed in his Charter makes a general Provision of what is necessary for the Minister of this Church, but does not say what that is. This was done by Hugh Pudsey, Bishop of Durham, as Thomas Hatfield, one of his Successors gave it under his Episcopal Seal at Auckland, June 6th, 1360. For having searched the Register of Hugh, his Predecessor, he found, that he with the Consent of the Prior, and Convent of Carlisle, order'd the Vicarage of St. Nicholas in Newcastle upon Tyne, on the Day before the Conversion of St. Paul, or January 24th, 1194, and gave the Vicar, for the Time being, a Portion, or Maintenance, viz. all the Fruits, annual Profits, Oblations, Obventions whatsoever, of what Kind or Thing soever they were, belonging to the Church of St. Nicholas, except the great Tythes belonging to the same Church. THIS Account I am obliged to Dr. Hunter of Durham for, who favoured me with the following Transcript from Bishop Hatfield 's Register. Ordinatio Vicariae B. Nicholai, de Novo Castro. NOverint Universi quod Nos Thomas, Permissione Divina Dunelm' Episcopus inspecto Registro Bonae Memoriae Hugonis dudum Dunelm' Episcopi Praedecessoris Nostri, comperimus in eodem quod dictus Hugo, Episcopus Vicariam Villae Novi Castri super Tynam, Nostrae Dioces' Ordinavit, & Portionem, pro sustentatione Vicarii ejusdem qui pro tempore fuerit in eadem de fructibus ad dictam Ecclesiam pertinentibus taxavit Statuit & Limitaviti sub hac forma. HUGO Dei Gratia Dunelm' Episcopus omnibus Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae Filiis ad quos Literae istae pervenerint Salutem. Noverit Univeritas Vestra quod Nos Anno Dom' 1194 Pridae ante Gonversionem Sancti Pauli, Vicariam Ecclesiae Beati Nicholai de Novo Castello super Tynam. Nostrae Dioces' alias in eadem Ordinatam de Unanimi consensu Dilectarum Filiorum Nostrorum Prioris & Conventus Karliol' Dictam Ecclesiam Beati Nicholai in Usus suos Canonice obtinentium, Portionem infra scriptam pro sustentatione Vicarii ejusdem, qui est, et pro tempore erit in eadem ex Nostri Pastoralis Officii Debito taxamus, Statuimus & Ordinamus; viz. quod quilibet Vicarius illius Ecclesiae qui pro tempore fuerit, pro sustentatione sua & Portione congrua percipiat & Habeat omnes Fructus, proventus, oblationes, obventiones quascun que ad Dictam Ecclesiam qualitercun que pertinentes de quibuscun que rebus existentes, Decimis Garbarum Dictae Ecclesiae duntaxat exceptis. In quarum Inspectionis & Compertionis testimonium Sigillum Nostrum fecimus hiis apponi. Dat' in Manerio Nostro De Auckland, Sexto Die Mensis Junii, Anno Dom' 1360, & Nostrae Consecrationis quinto decimo. THE Steeple of this Church is in Height 64 Yards, one Foot, three Quarters. It is supposed, as to it's Model, to be the most curious in the whole Kingdom: It is adorned with 13 Pinacles, and a large and beautiful Lanthorn, which stands upon two very bold Arches of Stone, and at the Top of the said Lanthorn stands the tall Spire, by much the largest belonging to the Steeple. On the Corners of the old Tower, upon which stands the said beautiful Structure, are four Images, one at each Corner, cut at length in Stone. 'Tis said that Ben Johnson, the Poet, made the following Lines upon it. My Ex Grey. Altitude High, my Body, four Square, My Foot in the Grave, my Head in the Air, My Eyes in my Sides, five Tongues in my Womb. Thirteen Heads upon my Body, four Images alone; I can direct you where the Wind doth stay, And I tune God's Precepts twice a-Day. I am seen where I am not, I am heard where I is not, Tell me now what I am, and see that you miss not. IT is said, and indeed confessed, that Robert Rhodes was more probably the Builder of this Steeple than any other Person: His Name being at the Bottom of the Belsry. Orate pro anima Roberti Rhodes. BUT who this Robert Rhodes was, is more uncertain. Grey tells us, that Robert de Rhodes was the Lord Prior of Tinmouth, in Henry the 6th Days. And an Anoymous Authority seems to suggest, that this Robert Rhodes was one of the Bishop of Durham 's Justices; because in a Register at Durham, there is mention made of Robert Rhodes, ab Anno 1486, ad An' 1537, and Agnes his Wife. BUT neither of these seem to me to be the true one. I am rather inclinable to believe, that one Robert Rhodes, Esq who lived in this Town in the Reign of Henry the 6th was the true Person. We meet with this Gentleman's Name in an Inquisition that was taken at the Castle of Newcastle, in the 25th of Henry the 6th, 1447; for two of the Gentlemen present were Roger Thornton, the Son of the famous Benefactor of that Name, and Robert Rhodes, and they were also first mentioned after the Mayor. Lib. de Reb. 11. IN the Year 1451, we meet again with the same Person, who together with the said Roger Thornton, by an Instrument bearing the same Date, conveyed some Houses for the Use of a Chantery Priest to pray for the Soul of William Johnson. We have also a further Account of this Gentleman in the Year 1500, for an Instrument bearing that Date informs us, that the Mayor and Inhabitants of Newcastle, gave a Tenement to a Priest to live in, who was to pray for the Soul of Robert Rhodes and Agnes his Wife, at the Altar of St. John the Baptist, and John the Evangelist in St. Nicholas Church. NOW when it is considered that this Robert Rhodes, I am speaking of, was so great a Man in this Town, that he lived in the same Reign in which Grey acknowledges the Lanthorne to have been built, namely in the Reign of Hen. the 6th, and that he was so commemorated by the Mayor and Inhabitants after his Decease, I dare say it will appear much more probable that he was the Builder than either of the others. THERE might indeed be, and probably there was a Robert Rhodes, Prior of Tinmouth, in the Reign of Hen. the 6th, but I never met with any Benefactions of the Priors of Tinmouth to the Town of Newcastle. They were on the contrary mortal Enemies to this Place, and always jealous of it's encreasing Glory. As to the other Robert Rhodes, one of the Bishop 's Justices, he was alive in the Year 1537, which was the 29th of Henry the 8th, and so comes too late to build a Steeple in the Reign of Henry the 6th. I have been told by a worthy Gentleman, and one who is curious in these Things, that this Robert Rhodes, so taken Notice of by this Town, was Escheator. THERE is a traditional Story of this Building I am now treating of, which may not be improper to be here taken Notice of. In the Time of the Civil Wars, when the Scots had besieg'd the Town for several Weeks, and were still as far as at first from taking it, the General sent a Messenger to the Mayor or of the Town, and demanded the Keys, and the Delivering up of the Town, or he would immediately demolish the Steeple of St. Nicholas. The Mayor and Aldermen upon hearing this, immediately ordered a certain Number of the chiefest of the Scottish Prisoners to be carried up to the Top of the old Tower, the Place below the Lanthorne, and there confined; after this they returned the General an Answer to this Purpose, That they would upon no Terms deliver up the Town, but would to the last Moment defend it: That the Steeple of St. Nicholas was indeed a beautiful and magnificent Piece of Architecture, and one of the great Ornaments of their Town; but yet should be blown into Attoms before ransom'd at such a Rate: That however, if it was to fall, it should not fall alone; that the same Moment he destroyed the beautiful Structure, he should Bath his Hands in the Blood of his Countrymen; who were placed there on Purpose either to preserve it from Ruin, or to die along with it. This Message had the desired Effect. The Men were there kept Prisoners during the whole Time of the Siege, and not so much as one Gun fired against it. THERE were only five Bells originally belonging to this Church, but of late Years the Number is encreas'd to Eight. The great Bell, call'd the common Bell, was sent to Colchester to be new cast in the Year 1615, it weighed 3129 lb. They are very large ones, have a bold and noble Sound, and yet exceedingly sweet and Harmonious. The three latter Bells were given to this Church by the Corporation. IN the Year 1723, William Ellison, Esq Mayor, and Robert Sowersby, Esq Sheriff, the Steeple was repaired at the Expence of the Corporation. AT the North Door of this Church, it is observable, that the large Flagg which is the first Step into the Church, is cut all along the Surface with uneven Lines, in Imitation of the Waves of the Sea. This is a silent Remembrancer of the Saint the Church is dedicated to; for St. Nicholas, the Bishop of Myra, who lived in the Time of Constantine the Great, is so famous among some for his Miracles and Apparitions by Sea, that he has merited the Title of the Patron of the Sailors. THERE were no fewer than 9 Chanteries belonging to this Church, which are valued at 48 l. 4 s. 6 d. per Annum. THE Chantery of St. John the Baptist, and St. John the Apostle, was on the In Ecclesia Sancti Nich. de dicta villa Novicastri ad altare Boreale Joannis Baptistae & Joannis Apost. & Evangel. lib. Cart. p. 121. North-side of the Church. It is said to have been founded by Robert Rhodes and Agnes his Wife, and licensed by King Henry the 6th. If there be any Truth in this, it is that he was a third Founder. He allowed a Priest 7 l. 7 s. 10 d. per Annum to pray for his Soul, and the Soul of his Wife; and the Town of Newcastle, as it is said above, out of Respect to his Memory, gave the Priest a House to live in; but it's a Mistake that this Chantery was not founded before, for Richard de Emeldon who had been above 12 Times Mayor of Newcastle, was permitted by Letters Patents from King Edward the 3d, to build upon a Piece of vacant Ground, over against the Chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr, that he might present it to Three Chaplains, to procure their Prayers for him whilst he was living, and after he was dead, and also for the Souls of his Wives and his Father and Mother, &c. every Day at the Altar in St. Nicholas, which was dedicated to John the Baptist, and John the Apostle and Evangelist. This Gentleman died about the 6th or 7th of the Reign now mentioned, as is clearly gathered from the Authority above; and the Letters in which this Chantery is mentioned bear Date the 6th of this Reign: and therefore it is a Mistake to suppose this Chantery founded in the Reign of Henry the 6th, which was almost an hundred Years after. THE Priests set a-part to attend this Altar, were every Day to pray for his Soul, and the others above-mentioned; and by an Order from the Then Richard, Lord Bishop of Durham, the Chaplains for the Time being, were obliged on the Anniversary Day of his Death, every Year for Ever, to celebrate his Memory with a Solemn tolling of the Bells, and devoutly singing by Note in the Evening of the Anniversary, and on the Anniversary itself, and solemnly to sing Mass for the Soul of Richard himself, and the Souls above-mentioned, and the Souls of all the Faithful departed. And after Mass, one of the Chaplains was to distribute among an hundred and sixty poor People, the Sum of Six Shillings and Eight-pence, and this annually for ever. This, together with several other Things, was ordered by Richard, Bishop of Durham, in the 3d Year of his Consecration, Anno 1335, which was, with all other Things mentioned in the Charter, confirmed by Edward the 3d, in the 10th Year of his Reign. THUS then it appears that this Chantery is of a much older Date than the Reign of Henry the Sixth. But this is not all; Richard de Emeldon, was but a second Founder of this Chantery: It boasts still an higher Antiquity, and is said to have been founded by Laurence of Durham, who was Prior of Durham in the Year 1149, which, by the way, is a further Proof of our Conjecture of this Church's being founded by King Henry the First, or in that Reign at latest. 2. THE Chantery of St. Catherine was founded by William Johnson and Isabel his Wife, in the Reign of Edward the Third; it's yearly Value was 6 l. 15 s. Roger Thornton, the Son of Roger the great Benefactor, in a Deed dated December the 20th, 1451, is made, together with some others, a Trustee by a Feoffment of Roger booth, the surviving Feoffee of William Johnson, who gave the Lands and Tenements therein mentioned, for the better Support of a Perpetual Chaplain to attend the Chantery of St. Catherine, which is said to be ab Alano-Durham ab antiquo sundat: IN the Reign of King Henry the 6th, one Robert Mitford was the Chaplain of this Chantery, who succeeded Peter Angram, a former Chaplain. 3. ANOTHER Chantery of St. Catherine, was founded by Nicholas and John Elliker. The Deed of Foundation is said to have been imbezeled by Richard Wallas, late Incumbent there: The yearly Value 3 l. 14 s. 8 d. which arose out of certain Tenements situated in the Close, Castle-mote, in the Side, and in Sandgate. 4. THE Chantery of St. Peter and St. Paul, was founded by Adam Henrother, and Allan Hilton, and licenced by King Henry the Fourth; the yearly Value 4 l. 13 s. 4 d. which arose from some Tenements in the Close, Side, and Westgate. 5. THE Chantery of St. Thomas, was founded by John Thapecape, and licenced by Edward the Third; the yearly Value of it was 4 l. 12 s. 6 d. 6. THE Chantery of our Lady, whose Deed of Foundation is said to have been imbezeled by Thomas Ireland, late Incumbent there. But however we may give some Guess at the Time of it: For Lib. Cart. p. 48. there is mention made of it, and of two Shillings a Year given to it, in a Charter which was signed by Nicholas de Carleol, then Capital Bailiff of the Town, in the Year 1328; and in the Year 1305, Peter Graper, then Mayor of the Town, gave Et cuidam Capellano celebranti divina ad altare Beatae Mariae Virginis in Ecclesia Beatae Nicholai de Novo Castro duos Solidos argenti &c. Lib. Cart. two Shillings a Year to the Chaplain that waited upon the Altar of the blessed Virgin Mary, in the Church of St. Nicholas. So that it must at latest have been founded in the Reign of King Edward the First. That large Porch on the South-side of the Church, or the South-Cross of the Church, as it is called, is the Chantery of St. Mary 's; the yearly Value of it was 5 l. 16 s. 7. STEPHEN Whitgray, and Mary his Wife, founded the Chantery of St. Margaret, in the South-side of the Church of St. Nicholas, in the Reign of Richard the Second. I take that Square Place, called Bewick 's Burial-place, now the Burial-place of Utrick Whitfield, Esq near the Porch-Door of this Church, to have been this Chantery. THEY constituted John de Etell, Chaplain of this Chantery, to pray for their Souls, and the Souls of the faithful departed. The Value of this Chantery was 10 Marks yearly, which was raised out of certain Tenements, viz. out of one near the Cale-cross, and from a Tenement which paid somewhat to the Chantery of St. Eligie, in the Church of All-Hallows in this Town; and from another Tenement near the Cale-Cross, which lay near Grundon-chare; and from another Tenement over-against St. Nicholas Church; and from another Tenement in Hackergate, near the Chapel of All-Saints; and from a Tenement near Kirk-chare; from a Tenement in Pampedon; from a Tenement in Broad-chare; from a Garden near Pampedon-burne; from a Tenement in Calegarth in Broad-chare, &c. THE Chaplain of this Chantery, after the Decease of the Founder, was to be chosen by the Vicar of St. Nicholas, the Mayor and Bailiffs of this Town, and Four of the honest Parishioners of St. Nicholas. Witnesses of this Charter, were Laurentius de Acton, Mayor of this Town, Henry de Carliol, Thomas de Gryndon, John de Newbiggyng, John de Appreton, Bailiffs, Thomas de Herington, John de Coket. Given at Newcastle the 20th of April, Anno Dom. 1394, in the 17th of Richard the Second. 8. THE Chantery of St. Cuthbert, was founded by Thomas Harrington and William Redmarshall, in the Reign of Richard the Second; yearly Value 7 l. 3 s. 2 d. which was raised out of certain Tenements situated in the Sandhill, Side, and Close. 9. THE Chantery of St. Loye, was founded by Robert Castell, in the Reign of Edward the Third: Yearly value 4 l. 10 s. which arose from Tenements in the Close, Westgate, and from a Close without the West-gate, called Goose-green-close. THE Font belonging to this Church has either been built or repair'd by Robert Rhodes the Builder of the upper Part of the Steeple; for his Coat of Arms (and probably his Wife's too) is quartered on the Basis of it. ON the North-Isle, answering to the Nave or Body of this Church is a large Gallery, which is chiefly for the Use of the Boys of the Grammar School. At the East-end of which an Addition was made to it by the Rev. Dr. Tomlinson, for the Use of his Successor, the Lecturer of St. Nicholas, and his own Family. IN the Rood-loft, or the Gallery which seperates the Chancel from the Nave of the Church, now called the Organ-loft, is a Double Organ. ON the North-side of this Organ, is a Porch called Saint George 's Porch, which was built, as Grey informs us, by one of the Kings of this Land. It has undoubtedly been one of the ancient Chanteries; for several of them were situated thereabouts, between the Gallery and this Porch; as some others of them were in St. Mary 's Porch, or the South Cross of the Church. It hath under it a Vault, and there is on the North Windows the Head of the King, the Father of the Lady which St. George delivered from the Dragon. ON the East Windows is still remaining some of the painted Glass. There is particularly the Picture of Saint Laurence, and some Skin-marks, and Coats of Arms. It has been a beautiful little Place: It is ceiled at the Top, and has been surrounded with carv'd Work in Wood; some of which still remains, to speak the Curious Art and commendable Expence of the Days of old. THE Chancel of this Church is a very noble and stately one. The Altar was in the Year 1712, very sumptuously and yet decently adorn'd. At the Top, is the Word Jehovah, and under that, in a Glory, a Part of the Name of Lord which he himself proclaimed before Moses. The Lord God merciful and gracious. What is below that again, see in the Altar of All-hallows. The PLATE for the Altar. TWO Flaggons; Three Challices and Covers; Three Salvers; A small Spoon Drainer. ON the South Side of the Chancel is the Vestry, above which is the Library. The Keeper of which is the Rev. Mr. Stoddard, Assistant Curate of this Church. IN this are several good Books, and some Manuscripts: But it is not at present any way comparable to what it will be hereafter, either for Variety or Number of Books of all Kinds of Learning; The worthy and learned Dr. Tomlinson, being expected to leave at his Death, to this Library, his whole Study, which is perhaps (considering the vast Number of Books, their being so well chosen, so neatly and curiously Bound, their great Variety, being of all Manner of Subjects, treating of all Arts and Sciences) a Library outdone by few private Gentlemen in the Kingdom. Grey 10. IN this Church are many sumptuous Windows, but that in the East surpasseth all the Rest in Height, Largeness, and Beauty. This Author says, that there were in this Window the Twelve Apostles, and the seven Deeds of Charity: I suppose he Means, painted upon the Glass. He tells us also, that this Window was built by the Beneficent Roger Thornton, the Elder, and that there was this Inscription on it. Orate pro anima Rogeri de Thornton, & pro animabus Filiorum & Filiarum. At present there is nothing remaining of these Pictures, but two Heads, which, if we may Judge of the Rest by them, will speak them to have been very Tall, and curiously done: The Inscription is intirely gone. AN Indulgence of 40 Days was granted by twelve Foreign Bishops, 1359, and confirmed by Thomas Hatfield, Bishop of Durham, to all such (having repented and confessed their Sins) as performed the following Things, viz. If they came to this Church to Mass, to Prayers Morning or Evening, or other Divine offices, on the Feast of it's Patron, and the others below written, viz. on the Feast of Christmas-day, the Circumcision, the Epiphany, Easter-Eve, the Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, Corpus Christi, the Invention and Exaltation of the Holy Cross, St. Michael the Arch-Angel, the Nativity and Decollation of John the Baptist, the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and all other Apostles and Evangelists; the Commemoration of All-Souls, and on the Feast of the Dedication of the said Church of St. Nicholas; and also on the Feasts of St. Stephen, Lawrence, George, Martin, Dionysius, Blasius, Mary Magdalen, Catharine, Agatha, Margaret, and in the Octaves of all Feasts, and on every Lord 's -Day and Sabbath through the Year. They also were intitled to this Indulgence who follow'd the Body of Christ, and the Holy-Oyl, when they were carryed to the the Sick; or who went round the Church-yard, praying all the while for the Dead; Those also were intitled who assisted in the Repairing of the said Church, or Gifted it with Lamps, Books, Chalices, Vestments, or any other necessary Ornaments; or gave, or left to it by Will, Gold, Silver, or any Part of their Substance: Those also shared in it, who on the Sundays said their Prayers when the Bell rung at High Mass, at the consecrating of the Body of Christ; and lastly those who devoutly prayed for the Soul of Catherine de Camera, whose Body was buried in the said Church, and for the healthful Estate of John de Camera, Gilbert de Dukesfield, and Agnes his Wife, as long as they lived, and for their Souls when they were dead. St. Nicholas Vestry. Some of the Inscriptions on the Tombs, Monuments and Graves of this Church. The East-End. ON the North-East Corner of the Church, is the Tomb of Sir George Selby. His Effigies and that of his Lady are at length, resting upon Pillows, with uplifted Hands. On the South of the Tomb are the Effigies of his Children in a Posture of Prayer, kneeling with raised Hands. Upon a Marble Stone, placed in the Wall, a little above the Tomb, is the following Inscription, Georgius Selby Eques auratus ab antiqua & clara Selbeiorum de Selby in Comitat' Ebor. Familia oriundus, quater hujus villae preator, Vicecomes Comitat' Palat' Dunelm'. Serenissimi Regis Jacobi Hospitio & Servitio Nobilitatus. Ob Lautum certe & affluentem perpetuo apparatum, & Liberalissimae Mensae communicationem merito passim celebratissimus. Margaretae Uxoris Joannis Selby de Twisell Militis filiae consorcio apprime Faelix. Ex qua suscept' quinque filios, immatura morte Sublatos & sex filias superstites; Quatuor ante illius obitum nuptas; Margaretam primam Gulielmo Balasys de Morton, Elizabetam Secundam Joanni Delavale de Dissington, Equitibus Auratis; Barbaram tertiam Roberto Delavale Haeredi Radulphi Delavale de Seaton Equitis Aurati, Isabellam quartam Patricio Curwen de Workington Armigero, & duas innuptas Dorotheam & Mariam, per totum Vitae Cursum Lautissima usus fortuna. In hoc vere beatus, quod sub indubitata Spe plenae peccatorum omnium remissionis, & suae ad eternam vitam Resurrectionis, spiritum in manus Domini commendavit in coque placide obdormivit 300 Martij 1625 An' Aetatis 68. Corpus Sepultum jacet in Crypta sub hoc Tumulo charae uxoris cura extructa. Amoris, Honoris & Memoriae ergo. Under the Coat of Arms. — Mortuus vivo. Within the Pallisadoes, upon a Flat Marble Stone — t u have Mercy of the Sowlle of George Selbe Merchant Adventurer sometime Alderman of this Town, and Margaret his Wife, and their Children. In the Margin on his Side Anno 1542. on her Side Anno 1562. IN the North-side of the Middle Porch, under the grand Eastern Window, are the Nitches of several pulled out Statues; on the South-side of it is the Monument of George Carr, with this Inscription Orate pro Anima Georgij Car quondam Majoris istius villae qui obijt Anno Domini Millesimo CCCC Cujus animae Propitietur Deus. THE Effigies of him and his Wife are at length, resting on Pillows with their Hands raised. Above them is an arched Canopy, with a defaced Inscription; but a Manuscript in this Church tells us that the Words were For George Car's Sawil his Wyffes and Chylders Sawlls all and to make a solem Dyrge Mass with all-his Bruchern in the Qwyre and Dirsse to sing as apecyth in his Writing of Rimae: AT the Feet of the Effigies are the Ruins of a large Image of our Saviour upon the Cross, with an Inscription equally dark as the other, but said to be this Our Lady prays him to say at the Day. WHEN the Scots took the Town they plundered the Churches, and these and many more were defaced; for they broke down the Carved Work thereof with Axes and Hammers. IN the North-side of the South-East-Porch, is a very pretty Monument commemorating the Wife of William Wrightson, Esq NEAR this Place lies the Body of Isabel, the Wife of William Wrightson, Esq one of the Burgesses in several Parliaments for this Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, she died the 13th of March, 1716. ALMOST contiguous to this, is the beautiful Monument of Mr. Matthews the 1st Husband of Isabel before-mention'd, he dy'd April 6, 1697. THE Burial Place of Timothy Davison, Alderman, sometime Mayor of this Town and Governour of the Merchant's Company, and Elizabeth his Wife, by whom he had Issue 16 Children, of which survived them 6 Sons and four Daughters; she departed this Life the 10th Day of September, 1694, and he the 20th Day of December 1696, in the 55th Year of his Age. HERE lyeth the Body of Robert White, Merchant, he departed October, 1644. THE Burial Place of Sir Ralph Jennison of Elswick, in the County of Northumberland, Knt. sometime Mayor of this Town. Obijt tertio die Aprilis Anno 1701, Aetat. suae 88. THE Burial Place of Mr. John Stephenson, Merchant Adventurer, who died the 20th of April 1725. ROBERT Bulman, Feltmaker, 16 May, 1716. Rachael his Daughter, who was Wife of William Henderson, Upholster, died 22d of Aug. 1730. THE Burial Place of John Ogle, Esq his Daughter Mary Lisle, Relict of Robert Lisle, of Hazon, Esq dyed 19th December, 1728. ROGER Rawe, twice Mayor of this Town, 1596. ROBERT Barker, sometime Mayor of this Town, and his four Wives; he departed the 4th of August, 1588. RALPH Cocke, Esq Alderman, and sometime Mayor of this Town, 27 Jan. 1652, his four Daughters survived him, and Judith his Wife, viz. Dorothy, Jane, Ann, Barbary: The Wives of Mark Milbank, William Carr, Thomas Davison, Henry Marley, Merchants. ROBERT Jennison, Merchant, 27 October, 1668. FRANCIS Brandling. WILLIAM Carr, Merchant Adventurer, and Jane his Wife, by whom he had Issue 11 Children; he departed April 14th, 1660; she departed Jan. 31, 1666. BARTRAM Anderson, Merchant Adventurer, June 24, 1605. JESU have Mercy of the Sawlles of Hendry Anderson, M. A. sometime Mayor of this Town, 1562. ISABELL Anderson, his Wife, was buried under the next Stone to him; she dyed in August, 1582. BERTRAM Anderson, Merchant Adventurer, August, 1606. MARK Shafto, Merchant Adventurer, sometime Mayor of this Town, April, 1593. UNDER the same lye — Shafto, who dyed December, 1581, and Robert Shafto, Alderman, of this Town, who dyed September, 1623. JESU have Mercy of the Soul of Mark. SIR Peter Riddell, Knight, Twice Mayor of this Town, 18th April, 1641. LANCELOT Hodgshon, 1667; Margaret, his Wife, Daughter to Sir Thomas Haggerston, Baronet, departed 1663. SOUTH-ISLE. IN this Isle, opposite to the Altar, against the Wall of the Church, is a beautiful and curious Monument of William Hall, Esq sometime Mayor of this Town, and Jane, his Wife, which was erected in Commemoration of them, by Sir Alexander Hall, Knight, their only surviving Son. At the Top of the Monument is the Arms of their Family, with an Angel on each Side of them. The Body of the Monument has on each Side of it a Pillar, of the Corinthian Order; between which is the Representation of a Desk, with open Books upon it, and he on the one Side of it, and his Wife on the other, in the Posture of Prayer, kneeling before it, with their folded Hands upon the Books: Below this are the Effigies of their Children, in the same Posture; one of which is represented kneeling alone, at one Side of a Desk, with an open Book upon it; and other Five on the other Side of it, kneeling one after another: The Former, I take to be design'd for their Son, the other for their Daughters. Below these again, is the following Inscription; Gulielmus Hall, Armiger quondam Major hujus villae & Jana Uxor ejus Charissima; faelice prole ditati, Juxta hoc Monumentum in Domino requiescunt. Ille vicesimo Octavo die Julii Anno Domini 1631, Aetatis suae 63. Illa duodecimo die Augusti Anno Domini 1613, Aetatis 36. In quorum memoriam Alexander Hall eques ratus unicus corum filius superstes hoc merito posuit. WILLIAM Bonner, sometime Sheriff of this Town, Jan. 22. 1626. JAMES Coward Glasier. WILLIAM Grey, Esq 1707. GEORGE Dawson, Alderman. EDWARD Johnson, Alderman, and sometime Mayor, March 12, 1726, aged 69. JESU have Mercy on the Sowlle of Edward Surtis, Merchant-Adventurer. THOMAS Gibson, Mason, Feb. 7th, 1699. PRAY for the Sawlle of John Todd, Mer. Ad. and Elizabeth, his Wiyf, Daughter was unto Wm. — Merchant, and his Children. IN this Isle against one of the Pillars is a Marble Monument with this Inscription. Memoria Patricii Crowe olim de Ashlington Armigeri. Cujus Corpus haud procul Marmore Isto Sepultum Jacet. Obijt die Januarij Tricesimo Primo Anno Domini M:D:CXCIV. MR. Chapman 's Stone, Mr. Wilkinson 's Place, Henry Chapman, Merchant Adventurer, Alderman, and 4 Times Mayor of this Town; Alderman likewise of the famous City of London, and one of the Commissioners for the Realm of England to treat with Commissioners of Scotland for the Wealth of both Kingdoms; departed to the Mercy of God the 1st of April, 1623. ROGER, Jane, Susannah, and Thomas, the Children of James Clevering, Merchant Adventurer, and sometimes Mayor of this Town: Roger departed 1592, Jane 1592, Susannah 1599, Thomas 1602. MICHAEL Kirlair, Mer. Ad. 31 July 1620. THOMAS Bowes, Mer. Ad. he departed 1593, his Wife Agnes, 1624. HENRY Bowes, Mer. Ad. ROBERT Bower, Mer. Ad. 1621. WILLIAM Johnson, Alderman and sometime Mayor, departed 1678. ROBERT Ledgard, Draper. WILLIAM Sheerwood, Mer. Ad. THIS is the new burial Place of Alderman Sowerbie. HUMPHRY Pibus, Mer. Ad. April 1691. HIS Daughter Elizabeth, was the Wife of John March, Vicar of this Town, she departed in April 1680; he the 2d of December 1692. ROBERT Hessilrigg, March 28, 1728. RICHARD Wright, Sheriff, 1671. THIS is now the burial Place of Mr. Roger Wilson, Merchant. A Stone dated 1531. WILLIAM Jackson, sometime Sheriff, 1630. ON the North-side of this South-Isle, at the South-end of the Organ Gallery is the Monument of the Family of the Maddisons. It is very beautifull, sumptuous, and magnificent. The Statues are so devoutly postur'd on bended Knees, with uplifted Hands, that whilst we view them with our outward Eyes, we are inwardly struck with a Religious Awe, and secret Wishes after Piety and Devotion. AT the Top of it, which is pretty high, are three Statues; that on the West in a sitting Posture, with a Cross in the left Hand, and a Book in the Right, is the Representation of Faith; that on the East in a sitting, expecting Posture, with an Anchor at her Feet, is the Representation of Hope, and that in the standing Posture, with a Flaming Heart in her Hand, (the Emblems of Action, and Fervency and Love) is the Representation of Charity. Above the Statue on the East, is Memorare Novissima, and above that on the West, Memoriae sacrum. BELOW these three Statues, is the Body of the Monument, having in it 6 large and beautiful Statues, three Men and three Women, on their bended Knees, with folded Hands in the Posture of Prayer; who these are designed for may be easily learned from the Inscriptions below; the Lady of the Westend, which has on the right Hand of her a Pillar of the Corinthian Order, is Elizabeth the Wife of Henry Maddisson; The Gentleman next to her is Henry her Husband; for he is cloathed in the Scarlet-Gown of the Aldermen of Newcastle, because he was sometime Mayor of this Town. Next to him is his Father Lionel Maddison, cloathed in the same Manner (for he was thrice Mayor of this Town) kneeling before a Desk, with an open Book on it; on the other Side of this Desk is his Wife Jane, kneeling in the same Manner, with her face to him; next to her, is their Son John, who died in the Expedition to Cadix, and who is therefore cloathed in Armour. Then we have the opposite Pillar of the Corinthian Order, on the other Side of which is the Effigies of one of Henry 's Daughters, probably Barbara, who dyed at the Age of 17 Years, as is said on an adjoining Stone. The Inscription. Here rests in Christian Hope the Bodies of Lionel Maddison, Son of Rowland Maddison, of the County of Durham, Esq and of Jane his Wife; she died July the 9th, 1611, he having been thrice Mayor of this Town, departed December 6th, 1624, aged 94 Years, he lived to see his only Son Henry Father to a fair and numerous Issue; here interr'd also are the Bodies of Henry Maddison, and Elizabeth his Wife, Daughter of Robert Barker of this Town, who lived together most comfortably 40 Years, he was sometime Mayor of this Town, and having lived in good Name and Fame 60 Years, deceased in the true Faith of Christ the 14th of July 1634. Elizabeth his only Wife, had Issue by him ten Sons, (viz.) Sir Lionel Maddison, Knight, Sir Lionel Maddison, Knight, Ralph, Robert, William, Henry, Peter, George, Timothy, and Thomas, and Six Daughters, Jane, Susan, Elizabeth, Barbara, Eleanor, and Jane, all the Sons at his Death were living; but John who died in his Expedition to Cadix. She lived his Widow 19 Years, died 1653. Below the Inscription, under Elizabeth is Animae super Aethera vivunt. Under Henry and Lionel, Decus vitae est Honorata Mors. Under Jane and John, Beati mortui in Domino moriuntur. And under Barbara, Serius aut metam Properamus a unam. THE smaller Statues surrounding the Tomb, are designed for the Children of the Family. THE whole is surrounded with a strong Iron Rail, as being one of the greatest Monumental Ornaments of the Church. THIS Tomb was about two Years ago clean'd and beautified at the Expence of Mr. Robert Percival, whom we have commemorated amongst the Benefactors of St. John 's Church. LIONEL Maddison, Mer. Ad. Mayor of this Town, July 1624. JANE Tempest, Wife of William Tempest, Esq second Son of Sir Nicholas Tempest, Knt. and Bart, and Daughter to Henry Maddison, sometime Mayor, departed 29th December 1616, Aetat. 20. BARBARA Maddison, Daughter of the said Henry Maddison, 1617, aged 17 Years. On Mr. Forster 's Stone. Ive kept the Faith a good Fight fought have I, My God and Sovereign serv'd here quartered lie; With Dust disbanded 'till the last Trump hence, Rally these Atombs by it's Influence, Then with the Loyal Bands received I may A Crown of Glory for the general pay. THOMAS Loraine, Esq his Epitaph. About the Border, Hic jacet Thomas Loraine olim de Kirkharle Armiger qui obijt vicessimo quarto die Octobris, Aetatis suae 35 Anno Domini MDCXLIX. Upon the Copper Plate, Ite precor, Musae, vos & Dolor iste requirit Iste Labor circum tempora Taxus eat Plangite Solicitis Moerentia Pectoni Palmis Rumpat & Ornatus quique suos Publica quippe vocat clamantia publica virtus Hujus erat hic Dolor minor Fata Magistratum rapiunt cum ferrea Regnum Debilitant Mundum cum rapuere bonos Et bonus & Laurus modo cum decesserit orbis Non satis ad Fletus, si Lachrimarit, erit. St. MARY 's PORCH. P. M. ALEXANDRI Davison Equitis Aurati & Annae Filliae Radulphi Cocke, ejus Conjugis Charissimae. Ex qua Filios quinque, Thomam equitem auratum; Radulphum Davison de Thornley, Samuelem Davison de Wingate Grange, Josephum Centurionem cordatum (in hujus oppidi contra Scotos Rebelles propugnatione strenui ad mortem us que Dimicantem hic juxta tumulatum) Edwardum Mercatorem Caelibem, defunctum, Filias etiam Binas Barbaram primo Radulpho Calverley deinde Thomae Riddell de Fenham in Comitatu Northumbriae Equitibus auratis, ac Margaretam Henrico Lambton, armigero Enuptas, Suscitavit. Qui quidem Alexander Grassante tunc conjuratione perfidissima, Optimo Regi, Causae que Regiae semper Fidelissimus Gravem rei familiaris Jacturam Maximo animo perpessus, tandem que in hujus Novicastri obsidione cum Scotorum Rebellium exercitu irruenti magnanimiter Confligens, Novissimum Spiritum (octogenarius fere) fortiter effudit. Undecimo die Mensis Novembris anno ab Incarnatione Domini 1644 hoc monumentum posuit Thomas Primogenitus Eques Auratus M. S. Egregio Adolescenti Thomae Hamiltono, animi Indole, forma Corporis & robore praecaeteris insigni, Domini Patricii Hamiltonii a Preston filio dignissimo a nobilissima familia Hadingtonia oriundo, Centurioni sub Domino Alexandro Leslaeo Exercitus Scoticani Faederis Imperatore, excellentissimo Domino Alex. Hamiltonus Rei Tormentariae praefectus, Avuunculus Maerens posuit, Cum totius exercitus Panctu Maximo obijt Anno Domini 1640 Octobris 29. Aetatis suae 20. The Motto of the Coat of Arms above, Mihi Palma Cupressus. SIR Richard Stote 's Burial Place. Quinto Die Februarii Anno, 1615 Richardus Stote quondam hujus Villae Mercator obijt. Decimo sexto Die Aprilis Anno 1589 Hellinor Uxor ejus 2, ex hac vita decessit. In Sacra Memoria Parentum suorum Edvardus Stote hoc Monumentum posuit. Richardus Stote, Miles, Serviens Domini Regis Caroli Secundi ad Legem objit vicessimo quinto die Decembris. Anno Domini 1682. Near this Place is interr'd the Body of Joseph Huddldleston late Citizen and Fishmonger of London, (Second Son of Andrew Hudleston of Huttonjohn in the County of Cumberland, Esq ) who departed this Life the 14th of June Anno Dom' 1679. He married Mary Daughter of John Emmerson, Merchant, sometime Mayor of this Town, and by her had issue Joseph (who dy'd in his Infancy) and Dorothy who survives. UNDER the South Window of this Porch lies the Effigies of a Man, at his full length with his Legs across, and his Dog at his feet, having his Escutcheon of Arms and Sword. This we are inform'd was the Fashion of burying those only, who took upon them the Cross, and were mark'd with the Badge of the Cross, for sacred Warfare, in recovering the Holy-Land from the Turks. HE is supposed to have been one of the Family of the Scroopes. JOHN Lawson, Esq of Cramlington in the County of Northumberland, 5th Nov. 1680. ANTHONY Isaacson, Esq ROBERT Roddam, Alderman, and sometime Mayor of this Town, July 1682. JONATHAN his Son, sometime Mayor of Newcastle, dyed 21st August, 1712. he left Issue by Jane his Wife a Son and a Daughter. THE Burial Place of Paul Cook, Joyner. JOHN Emmerson, sometime Mayor, dy'd THOMAS Jennison, sometime Mayor, departed, December, Anno 1676. ISABEL Riddel, 1663. RICHARD Huddleston and Elizabeth his Wife, he dy'd June 1707, she 1730, aged 82 Years. CHRISTOPHER Nicholson, Alderman, departed 29th Sept. 1670, in the 68th Year of his age. AGAINST the Wall stands a Monument of Michael Welden, Son of Michael Welden of Welden, Esq and Sarah his Wife, who departed this Life 3d Ap. 1680. St. MARGARET 's Chantery. THE Burial Place of the Family of the Bewicks. West-End of the CHURCH. THE Burial Place of William Errington, Master and Mariner. JOHN Gill. WILLIAM Boutflower, Merchant Adventurer. In the MIDDLE-ISLE. THE Burial Place of William Rutter, Merchant Adventurer. At the East-End of the MIDDLE-ISLE. RICHARD Wright, Merchant Adventurer, and sometime Sheriff, departed this Life, 5th May 1671. CUTHBERT Ellison, Merchant Adventurer. Now the Burial Place of Mr. Richard Wall, descended from the Elder Brother of Robert and Benjamine Ellison. THE Burial Place of Robert Ellison, Merchant Adventurer, sometime Sheriff, he dyed Jan. 12th, 1677. THE Burial Place of Benjamine Ellison, who departed this Life 25th June, 1676. ABRAHAM Anderson, Merchant. JOSEPH Ellison, Merchant, who dyed 21st of Jan. 1686. In the NORTH-ISLE. THOMAS Partis, Tobacconist, who died 9th May, 1684. THE Burial Place of Roger Ive, Citizen and Stationer of London, who died 6th August 1675. ROGER Procter, Merchant Adventurer, who died 20th Nov. 1664. Now Mr. Mallburne 's Burial Place. JOHN Winship, Tanner, 1607. AGAINST the North-wall a Monument of Major Robert Bugg, Citizen and Habberdasher of London, who died 22d May 1688. GEORGE Winfield, Merchant Adventurer, Alderman, and twice Mayor, died 18th Nov. 1684. MICHAEL Hall, Gentleman, 25th July 1647. NICHOLAS Stricker, who died Aug. 5th, 1689. BARBARA Riddell, Wife to William Riddell, Merchant, and sometimes Mayor, 1627. St. GEORGE 's PORCH. SAMUEL Gill, Esq who died 26th Oct. 1720. WILLIAM Warriner, 1706. — Marlay, Esq 1676. Now Mr. Perith 's. ANOTHER of John Marlay, Merchant, who departed October 1561. UNDER which lyes also William Marlay, who departed 16th Jan. 1609. AND also Sr . John Marley, Knight, Son of William, who had been 5 Times Mayor, and departed Anno 1673, aged 83 Years and 3 Days. JESU have Mercy on George Byrde 's Soul, is on the Border of Matsen 's Stone. MATTHEW Matsen, Merchant Adventurer, died 1st October 1697. TIMOTHY Robson, Alderman, twice Mayor, departed 30th Dec. 1700. THE Burial Place of George Heron, Merchant. On the Top of which Stone is, Jesu have Mercy on the Soul of John Ord. ON the Wall a handsome Marble Monument, on which is the following Inscription; Hic Sitae sunt exuviae Roberti Shafto Equitis aurati, Nee non ad legem Servientis Et hujus Municipij, Propraetoris In Desideratissimi Patris Memoriam Hoc Mamor Posuit Unicus Defuncti silius Marcus Shafto de Whitworth In Comitatu Dunelmen Arm. Obijt Maij XXI A.D. M:DCCV Vixit annos LXXII. MATTHEW Jefferson, sometime Mayor of this Town, departed March 1st, 1687. In the QUIRE. THE Burial Place of Nicholas Ridley, Esq twice Mayor of this Town, and Governour of the Merchant's Company, and Martha his Wife, by whom he had Issue 9 Children, viz, John, Mary, Richard, Ann, Nicholas, Edward, Ann, Martha and John: He departed this Life the 22d. of January 1710, John their eldest Son dyed April the 14th, 1686. M. S. Janae Yeldardi Alvey Hujus Ecclesiae Vicarii Uxori Lectiss. & dilectiss. Decem Liberorum Utrius que Sexus aequaliter Faecundae Matri Cultu in Deum, Obsequio in Maritum Pietate in prolem, dilectione in Proximum Charitate in Pauperes, ad exemplum celebri, Quae Postquam 34 Aetat. Ann. Complevisset Pie & Placide in Domino Obdormivit Denata est tempore Antelucano Magni Paschatis sesti 1643 Maritus maerens hoc in amoris aeternum Duraturi Testimonium merito Posuit. Radulphus Jennison quondam Major hujus Oppidi qui tempore Praeseturae suae e vivis decessit Anno Domini 1597 hoc tumulo sepultus Jacet. Prudens, Pacificus I argus justus que pius que Sydera qui quaerit, sis Ubi quaerit Ubi Jacet & hic Robertus Filius ejus, quandam Theologiae Doctor & Minister verbi Dei. MR. Thomas Robinson 's Burial Place. Here Lyeth buried under this Stone Of John Bennet both body and bone Late of these North Parts, Master of the Ordinance, Which deceased by God's Providence, The Eight Day of the Month of July, In perfect Faith Love and Charity; A thousand five hundred sixty and Eight Whose Soul to Heav'n he trusted went streight Through God's great Mercy, Bloodshed and Death Which only he trusted to during his Breath, So trust we his Wife and Children that caused this And Captain Carvel, a Friend of his. HERE lyeth the Body of Sir William Blacket, Bart. Alderman and sometime Mayor of this Town, and Burgess in Parliament for this Corporation, and Dame Elizabeth his Wife, by whom he had Issue 9 Children, of which survived him 3 Sons and 3 Daughters, viz. Edward, Michael, William, Elizabeth, Isabel and Christian; she departed this Life the 7th of April, 1674, and he the 16th of May, 1680. Michael his Son, sometime Alderman, departed this Life the 26th Day of April, 1683; who had Elizabeth only, she departed this Life the 12th Day of January, 1677. THE Burial Place of John Rumney, Merchant. THE Burial Place of William Jennison, Merchant Adventurer. WILLIAM, Isabel, Edward, Christian, Michael, John, William, and Christopher, the Children of William Blacket, Alderman, and Elizabeth his Wife. John buried the 4th of May, 1654, William buried the 9th of August, 1954, Christopher buried the 8th Day of July, 1678. IN this North Part of the Church of St. Nicholas was a Shrine of Henry Earl of Northumberland, who in the 4th of Henry the 7th was Lieutenant of Yorkshire, and being commanded by the King to levy those Monies which were then extorted from the Country to carry on the War of Britany; the Vulgar conceiving him to be the Cause of that Task, tumultuously murdered him at Cockledge, near Threske, eighteen Miles north of York, upon the Day of St. Vitalis the Martyr; whereupon he was buried at Beverley, where he hath a stately Monument, but much defaced. This is Shrine at present much more so, being no where to be met with; bul Grey tells us, that in this Part of the Church there was such a Monument in his Time, that was made in Memory of him in his own Country; he having a House in this Town and Parish, and that Part of the Inscription upon it was, Orate pro anima Hemici Percy 4 Northumbriae qui per Rebbelium Manus occabuit, &c. THE Milbank Manuscript says it was in the north Corner of the Church: That it was a Monument of Wood; on which was painted an old Man, our Saviour on his right Hand, and the Virgin Mary on his Left. There came a Labil from her Mouth, but what it was this Authority had forgot; but that from our Saviour 's was Quaeso Patri sac, qued rog it mea Mater. THEN followed some Latin Verses, done in the rhiming Way of the Monks, but they are so dark and obscure, that little can be made of them. the Manuscript goes on; When Mr. William Selby was buried, this Monument was removed out of that Corner, and Sir George Selby did set his magnificent Tomb there. Alter that it was placed against the Wall, next to Sir George 's Tomb, and so continued 'till Mr. Lane. Hodshon got leave of Vicar Nailor to remove it and place his Father. Where it is now I know not. Grey tells us, that the Parson of the Town is the Bishop of Carlisle, who hath his Vicar or Substitute. How this Bishop came to have this Living in his Gift, I have shewed in the Beginning of our Account of this Church. UPON this Church depend the other Churches; for the Vicar has Dues from them all: And yet they are each of them a distinct Parish from St. Nicholas. THIS Vicarage is reckoned 150 l. per Ann. and the Corporation makes an annual Addition of 90 l. per Ann. to it, which was granted by this generous and worthy Body, that the Vicar might live in a more plentiful and hospitable Manner than he could otherwise do. The Vicar 's Assistant in this Church is the Curate of it; who is stiled in an ancient Writing the Parish Priest, absque Impedimento Vicarii aut Presbyteri Parochialis. Lib. Cart. 124. He receives from the Vicar 4 l. per Ann. from the Town 35 l. per Ann. and from the Crown 6 l. 16 s. 8 d. besides the stated Fees of the Church. IN the Year 1724, the upper Clerk of this Church dy'd (for it had been the Custom to have two) Upon which it was thought more beneficial to the Parish to have an Assistant to the Curate, which was accordingly done in the Month of October, the same Year. His Salary arises from the Fees of the Clerkship. The Lecturer of this Church, whose Duty is to preach on the Sunday afternoon, has a Salary of 100 l. per Ann. paid him by the Corporation. ALL the Vicars, Curates, and Lecturers of this Church, that I have met with, are these following, Magister Joannes de Hirlaw Vicarius in the Reign of Edward 3d. MATTHEW Bolton, 1374. NICHOLAS de S. 1401. ROGERUS de Thresh, 1418. JOHN Heyworth, 1436. WILLIAM Clym, 1438. THOMAS Harelred, 9th Hen. 7th. JOHN Sanderson before the Year 1532. JOHN Heron, Ob. 1543. he alienated the Tythe of Cramlington, for a Cheese, and a Couple of Capons to be tendred May the 9th, in St. Nicholas Church Porch. HENRY Aglionby, 1543. WILLIAM Purge, 1549. WILLIAM Salkeld, A. M. Sepult. August 25, 1568. JOHN Magrey, 1568. RICHARD Holdsworth, 1585, he was buried at St. Nicholas, Sept. 5, 1594. THE Worshipful Dr. Morton, Archdeacon of Durham, and Vicair of Newcastle, was buried at Newcastle, July 18th, 1620. HENRY Pool, Vicar, was buried at St. Nicholas 's, Sept. 3d, 1623. DR. Jackson, Vicar, he left the Vicarage, and dyed in the South of England, Anno 1640, Eachard the Historian gives this Character of him. DR. Thomas Jackson, the Ornament of the University of Oxford, was President of Corpus Christi College, and Dean of Peterborough, he was a Man of great Piety and Worth, Industry and Ability, a great Master of the Fathers, and profoundly read in Theology, as appears from his many learned Treatises. YEILDARD Alvey, Vicar, was buried at St. Nicholas, 1648, he succeeded in the Vicarage of Newcastle in the Year 1630, when the most learned Dr. Jackson was elected President of Corpus Christi College, in Oxford, his Sufferings began very early in the Troubles, Vide Ann. 1645. as I find by a Letter of his, written to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, and dated from York, Oct. 16, 1640, wherein he sets forth what he then had suffer'd, in the following Manner. I am for the present outed of all my spiritual Promotions, to the yearly Value of 300 l. and have most of my moveable Goods seized upon by the Rebels, being forc'd (upon some threatning Speeches given out by them, that they would deal more rigourously with me than others) suddenly to desert all, and to provide for the Safety of my self, Wife, and seven Children, by a speedy Flight in the Night-time; how they would have dealt with me they have since made evident, by their harsh dealing with two of my Curates, whom I left to officiate for me in my Absence; who have not only been interrupted in reading Divine Service; but threatn'd to be Pistol'd, if they would not desist from the Execution of their Office: And whereas I had lately purchased 60 Pounds per Annum in Northumberland, and hoped to have been supplied that Way in these calamitous Times, 'till I might with Safety return; they have, since I presented my Petition to his Majesty, seized upon that also, and commanded my Servant to be accountable to them for it: This is my Case at this Time. Afterwards, as might be expected, it was far worse, for, as I am otherwise inform'd he was not only pull'd out of this Pulpit by two Holy Sisters, but imprison'd at Newcastle, at Holy-Island, and at Norwich; his Family increas'd under his Troubles, if I mistake not, to ten Children, (for so many I find his Wife bore him in all) which were reduced to great Streights, and subsisted in good measure by Charity; I perceive by the Letter abovementioned, that he had been active as well as passive in the Service of his Majesty; by both which Means he had so far recommended himself to the Favour and Esteem of that Prince, that he had design'd some Reward for him, which in all Probability the Rebellion prevented the King from bestowing. Nor did Mr. Alvey live to receive it from his royal Son, on the Restoration, for his Death happened in the Year, 1648, and was hastened, as 'tis thought, by his Sufferings. He was a very Honest Good Man, and a true Son of the Church of England; as, I am told, appears by a little Tract which he wrote, and which I have not yet been able to get a Sight of, intitled, The Humble Confession and Vindication of them who suffer'd much, and still suffer, under the Name of Malignants and Delinquents, Publish'd in 1647. DR. Robert Jenison, 1645, buried at St. Nicholas, November 8, 1652. SAMUEL Hammond, 1652, he left the Vicarage upon the Restoration. JOHN Knightbridge. THOMAS Nayler, 1662, buried at St. Nicholas, April 15th, 1679. JOHN March, Vicar, B. D. he was born in this Town. He was an admirable Scholar, a Man of strict Piety, and a most powerful Preacher. The last Sermon he preached was in the Epistle to the Hebrews, 2d Chap. V 3d. How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation? He preached it on the Sunday Morning, and on the Sunday following was buried. THIS Sermon, together with eleven more, were published and recommended to the World by Dr. Scot, the Author of the Christian Life. There were several other Sermons of his published in his Life-time, (viz.) one intitled The false Prophet unmask'd, or, The Wolf strip'd of his Sheep's Cloathing, preached on the 30th of January, 1683, before the Mayor and Aldermen of this Town, and dedicated to them, another on the 30th Jan. 1676/7, dedicated to the Mayor and Magistrates. Another upon the 29th May, 1684, dedicated also to them, &c. He was buried at St. Nicholas, Dec. 4, 1692. LEONARD Welstead, Vicar, was buried at St. Nicholas 's, Nov. 15th, 1694. NATHANIEL Ellison, D. D. Vicar, died May 4th, 1721, and was buried at. St. Nicholas 's. He was born in this Town. He was a Man of good Learning, and an exemplary Life; and was looked upon to be one of the best of Parish Priests, for his Constancy and Usefulness in Preaching; he was besides Vicar of Newcastle, Archdeacon of Stafford, Rector of Whitburne, in the Country of Durham, and Prebendary of Durham. IN the Year 1700, he Publish'd at London a Sermon preached before the Mayor and Magistrates of this Town at St. Nicholas 's Church, October 8th, 1699, being the Sunday after the Election of the Mayor. It was Entituled, The Magistrates Obligation to punish Vice. IN the Year 1701, his Sermon of Confirmation, preached June 23, 1700, before the Lord Crew, Bishop of Durham, at St. Nicholas 's Church in this Town, was printed at London. IN the Year 1710 he printed his Sermon at London, which was preached at Ali-hallows Church, on All-Saints Day, 1709, at the Opening of a Charity-School in that Parish. It is Entitled, The Obligations and Opportunities of doing Good to the Poor. WILLIAM Bradford, M. A. of Bennet College, Cambridge, succeeded Dr. Ellison in this Vicarage. He was Son to Samuel, the late Bishop of Rochester. He dyed July 15th, 1728. in the 32d Year of his Age, and was buryed in Westminster Abbey. A little before his Death he was preferr'd to the Archdeaconry of Rochester. He was universally beloved, being a Man of great Humanity and Condescention, and of an open generous Temper; and very much lamented at his Death on account of these, and his many other good Qualities. He was succeeded in the Vicarage by THOMAS Turnor, A. M. of St. John 's College, in Cambridge, the present Vicar. The CURATES. CHRISTOPHER Forster, Curate, 1629 NICHOLAS Stote, 1663. RALPH Astell, 1667. WlLLIAM Drake, 1678, A. M. FRANCIS Woodmas, M. A. afterwards Vicar of Bedlington, famous for his Skill in the Greek Tongue. MICHAEL Fenwick, M. A. afterwards Rector of Long-Newton, in the County of Durham. EDMUND Lodge, removed to the Mastership of the Grammar School of this Town, 1716, and was succeeded by JOHN Cowling, M. A. of St. Peter 's College, Cambridge, the present Curate. LECTURERS. THOMAS Stephenson resigned 1639. JOHN Bewick, 1639. DR. George Wishart, 1643. CUTHBERT Sydenbam and William Durant, 1645. CUTHBERT Sydenbam, alone, 1648. JOHN Tylesley removed. JOHN Knightbridge, 1656. DR. Wishart again 1660. HE was a Native of the Kingdom of Scotland; and was by the House of Commons ( June 18th, 1642) resolved unfit to be Lecturer of St. Nicholas; and soon after, as I presume, turned out of that Place. He was plunder'd also, and suffer'd a long and tedious Imprisonment, in the nastiest Part of the Tolbooth at Edinburgh, called the Thieves-hole. After his Sequestration, having returned into his own Country, he became Minister of the Church of St. Andrew; at length accompanied the noble Marquiss of Montross in his Conquest of Scotland, and upon the Declension of that immortal Person, became Chaplain to the Queen of Bohemia. On the Restoration of his Majesty he returned to his Lecture of Newcastle, where he continued in great Esteem and Veneration for his unspotted Loyalty, until 1662, at which Time he was promoted to the Bishoprick of Edinburgh, where he dyed about the middle of the Year, 1671. He was a Person of great Religion, and very charitable to the Poor; and having been a Prisoner, he was always careful at each Dinner that he made, to send the first Dish from his Table to the Prisoners. He wrote the Compleat History of the Wars, &c. under the Marquiss of Montross. JOHN Bewick again, 1662. WILLIAM Mair, 1671. JOHN March, afterwards Vicar, 1676. JOHN Rawlet, M. A. 1679. He was a very pious and Charitable Man. He seem'd to have imitated the Example of Onesiphorus to St. Paul, in making it his Business to find out the Sick and Needy, that he might have the Pleasure and Happiness of assisting them. For he sought them out very diligently and found them, and therefore the Lord will shew Mercy unto him in that Day. HE printed several Things. In the Year 1682, his Sacramental Covenanting, at London. His Solomon's Prescription against the Plague, in the Year 1685. His Dialogue between two Protestants, in answer to a Popish Catechism, called a Short Catechism against all Sectaries. A Book of Divine Poems, &c. JONATHAN Davison, 1686. GEORGE Tully, M. A. 1687. ROBERT Tomlinson, D. D. 1695; Now Rector of Whickham. THOMAS Dockwray, M. A. of St. John 's College, Cambridge, 1724, the present Lecturer. THE Lecturer of this Church is also the Holyday Lecturer, for which this Town allows 20 l. per Annum. IN these Weeks in which are no Holydays, there is a Catechetical Lecture in this Church, for the Instruction of the Boys of the Grammar School, and those of the Charity Schools, who are examined in their Turns. THIS is done by the Vicar, the Morning Lecturer of All-hallows, the Lecturer of St. John 's, and the Lecturer of St. Andrew 's, in their Order. THIS Cathechetical Lecture ceases during the Seasons of Advent and Lent, because during these Times, there is a Sermon in this Church twice a Week, on the Wednesday, and Friday, which is preached by the whole Clergy of Town, every one preaching in his Turn and Order. MORNING and Evening Prayers are every Day read at this Church, at 10 in the Morning and 3 in the Afternoon. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is administred here every first Sunday in the Month. THE Town was wont to make a Present to this Church of 13 Gallons of Wine every Year at Easter. LEGACIES left to the POOR of the Parish of St. NICHOLAS. LEFT by Thomas Davison, Esq yearly to be paid in December, as followeth, viz.   l. s. d. OUT of a House at the Foot of the Side, the Sum of 01 03 00 OUT of a House near the Sandhill Corner 00 07 00 OUT of a House on the Sandhill 00 09 06 OUT of a House on the Long-Stairs 00 04 00   02 03 06 LEFT by William Carr, Esq to be paid at 2 Payments, (viz.) St. Eleanor Day, being the 3d Day of May, and St. Martin 's Day, the Bishop, in Winter, as followeth, OUT of a House in the Bigg-Market, 01 06 08 OUT of a House in Gunner -ward 00 13 04   02 00 00 LEFT by Mr. Andrew Aldworth, to be paid at the Feast of St. Andrew. OUT of a House in Akewelgate 01 00 00 LEFT by Sir William Blacket, Bart, to be paid in December, OUT of a House at the Bridge-end 02 00 00 LEFT by Mr. Robert Ellison the Sum of 33 06 08 THE Interest yearly to be paid to the Vicar and Church-wardens. THIS was put into the Hands of John Bourne upon his own Bond, who failing, both Principal and Interest were lost. The last Interest was paid A. D. 1708. LEFT by Henry Hilton, of Hilton, Esq by his last Will, dated Feb. 26th, 1640, yearly to be paid at Michaelmas, the Sum of 06 00 00 REDUC'D by Act of Parliament to 04 00 00 LEFT by Sir Alexander Davison, Sir Thomas Davison, William Carr, Esq Mark Milbank, Esq John Rumney, Esq and Sir Mark Milbank, to be paid at two Payments, viz. Lady-day and Michaelmas, as followeth. Lady-day Payment. SIR Alexander Davison 01 00 00 SIR Thomas Davison 00 10 00 WILLIAM Carr, Esq 00 15 00 MARK Milbank, Esq 01 10 00 JOHN Rumney, Esq 01 05 00 SIR Mark Milbank 03 00 00 Michaelmas the same Payments for each. LEFT by John Jefferson the Sum of 02 00 00 THIS is paid yearly in March, by his Executors, as followeth, viz. MR. Matthew Bowes 00 13 04 MRS. Mary Varnel 00 13 04 MRS. Elizabeth Brumell 00 13 04 LEFT by Timothy Davison, Esq yearly to be paid in December, OUT of the Merchant's Company 01 05 00 LEFT by Mrs. Jane Brokesby a Quit-rent of 20 s. per Ann. out of Houses in Trinity-Chare, now held by Mr. Fenwick and others. ALSO 50 l. out of her Lands in Forest-hill, to secure the Payment of 3 l. per Annum; the said Sum of 4 l. per Annum to be distributed at 20 s. per Quarter. LEFT by Nicholas Ridley, Esq yearly to be paid in December, OUT of Grounds in Heaton, the Sum of 01 10 00 LEFT by Joseph Atkinson, Esq the Sum of 50 l. THE Interest yearly to be paid on Sept. 30th 02 10 00 LEFT by Matthew White, Esq yearly to be paid in December, OUT of a House in Pilgrim-street, lately in the Possession of Thomas Marshall, the Sum of 01 10 00 LEFT by Isabel Wife of William Wrightson, Esq the Sum of 50 l. THE Interest yearly to be paid on Sept. 30 02 10 00 LEFT by Leonard Wetherly, Gent, the Sum of 20 l. THE Interest yearly to be paid on Sept. 11th 01 00 00 LEFT by Mr. Richard Randal the Sum of 7 l. LEFT by Mrs. Ann Davison the Sum of 200 l. The Interest of which to be distributed at two Doles, 5 l. each, (viz.) on St. Thomas 's Eve, and on the 7th of February. LEFT by Mr. William Harrison the Sum of 50 l. THE Interest yearly to be paid on St. Andrew 's Day 02 10 00 LEFT by Mrs. Margaret Ramsey the Sum of 20 l. THE Interest to be yearly distributed for ever 01 00 00 LEFT by Mr. James Coward the Sum of 20 l. THE Interest to be yearly distributed for ever 01 00 00 MRS. Eleanor Allan of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, Widow, did by a Deed of Gift, bearing Date Feb. 20th, 1705, assign a Farmhold and Tenant-right, in Walls-end, in the County of Northumberland, held under the Dean and Chapter of Durham, of the yearly Value 61 l. 19 s. 5 d. to Trustees, in Trust to herself for Life, and after her Death (which happened Jan. 21st 1708) for setting up a School for teaching 40 Boys and 20 Girls, of the Parish of St. Nicholas, and Chapelry of St. John; which was accordingly done, A. D. 1709. The Boys are taught to read, write, and cast Accompt; and after they have for that End been a sufficient Time in the School, they are, by the Trustees for the said School, put out to some Trade, or put to Sea, and have 40 s. a-piece allow'd them for that Purpose, as also a Bible and Common-Prayer bound up together; a whole Duty of Man, and Mr. Lewis 's Explanation of the Church Catechism. The Girls are taught to read, write, few and knit, and when they are perfect therein, they are put out to Trades, or to Service; and have 20 s. allow'd them, with a Bible, Whole Duty of Man, and Catechism, as the Boys. The Boys are taught by a Master, who has a Salary of 25 l. per Ann. and 20 s. for Coals. The Girls are taught by a Mistress, who has 10 l. per Ann. and 10 s. for Coals. A. D. 1718. The Inhabitants, of the Parish of St. Nicholas resolv'd upon an annual Subscription for Cloathing the poor Children belonging to the said School, and they are accordingly cloathed new every Year upon the first Day of May. THIS Charitable Foundation hath received some Addition, by the generous Benefaction of some other well disposed Christians; for A. D. 1723 Mr. Gilbert Campel, Inn-holder, in the said Parish, left by his Last Will 20 l. and Mr. Samuel Nichols, Organist of the Parish Church of St. Nicholas, left in the same Year 10 l. both which Sums of Money are order'd to be put out at Interest, for the Benefit of this School. MRS. — Chisholm, Widow of the Rev. Mr. Chisholm, of Wooler, in the County of Northumberland, did A. D. , pay to the Corporation of Newcastle, the Sum of 500 l. to receive the Interest of the same to herself for Life, and after her Death to go to the Use of this School for ever. NETHER-DEAN-BRIDGE. DIRECTLY opposite to the East Window of St. Nicholas Church is the Nether-dean-bridge, which you descend into by some Stairs, that lead from the Church-yard. IT is called so, because it goes over the Dean or Syke lower down the Town than the other Bridge; for as the Higher-bridge has the Name of the Upper-dean-bridge, because it is higher in the Town, so this being lower in the Town, has the Name of the Nether-dean-bridge. It is a little narrow Lane which leads into Pilgrim-street. Formerly, when the Merchants had their Shops and Ware-houses in the Flesh-market, the River ebb'd and flow'd above this Bridge, and the Boats came under it with the Wares and Commodities of the Merchants. But it is chiefly Famous because the Roman Wall went along it. It came from the Vicar's Garden, through the Body of St. Nicholas Church, then along this Street, and so on into Pandon. As you descend the Stairs afore-mention'd into this Lane, there is an Alms-house on the left Hand for two or three poor Women, but it has no Allowance. CHAP. VIII. Of PILGRIM-STREET. T HIS Street got it's Name from the Pilgrims, who came from all parts of this Kingdom to worship at our Lady 's Chapel at Gesmond, or Jesumunde, or as it is called in some ancient Writings Jesumuth, is it pleasant Village, on the North-East of Newcastle, Distant from it about 2 Miles; it appertained to the Barony of Robert de Gaugy, as appears by a Certificate given in the Third of Hen. the 3d. of such Manours, as his Barony did consist of, for which he was obliged to the Service of Three Knights Fees. Mag. Brit. Vol. 3. Adamus de Athol, who lies buried in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity, in St. Andrew 's Church, lived in this Village, and is called Dominus de Jesmond: The Orde 's Family was also in Possession of it. There are still to be seen the Ruins of the Chapel and Hospital of our Lady in this Village. The Hospital is now a Dwelling-house; but the Chapel is chang'd into something worse, being turn'd into a Stable. I am told, and it is very probable, that this Chapel and Hospital are at present the Property of Mr. Robert Andrew of Gateshead. Gesmond. THERE was an Inn in this Street, which the Pilgrims in their Journey were wont to call at, which occasioned their constant coming up this Street, and so it got it's Name of Pilgrim-street, as the Inn did that of the Pilgrims Inn. As you descend this Street, you have on the left Hand a Passage to the Carliol-croft, which is a large Field (formerly the Property of the Carliols, now of John Rogers, Esq ) bounded on one Side with the Town's Walls, and on the other by the Gardens on this Side of Pilgrim-street. ON that Side of it, next the Town-Wall is a very agreeable Walk, generally frequented in a Summer's Evening by the Gentry of this Part of the Town; The Prospect of the Gardens, some of which are exceeding Curious, affording a good deal of Pleasure. THERE is a Passage from this Field into the Manour-Chare. In the Year 1351, Sir In the 23d, 24th, and 25th of Edward the First, Robert de Hilton, of Hilton, in the County Palatine of Durham, had Summons to Parliament amongst the Barons of this Realm; and in the 4th of Edward the 2d was in that Expedition then made into Scotland. This Robert married Margaret, one of the Three Coheitesses to Marmaduke de Thwenge, and left issue Two Daughters his Heirs, viz. Isabel, married to Walter de Penwardyn, and Maud to Hotham. After this, there is mention made of Alexander de Hilton, who in the 7th of Edward the Third, served in the Scottish Wars with Ralph Lord Nevil, and had Summons to Parliament in the 6th and 9th of Edward the Third, but no longer. This is in all Probability the same Alexander with him above mentioned. The present Gentlemen, John Hilton, Esq a regular Descendant of this ancient Family, lives in the Place of his Ancestors, which he has adorned and Beautified beyond what was done in past Ages; in particular the Chapel, famous in this Country for it's Irish-Wood, is so furnished with Place and Books, and other Necessaries, that it Merits the Character of a very beautiful Chapel. This Family is the ancientest in England, that bears a Coat of Arms. Alexander of Hilton, and Matilda his Wife, the two Patrons of the Chapel of Gesmonde, presented to it one Sir William of Heighington to be Chaplain, who was accordingly instituted by Thomas Hatfield, Bishop of Durham, and after that inducted; as was attested at Auckland, June the 12th, 1351. But on the 27th of the Month following he gave it up, declaring he had no right or Title to it. The Copy of the Original of this Account I had from Dr. Hunter of Durham, and is as follows. UNiversis S. Matris filiis, ad quos praesentes, Literae pervenerint. Thomas permissione Divina Dunelm' Episcopus salutem in amplexibus Salvatoris. Noverit Universitas Vestra quod nos dilectum nobis in Christo Dom' Willielmum de Heighyngton Capellanum ad Liberam Capellam de Jesmuth infra Parochiam Novocastri Dunelm' Dioces' situatam, ad quam per Dom' Alexandrum, de Hilton Militem & Matildam Uxorem ejus veros Patronos ejusdem nobis presentatus existit, admissimus & ipsum in capellanum perpetuum ejusdem Canonice instituimus in eadem, ipsum que Corporalem possessionem ejusdem induci fecimus, cum suis juribus & pertinentiis universis. In cujus rei Testimonium Sigillum nostrum fecimus hiis aponi. Dat' apud Auckland, 120 Die Mensis Junii Ao Dom' 1351, & nostrae consecrationis septimo. Memorand' quod 27 die Mensis Julii Anno Dom' 1351 infra Manerium de Auckland, Dictus Dominus Willielmus renunciavit omni Juri & omnimodi auctoritati quod & quam in praedicta Capella vel ad eam habuit, seu quovis modo habere poterit in futurum, asserens se nullum habuisse unquam nec habere titulum in hac parte. To this Village it was that a great Number of the People of Newcastle, headed by some of the Aldermen, and principal Men of the Town, came to kill the Prior of Tinmouth, in the first of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth; as may be seen in that Year. In the 3d of Edw. 6th, the Town got a Grant of the Chapel of the Blessed Mary of Jesmond, and some Messuages and Lands in Jesmond; under an annual Rent of 3 s. 4 d. payable out of some Lands in old Heaton, and the Chapel or Chantery of St. Laurence, with the Messuages called St. Laurence and Little St. Anne's Close, and Lands in Byker, then in the Possession of Henry Winklive, and Lands in Killingworth, then in the Possession of John Humley, an annual Rent 4 s. payable oat of the Lands of the then Christopher Mitford, in Old-Heaton. These were granted in Consideration of 144 l. 13 s. 4 d. In the same Year the Mayor and Burgesses granted the Hospital of the Blessed Mary of Jesmond, with the Lands and Grounds belonging to it, to Sir John Brandling, his Heirs and Assigns for ever. The Gentleman of this Place at present is William Coulson, Esq who lately built a very pretty House, and accommodated it with Gardens. St. Mary 's Well in this Village, which is said to have had as many Steps down to it, as there are Articles in the Creed, was lately inclos'd by Mr. Coulson for a Bathing-Place; which was no sooner done than the Water left it. This occasioned strange Whispers in the Village and the adjacent Place. The Well was always esteemed of more Sanctity than common Wells, and therefore the Failing of the Water could be looked upon its nothing less than a just Revenge for so great a Prophanation. But alas! the Miracle's at an End, for the Water returned a-while ago in as great Abundance as ever. Sect. I. ON the Right-hand, as you descend from this Gate of Pilgrim-street, is the High-Frier-Chare, which leads into Newgate-street. There was in this Lane a Fryery, which occasioned it's Name. IT was situated somewhere about Ficket-Tower, which is the next round Tower to Pilgrim-gate. THIS appears from the Account of the Ward belonging to this Tower, a Part of which is as follows; It shall have to Ward, &c. with all Grey-Fryer-Chare, from the Barras, opposite to the Ficket-Tower, and the North Kirk Door of the said Fryery, Westward, and no farther Eastward in that Lane. GREY in this Part of the Town says, that in the Upper-part of this Street is a Princely House, built out of the Ruins of the Black-Fryers. THIS is contrary to the Authority above, where it is called the Grey-Fryer-Chare. AND besides it is contrary to several ancient Writings, which call this Chare Vicus qui ducit ad Fratres minores, or the Chare of the Vide Newgate. Grey-Fryers, so that it is as great a Mistake to place the Black-Fryers here, as to say the Grey-Fryers were placed in Westgate. Their Situation, according to the Authority above, must have been in the Garden of Walter Blacket, Esq in that Part of it which is opposite to Ficket-Tower, and the rest of that Garden must have been the Garden and other Conveniencies of this Monastery. This House was founded by the Family of the Carliols, in the Reign of King Henry the 3d, for they were (as appears from ancient Writings) a Regular and well settled Body in the Year 1267. THEY were originally Merchants of this Town, and afterwards landed Men. TWO of this Family succeeded Peter Scott, (who was the First Mayor of Newcastle, and Mayor for three Years) from the Year 1254, to the Year 1269. THIS Situation is also confirmed by the Milbank Manuscript which says, that this Fryery was near to Pilgrim-street-gate, and that there is a little Lane between it and the Walls, wherein there is an Alms-house; but now both the Fryery and it are converted to private Uses. THIS Alms-house flourished as late as Queen Mary 's Days, for 'tis said in a Writing belonging to Mr. Richard Wall of this Town, the Proprietor of these Houses, that in the Year 1555/6, in the Reign of Philip and Mary it was inhabited by poor Religious Women; Inhabitant nunc — Pauperes mulieres Deo servientes. THE Grey-Fryers, or as they are properly called the Franciscans, received their Name from St. Francis, born in the Dutchy of Spoletum in Italy, who was canonized by Pope Gregory the Ninth; about two Years after whose Death the Franciscans came into England, and one Diggs, (Ancestor of Sir Dudley Diggs ) bought for them their first Seat in Canterbury. THIS Order for School Divinity beat all other Orders, and had a Curious Library in London (built by Richard Whittington ) in that Age, costing 550 l. They afforded in England 110 learned Writers. Fuller. WHILST this Order flourish'd in England, this Province was divided into 7 Pacts or Districts called Custodies, because each of them was governed by the Provincial, who had charge of them all, by a particular superior, called Custos, or Keeper, who had the Power over all the Convents within his District or Custody. The 7 Custodies are as follows, The Custody or Wardenship of London had nine Convents, That of York seven Monasteries, That of Cambridge seven Monasteries, That of Newcastle nine Monasteries (viz.) The Custody or Wardenship of Newcastle of the English Province of the Franciscans, Grey-Fryers, or Fryers Minors, had nine Monasteries. NEWCASTLE Monastery in Northumberland dedicated to St. Francis. DUNDEE, DUMFRIES HADDINGTON Monasteries in Scotland. CARLISLE Monastery Cumberland. HARTLEPOOL Monastery in the Bishoprick of Durham. BERWICK Monastery in Northumberland. ROSEBURG Monastery in Scotland. RICHMOND Monastery in the County of Richmond in Yorkshire. THIS Monastry of Newcastle was conventual, but Henry the 7th made them Observants, Observant, is a Branch of the Franciscans, which are Minores tam Obsrevantes quam Conventuales & Capuchini. These we find spoken of Anno 25. Hen. 8. c. 12. who are called Observants, because they are not combin'd together in any Cloister, Convent or Corporation, as the Conventuals are, but only by themselves to observe the Rules of their Order, and more strictly than the Conventuals do; and upon a singularity of Zeal seperate themselves from them, living in certain Places of their own chusing, of whom you may read Hospinian de Orig. & Progress' Monachatus cap. 38. fol. 878. and therefore by Harpsfield is said to be built by him. Stephens, 2 Addit. Vol. 2d. AMONGST the learned Men of this Order, we meet with those of Newcastle. JOHN Scotus alias Duns, or Duns Scotus; there was much Controversy whether he was an English-Man, a Scot, or an Irish-Man. He was a Man of a mean Fortune, of a Wit made for Learning, and wonderful Subtle and Sharp. When he had studied some Years with great Advantage at Oxford, he returned into Northumberland, his native Country, as some will have it, and took upon him the Habit of St. Francis at Newcastle. Being afterwards sent to Oxford, he again fell to his Studies with great Vehemency, 'till he arrived to be Doctor and Professor of Divinity. Thus he 1st expounded the Master of Sentences at Oxford; and afterwards, in the Year 1304, being appointed Professor at Paris, by the General of the Order, in the Chapter in Toulouse, he there taught a Course of Divinity. Thirdly, he did the same at Cologne with wonderful Applause; at which Time there arose at Cologne the Controversy about the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whether she was conceived in original Sin or not? All the followers of Albertus Magnus affirm'd, that she was; Scotus and his Adherents positively asserted the contrary. Here it was that he gained the Title of Dr. Subtilis; he publish'd a Lecture on Genesis. Commentaries on the Gospels in 4 Books. Several Books on the Epistles of St. Paul. Sermons of Saints, and of Particular Times. Two or three Pieces on the Master of Sentences. Quodlibets. Theological Disputations, Of the Knowledge of God. Of the Perfection of States. On all Aristotle 's Works; and many other Things. Addit. Seph. Vol. I. p. 98. HE dy'd miserably, 1309, being taken with an Apoplectick Fit, and too hastily buried: For, Nature having too late wrought through the Distemper, he vainly mourn'd for Assistance, 'till, at last, beating his Head against the Tomb-stone, he dash'd out his Brains, and so expir'd. Whereupon a certain Italian wrote thus of him; Quaecunque humani suerant, jurisque Sacrati In dubium veniunt cuncta vocante Scoto Quid? quod & in debium illius sit vita vocata Morte illum simili ludificante Strophâ. Quum non ante virum vita ingularat adempta Quam vivus Tumulo conditus ille foret. What sacred Writings or prophane can shew, All Truths were (Scotus) call'd in doubt by you, Your Fate was doubtful too: Death boasts to be The first that chous'd you with a Falacy; Who, least your Subtle Art your Life should save, Before she struck, secur'd you in the Grave. THAT he was born here in England I affirm upon the Authority of his own Manuscript Works in the Library of Merton-College, Oxford, which concludes thus, Explicit Lectura, Subtula, &c. HERE ends the Lecture of John Duns, called Doctor Subtilis in the University of Paris, who was born in a certain Hamlet in the Parish of Emeldon, called Dunston, in the County of Northumberland, belonging to the House of the Scholars of Merton-Hall. Gib. pag. 860. HUGH of Newcastle, is so call'd, that being the Place of his Birth: he was commonly Sirnamed the Scholastick Doctor; he was a Franciscan, and a diligent Follower, and zealous Defender of John Scotus; he took upon him the Habit at Newcastle; he was one of the Fourteen about Scotus 's Tomb; he publish'd some Things on the Master of Sentences, of the Last Judgment, of the Victory against Antichrist; he lived about the Year 1320. Stephens 's 1st Add. Vol. P. 99. MARTIN Alnwick, of the Town of that Name in Northumberland, took the Habit of St. Francis, at Newcastle, in his Youth; being afterwards sent to study Philosophy and Divinity at Oxford, he acquired notable Knowledge in both, and was made Doctor of Divinity, and Reader of the same among his own Brethren; he writ Disputations on the Master of Sentences, and died in the Monastery at Newcastle. He flourished about 1336, 1st Addit. Vol. P. 99. THE Franciscans of Newcastle were prevailed upon to surrender (for the Abbies above the Value of two hundred Pounds, were not within the Statute of Suppressing, as were the lesser Abbies) on January the 9th, in the 30th Hen. 8th, it consisted of a Warden, eight Fryers, and two Novices. Sect. II THE House Grey mentioned, was built out of the Ruins of this Fryery; except the North and South Ends of it, which were built by Sir Wm. Blacket, Bart, the Grand Father of the present Possessor Walter Blacket, Esq THE Authority above says also, that it is a Princely House, and indeed it is no less than very stately and magnificent; being supposed the most so of any House in the whole Kingdom, within a walled Town. It is surrounded with a vast Quantity of Ground; that Part of it which Faces the Street, is thrown into Walks and Grass Plats, beautified with Images, and beset with Trees, which afford a very pleasing Shade: The other Part of the Ground on the West Side of it, is all a Garden, exceedingly neat and curious, adorned with many and the most beautiful Statues, and several other Curiosities. BUT this House is not more remarkable or memorable, upon any Account, than for it's having been the Lodgings of King Charles the First, whilst he was Prisoner at this Town. ON this same Side of the Street, a little below the House now mentioned, is the Upper-Dean-Bridge, which leads into the Middle-street, Pullen-market, Flesh-market, &c. From hence downwards is the most beautiful Part of the Street, the Houses on each Side of it being most of them very pretty, neat, and regular; such are the Houses of Mr. Edward Harl, Mr. Thomas Biggs, John Rogers, Esq Thomas Clennell, Esq Nicholas Fenwick, Esq Nathaniel Clayton, Esq Edward Collingwood, Esq Mr. Perith, Mr. John White, John Ogle, Esq Mr. Thomas Waters, Matthew White, Esq &c. But there is one House in particular, which must be distinguished from the others for it's great Antiquity, and that is the House above-mentioned, called the Pilgrim 's Inn: It is on the West Side of the Street, and adjoins to the North Side of the House of Mr. Edward Callingwood, just now mentioned, and is exactly 116 Yards one Foot, from the Southmost Corner of Upper-Dean-Bridge: It is holden of the Dean and Chapter of Durham, and belongs at present to Mr. James Hargrave. Sect. III. BELOW this House, on the other Side of the Street, is a Lane called, Manour Chare, which leads from Pilgrim-street to St. Austin Fryers. A little below the East-end of this Chare, on the Right Hand, is the Taylors Meeting-house: It was formerly at the very End of the Chare, in that House which Fronts Pilgrim-street, which by the Marks still remaining of a large Window, seems to have been a Chapel, as well as by the Tradition of the People thereabouts. There is a Writing in the Custody of this ancient Fraternity, which I have copied for the Curiosity of it, and is as follows. TO THE WORSHIP OF GOD, and the Sustentation of the Procession of Corpus Christi Plays in the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, after the laudable and antient Custom of the said Town; and for the avoiding of Disention and Discord that hath been amongst the Crafts of the said Town, as of Manslaughter and Murder, and other Mischiefs in Time coming, which hath been lately attempted amongst the Fellowship of the said Crafts of the Taylors of the said Town: And to induce Love, Charity, Peace, and right amongst the said Fellowship from henceforth, the Eight Day of October, in the Year of our Lord GOD 1536, it is assented, agreed, and fully concluded, and accorded by all the whole Fellowship of the said Craft of Taylors then being, and that in Time to come, shall abide and dwell in the said Town of Newcastle, Robert Brandling, then Mayor, John Wren, Sheriff, Thomas Horsley, James Lawson, Gilbert Middleton, Henry Ainsley, Peter Chater, and Andrew Bewick, Aldermen, and Sir Thomas Tempest, Knt. Recorder of the said Town; that is to say, First, it is agreed and ordained, that every Man that has been an Apprentice in the said Town, and has fully served his Years of Apprenticohood, by the Purport of the Taylors register and record of his Master, shall be admitted to set up Shop of Taylors Craft and Work, paying at the Beginning, after the old Use and Custom to the Fellowship of the said Craft, a Pot of Oyl to the said Fellowship, and Yearly to the Stewards of the said Fellowship, Thirteen Pence to our Lady Light, whilst he shall be of Power, and Dwelling in the said Town, or within 12 Miles of the same; Thirteen Pence to the Play every Year, when it shall be played; and that every Steward, Apprentice, Journeyman, or Hireman, working by the Week Four Pence a Year; and that every Hireman by the whole Year, or half Year, Three Pence to the Play every Year, when it shall be played. ALSO, it is ordained, that every Man of the same Craft, Born and Free within the said Town of Newcastle, that was never an Apprentice in the said Town, shall be admitted to set up Shop of Taylors Craft within the same Town, for Forty Pounds, and to pay one Pound of Wax to the Fellowship of the said Craft, and a Pot of Oyl at his first Admittance; saying also Thirteen Pence to the Lady Light, Eight Pence to the Play, as is aforesaid: And if any of the said Fellowship would take excess for their Hand Labour, or if any will not give them a reasonable Rate for their Hand Labour, the said Twelve Sworn Men shall ponder and assess, duly and truly the Hand Labour, at reasonable Prices for their Work; And that none of the said Fellowship Work in their Craft upon the Saturday after Eight of the Clock at Evening, and keep Holy the Sunday, the Vigils, and Festival Days, upon Pain of Six Pound of Wax for every Default. ALSO, it is ordained, that every Man of the said Fellowship, upon Corpus Christi Day, shall come to the Procession of the Time assigned, and if he come not to the Fellowship before the Procession past, to pay a Pound of Wax; and if he come not before the Procession be ended, to pay two Pound of Wax. Also that he come in his Livery, if he be warned so to do, upon Pain of a Pound of Wax: And also that none of the said Craft shall have Livery, nor go in Procession with the said Fellowship, before he hath holden Shop in the said Town by a whole Year; to the intent, that his good Conditions and Demeanours shall be known. ALSO, it is ordained, that he that pays not his Yearly Thirteen Pence to our Lady Light, upon St. John's Day in May, he shall pay a Pound of Wax to the same Light, over and above the said Thirteen Pence; and if he pay it not by Corpus Christi Day, then we and Fellowship following, if he be of Power so to do; and that amongst the Fellowship well known, he to be discharged of his Livery, or to make reasonable Fine for it. ALSO, it is ordained, that all the Taylors now in Being, and that in Time coming, shall be dwelling as Fellows in the said Town, shall every Year, at the Feast of Corpus Christi Day, go together in a Livery, and play their Play, at their own Costs, after the Ordinance of their Stewards. ALSO, it is ordained that every Brother of the said Fellowship come in his Livery, when he shall be warned by their Beadle; that is to say, to the Procession upon Corpus Christi Day, St. John in May, the Day that the Plays shall be play'd, and upon the Day of their general Meeting; and that the Fellowship dispose them to have a Mass and a Dirge for the Brethren of the said Fellowship, and other Meetings to be assigned; and that at the Even of the Day of the making of the same, shall a Dirge be done, and a Mass for the Brethren of the said Fellowship; and likewise shall a Dirge be done, and a Mass upon the Morn for all the Brethren and Sisters of the said Fellowship, passed, present: And that he that is of the said Craft, and not admitted to their Fellowship, who for any Cause induceing him, will have the Fellowship assembled, shall pay to their Beadle Two Pence for assembling them. ALSO, it is ordained, that when any Man of the Livery of the said Fellowship dyes, their Light shall go a-fore him to the Church at his Burial, and abide in the Church lighted the Mass Time, and whilst he be buried; And if there be a Dirge done, the Light not to be lighted at the Dirge Time: And when a Man's Wife of the said Livery dyes, the half of the Light shall go before her, in the said Form; and if the whole Light go a-fore her, then to pay Forty Pence to the said Fellowship, for the burning of the Light and warning it, and that the Stewards shall be there to govern the Light: And if any of the said Fellowship, reasonably warned to be there, abide not while the Mass be done, he shall pay a Pound of Wax, if he has not a reasonable excuse, to be allowed by the Stewards. And when any of the said Liveries shall be Wedded, if any of the said Fellowship, reasonably warned to be there, comes and abides not while the Mass is done, he shall pay a Pound of Wax, unless that he have a reasonable Excuse to be found, at the Discretion of the Stewards. MOREOVER, if it happens that any of the said Fellowship, being in the Livery, do Dye, and his good Friends will cause a Mass and a Dirge to be done for him, of their proper Cost, every Year of the Day of their Burial: If it please the said Friends of the said Brother, so Dead, to warn the Stewards; then the Beadle shall go to all the Brethren of the said Craft and Livery, and warn them to be at the Mass and Dirge, if it be done on one Day of their Livery, and them to abide the Dirge and Mass Time, upon Pain of Three Pence, without a reasonable Excuse provable; and if the Dirge be done the Night a-fore, to be at the Mass on the Morrow, and at the Dirge at their Pleasure. IN WITNESS whereof to the said whole Fellowship and Brethren of the said Craft, severally have set their Seals, and the said Mayor and Sheriff have set their Seals of Office, and likewise the said Alderman to this Ordinance have set their Seals, and written their own Names with their own Hand, the last Day of January, and in the Twenty Eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King Henry, after the Conquest of England, the Eighth. A little below this Hall of the Taylors, and the Appurtenances thereof, was probably the House of Laurentius Acton, which border'd on the South, upon the House of the present Mr. Thomas Waters. This Laurentius was Mayor of Newcastle 1433, 1435, 1436, 1437, in the Reign of Henry the 6th. Opposite to this House of Laurentius Action, is the Market for Wheat and Rye, every Tuesday and Saturday. BELOW this again are three narrow Lanes, two on the West-side of the Street, and one on the East: Those on the West are the Nether-Dean-Bridge, leading into St. Nicholas Church-yard, which has been spoken of before, and the Painter-Hugh, or as it is called in a Writing, as old as Edward the Third's Reign, Payntourhogh, which leads into the Street called the Side. It is from Pilgrim-street a very great Descent into the Side; but it is made tollerably easy, by having Stairs on one Side of it. It seems to have got it's Name from the River flowing by the Bottom of it up to the Nether-Dean-Bridge, &c. For Hugh signifies a Steep-Hill, or Bank, and Painter is a Term made use of by the Sailors for a Rope, which they fasten the Boat with. This Street therefore was called the Painter-Hugh, because it was the Hugh which the Painters were made fast to. ONE William Porter had a House at the End of this Street, which he granted to John de Chambers, a Burgess of this Town, in the Reign of King Edward the Third, Anno 1361, on Condition that he paid to the Prioress and Convent of Lambly, eighteen Shillings per Annum. THE other Lane or Street, on the East of this Street, is Silver-street, close by the North-side of All-hallows Church-yard; it leads into Pandon. It is said, but very improbably, to have got it's Name of Silver-street, because of the Fish-market, which was kept a little below it, at the Stock-Bridge. It was anciently called All-Hallowgate, for All-Hallowgate is said to be Ex parte Boreali Ecclesiae omnium Sanctorum; it was also called Temple-gate. Mr. Nicholas Lamb, whose House is in this Street, finds it called Jewgate, in his Writings; but when, or for what Reason it bore that Name, I know not. WE come now to the Church of All-Hallows, which stands a little below Silver-street, and on the same Side of the Street with it, viz. at the very Bottom of this Pilgrim-street. Sect. IV. Of ALL-HALLOWS CHURCH. WHO this Church was founded by, I have met with no Account, nor any of the Time it was built in; only this is certain, it must have been built before the Year 1286, but how long before, I know not. For in that Year I meet with an Account of Mr. Smith, P. 245. the Church-yard of All-Hallows, which is a plain Proof that the Church was then in Being. GREY is of Opinion that it was dedicated to All-Hallows, or All-Saints, from the ancient Name of that Part of the Town Pampedon, which he says was so called from ; imagining, I suppose, that it was so called of the Romans, All-Hallows Church. (who inhabited this Part of the Town) after the Temple at Rome, the Pantheon, which was dedicated to all the Gods. THIS Church is seated upon a Hill, which is much about the same Height with the Situation of St. Mary 's in Gateshead, and upon the same Line with it. IT is not so long as St. Nicholas, being only 55 Yards, one Foot, a Quarter long; but it is broader, as being 25 Yards, two Foot broad. The Steeple is but or a mean Height, being a Square Tower, with only one Spire arising from it. The Bells belonging to this Church were founded in the Year 1696. They were cast out of the Metal of that famous Statue of King James the Second, which stood on the Sand-Hill. They were founded in the Ground belonging to St. Austin Fryers, in that Part of it, which is in the Back-side of the Hospital of the Holy Jesus. Their Sound is not so Melodious as the others in this Town, but the Note is exceedingly exact, and more tuneful than the others. WHATEVER Robert Rhodes did to this Steeple, his Name is under the Belfry of it, as at St. Nicholas. In one of the Registers belonging to this Church of All-Hallows, we have the following Account. About the Round where the Bells are drawn up into the Bell-house in the Steeple, there is written, Orate pro anima Roberti Rhodes. His Arms are also without, at the East-end of the Church, on the Breast of an Angel; which, as I take it, is a Tyger, or Grey-hound on a Chief, and three Annulets on the Escutcheon. The like is in St. Nicholas Church, &c. In St. John 's also, on the Out-side of the South Porch, over-against the Alms-house, there is on a Square, Orate pro anima Roberti Rhodes. I have also seen the same in Tinmouth Castle in a Round, on the North-side, after you are within the Gate, upon the Wall; which be-like was in some Part of that great Church, when it was a Cell of St. Alban 's. UPON the East-end of the Chancel, in the South-east Window, there was the Picture of our Saviour at large, but in the Time of the Rebellion it was wholly taken away. NEXT to it, as you go up the South-side; there was the Picture of a Boy standing upon chequer'd Pavement, as it seemed, and on the Glass under him, Like as the Jamen moist and cold, Is full of Tempest Day by Day, So is one Child of ten Years old, Hath no Understanding, but all on Play. THE same Authority adds, I suppose the rest of the Months were also in this Window in former Times, but I have seen it only; and it was taken away also in the Time of the Rebellion. IN the Window above the South Door, which leads into the Quire, towards the Porch, were the Pictures of Roger Thornton 's Children, Two Men and Three Women Kneeling at Altars. There remain now only Two of the Women. THERE are higher up this Isle, in the Windows towards the Porch some Characters, one is like an (I) with an (S) through it, and other Three Characters, which are the Merchants Skin-mark, for they are but a little Different from the Skin-mark, which is upon the Stone of Christopher Elmer. It is a Token that some Merchant was a Benefactor to the Church, and perhaps some Part of the South Wall of the Church: I take it to be the Skin-mark of Roger Thornton, for the very same is in the Chantery of St. Peter, over-against his Tomb. TRADITION says, that from the West-end of the Vestry to the Porch, the old South Wall was taken away, and rebuilt further into the Church-yard by Roger de Thornton. That the old Wall was farther into the Church than the Wall now is, is plain from the Piece of it now remaining, which is on the East-end of the Vestry; and I think the Pictures in the Windows above-mentioned, is a good Confirmation of the Truth of the Tradition of the Builder. In that Window next the Porch Door, but one, there have been the Pictures of the Twelve Apostles. There are now only remaining St. Matthew, St. James the Less, St. Andrew, St. Philip, St. James Major, and another. THERE are three Galleries in this Church, one on the West-end, and, another on the East-end of the Nave, and the other in the North-Isle. That on the West-end was built in the Year 1712. The Organ which was plac'd in the middle of it was built at the same Time. It is a very long Gallery, and by much the most beautiful in the Church. On the North-end of it are the Seats of the Children belonging to the Charity-School. The Gallery on the West-end, is called the Butchers Gallery. THE other Gallery on the North-Isle is the Sailors Gallery. It is said in a Memorandum made at the Bottom of it, to have been built and finished by the Trinity-house in Newcastle upon Tyne, in the Year 1618, John Holbourne then Master. It was beautified in the Year 1720, Robert Bailiff being then Master, with three or four Devices on the South-side of it. One Pannel has the Picture of St. Paul 's Shipwreck; another, our Saviour's being asleep in the Storm; then there is the Arms of the Trinity-house; another Draught is that of our Saviour's taking Peter by the Hand when he was sinking in the Waves; and the other is that of Jonah vomited up upon the dry Land. THE Chancel of this Church stands upon a large Vault, which consists of a pretty long Entrance, arched at the Top, and of a pretty large Square Room, with a curious Pillar in it, which is the grand Support of eight large Stone Arches. The Entrance into this vault is in the Church-yard, on the North-side of it. AS you enter into the Chancel from the Nave of the Church, you have on the left Hand of you, an old Pair of Stairs, to which are adjoining the Stairs of the Butchers Gallery: These Stairs formerly led into the same Place, but then it was into a Gallery different from what the Butchers Gallery is now. They led into a Loft or Gallery called the Rood Loft. THE Rood was an Image of our Saviour upon the Cross, made generally of Wood, and placed on a Loft made for that Purpose, just over the Passage out of the Church into the Chancel; out of this Mystery, they say, that the Church represents the Church Militant, and the Chancel the Church Triumphant; and who will pass out of the Former into the Latter, must go under the Rood Loft, that is, they must go under the Cross, and suffer Affliction. This Image was wont to have the Virgin Mary on one Side of it, and St. John on the other. Stavely, C. Hist. P. 199. A few Years ago the Chancel was beautifyed. It is pannel'd round with Wainscot. The Table is a large curious Marble Stone, which was given to the Church for that Use by an unknown Hand. On the large Pannel, immediately above the Altar, is this Figure; I. H . S. or, Jesus Hominum Salvator: Above that again is the Picture of a Dove, curiously carved in Wood; and above that again, in a Golden Glory, is the great Name of God , which signifies his most absolute self Existence: He was, and is, and is to come. THIS is to point out, by way of Emblem, the Persons of the Trinity. God the Father, by the Word JEHOVAH, he having order'd Moses, when he went to the Israelites, to bring them out of Egypt; to say, I Exod. iii. 14. AM hath sent thee, or the Lord Jehovah, who exists eternally, or always is. The Dove is the Emblem of the Holy Ghost; for he is said to have descended in a bodily Shape like a Mark iii. 16. Dove. And the Letters with the Cross in the Middle of them, Point out the second Person of the glorious Trinity, who dyed upon the Cross for the Sins of the World. ON the Top of the East-end of the Altar, above the Things now mentioned, are the Representations of Three large Candles, which are an Emblem of the Light of the Vid. Vulg. Antiquit' P. 133. & Wheatley Com. Prayer. Pa. 109. Gospel, which either is, or shou'd be read at the Altar. ON the South-side of the Altar is a Prothesis, or Side-Altar, that the Priest, according to the Rubrick, may more conveniently Place the Elements upon the Altar. PLATE belonging to ALL-HALLOWS, and their Inscriptions. The greater Flaggon. IN usum Ecclesiae Omnium Sanctorum apud Novicastrenses Lagenam hanc dono dedit MICHAEL MIDFORD Mercator, in Testimonium Pieatis erga Deum & Patriam. An. Sal. MDCXCVIII. Underneath that, Calix Benedictionis cui Benedicimus, nonne Communicatio Sanguinis Christi est? The lesser Flaggon. D o O. M. & Omnium Sanctorum Sacello Dicat Consecrat que This Gentleman was the Town's Physician, and had a Salary allowed him from the Corporation. He was confessed a Man very knowing in his Profession, and of great Piety and Religion. The Rev. Mr. T. Atherton, his Son, B. D. who was born in this Town, and Educated at the great School here, Fellow of Christ College in Cambrid e. and for many years the chief Tutor of that Society, is now Rector of Little Canfield in Essex. The Place of Town's Physician, was after the Death of Dr. Atherton disposed of, and still is, to such a Number of Surgeons to attend the Poor, as the Mayor for the Time being thinks proper. Whilst I am upon this, and commemorating a worthy Physician of this great Town, I must not omit to observe that this Place was probably never better served this Way, than at present. The following Gentlemen, viz. John Lowther, Esq M. D. of Sidney College in Cambridge; Adam Askne, M. D. of St. John 's College in Cambridge; William Cowper, M. D. of Leyden; Cuthbert Lambert, M. D. educated at D way in France; are Men eminent in their Profession, and shine among the Crowd of those who always frequent a Place so populous. H. Atherton, M. D. Dec'r 25, 1697. Two Challices mark'd A. S. H. with Covers. Church Wardens, 1628. Robert Blenkinsop, Laurence Carr, Wm. Gibson, Wm. Duxfield, Two other Callices, which have been gilded with Gold, with Covers, 1571. A Silver Dish, Weighing 34, 14. Gilded with Gold. Dicavit Deo Ecclesae O'ium Sanctorum infra Villam Novicastri super Tinam, Anno Salutis, 1718. Two Salvers mark'd A. S. H. with this Inscription, Corpus meum hoc est. Neman Shafto, Church Wardens, 1629. Robert Young, Church Wardens, 1629. Hen. Rowcastle, Church Wardens, 1629. Tho. Roderforth, Church Wardens, 1629. THERE were Seven Chanteries belonging to this Church. The Chantery of St. Thomas; The Chantery of our Lady; The Chantery of St. John, the Evangelist; The Chantery of St. Peter; The Chantery of St. Catherine; The Chantery of St. Elgie or St. Loye, and the Chantery of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. 1. THE Chantery of St. Thomas was founded by John Puthore, Clerk, the Yearly Value 4 l. 8 s. 4 d. 2. The Chantery of our Lady, no Deed of Foundation to be shewn; 4 l. 5 s. 10 d. 3. THE Chantery of St. John the Evangelist, founded by Richard Willisby and Richard Fishlake; the Deed of Foundation is lost; which arose out of some Tenements situated in the Sandhill and Side; 4 l. 15 s. 4 d. 4. THE Chantery of St. Peter is that waste Place above the Vestry, opposite to the Tomb of Roger de Thornton. This was founded by the said Roger de Thornton, as appears from the Licence granted to the said Roger Vide Foundation of St. Catherine 's Hospital. Licentiam Dedimus praefato Rogero quod ipse quandam Cantariam de Uno Capellano Divina ad Altare Beati Petri in Capella omnium Sanctorum celebraturo, &c by King Henry 4th. It was erected about the Year 1411, that he might be pray'd for whilst he liv'd, and his Soul when he was dead (by a Priest set a-part for that Purpose) together with the Souls of his Father and Mother; and Angnes his Wife, and also of his Ancestors and his Children, and the whole Company of the Faithful departed, as is mentioned in the King's Grant to him. ON the East-end of this Chantery there are still remaining the Pictures of St. Lewis, St. Barbara, and St. Elisabeth. THE yearly Value of this Chantery was 6 l. 5. THE Chantery of St. Catherine was founded in the Reign of Edward the Third, by Robert of Chirton, Burgess of Newcastle, and Marriot his Wife, who was the Daughter and Heirefs of Hugh Hankyn and Beatrix his Wife; The yearly Value of it, 5 l. 3 s. 8 d. All-Hallows Vest. IN the Book above-mentioned, belonging to the Church of All-Hallows, we are told, that there is at the South-East End of the Church, upon the Out-side, a fair E and F, and on each of them half a Catherine-Wheel; but what they signify no Man living knoweth. At present there is no such Thing. Whose Name the Letters were placed for, I believe it is indeed impossible for any Man living to tell: But as for the Catherine-Wheels, it is easy to conclude that they are plac'd on the South-East end of the Church to signify that St. Catherine 's Chantery or Altar was under the South-East Window. 6. THE Chantery of St. Loye or St. Elgie, founded by Richard Pickering in the Reign of Edward the 3d, the yearly Value 3 l. 8 s. 4 d. JOHN Dent, Esq by Deed dated 12th of Feb. in the 35th Year of Hen. the 6th, granted an annual Rent of 8 s. issuing out of his Houses, to Richard Doxforth the then Priest of this Chantery. 7. THE Chantery of St. John the Baptist, and St. John the Evangelist by John Ward. 7 l. 15 s. 8 d. AMONGST the Chanteries of this Church we meet with none of the Holy Trinity; but in the 16th of the Reign of King Hen. the 8th, after the Mariners became a Body, and their House was called the Trinity-house, we find an Altar in it dedicated to the Trinity; for in one of their Writings 'tis said, that Thomas Hebborne should be Partaker of all Masses, Good-Prayers, and Suffrage, which should afterwards be celebrated, said, and done by the Chaplain and Priest of the said Fraternity within the Trinity-house, and at the Trinity-Altar within the Church of All-Hallows for evermore. I know not where to fix the Place of this Altar, any more than I can fix particularly, the Places of some of the ancient Chanteries; except it was, as some will naturally Conjecture, in the Porch behind their Gallery. And yet there are some Reasons against this Supposition; For this Porch was a Chantery, they had only an Altar; and as a Chantery, it must have been filled with a Priest, who had an Altar to himself and consequently their Altar must have been some where else. If it be said that they perhaps built this Porch, I answer, that if they had done so, it would have been called a Chantery not only an Altar. Besides, the Building is visibly older than their Chapel, their Priest, or their Altar. For they can scarce be supposed to have had any one of the Three, before the Beginning of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, and that's a Date too late for so old a Piece of Building. Of the Burial Places and Monuments in the South-Isle; some of which are these following. NIGH the Church Porch is a large Blue Stone, the Burial Place of Mr. William Milbourne, Hoastman, who dyed in the Year 1662. This Stone formerly belonged to St. Austin 's Fryery, and was removed from thence by Thomas Ledger, when he was Mayor, in the Time of the Civil Wars. He brought it to St. Nicholas Church, and order'd one Milbourne, a Mason, to erase the ancient Inscription. But inding no Room to lay it where his Father was buried in St. Nicholas, he sold it to the Mason, who sold it again, to the Person whose Name it still b ars. HENRY Milbourne; Hoastman, 1 98. JOHN Binks, Master and Mariner. Dorothy, his Wife departed, March the 11th, 1722. MARCUS Browellus, Generos' Attorn t' de Banco, Soc' Hospit' Furnival, Lond' Hoc sibi et suis posuit, et caelis Parata Aeterna Mansio. Ipse Obiit secuudo Die Novembris, Anno Domini, 1729. STEPHEN Coulson, Merchant Adventur , married Mary, Daughter of Mr. Henry Waters, Hoastman: She departed, July the 6th, 1728. He the above named Stephen Coulson, Esq Alderman, and sometime Mayor of this Town, departed this Life, October 25th, 1730. SEPULCRUM Wolstani Paston. WILLIAM Harrison, Hoastman, July 10th, 1721. AS you go from the South-Isle into the Body of the Church, there is a large Blue Stone, which was the Stone of Christopher Elmer, as appears from the Beginning of the present Inscription. ANOTHER Authority in this Church, calls this Stone an ancient Stone, and says the ancient Inscription was, Jesus have Mercy of the Souls of Christopher Elmer, his Wife and Children, and of all Souls, Mercy, Mercy, Lord. THERE was on it the Elmer 's Arms, the Merchants Arms, and his Skin Mark which was ✚ 4 JOHN Henzell, 1725. THE Burial Place of John Morris, Hoastman. SUB hoc Marmore tumulantur Exuviae Edwardi Collingwood, de Byker, Armigeri Northumbrae Vice comitis Anno 1699. Qui obijt 11mo Aprilis, 1701, Anno que Aetatis 71. Una cum Uxoris Annae Exuvijs, Quae obijt 30 Novembris, 1694, per quam Hos habuit liberos, Radulphum, & Martinum Mortuos, Edvardum & Dorotheam Superstites. DOROTHEA Collingywood, Vita decessit duodecimo die Decembris, 1701. & hic Sepulta. Gulielmus Filius Secundus dicti Edvardi Filij obijt Secundo Die Martij, 1709. Edvardus Filius obijt primo Die Martij, 1720. Maria Filia Natu Prior Dicti Edvardi Filij obijt Decimo Die Junij, 1724. Maria Filia Gulielmi Bigg Generosi Uxor dicti Edvardi Filij obijt duodecimo Die Octobris, 1727, Quinque Enixa Liberos, viz. Edvardum, Mariam, Annam, Isabellam, & Gulielmum, Isabella Filia Natu minima dicti Edvardi, Filii obijt nono die Octobris, 1728. AT the East-end of this Tomb of the Family of the Collingwood 's, under a Stone with a Latin Inscription on it, which formerly belonged to one Blount, lies interr'd the Body of Margaret Bourne, Wife of Henry Bourne, Curate of this Church of All-Hallows. She dyed August the 8th, 1727, in the 30th Year of her Age. D. O. M. M. S. THOMAE HOCKIN, Gen' & ROGERI CLARKE, Proponetis ejus Devonia nati una Eodem que die Sept. Scilt . Octo Salutis Anno MDCLXVIII. Aetatis Autem Thomae LXX. Rogeri XIX. Novocastro super Tinam, Invicem moriere. JOHANNES CLARKE, Posteriori patruus Utrique charus. H. M. M. Hie cecidêre duo, queis Non Separavit amata Sors eadem vivis thalamo Morientibus Urna. NEAR to this Monument of Thomas Hockin, is an old Stone, with this Inscription upon it. Here lieth Buried under this Stone, The Right Worshipful Mr. Robert Ellison, Merchant Adventurer, of this Town Twice Right Mayor he was All worldly Pomp for ever thus must pass. Elisa, his Wife, his Children, and Friends him by, With all shall rise at the last Cry. One Thousand six hundred seventy and seven, The last of January he went to Heaven. SEVERAL Years ago the Church Wardens were desired by one Matthew Blount, to sell this Stone; but they loathed the Request, because it bore the Name of a Mayor of Newcastle, which they knew, after the Sale of it, would not be long there. JOHN Armorer, Hoastman, CHRISTIAN Bulman, Oct. 8. 1723. RALPH Soursby Merchant Adventurer. NEAR the Quire-Door is an old Stone, which formerly belonged to Mr. Robert Brandling; upon which was the Brandling 's Arms, with this Inscription. Here lyeth laid under this Place, Robert Brandling, Merchant Adventurer, by God's Grace, Margaret, his Wife, and Children dear, In fear of God they lived here. Like as the Brand doth flame and burn, So we from Death to Life must turn. MR. Nicholas Fenwick had this Stone given him by one Mr. Brandling, who lived at Ipswich, and caused the said Inscription to be obliterated; after that he set upon it the Arms of the Fenwicks. NIGH to this is another Stone belonging to the same Family of the Fenwicks. CHARLES Atkinson, Hoastman. THERE is an old Stone which lies between the Vestry and Quire-Door, with it's Inscription erased. It belonged to Alderman Leonard Carr, who gave 5 l. yearly for ever to the Poor of this Parish, and appointed it out of divers Houses in the Butcher-bank. He was an Alderman of the Town before the Rebellion, and turned out by the Rebels. HE deserves a better Monument. OPPOSITE to the Vestry, on the South-side of the Altar, is a large Stone of that Kind call'd Touch-stone, raised above the Level of the Church. It is covered with Brass on the Top of it, which has cut in it the Effigies of Roger Thornton, and his Wife, and also the Pictures, of the Apostles and other Saints, together with the Arms of his own Family, and that of the Family of the Lamleys. Because the Arms of the Lumleys are on the Tomb, along with Thornton's Arms, it has been concluded, that the Daughter of this Roger married into this Family; but this is a grand Mistake. This Roger died in the Year 1429. in the Reign of Hen. the 6th. Whereas Sir George Lumley, who married Elizabeth, the Daughter of Roger Thornton, died in the 23d of Hen. the 7th, 1508. It was therefore Roger Thornton 's Grand-Daughter, the Daughter of his Son Roger Thornton, that was married into this Family. Dugdale in his Bar. Lumley, gives the following Account. Thomas Lumley, having been summoned to Parliament from the first of Edward 4th to the 12th of Hen. 7th inclusive, by Reason he had married a Bastard Daughter of King Edward the 4th, departed this Life, leaving Issue George his Son and Heir, which George took to Wife Elizabeth, one of the Daughters and Heirs of Roger Thornton, Esq a very wealthy Merchant of Newcastle upon Tyne, by whom he had the Lordships of Witton, in Com' Northumbr' Lulworth and the Isle in the Bishoprick. This Roger founded the House of White-fryers in Newcastle. But after this Marriage, possessing these Land, in the Right of his Wife, there happened great Suits, and sharp Contests, between Giles Thornton, a Bastard Son to the said Roger, and him, concerning the Inheritance of them: In which Quarrel this George kill'd the same Giles, in the Ditch at Windsor-Castle. This George lies interr'd amongst his Ancestors in Chester Church, in the County of Durham; He had Issuely the Daughter of Roger Thornton, Sir Thomas Lumley; he died Anno 23 Hen. 7. John Thornton of Netherwittton, Esq is a Descendant of this Family of the Thornton 's of Newcastle, and a very regular Possessor and Proprietor of the Manour of Witton. The Inscription upon the Stone is as follows. Hic jacet Domisella Agnes quondam Uxor Rogeri Thornton, quae obijt in Vigelia sanctae Katerinae, Anno Domini MCCCCXI propitietur Deus. Amen. Hic jacet Rogerus Thornton Mercator Novicastri super Tinam qui obijt Anno Domini Millesimo CCCCXXIX & iii Die Januarii. AS he was in his Life-time a great Benefactor to Churches, Religious Houses, the Poor, &c. so he forgot them not in his last Moments, as appears by his last Will and Testament. Vide Anno Christ. 1429. JOHN Gibson, Merchant Adventurer, dy'd 17th of Feb. 1594. WILLIAM Robinson, Goldsmith, 1652. WILLIAM Ramsey, sometime Mayor of this Town, 1653. WILLIAM Ramsey, Jun. sometime Mayor of this Town, 1716. Vivimus & Vitae Mors mala Fausta Subit GEORGE Bulman Baker and Brewer. 1710. Nought can exempt from Death's Imperial Hand; When it arrests the Soul at God's Command; Each State and Sex, as well the High as Low, Must once salute the Grave and thither go. RALPH Grey Merchant Adventurer, sometimes Sheriff of this Town, May 30, 1666, aged 82. The East End of the CHURCH. HENRY Rawlin Merchant Adventurer, Alderman, and sometime Mayor of this Town, May 8th, 1666. Sepulchrum Richardi Burdus, Obijt 20th Dec. 1719. JESUS be merciful to the Souls of Richard Borrel, his Wife and Children he Obijt 20 Nov. 1508. This is also the burial Place of Mr. Abraham Dixon, Master and Marriner, who dy'd Nov. 11. 1700. THOMAS Andrew, 5 Oct. 1708. THOMAS Wallis 's burial Place, Shipwright. MATTHEW White, Esq twice Mayor of this Town, Governour of the Merchant's and Hostman's Companies. He had Issue 10 Children, Nicholas, Margaret, Elizabeth, Martha, Nicholas, Matthew, Mary, Isabel, Robert, and Jane. He departed Oct. 10, 1716. WILLIAM Aubone, Esq Merchant Adventurer, Alderman, and sometime Mayor of this Town, Sept. 20, 1700. On Marble on the Wall. UNDER the adjacent Marble is inter'd the Body of Thomas Wrangham, the famous and beloved Ship-builder of this Town, he married Jane the Daughter of Mr. Robert Carr, by whom he left Issue two Sons and one Daughter; Thomas, William, and Jane. He built Five and Forty Sail of Ships, and dyed of a Feaver in the 42d Year of his Age, May the 26th, 1689. He was a Man of a most generous Temper, of a plain and unaffected Conversation, and a sincere and hearty Lover of his Friend. Statutum est omnibus semel mori. THE Stone of the Wrangham 's belong'd formerly to the Family of Mr. Robert Babington, and had his Arms on it. About a Blue Stone is inscrib'd, All Worldly Pomp away doth Pass, Like fading Flowers, and wither'd Grass. George Borne, Cooper, and his Wives, When Death doth end all mortal Strifes, Trust by the precious Death and Blood-shedding Of Christ, to have Life everlasting. THE Date of this is worn off, but I meet with him in the Quality of Church-Warden of All-Hallows, in the Year 1578. In the NORTH-ISLE. JOHN Cosyn, Draper and Alderman, died the 21st of March, Anno Dom' 1661. HERE lyeth interr'd the Body of George Morton, Draper, Alderman, and twice Mayor of this Town, he departed this Life the 26th Day of November, Anno Dom' 1693. THIS John Cosyn, as well as Mr. Rawlin, (whose Monument is over-against his in the South Corner) was an Alderman in the Time of the Rebellion, of whom Sir George Baker said, they were not truly Justices, tho' in the Place of Justices. This Cosyn was the first Exciseman that ever was in this Town, and a Captain against the King; yet upon his Stone Mr. Pringle (as they say) caused this to be written, A Conscience pure, unstain'd with Sin Is Brass without, and Gold within. BUT some took Offence and said thus, A Conscience Free he never had, His Brass was naught, his Gold was bad. Milbank. THE Burial Place of Henry Waters, Hoastman, and Dorothy his Wife, she departed 24th of Feb. 1719. GARRET Cocke, 1637. ROBERT Young, Merchant Adventurer, 1670. Post mortem aeternitas. JOHN Johnson, Hoastman. ROBERT Cook Master and Mariner, Nov. 1673. Sepulchrum Thomae Potts, Gen. et Margarettae uxoris. WILLIAM Liddel, 1580. THOMAS Brown, Non mortuus sed Dormio: WILLIAM Dawson, 1707. THOMAS Crawforth, 1690. MICHAEL Clerk. THOMAS Dawson, Ropemaker. THE Burial Place of Thomas Monkhouse, Tin-Plate Worker. JOHN Colvil, Baker and Brewer, 1689. TIMOTHY Rawlet, Hoastman. JESUS have Mercy on the Soules of John Hodshon Taylor, Margaret his Wife, and their Children; he departed the 11th of Nov. 1505. JOSEPH Colepits Hoastman, 27 May, 1729, aged 41 Years. ROBERT Watson, 1724. CUTHBERT Snow, 16 Aug. 1694. SEAMEN'S Porch. JAMES Brankstone, 23 Nov. 1727. WILLOUGHBY Hall, Shipwright. JACOBUS Metham Generosus vitam pro aeternitate mutavit 23 Apr. 1684. Willielmus Bigg Generosus, et Johannes Hindmarch, Armig: Humanae sortis et fragelitalis memores, hoc sibi suisque Deo volente supremum in Terris posuerunt domicilium, usque Festum Resurrectionis mortuorum alta Pace Gaudendum Maxima nosce mori vitae est Sapientia, vivit Qui moritur, sivis vivere, Disce mori. 23 April 1684. THE Burial Place of Thomas Airey, Hoastman. THE Burial Place of Richard Hinkster, and Jane his Wife. JOHN Green, Confectioner, 13 May, 1681. ANN Colvil, Oct. 12, 1686. West-End of the CHURCH. Hic jacet Corpus Esther Starkin quae obijt 22 Oct. 1681. JOHN Addison, Fuller and Dyer. GEORGE Graham, 28 December 1727, aged 82. THERE is a Stone near the Font, which has many Years been supposed to be very ancient. There was nothing to be seen upon it, but the 4 Evangelists, one at each Corner; It is the blue Stone at the East-side of the Font. It has on it at present the Name of Ridley. In The MIDDLE-ISLE. WILLIAM Stephenson Ropemaker's Burial Place. THOMAS Allison 's Burial Place. GEORGE Mitford, Barber Surgeon, and Jane his Wife. HENRY Towart, Master and Mariner, his Burial Place. CHANCEL. RALPH Fell, Merchant Adventurer, 11th Feb. 1680. JOHN Simpson Hoastman, and Jane his Wife their Burial Place. In this Grave of theirs was buried their eldest Son Anderson, so called as being a Descendant of the worthy and loyal Family of the Anderson 's of Braidley, who suffer'd so much in the Time of the Civil Wars, in Defence of their King and Country. He dyed May the 17th Anno 1730, in the 21st Year of his Age. He was a Youth of fine Parts, and good Learning, a great deal of Sweetness of Temper, and strict Religion. THERE is in this Part of the Church a very large Stone, insculp'd with Brass, of which several Years ago no more could be read than hic Tumulatus — dono dei datus mitis clero — promotor Ecclesiarum. My Authority imagines this to be the Burial Place of Robert Rhodes. He says, the Picture upon the Stone was very like that of Roger Thornton; all the Difference is, that the Gown of this Picture is not so deep as that of Thornton 's. He conjectures it to be the burial Place of Robert Rhodes; because of the Words Promotor Ecclesiarum, lib. All-Hall'. The Words Promotor Ecclesiarum are not now to be found. However, had they been there still, I think they are but a weak Argument to prove that Robert Rhodes was buried here, when it is considered that he founded a Chantery in St. Nicholas, that his own Soul, and his Wife's might be prayed for. For People were generally buried in the same Church, and near the very Place, where they erected a Chantery or an Altar. BUT whoever it is, this I think may be safely concluded from the Grandeur of the Grave Stone, that he was some wealthy Person; and from his being Promotor Ecclesiarum, that he was also Religious. THE Effigies is very Tall, and is surrounded with very curious Pictures of the Saints, and some other Things; but the Brass is now tearing off, and going very fast into Ruin. It is a pity it should not have more care taken of it, as it is an Ornament to the Church, and the Monument of it's Benefactor. The Promoters of Churches should be always remember'd with the most grateful Respect, that they may be shining Lights to the most distant Ages. I shall close the Monuments of this Church with an Epitaph, said to have been made upon Robert Wallas, formerly Clerk of this Church. Here lies Robin Wallas, The King of good Fellows; Clark of All-Hallows, And a Maker of Bellows: He Bellows did make 'till the Day of his Death, But he that made Bellows could never make Breath. LEGACIES left to the POOR of ALL-HALLOWS Parish in Newcastle upon Tyne.   l. s. d. LEFT by Mr. Thomas Smith, Shipwright, yearly for Ever, to be paid at Easter, out of several Houses, the Sum of 04 18 10 LEFT by Mr. Cuthbert Woodman, Weaver, yearly for Ever, to be paid at Easter, out of a House in Pilgrim-street, opposite to the Manour Chare-head, the Sum of 00 12 00 LEFT by Mr. Robert Anderson, per Ann. which has not been paid since 1651, the Sum of 05 00 00 LEFT by Sir Alexander Davison, yearly for Ever, to be paid out of the Town's Chamber, at two Payments, viz. Michaelmas and Ladyday, the Sum of 02 00 00 SIR Thomas Davison 01 00 00 MR. Mark Milbank 03 00 00 MR. William Carr 01 10 00 SIR Mark Milbank 06 00 00 MR. John Rumney 02 10 00   16 00 00 LEFT by Mr. Andrew Aldworth, out of Houses in Akewell-gate, due on St. Andrews 's -day, the Sum of 01 00 00 LEFT by Mr. Leonard Carr, per Ann. out of several Houses in the Butcher-Bank 05 00 00 LEFT by Henry Hilton, Esq 6 l. per Ann. now reduced by Act of Parliament to 04 00 00 LEFT by Mr. William Carr, yearly for Ever, to be paid at Easter, out of several Houses 01 06 06 LEFT by Mr. William Gibson, Merchant, per Ann. out of a House in Cowgate, now in the Possession of Mrs. Carr, not been paid for several Years 01 00 00 LEFT by Mr. John Cosyns, Draper, the Sum of two Shillings per Week, which is Weekly to be distributed in Bread to such poor People of the said Parish as come to hear the publick Ordinances of God every Lord's-day, which he charg'd upon the Fleece Tavern by the Key, and amounts per Ann. to 05 04 00 LEFT by Mr. David Sheavil, Surgeon, per Ann. out of several Houses 04 00 00 LEFT by Mr. Tho. Davison, to be paid yearly in the Month of December, out of the Merchants Company 01 10 00 LEFT by Sir William Blacket, Bart . per Ann. out of a House at Tyne-Bridge-End, the Sum of 02 00 00 LEFT by Mr. John Collier, Shipwright, per Ann. to be paid at Christmas; the Sum of 03 00 00 LEFT by Mr. Richard Hutchinson, Rope-maker, per Ann. out of an House on Sandhill 05 00 00 LEFT by Mr. George Collingwood, House-Carpenter, per Ann. to be given to two poor Widows, who are to have it but once, so that all the poor Widows in the Parish may in turns enjoy the same; due at Martinmas, and distributed by the Minister and Church-wardens 02 00 00 LEFT by Timothy Davison, Esq paid out of the Merchants Company, to be distributed amongst credible Freemen, or Freemen's Widows (not of the Merchant's Company) yearly in December 01 05 00 LEFT by Henry Holmes, Esq per Ann. to be made at two several Payments, viz. three Pounds the Monday after Christmas Day, and three Pounds the Monday after Easter Day, the Sum of 06 00 00 LEFT by Nicholas Ridley, Esq per Ann. and charged upon his Lands in Heaton, to be given eight Days before Easter 01 00 00 LEFT by Robert Fenwick, Esq per Ann. and charged upon the Angel Inn, to be paid at Christmas 04 00 00 LEFT by Mr. John Bee, Master and Mariner, per Ann. charged upon his two Messuages and Shop, by the Key, to be distributed by the Minister, for the Time being, at Christmas 06 00 00 LEFT by Matthew White, Esq per Ann. and charged upon an House in Pilgrim-street, to be distributed upon Christmas Day, or the Day after, among ten poor House-keepers 01 10 00 LEFT by Mrs. Isabel, Wife of William Wrightson, Esq per Ann. the Interest yearly to be distributed on September 30th 50 00 00 LEFT by Mr. William Harrison, Hoastman, per Ann. the Interest yearly to be distributed on St. Andrew 's Day 150 00 00 LEFT by Mrs. Margaret Ramsey, per Ann. the Interest yearly to be distributed 20 00 00 LEFT by Mr. Edward Potts, Shipwright, per Ann. the Interest yearly to be distributed 20 00 00 LEFT by Mrs. Anne Handcock, per Ann. the Interest to be distributed by the Church-wardens to such poor People as are constant frequenters of divine Worship 50 00 00 All-Saints CHARITY-SCHOOL in Newcastle upon Tyne, was set up by a Voluntary SUBSCRIPTION, in the Year of our Lord, 1709, and has been continued ever since on the same Footing; and further supported by several accidental Contributions. The NAMES of the SUBSCRIBERS, and Sums subscribed when the SCHOOL was Founded.   l. s. d. ROBERT Fenwick, Esq Mayor, per Annum 4 00 00 John Cuthbert, Esq Recorder 2 00 00 Mrs. Phaebe Blakiston 2 00 00 Matthew White, Esq 2 00 00 Mr. William Wrightson 2 00 00 Mr. Henry Milburn 2 00 00 Mr. Henry Reay 2 00 00 Mr. John Baxter 1 00 00 Mr. Thomas Robinson 1 00 00 John Rogers, Esq 5 00 00 Mr. George Nixon 1 00 00 Mr. William Raper 1 00 00 Mr. Joseph Green 1 00 00 Mr. William Harrison, Senior 1 00 00 Mr. Lionel Dixon 0 10 00 Mr. John Anderson 0 10 00 Mr. Lionel Forster 0 10 00 Mr. Edward Brumwell 1 00 00 Mrs. Jane Binks 0 10 00 Mr. Robert Vipont 0 10 00 Mr. John Maddison 1 00 00 Mr. Edward Grey 1 00 00 Mr. Henry Waters 1 00 00 Mr. John Johnson 1 00 00 Mr. Francis Armorer 1 00 00 Mr. Luke Conyers 0 10 00 Mr. John Story 1 00 00 M,. Jeremiah Cook 1 00 00 Mr. Thomas Turner 1 00 00 Mr. Thomas Campion 1 00 00 Mr. John Binks 0 10 00 Mr. Jonathan Tyzack 0 10 00 Mr. Perigrine Henzell 0 10 00 Mr. Bartholomew Kent 0 10 00 The Reverend Mr. Leonard Shafto 2 00 00 The Reverend Mr. Charles Ward 2 00 00 Mr. Robert Webster 0 10 00 Mr. Lionel Colepits 1 00 00 Mr. Thomas Wallis 0 10 00 Mr. Matthew Bell 1 00 00 Mrs. Dorothy Dawson 1 00 00 Mrs. Julian Hindmarsh 1 10 00 Brought over 51 10 00 Mr. Mark Browell 1 00 00 Mr. Edward Colvill 1 00 00 Mr. Richard Burdus 0 10 00 Mr. George Hinckster 0 10 00 Mr. Gerrard Robson 1 00 00 Mr. Matthew Dale 0 10 00 Mr. William Harrison, Junior 1 00 00 Mr. John Simpson 1 00 00 Mr. Thomas Allan, Senior 1 00 00 Mr. Thomas Allan, Junior 1 00 00 Mr. Henry Atkinson 1 00 00 Mr. Timothy Rawling 1 00 00 Mr. William French 0 10 00 Mr. Ellis Inchball 0 10 00 Mr. Ralph Reed 1 00 00 Mr. Charles Atkinson 2 00 00 Mr. William Green 1 00 00 Mr. Tobias Blakiston 1 00 00 Mr. John Swaddell 1 00 00 Mr. James Taylor 1 00 00 Mr. Samuel Joblin 1 00 00 Mr. James Dawson, Yarmouth 1 00 00 Mr. Jonathan Rodam 1 00 00 Mr. Robert Shafto 0 10 00 Mr. Thomas Elliot 0 10 00 Mr. George Hankin 0 10 00 Mrs. Frances Reed 0 10 00 Mr. Henry Dent 0 10 00 Mrs. Mary Harrison 0 10 00 Mr. George Iley 1 00 00 Mrs. Barbary Nicholls 2 00 00 Mr. John Campbell 1 00 00 Mr. Lancelot Cramlington 1 00 00 Robert Eden, Esq 2 00 00   83 00 00 The Names of the SUBSCRIBERS, and Sums by each paid in the Year 1731.   l. s. d. WALTER Blacket, Esq 5 00 00 Nicholas Fenwick, Esq 7 00 00 Matthew White, Esq 2 00 00 Henry Reay, Esq 2 00 00 John Rogers, Esq 5 00 00 Mr. William Dixon 0 10 00 Mr. John Maddison 1 10 00 Mr. Thomas Binks 0 05 00 Mr. Henry Waters 3 00 00 Mrs. Mary Johnson 1 10 00 Mr. Francis Armorer, Senior 1 10 00 Mr. John Story 1 00 00 Mrs. — Andrews 0 10 00 The Reverend Mr. Farrington 2 00 00 Brought over 32 15 00 The Reverend Mr. Shafto 2 00 00 Mr. George Colepitts 1 10 00 Mr. Ralph Sowerby 1 10 00 Mr. Matthew Bell 1 10 00 Mr. Thomas Wallis 1 10 00 Mrs. Julian Hindmarch 1 10 00 Mrs. Jane Rodam 1 10 00 Two Mrs. Browells 1 10 00 Mr. John Simpson 1 10 00 Thomas Allan, Esq 2 00 00 Mr. Lionel Allan 1 10 00 Mr. Henry Atkinson 1 00 00 Mr. John Morris 1 10 00 Mr. Charles Atkinson 2 00 00 Mr. John Colvill 1 10 00 The Trinity House 6 00 00 Matthew Fetherston, Esq 2 00 00 Mr. Henry Coulson 2 00 00 Mr. Thomas Dennet, London 1 00 00 The Butchers Company 6 00 00 The Shipwrights Company 3 00 00 The Surgeons Company 1 10 00 The Rope-makers Company 1 10 00 Mr. Thomas Wass 1 10 00 Edward Collingwood, Esq 1 10 00 Mr. Joseph Smith 1 10 00 Mr. John Anderson 1 10 00 Mr. George Simpson 1 10 00 Mrs. Anne Harrison 0 10 00 Mr. Cuthbert Nicholson 0 15 00 Mr. Thomas Shafto 1 10 00 The Reverend Mr. Maddison 0 15 00 Mr. John Burfield 0 15 00 Mr. Christopher Dawson 1 10 00 Mr. Joseph Liddell 1 10 00 Mr. Francis Armorer, Junior 1 10 00 Joseph Ledgard, Esq 1 10 00   97 00 00 Money collected at All-Saints Church when the annual Sermons were preached for the Benefit of the Charity-Children.         l. s. d. Anno 1709 THE Rev. Dr. Ellison 15 10 06 1710 Mr. Shafto 16 02 00 1711 Mr. Charles Ward 23 09 00 1712 Mr. Wilcox 24 07 02 1713 Mr. Cuthbert Ellison 22 16 04 1714 Mr. Shadforth 25 17 00 1715 Mr. Browell 26 19 2½ 1716 Mr. Farrington 20 12 00 1717 Mr. Chilton 23 01 09     Brought over 198 14 11½ 1718 Mr. John Ellison 21 06 06¾ 1719 Mr. Cowling 20 02 05 1720 Mr. Dockwray 19 14 06 1721 Mr. R. Cuthberts 17 11 08 1722 Mr. Sharp 27 03 00 1723 Dr. Mangey 22 04 06¾ 1724 Mr. Bourne 21 10 08 1725 Mr. Bradford 17 14 02 1726 Mr. William Hall 15 03 06 1727 Mr. Fetherston 17 19 09½ 1728 Mr. Thompson 16 04 10 1729 Mr. Turnor 17 08 05¾ 1730 Mr. Sacker 23 04 09½ 1731 Dr. Banson 23 18 05½ 1732 Mr. Turnor 16 16 07½     496 18 11¾ Accidental CONTRIBUTIONS.       l. s. d. Anno 1709 FROM unknown Hands, by the Rev. Mr. Char. Ward 03 03 09 1711 Mr. Alderman Whinfield 's Legacy yearly 03 16 04 1712 The Town of Newcaste towards Building a Gallery for the Charity Children in all Saints Church 15 00 00   From unknown Hands by the Rev. Mr. Char. Ward 02 09 00 1713 Mr. Thomas Campion 's Legacy 20 00 00   Mr. William Harrison 's ditto 20 00 00 1714 Madam Rogers 50 00 00   Mr. Thomas Wass 05 00 00   Mr. Michael Bland 02 07 00   The Coopers Company 00 10 00 1715 Mrs. Mayor 's Legacy 02 00 00   The Surgeons Company 01 00 00   Edward Collingwood, Esq 00 15 00   The Rev. Mr. Farrington 00 15 00 1716 Madam Nichols Legacy 10 00 00   Mr. Edward Slater 00 15 00   The Rope-makers Company 01 10 00   Mr. Alderman Ramsey 's Legacy 50 00 00   Mr. Alderman Atkinson 's Legacy yearly 05 14 00 1717 From Stockholm and Yarmouth, by Mr. Ja. Dawson 11 00 00   From a Person who desired not to be Nam'd 50 00 00 1718 Mr. Samuel Green 's Legacy 100 00 00   Some Company at the king's-head by Mat. White, Esq 00 16 00 1719 Mr. Thomas Elliot 's Legacy 100 00 00 1720 Mr. Thomas Burdus 's ditto 10 00 00   Mrs. Ramsey 's ditto 25 00 00 1721 Mr. James Clay 's ditto 05 00 00   From a Person which desired not to be Nam'd 20 00 00   Mr. Tyzack 's Legacy 05 00 00 1722 Capt. James Taylor 's Legacy 50 00 00   Mrs. Mary Lane 05 00 00 1724 Mrs. Mary Collingwood 's Legacy 01 00 00   Brought over 577 11 01 1724 Mrs. Mary Jackson 's ditto 05 00 00   Mrs. Christian Bulman 's ditto 20 00 00   Mrs. Spearman 's ditto 10 00 00 1728 Mrs. Isabel Collingwood ditto 01 01 00 1729 Mr. Joseph Colpitts ditto 20 00 00   Mrs. Reed 's ditto 50 00 00   Mr. Thomas Bates ditto 50 00 00   Mr. Alderman Coulson 's ditto 50 00 00     783 12 01 THERE are 41 Boys taught to read, write, and cast Accounts, by John Davenport, the present Master: And 17 Girls are taught to read, knit, sew, make, and mend their own Cloaths, by Hannah Johnson, the present Mistress. THESE Children have Coats and Caps once a Year, and Shoes, Stockings, Shirts, and Bands twice a Year: And at their leaving the School, they have Forty Shillings each to put them out Apprentice, or equip them for Services, and each of them a Bible, with the Common-Prayer, a Whole Duty of Man, and Lewis 's Catechism. THE Magistrates of Newcastle gave a Room, wherein the Girls are taught, and contributed towards Building a Gallery in All-Saints Church for the Children, and likewise gave Ground, whereon to build a School for the Boys, and a House for the Master: The Charge of which was defrayed out of several Legacies left to the School. TWO Hundred Thirty Four Boys and Girls have been in all put out since the School was set up. IN the Year 1728, some Gentlemen of this Parish founded a Lecture by Subscription, for the Instruction of the People in the Rubrick and Liturgy of the Church. It was settled upon Henry Bourne, the Curate of this Church, and was opened on Low-Sunday the said Year. It is held every other Sunday in the Summer at 6-o'Clock in the Evening, and continues from Low-Sunday, 'till the Sunday after Holy-Cross, or the 14th of September. The FOUNDERS and BENEFACTORS Names at the opening of it. CUTHBERT Fenwick, Esq Mayor. SIR WILLIAM Blacket, Bart. RICHARD RIDLEY, Esq NICHOLAS Fenwick, Esq HENRY Reay, Esq STEPHEN Coulson, Esq EDWARD Collingwood, Esq THE REV. Mr. Bradford, Vicar of Newcastle. MR. John Simpson MR. Charles Atkinson MR. Joseph Liddell MR. Henry Waters MR. George Hinkster MR. Joseph Colepitts MR. John Morris MR. Joseph Smith MR. James Hargrave THOMAS Hindmarsh, Esq MRS. Alice Colepitts MR. Ralph Sowerby MR. William Selby MR. John White MR. Francis Armorer MR. Thomas Allison SINCE then Mr. Henry Coulson, Mr. George Mitford, Mr. Richard Johnson, Mr. Thomas Hall, Mr. William Trotter have encreased the Number of Subscribers. THE Curate of this Church is the Minister of it. The Vicar pays him 4 l. per Annum, and the Crown 5 l. The rest of his Income arises from the Surplice Fees, Register, &c. It was formerly the Custom to have two Clerks for this Church. But in the Year 1708, it was thought more convenient for the Parish, and less Burthensome to the Minister (who had one of the largest Cures in the Kingdom to manage) to have an Assistant; accordingly Abraham Wilcox, M. A. was put into the Clerk's Place, which was vacant by the Death of John Pinkney, and was allow'd the Fees of the Clerk for Weddings, Burials and Christnings; which amounts to 50 l. per Annum: Mr. Wilcox was succeeded by Ambrose Fenwick, M. A. afterwards Vicar of Standfordham; He by William Hall, &c. THERE are other two Clergymen belonging to this Church, which are Lecturers, and paid by the Town; the one for Preaching in the Morning has 100 l. per Annum, and the other for Preaching in the Afternoon 100 l. per Annum. ALL the Ministers of this Church I have been able to collect are these following. The CURATES. SAMUEL Barker, 1617. ROBERT Bonner, 1639. He was both sequestred and imprison'd for his Loyalty in the Civil Wars. ROWLAND Salkeld, 1660. TIMOTHY Fenwick, 1672. RALPH Grey JOSEPH Bonner, afterwards Vicar of Bolam. PETER Straughan, 1695. ANTHONY Procter, 1697. RICHARD Musgrave, A. B. 1703. CUTHBERT Ellison, A. M. of Lincoln College, in Oxford, the present Vicar of Stannington. HENRY Bourne, M. A. of Christ Col. Cambridge, 1722. The present Curate. Morning LECTURERS. Durant R. Predeux in the Time of the Civil Wars. LEONARD Shafto, A. M. WILLIAM Mair. NATHANIEL Ellison, M. A. afterwards Vicar of St. Nicholas. NATHANIEL Chilton, A. M. LEONARD Shafto, A. M. He was also Rector of Gateshead, he was a very useful Preacher, a Man of great Generosity and Hospitality, a hearty and sincere Friend, and one of extensive Charity and Benevolence. He died August 27, 1731, and was buried in Gateshead Church. Sept. 27, 1731. Hugh Farington, M. A. formerly Fellow of St. John 's Col. in Camb. succeeded him, who is the present Lecturer. Afternoon LECTURERS. THOMAS Knaggs, A. M. RALPH Emmerson, A. M. CHARLES Ward, A. M. an excellent Preacher. HUGH Farrington, A. M. HENRY Fetherstonhaugh, B. D. late Fellow of St. John 's Col. Camb. the present Afternoon Lecture. THERE are Prayers at this Church every Day at 10-o'Clock in the Morning, and 4 in the Afternoon. The Sacrament is administred at this Church every second Sunday in the Month. It was formerly usual for the Town to present this Church, at the High Festival of Easter, with twenty one Gallons of Wine. OPPOSITE to the West Stairs of this Church is an Alms-House, which was in good Repair, as we are informed by the Milbank Manuscript, about 100 Years ago, at which Time the Church-Wardens allowed them 20 s. per Annum, for Coals for four Women. It is now in very bad Repair, and going fast into Ruins. At present the People in it, are allowed eight Chaldron of Coals per Annum, and three Shillings per Quarter by the Church-wardens. ON the South-side of this Church are two Pair of Stairs; those opposite to the Quire-Door lead into a narrow Street called the Dog-bank; but formerly, as appears by some ancient Writings, Silver-street: The other Pair lead into the Butcher-Bank, which is a narrow Street, and a great Descent. It is mostly inhabited by Butchers, who have their Shops and Houses there. In this are many narrow Lanes called Chares, which lead into the Key-side. This leads into the Street called the Side, and into the Sand-hill. It was called formerly All-Hallows Bank. CHAP. IX. Of the CASTLE-YARD. I N order now to go regularly down into the lower Parts of the Town, let us set off from the South-side of the Steeple of St. Nicholas, which leads directly to the Top of the Street called the Side. Whilst I am here I can't help observing, that were the Houses belonging to Mr. Partis, &c. which are situated from the Porch Door of St. Nicholas, to the said Street, taken away, the Belfry and Steeple would look much more grand and magnificent; and whereas this Great Ornament of the Town is now almost hid as a Traveller comes up this Street, it would then be wholly expos'd, and strike the Beholders with Awe and Wonder. AFTER you have crossed the upper Part of this Street, there is a Passage leading to Bailiff-Gate, which has a Turn upon the Left-hand, that goes into the Castle-yard, the Place where is situated the Castle of this Town. BEFORE the Conquest the old Round Tower was probably in Being, and was the old Castle, or Fort of Monkchester; and after the Conquest, when the other Castle was built, it was called, (to distinguish it from the old Castle ) the New-Castle, which in a small Time after gave Name to the whole Place. Something to this Purpose are these two or three Words about it, in the Manuscript of John Milbank, Esq That this new Castle may be distinguished from the old one. The Use of this Tower, as the same Authority informs us, was made to secure the Pass to the Bridge in former Times. THIS new Castle was built by Robert Curthois, the Son of William the Conqueror in the Year 1080 as has been before observed. But notwithstanding this, and that it gives a new Name to the Place, yet whatever Priviledges belonged to Monkchester (for so the Town was then called) continued with it, nor did the Castle impair them in the least. De reb. Novocast. IT has been a Building of very great Strength, and very fit for what it was design'd, and yet in the Reign of King John we have an Account of it's being repair'd by that King, and that he was obliged in the making of a Ditch to destroy divers Houses, for which he satisfied the Owners, as may be seen in our Account of that King's Charter to this Town. THE first Account we meet with of it after it was built, is of it's being besieged by William Rufus. For Robert Mowbray, Earl of Northumberland, having opposed him, he came down and laid Siege to the Castle, and conquer'd Newcastle; upon which Robert fled, and absconded in Bamburgh-Castle; but was afterwards taken by the King's Party, and carried Prisoner to Windsor. AMONG several Rents and Revenues arising to this Castle, the following were some. THE Barony of the William Herron, Hen. I. eum Feost: Herons, which contain'd One William regularly descended from this William died in the 25th of Edward the 1st, and left no Male Issue; so that Emelin, his only Daughter, was the Heir of the Barony. She married into the Family of John Lord D' Arcy, and transferr'd this Manour of Haddeston and divers others into that Family. Lord D' Arcy abovementioned, dy'd possess'd of this Manour at Norton in Lincolnshire, 30th Edward the 3d. In the 1st of Hen. IV. Thomas Lord Lumley died possess'd of it, and left it to Sir John Lumley his Brother. This Family is so named from Lomley a Town situated on the Bank of the River Were, where their Seat was. They are descended from Liulph, a Person of great Nobility in the Time of King Edward the Confessor, who married Algitha the Daughter of Aldred, Earl of Northumberland. Sir George Lumley, Knight, he that married the Grand-daughter of Roger Thornton of this Town, was in great repute in the County of Durham, in the Reign of Edward the 4th, being High Sheriff in the 2d of that Reign; in the 6th, Knight of the Shire; in the Year 8, High Sheriff again, in which Office he continued three Years more. But none of this great and ancient Family was ever higher in the Esteem of his Prince, none in greater Repute in his Country, than is the present noble Successor, Richard, Earl of Scarborough, who is also Viscount Lumley and Waterford, Baron Lumley of Lumley, Master of the Horse to his Majesty, Lord Lieutenant of the Counties of Durham and Northumberland, Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter, one of his Majesty's most honourable Privy-Council, &c. Haddeston, Chirton, This Village is about two short Miles distant from the Town of Newcastle. How it came out of the Hands of this Family of the Herons, is not known. But in the 11th of Edward the 2d, it was the Lordship of Jeffrey de Scrope, of Masham in Yorkshire. After him Ralph, Lord Graystake, was Lord of it. In the Reign of K. Henry the 6th, this Manour was in the Possession of William Fitz Hugh, who dy'd and left it to his Son Henry. It is now in the Possession of Mr. Tho. Bigg and Mrs. Jane Sanderson, who have there a House and Garden, at which they reside in the Summer Season. Little-Benton, Coldwell, This Place in latter Ages was the Seat of the Wodrington 's, who in the Reigns of Henry 6th, Edward 4th, and Henry 8th, were High Sheriff's of Northumberland. Swinburne, and Flatford paid for Castle-ward and Cornage;   l. s. d. For Castle-ward 00 13 00 For Cornage 00 05 10 THE Hen. I. Simonem de Devilstone, Feof: Barony of Dilstone, containing Dilston, a small Village, standing on the South-side of the Tyne, call'd in old Books and ancient Records, Devilstone, from a small Brook running on the West-side of it whose Name Bede says was Devilsburn, and emptying itself into Tyne. The Barony in which it stands takes it's Name from it, and is at this Day called the Barony of Devilstone. We have not yet met with the Original Barons of it. We observe a Family in our ancient Histories, bearing the Surname of Deivill or Deiville, which might probably be Owners of the Manour of Devilstone, i. e. the Town of Devils, for John Deiville was Governour of Scarborough Castle in Yorkshire, and built a Castle of his own at a certain Place called the Hode in that County; but having no ground for this Conjecture in History, we shall leave it to the Reader to accept, or reject it, tho' the Name being a little Unusual, and looking as if its Original were derived from the Evil Spirit that bears that Name, we thought fit to give some Account of it. Bede in the same Place, viz. lib. 3. c. 1. tells us, that here it was that S. Oswald, armed with the Christian Edith, slew in a fair Field Cedwell the Briton, a wretched Tyrant, who had before slain Two Kings of Northumberland, Osrick King of the Deirans and Eanfrid of the Bernicians, and miserably wasted their Country: But the Author of the Additions of Cambden contradicts Mr. Cambden, and tells us, that all the Latin Copies of Bede, that he had seen, say, That Oswald 's Victory was obtain'd in loco qui Lingua Anglorum Denisesburn vocatur, i. e. in the Place called by the English Deniesburn, and the Saxon Copies of King Alfred 's Paraphrase have Denisses, Deni, ces and Denises burna, And the Saxon Chronicle hath not made any Mention of this Story. Sir Francis Ratcliffe, or Radelive, Bart. descended of the ancient Family of Ratcliff 's Earls of Sussex, who was made a Baron of this Realm, March 7, 1687-8 did bear the Title of Baron of Dilston, Viscount Ratcliff and Langley, and Earl of Derwentwater in Cumberland. He died anno 1696-7, and was buried in the Church of this Place. The last Earl of this Family was James Ratcliffe. He was beheaded on Tower-Hill, Anno 1715. for being concerned in the Rebellion of that Year. Devil, or Dilstone, Corbidge, a Town situated upon the North Bank of the River Tine; which takes it's Name from the Bridge laid there over that River for Traffick into the Southern Parts of the County, and the rest of England, and the ancient Roman Name found in Antonine 's Itinerary, called Corstopitum or rather Corstopilum (as it is read in the Edition of H. Surita ) which, as Henry of Huntington testifies was for Brevity Sake called Cure or Cor. Here, according to the Description of Ptolomy was the Curia Ottodinorum, i. e. The Court of the Ottodini or Northumbrians. The Manour of this Town, 8 Ed. 2. or soon after, was purchased by Henry Percy, a wealthy Northumbrian, who was then in great favour with that Prince. He, making a Settlement of his Great Estate in the 7th of Edw, the 3d, gave two Parts of this Manour to his Son and Heir Henry Percy, which he then was in Possession of, and the third Part after the Death of Hawise, the Widow of John Clavering, who held it then in Dower; but this Henry died seized of the whole Manour, Feb. 26, 26 Edw. 3. and left it with other great Estates to his Son and Heir of the same Name, who accordingly soon after the Livery of his Lands, saving to his Mother Idonea her reasonable Dower, who had assigned her for it among other Lordships this of Corbridge, which was not long come into his Possession; but it was settled upon his Death upon his secured Wife Joan for her Dower, How this Manour was alienated in the same Reign we cannot discover; but do find 10 Rich. 2d. that Alice the Widow of Ralph Lord Nevil of Raby had for her Dowry among other Manours and Rents, Twenty Pounds per ann. out of his Manour of Corbrigge. At this Day there is nothing remarkable in this Town but the Church and a little Tower-house, fitted up and inhabited by the Vicars of the Place; yet there are so many Ruins of ancient Buildings, as prove it once to have been a large and spacious Town. King John supposing that either an Earthquake or some sudden Invasion might be the Cause of so great Desolations, and the Inhabitants had no Time or Way to remove their Wealth, did not doubt but he might find a great Deal of Treasure upon a diligent Search; but Fortune fauoured his Attempt no more than it did Nero 's in his Enquiries after the concealed Riches of Dido at Carthage, for he found nothing but Stones mark'd with Brass, Iron and Lead. The Vicarage of this Town being all a Value, as not to be a suitable Maintenance for the Minister, the Dean and Chapter of Carlisle, since the Restoration of King Charles II. made an Augmentation to it of 20 lib. per annum. But tho' King John discovered nothing considerable here, yet there was found out accidentally about 40 Years ago, a Thing very remarkable. The Bank of a small Torrent, which comes down from the Wall's Side by this Town, being worn away by some impetuous Land floods, the Skeleton of a Man appeared of a very extraordinary and prodigious Size, the Length of his Thigh bone was within a very little of Two Yards, and the Skull, Teeth, and other Parts proportionably monstrous; so that by a fair Computation, the true Length of the whole Body may be will reckoned at Seven Yards. Some Parts of it were in the Possession of the right Honourable the late Earl of Derwentwater at Dilston, in 1695, who was much pleased with the Rarity; but his Lordship not having Notice of it, 'till it was in a great Measure squandred away, and lost by the careless Discoverers, he could not by all his Inquiries make it so compleat, as any that have a Regard to such Curiosities could heartily wish it were: But since there was not found here an intire Skeleton, but Great Numbers or Strata of Teeth and Bones of a very extraordinary Size, and withal a Sort of Pavement, or Foundation of Stone running along with these Strata; and since here hath an Altar inscribed to Hercules been digged up, what if we should affirm that these are the Teeth and Bones of Oxen, and other like Creatures, which were sa rificed at the Temple dedicated to Hercules, standing in this Place, Ex Mag. Brit. Corbrigg, Togeston, &c. paid to the Castle;   l. s. d. For Castle-ward 00 13 04 For Cornage 00 10 00 THE Barony of Whalton, Hwanton or Qualton, a large Manour with many Fees thereunto belonging, as the Manours of Lington, Linton, &c. It was the Estate anciently of Robert de Cramavil, which he held for himself and his Heirs by the Service of three Knight's Fees; but because he did not make Performance to King John of what he expected, the King seized his Estate, and Reg. 7. bestowed this Manour upon Robert Fitz Roger, in whose Posterity it continued 'till John Fitz Robert, who (leaving the old Fashion of framing Sirnames out of the Christian Names of their Fathers, as his Ancestors had done, and was hitherto used by many Families) laid aside the Name of Fitz Robert, and at the Command of King Edward the 1st took the Name De Clavering, dying without any Legitimate Issue, he settled great Part of his Estate on King Edward the 1st, and his Heirs; and the rest was either sold in his Life-time, or left to his own Heirs. This Manour, by what Title we know not, is found to be in the Family of the Scroops of Masham, for 13 Ed. 3d, Sir Geffery Scroop, Banneret, died seized of this Manour of Whalton, with many other Estates, which he left to his Son and Heir Henry, in whose Posterity (who were summoned to Parliament from the 8th of Henry IV to the 9th of Henry VIII. ) It continued 'till Geffrey Lord Scroop dying in that Year without Issue, his three Sisters became his Heirs. Ex Mag. Brit. Mr. John Shaw, Minister of St. John 's in Newcastle, was Rector of this Place in the Times of the late Rebellion. He was instituted and inducted into his Living in 1645, but not permitted to enjoy it; however he was allowed to have the Church of Bolton in Yorkshire, and held it 'till the Restoration of King Charles, when he came into Possession of Whalton. He was a Person of Eminency for his Conduct as well as Learning, and was several Times chosen to represent the Clergy of those Parts in the Convocation. He died in a good old Age in 1689. His Writings shou'd have been commemorated before, they are these following. The Pourtraiture of the primitive Saints in their Actings and Sufferings, according to Saint Paul 's Canon, Heb. xi. one Part whereof, to Verse 23. was preached at Newcastle 1652. The other, from Verse 22 to the End, was preached at the same Place in 1659. Both which were afterwards published in Quarto. Origo Protestantium, or an Answer to a Popish Manuscript of N. Ns. that would fain make the Protestant Catholick Religion bear Date at the very Time when the Roman Popish commenced in the World, wherein Protestancy is demonstrated to be elder than Popery. Lond. 1677 and 79. Quarto. Answer to the Jesuit's Letter— Printed with the former Book, and the Jesuit's Letter with it. No Reformation of the established Religion. Lond. 1685. Octavo. Walton given by King John to Robert Son of Roger, and confirm'd by his Charter, contain'd Walton, Ripplingdon, Newham, Denton, Newbiggin, Kenton is a pleasant Village about two Miles West of Newcastle. It seems to have got its Name from its Situation; for it stands upon a Hill, and so is a Town that one may Ken from far, or see at a good Distance. In the Reign of Edward II. in the Year 1313, when the Battle of Bannockburn was fought, one Sir John de Kenton Knight▪ was High Sheriff of Northumberland. It has been in the Possession of several good Families, and is now chiefly belonging to Walter Blacket, Esq The Road to this Village from the Town-moor, has on each Side of it Fields so well cultivated, and Hedges so adorn'd with Plantations, that in the Summer-season it is a most pleasing Walk. Kenton, Gosford, the Barony of Richard sur Tees, or upon the Teas, because his Seat was upon the Bank of that River, a Person of great Repute in the Reign of King Henry I. Gosford, and Fawden; and also Ogle, or as we find it in old Writings, Oggil or Oggle, the Lordship and Seat of a Family that took their Name from it, being called de Oggle. Of this Family our Histories mention John de Oggil in 49 Henry III. who, for adhering to the rebellious Barons of that Reign had his Lands extended; but his Descendants recovered their Estate, and Robert de Oggle in 15 Edward III. obtained a Licence to make a Castle of his Manour-house at Oggle, and to have free Warren in all his Demesne Lands within his Lordship of Oggle, &c. in this County. This Robert married Helena Bertram, the sole Daughter and Heir of Sir Robert Bertram Knight, Baron of Bothail, by whom he had Issue Robert, who died before his Father, but left a Son Robert, who after his Grandmother's Death doing his Homage had Livery of her Lands and Castle at Bothal. He in his Life-time settled his Inheritance descended to him from his Ancestors, upon his eldest Son Sir Robert Oggle, and his Heirs,; and for Want of them, upon his younger Son John, whom he sirnamed Bertram, to whom he gave his Barony of Bothal -Castle. His Grandson Robert being a firm Adherent to the York -Interest, was by King Edward IV. advanced to the Dignity and Degree of a Baron of this Realm, by a Summons to his first Parliament, Reg. 1. His Posterity being further enriched by the Marriages with the Heiresses of Alan, Heton, and Alexander Kirby, for several Generations enjoyed his Honouur and this Manour, with his other Estates; but Issue-male sailing in Cuthbert Lord Ogle, Katharine, who at length became his sole Heir by the Death of her elder Sister Joan, who was married to Edward Talbot, a younger Son of George Earl of Shrewsbury, but died without Issue, and was married to Sir Charles Cavendish of Welbeck Knight, is 4th Car. I. made by Letters Patent Baroness of Ogle of this Place. Her Son William having been made knight of the Bath in 1610, at the Creation of Henry Prince of Wales, was afterwards advanced to the Degree of a Baron, by the S le and Title of the Lord Ogle, in 1620. He in the great Breach between King Charles I. and his Parliament, endeavoured to support his Royal Master in his Authority and Power, and did many signal Things for that End, as raising Forces, fortifying the Town of Newcastle and Tinmouth, defending York, &c. which Services, tho' not crowned with the desired Success, yet were of so great Merit with King Charles II. at his Restoration, that he created him Earl of Ogle and Duke of Newcastle in 1664. The Title of the eldest Son of this Family in his Father's Life-time, is Earl of Ogle, by the Courtesy of England. Mag. Brit. Nathaniel Ogle, Esq whose beautiful Seat is at Kirklaw in Northumberland, is a Descendant of this ancient Family of the Ogles. Oggle, Burndon, Horton with Sticklaw and Hereford and Widdrington, Widdrington -Castle, or Woddrington, the Seat and Manour of an ancient and worthy Family of that Name, which had often signalized their Valour in the War against the Scots, and long flourish'd in great Repute in these Northern Parts, for Roger de Widdrington, was High Sheriff of this County, 36 Ed. 3d, as was John de Witherington, 11 Hen. 4th, and the same, or another of his Name, 4 Hen. 6. Roger Wodrington the 10th and 28th of the same Reign; Gerhard Wodrington, 5th Edw. 4th, John de Wodrington nine Years together in the same Reign, and John de Wodrington, 32 Hen. 8th, 6th Edw 4th, and 1st Eliz. But the Person which hath the most enobled this Family, was Sir William Wodrington, Knt. who having been High Sheriff in this County, 12th Car. 1st, was created a Baronet, July 9th, 1642; and having by the breaking out of the Civil War, or soon after, raised a considerable Power for his Majesty's Service, which he put under the Conduct of William Cavendish then Earl (but after Duke) of Newcastle, as General, whereby he had his Share in the Honour of those many Victories that General obtained at Tadcaster, Yarm, Seacroft, Tankersly, Leeds, Hallifax, Rotheram, Sheffield, Chesterfield, Gaynsborough and Lincoln, but chiefly at Bradford in Yorkshire, against the numerous Forces of the rebellions long Parliament; he was in Consideration of his good Services thus done for the Royal Cause, advanced to the Honour of a Baron of this Realm, by the Title of Lord Witherington of Blankney, the Estate which came to him by Mary his Wife, the sole Heir of Sir Anthony Thorold, Knt. of that Place in Lincolnshire. He left several Sons, of whom William succeeded in his, P ea e and Honour, and his Grandson William now enjoys them. This Place was forfeited to the Crown Anno 1715, the Lord of it being concerned in the Rebellion that was that Year raised against the King. He suffer'd not along with the Earl of Derwentwater, Lord Kenmuir, &c. but was graciously pardoned, and is alive at this Day. Wodrington, paid for Castleward and Cornage;   l. s. d. For Castle-ward 02 00 00 For Cornage 10 00 00 THE Barony of Henzerus. Primus Hugonem de Bolbeck, Feos. Bolbeck, containing Stifford, Brumhall, Slavely, Shotton, Heddon on the Wall, Part of the Manour of Hugh de Bolbeck, who descended by the Mother's Side from the Noble Barons of Mont chet. He had no Issue Male, but left four Daughters, Coheirs of his large Barony and Estate, viz. Philippa married to Roger de Lancaster, Margery to Nicholas de Corbet, and afterwards to Ralph Lord Graystock, (as Mr. Cambden says) But Sir William Dugdale, Baron, 452. tells us, that it was Ralph, the Son of William Lord Grimthorp; Alice to Walter de Huntercumbe, and Mand, some Years after to Hugh de la Val, or as Cambden, J. Lovel. In an Original Charter, dated 1 Steph. whereby some Lands are conveyed to, and settled on the Church of Winchester, subscribed by a great many Barons, we have Signum Walteri de Bolbec, Bar. Seld. Tit. Hon. Par. 2. c 5. p. 571. one Isabel de Bolebec, first Countys of Oxford, founded a Convent of Dominicans in that City. Heddon of the Wall, Hedwin East, Thornton, Whitchester, Haughton, Of BENWALL. Mr. Cambden speaking of Chester on the Street, says, he supposes it to have been the Condercum, where upon the Line of the Wall, the first Win of the Astures kept Garrison in the Roman Times, as the Notitia tells us. And this he conjestures, because in the Saxon, Chestre is called Concester, and because it is but a few Miles from the Wall. But others are of Opinion, that Benwall, a Village about two Miles West of Newcastle, was the ancient Condercum, because of the Antiquity of the Place, and its Nearness to the Wall; the Notitia described the Condercum, as upon the Line of the Wall. This indeed seems rather probable. For if a Place is said to be situated ad lineam valli, one would think it should not be far from the Wall, however not in the wrong Side of Tine. The Places of the Roman Garrisons ad lineam Valli, as far as I can iudge, have always been in these Counties which the Roman Wall past through; but no Body seen yet found out the least Footsteps of it in the County of Durham. In this Village were lately found several Mens with Coins in them, which were most of them broken and squander'd about by the ignorant Diggers; but one of them being preserved, was given to the Library at Durham, where it remains very intire. The Prior of Tinmouth was went to spend some Part of the Summer at this Village. It is now the Property of Robert Shafto Esq and has been of his Ancestors for many Years; the old Tower of Benwell-Hall was the Place where the Prior resided, and the Chapel, which Mr. Shafto opens, and supplies, for the Good of the People of his Village, was the Prior 's domestick Chapel. This Place is much frequented in the Summer-Season for its pleasing Situation and agreeable Distance from the Town, and at all Seasons for the Hospitality of the worthy Proprietor. Benwell, Elswick is a Village distant a short Mile from Newcastle, it is situated on the North-side of the Tyne, upon the Brow of an Hill, not far from the River. It is exceedingly agreeable and pleasant in the Summer, having about it some of the richest Grounds, whose Hedges are mostly beset with Trees. It is a Place much frequented in the Summer-Season by the Town's People. Ralph Jenison, Esq Member of Parliament for the County of Northumberland, is the present Possessor of it. Elswick, Angerton, Hertbourne, Middleton, Morel, Burneton, Beril, Fenwick, the Manour and Estate of the eminent and valiant Family of the Fenwicks, whose Seat is here called Fenwick-Hall. Many of this Family have been Men of Note in the Reigns of our first Norman Kings; for John de Fenwick was High Sheriff for this County, 48 Edward III. and again (or it was another of the same Name) and Richard II. Henry de Fenwick, 6 Henry VI. Roger de Fenwick, 9 Henry VII. Ralph de Fenwick, Esq 7th Henry VIII. William Fenwick, 20th 31st of Elisabeth, and Sir John Fenwick, knight; the w th Tear of King James I. Sir John Fenwick his Grandson, was beheaded in the Reign of King William. Fenwick Matifin-East-Hawkwell Shalow, Middleton-South, Cambhow, Hert-Weigh-Hawick, Kirkherle, Rocheley, Newton-Grange, and the Moiety of Bywell, paid   l. s. d. For Castle-ward 03 06 08 For Cornage 01 12 00 THE Barony of Bolam, a small Village, of which Mr. George Forster was Minister. He was turned out in 1646, and severely fined for not resigning without Opposition; but was allow'd for Fifths 4 l. 6 s. 8 d. which was ill pail; but not being sufficient to maintain his Family, Joan Rex Feofalio. he took a Farm, and he was plunder'd of his Hay and Corn, and had been imprisoned, but he got Bail. He lived to 1660, when he was restored, and died aged 81. The Reverend Mr. George Fenwick, of Christ College Cambridge, is the present Vicar. Bolam, containing Bolam, Litedon, Burneton, Thornbury, Cupum, Parvam, Wittington, Hayden, Belson, Bradeford, Denum, Trewick and Tunstal, paid   l. s. d. For Castle-ward 02 00 00 For Cornage 00 08 00 THE Barony of Henry I. Richardum de Gaugye Feof. Gaugye, containing Ellingham, Cramlington, the Manour and Estate of Robert de Gaugi, a great Man in the Reign of King John, and by him entrusted with the Government of divers Castles at Times, to defend them against the rebellious Barons, which he did faithfully and to his own Advantage; for 3d Henry III. it was certified, that the Barony of this Robert (now as we conceive, called the Barony of Caugif, for Gaugi ) in this County, consisted of this and divers other Manours, which he held of the King by the Service of three Knights Fees. This Manour is now the Property of Robert Lawson, Esq of Chirton. Crawlington, Heaton is a small Village distant from Newcastle about a Mile and a Half Eastward. It has been handed down by Tradition to the present Day, that it was a Place of Retreat for King John when he came into this Country, and there are still to be seen the Ruines of an ancient Building, now in the possession of Richard Ridley, Esq which carries the Name of King John 's Palace. Whatever Truth there may be in this Tradition, this is certain, that there is in the said Gentleman 's Ground on the North-side of this old Building, the Remains of a Fortification, which 'tis natural to conjecture, was built for the Safety and Security of this House, and consequently this House must have been of some great Distinction. And when it is further considered, that this Village of Heaton is a Part of the Barony of Robert de Gaugy, it may not be improbable to conclude, that this ancient Building has in some Measure been what Tradition says it was. For Robert de Gaugy was a great Man in the Reign of King John, and was entrusted by him (as has just now been observed) with the Government of divers Castles at Times, to defend them against the rebellious Barons, which he did faithfully and to his own Advantage; for in the 3d of Henry III. it was certified, that the Barony of this Robert in this County, consisted of this and the other Manours, which he held of the King by the Service of Three Knights Fees. This Robert therefore might have had his own House here upon this Part of his Barony; and as he was so faithful a servant to King John, and entrusted by him with Matters of such great Concern, it is not improbable but when the King came to these Parts, he lodged at this House; and this perhaps was the Reason of its getting the Name it hears at this Day. This is its ancient Grandeur; its present is, the House and Family of the worthy Gentleman above mentioned; it was built in the Year 1713, it is a beautiful House, and so situated, that on the West it overlooks the Town-Moor, Fenham, and Part of the Lands of the Prior of Tinmouth; on the East it faces the Sheilds Road; on the North it has a most agreeable Prospect to the Windings of the Ouse-Burn, of its Woods and Banks, and of the Villages situated on it. On the South it faces the River Tine. Its Conveniencies and Beauties about it, are on the West-side a Fish-Pond, Groves, Wilderness, Gardens, Avenues, and Numbers of Plantations. On the East a very large and beauteous Quadrangle, whose Walls are shaded with the choicest Fruit-Trees, and whose Area is adorn'd with Variety of Knots and Flowers. In this Area, at a due Distance, are two Images tall as the Life, which declare the Hand of a curious Statuary. On the North are Gardens and Plantations, and on the South an Area Adorned with Images and a pleasing Gravel-Walk, beset with Trees and bordered with Flowers. This Gentleman the Possessor was eldest Son to Nicholas Ridley, Esq who was born at Hardriding, in the Parish of Haltwhistle, the ancient Mansion-house of the Family of the Ridleys; where is still to be seen above one of the old Doors, the Date of the Year of its Building, which was earlier than the Conquest, and the initial Letters of the Name of the Builder, N. R. This Nicholas was of the younger Branch of the Ridleys of Wilmotes-Wike; the Seat as Mr. Cambden says, of the worshipful Family of the Ridleys, which is a pretty large Castle on the South-side of Tine, and very ancient, as appears from several Things about it. A little above this, upon the Banks of the Tine, is the Estate of Mr. Nicholas Ridley, the younger Son of the said Gentleman. This Nicholas, Senior, was twice Mayor of Newcastle, in the Year 1688, and in the Year 1706, and was esteemed a Man of great Honour and Integrity, and an excellent Magistrare. By his last Will and Testament, dated 7th December 1710, he gave and bequeathed to the Poor of the Parish of Haltwhistle 40 s. per annum, out of a little Farm or Tenement called Waggtail -Hall. He also gave a Rent-Charge of 4 l. and 10 s. per annum to the Poor of Newcastle upon Tine, and 50 l. to the Poor of the City of Carlisle. Which said Charities he order'd to be distributed every Year to the more aged and infirm, eight Days before Christmas. He left also 20 l. to the Poor of the Township of Hexham. He died January 22d 1710, and hes buried in St. Nicholas in this Town, at the Entrance into the Chancel from the Body of the Church. Of this younger Branch was John Ridley of Hardriding, Esq who was Major of a Regiment in the Army of the right Honourable William Marquis of Newcastle, for the Service of King Charles I. Besides the Gentlemen of this Family already mentioned, we shall only take Notice of the two Persons following. Nicholas Ridley, first Bishop of Rochester, and then Bishop of London. He was born here, and being educated in Grammar at Newcastle upon Tyne, and in academical Learning in both Universities, where he took his Doctor's Degree, was first made Master of Pembroke-Hall in Cambridge, then Chaplain to King Edward VI. and at length Bishop. He was a Person small in Stature but great in Learning, and a profound Divine, of whom Dr. Caius says, that quo viro nihil integrius & egregiis Dotibus ornatius, being Good as well as excellently endowed. He wrote many Things against the Popish Doctrines, and at length confirmed his Writings with Sufferings, being burnt near Baliol-College in Oxford, Anno 1555, 2d & 3d Phil, & Mar. He had a Hand in compiting the Common-Prayer-Book, now in Use in the Church of England. Thomas Ridley, Doctor of the Civil Law in Cambridge; he was the Son of Lancelot Ridley, and Grandson of Nicholas Ridley, Esq he was educated in Grammar at Eaton, and in academical Learning at King's College, Cambridge, where he was Fellow. Afterwards he became a School-master at Eaton, one of the Masters in Chancery, when he was Knighted, Chancellor to the Bishop of Winechester, and Vicar General to Doctor George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury. He was a general Scholar, and wrote a View of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Law. He dy'd Jan. 23, 1628, and was buried four Days after in the Parish Church of St. Bennet, near St. Paul 's Wharf, London, We meet with one Mark Ridley, a Physician, a Person of that Note, as to be one of the eight Pricipals of the College of Physicians, and a Writer; but we do not find that he was of this Family at Wilmotes-wick. Mag. Britt. Heaton, Hartelaw, Vide Chap. VIII. of Pilgrim-street. Jesumuth and Whitby paid   l. s. d. For Castle-ward 02 00 00 For Cornage 00 07 02 THE Barony of Marley, alias Morlaw, alias Roger de marly post Conquestum. Morpeth, containing Morpeth, a Marlet-Town standing upon the Wentsbeck, which runs thro' the Middle of it almost; for the Body of the Town is seated on the Northern Bank of it, and the Church on the Southern; near to which stands on a shady Hill the Castle, which, together with the Town come from Roger de Merlat, or Merley, in whose Family it had been for some Successions, to the Lords of Graystocke, by the Marriage of William Graystocke to Mary, one of the Daughters and Co-heirs of the said Roger. His Grandfather of the same Name 1 Johan. by paying a Fine of 20 Marks, and two good Palsreys, obtained a Licence for holding a Market and Fair at this his Manour of Morpeth. Roger Bertram, another Baron of these Parts, finding that the Market at Morpeth proved a Detrement to his Marlet at Mitford, impleaded this last Roger in the County-Court of NorthumBerland for Damages; but King Henry III. Reg. 34, being acquainted with it, sent his Precept to the Sheriff, prohibiting him to go further in that Suit, because it belonged not to his Jurisdiction. This Manour continued some Time in the Family of Graystocke, but Issue-male failing, it past by the Female-Heirs to the Barons Dacres of Gillesland in Cumberland, by which their Estate was greatly enlarged; for the Barony of Morpeth consesteth not only of the Castle and Lordship of the Town, but has many Villages Members of it, as Grimwest, Ulweham, Hebscot, Schillington, Twisel, Salwick, two Duddens, Clisten, Cladwell, Stanington, Shotton, Blakedon North and South, Wideslad, Killingwith, Benton and Waver. This Estate continued some Generations in that Family of the Dacres; but at length Issue-male failing, it came by Elisabeth, Sister and Co-heir of George last Lord Dacre, to her Husband the Lord William Howard of Naworth, third Son of Thomas Du e of Norfolk, whose Grandson Charles was soon after the Restoration created Lord Dacres of Gillesland, Viscount Morpeth, and ar of Carlisle, which Honours were inherited by his Son Edward, and are new en oyed by his Grandson Charles, the third Earl of Carlisle of that Family, whose eldest Son Henry hears the terary Title of Henry Viscount Morpeth. The present State of this Town is this: It is a Corporation, governed by two Bailiffs, annually chosen by the Freemen, and send Burgesses to Parliament, but not of many Years standing. It hath a very good Market on Wednesday weekly, for Corn, Cattle, and all necessary Provisions, and a Fair yearly on It is a Post Town, and a good Thorough-fare, lying about 4 Farlo s on the Road. The Castle is in Ruins, as most of all the other Castle's in the Nation are. Here was anciently an Hospital for inform People, on which William de Merley, a great Man in his Time, bestowed a Caru ata of Island, but not finding any Mention of it in the Monathcon, nor in Mr. Speed 's Catalogue from Leland, we suppose in was dissolved long before the general Supprem m by King Henry VIII. Nothing more is recorded of this Place, so far as we can discover, but that Elisabeth, the Wife of William Lord Grayflock, had for her Dowry an assignation of this Manour of Morpeth, among other Estates; and that is the Tear of our Lord 1215, the Townsmen themselves burnt is in par Spite to King John. This Place is famous for being the Birth-Place of two eminent Physicians, viz. William Turner, bred in the Universiry of Cambridge, where he became an excellent Latinish, Grecian, Poet and Orator; be being a very zealous Protestant, and writing several Books in Defence of the reformed Doctrine, was very much molested for the same by Bishop Gardiner, and others then in Power, who kept him long in Prison: but having estated by a wonderful Providence, be fled beyond Sea. At Ferrara in Italy he commenced Do r of Physick, gaining his Degree there with general Applause. He went afterwards into Germany, and there lived in great Gredit and Practice, and died there (as is conjectured) in Queen Mary 's Reign. He wrote a great Herbal, a Book of Physick for the English Gentry; as also several Treaties about Plants, Fishes, Stones. Metals, &c. He was worthy (says Dr. Fuller ) of our special Notice, because he was both a Confessor and a Physician, Qualification which we observe not to meet every Day in the same Person. And Thomas Gibson, who flourished at the same Time, and was so eminent in his Profession, that Bale gives him an higher Character than the former. viz. that he did Aegritndinum fanasiones incredibiles, i. e. incredible Cures of Diseases. He was a zealous Opposer of the Popish Doctrines, and wrote several Books against them, and among others, one entituled. The Treasons of the Prelates since the Conquest; yet not forgetting Profession, for he wrote upon the Nature of Herbs. He was alive in the last Year of Queen Mary, for Bale sendeth forth a hearty Prayer to God for the Continuance of his Health and Happiness, he being not only his Friend, but so useful in his Generation. Morpeth, Grimnest Membrum suum, Newham, Hebscot, Shillington, Tuysell, Saltwick, Dudden -East, Dudden -West, Clyfton, Caldwell, Stannington, Shotton, Blakedon is a small Village seven Miles North of Newcastle. It stands upon the great Road to Morpeth; what it was formerly I have little Knowledge. In the Reign of King Henry III. and Edward I. we meet with one Adam de Blakedon, and John de Blakedon, who were Bailiffs of Newcastle. At present it is the Seat of Matthew White, Esq Son of Matthew White, Esq who was twice Mayor of Newcastle, and Governor of the Merchants and Hoastmans Companies. Since the present Gentleman was the Possessor of it, it vastly surpasses what it was formerly; and whether we consider the Stateliness of the House, the Grandeur of the Avenue, the Beauty of the Gardens, or the Art and Ornaments of the curious Fish-Pond, we shall find them exceeded by few in the whole Country. Blakeden, Wetteslade North, Wetteslade South, Killingworth, Benton was formerly the Manour and Estate of Sir Philip Somerville of Wickmore in Staffordshire, 29 Edward III. and was found by an Inquisition taken of his Estate at his Death, which happened in that Year. The Church with certain Lands in this Parish he gave to Baliol-College in Oxford, for the perpetual Maintenance of six Scholars there, to be elected out of it and the neighbouring Towns. He being desirous to have all the Fellows subject to one Form of Government, made them new Statutes in some things, contradicting the old ones given them by Devorgilla, the Relict of John Baliol their Founder. About the Reign of Richard I. one Eustachius, Parson of Benton, was one of the Witnesses to the Deed of Foundation to the Hospital of St. Mary the Virgin in Westgate. Roger Bertram de antiquo Feosamento. Benton and Walker paid   l. s. d. For Castle-ward 02 13 04 For Cornage 00 07 08 The Barony of Bothal, the Lordship of Richard Bertram, who being a devout Man (as those Times went) gave two Shares, i. e. two third Parts of the Titles of it to the Monks of Tinmouth. His Son Robert obtained of Richard I. that this Manour and its Dependants should be made a Barony, by the Name of the Barony of Bothal, as it is at this Day called. It lies upon the German Ocean on the East-shore, between the Rivers Lyne and Wentsbeck. This Robert held this Barony of the King in Capite, by the Service of three Knights Fees, as his Ancestors had done formerly for the said Lands, being de veteri Feofamento, and paying yearly for the Guard of the Castle at Newcastle upon Tine, for Coinage 5 l. 15 s. 4 d. To this Robert succeeded his Son Roger, who obtained a Charter for free Warren for all his Demesne Lands here; and at Hepburn in this County his Heirs enjoyed this Barony for some Successions, without making any Addition to its Grandeur; but Robert Bertram, being in the Reign of King Edward III. constituted Sheriff of Northumberland, and Governor of Newcastle upon Tine, obtained Licence of that King to make a Castle of his Manour-House at Bothal, which accordingly he did; and there are some considerable Remains of it to this Day. This Robert left no Issue-male, and therefore his Daughter and Heir Helen being married to Sir Robert Ogle, Knight, tranferred this Barony to his Family. His Son Robert after the Death of his Mother obtained this Barony, and settled it soon after upon his younger Son John, whom he Surnamed Bertram, from his Mother, being desirous that his own Estate should go in his own Name, and so gave it to his eldest Son Robert Ogle. He suffer'd his Brother John to enjoy the Bertram -Estate quietly; but his Son Robert having obtained Livery of the Lands of his Inheritance, by Colour thereof, did forcibly, with two hundred Men, possess himself of the Castle and Manour of Bothal; but upon Complaint made to the Parliament by John Bertram, it was ordered that a Writ should be sent to the sheriff of Northumberland, to require all those who were in the Possession of the Castle to depart from it, that it might be restored to John the Complainant, and commanded Robert to appear at Westminster on a certain Day, to make Answer to the King for his Misdemeanour. This John Bertram, who was afterwards Knighted, was several Times Sheriff of Northumberland, in the Reign of King Henry VI. and his Posterity flourished, and had the Title of Lords Ogle, 'till the latter End of Queen Elisabeth 's Reign, when Male-Issue failing in Cuthbert Lord Ogle, Katharine, his Daughter and Heir, married to Sir Charles Cavendish, Knight of Walbeck in Nottinghamshire, and carried the Estate and Title of Ogle into that Family; but the Name of Bertram is not forgotten, for it is a common Christian Name in those Northern Parts. Some think the Name of Ferdinando is derived from it. Bothal, containing Bothal cum membris suis, viz. Wheworth, Newmore, Oldmore, Peggesworth, Hebborne, Fenrother, Tricklington, Eresden, Longhirst cum membris suis, & Nishenden veteri morae, or the old Moor, and Eringdon paid   l. s. d. For Castle-ward 02 00 00 For Cornage 00 08 08 The Barony of Delaval containing Blackalladay, Seton, a principal Manour of the Barony of Delaval, held of King Henry III. by Eustace Delaval, by the Service of two Knights Fees, de veteri Feofamento; his Heir was Hugh Delaval. I am told, the present Possessor Francis Blake Delaval, Esquire, it obliged to finish, or expend so much yearly towards the finishing of the sumptuous Building in that Place, which is so much the Wonder and Admiration of all the Country. It was begun by the late Admiral Delaval, Anno It seems for Grandeur and Magnificence, for Strength and Continuance, to vie with the ancient Northumbrian Castles, and to last the Days of the most distant Ages. Secton cum membris suis, Newsum, and Dissington paid   l. s. d. For Castle-ward 02 06 08 For Cornage 00 03 03 The Barony of Rosse, containing Werke, the Castle and Manour of which was held in the Reign of King Hen. II. Reg. 31, by Hugh de Nevil, by the Name of the Honour de Werch, who accounted to that King for the Farm of it that Year, at 5 l. 10 s. 6 d. and in the 34th year of the King at 13 l. 1 s. 6 d. at which Time by that King's Command it was given to Robert de Ross, of Helmesley in Yorkshire; he gave it to his younger Son Robert de Ross, 2d Hen. III. to hold it in Barony of the King by the Service of two Knights Fees, as his Father and Predecessors had done. This Barony had many Towns and wordships belonging to it. This Robert being constituted Chief Justice of the King's Forests in Derby, Cumberland, this County, &c. had free Warren granted him in all his Demesne Lands here, and divers others of his Manours in this County. 36 Hen. III. But 39th Hen. III. he delivered up this Castle into the King's Hands, who being advancing with an Army against the Scots, did not think it safe to suffer so strong a Fort out of his own Power; but upon the King's Return it was yielded up to him again the next year. Afterwards the King began a Suit against him, for the Title of his Castle of Werke; but he in his Defence producing his elder Brother William for Warranty, the King upon mature Advice, with such Noblemen as were of his Council, discerning, that he had a good Right to it, quitted his Claim to him. This Robert, not long after this, fell in Love with a Scotch Woman, and having a Mind to get her for his Wife; not only joined himself with the Scots, but endeavoured to engage his Kinsman on their Side, viz. William de Ros, of Hemlake, who detesting such Treachery, dissuaded him from it, but not being able to prevail, advertised the King of it, and obtain'd a sufficient Force to defend this Castle, that it should not be surrendred to the Scots. Robert being thus disappointed, took a Body of Men out of the Garrison of Rox-borough, and invading the Borders with Banners display'd, burnt Prestten, and this Town, and then joining himself with William Wallis, the famous Scotch General committed great Spoils upon the English in these Northern Parts. His Estate was for these Rebellions Actions consiscated, but after his Death, restored to his Daughter and Heir, Margaret de Ross, upon an Allegation, that he had, before his Death, come to an Accord, with John Comin of Badenagh, for himself and all his Arms with him, to be safe as to Life, Liberty, and Estate. How she married we find not, but it appears that Sir John Montacute, afterwards Earl of Salisbury, was in the Possession of this Castle and Manour upon the Death of Margaret his Mother, who had it, and divers other Estates for her Dowry. Mr. Cambden tells us, that in his Time they were the Estate of the Greys, a Family of Note for their Valour, of whom William Grey was in the Reign of King James I. advanced first to the Degree of a Baronet, and within a few years after to the Honour of a Baron, by the Title of Lord Grey of Werke, viz. 11 Feb. 21 Jac. I. and to the Heirs Male of his Body. He married Anne, the Daughter, and one of the Coheirs, of Sir John Wentworth of Gosfield, in Essex; and there fixed his Seat, in which his Posterity sometime resided, 'till Ford, Lord Grey, sold it, &c. No Castle-ward or Cornage was paid for this Barony; but yet it belonged to the Castle of Newcastle, as appears by an Inquisition taken at Newcastle, 9th Edw. III. for that the Lord of Werke was enjoyned to build an House within the Liberty of the said Castle for the more safe keeping of it. Werk, Mindram, Karham, Prestfen, Manilawe, Dunum, Palwister, Shotton, Killom, Holthall, Newton, and the other Newton, Langeton, Lilleburn, Hilderton, Weperden, Russenden, Tithington, Butlisden and the Moiety of Glattendon. THE Barony of Bywell, a Barony and Castle, held of the King, viz. Richard I. by Hugh de Baliol, the Son of Eustace de Baliol, by the Service of five Knights Fees, and to find 30 Soldiers (Mr. Cambden says to pay 30 Knights Fees) for the Guard of Newcastle upon Tyne, as his Ancestors had done from the Time of King William Rusus, by whom they were enfeoff'd of the Barony as the Record expresseth it. In later Times, John Nevil, Lord Raby, who died at Newcastle upon Tyne, Oct. 17th, 12th Rich. II. was found to be possessed among other Estates of this. Here was a fair Castle in Mr. Cambden 's Days, and below it a most beautiful Wear for the catching of Salmon, and in the Middle of the River stand two firm Pillars of Stone, which formerly supported the Bridge. John Fenwick, Esq descended from the ancient Family of the Fenwicks of Fenwick Hall, who was High-Sheriff of the County of Northumberland, Anno 1728, is the present Possessor of this Place. Bywell, containing Newbigging, Woodhorn, Lynmouthe, Hyrste, Hallywell, Lynton Ellington, cum Cresswell & Ayden Membris suis, Bychefield, Iaglym, Blackheddon, Samfordham, Newton -west, Newton -east, Scheellinge, Ovington, Ovingham, Milkylleye, Whitlye, Falderlye, Bromley, Appleby, the Moiety of Bywell, Slokefield, Swinburne -east, Swinburne -west, Ryhill.   l. s. d. THE Barony de Copun paid 00 13 04 THUS far the Baronies. But besides these Rents, there were Houses, Yards and Gardens, &c. which paid to it. IN the 9th of Edward III. an Inquisition was taken at this Town, whereby it was found, That at the Time of the Battle of Vide Speed 1314. Bannockburn, which was in the Year 1313, when John de Kenton Knight was High Sheriff of Northumberland, the Castle and all Edifices about it were in good Repair; That after that Time, Nicholas Scot, Adam de Swinburn, William Riddel, Joannes de Fenwick, Cuthbert de Boroughdon, Joannes de Fenwick, Joannes de Wodhorne, Joannes de Lilleburne, Willielmus de Tyndale, Roger Manduit, and Robertus Darreius were High Sheriffs of Northumberland. During which Time it is affirmed, the Great tower, and also the lesser ones of the said Castle, the Great Hall, with the King's Chamber adjoining to it, together with divers other Chambers below in Queens Mantle, and the Buttry-Cellar and Pantry; The King's Chappel within the Castle, a certain House beyond the Gate, which is called the Checker-house, with the Bridges within and without the Gate, with three Gates and one Postern, are 300 l. worse than they were. They say also, that there are in the Custody of Roger Manduit, late High Sheriff, 420 Fother of Lead. They say also, that it was thought highly necessary, that the Baron Heron of Haddeston, the Baron of Walton, Lord Robert of Clifford of the new Place, chief Lord of the Barony of Gaugie, the Lords of the Barony of and Devilston, that the Lord of Werk upon Tweed, the Lord of the Barony of Bolbeck, alias Bywell, the Baron of Bothal; and Lastly, the Baron of Delaval should build each of them a House within the Liberties of the Castle for the Defence of it. The House of the Baron of Werk was built over the Postern. THERE were two great strong Walls which surrounded the Castle. The interior Wall was of no great Distance from the Castle itself, as may be still seen in several Places. The exterior Wall surrounds the Verge of the Castle Bounders. From this outer Wall were four Gates, the Great Gate and three Posterns. The North-side of the Castle is the main Gate, called now the Black Gate. It has had two Port-Cullicesses, one without the Gate, as may be still seen, and another within it at a little Distance from it, the Ruins of which were to be seen a few Years ago. There still remains a Piece of the old Wall, which shews its Situation to have been where that House is, which was lately purchased by Mr. Jasper Harrison; the Shop belonging to this House was dugg (as I was informed) out of the Wall just now mentioned. On the East-side of the Castle there was a Postern, which led down to the Street called the Side, which is still to be seen; it was once called (but many Years after it was in Decay) the Waist of Laurentius Acton. On the South-side of the Castle is another Gate, which leads down the Castle-stairs to the Street called the Close: This was called the South Postern. There is an old Building upon it, which was the County-Goaler's House. On the Westside was the Postern facing Bailiff -Gate, now the Dwelling-house of James Lidster. THERE is an House in the Yard, where they say was the Chapel of the Garrison, which is called the Chapel-house to this Day; it stands North-east from the Chapel; its common Name now is the three Bulls Heads. 21st September 1 mo Hen. VII. per Lit. Pat. then dated at Westminster, the Office of Constable of the Castle of Newcastle was granted to William Case, Esq during Life, with the Wages and Fees then belonging, and of ancient Time accustomed, de reb. 47. 15th February, 9th Hen. VH. per Lit. Patent. then dated at Westminster, this Office being then void, by the Death of Sir Robert Multon Knight, the same was granted to Roger Fenwick, Esq for the King's Body for his Life, together with the Wages and Fees of 20 l. per annum, to be yearly received out of the Issues, Profits and Revenues of the said County of Northumberland, coming by the Hands of the Sheriff of the said County, with all Manner of Profits, &c. de Reb. P. 47. Ibid. NOT any Letters Patents of the Office of Constable since the last above mentioned; for the Custody of the Castle (as supposed) was committed to the Sheriffs of Northumberland for several Years. IN the 31st Elizabeth, the same Power and Liberty was given to the Magistrates of Newcastle, in the Castle-Garth; as in other Parts of the Town of Newcastle. AN Inquisition in the Reign of James I. says, that the ancient Castle, belonging to the King, situated within the Walls of Newcastle upon Tine, belongs to the County of Northumberland, and is surrounded with a great Stone-Wall. That below the Castle there is a great Hall, where the County of Northumberland holds their Assizes. There is also a great Tower, full of Chinks, under which are two Vaults, which are the Places where the Prisoners of the County of Northumberland are kept, which are within the Circuit of the Castle itself. AND that there is in Being the exterior Wall of the Castle, which begins North of the Castle, about six Yards from the Great Gate, which leads into the Castle-yard; and so goes on eastward and southward by the Back of some Houses in the Side. Then it goes westward by the Back of some Houses in the Sand-hill; then it crosses the Castle-stairs, which lead to the Street called the Close, and from thence behind the Houses, even to the upper Pinion-Gavel of the House of James Clavering Alderman, which is about nine Yards distant from the long Stairs, where the said ancient Wall, on account of its Decay, does no farther appear; but yet the Bounds and Limits of the Castle go through the middle Part of a House, extending itself even to the Channel in the long Stairs. Then it goes along the Channel upwards on the Outside of the new Wall, which was built to enclose the The high and great Heap, viz. the Dunghill on the Westside of the Castle, was taken away by Sir John Marley Mayor, and his Adherents, to rampart the Town-Walls against the Parliament and Commonwealth, Dunghill. From thence it goes to the Corner of the House of and thence by the Back-part of the House of where the ancient outward Wall begins. This ancient outward Wall of the Castle contains by Measure three Acres of Ground and one Rood. IN the 18th of this King's Reign, another Inquisition was held at Newcastle about the Castle, wherein Complaint was made of the Dunghill mentioned in the Bounds of the Castle, that it had increased to such a Bigness, that it was in Length 98 Yards, the Depth of it was 10 Yards, and the Breadth of it 32 Yards; which being such a prodigious Weight upon the Wall on the West-side of the Castle (which Wall was in Length 40 Yards, in Height 10 Yards, in Breadth 2 Yards) that a great Part of it is intirely thrown down and subverted to the great Detriment of the Strength of the Castle. The Damage was computed at 120 l. IT was also by this same Inquisition complained of, that the great square Tower was full of Chinks and Crannies; and that one Third of it was almost taken away: That all the Lead and Covering which it had of old was imbezled and carried of, insomuch that the Prisoners of the County of Northumberland were most miserably lodged, by reason of the Showers of Rain falling upon them. They computed the Charge of repairing it would be 809 l. 15 s. 0 d. IT has been a Building of great Strength, and no little Beauty; the vast Thickness of the Walls speaks the one, and the Ruines of some curious Workmanship speaks the other. The grand Entrance into the Castle was at the Gate facing the South, which leads up a Pair of Stairs (which still shew the Magnificence of the Builder) to a very stately Door of curious Masonry. The Room this leads into, has its Floor broken down close to the Castle-Wall, as indeed all the other Floors are to the Top of the Castle; so that excepting the Floor above the County-Goal, there is not one left, tho' there have been five Divisions or Stories of the Castle besides this. This floored Room which I was told was lately flagg'd by the Order of William Ellison, Esq Alderman, when he was last Mayor in the Year 1723, seems to me without any Doubt, to have been the common Hall of the Castle, because on the North-side of the same Room there is an Entrance by a Descent of some Steps into a Room, where is the largest Fire-place I saw in the Castle, which plainly speaks it to have been the Kitchen. At the End of this there are several Stairs, which lead into a Place under the Kitchen, which I think goes down as low as the Bottom of the Castle. This I take to have been a Cellar, as I do also that little dark Place on the right Hand coming up again, to have been a Sort of a Pauntry. THE Door I mentioned just now on the East of the Castle, which leads to the first broken down Floor, is because of it's Grandeur and Beauty, an Argument that this Room has been the most stately one in the whole Castle; another Reason for it's being so, is because of the Windows which gave Light into it. Those of them that face the East are the most beautiful of the whole Castle; besides, on the South of this Room there is an Entrance into a Sort of a Parlour or withdrawing-Room, which has a Fire Place in it; which has been a Piece of curious Workmanship, as is visible to this Day; and this Place has no Communication with any Part of the Castle but this Room. On the North-side of this Room, is a Door leading into an Apartment, where stands a Well of a considerable Depth, it was 18 Yards before we touch'd the Surface of the Water; which seems to have been placed there on purpose for the more immediate Service of this Room: There are some little Basons on the Top of the Well, with Pipes leading from them, which conveyed Water to different Appartments of the Castle; This is plain from what may be observed in the County Goal, at the Bottom of the Castle; the round stone Pillar in it, having an Hollow in the Middle, of a Foot wide, with a lead Spout in the Side of it. IN the Inquisition made in the 9th of Edward 3d abovementioned, among other Things that were complained of for being neglected, one was Capella Domini Regis infra Castrum. This Chapel I have been told, stood on that Part of the Castle Yard, where the Moot-hall is; but upon Searching, I found it in the Castle itself according to the Account of it just now mentioned. The Door of it is at the Bottom of the South Wall of the Castle, adjoining to the Stairs which lead into the State Chamber. It has been a Work of great Beauty and Ornament, and is still in the midst of Dust and Darkness, by far the most beautiful Place in the whole Building; the Inside of it being curiously adorned with Arches and Pillars. It is easy to observe the different Parts of it, the Entrance, the Body of it, and the Chancel; on the left Side of the Entrance you go into a dark little Room, which undoubtedly was the Vestry. The full Length of it is 15 Yards, the Breadth of it is 6 Yards and half. It had 3 or 4 Windows towards the East, which are now all filled up, nor is there any Light but what comes in at a little Cranny in the Wall. Nicholas de Byker Tenet terras suas ut faciat districtiones ad Ward' Novi Castelli super Tynam faciend' & pro deb' Domini Regis inter Tynam & Cocket, &c. And then my Authority goes on to say, that the Manour of Byker was Sir Ralph Lawson 's Knight, deceased, after of Henry Lawson, Esq his Son, and now of his eldest Son, who without all Question is Bailiff by Inheritance of the said Castle, and is to levy these Castle-ward Cornage, and other Rents, Issues, Fines, and Amerciaments, belonging to the said Castle. And as he goes on, the Constable of the Castle, when that Office is settled, may appoint the learned Stewards to keep Courts, and then the Officers for the said Castle will be compleat. Besides the Rents above-mentioned, a great Number of Houses, Yards, and Gardens paid to it. IN the 17th of James I. 1619, a Grant was made of the Scite and Demesnes of the Castle to Alexander Stephenson, Esq who was succeeded by one Patrick Black, who died, and left it in the Possession of his Wife. After that one James Langton, Gent. claimed Patrick Black 's Right, but by Virtue of what is not known. THE Liberties and Privileges of the Castle extends Northwards to the River of Tweed, and Southward to the River of Tees. IT is reported, that underneath that House which was anciently the County Goal, is a Vault which leads to the Castle. There is indeed a large Door still to be seen, which perhaps was the Entrance into it; and Mr. George Grey, the present Possessor of the House, told me that it was certainly so, because he had put down thro' his own Floor a Bailiff's Rod to the very End, and could find no Bottom. A Manuscript I have often had Occasion to mention gives us the following Account of the Castle-Yard. THE Way thro' the Yard begins at the Castle-Yate, and when I was young, there was no Houses in it but the House of one Thomas Southern, and the House of one Green; these Houses were near the Gate before you came into the Castle-yard; and there was in the Garth a House, wherein the Goaler of the Castle dwelt, and a House wherein William Robinson dwelt, who was Deputy Herrald under Norroy, King at Arms. This Man wrote in a Book the Arms of all the Mayors of this Town, from Laurentius Acton, until his Time. And when I was Chamberlain of the Town, which was about the Time of Sir Nicholas Cole 's being Mayor in the Year 1640, it was then in the Town's Chamber; when Trollop built the Town-Court, he borrow'd it, but would never restore it. THESE were all the Houses at that Time; but since then Mr. Bulmer, he took a Garth behind his House in the Side, and built a Stable in it, and had a Garden in it; and also George Hayroy took from thence to the Moat-hall, and built Houses upon it: He was a Butcher, but not a Freeman, and these took their Lands and Houses of Alexander Stephenson, a Scottish Man, who came in with King James, for he begg'd the Castle of the King. He was one of his Close-Stool. This Man began to build the Castle-Gate, but it was finished by one John Pickle, who made it in the Fashion it is now, and kept a Tavern in it; and then one Jordan a Scotsman and Sword-Kipper, built the House on the South-side of the Gate, and lived in it; and Thomas Reed, a Scotch Pedlar, took a Shop in the North-side of the Gate. AT present there are a good many Shops and Houses belonging to it, in and about it. CHAP. X. Of the lower Parts of the TOWN. HAVING now considered the Castle, and what belongs to it, we return back to the Side, the Street from which we entred the Castle-yard. Sect. I The SIDE. T HIS Street is from the Head of it, to the Stairs on the left Hand, a very great descent, and lies narrow, untill you come to the middle of it, from which Place it opens in a spacious Breadth, and so continues to the Sandhill. It is from the one end to the other fill'd with Shops of Merchants, Goldsmiths, Milliners, Upholsters, &c. The East-side of this Street, from the Upper Part of it to All-hallow Pant, was called Cordiner, or Cordwainer Rawe. ABOVE the middle of the Street are Stairs leading up to the Castle-yard, which was the Eastern-Postern of the Castle, and after called the Waste of Laurentius Acton, as appears from the Account of Gunner Tower; and our Towns-man, Grey, says, that in the Middle of this Street is an antient Stone-House, an Appendix to the Castle, which in former Times belonged to the Lord Lumley, before the Castle was built, or at least coetany with the Castle. ON the other Side of this Street, opposite to the Waste now mentioned, is a Corner Shop, which formerly belong'd to a Chantery in St. John 's Church. On the same Side of this Street, almost opposite to this Eastern-Postern of the Castle, is a short narrow Lane, (which formerly seems to have gone by the Name of Vide Gunner-Tower. Swinburn-place ) which leads by Stairs into a dark narrow Lane which faces the Painter Heugh that leads into Pilgrim-street. On the Northend of this Lane there was a Place called Vide Gunner-Tower. Pencher Place, perhaps the whole Lane was called so. It goes as far as the Nether-dean-bridge, under which is now a Ware-house of Mr. James Moncaster, Merchant. Under this I am told the Rings are still to be seen that the Boats were fastned to, which brought up the Merchant Goods, when the Merchants had their Shops in the Flesh-market. On the South it leads to the Side. THE Pant standing near the Shop of Mr. Robert Makepeice, is undoubtedly that which went by the Name of All-Hallow-Pant; The other Side of the Street from All-Hallow-Pant to the Cale-Cross, was formerly divided by the coming up of the River, which was called Lorkburn, and the East of it had the Name of Flesher-Raw: because I suppose the Butchers had their Shops there, as well as on the Butcher-Bank: The West bore the Name of the Side. After that, Lorkburn was cover'd with Flags at the Top, and made one Street, which all goes by the Name of the Side. In the Year 1696 Lorkburn was arch'd at the Top, and pav'd over. WE come now to the Cale-Cross, so called because of the Cale or Broth which was sold there in former Times. This seems to have been it's original Name, for I meet with it in the Reign of King Richard the Second, as may be seen in the Account of St. Margaret 's Chantery in St. Nicholas, and also in a Writing dated Edward the Third. What Grey says of it is still just, that it is a fair Cross, with Columns of Stone Hewn, covered with Lead: There is at the Top of it a Cistern which holds the New-Water. Here is sold Milk, Eggs, Cheese, Butter, &c. FROM the Cross the Street has the Name of Cale-Cross, 'till you come to the Sandhill, which leaving the Butcher-Bank that leads to All-Hallow 's Church on the left Hand, you come immediately to Sect. II. SANDHILL. THE Sandhill is so called, because it was formerly a Hill of naked Sand, when the Tide was out. For formerly the Tyne overflowed all this Place. After it was taken in it became Part of the Town: That Part of it on the West-side of Lorkburn, was a Place of Pleasure and Recreation for the Towns-People. For in the Reign of Richard the 2d, a Proclamation was made, commanding to remove all Merchandise from a certain Common Place, in Newcastle called Sandhill, where the Inhabitants were wont to assemble for their Recreation. IT is a spacious Place, and adorned with Buildings very high and stately, whose Rooms speak the Ancient Grandeur, being very large and Magnificent. It is now that Part of the Town where the chief Affairs of Trade and Business are transacted. The Shops in this Street are almost altogether those of Merchants, which have many of them great Conveniencies of Lofts, Garners and Cellars. HERE is the Market for Fish, Herbs, Bread, Cloth, Leather, &c. which for the one Part of Things, viz. those to be wore, is kept every Tuesday and Saturday; for Things to be eat, every Day. ON the South-side of the Street, is the ancient Hospital called the Hospitale Novicastri super Tynam in Comitatu Northumbriae vocatum Thornton's Hospital. Licentia Henrici Regis Quarti Rogero de Thornton concessa pro fundatione ejusdem. Rex, &c. Sciatis quod de gratia nostra specialis & consideratione cujusdam summae Pecuniae nobis in camera nostra, per dilectum nobis Rogerum nuper solutae, concessimus & Licentia dedimus, &c. praesato Rogero, quod ipse quoddam Hospipitale in Honore Sanctae Katharinae, in quodam Messuagio suo per ipsum sum Rogerum in parte nuper edificato in quodam loco vocato, Le Sandhill, in villa nostro Novi Castri super Tynam, continente C. Pedes in Longitudine, XL Pedes in Latitudine de uno Capellano divina infra Hospitale praedictum, pro Salubri statu ipsius Rogen dum vixeret, & pro anima sua cum ab hac luce migraverit, ac animabus patris & matris ipsius Rogeri, & Agnetis nuper uxoris ejus; necnon antecestorum & liberorum suorum, ac omnium fidelium desunctorum singulis diebus celebraturo; ac de novem viris & quaruor Faeminis pauperibus in eodem Hospitale continue residentibus jaxta ordinationem ipsius Rogeri vel executorum suorum in hac parte faciendam, de novo facere, creare, sundare, & stabilire possit in perpetuum: Et quod Hospitale illud, Hospitale per se privatum & incorporatum existat in perpetuum, ac etiam quod capellanus Hospitalis praedicti, qui pro tempore suerit, sit custos ejusdem Hospitalis; ac quod idem Capellanus Custos & praedicti viri & Faeminae, Fratres & Sorores Hospitalis Sanctae Katherinae, vocati Thornton's Hospital in Novo Castro super Tinam, nuncupatur quodque custos Fratres & Soroves & corum Successores per nomen custodis Fratrum & Sororum Hospitalis Sanctae Katherinae, vocati Thornton's Hospital, in Novo Castro super Tynam, sint personae capaces & habiles ad omnimoda terras, tenementa, redditus & servicia ac alias possessones quascumque de quibusdam personis adquirendas, capiendas & recipiendas, tenendas sibi & successoribus suis, custodibus Fratribus, & Sororibus, Hospitalis predicti in perpetuum, Licenna Regia inde primitus optenta. Necnon quod idem custos, &c. fint personae habiles ad alios implaciandos & ab aliis implacitari & ad desendendum in quibuscunque placitis & querelis per nomen custodis Fratrum & Sororum Hospitalis Sanctae Katherinae vocati Thornton's Hospital in Novo Castro super Tynam. Et quod licet unum commune Sigillum pro negotiis & agendis ejusdem Hospitalis deserviturum in perpetuum, Et ulterius, &c. Licentiam dedimus, &c. praefato Rogero quod ipse quandam cantariam de uno Capellano divina ad altare Beati Petri in capella Omnium Sanctorum in villa praedicta pro statu & animabus praedictis singulis diebus celebratur juxta ordinationem ipsius Rogeri vel executorum suorum in hac parie faciendam, scilicet sacere fundare & stabilire possit in perpetuum. Concessimus etiam, &c. praefato Rogero quod ipse messuagium suum praedictum cum pertinentiis, quod de nobis teneat in Burgagio, postquam Hospitale praedictum, sic factum fundatum & stabilitum suerit dare possit & assignare praefatis custodi Fratribus & Sororibus Hospitalis praedicti habendum & tenendum sibi & successoribus suis, tam pro Inhabitatione fua, quam in [auxilium] sustentationis suae in perpetuum concessimus insuper, &c. eldem Rogero quod ipse Heredes assignati, vel executores sui terras Tenementa & redditus cum pert' ad valorem x l. per Annum tam ea quae de nobis tenentur in Burgagio quam ea quae de nobis non tenentur acquirere & praefatis Custodi Fraeribus & sororibus Hospitalis praedicti ac capellano Cantariae predictae cum sic facta fundata & stabilita fuerit, juxta diferetionem & limitationem suam divisam, & proportionabiliter dare assignare & concedere possint habend' &c. in perpetuum, &c. T. Rege apud Westin. x Junii. Maison Dieu, or, the House of God. It was founded by that great Benefactor Roger Thornton, in the Reign of King Henry the Fourth, upon the Death of his Wife, for a Chaplain to pray for the Soul of the said Roger, as long as he lived, and after he was dead, and for the Souls of his Father and Mother, and Agnes his late Wife, &c. This Priest was called the Guardian or Keeper of the said Hospital, because of the Care he had over nine poor Men and four poor Women, who resided there. These poor People were called the Brethren and Sisters of St. Katharine 's, Hospital; for to this Saint was the Hospital dedicated. IN the 34th of Henry VI. Roger Thornton granted to the Mayor and Community of Newcastle, the Use of the Hall and Kitchen belonging to the Hospital of the blessed Katharine the Virgin on the Sandhill. IN the Year 1629, Sir Richard Lumley, in Consideration of 100 l. convey'd to the Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle, and their Successors for ever, all that Building of Stone covered with Lead, standing near to the Water of Tine, and to the East-part of the Town's Chamber, being about 16 Yards in Length, and anciently Part of the Hospital of St. Katharine the Virgin. Grey. UPON this Building stands the stately Court of the Merchant-Adventurers of the Old Staple, resident at that flourishing City of Antwerp in Brabant; since removed to the more northern Provinces under the States. Their Charters are ancient, their Privileges and Immunities great; they have no Dependence upon London, having a Governor, twelve Assistants, two Wardens and a Secretary. The present Governor is Richard Ridley, Esq Alderman of this Town, who has been Governor of this Company for many Years. THIS Room in ancient Times, as we are inform'd by the Milbank Manuscript, was given to the Town for a young Couple, when they were married, to make their Wedding-dinner in, and receive the Offerings and Gifts of their Friends; for at that Time Houses were not large. 'Tis true indeed, the Houses in the Flesh-market, which were built many Years before this upon the Sandhill, had most of them Rooms near as stately, if not altogether as stately as this Room is; but then they were the Houses of the Great Merchants and Aldermen of the Town. So that the Tradition of this Room may be true enough. THIS Hall is adorn'd with the Arms of several generous Benefactors, and some of the most curious carv'd Work in Wood. Here it is that for some Years by past, the annual Feast of the Sons of the Clergy has been held. ADJOINING to the West End of this ancient Building, was the Town-Court, which was built by that worthy Man Roger Thornton. This was pull'd down and the present one erected Anno 1658. Alderman Weimoth by Will, dated the 11th of April, gave 1200 l. towards it, and the Town was at the rest of the Charge, which amounted to above 10000 l. Mr. Joshua Douglas the Town-Clerk accounts for it in this Manner.   l. s. d. IN the Year 1659, in October, the Town paid Robert Trollop for building the Court 9771 00 00 IN the Year 1660, there is order'd more in Full 500 00 00 THE Purchase-Money paid Phineas Allen, for Part of the Ground where the Court is built, which had Houses on it but were then pull'd down.       TROLLOP had, as Mr. Douglas also acquaints us, 50 l. for setting up the King's Arms in the Court and Bridge, and 50 more for finishing them, and making the Conduit on the Sandhill. THIS Building, as to its Form and Model, is of great Beauty, and withal very sumptuous. That Part of it, which is the Court itself, is a very stately Hall, whose lofty Cicling is adorn'd with various Painting, and its Floor laid with checker'd Marble. On the East end of it is a Dial, and the Entrance into the Merchants Court. On the West are the Benches, where the Magistrates sit, raised considerably above the Floor of the Court, above which are the Pictures of King Charles II. and King James II. large as the Life. On the North a Gallery for Spectators; and on the South the Windows, which are very pretty, particularly that Window which is a Katharine-Wheel, in which is a large Sun-dial of painted Glass, with this Motto, Eheu Fugaces! Under this is a large Balcony, which overlooks the River. Here it is that the Mayor and Sheriff keep their Courts, and the Judges at Lammas hold the Assize. Here is kept the Guilds, the Court of Admiralty, &c. ON the North-side of this Hall is a magnificent Entrance into a Passage, which leads into a large Room called the Town's Chamber. Here it is that the Mayor transacts the common Business of the Town. Here the Common Council is held, where the Mayor sits on a Bench distinguishable from the others, the Aldermen on each Side of him, the Common Council below upon Chairs placed on each Side the Room, and separated from the Benches, as the Court itself is separated from the Benches there. And here upon the Days of Rejoicing, the State Holidays, the Mayor not long ago entertained the Magistrates and Burgesses with a Banquet of Wine, &c. to which they were wont to come from the Mayor 's House with great Pomp and Solemnity. At the West-end of the Room is a small Apartment, or withdrawing Room, where the Magistrates upon Occasion retire, where the ancient Records of the Town are kept, &c. Under this Court and Chambers are the Weigh-house and Town-house. The former is for weighing all Sorts of Commodities; for in the Reign of King Henry VI. Brass Weights according to the Standart were sent to this Town. The latter is the Place where the Clerk of the Chamber and the Chamberlain are to receive the Revenues of the Town for Coal, Salt, Ballast, Grind-Stone, &c. Grey. BEFORE I leave this Street, I must by no Means omit the Effigies of King James II. which stood here, as I have been told, on that Side of the Bull-ring next the Court-stairs. By the Account I have had (for I never saw the Statue itself, nor the Picture of it) it must have been a very curious Work. The King's Picture on Horseback was cast in Copper large as the Life; the Horse stood upon his Hind-Feet, raised upon a Pedestal of white Marble, which was surrounded with Iron-Pales. It cost the Town 1700 l. and was confess'd the most beautiful and curious of its Kind that was in the whole Kingdom. Certainly it was a great Ornament to the Town, and 'tis therefore great Pity it is not still in Being, tho' it was the Statue of an unfortunate King. But there is no Bounds to the heady Proceedings of a furious Mob; it drives all before it, without either Reason or Reflection, and bears no Regard to Things either Civil or religious. Such a one I am told was this, that pull'd down the noble Statue; a few Soldiers, as drunk with Loyalty as with Liquor, assisted by the busy hot-headed Genius of Sandgate, having provided Ropes for that Purpose, pull'd it down, dragg'd it from thence to the Key, and threw it into the River. This was in the Year 1688; it was afterwards taken up again, and Part of it cast into a Set of Bells, which now belong to All-Hallows in this Town. Sect. III. The CLOSE. ON the East of this Street is the Entrance to the Key-side, which shall be spoken hereafter. On the West is the Close, to which as you go along, you pass by the North-side of the Chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr; and on the other Side opposite to this Chapel, an ancient House which is said to be built by Richard de Emmeldon, Mayor of Newcastle, for three Priests to pray for his Soul. I take it to be nigh those Stairs which lead up to the Half-Moon, the ancient outward Fortification. FROM hence going on still Westward, you cross over the North-end of the Tine-bridge, and so pass into the Street called the Closs. It answers its Name exactly well, for it is but narrow and close too. It was formerly that Part of the Town where the principal Inhabitants liv'd, Sir John Marly, Sir William Blacket, Sir Mark Milbank; and the Houses of many other Gentlemen of Figure are still remembred by the ancient Inhabitants. And indeed however the Street itself may be, however mean the Fronts of the Houses are, within they speak Magnificence and Grandeur, the Rooms being very large and stately, and for the most Part adorn'd with curious Carving. The Earl of Northumberland 's House was in this Street; it was that House which has at its Entrance a great Gate, besides which there is a large round Ball of Stone, the House on this Side Mr. Thorp Stewart 's. In the lower Part of this Building, towards the Water, are very manifest Tokens of its Antiquity OF late Years these Houses have been forsaken, and their wealthier Inhabitants have chosen the higher Parts of the Town. ON the right Hand as you enter the Street from the Tine-Bridge, are Stairs which lead into the Castle-yard, which were the Southern Postern of the Castle, and are called the Castle-stairs. On the same Side a little further along, are other Stairs, which are called the Long Stairs, which lead up to the Bailiff-Gate, Backraw, Castle-yard, Side, &c. almost opposite to which is a small Key, called Javel-Gripp. Somewhat further along are other Stairs on the same Side of the Street, leading to West-gate, which are called Tudhill-Stairs. Perhaps it is not amiss to tell you what I have been somewhere inform'd of, that the proper Name of it should be Tout-hill, from the touting or winding of a Horn upon it, when an Enemy was at Hand. What makes me the more inclineable to believe this Tradition to be true, is, that Cornage was paid to the Castle, as may be seen in our Account of it. Now Cornage comes from the Word Cornagium, (from Cornu a Horn) and was a Kind of grand Serjeanty: The Service of which Tenure was to blow a Horn, when any Invasion of the Scots was perceived; and by this many Men held their Land Northward, about the Picts Wall. Cambd. Britan. 609 Pag. and Littleton, Fol. 35. ALMOST opposite to these Stairs is the House of the Mayors of Newcastle, where they reside during the Year of their Mayoralty. It is a Building grand and stately; and considering the Place it stands in, is very ornamental. As the Mayors of Newcastle have such continual Business at Court, tho' the Situation is not so pleasing as that of the upper Part of the Town, it is yet more advantageous, as it is nigher the Court. BEYOND this House a little Way, still going on Westward, is the Gate belonging to this Street, called the Close-Gate. The Town-wall descends from the West-Friar Tower, down a dangerous Pair of Stairs, upon a very steep Bank, to this Gate, from which it goes Southward to the Water-side, where is an old Tower, now the Hall of the Sail-makers. WITHOUT this Close Gate is a Way to the Forth, a Place of Recreation. IN the Close were many Houses, which pay an annual Rent to the Master and Brethren of St. Mary the Virgin. THIS Street is commemorated in many ancient Writings for a Mill, which (in ancient Times, long before these were drawn) was wont to stand upon the Hoga, that is, upon the Bank without the Close-Gate. In a Grant from the Master and Brethren of St. Mary 's in West-gate, it is permitted to the Parties concern'd, that they have quandam placeam terrae in Vico quoe vocatur le Closs, sicut se extendit in longitudine de Hoga, ubi antiquum molidinum solebat stare, usque ad aquam Tinae, & quantum de Tina acquirere poterit. Sect. IV. TINE-Bridge. IN coming into the Close, we cross'd the End of the The Bridge is of great Antiquity, undoubtedly as old as the Times of the Romans. There must have been a Communication between this and the other Side of the River; and therefore there was a Necessity for it. The ingenious Mr. Horsley, p. 104, says, I think there are some certain and visible Remains of a military Way on Gateshead -Fell, pointing directly towards the Part, where I suppose the Station has been at Newcastle, and coming, as I apprehend, from Chester le Street. Dr. Hunter assured me, he had also observ'd visible Remains of such a Way. And it is the common Opinion, that there has been a military Way from Chester to Newcastle; this Way tends towards the Place where the Bridge now is. There must then have been a Bridge in the Roman Times over the River Tine, near the Place where the present Bridge stands. Tine -Bridge, let us now return and consider it a little. It has been a Query, whether the Bridge was originally of Wood or Stone; but I think it is altogether needless; all the Bridges in England were originally of Wood. In the Reign of Richard I. Philip Bishop of Durham sent to the Burgesses of Gate-Side a Grant of Forestage, in which are these Words: And it shall be lawful for every Burgess to give Wood to whomsoever he will, to be spent about the River of Tine, without any Licence. This I imagine has been for the building of Keys, and especially for the repairing of the Bishop 's Part of the Bridge, which is a further Proof, that this Bridge, which was the original one, was Wood. But what I think puts it beyond Dispute, is, that according to Matthew Paris, it was burnt in the Year 1248, together with a great Part of the Town. AFTER this Misfortune hapned, the Town, who repairs two Thirds of the Bridge, and the Thomas Ruthall, Bishop of Durham, in the Reign of Henry VII. built or repair'd the third Part of the Bridge over the River Tine, toward the South. Goodwin. Bishop the other, laid out their Endeavours to raise up another Bridge of Stone. Accordingly the Bishop of Durham sent out Indulgences, and the Town procured other Bishops to do the same, to all those that would assist either with Money or Labour in the erecting of it. By which Means they got such a Sum as was sufficient. THE Archdeacon of Northumberland wrote to the Clergy of his Archdeaconry, and desired them to assist the Work of the Bridge as much as they could, telling them, their venerable Father the Lord Bishop of Durham by his Letters Patents, had commanded them without any Let or Delay, to go about the Affair of Indulgences, and that they were to prefer the Episcopal Indulgences to others. And what arose from them was to be given to the Master of the Bridge, who was then Laurentius, for the Use of the Bridge. Lib. Cart. IN like Manner the Official of Carlisle promised an Indulgence of 10 Days to any one, that would assist the repairing of Tine -Bridge. WALTER Bishop of Rochester on the 8th of the Ides of September, in the Year of our Lord 1277, granted an Indulgence of 20 Days to all that bestowed Part of the Substance GOD had given them, to the repairing of the Tine -Bridge, or would assist the repairing of it, by working at it with their own Hands. IT is supposed by some, that William St. Barbara sent the following Indulgence; but that can't be, for he liv'd a great while before the Bridge was built. It was therefore Walter Bishop of Durham, who in the 8th Year of his Pontificate sent it, dated at Weremouth. Walterus Dei gratia, Dunelm. Epis. dilectis in Christo Filiis, Archidiacon. Officialibus, Decan. Parsonis, Vicariis, ceterisque Ecclesiarum Praelatis, per Dioc. Dunelmens. constitutis, Salutent a ter-nam. Quoniam, ut ait Apostolus, omnes stabimus ante tribunal Domini nostri Jesu Christi, receptare prout in corpore gessimus, sive bonum sive malum: oportet nos diem messionis extremae, misericordiae operibus praevenire, ac aeternorum intuitu seminare in terris, quod, reddente Domino, cum multiplicato fructu recolligere debeamus in Coelis, firmam spem fiduciamque renentes. Quoniam qui seminat in pace, pace & metat, & qui seminat in benedictionibus, de benedictionibus & metat vitam aeternam. Cum igitur Pons de Tina nimia indigeat reparatione, nec sine Largitionibus valeat sustentari; vobis mandamus, subditis vestris moneatis, & efficaciter inducatis, ut de bonis à Deo collatis, pias Elcemosynas ac grata Caritatis subsidia ad hoc studeant erogare, ut per subventionem suam opus hujusmodi valebat conseminari. Hos autem de dei omnipotentis misericordia, ac beatorum Petri & Pauli Apostolorum ejus meritis & intercessione consici, qui ad dicti Pontis reparationem & sustentationem de bonis a Deo collatis pie contulerint, viginti dies diminuta sibi penitentia miserecorditer Relaxamus. Dat' apud Wearem' xiiijo Kalend' Octob' Pontis' nost' anno octavo. WALTER, by the Grace of GOD, to his beloved Sons in Christ, to the archdeacons, Officials, Dean, Parsons Vicars, and to the other Prelates of Churches in the Diocess of Durham, eternal Health. FORASMUCH as the Apostle says, that We must all stand before the Judgment-seat of Christ, to receive as we have done in the Body, whether it be good or bad; we ought to prevent the Day of the last Harvest, by doing Works of Mercy, and looking towards heavenly Things, and to sow on Earth what we shall reap in Heaven, with manifold Fruit, holding a firm Hope and Trust; Because he that sowes in Peace shall reap in Peace, and he that soweth in Blessings, shall of Blessings also reap, and shall reap eternal Life. Seeing then that the Tine -Bridge wants Abundance of Repairs, and cannot be sustained without large Alms, we command to admonish those that are under you, and efficaciously bring them to give Alms of the Things which GOD hath bestowed on them; and that for the Sake of Charity they would bestow on the Work what they can, that by their own Aid and Assistance a Work of this Kind may be restored: And relying on the Mercy of the Omnipotent God, and on the Merits and Intercession of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, we release all those our Parishioners, truly repenting and confessing, who shall piously contribute of the Things GOD hath sent them, to the repairing and sustaining the said Bridge, we mercifully release them from the smallest Penance, for twenty Days to come. SEWALDUS Archbishop of York, on the Ides of September, in the Year of our Lord 1257, granted an Indulgence of 30 Days to come to every one that bestowed any Thing towards the Building and repairing of Tine -Bridge. ANDREW, Bishop of Cathness in Scotland, gave Liberty by a Grant to collect Alms throughout his whole Diocess, for the repairing of the Tyne -Bridge. THE Bishop of Waterford in Ireland granted also to those that would assist the repairing of the Tyne -Bridge in Newcastle upon Tine, a Promise of being prayed for in the Cathedral Church of the Holy-Trinity in Waterford, and in the other Churches of his Diocess, and also an Indulgence for 10 Days. AMONGST the many Benefactors occasioned by these Means, are these following. JOHN the Son of Decanus, and Bartholomew the Son of William, Son of Benedict, Guardians of the Alms collected for the Support of the Tine -Bridge, with the Council and Assent of the Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses, confirmed to Gervasius the Son of Ralph, that whole Land with every Thing belonging to it, in the Fields of Jesemuthia, which Henry de Bulmar, and Ralph gave, and by their Carts confirmed to the said Tine -Bridge, &c. on Condition that he render'd to the said Tine -Bridge, one Plank, or Six Shillings annually at the Feast of St. Michael, Adam de Jesumuthia was the first Witness to this Grant. ADAM of Jesumuthia granted to GOD, and to the Tine -Bridge, on Account of the Soul of William de Greenville and the Souls of his Ancestors, part of the Ground in the Land of Jesumuth. SOME of the Witnesses to this Chart were Gilbert de Valle, Adam de Plessy, Gilbert de Oggell, William de Byker, Elge de Gosford. RICHARD de Northesold, and Hugh of London, gave nine Shillings and six Pence, out of certain Lands lying in the vico fori to the repairing of the Bridge. One Stephen of Benwell is mention'd in this Grant, as having Land adjoining to that out of which this Money is granted. SOME of the Witnesses to this Grant were Thomas Carliol, then Mayor of the Town, &c. J. Lindisay, Bail' Robert de Mitford, Adam de Blakedon. NICHOLAS de Saws gave to the Reparation of the Bridge, when Nicholas Scot was Mayor, and Adam de Blakedon, Laurentius Custos pontis, & Sancti Thome, 1269. SOME other Benefactors occasioned by the same Means, viz. PETER de Graper, Adam Son of Henry de Carliol, Burgess of Newcastle, Nicholas Son of Adam de Carliol, Burgess of Newcastle, Henry Lewyn, Joannes Aurisaber, Robert de Valenceves, and Emma his Wife, Henricus, Gervasius, John de Burneto, St. Thomas 's Chapel. John Brune, Joannes Page, Richard de Cromclif, Roger Amyas, Anno 1292, William of Salisbury, 1315, Ralph Brydock of Gateside, 1323, Simon de Shotton, Robert de Seaton, Henry Gategang Parson de Emildon, 1251. In the Year 1255, Henry de Carliol, then Mayor, Robert Valesine gave an annual Rent to the Support of the Tine -Bridge, and to a Chaplain to put up Prayers for the Souls of himself, his Father, and Emma his late Wife, in the Chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr. Laurentius de Moreton and Alice his Wife of this Town, granted a Messuage in Pampeden to John de Brinklawe of Newcastle, and his Wife; on Condition that they paid to the Guardian or Master of the Bridge 4 s. at the Terms agreed upon, and gave to them and their Heirs one Et nobis & Heredibus nostris unam Rosam ad Festum Nativitatis Sancti Joannis Baptistae. Lib. Cart. p. 55. Rose at the Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist. FOR the Collection of these Alms, and receiving them, there was one constituted the Custos or Guardian of the Bridge, which was sometimes also the Master of St. Thomas the Martyr, as may be observed in the Account of those Charities. IN the 43d of Edward the 3d, an Inquisition was made, whereby it was found, that the Bridge was so decay'd, that 1000 l. would not repair it; and that 20 Marks belongs to the said Bridge, and to the Chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr, built upon the same, 10 whereof was paid to the Master of the said Chapel, for himself, and his Clerk, and the remaining ten Marks to the Bridge Master Builder. THIS Bridge, after it was repaired, stood upon 12 bold Arches, but now there are only 9, the rest being turned into Cellaring, at the Building of the Keys. It is a pretty Street, beset with Houses on each Side for a great Part of it. In the Entrance from the North into it, stands the Chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr, sometime Archbishop of Canterbury, so called, because it was dedicated to him. Who the Founder of it was I have never been able to learn, nor the Time of it's Building; but it must have been after the Year 1171, the Year when the Martyr suffer'd, and it must have been built before the Year 1248, because then it was in being. IN this Chapel were Three Chanteries. THE Chantery of St. Anne in the Chapel of St. Thomas upon Tine -Bridge, was founded by William Herryng, valued at 4 l. 17 s. and arose out of certain Tenements on the Sandhill. THE Chantery of our Lady in the said Chapel: No Deed of Foundation to be shewed, but the Incumbent now being is Resident upon the same, and he and his Predecessors, some say, always presented by the Mayor of Newcastle for the Time being, and Christopher Threkeld Patron, valued at 4 l. 3 s. 6 d. which arose out of certain Tenements in the Close and Side. ANOTHER Chantery of our Lady founded by George Carr, Merchant, of Newcastle; but never Licenced, valued at 5 l. 6 s. 8 d. out of the Sandhill and the Side. SOME of the Masters of the Chapel are these following. WILLIAM de Stanhope custos Capellae Sancti Thomae Martyris Anno 1297, & 1289. NICHOLAS de Stockton Magister Capellae beati Thomae Martyris, 1341. IN the Reign of Edward the third, anno 1347, William Spynn was Capellanus Custos Capellae Sancti Thomae Martyris, and Guardian of the Alms for the Support of the Tine -Bridge. In this Year by the Consent of the Mayor and Bailiffs and Common Council of Newcastle upon Tine, he confirmed by his own Charter to Gilbert de Mitford, Burgess of Newcastle, the middle Cellar of the three which are under the Chapel, on Condition that he paid annually fourteen Shillings at the Feast of St. Martyn in the Winter, &c. to the said Master, &c. This Grant was sealed with the Town's Seal, and signed by Peter Grasser, Mayor, William de Acton, Hugo de Angreton, Hugo de Carliol, & John de Emeldon, Bailiffs. WE meet him also 1352. JOHN Croft, Custos, Edw. 4th's Reign, anno 1405; Master also in the Year 1411. THOMAS Scot Custos Capellae, &c. in the Reign of Hen. 7, anno 1498. 32d Hen. 8th, John Brandlin, Clericus Master. ST. Mary Magdalen 's Hospital was annexed to the Chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr, at the Bridge-end, and consists of a Master and three poor Brethren, to be free Burgesses of this Town, each Brother to have 3 l. 6 s. 3 d. per annum; and the Curate for reading Prayers, and one Sermon in the Year, has 4 l. 6 s. 8 d. and the Collecter of the Rents about 1 l. 17 s. 6 d. The whole Rental is 29 l. 7 s. 8 d. THIS Grant or Charter was renewed in the Reign of King James the first, whereby Robert Jennison is declared the first Master, perhaps Mr. Robert Bonner was second, upon whose Death Mr. Thomas Davison was chosen 1675, qui obiit 1715. THE present Master is the Rev. Dr. Thomlinson. THIS Chapel was lately beautified and Pewed, and on Sunday the 10th of September 1732, (the whole Body of the Magistrates coming to it with the usual Solemnities and Formalities) was set apart by the Corporation for a Chapel of Ease to the Church of St. Nicholas. The Sermon in the Morning was preached by the Rev. Mr. Vicar; that in the Afternoon by the Rev. Mr. Clayton. The officiating Ministers are the Rev. Mr. Cowling, who preaches on the Sunday Morning, and the Rev. Mr. Cuthberts, and the Rev. Mr. Clayton, on the Sunday Afternoon alternately. A little beyond this is a large and strong Building, which Grey informs us, was built a little before the Writing of his History, upon an Arch of the Bridge, and used for a Magazine for the Town. Under this are the Shops of Francis Rudston, Esq Alderman, and Mr. William Sorsby. There is very visible above this Gate-way, the Remains of a Port Cullice. After the Restoration, the Picture of King Charles the 2d, was set up on the South side of this Building, with this Motto under it, Adventus Regis, Solamen Gregis; The coming of the King, is the Comfort of the People. It was wont to look exceedingly beautiful, and in coming along the Bridge from the South, was a very worthy and conspicuous Ornament to the Town; but of late it is pretty much obscur'd with Dust, if not defac'd with the Weather, through the Want of being put into a little Order and Regularity. ON the North-side of this Building is an Account of it's being repair'd in the Year 1713. Henry Reay, Esq Mayor; Joseph Green, Esq Sheriff. AFTER you come from under the Gateway of the Magazine, there is an open on the Bridge on either Side. Over the one of these it was that surprizing Accident happened to Mr. Anderson, a Merchant and Alderman this Town: As he was looking over the Bridge talking with a Friend, he finger'd a Ring he had on (as People frequently do when they are thoughtful) which before he was aware, fell into the River, and was given entirely over for lost. Sometime after one of his Servants having bought a Salmon in the Market, found the very Ring in the Belly of the Fish, and restored it to his Master. Herodotus gives the like Account in the 3d Book of Polycrates King of Samos, who was at that Time esteem'd one of the Favourites of Fortune, which as my Authority observes, may satisfy us of the Truth of Solomon 's saying, There is no new Thing under the Sun. THIS Gentleman was Mayor of Newcastle, and was Ancestor of the present Mr. Abraham Anderson Merchant, on the Sandhill. The said Francis Anderson made his Estate to his Son Henry Anderson, who was the Father of the said Abraham 's Grandfather. The Estate and Ring have been in the Family ever since, and are now in the Possession of the said Abraham. I my self saw this Ring about 4 Months ago. The Impression the Seal gives is that of Soloman and the Queen of Sheba. On the Inside of the Ring, just under the Signet, is the Picture of a Salmon, in Commemoration of the Fish and the Transaction, on the one Side of which is the Letter F, and on the other the Letter R, in Commemoration of the Person. It is a Curiosity so great, that not only the whole Kingdom can't show the like of it; but the whole World beside, nay the World itself never, that we know of, had the like Transaction but once before, viz. that before-mentioned. The Gentleman therefore who has this valuable Jewel in his Possession, ought to have the utmost Care of it upon many Accounts, and as none of the least, that it is a Credit to his Family, as well as to the Town. A little further, about the middle of the Bridge is a large old Tower, which they call the Tower of the Bridge, where leud and disorderly Persons are kept 'till they are examined by the Mayor, and brought to due Punishment, except the Crime be of a very gross Nature, and then are removed to Newgate and there continue 'till the Assizes. Beyond this a little is the Blue-Stone, which gives the Name of the Blue-Stone to that Part of the Bridge. Here is the Bounds of Newcastle Southwards. Beyond this, the other Part of the Bridge belongs to the County Palatine of Durham, and is repaired by the Bishop. At the End of the Bridge, which leads into Gateside, is another Tower, where has been a Draw-bridge. Sect. V. Of the KEYSIDE. ABOVE when I mentioned the Sandhill, I took Notice, that on the East it leads to the Key-side, which is a long Wharf or Key for Ships and other Vessels. It is built upon the Sand, as indeed all the lower Parts of the Town have been. Through this Street goes the remaining Part of the Town-wall, which is continued from the East-end of the Merchants Court to Sandgate Gate, which make in some Manner two Streets, the Inside and Outside of the Key. On the Top of this Wall is a Walk along it, as is along the other Walls of the Town; and at the Bottom of it are a great many Gates, which are called Water-gates. These in the Reign of King James I. Anno 1616, were ordered to be locked up every Night, except one or two to stand open, for the Masters and Seamen to go to and fro to their Ships. This was done, to prevent Servants casting Ashes and other Rubbish into the River; and those two Gates were watched all Night long. THIS Key extends in Length from East to West 103 Rods. THIS Street is chiefly inhabited by such as have their Living by Shipping, such as Merchants, Hostmen, Brewars, &c. As it is the great Place of Resort for the Business of the Coal-trade (the grand Support of this Town and Country, and many other Places also) and likewise for many other Things; it is not much to be wondred at, if in going along it, you see almost, nothing but a whole Street of Sign-posts of Taverns, Ale-houses, Coffee-houses, &c. AFTER you pass the Custom-house, where the King's Customs are received, which is at the West-end of this Street, as you go along eastward, you meet with a great many narrow Chairs or Lanes. These have so many Times changed their Names, and in all Probability will so often do it, that it is to little Purpose at present to mention them. There is however Grundon-Chair, which I meet with in a Writing of several hundred Years old; as also the Name of the Broad Chair, of a very ancient Standing, and the Name of another in a Writing, drawn in the Reign of Henry VI. which, had it been worth remembring, would in all Probability have been forgot long before now. But which of the others went formerly by the Names of Brown-Chair, the Chair of Nicholas de Salicibus, Tod's Chair, Norham Chair, Philip's Chair, Shipman Chair, Oliver Chair, Galway Chair, we are altogether in the dark. There is one more ancient Name of a Chair in this Street, which is the Kirk-Chair, or the Way or Lane they generally went to Church by from the Keyside. This I take to be that Chair, which now goes by the Name of Fenwick 's Entry, because its Situation answers so exactly to the Church-yard, the Top of this Chair being almost upon a Line with the Stairs that lead up to the Church. This Lane is much the neatest of the whole Street, having in it several good Houses, which are kept in a different Order from the Generality of the House in those narrow Lanes. In the upper Part of it is the Dwelling-house of Cuthbert Fenwick, Esq Alderman of this Town, who is the Proprietor of the whole Entry. AT the Key itself is a very safe Station for Ships, where they lye free and secure from the greatest Dangers of Wind and Water, where they unload their Wares and Commodities, their Wood, Deal; and by a Crane, their Wines, Flax, and all heavier Commodities. CHAP. XI. Of Pandon or Pampedon. H AVING done with what was anciently called Newcastle, we come now to describe the ancient Town of Pampedon, which was a Town of itself distinct from Newcastle; but was united to it in the Reign of Edward I. Vide anno 1299. There is some Doubt about the Reason of the Name, some imagining it came from Pandana, one of the Gates of Rome, which was so called, quia semper paterit, because it stood always open. But I dare say, this could never give Name to the Town of Pandon, which being in all Probability a Roman Place of Defence, was rather obliged to be always shut. Others imagine it came from Pandara, a Scottish Virgin Saint; but for what Reason they know best. For my Part I never saw one yet; and perhaps for good Reason. For if I mistake not, this Town had the Name of Pandon, before there ever was a Saint in that Kingdom. I am therefore inclinable to believe, that it got its Name from the Romans who lived in it, who, as Grey agrees, called it Pampedon or Pantheon, because perhaps some Building was erected here in this Place, in Imitation of the Pantheon at Rome (this Wall being the utmost Confines of the Roman Empire) which was built in Honour of all the Gods. And as this Wall was the utmost Bounds of the Roman Empire, therefore there might be such a Temple in this Place, to remind the Romans of the necessary Assistance of all the Gods, to preserve the Bounds of the Roman Empire. The late Rom. Brit. p. 131. Mr. Horsley will have the latter Syllable of this Word to come from the Word Deen, which signifies a Hollow, or a Brook, because such is the Place. But with this I cannot agree; the Deen could not have that Weight with it, as to give Name to the whole Place; or should that be allowed, how is the former Part of the Name accounted for? It retains therefore (as Grey justly observes) its Name, without much Alteration, since the Romans resided in it. After the Departure of the Romans, as the same Authority gives out, the Kings of Northumberland kept their Residence in it, and had their House now called Pandon-Hall. It was a safe Bulwark, having the Picls Wall on the North-side, and the River Time on the South. This Place of Pandon is of such Antiquity, that if a Man would express an ancient Thing, it is a common Proverb, As old as Pandon- Gate. Thus far this Author. Sect. I. Of the MANOUR-CHARE. BUT to treat of some Particulars of this ancient Town, we shall begin then at the Manour-Chare, which leads from Pilgrim-street to St. Austin Fryers. This Chare which leads from Pilgrim-street to Jesus Hospital, and from thence to the Head of the Broad-Chare, was in ancient Times called Cowgate. This is plain from an ancient Writing in the Possession of Mr. Thomas Waters, in Pilgrim-street, dated Feb. 20, in the 5th Year of Edward the 4th, where are these Words, describing the Situation of the House he possesses at present: Prout jacet in vico Peregrinorum infra villam Novicastri super Tynam inter Tenementum nuper Laurentii de Acton ex parte Boreali, & Tenementum nuper Thomae Clerk, ex parte Australi, & extendit in Longitudine a via Regia ante, usque vicum quondam vocatum Cowgate, modo vocatum Austyn-Chare, retro. In the Reign of Edward the 4th it had the Name of Austyn-Chare, as appears also from this Writing: Now it has the Name of Manour-Chare which some imagine to be given from the Word Minor or Minorites, or Franciscans; but unless they can prove that the Fryery of the Franciscans was situated here, they never can prove that the Chare was so called from them; and this is scarce possible to be done. For we have already shewn that the Minorites or Franciscans had their House in another Part of the Town, viz. in the High-Fryar-Chare; this is also clearly proved from the several Writings of the Company of Taylors, that this Place was formerly called Cowgate, and afterwards called the Frear-Chare, or St. Austin Frear-Chare. These Writings of theirs also mention an Alms-house, which went by the Name of Ward 's Alms-house, situated in this Chare, I supposed it was situated at the Bottom of Mr. Water 's Garden, for I have heard some old People say, they remember thereabouts the Ruins of an Alms-house. Cowgate the ancient Name of the Street, is still continued in one Part of it, viz. from the Foot of Silver-street, to the Head of the Broad-Chare. HAVING come down this Lane from Pilgrim-street, we come to three different Ways; that on the Right leads down into Pandon; that on the Front leads into the Town 's Hospital; and that on the Left, into St. Austin-Fryers, and Carliol-Croft. Sect. II. Of St. AUSTIN-FRYERS. THE left-hand Passage has still the Remains of a large Gate, which has been one of the Gates leading to St. Austin-Fryers, which, (having past this Gate) is a little above upon the Right Hand. There is still a compleat Quadrangle, to be seen, the South-side of which has undoubtedly been the Chapel. This seems to have been the ancient Building, for Grey seems to speak of some sumptuous Additions that were made to it. In succeeding Ages, says he, it was inlarged and beautified with stately Buildings, Cloysters, and a Fair Church. The Kings of England since the Conquest, kept House in it, whence they came with an Army Royal against Scotland; and since the Suppression of Monasteries, made a Magazine and Store-house for the North Parts. Now of late that Princely Fabrick is demolished, and laid level with the Ground. The Pride, Covetousness, Luxury and Idolatry of these Houses brought a sudden Ruin upon themselves and Houses. THE same Authority tells us also, that there was an antient Religious House founded by the Kings of Northumberland, and that several of them were buried here; but it cannot be true that they built any Thing for the St. Austin Fryers, for they came not into England 'till long after the Conquest, in the Year 1252. Then it was that Lanfrank of Milan, the first General of the Eremites of St. Austin, sent some of them into England to seek a Dwelling for themselves. The Augustin Fryers held their first House given them in Wales, at a Place called Wood-house which before had belonged to the Family of the noble Family of the Turburvills. Afterward Humphry Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex, in the Year of our Lord 1253, gave them a House and beautiful Church, remarkable for a Spire of wonderful Workmanship, in London; which is now partly a Meeting-house for the German Protestants who have settled in London. Anno 1377, the Augustin Fryers obtained Leave to eat Flesh, upon Condition that they should keep the Fast of the Fryers Minors before Christmas. Stephen. ad. Vol. 2d. 221. WHAT Year this House was founded in, or this Order came to this House, I have no where met with, but the Augustines are said to have been founded by the Lord Ross, De rebus Novocast'. the Baron of Werk, which I am inclinable to believe very true, for in the 11th of Edward the Second, 1317. I find mention made of some Lands in Cowgate, belonging to the Brethren of St. Austin, which were given them by William Ross who was Baron of Werk. How much earlier than this King's Reign this Monastery was founded, I have not been able to learn. But it's probable it was sometime in the Reign of Edward the 1st, and this I think is out of Dispute now, for since this Conjecture of my own, I received a Letter from the Rev. Mr. Wearing, of Bampton in Westmoreland, with the following Account. King Edward the First, in the 19th Year of his Reign, gave Leave to one John de Capella, to give and assign a Messuage of his in Penrith, to the Prior and Fryers of the Order of St. Augustine, in the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne. THEY surrendred on the 9th of Jan. 30 Hen. 8. THE inclosed Ground all round it, where is now the Pasture of Nathaniel Clayton, Esq Alderman, the Surgeons-Hall, the Hospitals, &c. did undoubtedly belong to them, and were their Gardens. THIS House is now turned partly into a Work-house, for the Employment of the Poor; Part of it is turned into a House of Correction, a Dunghill, &c. Here is the Charity-School of the Parish of All Hallows, which was built Anno 1723, and an House for the Master to live in, which was built the same Year. THE Bells of All Hallows were cast in this Place, which since the Decay of the Monastery, was called rhe Artillery-yard, from the Townsmens performing there the Exercise of the Pike and Gun. BEFORE I have done with this Monastery, it may not be amiss to mention a Passage in Milbank 's Manuscript, which came to my Hands since the compiling of this Antiquity. The Author of it says, "When I was young, (which was, as I take it, about the First of King James I. Reign) there were Cloysters in this Monastery, and a fair Church. A Scot did beg it of King James; after that took the Lead off it and sold it; but it was cast away before it came to its Market. He sold also some Stones to Sir Peter Riddel, who with them built the South-End of his fine House; but now it belongs to Captain Dykes, and his Posterity hath no right. Sect. III. Of JESUS HOSPITAL. HAVING thus done with what relates to the Passage above mentioned on the left Hand, let us enter that on the Front. And this is what the People call the Town's Hospital, but its true Name is Jesus Hospital, for it was dedicated to the Holy Jesus. You ascend to it by Stairs from the high Street, and then enter into a pleasing Field, on the North-side of which is the said Hospital. It is three Story high, and the Under-story is adorned with Piazza's, which are about 60 Yards in Length, and make a very agreeable Walk. About the Middle of the Piazza's is the Entrance into the second and third Stories; and over against this Entrance is a Fountain (very much beautified) for the Use of the Hospital. THIS new Hospital, commonly called the Town's Hospital in the Manours, dedicated to the Holy Jesus, was founded, erected, and endowed, at the Charge of this Corporation Anno 1681, T. Robson Mayor. , for a Master, and thirty nine poor Freemen, or Freemens Widows. THE Town allows them quarterly 20 s. and the Master 30 s. TOWARDS the Bottom of this Field is another Hospital, erected for six poor Widows of Clergymen and Merchants, which was endowed by the Charity of Mrs. Anne Davison, Widow of Mr. Benjamin Davison, Merchant, and erected by the Corporation of Newcastle, Nathaniel Clayton, Esq Mayor, Thomas Wasse, Esq Sheriff, Anno 1725. THEY have to subsist on 40 s. per Quarter each. Sect. IV. Of the BARBER-SURGEONS Hall. ON the East of this same Field is the Hall of the Barber-Surgeons, which was rebuilt by them in the Year 1730. IT is a very beautiful one, and not a little sumptuous; it stands upon tall Piazza's, under which is a very spacious Walk. There is before it a fine Square, divided into four Areas or Grass-Plats, surrounded with Gravel-Walks, each of which is adorned with a Statue. The First of the two next the Hall is the Figure of Aesculapius placed upon a tall Pedestal, upon one Side of which is the Motto . In the Area, oppposite to this, is the Figure of Hippocrates, who bears an open Book, with these Words in it , and on the one Side of the Pedestal , These were set up in the Year 1710, John Shaw and Robert Golightly Stewards. ON the other two Grass-Platts are the Figures of Medicus Pergameus or Galen, and Medicus Spagyricus or Paracelsus, which were erected 1712, Robert Golightly and William Handby Stewards. I am inform'd by one of this Company, that in a little Time, the Wall at the Foot of the Garden will be taken away, and instead thereof will be Iron-Rails. It will shew the Hall and Gardens to some Advantage, but be rather too great an Ornament for such a dirty Part of the Town. THERE are besides this Square two other Gardens for Herbs, which together with the Hall and Garden we have been speaking of, are attended by a Gardner, who lives there for that Purpose. Sect. V. Of WARD 's Alms-house, ALVEY 's Island, PANDON Hall. WE now turn to the right Hand, and descend the Chair towards Pandon, and pass by Mr. Waters 's Garden, at the End of which was Ward 's Alms-house, above mentioned, of which I have lately met with the following Account from the Milbank Manuscript. The chief Alms-house in the Town is the Ward 's, near the Manour; the Mills at Pandon-gate should give them, as I remember, 20 s. per annum, to buy them Coals; but old Mr. Brandling pulled off the Lead, on purpose to expel the poor People, which he did. The Mills are now fallen into one Homers 's Hand, and so is lost for ever. I have seen the Writings, and know it. Below this is a narrow Passage which leads into the Carliol Croft. Below this again is a Place, which was formerly called the Island, as says Tradition. It was so called, because in former Times, when the Tide flow'd up to the Stock-bridge, there was thereabout a Hill of Sand, which at the Tide's leaving of it, appeared like an Island. They call it at present Alvey 's Island, because it belong'd to one of that Name. It is the very Place, on which stands the House, Cellars, and Malting of Mr. George Hinkster, which are bounded on the West, North and South by the King's Street, and on the East by a waste Piece of Ground, of the Lady Goldsburgh, which was formerly called the Stones. OPPOSITE to the South Front of this House was the ancient Building, viz. Pandon-hall, above mentioned, but now rebuilt in some Measure. There are still remaining many ancient Walls and Parts of this Building; it was of considerable Bigness, having been according to Tradition, on its North-front in Length from the Stockbridge to Cowgate; and on its West-front in Length from its North-west Corner, beyond that Lane that leads into Blyth's Nook. IT is of great Antiquity, being built in the Times of the Heptarchy; for it was the House of the Kings of Northumberland, who liv'd in it, for which Reason it was call'd Pandon-hall. Sect. VI. Of FISHERGATE and WALL-KNOWL. FROM hence we go Eastward unto Pandon-Bridge, which is called the Stock-Bridge. It was undoubtedly of Wood in ancient Times, tho' we meet with an Account of its being Stone, when Thomas de Carliol was Mayor, which was in Edward I. Time at latest. To this Place it was that the Fishermen brought up their Fish, and sold them here, as Grey observes from Tradition. But to confirm this beyond the Force of Tradition; it must certainly have been true, that the Fish-market was here, because the Street you go into when you have past Pandon-Bridge, was formerly called Fisher-gate. Now this is plain from an ancient Writing, which was drawn when Henry le Scot was Mayor of this Town, about the Year 1287. I shall give my Authority at large, because there depends upon it some other Things besides this. THE Writing is a Conveyance of some Land which is thus described. QUAE extendit in longitudine à communi via super le Wall-Knoll, in australem. Partem domûs Fratrum de monte Carmel, usque ad communem viam quae solebat ducere versus Fishergate, i. e. WHICH Land extends itself from the Street of the Wall-Knoll, to the South-side of the Monastery of the Carmelites, even to the High-way, which formerly led to Fishergate. NOW it is certain, this Monastery was at the Top of the Wall-Knoll; the Remains of it are still in Being, and shall be by and by further consider'd. It is also certain from this ancient Writing, that a Way led from the South-side of the said Monastery to Fishergate; therefore this Street must be Fishergate, because the common Way here spoken of could lead to no other Place. I take this common Way to have been those Stairs beside Mr. Green 's House at the Stockbridge, which lead up to the Gardens there, and which, were it not a Wall, would lead directly from this Street to the Remains of this Monastery. AS we go along from the Stockbridge, we meet two Streets, one on the left Hand, and the other on the right. That on the left Hand is called the Wall-Knoll, which, as it is a very great Ascent and high Hill from Fishergate, so it seems to me to have this Name from the Roman Wall going along it; for the Word Knoll signifies an Hill or Eminence, as I gather from the Lord Bishop of London 's Note in Cambden upon Sevenoke in Kent, who says, On the East-side of it standeth Knowll, so called, because it is seated upon a Hill. And Grey says also positively, that it was Part of the Picts Wall. AT the upper End of the Street above mentioned, towards the Carpenters The following Play coming too late to my Hands to be inserted in its proper Place, I am obliged to mention it here. It is intituled, NOAH 's ARK; or, The SHIPWRIGHTS ancient PLAY, or DIRGE. ERE was this World that I have wrought. No Marvel it is if I do show; Their Folk in Earth I made of Nought, Now are they fully my Foe. Vengeance now will I do Of them that have grieved me ill, Great Floods shall over them go, And run over Hoope and Hill. All Mankind dead shall be, With Storms both stiff and steer; All but Noah my Darling free, His Children and their Wives, Ever more yet they trow'd in me, Save therefore I will their Lives. Henceforth my Angel free, Into Earth look what thou would, Greet well Noah in this Degree, Sleeping thou shalt him find: Bid him go make a Ship Of stiff Board and great, Although he be not a Wright. Therefore bid him not lett, He shall have Wit at Will, Be that he come thereto; All Things I him fulfill, Pitch, Tar, Scam and Rowe. Bid him in any Manner of Thing, To Ship when he shall walk, Of all kine Kind of Beast and Fowl, The Male and Female with him he take. Bid him go provey, say so, In Ship that they not die, Take with him Hay, Corn and Straw, For his Fowl and his Fee. Henceforth my Angel free Tell him this for certain; My Blessing with thee be, While that thou come again. Waken Noah, to me take tent. Noah bid, if thou hear this Thing, Ever whilst thou live thou shall repent. What art thou for Heaven's King, That wakens Noah off his Sleeping, Away I would thou went. It is an Angel to thee sent, Noah, to tell thee hard Tiding; For every Ilk a Wight for Warks wild, And many fowled in Sins fair, And in Felony fowly filled; Therefore a Ship thou dight to steer, Of true Timber highly railed, With thirty Cubits in Defence. Look that she draw when she is drest, And in her Side a Door thou shear, With Fenesters full fitly fest, And make Chambers both more and less, For a Flood that up shall burst; Such a Flood in Earth shall be, That every like Life that hath Life-ward, Beast and Body with Bone and Blood, They shall be stormed through Stress of Storm; Albeit thou Noah and thy Brood, And their three Wives in your Hand, For you are full righteous and good, You shall be saved by Sea and Land, In the Ship ere you enter out, You take with you both Ox and Cow; Of ilk a Thing that Life has lent, The Male and Female you take with you. You fetch in Fother for your Freight, And make good Purveiance for you prove, That they perish not in your Sight; Do Noah as I have bidden thee now. Lord be then in this Stead, That me and mine will save and shield; I am a Man no worth at Need, For I am six hundred Winters old, Unlusty I am to do such a Deed, Worklooms for to work and weeld For I was never since I was born, Of Kind of Craft to burthen a Boat; For I have neither Ryff nor Ruff, Spyer, Sprund, Spront, no Sprot. Christ be the Shaper of this Ship, For a Ship need make I must. Even wo worth thou fouled Sin, For all too dear thou must be bought, God for Thanks he made Mankind, Or with his Hands that he them wrought; Therefore or ever you blind, You mind your Wife, and turn your Thought, For of my Work I will begin, So well were me were all forth brought. Put off Harro, and wele away, That ever I uprose this Day; So may I smile and say, I went, there has been none alive, Man, Beast, Child nor Wife, But my Servants were they; All this I have heard say, A Ship that made should be, For to save with owten Nay, Noah and his Meenye; Yet trow I they shall be, Thereto I make a Vow, If they be never so slee, To taynt them yet I trow. To Noah 's Wife will I wynd, Gare her believe in me; In Faith she is my Friend, She is both whunt and slee, Rest well, rest well, my own Dereday. Welcome, fewsthere, what is thy Name, Tyte that thou tell me. To tell my Name I were full loath, I come to warn thee of thy Skaith, I tell thee secretly, And thou do after thy Husband read, Thou and thy Children will all be dead, And that right hastily. Go Devil, how say, for Shame. Yes, hold thee still le Dame, And I shall tell how; I swear thee by my crooked Snout, All that thy Husband goes about Is little for thy Profit; Yet shall I tell thee how, Thou shall weet all his Will; Do as I shall bid thee now, Thou shalt weet every Deal. Have here a Drink full good, That is made of a mightful Main, Be he hath drunken a Drink of this, No longer shall he learn. Believe, believe, my own dear Dame, I may no longer bide, To Ship when thou shall sayre, I shall be thy Side. This Labour is full great For like an old Man as me, Lo, lo, fast I sweat, It trickles at our myn ee; Now Home will I wende, My weary Bones for to rest, For such Good as God hath sent, There I get of the best. Rest well Day, what Chear with thee. Welcome, Noah, as might I thee Welcome to thine own Wayns. Sit down here beside me, Thou hast full weary Baynes: Have eaten, Noah, as might I thee, And soon a Drink I shall give thee, Such Drink thou never none afore. What the Devil what Drink is it, By my Father's Soul I have nere lost my Wit. Noah, bode you tell me whereabout you wends, I give God a Vow, we two shall nere be Friends. O Yes Dame could thou layne I would thee tell my Wit. How Good of Heaven an Angel sent, And bad me make a Ship, This World he will fore doe With Storms both stiff and steer sell, All but thee and me, our Children and Wifes. Who Devil made thee a Wright, God give him Evil to fayre Of Hand to have such slight, To make Ship less or more perfect, Men should have heard wide where When you began to smite. Yes Dame it is God's will, Let be so thou not say, Go make an End I will, And come again full throng. By my Faith I no rake Whether thou be Friend or Foe, The Devil of Hell thee speed, To ship when thou shalt go. God send me Help in high, To clink you Nail too God send me help in high, Your Hand to hold again, That all may well be done, My Strokes be not in Vain. God hath thee Help hither send, Thereof be thou right bold, Thy Strokes shall fair be kend, For thou thy Wife has cowld. Now is this Ship well made within and without thinks me, Now home then will I wend To fetch in my Money, Have good day both old and young, My Blessing with you be. All that is gathered in this Stead, That will not believe in me, I pray to Dolphin Prince of dead, Scald you all in his Lead That never a one of you thrive, nor thee. FINIS. Amen. Tower, are still to be seen the Remains of the Hospital of the Carmelites or White Fryers. The East of their Church is still standing, to the repairing of which Roger Thornton left in his Will two fother of Lead; this Hospital being dedicated to St. Michael, gave the Name to it of St. Michael 's on the Mount. IT is said by Dugdale in his Baron. Lumley, that the Roger Thornton he is there speaking of, was the Founder of the House of the White Fryars in Newcastle. But this Roger can scarce be the Founder of it, for I have proved him to be the younger Roger; and it was taken Notice of above, that Roger the Elder left Two Fother of Lead to it when he died, so that if either of them be the Founder, it must be the Elder, rather than the Younger that Dugdale speaks of. BUT I believe it will be a difficult Matter, upon Examination, to prove either the Father or the Son the Founder of it, for it boasts a greater Antiquity: For this Domus Fratrum de Monte Carmel, is mentioned in an ancient Writing which was drawn when Henry le Scot was Mayor, about the Year 1287, in the Reign of Edward the 1st, as is said above, and therefore it must at that Time have been in being; but the Elder of them was not Mayor of Newcastle, 'till 114 Years after this; so that it is impossible he should be the Founder, and therefore much less his Son. They might, and probably they both of them were great Benefactors, or second Founders to it, and so have been esteemed each of them Founders themselves. THEY surrender'd at the same Time with the Rest: Sometime after they surrender'd, King Henry the 8th made a present of this Priory and its Revenues, together with some other Lands belonging to other religious Houses, lying in Newcastle upon Tyne, to Sir John Gresham, Alderman of the City of London, and Richard Billing ford, Gent. who 21st of February, 2d Edward the 6th, conveyed them to William Dent, of this Town, Gentleman. What they conveyed was as follows. THE House or Priory of St. Michael de Wall Knoll, with the Things following belonging to it, This Orchard and Garden were undoubtedly the Gardens of Swaddle, Green, Grey, &c. all that Ground which descends into Fisher-gate. a Garden and Orchard, about an Acre of Ground; a Close, about 4 Acres, near the Walls of the Town, 34 Messuages, three Gardens, and one Close; also a Close called Colerigges, and four Les Rigges in the Sheild Field; also 17 more Messuages in the Town and Suburbs, belonging to the Monastry of Tinmouth; also four Tenements and a Garden, in this Town, belonging to the Monastry of Alnwick; also three Houses belonging to the Nuns of Halystone or Holystone, a Village in Northumberland where in the Infancy of the English Church, Paulinus is said to have baptized many thousands Halystone; also six Houses, in this Town, belonging to Newminster; also a House, in this Town, belonging to the Monastry of Blanchland; together with every Thing belonging to the said Monastries in this Town of Newcastle upon Tyne. IN the 24th of Queen Elizabeth, this William Dent, Alderman, and William his Son, conveyed this Priory, together with an House and Orchard, and a Garden, containing an Acre of Ground, to William Jenison, then Mayor of Newcastle, and Richard Hodgshon, Alderman. Sect. VIII. Of CROSSWELL-GATE, BYKER-CHARE. ABOVE when we went from Fishergate-street, we met two Streets, that on the Left Hand we have already treated of: The other, I imagine, is that which formerly went by the Name of Crosswell-gate, which is often mentioned in ancient Writings. It is reported that the Dwelling-house of Roger Thornton was in this Street. Whatever Truth is in this, it is certain, that many Houses in this Street pay an Annual Rent to the Lord Scarborough to this Day, into whose Family the Grand-daughter of Roger Thornton was marryed. There are in this Street several Lanes or Allies, the first we meet with in going along from Fishergate, is a Place called, at present, Blyth 's Nook: It is built over Pandon Burne. The next is a narrow Lane leading to the Burne Bank, a Place by which Pandon Burne runs into the Tyne. It lies very low, and before the Heightning of the Ground with Ballast, and the Building of the Wall and Key, was often of great Hazard to the Inhabitants; once in particular a most melancholy accident happen'd in this Place, in the Year 1320, the 13th of Edward the 3d, the River of Tyne over-flowed so much, that 120 Laymen, and several Priests, besides Women, were drowned; and as Grey says, 140 Houses were destroyed. Compleat Hist. Eng. Vol. 1st. P. 235. BEYOND this again is a Chare called Byker Chare, which seems by the aged Look of several of the Buildings, those especially at the North-end of the Chare, where is the House of Mr. Henry Atkinson, Hoastman, to be of great Antiquity: Perhaps it got the Name of Byker-Chare, from one Robert de Byker and Laderine, his Wife, who had Lands in Pandon, &c. See Anno 1299. BEYOND this again is Cocks Chare, Love-lane, &c. where are some Houses which deserve a better Situation. Sect. IX. COWGATE, TRINITY-HOUSE, BROAD-CHARE. WHEN we came to Pandon-Hall, we went Eastward into Pandon; it remains now, that we go Southward from the same Place. Leaving then Silver-street on the Right Hand, we come into Cowgate, which has been a Part of the Town where some eminent Men have lived in; such as Gilbert de Cowgate, Walter de Cowgate, &c. who were Men of Fortune and Estate. Going forward, we pass by Blythe Nook on the Left Hand, and the Dog-Bank on the Right, and then we come to the Broad Chare; a little below the Entrance of which, is the Trinity House; which according to some was a Monastry, dedicated to the Holy Trinity. This Order of the Trinity House was founded by St. John de Matha and St. John de Valois, in the Year 1198, in the Popedom of Innocent III. The End of its Institution was the Redemption of Captives. In the Year 1224, a Monastry was founded for this Order in Kent. What Time this Monastry of the Trinity (if there was such a one) was founded in this Town, we are intirely in the Dark: Only it was said by some, that Laurentius of Newcastle, was its Founder. If this be true, it is not improbable but it was Laurentius Acton, who was Mayor of this Town in 1435 and 1436, &c. WE are also equally at a loss as to its Situation: For Bishop Burnet, in his Collection of Records, P. 146, says, It was on the Wall-knoll, in Newcastle; and that they surrender'd January 10th, 30th of Henry the 8th. If it was here, I know of no Place to fix it in, but where the Carmelites were, and this could never be. I am therefore inclinable to believe, that this Monastry means that of the Carmelites, and through a Mistake is called that of the Trinity. BUT be that as it will, it is certain that this Place called the Trinity House, was no Religious House: For it is said in our Account below, to have been called of old Time Dalton 's Place. And besides, had it been this Religious House, the Mariners could not have got Possession of it 'till its Suppression, which was on the 10th of January, 30th of Henry the 8th; whereas it was conveyed to them the 20th of Henry the 7th, as the following Account testifies. A Writing in the Custody of the Brethren of the Trinity-House, dated the 4th Day of January, the 20th of the Reign of Henry the 7th, which gives an Account of a Messuage and Garden, which was convey'd by one Ralph Hebborne, of Hebborne, of Northumberland, Esq to the Fraternity of the Mariners. It is the Place where is now the Trinity House, which was in old Time called Dalton 's Place. IN the same Writing it is order'd, that the aforesaid Messuage, &c. shall be repair'd for Ever by the common Purse of the Brotherhood; that in some convenient Part of it should be an Hall for the Fellowship to meet in, at all Times convenient, for the observing of their Rules, &c. and that in the Residue of the same, there should be certain Lodgings order'd for such of the said Fellowship, as afterwards should fall into Poverty, or be not able to sustain themselves: Those they held during the Term of their Lives, and then were succeeded by others in the like necessitous Circumstances. It was also ordered in this Writing, that within the said Messuage, there should be a Chappel and a Priest, to sing and say Mass, and other Divine Service therein, as should be appointed by the Aldermen, and Wardens of the said Fraternity, for the Time being. That the Priest and the said poor Persons so admitted, should pray for the good Estate of the said Ralph Hebborne, Master John Hebborne, George Hebborne, and for the Masters Souls, and for the good Estate of the said Fellowship, and for the Souls of such of the same Fellowship as be departed, or hereafter should depart to the Mercy of God; and also for the Souls of John Dalton, sometime Owner of the said Messuage, his Ancestors Souls, and all Christian Souls. ONE Part of this Writing was to be put in a Chest, belonging to the Fellowship, and kept by them; the other was to be kept in a Chest for that purpose, in the Vestry of All-Hallows in this Town, in the Custody of the Church-Wardens, for the Time being, for Ever. THIS was further confirm'd to the Fraternity of the Trinity House, by Thomas Hebborne, Son of the said Ralph Hebborne, on the 9th of September, in the 16th of the Reign of King Henry the 8th, upon the Conditions following, viz. That the Fellowship should pay to the said Thomas Hebborne, his Heirs or Assigns, within the Town of Newcastle, on the Vigil of the Apostles, Peter and Paul, in the Month of June, a Pottle of Wine, if it be demanded yearly, for Evermore. That the said Thomas Hebborne should be made a Brother of the Fraternity, and Partaker of all Masses, good Prayers and Suffrage, which should afterwards be celebrated, said and done by the Chaplain and Priest of the Fraternity, within the Trinity House, and at the Trinity Altar within the Church of All-Hallows, for Evermore; with such Obsequies and Funeral Ceremonies, as usually were done at the Burial of any Brother of the same Fraternity, if the said Thomas departs within this Town of Newcastle. The Priest of the Trinity House at this Time, was one Sir Robert Ellison. TO this Writing was annex'd the Seal of the Town of Newcastle, and the Names of the Mayor, Sheriff, and Aldermen. On Oct. the 5th, 28 Hen. 8. Light-houses were permitted to be built by the Trinity-house, to found, edify, make and build two Towers; that is to say, one on the North Part of Shields, in the Entrance of the Harbour, and another upon the Hill. KING James the 1st, in the third Year of his Reign, granted to the Master, Pylots, and Seamen of Newcastle, a Charter. SEVENTEENTH of October 1664, King Charles the 2d, granted them another Charter. AND a Third was granted them 26th of July 1687, by King James the 2d. IN a Manuscript I have frequently mentioned, it is said that the Trinity House in the Broad Chare, was held by the Masters and Mariners of this Town of the Andersons, by giving them a red Rose at Christmas, which Bartram Anderson turned to Wine, and then sold it to Sir Ralph Jenison, and it adds, how they agree I know not. It is at present a very pretty Building, consisting of a handsome Square, very Monastick in it's Aspect, having it's Appartments or Lodgings for the Inhabitants, a very neat Chappel, and a magnificent Hall. It maintains 14 Persons, allowing every one a Chamber, eight Shillings per Month, Coals and Cloathing. There are also 15 extra Persons, which have allowed them, some more, some less. LEAVING this House of the Marriners, we go down the Broad Chare, without any Thing remarkable, 'till you come to the Key-side; about the Middle of it is a Square, which goes by the Name of Stony-hill, nigh it a Lane, called Spicer-lane, which also leads on to the Key. CHAP. XII. Of the Suburbs, and other out Places. Sect. I. Of the FORTH. W ITHOUT the Close-Gate is a pretty long Street, with Houses on each Side; which goes as far as a Dike called Skinner-Bourne, where are of late Years a Factory belonging to Mr. Thomlinson, a Pot-House to Mr. Joseph Blenkinsop and Ralph Harl, and a Glass-House to Mr. Dagney, and Company; from thence Northward at the Top of the Hill is the Place called the Forth, anciently called the Frith, which lies without the Walls of the Town, and abutts on the South on a certain little Close called Goose-green-Close, then it extends itself to a Close called Dove-cote-Close, and from thence Westward by the furthest Ditch of the Close, which lies contiguous to the Corner of the Hedge, which is next to the Common Way which leads into the Forth. Then by and over the Common Way to the little Rivulet or Syke of Water in the Bottom of the Valley, and so passing the Syke, you go upwards to the Close called Goose-green-Close. The Forth contains 11 Acres of Ground. It was surveyed by Order of the Parliament, in the Year 1649, and valued at 12 l. per Annum. IT was valued Tythe-free. The Town pay'd 4 l. per Annum to the King for it. HOW it comes to be called Forth or Frith, I can only conjecture. The Word Blount Law Dictionary in verb. Frith. Forth or Frith, as it is anciently called, comes from the Saxon Word Frith, which signifies Peace. For the English Saxons held several Woods to be sacred, and made them Sanctuaries. From this Definition of the Word, it may be no improbable Conjecture that the ancient Saxons inhabiting about the Parts of the Wall where the Town now is, gave the Name of Frith to this Place, as it was perhaps endowed with gloomier Shades and darker Recesses, the awful Excitors of Heathen Superstition, than other Places about the Town were. IN the Reign of King Henry III. a Licence was granted to the Townsmen of Newcastle, bearing Date Dec. 23d of his Reign to dig Coals and Stones, &c. in this Place called the Forth. And here it was as some think, or rather as others, in the Castle Leases that the first Newcastle Coals were wrought. IT seems to have been all along a Place of Pleasure and Recreation. For it was an ancient Custom for the Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriff of this Town, accompanied with great Numbers of the Burgesses, to go every Year at the Feasts of Easter and Whitsuntide to the Forth, with the Maces, Sword and Cap of Maintenance carried before them. Undoubtedly the vast Concourse of both young and old at this Place at these Seasons of the Year, rather than at any other about this Town, is the remains of this ancient Custom. AFTER the building of the Castle it is said (but without any just Authority) that the Forth was anciently a Fort belonging to the Castle. IN the Year , Part of it was turned into a pretty large Bowling-Green; which was adorn'd with a broad Gravel Walk and a double Row of Trees around it. It is at present a mighty pretty Place, exceeding by much any Common Place of Pleasure about the Town. On the East-side of it, you have a Prospect of Part of the Town's Wall, through which is the Common Passage to and from this Place under a shady Walk of Trees; on the West you View the Grounds of the Village of Elswick, which have a gentle ascent to the Village itself; a Place at the proper Season of the Year much frequented by the Town's People, for its pleasing Walk and rural Entertainment. FROM this Quarter we view also as we do from the South, the Banks of the River Tyne, together with their Villages. On the North is an House of Accommodation. GREY says that it was given to the Townsmen for their Services, by Edward III. Whereas it seems to have been theirs in the Reign of Hen. III. However if the other Conjecture be true, I verily believe it was given to the Town for that memorable Victory obtain'd by the Townsmen, when the Earl of Murray was taken Prisoner, which is commemorated in Anno Christi, 1342. Sect. II. Of WARDEN-CLOSE. FROM hence we proceed to the West-gate, which gives Name to a little Village within the Bounds of the County of Northumberland, from whence still going on by the Out-side of the Town's Wall, we come to the Warden's-close. It seems to be called the Warden's-close, because it belong'd to the Wardens of the Priory of Tinmouth. For Grey tells us he had his House, Garden, and Fish-Pond, &c. here. This indeed is not improbable, for the Monastery of the Black-Fryers was dependant upon the Priory of Tinmouth: And we are sure that this Close was Part of the Garden belonging to the Black-Fryers in former Times. And there are still the seeming Remains of Fish-Ponds, Gardens, &c. AT the Top of this Field towards the North, is a Field call'd the Shoulder of Mutton Close, because it is in the Shape of a Shoulder of Mutton, which must formerly have been Part of the Warden's-close. In this is a Cistern of Water, which a curious Friend of mine imagines, supplyed the Black-Fryers. This perhaps may be true enough. The Well belonging to this Monastry may proceed from it. But I take its grand Use to have been to supply with Water the Fish-Ponds and Gardens just now mentioned. Sect. III. Of NEWGATE Suburbs. THE Suburbs out of Newgate Grey informs us, were ruined in the late Civil Wars. However the Street Gallowgate, (so called because of the Way that the Malefactors of the Town of Newcastle go to the Gallows, which is situated in a very low Place called the Gallows-hole ) Is become again a very tollerable Street, and a very pleasant Place, having in it some good Houses, which are situated in Gardens and Fields. At the Top of this Street is a Lane which leads to the West-gate, Quarry-house, &c. it borders upon a Field called the Shoulder of Mutton Close. Sect. IV. Of the CASTLE LEASES, TOWN MOOR, &c. OPPOSITE to this Lane is the Castle Leases, called anciently the Castle Field, a large Piece of Ground belonging to the Town, containing 141 Acres 12 Perches: Grey informs us, that Tradition said it was the Gift of King John to the good Men of Newcastle. However this be, it is certain that it had been the Town's immemorially or Time out of Mind, in the Reign of King Edward III. For in the 31st of that Reign the Town of Newcastle took an Inquisition in the Castle Field on a Palm Sunday Eve, the 31st Year of King Edward III. desiring the Confirmation of the Castle Moor and Field, and the Privileges belonging to them: And the King by his Letters Patents dated at Westminster, confirmed to the Burgesses of Newcastle the other Charters they had obtain'd, and also confirmed to them the Possession of the Castle Moor, Concessimus pro nobis & heredibus nostris quod predicti Burgenses & eorum heredes habeant & teneant moram & terras predictas Lib. Cart. p. 11. and Castle Field; they having belong'd to this Town immemorially at this Time: He also, as appears by the said Charters, confirmed to the Burgesses of this Town, and their Heirs, the Liberty of digging Coals, Stone, and all other Advantages arising from the said Castle Moor. THIS Place was formerly the Inheritance of divers Persons, Owners thereof, who were accustomed from ancient Time, to take the fore Crop thereof yearly, at or before Lammas-Day, and after that, by an ancient Custom, all the Burgesses of this Town used to put in their Kine, and used the same in pasturing of them 'till Lady-day in Lent yearly, and then to lay the same for Meadow again 'till Lammas. IN the Year 1679, when George Morton was Mayor, the Town purchased the Sweepage of the Castle Leases for the Benefit of the Burgesses. IN the 33d of Charles II. a Licence was granted the Mayor and Burgesses to purchase the Sweepage of the Castle Leases. THE Grounds of it abut on the said Castle Moor on the East and North Parts, upon the Highway leading to Kenton on the West, and on the other Way leading to the said Castle Moor on the South. WHEN the Parliament took an Inquisition of it, the Forth and Town Moor in the Year 49, were valued at 27 l. per Annum. THE Mill in the Castle Leases, commonly called Chimley Mill, upon the Syke or Rivulet called Bailiff-Burn, and the other Mill called Little Mill, were at the same Time valued at 10 l. per Annum each. THIS Ground was always valued Tythe-free. ON the West and North of the Castle Leases lies the Town-Moor. It is a very spacious Piece of Ground, containing 1037 Acres, one Rood, two Perches. It was originally a Wood, very famous for Oak Trees, out of which have been built many hundred of Ships, and all the Houses of the old Town of Newcastle. THIS Moor, together with the Castle Leases, or Castle Lizards, called anciently the Castle Moor, and Castle Field, were the Right of the Town of Newcastle, and had been so Time out of Mind, as has been just now observed in the Reign of King Edward III. who in his Charter of the Town, dated the Tenth of May, in the 31st Year of his Reign, confirmed the Holding and Possessing of it, and the Working of Coals, Stones, &c. in it; together with all the Profits arising from it (in the same Manner he had confirmed all the Immunities and Privileges, which had been granted by the Kings, his Predecessors.) to the Burgesses of Newcastle. THE ancient Bounds of the Town-Moor, which are the same to this Day, and answer still in every Particular, are thus described in the Charter above-mentioned. ET quia ex parte Dilectorum Nobis Burgensium ejusdem Villae Nobis est Supplicatum, ut cum Mora & Terra Vocatae Castle-Field & Castle-Moor, ex parte Boreali Dictae Villae Novicastri de quadam Placea Vocata Inglesdick Versus Orientem Per Metas Positas Usque ad Quandam Placeam Vocatam Le Thornbusk Juxta Crucem [& Deinde per Certas [Divisas & Metas Positas Versus Dictam Villam Novicastri Usque] Furcas] & sit inter Postos Furcarum; Ita quod Una Postis Fiat in Marchia Inter Terram Prioris de Tynemouth & Terram Dictae Villae Novicastri & sit Usque Le Quarldike & Deinde per Viam Usque ad candem Villam Novicastri, sunt terra & solum Dictae Villae Novicastri Pertinentia ad eandem Villam a tempore quo non extat Memoria. THE Substance of which is, it Bounders on a certain Street or Causeway, called Gingler-Dyke, and Bounders to a Street or Cause-way called Thornbusk, besides the Cross; and from thence to the Bounders set towards the Town of Newcastle, unto a Gallows set between the Trees or Posts of the Gall-house; so that one Post is placed and set in the Marches, between the Fields and Lands of the Prior of Tinmouth, and the Fields and Grounds of Newcastle; and so extendeth unto the Quarrel-Dyke, and from thence unto the King's-Street, and so on unto the said Village. IT is the Opinion of Grey some, that this large Piece of Ground was the Gift of Adam de Athol, of Gesmond, to the Town: But if the Town of Newcastle had an Immemorial Right to the Town-Moor, in the Days of Edward III. and this is proved from his Charter above-mentioned; then it is very improbable that Adamarus de Athol, of Gesmunde, should be the Donor of it. For this De reb. Novicast. p. 9. Adam was High Sheriff of the County of Northumberland, in the Fifth of Richard II. and was living in the Year of our Lord 1392, as appears by an Indulgence of 40 Days granted to the Church of St. Andrew 's, which was in the Proceedings upon a Dispute, about 30 Years after, relating to the Town-Moor. It is declared, that the Town-Moor had belonged to the Town of Newcastle immemorially, or Time out of Mind: But how can it be said to be in the Possession of the Town for so long a Time, when he himself, who gave it, lived thirty Years after this Declaration? And if he did so; no doubt but several others liv'd so long too. Either then the Town was not at the Time of this Dispute immemorially in the Possession of this Ground, or this Adamarus de Athol, was not the Donor of it. Again, had he been the Donor of it, he must have been 120 Years old at his Death; that is to say, he liv'd thirty Years after this Dispute, and Ninety before to make it immemorial; (which is the least Time that can be allow'd to make any Thing so) so that these two put together will make that Number of Years at his Death. It is not indeed in this Age of the World impossible for a Man to live so long, but yet it is highly improbable. There are few come to this Age, and when they do, they are look'd upon as so many great Exceptions to the general Rule of the Ages of Men; and then their Ages stand upon Record to succceeding Generations; and no doubt, had this been true of Adam de Athol, it wou'd at least have been mention'd upon his Tomb-Stone, but we find no such Thing. Nay, should we allow, for the Sake of making him the Donor, that he really lived 120 Years; yet after all, this grand Absurdity would follow, that if the Town, when this Dispute happen'd, had had it immemorially; he must have made a Present of it on the very Day he was born. FOR these Reasons therefore it's impossible he should be the Donor of it, but some of his Ancestors of the same Name might: And this is the rather to be imagin'd, because Tradition says, it was Adam de Athol, of Jesumund, handing down the Name to this Day. As then he was of the same Name, and undoubtedly a great Benefactor to this Town, so the good Deeds of some of his Ancestors might have been ascribed to him through Mistake, and so be handed down to this present Day. There was one Adam de Jesumuthia, or Gesmund, who order'd that one Good-Plank, or Six-Shillings, should be given annually (as may be seen in the Account of the Tyne-Bridge ) for the Reparation of the Bridge. Perhaps it was him, for the Bridge was burnt in the Reign of Henry III. in the Year 1248, and immediately they set about the Repair of it, and this Adam was one of the Benefactors to it. If then Tradition says true, that Adam de Jesmund was the Donor of the Town-Moor to the Town, this is probably the very Man, and whether he gave it before the Burning of the Bridge, or at the Time of his Benefaction to the Bridge; yet in the Thirty first of Edward III. it would undoubtedly have been the Town's immemorially, which is a good presumptive Proof of this Conjuncture, that this was the very Man. Be this as it will, it is certain that it had been the Town of Newcastle 's Time out of Mind in the Thirty first Year of Edward III. and was then confirm'd to them, as has been observed above; in our Account of the Castle Leases. TWO Fairs are kept upon this Moor, on the First of August, and Eighteenth of October, of which the Tolls, Booths, Stallage, Pickage, and Courts of Pic-powder, to each of the Fairs, were reckoned worth communibus Annis 12 l. in Oliver 's Time. IN the Survey made of the Town-Moor, in the troublesome Times, it was reported that the Coal Mine, or Colliery, in the Town-Moor, extended it self under the Superficies of the Town-Moor one hundred Acres, and that the Value of it was to the Town 35 l. per Annum. IT is the Pasture for the Cows belonging to the Freemen of Newcastle. IT is much frequented by the Gentry of this Town, and others for Exercise and Health; it being (that Part of it especially call'd the Cow-hill, ) a Place of the most wholesome Air about the Town. Of the NUN-MOOR. THE Nun-Moor is that large Piece of Ground that lies on the West of the Town-Moor, between the Thorn-Bush and the Hedge that separates from it the Grounds of Kenton. RICHARD I. confirm'd to St. Mary 's and the Nuns of Newcastle, whatsoever had been given them by Asalack, the Founder of that Hospital; (as is observable in his Charter of the Founding of St. Mary 's) whatever belonged to him, as well in Land as in Money, or Houses; whatever he had acquired and obtained, both within and without the Town of Newcastle, all these he confirmed; and he himself also gave them two Carucates of Land of his own, that they might pray for his Soul. This is supposed to be the Charter for the Confirmation of Nun-field, or as it seems to have been otherwise called Nun-house, in the Town-Moor. And if this Conjecture be true, it is clear that this Asalack gave the Nun-Moor to the Nuns of St. Bartholomew, and not as is commonly reported Adam de Athol. These Nuns were the Occasion of it's being intituled Nun-field, or Nun-house, or the Nun-Moor, as it is called at this Day. IN the Fourth of the Reign of Henry VII. Dame Joan, Prioress of the Monastry of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, in Newcastle upon Tyne, and Convent of the same, granted a Lease of the Nun-Moor for an hundred Years to the Mayor, Sheriff, Aldermen, and Commonality of this Town, under the yearly Rent of one Pound three Shillings and four Pence. Hence it is plain that this Moor belonged to those Nuns, and took it's Name from them. IN the Eleventh of Henry VIII. there was an award between the said Priory and Convent, and William Bennet, Esq Owner of Kenton, about the Bounders of it. IN the Thirty sixth of the same Reign, it was granted to John Broxholm, in Consideration of 1122 l. 15 s. 6 d. and was conveyed by those claiming under him to the Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle upon Tyne. THIRTY Seventh Hen. VIII. upon an Inquisition then taken and returned into the Exchequer of Lands, belonging to Religious Houses, Nun-moor is certified to be within the County of Northumberland. THE other Parts of the Suburbs out of Newgate is a Street that reaches as far as the Barras-bridge, called Sidgate, which consists of Houses very indifferent, most of which are inhabited by poor People; but very sweetly situated, having the Leases or Gardens behind them. Sect. V. Of the Suburbs of PILGRIM-STREET. WE come now to the Suburbs of Pilgrim-street gate; which were also ruinated in the late Civil Wars. But at present it is a very well built Street, having in it some very pretty Houses, such as are the Houses of Mr. John Stephenson, Merchant, Mr. John Morris, Hoastman, and several belonging to Mr. William Graham, &c. THIS Street is the most Pleasant Situation of any within or without the Town. IT stands as it were in the middle of Gardens and Shady Fields, which make it a delicious Place in the Summer Season. IN the upper Part of it, nigh the Barras-bridge, are to be seen the Remains of the Hospital dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, which was vulgarly called, the Maidlein 's. It was seated at the Summit of an Hill, beneath which is the Well called St. Mary Magdalen 's Well, so named from the Hospital, as are also several Fields which to this Day are called the Maidlin Meadows. IT was founded by King Henry I. for a Master, Brethren and Sisters to receive Leprous Folks, and since that Sickness abated, for the poor of the Town in Time of Pestilence. Fourteen within the House were allowed every one a Room, 8 s. per Month, Coals, and Fifteen without, some 8 s. per Month, some 5 s. some 2 s. 6 d. ONE Johannes de bland obiit die mensis proximo ante festum Sancti Michaelis archangeli, hora nona illius diei, anno Domini millesimo Tricentesimo septuagesimo quarto. Cujus corpus humatum est juxta summum altere ex parte Boreali cancellarii, in Capella Beatae Mariae Magdalenae. Lib. Cart. John Bland was the Master of this Hospital in the Reign of Edward III. he was a Man of a fair Character, and good Reputation. It is recorded of him, that he died the Day before the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, or on the 28th of September, in the ninth Hour of that Day, in the Year of our Lord 1374. His Body was buried nigh the High-Altar, on the North side of the Chancel, in St. Mary Magdalen 's Chapel. HE was a great Benefactor to this Hospital, as appears from his Charity and Generosity in the first Year of his Mastership. For whereas Laurentius Acton had the said Hospital in perpetuum, for himself, his Heirs and Assigns, this worthy Man paid for his own Right 40 Marks to the said Laurentius, and the said Laurentius had the first Fruits belonging to the said Hospital, which yearly amounted to the Sum of 200 Marks. ONE Richard Sperman had an annual Pension from the said Hospital of 8 Marks, which Pension the abovementioned Gentleman in the 2d Year of his Mastership bought out for the said Hospital. HE also the same Year freed the said Hospital from an annual Pension, which was payable to Hugo de Mitford. THE same Master of this Hospital, in this same Year following, built in the said Hospital a Consistory, a Stable, and a Bier, and made in the Quire two New Windows facing the South of the said Chapel, besides a Number of other good and generous Charities which he bestowed upon this Hospital. THE same Gentleman proves judicially in the King's Court, that the Mayor and Commonalty of Newcastle upon Tine, did assign, present, and induct the Master of the said Hospital. He was Master of the said Hospital about five Years. IN the Reign of our Lord 1564, in the 6th of Queen Elizabeth, one Edmund Wiseman, Servant to the right Honourable Sir Nicholas Bacon, Knight, and Keeper of the Great Seal of England, obtained by the Procurement of one Cuthbert Bewick, a Burgess and Merchant of this Town of Newcastle, a Presentation from the Queen, of the Hospital of St. Mary Magdalen, lying without the Wall of Newcastle; of which Hospital the Mayor and Burgesses of this Town were the true and very Patrons, and had till then presented Time out of The West-Spittle, the Hospital called the Magdalens, and the Chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr, have been given by the Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle, Time out of Mind. Mind. By Virtue of this Presentation from the Queen, James Bishop of Durham would have inducted the said Wiseman (in the Year aforesaid, betwixt Lammas and Martinmas ) into the Possession of the said Hospital; but the Mayor and Aldermen of the Town having Respect to the Defence of their Patronage, would in no wise permit the said Bishop to give Induction therein: For the Hospital of St. Mary Magdalen was a Donative, and not a Benefice inductible by any Bishop. IN the Year 1569, 15th February, the Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle granted the next Presentation of St. Mary Magdalen, commonly called the Maid enes, to Henry Anderson, Robert Mitford, and Christopher Mitford. IN the Account of Ficket-Tower, there is Mention made of a Great Cross, standing within Maudlin-Barras; and in the Milbank Manuscript it is said, At the End of the Barras -Bridge before the Chapel stood a stately Cross firm and compleat, and This Pigg was a Rebel, a very great Enthusiast, a Monument of his whimsical Head is that Stone-Pillar, a little North of the three Mile Bridge, which every deservedly to this Day, bears the Title of Pig 's Folly. John Pigg in the Time of the Rebellion took it down, and called it Idolatry, and thought to make his own Use of it; but it was broke by some who hated it should be prophaned. This Hospital at the Suppression was valued at 9 l. 11 s. 4 d. LEAVING St. Mary Magdalens, we go forward to the End of this Street, which together with the End of the Street leading from Newgate, meets at the Barras-Bridge. HOW it comes by the Name of Barras-Bridge, Grey gives us no Account. Others have imagined it to be so called, from a Person of that Name, who was its Builder or Benefactor. This Conjecture in my Opinion is a grand Mistake; for we have just now mentioned the Maudlin-Barras, and therefore the Word Barras must imply something else. The Manuscript above mentioned speaking of the Antiquity of St. Andrew 's Church, gives this as a Reason of its being the oldest in Town, because it is next the Barras, which hath been the ancient Barracado of the Town. So then according to this Account, it got its Name from the Word Barracado. This also in my Opinion is a Mistake. For the Word Barrows (for so it should be spell'd) signifies the same as Tinnuli, Hillocks, and sometimes Graves and Sepulchres: And when it is considered, that the Hospital of St. Mary Magdalen was founded for the Reception of Leprous Folks, it is easy to see, that the Maudlin-Borrows are the Tombs or Burial-Places of those that died of the Leprosy in that Hospital; and since the Burial-place it self was nigh to the Bridge, the Bridge got thence the Name of the Barrows-Bridge. The Barras mentioned in the Account of Ficket-Tower are the same Thing; nothing else but the Burial-place of the Franciscan Friars. THE Place of the Maudlin Barrows I take to be the sick Man's Close; for as after the abating of the Leprosy, this Hospital was obliged to take the Poor of the Town in during the Time of the Pestilence; so I question not, but those that died were buried in the ancient Burial-place or Barrows of the Hospital. And since we are certain they were buried in the sick Man 's Close, we may be therefore almost certain, that the sick Man 's Close was the Barrows of this Hospital. THE Barrows-Mill belong'd to the black Friars; and in the Year 1558, paid a Rent to the Town of Newcastle of 2 s. per annum. Lib. Cart. p. 43. THE Chapel on the other Side the Barrows-Bridge was dedicated to St. James the Apostle, and was anciently called St. See Andrew Tower. James 's Kirk. I suppose it was a Chapel of Ease to St. Andrew, for Jesmond and Sandiford, and other Out-parts of that Parish. Sect. VI. Of the Suburbs of PANDON. THE Suburbs out of Pandon-Gate are but very few Houses; but there are Gardens all the Way up the Causeway; two of them are those of Mr. John Simpson and Mr. Charles Atkinson. This Way was within these four Years the pleasantest Entrance into the Town of Newcastle, having Gardens on each Side, beset with Trees of so large a Size and Shade, that they covered the Street itself in several Places. These were cut down for a little unpossest Money, and the greatest Beauty of the Street lost. THERE are in this Street two or three Passages, leading to different Places, which it may not be amiss to mention. After you are out of Pandon-gate, there is one on the left Hand leading to Pandon-Dean, a very Romantick Place, full of Hills and Vales, through which runs Pandon-Burn. It is a very entertaining Walk in the Summer to Magdalen -Well. A little above this is another very narrow Passage on the right Hand, bordering upon Mr. Harrison 's Garden, which leads to a Place called the Garth-Heads, which was a Place of Pleasure and Recreation; but of late it was taken in, and made a common Garden of, by Richard Ridley, Esq the Proprietor of it. HAVING past this Lane, we proceed till we come to the Top of this great Ascent (for such indeed is this Street) and there we meet with two Ways; the one leads to the Shield-Field, the Property of Mr. Charles Clark of Newcastle, which has been already mentioned; and the other to Owse-Burn, which is at present a large Village, occasioned by the Coal-works of Richard Ridley and Matthew White, Esqs &c. IT takes its Name from the Burn that runs through it. The Banks of this Burn are in many Places terribly high, in all Places beautifully Romantick. BEFORE we come to the Suburbs of Sandgate, we must not omit to mention the Keelmens Hospital; it is situated some Distance East of the Town's Wall, between the Carpenters Tower and Sandgate. It is a square Building, done in the Form of Monasteries and Colleges, having its low Walk round it, in Imitation of Cloysters. The Area in the Middle of it, is about 83 Foot broad, and about 97½ Foot long. There are upwards of fifty Chambers in it. Who it was built by, may be learned from the Inscription above the Entrance of it, which is as follows: The Keelmens Hospital, built at their own Charge, Anno Domini 1701, Matthew White, Esq Governour, Mr. Edward Grey, Mr. Edward Carr, Stewards of the Hoastmens Company for the Time being, and Trustees for this Hospital. I have been told, that Dr. Moor, one of the late Bishops of Ely, upon going down the River in the Town's Barge with the Magistrates, observed it, and made Enquiry after it. And being told, that it was built by the Keelmen themselves (every one allowing towards it a Penny a Tide ) he said, that he had heard of, and seen many Hospitals, the Works of rich Men; but that was the first he ever saw or heard of, which had been built by the Poor. 'Tis a great Pity that the Design of its Building is not throughly answer'd; but there are some Miscreants, who would rather starve in Sickness or old Age, than not guzzle a Penny in their Health and Youth. Sect. VI. Of the Suburbs of SANDGATE. THE Suburbs of Sandgate (excepting some Houses nigh the Walls of the Town) we are informed escap'd the Fury of the Civil Wars. This Street has it's Name from it's Situation, which is upon the Sand. For this whole Street as well as the Sandhill, and all the lower Parts of the Town in ancient Times was the Common Sand or Shore of the River. THIS Street has in it a vast Number of narrow Lanes on each Side of it, which are crouded with Houses. It is chiefly inhabited by People that work upon the Water, particularly the Keelmen. The Number of Souls in this Street and the Lanes belonging to it, is computed to several Thousands. ABOUT the middle of this Street is an open Place called the Squirrel, from a little Brook of that Name, which runs through it into the River Tyne, which was the ancient Bounds of the Town of Newcastle. From this, as far as the House of Mr. Jeremiah Cook, Shipwright, is the Street of Sandgate, then we enter St. Ann 's Street, (so called from the neighbouring Chapel) which leads us on to the Ropery, which is a long and pleasant Walk, giving an agreeable Prospect of the River, and a great Part of the Town and Neighbouring Places. What this Ropery was formerly, Grey gives us the best Account. Below East, says he, is the Ballast-Hill, where Women upon their Heads carried Ballast, which was taken forth of the small Ships which came empty for Coals; which Place was the first Ballast Shore out of the Town; since which Time, the Trade increasing, there are many Ballast Shores below the Water, on both Sides of the River; much the same Account is given of this, in the Manuscript so frequently mentioned; the Hoastmen got Leave at first to lead Coals above the Bourn, and that occasioned their Delivery of Ballast upon the Lime-Kiln Road, and the Women bore the Ballast upon their Heads, and made the Ballast-Hills; for the Town had procured all that Shore of the Lords of Byker for that Use, and to build Lime-Kilns upon. ON the North of this Ropery stands the Chapel of St. Ann, which is a a Chapel of East to the Church of All-hallows, which tho' pretty large is yet much too little for the Parish, it being perhaps one of the largest Parishes in the whole Kingdom. WHEN it was originally built I have met with nothing that gives any Account. after the Reformation it was neglected and came into Decay; but the Town in the Year 1682. repair'd it, and settled a Lecturer there, to preach in the Morning, and to expound the Catechism every Sunday Afternoon; which the Town allow'd 30 l. per Annum for; at the Opening of it, after it was repaired, the Rev. Mr. March, then Vicar of the Town, preached the first Sermon, in it, which was Printed, and Intitled, Th' Encaenia of St. Ann 's Chapel in Sandgate. IT has at present two Lecturers, which are paid by the Town, the Rev. Mr. Clayton, and the Rev. Mr. Maddison; to the former the Town pays 40 l. per Annum, and to the latter 50 l. BELOW this to the Glass-house-bridge are the Houses of Ship-Wrights, and Master-Builders, such as Mr. Thomas Wallas, Mr. Roger Durham, Mr. John Lattany, Mr. Cuthbert Preston, &c. THE Glass-house-bridge, so called because of the Glass-houses which are almost contiguous to it, was originally a Wood-Bridge, as the Bridge higher up the Bourn was, 'till within these 6 or 7 Years; but in the Year 1669, when Ralph Jenison, Esq was Mayor, it was made of Stone by Thomas Wrangham, Ship-Wright, on Account of Lands which the Town let him; The Passage however over it was very difficult and uneven 'till the Year 1729, When Stephen Coulson, Esq was Mayor, it was made level and commodious both for Horse and Foot. ON the other Side of the Bridge are the Glass-houses, which in Grey 's Time served most Part of the Kingdom with Window-Glass. SOMETIME in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth came over to England from Lorrain, the Henzels, Tyzacks and Tytorys. The Reason of their coming hither was the Persecution of the Protestants in their own Country, of whose Persuasion they were. They were by Occupation Glass-makers. At their first coming to this Town they wrought in their Trade at the Close-gate, after that they removed into Staffordshire, from whence they removed again and settled upon the River Side at the Place called from their abiding in it the Glass-houses. Deservedly therefore have so many of these Families been named Peregrines from the Latin Word Peregrinus which signifies a Pilgrim or a Stranger. HAVING at last settled here they became very numerous, and generally married into each others Families to preserve the three Names of Henzel, Tyzack and Tytory. But the latter of them within this Few Years became extinct. There are of the Tyzacks several remaining; but the Henzels are most numerous. AS you go from the Glass-house, you come now to the Glass-houses, a large Village, and pass by the Western Glass-house, then to the Crown-Glass-house, then to the middle Bottle-house, then to the middle Broad-house, then to the castern Glass-house. Nigh this last is the House of the late Mr. Peregrine Henzel, the principal Person then remaining of his Family, and one of the Chief Owners of these Works. FROM hence we pass over the Grounds of St. Laurence, to a Place consisting of several Houses, which from a Chapel here situated, dedicated to St. Laurence, is called St. Laurence 's Glass-house, or Mushroom-Glass-house; there is also here a Bottle Glass-house, now held under the Town by Mrs. Middleton, of which Richard Ridley, Esq is an Owner. ST. Laurence 's Chapel, or Chantery as it is called, is said to have been built by one of the Earls of Northumberland. No Doubt that Prayers might be put up for his Soul, and the Souls of his Family. AT the Reformation it had Fate of many Chapels of the like Kind; to have its Revenues disposed of, and itself left to fall into Ruins. IT was dependant upon the Priory of St. John 's of Jerusalem. It was granted to the Town in the 3d of Edward VI. among other Things, in Consideration of 144 l. 13 s. 4 d. Anno Dom' 1558, The Rents of St. Laurence, as follow.   l. s. d. ST. Laurente taken by Lease by John Laverock 7 10 00 THE Fishery of St. Laurence, taken by Mitford 1 13 04 A Close called St. Ann 's Close 0 12 00 A Close called the Conny Close 1 13 04 A Cottage in Kittingworth, in the Tenure of John of Killingworth, and certain Lands in Heaton belonging to St. Laurence. Lib. Cart. 44. NIGH this Chapel of St. Laurence is one of the Waggon Ways, and Steaths of Richard Ridley, Esq for his Colliery at Byker. ONE of the Andersons procured a Shore from the Chapel of St. Laurence, unto the Gate that runneth down the River, towards Lawson 's Land, which was filled by Womens Heads. Milbank. Sect. VIII. Of the Town's BOUNDERS. THE Town Bounders by Land from a small Brook, or Course of Water, called the Swerle, in Time past in the County of Northumberland, and now in the Town of Newcastle, on the West-side of the aforesaid Town, along by the Shore of the Water of Tyne, unto the Fields of the Town of Elswick, in the aforesaid County of Northumberland, by and along the Fields of the Town of Elswick, aforesaid, unto the Fields of the Town of Fenham was heretofore a Village very pleasant and beautiful on Account of it's much Wood; but now much more so because of the very fine House and Gardens of Thomas Ord Esq This Village, or the Royalty of it, belonged to the Priory of St. John of Jerusalem, for we meet with a Receipt from the Prior to the Town of Newcastle, for the Coal Mines of Fenham. Fenham, in the aforesaid County of Northumberland, and so toward the North unto the Fields of the Town of Kenton in the aforesaid County of Northumberland, and along by those Fields unto the Town of The Estate of William Carr, Esq Coxlodge, in the aforesaid County of Northumberland, and so towards the East of the Fields of the Town of Jesmund in the aforesaid County, and by and along the same Fields of Jesmund towards the South, unto a certain Bridge called Barras-bridge, in the aforesaid County of Newcastle upon Tyne, and from the same Bridge in and through a certain Lane in the aforesaid County of Northumberland and Newcastle, leading towards the East to another Bridge called Sandiver Bridge, in the aforesaid County of Northumberland; and from the same Bridge towards the South, in and through a certain Field called Shield-Field, in the aforesaid County of Northumberland and Newcastle, unto a certain Lane or Street in the same County, leading to the aforesaid Water or River of Tyne. THE additional Bounders are mention'd in the second and third Years of King Edward VI. THE Circumference of the Town's Bounders is 10 Miles and 50 Yards. CHAP. XIII. Of the River TYNE. I T remains now that we speak of the River The Tyne seems to have been originally as to the Name of it, Vedra. For the River Vedra is the only River taken Notice of by Ptolomy in these Parts; and we all know that in these Parts the River Tyne is the most considerable. There is indeed a Tyne mentioned by Ptolomy, but that is situated between the Tay and Forth, in Scotland; but neither can that be it, it is too inconsiderable: Nor lastly can it be the River Were, tho' there is a nigher Affinity in Sound between Vedra and Were, than between Vedra and Tyne. For the Vedra is mention'd by Ptolomy as the most considerable River, and 'tis confessed that the Tyne is more so than the Were, or if the Were has any Claim to the Name of Vedra it is only in Conjunction with the River Tyne. Perhaps, says Mr. Horsley, p. 103. Vedra has been the Name of the Tyne and Were. The Tract that now has between the two Rivers, and is bounded on each Side by them, is now called Werewickshire. Tyne, which is indeed a River to be out-done by few in the whole Kingdom, whether you respect it's Haven, it's Commodities, it's Privileges, which have been frequently mentioned, the Prospect of it's Fields, it's Woods and Villages, &c. As to the Haven, it is so deep as to carry Vessels of a considerable Burthen, and of that Security, that they are not in Danger either of Storms or Shallows, save that within a little of the Bar of Tinmouth (which are called by the Sailors the Black-Middens, which are very dangerous;) but to prevent any Mischiefs which may happen to Ships in the Night Time from them, there are two Light-houses maintain'd by the Trinity-House, in Newcastle, and near them in the Year 1672, was built a Fort, called Clifford 's Fort, which effectually commands all the Vessels that enter the River. Mag. Brit. Vol. 3. p. 607. MR. Cambden observes that this Town of Newcastle, for it's Situation and plenty of Sea-Coal, so useful in itself, and to which so great a Part of England and the low Countries are indebted for their good Fires, is thus commended by Johnson in his Poems on the Cities of Britain; Novum Castrum Rupe sedens Celsâ, rerum aut miracula spectat Naturae, aut solers distrahit illa aliis. Sedibus Aethereis quid frustra quaeritis ignem? Hunc alit, hunc terra suscitat ista sinu. Non illum torvo terras qui turbine terret; Sed qui animam Terris, detque animos animis. Eliquat hic ferrum, aes, hic aurum ductile fundit. Quos non auri illex conciet umbra animas? Quin (aiunt) auro permutat Bruta metalla; Alchimus hunc igitur praedicat esse Deum. Si Deus est, ceu tu dictas, Divine Magister, Haec quot alit? Quot alit Scotia nostra Deos, Newcastle From her high Rock great Nature's Works Surveys, And kindly spreads her Goods through Lands and Seas. Why seek ye Fire in some exalted Sphere? Earth's Fruitful Bosom will supply you here. Not such whose horrid Flashes scare the Plain, But gives enliv'ning Warmth to Earth and Men. Ir'n, Brass and Gold it's melting Force obey; (Ah! who's e'er free from Gold's almighty Sway?) Nay into Gold 'twill change a Baser Ore, Hence the vain Chymist deifies its Power: If't be a God, as is believ'd by you, This Place and Scotland more than Heaven can shew. IT is observable in this Place when the Coal Trade is brisk, that all other Business is so too; and when it is otherwise, through the Contracts of the Coal Owners, or of the Masters, that there is a certain Deadness in all Trafick. It is the Money arising from the Coal Trade, that almost entirely Circulates in this great Town and adjacent Country. IT has been observed by Fleetwood Preciosum Chronicon 118. p. some, that Sea Coal has not been in Use above 150 Years, at least not in London; and that when we meet with Coals in old Accounts, it is meant of Charcoal. I can scarce be of this Opinion, if it was but for what the said Authority himself acknowledgeth, viz. that Carbo Marinus, or Sea Coal, is mentioned in Matthew Paris. And in the 1st of Edward III. there is mention made de Carbonibus marithnis, of Sea Coals and the Measure of them. HOWEVER this be, nigh this Town of Newcastle Coals were work'd very early, in a Charter of King Hen. III. dated Dec. 1, 23d of that King's Reign, Licence was granted to the Town of Newcastle, to dig Coals in the Castle-Field and the Frith. IN the Year 1421, the 9th of Hen. V. Two-pence per Chaldron being paid to the King for all Coals sold at the Port of Newcastle, to People not enfranchised; it was enacted that the Keels should be of the Burthen of 20 Chaldrons, and no more, according to Custom; some being of the Burthen of 22, and some of 24 Chaldrons built, to defraud the King of his Customs, and that the Keels should be sealed by the King's Officers. De. reb. 39. QUEEN Elizabeth demanding of the Town the Arrear of 2 d. per Chaldron, which had been neglected for many Years; the Town begg'd her Majesty that these Arrears might be forgiven, and to grant them a Gardner Queen Eliz, Charter. Charter to incorporate a new Fraternity or Brother-hood, to be called Free Hoastmen, for the selling and vending of all Coals to Shipping. And in Consideration thereof they would pay to her Majesty and her Successors, 12 d. for every Chaldron exported from thenceforth to the free People of this Nation; this was taken into Consideration and granted. IN the Year 1644, in the Time of the Civil War, the City of London received a great Advantage by this Town's being taken; for almost two Years by-past, the poorer Sort of People had been almost starved, Coals having risen to the Price of 4 l. per Chaldron, a Price never known before that Time. THIS Place is generally computed to vend upwards of 300,000 Chaldrons a-Year. There are likewise vast Exportations of Lead, Salt, Salmon, and Grindstones, which last Commodity, as Grey says, and is still true, are conveyed to most Parts of the World; according to the Proverb, A Scott, a Rat, and a Newcastle Grindstone you may find all the World over. IT is not in my Power to describe the Number of Arts and curious Machineries that are used in this Affair of the Coal Business; the sinking of Pits, Winning of Coals, Fire-Engines, Waggon-Ways, the Waggons, their managing of them, the Staiths, &c. deserve a more skilful Pen. Thus much however I may venture to say, that those Waggon-Ways, a small Part of the whole Coal Works, may vie with some of the great Works of the Roman Empire. The Right and Title of the Mayor and Burgesses of the Town and County of the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, to the Soil, and also to the Conservation of the River of Tyne. 1st, By Prescription. THE said Mayor and Burgesses have time out of Mind enjoyed the Soil of the said River or Tyne: And all Shores or Keys built upon the said River, are by Virtue of Leases from the said Mayor and Burgesses. AND they the said Mayor and Burgesses have also time out of Mind enjoyed the Conservation of the said River of Tyne. AND for Conservation and Preservation thereof, there has also time out of Mind been holden before the Mayor and Aldermen of the said Town every Monday a Court, in which Court Enquiry is made after the due Conservation and Preservation of the said River of Tyne, by a Jury sworn to present all Nusances done therein, who make Presentments thereof in Writing; whereupon the Offenders are summoned, and if Guilty are punished by Fine or Imprisonment. BUT formerly there has been another Custom for punishing such Offenders as appears by the following Testimonial. A Testimonial of John Philips 's and William Goodwin 's cutting each a Purse in the Town's Chamber, for casting Ballast in the River of Tyne. Villa Novicastri super Tynam. WHEREAS Information upon Oath was given, that John Philips Master of the Mary of Hull, and William Goodwin, Master of the Elizabeth of Wisebidge, did the 5th of this Instant cast Ballast within the 14 Fathom deep, between Sowter and Hartley, to the Damage of the River. They the said Persons being called before us, the Mayor, Aldermen and Chamberlains, with the Master of the Trinity-house, who was then present in the Town Chamber, and did there acknowledge and confess the said offence, and did lay down 5 l. a Piece, which was put into two Purses, which they cut, according to the ancient Custom of this Corporation in such Cases. Henry Dawson, Mayor. Leonard Carr Robert Shafto Thomas Ledgard Thomas Bonner William Dawson George Dawson Ralph Fell, Master of the Trinity-house. Phineas Allin Chamberlains. Thomas Welsh Thomas Young Christopher Ellison Thomas Goftyn THIS ancient Custom of cutting a Purse, &c. was confirmed Anno 1616, by an Order of the King and Council. THEY the said Mayor and Burgesses have also Time out of Mind had a Water Bailiff, who is a sworn Officer, and other Officers whose offices are to search out offences done in and upon the said River of Tyne, and to execute the Orders of the said Court. AND they the said Mayor and Burgesses have also always cleansed the Port from Rubbish, Ballast, and Sand, either brought in by Storms or otherwise, into the said River of Tyne. THE Trinity-house of this Town (which is a Fraternity of Mariners, Free of the said Town) are also frequently employed in discovering Offences done to the said River of Tyne; and where there are dangerous Places in the said River, Buoys and Lights are set, and Persons employed and paid by the said Trinity-House, for looking to, and taking Care of them. 2dly, By Acts of Parliament. IN an Act of Parliament made in the 21st Hen. VIII. Chap. 18. there is an Express Clause, which gives the Mayor and Burgesses Authority to pull down all Wears, Gores, and Engines, in the River of Tyne, between Sparrow-Hawk, and Hedwin-Streams, and in the Preamble of the said Act, it is declared, that the Soil of the River of Tyne, &c. has been Time out of Mind, enjoyed by the Town of Newcastle in their Demesne as of Fee in Right of the Crown. AND also in another Act of Parliament made the 2d of Edward VI. (not printed) It is declared, that for the Maintenance of the said Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, and for the Preservation of the Port and said River of Tyne, all the Sands, called Shores are settled on the Town. AND also by Letters Patents, 31 Eliz. which confirm to the Mayor and Burgesses of the said Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, their Customs which they had by Prescription or otherwise. It is in particular granted to them, to have Jurisdiction of a great many Statutes mention'd in that Charter, and amongst other Statutes, the Statute 34 Hen. VIII. chap. 9. which concerns the Conservation and Preservation of Rivers. 3dly, By Judgments, Records, Inquisitions, Judgment in Quo Warranto, Verdicts at Law, Decrees in the Court of Exchequer; and UPON one Decree there is a perpetual Injunction, which was afterwards confirmed in the House of Lords on an Appeal. JUDGMENT in Parliament 34 Ed. I. where the Prior of Tinmouth having Lands adjoyning to the said River of Tyne at North-Shields, and having built a Shoar there, within the Flood Mark; it was adjudged that it should be removed at the Cost of the Prior. It may not be amiss to give some Account of this Trial. The Contents mentioned In a Plea, at Westminster, in the 20th Year of Edward I. Between the King, and the Burgesses of Newcastle, and The Prior of Tinmouth Quod Dominus Rex habere debeat totum Portum in aqua de Tyne a mari usque ad locum qui dicitur Hedwin-streams, &c. 1st, The whole Port in the Water of Tyne; 2d, His Ovens at Newcastle; The King Dues. 3d, For every Quarter of Corn there baked; 4th, of Custom; 5th, the King, looseth at North-Shields for the Issues of Baking per Annum 10 l. and by the Forestalling of the Market there 20 l. The said Prior also taketh the Wreck of the Sea, which specially belongs to the King. THE King could also take two Tunn of Wine to be chosen behind and before, and every Tunn of Wine for 20 s. of every Ship of Herrings 100 Herrings, &c. all which the said Prior takes at Shields and else where, by which Means the King lost his Prises and Customs due to him; because the same, Merchandizes came not intirely to his due Port of Newcastle. THE Prior also built 4 Ovens at Tinmouth, which were rented at 5 l. 6 s. 8 d. per Ann. and kept a Market on the Lord's Day at Tinmouth. It was also objected to him, that the whole Country and the Mariners applied themselves, and sold their Goods and Merchandizes at Shields, to the King's great Detriment, he receiving no Toll nor other Profits for the same. THE King ought to have the Towage of Ships and Boats, greater and smaller, in the River of Tyne, in going up to Newcastle, and down to the Sea, freely over any Lord's Land, &c. The King ought to have in his Port 4 d. for every Boat that has an Oar, and 1 d. for every lesser one that has none. In Answer, THE Prior said, the Premises did only touch his free Tenement, and he answered, that as for the Wreck of the Sea, the Forestalling of Merchandizes, &c. He and his Predecessors had them by Charter of King John, Grandfather of King Edward I. and so he proceeds to his new Town of Shields. HE said also that he had no Market or Oven at Shields. But as to the Fishers and buying of Fish, he saith, that his Predecessors in their Times have always had their own Fishers fishing in the same Water, for the Maintenance of their House, Toll free, &c. because the Port of the Water of Tyne doth especially and entirely belong to the King, and that they (meaning the Prior and Convent of Tinmouth ) have had certain their Tenants of Shields with their Boats within their Demesnes. AND as for the Market at Tinmouth, he said he claimed none there; but he had a Tumbrel, and had hired Fishers, Brewers and Bakers, and also Shambles there. AS to the Charge of Towage he said, that he never hindered those that exercised any such Office in the Water of Tyne adjacent to his Land, save only at Elstwick or Astwick. HE said moreover, that before and at the Time of making King Richard 's Charter, which was before any Liberties granted to Newcastle by King John, the Priors of this House took and had all the Premises freely and quietly, &c. by virtue of Custom of Liberties granted to them by their said Charter by Land and Water, whereof he found his Church seized, &c. WHEREUPON he demanded Judgment. THOSE who prosecuted for the King said, that the Charter was worth nothing. As to the Wreck of the Sea, they said, no sooner had the Ships applied themselves out of the great Sea into the said Port, and there had the Misfortune to break, then the said Prior taketh the Goods of such broken Ships, both swimming and therein abiding, and Converts them to his own Use; and that the then Prior was seized of ten Tuns of Wine, out of a certain Ship of Peter of Appleby Burgess of York, wrecked in the said Water. AND as to the charging or discharging of Ships and of Merchandizes, &c. they said, that whereas the said Port of Tyne is only the King's, as often as the Prior should do so, the King was manifestly injured, being then, and always before in Seizin and Possession of the said Port. AS to the Town of Shields, they said, that whatsoever small dwelling Houses there had been there, &c. the said Prior (that then was) caused there to be made 26 Houses upon the King's Soil; because they are comprehended within the flowing and Inundation of the Sea, and they demanded the Record of Justice, that the said then Prior alledged that the King therein hath no soil, &c. but that it merely belong'd to him, even to the This is supposed to be the Low-Water Mark. Fill of the Water. THEY also said, that in those Houses at Shields, there were Fishers and Brewers, and Victuallers, &c. so rich that they were able to give Loading and Victuals for 100 or 200 Ships, which ought to apply themselves at Newcastle upon Tyne, and there buy their Victuals for the bettering the said Town. Whereupon they said, that the said Prior is the only Occupier of the King's Soil, and the only Taker away of the said King's Town of Newcastle; and that he the said Prior had 16 Fishers or more, with great Boats, fishing in the Sea yearly for Traffick's Sake only, and not for Maintenance of his House; whereof the King received neither Toll nor Custom. THEY said also, that the said Prior and his Men come out with their Horses and Carriages, and out of such Ships as came thither got Necessaries for themselves, so that most Times Ships and Boats return empty and half laden to other Ports than to Newcastle, aforesaid, whereby the King cannot receive his due Prises and Customs. AND after they said that John of the Vale, I suppose, De le Val, being Judge Itinerant, 7 Edw. I. It was then reported by the Jury, that the Prior of Tinmouth built a Town upon the Bank of the Water of Tyne on one side, and the Prior of Durham levied or built another on the other Side, where no Towns ought to be, unless Lodges only for Fishermen; and that the Fishermen have there sold their Fishes, which ought to have been sold at Newcastle, to the great Hurt of the said Town, and Loss of the King's Prises: And that both the said Priors of Tinmouth and Durham, have caused to be made Brewers, and Fishers, having great Ships, whereas they ought to have but Boats, and have caused Bread to be baked there, which ought to have been baked at Newcastle. IT is inhibited and forbidden the said Prior of Tinmouth, that from thenceforth he should not hold, or cause to be held a Market or Fair in the aforesaid Places, and was determined that the Port within the Water of Tyne, from the Sea to Heddon Streams, is the free Port of the King and his Heirs with it's Prises, Customs, Towages, Tonages, with all other Profits and Commodities incident and belonging to the same, &c. and that neither at Tinmouth nor at Shields Ships are to be laden or unladen. IT was also ordered that 4 Ovens at Tinmouth should pay Damages 5 Marks, and those that took Tonnage and make Forestal, &c. and as to the Wrecks of the Sea, &c. that the King and his Heirs should have them for ever hereafter; as to the Markets and Fairs, that there be not at Tinmouth or Shields any Market or Fair, and that neither at Tinmouth or Shields there be any Sale of Things saleable, as in Meats, Drinks, or any other Things whatsoever, whereby the King, his Heirs and Successors may be made the Worse. IT was also ordered, that the Keys and other Things levied and raised by the said Prior within the Flood Mark on the King's Soil, should be removed at the Costs of the said Prior. Close Roll, 12 Ed. II. Membran. 26. It is recited that the King had given Power and Authority to John Earl of Hamstead, to examine and remove Nusances done to the River of Tyne, and was pleased to recal it, because it was a Prejudice to what the Mayor of Newcastle claimed and enjoyed in the Time of his Predecessors. BY an Inquisition 4th Jan. 25 Hen. VI. the Jury upon their Oath found, that beyond the Memory of Man, the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, had, and held of our Sovereign Lord the King, and all his Predecessors, as Burgesses of the said Town (when there was no Mayor), and as Mayor and Burgesses of the said Town (when there was a Mayor), the said Town and Water of Tyne, and the Soil of the said Water of Tyne, wherever it was covered, from a Place called Sparrow Hawk in the Sea, unto a Place called Hedwin Streams; and that the same, with the Appurtenances were Parcel of the Liberties and free Customs of the said Town, and were held under a Fee-Farm, saving the King's Rents, Prises, and Assessments in the Port of the said Town. THEN they find and set forth Kng John 's Charter, and Confirmation. AND divers other Customs and Privileges belonging to the said Town, are there mentioned, expessed and set forth. IN a Quo Warranto, 5 Car. I. Michaelmas Term, in the King's Bench, the Prescription for Conservation of the River Tyne is allowed. BY the Pleadings in a Decree in the Exchequer, Michaelmas Term, 5 Car. I. Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle upon Tyne, Plaintiffs, Robert Johnson Defendant; and another 10 Car. I. Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle upon Tyne Plaintiffs, and Hilton, Defendant, the Conservancy of the said River of Tyne is acknowledged to be in the said Mayor and Burgesses, between Sparrow-Hawk and Hedwin Streams. Michaelmas 12. Car. I. Decree in the Exchequer against one Anthony Errington, for erecting certain Buildings on certain Waste Grounds on the South Side of the Street called Sandgate, within the Flood Mark of the River of Tyne. Trin. 1694, Bill in the Exchequer, Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle, Plaintiffs, against Dean and Chapter of Durham, and Samuel Shepherd, Defendants, a Trial at Law on the said Bill was directed by the said Court of Exchequer, on these two Issues following; that the Defendants could not lawfully erect and use a Ballast Key or Wharf, at Westoe or Jarrow-Slake, without the Licence of the Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle. THAT the erecting a Ballast Key at Westoe, or Jarrow-Slake by the Defendants would be a Damage to the River. 18 Junii, 1697. Verdict on both Issues for the Plaintiffs. 26 Jan. 1697, after this Trial, the Court of Exchequer did order, adjudge and decree, that a perpetual Injunction should be awarded under the Seal of the Court, to quiet the Plaintiffs in the Possession of their Franchises, Liberties, Powers and Privileges, and to stop the Defendants from erecting any Ballast Shore or Wharfe in Westoe or Jarrow-Slake, unless cause should be shewn on Monday 15 l697, which Cause being continued on the Paper of Causes from Time to Time, after several Debates and Hearings, Feb. 10, 1697, the whole Court delivered their Opinion at large, that the Bill was a proper Bill, and the Issues apt and proper Issues in this Case, and declared they were fully satisfied with the Trial at the Bar: Thereupon it was finally ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court, that the Defendants, and every of them, should be, and were thereby constrained from making and erecting any Ballast Key or Wharf at Westoe or Jarrow-Slake, and that a perpetual Injunction should be granted to stop the Defendants, and every of them, their Successors, Executors and Assigns, and all Persons claiming under them, from making, setting up, or erecting any Ballast Key or Wharf there, at any Time or Times hereafter. 17 Martii, 1697, Dean and Chapter of Durham, and Samuel Shepherd, petitioned and appealed to the House of Lords against this Decree. 7 Maij 1698, On hearing Council at the Lords Bar, on the Petition and Appeal, it was ordered and adjudged by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, that the said Petition and Appeal of the Dean and Chapter of Durham, should be dismissed the said House, and that the Order and Appeal from which they appealed should be confirm'd. IN the 22d James I. a Person was sued for Building some Houses in Sandgate, within the Flood-Mark of the River Tyne, the Consequence of which was, the Defendant was obliged to pull down the said Houses at his own Expence. IN the Year 1631, the Sheriff of Durham was ordered by the King and Council to apprehend Offenders damaging the River Tyne, and carry them before the Mayor and Aldermen, Conservators of the said River. September 9, 1665, Sir Francis Anderson had granted to him a Lease for 1000 Years, from the Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle upon Tyne, of all that Parcel of Ground within the Territories of Winlington, between High and low-Water Mark, in length from East to West 1254 Yards, and in Breadth from low-Water Mark, in length from East to West One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Four Yards, and in Breadth from low-Water Mark One Hundred and Twenty Yards, with Liberty to build Keys and cast Ballast, upon paying 2 d. per Ton for all Ballast cast thereon. THE Bounds of the River Tyne, belonging to the Town of Newcastle, have been from the Day they had any Charter to this Day, from the Sparrow-Hawk to Hedwin Streams, which is about 14 Miles. TO begin at Hedwin Streams, and so go down the River, taking Notice of the Villages, &c. 'till we come to the Bridge. Hedwin is a Village situated on the North Side of the River seven Miles: It seems to have been originally a Roman Station, for the Word in the Saxon signifies a Military Wing, and the Roman Wall goes close by it. RYTON, a Village situated on the South side of the Tyne, distant about 7 Miles from Newcastle, is adorned with a fair Church, which had the Honour to have for its Rector the very learned Dr. Cave, who was succeeded in it by Malin Sorsbie, Master of Arts, a religious Man, and an excellent Scholar. He was Father to the present Alderman Sorsbie, late Mayor of this Town. The next Incumbent of this Church was Dr. Finny, who built the stately Parsonage House there; and the present one the Rev. Mr. Secker. NEWBURN is a Village distant fron Newcastle about 4 Miles, and situated on the North side of the Tyne. It is of great Antiquity, as appears from the following Relation. COPSI, the first Earl of Northumberland, after the Conquest, was constituted such by the Conqueror, for that Part of the Province that lyeth North of the River: Whereupon he drove Osulph, whom Merker, the younger Son to Algar, Earl of Chester, the last Earl of Northumberland had substituted there. AT length Osulph, whom he had so driven, being necessitated to betake himself to the Woods and Deserts for Refuge, gathered some Strength, and forcing Copsi, for Safeguard, to fly to the Church of Newburne, set it on Fire, and when Copsi (to save himself from the Flames) came out, did cut off his Head at the very Door, on the 4th of the Ides of March, in the 5th Week after he had the Administration of these Parts; but the very next Autumn this Osulph was himself slain by the Hands of a Robber. Bar. Dugdale, p. 54. Vol. 1. KING Henry I. granted the Church of this Place to St. Mary's of Carlisle, and the Canons of the same. WALDENUS Parsona de Newburne, was one of the Witnesses to the Foundation Charter of St. Mary 's in Westgate, about the Reign of Richard I. THIS Manour belong'd to the Crown, 'till Robert Fitz Roger, sirnamed de Clavering, from his Manour of Clavering in Essex, obtained a Grant of it from King John, Reg. 5. To hold to him by the Service of one Knight's Fee, which upon levying the Scutage of Wales, 13 John, he paid. His Posterity enjoy'd this Manour long after, for Robert de Clavering, who had Summons to Parliament from the 23 of Edward I. to 3 Ed. II. died possessed of this Manour of Newburne, and left it to his Son and Heir John de Clavering, who despairing of having any Issue Male, settled this Manour, and some others, by Way of Feossinent, upon one Stephen de Trafford, to the Intent that the said Stephen should reconvey them to the said John, to hold for Life, with the Remainder to King Ed. I. and his Heirs. The King soon after it came to him, gave it to Henry Percy, the Ancestor of the Earls of Northumberland, in whose Family we find it 42 Edw. III. for Henry Earl of Northumberland died about that Time seized of this Manour, with divers other Estates, and leaving his Wife Joan surviving, this Lordship with its Members, was assigned to her for her Dowry among several others. After her Decease it continued in the Percy 's Family divers Successions, and was in the 5 Hen. V. settled upon Elizabeth, the Relict of Henry Earl of Northumberland surnamed Hotspur for Life, and after her Decease passed to her Son Henry, who died seized of it, and other great Estates, 33 Hen. VI. fighting for whom he lost his Life at the Battle of St. Albans in Hertfordshire. King Edward IV. having by this Victory gained a sure Possession of the Throne, Henry Earl of Northumberland, his Son and Successor, lost his paternal Estate, by being attainted in Parliament, 1 Edward IV. and as the major Part of his Estate was given by that King to his Brother George Duke of Clarence, as is above specified, so this Manour of Newburn, and Newburn -Haven, were granted to Sir Robert Ogle, in Consideration of his many faithful Services, being soon after made a Baron of the Realm. DR. Smith, late Bishop of Carlisle, finding the Vicarage of this Place to be small, and not able to maintain a Minister, made an Augmentation of 25 l. a Year to it since the Restoration of King Charles II. Magn. Britan. Vol. 3. p. 673. THIS Manour is now Part of the Estate of his most noble Grace, Charles Duke of Somerset. THE next Village to it is Stella, a little below Newburn, on the other Side the Water. Here is a magnificent House and Gardens, which belonged to the Lord Widdrington, which became forfeited to the Crown in the Year 1715, for his entring into the Northumberland Rebellion. This Place originally belonged to the Nuns of Newcastle; it is now chiefly inhabited by Coal-Workers, and has Staiths in it. THERE are many other Villages on the Sides of this River, such as Blaiden, Lemmington, Swalwel, Delaval, Redheugh, &c. Several of them have Staiths belonging to them, such are the Staiths of the Lady Clavering, Sir Henry Liddel, Baronet, Richard Ridley, Esq George Liddel, Esq Edward Wortley Montague, Esq George Bowes, Esq George Pitt, Esq George Malliber, Esq Mr. John Simpson and Mr. Joseph Ledger. THERE is a little Island in the Midst of the River, called, The King's Meadows, which is a delicious Place, and a great Ornament to the River. LET us now come below Bridge, to take Notice of a few Things there. Gateshead presents itself first, a Town in the Bishoprick of Durham; it stands on the South-side of the Tyne, opposite to Newcastle, and is a Place of great Antiquity. Mr. Cambden thinks it a Place of equal Antiquity with Newcastle, because of it's ancient Name Gabrosentum; but I have already proved it more rational to believe it to have been only it's Suburbs. THERE was an ancient Monastry here in the Time of Bede; which was the Monastry of Utanus, it was where Mr. Riddle 's House, or Gateshead House is as it now stands. ON the 14 of May, 1080, Walter Bishop of Durham was murdered at this Place. The Occasion of it was, this Walter attending more wordly Affairs than the Charge of his Flock, gave himself altogether to Temporal Business, wherein he wholly occupied himself. He bought of the King the Earldom of Northumberland, and then making himself a secular Judge, took upon him to sit in the Court, and to determine all Causes at his Pleasure, dealing withal very corruptly, and taking still the Course that might be most for his own Gain. Hereupon he greatly enriched his own Coffers, but purchased unto himself extreme Hatred amongst the Common People, which was his Destruction in the End. There was a certain Gentleman, of great Account, named Leulfus, that married Algitha, the Daughter of Aldred, sometime Earl of Northumberland, from whom the Lord Lumley that now liveth is lineally descended. This Leulfus, to the end he might live near the Church in his latter Time, and for very Devotion, came to Durham to dwell there, and kept Company very much with the Bishop, who loved him entirely, for many good Parts he saw in him, as namely, his Wisdom in discerning, his Equity in deciding, and his Discretion in ordering and handling such Causes as he committed unto him; in which Respect also he used him very familiarly, employed him often, and gave him what Countenance he could. Now, you shall understand, that unto the same Bishop belonged two Men, unto whom for the most Part he committed the ordering of all his Affairs; Leofwyn or Leobwyn his Chaplain, whom he trusted with all Houshold-Matters, and Gilbert, a Kinsman of his own, that dealt in his Causes of Temporal Government. In their Offices they behaved themselves so, as the Bishop had Cause to commend their Diligence, but to blame their Rashness and Wilfulness in many Things, which notwithstanding he bore withal, either because their Industry and Care of his Affairs, so blinded his Eyes, as he could not espy their Misbehaviour otherwise, or else being loath to detest them whom he had once advanced. These Men, and especially Leofwyn, did greatly envy the Credit that Leulfus had gotten with the Bishop, and every where opposed themselves against him, not only in Words, traducing his Actions, but in Deeds also, thwarting and crossing his Endeavours, whereby it came to pass, that many Jars fell out between them. One Day amongst the rest, a Court being held in the Presence of the Bishop, Leofwyn or Leobwyn (for so also I find him called) according to his wonted Manner, gave Leulfus ill Speeches, which he not enduring to bear, as heretofore he had done (furor fit saepius laesa patientia) answered this sawcy Chaplain somewhat more roundly than he had been accustomed. Whereupon he rose straight from the Court in great Indignation ( Leofwyn I mean) and calling Gilbert aside, with little ado persuaded him to carry a certain Number of armed Men to the House where Leulfus lay, and in a Night to kill him; which indeed he performed with great Cruelty, murdering not only the innocent Gentleman himself, but also his Servants and whole Houshold. The News of this horrible and outragious Cruelty coming unto the Ears of the Bishop, amazed him very much, and suspecting it was done by the Advice of Leofwyn, turning about unto him: O Leofwyn, saith he, thou hast already slain me by thy Tongue. So not doubting it would breed much Danger unto him, he got into his Castle, and presently dispatched Messengers unto the Friends and Kindred of Leulfus that was slain, protesting, that the Fact was committed without his Knowledge; that he was marvellous sorry for it; and if any Man suspected him, would be ready to submit himself to any Order of Law, whereby he might clear himself. Herewith they seemed to be satisfied; but for Conclusion of a firm Peace amongst them, it was thought fit they should meet and consider of the Matter. They met at a Place called Goats-Head; the Bishop for his better Safe-guard betook himself unto the Church with his Company; the People (whereof an infinite Number were gathered together) abode without. Messages a while past between them; but the more the Matter was debated (being very odious of itself) the more the People were incensed. At last it was told them, how not only Leofwyn, but also Gilbert had been harboured in the Bishop's House, and afforded Countenance by him since the Murder; which being once heard (and it was true enough) they all cried out, it was manifest that the Bishop was the Author of this Fact. It is furthermore delivered by Matthew Paris, that the Bishop not only before this, amongst many intollerable Exactions laid upon the Country by him, had commanded the Sum of 400 l. to be levied at this Time. That being also remembred, while as all the People stood in a murmuring, doubting what Course to take, one of some special Regard amongst them slept up, using these Words, Short read, Good read, slay ye the Bishop. Hereupon, without more ado, they ran all unto the Church, killed so many of the Bishop 's Retinue as they found without Doors, and with horrible Noise and Outcries, bid him and his Company to come out unto them. Too late then he repented, that he had committed himself unto the Fury of a discontented Multitude, with whom he knew himself before that Time nothing gracious. But to make the best of a bad Match, and to try all Means of ridding himself from the Danger imminent, he persuaded his Kinsman Gilbert, there present, to go forth unto them, if happily his Death (which doubtless he had deserved) might satisfy their Fury, and purchase Safety unto his Lord and Master. Gilbert was content, and issuing out, with divers of the Bishop's Company, were all slain, except only two Englishmen, Servants unto the Bishop (all the rest were Normans ). They being not yet satisfied, he besought Leofwyn (whose Life he knew well was principally sought) to go out also. But he utterly refused so to do. The Bishop therefore going unto the Church-door, entreated them not to take his Life from him, protesting himself to be utterly guiltless of the Blood of Leulfus; and shewed them at large, how dangerous it would be to them in particular, and what Inconvenience would follow to the whole Country in general, if they should defile their Hands in shedding his Blood, an unarmed Priest, a sacred and consecrated Bishop, their Ruler, their Governor, their Magistrate. Hoping, Lastly, That his very Countenance, his Gravity, his Age, and the Sight of his Person might move them to Compassion (for he was indeed a very reverend Man to see to, very tall of Stature, Head and Beard as white as Snow, his Face fresh and well coloured, and every Way very personable, he went out, carrying a green Branch in his Hand, that so he might testify his Desire of Peace. When he saw that all this availed not, and the People ran furiously upon him, he cast his Gown over his own Head, in like Sort as we read Julius Caesar did in the like Case, and permitting himself to their Fury, with innumerable Wounds was pitifully massacred, together with all his People and Retinue, to the Number of an hundred; only Leofwyn yet remained within the Church, and being often called, would not come forth; so they set the Church on Fire. Not enduring the Fire, he leaped out of a Window, and was immediately hewn into a thousand Pieces. The Monks of Yarrow came and fetched away the Bishop's Body (which they found stark naked) and could hardly know it for the Multitude of Wounds; they carried it to their Monastery, from whence it was conveyed to Durham, and there buried on the South-side of the Chapter-house, but secretly, for Fear of the Murderers, that roved up and down the Town, and once assaulted the Castle. When they found that they could not prevail there, they dispersed themselves, and for the most Part came to evil and unhappy Ends. The King in the mean Time hearing of this Tumult, sent his Brother Odo Bishop of Bayan, with many of his Nobles, and a great Army, to take Punishment of this Murder, which while they sought to revenge, they brought the whole Country to Desolation. Those that were guilty prevented the Danger toward them by Flight, so as few of them could be taken; of the rest that stayed at Home, some were unjustly executed, and the rest compelled to ransom themselves to their utter impoverishing and undoing. The chiefest Doer in this Outrage, was one Eadulsus, sirnamed Rus, descended of the Earls of Northumberland, who (as some say) slew the Bishop with his own Hands, and afterwards by the just Judgment of God, was himself slain by a Woman, and his Body, tho' once buried in the Church of Godworth, was taken up by the Commandment of Turgost, Prior of Durham, and forbidden Christian Burial. At this Time Odo took away from the Church of Durham certain Ornaments of great Value, amongst which is especially remembred a certain Crosier of inestimable Price. In this Bishop's Days, and by his Endeavour, secular Clerks were displaced, and the Church of Durham replenished with Monks, the Pope, the King, and the Archbishop allowing this Alteration, Goodwyn, Fol. 637. AFTERWARDS this Church was new built, and placed where it now stands: For, according to Tradition, it stood before in the Field below where Brick-Kilns now are. THIS Church of St. Mary 's, Gateshead, is in the Gift of the Bishop of Durham; but once, during the Vacancy of the See, it was given to Robert de Plesuys; the Value of it then was 26 Marks per Annum. IT is at present a very neat pretty Church, being exceeding well pew'd, having a small Organ, and a Ring of eight Bells, which were last Year founded by Contribution, &c. IT has had several worthy Men its Ministers, such were Dr. Laidler, John Cave, M. A. Dr. Tully, Dr. Pickering, Leonard Shafto, M. A. The Reverend Mr. Stilling fleet, who was inducted Anno 1731. removed to Ryton in 1733, and is succeeded in this Church by Mr. Lamb the present Incumbent. THERE belonged to this Church the Hospital of St. Edmund, which was founded by Nicholas Bishop of Durham, as appears by the following Charter, and Order for its Foundation and Government. Fundatio Hospitalis S. Edmundi apud Gatesheved. OMnibus praesens Scriptum visuris vel audituris, Bertramus Prior & Conventus Dunelmensis Ecclesiae, aeternam in Domino Salutem: Noveritis Nos Cartam venerabilis Patris nostri D. Nicholai, Dei gratia, Dunelmensis Episcopi, in haec verba inspexisso: Omnibus Christi fidelibus, praesentem Cartam inspecturis vel audituris, Nicholaus, Deigratia, Dunelmensis Episcopus, aeternam in Domino salutem. Sciatis Nos de assensu Capituli nostri concessisse, dedisse, & hac Carta nostra confirmasse, Deo, & beato Edmundo Confessori, & quatuor Capellanis, in Capella quam construximus apud Gatesheved, in honorem ejusdem, Deo ibidem in perpetuum servituris, totam villam de Ulkistan, tam in dominicis quam in servitiis, Villanis & eorum sequelis, cum bosco & cum molendino, cum secta & soca, & cum omnibus aliis pertinentiis suis, sine aliquo retenimento. Dedimus autem & concessimus eisdem Capellanis, & successoribus suis, in perpetuum, totum vetus Dominium de Gatesheved, cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, & cum Boskello quod vocatur Benchelm, continente quadraginta & tres Acras per istas divisas, viz. inter terram arabilem S. Trinitatis & viam, quae ducit usque Farnacres tendente ad pratum. Dedimus & concessimus eisdem Capellanis, & eorum successoribus, in perpetuum, viginti & novem Acras terrae de Eschaeta nostra, cum pertinentiis suis in Aluresacyres, habendas & tenendas Deo, & beato Edmundo Confessori, & dictis Capellanis, & eorum successoribus, in perpetuum, de Nobis & successoribus nostris, in liberam, puram, & perpetuam Elemosinam, sicut aliqua Elemosina liberius vel quietius dari potest vel teneri. Sed ne ista nostra Collatio, in tam pios usus facta, speciem alienationis continere videatur, in compensationem tam modici damni subscripta Ecclesiae Dunelmensi reversura, quae quidem propriis sacultatibus & industriis adquisivimus, eidem Ecclesiae nostrae in perpetuum adsignavimus, viz. sexdecim acras terrae cum pertinentiis, in Steindrop, una cum Advocatione Ecclesiae ejusdem, & sexdecim acras terrae cum pertinentiis in Winston, una cum Advocatione Ecclesiae ejusdem. Item quinque Bovatas terrae cum pertinentiis in Thymelby, cum Bosco, & cum Homagio & servitio Wil. de Kolevile & heredum suorum in cadem, in perpetuum. Item triginta & quinque acras terrae, cum pertinentiis, in Creyk, emptas de Roberto de Raskelf. Item totam villam de Herdwyck, juxta Stockton, quam emeramus de Galrido de Herdwyck, excepto valore excambii, quod ei fecimus in Dominio nostro de Bradewood. Item quadraginta Marcas annuas de Ecclesiis venerabilis fratris Domini Sylvestri, Karlconensis Episcopi, & Prioris ejusdem, in Northumbria, toto tempore ipsius Episcopi, & post ejus cessionem, vel decessum, sexaginta Marcas. Item Advocationem Ecclesiae de Stamfordham in Northumbria. Quare volumus & firmiter praecipimus, quod praedicti Capellani, & eorum successores, qui pro tempore fuerint, totam praedictam villam de Ulkistan, tam in dominicis quam in servitiis, villanis & corum sequelis, cum bosco & cum molendino, cum secta & soka, & cum omnibus aliis pertinentiis suis, & totum vetus Dominium de Gatesheved, cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, & cum praefato Boskello quod vocatur Benchelm, & etiam praedictis viginti & novem acris terrae cum pertinentiis in Alursacress, habeant & retineant in liberam, puram & perpetuam Elimosnam, in omnibus & per omnia, sicut praedictum est in perpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium, praesenti scripto sigillum nostrum fecimus apponi. Testibus Dominis & Magistris Johanne de Rumesbye, Philippo de S. Helena, Willielmo de Blokelepo, Odone de Kyllenny, Willielmo de Hurtheworth, Johanne Forti, Galfrido de Forseth, Marco de Sancta Cruce, Ricardo de Farnham, Roberto de Sancto Albano, Johanne le Grass, Roberto de Bokynham, Rogero de Ponte curvo, Johanne Cilet, Waltero Seilby, Rogero de Winton Capellano, Henrico de Sumero, Willielmo de Sadberge, Ricardo Basseth, Willielmo de Karlawc, Radulpho Fermin Clerico, & multis aliis. NOS ergo dictam Cartam dicti venerabilis Patris nostri Domini Nicholai Dei gratia, Dunelmensis Episcopi, ratam & gratam in omnibus habentes ipsam Sigilli nostri munimine duximus confirmandam. Teste Capitulo nostro. Ordinatio Hospitalis Sancti Edmundi in Gatesheved. OMnibus hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris, Bertramus Prior & Conventus Dunelmensis Ecclesiae salutem aeternam in Domino. Noveritis Nos Cartam venerabilis Patris nostri Domini Nicholai, Dei gratia, Dunelmensis Episcopi, in haec verba inspexisse. Omnibus sanctae Matris Ecclesiae filiis, ad quos praesens scriptum pervenerit, Nicholaus, Divina Gratia, Dunelmensis Episcopus, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Etsi ascripti obsequiis Creatoris ipsius proferre laudes in pace deberent & quiete, inimicus tamen, qui huic adversatur nomini, zizaniam non cessans seminare per ministros suos, & excrescentem malitiam secularem ad hoc sedulo suas vires ponit ingenii, ut, quod ad laudem Dei & Divini nominis cultum fidelium devotio ordinaverit, ad nihilum redigat, & irremediabili confusione perfundat: Hujus Nos astutae calliditati occurrere cupientes remedio salutari, ne incertus aut inordinatus vivendi modus sempiternum inducat torporem, statuimus & ordinavimus, ut in Capella, quam apud Gatesheved ad honorem Domini nostri Jesu Christi, in nomine beati Edmundi Confessoris, & gloriosi pontificis Cuthberti, fundavimus, dedicavimus, & dotavimus, pro salute animae nostrae, predecessorum & successorum nostrorum, quatuor Sacerdotes bonae vitae & conversationis honestae sint perpetuis temporibus ministrantes, viz. Presbyter, cui custodiam contulimus Capellae antedictae, & omnium spectantium ad eandem, quamdiu vixerit, cum tribus aliis Sacerdotibus eidem Presbytero associandis; tali vero adjuncto tenore, ut diebus singulis, in perpetuum, matutinas & caeteras horas canonicas simul cantent, ac per unum sacerdotem de die, per alium de beata Virgine, per tertium, de beatis Confessoribus Edmundo & Cuthberto, quartum vero, pro anima nostra, predecessorum & successorum nostrorum, & omnium fidelium desunctorum, quatuor missae quotidie celebrentur, cum Commendatione, Placebo & Dirige. Praedicti vero quatuor Sacerdotes in eadem mensa comedent, & in eadem Camera quiescent, nisi alicujus infirmitas ad tempus inter illos aegrotum manere non permittat. Praedicti vero tres Sacerdotes praedicto Magistro domus & suis successoribus erunt obedientes, & ab co singillatim, viginti solidos sterlingorum, una cum mensa honorabili percipient annuatim, ad providendum sibi in Vestibus & aliis necessariis. Si quis illorum, diabolico instinctu incontinens, vagabundus, aut alias vivens inordinate, & per Magistrum, qui pro tempore fuerit, monitus, in malitia perduraverit, per eundem Magistrum absque requisitione Superioris amoveatur; quo amoto, sine majore dispendio alius Sacerdos substituatur. Ad haec quidem capellam Trinitatis, & ad sustentationem ibidem neque seculariter neque religiose viventium assignata fuerit sustentatio modica & exilis, ut intelligatur quam bonum actu & quam jucundum habitare Fratres in unum, de Consensu Prioris & Conventus Dunelmensis, & illorum, qui ibidem habitare consueverant, capellam praedictam cum suis pertinentiis capellae praenominatae quam fundaverimus, praesata auctoritate consolidavimus. Ordinavimus etiam & statuimus, ut Episcopi Dunelmenses, qui pro tempore fuerint, sint Patroni, Advocati, & Defensores praedicti loci, & omnium spectantium ad cundem, & quod per ipsos Magistri perpetuis temporibus instituantur, Presbyteri tamen & suo prospectu in loco praedicto residentes. Si tamen Magister aliquis sive Custos institutus in regiminé Domus negligeus fucrit, aut alias inutilis inveniatur, per Episcopum Dunelmensem qui pro tempore fuerit amoveatur, & idoneus sine mora Regimini Domus praeficiatur. Si vero custodum aliquis qui praedictae Domui laudabiliter praefuerit intantam debilitatem morbo incidiat vel Aetate, quod propter ipsius impotentiam Alius ibidem praeficiatur; Amotus a Regimine ex causa honesta de bonis Domus in vitae necessariis sustentetur, dum tamen aliunde non habeat unde possit sustentari, & hoc idem de Sacerdotibus observetur, qui casus inciderint antedictos. Si autem bona ad sustentationem praelibatam a nobis assignata eidem pia Fidelium consideratione praedicto loco assignanda, ad uberiora bona facienda suffecerint in Elemosinis & operibus misericordiae. Qui Regimini domus deputatus fuerit taliter studeat erogare, ut in diserati judicii examinatione ut fidelis Dispensator a Judice supremo cum electis ex fructu bonorum operum vitam capiat sempiternam. Nulli ergo homini liceat hanc Ordinationem nostram infringere, vel ei ausu temerario contraire; Si quis autem hoc attemptare praesumpserit indignationem Omnipotentis Dei & Sanctae Genetricis ejusdem, & Sanctorum confessorum Edmundi & Cuthberti & omnium Sanctorum noverit se incursurum. Et ad majorem Securitatem hujus tenoris, Nos Ergo dictam Ordinationem dicti venerabilis Patris Dom'i Nicholai divina gratia Dunelmensis Episcopi gratam & ratam in omnibus habentes ipsam sigilli nostri munimine duximus confirmandam. Teste Capitulo Nostro. Creatio Jo. de Appilby in Magistrum Hospitalis S. Edmundi per Tho. Hatfield Dunelm' Episc. THomas Permissione Divina Dunelmensis Episcopus, dilecto nobis in Christo filio Magistro Johanni de Apilby Jurisperito salutem, gratiam & benedictionem. Tuis meritis exigentibus Nos que ad id moventibus Virtutum gratiis quibus te novimus insigniri, Te in Magistrum, Rectorem, & Custodem perpetuum Domus seu Hospitalis de Gatesheved nostrae Dioces. vacantis & ad Collationem seu Provisionem nostram pleno jure spectantis praefecimus, Te que per Annuli nostri traditionem praesentialiter investimus de eadem, Administrationem tibi omnium bonorum dictae Domus plenam & liberam committentes. In cujus. — &c. Dat' in manerio nostro de Aukland die 20 mensis August, A. D. 1353. & Consecrat. nostrae 9. Compert' quod Isabella quae fuit Uxor Joh. de Birkley obiit seisata in Dominio suo de uno messuagio & Sexaginta acras terrae in Kyoleche quae tenetur de magistro Hospitalis S. Edmundi in Gatesheved. PHILIP Bishop of Durham, in the Reign of Henry II. granted to the Burgesses of Gateshead several Privileges, as appears by what follows. PHILIP by the Grace of God Bishop of Durham, to all Men of the whole Bishoprick, and of his Brotherhood in all England, he saluteth. Know ye, that we have granted, and by his present Deed have granted to our Burgesses of Gatesheved, full Liberty of Forestage, yielding in every half Year, from Pentecost to the Feast of St. Martin; for a Wheye or Ox, the which goes to Grass, 2 d. and for a Horse 2 d. and for every Hog 1 d. in respect of all Things that they have to proper and necessary Uses; saving these prohibited. Neither shall it be lawful for any Forester within the Meats that are appointed within our Forest and Burrough to Tax Lands upon any Burgess, or upon any Manner of Thing of the said Borough, or upon any Oxen, or any other their Cattle, or by any Ways to hinder them, either of their Wood, Timber, or any other Things. And if any Suit or Trouble shall be between the Foresters and Burgesses, it shall be determined in the said Burrough, if it may be; if not, then in our Presence it shall be determined. And the Cattle of any Burgess shall not be carried out of the said Burrough, but there shall be replevied, if the same may be replevied. To the same Burgesses it shall be lawful to have Herbage, and lying Turfs and Bruery to their own proper Uses, wheresoever they are accustomed to have the same, so that they sell us Part thereof. And if any Burgess do dig Turfs for his Chimney, not having Oxen; if for the Leading of Turfs they shall be forced to have Oxen, nevertheless in giving for all or every Ox, which they shall need 2 d. of Forestage, they shall be freed. And it shall be lawful for every Burgess to give Wood to whomsoever he will, to be spent about the River of Tyne, without any Licence; but not to sell any without Licence of the Foresters. And no Forester shall disturb any Merchandize that cometh within the said Meat. And every Burgess of Gatesheved shall have of his Burgage the same Liberty, which the Burgesses of Newcastle have of their Burgages. And whithersoever the Burgesses of Gatesheved, or their Cattle, shall come within our Land, in the Peace of God and Blessed St. Cuthbert, they shall pass, that no Man to them shall do any Injury, or any Demand or Exaction of them shall require. We do grant also to the same Burgesses, that they shall have Common of Pasture and like Parts of Feeding to all their Houses, and all Commodities which they ought to have of Subtwell Meadows, as they were wont to have; as in Deeds of good Memory of our Predecessors reasonably is contain'd. IN the 7th of Edward VI. the Mayor and Burgesses of Newcastle petitioned the King, that the Town of Gatesheved in the County of Durham, adjoining to their Corporation, only the River of Tyne between, being populous, and without Government, and often committing many Outrages in their Town, and then got over the Water into the Town of Gatesheved unpunished; and that often they cast Rubbish into the River; and also that the Bridge went to Decay very much, which belonged to that Town; humbly beseeching, That his Majesty would be graciously pleased, to incorporate that Town with them, under their Government, with all its Members, and Salt-meadows, and Park; and that it might be quite taken from the County of Durham, and all the People therein to become subordinate to their Laws. WHEREUPON it was enacted, the whole Town of Gatesheved, with the Salt-Meadows, the whole Water and Bridge, with all the Liberties thereunto belonging (except the Common which should remain to the Inhabitants) should be incorporated with Newcastle, and disjoined from the County of Durham, as Newcastle was from Northumberland by Charter, Gardener, p. 169. FIRST Mary, so soon as Bishop Tunstal was created Bishop of Durham, he petitioned her Majesty, to restore Gatesheved to the County of Durham again, and that the said Act 7th Edward VI. might be repealed; and it was repealed accordingly, and enacted, that the Town of Gatesheved should be free from the Corporation of Newcastle, &c. Gardener, p. 175. ON the same Side of the Tyne, a little below, are the Fields called the Salt-Meadows. IN going down the Water, we meet with several Staiths, such are the Staith of Richard Ridley, Esq and Matthew White, Esq at the Glass-House Bridge; the Staiths of Richard Ridley, Esq at St. Lawrence and St. Peter 's Keys, of Walter Blacket, Esq and Mr. John Wilkinson; of Francis Rudston, Esq and of Edward Wortley Montague, Esq We meet also with several Keys, such are Winkemley, Bill-Key, Willington-Key, Hebbourn-Key, &c. WE meet also with several Villages, such are Dents-Hole, St. Anthon 's, Snowdon 's Hole, Howdon Panns, Jarroiv, &c. WHEN the Hoastmen renewed their Charter, they had Licence to send Coals above the Bill, and Mr. Coal procured a Shore at Friar-Goose, Mr. Henry Chapman procured a Shore upon Hewith -Grounds; and Mr. Robert Brandling with much ado got Leave to build a Shore upon his own Ground at Fellin. In the mean time, the Tenants of the Dean and Chapter at Durham, took Liberty to throw their Ashes into the River, which did much Damage to the Bar. Upon this Mr. Leonard Carr, and Mr. Cuthbert Bewick complained, and the Town caused them to lay them upon the Land, of which they have made mighty Heaps. WHEN King James I. came to the Crown, he was pleased to be bountiful to his Countrymen; amongst the rest, Sir Henry Gibb being one of his Officers, he bestowed upon him the Lordship of Jarrow and he would have procured a Shore there to cast Ballast; but altho' he had the Favour of the King, yet the Town used such Means, and gave such Reasons to his Majesty and the Council, that they found it detrimental to the Town, and especially to the River, so that he was utterly hindred and disappointed. BUT after the Death of King Charles I. Thomas Bonner, and Robert Ellison got in to be Magistrates; and these Men having gotten Wealth and Increase by the Rebellion, did purchase Jarrow; and what could not be done before in a lawful Time, they did bring to pass at this unlawful Juncture, building a Shore, and casting Ballast, to the great Detriment of the River: And having the Town at Command, Mr. Bonner bought St. Anthony 's, and Robert Ellison bought Hebbourn, and there they both built Shores, and got the Allowance of the Common Council, when they were beyond Resisting: And since that, Mr. Carr, a Man that deserved well of his present Majesty [ CHARLES II.] and the Town, hath procured, that his Brother Ellison (for old Ellison 's Son married his Sister) should have Liberty to erect his Shore to a great Length, which in Time will utterly overthrow our Navigation; for they will damn out the In-draught, which maketh Rivers far off the Sea be walled out; it will go by, and not come in: And some ancient and discreet Masters of Ships have said, They have not left a Birth to save their Ships in, when any Land-stood or Storm happens in the River. Milbank. THE next Place Jarrow, or Girwy, as it was anciently called, which is a small Village on the South Side of Tyne, about 4 Miles distant from Newcastle, famous for a Monastery of learned Men, but more so for the Birth, Life, and Death of venerable BEDE; so named for his singular Sanctity, who was born of mean Parents, and at seven Years of Age deliver'd to the holy Abbot St. Benedict to be educated in his Rule, and being come to Age he professed a Monastick Life in the Abbies of Weremouth, and Girwy, where he became by his constant Application to his Studies, so compleat a Scholar, that few in that Age, (which bred many very learned Men) were to compare to him, for he was perfectly knowing in the Greek and Latin Tongues, and no less perfect in Poetry, Rhetorick, Logick, Physicks, Metaphysikcs, Astronomy, Arithmetick, all Ecclesiastical Calculations, Musick, Geometry, Cosmography, History, Philosophy, and Divinity. In short, he had an exact Knowledge of all commendable Sciences, insomuch that William of Malmsbury thus describes him. He was a Man that may more worthily be admired than commended; for he was born in an extream Corner of the World, yet the Light of his Learning spread over all Parts of the Earth, he continued a most diligent Learner 'till he was thirty Years of Age, after which being ordained Priest, he betook himself to Teaching and Writing. All the Hours he had to spare from the Monastical Excerises of Prayer, and Singing in the Choirs by Day and Night (in which he was constant and very devout) he most diligently spent in his Studies, so that his Life was a continual Intercourse between Devotion and Study, he never repairing to his Study 'till he had been at Prayers, nor ever went to Prayers but from his Studies, by which continual Application he penetrated into all Sciences. In his continual Deportment he was so grave and serious, that the Title of Venerable was bestowed on him while he lived, and ever continued to him after his Death. It appears from History that he had at one Time those great Lights of the Church, Alcuinus, Preceptor to the Emperor Charlemaign, and Claudius and Clemens, the Founders of the Universities of Paris and Pavia for his Scholars. THIS Character is fully verified by the Books of all Sorts of Learning writ by him. At the End of his Works he gives us a modest account of his own Life, together with a Catalogue of his Principal Works. Henry of Huntington gives us also a large Catalogue of his Writings, too long to be set down here: Yet we cannot omit some of the Principal Works, viz. AN incredible Number of Treatises upon all Parts of the Old and New Testament, many of which are still to be found in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. ABOVE an hundred Homilies, and many Pieces of Divinity and Devotion. A Small Book of the Holy-Land. A Chronicle from the Creation. A Book of the Writers of the Church. A Martyrology. AN Epitome of the English History. OF the Scituation and wonderful Things of Great Britain. THE Lives of many holy Men and Abbots, with many others of all Sorts of Learning. THIS most excellent Person, being grown old in the Study of Learning, and all Christian Virtues, grew weak and decripit for a Time, and at length on the Tuesday before Ascension, his Distemper grew so heavy upon him, that Nature yielded to it, and he died on Ascension Day, in the seventy second Year of his Age; But others say the Ninetieth, Anno 734, and was buried in his Monastery, but afterwards his Body was translated to Durham. Magn' Brit' vol 3d, p. 750. NOR is it to be admired that he should become so learned in his Monastery, for in former Ages the greater Monasteries were like Universities, wherein not only Humanity, but all the Liberal Sciences, Philosophy, and Divinity were taught; in the Year 697, he received Deacons Orders from the Hands of John Bishop of Hexham afterwards called St. John of Beverley, and in the Year 706 he was ordained Priest by the same Bishop. AMONG the several Ways of accounting for his Epithet of Venerable, it has always been esteemed the most pleasing, though perhaps not the most true Account, of what is said to have happened after his Death, viz. that one of his Scholars designing to make his Epitaph in Hexameter Verse, which began thus, Hac sunt in Fossa, and was willing to make it end Presbiteri ossa; But it would not do, at last being tired out he fell asleep, and in the Morning to his great Surprize he found it stand thus, Hac sunt in Fossa, Bedae venerabilis Ossa. Here lies entomb'd within these Stones, Of Venerable Bede the Bones. Portus Ecfridi sinus qui a Tina ad Girwi penetrat. Penetrabat & interius usque ad Bilton, pene tres Pass. millibus Super Girwi, quo Antiquitus & Naviculae pervenerunt. Fluviolus hunc sinum intrat. ANNO Higbaldi 7. ( viz. 788.) Dum Pagani portum Ecfridi Regis, hoe est Girwi, vastantes, monasterium ad ostium Tini amnis depraedentur, dux corum ibidem crudeli nece interiit. Leland 's Collection, Vol. II. p. 328. In English thus. Ecfrid's Haven is a Gulf which penetrates from the Tyne to Girwi. It penetrated also more inward as far as Bilton, almost 3000 Paces above Girwi, where also little Sloops or Ships formerly came. A Rivulet enters Gulf. IN the Seventh Year of Higbald, (viz. 788.) whilst the Pagans laying waste the Haven of King Ecfrid, that is Girvi [Jarrow] Pillage the Monastery at the Mouth of the River Tyne [Tinemouth], their General there suffered a cruel Death. DUGDALE in his Monasticon, speaking of Jarrow Monastery, and of the Abbot St. Benedict allows venerable Bede to be educated by him, but compleated his holy Works und Ceolfrid: He says too, that this Monastery was so ruined by the Danes entering the Tyne, that scarce the Footsteps of it remained. THIS Monastry was valued at the Suppression at 38 l. 14 s. 4 d. THERE are still some Ruins of the Monastery to be seen, and upon the Church Wall, when and by whom founded, may be learnt from this Inscription, which is legible to this Day in the Church Wall. Dedicatio Basilicae S. Pauli VIII. K. L. Maii Ann. XUI. Ecfridi Reg. Ceofridi A BB. Ejusdem que Eccles. Deo Auctore Conditoris Anno IIII. NOW the great Churches when the saving Light of the Gospel began to Shine abroad in the World (for it is not impertinent to note thus much) were called Basilicae, because the Basilicae of the Gentiles, namely those stately Buildings where the Magistrates held the Courts of Justice, were converted to Churches by the Christians; whence Ausonius, Basilica olim negotiis plena, nunc votis, i. e. the Basilica full of Business heretofore, but now of Devotion or else, because they were built in an oblong Form as the Basilicae were. IN the Inscription the XUI should be XU. for King Elfrid reigned no more than 15 Years; and so (indeed) Sir James Ware has given it in his Notes upon Bede 's History of the Abbots of Weremouth. But it ought not from this Inscription to be inferred that Ceolfrid was the Founder of this Monastry, since it appears from Bede 's Account, that he was only constituted first Abbot of the Place by Benedictus Biscopus who sent him hither (with a Colony of Seventeen Monks) from Weremouth. Cambden 's Britan' p. 780 and 784. IN this Church is to be seen a very ancient Chair which (Tradition says) was the Chair of venerable Bede. THE present Vicar of Jarrow is the Rev. Mr. Robert Wilson. SOME Years ago, upon the Banks of the Tyne was discovered a Roman Altar, the Figure and Description whereof take here as it was delivered to the Royal Society, by the ingenious and learned Dr. Lister. Fig. 1. Fig. 5. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. I have, says he, in his Letter to the Royal Society, with much Trouble, got into my Hands a Piece of Roman Antiquity, which was but a very few Years ago discovered upon the South-bank of the River Tyne, near Sheilds, in the Bishoprick; it is a very large and fair Roman Altar, of one intire Stone; but after all my Cost and Pains, I am very sorry to find the Inscription very ill defaced, and much of it is not legible, and I believe it has been also much mishandled by those who have endeavoured to read it; whereas if the Remainder of the Letters had been exactly measured, and the Face blacked, and lightly washed off again, as in Prints, some Things more might have been spelled. As to the Nature of the Stone itself, it is of a coarse Rag, the same with that of the Pyramids at Burrow-Briggs; it is four Foot high, and was ascended to by Steps, which appeareth in all the Sides; but the Front has two Square-holes near the Bottom, which let in the Irons that joined it to the Steps. I have carefully designed it on all its Sides, and given the Plan of the Top also, which if you please, we will survey in Order. 1. THE Back-side, opposite to the Inscription, on which is engraven in Bass-Relief, a Flower-Pot, furnished I suppose, with what best pleased the Stone-Cutter; for these Men needed not be more curious than the Priests themselves, who were wont to make Use of Herbs next Hand, to adorn the Altars, and therefore Verbenae is put for any Kind of Herb; yet if we will have it resemble any Thing with us, I think it is most like, if not truly Nymphaea, a known and common River Plant. 2. ONE of the Sides; which is somewhat narrower than the Front or Back, On this are engraved in Bass-Relief, the cutting Knife (Cecespita) and the Ax (securis); the Knife is exactly the same with that on the other Altar, formerly by me mentioned in the Philosophical Collections of Mr. Hook; but the Ax is different, for here it is headed with a long and crooked Point, and there the Head of the Ax is divided into three Points. 3. The other Side, on which are engraved after the same Manner, an Eure (Urceolus) and a Ladle which serves for a Sympullum. This I call rather a Laddle than a Mallet, it being perfectly Dish-wife, and hollow in the Middle, altho' Cambden is of another Opinion in that elegant Sculpt of the Cumberland Altar; and the very same Utensil I have seen and noted on the Ickley Altar, which is yet extant at Middleton-Grange, near that Town; but the Stone which Cambden says supports a Pair of Stairs there (as at this Day it does in the very Road) is but an ill Copy of it, and not the Original. 4. THE Plan of the Top, which is cut in the Figure of a Bason ( Disons or Lana ) with Ansae on each Side, consisting of a Pair of Links of a Chain, which rest upon, and fall over two Rowles; and this was the Hearth. 5. THE Front, which hath an Inscription in nine Lines in Roman Letters, each Letter a little more than two Inches deep of our Measure, now remaining as in the prefixed Sculpture, Fig. 5. which I would read thus: Dis, Deabusque Matribus, pro Salute M. Aurelii Antonii Augusti Imperatoris votum solvit lubens merito ob reditum. The Deae Matres are well interpreted by Seldon. It is much his Safety and Return both vowed, should be so separated in the Inscription; but I have not Gruter by me, to compare this with the like. Caracalla say the Historians, Ziphilinus, Herodianus, &c. after his Father's Death at York, took upon him the Command of the Army alone, and the whole Empire; he went alone against the Enemy, who were the Caledonii, inhabiting beyond the Wall which his Father had built, he made Peace with them, received their Hostages, slighted their fortified Places, and returned. And this seems to be confirmed by the Inscription; for undoubtedly, upon this last Expedition alone, without his Brother Gera and Mother, was this Altar erected to him alone, at a Place about two Stations on this Side the Wall; so that the Vow might be as well understood of his Return from this Expedition, as for his Sasety and Return to Rome, which methinks should be true, or his Mother and Brother Geta would scarce have been left out, at least so early, for yet the Army declared for them both, according to their Father's Will. FURTHER, it seems also to have been erected by those who flattered him, and who were afterwards killed by him; and for this Reason, the Persons who dedicated it, seem to me to be Purposely defaced, the sixth and seventh Lines of the Inscription being designedly cut away by the Hollowness of them, and there not being the least Sign of any Letter remaining. And this I suppose might be Part of their Disgrace, as it was usual to deface and break the Statues and Monuments of Persons executed, of which this Monster made strange Havock; and since worn Inscriptions admit of various Readings, because some Letters are worn out, and some more legible, whereby unprejudiced People may conceive them diversly; I will therefore tell you another reading, Part of these two first Lines, which I do not disallow, but that it will agree well enough with the History of Severus, tho' his Apotheosis, or solemn Dedication was not performed till he came to Rome, in the Manner of which funeral Pomp Herodian is very large; it was of that excellent Antiquary Dr. Johnson of Pomfret. CONSERVATO RI. B. PRO SAL. &c. Which shews the Height of Flattery of those Times; so that they paid their Vows to the lately dead Father the Conservator of Britain, for the Safety of the Son: And the Story tells us, how gladly he would have had him made a God long before, even with his own Hands. Cambden Britan. in the Additions to Durham, p. 784. BELOW this are the Towns of Shields, one on the North Side of the River, and the other on the South. That on the North Side in the Reign of Edward the 1st, (when the Contest was between the Town of Newcastle, and the Prior of Tinmouth ) was a Place where only 5 or 6 Fisherman had their Cottages, and it's but of late Years that it became a large Town and so populous. The Church-belonging to this Place was begun to be built in 1659. SOUTH Shields is more famous for making Salt than North Shields, there being much the greater Number of Salt Pans; it is also a pretty large Town, and has a Church which going to decay, is about to be rebuilt. It is a Chapelry to Jarrow, and dedicated to St. Hilda. WE come now to the Mouth of the River Tyne, which is a Haven so deep as to carry Vessels of a considerable Burthen, and of that Security, that they are not in Danger either of Storms or Shallows, save that within less than half a Mile of the Bar of Tinmouth, (which is a Sand that lies cross the River's Mouth, not above 7 Foot deep at Low-Water) you meet with many Rocks which are called by the Sailors the Black Middens, which are very dangerous, but to prevent any Mischiefs which may happen to them in the Night Time, there are two Light-houses, maintained by the Trinity-house in Newcastle, and near them in the Year 1672, was built a Fort, called Clifford 's -Fort, which effectually commands all the Vessels that enter the River. LELAND in the 4th Volume of his Collections, gives us the following most valuable Remark of a Roman Station on the South Side of the Tyne, the Place of the Birth of King Oswyn, for says he. E Regione Tinemuthae suit Urbs vastata a Danis Ursa nomine, Ubi natus erat Oswinus Rex. TINMOUTH called by the Britains, Pen Ball Cragg. i. e. the Head of the Rampire upon the Rock, from whence some maintain, that the Ditch reached as far as this Place, if the Wall did not; Mr. Cambden says, that he will not gainsay this Opinion, but adds, that he dares confidently Affirm, that this Place in the Time of the Romans was called Tunacellum, which signifies as much as the Promontory of Tuna or Tina, where the first Cohort (called Aelia Classica, because it was first raised by Aelius Hadrianus, as the Name seems to import) was in pay for Sea Service; for the Romans had their Naves Lusoriae, or light Frigates in their border Rivers both for the suppressing the Excursions of the neighbouring Enemy, and making Incursions upon him, as may be seen in the Codex Theodosii, under the Title De Lusoriis Danubii, i. e. Light Vessels on the Danube. UNDER the Saxon Heptarchy this Place was called Tunaceltep, not as Bede affirms, from the Abbot Tunna, a mere romantick Story, which, if we recommend to the Reader, it must be only for his Diversion, and not for any Truth in it, but from it's Situation on the River Tyne. Here was anciently a little Monastery, which was frequently plundered by the Danes, while the Saxons ruled. Magn. Britan. p. 693. AFTER the Decease of Oswyn, those that had killed him brought his Body to the Mouth of the River Tyne, and there buried it in the Oratory of St. Mary 's, in the Year 631. IN this Place a Number of illustrious Persons had gathered together, who in a regular Order attended divine Worship; who thereby acquired such Honour and Esteem, that when any one died of more than ordinary Reputation, whose Funeral was to be solemnized with more than common Honour, he was usually buried here. THIS Monastery was destroyed by Hinguar and Hubba. The Monks through Fear of Persecution, fled to a certain little Church of their own, which St. Cuthbert had dedicated; but the Danes finding them out, burnt it and all that were in it. AFTER that William the Conqueror had given to Robert Mowbray the County of Northumberland, the Earl shewed a deal of Respect to St. Oswyn, and the Church he was buried in (for the Church was founded within the Precincts of his Castle). He gifted it with a Number of Lands, and placed in it Monks which came from St. Albans, and yet it is said by some that Tosti Earl of Northumberland laid the Foundation of this Monastery; but it's much more probable it was the former, because he brought the Monks from St. Albans; but it will appear a great deal more likely when we come to the following Grant or Charter of William Rufus, for making of it a Cell to Willielmus Rex Anglorum T. Archiepiscopo & W. Dunelmensi Episcopo, & omnibus Baronibus suis Francis & Anglis salutem. Sciatis me dedisse & concessisse Deo & Sancto Albano Ecclesiam de Tynmotha & omnia quae ad eam pertinent in terris & Decimis & consuetudinibus in Nort de Tyne & in Suth de Tyne, & in Anglia, cum omnibus quae Robertus Comes Northumberland, & sui homines dederant sancto Oswino antiquam mihi soris factus esset. Et volo & precipio ut Sanctus Albanus habeat praedictam Ecclesiam cum omnibus ad eam pertinentibus cum pace & honore & omni consuetudine jure perpetuo Testibus Eudone Dapifew, & P. de Valonis, apud Novum Castrum. St. Albans, because that he says, cum omnibus quae Robertus Comes Northumberland & Homines sui dederant sancto Oswino, &c. KING Henry I. confirmed all that had been given to this Monastery, that is, what had been given by Robert Mowbray, namely, the Tythes of Colebridge, Ovington, Wylam, Newburn, Dissington, Calverdon, Elstwye, Bothall, Werkworth, Anebell, Roubyr, and Wullour. DAVID King of Scots in a Charter dated in the Year 1138, granted to the Church of St. Mary and St. Oswyn, the Martyr of Tynemouth, and all belonging thereto his Peace for ever, the Peace of his Son, and that of all his Servants, threatning all those who should act otherwise with the Loss of his Favour for ever; on Condition the Religious of this Monastery prayed for the Souls of his Father and Mother, and of King Alexander his Brother, who to this Church had granted a firm Peace, and for the Soul of Matilda Queen of England, his Sister, and for the Souls of all his Ancestors and Successors. KING Henry II. gave to it Egleringham, Bewick and Lilleburn. KING John confirmed to this Church all their Possessions, being the Town of Tinmouth, Seaton, Preston, Chirton, and another Chirton, Millington, Whitley, Erdeston, Backwell, and another Backwell, Seghal, Morton, Bebesete, Disslington, and another Disslington, Wulsington, Bewick, Egelingham, Lilleburn, Anibel, Hovekslaw, Estwick, Wylum, Weltedane, and Half the Town of Copun, Carleberry, and Morton in Haliwerkstock, and the Land of Royely, and Demuni; also the Churches of Tinmouth, Wodeburn, Whalton, Bolum, Bewick, Egelingham, Kertburn, and Cunesline; likewise Hereford upon Blyth, and the Tithe of Hyrenes, Middleton upon Theyse, Corbigg, Rouber, Werkewuril, Wollour, and Newburn, with all the Mills. THE Grant of Richard Bertram confirms the Grant of the Tithe of Bothal. The Charter of King Edward III. restores and confirms to this Monastery all its Privileges, Immunities, and Possessions. Dugdale p. 42. THIS Monastery being afterwards fortified, and turned into a strong Hold, was called Tinmouth -Castle; which Name it still bears, and as such, glories both of its Stateliness and Strength; (for as an ancient Author speaks) it is inaccessibly seated upon a very high Rock towards the Ocean on the East and North, and elsewhere, so well mounted, that a slender Garrison may make it good. For this Reason, Robert Mowbray, Earl of Northumberland, when he practised with certain Noblemen to dethrone William Rufus (because he had not rewarded him according to his Expectation, for slaying Malcom King of Scots, and his Son) but was set upon by the King before Things were ripe for Rebellion, chose this Castle for his chief Hold, and maintained it for some Time against the King and his Forces; but being at length brought into great Straits by the Besiegers (as Rebels seldom meet with Success) he fled, and betook himself to the adjoining Monastery, which was accordingly commonly reputed an holy and inviolable Sanctuary; nevertheless he was carried off thence, and afterwards, in a long and noisome Imprisonment, justly suffered Death for his Treason. Magn. Britan. Vol. 3. p. 694. JOHN of Whethamstede, thirty third Abbot of St. Albans, was so called from the Place of his Birth, a Village near St. Albans; but the Name of his Family was Bostock; he was a Monk of the Priory of Tinmouth, and gave, after he came to be Abbot, a Chalice of pure Gold, and of great Weight, to that Priory; his Character can't be better drawn up, than in Stephen 's Monasticon, from whence we have this Account: Contegit iste lapis venerabilis ossa Joannis Wethamstede, Abbas hic qui fuit ejus in annis, Ter doctus, doctos & amans, &c. That is: This Stone covers the Bones of the Venerable John Wethamstede, who was Abbot here in his Time, most learned, a Lover of learned Men, and kind to them. He did not connive at any Faults in the Clergy; he was as zealous as Phineas against lewd Persons, and as John against Adulterers, and even as Peter against Simoniacks. He was so great a Repairer of old tatter'd Houses and Marks, that none past exceeded him in that Particular, or is there any equal to him. He is recorded to have left behind him Ten thousand Marks clear. Do you the Convent of St. Albans hourly pray for the Soul of him that loved you. THIS famous Monastery, which was of the Benedictines Order, and consisted of a Prior and fifteen Monks, was suppress'd Jan. 12th, in the 30th Henry VIII. It was valued at 397 l. 10 s. 5 d. per annum. KING Henry VIII. converted the Castle into a Defence and Fortification against foreign Invasions. THE Ruins of the Monastery are still to be seen in the Castle, near which also was the Parish-Church; but that being gone much to Decay, and the Parishioners in the late Civil Wars being often debarred of the Liberty of a free Resort to it, another was begun to be re-built in the Year 1659; and being afterwards finished, was consecrated by Bishop Cosins in the Year 1668. In the former Church we may suppose it was, where Malcom King of Scots, slain with his Son Edward Prince of Scotland, by Robert Mowbray Earl of Northumberland, was buried. This King Malcom had barbarously plundered and ravaged these Northern Parts five Times, once in Edward the Confessor's Days, twice in the Conqueror's, and twice in William Rufus 's; in the last of which Invasions he met with his Fate, by that just Providence, who often retaliates Wrongs in the Place they are done, as he found; for he was killed in this Country, where he had slain and destroyed many: But King William did not prosecute his Revenge further, as he might have done with Success, but established his Son on his Throne, notwithstanding the Endeavours and Design of his Uncle Donald to deprive him of it, which he had done, had not King William aided him to obtain it. JOHN of Tinmouth was born in this Town, and is said to have been the Vicar of it, but afterwards became a Benedictine Monk in the Abbey of St. Albans; he was a most virtuous Person, and excellently learned, entirely addicted to the Study of the Holy Scriptures, and of sacred History. He gathered the Lives and Actions of the Saints of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, with great Judgment and indefatigable Labour, which Work he entituled, Sanctilogium servorum Dei, i. e. The sacred History of the Servants of GOD. Nor did he deserve less Commendation for his Expositions of the Holy Scripture, in which he not only explains the literal Sense, but the moral, allegorical, and tropological; his Commentaries were upon all the Books from Genesis to the Kings inclusive. He wrote also other Books, as Church-Lessons, The Golden History, and a Supplement to the same, an Appendix to his Martyrology, &c. He flourished about the Year 1366. THE Church has perhaps been a Building of as much Art and Curiosity, as any one in the whole Kingdom; nay, when we behold it at present, in the Midst of Ruins, we are struck with Aw, and the utmost Veneration; whether it is a Reflection on the extensive Charity of ancient Days, the surprizing Fineness of the Masonry, or whether there is something naturally moving in those ancient Remains; but so it is, that it never fails to command a solemn Aw, and a silent Commiseration. TINMOUTH at present is a pretty large Village, and is much resorted to in the Summer-Season, it having the Prior's Haven in it, which is a most convenient retired Place for Bathing. CHAP. XIV. Of the Government of the Town. W HATEVER Government was in this Town in the Times of the Saxons and Danes; it is certain, after the Conquest it was governed by Bailiffs; for tho' the Castle had Privileges of its own, yet it left those of the Town as they were, and without any Damage, as shall by and by be shewn. In the mean Time let us consider a few Things relating to this Place. 1066. TOSTON, Earl of Northumberland, Son of the great Earl Godwin, and Brother of Harold, having by his great Cruelties and many Acts of Injustice highly exasperated the Northumbrians, they took up Arms against him, and expelled him Northumberland, in 1063, in the Reign of Edward the Confessor. Harold being ordered to go and chastize them, and restore his Brother, and understanding that they had no design of withdrawing their Obedience from the King, but only from an unjust and cruel Governour, who exercised over them a Tyrannical Power, he not only interceeded for their Pardon, but procur'd them Morkard, Son of Alfgar, Duke of Mercia, for their Governour. Toston, highly incensed at his Brother's Proceedings, and not having it in his Power to vent his Fury on him, he turned it on some of his Domesticks, whom he caused to be cut in Pieces, then to be barrel'd up, and sent to his Brother for a Present. After so barbarous an Action, not daring to stay any longer in England, he retired into Flanders to Earl Baldwin his Father-in-law. Upon Harold 's being made King, after the Death of Edward, Toston, in 1066, with some Ships, probably given him by the Earl of Flanders, infested the English Coasts, and plunder'd the Isle of Wight. From whence he went and landed some Troops at Sandwich; but being inform'd the King was marching towards him, he set sail for the North, and entring the Humber with his little Fleet, he made a descent on Yorkshire, and committed vast Ravages. But Morkard coming upon him unawares, being then got into Lincolnshire, put his little Army to Flight, and compelled him to betake himself to his Ships: Being drove by contrary Winds on the Coasts of Norway, he applied himself to Harold Harfager King of that Country, and by many Arguments represented to him how easy it was to conquer England, and add that Crown to his own. The King of Norway, whose Ambition was easily persuaded by the other's Arguments, accompanied with Earl Toston, put to Sea with a Fleet of 500 Sail, and entered the Tyne. After having sack'd the Countries on both Sides the Tyne, they put to Sea, and entring the Humber, landed their Forces on the North Side, and ravag'd the Country with iriexpressible Cruelties. Harold march'd against them with all the Expedition possible, and came up with them at Stanford-bridge, on the River Derwent, a little below York. Here a most bloody Battle was sought, which lasted from seven in the Morning 'till three in the Afternoon, wherein Harfager and Toston were both slain, and Harold obtain'd a compleat Victory. This Battle was fought October 5th, 1066, but nine Days before the Battle at Hastings. Vide Malmsbury and M. Paris. WILLIAM the Conqueror laid waste the whole Province of Northumberland. Sax. Chron. p. 174. 1069 MALCOLME, King of Scots, came into England with a great Army, 1079 and laid waste the Land of the Northumbrians, as far as the River Tyne, and slew many Hundreds of Men; and carried of them to their Own Country a great deal of Riches and Treasure, beside Captives. Gib. Sax. Chron. p. 180. THE Castle was founded as has been before observed by Robert the Son of the Conqueror. 1080 ROBERT Mowbray Earl of Northumberland, revolting against King William Rufus, the King went and besieged him in Banborrough Castle. 1095 Sometime after, Mowbray going out upon a false Information, had the Misfortune to fall into the Hands of the Besiegers. Odericus Vitalis says, Some Soldiers belonging to Newcastle upon Tyne promis'd to give him Entrance into that Town, if he would come thither privately with a few Followers. Upon which he went out one Night with 30 Soldiers, but being betrayed by his own Men, was pursued and taken by the Garrison of Malvoisin, i. e. bad Neighbour, being a Fortress built by the King near Banborrough, and so called by him, because it took away all Possibility of throwing any Succours into the Castle. IN this King's Reign, Malcolme III. King of Scotland, came to Gloucester to the King, to commune with him about sundry Matters, that related to the Peace of both Realms; but not being received and entertained in the pompous Manner he expected; he returned into his own Nation in Displeasure, and immediately getting his Army together, entred England, and destroyed the Country as far as Alnwick Castle, which he besieged and so straightned, that it was upon the very Point of Surrendering; a Soldier having promised to deliver up the Keys upon the Top of his Spear, which while he pretended to do, he stabbed the King with it. At the same Time Robert Mowbray, Earl of Northumberland, lay in Ambush for the Return of the Scots, who upon the Loss of their King, lest the Siege, and being going homeward fell into the Ambush, and were many of them slain, and amongst them Edward Prince of Scotland. Thus did Providence revenge upon King Malcolme, the many Ravages and Cruelties he had exercised upon the English, in this King's, his Father's, and the Confessor's Reign. He was buried at Tinmouth, and his Son by the Aid of William Rufus obtained his Throne. Magn' Britan. Vol. III. p. 623. AGAS, Mother to Margaret, Queen of Scotland, and Christian, her Sister, became Nuns at Newcastle upon Tyne, after that King Malcolme was killed at Alnwick. WILLIAM King of Scots entred into England, having many Flemings with him, and won the Castles of Appelby and Burgh, and after he won Prudehow Castle, Robert de Stoteville, Randolph de Mandeville, Bernard Baliol, (of whom Bernard 's Castle took it's Name) and William de Vesy, came to Newcastle, and took King William Prisoner, and sent him to London; and King Henry took William with him into Normandy, and imprisoned him in Roan. KING William was afterwards delivered at York for the Ransom of 4000 l. — Souldiers of the King's going with him again towards Scotland, fought with the Commons of the Town of Newcastle at the Very Bridge for certain Displeasures; and there was Sir John Perith, Knt. slain, and other Esquires belonging to the Constable and Marshal. Leland 's Coll. Vol. II. p. 531, 532, 533, 550. 1136 IN the Second Year of King Stephen, many of the English out of hatred to him secretly invited David King of Scotland, to revenge the Injuries done to the Empress Matilda, who was his Neice, and to whose Succession both Stephen himself, and he, had sworn in the Reign of her Father, Henry the first, upon which David suddenly invaded the Frontiers, and as the Chronicle of Mailross acquaints us, miserably waisted all Northumberland, and took both Carlisle and Newcastle, which he filled with Garrisons. Against those King Stephen marched with a powerful Army; and concerning this War, there are divers Reports, yet all agree, that in no long Time, a Peace was concluded, by which David still enjoy'd Carlisle, and his Son Henry the Earldom of Huntington, for which he did Homage to King Stephen; but his Father refused to do the same, alledging, that he had already given his Faith to the Empress Matilda. Eachard. Oct. 25th, 1154, the King dy'd, and was succeeded by Hen. II. 1156 THIS King made at Chester a very Advantageous Treaty with Malcolm, King of Scotland, who yielded up to him Carlisle, Newcastle upon Tyne, and Bamborough -Castle, resting satisfied with the Earldom of Huntington, which Prince Henry his Father had held. Paris. Hovden. The Restitution of these Places, says Rapin, was doubtless no more than what was just; since David, Grandfather to Malcolme, had caused them to be adjudg'd to him by Treaties, at a Time when Stephen minded more his own private Interest, than the publick Good of the Kingdom; but in all Appearance, Henry 's great Power contributed more than any Thing else to the bringing the King of Scotland, to this Temper. AFTER these Things, we meet with some Accounts of this Place; for we are told, that King Henry II. confirm'd their Estates to them, and exempted them from Tolls and Duties: It is therefore a Mistake in some, who say, the Town had no Privileges till the Reign of King John. And besides, in the third of King John 's Reign, which was above ten Years before the Town had a Charter from that King, the Town had great Privileges; for the Men of Newcastle upon Tyne (as is mentioned in that Year in the great Roll of Northumberland ) paid 100 Marks and 2 Palfreys: So having the Town in their Hands by the old Farm, to wit (as is there said) 50 l. and 10 s. of Increase, for Confirmation of their Liberties, which they had by the Charter of Henry the King's Father. De reb. Novocast. 1173 IN the Controversy between King Henry II. and his ungrateful Son Henry, Roger Mowbray and Hugh Bigot procured William King of Scots to invade England; upon which the Scots King laid Siege to Carlisle; but not taking it in so short a Time as he expected, he past into Northumberland, which (as the Mailross Chronicle inform us) he destroy'd in a great Measure, and butcher'd Numbers of its Inhabitants. After this he sat down before Alnwick, with a Design to take it; in the mean Time, Robert de Stateville, Ralph Glanvel, William Vesy, Bernard Baliol, and Ordinet Umfreville, who lay then at Newcastle with a Force of 400 Men, heard that the Scots King besieged this Town; whereupon they resolved to try the Chance of War, and raise the Siege; but before they could arrive there, the Scots King despairing to take it, broke up the Siege, and suffer'd his Men to plunder the open Country. Whilst they were doing this, the English came suddenly upon them, and after a short Resistance, took the King of Scots himself, and some others, and returned to Newcastle with a triumphant Joy. Mag. Brit. Vol. 3. p. 624. THE King dy'd July 6th, and was succeeded by his Son Richard. 1189 HUGH de Pudsey Bishop of Durham, 1192 created Earl of Northumberland, the 8th of that Honour. THIS Bishop died March the 3d. 1195 PHILIP de Pictavia, or of Poitiers, a Favourite of King Richard, 1195 was elected in his Stead, December 30th, 1195, and was this Year, May the 12th, consecrated by the Pope. ON April the 6th, the King died, and was succeeded by his Brother John. 1199 PHILIP Bishop of Durham died; 1207 he was a great Heartner of the King against the Pope, for which the Pope excommunicated him, together with the King. He died before he was absolv'd, April 22d. This Bishop by the Licence of King Richard, set up a Mint at Durham 1196, and began to coin Money. KING John commanded William King of Scots, 1209 to meet him at Newcastle, and they met each other at Boyelton. Then the King of Scots went on, and the King of England came as far as Norham; and in going and returning, bore his own Expences at Alnwick. A little after they both came to Newcastle, where they had a Conference; but they parted, without doing the Business they came about. THIS King in the 14th Year of his Reign, 1212 granted and confirmed to the Burgesses of Newcastle upon Tyne, and to their Heirs, the Town and all Things belonging to it, to Fee-farm (on Condition that they paid him and his Heirs an hundred Pounds per annum, viz. at Easter 50 l. and the other 50 at the Feast of St. Michael ) except the Rents, Prizes, and Leases, in the Part of the said Town, which he reserved for himself. He Praetere concessimus eis, & charta nostra confirmamus pro nobis & haeredibus nostris centum & decem solid. &c. ad dividendum & assignandum illis qui reditus suos amiserunt occasione Fossati & novae Operationis factae subter Castrum versus aquam, &c. Lib. Cart. p. 1. also granted to them an hundred and ten Shillings and Sixpence of Rent of Escheat, to be divided amongst those People who lost their Rents, on account of the Ditch and the new Work, which was carried on under the Castle towards the River. This was order'd to be so divided, that they were to receive of it in Proportion to their Loss; those who had received the greater Loss, were to receive more; and those less, who had less Damage. THE same Charter also exempts the good Men of the Town of Newcastle from the Power of the Sheriff or Constable, in Matters relating to themselves. He gave them also many other Immunities and Privileges for their faithful Services to him (as his Charter to them expresses) among which this was one, that no Burgess of the Town of Newcastle should be seized without the said Burgh for the Non-payment of any Dobt, unless he was the capital Debtor. ALEXANDER King of Scots with his whole Army, on the 17th Calends of November, began to besiege Norham -Castle; 1215 they continu'd the Siege 40 Days, and then returned Home re insectâ. 15 KALENDS this same King took Homage of the Barons of Northumberland at Felton, which was so resented by the King, 1216 that he came with an Army, and wasted Northumberland with Fire and Sword, and some of the Southern Parts of Scotland. On the 3d of the Ides of January, he burnt the Village of Werk, on the 5th he burnt Alnwick; on the 7th he burnt Mitford and Morpeth; on the 17th Kalends of February, he burnt Roxburgh, &c. Chron. de Mailross. THIS Year the King died, after a very troublesome Reign, and was succeeded in the Throne by Henry his eldest Son, who was only nine Years old when he was crown'd at Gloucester, which was on October the 3d. Henry III. THE See of Durham was long void after the Death of Philip; but Richard de Marisco, 1217 Lord Chancellor of England, Dean of Salisbury, and Archdeacon of Northumberland, an old Courtier, was this Year thrust into the See by Gualo the Pope's Legate, and consecrated by the Archbishop of York, June 22. 1226 He died at Peterborrow -Abbey May the 1st, as he was travelling to London. 1228 RICHARD Poor, Bishop of Salisbury, was translated to Durham; he was a Man of rare Learning in those Times, and of notable Integrity for his Life and Conversation. Being apprehensive of his Death, he preached to his People, and acquainted them with it for 2 Days together, and then setting his House in order he went to his Prayers; and as Mat. Paris tells us, when he came unto these Words, in pace in id ipsum Dormiam & Requiescam, he gave up the Ghost. He dy'd April 15, 1237. 1234 THE King confirmed to the Burgesses of this Town, whatsoever had been granted to them by his Father King John. His Charter to them is dated at Westminster, July the 2d. 1236 THE King of England and Alexander King of Scots had a Conference at Newcastle. Chron. de Mailros. 1239 THE King by his Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England, dated at Westminster, Dec. 1, upon the Good Men of the Town of Newcastle 's Supplication, gave them Licence to dig Coals and Stones in the Common Soil of that Town, in the Place called Castlefield and the Frith. THIS King was petitioned again by the Burgesses of this Place, to grant them all the Stones and Coals belonging to the Frith, which was granted them. 1241 NICHOLAS de Farnham made Bishop of Durham. 1244 AT this Time there were in the Court of England many seditious Persons, who endeavoured to break the Peace of the 2 Sister Kingdoms, particularly one Walter Bisset, who infused the Poison of Dissention into the Breast of King Henry, and the Lord Ingelram, whose Daughter Alexander King of Scots, had married. The Chron. de Mailros. King of England had got as far as this Town with his Army and the King of Scots as far as Pontisland with his Army. But they came to no Battle: For at the Instance chiefly of the Archbishop of York, and some of the Nobility, a Peace was agreed upon at Newcastle upon Tyne, on the Eve of the Assumption. Before we leave this, it must not be forgot what Rapin takes Notice of, that Alexander submitted to the same Homage, that he himself and his Ancestors had paid, and a good Understanding between the two Kings was perfectly restor'd. Before they parted, a Marriage was agreed upon between Alexander 's eldest Son of the same Name with himself, and Margaret, Henry 's eldest Daughter. The King's Letter upon it. REX omnibus, &c. Salutem. — Noverit Universitas vestra quòd Sacramentum, quod dilectus Frater & Fidelis noster Richardus Comes Pictaviae & Cornubiae fecit apud Novum Castrum super Tinam, pro pactionibus, inter nos & Regem Scotiae; factis, ibidem confirmandis, idem Comes praedictum Sacramentum fecit per praeceptum nostrum. Et ei firmiter praecipimus quod dictum sacramentum suum inviolabiliter observet. Teste Rege apud Novum Castrum super Tinam, 13 die Augusti. Rymer Foeder. Tom. 1. p. 429. THE Tyne Bridge and a great Part of the Town was burnt. Mat. Paris. 1248. NICHOLAS Farnham obtain'd Licence of the Pope to resign his Bishoprick. 1249. WALTER de Kirkham made Bishop in his Room. 1250. MAYORS and BAILIFFS. Anno Christi. Mayors. Bailiffs. Henry III. 1251. Petrus Scott Hen. de Karle Tho. de Merchingle Steph. de Lindesey Robt. de Galesmith This Year the Town of Newcastle had it's first Mayor, viz. Peter Scott. The Word Mayor signifies the chief Magistrate of a City. It was anciently called Meyr, from the British Word Miret, i. e. Custodire to keep or protect. Richard I. Anno 1189, chang'd the Bailiffs of London into a Mayor. The Bailiffs of this Town were not changed 'till this Year. The 1st Mayor, Sir Peter Scott, was a very wealthy Person. He was the Founder, together with his Son, Sir Nicholas Scott, of the Monastery of the Black-Fryers, in this Town. 1252. The same. The same. 1253. The same. Henry de Karle Tho. de Karle Roger de Finctor Adam Clircus 1254. Hen. Carleiol. Robert de Waletus Tho. de Carleol Nich' de Wainford Nicholas Scott 1255. The same. Richard de Layhaye Barthol' Clircus Tho. de Karle, Jun' Walter de Ponte 1256. The same. The same. 1257. The same. Nich. Scot Adam Clircus Tho. de Murchingle Johan. Sant 1258. The same. The same. 1259. The same. Tho. de Karle Joan. Withowle Ada. de Blagedene John Sant 1260. The same. The same. Walter de Kirkham Bishop of Durham dy'd in the Month of August. He was Bishop 11 Years, and was succeeded by Robert Stichell. 1261. The same. The same. 1262. The same. Ada. Clircus Ada. de Blagedene Nich. Scott William Tunock 1263. The same. The same. This Year a Blazing Star appeared, and continued for the Space of three Months. In a Charter dated the 49th of Henry III. we have an Account that the Town's Seal was impress'd upon Green-Wax, and that the Inscription was, SVP TINAM ✚ COMMVNE SIGILLVM NOVI CASTRI. * Smith, M. S. 1264. Tho. Carleol Rob. Mitford Joannes de Flemming Hen. de Scott Hen. de Burneton. 1265. The same. The same. 1266. The same. The same. 1267. The same. Joan. Filius Rogeri John Flemming Hen. Scot Hen. de Burton 1268. The same The same. 1269. Nich. Scott Hen. de Karle Ada. de Blagedene Tho. de Karle Tho. de Karle Jun. 1270. The same The same. 1271. Tho. de Karle Hug. de Merchingle Robert de Lindsay Tho. de Karle Jun. The King died this Year, and Prince Edw. who was just return'd from the Holy Land was crowned in August following. 1272. The same The same. Edward I. 1273. The same. Hugo de Merchingle Hen. de Burneton Tho. de Jun' Rob. de Lindisay Robert Stichell, Bishop of Durham died August the 4th, and was succeeded the same Year by Robert de Insula. 1274 The same. John de Flemming Jo. Santmarays Ad. de Blagedene Rich. de Lay-hay Great Earthquakes, Lightnings and Thunderings with a Blazing Star, and a Comet in the Appearance of a great Dragon, which made many Men afraid. Town's List. 1275 Joan. filius Rogeri Rob. de Mitford Joan. de Darnton On St. Nicholas Even were great Earthquakes, Lightnings, and Thunder, with a great Dragon and a blazing Star. No doubt, this was the same mentioned in the year before. 1276 Tho. de Carliolo Joan. fil. Rog. Henricus Scot 1277. Tho. Karle William Tho de Karle Jun. Hen. Scot. 1278. Joan. filius Rog. Hug. de Merchingle Ro. de Lindesey Joannes le Flemmyng 1279. Tho. de Karle Rich. de Hay Hen. de Burneton Hugo de Merchingle Rich. fil. Rogeri This year, Sep. the 18th the King gave Leave to the Black-Fryers this Town, to make the LittLe-gate, called the Gate of the Warden's-Close, in the Town-Wall. Vide Chap. Town-Wall. 1280 Joan. fil. Rogeri Rich. de Lay-hay Hen. de Burneton Joan. Flemmyng Joan. Gadrick 1281. Joan. fil. Rog. miles Robt. de Mitforde Rich. fil. Rogeri Robt. de Lindsey Johan. le Scot. 1282. Robert' Mitford Jo. de Blamarge Joan. de Lindsaye Adam de Pampdon Joan. le Scot Robert de Insula, Bishop of Durham, died June the 13th, and was succeeded by Anthony Beake, whom the Pope made Patriarch of Jerusalem. 1283 W. de Hawkwell Tho. de Witham William de Ogle Joan. de Heyton 1284. The same. Joan. Flands Joan. le Eschot Ad. de Pampeden Ro. de Lindesay 1285. The same. The same. The same 1286. Hen. le Scot Joan. Flemmyng Hugh de Carliol Joan. le Scot Hen. de Le 1287. Hen. Scot. Joan de Blagedene Peter. Draper Tho. de Tindale Joan. Surreys 1288. The same. Joan. Flemming Rich. fil. Rogeri Jo. le Scot Hug. de Carle So hot a Summer that many died with the Extremity of the Heat. 1289. The same. Tho. de Tindale Petr. Draper Hen. de Karle William de Ogle Great hail fell in England which raised the Price of Wheat in particular from 5 d. a Bushel to 16 d. and so it increased yearly, 'till at last it was sold for xx s. a Quarter. 1290. The same. The same. 1291. Hugo de Carliol Roger Tunnock Pet. Sampson The King banish'd the Jews and gave them wherewith to bear their Charges, 'till they were out of the Kingdom. The Number was 15009 Persons. Hen. le Hay Alex. le — 1292. Hugo de Carliol Joan. de Surreys Wm. de Ogle. After King Edward I. had determined the Right to the Crown of Scotland to be in John Baliol, Baliol was crown'd at Scone with the usual Formalities, and all the Scotch Lords took their Oath to him, except Robert Bruice, who was absent. Which done, he came to Newcastle upon Tyne, and did there, on the 26th of December, Homage to King Edward: My Lord Edward King of England, superiour Lord of the Kingdom of Scotland; I John King of Scotland, become your Liege Man for the whole Kingdom of Scotland, with it's Appurtenances; which Kingdom I claim, hold, and ought of Right to hold, for me and my Heirs, Kings of Scotland, Hereditarily of you and your Heirs, Kings of England, and shall bear Faith to you, and your Heirs, Kings of England, of Life and Limb, and terrene Honour against all Men. Rapin. & compleat Hist. of Eng. V. 1. p. 195. Upon this Occasion the King wrote the following Letters at this Town. REX & superior Dominus Regni Scotiae, venerabilibus in Christo patribus, Wet R. Sancti Andrea & Glasguen, Episcopis, & Dilectis & fidelibus suis Johanni Comyn, Jacobo Senescallo Scotiae, & Briano filio Alani, nuper Custodibus praedicti Regni Scotiae, Salutem. Mandamus vobis quos omnes Rotulos de placitis & querelis quibuscunque coram vobis habitis & placitatis de Tempore quo nos ad hoc deputarimus in eodem Regno dilecto & fideli nostro J. Regi Scotiae sine dilatione Liberatis, & hoc nullatenus omittatis. In cujus, &c. Teste Rege apud Novum Castrum super Tynam, quarto die Januarii. Rym. Foed. Tom. 2. p. 602. REX & superior Dominus Regni Scotiae, dilecto & Fideli suo Waltero de Huntercumbe Custodi Terrae de Man, Salutem. Quia de gratia nostra speciali, Reddidimus dilecto & fideli nostro Johanni Baliolo, Regi Scotiae, talem seisinam Terrae de Man, cum pertinentiis qualem Alexander ultimus Rex Scotiae antecessor suus, cujus Haeres ipse est, habuit de eadem terra, die quo obiit. Salvo jure nostro, & alterius cujuscun que & salvis nobis & Haeredibus nostris, exitibus, Wardis Maritagiis, Releviis, Eschaetis Finibus, Amerciamentis, arreragiis firmarum & Reddituum, quae tempore feisinae nostrae ejusdem terrae acciderunt. Et Salvis nobis & Haeredibus nostris cognitionibus placitorum & Articulorum Quorumcun que de Ballivis & ministris ibidem de tempore praedicto, una cum cognitione Transgressionis, impositae Duncano de Malesly, & Judiciorum super iisden reddendorum executionibus. Et similiter quod omnia judicia Seifinae nostro tempore, per Ballivos & ministros nostros, in eadem terra reddita, teneantur, & executioni demandentur. Vobis Mandamus, quatenus praesato Regi seisinam terrae praedictae; cum suis pertinentiis, in forma praedicta, liberari faciatis; salvo jure nostro & alterius cujuscun que Teste Rege apud Novum Castrum super Tynam, quinto die Januarii. Samp. le Cuttellns Walter de Cowgate 1293. The same. The same. 1294. Hugo de — Robertus de Mitford Tho. de Whickham William de Ogle Joannes de Heaton 1295. Hugo de Carleolo Joan de Surties Samps. de Carleolo William de Ogle Walter de Cowgate After King Edward had declared War against Scotland, he advanced to Newcastle, and made it the chief Rendezvous of his Forces. Rapin. The Story at large is this. King John of Scotland having in Contempt of King Edward disseised Magdulph Earl of Fife, and imprison'd him; Magdulph complain'd to King Edward, who order'd King John to appear before him; but upon this Summons he appeared not. Upon this the King sent out a second Writ, ordering him to appear before him 15 Days after Michaelmas, which was obey'd. Being come before him, he seem'd not so sensible of the King's Superiority, as he had been before; which was judged a Contempt and Disobedience, and that three of his principal Castles in Scotland should be seized. But before the Pronunciation of the Sentence, He came before the King and his Council, and made Supplication to the King with his own Mouth; the King receiving this, with the Advice of his Council, and the Consent of Magdulph, granted his Prayer, and gave him Day untill his Parliament after Easter. But that Parliament was not holden that Day; however the Suit between the King of Scots and, Magdulph was continued, and prorogued to the next Parliament, which was summoned to be holden at St. Edmund 's -Bury, on the Feast of St. Martin in the Winter, in the year 1295. The Day being come, the King was present, and Magdulph strenuously prosecuted his Plea. But the King of Scotland instead of appearing in Person, sent the Abbot of Abirbrothock, and other Noblemen of that Kingdom, with not only frivolous excuses, but to demand Satisfaction of King Edward for many and great Injuries, Oppressions, and Grievances, sustained by the Scots from his Subjects. King Edward 's Answer was, That for certain Causes he was coming toward the North Parts, and that the King of Scots should then have sufficient Recompence to his own Content. And then appointed him a Day to meet him at Newcastle upon Tyne, viz. The 1st day of March next following, and ordered the Abbot and those with him, to give Notice to their King that he should then personally appear. In the mean Time the King had certain Intelligence that the King of Scots with his Prelates, Earls, Barons, &c. had entred into a Confederacy with France; so that the King of England upon this Account also, toward the Time appointed prepared for his Journey to Newcastle, and sent before him the Abbot of Newminster and Wellebeck to the King of Scots, to give him Notice of the Adjournment and Time of his coming. On the 1st of March, 1296, the King was at Newcastle, and staid there many Days, expecting the King of Scots; he came not; the King of England removed nearer to Scotland, and came to Bamburgh, where he also summon'd him and expected him: He neither came, nor sent to excuse himself, but returned the Homage and Fealty for Himself and all his Kingdom to King Edward, by an Instrument or Writing, and defied him. After this he summon'd him again, but he would not appear; nay instead of that they proceed to Arms, enter England, plunder, burn, waste, kill and destroy wherever they come. To obviate these Insolencies, and chastise them according to their Deserts, King Edward entred Scotland on Wednesday in Easter Week, besieged and took Berwick Castle with a great Slaughter of the Scots; from thence he sent Part of his Army to reduce the Castle of Dunbarr, lately revolted, which was done, by the Death and Destruction of a great many Scots. Ten thousands, says my Author, seven Barons, an hundred Knights, and thirty one Esquires were taken in the Castle; the Army coming to relieve it, Twenty two thousand of them were slain. From thence King Edward marched to Edinburgh, which Castle he took in eight Days. From thence he marched to Sterlin, where the King of Scots, and many of his great Men, sent to beg his Mercy. He order'd them to meet him some few Days after at Brechin, where they submitted to his Mercy and Favour, without making any Terms or Conditions whatever. This done, King Edward caused the Stone used by the Kings of Scotland as a Throne, to be brought to Westminster, appointed John Warren Earl of Surrey and Sussex, Governour of Scotland, Hugh de Cressingham, Treasurer, and William Ormsby, Justiciary, sent King John Baliol to the Tower of London, where he was decently attended; and the Noblemen of Scotland, which he brought into England, were forbidden to pass the River Trent, under forfeiture of their Heads. Brady. Contin. Hist. Eng. p. 38. 1296     The Scots despising their Oaths of Homage and Fealty enter'd England, Burning and wasting the Country, staying the People, and destroying all before them, upon which the King sent his Summons to 200 Earls, Barons, Knights, Abbots and others, to be ready at Newcastle upon Tyne on St. Nicholas Day, or the 6th of December, with their Service of Horse and Arms to go with his Son against the Scots, to suppress their Rebellion, and desend his own Kingdom. Brad. Contin. p. 61. This year dy'd at Newcastle upon Tyne, William Heron, Son of John Heron, who in the 32d Hen. III. was constituted Governour of Bamburgh Castle; and soon after of the Castles of Pickering, and Scarborough in Yorkshire. He held a Barony in the County of Northumberland by the Service of one Knight's Fee, as his Ancestors had done since the Conquest. 1297 Joan. Scot Tho. de Tindale William de Ogle J. fil. Ad. de Blagdene Pet. Draper. 1298. The same. The same. The same. The Scots under the command of William Wallas, and Robert Bruice, laid Waste all Northumberland; then went to Carlisle; but the Inhabitants knowing their Design before, had so fortified themselves, that they could not Master them; then they went to Newcastle, where they pull'd down and burnt the Town. Which Compliment was return'd much about the same Time, by Robert Clifford, who at the Head of some People of the Diocesses of Durham and Carlisle went another Way into Scotland, as far as Roxburgh, and laid all Waste before him. Polyd. Virg. pag. 340. 1299. The same. The same. The same. King Edwardus Dei Gratia Rex Angliae, &c. Sciatis quod dedimus, &c. dilectis Burgensibus & probis hominibus Villae Novi Castri super Tynam omnes terras & Tenementa cum pertinentibus in Pampeden in Byker juxta praedictam villam Novicastri, &c. & quod praedicta Villa Novicastri & terra & tenementa praedicta in Pampeden de caetero sint unus Burgus, &c. Edward the 1st in a Charter dated at York on the 20th Day of December, in the 27th Year of his Reign, granted to the Burgesses and good Men of Newcastle upon Tyne, the Town of Pampeden, that it and Newcastle might ever after become one Town. There is in this Charter mention made of one Robert de Byker and Laderane his Wife, they seem to have been People of great Figure at this Time of Day, probably they were Lord and Lady of the Mannor of Byker, and had their Town's House in or near that Part of Pandon, called Byker Chare. They had Lands in Pandon in Byker, which they gave to the Crown, which Lands at the Incorporation of the two Towns just now mentioned, were annexed by the King as Part and Parcel of Newcastle. 1300. The same. The same. The same. 1301. The same. The same. The same. 1302. The same. The same. The same. 1303. The same. The same. The same. 1304. Peter Graper. Nich. de Carliol Richard de Emeldon Tho. de Frismarisco Joan. Corane 1305. Peter Graper. Nich. Scott Tho. de Frismarisco Nich. de Carleol William de Oggle 1306. Rich. de Emeldon Nich. Scott William de Oggle Adam. de Gallowaie Tho. de Frismarisco The King died July the 7th, and in the Feb. following his Son Edward was crown'd. Edward II. 1307. The same. — de Acton William de — Adam — Tho. Frismarisco 1308. Nich. de Carliol Tho. de Frismarisco Tho. de Tindale   Ad. de Dunelm This was probably Adam of Durham, who founded the Chantry of St. Thomas the Martyr, in St. John 's Church, in the year 1319. 1309. The same. Tho. de Frismarisco Tho. de Tindale. Gilbert de Flemming Ad. de Dunelm Duns-Scotus died a miserable Death, being taken with an Apoplectic Fit, and too hastily buried. He was a Northumbrian born, and took upon him at Newcastle the Habit of St. Francis. Vile Franciscan Fryers. 1310. The same. Tho. de Carliol Tho. de Tindale Gilbert Flemming Adam de Dunelm 1311. Rich. Emeldon Th. fil. Hu. de Carliol Ad. de Dunelm Anthony Beake Bishop of Durham dyed March the 28th and was succeeded by Richard Kellow. Th. de Frismarisco The Lords and other great Men of the Realm being highly provok'd at the Pride and Insolence of Pierce Gaveston, the King's great Favourite, whom he had rais'd to the highest Honours and Preferments, entred into a Confederacy to remove him from the King's Person, and banish him the Kingdom. The great Earl of Lancaster, ( Son of Prince Edmund, and Grandson of Henry III.) was chosen their General; who by common Consent sent to the King then at York, petitioning him either to deliver Earl Gaveston to them, or oblige him to quit the Kingdom, according to the Late Ordinances. The King took small Notice of their Supplications, left York, and repaired to Newcastle, where he continued for a considerable Space. Upon which the Lords, with what Forces they could raise, march'd with all Speed towards Newcastle, not that they would offer Injury, or create Trouble to their Sovereign, but only Earl Gaveston, and judge him according to the Laws they made by common Agreement. Upon their Approach, the King and Gaveston immediately fled to Tinmouth; and tho' tne Queen, then great with Child, with Flood of Tears, begg'd of him not to leave her in that Place, he without any Pity took Shipping, and salt'd with his Favourite to Scarborough, commanding the Garrison of the Castle to protect him, while he repair'd into Warwickshire. The Earl of Lancaster having possessed himself of Newcastle, sent Messengers to the Queen at Tinmouth to comfort her, faithfully promising That he would not give over his Pursuit, 'till he had remov'd Gaveston from the King; excusing himself from not coming to her in Person, left for her Sake he should incut the King's Indignation. The Barons who had enter'd Newcastle the same Day the King went from thence, had seized all that he and his Favourite had left there, the Hurry wherein they went off not having given them leave to take any Thing with them. In Gaveston's Baggage were sound a great many Jewels, which for the most part belonged to the Crown, and of which an exact Inventory was taken, that an Account might be given of them hereafter: They were accordingly restored to the King after Gaveston was beheaded. Rapin. It appears by several Records, that there has been an ancient Custom within the said Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, of acknowledging Fines in the Guildhall of the said Town, between the four Benches therein; and that the same has been continued and usually practised, and is now frequently done. A Fine so acknowledged for Lands or Tenements within the said Town, being by that Custom of the same Force and Validity as a Fine acknowledge in any other Manner; and it is done so publickly, and before so many Persons, that the Cognizors must be known to some of them, which allows no Opportunity for a Fraud. And when a Fine is to be acknowledged by a Wife, she is not only particularly examin'd in open Court, but also make's Oath, that what she does is freely and voluntarily, without any Force or Compulsion of her Husband. 1312 The same. Tho. Carliol Joan. Pampden Gilbert Fleming Hen. le Newton 1313. Rich. Emeldon Jo. fil. Hen. Scot William Burneton Tho. Frismarisco Joannes Ellickar The King published his Writs for Victuals to be sold at a certain Price. 1314. Tho fil. Hugo de Carliol Gilbert Flemming Hen. de Newton Joan. de Pampeden Ad. de Dunelm Another Quatuor Banco, in the Manner aforesaid. 1315. Rich. Emeldon Tho. Frismarisco Ad. Dunelm Rich. Acton Johan. de Pampeden Richard Kellow, Bishop of Durham died, and was succeeded by Lewis Beamont. 1316. Rich. Emeldon Tho. de Frismarisco William de Burneton Rich. de Acton Ad. de Dunelm A grievous Famine and Mortality, insomuch that the Quick could hardly bury the Dead; and a great Corruption of Cattle and Grass. Some eat the Flesh of their own Children, and Thieves in Prison devour'd those that were newly brought in, and greedily eat them half alive. 1317. Rich. de Emeldon The same. 1318. Rich. de Emeldon Tho. Dunelm Adam de Dunelm Gilbert Hankin Robert de Angerton Vid. an. 1347 1319. Nich. de Carliol Tho. de Carliol Tho. de Frismarisco Roger Heckam Hen. de Newton About this Time flourished Hugh of Newcastle. Vid. Franciscan Fryers. 1320. Nich. de Carliol John de Thorald Tho. de Tindale Rich. de Emeldon Tho. de Frismarisco 1321. Rich. Emeldon Tho. de Frismarisco Rich. Acton Gilbert Hankin Robert Angreton 1322. Rich. Emeldon Tho. de Frismarisco Gilbert Hankin Wm. de Burton Hugo de Hecham Rex igitur elatus de tanta victoria, qui potius gemuisse debueret [leg. debuerat] de tanta nobilium turba male perempta, quia tune fuit vere victus, quando tot vicit prudentes milites, collegit exercitum fortem nimis & magnum contra Scotos, quantus a longo tempore non est visus. Qui absque victualibus in gravi pomposaque multitudine in borealibus adunatus partibus, pervenit ad Regem, ad villam de Novo Castro super Tynam. Inde Rex hostiliter profectus est in Scotiam lento gressu, permetiens quasdam partes illius provinciae, cujus adventu praecognito, Scoti bona sua cum necessariis ad loca tutiora comportaverunt, fugientes ad montes, nemora, vel paludes: sicque contigit, ut cum Rex suis nullam resistentiam inveniret, nullaque victualia reperiret, sed omnia deserta, vacuata, & vastata, perpendit, consumptis igitur victualibus, tam per terram, quam per mare pro exercitu comportatis magna pars exercitus fame & inaedia tabesacta protinus est extincta. Tho. Walsingham, p. 116. The King [Edward II] being elated with so great a Victory [which he had obtain'd over the Barons at Boroughbridge] who ought rather to have mourn'd for the Loss of so great a Number of Nobility cruelly slain, because he himself was then truely conquer'd, when he conquer'd so many prudent Warriors, raised a verly large and powerful Army against the Scots, such as had not been seen for a long Time. Which great and numerous Multitude meeting together in the Northern Parts without Provisions, came to the King at Newcastle upon Tyne. From thence the King proceeded with a slow March into Scotland, passing over some Parts of that Province; whose coming the Scots foreknowing, carried their Goods and other Necessaries to the more safe Places, themselves flying to the Mountains, Woods, or Marshes: and thus it happen'd, that tho' the King met with no Resistance, yet finding no Provisions, but on the other Hand every Place deserted, rifled and wasted, and having consumed the Provisions which were brought both by Sea and Land, a great Part of his Army was utterly destroyed through Famine and Want. 1323. Rich. de Emeldon Tho. de Frismarisco Wm. Hankin Wm. de Burneton Hugo de Heckham 1324. Rich. de Emeldon Tho. de Frismarisco Wm. de Burneton Gilbert de Hankin Rob. de Halliwell 1325. Rich. de Emeldon Tho. de Frismarisco Wm. de Burneton Gilbert de Hankin Robert de Halliwell 1326. Rich. de Emeldon Tho. de Frismarisco Gilbert Hankin Wm. de Burneton Hugo de Heckham This Year the King was deposed, and January 25 his Son Edward crown'd King; being of 14 Years of Age. 1327. Edward III. Nich. Scott, Miles. Tho. Hankin Wm. de Burneton Gilbert Hankin Rog. de Angreton King Ed. II. was cruelly murdered in the Castle of Berkley, by the Practises of the Queen his Wife, and the Lord Mortimer. This first Year of the Reign of Edward the 3d, notwithstanding the Care of the Earl Marshall at Newcastle, and the Lord Mowbray at Carlisle, the Scots passed the River Tyne with an Army consisting of 4000 Men at Arms, Knights and Esquires, well mounted, and 1000 others, armed after their Country Fashion, upon small inconsiderable Horses, besides their Forces on Foot. They incamped in Stanhope Park, in the Bishoprick of Durham, against whom the King came himself in Person; but not being able to come at them, by Reason of their Advantageous Situation, they, after having been watched 15 or 20 Days took the Advantage of a dark Night, and retired with Haste into their own Country. Eachard. 1328. Nich. de Carliol Th. fil. Hu. de Carliol Tho. de Frismarisco Roger Heckham Hen de Newton King Ed. III. Pardoned and remitted to the Burgesses of Newcastle upon Tyne, all the Debts and Arrears of Debts which they owed to him or his Progenitors. Madox. Firm. Burg. p. 98. 1329. Rich. Emeldon Wm. de Burneton Jo. de Denton Hugo de Heckham Rob. de Halliwell 1330. Wm. de Burneton Hugo de Hankyn Ro. de Halliwell Jo. Denton Waleranus Lumley 1331. Rich. Emeldon Hugo de Hecham Rob. de Halliwell Jo. de Denton Waleranus Lumley Carta Priorissae S. Bartholomei in Villa Novi Castri super Tinam de uno Both in vico Fori in eadem Villa. OMnibus hanc Cartam cyrographatam visuris vel audituris Sibilla Gategang Priorissa Monialium S. Bartholomei de Novo Castro super Tinam & ejusdem Loci Conventus, Salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noveritis nos unanimi consilio & Assensu Capituli nostri dedisse, concessisse, & hac praesenti Carta nostra cyrographata confirmasse Johanni de Wedirball Sutori de Novo Castro super Tynam totam illam Botham nostram in Vico Fori, sicut jacet in longitudine & latitudine inter Botham Thomaes de Carliolo ex una parte & retro, & Botham Richardi Fonde ex altera, habendam & tonendam praedicto Johanni de Wetherhall, Haeredibus & Assignatis suis de Capitalibus Dominis Feodi illius per fervicia inde debita & de jure consuota libere, quiete, bene, & in pace in perpetuum, Reddendo inde annuatim nobis & successoribus nostris sex solidos argenti per annum ad duos anni terminos, viz. Medietatem ad Festum Pentecost. & aliam medietatem ad Festum S. Martini in hyeme pro omni alio Servicio, re, & demand. Et si contingat dictam Firmam ad aliquem terminam a retro fore non solutam per quadraginta dies, & sufficiens Districtio infra illam Botham non inveniatur, tunc liceat Nobis & Successoribus nostris praedictam Botham intrare & pacifice in perpetuum tenere, praesenti Scripto extunc in nullo obstante. Et Nos vero Priorissa & Coventus praenominat. & Successores nostri totam praedictam Botham cum omnibus suis pertinentiis & Edificiis praedicto Johanni de Wedirhall Haeredibus sujs & Assignatis pro Firma memorata contra omnes gentes warantizabimus & defendemus in perpetuum. In cujus rei Testimonium parti praesetis Cartae residentis penes dictum Johannem sigillum nostrum commune est appensum, & parti praesentis Cartae residentis penes Nos dictus Johannes sigillum suum apposuit. His testibus Ricardo de Emildon tunc capitali Ballivo Villae Novi Castri, Johanne de Denton, Gilberto Hawkyn, Hugone de Hecham, & Richardo Scot Subballivis ejus. Laurentio de Duresme, Adam Pagis, Gilberto de Duxfield, Johanne Sapakape & aliis. A Charter of the Prioress of St. Bartholomew 's in the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, concerning one Booth in the Market Place in the said Town. TO all who shall see or hear of this Charter, written with our own Hand, Sibil Gategang Prioress of the Nuns of St. Bartholomew 's in Newcastle upon Tyne, and of the Convent of the same Place, Greeting in the Lord eternal. Know ye, that We with the unanimous Counsel and Assent of our Chapter have given, granted, and by this our present Charter, written with our own Hand, have confirmed to John de Wedithall, Shoemaker of Newcastle upon Tyne, all that our Booth in the Market Place, as it lies in length and breadth between the Booth of Thomas de Carleol on the one Side, and the Booth of Richard Fonde on the other: To have and to hold to the said John de Wetherhall, his Heirs and Assigns, from the Capital Lords of that Farm, by the Services then due and by Law used to be paid, freely, quitely, well peaceably for ever. By paying to us and our Successors every year six Shillings of Silver at two Terms of the year, namely, an half at the Feast of Whitsuntide, and the other half at the Feast of St. Martin in the Winter, in lieu of all other Service, Rent and Demand. And if it shall happen that the said Fee shall at any Term be not paid in forty Days, and a sufficient Distrain be not sound within that Booth, then it may be lawful for us and our Successors to enter into the said Booth and for ever peaceably to hold it, this our present Writing notwithstanding. And we the Prioress and Convent aforesaid, and our Successors, the whole foresaid Booth with all its Appurtenances and Buildings to the aforesaid John de Wedirhall his Heirs and Assigns for the foresaid Fee will warrantize, and for ever defend, against all Persons whatsoever. In Witness whereof to the Part of the present Charter remaining with the said John, our common Seal is placed, and to the Part of the present Charter remaining with us the said John has placed his Seal. Witnesses, Richard de Emildon then chief Bailiff of the Town of Newcastle, John de Denton, Gilbert Hawkyn, Hugh de Hecham, and Richard Scot, his Sub-Bailiffs. Laurence de Duresme, Adam Pagis, Gilbert de Duxfield, John Sapakape, and others. This Mayor was this year made Eschaetor. 1332. Rich. Emeldon Hug. de Heckham Rob. de Halliwell Jo. de Denton Waleranus Lumley Lewis Beaumont Bishop of Durham, dy'd and was succeeded by Richard de Bury, who was consecrated unto the See of Durham, December 19, this same Year, in the Presence of the King, the Queen, Edward King of Scotland, 2 Archbishops, 5 Bishops, 7 Earls, and a Numbers of other noble Personages, both Men and Women. The Year following he became Chancellor, and within two Years after that, Treasurer of England. Godwin. On the 23d of April, the King being at Newcastle, sent a Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Rim. Foed. Vol. 4. p. 553. The same Day he sent another, p. ibid. On the 27th he sent from this Town a Letter to the King of Castile p. 555. On the same Day he sent another. On the 27th he sent another to the Earl of Flanders, about not assisting the Scots. p. 557. On the 29th he sent another about the Conduct of the Ambassadors of the King of France. Ibid. 1333. Rich. Acton Hug. Hecham Waleranus Lumley Gilbert Hankyn Robert Halliwell 1334. Hugo Hecham Gilbert Hankyn Jo. Galloway Rich. Scott Jo. Frysma June the 12th the King sent a Letter from this Town about calling the Convocation of the Province of York, and getting of Assistance. p. 614. On the same Day he sent another to the Archbishop of Canterbury about carrying of the Cross, and the same Day he also wrote another upon the same Subject to the Earl of Nottingham. He sent several other Letters from this Town particularly one on June the 18th. After Edward Baliol, Son of John, had by the Assistance of the English, and Many great Successes, caused himself to be crown'd King of Scotland; to strengthen his Alliance, he first at Edinburgh, and afterwards at Newcastle, in the Year 1334, in the Presence of Many great Lords and Commons of both Nations, did Homage to King Edward III. as to his superior Lord, and took his Oath of Fealty, binding himself and his Heirs to hold the Kingdom of Scotland of him and his Successors for ever; and further he granted to him the Possession of five Counties next adjoining to the Borders. Eachard. Ad pag. 92. Chantery. Patronatus Cantarie B. Mariae in Ecclesia omnium Sanctorum Villae Novi Castri super Tinam. OMnibus hoc scriptum Visuris vel Audituris Thomas de Karliolo de Novo Castro super Tynam, Salutem in Domino. Noveritis Me concestisse & praesenti scripto confirmasse Petro filio Petri Draper de praedicta villa Novi Castri & Ceciliae uxori ejus, & Haeredibus de eorundem corporibus legitime procreatis totum jus meum Patronaturs Cantariae pertinentis ad Altare Beatae Mariae Virginis in Ecclesia omnium Sanctorum in praedicta villa Novi Castri volens pro me & Haeredibus meis: Concedens quod quandocunque vacaverit, tunc praedicti Petrus & Cecilia & Haeredes de Corporibus fuis ligitime procreati dare possint, conferre, & assignare praedictam Cantariam cuidam Capellano idoneo ad praedictum Altare Divina celebraturo in perpetuum faciendo & inveniendo ad praedictum Altare omnia onera ad idem Altare pertinentia, sicut caetevi Predecessores sacere consueverunt. Salvo tamen Mihi in tota vita mea jure Praesentandi ad praedictam Cantariam, si contigerit illam vacare aliquo tempore vitae meae. Et est sciendum quod si praedicti Petrus & Ceailia. abs que Haeredibus de corporibus suis legitime procreatis obierint, volo quod jus Patronatus Cantariae praedictae post corum decessum, exitu de ipsis, ut praedictum est, deficiente, rectis Haeredibus meis revertatur in perpetuum. In cujus Rei Testimonium praesenti scripto Sigillum meum apposui & Sigillum commune Villae Novi Castri praedictae apponi procuravi his Testibus Johanne de Denton tunc Majore Villae Novi Castri praedictae, Hugone de Halliwel, Richardo de Acton, Roberto de Castro, Johanne de Karliolo, Johanne de Galeway, Johanne de Frismaro, Ricardo de Galeway, & aliis. Datum apud Villam Novi Castri praedicti 25 die Mensis Septembris, Anno Gratiae 1334. & regni Regis Edwardi III. a conquestu octavo. A Patronage of the Chantry of St. Mary's in the Church of All Saints in the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne. TO all who shall see or hear of this Writing Thomas de Karliol of Newcastle upon Tyne, Greeting in the Lord. Know ye, that I have granted, and by the present Writing have confirmed to Peter Son of Peter Draper, of the aforesaid Town of Newcastle, and Cecily his Wife, and to the Heirs from their Bodies lawfully begotten, all my Right of the Patronage of the Chantry belonging to the Altar of the blessed Virgin Mary in the Church of All Saints in the foresaid Town of Newcastle, for me and my Heirs: Granting that whenever it shall be vacant, then the foresaid Peter and Cecily, and the Heir's from their Bodies lawfully begotten, may give, conser and assign the foresaid Chantry to some fit Chaplain, to celebrate for ever the divine Offices at the foresaid Altar, by doing and finding at the aforesaid Altar all Burthens belonging to the said Altar, as the other Predecessors have used to do. Saving nevertheless to me for my whole Life, the Right of presenting to the foresaid Chantry, if it shall happen to be vacant any Time of my Life. And be it known, that if the aforesaid Peter and Cecily shall die without Heirs from their Bodies lawfully begotten, I Will that the Right of Patronage of the Chantry aforesaid shall after their Decease, their Issue failing, as is aforesaid, for ever return to my right Heirs. In Witness whereof I have put my Seal to the present Writing, and have caused the Common Seal of the foresaid Town of Newcastle to be put. Witness John de Denton then Mayor of the Town of Newcastle, aforesaid, Hugh de Haliwell, Richard de Acton, Robert de Castro, John de Karliol, John de Galeway, John de Frismaro, Richard de Galeway, and others. Green at the Town of Newcastle aforesaid the 25th Day of the Month of September, in the year of Grace 1334, and the eight year of the Reign of King Edward III. from the Conquest. 1335. Hugo de Heckam Gilbert Hankyn John de Galloway Rich. Scot Jo. de Frismarisco June the 28th a Letter was dated at Newcastle, per ipsum Regem & Concilium. Rim. Foeder. Vol. 4. p. 651. Another, de Orando pro Rege. Another July the 1st. Another from this Town, Nov, 16. Two more the same Day. 20th Day another. Another the 23d, &c. p. 677 & 678. 1336. John Denton Gilbert Hankyn Jo. Woodman Robert Shilvington William Acton Martin Alnwick a Franciscan Fryer of the Monastry of Newcastle flourish'd about this Time. Vide Franciscan Fryers of this Town. 1337. Nich. Scot. Robert de Shampton Barthol. Clerus Adam de Blakedon Tho. de Karle, Jun. 1338. Hugh Hecham Richard Scot Peter Graper Robert Halliwell Rob. de Castello A Sudden Inundation of Water at Newcastle bore down Part of the Town's New Wall where 120 Persons were drown'd: This is also said to have happen'd in the year 1320. Vide Pandon Burn. 1339. Waleranus de Lumley Tho. Burneton Rich. Scott Gilbert Hankyn Rich. Gallaway Whilst the King was warring against Tournay, the Scots in several Bodies entred England, where they destroy'd the Country as far as Durham, returning all safe again; saving that the Earls of March and Southerland being encountred by the Lord Thomas Grey of Werk, Sir Robert Manners, and John Copeland, a valliant Esq of Northumberland, were utterly discomfited. Barns. Hist. Ed. III. Lib. 1. chap. 17. 1340. William Felton Miles. Robert Musgrave Hug. Carliol Jo. Woodman Joan. Emeldon It is granted that no Goods be sold 'till a Plank be laid to the Ship, on Forfeiture of the Goods. King Edward III. resolving to invade Scotland both by Sea and Land, repaired to the Frontiers, where he waited for his Fleet, which was to join him at Newcastle. But a violent Storm, which lasted several Days, rendered his Ships unfit for Service during the rest of that year. This unlucky Accident hindered him from entering Scotland, being destitute of Provisions and Ammunition, which his Fleet was bringing to him. Rapin. Indentura inter Priorem Dunelm' & Majorem Villae Novi Castri super Tynam, de redditu de Farne Eland. CEst Endenture faite entre Johan Prior & le Convent de Duresme d'une part & Johan de Denton Mair de Neof Chastell sur Tyne d'autre part tesmoigne que nous le ditz Prior & Convent avouns resceu parmy les maines le dit John trees Marcs & diz Soutz d'Argent du Terme de la Seint Michell I'an de Grace Mille, Treiscentz, quarant primer de une annuel recut que nostre Seigneur le Roy Nous a grante a prendre de la Ferme de Neof Chastel sur Tyne sicome plus pleinement est contenuz en la Chartir nostre dit Seignour le Roy de ceo fait a Nous des queux treese Marcs & diz soutz Nous Johan. Prior & le Convent avaunt ditz acquitouns pour nous & noz Successours l'avant dit Johan de Denton Meir & la commune de la Ville de Noef Chastel susdit. En Tesmoignante de quelle chose au Partie de cette Endenture demorant devers le dit Meir & la commune de Noef Chastel nous Johan Prior & le Convent de Duresme avons mis nostre commune Seal. Et a l'autre partie de meisme l'Endenture demorant devers le ditz Prior & Convent. leo Johan de Denton Meir ai mis mon Seal. Donne a Duresme lendemayn de la dit Fest de Seint Michell l'an de Grace avant dit. An Indenture between the Prior of Durham and the Mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne, relating to the Rent due to Farne Island. THIS Indenture made between John the Prior and the Convent of Durham on the one Part, and John de Denton, Mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne on the other Part witnesseth, that We the said Prior and Convent, have received from the Hands of the said John, thirteen Marcs and ten Pence of Silver for the Term of St. Michael, of the year of Grace one Thousand, three Hundred, forty and one, for an annual Receipt which our Sovereign the King hath granted us to receive out of the Rents of Newcastle upon Tyne, as more amply is contained in the Charter by our said Lord the King hereupon to us granted; of which thirteen Marcs and ten Pence We John the Prior, and the Convent aforesaid, do release for us and our Successors, the said John de Denton the Mayor, and the Commons of the Town of Newcastle, before named. In Witness whereof, We John the Prior and the Convent of Durham, have affixed our common Seal to that Part of this Indenture for the Use of the Mayor and Commons of Newcastle; and to the other Part of the same Indenture remaining in the Hands of the said Prior and Covent, I John de Denton Mayor, have affixed my Seal. Dated at Durham the Day succeeding the Feast of St. Michael, the Year of Grace aforesaid. ☞ These Charters at large shall be inserted Anno 1492, being recited in King Henry the 7th's Inspoximus. 1341. Joan. Denton Gilbert Hankyn Jo. Galleway Thomas Burneton Petrus Graper 1342. Rob. de Halliwell William Acton Jo. de Durham Robt. Musgrave Tho. Fleaminge David King of Scots enter'd Northumberland, exercising all Manner of Hostility, and wasting and Ravaging all before him, for about 40 Miles in length, 'till he came to Newcastle upon Tyne, which he resolved to Besiege, and so sat down with all his Forces before it: The Captain of the Castle was the Lord John Nevil of Hornby, a Person of great Conduct and Bravery who resolving to give the young King of Scotland a Taste of the English Valour, as soon as might be, commanded 200 Lances to make a Sally very early next Morning. These dashing suddenly with great Fury into the Scottish Hoast, on that Part where the Earl of Murray was (who, as they say, was chief General for the Time, the King himself keeping private) took the Earl himself naked in Bed, dragg'd him away naked out of his Tent; and so having slain several of his Men, and won much Booty, they return'd all safe into the Town with great Joy, and delivered the Earl of Murray Prisoner to their Captain. The Earl was a chief Prince of the Blood in Scotland, next of Quality to Prince Robert Stuart and the Earl of Southerland; but for Valour and Conduct he yielded to None. This daring Enterprize having alarmed the whole Camp, the Scots ran like Madmen to the Barriers of the Town, and began a fierce Assault, which they continued a great while with much Pertinency. But they gain'd little and lost much. For there were many good Men of War within, who defended themselves with much Resolution and Discretion, so that the Scots were at last fain to leave off their attac, and the Hopes of suddenly revenging their Dishonour in that Place. Wherefore that bold and lucky Attempt of the Besieged being thus well back'd by a vigorous Defence, was sufficient to persuade King David and his Council, that to dally about Newcastle was dangerous, whereupon about Noon they decamp'd and went for Durham. Assoon as the Lord Nevil had seen for certain the Departure of the Scots, he guess'd their Design. Upon which he mounted a very swift Gelding, and coasting wide of the Scots, rode Post Day and Night; 'till on the 5th Night he rode more than 200 Miles to Chertsey in Surry, where at that Time King Edward lay, to whom he exactly related all he knew of the Scots, whereupon the King made all the Haste he could Northward. In the mean Time the Scots assaulted Durham with all the Fury imaginable; for they were even stark mad for the former Affront they had received at Newcastle, when they lost the Earl of Murray so dishonourably. They rear'd their Engines to cast Stones, and other Devices they had, whereby to approach the Walls under the Shelter of certain Machines, resembling the ancient Testudo of the Romans, or the Synospismus of the Greeks; and withall they had other Engines running upon Wheels, wherein on Lofts as high as the Walls at least, there were Cross-Bows and others, who kept the Besieged from the Defences. So that after the Assault had been continually renewed with all the Vigour imaginable, and on the other Hand maintained with incredible Obstinacy for 6 or 7 Days, the Scots entred the City by Force; at which Time King David in revenge of all his Losses for so many years preceding, especially being urged beyond his Nature by the importunate Instigations of his French Auxiliaries then with him, commanded his Captains to put all to Fire and Sword. There were Men, Women, and Children, old and young, Men of the Church, as Monks, Priests, Canons, and others, holy and prophane, all without Pity or Distinction put to Death, neither Churches, Monasteries, nor Shrines, no not that of St. Cuthbert himself (after it had reposed there for more than 300 years) could reconcile the incens'd Mind of the Soldiers to Pity; not so much as one Soul was left alive within the Place. So implacable and unmerciful is the Sword of War when sharpen'd with unchristian Cruelty. Before the Scottish Army got back to its own Country, the King of England was upon their Heels; but there were certain Noblemen on both Parts, who earnestly labour'd to compose the Matters between the two Kings, which at last took such Effect, that a Truce was concluded for two years. Barns. Hist, Ed. III. p. 254. 1343. Rich. Galleway William Acton Tho. Fleaminge Jo — Robt. Musgrave 1344. Rob. Shilvington Robt. Musgrave Jo. Woodman Robt. Halliwell William de Acton 1345. Robt. de Foghale William de Acton Jo. de Frismarisco Hugo de Carliol Robt. de Pentrith Richard de Bury, Bishop of Durham died at Auckland, April the 24th, and was succeeded by Thomas Hatfield, Secretary to the King, who was consecrated July the 10th, this same Year. 1346. Robt. de Foghill William de Acton Jo. de Frismariso Hug. de Carliol Robt. de Pentrith 1347. Peter Graper William Acton, sen' Jo. Emeldon Hugo de Angreton Hugo de Carliol When King Edward III. was abroad in France, warring against that Kingdom, David King of Scotland took that Opportunity to ravage the Borders of England, and penetrated as far as Durham, which he took, sacked and burnt; but the English coming shortly after to an Engagement with him, he had the Mortification not only to lose the Day, but also to be taken a Prisoner. Rapin. The Scotch King, tho' he had two Spears hanging in his Body, his Leg almost incurably wounded, and his Sword beat out of his Hand, disdaining Captivity, provok'd the English by opprobrious Language to kill him; and when John Copeland, Governour of Roxborough Castle, advised him to yield, he struck him on the Fate with his Gauntlet so fiercely that he knock'd out two of his Teeth. But however Copeland Conveyed him away out of the Field a Prisoner. Upon his refusing to deliver him up to the Queen, (who stayed at Newcastle during the Battle) the King sent for him to Calais, where he excus'd his Refusal so handsomely, that the King sent him back with a Reward of 500 l. a-Year in Land, where he himself should chuse it near his own Dwelling, and made him a Knight Banneret. Act. Publ. V. p. 542. as quoted by Tyndal, Rapin 's Translator. This Battle is said by Hollingshead in his History of Scotland, p. 241, to have been sought October the 17th, the year before. The following Letter I am obliged to Mr. Alderman REAY of this Town for. SIR, PUrsuant to your Request and my Promise I've been with Mr. Harle, and have met with the Passage you mentioned relating to Newcastle, in the 119th Page of the first Vol. of Ha luyt's English Voyages, &c. printed at London, 1599, Fol. by which it appears that the Town of Newcastle assisted K. Edw. III. with 17 Ships and 314 Men against the French; a most authentic and convincing Proof of the great Naval Strength of that Town in those Days. Another earlier Instance of its being a Town famous for Trade in Edward II 's Time, is to be found in p. 142. and 143 of the said Vol. where we meet with an Order of the King and Council for the Staple to be holden at a certain Place. This Order (relating to the Exportation of Wool) is directed to the Collectors of Custom for Wool and Woolen Fells in the Port of London. The Title of it runs thus, De Stapula tenenda in certo loco ordinatio, Anno 13, Edwardi secundi; and the Order itself thus, Rex collectoribus custumae canarum & pellium canutarum in portu London salutem, ending with these Words; Teste Rege apud Doveram decimo octavo die Junii per ipsum Regem & consilium; and immediately after is subjoin'd as follows; Et postmodum per breve de privato sigillo eodem modo mandatum est collectoribus Custumae praedictae in Portubus subscriptis, videlicet. In Portu Villae Southampton. In Portu Villae Weymouth In Portu Villae Sancti Botolphi In Portu Villae Kingstone super Hull In Portu Villae de Novo Castro In Portu Villae de magna Iernemutha In Portu Villae de Lenne In Portu Villae de Gypwico where you see Newcastle is number'd among the greatest PORTS of the Nation at that Time. It would be as fatiguing as 'tis unnecessary to transcribe at length the said Order, which must therefore be omitted as well as the long Roll of the English Fleet contain'd in the 118, 119 and 120 Pages of the said Book; I shall only tell you that the Account of the Fleet is thus inscrib'd. The Roll of the huge Fleet of Edward III. before Calice, extant in the King's great Wardrobe in London, whereby the wonderful Strength of England by Sea in those Days may appear. This List is divided into the South and North Fleet, the Beginning and End of both which I'll give you in the Author's own Words. The South Fleet The King's Ships 25 The King's Mariners 419 London Ships 25 London Mariners 662 &c. Sum of the South Fleet Ships 493 Sum of the South Fleet Mariners 9630 The North Fleet. Bamburgh Ships 1 Bamburgh Mariners 9 Newcastle Ships 17 Newcastle Mariners 314 &c. Sum of the North Fleet Ships 217 Sum of the North Fleet Mariners 4521 I cannot leave this List, without observing to the great Honour of that loyal and brave Town, that Newcastle is not exceeded in its Number of Ships by any one of all the 33 Ports nam'd in the said Enrolment of the North Fleet. Yarmouth alone excepted. And how can it possibly detract from the Glory of Newcastle, to be then out-done by Yarmouth, when (which is very surprizing) that same great Yarmouth, in Norfolk, fitted out a vastly greater Number both of Men and Ships, than London itself, the great Metropolis of the Kingdom, furnish'd his Grace with for the memorable Siege of Calais, where he (I mean King Edward III.) and his Son the Black Prince acquir'd such Renown to the English, as will render themselves and the English Nation famous to succeeding Ages. There is one Thing more I must take Notice of before I conclude, which is, that the aforementioned Fleet Roll has no Date. I think it was about the Year 1347, when the English laid Siege to Calais, tho' I can't certainly tell, not having an English History by me at present. This is all I can find upon a cursory View of the Book that has any Relation to Newcastle, begging Leave, in the mean Time, to subscribe myself, SIR, Your very much oblig'd Humble Servant, JOHN WILSON. Alnwick, Dec. 15, 1731. An' Christi. Mayors. Bailiffs. 1348. Peter Graper William de Acton Hugo de Carliol Hug. de Angreton Jo. de Emeldon 1349. The same. The same. The same. Extracta e Testamento Johannis Cragg de Novo Castro die Martis proximo post Festum Nativitat. B. Johannis Baptistae. Do & Lego, 1. CORPUS meum ad sepeliendum in Ecclesia omnium Sanctorum infra novam Cancellam. 2. In cera circa Corpus meum comburenda, sex Solidos. Do & Lego, 3. Summo Altari Ecclesiae B. Nicholai, pro Decimis & Oblationibus meis non bene solutis. Sex Solidos. 4. Fabricae Ecclesiae praedictae Omnium Sanctorum, viginti Solidos. 5. Capellanis ad exequias meas venientibus, quatuor Solidos. 6. Ad omnes ordines Fratrum de praedicta Villa Novi Castri, tresdecim Solidos & quatuor Denarios per aequales portiones. 7. Cuidam Capellano idoneo pro Anima mea apud praedictam Ecclesiam omnium Sanctorum celebraturo duos Annos, decem Marcas. 8. Cuidam hujusmodi eunti apud S. Jacobum, quin que Marcas. 9. Capellano Parochiali ejusdem Ecclesiae Omnium Sanctorum tres Solidos & quatuor Denarios. 10. Clerico ejusdem Ecclesiae, unum Solidum. An Extract from the Will of John Cragg of Newcastle on Tuesday next after the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. I Give and Bequeath, 1. My Body to be buried in the Church of All-Saints, beneath the new Chancel. 2. In Wax to be burnt about my Body, six Shillings. 3. To the High Altar of the Church of St. Nicholas, for my Tythes and Oblations not duly paid, six Shillings. 4. To the Fabric of the aforesaid Church of All-Saints, twenty Shillings. 5. To the Chaplains going to my Funeral, four Shillings. 6. To all Orders of the Brethren of the foresaid Town of Newcastle, thirteen Shillings and four Pence, by equal Portions. 7. To a sit Chaplain to celebrate for my Soul in the aforesaid Church of All-Saints two years, ten Marks. 8. To another going before St. James, five Marks. 9. To the Parochial Chaplain of the said Church of All-Saints, three Shillings and four Pence. 10. To the Clerk of the said Church, one Shilling. An' Christi. Mayors. Bailiffs. 1350. Peter Graper William de Acton Hugo de Carleol Hug. de Angreton Jo. de Emeldon Assisa per Priorem Dunelm' contra majorem & Ballivos Novi Castri pro redditu annuo Domus de Farneland. ASSISA capta apud Novum Castrum super Tynam coram Thoma de Fencotes, Thoma de Seton, & Rogero de Blaykeston, Justiciariis Domini Regis ad Assisas in Comitatu Northumbriae capiendas Assignatis die Mercurii in tertia Septimana Quandragesimae Anno Regni Regis Edwardi Angliae tertii, a Conquestu vicesimo quinto, & Regni sui Franciae, duodecimo, virtute cujusdam Commissionis Eis & Willielmo Basset directae, praesentia ipsius Wilielmi non expectata, Virtute cujusdam brevis Domini Regis, Quod si non omnes, &c. Assisa venerunt recognoscere si Petrus Graper Major Villae Novi Castri super Tynam, Johannes de Emeldon, Hugo de Angerton, Hugo de Carlel, & Willielmus de Acton Bailivi ejusdem Villae Novi Castri injuste disseisierint Johannem Priorem Dunelm. de libero Tenemento suo in Villa Novi Castri super Tynam post possessionem, &c. Et unde quaeritur quod disseisierunt Eum de tresdecim Marcis & decem solidatis redditus cum pertinentiis, &c. Et Petrus & alii non venerunt: Et Vicecomes modo mandavit quod praedicti Hugo de Angerton, & Hugo de Carlel mortui sunt: Et praedictus Petrus attachiatus est per Henricum Glassen Wright, & Thomam de Newbigging; & praedictus Johannes de Emeldon per Thomam de Newbigging & Thomam Stele, & praedictus Willielmus per Thomam de Newbegging & Henricum Glassen Wright: Ideo ipsi in misericordia, & praedicta Assisa capiatur versus Eos per Desaltam, &c. Et super hoc praedictus Prior per Attornatum suum dicit, quod Dominus Rex nunc Regnans, per Cartam suam, quod ex Testimonio Illorum quibus siduciam adhibuit, accepit quod Dominus Edwardus nuper Rex Angliae Pater suus, in vita sua verbo tenus concessit Monachis in Insula de Farneland juxta Bamburgh, quae quidem Insula Cella est Prioratus Dunelm. commorantibus decem quarteria Frumenti & duo dolia vini percipienda singulis annis per manus Majoris & Ballivorum de Novo Castro super Tynam de Elemosina ipsius Patris sui in perpetuum. Et quod concessio illa in Vita ipsius Patris sui non suit Executioni debite demandata, nee Literis suis aliquibus roborata. Idem Dominus Rex nunc pro salute Animae ipsius Patris, volens Voluntatem suam in hac parte adimiplere & continuare, conceslit Monachis praedictis in Recompensationem Frumenti & vini praedictorum tresdecim Marcas & decem solidos percipiendos singulis annis ad Festum S. Michaelis per manus Majoris & Ballivorum dictae Villae de Novo Castro super Tynam, qui pro tempore suerint de Firma ejusdem Villae, viz, quin que Mar s pro quolibet Dolio Vini, & quinque Solidos pro quolibet quarterio Frumenti, habendos eisdem Monachis & Successoribus suis Monachis in Insula praedicta commorantibus de Elemosina sua in perpetuum; Et prosert hic in Curia praedictam Cartam Domini Regis nunc quae hoc testatur, &c. & perit Assisam: Inde capiatur Assisa, &c. Recognitione Assisae praedictae dicunt super Sacramentum suum quod praedictus Prior suit seisitus de praedicto redditu cum pertinentiis, quous que praedicti Petrus & alii ipsum inde disseifierunt ad damnum ipsius Prioris quadraginta & unius Librarum, tresdecim Solidorum, & quatuor Denariorum. Ideo Consequens est quod praedictus Prior recuperet inde seisinam suam versus Eos per Visum Recognitionis Assisae praedictae; & damna sua praedicta; & iidem Petrus & alii in injuria. Et Vicecomes non omittetur propter Libertatem Villae praedictae eo quod alias, &c. An Assise by the Prior of Durham against the Mayor and Bailiffs of Newcastle, for the yearly Rent of the House of Farneland. AN Assise taken at Newcastle upon Tyne before Thomas de Fencotes, Thomas de Seton, and Roger de Blaykeston, Justices of our Lord the King, at the Assises to be held in the County of Northumberland, assigned on Wednesday in the third Week of Lent, in the twenty fifth year of the Reign of King Edward in England, the Third from the Conquest, and the twelfth of his Reign in France, by virtue of a certain Commission directed to them and William Bassep; the Presence of the said William not being expected, by virtue of a certain Brief of our Lord the King, But of not all, &c. The Assises came to consider and know, if Peter Graper, Mayor, of the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, John de Emeldon, Hugh de Angerton, Hugh de Carlel, and William de Acton Bailiffs of the said Town of Newcastle had unjustly disseised John Prior of Durham from his free Tenement in the said Town of Newcastle upon Tyne after Possession, &c. And it is enquired why they disseised him from thirteen Marks and ten Shillings, the Rent with the Appurtenances, &c. And Peter and the others did not come; And the Sheriff declared, that the foresaid Hugh de Angerton, and Hugh de Carlel are dead: And the foresaid Peter is attached by Henry Glassen Wright, and Thomas de Newbigging; and the foresaid John de Emeldon by Thomas de Newbigging and Thomas Stele; and the foresaid Wiliam by Thomas de Newbigging and Henry Glassen Wright: Therefore they are in Mercy, and let the aforesaid Assise be taken against them by Default, &c. And upon this the aforesaid Prior by his Attorney says, That our Lord the King now reigning, by his Charter, because he heard from the Testimony of those whom he credits; That our Lord Edward, lately King of England, his Father, had in his Life, by Word of Mouth, granted to the Monks dwelling in the Island of Farneland near Bamburgh, which Island is a Cell of the Priory of Durham, ten Quarters of Corn and two Tuns of Wine, to be received every Year by the Hands of the Mayor and Bailiffs of Newcastle upon Tyne, as an Alms of his said Father for ever. And that this Grant was not duly put in Execution in the Life-time of his said Father, nor confirmed by any of his Letters. Our present Lord the King for the Health of the Soul of his Father, being willing to fulfil and continue his Will in this Part, hath granted to the aforesaid Monks as a Compensation of the aforesaid Corn and Wine, thirteen Marks and ten Shillings, to be received every year at the Feast of St. Michael by the Hands of the Mayor and Bailiffs of the said Town of Newcastle upon Tyne then being, from the Fee of the said Town, namely, Five Marks for every Tun of Wine, and five Shillings for every Quarter of Corn, to be paid to the said Monks and their Successors dwelling in the foresaid Island as his Alms for ever; and he produces in Court the foresaid Charter of our present Lord the King, which testifies this, &c. And he prays Assise: Let an Assise therefore be taken, &c. By a Recognition of the aforesaid Assise, they say upon their Oath, that the aforesaid Prior was seised of the foresaid Rent with the Appurtenances, 'till the foresaid Peter and others disseised him, to the Loss of the said Prior forty one Pounds, thirteen Shillings and four Pence. It follows therefore that the aforesaid Prior may thence recover his Seisine against those by a Sight of the Recognition of the Assise aforesaid; and his Losses aforesaid; and the said Peter and others are in the Injury. And let not the Sheriff be omitted because of the Liberty of the aforesaid Town because that otherwise, &c. An' Christi. Mayors. Bailiffs. 1351. Gilbert Duxfield William Acton, sen Jo. del Chambers Jo. Emeldon This John de Camera here mentioned, and so often below, together with Gilbert Duxfield the Mayor of the year before, are undoubtedly the very people mentioned in that famous Foreign Indulgence whose Original is in St. Nicholas Vestry, the Substance of which I have given in our Account of St. Nicholas Churh. 1352. William Strother Richard Scot Jo. de Camera Jo. Emeldon William Acton, jun. King Edward being displeased▪ with the Flemings, who had withdrawn from his Alliance and married their Earl (who was contracted to one of his Daugthers) to a Daughter of the Duke of Brabant, removed the Staple of English Wool, which had been set up in their Country, into England, to their great Damage, but to as great Benefit of the English. Newcastle was then made a Staple Town; the rest being Westminster, Chichester, Canterbury, Lincoln, Warwick, York, Exeter, Caermarthen, Bristol, and Hull. Echard, Rapin. N. B. Staple signifies this or that Town, whither the Merchants of England were by Act of Parliament to carry their Wool, Cloth, Lead and Tin, for the Selling of them by the Great. What were the Staple Commodities of this Realm may be seen in the Statue of of 14 Rich. II. c. 1. as Wool, Leather, Wood, Fells, Lead, Tin, &c. Joan Queen of Scots, having got Leave of King Edward her Brother to visit her Husband, David Bruce King of Scots, then King Edward's Prisoner, came into England with a moderate Attendance; and upon the Mediation of Joan the Queen, the Prayer of David the Prisoner, the Prelates, great Men, and Commons of Scotland, the King granted to treat with them about his Deliverance. And thereupon sent to Newcastle upon Tyne the Bishop of Duresme, William de Bohun Earl of Northampton and Constable of England, Gilbert d' Umfreyvill Earl of Anegos, the Lords de Porcy and de Nevill, William Baron of Greystock and Henry le Scoop, his Commissioners, with full Power to treat with the Bishop of St. Andrews and Brechin, Patrick of Dunbar, Earl of the March of Scotland, the Abbot of Dumsermelin, and Master Walter de Moffet Archdeacon of Leonosse, Commissioners for Scotland. Brady's Contin. p. 253. 1353. Peter Graper John de Emeldon Jo. de Chambre William de Strother Wm. de Acton, jun. 1354. The same. The same. The same. King Edward appointed Commissioners to treat with the Scots concerning David 's Liberty. This Negociation, which went on slowly, ended at length in a Treaty which was concluded at Newcastle, July the 13th, whereby Edward obliged himself to set David free for a Ransome of Fourscore thousand Marks of Silver. This Treaty was not executed 'till 3 years after, viz. 1357. Rapin, Act. Publ. V. p. 793, 799. 1355. Wm. del Strother William Acton John Emeldon Richard Scott. Jo. Chambre The King having received news that the Scots had surprized the Town of Berwick, marched in the latter End of November with a great Army towards Scotland, and kept his Christmas at Newcastle upon Tyne. Brad. Contin. 256. 1356. The same. Nich. Barrot 1357. The same. Jo. Emeldon Nich. Barrot Jo. de Camera Nich. Acton. Castle-Field and Castle-moor confirmed to the Town of Newcastle. Vide our Account of these Places. 1358. The same. Jo. de Emeldon Jo. del Chambers Nich. Barrot Will de Acton 1359. The same. Jo. de Camera Will. de Acton Jo. de Emeldon Nich. 1360. Wm. de Strother. Jo. de Camera Wm. de Acton Jo. de Emeldon Nich. — 1361. Jo. Chambers. Jo. Emeldon Jo. de Ruffen Jo. Stanhope Elias de Frawhitt A great Dearth and Pestilence in England. 1362. The same. Jo. de Emeldon Elias de Frawhitt Jo. de Stanhope Robert de Duxfield This Year the King gave to this Town a Grant for 10 years of certain Duties upon Goods and Merchandizes for Repiaring of Bridges. 1363. Rob. Angerton Jo. Emeldon Jo. Stanhope Wm. Acton Jo. Byker A Frost in England from the midst of September to the Month of April. 1364. The same Wm. de Acton, Jo. Ruffan Jo. de Stanhope 1365. Rich. de Stanhope Wm. de Acton Jo. de Emeldon Jo. Stanhope Jo. de Ruffan 1366. Wm. de Acton Jo. de Stanhope Tho. Graper Jo. de Ruffan Jo. de Byker 1367. The same. Jo. de Emeldon Jo. de Preston Jo. de Byker Jo. Houghell 1368. The same. The same. The same. 1369. Rob. Angreton Tho. Graper Jo. Bulkham Jo. Ruffan Steph. Whitgrave E Testamento Nicholai Coke Villae Novi Castri super Tynam dato tertio die Septemb. Do & Lego, 1. FRatribus Carmelitanis Novi Castri sexaginta Petras Ferri. 2. Fratribus Praedicatoribus ejusdem Villae, viginti sex solidos, & octo denarios. 3. Fratribus minoribus viginti solidos. 4. Fratribus Augustininis viginti solidos. 5. Summo Altari B. Nicholai viginti solidos. 6. Altari B. Mariae Ecclesiae praedictae sex solidos, & octo denarios. 7. Fabricae Capellae S. Johannis tresdecim solidos & quatuor denarios. 8. Fabricae Fenestrae in Choro S. Nicholai viginti solidos. 9. Capellanis ad celebrandum pro anima mea in Ecclesia S. Nicholai triginta Libras. From the Will of Nicholas Coke of the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, dated the third Day of September. I give and bequeath, 1. TO the Carmelite Brethren of Newcastle Sixty Stone of Iron. 2. To the preaching Brethren of the said Town, twenty six Shillings and eight Pence. 3. To the Minor Brethren twenty Shillings. 4. To the Augustin Brethren twenty Shillings. 5. To the High Altar of St. Nicholas twenty Shillings. 6. To the Alar of St. Mary 's in the foresaid Church six Shillings and four Pence. 7. To the Fabric of the Chapel of St. John thirteen Shillings and four Pence. 8. To the Fabric of the Window in the Choir of St. Nicholas Twenty Shillings. 9. To the Chaplains to celebrate for my Soul in the Church of St. Nicholas thirty Pounds. About this year flourished Nicholas Durham, born in the Northern Parts, Carmelite -Fryer at Newcastle, and Doctor of Divinity, a learned and constant Opposer of the Errours of John Wickleif. He writ on the Master of the Sentences; Originals of Doctors; Resolutions of Questions; and against Wicklief 's Articles. Steph. Addit. 2 Vol. in Carm. 1360. The same. The same. The same. 1371. The same. The same. The same. Carta Hugonis Makson de Novo Castro & Christianae Uxoris ejus de uno Messuagio in Ballio boreali Dunelmi facta Ricardo de Castro Bernardi Clerico. OMnibus ad quos praesentes Literae pervenerint Hugo Makson de Novo Castro super Tynam & Christiana Uxor ejus Salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noveritis Nos dedisse, Concessisse, & hac praesenti Carra nostra confirmasse Ricardo de Castro Bernardi Clerico unum Messuagium cum Pertinentiis in Ballio boreali Dunelm. sicut jacet inter Tenementum Magistri Hospitalis de Kepyer ex una parte & Tenementum quondam Gilberti Clerici ex altera, Habendum & tenendum praedictum Messuagium cum pertinentiis praedicto Ricardo, Haeredibus, & Assignatis suis de Capitalibus Dominis Feodi illius, per servitia debita & consueta in perpetuum. Et nos vero praedicti Hugo & Cristina Haeredes & Assignati nostri praedictum Messuagium cum pertinentiis praedicto Ricardo, Haeredibus & Assignatis suis contra omnes gentes warantizabimus & in perpetuum defendemus. In cujus Rei Testimonium huic praesenti Cartae sigilla nostra apposuimus his Testibus Adamo Tabeler Capellano, Willielmo del Orchard Clerico, &c. Datum Dunelmi die Mercurii proximo post Festum S. Luciae Virginis Anno Domini 1371. A Charter of Hugh Makson of Newcastle and Christian his Wife, concerning one Messuage in the North Baily of Durham, made to Richard of Bernard 's Castle, Clerk. TO all to whom these present Letters shall come, Hugh Makson of Newcastle upon Tyne, and Christian his Wife, Greeting in the Lord eternal. Know ye that We have given, granted, and by this our present Charter have confirmed to Richard of Bernard 's Castle, Clerk, one Messuage with its Appurtenances in the North Baily of Durham, as it lies between the Tenement of the Master of the Hospital of Kepyer on the one Part, and the Tenement formerly of Gilbert Clerk on the other; To have and to hold the aforesaid Messuage with it's Appurtenances to the aforesaid Richard his Heirs and Assigns from the Capital Lords of that Fee, by the due and usual Services for ever. And We the aforesaid Hugh and Christian, our Heirs and Assigns, the foresaid Messuage with its Appurtenances, to the foresaid Richard, his Heirs and Assigns, will warrant and for ever defend against all Mankind. In Witness whereof we have placed our Seals to this present Charter. Witnesses Adam Tabeler Chaplain, William del Orchard Clerk, &c. Given at Durham on Wednesday next after the Feast of St. Lucy the Virgin, in the year of our Lord 1371. 1372. The same. The same. 1373. The same. The same. 1374. The same. The same. 1375. William Scott Jo. Stanhope Tho. Graper Jo. de Ruffan Jo. de Byker 1376. Jo. Bulgham Laurence Acton Tho. de Horton Robt. Plumber William Durham The King dyed June 21 and Richard II. was crown'd in July following, when he was 9 years old. 1377. The same. The same. Richard II. King Rich. in the 1st year of his Reign 1378, confirm'd to this Town all the Grants and Charters of the Kings his Predecessors. 1378. The same The same. 1379. Rich. Stanhope. Adam de York Thomas de Morden Will. Bishopsdale Robert Oliver One John Coke of this Town dy'd at Norham, and was buried at St. Nicholas, who left beside Legacies to his Relations, a Quantity of Iron to the Carmelites of this Town; to the Black-Fryers 1 l. 6 s. 8 d. to the Franciscan Fryers 20 Shillings, to the Augustines 20 Shillings; to the High Altar of St. Nicholas 20 Shillings; to the Altar of St. Mary in the same Church, 6 Shillings and 8 Pence; to the Building of the Window in the Quire of St. Nicholas 20 Shillings. He left also to the Chaplains to celebrate for his Soul in this same Church: He left also to the Building of the Bridge at Warkwith, in Case it was built within two years after the Making of his Will, 20 Marks; and in Case it was not, he left them to the Bridge of Bolbec. Over and above what he left his Daughter, Agnes, he bequeathed to her his Silver-Cup; to William of Durham his Girdle and 20 Shillings; and to a Number of poor Men 27 Dozen of Russet, &c. 1380. The same. The same Relaxatio Katherinae Fossour de Terris & Tenementis Will. Sire in Qwicham, Gatesheved, & Heberne. OMnibus ad quos praesens scriptum pervenerit Katherina quae sui uxor Johannis de Bischopdale Salutem in Domino. Noveritis Me remisisse, relaxasse, & omnino de Me & Haeredibus meis in perperuum quietum clumasse Dominis Wilhelmo de Lanchester Vicario S. Oswaldi in Dunelmo & Welhelmo de Graystanes Capellano, Haeredibus & Assignatis suis totum Jus & Clameum quod habui, habeo seu aliquo modo habere potero in omnibus terris & tenementis, Redditibus, & Servitiis, cum suis pertinentiis, ac in Reversionibus quibuscun que quae quondam fuerunt Wilhelmi Sire in Gatesheved Whycham & Heberne, ita videlicet quod nec ego praedicta Katherina, nec Haeredes mei, nec aliquis alius nomine meo in praedictis terris & Tenementis Redditibus & Servitiis, ac Reversionibus cum suis Pertinentiis aliquod Jus vel Clameum de caetero exigere vel vendicare poterimus, sed ab omni Juris Actione simus exclusi in perpetuum per praesentes. Et Ego vero Katherina & Haeredes mei omnia praedicta, terras & Tenementa, Redditus & Servitia, cum Reversionibus & suis Pertinentiis universis praesatis Wilhelmo & Wilhelmo, Haeredibus & Assignatis suis contra omnes gentes warantizabimus, acquietabimus, & in perpetuum defendemus. In cujus rei Testimonium huie scripto Sigillum meum apposui his testibus Roberto Oliver, de Novo Castro, Johanne de Elvet de Dunelm. Gilberto silio ejus, Hugone de Corbrigg, & aliis. Datum apud Novum Castrum vicesimo octavo die Augusti, anno Domini 1380. A Release of Katharine Fossour from the Lands and Tenements of William Sire in Qwicham, Gatesheved, and Heberne. TO all to whom this present Waiting shall come, I Katherine, who was the Wife of John de Bischopdale, Greeting in the Lord. Know ye, that I have remitted, released, and altogether from me and my Heirs have for ever quitted Claim to the Masters William de Lanchester Vicar of St. Oswald 's in Durham, and William de Graystanes Chaplain, to their Heirs and Assigns, all the Right and Claim, which I had, have, or any way may have in all the Lands and Tenements, Rents and Services, with their Appurtenances, and in whatever Reversions which formerly were of William Sire, in Gatesheved Whycham and Heberne. namely so, that neither I the foresaid Katherine, nor my Heirs, nor any other in my Name, may for the Future demand or challenge any Right or Claim in the foresaid Lands and Tenements, Rents and Services, and Reversions with their Appurtenances, but may for ever be excluded from all Action of Law by these Presents. And I Katherine and my Heirs all the foresaid Lands and Tenements, Rents and Services, with the Reversions and all their Appurtenances to the aforesaid William and William, t heir Heirs and Assigns will warrant, acquit, and for ever defend against all Mankind. In Witness whereof I have placed my Seal to this Writing. Witnesses, Robert Oliver of Newcastle, John de Elvet of Durham, Gilbert his Son, Hugh de Corbrigg, and others. Given at Newcastle the Twenty Fighth Day of August, in the Year of our Lord 1380. An' Christi. Mayors. Bailiffs. Thomas Hatfield, Bishop of Durham dy'd in the beginning of May, and was suceeded by John Fordham, who was consecrated to this See, May the 29th, this same year, and was enthroned Sept. 1382. 1381. The same. The same. There was a general Earthquake, of the Effects of which the Waters did partake, insomuch that it made the Ships in the Havens to totter. 1382. Will. Bishopsdale Lurentius Acton Jo. Heworth Wm. Johnson Jo. Thornton 1383. The same. The same. The same. The Bishop of Durham was hindred from meddling with any Thing to the River Tyne. 1384. The same. The same. 1385. The same. The same. The same. 1386. Adam Bulkham Laurentuis Acton Sampson Harding Rob. de Raynton Jo. de Horton 1387. The same. The same. There happened this year at Otterbourne in Northumberland, a slout Engagement between the Scots and English, Victory 3 or 4 Times changing Sides, and at last fixing with the Scots, (for Henry Percy for his youthful forwardness By-named Hotspur ) who Commanded the English, was himself taken Prisoner, and lost fifteen hundred of his Men; and William Douglas the Scotch General fell with the greatest Part of his Army, so that never was there a greater Instance of the Martial Prowess of both Nations. Camb. Brit. p. 850. The Annotator upon this has the following Words, We may be allowed to remark here what a Person of great Honour and Skill in our English, Antiquities has held before, that the old Ballad of Chevy Chace, (Sir Philip Sidney 's Delight) has no other Foundation for its Story, save only the Battle of Otterburne. There was never any other Percy engaged against a Douglas, but this Henry, who was indeed Heir to the Earl of Northumberland, but never lived to enjoy the Honour himself. Sir John Froysart (who lived at that Time) gives the fullest Account of the Darcl , but says rova Bard James Douglas who was the Scottish General. See Eachard, Rapin. John Nevil, Lord Raby, dy'd at Newcastle, possessed of the Barony and Castle of Bywell; Walter Skirlaw, Bishop of Wells was removed from thence to Durham, in the room of John Fordham, in the Month of September. 1388. The same. The same. 1389. The same. The same. This Year was granted to this Mayor, that he and his Successors should have a Sword born before them. 1390. Wm. Bishopdale The same. 1391. The same. Laurentius Acton William Johnson John de Aukland Hen. de Carliol 1392. The same. The same. 1393. The same. The same. 1394. The same. The same. 1395. The same. The same. 1396. Sampson Harding The same. 1397. The same. The same. 1398. The same. The same. The King was sent to the Tower and deposed. He resign'd his Crown on Friday September 29th, and Henry Duke of Lancaster was proclaimed King by the Name of Henry 4th. 1399. The same. The same. 1400. Roger Thorton The same Henry IV. This King, May 23. in the the 1st Year of his Reign, was humbly petitioned by the Burgesses of Newcastle, that his Majesty would be graciously pleased to divide the Town and Corporation from the County of Northumberland, and grant them a Sheriff with more Liberties and Immunities; which was granted, and that the Corporation of Newcastle should be a distinct County of itself disjoined from the County of Northumberland, which was not to meddle in the said new County, as by the Charter appears more at large, upon Record in the Tower of London. Gardener. He granted by the same Charter, that a Sheriff was to be annually chosen instead of Bailiffs, that he should keep a Court on Wednesday from Month to Month, in the same Manner as the other Sheriffs of the Kingdom held theirs. The Sheriff was to account before the Barons by an Attorney deputed, which should be authentic, and to have Return of all Writs, &c. Afterwards William Redmershall was elected the first Sheriff. The same King also, of his more abundant Kindness to the Burgesses of this Town; as appears by the same Charter; gave them a Power of chusing from among themselves Et ulterius uberiori Gratia nostra concessimus, &c. quod ipsi singulis annis de sepsis eligere possint sex Aldermannos toties quoties necesse fuerit. Lib. Cart. six Aldermen, each of which had given him the full Power of a Justice of Peace. After Kings confirmed to the Mayor and Commonalty all the Royalties of the River Tyne from Sparrow-hawk to Heddin Streams, and that no Ship load or unload any manner of Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes in any Place of the River but only the Key of Newcastle. Grey. This is mentioned in the Charter where the Contest is mentioned between the Town and the Prior of Tinmouth. Lib. Cart. p. 87, 88. An' Christi. Mayors. Sheriffs. 1401. The same. William Redmarshaes This Year our eminent Roger Thornton transacted the following Lease with Walter Skirlaw, then Bishop of Durham; a Piece to be valued for some not impertinent Expressions. CET Endenture faite par entre Wauter par la Grace de Dieu Evesque du Duresme d'une partie, & Roger de Thorneton de Noes-chastell sur Tyne d'autre part, tesmoigne, que le dit Evesque a graunte & a ferme lesse a l'avaunt dit Roger un myngrove de plumbe appelle Blakden Ester & Wester, & un autre myngrove de plumbe appelle Aldwode-clogh, & un autre place appelle Harderake, a avoir & tenir a l'avaunt dit Roger & ses Assignez a terme de dusze ans procheyn ensuants apres les Fest de Seynt Mychell darrein passe, rendant ent par an a l'avant dit Evesque & a ses Successours le neur lade de c m de plumbe tantost come is est gaine & demaunde par ascun ministre de l'avaunt dit Evesque a ce assignes de recevir. Et le dit Roger avera une convenable Shele en le Forest de Werdale pour la sustinaunce de ses chivalx cariants le eour provenant de les dits groves, paiant ent annuelment a le meistre Forester la aunciene ferme. Et le dit Roger overa & maynuvra bien & suffisauntement par vieu de Surveiour de nos mynes illoques tous les groves & place avantdits, & chescun de eux par tour le temps avant dit solone la Ley & Custome de myne de plumbe in Werdale: Et si ascun de les groves ou place avant dits gist nient maynures par demy an devis le Ferme susdit, adonqs ben life a le dit Evesque & ses Successours maynuvrer ou lesser a Ferme a sa volontee ceste grove ou place qui giest ensyment maynuvres. Et le dit Evesque voet & graunt que le dit Roger est suffisamentes de maereme a son meliour ease pour la sustinaunce & mayntenaunce de les myngroves & place avandites par vieu de meistre Forestier durant le terme avantdir. Et le dit Roger avera Wayleve pour son cariage pour les avantdits eour de plumbe & maereme & autres necessairs a ce appourtenaunts durant le terme susdit. En Tesmoignaunce de quelx chose si bien le dit Evesque come l'avant dit Roger a cestes Evidences entrechaungeablement ont mys lour Sealx. Donne le premier jour de December, l'an du reigne le Roy Henry quart puis le conquest tierce. THIS Indenture made between Walter by the Grace of God Bishop of Durham on the one Part, and Roger Thornton of Newcastle upon Tyne of the other Part, witnesseth, That the said Bishop hath granted and to Farm demised to the foresaid Roger one Myne of Lead called Blakden the Easter and Wester, and another Lead Myne called Aldwode-clough, and an other Place called Harderake, to have and to hold to the aforesaid Roger and his Assigns for the Term of twelve Years next ensuing after the Feast of St. Michael last past, paying for the same yearly to the above named Bishop and to his Successors the ninth Load of Lead Ore, as soon as it shall be wrought and be demanded by any Officer of the above named Bishop assigned to receive the same. And the said Roger shall have a convenient Sheeld in the Forest de Weredale for the seeding of his Horses used in the Carriage of such Ore as the said Groves produce, paying yearly to the capital Forester the usual Rent therefor. And the said Roger shall keep open and well and sufficiently work all these Groves and Place during the Term aforesaid, under the Inspection of our Surveyor of all our Mynes, according to the Laws and the Custom of the Weredale Lead Mynes: And if any of the said Groves or the Place aforesaid shall remain unwrought half a Year after granting the said Farm, it shall be lawful for the said Bishop and his Successors to work or convey by a new Lease at their Pleasure such Groove or Place as lies so unwrought. And the said Bishop yields and consents that the said Roger shall have Timber in sufficient Quantities at his Pleasure, necessary for the Support and good Preservation of the said Mynes and Place, by the Inspection of the chief Forester during the aforesaid Term. And the said Roger shall enjoy free Wayleave to his Carriages as well of Lead Ore as Timber and other Necessaries thereunto appertaining, during the Term named. In Witness whereof, as well the said Bishop as the before named Roger have interchangeably to this Evidence affixed their Seals. Dated the first Day of December, in the third Year of the Reign of King Henry the Fourth. 1402. Robert Chirdon. John Bywellgne. 1403. The same. The same. Confirmatio Willielmi de Norham Capellani super custodia Cantariae B. Mariae in Ecclesia de Gatesheved ante septuaginta annos fundatae, cum ejusdem Confirmatione Episcopali & Capitulari. UNIVERSIS Christi fidelibus praesentes Literas inspecturis Johannes Prior & Capitulum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. Salutem in Auctore Salutis. Noverit Universitas vestra nos Literas venerabilis Patris & Domini, Dom. Walteri Dei gratia Dunelm. Episcopi inspexisse Tenorem, qui sequitur, continentes. Walterus Dei gratia Episcopus Dunelm. Omnibus ad quos praesentes Literae pervenerint Salutem. Inspeximus quandam Cartam fundationis & creationis cujusdam Cantariae in Ecclesia parochiali de Gatesheved in haec verba. Sciant praesentes & futuri quod nos Alanus filius Rogeri Prester & Alanus dictus Prester de Gatesheved Dunolm. Dioces. ad cultus divini augmentationem, pro Animabus nostris, patrum & matrum nostrorum, & omnium parentum, omnium que fidelium defunctorum dedimus, concessimus, & hac praesenti carta nostra cirographata confirmavimus Dom. Rogero de Thorington Capellano suo perpetuo singulis diebus ad altare B. Mariae Virginis in porticu boriali in Ecclesia parochiali de Gatesheved divina celebraturo totum illud tenementum cum fuis pertinent. prout se extendit inter tenementum illud quod Adam Broun quondam tenuit ex parte boriali & cursum fontis vocati Saynt Marywell ex parte australi, & totum illud tenementum cum pertin. suis sicut jacet infra villam de Gatesheved inter messuagium Gilberti Maitoun ex parte una, & messuagium Alani Seler ex altera; & unum messuagium cum pertin. in Pipewellgate prout jacet inter terram Gilberti Gategang & terram Roberti Tryppe & extendit se in longitudine de Hengledyk us que ad Ground Ebb de Tyne; & unum messuagium cum pertin in Helgate sicut jacet in latitudine inter terram quondam Clementis de Boveria ex parte una & communem Runilum ex parte altera, & extendit se in longitudine a venello de Helgate us que le Ground Ebb de Tyne; & totum illud tenementum cum suis pertin. prout jacet in latitudine inter terram Petri de Lewe ex parte una & terram Thomae de Vaux ex parte altera, & extendit se in longitudine a via Regia us que ad terras Dominicas ex parte orientali; & illud messuagium cum suis pertin. sicut jacet in latitudine inter venellum quod dicitur S. Mariae infra villam de Gatesheved ex parte boriali & terram Walteri de Crayk ex parte australi, & extendit se in longitudine a via Regia us que ad terram praedicti Walteri ex parte orientali, & quondam terram in villa de Gatesheved jacentem in longitudine a via juxta murum cimaeterii, us que ad terram quondam Stephani Praepositi in Aykewelgate, & in latitudine a via Regia in Aykewelgate us que ad terram Ricardi Schell; & totum illud tenementum cum suis pertin. sicut jacet in longitudine & latitudine inter messuagium quondam Radulphi Tinctoris ex parte una, & messuag. Hugonis Tinctoris ex parte altera; & totum illud messuagium cum edificiis & pertin. sicut jacet in latitudine inter messuag. quondam Hugonis Piscarii ex parte una, & messuag. Johannis Gategang ex parte altera, & extendit se in longitudine ab alta via us que Runilum qui ducit de fonte B. Helenae. Item totum illud messuag. cum edificiis & pertin. suis in villa de Gatesheved sicut jacet in longitudine a via Regia us que Aykewelburn, & in latitudine inter terram Willielmi Lardener ex parte una, & terram Alani Seler ex parte altera: Item totum illud messuag cum adifi & per iu suis sicut jacet in Aykewelgate in longitudine a via Regia us que ad Dominicas terras Dom. Episcopi Dunelm. & in latitudine inter terram Petri Fullonis ex parte una, & terram quondam Thomae Mylis ex altera parte: Item unum annuum redditum sex solidorum & octo denariorium exeuntem de toto illo tenemento cum pertin▪ sicut jacet in latitudine inter tenementum in quo Robertus Littester inhabitavit ex parte una, & terram quam Petrus Littester tenet in feodo de Gilberto Gategang, & in longitudine a via Regia us que ad currilegium Johannis Roughed, una cum omnibus aliis & singulis terris, redditibus, & tenementis, quae & quas die confectionis praesentium habuimus, seu nobis ex dono, feoffamento, sive jure haereditario proveniebant aut descendebant infra villam de Gatesheved five in territorio ejusdem, habenda & tenenda dicto Dom. Rogero de Thorington & successoribus suis Capellanis ad dictum altare divina, ut supradictum est, celebraturis de Capitalibus Dominis Feodi illius per servitia inde debita & consueta libere, quiere, integre, bene & in pace in perpetuum. Et volumus quod post decessum nostrum communitas villae de Gatesheved habeat jus patronatus dictae Cantariae, ita quod duodecim, decem, vel octo, de probioribus & discretioribus hominibus dictae communitatis ad hoc eligendi possint ad dictam Cantariam, quotiescun que ipsam vacare contigerit post decessum Rogeri de Thorington Capellani, unum Capellanum idoneum & honestum eligere, & in dicta Cantaria cum omnibus suis juribus & pertin. in corporalem possessionem inducere. Et quod sic fiat electio & institutio in perpetuum, volumus etiam quod praesatus Rogerus de Thorington Capellanus per nos sic electus, & omnes sui successores statim a tempore suae admissionis & electionis ad candem Cantatiam, continuam & personalem saciant residentiam, divina, ut supra dictum est, singulis diebus per annum a Canone licite provisis, celebrando: Quam quidem residentiam, si canonico ipsi Capellani impedimento facere nequiveriut, cessante illo impedimento, ad eam redeant faciendom, unusquis que successive post alium. Volumus etiam, quod singuli Capellani ad dictam Cantariam, ut praemittitur, sic electi Rectori Ecclesiae parochialis de Gatesheved, qui pro tempore fuerit, de observando Ecclesiam suam de suis juribus universis & singulis indemnem corporale facient juramentum. Et nos Alanus filins Rogeri Proster, & Alanus dictus Prester, & haeredes nostri omnia praedicta terras, redditus, & tenementa, cum omnibus edisiciis & pertin. suis praedicto Rogero de Thorington & successoribus suis Capellanis, ut praedictum est contra omnes gentes warantizabimus & desendemus in perpetuum. In cujus rei Testimonium tam nos Alanus & Alanus, quam dictus Ds. Rogerus huic Cartae cirographatae Sigilla nostra apposuimus, & ad majorem sidem Sigillum Communitatis villae de Gatesheved apponi procuravimus: His Testibus Petro de Lewe tunc Ballivo de Gatesheved, Joh. Gategang, Jacobo Gategang, Willielmo sillo Hutredi, Rogero Rede, Roberto Horne. Thoma Vaux, Steph. Nedoler, Thoma de Bowes, Waltero Potter, Radulpho Brydok, Johanne Lardener, Ricardo de Tesedall, Willielmo Horner, & aliis. Dat. apud Gatesheved die Deminica in Festo Matthiae Apostoli, Anno Doin. 1330. Quae omnia & singula in praedicta Caria contenta, data, concessa, & sacta suerunt, Licentia nostra seu predecessorum nostrorum super hoc non obtenta. Nos enim ad Honorem Dei, S. Mariae Virginis, & in augmentationem divini servitii, ad supplicationem tam Willielmi de Norham nunc Custodis Cantariae praedictae, quam Communitatis villae praedictae, creationem & fundationem praedictas, necnon donationem & concessionem de praedictis terris, tenementis, & redditibus, cum suis pertin. praedicto Rogero & successoribus suis in forma praedicta sactas, & omnia alia in dicta Carta contenta, rata, habentes & grata, ea que pro nobis & successoribus nostris, quantum in nobis est, approbamus, ratificamus, & tenore praesentium concedimus & confirmamus, statuto de terris & tenementis ad manum mortuam non ponendis edito non obstante. Concedimus etiam per praesentes tam ad supplicationem praedicti Willielmi de Norham, nunc Custodis, quam praedictae Communitatis, quod praedictus Willielmus de Norham, Capellanus nunc Custos praedictae Cantariae & successores sui Capellani habeant omnia praedicta terras, tenementa, & redditus cum pertin. habenda & tenenda praedicto Willielmo de Norham & successoribus suis Capellanis Custodibus Cantariae praedictae, Divina ad altare praedictum pro anima nostra, & pro animabus patris & matris nostrorum, & pro animabus dictorum Alani & Alani, & pro animabus patrum & matrum eorum, & pro animabus omnium fidelium defunctorum in perpetuum celebraturis ut praedictum est. Concedimus etiam praedictae Communitati ad supplicationem ipsius Communitatis, quod ipsi & successores sui habeant & possideant jus patronatus Cantariae praedictae, & quod duodecim, decem, vel octo de probioritus & discretioribus hominibus Communitatis praedictae ad hoc per Communitatem praedictam eligendi, possunt ad dictam Cantatiam post decessum praefati Willielmi de Norham, quandocun que ipsam vacare contigerit, unum Capellanum idoneum & honestum nobis & successoribus nostris praesentare, qui cum per nos aut successores admissus & institutus fuerit per Rectorem Ecclesiae parochialis de Gatesheved, qui pro tempore fuerit, & seu eo absente, aut ipsa Ecclesia vacante, per Capellanum parochialem ejusdem, in corporalem possessionem dictae Cantariae cum omnibus suis juribus & pertin. auctoritate nostra inducatur, & continuam residentiam faciat, ad altare praedictum Divina celebrando secundum formam, vim, & effectum Cartae praedictae. Ita tamen quod dictus Willielmus de Norham nunc Custos dictae Cantariae, & successores sui Capellani dictae Cantariae, in eorum admissione corporale praestent juramentum de orando pro anima nostra, & animabus patris & matris nostrorum, & pro animabus praedictorum Alani & Alani, ac pro animabus patrum & matrum eorum, & animabus omnium fidelium defunctorum in forma supradicta statuto de terris & tenementis ad manum mortuam non ponendis edito non obstante. In cujus rei Testimonium has Literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes. Dat. Dunelm. per manus Roberti de Wycliff Cancellarii nostri, fecundo die Novemb. anno Pontif. nostri quinto decimo. Quas quidem Literas nos Prior & Capitulum memorati ratas habentes & gratas eas pro nobis & successoribus nostris ratificamus, approbamus, & tenore praesentium confirmamus. In cujus rei Testimonium Sigillum nostrum commune praesentibus est appensum. Dat. in domo nostra Capitulari octavo die Augusti, An. Dom. 1403. 1404. The same. The same. Reginaldus Porter Vicarius Ecclesiae Paroch. de Pittington, constitutus Custos Hospitalis B. Edmundi in Gatesheved. WALTERUS Permissione Divina Dunelm. Episcopus, dilecto filio Reginaldo Porter perpetuo Vicario parochialis Ecclesiae de Pitington nostrae Dioces. salutem, gratiam & benedictionem. De tuis igitur fidelitate, prudentia, & conscientia puritate plenius confidentes, Custodiam Hospitalis B. Edmundi Regis in Gatesheved nostrorum Patronatus & Dioces. ad totam vitam tuam committimus & concedimus per praesentes, tuam expresse onerantes conscientiam, ut bona ipsius Hospitalis diligenter congreges & conserves, ac in usus deputatos fideliter facias erogari. Per hoc autem nolumus nec intendimus naturam seu fundationem dicti Hospitalis in aliquo immutare. quin te decente, seu dictum Hospitale quovis modo dimittente Hospitale praedictum alteri personi idoneae, in natura Hospitalis, & forma Clementinae quia contingit liber, committi valeat, hac nostra commissione seu concessione penitus non obstante. In cujus rei Testimonium, Sigillum nostrum fecimus his apponi. Dat. apud manerium nostrum de Aukland, tertio die mensis Decemb. nostrae translationis anno undecimo. 1405. The same. The same. 1406. The same. The same. This Year died Walter Skirlaw Bishop of Durham: Thomas Langley succeeded, and was consecrated May the 7th. Confirmatio super quibusdam Redditibus amortuatis ad Cantariam in Ecclesia Omnium Sanctorum in Novo Castro. UNIVERSIS Christi fidelibus praesentes Literas inspecturis, Johannes Prior & Conventus Ecclesiae cathedral. Dunelm salutem in Dom. sempiternam. Noveritis nos Literas venerabilis in Christo Patris & Domini, Dom. Walteri Dei gratla Episcopi Dunelm. sub tenore qui sequitur, inspexisse. Walterus Dei gratia Episcopus Dunelm. omnibus ad quos praesentes literas pervenerim, salutem. Quia accepimus per inquisitionem quam per Robertum Conyers Escaetorum nostrum in Comitat. Dunelm. fieri fecimus, quod non est ad damnum vel prejudicium nostrum aut aliorum, si concedamus Ricardo Fysschlake Capellano, quod ipse unum messuag. cum pertin. in Gatesheved, quod jacet inter tenementum Agnetis Lutter ex parte boreali, quondam in tenura Thomae de Moderby, & tenementum Nelae de Chatton, quod quondam fuit in tenura Thomae Stirteys Militis, ex parte australi; & quendam annuum redditum novem solidorum & sex denariorum excuntem de tenemenio nuper Johannis Cuke desuncti, modo in tenura Margaretae, uxoris ejus in eadem villa, quae de nobis tenentur in capite, dare possit & assignare dilecto nobis in Christo Ricardo Willesby Capellano Custodi Cantariae S. Johannis Evangelistae in Ecclesia Omnium Sanctorum in villa Novi Castri super Tynam, habenda & tenenda sibi & successoribus suis Capellanis & Custodibus Cantariae praedictae, in subventionem sustentationis suae de nobis & successoribus nostris per servitia inde debita & consueta in perpetuum: & eidem Ricardo Willesby quod ipse praedicta messuagium & rodditum cum pertin. a praefato Ricardo Fyssblake recipete possit & tenere sibi & successoribus suis praedictis Capellanio Custodibus Cantariae praudictae in perpetuum, sicut praedictum est, tenore praesentium familiter licentiam dedimus specialem, statuto de terris & tenementis ad manum mortuam non ponendis edito non obstante. Nolentes quod praedictus Ricardus Fyssblake vel haeredes sui, aut praefatus Ricardus Willesby vel successores sui ratione praemissorum per nos vel successores nostros, Justiciarios, Escaetores, Vicecomites, aut alios Ballivos, seu Ministros nostros quoscun que occasionentur, molestentur in aliquo, seu graventur: Salvis semper nobis & successoribus nostris, & aliis Capitalibus Dominis feodi illius, redditibus & servitiis inde debitis & consuetis. In cujus rei Testimonium has Literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes. Dat. Dunelm. per manus Rob. de Wycliff Cancellarii nostri, vicesimo die Octob. anno Pontif. nostri septimo decimo. Quas quidem Literas nos Prior & Conventus memorati ratas habentes pariter & acceptas, eas pro nobis & successoribus nostris ratificamus, approbamus, & tenore praesentium confirmamus, juribus & libertatibus Ecclesiae Dunelm. in omnibus semper salvis. In cujus rei Testimonium Sigillum commune Capituli nostri praesentibus est appensum. Dat. Dunelm. in domo nostra Capitulari, decimo die mensis Novemb. Anno Dom. 1406. 1407. The same. The same. 1408. The same. The same. 1409. William Aughton William Middleton 1410. The same. The same. 1411. The same. The same. The King died March the 20th, and the next Day his Son King Henry V. was proclaimed King, and Crowned April the 9th. 1412. The same. The same. Henry V. 1413. The same. The same 1414. Robert Hebborn William Middleton In this Year when King Henry was preparing to lead his Forces into France, a Conspiracy at home against his Life was discovered, the Conspirators being Richard Earl of Cambridge, Brother of the Duke of York, the Lord Scroope, Lord Treasurer, and Sir Thomas Grey of Werk in Northumberland, Privy Counsellors, at the Instigation of the French, who particularly corrupted Scroope during his Embassy in France the Year before: Who being executed, Scroope 's Head was sent to York, and Sir Thomas Grey 's to Newcastle, to be Spectacles of Terror to all Beholders. Complete History of England, Vol. I. p. 316. 1415. The same. The same. 1416. Roger Thornton John del Strother 1417. The same. The same. Mandatum ad vocand. certas mulieres de Novo Castro ad paenas eis injunctas, pro eo quod attemptaverint transire ad feretrum S. Cuthberti. DOmini Dunelm. Episcopi Officialis Capellanis parochialibus Ecclesiarum S. Nicholai & Omnium Sanctorum villae Novi Castri super Tynam falutem in Auctore Salutis. Cum nuper Matildis Burgh & Margareta Usshar servientes ut asserunt Petri Baxter dictae villae, ex instigatione diabolica inductae, & ausu temerario ad Ecclesiam cathedralem Dunelmen. accessissent vestibus virilibus indutae, eo animo & intensione, ut ad feretrum Sanctiss. Confessoris Cuthberti personaliter accederent, scientes hoc esse prohibitum mulieribus quibuscun que sub poena excommunicationis majoris, & violationis Ecclesiae libertatis. Cum que de hoc gravi facitiore coram nobis pro tribunali sedentibus convictae fuissent & confessatae, & cum talibus delictis voluntas progrediens ad ulteriora reputatur praesto de consensu Magistri Johannis Houteman Dom. nostri Episcopi Dunelm. Vicarii Generalis, ac aliorum Jurisperitorum nobis adrunc assidentium, dictis mulieribus in forma juris juratis poenitentias injunximus pro commisso, viz. quod utra que earum incedat coram processione tribus diebus sestivis circa Ecclesiam S. Nicholai, & aliis tribus diebus festivis circa Ecclesiam Omnium Sanctorum praedictas in eisdem vestibus virilibus, eisdem modo & forma quibus ad dictam Ecclesiam cathedralem Dunelm. tam temerarie accedebant. Vobis igitur injungimus & mandamus, quatenus dictas mulieres ad agend. dictas poenitentias, ut praemittitur alternis diebus in vestris Ecclesiis convocetis, & causam quare talem peragunt poenitentiam populo publice & solemniter nuncietis, ne aliae mulieres de caetero in tantam prorumpere audaciam delinquendi valeant: Citantes nihilominus dictum Petrum Baxter & uxorem ejus, quod compareant coram nobis vel Commissario in galilea Dunelm. die Lunae proximo post festum S. Michaelis proxime futuro causam rationabilem, si quam habeant, quare non debeant, tanquam fautores, auctores, & consilium dantes in hac parte, puniri in forma juris, allegaturi & proponituri, ulterius que facturi & recepturi quod justitia suadebit: & quid feceritis in praemissis nos ad dictum diem & locum certificetis aperte cum istis literis sigillo vestro sigillatis. Dat. Dunelm. 18. die mensis Septemb. Anno Dom. 1417. Certificatorium de poenitentia duarum mulierum quae nitebantur accedere ad feretrum S. Cuthberti. HUJUS auctoritate mandati Matildam & Margaretam infrascriptas vocavi ad poenitentiam a vobis judicialiter illis injunctam, quae humiliter obtem perantes comparuerunt, & dictam poenitentiam devote impleverunt, circumeundo Ecclesiam Omnium Sanctorum coram processionem, secundum modum & formam ois injunctam in ultima Dominica, & de caeteris Dominicis pariter sunt ad dictas poenitentias, si meliorem gratiam non valeant invenire tamen bonum est ut illis gratiose parceatur, si vobis placuerit, & sic mandatum vestrum venerabile penes me in omnibus sum executurus, & praedictum Petrum citavi secundum formam mandati, & uxor praedicti Petri sic est fatigata cum duobus gemellis quod honeste non potest comparere. Per Robertum Croft Capellanum Ecclesiae Omnium Sanctorum. 1418. The same. The same. 1419. The same. The same. 1420. The same. John de Bywell Requietantia facta Majori & Communitati villae Novi Castri super Tynam. NOVERINT Universi per praesentes Nos Johannem Priorem Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. recepisse & habuisse die confectionis praesentium de Majore & Communitate villae Novi Castri super Tynam, per manus Monachi nostri de Farneland novem libras, tres solidos, & quatuor denarios monetae Anglicanae de termino S. Michaelis Archangeli proxime praeterito ante datam praesentium, in plenam solutionem cujusdam annuae pensionis nobis & monasterio nostro Dunelm. per progenitores Dom. Regis de elemosina sua concessae, percipendae annuatim ad Festum S. Michaelis Archangeli de feodi firma villae praedictae per manus hominum ejusdem villae. De quibus quidem novem libris, tribus solidis, & quatuor denariis praedictis fatemur nos fore solutos, dictos que Dom. Regem, Majorem, Communitatem, ac Homines dictae villae, haeredes & successores suos, inde acquietamus per praesentes. Datas tertio die Octobr. anno regni Regis Henrici quinti post conquestum Angliae octavo. 1421. William Essington Laurence Acton Dotatio Cantariae Johannis Dolfamby in Ecclesia de Gatesheved. SCIANT Praesentes & Futuri quod ego Johannes Dolphamby de Gatesheved dedi, concessi, & hac praesenti Carta mea confirmavi Johanni Vesci Capellano Cantariae Sanctor. Johannis Apostoli & Evangelistae, & S. Johannis Baptistae, nuper per me fundatae in Ecclesia B. Mariae de Gatesheved, & successoribus suis Capellanis ejusdem Cantariae, quatuordecem tenementa cum omnibus suis pertin. in dicta villa de Gatesheved: De quibus quidem tenementis unum jacet in Akewelgate inter tenementum Johannis Wermouth ex parte boriali, & tenement. pertinens Cantariae B. Mariae in Ecclesia praedicta ex parte australi, & extendit se a via Regia ante us que ad terras Dominicales Episcopi Dunelm. retro. 2. Item aliud tenementum cum omnibus suis pertin. super le Westrawe, sicut jacet inter tenementum Euphaniae Copper ex parte australi & tenementum Roberti Heworth ex parte boriali, & extendit a via Regia ante us que ad le Holchare retro. 3. Item alia duo tenementa pariter jacentia cum omnibus suis pertin. sicut jacent super le Westrawe inter tenementum Thomae Fleskewer ex parte australi & tenementum Agnetis Surres ex parte boriali, & extendunt se a via Regia ante us que ad gardinum cujusdam tenementi quod Christophorus Charles tenet de me in feodo retro, cum uno gardino sicut jacet inter tenementum praedicti Christophori & tenementum meum ex parte orientali & croftum quod Willielmus Bulmer tenet de me in feodo ex parte occidentali, & extendit so a gardi Beh parta australi us que ad gardinum meum ex parte boriali. 5. Item aliud tenementum cum omnibus suis pertin. super le Westrawe sicut jacet super corneram de Pipewelgate inter tenementum Agnetis Surres ex parte australi & venellam de Pipewelgate ex parte boreali, & extendit se a via Regia ante us que ad tenementum Rogeri de Thorneton retro. 6. Item aliud tenementum cum omnibus suis pertin. super le Estrawe sicut jacet inter tenementum nuper Johannis Banke ex parte boriali & tenementum quod Willielmus Codlyng tenet de me in feodo ex parte australi, & extendit se a via Regia ante us que ad le Ground Ebbe de Tyne retro. 7. Item aliud tenementum cum omnibus suis pertin. sicut jacet super le Estrawe inter venellum vocatum Helgate ex parte boriali & tenementum Willielmi Screwane ex parte australi, & extendit se a via Regia ante us que ad tenementum nuper Johannis Stokdale retro. 8. Item aliud tenementum cum omnibus suis pertin. sicut jacet super le Estrawe inter tenementum nuper Willielmi Langeton ex parte boriali & le Overkirke Chare ex parte australi, & extendit se a via Regia ante us que ad dictum Kirke Chare retro. 9. Item aliud tenementum cum omnibus suis pertin. sicut jacet super le Estrawe inter tenementum nuper Hugonis Barbour ex parte boriali & tenementum Roberti Whelpyngton ex parte australi, & extendit se a via Regia ante us que ad le Common Gutter retro; cum duobus selionibus terrae sicut jacent inter terram Dom. Thomae Surtays Militis, ex parte australi & terram Willielmi Hilton ex parte boriali, & extendit se ab alta via Regia ante us que ad viam quae ducit versus Dunelm. retro 10. Item quatuor tenementa pariter jacentia super le Estrawe inter tenementum Adae del Graunge ex parte boriali & tenementum Johannis Gilford ex parte australi, cum omnibus suis pertin. 11. Item aliud tenementum cum omnibus suis pertin. sicut jacet super le Estrawe inter tenementum nuper Roberti Galefore ex parte boriali & tenementum Johannis Sutton ex parte australi, & extendit se a via Regia ante us que ad Akewelgate retro: Habenda & tenenda omnia praedicta & singula quatuordecim Tenementa, cum omnibus suis pertin. praefato Johanni Vescy & successoribus suis, Capellanis ejusdem Cantariae, de Capitalibus Dominis feodorum illorum per fervitia inde debita & de jure consueta in perpetuum. Et ego praedictus Johannes Dolphamby & haeredes mei omnia praedicta & singula quatuordecim tenementa, cum omnibus suis pertin. praefato Johanni Vescy & successoribus suis, Capellanis ejusdem Cantariae, contra omnes gentes warantizabimus & in perpetuum desendemus. In cujus rei Testimonium praesenti Cartae meae Sigillum meum apposui, his Testibus Henrico Eton Rectore Ecclesiae dictae de Gatesheved, Roberto Helton, Willielmo Gategang, Johanne Gilford, Willielmo Boltby, Roberto Cok, Thomae Hedlam, & aliis. Datum apud Gatesheved in Festo Apostolorum Petri & Pauli, Ao Dom. 1421. & Ao Regis Henrici quinti post Conquest. Angliae nono. 1422. The same. Thomas Chirdon Henry VI. The King died Aug. 31. His Son King Henry the VIth , in the ninth Month of his Age, was proclaimed. 1423. William Ellerby The same. 1424. The same. The same. Confirmatio Cantariae Johannis Dolphamby in Ecclesia de Gatesheved. OMNIBUS Christi fidelibus praesentes Literas inspecturis Johannes Prior Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. & ejusdem loci Capitulum, salutem in omnium Salvatore. Noveritis nos Literas Reverendi in Christo Patris & Domini, Dom. Thomae Deigratia, Dunelm. Episcopi, sub tenore qui sequitur, inspexisse. Thomas Dei gratia Episcopus Dunelm. Omnibus ad quos praesentes Literae pervenerint, salutem. Sciatis quod de gratia nostra speciali concessimus & licentiam dedimus pro nobis & successoribus nostris, quantum in nobis est, Johanni Dolphamby de Gatesheved, quod ipse quandam Cantariam de uno Capellano divina singulis diebus in Ecclesia parochiali B. Mariae de Gatesheved, pro salubristatu nostro & ipsius Johannis dum vixerimus, & pro animabus nostris, cum ab hac luce migraverimus, ac animabus Willielmi Johanson nuper burgensis villae Novi Castri super Tynam, ac patrum, matrum, uxorum, liberorum, fratrum, sororum, parentum, benefactorum nostrorum, & omnium fidelium defunctorum, juxta ordinationem ipsius Johannis in hac parte faciendam, celebraturo in perpetuum, facere, fundare, & stabilire possit; & quod idem Johannes, postquam dicta Cantaria sic facta, fundata, & stabilita fuerit, dare possit & assignare praefato Capellano quatuordecim messuagia cum pertin. in Gatesheved, quae de nobis tenentur in burgagio, habenda, tenenda, & percipienda eidem Capellano & successoribus suis, Capellanis Cantariae praedictae, in auxilium, sustentationis suae in perpetuum: Et eidem Capellano quod messuagia praedicta cum pertin. a praefato Johanne recipere possit & tenere sibi & successoribus suis praedictis, sicut praedictum est, in perpetuum, tenore praesentium similiter iicentiam dedimus specialem, statuto de terris & tenementis ad manum mortuam non ponendis edito non obstante: Nolentes quod praefatus Johannes vel haeredes sui, aut praefatus Capellanus seu successores sui, ratione statuti praedicti seu aliorum praemissorum per nos vel successores nostros, Justiciarios, Escaetores, Vicecomites, aut alios Ballivos seu Ministros nostros, vel successorum nostrorum quoscun que inde occasionentur, molestentur in aliquo, seu graventur. In cujus rei Testimonium has Literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes: Dat. Dunelm. per manus Willielmi Chauncellor, Cancellarii nostri, primo die Junii, anno Pontif. nostri quinto decimo. Quas quidem Literas nos Prior & Capitulum memorati ratas habentes pariter & acceptas, eas, quantum in nobis est, pro nobis & successoribus nostris ratificamus, approbamus, & tenore praesentium confirmamus, jure Capituli & Ecclesiae nostrae praedictorum, si quod habuerimus in messuagiis antedictis aut eorum aliquo, five in libero redditu exeunte de eis, seu aliquo eorundem, Nobis & successoribus nostris in perpetuum in omnibus semper salvis. In cujus rei Testimonium, Sigillum commune Capituli nostri Praesentibus est appensum. Dat. Dunelm. in Domo nostra Capitulari, septimo die mensis Octob. Ao Dom. 1424. 1425. The same. John Tray. 1426. Roger Thornton The same. 1427. The same. John Jay. 1428. John Rhodes The same. This Year died that noble Benefactor Roger Thornton, whose last Will and Testament is a good Proof of the shining Worth of this eminent Magistrate, and well deserves a Place here; for which the World is indebted to John Thornton of Nether Witton in Northumberland, Esq a worthy Descendant of this Person. E Registr. Thomae Langley Episcopi Dunelm. fol. 163. a. UNIVERSIS S. Matris Ecclesiae Filiis praesentes Literas inspecturis Thomas Permissione Divina Dunelm. Episcopus, salutem in Domino, & fidem indubiam praesentibus adhib. Noveritis quod nuper inspecto Registro nostro, inter caetera Testamentum Rogeri Thornton senioris, nuper de villa Novi Castri super Tynam, nostrae Dioces. Mercatoris, & per nos probatum in forma juris in eodem invenimus contineri: Quod quidem Testamentum ad humilem & instantem supplicationem dilecti nobis in Christo filii Rogeri Thornton, filii praedicti Rogeri Thornton Testatoris, & Executoris unici dicto Testamento nominati, exemplificari tenorem & veram copiam ejusdem Testamenti de Registro nostro extracti fecimus transcribi, cujus tenor de verbo in verbum sequitur sub hac forma. In Nomine Patris, & Filii, & Spiritus Sancti, Amen. The Thursday next before Yole-day in the Year of our Lord 1429. I Roger Thornton the Elder makes and ordains my Testament and my last Will in this Form following: That is to say, I commend my Soul to the Mercy of GOD, and my Body to be buried beside my Wife in Alhallowes Kyrk of Newcastle. Also I will, that every Priest Secular being at mine Interrment have to pray for my Soul and to be at my Dirgies and forth bringing one Noble. Also I will, that one hundred Pounds be spended and delt at mine Interrment, th' Ams of Roger my Son. Also I give to the Vicar of S. Nicholas Kirk for forgotten Tends five Pounds. Item, To the Kirk of S. Nicholas Reparation and Enorments thereof fourty Marks; also to Alhallow in like Form twenty Pounds. Item, To S. John 's Kirk four Fothers of Lead. Item, To S. Andrew 's Kirk two Fothers of Lead. Item, To the Lepermen of Newcastle two Pounds. Item, To the Chappel of S. Thomas upon Tyne-Bridge six Fothers of Lead. Item, To Reparation of West Spittel two Fothers of Lead. Item, To the Walknowl Reparation of their Kirk two Fothers of Lead. Item, To the Reparation of the Nuns of Newcastle two Fothers of Lead. Item, To the Lepremen of Newcastle two Pounds. Item, To the Reparation of Tyne-Bridge of Newcastle one hundred Marks, if so that the Mayor and Commons will release me all Actions, as I that never hindred them, nor nought awe them at my witting, but this I desire for eschewing of Clamour. Item, To the Mesondieu of S. Katherine of my Foundation, for their Enorments, twenty Pounds. Item, To my Chantry of S. Peter in Alhallow Kirk, for the Enorments thereof, ten Pounds. Item, To the Chappel of Witton by the Water six Marks. Item, To every House of Alms ordeyned for Bedrydens in Newcastle one Mark, which shall be Parcel of the said Summe that shall be spent upon mine Interrment. Item, To the Reparation of those Tenements that I have given to the aforesaid Mesondieu and to the said Chantry forty Pounds. Item, I will that thirty Priests sing for me two Years next after my Decease, ilk Priest having for his Soulds by Year eight Marks. Item, I will that four hundred Marks whilk that the Priour and Covent Hexham awe me be dispensed, bygging of thair Kirk, if they will make agreeable Seurtes that it shall be duely done. Item, I give to the House of Blanchland two Fothers of Lead. Item, To Brinkbourn two Fothers of Lead. Item, To Cocket Eland one Fother of Lead. Item, To Reparation of Farn Eland one Fother of Lead. Item, To the Nuns of Hallystartes one Fother of Lead. Item, To every ilk of the four Orders Mendicants of Newcastle to pray for my Saule ten Marks, to be departed to every Frier Conventual by the Ams of my Son. Item, I will that the Recluse of Newcastle, and Sir Henry Fenwick and Sir Henry Lincoln, Priests, be Parcel of the thirty Priests for two Years; and also after the said two Years I will they three sing for me, taking every Priest of them two Seculars, eight Marks, and the Recluse yearly six Marks, to an hundred Marks be dispendit if they live so long, and else to be dispendit for my Soul by the Ams of my Son. Item, I forgive to the House of Gisburn thirty Pounds which they awe me, beside the hundred Pound which I have given them before this Time, so that they find me a Priest perpetually singing for me in their House, like as their Covenant is made. Item, I will that a hundred Marks be forgiven amongst my poor Tenants by the Ams of my Son to them that may not well pay. Item, I give to the Covent of Yarum and to the Covent of Hartlepool to pray for my Saule ten Marks to aither House, to be departed among them by the Ams of my Son. Item, I give to the Reparation of the Steeple of the Minster of Duresme one Fother Lead. Item, To every Monk of Charter-house at Mount Grace to pray for my Saule, a Noble. Item, To every Monk of Newmynster a Noble. Item, To every Monk of Tinmouth a Noble. Item, To every Monk of Whitby a Noble. Item, To Sir Thomas Pittington Vicar of Hartburne five Pounds. Item, To Sir John Fenwick ten Pounds. Item, To Sir William Harewood one Pound. Item, To Margaret my Servant in Penny and Penny worth six Pounds and ten Marks; and also for Term of her Life that House in Bradchair that Nicholas Baxter dwelleth in. Item, To Roger Corbett four Pounds, and also that he have Term of Life the Alms of the Mesondieu, so that he dwell not therein. Item, To John Gofton twenty Shillings. Item, To Robert Halls my Servant ten Pound of the Debt whilk he oweth me. Item, To John Desburgh four Pound of the Debt whilk he oweth me. Item, To Thomas that was my Servant a Noble. Item, To Agnes Hume twenty Shillings. Item, To Agnes Ward twenty Shillings. Item, To Elen Ward twenty Shillings. Item To Maryon Wann twenty Shillings. Item, To Old Gillott twenty Shillings. Item, To Jonet Pridow twenty Shillings. Item, To Sir Henry Lincoln one Mark. Item, To William Mawe, if he make true Reconing, twenty Shilling. Item, To Thomas Gentleman one Pound. Item, To John Tinmouth twenty Shillings. Item, To Emery Herring five Pound. Item, To William Desbrough five Pound. Item, To Henry Thornton five Pound. Item, To John Whatnow forty Shillings of his Debt. Item, To Thomas Skinner the Skinner four Shillings. Item, To John Sharp fifteen Shillings. Item, To John Moreton one Pound. Item, To William Walker twenty Shillings. Item, To Chirnside a Noble. Item, To John Felton his House free Term of his Life, he to reparrell it, and a Corrody in S. Catherine Term of his Life. Item, I forgive to John Wheelwright one Pound of his Debt. Item I give to Thomas Croxton a Mark. Also I will that fourty Pounds be in my Son's Disposition, to this Intent, that if any poor Labourer, or other Person, claim any Parcel of Debt by me owing, he is to dispoyne, and them pay off that Summ by his Discretion, in discharging my Saule, as he will answer to GOD. Item, I give to Gerrard Mitford five Pounds. Item, To John Robinson of Thornton, if he make true Reckoning, five Pounds. Item, To young John Robinson his Son five Pounds. Item, To John Brumpton fourty Shillings. Item, To Cock my Servant twenty Shillings. Item, To George my Co bott for y Shillings Item, To Margaret Dalton twenty Shillings. Item, To Alison my Servant a Noble. Item, To Robert Killingworth a Mark. All those Goods and Parcells aforesaid I will my Son do and dispoyne, as he will answer afore GOD; and aw Remainaunt and Residue of my Goods, Mobles and Unmoveables, with all my Lands that I, or any other in my Name, or to my Life, are enfeossed in, except the Lands given to my Mesondieu and to my Chantry, I give freely, clearly, and fully to my said Son Roger and his Heirs and Assigns for evermore. And to fulfil this my Testament and last Will, I make and ordain the same Roger my Son to be mine Executor, in Presence of Sir John Fenwick, Emery Hering, and Margett my Servant, this present Day and Year aforesaid, Sealed with mine own Hands. Et in Exemplificationis Testimonium Sigillum nostrum praesentibus duximus apponendum. Datum in Manerio nostro de Aukland quarto die mensis Januarii, Anno Dom. 1431. & nostrae Consecrat. vicesimo sexto. 1429. The same. John Clark. 1430. The same. The same. 1431. The same. Edward Bartram 1432. Laurence Acton Thomas Chirdon 1433. The same. Thomas Parpdie This Year was held by Royal Authority a warm Inquisition against Bishop Langley and his Royal Prerogatives in the County Palatin of Durham, first at Hartlepool, and afterwards at Newcastle, the Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland, the present Mayor of Newcastle, John Horsley, and seven others being appointed to be Commissioners, the said Laurence Acton and John Horsley appointed to be of the Quorum: The Proceedings, tho' violent, yet proved a remarkable Evidence of the Immunities and Freedom of the County Palatin, and of the Bishop's Royal Authority. 1434. Richard Hall Richard Brown 1435. Rob. Whelpington Thomas Wardell Custodia Capellae S. Edmundi & Cuthberti in Gatesheved concessa Johanni Heyworth Vicario S. Nicholai in Novo Castro. THOMAS Permissione Divina Dunelm. Episcopus dilecto nobis in Christo Magistro Johanni Heyworth in Decretis Bacallario Presbytero, salutem, gratiam, & benedictionem. Custodiam Capellae Sanctor. Edmundi & Cuthberti Confessorum in villa de Gateshede nostrae Dioces. per liberam resignationem Magistri Georgii Radclyfe ultimi Custodis ejusdem, in manibus nostris sponte sactam, & per nos admissam, vacantem, & ad nostram collationem pleno jure spectantem, tibi conserimus intuitu caritatis, te que Custodem ipsius Capellae praeficimus & instituimus canonice in eadem, cum suis juribus, pertinentiis que universis: Decernentes te vel procuratorem tuum pro te & nomine tuo in corporalem possessionem dictae Capellae, jurium que & pertin. suorum, quorumcun que fore realiter inducendum, juribus nostris Episcopalibus & Ecclesiae nostrae cathedralis Dunelm. dignitate in omnibus semper salvis; tuam insuper conscientiam expresse onerantes, ut bona ipsius Capellae diligenter congreges & conserves, ac in usus deputatos fideliter facias erogari, ad quod faciendum corporale in manibus nostris, tactis sacrosanctis Evangeliis, praestitisti juramentum. In cujus rei Testimonium Sigillum nostrum praesentibus duximus apponendum. Dat. in Manerio nostro de Aukland duodecimo die mensis Martii, Ao Dom. 1435. & nostrae Consecrat. tricesimo. 1436. Richard Hall John Chambers Thomas Langley Bishop of Durham died Nov. 20. and was succeeded by Robert Nevil Bishop of Sarum, Jan. 27. 1437. Laurence Acton Thomas Parpdie 1438. Rob. Whelpington John Castle Officium Parcarii ac Custodis Turris de Gatesheved concessum Roberto Preston. ROBERTUS Permissione Divina Dunelm. Episcopus omnibus ad quos praesentes Literae pervenerint salutem. Sciatis quod de gratia nostra speciali, ac pro laudabili servitio quod dilectus nobis Robertus Preston nobis & Ecclesiae nostrae Dunelm. impendit, & in futurum, annuente Domino, impendet, dedimus & concessimus eidem Roberto Preston officium Parcarii nostri de Gatesheved, cum herbagio infra eundem parcum, una cum custodia turris nostrae ibidem, Habend. tenend. ac occupand. officium praedictum cum herbagio & custodia praedictis per se, seu per sufficientem deputatum suum, pro quo respondere voluerit, ad terminum vitae suae, percipiendo de nobis & successoribus nostris per manus Magistri Forestarii nostri ibidem, qui pro tempore fuerit in officio praedicto, pro custodia dicti parci unum denarium & obolum per diem ad duos anni terminos, viz. ad Festa Paschae & S. Michaelis Archangeli annuatim durante vita praedicti Roberti Preston aequaliter solvendos; ac pro custodia turris nostrae unum denarium per diem per manus Ballivorum, Ministrorum, seu quorum cun que aliorum occupatorum infra dominium nostrum de Gatesheved praedict. pro tempore existentium, praedicto Roberto Preston singulis annis durante vita sua ad terminos dictos aequaliter solvendum; una cum omnibus aliis proficuis, custubus, feodis, & commoditatibus eisdem officio & custodiae qualitercun que spectantibus. Dedimus insuper & concessimus pro nobis & successoribus nostris eidem Roberto Preston durante vita sua unam robam de secta valecta vel octo solidos nomine ejusdem robae quolibet anno ad Festum Natalis Domini sibi solvendos. In cujus rei Testimonium Sigillum magnum Cancellariae nostrae Dunelm. fecimus his apponi. Dat. octavo die mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini 1438. 1439. John Clark William Harding Concessio Nominationis ad Ecclesiam Parochialem de Gatesheved Cancellario Oxon. caetui que Regentium & non Regentium in cadem. ROBERTUS Permissione Divina Dunelm. Episcopus Venerabilibus & praedilectis viris, Cancellario Universitatis Oxon. caetui que Regentium & non Regentium in eadem, salutem, & per augmentum profectus scholastici de virtute crescere in virtutem. Lactati in uberibus Almae Matris nostrae Universitatis antedictae refectione scientiae salutaris ipsius studium in prole faecunda per salutiferos palmites cupimus ampliare, ut dilatato sui tentorii loco funiculos faciat longiores. Hinc est quod de vestris circumspectione & prudentia confidentes nominationem Ecclesiae parochialis de Gateshede nostrorum Patronatus, Collationis, & Dioces. cum ipsam proxime simpliciter vacare contigerit, vobis illa unica vice duntaxat, concedimus specialem: sic quod personam per vos nominandam infra tres menses post vacationem Beneficii hujusmodi nobis aut successori nostro nominare curetis ad effectum, ut eidem nominato nominationis vestrae praetextu ea vice Ecclesiam hujusmodi conferamus, successorve noster conferre valeat in eventu, caeterum facturi vel facturus quae nostro aut suo in hae parte incumbunt officio pastorali. Data nono die mensis Octob. Ao Dom. 1439. & nostrae Translat. secundo. 1440. John Chambers John Musgrave Commissio Domini Regis facta Roberto Rodes super Officio Contrarotulatoris villae Novi Castri super Tynam. HENRICUS Dei Gratia Rex Angliae & Franciae & Dominus Hiberniae, omnibus ad quos praesentes Literae pervenerint, salutem. Sciatis quod constituimus Robertum Rodes Contrarotulatorem nostrum tam magnae & parvae Custumae, quam subsidii lanarum, coriorum, & pellium lanatarum, nec non subsidii trium solidorum de dolio, & duodecim denariorum de libra in portu villae Novi Castri super Tynam, & in singulis portubus & locis eidem portui adjacentibus, Habondum & tenendum illud officium quamdiu nobis placuerit; percipiendo in illo officio feoda & vadia consueta, ita tamen quod idem Robertus rotulos suos manu sua propria scribat, & continuo moretur ibidem, ac omnia alia officium illud tangentia in propria persona sua, & non per substitutum suum, juxta formam statutorum in hac parte editorum, faciat & exequatur; Volentes quod altera pars Sigilli nostri, quod dicitur Coket, in portu praedicto in custodia ipsius Roberti remaneat, quamdiu officium habuerit supradictum. In cujus rei Testimonium has Literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes. Teste Meipso apud Westmonast. decimo sexto die Julii, Anno Regni nostri decimo nono, viz. 1440. Commissio facta Priori Dunelm. ad recipiendum Sacramentum Roberti Rodes Contratotulatoris Villae Novi Castri. HENRICUS Dei Gratia Rex Angliae & Franciae, & Dominus Hiberniae, dilecto sibi in Christo Priori Dunelm. salutem. Sciaris quod dedimus vobis potestatem recipiendi Sacramentum dilecti nobis Roberti Rodes, Contratotulatoris nostri tam magnae & parvae Custumae, quam subsidii lanarum, coriorum, & pellium lanatarum, nec non subsidii trium solidorum de dolio, & duodecim denariorum de libra in portu villae Novi Castri super Tynam, & in singulis portubus & locis eidem portui adjacentibus, de officio illo bene & fideliter faciendo juxta formam cujusdam scedulae praesentibus interclusae. Et ideo vobis in fide & dilectione, quibus nobis tenemini, injungimus & mandamus, quod Sacramentum praedictum recipiatis, & cum illud reciperitis, eidem Roberto Literas nostras Patentes sibi de officio illo factas, quas vobis mittimus per latorem praesentium, liberetis: Et nobis de Sacramento illo, cum sic captum fuerit, in Cancellariam nostram sub sigillo vestro distincte & aperte sine dilatione constare faciatis, remittentes nobis hoc breve. Teste Meipso apud Westmonast. decimo sexto die Julii, Anno Regni nostri 19o . Juramentum Roberti Rodes Contrarotulatoris Villae Novi Castri. VOUS jurres que bien & loialment servies au Roi en l'office de Countroullour des Custumes & Subsidies le Roi en le port de Novell Castell sur Tyne, & loialment entreres les choses que vendront au dit port ou passeront d'icel, & que nul doun ne prendres pur vostre office faire, ne pour rien que purra cheire en desavantage du Roi, ne nul marchandises ne autres choses custumables ne seoffres passer hors du dit port sans Custume due paier, & que vous fres mesme l'office & sur ceo demure en vostre propre person sans substituts mettre, & les Roules escriveres par vostre main demesne, & le profett le Roi agateres & ferres quant come vous purres selon vostre sens & vostre poiair; si Dieu vous eide & ses seintes. The Oath of Robert Rodes, Controller of the Town of Newcastle. YOU Swear, that you shall well and lawfully serve his Majesty the King in the Office of Controller of the Custums and Subsidies granted to his Majesty in the Port of Newcastle upon Tyne, and justly enter such Things as shall be imported into the said Port or exported from thence: and that you shall receive no Presents for Performance of your Office, or upon any Account that may be prejudicial to the King, neither shall permit any Merchandizes or other Custumable Goods to pass out of Port without Payment of Custum; and that you perform the Office yourself, and enjoy the same in your own Person, without presuming to nominate a Substitute, and shall write the Roulls with your own Hand, and shall gather and collect the King's Profits according to your best Knowledge and Ability: So GOD help you and his Saints. Certificatorium de receptione Juramenti Contrarotulatoris Villae Novi Castri super Tynam. Coram ipso Rege in Cancellaria per Priorem Dunelm. VIrtute istius Brevis ego Johannes Wessy g Martis decimo nono die Septemb. anno infrascripto apud Dunelmum recepi Sacramentum Roberti suprascripti de officio suo bone & fideliter faciendo, secundum formam cujusdam Scedulae adtunc huic Brevi inclusae. 1440. 1441. William Harding Simon Weldon 1442. Thomas Wardell William Jay 1443. John Musgrave Thomas Hedlam 1444. William Harding Thomas Bee 1445. William Jay John Ward 1446. William Harding John Winton 1447. The same. Robert Baxter Marmaduke Lumley Lord Bishop of Carlisle made Lord Treasurer, Decemb. 18. 1448. John Ward John Richardson Appropriato Capellae S. Edmundi Episcopi in Gatesheved facta Monialibus S. Bartholomaei in Novo Castro per Robertum Episc. Dunelm. UNIVERSIS Christi Fidelibus praesentes Literae inspecturis Robertus Permissione Divina Dunelm. Episcopan, salutem in Auctore Salutis. Matris Ecclesiae circumspecta benignitas illorum gravaminibus libentius compatitur & miseriis promptius provider, quos prae caeteris vitae & morum excellentia praefulgentes virtuosis morum praemiis dignos reddunt potloribus attolli favoribus & majoribus beneficiis honotari. Sane exhibitae nobis nuper pro parte Religlosarum Mulierum Priotissae & Conventus Monasterii sive Prioratus S. Bartholomai in Novo Castro super Tynam nostrae Dunelm. Dioces. petitio continebat, Quod licet ipsum Monasterium suum ex sua primaeva fundatione in fructibus, redditibus, & proventibus ad sustentationem Priorissae & Conventus ibidem, ac aliorum servitorum degentium in eodem, receptionem hospitum, ac alia incumbentia onera debite fupportanda sufficienter dotatum suerat: at postea decrescentibus proventibus ejusdem Monasterii cum annua pensione decem marcarum de Ecclesia de Wessyngton excunte per felicis recordationis Ricardum quondam Dunelm. Episcopum relevatum extiterat, jam que temporis cursu in deterius dilabentur fructus, redditus, & proventus ipsius Monasterii per ignis incendia ac alia mundi infortunia, & praesertim non solutionem dictae annuae pensionis, quae propter notoriam exilitatem dictae Ecclesiae de Wessyngton solvi non potuit de eadem, ita tenues & exiles existunt in praesenti, quod pro honesta sua sustentatione & servitorum suorum, ac hospitum receptione, cum idem Monasteritum suum in dicta villa Novi Castri multum famosa sit constitutum, nec non domorum & aedificiorum eidem pertinentium reparatione, & aliis oneribus ipsi Monasterio suo necessario incumbentibus debite supportandis non sufficiunt nec sufficere poterunt verisimiliter in futurum, nisi de alicujus subventionis remedio eidem succurratur; quod que praemissorum praetextu dicta Ecclesia de Wessyngton a solutione dictae pensionis exonerata fuit, & in recompensam dictae annuae pensionis de post iisdem Priorissae & Conventui de fructibus, redditibus, & proventibus Ecclesiae de Ryton dictae nostrae Dioces. valorem Ecclesiae de Wessyngton antedictae notorie excedentis, juxta ordinationem nostram in ea parte factam persolvendi provisio facta fuit. Et confiderato insuper quod lites & litigia ex verisimili inter Curatum Ecclesiae de Ryton memoratae quae curata existit & dictas Religiosas Mulieres occasione pensionis hujusmodi oriri poterunt in futurum, sicut inter Rectorem Ecclesiae de Wessyngton & ipsas Religiosas Mulieres hujusmodi litigia saepius evenerunt temporibus retroactis, unio, annexio, incorporatio, & appropriatio Capellae S. Edmundi Episcopi in Gatesheved nostrarum Collationis & Dioces. eis & earum Monasterio supradicto faciendae pietati consonae merito censeantur, cum ex his sic unitis status utrius que liberius poterit supportari, unde pro parte earundem Religio sarum Mulierum Priorissae & Conventus nobis humiliter extitit supplicatum & instanter petitum per easdem, quod, praemissis diligenter attentis, in earum & sui Monasterii succursum & relevamen, futuram que exonerationem dictae Ecclesiae de Ryton & ejusdem Rectoris a solutione dictae pensionis decem marcarum qua plurimum praegravatur, dictam Capellam S. Edmundi Episcopi in Gatesheved nostrarum Collationis & Dioces. cum suis juribus & pertin. universis eis & earum Monasterio supradicto, ac sibi in eodem successuris quibuseun que unire, annectere, incorporare, & appropriate in usus suos proprios perpetuo possidendam, ulterius que pronunciate, declarare, ordinare, statuere, & decernere in hac parte quod est justum & consonum pietati dignaremur. Nos igitur Regularis vitae honestatem, divini que cultus fomentum, hospitum receptionem, & alia caritatis opera, & vigentia gratiarum munera, quae in dicto suo Monasterio hactenus abundarunt, nec non verisimilia litigia inter ipsas Religiosas Mulieres & Rectorem de Ryton in exactione dictae annuae pensionis decem marcarum futuris temporibus eventura, caetera que alia per easdem deducta diligentius attendentes, ac ipsarum Religiosarum Mulierum voto circa appropriationem, unionem & incorporationem praedictas quantum de jure possumus satisfacere cupientes, super praemissis omnibus & singulis pro parte ipsarum Religiosarum Mulierum Priorissae & Conventus nobis suggestis, ac caeteris in ea parte necessariis & de jure requisitis inquiri fecimus diligentius veritatem: Et quia tam per hujusmodi inquisitionem in ea parte factam quam etiam per alia documenta coram nobis exhibita, allegata, & probata invenimus dicta suggesta & petita fuisse & esse vera, & quod evidens utilitas, urgens que necessitas unionem, annexionem, incorporationem, & appropriationem dictae Capellae S. Edmundi Episcopi in Gatesheved ipsi Monasterio S. Bartholomaei & ejusdem Priorissae & Conventui ac sibi successuris faciendam exposcunt; nos ipsarum Religiosarum Mulierum Priorissae & Conventus virtutum merita quibus invenimus eas insigniri, earum que & sui Monasterii supradicti exilitatem & penuriam, ac lites & litigia quae ex verisimili inter Curatum Ecclesiae de Ryton memoratae, dictas que Religiosas Mulieres occasione pensionis antedictae oriri poterunt in futurum, sicut alias in & pro pensione Ecclesiae de Wessyngton inter Rectorem & dictas Mulieres orta & mota novimus ab experto, ac etiam suggesta & petira prou conven romct e poud earum que necessitati & indigentiae pio compatientes affectu, habito in hac parte cum Priore & Capitulo Ecclesiae nostrae Cathedralis Dunelm. diligenti tractatu, eorum que consensu ad praemissa concesso pariter & obtento, omnibus que aliis, quae in hujusmodi appropriationis, unionis, & incorporationis negotio, de jure requiruntur, concurrentibus & observatis, invocata Spiritus Sancti gratia hujusmodi causas unionis, annexionis, incorporationis sive appropriationis in dicta petitione contentas, & alias pro parte earundem Religiosarum Mulierum nobis expositas & expressatas, veras, legitimas, & sufficientes, ac rite & Legitime probatas fuisse & esse pronunciamus, decernimus, & declaramus: Ac dictam Capellam S. Edmundi Episcopi in Gatesheved cum suis juribus & pertinentiis universis, ex causis praedictis & propter eas, dicto Monasterio S. Bartholomaei and ejusdem Priorissae & Conventui sibi que in codem successuris quibuscun que de expresso consensu & voluntate dictorum Prioris & Capituli Dunelm. jure tamen alterius cujuscun que in omnibus semper salvo, annexuimus, univimus, incorporavimus, & appropriavimus in usus suos proprios perpetuo possidendam; sic que annectimus, unimus, incorporamus, & appropriamus per praesentes. Ita viz. quod cedente, decedente, resignante, dimittente, vel amoto Magistro sive Custode ejusdem Capellae, qui nune est, seu ipsa Capella quomodolibet vacante, liceat Priorissae & Conventui, qui pro tempore fuerint; ipsius Capellae sic vacantis realem possessionem auctoritate propria apprehendere & cam licite retinere, nostris aut successorum nostrorum quorumcun que Dunelm. Episcoporum licentia, auctoritate, consensu, aut voluntate in ea parte minime expectatis. Post cujus quidem Capellae S. Edmundi Episcopi in Gatesheved adeptam possessionem dictam pensionem decem marcarum de fructibus, redditibus, & proventibus dictae Ecclesiae de Ryton excuntem & eisdem Priorissae & Conventui juxta vim, formam, & effectum ordinationis nostrae in ea parte facta, annuatim persolvendam, statim & incontinenti cessare volumus & cassamus, ac ipsam Ecclesiam & ejusdem Rectorem quemcun que pro tempore existentem ab ulteriori solutione hujusmodi pensionis in ipso eventu exoneramus & exoneratos este decernimus & declaramus per praesentes, praefata que Priorissa & Conventus extunc in perpetuum in recompensam ejusdem pensionis decem marcarum, cum hujusmodi possessionem dictae Capellae nactae fuerint, ut praefertur, & mon aliter, reputabunt se contentas, & ab omni exactione, petitione, prosecutione, & reclamatione dictae pensionis in ea parte omnino sint exclusae in perpetuum. Et ne, quod absit, praesentis unionis, annexionis, incorporationis, & appropriationis negotium ultra debitum prorogetur, aut nostra intensio in ea parte quovismodo frustretur, Magistro sive Custodi dictae Capellae S. Edmundi Episcopi moderno facultatem permutandi eandem interdicimus, & ipsam Capellam ad eundem effectum reservandam fore decernimus, & afficimus per decretum. Volumus insuper, statuimus, ordinamus, & decernimus quod praefara Priorissa & Conventus, & eis in dicto Monasterio succossitroe sumptibus suis propriis & expensis invenient duos Capellanos bonae vitae & conversationis honostae Missns & alin divina officia in eadem Capella S. Edmundi Episcopi perpetuis futuris temporibus pro animabus fundatorum ejusdem quotidie cum dispositi fuerint celebratros, ipsam que Capellam & caetere aedificia tam infra quam extra eidem pertinentia reparabunt & manutenebunt sumptibus suis & expensis ut praefertur. Nec non alia onera ordinaria & extraordinaria cidem Capellae qualitercun que incumbentia subient & suportabunt debite ut deberent. Praeterea pro indemnitate nostra & successorum nostrorum Dunelmen. Episcoporum quorumcun que ac Eclosiae nostrae Cathedralis Dunelm. Prioris & Capituli in praemissis salvanda, in recompensationem emolumentorum quae nos & successores nostri praefati que Prior & Capitulum poterimus seu poterint de dicta Capella S. Edmundi Episcopi, si hujusmodi unio, annexio, incorporatio, & appropriatio de eadem factae non essent, percipere & habere, ipsam Capellam sic unitam, annexam, incorporatam, &c appropriatam cum annua pensione sex solidorum & octo denariorum nobis & successoribus nostris cum alia etiam pensione trium solidorum & quatuor denariorum praefatis Priori & Capitulo post nactam possessionem ejusdem Capellae perpraesatam Priorissum & Conventum, & sibi in eodem Monasterio perpetuis futuris temporibus successuras in Festo Nativitatis S. Johannis Baptistae annis singulis persolvendis oneramus & oneratam este decernmus penpraesentes. Juribus nostris Episcopalibus & Ecclesiae nostrae Cathedralis Dunelm. libertatibus, privilegiis, & dignitate, jure que alterius cujuscun que in omnibus semper salvis. In quorum omnium & singulorum Testimonium ar que Fidem Sigillum nostrum ad causas praesentibus duximus apponendum. Data septimo die mensis Octobr. Ao Dom. 1448. &c nostrae Translationis undecimo. Ad p. 49. Obligatio Monalium de Novo Castro de annua Pensione. PATEAT Universis per praesentes Nos Margaretam Priorissam domus S. Monasterii S. Bartholomei in Novo Castro super Tynam, Dunelm. Dioces. & ejusdem loci Conventum concessisse & hac praesenti carta nostra confirmasse venerabilibus & religiosis viris Priori & Capitulo Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. eorum que successoribus in perpetuum unam annuam Pensionem trium solidorum & quatuor denariorum exeuntem de omnibus terris & tenementis nostris pertinentibus ad Capellam S. Edmundi Episcopi in Gatesheved, ratione indemphitatis eorundem Prioris & Capituli ac suae Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. praedictae, confirmandam in annexione, unione, incorporatione, & appropriatione praefatae Capellae S. Edmundi Episcopi in Gatesheved domui nostrae, five dicto Monasterio nostro auctoritate ordinaria nuper de dictorum Prioris & Capituli consensu factis: Habendam & percipiendam praedictam annuam Pensionem trium solidorum & quatuor denariorum praefatis Priori & Capitulo & successoribus suis de nobis & successoribus nostris, ac de omnibus terris & tenementis dictae Capellae S. Edmundi in Gateshede qualitercun que provenientibus annuatim, ad Festum Nativitatis S. Johannis Baptistae tantum, juxta vim, formam, & effectum ordinationis super dicta unione, annexione, incorporatione, &c appropriatione per Reverendum in Christo Patrem & Dominum, Dom. Robertum Dei gratia Dunelm. Episcopum habitae & statutae. Proviso quod si contingat dictam annuam Pensionem trium solidorum & quatuor denariorum vel aliquam ejus partem a retro fore non solutam permensis spatium post Festum praedictum, quo solvi debeat, quod tunc bene licebit dictis Priori & Capitulo & eorum successoribus in omnibus & singulis tertis & tenementis ad dictam Capellam S. Edmundi Episcopi in Gatesheved quomodolibet spectantibus distringere & districtiones inde captas abducere, asportare, & perres se retinere quous que eis de dicta annua Pensione, una cum arreragiis & expensis in ea parte factis plenarie suerit satisfacti. In cujus rei Testimonium Sigillum nostrum commune praesentibus duximus apponendum. Datum in domo nostra Capitulari 20. die mensis Octob. Anno Dom. 1448. An Obligation or Bond of the Nuns of Newcastle, concerning an annual Pension. BE it known to all by these Presents, That we Margaret Prioress of the Nunnery of S. Bartholomew 's in Newcastle upon Tyne in the Diocese of Durham, and the Convent of the same Place, have granted and by this our present Writing have confirmed to the Venerable and Religious Men, the Prior and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Durham, and their Successors for ever, one annual Pension of three Shillings and four Pence issuing from all our Lands and Tenements belonging to the Chapel of St. Edmund the Bishop in Gateshead, by reason of the Indemnity of the said Prior and Chapter and their Cathedral Church of Durham aforesaid, to be confirmed in the Annexion, Union, Incorporation and Appropriation of the aforesaid Chapel of St. Edmund the Bishop in Gateshead to our House or our said Monastery lately made by the ordinary Authority and Consent of the said Prior and Chapter: To be had and to be paid the aforesaid annual Pension of three Shillings and four Pence to the aforesaid Prior and Chapter and their Successors by us and our Successors from all the Lands and Tenements of the said Chapel of St. Edmund in Gateshead however arising yearly, at the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist only, according to the Force, Form and Effect of the Ordination had and established upon the said Union, Annexion, Incorporation and Appropriation by the Reverend Father in Christ and our Lord Robert by the Grace of God Bishop of Durham. Provided that if the said annual Pension of three Shillings and four Pence or any Part of it be not paid in a Month's time after the Feast aforesaid, wherein it ought to be paid, that then it shall be lawful to the said Prior and Chapter and their Successors to distrain in all and every the Lands and Tenements belonging to the said Chapel of St. Edmund the Bishop in Gateshead, and the Distraints thence taken to carry away and keep in their Custody, till full Satisfaction be made for the said annual Pension, together with the Arrears and Expences made in that Part. In Testimony whereof we have thought fit to affix our common Seal to these Presents. Dated in our Chapter-house Octob. 20. An. 1448. An' Christi. Mayors. Sheriffs. 1449. William Harding Allan Bird 1450. John Ward George Carr 1451. Robert Baxter John Baxter 1452. William Harding John Penreth 1453. John Carliell Nich. Wetwang 1454. John Richardson William Roddam 1455. The same. Thomas Cuthbert 1456. The same. John Nixon 1457. The same. Richard Stevenson In the 37th of King Henry VI. John Viscount Beaumont was constituted one of the Commissioners to meet with those from Scotland at Newcastle upon Tyne, touching Satisfaction for such Injuries as had been committed by the Subjects of either Realm against the other, contrary to the Articles of Truce formerly concluded between them. Dugdale's Baronage, vol. ii. p. 54. 1458. John Penrith Henry Fowler 1459. John Richardson Richard Stevenson Edward IV. King Henry VI. deposed. 1460. John Baxter Nicholas Hayning This Year the distressed Queen of King Henry with 500 French Soldiers came to the Coast of Scotland, and thence sailed to Tinmouth, where she landed, but was soon compelled to embark again, and in a Tempest driven back to Berwick: Whence with the Addition of some Scots, and accompanied by the King her Husband, she advanced into the Bishoprick of Durham, (the Prince remaining at Berwick ) and in their Passage thro' Northumberland gained some few Volunteers. To them resort Henry Duke of Somerset and Sir Ralph Piercy, who a few Weeks before had voluntarily submitted to King Edward, together with many of King Henry 's firm Devotees, so that together they made Shew of a competent Army. However their disorderly burning and spoiling wheresoever they went, whatsoever they could come at, lost them the Affection of many, and purchased the Ill-will of many more. 1461. John Richardson Nich. Wetwang K. Edward in the Spring this Year dispatched John Nevil Vicount Montacute into Northumberland, with Commission to raise Forces, himself following with his whole Army, but in haste sends some Companies after the Vicount, to prevent any Attempt of the Bishoprick Men, in case they should prove treacherous: With these the Vicount marched towards King Henry, and by the Way at Hedley Moor encountered the Lord Hungerford, who with the Lord Rosse upon the first Attack ran away, leaving Sir Ralph Piercy alone with his own Regiment, who there with them died valiantly fighting. Animated with this Success, Montacute, having certain Intelligence that King Henry was encamped in the Levels near the River Dowell in Hexhamshire, marched thither by Night, and assaulted his Camp: The Northern Men, used to such Attempts upon the Borders, resist with an undaunted Resolution, but were soon deseated, and sustained a great Slaughter, and the Lose of the whole Camp: King Henry and his Queen escaping narrowly, leaving their best Friends to Montacute 's Mercy; the Duke of Somerset, the Lord Rosse, Mollins, Hungerford, Wentworth, Hussey, and Sir John Findern, Kt. with many others, were taken Prisoners: The Duke of Somerset at Hexham was soon beheaded, as afterwards the other Prisoners were served at Newcastle. Afterwards King Edward came to Durham, thence detaching the Earl of Warwick and others into Northumberland, to reduce such Castles and Forts as yet held out for King Henry. 1462. Allan Bird Henry Foster 1463. Allan Bird William Blaxton 1464. John Nixon Nich. Hayning This Year after a tedious Negotiation between King Edward IV. and the King of Scotland, a Treaty of Pacification was concluded at Newcastle, whereby the Truce for 15 Years, agreed on the preceding Year, was prolonged for 45 years, viz. to 1510. 1465. Allan Bird William Thompson 1466. John Nixon Robert Chambers 1467. William Blaxston John Esington 1468. John Nixon John Cook 1469. Rich. Stephenson John Fisher 1470. William Blaxston Thomas Lockwood King Edward fled into Holland. 1471. Jonn Nixon Jonn Carr 1472. William Blaxston Thomas Snaw 1473. The same. Robert Harding 1474. Nich. Hayning William Hodgson Litera Fraternitatis concessa Johanni Robynson villae Novi Castri, Mercatori, & Johannae uxori suae, per Priorem & Capitulum Ecclesiae Dunelm. cum Annuitate sex marcarum pro termino vitae eorundem. RICARDUS Permissione Divina Prior Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. & ejusdem loci Capitulum praedilectis nobis in Christo Johanni Robynson villae Novi Castri super Tynam, Mercatori, & Johannae uxori suae, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Mentis devotio & sincerae dilectionis integritas, quas erga gloriosissimum Confessorem S. Cuthbertum Patronum nostrum, nos que & Monasterium nostrum Dunelm. hactenus habuistis, & habetis in praesenti, sicut ex factis vestris notoriis, & praesertim ex donatione unius tenementi cum suis pertinentiis in vico vulgariter vocato Pilgrym-street infra dictam villam Novi Castri situati & jacentis, ac ad vos jure haereditario ejusdem Johannae notorie spectantis, unanimi vestrum assensu & voluntate, ac in puram & perpetuam elemosinam nobis & dicto nostro Monasterio jam nuper facta, prout per Cartam vestrae donationis & feoffamenti nobis desuper factam satis sumus experti, animos nostros excitant & inducunt ut tam vobis quam parentibus vestris mortuis, quorum nomina & cognomina in libris nostris inter caeteros Benefactores nostros vivos & mortuos ad aeternam rei memoriam matriculantur, juxta vestra & eorum merita gratitudinis vicissitudinem spiritualiter rependamus: unde vos & vestrum utrum que ac Parentes vestros praedictos in Fratres & Sorores spirituales Capituli nostri praedicti praemissorum occasione & praetextu admittimus per praesentes, & quantum in nobis est, & Altissimo placuerit, omnium Mistarum, Vigiliatum, Jejuniorum, Orationum, Praedicationum, Divinorum Officiorum, caeterorum que operum pietatis, & suffragiorum quorumcun que quae per nos & successores nostros, tam in dicto nostro Monasterio, quam Cellis ab eodem dependentibus fiunt & fient in perpetuum, participationem concedimus specialem: & cum ab hac luce per mortem Deus vos vel alterum vestrum evocaverit, & hoc nobis certitudinaliter intimatum fuerit, pro vobis & vestrum altero primo decedente, vestris etiam Parentibus antedictis, sicut pro aliis Confratribus & Consororibus nostris spiritualibus de medio sublatis consueta orationum suffragia perpetuis futuris temporibus Altissimo persolvemus. Praeterea propter praemissa, & alia vestra merita nobis & dicto nostro Monasterio caritative impensa, quandam Annuitatem sex marcarum monetae Angliae a nobis & successoribus nostris singulis annis futuris temporibus sub modo & forma subsequentibus percipiendam & habendam, quamdiu vixeritis aut alter vestrum vixerit, vobis & utri que vestrum diutius viventi ex gratia nostra uberiori damus & concedimus per praesentes, ita viz. quod in partem solutionis dictae Annuitatis sex marcarum vos & uter que vestrum pro tempore vitae vestrae & alterius vestrum diutius viventis percipietis & habebitis, sic que percipiet & habebit alter vestrum omnimodas decimas garbarum in villa & campis de Symondsyde annuatim crescentes ad vestros usus proprios pro quatuor marcis, tribus solidis, & quatuor denariis, quamdiu terrae ad ipsam villam & tenentes ejusdem pertinentes cultae fuerint & seminatae, & residuum dictae summae non solutum de nobis seu deputatis nostris ad hoc assignatis anuis singulis similiter percipietis & habebitis; si autem hujusmodi terrae ex casu fortuito incultae, vel ad pasturam jaceant & seminatae non fuerint, tunc vobis & vestrum alteri diutius viventi, per manus nostras aut deputati nostri hujusmodi de dicta Annuitate sex marcarum pro termino vitae vestrae, ut praefertur, plenarie erit satisfactum in moneta Angliae per acquales portiones ad Festa S. Martini in hyeme & Penrecost. percipienda. Ad quae omnia & singula sic, ut praemittitur, per nos & successores nostros bene & fideliter facienda obligamus nos & Monasterium nostrum praedictum firmiter per praesentes Sigillo nostro communi roboratas. Data Dunelm. in domo nostra Cap tula se ment s Junu, Anno Dom. 1474. 1475. John Carliel John Rample 1476. The same. Peter Bewick 1477. John Cook John Heaton William Dudley Bishop of Durham. Petitio Immunitatis Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. per Christophorum Holme. MEMORAND. Quod quarto die mensis Junii Anno Dom. 1477. Christophorus Holme coram Dom. Thoma Caly, Sub-priore Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. Notario etiam & testibus subscriptis in Ecclesia praedicta personaliter constiturus, confessus est quod ipse Christophorus una cum Henrico Stobbet & Humfrido Usher, vigesimo quarto die mensis Aprilis ultimo praeteriti, a pud villam Novi Castri super Tynam, obvium habuit quendam Willielmum Marlee, in quem idem Christophorus adtune & ibidem insultum fecit, & ipsum Willielmum cum quodam baculo vocato Wallshbyll graviter percussit & vulneravit, ita quod inde & de aliis plagis in ipsum Willielmum per ipsum Christophorum & alios adtunc & ibidem impositis, mors secuta fuit dictum Willielmum ut dicitur: unde idem Christophorus immunitatem Ecclesiae praeditae, juxta privilegia & libertates ejusdem, cum omni contritione & humilitate cordis instanter ob honorem Dei & S. Cuthberti petiit & obtinuit praesentibus; tunc ibidem Roberto Bartram publico auctoritate Apostolica Notario, Roberto Holburn de Gatesheved, & Johanne Laweson de Hilton testibus ad praemissa vocatis & specialiter requisitis. Christopher Holme 's Petition to be admitted Partaker of the Immunity of the Cathedral of Durham, upon his taking Sanctuary therein. MEMORANDUM, That upon the 4th of June, Anno Dom. 1477. Christopher Holme personally present in the said Church before Thomas Caly, Sub-prior of the Cathedral of Durham, a Notary, and the Witnesses named below, made Confession, that he the said Christopher together with Henry Stobbes and Humphrey Usher, upon the 24th of April last past, meeting one William Marlee in the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, whom the said Chirstopher did then and there assault and grievously beat, and wounded the said William with acertain Club called a Wallshbyll, so that thereby, as also by other Wounds then inflicted upon him by the said Christopher and others, Death seized the said William, an was reported, whereupon the said Christopher with great Penitence and Humility instantly begged the Immunity of the said Cathedral, according to the Previleges and Liberties thereof, for the Honour of GOD and St. Cuthbert, which was readily granted, in the Presence of Robert Bartram, by Apostolical Authority Publick Notary: Robert Holburn of Gateside and John Lawson of Hilton required especially to attest the Premisses. An' Christi. Mayors. Sheriffs. 1478. Robert Chambers John Ridsdale 1479. John Rample William Scott 1480. John Carlisle William Bewley 1481. George Carr William Cunningham 1482. John Cook Robert Harding The King dies. Richard III. John Sherwood Bishop of Durham. 1483. John Carlisle Robert Stockett 1484. George Carr George Bird Henry VII. King Richard III. slain. 1485. Robert Chambers Thomas Harbourn 1486. George Carr Robert Brigham 1487. The same. John Penrith 1488. Tho. Lockwood William Richardson 1489. George Carr William Chambers Petitio Immunitatis Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. per Alexandrum Taylerour. ALexander Taylerour Pistor de Novo Castro tertio die mensis Januar. Anno Dom. 1489. in navi Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. mei que Dom. Willielmi Cawthorne adtunc Cancellarii ejusdem Ecclesiae & testium subscriptorum praesentia personali Ecclesiae & libertatis ejusdem, pro eo quod ipse die Mercurii proximo post Festum Epiphaniae, Anno Dom. supradicto, in Novo Castro juxta Cayse-cross quendam Thomam Smythe ibidem, ut asseruit in defensione sui corporis, cum quodam gestro in pectore sub mamilla sinistra felonice percuffit, unde idem Thomas mortuus est eodem die praesentibus ibidem Dom. Georgio Cornforth Sacrista pro tunc ejusdem Ecclesiae, Edwardo Pattonsune, Willielmo Sawfurth, & Hugone Walle, testibus ad praemissa vocatis specialiter & requisitis. 1490. Peter Bewick Thomas Morpeth 1491. George Carr Robert Harding 1492. The same. Barth. Young Pag. 185. par. 8.] Confirmatio Henrici VII. super Carta Henrici IV. de Redditu Novi Castri concesso Monachis de Farne. HENRICUS Dei Gratia Rex Angliae & Franoiae, & Dominus Hibernia, omnibus ad quos praesentes Literae pervenerint, salutem. Inspeximus Literas Patentes Domini Henrici quarti nuper Regis Angliae, progenitoris nostri, factas in ha c verba. Henrious Dei Gratia Rex Angliae & Franciae, & Dominus Hiberniae, & Dux Aquitaniae, omnibus ad quos praesentes Literae pervenerint, salutem. Inspeximus Literas Patentes Domini Edwardi nuper Regis Angliae, progenitoris nostri, factas in haec verba. Edwardus Dei Gratia Rex Angliae & Dominus Hibernia, & Dux Aquitaniae, omnibus ad quos praesentes Literae pervenerint, salutem. Quia ex testimonio illorum, quibus fiduciam adhibemus, quod D. Edwardus nuper Rex Angliae, pater noster, in vita sua verbo tenus concessit Monachis in lusula de Farne Island juxta Bamburgh in Comitatu Northumbriae, quae quidem Insula est Prioratus Dunelm. commorantibus decem quarteria frumenti & duo dolia vini percipienda singulis annis per manus Majoris & Ballivorum de Novo Castro super Tynam de elemosina ipsius patris nostri in perperuum, & quod concessio illn in vita ipsius patris non fuit executioni debite demandata noc literis suis aliquibus roborata, Nos, pro salute animae ipstus patris nostri, volentes voluntatem suam in hac parte adimplere & continuare, concessimus Monachis praedictas in recompensationem frumenti & vini praedictorum tresdecim marcas & decent solidos percipiendos singulis annis ad Fostum S. Micha lis per manum Majoris & Ballivorum dictae villae de Novo Castro super Tynam qui pro tempore fuerint de firma ejusdem Villae, viz. quin que marcas pro quolibot dolio vuni, &c quin que folidos pro quolibet quarterio frumenti, habenda eisdem Monachis & successoribus suis Monachis, in Insula praedicta commorantibus. de eleimosina nostra in perpetuum. In cujus rei Testimonium has Litems nostras fiori focimus Patentes. Teste Mcipso apud Rokesburgh 31. die Januarii, anno Regni nostri nono, viz, 1815. Nos auiom concessionem praedictam ratam habentes & gratam eam pro nobis & haeredibus nostris, quantum in nobis est, acceptamus & approbamus, ac nunc Monachis in Insula praedicta commorantibus, & eorum succossoribus, Monachis ibidem commoraturis, concedimus & confirmamus, prout Literae praedictae rationabiliter testantur, & prout iidem nunc Monaehi & praedecessores sui Monachi, qui ibidem moram traxerunt dictas tresdecim marcas & decem solidos annuos a tempore confectionis Literarum praedictarum rationabiliter percipere consueverunt. In cujus rei Testimonium has Literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes. Teste Meipso apud Westmonaster. 20. die Februarii, Anno Rigni nostri secundo, viz. 1327. Nos autem Literas praedictas ac omnia & singula in eisdem contenta, rata, habentes & grata, ea pro nobis & haeredibus nostris, quantum in nobis est, acceptamus & approbamus, ac nunc Monachis in Insula praedicta commorantibus, & eorum successoribus Monachis ibidem commorantibus, ratificamus & confirmamus, prout Literae praedictae rationabiliter restantur. In cujus rei Testimonium has Literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes. Teste Meipso apud Westmonaster. 27. die Maii, Anno Regni nostri septimo, 1492. 1493. George Bird Thomas Harbreek Petitio Immunitatis Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. per Robertum Grene de South Sheles. VIcesimo quarto die mensis Augusti, Anno Dom. 1493. Robertus Grene de South Sheles in Com. Dunelm. venit ad Ecclesiam Cathedralem Dunelm. & ibi pulsata campana instanter petiit Immunitatem dictae Ecclesiae & libertatem S. Cuthberti, in eo & pro eo quod primo die mensis Augusti & Anno Dom. supradicto in Novo Castro super Tynam in quodam vico vocato le Close, per insultum super eo factum per quendam Robertum Nicholson de Wynlaton nuper de Comitatu praedicto, sibi in praedicto vico vi & armis cum diversis suis adhaerentibus infidiando, ut asseruit, praedictum Robertum cum uno le Scottes-Axe bis in pectore percussit & felonice vulneravit, ex quibus plagis & vulneribus sic impositis idem Robertus Nicholson incontinenter ibidem obiit. Pro qua quidem felonia praefatus Robertus Grene instantissime petiit Immunitatem & Libertatem S. Cuthberti in tuitionem sui corporis & bonorum suorum infra Tynam & Tysam, praesentibus Dom. Roberto Milner, Magistro Scholae Grammaticalis Abbathiae Dunelm. Willielmo Hulet, Valecto & Custode Equorum Dom. Prioris Dunelm. Willielmo Grene & Thoma Grene de Wyvestow, Husbandmen, testibus ad praemissa rogatis & requisitis. 1494. The same. Thomas Grame Richard Fox Bishop of Durham. 1495. The same. Christoph. Brigham Petitio Immunitatis Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. per Johannem Boner de Gatesheved. SExto decimo die mensis Decembris, Anno Dom. 1495. Johannes Boner de Gatesheved in Com. Dunelm. Laborer, venit ad Eccles Cathedralem in suo propri & ibidem pulsara campana petiic Immunitatem & Libertatem S. Cuthberti, in eo & pro eo quod ipse quadam die Dominica proxima ante Festum S. Petri quod dicitur ad Vincula, ad quatuordecim annos elapsos insultum fecit in quendam Alexandrum Stevenson juxta parcum de Doteland in Comitat. Hagustaldens. ac ipsum Alexandrum cum uno le dager, alio nomine le whynzard, in pectore felonice percussit, ex qua percussione praefatus Alexander incontinenter obiit. Pro qua quidem felonia praedictus Johannes Boner instantissime petiit Immunitatem & Libertatem S. Cuthberti & Ecclesiae Cathedralis praedictae praesentibus ibidem honestis viris Stephano Byris, Bucher, Hugone Wall, & Willielmo Blyth de Dunelmo. 1496. The same. William Hayning 1497. Robert Harding William Davell 1498. George Carr John Penrith 1499. Robert Brigham John Snow Litera Fraternitatis concessa Willielmo Richardson villae Novi Castri super Tynam, Mercatori, & Janae uxori suae. THOMAS CASTEL Permissione Divina Prior Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. & ejusdem loci Capitulum, dilectis nobis in Christo Willielmo Rychardson villae Novi Castri super Tynam, Mercatori, & Janae uxori suae, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Mentis devotio & sinceri cordis affectus, quos erga gloriosissimum Confessorum S. Cuthbertum Patromun nostrum ac Monasterium nostrum Dunelm. habuistis & habetis merito nos excitant & inducunt, ut vobis gratitudinis vicissitudinem rependamus: unde vos in Confratrem & Consororem spirititales Capituli nostri Dunelm. admittimus per praesentes, & quantum in nobis est, omnium Missarum, Vigiliarum, Jejuniorum, Orationum, Praedicationum, Divinorum Officiorum, caererorum que operum pietatis, quae per nos & successores nostros tam in dicto Monasterio nostro, quam in Cellis ab codem dependentibus fiunt aut siont in perpetuum, Domino largiente participationem vobis concedimus specialem; cum que ab hac luce per mortem fueritis revocati, & hoc nobis certitudinaliter fuerit intimatum, pro vobis sicut pro aliis fratribus & sororibus defuncbis consucta orationum suffragia singulis annis futuris perpetuis temporibus persolvemus. In cujus rie Testimonium Sigillum commune Capitulli nostri praefentibus est appensum. Data Dunelm, decimo die Januarii, Ao Dom. 1499. 1500. George Carr William Ridle 1501. Barth. Young William Selby William Severus Bishop of Durham. 1502. George Carr Thomas Hall 1503. John Snow Robert Baxter 1504. Christoph. Brigham John Blaxton 1505. The same. John Brandling 1506. George Bird Thomas Sanderson Christopher Bainbrig Bishop of Durham. 1507. Barth. Young William Harbred 1508. Robert Baxter Thomas Leighton The King died April 22. and Henry VIII. was proclaimed King. Hen. VIII. Thomas Ruthall Bishop of Durham. Commissio Domini Regis facta Johanni Dalton super Officio Collectoris & Custumatoris Lanarum, Coriorum & Pellium Lanatarum in portu villae Novi Castri super Tynam. HENRICUS Dei Gratia Rex Angliae, & Franciae, & Dominus Hiberniae, dilecto sibi Johanni Dalton salutem. Sciatis quod nos de fidelitate & circumspectione tuis plenius confidentes, assignavimus te ad Custumam nostram Lanarum, Coriorum, & Pellium lanatarum nobis de haereditate nostra debitam in portu villae Novi Castri super Tynam, & in singulis locis & crecis eidem portui adjacentibus levandam & colligendam & ad opus nostrum recipiendam; ac ad Sigillum nostrum quod dicitur Coket in portu praedicto custodiendum, ita quod de denariis nobis inde provenientibus nobis respondeas ad Scaccarium nostrum. Habendum & occupandum officium praedictum quamdiu nobis placuerit, cum vadiis, feodis, & regardis eidem officio debitis & consuetis. Et ideo tibi praecipimus quod circa praemissa diligenter intendas, ac ea facias & exequaris in forma praedicta. In cujus rei Testimonium facimus Teste Meipso apud Westmonast, vigesimo secundo die Novemb. Anno Regni nostri primo. Litera Fraternitatis in Ecclesia Cathedralis Dunelm. concessa Georgio Bird, Aldermanno villae Novi Castri super Tynam. THOMAS Permissione Divina Prior Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. & ejusdem loci Capitulum, dilecto nobis in Christo Magistro Georgio Bird, Aldermanno villae Novi Castri super Tynam, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Mentis devotio & sinceri cordis affectio, quas erga gloriosissimum Confessorem S. Cuthbertum Patronum nostrum, nos & Monasterium nostrum Dunelm. habuistis, habetis, & credimus in futurun habebitis, merito nos excitant & inducunt ut vobis gratitudinis vicem rependamus: unde vos in Confratrem nostrum spiritualem Capituli nostri Dunelm. admittimus per praesentes, & quantum in nobis est, omnium Missarum, Vigiliarium, Jejuniorum, Orationum, Praedicationum, Divinorum Officiorum, caeterorum que operum pietatis, quae per nos & successores nostros, tam in dicto Monasterio nostro, quam in Cellis ab eodem dependentibus, fiunt aut fient in perpetuum, Domino largiente, participationem vobis concedimus specialem: cum que ab hac Iuce per mortem Deus vos evocaverit, & hoc nobis certitudinaliter intimatum fuerit, pro vobis sicut pro aliis Confratribus nostris defunctis consueta orationum suffragia singulis annis futuris perpetuis temporibus persolvemus. In cujus rei Testimonium Sigillum nostrum commune Capituli nostri praesentibus est appensum. Data Dunelm. in domo nostra Capitulari nono die mensis Aprilis, Ao Dom. 1509. Letters of Confraternity in the Cathedral of Durham granted to George Bird, Alderman of the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne. THOMAS by Divinae Permission Prior of the Cathedral of Durham, together with the Chapter thereof, send eternal Health in the Lord to our beloved in Christ Mr. George Bird, Alderman of the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne. The inward Devotion, and that unaffected Sincerity of Heart you have entertained, do possess, and, as we believe, shall afterwards harbour towards the glorious Confessor St. Cuthbert our Patron, us, and our Monastery of Durham, do justly require us to offer you our Returns of Gratitude; wherefore by these Presents we admit you a spiritual Brother of our Chapter of Durham, and to the best of our Power, by the Divine Assistance grant you the special Participation of all Masses, Vigils, Fasts, Prayers, Sermons, Divine Offices, and other Works of Piety, which at present are, or afterwards shall be performed by us and our Successors, as well in our Monastery aforesaid, as in the Cells depending upon it; and when it shall please GOD to call you from this Life, and certain Intimation thereof shall be given us, in futurity we shall annually offer up in your Behalf the usual Suffrages of Prayer, as hitherto has been done for others of our spiritual Brethren deceased. In Testimony whereof the common Seal of our Chapter is affixed to those Presents. Dated at Durham in our Chapter-house this ninth Day of April, 1509. 1509. John Brandling Edward Baxter An' Christi. Mayors. Sheriffs. 1510. Thomas Riddell Roger Dent 1511. George Bird John Paslopp 1512. John Brandling Thomas Horsley Petitio Immunitatis Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. pro Roberto Lee. UNdecimo die mensis Octobris Anno Dom. 1512. venit ad Ecclesiam Cathedralem Dunelm, Robertus Lee, ibi que pulsata campana, ut moris est, instanter petiit Immunitatem dictae Ecclesiae & Libertatem S. Cuthberti, pro eo & ex eo quod idem Robertus simul cum aliis, inter muros villae Novi Castri super Tynam &c. aquam de Tyne deorsum pontem de Tyne, erat personaliter, quando quidam Johannes Fresill dactaliter percussit quendam Willielmum Wright, cum uno daggar super dorsum inter scapulas nono die mensis praedicti, de qua percussione dictus Willielmus eodem die obiit: & quia idem Robertus Lee, ut asserit, dedit opem & auxilium dicto Johanni homicidae ad evadendum manus circumstantium ideo petit pro dicto facto instantissime Immunitatem & Libertatem praedictas, praesentibus Johanne Watson, Literato, & Jacobo Johnson, Laico, testibus ad praemissa vocatis & specialiter rogatis. 1513. John Baxton William Harding On the 9th of Septemb. this Year James IV. King of Scotland being slain in the Battle of Flodden Field, Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey, General of the English Army, having taken care that the dead Body should be embalmed, carried it first to Newcastle, whence it was conveyed to Shene in Surrey, where it was interred. Ld. Herbert. Echard. Litera Fraternitatis in Ecclesia Cathedrali Dunelm. concessa Edwardo Baxster, Aldermanno villae Novi Castri super Tynam, & Aliciae uxori suae. THOMAS Permissione Divina Prior Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. & ejusdem loci Capitulum, dilectis nobis in Christo Edwardo Baxster & Aliciae uxori suae, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Mentis devotio & sinceri cordis affectio, quas erga gloriosissimum Confessorem S. Cuthbertum Patronum nostrum, nos, ac Monasterium nostrum Dunelm. habetis, & ut firmiter credimus, in futurum habebitis, merito nos incitant & inducunt ut vobis gratitudinis vicem rependamus; unde vos in Confratrem & Consovorem spirituales Capituli nostri Dunelm. admittimus per praesentes, & quantum in nobis est, & Altissimo placuerit, omnium Missarum, Vigiliarum, Jejuniorum, Orationum, Praedicationum, Divinorum Officiorum, caeterorum que operum pietatis, quac per nos & successores nostros, tam in dicto nostro Monasterio Dunelm. quam in Cellis ab eodem dependentibus, fiunt aut fient in perpetuum, Domino largiente, participationem vobis concedimus specialem; cum que ab hac luce per mortem Deus vos evocaverit, & hoc nobis certitudinaliter intimatum fuerit, pro vobis, sicut pro aliis Confratribus & Consororibus nostris spiritualibus detunctis consueta orationum suffragia singulis annis futuris perpetuis temporibus persolvemus. In cujus rei Testimonium Sigillum commune Capituli nostri praesentibus est appensum. Data Dunelm. in domo nostra Capitulari decimo die mensis Augusti, Ao Dom. 1513. 1514. Thomas Horsley Robert Watson Petitio Immunitatis Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. pro Jacobo Horsley de Novo Castro. VIcesimo secundo die mensis Maii, Anno Dom. 1514. venit ad Ecclesiam Cathedralem Dunelm. quidam Jacobus Horsley de villa Novi Castri super Tynam, & ibi pulsata campana, ut moris est, instanter petiit Immunitatem Ecclesiae Cathedralis praedictae & Libertatem S. Cuthberti, pro eo & ex co quod idem Jacobus decimo die mensis Decembris, Ao Dom. 1513. apud Sandhill in dicta villa Novi Castri, ex insultu super eum facto, ut asseruit, per quendam Johannem Taytte, eundem Johannem Taytte cum uno dagario in dextra parte pectoris felonice & laetaliter percussit, imponendo ei plagam mortalem; de qua quidem plaga sic imposita idem Johannes Taytte incontinenti obiit. Pro qua quidem felonia sic perpetrata idem Jacobus Horsley captus & attachiatus fuerat per officiarios sive ministros Domini Regis in hujusmodi villa existentes, & in prisona vocata Newgate ibidem positus; quam quidem prisonam idem Jacobus selonice fregit & evasit. Pro qua quidem felonia & e prisona evasione idem Jacobus instantissime Immunitatem Ecclesiae Cathedralis praedictae & Libertatem S. Cuthberti petiit praesentibus tune ibidem Johanne Gower, Helisca Kelsay, & Thoma Byres, Dunelm. Dioces. testibus ad praemissa vocatis specialiter & rogatis. 1515. Roger Dent Robert Bubell Petitio Immunitatis Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. pro Rolando Hall de Marley super Montem. NOno die mensis Septemb. Ao Dom. 1515. venit ad Ecclesiam Cathedralem Dunelm. quidam Rolandus Hall de Marley super Montem parochiae de Whikham, & ibidem pulsata campana, ut moris est, instanter petiit Immunitatem Ecclesiae Cathedralis praedictae & Libertatem S. Cuthberti, pro eo & ex eo quod idem Rolandus ex insultu super eum facto, ut asserit, quendam Thomam Heryson de Whikham praedicta apud Close-yate infra villam Novi Castri super Tynam cum uno gladio percussit in Festo Nativitatis Dominiae Mariae, Anno Domini supradicto, imponendo eidem Thomae plagam mortalem in ventre, de qua quidem percussione idem Thomas Heryson eodem die obiit; pro qua quidem felonia sic perpetrata supradictus Rolandus Immunitatem & Libertatem supradictas instantissime petiit, praesentibus tunc Ibidem Johanne Halle de Dunelm. Draper, Willielmo Raw, & Thomae Byre s Dunelm. Dioces. testibus ad praemissa vocatis & debite recuisitis. 1516. John Brandling Peter Chaitor 1517. Edward Baxter Nich. Richardson 1518. The same. Thomas Baxter 1519. Thomas Horsley Gilbert Middleton 1520. John Brandling Henry Anderson 1521. Thomas Riddell George Davell 1522. Edward Baxter Robert Bartram Litera Fraternitatis in Ecclesia Cathedrali Dunelm. concessa Edwardo Swynburne, Aldermanno villae Novi Castri super Tynam, & Janetae uxori suae. HUGO WHITEHEAD Permissione Divina Prior Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. & ejusdem loci Capitulum, dilectis nobis in Christo Edwardo Swynborne & Janetae uxori suae, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Mentis devotio & sinceri cordis affectio, quas erga gloriosissimum Confessorem S. Cuthbertum Patronum nostrum, nos, ac Monasterium nostrum Dunelm. habuistis, habetis, & in futurum, ut firmiter credimus, habebitis, merito nos excitant & inducunt ut vobis gratitudinis vicem rependamus: unde vos in Confratrem & Consororem spirituales Capituli nostri Dunelm. admittimus per praesentes, & quantum in nobis est, & Altissimo placuerit, omnium Missarum, Vigiliarum, Jejuniorum, Orationum, Praedicationum, Divinorum Officiorum, caeterorum que operum pietatis, quae per nos & successores nostros, tam in dicto Monasterio nostro Dunelm. quam in Cellis ab codem dependentibus, fiunt aut fient in perpetuum, Domino largiente, participationem vobis concedimus specialem; cum que ab hac luce per mortem Deus vos evocaverit, & hoc nobis certitudinaliter intimatum fuerit, pro vobis sicut pro aliis Confratribus & Consororibus nostris defunctis, orationum suffragia singulis annis futuris perpetuis temporibus persolvemus. In cujus rei Testimonium Sigillum commune Capituli nostri praesentibus est appensum. Data Dunelm. in domo nostra Capitulari decimo quinto die mensis Februar. Ao Dom. 1522. 1523. The same. James Lawson Thomas Woolsey Bishop of Durham. 1524. Thomas Horsley Robert Brandling 1525. The same. John Watson 1526. Thomas Riddell Edward Swinburn 1527. John Blaxston William Carr Acquietantia Majoris & Vicecomitis villae Novi Castri super Tynam, pro Annuitate viginti Librarum a Rege concessa pro sustentatione Murorum & Pontis dictae villae. NOVERINT Universi per praesentes Nos Thomam Riddell, Majorem villae Novi Castri super Tynam, & Edwardum Swinburne, Vicecomitem, & Camerarium Comitatus ejusdem, recepisse & habuisse die confectionis praesentium de Leonardo Musgrave, Armigero, Collectore Custum. & Subsidior. Domini Regis in portu villae Novi Castri praedictae viginti Libras legalis monetae Angliae, pro anno instanti finiendo in Festo S. Michaelis Archangeli, Ao Dom. 1527. in plenam solutionem cujusdam Annuitatis viginti Librarum per Illustrissimum Principem Dominum nostrum Henricum Octavum, Dei Gratia Angliae & Franciae Regem, Fidei Defensorem, & Dominum Hiberniae, ad sustentationem Murorum & Pontis villae Novi Castri praedictae devote concessae. De qua quidem summa viginti Librarum fatemur nos plene fore solutos, & dictum Leonardum Musgrave inde fore quietum per praesentes, Sigillo nostro communi sigillatos, datos 5o die mensis Augusti, Ao Dom. 1527. 1528. Edward Swinburn Andrew Bewick A Recommendation of the Company of Merchants of Newcastle to the Merchants-Adventurers of England, in Behalf of John Chaytour, a Free Merchant. TO the Right Worshipfull Masters, Governors, and Assistants of the Right Honorable Fellowship of Merchant-Adventurers of the Noble Realm of England, Edward Swinborne Mayor, and Governor of the Fellowship of Merchants of the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, Robert Hoppime and John Blenkinsop. Wardens of the said Fellowship, send greeting in our Lord GOD everlasting, and to whom appertaineth due Honour and Reverence: We intimate, shew, and declare to your Universities, that John Chaytour, Bearer hereof, was at this Time th' Apprentice and Servant of Peter Chaytour, Merchant, Whilst he lived, late of the said Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, deceased, bound by Indenture for the Space of seven Years, after the accustomed laudable Manner used and observed in semblable Cases heretofore within this Realm of England, as by the Purpors of the same Indenture of Apprenticehood more at large it doth appear; and sithence the Departure of the said Peter Chaytour hath served Robert Hordson, Merchant, of the King's Town of Newcastle aforesaid, being of honest Conversation and vertuous Demennour, without any sinister Impediment, but that the said John Chaytour may with your lawful Favour be Admitted to his Freedom, and to enjoy the Liberties of the same accordingly, for th' accustomed Duties paying. In Witness whereof to these Presents we have put th' accustomed Seal of the same Fellowship. Given at Newcastle aforesaid. 1529. James Lawson Bartholomew Bee Officium Clerici Minerarum Episcopatus Dunelm. concessum Willielmo Thomlyngson, Parcario Parci de Gatesheved, & Thomae Thomlyngson filio suo. THOMAS Miseratione Divina tituli S. Ceciliae SS. Romanae Ecclesiae Presbyter Cardinalis, Ebor. Archiepiscopus, Apostolicae Sedis tam natus quam etiam de Latere Legatus, Angliae Primas & Cancellarius, ac Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. Episcopus, Omnibus ad quos praesentes Literae nostrae pervenerint, salutem. Sciatis quod nos de gratia nostra speciali, ac pro bono & laudabili servitio quod dilectus serviens noster Willielmus Thomlyngson de Gatished nobis hactenus impendit, & in futurum nobis & successoribus nostris ac Ecclesiae Dunelm. fideliter impendet, ordinamus & constituimus ipsum Willielmum Thomlyngson & Thomam Thomlyngson ipsius filium naturalem Clericum omnium Minerarum nostrarum tam plumbi & ferri quam carbonum existentium in quibuscun que locis infra Dominia nostra Episcopatus Dunelm. nec non officium Clerici Minerarum praedictarum eisdem Willielmo & Thomae conjunctim & divisim damus & concedimus per praesentes, Habendum, exercendum, & occupandum officium illud per seipsos aut eorum sufficientem deputatum, pro quo nobis & successoribus nostris respondere voluerint, durante termino vitae eorundem & alterius eorum diutius viventis, percipiendo annuatim in eodem officio de nobis & successoribus nostris durante termino vitae eorundem Willielmi & Thomae, & alterius eorum diutius viventis, decem marcas monetae Angliae, ad Festum S. Michaelis Archangeli, ad Scaccarium nostrum Dunelm. per manus Receptoris nostri generalis pro tempore existentis solvendas: nec non damus & concedimus eisdem Willielmo & Thomae, & eorum alteri diutius viventi, unam celdram carbonum de qualibet minera carbonum nobis & successoribus nostris pertinente infra Dominia nostra de Gatished, Whikeham, & Lynne-deane dietim solvendam & deliberandam; una cum omnibus aliis proficuis, commoditatibus, rectitudinibus, custubus, & expensis eidem officio ab antiquo debitis & consuetis, ac in tam amplioribus modo & forma prout aliquis Clericus in officio illo ante haec tempora habuit & recepit, feu habere & percipere consuevit. Damus autem universis & singulis Ballivis, Firmariis, & Ministris nostris & successorum nostrorum omnium Minerarum nostrarum praedictarum firmiter in mandatis, quatenus praefatis Willielmo & Thomae, & eorum alteri in faciendo, exercendo, & occupando officium praedictum sint intendentes, obedientes, & auxiliantes prout decet. In cujus rei Testimonium has Literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes. Teste Willielmo Frankeleyne Clerico Cancellario nostro apud Dunelm. primo die mensis Octob. Anno Pontif. nostri sexto Ao Dom. 1529. Cardinal Wolsey 's Patent, constituting William Thomlyngson, then Keeper of Gateside Park, and Thomas Thomlyngson his Son, Clerk of the Mynes belonging to the Bishoprick of Durham. THOMAS, by Divine Mercy, Presbyter Cardinal of the Title of S. Cecilia in the holy Church of Rome, Archbishop of York, Legate born, as also de Latere of the Apostolical See, Primate and Chancellor of England, and Bishop of the Cathedral Church of Durham, to all to whom these our present Letters shall come, greeting. Know ye, that we, of our especial Grace, and in Return for the good and commendable Services hitherto performed for us by our beloved Servant William Thomlyngson of Gateside, and henceforth shall faithfully execute for us, our Successors, and the Church of Durham, do ordain, and have constituted William Thomlyngson himself, and Thomas Thomlyngson his natural Son, Clerk of all our Mynes, as well of Lead and Iron, as of Coals, being wheresoever within the Demesne Lands of our Bishoprick of Durham: And by these Presents we give and grant the said Office of Clerk of the Mynes to the said William and Thomas jointly and separately, to have, exercise, and enjoy by themselves personally, or their sufficient Deputy, for whose Behaviour they shall be answerable, during the Term of their Lives, or of the Survivor, receiving yearly in the said Office of us and our Successors, during the Term of Life of thi said William and Thomas, and the Surviver of them; ten Marks of English Money, to be paid at our Exchequer of Durham, at the Feast of S. Michael the Archangel, by the Hands of our General Receiver who shall then be in Office. We likewise give and grant to the said William and Thomas, and to the Survivor of them, one Chalder of Coals of each Coal Myne belonging to us and our Successors within our Demesnes of Gateside, Whikeham, and Lynne-deane, to be daily paid and delivered, together with all other Profits, Advantages, Rights, Costs, and Expences of old accustomed and pertaining to the said Office, and in as extensive Manner and Form as in the said Office any Clerk formerly had and received, or used to have and receive. And we firmly command all and singular our Bailiffs, Farmers, and Officers in the said Mynes, that they shall be observant, obedient, and assistant to the said William and Thomas, and to each of them, in the Performance, Execution and Possession of the aforesaid Office, as in Decency they ought. In Testimony whereof, we have commanded these our Letter to be made Patent, Witnessed by William Frankeleyne, our Chancellor of Durham, this sixth Day of October, in the sixth Year of our Pontificate, and the Year of our Lord 1529. 1530. Gilbert Middleton. Roger Mitford. Cuthbert Tunstall, Master of the Rolls, Bishop of Durham. 1531. Henry Anderson. John Anderson. 1532. Robert Brandling. Ralph Carr. 1533. Thomas Horsley. William Dent. 1534. Ralph Carr. Peter Bewick. 1535. Thomas Baxster. Thomas Bewick. 1536. Robert Brandling. John Ord. 1537. John Sanderson. John White. 1538. Andrew Bewick. George Selby. 1539. Henry Anderson. John Hilton. 1540. James Lawson. Robert Brigham. This Year War being declared against Scotland, William Fitz-Williams, Earl of Southampton, Captain of the Foreward, died at Newcastle; a brave Lord, and so much esteemed, that his Standard was born in the Foreward in all this Expedition. Lord Herbert. 1541. James Hilton. Robert Cowin. The Scotch Army being routed this Year by an inconsiderable Number of the English, and the Earls of Glencarn and Cassills, the Lords Maxwell, Somerville, Oliphant, Gray, and Oliver Sinclair, being, taken Prisoners, and carried to London, a few Days after the Birth of Mary Princess of Scotland, and of James the Vth her Father's Death; coming together, King Henry the VIIIth thought it a favourable Juncture to unite Scotland to England, by matching his Son Edward with the new Queen of Scotland: He caused the Lords the Prisoners to be sounded upon this Head, and finding them inclined to second the Overture, he set them at Liberty, on Condition they would give Hostages for their Return, in Case the Project of the Marriage did not succeed: This Condition being accepted, they were conducted to Newcastle, from whence they returned home, upon Delivery of the Hostages. Rapin. 1542. Henry Anderson. Mark Shaftoe. 1543. Robert Brandling. Barth Anderson. In this Year, being the 36th of King Henry the VIIIth Reign, an Invasion of Scotland being determined, Edward Seymour Earl of Hertford, and John Dudley Lord Lisle High Admiral, were appointed for this Expedition: The former led the Army to Newcastle, where that Admiral arrived with a Fleet of Men of War and 200 Transport-Ships, on board of which the Troops were embarked: The Earl of Hertford landed near Leith, took that Town with some Difficulty, and then marched directly to Edinburgh, of which he became Master with the same Ease. That City was sacked and burnt, but the English attacked not the Castle for fear of being engaged in too long a Siege. After that, they returned to Leith, and burning the Town, returned to Berwick the 18th Day of May. Rapin. 1544. Robert Lewin. Cuthbert Ellison. 1545. George Deval. Oswold Chapman. Edw. VI. Upon the 28th of January the King died, in the 59th Year of his Age, and 37th of his Reign, and was succeeded by Edward his Son, in the 9th Year of his Age. 1546. Henry Anderson Edward Baxter. In this Year, the first of K. Edward VI. an Army was prepared for the Invasion of Scotland, under the Command of Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector. The Army first assembled at Newcastle, and were there muster'd by John Dudley, Earl of Warwick: Here they sojourned three Days, in which Time the King's Fleet arrived, consisting of 65 Bottoms, whereof one open Galley and 34 tall Ships were well appointed for Fight: The rest served for Carriage of Ammunition and Victuals. Of the Fleet Edward Lord Clinton was Admiral, and Sir William Woodhouse his Vice-Admiral. In this Time also a General Muster was taken, the whole Army consisting of between 1200 and 1300 Foot, and 1300 Men at Arms, 2000 Light Horse, being such Men for their goodly Personages, their ready Horses, their brave Apparel, their Armour, and Weapons, as never before was an Army set forth in all Points better appointted. Sir J Haywood. 1547. Robert Brandling. Thomas Scott. 1548. Mark Shaftoe. Cuthbert Blunt. 1549. Cuthbert Ellison Richard Hodgson. 1550. Robert Brigham. Cuthbert Musgrave. 1551. Barthol. Anderson. Christopher Mitford. In the last Year of King Edward VI. passed an Act for suppressing the Bishoprick of Durham, the same being void of a Prelate by the Deprivation of Bishop Tunstall, so that the Gift thereof was in the King's Pleasure, and the Compass of it being so large, extending to so many Shires so far distant, that it could not be sufficiently served by one Bishop, and the King being willing to have two Bishopricks for that Diocese, the one at Durham, which should have 2000 Marks Revenue, and another at Newcastle, which should have 1000 Marks-Revenue, and also to found a Cathedral Church at Newcastle, with a Deanry and Chapter out of the Revenues of the said Bishoprick. Therefore the Bishoprick is utterly extinguished and dissolved, and Authority given, by Letters Patents, to erect the two new Bishopricks, together with the Deanry and Chapter at Newcastle, with a Proviso, that the Rights of the Dean and Chapter of Durham should suffer nothing by this Act. Burnet Hist. Reform. Part II. Book I. pag. 204. The King died, and Mary eldest Daughter of King Henry VIII. proclaimed Queen. 1552. Robert Lewin John Law. 1553. Cuthbert Blunt. Robert Ellison. Q. Mary. In the 3d Session of the Parliament of the first Year of Queen Mary, King Edward 's Act to dissolve the Bishoprick of Durham was repealed; and Bishop Tunstall restored to his Bishoprick. 1554. Cuthbert Ellison. William Dixon. 1555. Richard Hodgson. John Wilkinson. 1556. Christop. Mitford William Dent. 1557. Bartram Anderson. William Carr. 1558. Oswald Chapman. Andrew Suretie. The Queen dy'd Nov. 17. and was succeeded by her Sister Elizabeth, younger Daughter of K. Henry. VIII. 1559. Robert Ellison. Robert Anderson. Q. Elizabeth. 1560. Cuthbert Musgrave. Francis Anderson. James Pilkington Bishop of Durham. 1561. John Williamson. Stephen Southeren. 1562. William Dent. George Selby. 1563. Bartram Anderson. Thomas Lidle. 1564. Robert Brandling. W. Selby. 1565. William Carr. Anthony Swinburn. 1566. Richard Hodgson. Henry Brandling. Original of Extempore Prayer, never to be forgotten, which the Covenant and Directory may boast of. WHILE Queen Elizabeth and her excellent Ministry endeavoured to establish the Church of England upon the best Foundations, and sensible of the Attempts against her Liturgy, first at Geneva, and afterwards at Francfort, and all reasonable Propositions to convince the Puritans, Rome offers openly to abet that Separation, in a Way so plausible, that had not Heaven detected the first Agent, the Anabaptism of Germany must have rooted in England under so gifted a Teacher as Faithful Cummin, a noted Dominican, whose History I transcribe from Scrype 's Life of Archbishop Parker, pag. 230 and 244. In this Year came one of these Dissenting Preachers, in Appearance (but in Truth a Dominican Friar) to Maidstone, to the Maidenhead Inn there, with divers others his Followers; where, as Guests, they bespa e a Dinner: Divers others resorted hither, enquiring for this Man, whose Name was Faithful Cummin. These were his Congregation. Being thus met in the Room they had taken up, Cummin exercised extemporary Prayer for about two Hours, groaning and weeping much. The Exercise being over, most of the Company departed; some few carried and partook with the Exerciser of the Dinner provided. Of this Meeting John Clarkson, the Archbishop's Chaplain, being informed, acquainted his Grace, and be the Queen and Council. Before whom at length this Man was convened the next Year, as a Sower of Sedition among the Queen's Subjects: Here the Archbishop examined him; he acknowledged he was ordained by Cardinal Pole, but said that he was fallen off from Rome, and that he was a Preacher of the Gospel; but that he had no Licence to preach from any of the Bishops, since the Reformation. And when the Archbishop asked him, if he had no such Licence, how any could be assured that he was not of the Romish Church? He would prove that by his Prayers and Sermons, wherein he had spoken against Rome and the Pope, as much as any of the Clergy. And he pretented, that it was Licence enough to preach, to have the Spirit which he said he had. When the Archbishop again demanded, whether that could be the Spirit, that complied not with the Orders of the Church, lately purged and cleansed from Idolatry? He replied, he endeavoured to make the Church purer than it was. This Man had a Congregation, that followed him; which he termed Men of tender Consciences: And with them he prayed and preached, and administred the Sacrament. When he preached in publick, he would be absent till the Divine Service were over (for the English Liturgy he could not away with) and then he could come into the Church and preach. After his former Examination, and giving Bail for his farther Appearance, he found Opportunity to escape beyond Sea; telling his Congregation, that he was warned of God to travel abroad, to instruct Protestants in the other Parts of the World, and would come again to them: Leaving these as his last Words to them, That spiritual Prayer was the chief Testimony of a true Protestant; and that the Set Form of Prayer was but the Mass translated; and so praying with them, and getting Money from them to bear his Expences, in many Tears he parted from them; and was afterwards seen in the Low Countries, went to Rome, and upon declaring his Services to the Pope, who, after commending him, gave him a Reward of Two Thousand Ducati. This is more amply related in the First Part of Foxes and Firebrands, pag. 13. 1567 Robert Anderson. John Watson. Nov. 3. this Year died Nicholas Carr, a Native of this Town, eminent not only for his Learning, but also for his great Suceess in the Practice of Physick at Cambridge. 1568 Henry Brandling. William Jennison. 1569. Christoph. Mitford. George Simpson. 1570. Robert Ellison. George Briggs. 1571. William Jennison. Henry Anderson. 1572. Thomas Liddell. Robert Barker. 1573. William Selby. Mark Shaftoe. 1574. John Watson. Roger Law. 1575. Henry Brandling. William Ridle. 1576. Henry Brandling. Christopher Lewen. 1577. Robert Baker. Edward Lewen. Richard Barnes Bishop of Durham. 1578. Mark Shaftoe. Henry Leonard. 1579. Roger Rawe. James Carr. 1580. Richard Hodgson. Robert Atkinson. 1581. William Jennison. Henry Chapman. 1582. William Riddel. Henry Mitford. 1583. Henry Anderson. Roger Nicholson. 1584. Henry Mitford. Lionel Maddison. 1585. Robert Barker. George Whitfield. 1586. Henry Chapman. Robert Dudley. 1587. Edward Lewin. Robert Eden. 1588. Roger Nicholson. George Farnaby. 1589. William Selby. John Gibson. Matthew Hutton Bishop of Durham. This Year, being the 31st of Q. Elizabeth, Newcastle was made a Free Town of itself, and for ever to be known by the Name of the Mayor and Burgesses of the Town of Newcastle upon Tyne, in the County of Newcastle upon Tyne, with Licence to purchase Lands and Tenements by that Name, to them and their Successors, in Fee and Perpetuity; and to give, grant, and demise the same; and to have a Common Seal for transacting their Affairs. and the same to break, change, or alter; and to pay per Annum 100 l. and to have the Town granted in Fee; and used to have the Goods, Chattels, Waves, Estreys, and Treasure found. This Year likewise was granted to the Town an Admiralty Jurisdiction within their own Liberties, together with Confirmation of the Declaration Ao 19 K. Hen. VIII. from Arthur Plantagenet Viscount Dusley Lord High Admiral, That Newcastle upon Tyne was exempt from his Jurisdiction. 1590. William Riddel. Ralph Jennison. 1591. George Farnaby. William Greenwell. 1592. Roger Rawe. Thomas Lidle. 1593. Lionel Maddison. William Jennison. 1594. Henry Anderson. George Selby. Matthew Hutton Bishop of Durham translated to York, was succeeded in the Bishoprick of Durham by Tobias Matthew Dean of Durham. 1595. William Riddell. Francis Anderson. 1596. Ralph Jennison, Andrian Hedworth.   Henry Chapman.   1597. Thomas Liddell. William Huntley. 1598. George Farnaby. William Warmouth. 1599. William Jennison. James Clavering. 1600. George Selby. Robert Anderson. March 22. this Year, being the 42d of Q. Elizabeth, was confirmed the Custom of Foreign Bought and Foreign Sold, in the following Words: That no Merchant being a Foreigner or Stranger from the Liberty of the Town of Newcastle, should or might sell any of the Merchandizes or Wares within the s w Town, except victuals, and except in the Markets and Fairs to be kept within the aforesaid Town and Liberties, and Precincts of the same, unto any Foreign Merchants: Neither might or should any such Foreign Merchants buy any Ware or Merchandize, except what are before excepted, and except in the Fairs to be kept in the aforesaid Town, the Limits and Liberties of the same, as aforesaid, from any Foreign Merchant within the same Town, the Liberties and Precincts of the same, upon Pain of Forfeiture of those Merchandizes, so as aforesaid bought and sold, to the publick Use of the said Mayor and Burgesses, by them or their Officers to be levied or seized for ever. 1601. Francis Anderson. Thomas Ridle. 1602. Robert Dudley. Francis Burrell. March 24. died the Queen, and was succeeded by King James I. and sixth of the Name in Scotland. 1603. Will. Warmouth. Matthew Chapman. James I. When King James I. came from Scotland to take Possession of the Crown of England, he arrived at Newcastle on the 9th of April 1603. where he staid three Days, and heard Tobias Matthew Bishop of Durham preach on the Sunday: And the Inhabitants were so transported with his Arrival and Presence, that during his Stay they bore all the Charges of his Houshold. Echard. 1604. Thomas Riddell. Peter Ridle. This Town was thought worthy to give the Honour of the Title of Earl to the Duke of Lenox. 1605. Lionel Maddison. Henry Maddison. 1606. Sir George Selby. Hugh Selby. Tobias Matthew Bishop of Durham was translated to York, and succeeded by William James Dean of Durham. 1607. James Clavering. Robert Shaftoe. 1608. Henry Chapman William Hall. 1609. Thomas Liddell. Thomas Lidle. 1610. William Jennison. Timothy Draper. 1611. Sir George Selby. Alexander Davison. 1612. Francis Anderson. Roger Anderson. 1613. Sir Henry Anderson. Henry Chapman This Year was apprehended at Glasgow one Ogleby a Jesuit, sent by Command of his Superiors in the College of Gratts in Stiria: By the King's Command, he was interrogated upon five several Questions; viz. Whether the Pope be Judge in Spiritualibus over his Majesty; and whether in Temporalibus, if it be in Ordine ad Spiritualia? Whereto he answers in Writing to the first Part affirmatively, in Spiritualibus; but whether in Temporalibus, he is not obliged to answer to any but a Judge of Controversies in Religion, the Pope, or one of his Authority. 2. Whether the Pope has a Power to depose Kings after their Excommunication, and in particular his Majesty? To this he answer'd, He will not declare but to a lawful Judge of Religion. 3. Whether the Pope hath Power to excommunicate Kings, such as are not of his Church, as his Majesty? To this he answer'd affirmatively; and that all People baptiz'd are under the Pope's Power. 4. Whether it be no Murder to kill the King so deposed? 5. Whether he hath Power to assoil Subjects from the Oath of their Allegiance to his Majesty? To these he answers ut supra. He railed at the Oath of Allegiance as damnable and treasonable against God; so became unworthy of Mercy, and order'd to prepare for his Trial; and the Evening before it began, was told, that he was not to be tried for any thing relating to his Religion, but for his former Answers to the Questions, which he may recal, and crave Mercy: This he utterly refused. Upon his Trial, he protests not to acknowledge the Judges nor Judgment lawful: The King to have no Authority but derivative from his Predecessors, who acknowledged the Pope's Jurisdiction: If the King will be to me, as they were to mine, he shall be my King; if otherwise, I value him not: And that I repent only for not having been so busy as I should in that which you call perverting of Subjects, and I call saving of Souls: I do decline the King's Authority, and will do it still in Matters of Religion; most of your Ministers maintain it, and if they be wise, will continue in that Mind. His insolent Speech was shortned by the Jurors quick Return, who found him guilty, and he had Sentence of Treason; and to stop his Raillery, he was after Noon the same Day hanged at Glasgow. He was a desperate second Ravillae, and ready in that Devilish Doctrine of Deposing and Dethroning Kings; which he urged the more (he said) as consonant to the Kir Ministers Tenets; and that nothing troubled him, but to be taken away 'ere he had done That which all Scotland and England should not have prevented; and had it been performed, no Torments would have been by him refused. 1614. Will. Warmouth. John Cook. 1615. Francis Burrell. Robert Bewick. 1616. Sir Thomas Riddell. Nicholas Misburn. 1617. Lionel Maddison. William Bonner. Richard Neile Bishop of Durham. King James at his going into Scotland this Year, gave Directions for repairing and orderly adorning his Chapel, and Officers sent out of England with Necessaries, and some Portraits and Pictures of the Apostles carved for the Pews and Stalls; but the People exclaim at the Sights, that such Images were to be set up; the Organs were come before, and after comes the Mass. The King was angry at their Ignorance, and sent them word to distinguish betwixt Pictures intended for Ornament and Decoration, and Images erected for Worship and Adoration. So the Scots Kirk can endure Dogs, Bears, and Bulls, nay Devils-Dressings, to be figured in Churches, but not the Patriarchs, nor Apostles. Frankland 's Annals, p. 28. 1618. James Clavering. John Clavering. 1619. Sir Peter Riddell. Robert Anderson. 1620. Henry Chapman. Nicholas Tempest. 1621. William Jennison. Henry Lidle. 1622. Sir George Selby. Richard Ledgar, William Jackson. 1623. Henry Maddison Henry Bowes, William Jennison. 1624. William Hall. William Jackson. Charles I. The King died March 24. and was succeeded by his only Son King Charles I. 1625. Thomas Liddell. Ralph Cole. 1626. Alexander Davison. Ralph Cock. 1627. Henry Chapman. Henry Cock. George Montaigne Bishop of Durham. 1628. Robert Bewick. Ralph Grey. John Howson Bishop of Durham. 1629. John Clavering. Robert Shaftoe. 1630. Robert Anderson. James Carr. 1631. Will. Warmouth. Henry Warmouth. This Year the Sheriff of of Durham was ordered by the King and Council to apprehend Offenders damaging the River Tyne, and to carry them before the Mayor of Newcastle, Conservator of the said River. 1632. Sir Lionel Maddison Francis Bowes. Thomas Morton Bishop of Durham. 1633. Ralph Cole. Nicholas Cole. His Majesty this Year, in his Journey to be crowned in Scotland, arrived at Durham upon Saturday, June the 1st, and was received by the Bishop, Dean, and Prebendaries, with the truest Marks of Veneration. Upon Sunday the Bishop preached before his Majesty in the Cathedral, and upon Monday, June the 3d, set forwards for Newcastle about Ten in the Morning, and arrived there in the Evening, attended by the Earls of Northumberland, Arundel, Pembroke, Southampton, Holland, the Marquis Hamilton, Dr. Laud Bishop of London, and many other Persons of Quality; who were all entertain'd by the Magistrates and Town. Echard. 1634. Ralph Cock. John Marley. 1635. Sir Peter Riddell. Leonard Carr. 1636. Thomas Liddoll. Henry Lawson. 1637. John Marley. Peter Maddison. This Year Card. Richlieu 's secret Attempts against England, in Return for our Help to the Rochellers, took Effect, in Consequence of innumerable secret Plots and Undertakings parallel to those we have mentioned above, viz. 1566 in England, and 1611, 1617 in Scotland: Since July the 23d, a zealous Woman kindled the first Firebrand, in the Presence of the Privy-Council, Archbishop and Bishops, at Reading the Liturgy in St. Giles 's Church in Edinburgh, she first casting a Stool at the Reader thereof, with most opprobrious Language, whereby the Mob became exasperated to so great a Height, that after innumerable Curses, they endanger'd the Life of that Bishop with Stones, Seats, Stools, and Cudgels, who attempted from the Pulpit to allay their Fury. Frankland 's Annals, p. 609. 1638. Alexander Davison. Mark Milbank. In Consequence of last Year's Insurrection at Edinburgh, the Solemn League and Covenant was universally accepted in Scotland, the Snare into which England was soon after drawn, to its own general Ruin, Newcastle being the first Victim sacrificed to that Idol. Octob. 31. A. Declaration published in Scotch against the Service-Book, and Aid sollicited from France. 1639. Robert Bewick. John Emmerson. His Majesty, at the Head of a gallant Army, marched from York against the Scotch Covenanters, and Duke Hamilton with the English Fleet, and 5000 Foot on board, enters the Frith, which struck a general Terror in the Rebels, they having so many fast Friends about the King, were not so apprehensive of the Army, thereby procuring a pacifick Dissolution of their Enemies while their own Officers were retained in Pay, and the Men secured, to be ready at Command. Afterwards, in the Assembly, they censure the King's large Declaration of those Troubles, and upon Surmize only, name Dr. Balcanqual, Dean of Durham, Author thereof, and demand he may be sent to Scotland to abide his Trial, which would have been more than Ordeal. Frankland 's Annals, p. 787. 1640. Sir N. Cole, Kt. Bar. Francis Lidle. The Scotish Covenanters Letter of Submission to the French King, presented by his Majesty to his Parliament of England. In this Mayor's Time the Scots, under the Command of General Lesley, Montross, and others, upon Friday August 1. invaded the Kingdom of England without any Opposition; and, to give the greater Encouragement to the Soldiers, the Earl of Montross leading the Van, alighted off his Horse, and went through the River Tweed on Foot, so zealous did he still seem for the Cause. The Army advancing unmolested through Northumberland, came to Newburne upon the River Tyne, four Miles above Newcastle, opposite to which the Lord Conway was advantagiously posted with 3000 Foot and 1500 Horse, able to have made a sufficient Resistance. The Armies being in View, Lesley sent a Messenger to the Lord Conway, desiring Leave tp pass, with a Petition to his Majesty, To which Answer was returned, That he might have Liberty to pass with a few, but not with his Army; upon which Lesley commanded 300 Horse to ford the River, which they did, but were soon forced to retire by the Musqueteers from behind an Intrenchment; which Lesley perceiving, play'd so furiously upon it with his Cannon, that the Soldiers soon abandoned their Post, threw down their Arms, and fled: Whereupon the Scots Cavalry advance again, and are entertain'd by Commissioner-General; Wilmot, who gallantly charg'd them back into the River; but these were overpower'd by Numbers of the Scots, and being withal gall'd and annoy'd by the Scotish Ordnance, were forced to retire in Disorder, 200 English being slain and taken Prisoners. The Lord Conway retired to North-Allerton, where the Noble Earl of Strafford was very severe upon him, because of this Defeat, which my Lord Clarendon calls an infamous and irreparable Rout. The immediate Consequence was, Numbers of People fled, with their Families and Goods, into Yorkshire, Bishop Morton to his Castle at Stockton, and thence into the South Dr. Balcanqual their Countryman, the Dean, made haste to secure himself, the Scots threatning to treat him as an Incendiary for Penning the King's large Declaration. The next Day the Scots were attended by Commissiners from Newcastle, Sir Jacob Ashley, their Governor, judging the Town not tenable, and sinking his Ordinance in the River, thought fit to desert it, to treat for the Surrender of that important Town. On Sunday the, 30th of August the Scotch Army enter'd. Newcastle, where they took Possession of the King's Magazines of Arms, Ammunitions, and Victuals, and an Opportunity of enlarging Mr. Colvil, who had been sent by the Covenanters into France with Letters to the French King and Cardinal Richlieu. The same Day Mr. Henderson preach'd in St. Nicholas Church, and after Sermon the General and Nobility was treated by the Mayor. The Earl of Lothian was made Governor of the Place, with a Garrison of 2000 Men. Which Trust they thought he well deserved, such was his Zeal to the Cause, that tho' both his Father and himself owed all their Wealth and Greatness to the King's Bounty, yet he was one of the first that engaged against him. At the same Time a more dismal Fate attended the Lord Haddington, who, having a vowedly fallen from the King's Side, and listed under Lesley, was left at home with his Regiment to attend the Motions of the Garrison of Berwick. For that purpose, he kept his Quarters at Dunglass, where standing at Noon-day in the Court-yard with about sixty Gentlemen, the Castle having a Magazine of Powder, which suddenly taking Fire, was blown up, and in a Moment buried him and all his Company, so that they were never more seen. This Tragical Event being reported at Court, the Royalists were not so moderate in their Consures as the King himself, who only said, that he had been very ungrateful to him, yet he was sorry he had not Time to repent. Under these discouraging Circumstances the Earl of Strafford met the English Army at Durham, where he highly blamed the Lord Conway for the late Dishonour. After that, he found it necessary to retire to the skirts of Yorkshire, leaving all Northumberland, and the Bishoprick of Durham, to the Pleasure of the Conquerors, who besides Provisions of Coals and Forage, sessed these Parts at a Contribution of 850 l. per Day, that is, 300 l. to be paid out of Northumberland, 350 l. out of the Bishoprick, and 200 l. out of the Town of Newcastle. Echard 's Hist, Lib. 1. Cap, 3. The Agreement between the Scots and Newcastle, relating to the Payment of the 200 l. per Day, is as follows, taken from the Original. AT Newcastle the Twenty-Third Day of September, the Year of God One Thousand Six Hundredth and Forty Years. It is appointed and agreit, betwixt them of the Committe of Estates of the Kingdome of Scotland under subscribed on the one Part, and the Mayor and Aldermen of the said Town of Newcastle upon Tyne under subscribed, for themselves and in the Name of the remeinant Burgesses, and other Inhabitants of the said Town, on the other Part, in manner following (that is to say) the said Mayor and Aldermen, at the Request of the said Committe, and for eschewing further Inconveniencies, have condescendedit to lend the Somes of Money following in manner; viz. the Some of Two Hundred Pounde Sterlinge dayly, begining the first Day's Payment thereof at the Fourteenth Day of September Instant, and swaforth dayly hereafter duringe the Abode of the Scottish Army at Newcastle; and because here is already nine Days spent, they oblidge them to pay the whole ten Days, upon the Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth Days of September Instant, and swaforth daylye, at least weekley thereafter, beginninge for the Week following on Tuesday the Twenty-ninth of this Instant, and swaforth weeley thereafter, with special Condition, that after the said first Some for the said first Ten Days is paid, that what Necessaries for the Entertainment of the Army of any Kind of Victual or other Provision, is or shall be received by the General Commissioner, the same shall be allowit in Payment either in Whole or in Part of the said Some dayly to be lent, as said is for the quhilks Causes, These of the said Committe under subscribed, bynds and oblidges them for themselves, and in the Name of the Estates of the said Kingdome of Scotland, to refound and pay the said Somes, at least so much thereof as shall be received by the General Commissioner, either in Money, Victual, or other Provision, at the Prices condescendit upon to the said Mayor, Aldermen, and their Successors, betwixt the Daite thereof and the last Day of November, in this Instant Year of God One Thousand Six Hundrith and Forty Years, together with the Some of Ten Pounds Money for ille Hundred Poundes, together also with the ordinary Interest thereof, swalong as the same shall remaine unpaid, after the last Day of November next. And further, the said Committe, for themselves, and in the Name of the General and Others of the Scottish Army, does hereby oblidge them, that neither the said Mayor, Aldermen, nor any of the said Burgesses, or other the Inhabitants foresaid, shall be troubled in their Persons, Trades, Houses, Lands, or Possessions, but shall have a full and ample Safeguard for any Harm can come to them, or any of them. Providing every one of them pay their several Proportions according as it shall be set down amongst themselves. With Declaration always, that none of those who have carryed Arms and appeared against the sottish Army, shall have any Benefit of this Agreement. And in Case any of the said Bursses, or others the Inhabitants, shall be refractory, and refuse to lend their Proportions, the Under-subscribed shall be free of so much of the foresaid Some as comes to their Part, the said Mayor and Aldermen giving up a List of their Names and Somes, and make it good that they are responsable Persons, and has Goods or Land within the said Town able to pay their Proportion. After this Agreement was signed, they seated themselves in the Town. Where (as the Authority mentioned says) they were indulged with good Provisions, and better Entertainment than they enjoyed in their own Country, which cost the Town a vast Sum of Money, for they continued too long a Time before the People were rightly safed of them. Besides the 850 l. a Day, they seized the Rents of the Bishop, Dean, and Chapter, and Papists, as Enemies to their Designs; and Lesley suffered his Soldiers to rifle and break open Shops and Houses, and likewise seized on four great English Ships laden with Corn as lawful Prize. Echard. An' Christi. Mayors. Sheriffs. 1641. The same. Francis Anderson. May 21. There was a Message sent to the Lord; touching the disbanding the two Armies, if not totally, yet Part and Part at a Time: Upon which Master Treasurer made a Report that there as an Arrear to the Scots of 120000 l. besides the 300000 l. In the Afternoon the Commons voted it, and it was confirm'd by the Lords, that both Armies should be satisfied and disbanded by the second of the next Month. June 19. There was a great Debate about the Payment of the 300000 l. allowed the Scots; at length it was concluded, that they should have 100000 l. of it paid at Michaelmas come Twelve-months, and the other 200000 l. at Midsummer Two-years after. June 22. It was voted, that eight of the Lords, and six of the Commons, should be appointed as Commissioners to pay the Scots the Money of Assistance allowed them. July 7. At a Conference betwixt both Houses, there was a Debate about disbanding the Armies; and it was concluded on, that there should be 50000 l. presently sent down for the disbanding the English Army, and the Scots to have 60000 l. to disband theirs, to be paid by the Earl of Warwick. August 6- At a Conference, the Lord Lowdon made a Report from the rest of the Lords in Scotland, that they had accepted the Articles of Pacification with much Thankfulness, and had agreed for the speedy disbanding of their Army, and given Publick Faith upon it. August 24. There came Letters this Day of the Scots marching away, and that his Majesty had prevailed with the Parliament of Scotland, that their Ordnance and Ammunition should be left at Newcastle to be conveyed to London. 1642. Sir John Marley, Kt. Henry Maddison. In this Year just before the breaking out of the Civil Wars, King Charles I. ordered the Earl of Newcastle [William Cavendish] to securce the Town of Newcastle; which was done, tho' with much Difficulty; and then he caused Tinmouth Castle to be seized also. Rapin. In this Year also Leonard Carr, Esq an Alderman of this Place, had the following Articles exhibited against him by the Common-Wealth, to each of which my Authority has made a marginal Remark; which take as follows. I. He the said Leonard Carr joined with Sir John Marley and others This first Article is really true, that he and about thirty more raised 300 l. amongst them; but they could not get one Man to prove it. in Newcastle, in lending Money to the late King Charles, after he had left and deserted the Parliament in the Year 1642. II. The said Mr. Carr joined with Sir John Marley and other Aldermen, The Truth of his Article may appear under his Hand in the Common-Council Chamber. in disposing of 706 l. out of the Town's Treasury, which was lent and sent to the King accordingly, at his first raising War against the Parliament. III. He the said Mr. Carr did join with Sir John Marley in laying an Imposition of Three-pence upon every Ch ldron of Goals, This Article also may be proved his Hand in the Towns's Books at this Day. for maintaining of the Garrison of Newcastle, and for satisfying of the Sums of Money taken up by Sir John Marley and others, for the Maintenance of the War against the Parliament. IV. The said Mr. Carr being Governor of the Merchants Company, This may be proved under his Hand in the Merchants Company's Books. The severall Subscriptions were shown to the Committee appointed by the Council. acquainted them with the King's great Want of Money, and pressed them to a Contribution, and thereupon a considerable Sum of Money was raised and sent away to his Majesty. V. He the said Mr. Carr was appointed by Sir John Marley and others, This is known to all the Town and Country as chief Surveyor for the building of a Fort in Newcastle, against the Parliament's Forces; which he performed so well, that for his Merit they call'd it by his Name, CARR's BATTERY. VI. He the said Mr. Carr did, This is certainly true, and I can give Oath of it, the Writing being his own Hand. by a Writing under his own Hand (which was found at the Storming of Newcastle among the Governor's Papers) subscribe the Earl of Essex and the Parliament of England Traytors, for taking up Arms against the King. VII. He the said Mr. Carr, upon the Parliament's Forces approaching Newcastle, This will be proved upon Oath by the Persons who owed the Houses, Informations being given in already caused to be pulled down some Houses in a Place called Sandgate, to the utter undoing of the poor Inhabitants. VIII. The said Mr. Carr did join with Sir John Marley and others, This Mr. Carr confess'd before Major-General Hammond, and I saw his Hand to a peremptory Letter in writing a Letter to General Lesley, and the English Commissioners, positively refusing to deliver up the Town when they, in the Parliament's Name, and for their Use, made Demand thereof in Writing. IX. And further, The Answer he gave himself before his Highness's Council to these Articles, I have seen Courage failed him in the day of Battle; he was like Man sinking, who will catch at the smallest sinking, Reed to save his life. However, set aside a Frailty too common still be looked upon as a Lover of his King and Country. he the said Mr. Carr, was summoned before the Committee for Sequestration for his Delinquency, where he was upon his Examination of the Articles against him, declared a Delinquent, and since that Time before the Committee confessed himself a Delinquent, and craved the honourable Respects to him. This Year, in July, the Lord Grey of Wark, and others, were sent by the Parliament to invite the Scots once more to invade England, who the following Month sent the Solemn League and Covenant to them, which was readily read in Parliament, and taken by the House of Commons Sept. 23. in St. Margaret 's, and Oct. 15. by the Lords in Westminster-Abbey. A sit Prelude to their sanctify'd Reformation, and a proper Imitation of that at Munster! 1643. The same. Cuthbert Carr. 1644. The same Henry Warmouth James Cole. Robert Ellison On the 15th of January, this year, in a dismal snowy Season, the Scots, contrary to all Faith and Loyalty, passed the River Tweed at Berwick, accompany'd by a select Committee of their own, and there met another from England, who were to conduct and supply them in the most loving Manner: Upon their Conjunction, was framed the General Committee of both Kingdoms, and in Effect became a united Camp-Parliament. Before the Advance of the Army by a Trumpeter, they sent a Letter to Sir Thomas Glenham, and the rest of the Commanders and Gentlemen of Northumberland, at Alnwick; in which they insisted upon the Solemn League and Covenant, and declared their well-weighed Resolutions, to prevent that imminent Danger, not only of Corruption, but of Ruin, which they saw evidently intended to the true Protestant Religion, by the Popish and Prelatical Faction; and to rescue his Majesty's Person and Honour from the Counsels of those, whose Ends are little better than Popery and Tyranny. Therefore, they expected the Concurrence of them, and all others; and if they met with any Opposition, the Law of Nature, and their own Reason, would tell them what they are to expect. With this Letter they sent also a Copy of the Scotch Declaration, to give it the greater Force and Authority among the Vulgar. The brave Sir Thomas Glenham, after a serious Consultation with the Officers and Gentry, how most to incommode the Enemy's March, returned a sharp Answer; in which he and the rest declare. That, without the Sight of that Letter, they could not have believed that the Scottish Nation, or the present prevailing Party in that Nation, would have attempted an Invasion of England, so contrary to the Laws of God, of Nations, and of both Kingdoms, but especially to the late Act of Pacification; so opposite to their Allegiance and Gratitude to his Majesty, to that neighbourly Love they pretend, to that discreet Care they should have of their own Safety. They declare, that no Order of Committees whatsoever, of Men, or Angels, could give Power to make War against their natural Sovereign, upon the empty Pretence of nameless evil Counsellors; and for the English Agents, they could not believe them any Commissioners lawfully authorized by the Two Houses of Parliament, or yet by the House of Commons, whence so many Members were expell'd by partial Voting, so many banished by seditious Tumults, so many voluntarily absent out of Conscience; where Desperation, Want of Opportunity to depart, or Fear of certain Plunder, were the chief Bonds which held the little Remnant together from Dissipation , where the venerable Name of Parliament was made a State to countenance the pernicious Counsels and Acts of a close Committee. As to the Scots, they declare, that no Covenant whatsoever could justify such Proceedings, begun without any Necessity, or so much as Provocation. After answering their Pretensions, they desire them to consider, that there must be an Account given to God of all the Blood which should be shed in this Quarrel: And since their Insults were such, that a vanquished Nation could scarce endure, from their Conquerors, they could not think they were grown so same, as to desert ther Religion, Laws, Liberties, and Estates, upon Command of Foreigners; and to suffer themselves to be made Beggars, and Slaves, without Opposition. These Paper-Skirmishes had no other Effect, than to gain some little Time for Sir Thomas Glenham to draw his Forces and Artillery to Newcastle, for Alnwick was not tenable; besides, he found several of the Gentlemen of Northumberland, especially such as were allied to the Lord Grey of Wark, either for fear of the Scotch, or Affection to their Cause, were very backward in opposing the Enemy. The Scotch marched after him by slow and difficult Marches, by Reason of the Snow and Floods, and on the 3d of February summoned the Town of Newcastle, but finding they were not able to take the Place, after three Weeks Stay, and some Skirmishes, they passed the River Tyne on the 28th of February, and on the 4th of March entred Sunderland. The Marquis of Newcastle, General for the King in these Northern Parts, having reinforced his Army to about 14,000 Horse and Foot, attended so near the Scotch Army, and so intercepted their Supplies, that sometimes they had neither Meat nor Drink, and were never possessed of above twenty-four Hours Provision; but they coloured over their necessity by keeping a solemn Fast; and pressing on towards Durham for better Quarters, to stop their advancing, on the Twenty-third of March the Marquis drew up his Army at Hilton, on the North of the River Were; the Scots were drawn up on Whitburn Lizard, a Hill East from them, adjoining to the Sea: So the Armies faced each other, and skirmished in Parties; the Field-Word given by the Marquis being prophetically enough, Now or Never; and by the Scots, in their assuming Way, The Lord of Hosts is with us. The Marquis not being able to force the Scots to a Battle, retreated towards his Quarters at Durham, and the Scots followed slowly, but could make no considerable Advance, till the Lord Fairfax, and the rest of the Parliament Forces, by a new Diversion, gave them Opportunity to descend into Yorkshire. Echard. In the same Year, after the City of York had surrender'd to the Parliament, the three Armies thought sit to separate; the Scottish Army was order'd to march Northwards, and joining with the Earl of Calander, who had enter'd England with 10,000 Scots, laid Siege to Newcastle on the 13th of August; the Siege lasted above two Months, and proved one of the most resolute in the Kingdom; all Sorts of Policy of Peace and War; by Treaty, by Mines, by Assaults, having been used to little Effect, the Inhabitants resolving (if possible) never to fall into the Hands of the Scots. But on Saturday the 19th of October the whole Scotch Army furiously set upon the Town, and having made three Breaches, after a tedious and bloody Storm, they at last master'd it. Sir John Marley, Sir Nicholas Cole, and Sir George Barker, got into the Castle, where being forced by Necessity, they came to a Capitulation, and surrender'd on the 27th of the same Month. The Town being taken by Assault, was sufficiently plunder'd; but the Surrendry proved of great Importance to the City of London, where the poorer Sort of People, for the two last Years, were almost starved for want of Fewel, Coals having been risen to the Price of 4 l. a Chaldron; a Price never known before that Time. Echard. In this Year the round Tower under the Moot-Hall, towards the Sand-Hill, called the Half-Moon, which was the old Castle of Monkchester, was by Sir John Marley made use of to secure the River and Key-side against the Scots, and the other Castle he put into good Repair, which was very ruinous: On the former he laid great Guns, for the Use above-mentioned; and on the latter he laid great Ordnance, to beat off those Guns which the Scots had laid upon the Banks of Gateshead against the Town. And this he managed bravely for a long time; for the Scots began the siege about July, and it was the 19th of October before they could take it; which they did by Storm, upon the Day after St. Luke 's Day; and it was by the White Fryer Tower and Sandgate, where the Colliers of Elswick and Benwell were employed under one John Osbourn (a false rebellious Scot ) to undermine the Walls; which they did, and blew them up, and so got and plunder'd the Town. And no marvel, for they were accounted 30,000 Men, and the Townsmen were but, in all, 1500 Men, wearied with continual Watch and Duty, tho' Men of great Courage, and sought it gallantly to the last; for the Newgate Ward, which was under Capt. Cuthbert Carr, was taken by the Enemy, who entered at the asoresaid Places, and encompassed them before and behind; and Pilgrim-street Gate was maintained by Capt. George Errington, Lieutenant William Robson, and Ensign Thomas Swan, who sought and killed very many, they themselves not having one hurt, until they were encompassed by the Enemy before and behind: And even then they would not parley with the Scots who fought against them without, but did capitulate with Lieutenant-Colonel Sinclair, who loved and honoured them, and kept his Agreement so well with them, that not one of them was robbed of his Cloaths or Money, nor were any of his Men suffered to give any evil Word; and it was the great Blessing of God, that, in all that Time, there was not one Man slain, nor hurt, altho' that Company consisted of Ninescore Men, all TradesMen, and there were divers Sallies made out at that Gate; for it was the longest of all the Gates of the Town, it being barrocaded and shut up. And after they had surrender'd, and the Enemy was called over at that Breach, they durst not approach, but shot at their Friends that called them, and would not believe that the Town was taken. MS. Milbank. It is not improper to place here the Lord Hume 's Relation of the Conclusion of this Siege, in his Letter to the Lord Chancellor of Scotland, with the rest of the Commissioners at London. Right Honourable, I Should have gone into Newcastle on Thursday, but was put off till Friday by these obstinate Miscreants, especially the Mayor of that Town. Sir David Hume, John Rutherford, and I my self, went in on Friday at Nine in the Morning; we had Commission from General Lesley and Committees, if we found real Dealings, to yield to honourable Conditions. The Mayor, Sir Nicholas Cole, and Sir George Baker, were treating with us; they gave us big Words; do what we could, they would not so much as come to speak of Conditions of rendring up the Town; and after three or four Hours Debate, all that we could draw from them, was, that they would think upon our Propositions, and return them within three or four Days; and that, when all Conditions were agreed upon, they would give Hostages to surrender in case Relief came not in twenty Days; nor would they so much as write to the General their own Propositions. So that, after our Return, we sent to the Town these Conditions, forthwith to be accepted. That all Officers should have Liberty to stay, or to march out in all Honour, with Arms, Bagg and Baggage. to any Garrison, with a Convoy, within sixty Miles; and all others not Soldiers, shall have the like Liberty: The Town to enjoy all their former Liberties and Charter, with all manner of Protection to the Inhabitants from Plunder: Freedom as any Town subject to the Parliament: No free Billeting imposed: None to enter the Town, but only a competent Garrison signed by the General, with this Caveat, that they should send out Hostages by Eight of the Clock the next Morning, for Surrender of the Town before Monday the 21 of October. Instead of which, they sent out to us a bitter Invective Letter, tho' they knew all our Batteries and Mines were ready; yet they boldly drew from us these Enforcements: Therefore, this Morning the Scots make three Breaches, and to spring four Mines, and so to fall on: The Breaches were made reasonable low before Three a Clock Afternoon: All Mines played well, and yet the Town stood out obstinate: My Lord Chancellour's Regiment and Backelough 's enter'd a Breach at Closegate: The General of the Artillery his Regiment and that other of Edinburgh 's enter'd at Nine under the White Tower: Col. Stuart 's and Gask 's Regiments enter'd at a Mine, but with hot Dispute, at Westgate; this was our Quarter: Lieutenant-General Bally had another Quarter at Newgate, with five Regiments, his own, Waughton 's, Cowper 's, Dunferling 's, and Dudhop 's, who enter'd by a Breach, many of our Officers kill'd, Major Robert Hepburn much lamented. Castles, Kelhead, Wedderburn, Marshall, and the Master of Yesters, they had the third Quarter. Sinclaire, Alton, Niddery, the Master of Cranston, and the Lord Niddery, had the fourth Quarter, who enter'd at two Mines. They within made their utmost Opposition, with great Execution on us, but we forced them; and the Mayor, with others, Gentlemen of Quality, got to the Castle. More you shall have within a Day or two. October 19, 1644. Your Lordship's Humble Servant, A. HUME. And presently upon this Letter, Thanksgiving was made at London, with hearty Thanks to God for his great Mercy in giving up the Town of New-Castle in England to our Brethren of Scotland; and the 27th October the Castle likewise surrendered, with three hundred Persons; the Lords Crawford, Rea, and Maxwell, were sent to Edinburgh to be executed; and the Town being taken by a great Slaughter, was plundered to the full; and the Scots excused themselves, that therein the Parliament of England would be the better pleased. Thus was the Town taken from the King after an obstinate and gallant Defence, and well may assume the Motto Bestowed upon it, FORTITER DEFENDENDO TRIUMPHANS. Newcastle, the 17th of Nov. 1644. The COMMITTEE 'S DECLARATION. THE Committees of both Kingdoms, after many Meetings and serious Debates amongst themselves, and the hearing of sundry Persons well experienced in the Collieries and Coal-Works about the Town of Newcastle, and having taken into their serious Consideration sundry Propositions for the Good of those Works, and the driving on of that Trade for the Benefit of the Parliament, and the Pay of the Army, have at length concluded and agreed amongst themselves, that some of the most notorious Delinquents and Malignants, late Coal-Owners in the Town of Newcastle, should be wholly excluded from intermeddling with any Shares or Parts of Collieries, or Interest in any Coals whatsomever, that formerly they have laid Claim unto, and that the rest of the said Delinquents deserve not to have any Benefit of the said Coals or Collieries: But in regard the Delinquents and Malignants belonging to those Collieries were very many in Number, they did not conceive it for the Service of the Parliament, or the Army, to put them all out at once, and so to hazard the retarding of the present setting on of the Works, and ruining of the same, in regard they were furnished with Materials and Utensils, and had Things ready at hand, and did best know where to find Workmen, which Strangers would have had Difficulty to find, and could not possibly on the sudden sufficiently provide themselves to set on the Works; and having made Trial to lett some Delinquents Collieries, and, for this Purpose, having treated with some well-affected Persons what Profit might be raised, and how they might be lett for the most Benefit to the Parliament, were constrain'd for the present rather to make Use of those Delinquents in working their own Collieries as Tenants and Servants to the Parliament, than to engage our Friends upon Incertainties, and hazard their Loss, as our own Hindrance in setting forward the Works, for the Use and Benefit of the Parliament. Wherefore the Committees of both Kingdoms, seeing the Necessity of dispatching away the Ships that every Day call upon us for their Lading, and lie at Charges in Expectation of getting Coals for their Money, have thought fit to make the following Declaration to all, but such as are expected as before-mentioned, and whose Names are hereafter written. 1st. That for the present Time there be allowed, on the behalf of the rest of the late Coal-Owners, 10 s. Sterling upon every Chaldron of Ship-Coals, for desraying the Charges in the Works under-ground, Carriage thereof to the Staiths, and from thence in Keels to the Ships, paying the Town-Dues, as was formerly paid (viz.) 3 d. for the Town, and 3 d. for the Garrison per Chalder, and the usual and accustomed Rents for the Pits; and as a competent Consideration for the Support of the said late Owners themselves, and this Allowance is made, as well for the Coals at the Staiths and Pits ready wrought, as those to be wrought, the said Owners, Collieries and Workmen, being always obliged to set on Foot with all Diligence, and maintain their Coal-Works, make ready their Keels, and all other Necessaries sit for the same; and the Coal-Workers who are to receive the Benefit of Payment, as abovesaid, for their Work out of the Coals already above ground, are obliged to continue in working the said Coals at the ordinary Rate and Conditions, as was formerly accustomed, And whatsoover more Price the said Chalders of Coals (being sold to Merchants or Masters of ships) shall yield above the said 10 s. per Chalder, together with what Custom and impost is or shall be put upon the same; and the old Custom of 1 s. upon the Chalder formerly paid by the Owners to his Majesty, to be employed for the Pay and Maintenance of the Army, upon Account, to the Parliament of England, or their Committes. 2dly. That the Coals already wrought above-ground, either at Pits or Staiths, Belonging to Friends, have like Allowance of 10 s. upon the Chalder, they paying the said Town's Duties (viz.) 3 d. to the Town, and 3 d. to the Garrison per Chalder. And the Surplus of the Price which they shall yield ( eing sold to Merchants or Ship Masters) to be employed for the said public: Use by Way of Loan; and that they have the publick Faith for the same. The Owners, Taxmen and Workers, being always tied, to put on Foot and maintain the said Works, remitting to the Determination of the Parliament what other Conditions they will be pleased to grant them for the Coals henceforth to be wrought. 3dly. It is thought fit that the Price of Coals be 15 s. per Chalder, with the Assess of 4 s. upon the Chalder, and the ancient 12 d, to the King, is 20 s. for every Chalder to Merchant or Skipper, for all Coals vended in this Port of Newcastle; and for those exported, to pay the same Rate, and such further Custom as is ordained by the Book of Custom-Rates. 4thly. That Certification be made to the several Owners, of which we doubt not our Friends will take special Notice, and instantly apply themselves to set on their Works, that if presently they use not all possible Diligence in getting on Foot their several Coal-Works, and in maintaining thereof, in that Case to be declared uncapable of any future Benefit, which they might expect out of their said Collieries, and that other Persons shall be employed forworking the same, for the publick Use and Benefit of the Parliament and Army. The Parties Names excepted out of this Declaration and Agreement, as before-mentioned. Sir JOHN MARLEY, Knight. Sir THOMAS RIDDELL, Knight. Sir THOMAS LIDDELL, Knight. Sir ALEXANDER DAVISON, Knight. Sir JOHN MINNS, Knight. Sir FRANCIS ANDERSON, Knight. WILLIAM ROWE, Secr. Commissioners. An' Christi. Mayors. Sheriffs. 1645. John Blackston. Christopher Nicholson. 1646. Henry Dawson. Henry Rawling. In this year, when King Charles I. by his ill Success, was reduced to the lowest Ebb, he, upon some Assurances of Protection from the Scots, then besieging Newark, repaired to their Army, and immediately gave Orders to the Lord Bellasis to surrender Newark, which might have held out several Months longer; which done, the Scots Army, before they could have received any Orders from the Parliament, with uncommon Expedition, marched with him to Newcastle, where they arrived May the 13th. About the Middle of July the Parliament sent their Commissioners, the Earls of Pembroke and Suffolk, of the Peers, and Sir Walter Earl, Sir John Hippisley, Robert Goodwin, and Luke Robinson, Esqrs. for the Commons, with 10 Propositions for his Majesty to assent to, [ See Rushworth.] Demands of such a horrid and destructive Nature, as would, if granted, have render'd the King and his Memory inglorious and despicable both at home and abroad. The King perceiving all Things tending to his Ruin, he seemed to hearken most to his old false Friend William Murray of the Bed-Chamber, who privately proposed an Escape, and offered to make his Way, and to have a ship in Readiness to transport his Majesty beyond Sea. The Project appeared plausible, and the King had disguised himself for it, but was discovered in the Attempt. Whether he was faithful to his Majesty in this Point, is uncertain, since Sir Robert Murray was concerned in it; but Bishop Guthry says it was divulged before the set Time, so that there was no Discourse throughout the Army but of Murray 's Plot to carry away the King. Thereupon a Guard of Soldiers was immediately planted at his Chamber, Door, both within and without; by which his Majesty was not only deprived of Liberty, but also of Quiet and Retirement; and having an Antipathy against Tobacco, was much disturbed by their bold and continual smoaking in his Presence: A military Presage of the same heathenish Barbarity at going to the Block before Whitehall. Upon his Majesty's Entry into Newcastle, he was caressed with Bonfires and Ringing of Bells, Drums and Trumpets, and Peals of Ordnance; but guarded by 300 of the Scottish Horse, these near him bare-headed. He lodged at General Levin 's Quarters, who proclaims that Papists or Delinquents should not come near his Person. And that altho' his Majesty was present, yet all Men whatsoever should yield Obedience to the Ordinance of Parliament. The Scotch Army are now, they imagine, Masters of all, by their Power of the King's Person, and levy intolerable Taxes and Assessments upon all Northern Counties, which very coursely resent them, and complain to the Parliament at Westminsters, not without some Rising of the People standing upon their Guard: And all the Scotch Hors formerly sent into Scotland are return'd into Yorkshire; which makes the House of Common debate and vote, That this Kingdom had no further Need of the Army of our Brethren the Scots in this Kingdom, and that the Sum of 100,000 l. should be advanced and paid to that Army as followeth, viz, 50,000 l. thereof after their surrendring of Newcastle, Carlisle, and other English Garrisons possessed by them in England, and the other 50,000 l. after they are advanced into Scotland, and Order shall be taken for Payment of their Arrears. And forthwith Mr. Alexander Henderson, the Scots Apostolick: Minister, and one of their Commissioners, was sent from Westminster to Newcastle to dispute with the King, and to convince him to the Covenant; where, after several Discourse and Meetings, the King is pleased to descend so low as to argue Reasons by Writings, which continued several Encounters by Papers till the 16th of July, concerning Church-Matters, by Auth rity of the Fathers, and Practice of the Church, which Henderson would avoid, by Texts of Scripture, and from thence, his own Opinion should guide him beyond all universal Consent or Practice of the Primitive Church which were erroneous, which was not contradicted by orthodox learned Men in the Times of the first Practice, as is easily percieved: That these Desections were, some of them justly called Rebellions, which Henderson mentions. And lastly, that alleit he never esteem'd any Authority equal to the Scripture, yet he thanks the numerous Consent of the Fathers, and the universal Practice of the Primitive Church, to be the best and Authentical Interpreters of God's Word, and consequently the purest Judges between him and Henderson, until better may be sound; as for Example, he says, I think Mr. Henderson the best Preacher in Newcastle, yet I believe you may err, and possibly a better Preacher may come; but till then I must retain my Opinion. C.R. These Disputes are in Print, which shews his Majesty's Temper and Knowledge, to treat so long with a peevish Presbyter. Only the King was rid of one troublesome Guest Mr. Henderson; who had been disputed into so much Reason and Understanding, that being convinced by the King, he fell into some Distemper at Newcastle, and therefore was sent home to Scotland, where he died perfectly reconciled to the King's Affairs, and an Apostate from the Scots Army and their Proceedings. Sanderson's Hist. of K. Charles I. p. 904, 905, 921. The King gives Earnest of his sincere Intentions of holding a personal Treaty with the Parliament of London, by sending the following Warrant. Having designed to comply with the Designs of our Parliament, in every thing that may be for the Good of our Subjects, and leave no Means unattempted for removing of Differences between us; therefore we have thought the more to evidence the Reality of our Intention of settling a happy Peace, to require you, upon Honourable Conditions, to quit the Towns, Castles, and Forts intrusted to you by us, and to disband all the Forces under your several Commands. Given at Newcastle the 10th of June, 1646. To our Trusty and Well-beloved Sir Thomas Glenham, Sir Thomas Tisby, Colonel Washington, Colonel Blague, Governors of our Cities and Towns of Oxford, Worcester, Litchfield, and Wallingford; and to all other Commanders of any other Towns, Castles, or Forts within the Kingdom of England, or Dominion of Wales. The Scots now in some Jealousy how mightily the King complies with his Parliament, and that they should not be able, perhaps, to effect their Designs by Force, endeavour it by Fraud and Cunning, by insinuating to the Parliament, that their Conscience bears them Witness, of their constant Endeavours to preserve the Union of both Kingdoms; yet never more than since the King's coming to their Army, by effecting such Messages from his Majesty as might be a sure Ground of Peace to his People, and Happiness to himself. And although we have not as yet prevailed over his Principles, deeply rooted in him, as to obtain the utmost of our Desires, which we hope in a short Time to effect; and we hope that accordingly the Parliament will be pleased to send their Propositions of Peace to him, upon whose Answer we shall clearly know how to proceed in the intendedPacification, and to satisfy the Parliament in disbanding our Armies, delivering up the Garrisons Possessed by us, and retiring home for the Good of both Kingdoms. This was dated at Newcastle the 10th of June 1646, and signed by General Levens and all the Scotch Commissioners, and directed to the Parliament. After many Alterations and Disputes between the Scots and the Parliament relating to the King, it was at last agreed to deliver him up, upon their being paid 400,000 l. for their Arrears. Whereupon the two Houses at Westminster sent, of the Lord the Earl of Pombroke and Donbigh, and Lord Montague; of the Commons, Sir John Holland, Sir Walter Earl, Sir James Harrington, Sir John Cook, Sir. John Crew, and Major-General Brown; together with some private Gentlemen, and two of their Chaplains, Mr. Marshall and Mr. Caryl, to receive the King. These arrived at Newcastle the 23d of January, and on Saturday, January the 30th (a Day of the King's Imprisonment, and Martyrdom two Years after) they set out from Newcastle, with the King, for Holmby House in Northamptonshire, where he arrived February the 16th. The same Day that the King left Newcastle, the Scots also departed from it, and marched into their own Country, passing over the Tweed on the 11th of February, after they had continued a little above three Years in the Kingdom of England. Echard. A little after the King's coming to Newcastle, a Scotch Minister preached boldly before him; and when his Sermon was done, called for the 52d Psalm, which begins, Why dost thou, Tyrant, boast thy self, Thy wicked Works to praise? Whereupon his Majesty stood up and called for the 56th Psalm, which begins, Have Mercy, Lord, on me, I pray, For Men would me devour. The People wa ed the Minisiter's Psalm, and sung that which the King called for. Whitlock's 's Memoirs, p. 234. Feb. 1. the Scotch Army marched towards Scotland, well satisfied with the Produce of their long Stay in England, and not displeased with the Money paid by the Parliament for delivering the King's Person to the Commissioners of Parliament. 1647. Thomas Ledger. Robert Young. Dec. 5. the King's Concession voted satisfactory; whereupon the next Day many Members are imprisoned or secluded by the Army. To the HIGH COURT of PARLIAMENT. The Humble PETITION of the Mayor, Aldermen, Common-Council, and the Rest of the Well-affected of the Town of Newcastle, Humbly sheweth, THAT we cannot but deeply resent what hath been presented to you by the Well-affected in the Southern Parts, as concerning the present Treaty, that if, after all the Experience of the Mischiefs which have happen'd unto us from former Treaties, of all God's wonderfully owning of you both formerly and of late, in Midst of so many Oppositions from all Hands, and of all his gracious Appearings, the K. his Party you go on to treat, before full and exemplary Justice be done upon the great Incendiaries of the Kingdom, the Fomentors of, and Actors in the first and second War, and the late bringing in of the Scots, We can expect nothing as the Issue thereof but the sudden Desolution of Parliament and Army, Desolation of all the Well-affected, the involving the Nation in more Blood, Misery, and Slavery then ever. May it therfore please you, in this Conjuncture of Time, to hearken to your Petitioners, who have constantly adhered to you; and before you conclude this Treaty, to extend Importance and speedy Justice upon the greatest Offenders, wherein you cannot want the greatest Assistance from God and from Man to strengthen you in your Indeavours to settle this Kingdom in Peace and Right. Thomas Ledger, Mayor. Thomas Bonner. John Richardson. William Dawson. Michael Bonner. Richard Baker. James Jackson. Richard Ward. Robert Carr. Robert Plimpton. John Mowe. Rob. Young, Alderman. George Fenwicke. George Dawson. George Blakiston. William Bonner. Peter Bureill. John Lodge. George Beadnall. T. Erington, Post-Mastr . Phineas Allan sen. Robert Dalton. Robert Ogle. Wiliam Thompson. James Turner. Henry Rawling. Samuel Rawling. Richard Readhead. Thomas Smith. John Pigg. Cuthbert Nicholson. Cuthbert Wilson. Thomas Betson. Thomas Traemble. Thomas Foster. Edward Reed, Brewer. Timothy Bonner. Francis Hall. Thomas Young. Thomas . George Carr. Peter Taylor. John Watson. Edward Kirton. George Usher. Henry Bell. John Spurr. Thomas Mallard. John Hall jun. Henry Hawksworth. Phineas Allan jun. Anthony Robinson. Robert Blaigden. Thomas Wilson. Robert Carr. Henry Bowet. William Wilkinson. William Armstrong. Robert Sharp. Henry Heighley. . Samuel Powell. Henry Barker. Richard March. John Tailor. Peter Story. Edward Stockdale. James Chantler: Humphry Flint. Francis Tarnis. Richard Binfeild. Richard Knowells. John Readhead. John Bird. George Penckerton. Thomas Tailor. Christopher Greetham. John Whitfield. William Thompson. John Hall sen. Ralph Dining. George Ayre. James Smith. Christopher Ellison. A Second PETITION. THE Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of this Town, did most freely and unanimously joyne in a Petition to the House of Commons, for speedy and impartial Justice upon the great Incendiaries betwixt these two Kingdoms, and the chief Promoters of this Election, who have already confess'd themselves guilty of all the Blood which hath been shed by this unnatural Warr, who have been twice conquered by Us, and this we ground upon our Solemn League and Covenant, to which we have always adhered, and by which all Delinquents ought to be brought to condign Punishment, without Exception; though our Treaties have, upon what Grounds wee know not, nor are not yet satisfyed, admitted of a Personal Treaty with the Cheife of Them, as if, after twice conquered, he or his Party was sensible thereof, and of whom, as wee yet hear of, any Conviction of Conscience or Judgment, but only for an Opportunity to cut the Throats of Us and all others, that have ingaged against them in this Nation; and being so unhappy that wee could not by any Means obtain their Judgment thereof, or Intentions thereupon, it hath added many sad Fears and Thoughts to our former Perplexities, and even astonshed Us to consider how our Bondage and Ruine is by this Treaty, since our Petition, so just, rational, and in Prosecution of our Covenant, and their own Proceedings, should appear unworthy of the least Respects or Consideration; and therefore. Wee must still endeavour to keep our first Integrity without Spott and Blemish, for if wee would never bow the Knee to Baal at the King's Command, wee will never do it at the Parliament's; and if they act against the Truth reposed in them by the People, the People are bound in Conscience and Duty to act against them, Salus Populi being Suprema Lex. The Lord direct Us for his Glory, and the Good of the poor Commons of England, who are like to be bought and sold, because they are ignorant of their own Freedom and Birth-right, which they are willing to sell for a Mease of Pottage, so they may injoy a slavish Peace, though it hath cost much precious Blood in the Time of their Prosecution of this unnatural War for the Preservation of them. 1648. Thomas Bonner. Ralph Jennison. An' Christi. Mayors. Sheriffs. 1649. William Dawson. Samuel Rawling. The Statute Ao 35 Eliz. against Sectaries repealed, whereby that Inundation of Heresies overspread the Nation at this Time, altho' the Causers of the Rebellion complained before heavily thereof in Gangraena. Gromwell made General, marched toward Scotland. Cromwell with his Army arrived at Berwick June the 21st, and on September the 3d defeated the Scots Army at Dunbar, with the Lost of 3000 slain, and 9000 taken Prisoners: Of the last, he dismissed the wounded, weak, and such as were of no Value; the rest were driven like Turkeys, to Newcastle, whereof Sir Arthur Haslerig was Governor, where about 1600 of them were starved, having nothing to eat but green, Cabbage Leaves, and Oats in a small proportion: The stronger Persons that subsisted with this Diet were condemned to the Suga-Mills, and by the English Planters were transported to the West-Indies. Echard. 1650. George Dawson. John Lodge. At Durham Fair happened the following sad Accident: Capt. Blet, an Officer of the Garrison of Newcastle, going to buy some Sheep there, some Words passed between a Countryman of 60 Years of Age and him, whom the Captain struck with his Cane, and the Countryman having a Batt or Staff in his Hand, therewith gave him a Stroke on his Head, that he presently after died. Perfect Diurnal, No 78. p 1083. 1651. Thomas Bonner. Peter Sanderson. 1652. Henry Dawson. George Dawson. John Butler. April the 20th the Rump Parliament turned out by the Army, after sitting twelve Years, six Months, and seventeen Days, and July the 30th the little Convention began, which merited the Name of Barbones Parliament, which passed the Godly Act for marrying by Justices of the Place. NEW CASTLE Address to CROMWELL. For his HIGHNESS the LORD PROTECTOR. May it please Your HIGHNESS, MANY of the Precious Servants of God in these Nations, over which the Lord hath set your Highness, have gotten upon their Watch-Tower, to see if they can discover what has been eminent in the Design of the Lord in the e Days; for the All wise od hath of late visibly been out of the common Road of Providence; his Paths hath been in Tempests and thick Darknesse, plucking up by the Roots the greatest of Men and the highest of Powers like Cedars in Lebanon, that he might make Way for the glorious bringing forth of Truth and Righteousness; and we question not but the Lord is fulfilling that great Prophecy, Isaiah lx. 17. I will make thy Officers Peace, and thy Exacters Righteosness; for when wee consider how the Lord hath eminently made your Highness instrumental for the breaking of the Iron Yoke from of the Neck of these three Nations, and likewise hath invested you with the supream Power of this Common-wealth, whereby you may be exceedingly instrumental to the Lord Jesus, in the advancing of his Kingdom in Righteousness and Peace: Wee having the Sence of these Things with W ight upon our Spirits, have judged it our Duty to professe our great Resentment of this signal Mercy from the Hands of our God, and do solemnly bless the Lord for setting up your Highness over this great People, and shall indeavour, through the Strength of Christ, to live in all humble Obedience to your Highness, as becometh those who are under your Government and Protection. Signed in the Name, and by Order of the Common-Councell of Newcastle upon Tyne, WILLIAM JOHNSON, Mayor. Feb. 25. 1653. 1653. William Johnson. Robert Johnson. 1654. The same. John Rumney. 1655. Robert Shaftoe. Henry Thompson. 1656. Henry Rawling. George Blakiston. Whitehall, April 27. Alderman Fowke, and the two Sheriff's of London, represented to the Council, in the Name of the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, that there are 300 Sail of Ships at Newcastle to take in Goals, but are hundred by some new Impositions by the Hoastmen there, so that the Price of Coals is raised, which unless some Care were taken, would be very prejudicial to the City of London, and especially to the Poor; and making it their humble Request that Course might be taken for a speedy dispatching of the Ships away with their Lading at the same Rates as they paid last Year, and some Time appointed to hear the Business touching those new Impositions, they thereupon withdrew. The Council, out of their Respect and Care of the Publick Good, having had the Business of the Stop of the Trade of Coats before under Consideration, and a Report being brought in this Day concerning it by a Committe of the Connect, to whom the Matter had been reformed; it was thereupon order'd by his Highness the Lord Protector and the Council, that the said Corporation of Hoastmen be required and enjoined to permit the Ships which trade to Newcastle for Coals, to lade Coals for six Months now next ensuing, or until the Matter upon Complaint be heard and settled, at the like Rates, both for Coals and the Fare of Keels, as they did lade in April 1655, to the the Commonwealth may be supplied. And in order to the Determination of this Matter; the Parties concerned therein are to have as Hearing upon the 21st of May next, before a Committee of the Council. And, in order to the further Encouragement and Preservation of the Coal-Trade, and the constant Supply of this great City, and the Parts adjacent, with Coals, which is so necessary a Commodity for all Sorts of People, the Council have been pleased to appoint a Convoy for the securing of Ships that go to and fro betwixt London and Newcastle. Publick Intelligencer, No 29. p. 493. 1657. George Dawson. George Thursby. This Year, Aug. 29. died at Eltham, Lieutenant Col. John Lilburn, and was two Days after brought to London and buried in the Quakers Yard. He was born at Bishop-Weremouth in the County of Durham, a Person of so impetuous a Temper, as could never be kept within Bounds. In the Year 1638, by a just Sentence, he was whipt from the Fleett to Westminister, which afterward procured his Commission in the Army, where his obstinate Disobedience was more conspicuous, so as to become obnoxiuos to his Fellows: He was often indicted, and under Cromwell 's Administration committed Prisoner to Dover Castle, where he became of a more came Hurmour than formerly, having put on the Garb of a Quaker; and declared himself, by Letters to his Friends, to be of the same Judgment with those which have taken up that Way and Opinion. Publick Intelligencer. 1658. Mark Milbank. John Watson. 1659. Thomas Bonner. James Biggs. In this Year, after General Lambert had dissolved the Long Parliament, and the Government was settled in what was called the Committee of Safety, most of them Officers of the Army, General Monk in Scotland having declared for the Parliament; Lambert was sent against him with a much superior Army, who made Newcastle the place of Rendezvous, where he stay'd above a Month, increasing his Troops, and expecting Monk 's March into England: But Portsmouth and the Fleet declaring for the Parliament, which was soon after restored, he marched Southward, when being deserted by many of his Troops, and by the rest confined, he was conveyed Prisoner to London; and sent to the Tower. Echard. Rapin. 1660. John Emmerson. William Blackett. Soon after the meeting of the Parliament which restored King Charles II. Sir Arthur Haslerigg came to General Monk, and deliver'd up his two Regiments, and the of Do wich, Newcastle, and Tinmouth, which were given him by the late Powers, on Condition to have his Life and Estate preserved; which were generously assured to him. Echard. This Year Dr. John Cosin, Dean of Peterborough, was consecrated Bishop of Durham, Dec. 2: In the Year 1644. William Robson, Parish Clerk of All-Saints; was Oct. 20. put out of his Office by the Rebels, and was this Year restored by his Majesty's Writ, July 28. being ejected for his Loyalty. In the Spring this Year, all unknown Gentleman came to refitle at Winlaton, living very private, and daily more inquisitive after News, and every Circumstance of the Restoration; who upon: understanding the passing the Act of Indemnity, together with the Exception of the Murderers of the three King, went into an adjoining Wood and hanged himself. 1661. Sir John Marley. Thomas Jennison. May. the 22d the Solemn League and Covenant was burnt in London and Westminster, and afterwards all England over, which was before rescinded by Parliament in Scotland. 1662. Sir Fran. Anderson. Henry Brabant. 1663. Sir James Clavering. Robert Shaftoe. This Mayor procured for Sir William Fenwick a Shoar a little below the Bill, which is called Wilcolme Key; it is built over Wallsend Deane. He has only left a Gate to convey away the Water, having built a Vault under the same, in which, if a few Stones decay, the Water will stop and overflow the whole Shoar. MS. Milbank. 1664. Sir Francis Liddell. Francis Liddell. 1665. Henry Maddison. William Carr. Part of a Letter from Tho. Naylor, Vicar of Newcastle, to the Archidams of Northumberland. AT my coming to Newcastle, I sent for George Headhall, and acquainted him with the Contents of your Lotter; I let him know that you had spared no Pains, either by Tongue or Pen, whereby he might be convinced of him Error, and informed in the Truth, in Relmion to his present Case. I also gave him Notice, that you had decreed a Commission to me to absolve him upon a ratory Caution. To this he answered, that such a Caution was all could be required of him in case he were imprisoned upon a Writ de xwinmieni ir inpiendo. I replied to him, that it were easier for him now to perform that Condition, than if the Law made further Process against him. He concluded, he will come and wait on my Lord Bishop in Whitson-Week, and if you will be in Duresme, he will speak to you about the Business of his Absolution. Thus doth he shift off the Business from Time to Time, to gain Time; and from Person to Person, thinking, as I conceive, to slip away from them all. An' Christi. Mayors. Sheriffs. 1666. William Blackett. Timothy Davison. 1667. Henry Brabant. Ralph Grey. 1668. Ralph Jennison. Robert Jennison. A Letter of the Vicar of Newcastle to Dr. Basire, Archdeacon of Northumberland. AT my coming home, I received a Letter from my Lord of Durham, wherein he was pleased to give me the Honour as to intimate unto me the Concerns of his Majesty's Letter to our Magistrates, much concurrent with the Intelligence you received from Court, and desired me to press Mr. Mayor, Sir James Clavering, and Sir Fracis Anderson, with this necessary Duty of suppressing these illegal, riotous, schismatical, and, as near as may be conjectured, seditious Assemblies: And this to be done with the Concurrence of the rest of the Ministers. I have had little Time since my coming; but Mr. Shaw, who is instar omnium, is come to Town, and in Health, and he will second me; upon Monday we purpose to prepare our selves, that we may discourse the Matter with Mr. Mayor and the rest of our Magistrates. This for the Account of our Zeal to suppress those Caterpillars, and our Obedience to my Lord's Commands. Now for Matter of Fact, I know not of any thing as yet done; it is publickly known that a Letter is come from the King about them: The Magistrates, I hear, have been consulting about it; what the Result is, I know not; their Actings will discover their Counsels, I hope well of them: But if I had been a Magistrate, and none had been wiser than I, they should have been secured before this Time. I shall from Time to Time give you an Account what I see or know to be done in this grand Affair; in the mean time, beg your Acceptance of these Lines, from him who is, Reverend SIR, Your most Affectionate, though Most Unworthy Servant, T. NAYLOR. Newcastle, Dec. 12. 1668. A Letter from the Mayor and Five Aldermen of Newcastle to the Bishop of Durham. My LORD, WE received your Lordship's Letter, with his Majesty's Royal Letter inclosed, in which his Majesty takes Notice that there are numerous Conventicles held in this Town: My Lord, we are sorry that there is any Cause of Complaint upon this Occasion; we have this to answer for our selves, that we have put the Laws against Conventicles in Execution, so for as we had any Information, and have convicted several Persons upon the late Act against Conventicles, and taken Care to prevent these Meetings under Pretence of Worship, by employing the Church-Wardens to give Information, in Case they could discover any. We do take the late Statute against Conventicles to be in Force, and shall be always ready to proceed to punish Offenders against it; and if any Offenders have not been punished, it was for Want of Evidence to convict them; and if those Persons that informed your Lordship would have been pleased to have acquainted us, we would have taken away all Cause of Complaint, We desire your Lordship would please to take Care of the Inclosed, and acquaint the King with our Proceedings herein: We should not have been so bold with your Lordship, to have given your Lordship so much Trouble, but that we were encouraged to it by your Lordship's Letter. My Lord, we crave your Lordship's Pardon for this Trouble, and shall remain Your LORDSHIP 'S Humble Servants, RA. JENNISON, Mayor. JAMES CLAVERING, J. EMMERSON. ROBERT SHAFTOE, WILL. BLACKETT. MAR. MILBANKE. Newcastle, Dec. 15. 1668. Mr. MAYOR, And the Aldermen of Newcastle, London, Decem. 22. 1668. I Have received your Letter of the 15th Instant, together with the Inclosed, which I delivered to Mr. Secretary. Sir John Trever, who read it to me, and hath acquainted his Majesty with it. I am glad to find by both these your Letters, that you declare your Readiness to put the Laws in Execution against Conventicles, and unlawful Assemblies, for pretended religious Worship in that Town, whereinto both you and my self are in this Case intrusted to have a particular and diligent Inspection. But on the other Side, I am sorry to hear from you, that you have had neither any Information, nor any Evidence given you against such unlawful Assemblies in your Town, when the Notoriety of the Fact, by their numerous Meeting at your Barber-Chirurgeon 's Hall upon All-Saints Day last, being Sunday the 1st of November, was such, that it was voic'd and made known to all the Town and Country about; Notice being also taken what special Psalm, or New Rejoicing Song, they then chose and applied to themselves, as Holy Saints, of Bearing a double-edged Sword in their Hands to bind kings in Chains and Lords in Iron Bands: of which notorious and unlawful Meeting both my self and divers others here at this Distance were shortly after informed; and I took the best Care I could thereupon to have an Address made unto you, Mr. Mayor, by a special Person under my Episcopal Jurisdiction, to desire you that you would not suffer any such scandalous and offensive Meetings to be, held among you, contrary to the known Laws of this Church and Realm of England, and greatly endangering the Publick Peace thereof: And this I did before I acquainted his Majesty or his Principal Secretaries with it; neither was there any Letter sent to you and the Aldermen from his Majesty concerning this Matter, before a second Information came both to my self, and Mr. Brabant, one of your own Society, of another numerous and unlawful Meeting at one of the Ringleader's Houses, upon the 25th of November, wherein they appointed and kept a Fast, with Preaching and Praying, which they held out from Eight a Clock in the Morning till Four in the Evening, the Work being held forth by their four chief Leaders and Abettors, Mr. Gilpine, Mr. Durant, Mr. Leaver, and Mr. Pringle. Of all which surely you had or might have had Knowledge; and if you had not, you will give me Leave to say, without Offence, that many of your Townsmen are very backward in discovering to you and arresting their Knowledge of such disorderly Assemblies, and that you are very great Strangers to the Affairs and Disturbances of your own Town, the Government whereof, under his Majesty, is committed to your Care. It is well taken that, as you write, you have proceeded and convicted several of these disobedient Persons already, and that you will take Care to prevent their Meetings against Law for Time to come; which good Resolution being observed by you, will highly please his Majesty, and express the Duty that we owe to his Laws, and the good Government of this Realm: Otherwise, if we any ways neglect to do herein what belongs to us, we shall deservedly suffer the Blame of it, and incur the King's Displeasure, which always most carefully to avoid, is the bounden Duty both of you and my self, who am, Mr. MAYOR, &c. Your most Affectionate Bishop, and Humble Servant, JO. DURESME. An' Christi. Mayors. Sheriffs. 1669. Thomas Davison. John Rogers. Mr. MAYOR, and the rest of the Corporation of Newcastle, PUblick Peace being the Life of the Kingdom, and Execution the Life of the Laws, it has been my Endeavour to procure and preserve both, as in my Diocese in general, so in your Corporation in particular, being one of the most considerable Towns under my Episcopal Charge; witness my frequent Letters to you in order to those good Ends. I should have been right glad to have seen, and would as gladly to your Advantage have reported the good Effects, as I am heartily sorry to hear still the contrary, which cannot be otherwise as long as the Ringleaders of the Factious are suffered to walk at Liberty, so expresly contrary to the Act 17 Carol. 11. which lies before you, to which the King's late Proclamation ought to have given fresh Vigour. I would fain vindicate the Town of Newcastle from the foul Imputation of being the Nursery of Faction in these Northern Parts; which as Things now stand I cannot do, but rather must, and according to my Duty will, report the contrary to the King, and his Council, and then any one may easily foresee the evil Consequences. Out of my special Respect to your Town and Corporation, I forbear still, in Expectation of a speedy Account that both the Act of Parliament, and the King's Proclamation in this behalf, are really obey'd, that is, duly executed. If, as I hear, any of the Seducers pretend they have subscribed and taken the Oath required by the Act 17 Car. II. I desire you would speedily send me their Certificates; mean while, I hope that you will make good Use of this my last Warning, tendered unto you, out of my tender Care of the Welfare of your Town. I commend you all to the Grace of God, and remain. Your loving Pastour and Servant, JO. DURESME. From my Castle at Duresme, this 6th of July, 1669. Mr. MAYOR, &c. SEeing that the Chappelry of St. Andrew 's in the Town of Newcastle is now vacant, by the Death of Mr. Ashburnham the late Curate there: Therefore, out of my Pastoral Care for that Place, I do recommend to you, and to the rest of your Corporation, Mr. Robert Bonner to supply that Cure; the rather because born in your Town and formerly officiating in that Chappelry, and consequently supposed to be both more acceptable and also profitable among you; and the more, because unblameable both in Life and Doctrine; for the publick Good of you all, I shall not be unwilling to dispense with his Residence at Harbourne, being assured that he will provide a sufficient Curate and Preacher there, to whom he will give a good and competent Stipend for that Purpose. I doubt not of your Acceptance of this my Motion, in order to his Admission at St. Andrew 's by my Episcopal Authority; and whereas I was lately informed that Mr. Bonner had declined this Place at St. Andrew 's, I have now since that Time certainly understood, that he is not only willing but desirous to attend that Cure, and with all Diligence to bestow his Care and Pains upon it; which Desire of his being seconded by the other Ministers of your Town, I hope you will the better regard it. Thus commending you to God's Protection, I remain, GENTLEMEN, Your loving Pastour and Servant, JO. DURESME. Duresme, Aug. 12. 1669. An' Christi. Mayors. Sheriffs. 1670. William Carr. Richard Wright. Robert Roddam. Januar. 15. this Year died the learned Dr. John Cosin Lord Bishop of Durham. 1671. Ralph Grey. Matthew Jefferson. 1672. Mark Milbank. Robert Mallibar. 1673. Timothy Davison. George Morton. This Year Nathaniel Crew Lord Bishop of Oxford was translated to Durham. 1674. Thomas Jennison. Henry Jennison. 1675. Sir Fr. Anderson. William Christian. The CASE of Gosforth CHAPPEL, and the Repairs thereof. Dr. BASIRE Archdeacon of Northumberland 's Letter to Dr. THO. SMITH, Dean of Carlisle, dated Durham, Sept. 15. 1674. Reverend and Honoured SIR, I Did purposely delay my Answer to your last of the 22d past, till at my last Visitation I had enquired after, and examined the Reparation of the Chappel of Gosforth, within the Vicarage of Newcastle; the Result whereof is, 1. The said Chappel is not a Chappel of Ease, but a Parochial Chappel, which the Mother-Church is not bound to repair, but belongs to themselves: You know very well the Episcopal Sentence at the Dedication of such Chappels, the Body whereof lies upon the Parishioners of the Chappel, and the Chancel upon the Impropriators or Appropriators. 2. That by Order of Mr. George Willoughby, Tenant to the Lord Bishop of Carlisle, for his Part of the Tythes, Mr. Carr Alderman of Newcastle, his Sub-Tenant, hath configned 10. l. about the 8th Instant into the Hands of Capt. Fenwick and Mr. William Musgrave Curate of Gosforth, for the Repair of the same; and I am confident the Dean and Chapter will be as forward to follow that Example. 3. You were mi nformed concerning the Obligation of the poor Vicar of St. Nicholas to repair the Chappel, upon a Supposition that the Benefit of the Mortuaries, and of the Burials there, belongs to him, which you say are 13 s. 4 d. for each Burial, whereof the Vicar receives but 6 s. 8 d. but the Burthen of repairing the Chappels would, 'tis siad, surcharge the Vicarage in Value thrice over. Having no more to trouble you withal at this Time, but to commend my self to your good Prayers, I remain, Reverend SIR, Your very Affectionate Friend, and Faithful Servant, ISAAC BASIRE. Pray present my humble Service to my Lord your Bishop, A CASE touching the Chancel of the Church of South Gosforth, and some Proceedings concerning the same, truly Stated. 1. IT is clear Law, that when no Person or Persons appear who are liable to the Repair of either Church or Chancol; that in such Case the Tythes or other Profits within that Parish are to be sequester'd for the said Repaire, after Notice given to the Parties concerned in such Profits. Constitut. D. Othon, p. 80, &c. De Facto, Notice was frequently given to the Lord Bishop and Dean and Chapter of Carlisle, who are Impropriators of the Tythan within the Parish of Gosforth, and to their Farmers likewise, who should have appeared and showed something in Discharge of the Onus Reparandi; for Gosforth Church is neither Chappel of Ease, non-Parochial Chappel within the Rectory of St. Nicholas, as the Case was mistated to Dr. Exton; 1. Because Gosforth is reputed and taken to be a Church and Parish distinct 2. The Parish of St. Nicholas is no Rectory, but a Vicarage; and in Cast two Churches Parochial be united, as probably these may be, the Reparation shall be severall as before, Hob. 67. 3. The Case was mistated to Dr. Exton in a material and essential Part thereof, being put, of an Impropriator who repairs a Mother-Church; for, first, non Consent, in the Case of Gosforth Church that St. Nicholas is the Mother-Church, but rather the contrary, as above. Secondly; it is notorious that the Do and Chapter of Carlisle have refused to repair the Chancel of St. Nicholas, and particularly to allow the late Dean's Accounts, who de facto once repaired it; so that the Case put to Dr. Exton differing essentially from this, his Opinion, which is allowed to be good Law, cannot reach this. The Impropriators of the Parish of Gosforth may be soon satisfied, tho' it was once denied them, from the Authorities formerly sent, that Impropriators, as well as the Parson de Communi Jure, ought to repair the Chancel, unless they can prove contrary by Custom or Composition. Dr. SMITH Dean of Carlisle 's Letter to Dr. BASIRE. Reverend SIR, Cockermouth, Jan. 14. 1674. UPON reading of your Paper which you sent inclosed to my Lord our Bishop, touching the Repairs of Gosforth Chappel, I presently observed that the Authorities therein quoted are indeed very clear and full, as to the repairing of the Mother-Church, but reach not at all to Chappels, the Burthen whereof I have always been told did lie wholly upon the Inhabitants within each such Chapplery, the Parson or Impropriators being no Way liable thereunto. However, for my better Satisfaction, I wrote to a Friend of mine in London, and requested him to consult some able Civilian about it, and send me down his Opinion. The Quaere which I sent up was expressed in these very Words: Whether an Impropriator be obliged, of common Right, to repair and uphold the Chancels, not only of the Mother-Church, but of all the Chappels likewise within the Rectory; and whether the Distinction of Chappels Parochial and Chappels of Ease make any Difference in the Case? The Person consulted was Dr. Exton, Chancellor to the Bishop of London, whose Opinion, under his own Hand, I here send you inclosed, hoping it will give you Satisfaction; or if not, that you will please to let me know, that so we may consider what is further to be done. With my true Respects and Service to your self and your Lady, craving the Continuance of your good Prayers, I remain ever, SIR, Your Faithful Servant, THO. SMITH. Dr. EXTON 'S Opinion, mention'd above. THE Law is certain, that where there is a Mother-Church and a Chappel of Ease, or a Parochial Chappel, which makes no Difference, if the Mother-Church be out of Repair, those Inhabitants within the Chappelries shall contribute towards the Repair of that Church: But e contra neither the Impropriator nor Parishioners of the Mother-Church shall at all contribute towards the Repairs of those Chappels: Except either they have done it, and so suffer'd a Custom to grow upon them, or there be some Reservation so to do it in the Foundation of those Chappels. But those Persons only that have the Benefit of those Chappels shall repair. THO. EXTON. Mr. Willoughby the Bishop's Lessee, for one Moiety of the Tythes, did voluntarily, before Sequestration, pay 10 l. towards the Reparation of the Chancel, and the Sequestrators employed that 10 l. and such Portion of the Tythes sequester'd, amounting to the Value of 10 l. more, whereby the said Chancel was soon repaired, as it has been duly since that Time. An' Christi Mayors. Sheriffs. 1676. Sir Ralph Carr. Michael Blackett. 1677. Robert Roddam. Timothy Robson. 1678. Matthew Jefferson. Nicholas Fenwick. 1679. George Morton. William Aubone. Upon May the 3d Dr. Sharp, Archbishop of St. Andrew 's in Scotland, was assassinated in his Coach by twelve Russians, in Consequence of the Solemn League and Covenant; the same Month a Rebellion breaking out there, but suppressed the next Month. 1680. Sir Nath. Johnson. Joseph Bonner. 1681. Timothy Robson. John Squire. 1682. Nicholas Fenwick. Nicholas Ridley. 1683. William Blackett. John Rumney. 1684. William Aubone. William Proctor. James II. Feb. 6. died at Whitehall that excellent Prince King Charles the Second, and was succeeded by his Brother James, before Duke of York. 1685. Sir Henry Brabant. Ralph Elstob. The Rebellion this Year by the Earl of Argyle in Scotland, and the Duke of Monmouth in England, did no way incommode the Town of Newcastle, both being speedily deserted, taken Prisoners, and executed. 1686. Nicholas Cole. Thomas Paise. 1687. John Squire. Sir William Creah. William Ramsay. Samuel Gill. In November, this Year, the Town of Newcastle received the Lord Lumley, and declared for the Prince of Orange and a Free Parliament. Echard. At that Time a beautiful Statue of King James on Horseback, erected upon a White Marble Basis, before the Exchange in the Midst of the Sand-Hill, was barbarously demolished by the Mob, who dragged the Statue and its Horse upon the Key, and turned them over the same into the River. 1688. Will. Hutchinson. Nicholas Ridley. Matthias Partis. Matthew White. K. William Q. Mary. April 1. King William and Queen Mary were crowned. In July following was passed an Act of Parliament for erecting a Court of Conscience in this Town. Complete History of England, Vol. III. p. 532. 1689. William Carr. William Fetherstonhaugh. 1690. William Ramsey. Thomas Wasse. 1691. Matthew White. Joseph Atkinson. 1692. Thomas Wasse. Benjamin Davison. 1693. Sir Ralph Carr. George Whinfield. Dec. 28. Queen Mary that excellent Princess departed this Life. 1694. Joseph Atkinson. Robert Eden. April 2. an Act for the better Admeasurement of Keels and Keel-Boats in the Port of Newcastle, and the Members thereunto belonging, had the Royal Assent. Complete Hist. of England, Vol. III. p. 686. 1695. Timothy Robson. George Henderson. 1696. George Whinfield. William Ramsey. 1697. Nicholas Fenwick. George Cuthbertson. July 5. was passed an Act for the better supplying the Town with fresh Water. Complete Hist of England, Vol. III. p. 752. 1698. Sir W. Blackett Bar. Edward Harrison. 1699. Robert Eden. Jonathan Hargrave. 1700. George Henderson. John Bowes. 1701. William Ramsey. William Boutflower. Q. Anne. March 8. the King died, and was succeeded by Queen Anne. 1702. William Carr. John Bell. 1703. Matthew White. Allan Bateman. 1704. Thomas Wasse. Matthew Matsen. Jonathan Roddam. 1705. Sir Ralph Carr. William Ellison. 1706. Nicholas Ridley. Matthew Fetherstonhaugh. 1707. Joseph Atkinson. Henry Reay. 1708. Robert Fenwick. Edward Johnson. 1709. George Whinfield. Jonathan Roddam. Henry Dalston. 1710. William Ellison. Ralph Reed. 1711. M. Fetherstonhaugh Francis Rudston. 1712. Henry Reay. Joseph Green. 1713. Richard Ridley. Nicholas Fenwick. 1714. Edward Johnson. Roger Matsen. K. George I. The Queen died Aug. 1. 1715. Henry Dalston. Nathaniel Clayton. About the Middle of October a Party of Rebels got together at Alnwick in Northumberland; whereupon some Troops of Dragoons and Companies of Foot marched immediately to secure Newcastle, where the Remembrance of the Hardships imposed upon that Place by the Scots during the Rebellion against King Charles I. armed the Inhabitants against every Inclination of admitting their Northern Neighbours, and their Guests, newly come out of Scotland. But afterwards, when these Dangers were overpast, upon the Arrival of some Swiss Dragoons, who, seeing the Prosperity and Riches of the Inhabitants, had entertained strong Resolutions to plunder the Town, were generously prevented by the English Soldiers quartered there. 1716. Ralph Reed. Francis Johnson. 1717. Francis Rudston. John Kelly. 1718. Sir W. Blackett Bar. Thomas Stephenson. 1719. Joseph Green. Cuthbert Fenwick. 1720. Nicholas Fenwick. Jacob Rutter. 1721. Francis Johnson. Stephen Coulson. This Year, Sept. 18. died Nathaniel Lord Crewe, Bishop of Durham, and was succeeded by Dr. William Talbot, translated from Salisbury. 1722. William Ellison. Robert Sorsbie. 1723. M. Fetherstonhaugh Richard Swinburne. 1724. William Carr. James Moncaster. 1725. Nathaniel Clayton. Thomas Wasse. 1726. Nicholas Fenwick. Joseph Liddell. 1727. Cuthbert Fenwick. Robert Johnson. K. George II. The King died June 11. 1728. Stephen Coulson. John Stephenson. 1729. Henry Reay. Cuthbert Smith. This Year, Oct. 10. died Dr. William Talbot, Bishop of Durham, and was succeeded by Dr. Edward Chandler, translated from Coventry and Lichfield. 1730. Francis Rudston. William Harbottle. 1731. Robert Sorsbie. Challoner Cooper. 1732. Richard Ridley. William Fenwick. 1733. Matthew Ridley. John Simpson. 1734. William Ellison. Robert Ellison. 1735. Walter Blackett. John Wilkinson. APPENDIX. Add to Page 56, after the first Paragraph. Carta Nicholai Episcopi Dunelm. facta Ecclesiae de Karliol. super Ecclesiis in proprios Usus retinendis. OMNIBUS Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae Filiis ad quos praesens Scriptum pervenerit Nicholaus Dei gratia, Dunelm. Episcopus salutem in Domino. Noverit Universitas vestra quod Nos attendentes renuitatem seu paupertatem Possessionum Episcopatus & Ecclesiae Karliol. Ecclesias de talibus locis in proprios Usus retinendas Fructibus & Proventibus earundem Ecclesiarum, aequalibus portionibus inter ipsos distribuendis salvis competentibus Vicariis, & sustentatione honesta Vicariorum, in praefatis Ecclesiis, quos Vicarios Nobis & successoribus nostris praesentabunt per Nos & successores nostros instituendos; salvis etiam Nobis & successoribus nostris in perpetuum Jure, Auctoritate & Diguitate Episcopali in omnibus Ecclesiis antedictis: salvis etiam quadraginta Marcis annuis de Bonis earundem Ecclesiarum a dicto Venerabili Fratre Silvestro Karliol. Episcopo cum Termino solvendis Dunelm. ad Scaccarium nostrum quoad vixerit & post ejusdem Episcopi Discessum salvis quadraginta Libris Sterlingorum ab Episcopis Karliol. & dictis Priore & Conventu Karliol. & eorum successoribus in perpetuum Termino antedicto ad Scaccarium Dunelm. persolvendis de Bonis Ecclesiarum memoratarum. Confirmatio Capituli Dunelm. super Carta praedicta. Omnibus Christi Fidelibus Bertramus Prior & Conventus Dunelm. Ecclesiae salutem in Domino Noveritis Nos inspexisse Cartam Venerabilis Patris, Domini Nicholai Dunelm. Episcopi, cujus Tenor talis est. Omnibus S. Matris, &c. Nos igitur Apparationem seu Contessionem antedictam Ecclesiarum praefato Episcopo Karliol. & successoribus suis, ac Priori & Capitulo Karliol. factam, prout Canonice facta est. ratam habentes Ipsam Munimine Sigilli Capituli nostri confirmamus septimo die Augusti, Anno Domini 1246. Carta Hugonis Episcopi Dunelm. Priori & Conventui Karliol. de omnibus Ecclesiis quas tenent in Dioces. Dunelm. HUGO Dei gratia Dunelm. Episcopus Omnibus Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae Filiis ad quos Literae istae pervenerint salutem. Noverit Universitas vestra Nos in Anno Incarnationis Domini Millesimo, Centesimo, Nonagesimo tertio pridie ante Cathedram S. Petri de communi Consilio Personarum & Ecclesiae Nostrae concessisse, & praesenti Carta nostra confirmasse dilectis Filiis nostris Johanni Priori & Conventui B. Mariae Karleol. omnes Ecclesias quas in Episcopatu nostro tenent & habent, ut viventibus Personis, quae tunc Eas tenebant, ab Eis annuatim Pensiones solitas percipiant, scil. de Ecclesia de Novo Castello super Tynam 26 Marcas. De Ecclesia de Neuburn 12 Marcas. De Ecclesia de Werkeworth 25 Marcas. De Ecclesia de Routhebery 9 Marcas. De Ecclesia de Whittincham 9 Marcas. De Ecclesia de Corbrig. Medietatem tam Terrae quam Decimarum, & omnium aliarum Obventionum. Et Petrus de Ros Karliol. Archidiaconus, quem ad Eorum Praesentationem in alia Medietate Personam instituimus aliam Medietatem in omnibus teneat, reddendo inde dictis Priori & Canonicis annuatim unam Libram Incensi ad Assumptionem B. Mariae apud Karleolum. Et Ipsi pariter supportabunt Onus deserviendi Ecclesiae per honestos Vicarios, & reddendi Synodalia & Hospitia Archidiacono inveniendi. Praedictis autem Personis ab hac luce migrantibus Ipsi vacantes Ecclesias in propria manu sua retineant & habeant, & earum Fructus & Exitus in proprios Usus suos ad libitum suum convertant, & in singulis honestos Vicarios, sicut aliae Personae faciunt, ponant, qui Ecclesiis honeste deserviant & Curam Animarum habeant. Ipsi vero tanquam Personae Archidiacono & aliis Officialibus nostris, de his, quae ad Ipsos pertinent, respondebunt & satisfaciant: Verumtamen de Hospitiis nostris & communibus Auxiliis quieti crunt: Ipsi vero pro tam gratuita Benignitate nostra quam Eis impendimus, in Recompensationem Hospitiorum nostrorum & Auxiliorum Nobis & Successoribus nostris annuatim in perpetuum quadraginta Marcas viginti scil, ad Pentecost, & viginti ad Festum S. Martini persolvent; sed de decem quicti erunt, donec aliqua praedictarum Ecclesiarum in Eorum Proprietatem deveniat. His Testibus Bertramo Priore Dunelm, Burchardo & Willielmo Archidiaconis, Symone Camerario, Magro . Ricardo de Coldingham, Magro . Willo . Blesensi, Willo . de Hoveden, Magro , Rob. de Adington, Symone, Johanne, & Ricardo Capollanis, Nicholao Medico, Rob. de Ellewych, Rob. de Hedon, Rob. de Dunelm. Magro . Will. Elemosinario, Adam. Ricardo, Hagrun, & Will. de Norham Clericis, & multis aliis. Obligatio Episcopi & Prioris Karliol. de Indemnitate Confirmationis Ecclesiarum Eorundent in proprios Usus. OMnibus hoc Scriptum visuris vel audituris Silvester Dei gratia Karliol. Episcopus, & Robertus Prior & Conventus Karliol. salutem in Domino. Ne processu temporis Priori & Capitulo Dunelm. Ecclesiae possit aliquo Eventu dispendium provenire per hoc quod Ratihabitionem, quam ratificavit Dominus Ricardus Dei gratia Dunelm. Episcopus super Ecclesiis de Novo Castro, Newburne, de Workworth, de Corbrigg, & medietate Ecclesiae de Wytingham Nobis & Successoribus nostris in proprios Usus secundum Ordinationem Magistrorum Wilhelmi de Kylkenny Archidiaconi Coventrens. Thomae de Wymundham Precentoris Lichseldens. Odinis de Kylkenny, & Walteri de Merton Clericorum liberaliter confirmarunt, praesenti Scripti Nos & successores nostros & Ecclesiam Karliol. in perpetuum obligamus, quod conservabimus Indemnes in omnibus & per omnia praefatos Priorem & Conventum Dunelm. quoad hoc: In cujus Rei Testimonium praesenti Scripto Sigilla nostra fecimus apponi. Datum 22 die Octobris Ao Dni 1248. Add to Page 73. I suppose Thomas Harelred died the ninth of King Henry VII. having so good a Voucher as the following Record, enrolled in the Chancery Rolls at Durham during the Vacation of that See after the Death of John Sherwood, and before the succeeding Bishop, Richard Fox, was inthroned Bishop there, altho' nominated. An Enrollment of an Arbitrement between Humfrey Lysle, Esq and the Vicar of Newcastle upon Tyne. MEMORAND. Quod Umfridus Lysle Arm. vicesimo die Martii Anno Regni Regis Henrici septimi nono, sede Episcopali Dunelm. vacante, coram ipso Domino Rege in Cancellaria sua Dunelm. coram Magistro Radulpho Both Clerico Cancellario dicti Domini Regis, sede vacante, venit & Cognovit Scriptum subsequens, & omnia contenta in eodem esse Factum suum, & petiit ut irrotularetur in Rotulis Cancellariae Dunelm. in forma sequente. Memorand. That in the Presence of Rauff Bothe, Chaunceller of Durham, it is agreid betwene Umfray Lysle on that oon Partye, and John Deye Doctor Theologia, and Vicare of Newcastell upon Tyne on that other Partye; that the said Umfray shall leve of his Handes, and not to meale with the Chirch or Chapyll of Sowth Gosford duyted therunto belonging, nor put in noe Preste to ministre the Sacrament nor Sacraments, nor magnteyn no such to be, nor magnteyn noon othir manner of Man to recyve eny maner of duyte to the said Chirch or Chappell belonging, but peasbley sufre the said Vicare an his Deutyes, Ministers, Officers, Tenaunts, and Servaunts, to occupye, receve, and enjoye all maner of Rightys there, and if Nede be to suye for the same without Let or Perturbance of the said Umfray or eny in his Name, or eny other Wrong doyng by him or eny of his, till the reverent Fadre in God Richard nowe Byssshop of Bathe determyn or decree the contrary, and there of make Notice to the said Chaunceller; and thus truly to performe the said Umfray feithfully promitteth on his Fayth and Honeste all: Also the said Umfray byndeth hym to my said Lord of Bathe, that he shall kepe and bere the Kyng's Passe ayenste the said Vicare, his Servaunts, Deutyes, Tenaunts, and all his Officers ther apon peyn of C. Marcs? And also of brekyng of his Faith, nether by hym self nor by the procuryng or stirring of eny other as farr as he may let. And to this kepyng of Peasse Sir Rauff Bowes the Shirreff of the Bysshopprick is bounden to the said Chaunceller in the of C. Marcs, and that thies Premissez shall be keped ether of the Parties haf subscribled this with theire Signe Manuale, and deliver'd this for theire Dede to remayne for a Recorde, and to be enrowled by the said Chaunceller as Mat r of Records in the Chau of Durham. Writyn at Durham in the Fest of Seynt Cuthbert in Marche the 9th Yere of the Reigne of Kyng Henry the 7th. 1494. UMFRAY LEYLL, R. CHAMBRE, in the Name and for Sir RAUFF BOWES. Add to Page 139. Confirmatio Ordinationis Hospitalis de Walknoll, infra Villam Novi Castri. UNiversis Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae Filiis ad quos praesentes Literae pervenerint Thomas Permissione Divina Dunelm. Episcopus, salutem in Eo quem peperit Uterus Virginalis. Universitati vestrae innotescimus per praesentes quod quandam Cartam Quatripartitam Willielmi de Acketon Burgensis Villae Novi Castri super Tynam nostrae Dioces. super Ordinatione cujusdam Hospitalis Ordinis Sanctae Trinitatis super le Walknoll infra dictam Villam Novi Castri per ipsum factam, Sigillo ejusdem Willielmi; ac Sigillo communi dictae Villae Novi Castri Sigillatam, sanam, & integram, ac omni suspicionis vitio carentem recepimus & inspeximus in haec Verba. In Nomine Sanctae & Individuae Trinitatis, Patris & Filii & Spiritus Sancti, per hanc Cartam quatripartitam pateat Universis quod Ego Willielmus de Acketon Burgens. Villae Novi Castri super Tynam Dunelm. Dioces. inter Opera Pietatis Deo grata reputans & acceptum, per Augmentum Cultus Divini & Pietatis, praecipue Ministerio Sacerdotum, & per Exhibitionem sustentationis Pauperum, Infirmorum, & Clericorum Terrena & Transitoria in Aeterna & Coelestia felici commercio commutare, Auctoritate & Consensu Venerabilis Patris Domini Thomae Dunelm. Episcopi, Loci Diocesani, & sui Capituli Ecclesiae Cathedralis Dunelm. dedi, concessi, & hac praesenti Carta mea quatripartita consirmavi, Intuitu Caritatis, & pro Salubri Statu dicti Venerabilis Patris, & Serenissimi Principis, Domini Edvardi Dei gratia Regis Angliae & Franciae illustris, Progenitorum & Haeredum suorum, pro salute Corporum & Animarum, Mei, Mariae Uxoris meae, Roberti de Oggell, Willielmi del Strother, & Roberti de Angerton, & pro salute Animarum Willielmi de Thorald, Dionisiae Uxoris suae, Willielmi de Acketon Patris mei, Isoldae Uxoris suae Matris meae, Johannis, Thomae, Walteri, Edae, Adae, Edmundi, Willielmi, Petri, & omnium Antecessorum, Benefactorum, Amicorum meorum & successorum eorum, & omnium Fidelium defunctorum, Licentia dicti Domini Regis super hoc concessa & optenta, Deo & Sanctae Trinitati, quae est Pater & Filius & Spiritus Sanctus, & hi tres Unum sunt, & Willielmo de Wackefeld Fratri Ordinis Sanctae Trinitatis & Confratribus dicti Ordinis, Pauperibus, & Insicmis, sive Clericis, totam illam Terram vocaram le Walknoll in praedicta Villa Novi Castri cum suis Pertinentiis, super quam Terram edificavi unum Hospitale in Honore Sanctae Trinitatis, pro Inhabitatione unius Custodis perpetui. Confratrum Pauperum, Infirmorum, & Clericorum, qui in eodem Hospitali moranbuntur, & successorum suorum, in perpetuum dedi & concessi Deo & sanctae Trinitati, ac praedictis Fratri Willielmo de Wackefeld, Confratribus, Pauperibus, Infirmis, & Clericis supradictis in dicto Hospitali morantibus, & in perpetuum moraturis, in puram & perpetuam Elemosinam, & sustentationem Eorundem & successorum suorum, unum Messuagium cum Pertinentiis suis quod quondam fuit Hugonis de Haldenby, sicut jacet per suas rectas & antiquas Divisas in praedicta Villa Novi Castri, inter Tenementum in quo Robertus de Norrays inhabitat ex parte una & Venellum in quo Johannes Graper inhabitat ex parte altera. Dedi etiam & concessi Deo & sanctae Trinitati & praedicto Willielmo de Wackefeld, Confratribus, Pauperibus, Infirmis, sive Clericis supradictis duo Celaria in anteriore parte Messuagii in quo Robertus Elward inhabitat, sicut jacent in longitudine inter Terram Thomae de Kelson ex una parte ex opposito del Calecross ejusdem Villae, & Venellum Johannis Abell ex altera, & extendit se in latitudine a Via Regia usque ad Celarium dicti Roberti dicti Messuagii, excepto Introitu dicti Roberti. Dedi etiam & concessi Deo & sanctae Trinitati, & praedicto Willielmo de Wakeseld, Confratribus, Pauperibus, Infirmis, sive Clericis supradictis unam Placeam Terrae cum suis Pertinentiis jacentem in Villa praedicta Novi Castri, sicut jacet per suas rectas & antiquas Divisas, in latitudine inter Terram Johannis de Stanhoppe ex parte una, & Terram quondam Thomae Milson ex parte altera, & extendit se in longitudine a Via juxta Murum, Domini Regis usque ad Gardinum meum de tentorio. Concessi etiam Deo & sanctae Trinitati & praedicto Willielmo de Wackeselde, Confratribus, Pauperibus, sive Clericis supradictis unum Annum Redditum Triginta & trium Solidorum & quatuor Denariorum exeuntem de quodam Tenemento meo in Villa praedicta Novi Castri juxta Lorteburne, quod Adam Market quondam tenuit. Concessi etiam Deo & Sanctae Trinitati, & Willielmo de Wackefeld, Confratribus, Pauperibus, & Clericis supradictis unum Annuum Redditum Triginta & sex solidorum & octo Denariorum exeuntem de toto Tenemento meo in Villa praedicta juxta Lorteburne, quod Alicia de Brandon quondam tenuit, quae quidem Tenementa jacent inter Terram David de Rodam ex parte Boriali & Tenementum Roberti de Angerton ex parte Australi. Concessi etiam Deo & sanctae Trinitati, & Willielmo de Wackefelde, Confratribus, Pauperibus, & Clericis supradictis, unum annuum Redditum Quinquaginta & septem solidorum & quatuor Denariorum exeuntem de toto illo Tenemento quod Robertus Elward de Me tenet in Villa praedicta in Vico vocato le Flesshewer Rawe, sicut jacet inter Terram Thomae de Kelson ex parte una, & Terram Johannis Abell ex altera. Concessi etiam Deo, & sanctae Trinitati, & Willielmo de Wakefeld, Confratribus, Pauperibus, & Clericis supradictis unum annuum Redditum decem solidorum exeuntem de Tenemento Thomae de Kelson ex opposito le Calecrosse in Villa praedicta in puram & perpetuam Elemosinam, ad inveniend. & sustinendtres Fratres Capellanos dicti Ordinis vel aptos Ordinibus, ita quod sint infra duos annos Capellani Canonice ordinati: Quorum Unus sit Custos perpetuus dicti Hospitalis tres Pauperes & Infirmos, tres Clericos scolatizantes & addiscentes in dicto Hospitali moraturi & in Capella dicti Hospitalis instructuri. Ut Custos & Confratres sui praedicti, Capellani, Pauperes, & Clerici supradicti, in dicto Hospitali, & infra Mansum ejusdem Hospitalis habitabunt, & de Bonis communibus dicti Hospitalis in Esculentis, & Potulentis, & Lectis, sustentationem suam percipiant & habebunt, secundum Posse dicti Hospitalis, ac tres Lectos competentes pro Hospitibus ibidem accedentes habebunt & invenient paratos. Volo etiam & dispono, quod praedicti Custos & Confratres singulis diebus Horas suas Canonicas in Capella dicti Hospitalis dicant vel psallent tempore competent, & cessante Impedimento, singulis diebus Missas suas celebrent sive dicant in Capella dicti Hospitalis, prout ad Commoditatem Peregrinorum & aliorum Extraneorum ad dictam Villam accedentium & ab eadem redeuntium melius videbitur expedire. Dictique Pauperes, Infirmi, sive Clerici Orationes & Preces suas faciant pro salubri statu Viventium, & pro salubri statu Corporum & Animarum Praedictorum: Ita viz. quod Eorum quilibet dicat singulis diebus Viginti Pater Noster & totidem Ave, vice & Horae nomine matu i inalis, or vice & Horae nomino primae quinque Pater Noster & Ave, & pro singulis horis diei totidem, viz. tertiae, sextae, nonae, Vesperarum, & Completorii: & quod praedicti Clerici in omnibus Festis duplicibus per totum Annum & in Vigiliis Eorundem, in Capella dicti Hospitalis ministrent & deservient, & ad Ista facienda & complenda onerentur singuli, Custos, Sacerdotes, Pauperes, Infirmi, sive Clerici, in periculum Animarum eorundem. Dicti Custos, Fratres, Pauperes, Infirmi, sive Clerici, qui pro tempore fuerint, singulis diebus in Noctis Crepusculo, in Capella dicti Hospitalis simul conveniant, & facta Pulsatione aliquali, ut est moris Antiphoniam de Gloriosa Virgine Maria, scil. salve Regina, vel aliam Antiphoniam, de Domina decantent devotius qua poterunt alta voce, & quali sexta Feria, vel semel in qualibet hebdomade dicant sive psallent dicti Custos & Confratres, qui pro tempore fuerint, Placebo, & Dirige pro Personis & Animabus supradictis, quorum Nomina in dicta Capella specialiter recitantur, ut sic dicti Custos & Confratres ad sanctam Regulam & Disciplinam dicti Ordinis simul viventes, ac dicti Pauperes, Infirmi, & Clerici ibidem pacificae & modestae Conversationis, salubrius Orationibus & Praecibus vacare, & Domino valeant deservire. Volo insuper & dispono, quod omnes Redditus, Tenementa, Messuagia, Celaria, & Placeae supradictae ad Usum & Sustentationem dictorum Custodis, Fratrum, Pauperum, Infirmorum, & Clericorum, & Successorum suorum in dicto Hospitali commorantium integraliter & inviolabiliter conserventur, & in nullos alios Usus quomodolibet convertantur: Ad quorum conservationem & fidelem Custodiam quilibet Custos ad Regimen dicti Hospitalis ordinandus in Admissione sua Vinculo Juramenti Corporaliter praestiti specialiter oneretur. Ita quod non liceat dictis Custodi, Confratribus, Pauperibus, Infirmis, five Clericis, nec corum successoribus dictum Hospitale, Redditus, Tenementa, Messuagia, Celaria, vel Placeas supradicta, seu aliquam partem Eorundem alicui alienare, impignorare, seu diminuere, & si aliquid factum vel acceptum fuerit in contrarium, de Jure non valeat quovismodo. Si vero praedicti Redditus, seu aliqua pars corundem, a retro fuerint ad aliquem Terminum, viz. ad Festum Pentecost. & S. Martini in hyeme non soluti, quod tunc bene liceat dicto Custodi qui pro tempore suerit, per se vel per Alium in praedictis Tenementis intrare & quolibet Tenemento praedictorum, pro Redditu a retro existente, unde praedicta Tenementa onerantur intrare, distringere, & Districtiones capere, asportare, & retinere, quousque de praedicto annuo Redditu a retro existente, cum Arreragiis, si quae sint, plenarie Eis fuerit satisfactum. Cum antem Custos dicti Hospitalis qui pro tempore fuerit in fata decedat, cesserit, seu renunciaverit Regimen dicti Hospitalis, sive propter Crimen vel Defectum, seu aliam Causam notabilem, amotus fuerit a Regimine praedicto, tunc in omni Casu praedicto per Me quamdiu vixero, & post mortem meam volo, quod tunc bene liceat dictis Confratribus, in dicto Hospitali qui pro tempore suerint commorantibus infra Quindenam, post mortem alicujus Custodis, Cessionem, seu Renunciationem, idoneam Personam de Scipsis, vel de Conventu de Knaresburgh Ordinis praedicti eligere, & Ipsum sic electum Ministro de Knaresburgh praesentare, & Ipse sic electus & praesentatus per ipsum Ministrum praedictum recipiatur, & in Custodia dicti Hospitalis instituatur secundum Ordinationes & Fundationes meas supraedictas: Quod si contingat quod praedicti Fratres in praedicto Hospitali morantes concordare non possunt super Electionem praedictam, volo quod Minister de Knaresburgh & Conventus ejusdem Domus, infra tres Septimanas tunc proxime sequentes, idoneam Personam de Ordine praedicto praesentant, & Ille sic praesentatus sit Custos perpetuus dicti Hospitalis secundum Ordinationem & Fundationem meas supradictas: Et si praedicti Minister & Conventus dictae Domus de Knaresburgh, non praesentaverint Idioneam personam, ut praefertur, volo quod Minister dictus Provincialis Ordinis praedicti in Anglia Idoneam Personam Ordinis praedicti ad Custodiam dicti Hospitalis infra quindenam extunc proxime sequentem praesentet, & Ille sic praesentatus sit Custos dicti Hospitalis secundum Ordinationem & Fundationem supradictas: Et quod si praedictus Minister dictus Provincialis non praesentaverit idoneam Personam ad Custodiam dicti Hospitalis ut praesertur, volo & concedo quod tunc bene liceat Majori & Ballivis Villae Novi Castri super Tynam qui pro tempore fuerint, idoneam Personam de Ordine praedicto ad Ministrum de Knaresburgh, qui pro tempore fuerit praesentare, & Ipse sic praesentatus per praedictum Ministrum in Costodia dicti Hospitalis instituatur secundum Fundationem & Ordinationem supradictas. Item ordino & dispono de Voluntate & Assensu Ministri & Conventus Domus praedictae S. Roberti de Knaresburgh, quod Minister ejusdem Domus vel ejus Vicarius ejusdem Ordinis cum Uno suo Confratre & aliis duobus per Equos ad dictum Hospitale singulis Annis post mortem Willielmi de Wakefeld Custodis Hospitalis praedicti, infra Quindenam proximam post Festum S. Trinitatis personaliter accedat, & sumptus moderatos dicti Hospitalis per sex dies veniendo, morando, & redeundo percipiat per manus Custodis persolvendos: Idemque Minister, quem solum Ordinarium & dicti Hospitalis Praesidentem esse volo, adeo quod nullus alius Judex seu Ordinarius de Statu dicti Hospitalis, seu Personis & Rebus ejusdem se nullatenus intromittat, Inquisitionem diligentem, & Visitationem plenam, de Personis, & Rebus dicti Hospitalis faciat ac exerceat, ac Defectus ibidem compertos corrigat & emendet, prout secundum Deum & Aequitatem melius videbitur expedire. Et Minister dictus & Conventus de Knaresburgh, qui pro tempore fuerint, habebunt annuatim pro labore suo Visitationis dicti Hospitalis Pondus unius Equi Piscium per manus Custodis dicti Hospitalis apud Villam Novi Castri super Tynam recipiendum, decenter persolvendum: Et quod dictus Custos, nec Hospitale praedictum ulterius oneretur pro labore praedicto. Et volo quod quandocunque & quotiescunque aliqui Fratres pauperes sive Clerici dicti Hospitalis decesserint, recesserint, vel aliis Causis rationabilibus, sive ex Causa rationabili amoti fuerint ab Hospitali praedicto, quod per Me, dum vixero, & post mortem meam per praedictos Custodem & Confratres dicti Hospitalis, alii Fratres idonei, Pauperes, Infirmi, & Clerici loco decedentium, recedentium, & amotorum, infra tres septimanas, ut praemittitur assumantur, & in eodem Hospitali ponantur: Quod si contingat quod praedicti Custos & Confratres dicti Hospitalis infra tres Septimanes supradictas, ut praemittitur, praedictam Assumptionem Fratrum Pauperum, Infirmorum & Clericorum non adimpleverint, quod tunc bene liceat Majori & Ballivis dictae Villae Novi Castri, qui pro tempore fuerint, alios Fratres idoneos, Pauperes, Infirmos, & Clericos assumere, & in eodem Hospitali ponere moraturos, secundum Ordinationem meam & Fundationem supradictam. Et in Assumptione & Praefixione Fratrum, Pauperum, Infirmorum, & Clericorum, in dicto Hospitali ponendorum, Volo quod Personae de Consanguinitate & Affinitate mea, si quae fuerint, alioquin de Originariis & Oriundis de dicta Villa Novi Castri, vel de aliis praeferantur. Caeterum inter dictum Ministrum & Confratres dictae Domus de Knaresburgh & Me concorditer est conventum, quod si Minister dictae Domus, qui erit pro tempore, ad dictum Hospitale Causa Visitationis, Inquisitionis, & Correctionis faciendarum, temporibus statutis supradictis, personaliter, vel ejus Vicarius accedere, & ea, quae in hac Causa requiruntur, non curaverit seu neglexerit, absque Impedimento, legitime adimplere singulis Annis quibus adimplere neglexerit, dicti Minister & Confratres Domus de Knaresburgh omni Commodo & Jurisdictione omnino careant & perdent: Et volo quod tunc bene liceat Priori Dunelm. qui pro tempore fuerit, post Quindenam postquam dictus Minister Domus de Knaresburgh a Visitatione dicti Hospitalis defecerit contra Formam praenominatam, infra Quindenam proxime sequentem faciat, & quae concernunt ad Visitationem dicti Hospitalis adimpleat Modo & Forma Fundationis antedictae. Et quod si dictus Prior Ea, quae concernunt ad Visitationem supradictam, neglexerit, quod tunc bene liceat Vicario Villae Novi Castri super Tynam, qui pro tempore fuerit, dictam Visitationem dicti Hospitalis facere, ut praemittitur. Et volo insuper & dispono quod neque Minister Domus de Knaresburgh, quem Praesidentem dicti Hospitalis ordinamus, ut est dictum, nec Major nec Ballivi dictae Villae Novi Castri, nullam Potestatem habeant aliqua Bona dicti Hospitalis minuendi, sibi vel Domui de Knaresburgh, vel alteri cuicunque applicandi vel transferendi, sed quod ipsa Bona omnia & singula in Usus dicti Custodis, Fratrum, Pauperum, Infirmorum, Clericorum & Successorum suorum totaliter convertantur. Habenda & tenenda dictam Terram, Hospitale praedictum, Messuagia, Celaria, & Placeas supradictas, ac Redditus praedictos, percipienda cum omnibus suis Pertinentiis praedicto Fratri Willielmo de Wackefeld, Confratribus, Pauperibus, Infirmis, & Clericis in dicto Hospitali morantibus, & in futurum moraturis, ibidem Deo servituris, & successoribus suis in perpetuum, in puram & perpetuam Elemosinam, ad inveniendum, sustentandum, & perficiendum Omnia antedicta modo & forma praenominatis in eodem Hospitali Ita quod quandocunque & quotiescunque praedicti Custos, Confratres, Pauperes, Infirmi, Clerici vel successores sui defecerit vel defecerint in aliquo Articulo Praemissorum, & debita Correctio dicti Defectus infra Quadraginta dies proxime sequentes post Visitationem sactam, per praedictum Ministrum de Knaresburgh vel ejus Vicarium per Priorem Dunelm. vel per Vacarium de Novo Castro super Tynam, qui pro tempore suerit, non fiet, quod tunc bene liceat Mihi in tota Vita mea, & post Decessum meum Majori & Ballivis, qui pro tempore fuerint, in omnibus meis Celariis, Placeis, & Redditibus supradictis intrare, distringere, & Ea in manu mea, dum vixero, & post mortem meam, in manibus dicti Majoris & Ballivorum, qui pro tempore fuerint, retinere, quousque debita Correctio fiet de Defectu invento aliquorum Articulorum supradictorum contra Ordinationem & Fundationem supradictas. Salvo tamen quod omnes Redditus & Proficui inde provenientes in Usum Inhabitantium, viz. Custodis, Fratrum, Pauperum, Infirmorum, & Clericorum in dicto Hospitali, & non in alios Usus convertantur quomodolibet. Et Ego vero Willielmus de Acketon Burgensis Villae Novi Castri super Tynam & Haeredes mei praedictam Terram, Hospitale praedictum, Messuagia, Celaria, & Placeas supradictas, ac Redditus supradictos cum omnibus suis Pertinentiis praedicto Willielmo de Wackefelde, Confratribus, Pauperibus, Infirmis, & Clericis in dicto Hospitali morantibus, & in futurum moraturis, & successoribus suis, modo & forma praenominatis contra omnes Genres warantizabimus & desendemus in perpetuum. In cujus Rei Testimonium Parti hujus Indenturae quadripartitae penes Me remanenti Sigillum Willielmi de Wackefeld, & Sigillum Capituli Domus de Knaresburgh sunt apposita: Alteri vero Parti penes dictum Willielmum & Hospitale praedictum remanenti Sigillum meum & Sigillum commune dictae Villae Novi Castri sunt appensa: Tertiae vero Parti penes Majorem & Ballivos Villae Novi Castri super Tynam, & in Communi Cista ejusdem Villae romanenti Sigilla dicti Willielmi de Wackefeld & dicti Capituli de Knaresburgh & Sigillum meum sunt appensa: Quartae vero Parti penes Magistrum & Conventum Domus de Knaresburgh remanenti Sigillum meum & Sigillum Willielmi de Wackefelde Custodis dicti Hospitalis. una cum Siuillo communi Novi Castri sunt apposita. His Testibus, Willielmo de la Strother tunc Majore Villae Novi Castri super Tynam, Johanne de Emeldon, Nicholao Bagot, & Johanne de Camera tunc Ballivts, Roberto de Angerton, Thoma de Hett, Roberto Qware, Johanne de Bikere, Ada. Ord, Johanne Plumber, Nicholao Soco & aliis. Datum apud Villam Novi Castri super Tynam die Mercur. proximo ante Festum Pentecost. Anno Domini Millesimo, Trecentesimo, Sexagesimo. Nos igitur Thomas Permissione Divina Dunelm. Episcopus antedictus attentis, pensatis, & diligenter consideratis Praemissis omnibus & singulis & eorum Causis, nec non laudabili Opere hujusmodi & Proposito dicti Willielmi de Acketon, quae omnia pia, utilia, & necessaria reputamus, praefatam Cartam, ac Omnia & Singula in eadem contenta, tanquam rite & legitime facta, quatenus ad Nos attinet, pro Nobis & Successoribus nostris Dunelm. Episcopis acceptamus, approbamus, ratificamus, & tenore Praesentium confirmamus, Jure, Jurisdictione, Dignitate, & Honore Nostris & Ecclesiae nostrae Dunelm. in omnibus & per omnia semper salvis. In cujus Rei Testimonium Sigillum nostrum Praesentibus est appensum. Datum in Manerio nostro de Aukland secundo die Mensis Octob. Anno Domini Milles. Trecent. Sexag. primo, & Consecrationis nostrae decimo septimo. Et Nos Prior & Capitulum Ecclesiae Dunelm. Praemissa omnia & singula per dictum Venerabilem Patrem facta rata habentes, & qnatenus in Nobis est, & ad Nos pertinet, approbantes, Sigillum nostrum Commune ad majorem Securitatem & Evidentiam Praesentium duximus apponendum. Datum ergo, quod ad Nos in Capitulari Domo nostra Dunelm. Vicesimo die Mensis Aprilis Anno Domini Milles. Trecentes. Sesages. Tertio. FINIS.