Fossils, remains of Animals and Vegetables, Minerals, recent Shells, Corals, and other curious Subjects of NATURAL HISTORY. CATALOGUE OF THE GENUINE AND ENTIRE Museum of curious Subjects of Natural History, OF JOHN STRANGE, ESQ. Fellow of the Royal and Antiquary Societies, &c. Late of Portland Place, Deceased. COMPRISING One of the most extensive and valuable Collections in Europe, of the exuviae of Corals, Fishes, Insects, Shells, Vegetables, and other organic Remains, deposited in the Earth, at or antecedent to the universal Deluge; to the Attainment and Knowledge of which Bodies, Mr. STRANGE had chiefly directed his Researches and Studies, and towards their History made large Collectanea, particularly during his long Residence as British Minister at the Court of Venice, and on his Travels in France, Germany, Italy, and especially in England and Wales; including many rare, curious, and interesting Subjects, together with a great Variety of scientific Specimens of the Calcareous, Barytical, Magnesian and Siliceous Earths, Ores of Metals, Volcanic Productions, and other Minerals and their aggregates, recent Corals, Shells, Vegetables, &c. Which will be Sold by Auction, By order of the Executors, and agreeable to his Will, By Mr. KING, At his GREAT ROOM, KING-STREET, COVENT-GARDEN, On FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1800, And Seven following Days, (Sunday excepted.) At Twelve o'Clock. May be viewed and Catalogues had at the Place of Sale, price 2s each, which will be allowed to Purchasers. Printed by J. Barker, Great Russell Street, Covent-Garden. Conditions of Sale. I. THE Highest Bidder to be the Buyer; but if any Dispute arise, the Lot to be put up again. II. No Person to advance less than Sixpence; above One Pound, One Shilling; above Five Pounds, Two Shillings and Sixpence; and so on in Proportion. III. Every Purchaser to pay down Five Shillings in the Pound, as Earnest, in Part of Payment; and to give in his Name and Place of Abode if required. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer's Expence, immediately after the Sale, and the Remainder of the Purchase-Money absolutely to be paid on or before Delivery. V. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of Payment, to be forfeited; the Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid, re-sold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) together with the Charges attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble Servant, THOMAS KING. First Day's Sale. FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1800. SHELLS, MINERALS, &c. 1 EIGHT iron and other ores, from the Archipelago, and part of a septarium, with a stellated gypsum, Sheepy Island 2 An ammonites, with undulated chambers, Austria; 2 l rge fossil pectens, and 3 more 3 Two mammillated echini, Brunswick; several others of the same genus, sundry fossil shells, and other petrifactions 4 A group of rock crystals, Switzerland; spar on quartz, Palatinate; an obsidian, and 9 more 5 A parcel of fossil shells, and other petrifactions 6 Crystallised galena, with blend, &c. Derbyshire; a purple copper ore, and 11 other minerals 7 A mass of singularly shaped lampades, N. America; 7 other masses of shells, 2 corals, and part of an ammonites 8 A very large yellow stalact tical spar, which appears to have been formed on wood, from the Calonnian collection 9 A large parcel of minerals 10 Sundry fossil shells, echini, parts of asteriae, and other petrifactions, in 2 boxes 11 A beautiful Egyptian pebble, cut in two, another Egyptian pebble, and 3 German agates, all polished 12 Two egg chersinae, from Surinam; a moor, a scarce triplex, Japan, and 2 panther porcellanae 13 Twenty-nine jaspers, porphyries, pebbles, Labradore feldspar, basaltes, &c. some of them polished 14 A variety of fossil shells, echini, corals, parts of fishes, and other petrifactions 15 A large group of rock crystals, and yellow pearl spar, from Hungary 16 A great variety of specimens of the stones which composed the ancient Druidical temple of Stonehenge, many of them labelled 17 A variety of fossil shells, echini, and other petrifactions 18 Ditto 19 Two specimens of compact red copper ore, Siberia; copper and iron ore, mixed, from the same country; iron ore, with crystallised quartz, from ditto; pyrites, from Goslar; staurolite, Hartz; and 12 other minerals 20 Fifty-four cards, containing a great variety of shells, chiefly of the ammonia, lampas, serpulae, and vortex genera; joints of encrini, corals, amber, and other petrifactions, many of them from Switzerland 21 Millstone, from France; red jasper, from Ronca, in Italy; mammillated marl, Nyland; galena, coated with green carbonate of copper, and many other small minerals 22 Various fossil shells, and polished sections of ditto, some echini, masses of shells, &c. 23 Several hermit crabs, and various other species of the cancer genus, a monoculus polyphemus, some small asteriae, &c. 24 Copper and iron ore, from Siberia; part of a septarium, Sheepy Island, and various other minerals 25 Skeleton of a fish, in yellow laminated marble, from Florence, and two ditto, in black slate 26 A great variety of fossil shells, echini, parts of fishes, and other petrifactions, English and foreign 27 Various small specimens of minerals for experiments, &c. 28 Various recent shells, of different genera and species 29 A ferruginous geodes, having a fossil fish imbedded in it; 5 stones with bones of fishes in them, and three marbles, containing fossil shells 30 Sundry fossil shells, corals, echini, or their casts, and other marine subjects 31 A large specimen of brown and white veined fluor, from Derbyshire, polished 32 A variety of fossil shells, echini, asteriae, &c. chiefly English 33 Ammonia-like serpulae, from Verona; fresh-water shells in chert, Franconville; and various other fossil shells of different genera, from France 34 Sundry pyritae, a blue basaltes, 2 rock crystals, some siuors, blend, and other minerals 35 Sundry recent shells of the mytilus, tellina, ostrea, and other genera 36 Various fossil shells and corals, including a scarce purpura, from Italy; a reverse rhombus, Essex; a mass of ammonia, Dorsetshire, &c. 37 Two winged oysters, from Shotover Hill, Oxfordshire; 2 ammonitae, some masses of shells, and other petrifactions 38 A large piece of plum-pudding stone, from Hartfordshire; variolite, from Worcestershire; a group of cubic fluors, Durham, and 5 more 39 Sundry curious black dendritae, in marbles, some of them from Baden 40 A variety of fossil shells, echini, canceres, anthropomorphi, and other curious marine subjects 41 Black haematites iron ore, from Steurmark; and a group of cubic fluors, coated with ferruginous pearl spar, from Durham 42 A large slab, cut from a mass of ammoniae, of two species, the polished side exhibiting variety of sections, shewing the concamerations, from Dorsetshire 43 Sundry large shells of the lampas genus, some belemnitae, and other fossil shells, echini, &c. 44 Red rock salt, from Visakna, Transylvania; black haematites iron ore, with a crust of crystallised wolfram; a group of rock crystals, Hungary; copper ore, Siberia, and 2 more 45 A coarse limestone, replete with fossil shells, from Mount Peltra, in Italy; a pyritical ditto, containing bones and other remains of animals; and a compact sand stone, having impressions of the reticulated bark of a plant in it. 46 A great variety of fossil shells, echini, canceres, parts of fishes, and other fossil marine productions, vegetables, &c. 47 A specimen of opal in the matrix, from Oservenitza, Hungary, and a semi opal 48 Four large foreign fossil madrepores, one of them from Tyrol, and two from Italy 49 Various fossil shells of the conus, oliva, musica, and other genera, from France and Italy 50 A single talus of a large ludus helmontii, coated with yellow spar, Sheepy Island, and another, coated with small brown pointed spars, from Weymouth 51 Thirty-nine varieties of serpentine stone, from Germany 52 Section of a nautilus, from Wiltshire; 2 other fossil shells, a siliceous zoophyte, from Italy, and 1 more 53 A Moor, a Chinese harp, 2 cones, and 5 other recent shells 54 Several groups of balani, 3 alatae, a large glycymeris, 2 ranae, some serpulae, teredines, and other recent shells 55 A broken section of a large nautilus, the inner part lined with yellow lenticular spars, and a large piece of chert, having in it impressions of the foliated chambers of an ammonites 56 A variety of fossil shells, echini, parts of encrini, corals, &c. English, French, and Italian 57 Twenty-one various granites, porphyries, agates, and other stones, most of them polished 58 A variety of shells, corals, and other remains of marine animals, amassed together in limestone, from Dudley; various pectens in like stone, Vienna; and a limestone, repiete with fragments of the round stem and branches of an encrinus, from Derbyshire 59 Thirty-two various minerals 60 A variegated chalcedony, 2 pebbles, and 3 flints, with ludi naturae in them, and a septarium 61 Various fossil shells, echini, and other petrifactions, chiefly English 62 Several polished pieces of jasperified wood, some impressions of fern in iron stone and coal slate, and sundry other fossil vegetables 63 A group of white spars with galena, from the Earl of Ferrer's mine, Leicestershire, and a hollow ferruginous septarified aetites 64 A scarce oyster, a large scallop, a mass of fragments of large encrini, Derbyshire; another, Dudley; and a fossil nautilus, from Sheepy Island 65 Shorl and garnets in a compact granite, Switzerland; a striped jasper, ditto, and a polished asbestos, Scotland 66 Five specimens of coal slate, filled with impressions of ferns, and other plants, 4 of them from Clutton coal pits, near Bath, and a pyritical mass of ammonitae, 67 A large mass of shells of the belemnos, Ostrea, and pecten genera, in a coarse limestone, found by Mr. Strange, near Banbury, in Oxfordshire 68 A parcel of shells of the porcellana genus, chiefly of three species 69 Schuller spar, from Basta, in the Hartz; coloured crystallised quartz, Gloucestershire; selenitae on fossil shells, Oxfordshire, serpentine stone, Aberdeenshire, and 2 Cornish minerals 70 A singular granite, a tabular baroselenite, from the Hartz; a crystallised tin ore, an iron ore, and 8 more 71 Teredines in wood, Sheepy Island; three other fossil woods, fragments of angulated encrini, from Coberg; cast of a margaritifera shell, a group of fossil shells, France, and 3 more 72 A very large piece of the Labradore feldspar 73 Two stalactitical chalcedonies, a ferruginous stone, from the shores of Sicily; parts of 2 large septaria, Sheepy Island, and a spathose lead ore 74 Fifteen curious fossil plants, or their impressions in coal slate, argillaceous iron ore, &c. 75 Twelve various masses of shells, parts of encrini, bones of quadrupeds, &c. chiefly in limestone 76 Pulley stone, from Derbyshire; a curious plant in a siliceous stone, a piece of foreign fossil wood, and 9 masses of fossil shells, some of them from France 77 Truncated spars, from the Hartz; silver ore, Saxony; a tin ore, and 12 more 78 Two fossil fish in yellow laminated marble, Florence; one in black slate, Isleben; a fish's head, Sheepy Island, and sundry teeth of fishes 79 A variety of recent shells of the tellina, conus, bulla, pecten, and other genera 80 Half of a large septarium, composed of a brown argillaceous iron stone, with irregular white sparry veins, and a large piece of parple and yellow circularly veined fluor, Derbyshire, both polished 81 Calkstone with cubic pyrites, Siberia; 3 specimens of native copper, from ditto; rock crystals on chlorite, Cornwall; and 10 more 82 A great variety of small fossil shells, of different genera, chiefly from France; echini, palates and teeth of fishes, &c. 83 A fine madrepora fungites, or sea mushroom, from the East Indies, and a large echinus libum, from the W. Indies 84 A group of large spars, with colourd pyrites, and cauk, Staffordshire, and a group of rock crystals, Switzerland 85 A fine fossil fish in white laminated marble, from Florence, and part of the skeleton of a fish in blue slate 86 Double pointed dog tooth spars on cubic fluors, from Ashover, Derbyshire, and a large polished fluor, mixed with cauk, blend, galena, &c. from the same county 87 A large padding stone, from Hartfordshire, and a variegated scarlet and purple agate, from Oberstein, both polished 88 Fourteen various specimens of marbles, a serpentine stone, and a yellow spar 89 A variety of recent madrepores, millepores, and other curious zoophyte 90 A stellated madrepore in chert, Gloucestershire; ramose fossil madrepores, Italy, and a variety of fossil shells 91 Tourmalins in granite, composed of large particles, from Tyrol, and a mammillated chalcedony, Iceland 92 A mass of corals and fragments of encrini in limestone, from Wenlock, in Shropshire; brown marble with shells, Derbyshire; a flat piece of chert, with casts and impressions of shells in it, France; 3 other masses of shells, and a polished specimen of fossil wood 93 A variety of fossil shells, and other petrifactions, English and foreign 94 Three porphyries, 4 variolites, a flint, from Mount Carmel, and 4 other polished stones 95 A series of 104 small square specimens of Italian marbles, porphyries, stalactitical spars, &c. uniform in size, and polished 96 Thirty-six various minerals 97 An auriculated oyster, another from France; a large lampas, Derbyshire; 2 ammonitae, part of a large ammonia, a cast of a fossil pecten, and a fungites 98 Green stalactitical spar, Derbyshire; a specimen of fossil wood, 3 agates, and 3 more, polished 99 A lobster inveloped with pyrites, France; a large lampas, Derbyshire; a mass of ammonitae, Furstenberg; 2 masses of small nummular corals, an astroites coral, and 3 other petrifactions 100 Sixteen cards, containing a variety of species of recent echini, some of them with their spines on 101 Fossil wood impregnated with pitchstone, Bohemia, polished, and part of a stem of a plant, allied to the sugar cane, from Wrexham 102 A fish's head, and a lobster, from Sheepy Island; casts of shells in iron ore, Sussex; casts of the ramified chambers of an ammonia in chert, 2 large balani, and 5 other petrifactions l03 Various specimens of the money cowry, pheasant pigmy, scarlet buttons, red rose leaf, and other small recent shells 104 A large septarium, cut in two and polished, from Derbyshire, and a group of purple cubic fluors, Durham 105 Twenty four various fossil shells, echini, corals, and other petrifactions 106 Two fossil fish in black slate, from Isleben, in Germany 107 Violet cubic fluors, partly coated with marcasite, Durham, and pointed calcareous spars, Gloucestershire 108 A large knobbed fossil shell of the clava, or club genus, from France, rare 109 Nine fine specimens of amber 110 Calcareous spar, Finland; red copper ore, with native copper, Siberia; quartz, &c. from the Kungurian Cavity, in the same country; iron stone, from Arbigland, and 14 other minerals 111 Various specimens of agate, jasper, pudding stone, and other silices, many of them polished 112 Madrepora sinuosa, or broad-ridged brain coral, having several boring cockles lodged in it, W. Indies, and a sine madrepora fungites, or sea mushroom, East Indies 113 A veined stalactitical spar, from St. Michael's Cave, Gibraltar, and a slab, from a large tortoiseshell septarium, Dorsetshire, both polished 114 Two mytili, a spondylus, 7 other fossil shells, ab echinus, 7 zoophyte, and 2 masses of shells, from Italy and France 115 A group of rock crystals, Switzerland; mammillated chalcedony on iron ore, a singular hollow chalcedony, internally coated with crystallised quartz, a stalactitical haematites iron ore, and 1 more 116 A fine nautilus pompilius, from China 117 A studded hypocephalus, Weymouth; a nautilus, Sheepy Island; marble with shells in it, from Asolano; a bowlder of black marble with white ramose corals in it, from the coast of Holderness, Yorkshire; a madrepore in flint, and a polished jasperified wood, Coberg 118 A large slab of the Marmaroides dendropotamites, or landscape marble, from Cottam, near Bristol. Da Costa's Nat. Hist. Foss. pa. 241 119 A large specimen of cobalt, with red efflorescence and baroselenite, from Saxony, and 2 other minerals 120 A fine cidaris lanceolata, a rare species of the echinus class, from St. Mauritius, rare. Out of the Calonnian Collection 121 A nautilus, from Sheepy Island; an ammonites, Wilts; a large gryphus, a spondylus, 6 other fossil shells, and 4 other petrifactions 122 A fine mammillated malachites copper ore, from Siberia, and a large piece of feldspar, with shorl, mica and quartz 123 A large polished slab, cut from a carious lava, from Italy 124 Two aculeated rhombi, 2 uberes, 2 musicae, 2 trochi, and 4 other fossil shells, an echinus, and 6 other petrifactions, from France and Italy 125 Two knobbed, figs, 1 of them reverse, from North America, and a scarce purpura, from the coast of Guinea. 126 A large and fine land tortoise, from the E. Indies 127 A variety of fossil shells, of various genera, echini, corals, and other petrifactions 128 A large brown spar, with fragments of the bones of quadrupeds lodged in it, from the rock of Gibraltar; a large angulated ammonites, rare, from Weimar, and a singular columnar fossil Madrepore 129 Part of an ammonites, inveloped with pyrites, Sheepy Island; various fossil shells, masses of ditto, &c. 130 Sundry petrifactions of shells, & other marine subjects 131 Ditto 132 Ditto 133 Ditto 134 Ditto 135 Ditto 136 Ditto Second Day's Sale, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1800. 1 FOURTEEN masses of fossil shells, from Ronca, and other parts of Italy 2 Sundry joints of encrini, some corals, and various fossil shells, from Switzerland, several English echini, some amber, and other petrifactions 3 A bird's nest, incrusted with spar, from Carlsbad, in Bohemia; a septarium, a group of rock crystals. selenitae, from Monte Marte, and 1 more 4 Sundry rock crystals, from Switzerland; black earth from the top of Monte Rosso, in Italy; some nummular pyritae, variolitae, &c. 5 Jasper, Bohemia, a brecciated jasper an oriental agate, a chalcedony, 7 other polished silices, and a singular Scotch serpentine stone 6 Five large lampades, from Derbyshire; ramose corals in limestone, ditto; 2 jasperisied fossil woods, and 6 other petrifactions 7 Stellated gypsum on a septarium, Sheepy Island; stalactitical vitriol, from Goslar; a crystallised tin ore, a specimen of peacock coal, in a case, and 5 more 8 Several fossil shells, and masses of ditto, ramose corals in limestone, France, 2 echini, &c. 9 A large crushed ammonites, impregnated with pyrites, from Bath, and a mass of small shells, chiefly of the clava genus, in brown sand stone, France 10 Two boxes of grotto shells 11 Twenty-three various minerals, among which are 3 copper ores, Siberia; opake rock crystals, Iceland; clear rock crystal, Switzerland; rock salt, &c. 12 An oyster, a large snail, a large buccinites, and a group of spiral fossil shells, from France 13 A basaltine bowlder, from Italy; a variolite, from Worcestershire; iron ore, Stirlingshire; and several other minerals 14 A granite, a specimen of grey marble, and a stalactitical spar, from Italy; a fluor, Derbyshire, and a Scotch serpentine stone, all polished 15 A great variety of small fossil shells, echini, zoophyte, and other petrifactions 16 Various specimens of ores, crystal, and other minerals, 2 of them from Siberia 17 Two pectens, and 4 echini, in chalk, and flint, from Kent; a group of three beaked oysters, and a trochites, Somersetshire; and various other petrifactions 18 A mass of ammonia in limestone, one side polished, from Dorsetshire; dark coloured marble, with corals and shells in it, Ledbury, Herefordshire; and another shelly marble 19 A group of oysters on a mya, a small devil's claw, the parasol limpet, a hammer margaritifera, and 5 other recent shells 20 Various siliceous stones, some of them polished, red copper ore, Cornwall; a specimen of Irish diamond, vitreous silver ore, Freyberg, &c. 21 A scarce echinus from the island Cor e, part of a large vulsella, Italy; a large fig whelk, Hants; an echinus in flint, 2 other fossil shells, and 3 lapidified corals 22 A variety of spars, ores, crystals, pyritae, and other minerals 23 Sundry fossil echini, or parts of ditto; joints and other portions of asteriae, encrini, corals, shells, &c. several of them from Switzerland 24 Thirteen various German, and other marbles, most of them polished 25 Thirty-six various minerals of different genera 26 A large fossil pecten, from Somersetshire; the cast of another in freestone, a nautilus, from Sheepy Island; a mass of ammonia, Dorsetshire; a singular fossil coral, polished; and a scarce echinites 27 Two curious fossil fish in yellow laminated marble, from Florence 28 Pearl spar, with rock crystals, Hungary; red silver ore, Hartz, and a granite 29 Part of a porphyry bowlder, from the shores of Northumberland; an agate, from Oberstein; a variegated chalcedony, ditto, and a Hartfordshire pudding stone, all polished 30 A variety of fossil shells, echini, bones and teeth of fishes, &c. from Sheepy Island, France, and Italy 31 Sundry large pieces of copper ore, and other minerals, &c. some of them from Siberia 32 Shorlite, from Altenberg, Saxony; crystallized violet quartz, Wales; a stalactitical iron ore, Triers; columnar tin ore, Cornwall; trihedral copper ore, ditto; and a purple cubic fluor, Derbyshire 33 A large oyster, from Vivarais, in France; a large mya, rare, from Italy; a mass of fragments of encrini, and 2 casts of like fragments in chert, from Derbyshire; ramose corals in limestone, ditto, and 4 other 34 A variety of ferruginous and other siliceons sands, and a sample of magnetical iron sand 35 Half of a large septarium, from Dorsetshire; part of another, with fossil wood in it, Sheepy Island, polished, and white spar, striped with galena and copper ore, Saxony 36 One valve of a long fossil oyster, from Italy; a large ammonia having great part of its finely coloured pearly shell, imbedded with other shells in a coarse calcareous grit, France; a large fossil lampas, Derbyshire, and a singular compressed funnel-shaped fossil zoophyte 37 Calamine, from Wales; amianthus, from the Pyrenees; cockscomb iron ore, Derbyshire; 2 different spars; a trap, and 3 more 38 A curious fossil zoophyte, from Italy; a large ammonites, the broad beaked oyster, and 3 more 39 Sundry ferns and other plants in iron stone, and coal slate, and various other fossil vegetables 40 Crystalised staurolite, on crystallised amethysts, within a hollow agate ball, from the Palatinate: zeolites in trap, from the Island Sky; white amianthus combined with rock crystal, Valdague; and garnets in mica, Auvergne 41 A mass of dentalia, and other shells, from Hernberg, in Mecklenberg; 7 other masses of fossil shells, and a recent petrifaction, from the Coast of Holland 42 Various fossil shells, of the rhombus, trochus, ostrea, ammonia, and other genera; some echini, and other petrifactions 43 Three beautiful dendritical yellow marbles, two of them from Papenheim 44 Various ammonitae, and other fossil shells, some echini, z fish in marble, &c. and a recent petrifaction 45 A fine avanturine stone bowlder, one side polished, from Germany; an onachine chalcedony with semiopal, and a mammillated chalcedonic flint 46 A fine fossil fish, having its scales gilded with pyrites in a black slate, from Isleben; skeleton of a fish in blue slate, and a curious fish of the eel kind, in yellow laminated marble, from Verona 47 Crystallised tin ore, Cornwall; crystallised iron ore, Elbe; 6 various rock stones, from the Top of Snowden; hornblend, from Labradore, and 5 other minerals 48 A thorny heart gryphus on an alatus, a purple spondylus, and a papal mitre 49 Bones of quadrupeds in spar, from Gibraltar, a mass of lampades in a ferruginous limestone, from Banbury, in Oxfordshire; a cast of shells in freestone, Portland, and a recent petrifaction of shells, Antigua 50 Thirty-one polished specimens of marbles, a red porphyry, and a green and red schistus 51 Various recent shells of the porcellana, conus solen, tellina, and other genera 52 Crystallised amethysts within agate, Germany; a stratulated galena with yellow copper ore, &c. Saxony; spar on limestone, Ecton, and an asbestos 53 A large fossil lampas, Normandy; 2 indented oysters, ditto, and a singular ammonites 54 Yellow spar on indurated clay, Sheepy Island; striated gypsum, Nottinghamshire; violet cubic fluors, Durham, and 2 more 55 Eleven various agates, jaspers, granite, and other siliceous stones, 9 of them polished 56 A mass of lampades, corals, and other marine subjects, in limestone, from Dudley, Worcestershire; nine other limestones, containing shells, &c. small bivalves in yellow laminated marble, Verona, and 3 detached fossil shells 57 A group of rock crystals, Switzerland, and a crystallised galena, frosted with cockscomb pyrites, Derbyshire 58 Thirteen various minerals, including a stalactitical chalcedony, a Scotch copper ore, white marble, from Sweden; a zeolite, crystallised sulphuret of copper, Cornwall; tabular baroselenite, Clausthall, &c. 59 Six curious mosaic pictures, from Florence 60 A singular auriculated oyster, France; one valve of an indented fossil oyster, section of a nautilus Gloucestershire; 2 fossil corals and a fishe's head 61 A beautiful red and white brecciated jasper, from Sicily, and a large hollow white chalcedonic agate 62 Two skeletons of fishes in laminated marble, from Verona, and a polished specimen of fossil wood, Saxony 63 A large piece of obsidian, or volcanic glass, from Mount Hecla, Iceland, and a group of rock crystals 64 Some mineral Bezoar, stalagmitae, a polished jaspachates, and various other small minerals 65 A mya, and a pectunclus, from Maryland; a belemnites, in a calcareous grit, Maestricht; 2 large lampades Derbyshire; a balanus, ramose corals in flint, and 5 other petrifactions 66 A great variety of fossil shells, of different genera, echini, parts of asteriae, and other petrifactions 67 Section of a beautiful ammonites, with soliaceous chambers, lined, or filled with spars or limestone; the surface as well as the inner part, highly polished, from Dorsetshire 68 Twelve various foreign granites, porphyries, and basaltes, polished and labelled 69 An alatus, an ammonites, section of an ammonoides, several other fossil shells, 2 echini in flint, and some corals 70 A large trapezium, from Courtagnon; an ammonia marginata, from Dorsetshire; 2 fossil oyster, and a Maestricht echinus 71 Mamillated chalcedony within a hollow flint, Mount Carmel, called there petrified melons; crystallised opaline quartz, Gloucestershire; a cluster of globular pyritae, a trap, ditto; with plumose and other zeolites, from Sky, and 5 more 72 A pectunculus, from Maryland; ditto, Virginia; 4 other bivales, an echinus, Malta; another, foreign, and a pentagonal asteria in chalk 73 A large flint, a jasper, and 2 other polished stones, a variolite, a trap, and 2 more 74 A variety of shells of the buccinum, Iunatus turris, glycymeris, and other genera, some opercula of shells, &c. chiefly from France 75 Thirty-three various ores, silices, and other minerals 76 A reverse rhombus, from Essex; cockscomb oysters, Marsham, in Buckinghamshire; an ammonites, llminster; another, Germany; and 7 other petrifactions 77 A fine slab cut from a large tortoiseshell septarium, got near Weymonth, polished 78 A fine specimen of Ieuzit, from Vesuvius; a shorl in quartz, peacock coal, from Lyons, in France, and a spar with galena and quartz, Cumberland 79 One valve of a spondylus in chalk, rare; wood, bored by teredines, in flint, Kent; a pecten, Bath; another, from Italy; an echinus, from Malta, and 4 other petrifactions 80 An Egyptian pebble, a red jasper, 4 agates, a porphyry and a pudding stone, polished 81 A large tuberculated apiculum, rare, a spondylus, a patella, Gloucestershire; a sulcated hypocephalus, 2 ostreae, another deeply indented; and a fungus coral 82 A large ammonites, an oyster, a specimen of fossil wood, another in limestone, Charmouth, and three mases of shells and other marine subjects 83 Violet granite, East Indies; 2 pudding stones, and 6 other stones, polished 84 A curioas long fossil oyster, with a very prominent beak, the valves separated, from Italy, rare 85 Two belemnitae, Oxfordshire; an alated oyster, ditto; several other fossil shells, some masses of ditto, corals, &c. 86 Sattin like malachites copper ore, foliated native copper, blue crystallised copper ore, and iron stone, spotted with red copper ore, all from Siberia; 3 singular pyritae, Sussex; selenites, Cremnitz; 3 of coloured crystallised quartz, Gloucestershire; heavy spar, Surry, and 5 more 87 The whales, the tortoises, and 2 other species of balani, a painted pectunculus, China; 2 mole hill porcellanae, and 5 other recent shells 88 Brecciated tin ore, Altenberg; white granite, from the Scalp, 12 miles from Dublin; dark coloured manganese, Schio, in the Venetian State; an amygdoloid, stellstone, Lapland ; brecciated jasper, Brescia; a blue lava, Italy, and 6 other minerals 89 Two musics, an alatas, an aculeated rhombus, 2 spondyli, an oyster and a pecten, from France and Italy; an echinus cordatus in flint, Kent, and 2 English fossil nautili 90 A large group of yellow double-pointed spars, with cubic fluors and blend, from Ashover, Derbyshire, and a large specimen of hacked agate, with amethyst, from Germany 91 Seventeen various marbles, chiefly English, polished 92 One valve of a large fossil pectunculus, in limestone, from the vicinity of Bath, and another of a fossil pinna shell, in a laminated limestone, from Stonesfield, both rare 93 A fern, and three other curious plants in coal slate, an impression of the bark of a pine tree in sand stone, from Yorkshire, and 2 polished specimens of fossil wood 94 Thirty five various agates porphyries, and other siliceous stones, a stalactitical spar, and a serpentine stone, many of them polished 95 Three cassidae, a musica, a singular nerites, several other fossil shells, from France and Italy, a mamillated echinus, in chalk, Kent; 2 madrepores, and 3 other petrifactions 96 A mass of lampades, corals, &c. Dudley; a lesser ditto, from the same place, a mass of ammonitae, cut in two nd polished, 2 madrepores, one of them polished, and four more 97 Twenty-two various petrifactions of shells, fish, &c. and masses of ditto 98 Various agates, carnelions, and other polished stones, &c. 99 A very large ammonites, being 16 inches diameter, from Surrey 100 Pearl spar, with blend and quarte, Cumberland, a geodes iron ore, a group of rock crystals, and 5 more 101 Various fossil shells, echini, and other petrifactions 102 Six large masses of fossil shells and other marine subjects, and an ammonites 103 A variety of small fossil shells, from France 104 An oyster, from W l enbuttell, several ditto, from Odiham; part of a large mamillated echinus, fossil wood, from Coberg, and 8 other petrifactions 105 Fifteen various minerals 106 A me ndritical madrepore, polished, one valve of a large glycymeris, and a mass of fresh water bivalve shells, in a calcareous stone, from Oeningen, near the Lake of Constance, all in a fossil state and rare 107 A polished specimen of fire marble, from Carinthia; a large marble ball, from Germany; a red steatites, China, another steatites, and 3 more 108 One valve of a singular fossil oyster, 2 pectens, a piece of fossil wood perforated by teredines, three masses of shells, and 2 fossil corals 109 Crystallised staurolite, from the Pyrenees; green asbestos, Aberdeenshire, and jasperified fossil wood Brescia 110 A very uncommon natural cluster of about 30 pine cones, all on one stalk 111 A great variety of fossil shells, or their casts in chert, from France and Italy 112 Parts of 2 pentagonal asteriae, and a group of spines of an echinus, in chalk, Kent; an encrinus, from Brunswick, and 2 crab's claws, in calcareous grit, from Maestricht 113 A cone, 2 terebrae, 2 rhombi, a group of balani, two caffidae, and 3 other fossil shells, from France and Italy 114 Nine various granites, from the Adige, Calabria, and other parts of Italy, polished and labelled 115 Two specimens of native copper, Siberia; double pointed amethysts, ditto; 2 tin ores, Cornwall; a specimen of native sulphur, one of carbonate of lead, or white spathose lead ore, a crystallised zeolite, and 6 other minerals 116 A variety of fossil shells, corals, and other curious petrifactions, from Italy, France, &c. 117 Needle actinolite in small rock crystals among crystals of tin ore, green and violet fluors, and 2 marcasites, from Cornwall; green and blue carbonate of copper, amethysts, with pyrites, &c. and 3 more 118 Great part of a large flat fish having singular quadrangular scales, inclosed within a grey agrillaceous nodule, from the Cliffs near Weymouth, rare 119 A curious variety of the ruin marble, bordered with black and yellow marble, from Florence 120 Brown mica, from Bohemia; ditto, with shorl, North America; asbestos paper, Italy; schistus, from Elbe; green ditto. Province of Quebec, and a singular foreign selenites 121 Two boxes of rough garnets, and one of Falkland Island carnelions 122 A stone patapatoo, or war bludgeon, formed of basaltes, from New Zealand, 3 ancient stone European hatchet heads, an ornament made of the fibres of plants, neatly plaited in large net-work, with teeth of fishes, shells, &c. wrought in the work, from the Friendly Islands, and 3 stone ornaments 123 Crystallised carbonate of lead, from La Croix aux Mines, out of the Butean collection. Green actinolite, in white and yellow chlorite, from Tyrol, and a specimen of onachine chalcedony, the last polished 124 A fine argonauta corrugata, or wrinkled paper sailor, from Minorca 125 Six curious carvings in steatites, from Japan 126 A group of small fossil shells of the gryphus genus, naturally affixed to wood, from Sheepy Island; 2 madrepores, 2 other curious zoophyte, and 2 echini galeati in flint 127 Molybdate of lead, from Bleyberg in Carinthia; native copper, Siberia; pitch stone, from Hungary; iron ore, from Wochein, Carniola; a red haematites iron ore, and a plumbago 128 Various polished agates, carnelions, jaspers, pebbles, and other stones 129 A fish in yellow laminated marble, from Papenheim; bones of a fish's head, Sheepy Island; an ammonia, and 4 other fossil shells, and three fossil corals 130 Sundry pyritae, spars, crystals, some specimens of obsidian, coal, and other minerals 131 Several lampades, and other fossil shells, madrepores, a polished jasperified wood, and other petrifactions 132 A variety of fossil shells, echini, corals, and other marine subjects, &c. 133 Ditto 134 Ditto 135 Ditto 136 A parcel of variolites, jaspers, and other stones Third Day's Sale. MONDAY, JULY 14, 1800. SHELLS, MINERALS, &c. 1 A MASS of shells of the lampas genus, in a ferruginous limestone, from Banbury, Oxfordshire; a group of ammonia in limestone, a mass of large pectens, &c. Italy, and part of a large ammonites 2 A reverse rhombus, Essex; a music, Hants; 2 large pectens, and sundry other fossil shells, &c. 3 A box containing a large parcel of fossil shells and other petrifactions 4 Part of a large septarium, with yellow spar, Sheepy Island; a yellow fluor with limestone, in which some fragments of encrini are imbedded, Derbyshire; spathose iron ore, with tabular baroselenite, red jasper, Siberia, and 9 other minerals 5 A large clamp shell, chamagigas, Linn. with adhesions of serpulae, from Ceylon 6 A micaceous stone, with dendritae, on the surface, Italy; 3 laminated calcareous stones, with dendritae, half of a large geodes, and a brown mica 7 Two large ramose corals in limestone, another fossil madrepore, a mass of fragments of encrini, and 1 more 8 A variety of fossil shells, echini, corals, and other petrifactions 9 Green asbestos, from Scotland; pisolithus, from Carlsbad in Bohemia; tabular baroselenite, Siberia: and garnets in mica 10 Part of a septarium, with fossil wood in it, from Charmouth, Devonshire; pyritical ammonites, ditto; two echini clypeati, bones in spar, Gibraltar; a scarce vulsella, Italy, and 9 other petrifactions 11 Porphyry, from Orsky, in Siberia; several basaltes, from the Venetian State, some variolites and other minerals 12 An onyx, from Iceland; an Italian and 3 large German agates, polished, and a rough English pudding stone 13 Several echini, some of them in flint; a cast of a bulla in limestone; 2 lampades; several other fossil shells; a meandritical madrepore; an astroites, a coral in flint, &c. 16 Sundry belemnitae, and other fossil shells, or their casts; some masses of shells, echini, &c. 15 A white chalcedony; a variegated iron ore; an Italian limestone, and a brown limestone with a vein of galena, all polished 16 Samples of hemp and flax, the growth of Italy, and various specimens of thread, cordage, cloth, and paper, manufactured from them, and a small block of lignum vitae, 17 Various fossil shells, echini, echinitae, some masses of shells, and other petrifactions 18 Copper ore, Siberia; brown rock crystals, Bohemia; haematites iron ore, Saxony; iron ore, Elbe; and 18 other minerals 19 Two large ammonitae; a large thin mass of ditto, Dorsetshire; a long oyster, and 3 other petrifactions 20 Twenty polished specimens of marbles 21 Striated gypsum, Italy; calcareous spar, Idria, and Various other minerals, chiefly Italian 22 Part of a large fish in chalk, Sorry; a limestone bowlder, with nummular corals imbedded in it, from Italy; bones of quadrupeds in spar, from the island Lissa, and an oyster, Wilts. 23 Two specimens of allum stone, from Tolfa; phosphate of lead, or green spathose lead ore, from Beresosskoi, Siberia; two Vesuvians; a trap; a leuzit, and several other minerals, from Italy 24 Three large pieces of marble; a rough jasper, and 7 rough variolites 25 A variety of fossil shells, echini, corals, and other petrifactions, English and Foreign, in 2 boxes 26 A fine fossil fish in white laminated marble, from Verona, and part of the skeleton of a fish in blue slate 27 A variety of fossil shells, echini, bones of fishes, and other marine subjects, from Italy, Switzerland, and several parts of England 28 Various specimens of clay, chalks, and other earths, chiefly foreign 29 A nautilus, having nummular spars within the chambers, Gloucestershire; a fine ammonites. Somersetshire; one valve of a large glycymeris, Italy, and a pectunculus in limestone, Normandy 30 A great variety of recent shells, of different genera and species 31 Fifteen granites, porphyries, variolites, and other siliceous stones, most of them polished 32 A collection of salts and sands in small bottles, from Mount Vesuvius 33 Nineteen agates, jaspers, pebbles, and other silices, polished 34 A large mass of fossil shells, &c. in limestone, from Neustadt, and another from Dudley 35 Various specimens of the strata and minerals, from the surface of the earth, to the lowest depth yet searched, near Cromford and Middleton, in Derbyshire 36 Bones in spar, from Gibraltar, and 13 other petrifactions 37 A singular copper pyrites, from Cornwall; galena, in truncated cubes, with blend, &c. Cumberland; a group of double pointed rock crystals, with pyrites, and another with iron ore 38 A large flint, replete with fragments of shells, Kent; a mass of singular lampades in black shale, and 2 other masses of shells 39 Eleven various minerals 40 An alated oyster, from Oxfordshire; a madrepore, France, and 5 masses of fossil shells 41 A basaltiform iron clay, nith yellow spar, Sheepy Island; and a hollow flint, lined with brilliant quartz crystals, from Mount Carmel, called there a petrified melon 42 Two salt cellars, formed of Derbyshire marble, a marble pedestal, a jasper pedestal, 3 marbles for papers, and 5 more 43 Various shells of the ammonia, conus, and other genera, 3 specimens of siliceous wood, and several other petrifactions 44 Six varieties of columnar basaltes, of 3, 4, and 5 sides, from the Venetian State, one end of each polished 45 An alatus, Italy; a spondylus, France; a mass of shells, ditto, and 5 other petrifactions 46 Various fossil shells of the area, pectunculus, conus, voluta, and other genera, from France and Italy 47 A broad beaked oyster, France; a group of 3 oysters, part of a large ammonites, a smooth pecten, Dauphiny, and 2 other petrifactions 48 A piece of wood bored by teredines, and various perforations in shells, chalk, and limestones, by lithophagi, and other boring shell-fish 49 Two sparry casts of echini, from Italy; the cast of a large cardium in a ferruginous stone, a mass of small lentes lapidei; 2 crabs, united by a hardened clay, Ceylon; small pectens in a friable stone, Maestricht, and several other petrifactions 50 A fossil fish of a curious and rare species, in a white marble, from Oeningen, and another in black slate, from lsleben 51 An ammonia, Dorsetshire; 6 Italian fossil zoophyte, a mammillated echinus, and 8 more 52 A great variety of fossil shells, echini, casts and spines of ditto, joints of asteriae, and encrini, and other petrifactions 53 Two valves of large pectunculi, one valve of a large glycymeris, part of a bivalve, and a pecten in flint, a large snail, and a rare fossil echinus, from Dax 54 Twenty various agates, pebbles, and other siliceous stones, polished 55 A large serpulae, a Hercules's club, a carrier, a dissected harp, a group of thread worms, and various other recent shells 56 A very large and fine fossil shell, of the pecten genus, with a hesions of balani, very scarce 57 A polished fluor, and a spar, &c. Derbyshire; mispickel, with silver ore, &c. Saxony; a singular hollow quartz, and 4 other minerals 58 Two pyritical limestones, with bones imbedded in them, from Gloucestershire; 2 echini in chalk, Kent; an echinus clypeatus, and 6 other petrifactions 59 A great variety of curious small fossil shells, echini and corals, chiefly from France and Italy 60 Crystallised blend with cubic fluors, Durham; truncated hexagonal spars, Hartz; a mass of large garnets in mica, and 1 more 61 Section of a large ammonites, the chambers partly filled with limestone, or blended with spar, polished 62 A mass of ammonitae, cut in two and polished, Germany; jasperified wood, ditto; fossil bones, Gibraltar; three pectens in chalk, and various other petrifactions 63 A variety of small fossil shells, parts of encrini, and other petrifactions, chiefly from Switzerland 64 A hollow mass of crystallised galena, Derbyshire; a stratulated copper ore, with blend and quartz, a bog iron ore, part of a septarium with selenitae, and a variolite 65 Three masses of shells, and other remains of marine animals in limestone, and a recent petrifaction of shells, the last from the W. Indies 66 Two German agates, a variegated chalcedony, a red jasper, a variolite, and a pudding stone 67 A large knotted club, a curious and rare fossil shell, from France 68 A great variety of fossil shells, echini, canceres, and other petrifactions 69 Shelly marble, Kilkenny; 2 landscape marbles, Somersetshire; white marble, from Pargas, in Finland; freestone, from Bath; ditto, from Gloucestershire; red marble, from Millbay, near Plymouth, several German marbles, &c. 70 Four square bony palates of fish, in chalk, from Surry; bones of a fish's head, in clay, Sheepy Island; a large tooth of a fish, of the shark kind, in freestone, Malta; an echinus, a madrepore, and 2 other petrifactions 71 The tusk; of some large quadruped of the feline genus, rare, part of the fangs of the grinder of an elephant, 2 pieces of another large fossil bone, and the bones of a fish's head in clay, the last from Sheepy Island 72 Avanturine stone, from Spain, rare, and 2 Oriental onyxes 73 Four boxes, containing a number of neatly made card boxes, including a great variety of shells, as well terrestrial as aquatic, natives of Great Britain 74 Three winged oysters, from Shotover Hill, Oxfordshire; another fossil oyster, 2 masses of shells, one of them from Germany, and a mass of fragments of encrini 75 A variety of fossil shells, corals, &c. chiefly from France 76 Spathose iron ore, Bareith; a pyrites, with part of a nautilus in it, and 2 other minerals 77 An arcites, rare, a nautilus, some masses of shells and bones, a piece of fossil wood, and other petrifactions 78 Sundry carnelions, jaspers, and other silices, polished 79 A singularly figured galena, several iron ores, a mica, from Germany, and various other minerals 80 Part of the bones of a fish, from Sheepy Island; a tubular coral, from Derbyshire; a mass of shells, Dorsetshire; another, with corals, &c. from Dudley, and 2 more 81 Variolite, from Malvern Hills; a storl, and 7 other minerals 82 Marble, from Warwickshire; 2 ditto, from Derbyshire; one from Devonshire; rosso antico, and 2 other Italian marbles, and 2 more. 83 A nautilus, from Sheepy Island, an ammonites, Gloucestershire; a group of ammonitae, Dorsetshire; a large lamp cockle, Derbyshire, and 3 more 84 Red jasper, Siberia; red copper ore, ditto; tin ore, Cornwall; spathose iron ore, Italy; silver ore, Annaberg, in Stiria; pyrites, Goslar; and 11 others 85 A variety of curious small fossil shells, of different genera, echini and zoophyte, chiefly from France 86 Three balani, a pectunculus, a glycymeris, part of an orthoceratites, 2 mammillated echini, and 9 other petrifactions 87 Eleven various balls of argillaceous iron ore, split in two, and discovering in each a sprig of a plant of the fern kind; and one, containing part of a twig of a pine, most of them from Coalbrook Dale 88 A scarce sulcated bivalve of the lamp genus, a cone, 6 helmets, a singular nerites, various other fossil shells, 4 echini, some madrepores, &c. chiefly from France and Italy 89 Fifty-one various small minerals, including golden mica, from Schio; steatites, Cornwall; crystallised iron ore, Elbe; some pebble chalcedony, &c. 90 A large smooth pecten, Italy; an oyster, Oxfordshire; a large striated lampas, Derbyshire; a mass of fresh water shells, France; a limestone, replete with fragments of encrini, and an angulated fossil madrepore 91 Green jasper, with cubic marcasites in it, from Ronca, in Italy, a large specimen of Bassan marble, and a laminated Florentine yellow marble, with brown dendritae, on it 92 A variety of cypreae, annulus, moneta, and arcticus, and other small recent shells, and a box of red rose shells, &c. 93 A valve of a large pectunculus, from Virginia; a smooth ditto, Italy; one valve of a large glycymeris, from ditto; a group of large balani, from Florence, and 2 fossil corals 94 Leuzit, from Vesuvius; native quicksilver, in cinnabar, with iron ore, Zweybruck; shorl, from Elbe; sattin like malachites, copper ore, native copper, Siberia; rock crystal, St. Gothard; a zeolites, and 1 more 95 A variety of fossil shells, of different genera, from Ronca, in Italy; Courtagnon, &c. 96 Two large pieces of coal slate, replete with ferns, and other vegetables, from coal-pits, in Somersetshire 97 Grey granite, with shorl and garnets in it, Germany; a septarium, divided into quadrangles, Derbyshire; another septarium, and a striped Italian hornstone, all polished 98 The lesser fossil alated spindle, 2 deeply, cancellated trochleae, the pholas-like serpula, a cylindrical bulla, a complete echinated gryphus, rare, and 2 other fossil shells, France; 2 porcellanae, a purpura and 2 trochi, Italy; and a patellae, Gloucestershire 99 Five masses of shells, and other remains of marine animals, in limestone, 2 of them polished 100 Tabuletad baroselenite, Westmorland; rock crystals, Switzerland; 2 crystallised iron ores, Elbe; a red feldspar, with shorl, and 4 other minerals 101 A large specimen of chlorite, having large octahedral crystals of iron imbedded in it l02 A studded hypocephalus, Normandy; a sulcated shell of the same genus, from ditto; a spondylus, and a trapezium, France, and 2 other petrifactions 103 A curious fossil fish in a yellow laminated marble, with the counter part, from Florence 104 A parcel of odd valves of recent shells of the tellina, cardium, pecten, cepa, and other genera 105 A globose spar on rock crystals, Hungary; a black spathose iron ore, a mammillated copper pyrites, and a pearl spar 106 A scarce sulcated species of the lampas genus; a rare trapezium, 2 other fossil bivalve shells, an orbicular madrepore, Rouen; 2 other fossil corals, 4 echini, and 1 more 107 Marcasites with tin ore, a crystallised tin ore, and a group of crystallised quartz, Cornwall; a sparry deposition on moss, dog tooth spar, with cauk, Derbyshire, and 1 more 108 Sundry ammonia, rhombi, and other fossil shells, some casts of spiral and other shells in chalcedony, France; an echinus in chalk, several fig-saped spines of echini, and other petrifactions 109 Black marble, with shells in it, from Kilkenny; black marble, with corals in it, Durham; grey marble, Sussex; 2 yellow marbles with dendritae, on them, and a dendritical schistose mica 110 A variety of tellinae, dentalia, olivae, and other small recent shells, &c. sorted 111 A large specimen of agate, mixed with jasper and chalcedony, a hollow in the centre of which, is lined with cubic and other singularly figured crystals of chalcedony, very rare, and a large agate, having amethyst and quartz in the middle of it, both from Germany, and polished 112 Pectunculi, from Virginia; fundry other fossil shells, 2 madrepores, from France, and other petrifactions 113 A belemnites, a cone, a group of balani, 4 spiral, and 7 other fossil shells 114 A very fine mammillated echinus, filled with flint, in which one of its spines is imbedded, from Kent; part of a curious nautilus, having a large shelly siphunculus, France; a tuberculated ammonia, with part of its coloured pearly shell, Russia, and a scarce fossil echinus, having one of its rays distorted 115 A cluster of large white twelve sided spars, and a stalactitical group of fluors, partly coated with spathose iron ore, from Durham 116 A capital specimen of mammillated chalcedony, from Iceland. 117 Twelve various masses of fossil shells & corals, chiefly English, polished 118 Cinnabar, Hungary; mammillated spar, Hartz; tabulated barytes, ditto; white cauk, Leicestershire; steel grained galena, with double pointed yellow spars, Derbyshire; an obsidian, and 1 more 119 A variety of curious fossil shells, chiefly from France 120 A fine specimen of madrepora ibicina with numerous small beginnings of gorgonia pretiofa, or red coral, serpulae, and other curious adhesions from the Sicilian Coast 121 Sixteen polished specimens of English, Irish, and German marbles, with shells and corals imbedded in them, most of them labelled 122 A fine cidaris abbreviata; a curious species of echinus, from St. Mauritius, having its spines; a group of retort worms, in their native bed, Coromandel; and a group of serpulae, on an echinus, Mediterranean 123 A fine specimen of crystallized cyanite, and titanium, from Mount St. Gothard, very scarce 124 A large and fine fossil pecten shell, from Ortenberg, near Passau, and another from Gose Island, near Malta, both rare 125 Native gold, in white quartz, Brazil; nickel, with cobalt, Saalfield; brilliant crystallised native copper in spar, Siberia; and ditto with green carbonate of copper, from ditto 126 A rare sulcated lampas, from Normandy; 2 other scarce shells of the same genus; a spined pecten; a riged margaritifera; a mactra; 6 other fossil shells; a singular coral, and a palate of a fish, in chalk 127 Two large valves of mother of pearl shells, from China 128 Nineteen polished stones, including varieties of the Egyptian pebble, German agates, brecciated and other jaspers, marbles, &c. 129 Section of an ammonia, shewing its concamerations; 3 more of the same genus; several other fossil shells; some echini, and other petrifactions 130 Various pyritae, gypsae, cinnabar, from Idria, and other small specimens of minerals 131 An alated oyster, from Shotover Hill; 2 ammonia; 4 masses of fossil shells, 2 echini, and 4 madreporites 132 Mammilated chalcedony, Iceland; black haematites iron ore, Triers; obsidian, from Italy; a brown and white spar, from Trieste, and a crystallised flag 133 A large tuberculated fossil ammonia shell, imbedded in a septarium, from the cliffs, near Weymouth 134 Section of a pyritical ammonites, from Brunswick; a pyritical ammonites in limestone, Bath; several masses of shells, one of them polished, some madrepores, &c. 135 A large parcel of crystallised Vesuvian, mica, &c. from Mount Vesuvius 136 A great variety of fossil shells, echini, corals and other petrifactions. Fourth Day's Sale. TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1800. SHELLS, MINERALS, &c. 1 A VARIETY of fossil shells, echini, asteriae, parts of fishes, and other petrifactions 2 Several dendritical and other marbles, and sundry spars, gypsae, silices, &c. some of them polished 3 Various specimens of crystallised quartz, vesuvian, asbesti, native copper, iron ore, and other minerals 4 Five masses of shells, and other marine productions; 2 echini; an echinites in flint; an oyster, and other petrifactions 5 Native oxyde of quicksilver, from Idria; crystallised white carbonate of lead in iron ore; three varieties of trap; spar within fossil shells, Oxfordshire; 2 micae; a crystallised vesuvian, and 4 more 6 Fifty-three varieties of Italian marbles; stalactitical spars, and serpentine stone, each specimen 31/4 inches square and polished 7 Three ammonitae; a nautilus; a group of alated ostreae, sundry masses of shells, corals, and other marine subjects, &c. 8 A large parcel of fossil shells, echini, corals, and other petrifactions, in two boxes 9 An Egyptian pebble; a variolite; 3 jaspers, and 10 other silicious stones, polished 10 A mass of fossil shells, from Germany; a large fossil pecten, from Bath, and 2 ammonitae, 11 A large coal slate, filled with impressions of plants of the fern kind, from Lancashire 12 A large and fine fossil nautilus, from Sheepy Island, Kent 13 Flos ferri, from Steurmarck; stalactitical chalcedony, Cornwall; a red ore of cobalt; staurolite, Andreasberg; a zeolite, and 8 other minerals 14 A skeleton of a fish in white marble, from Oeningen; ditto, from Bohemia; another from Mount Carmel, one in black slate, Isleben; a fish's head, with pyrites, Sheepy Island, and a vertebra of a large fish 15 A large ball formed of the Florentine ruin marble, singularly figured 16 Hae,matites iron ore, Lancashire; 2 groups of crystals, France, and 12 other minerals 17 An ammonites, cut in two, France; a group of teredines, Sheepy Island; fragments of encrini in limestone; Dorsetshire, and a jasperified wood, Coberg, all polished 18 Sundry agate beads; a cut Egyptian pebble, for a cane-head, a marble for papers, &c. 19 Twenty-four various fossil shells, echini, corals, &c. some of them from France and Italy 20 A porphyry bowlder, from South Shore, Scarborough; laminated white marble, with black dendritae, Baden; a red marble with white sparry fragments of encrini in it, and 1 more 21 Fresh water spiral shells in lithomarga, Isle of Wight; 2 masses of shells in sand stone, Pierre en Laye, France; shells in chalcedony, Courtagnon; 6 other masses of shells; ramose corals in limestone, Derbyshire, and 1 more 22 An ammonites cut in two and polished, from Gloucestershire; casts of spiral shells in chert, from France; a group of serpula shells in limestone, and a fossil pectunculus 23 Various fossil shells, echini, crabs, and other petrifactions, English and Foreign 24 Native copper, Siberia; copper ore, ditto; crystallised staurolite. Andreasberg; white crystallised quartz, in a hollow flint, Mount Carmel; galena, with copper ore and spar, in stratula, Germany, and a singular artificial crystallisation of bismuth 25 A variety of fossil shells, corals, and other petrifactions 26 An alated oyster, with a serpulae, adhering to it, Oxfordshire; several fossil shells, from Italy; an ammonia, Furstenberg; 2 reticulated and several other corals, with various other petrifactions 27 Three jaspers, a chalcedony, 2 agates, 2 pudding stones, and a stalactites, polished 28 Twenty-eight varions fossil shells, corals, and groups of ditto, English, French and Italian 29 Twenty various minerals, from Silesia, Wales, and other parts 30 A variety of curious fossil shells, of different genera, from France and Italy 31 Crystallised tin ore, Cornwall; mammillated chalcedony, Iceland, and brown pitch stone, Hungary 32 A large fossil nautilus, from Sheepy Island 33 A singularly figured green asbestos, from Scotland; a septarium, from Dorsetshire; and crystallised spathose iron ore, on the surface of a large cubic fluor, from Durham 34 Pumice-stone-like iron ore of pallas; native copper and a copper ore, Siberia; copper ore, with cauk and pyrites, from Staffordshire, polished and 13 other minerals 35 Two boxes containing a variety of small fossil shells, echini, teeth, and other bones of fishes, corals, and other petrifactions 36 Various singular palates of fishes, from Kent, Oxfordshire and Somersetshire; sundry teeth and other bones of fishes, 3 crabs, from Ceylon; several impressions of serns and other plants in stones, 2 fossil nuts, rare, and other curious petrifactions 37 Five varieties of quicksilver ore, from Idria; striated marcasites, Hungary; antimony, from Tuscany; 2 crystallised vesuvians, and several other minerals 38 A large and fine plum-pudding stone, from Hartfordshire, polished 39 Various, fossil shells, echini, teeth, and vertebrae, of fishes, and other petrifactions 40 Nineteen cards, containing a variety of fossil shells, principally from France and Italy 41 Part of an elephant's tusk, diseased by being wounded with an iron ball, a polished section of an elephant's grinder tooth, both from the Cape of Good Hope; a large hair ball, from the stomach of a cow, another from the stomach of a horse, horns of a small African deer, patellae, of the back bone of a whale, and 3 more 42 Quartz, with shrub-like vitreous silver ore, Johangeorgenstadt; crystallised vesuvians, from Vesuvius, hammites, Gloucestershire; pointed spars, from Clausthall, in the Hartz; tabular baroselenite, ditto, and 9 other minerals 43 A large German agate, 2 lesser ditto, 4 jaspers, a granite. a porphyry, and 5 other polished stones 44 A curious and extremely scarce bivalve shell, imbedded in flint, from Wells, in Norfolk; a group of various shells, in limestone, Normandy, and two rare fossil echini 45 A mass of ammonia in a limestone bowlder, from the Shores of Yorkshire, cut in two and polished, a curious madrepore, with small stars, Derbyshire; and a fish in marble, Verona 46 Green jasper, from Spain; trap with kernels of zeolites, Germany; a variegated pebble, Palatinate; porphyry, Northumberland, and 5 more polished 47 Four belemnitae, from a chalk pit, in Kent; 2 ammonitae, Whitby; 5 others of the same genus, a fish from Papenheim; some crabs, Sheepy Island, and other petrifactions 48 Two boxes, containing a great variety of fossil shells, corals and other petrifactions 49 A small kangaroo, from New South Wales, in a glazed case 50 Twelve various petrifactions, including 2 ammonites, a smooth pecten, Bath, a trochites, &c. 51 Twenty-five curious fossil vegetables, consisting of polished specimens of jasperified wood, from Hungary, Bohemia and Turkey; 2 large nuts, Sheepy Island, some ferns, &c. 52 Cubic marcasites, in a green slate, Cumberland; arrow-head selenites, Monte Marte; a stratulated galena, with copper ore, Saxony; and 2 others 53 Two boxes, containing a variety of English flints, with corals and other zoophyte imbedded in them; and sundry fossil shells, from France 54 A large ridged ammonites, from a chalk pit, in Surry, and a group of the beaked oyster in limestone, the last from Dr. Woodward's collection 55 Three serpentine stones, an onachine chalcedony, 2 variolites, 2 porphyries, and 13 other filices, most of them polished 56 Two very fine groups of recent serpulae, shells, from the Coast of Sicily 57 Four polished pieces of jasperified fossil wood, one of them from Brescia; an iron stone, with a fern in it, Coalbrook Dale, and 2 pieces of coal slate, with ferns and other vegetables in them, from Lancashire 58 A tabulated mass of onachine chalcedonic quartz, octohedral galena, with spars and cauk, Leicestershire: blend with pearl spar and barytes, Cumberland, and 3 more 59 A belemnites in flint, Norfolk; a rhombus, Essex; a group of glycymerides, a large cardites, a balanus, an echinus in flint, a mass of shells, and 4 fossil corals 60 Calyptra corrugata, from St. Domingo, 2 of tellina striata, W. Indies; a pair of chersina vexillum, Surinam, and various other recent shells 61 Lapis Lazuli, from Persia; bloodstone, from Arabia; yellow agate, with quartz, Spain; jasper, from Livonia, and 5 others, polished 62 Nine various petrifactions, viz. A lampas, Derbyshire; section of a nautilus, Wiltshire; 2 scarce pectens, 2 balani adhering together, and 3 fine echini, one of them in flint 63 A group of red oysters and balani, from Guinea; a tuberculated ark, China; an ark with a gryphus adhering, and 3 other recent shells 64 Jet, from Norfolk; peacock coal, Brunswick; black haematites, from the mine of Mr. Demidow, in Siberia; a singular spar, Wales, a tabulated barytes and 7 more 65 A mammillated echinus, from Switzerland; a rare echinites, Malta; a light coloured siliceous wood, with open pores, Normandy; an hypocephalus, a vulsella, a neretoidea, Ronca; a group of cockscomb oysters, a pectunculus, France; and a palate of a fish, Kent 66 Soft elastic bitumen in limestone, Derbyshire; ditto, in chert, from the same county; crystallised amethyst, the crystals coated with cubic chalcedony, rare, on agate, Saxony; cubic marcasites in black slate, ditto, in marble, a stratulated galena, with white spar, and a stellated gypsum 67 Twenty-four polished specimen of marbles, and other beautiful stones 68 An ammonites, with its impression in argillaceous iron ore, Whitby; an ammonites, Germany; a group of ditto, Dorsetshire; marble with shells, from the Venetian State; a cardium in a bituminous slate, from Sky; and 6 other petrifactions 69 A very curious fossil fish of the flounder kind, in a yellow laminated marble, from Verona 70 Section of an ammonia, France, a scarce purpura, Italy; a studded hypocephalus, Dorsetshire; a turban echinus in flint, Kent; a crab, from Verona; a polished madrepore, and 2 polished specimens of fossil wood 71 A large garnet, Bohemia; galena, rich in silver, Freyberg; crystallised ditto, with baroselenite, and 2 other minerals 72 A very fine group of clear rock crystals, the columns variously modified, from Mount St. Gothard 73 Four curious and rare petrifactions, viz. a large turbinated shell, from Lugo; a large tellina, from Ronca; a meandritical madrepore, from Castel Gombeno, and another zoophyte 74 A mass of spiral, and other curious fossil shells, in a calcareous stone, from Courtagnon, and a flat piece of chert, filled with chalcedonic casts of various shells, also from France 75 An ore of arsenic, from Bohemia; chert, from Paris Mountain, Anglesey, found near the surface above the copper ore, crystallised Vesuvian of Werner, in green mica, Mount Vesuvius; red copper ore, with malachite, Siberia, and 2 more 76 Head of a fish, in clay, Sheepy Island; bones of another fish, in like clay, from ditto: a lobster, ditto; 2 sections of a fossil grinder of an elephant, polished and bones in spar, Gibraltar. 77 A great variety of curious small fossil shells and corals, from France and Italy 78 Six polished granites, porphyries, and other curious stones, from the Adige, and other places in Italy 79 Madrepora annulata, E. Indies; 2 of madrepora areolata, a tubipora musica, 2 singular sponges, and 5 other zoophytes 80 Great part of the skeleton of a long fish, in a blueish black slate, from Italy 81 Various fossil shells of the ammonia, lampas, pecten, ostrea, and other genera, some corals, echini, &c. 82 Native silver in small particles, and streaks in a black stone, Annaberg; short in quartz, from Giglio; rich native oxyde of quicksilver, Idria; a specimen of plumbago, a steatites, opal in the matrix, Hungary, and crystallised iron ore, with rock crystals, Elbe 83 A great variety of recent shells of different genera 84 Fourteen various masses of shells, corals, and other remains of marine animals, from Dorsetshire, Worcestershire, Italy, &c. and a recent petrifaction from the Dutch Coast 85 White marble, from Paros; yellow marble, Sienna; jasper marble, Sicily; 6 Devonshire marbles; landscape marble, Bristol; green marble, Egypt, and 2 more 86 A scarce ammonia with undulated cells filled with limestone, a madrepore, a belemnites, with fragments of other marine bodies in calcareous grit, Maestricht; and a mass of small fossil nummular corals 87 A large and fine variolite, from Malvern Hills, Worceltershire; and a beautiful German agate, both, polished. 88 The great coxscomb oyster, with a madrepore adhering to it, from the Friendly Islands 89 A large block of German agate, two jaspers and 3 granites 90 An ostrea from the Venetian State; glycimeris and a cardium, Transylvania; a group of balani, Italy; 3 other fossil shells, a group of ditto, from Petworth; an echinus galeatus in flint, Norfolk, and an angulated fossil madrepore 91 Madrepora sinuosa and labyrinthica, the broad and sharp-ridged brain corals, from Barbadoes; 2 other madrepores, a tubipora musica, and a red coral on its native rock 92 Part of a curious fish of the plaise kind, with polished quadrangular scales in a grey argillaceous stone, from the Cliffs, near Weymouth 93 Three varieties of serpentine stone, a prismatic feldspar, and an hebraic granite, all from Scotland; amazon stone, Siberia; serpentine stone, from ditto; brown granite, from Elbe, and a foreign amigdaloid 94 A great variety of small recent shells of different families 95 Two polished sections of madrepores, from the Venetian State; a polished piece of fossil wood, and a group of small cockscomb oysters 96 Two ammonia, cut in two and polished, a large echinated pecten, an alated oyster, Oxfordshire; part of the skeleton of a fish in marble, from Oeningen, and 2 more 97 A large oval slab of ferruginous shelly marble, from Germany, polished 98 A variety of dentalia, Terebrae; balani, some bivalves, and other fossil shells, from Italy, France, &c. 99 A large specimen of malachites copper ore, from Siberia 100 A variety of fossil vegetables, consisting of several species of jasperified fossil wood; impressions of ferns and other plants, in slate and iron stone, a cone, some fruit stones, &c. 101 Sixteen polished specimens of marble, from Devonshire, labelled 102 A large knobbed fossil shell, of the clava genus, from France, rare 103 A numerous assortment of small fossil shells, of the ammonia, purpura, lampas, and other genera joints of encrini, echini, or parts of ditto, corals, &c. chiefly from Switzerland 104 A group of four fishes on a leaf, carved in red opake amber, and two specimens of clear amber 105 Magnetick iron sand, from the Lake Balaton; some bezoar minerale, slalagmitae, pea iron ore, Basle; garnets in the matrix, and various other minerals 106 A fossil fish in a laminated marble, with the counter part, from Florence; and another with the scales pyritified in a black slate, from lsleben 107 Honeycomb septarium, composed of rotten stone, and crystal sceptae, from Durham; and a sparry septarium, Dorsetshire 108 Balanus of the common whale, ditto of the sperma ceti whale, 2 studded helmets, a fool's cap limpet, and fundry other recent shells 109 An echinus galeatas in flint, Kent; an echinus cordatus in chalk, Sorry; an echinus clypeatus, Oxfordshire; 3 pectens, a glycymeris, and 4 other fossil shells, 3 madrepores, and a polished specimen of fossil wood 110 Various smaragdine stones, 9 feal stones, an ancient crystal speculum, a mamillated chalcedony, 2 oriental agates, &c. 111 Lenticular iron ore, Elbe; coloured crystallised iron ore, ditto; native copper, Cornwall; sattin-like stellated carbonate of copper Moldova; 2 of white spathose lead ore, a basaltes, and a shorl 112 A small echinus, with several of its spines in chalk, a quadrangular palate of a fish, and a conic echinus in flint, from Kent; 2 other echini, a Dorsetshi e ammonites, and 3 more 113 Six polished granites, &c. from the Venetian State 114 Various univalve and bivalve shells, in grey and white chert, from Duval near Soissons, out of the Calonnian collection, and a ferruginous limestone, replete with bivalve shells 115 A box of rose shells, 2 of tulip tellens, 1 of scarlet gryphi, and 1 of small arcae, for shell work 116 A variety of curious fossil shells, from France and Italy 117 Stalactitical chalcedony, Iceland; native copper, Siberia; 2 copper ores, from ditto; needle manganese, menau a stalactitical group of rock crystals, Hungary; hammites, Rutlandshire; green actinolite, Tyrol, and 8 more 118 A scarce long fossil oyster, from Dauphiny 119 Seventeen various shelly, and other marbles, and a specimen of toad stone, polished 120 A very curious fossil fish of the flounder shape, having large scales, in a grey calcareous stone, with the counterpart 121 Rhombic spats within fossil echini, from the chalkpits in Hartfordshire; compact red copper ore, with green carbonate of copper, Siberia; coloured foliated iron ore, Elbe; three rock crystals, one of them having additional angles to the usual number, and a double pyramid, and 2-more 122 Two small spondyli, various pyrae, terebrae, physeteres, and other fossil shells and corals, from Italy, and France 123 Finely coloured iron ore in lenticular crystals, Elbe; malachites copper ore, Siberia; manganese, from Ilfeld; and rhombic zeolites, with mammillated spars, Hartz 124 Fifty-three cards, containing a great variety of curious small fossil shells, of the patella, oliva, pyrum, buccinum, and other genera, asteriae, corals, &c. chiefly from France and Italy 125 A series of 56 English, German and Italian marbles, uniform in size, polished 126 A pyritical ammonites, from Brunswick, cut in two and polished; 2 spiked rhombi, 2 musics, and a scarce neretoidea, from France; a cone, from Piedmont, and a rare echinus 127 Seven Roman tiles, a large ditto, found near South-Bourn, Suffex; a large piece of Roman earthen ware, with the surface undulated, an earthen water course, and various other subjects of antiquity 128 A set of casts from Dassier's Roman medals, with their reverse, each inclosed in gilt paper borders, and a like set of casts from Dassier's Kings of France, with the reverses, bordered in the like manner, in all 250 129 A turban echinus in chalk, Kent; 2 echini galeati, ditto; section of a pyritical ammonites, Germany; several other fossil shell, corals, &c. 130 Two boxes, including a great variety of small shells, of different kinds, sorted 131 Bubbled chalcedony, on a bituminous stone, from Dauphiny, and crystallized zeolyte, from Andreasberg 132 Two curious fossil fish, in laminated marble, from Germany; one ditto, Bohemia, and a fossil fish, in black slate, from Italy 133 Eleven various granite, porphyries, and basaltes, from Italy, all but one polished 134 Twenty-four specimens of crystallised quartz, fluor, cinnabar, galena, and other minerals 135 A great variety of fossil shells, echini, bones, and other petrifactions, in 2 boxes 136 Zeolites, from Ferro; calcareous spar, Derbyshire; antimony, Hungary; and a crystalised quartz Fifth Day's Sale. WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1800. SHELLS, MINERALS, &c. 1 RED stalactitical chalcedony, Spain; red haematites iron ore, Lancashire; crystalised carbonate of lead, France; iron ore, Italy, and 3 other minerals 2 A variety of fossil shells, echini, and other petrifactions, some of them in chalk, from Kent and Surry 3 Half of a red porphyry bowlder, from the Adige; a grey Italian granite, and a Scotch serpentine stone, all polished 4 A parcel of belemnitae, from Switzerland, and various other fossil shells, from the same country, Italy, &c. 5 Various fossil shells, from Italy and France, some English belemnitae, volutae, echini, &c. and a fossil crab, from Ceylon 6 A plant in iron stone, from Coalbrook Date; ferns in coal slate, Somersetshire; 3 specimens of fossil wood, polished, and 3 pieces of jet 7 Micaceous iron ore, Devonshire; foliated native copper, Siberia; red copper ore, ditto; 2 of crystalised vesuvian, from Mount Vesuvius; granitae, St. Gothard, and several other 8 A cylindrical flint cut in two, and a jasper, from Italy; a pudding stone, Harts; a floor, Derbyshire, and an Egyptian pebble, all polished 9 A smooth pecten, Bath; 2 oysters, a belemnites, 3 masses of fossil shells, and a ramose madrepore 10 A numerous affortment of small fossil shells; echini, corals, parts of encrini, and other petrifactions 11 A fossil fish in a white laminated marble, France; another in like stone, from Verona, and 2 others in black slate, from Isleben 12 Richly coloured crystallised amethysts, in a hollow agate, from the Palatinate; a singular stalactitical spar; a specimen of wolfram in mica, and a fine red argill 13 Sundry fossil shells of the ammonia, clava, belemnos, purpura, and other genera; some echini, corals, teeth of fishes, and other petrifactions 14 Eight various Italian granites, porphyries, &c. polished 15 Various fossil shells, echini, corals, and other petrifactions, some of them in chalk 16 Two ammonitae, an alatus, and a fossil bivalve shell, an echinus, and a polished specimen of fossil wood 17 Eighteen various limestones replete with fossil shells, an oyster, and an echinus 18 An argillaceous iron ore; 2 pyritae, and 9 other minerals 19 A large shell of the volsella genus, Turin; an indented oyster, France, and 3 casts in plaster of rare fossil shells 20 An ammonites, cut in two, and polished bones of the head of a fish in clay, Sheepy Island; an anthropomorphos, in limestone, Wales; a pecten in freestone, and 2 other fossil shells 21 Shirl in mica, Vesuvius; shells agglutinated by iron ore, a selenites, and 9 other minerals 22 Thirty-six varieties of serpentine stone, from Saxony 23 A group of oysters, a large echinus galeatus, a fossil nautilus, exhibiting the fiphunculus, part of a lobster, some spines of echini in chalk, and 9 other petrifactions 24 A large piece of coal slate, with a fine impression of a fern, and other vegetables in it, Lancashire 25 A nautilus, several echini, a spined pecten, a polished piece of fossil wood, and various other petrifactions 26 Topazine cubic floors, Derbyshire; tin ore, Cornwall; lapis atramentarius, Bareith; an amygdaloid, with agates, from Kinnoul, near Perth, and 4 other minerals 27 Section of an ammonites, from Whitby; various hypocephali in a calcareous stone, Oxfordshire; 2 fish in laminated marble, and 3 more 28 Ten curious fossil madrepores in chert and limestone, all polished and labelled 29 Toad stone, Derbyshire; a variegated pebbl, Hartfordshire; an oriental onyx, pyed jasper, Tynemouth; a spotted quartz ore bowlder, Staffordshire; 3 German agates, and 5 more, some of them polished 30 Cast of a bulla, in limestone, Bruffells: an alatus, from Ronca; a pectunculus; a spondylus; a cardium; a terebrae, and 3 other fossil shells, black marble with shells, Wales; a chalcedonic madrepore, and 2 anthropomorphi 31 Various neritoideae, lampades, and other fossil shells; a ramose coral in flint, several other fossil zoophyte, &c. in 18 cards 32 Coloured haematites iron ore, from Hungary, and a group of lenticular spars 33 Calamine, from Wales; red gypsum, Scotland; steel grained galena; phosphate of lead and copper ore, Siberia; native sulphur, Mount Vesuvius; red haematites iron ore, Lancashire, and 5 other minerals 34 Eleven various granites, whyn stone, bafaltes and lava, from Italy, polished and labelled 35 Parts of two quadrangular, and 3 hexagonal columns of basaltes, four of them polished, from Italy 36 Two ammonitae; an indented oyster; a pectunculus; a lamp bivalve; 2 pectens; a scarce double shell in marble; a turban echinus in flint; and an echinus clypeatus 37 Five specimens of native oxyde of quicksilver and cinnabar, from Idria; iron ore; 2 granites, one of them having shorl in it, and a dendritical quartz, from Giglio; another iron ore, and 2 vesuvians 38 Striped brown cauk, Derbyshire; 4 German agates; 2 variolites; a pudding stone, and a serpentine stone, all polished 39 Sundry terrestial and other small shells, chiefly from Italy 40 A variety of fossil shells, corals, &c. some of them from Italy; a crab, Sheepy Island; and the spine of an echinus, in chalk, Kent 41 A portion of the middle part of a very large septarium, finely enriched with brown spars, crystallised in small rhombs, from the Cliffs, near Weymouth 42 A mass of serpula shells; a congeries of fresh water shells, in a white calcareous stone, France; a madrepore, with large stars; a polished piece of fossil wood; bones in spar, Gibraltar, and an ammonites, Germany 43 Various recent shells of the tellina, mya, alatus, voluta, and other genera 44 Polished variegated cauk, Derbyshire; white fibrous amianthus, Dannemora, Sweden; cubic marcasites on black slate, Dublin; a chrystallised vesuvian, and 11 other minerals 45 Crystallised resin blend, with rock crystals, Kapnick; a malichites copper ore; yellow cubic floors, on spathose iron ore, Durham; and a coloured marcasite, Cornwall 46 One valve of a spondylus, from Meldola, and 2 large fossil pectens 47 Veined red and white chalcedony, from Deuxponts; hebraique granite, Scotland; a red manganese; a German marble, and 4 others, all polished 48 Crystallised native copper in spar, Siberia; and a fine specimen of bright green carbonate of copper, in delicate fibrous crystals, from Moldova, in the Bannat 49 A large specimen, part of a bowlder of red granite, from the Brenta; and a portion of an hexagonal column of basalres, from a mountain near Valdagno, Italy 50 A scarce trochites, Italy; 2 masses of fossil shells, France, and a polished jasperified wood 51 Twenty-four uniform specimens of marbles, chiesly from Germany, polished 52 Various musics, screws, tusks, pears, and other fossil shells, chiefly from Italy and France 53 Three specimens of native oxyde of quicksilver, from Idria; red native oxyde of lead, Siberia, rare, and an iron ore 54 Two fine specimens of gum copal, with insects inclosed, from the E. Indies, polished. 55 An aculeated rhombus, a large patella, a singular nerites, and 3 other fossil shells, France; 2 angulated pectens, on chalk, Kent, and part of a mammillated echinus, Switzerland 56 Nine various land tortoise shells 57 Four curious fossil shells, viz. an indented oyster, from Normandy; a scarce large trapezium, from Verona; a spondylus, France, and a large spiral snail 58 A trochus, 2 screws, 4 clubs, and a neretoidea, from France; several ammoniae, 2 vortices, and other fossil shells, some fossil, corals, and other petrisactions 59 A large slab of ammonia marble, veined with spar, from Dorsetshire 60 Wolfram in quartz, Cornwall; coloured galena, Derbyshire; yellow copper ore, rock crystals, Hungary; a plated baroselenite, and 4 other minerals 61 Twenty-four polished jaspers, granites, pebbles, chalcedonies, porphyries, &c. chiefly from Italy 62 Twenty-one cards, containing sundry curious fossil shells, of the dentalium, oliva, tellina, cardium, lampas, and other genera, chiefly from France and Italy 63 A madrepore, from Loraine; 2 siliceous zoophyte, Italy, and another foreign fossil coral 64 A group of balani, another, having the teeth, both from the East Indies; 2 clusters of cornucopiae, protifera, Norway; a leopard cone, a harp, a plough alatus, and 5 other recent shells 65 A blue granite, from Calabria; 3 dendritical marbles, from Baden; one with an inscription in German etched on it, from the vicinity of Augsburg, and another veined like agate 66 Brown pitch stone, Hungary; red rock crystals, with pearl spar, &c. ditto; native copper, Siberia; malachites copper ore, ditto; yellow rhombic spars, on crystallised amethysts, within a hollow agate, Palatinate, and white silky amianthus, from the Pyrenees 67 A mass of fossil shells in chert, from France; a madrepore, from Loraine; the cone in cone, and another fossil coral, and 2 other petrifactions 68 Two beaked oysters, 3 pectens in a calcareous grit, Maestricht; 6 various lampades, 4 corals, and 6 other petrifactions 69 Nine small agate boxes, from Germany 70 A fish, in marble, from Verona; an extended anthropomorphos, from Dudley; impressions of 2 ditto in limestone, Wales; a green jasperified wood, Hungary; a ramose madrepore, Switzerland, and 3 other petrifactions 71 A set of 41 polished specimens of marbles, from Germany, Switzerland, France, and Italy, nearly uniform in size 72 Part of a large valve of a curious fossil shell, of the vulsella genus, from the vicinity of Turin, and a mass of nummi diaboli, presumed to be fossil corals, from Italy 73 Four purporae, Italy; several lampades, 3 ostrae, Odiham; an astroites, Loraine, and various other corals, shells, &c. 74 Two coal slates, with many-leaved and other plants in them, from St. Jean de Valeriscle, in the diocese of d'Uzés, in Languedoc; 2 laminated calcareous stones, having singular plants in them, from Italy; and 3 other fossil vegetables 75 Sundry olivae, triplices, rhombi, balani, and other curious small fossil shells, echini, &c. some of them from France 76 Sections of 2 fossil shells, from Italy, polished; a fossil wood, from Brescia, also polished; and another siliceous wood, from Coberg 77 Various ores and other minerals, among which are 5 varieties of haematites, an arenaceous iron ore, 2 green carbonates of copper, a geodes, &c. 78 Two large polished specimens, different varieties of black marble, with shells of the lampas genus imbedded in, it, from Kilkenny; and a tortoiseshell septarium, Dorsetshire 79 Part of a rare mammillated echinus, with several of its spines in chalk, Kent; a scarce echinites, an uncommon vertebra of a fish, Sheepy Island; an oyster, from the environs of Montpelier, and 4 other petrifactions 80 A fool's cap cockle, Mediterranean; the great brown English clam, 2 groups of balani, E. Indies; a bull's mouth helmet, and 4 other recent shells 81 The tail part, having a long termination, of a curious kind of anthropomorphos in fuller's earth, another species of the same genus, rolled up, from Dudley; 2 patellae, 8 lampades, a small spondylus, a glycymeris, several other fossil shells, 3 opercula of shells, a scarce crab, 3 echini, and other curious petrifactions 82 Sixteen various jaspers, porphyries, Egyptian pebbles, and other siliceous stones, all polished 83 Crystallised iron ore, formed in columns like a basaltes; from Ossegg, in Bohemia, rare, and a large garnet of 12 sides, from the same country 84 The cone in cone coral, from Asnford, in Derbyshire; a polished longitudinal section of another specimen, with some fossil shells adjoining it, from ditto; and a polished piece of variegated jaspery marble, from, Italy 85 Two marbles, from Philadelphia; white ditto, Scotland; 2 of statuary marble, 12 other marbles, and 2 Scotch serpentine stones 86 Three varieties of rock crystals, one with chlorite, from the Alps; one with prismatic colours, Catharinenberg, Siberia, and one with singular internal appearances, Brasil 87 Ten various petrifactions, viz. a large neretoidea, from Italy; 2 bivalve shells, France; an echinus placenta, Schio; another Italian echinus; an echinus pileatus, in flint, Kent; a vertebrae, of a fish with serpulae, shells on it, and three madrepores 88 A group of serpulae, on wood, perforated by teredines, New Zealand; the great cockscomb oyster, Friendly Isles, and a large balanus on a mussel, Falkland Islands 89 A scarce tuberculated ammonites, section of another ammonites, an indented oyster, 3 opercula of shells, 2 echini, and several other petrifactions 90 A fossil madrepore, and part of a long oyster, from the Venetian State, and a longitudinal section of a piece of siliceous wood, from Saxony, all polished 91 Red jaspery crystallised quartz in agate, Palatinate; asbestos, with black mica, and yellow copper ore, stalactitical chalcedony in chert, & 3 other minerals 92 Nineteen various fossils, shells, corals, and other petrifactions 93 Part of a valve of a scarce vulsella, from Italy; one valve of a large glycymeris, ditto; an extended anthropomorphos, in limestone, Wales; a large balanus, and a flint with fragments of shells in it 94 Six curious dendritical marbles, from Baden, polished 95 Twenty-five cards, including a variety of curious fossil shells of the patella, bulla, cassida; and other genera, chiefly from France 96 Two curious fossil zoophyte, allied to the funnel-shaped sponge, saturated with flint, from Italy 97 The ramified head, with part of the stem of a curious and rare fossil, encrinus, a mass of shells of the orthoceros genus, in limestone, a spondylus, an echinus pileatus in flint, a mammillated echinus, and a polished piece of jasperified wood 98 Striped heliotropium, from Arabia; a German amethystine agate, 2 singular flints, Norfolk; a scarce pudding stone, a brecciated marble, and 3 other curious silices, polished 99 An agatified and another ammonites, a tellen, a purpura, and 2 other fossil shells, part of a scarce anthromorphos, a mammillated echinus, and a scarce coral, allied to the recent madrepora areolata 100 Two eels, and another curious fossil fish, in laminated white and yellow marbles, from Verona 101 A rare crystal of quartz, consisting of 2 hexagonal pyramids, without an intervening column, 5 small group of octahedral pyritae; blue copper ore, Siberia; brown barites, Surry; basaltine crystals in lava, Vesuvius, and 6 more 102 A scarce echinus, from Malta; a large pectunculites, Antiqua; wood, perforated by large teredines, Sheepy Island, polished, and 2 other fossil shells 103 A large harp-like voluta, from France, a ferruginous echinus, ditto; 2 fig sponges filled with chert, Italy; 2 echini adhering to flints, English; a mass of nummular corals, Brussells; another, France; and 4 other petrifactions 104 A mass of small branched milliporae, in chert, from Soissons; spiral and other shells in chert, Monte Marte, 2 other masses of shells, from France; a large pecten, Italy, and a madrepore, ditto 105 Stellated gypsum, somewhat analogous to that of Sheepy Island, on a black slate, from Angiers, in France; a polished amianthus, Aberdeenshire; a porphyry, Scotland, and a more 106 A variety of curious small fossil shells, of the bulla, dentalium, patella, cypraea, and other genera, from France and Italy, some of them rare 107 Fibrous carbonate of lead, from Ziller shall; cinnabar, Palatinate; jasper, from Santa Cruz; crystallized white spathose lead ore, Scotland; zeolites, Sky, and 9 other minerals 108 A large piece of limestone, filled with shells, and having also in it several vertebrae, and other bones of a large animal of the lacerta genus, from the neighbourhood of Bath, rare 109 A large fossil glycymeris, from Italy; and a cast from a large rare fossil oyster, from France 110 Two fluors, one of them mixed with galena, Derbyshire; a mine stone with copper pyrites, English, and a Devonshire marble 111 Various fossil shells of the conus, rhombus, cassida, clava, ammonia, and other genera, 2 echini, a group of bottle-shaped spines of echini, and 2 palates of fish, in chalk 112 A thin round slab of red, and another of grey porphyry, from Italy, polished 113 Various fossil shells, of the ammonia, apiculum, arca, lampas, pectunculus, and other genera, some mamillated and other echini, &c. 114 A yellow jasper, 6 variegated agates, from Germany; and 2 other polished silices 115 A fine ammonoidea, a large straight hinged lamp bivalve, a singular oyster, a group of ammonia, a fossil madrepore, and a polished piece of fossil wood 116 A collection of too different kinds of small seeds, neatly placed in square compartments in a gilt frame, glazed, done by J. P. Ettingshaussen, gardener to the Duke de Chartres, from the Calonnian collection 117 Fifteen beautiful polished agates, jaspers, and other filiceous stones, and a Chinese steatites 118 A very fine madrepore sinuosa, or broad-ridged brain coral, from the West Indies, on a gilt stand, from the Calonnian collection 119 A scarce circulary ridged pecten, from France; a deeply indented oyster, Brunswick, 2 other fossil shells, part of a mammillated echinus, with 4 of its spines in chalk, Kent; and a fossil coral, Italy 120 An indurated clay, penetrated by blue carbonate of copper, Siberia; clear opal in the matrix, Cservenitza, Hungary; 3 siliceous crystallisations, and 2 more 121 The claw and tail of a lobster, and a crab, from Sheepy Island; 5 echini, 2 fossil coral, and 5 other petrifactions 122 A book, and 2 small dishes, formed of serpentine stone, a small salver of Egyptian pebble, the lid of an agate snuff box, and a marble ball 123 Lapis suillus, Italy; bitumen and spar, Derbyshire; jet, from Whitby; crystallised vesuvian, from Vesuvius; zeolites, Sky; a trap, a specimen of pitch stone, and 21 other minerals 124 Native copper, Siberia; blue and green carbonate of copper ditto; chalcedony, with copper ore, Cornwall, rare, yellow heavy spar, Surry, and spar, &c. Leicestershire 125 Six large granites and porphyries, from Italy, labelled, and polished 126 A large nautilus pompilius, uncoated and polished, from China PRINTS OF NATURAL HISTORY, &c. 127 A thin folio, containing 64 impressions of the upper and under sides of the leaves of trees, and other plants, chiefly American, coloured to nature, with MSS. accounts of each, some printed papers relating to gardening, and various prints of botanical subjects 128 Seventeen large folio coloured drawings of plants, finely executed, and a lesser drawing of a plant 129 A parcel of prints and drawings of Natural History 130 Ditto MINERALS, PETRIFACTIONS, &c. 131 Two boxes containing a variety fossil shells, echini and other fossil marine subjects 132 Foliated iron ore, Elbe; capillary native silver in a baroselenite, Hartz; cubic sluors, with an opaline surface, a chalcedony, and 2 more 133 Grey marble, with corals, from Whitwood Forest, Oxfordshire; grey marble, with shells, Parbeck; 2 other marbles, and a large plum pudding stone 134 An ammonites, from Dorsetshire, cut in two and polished, an alated oyster, Oxfordshire; marble with bones, from Dalmatia; a compressed fungites, from Arbigland, and 2 specimens of polished fossil wood 135 Cryftallised native oxyde of tin, from Cornwall; cinnabar, from the Palatinate, white quartz, from Snowdon; white quartz, with black dendritae, on the surface, a rhomboidal zeolite, a mass of tourmaline, and 2 more Sixth Day's Sale. THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1800. SHELLS, MINERALS, &c. 1 A BOX containing a great variety of small shells, chiefly from the English Coast 2 Crystallised blend, with blend spars, Cumberland; dog tooth spars, with blend on red cauk, Leicestershire; crystallised tin ore, Cornwall, and three more 3 A curious undulated limestone, an iron ore, a stellated gypsum, a foreign coal, and 2 other minerals 4 Plumose mica, Spain; 3 portions of septaria, one with a stellated gypsum on it, Sheepy Island; tin ore, Cornwall; rock crystals, with pyrites, ditto; pyrites, Goslar, an amygdaloid, and 6 other 5 A tabular representation of strata in Derbyshire and Staffordshire, with printed and MSS. account thereof, a small hexagonal tablet, inlaid with Derbyshire fluors, and a Spanish alabaster, all polished 6 Sundry belemnitae, 2 reverse rhombi and several other fossil shells, some echini, a tooth of large shark, and other petrifactions 7 Iron ore, Boness; copper and iron ore, Siberia; native oxide of copper ore, Cornwall; agate, from Italy, and 18 other various minerals 8 Precipitated copper, from Paris Mountain, Anglesey; an Oriental onyx, iron ore, Siberia; crystallised zeolite, Sky; lenticular spars, Hartz; and 3 more 9 A mammillated stalactitical spar, parts of 2 septaria, and a rock crystal, all polished 10 Three pieces of elephant's grinder, a fish in laminated marble, section of an ammonites, 4 masses of fossil marine subjects, and a piece of fossil wood 11 Coloured copper ore, with rock crystals, Hungary; leuzit, or white garnets, Vesuvius; amethystine rock crystals, Schemnitz; and a curious artificial crystallization of Bismuth 12 Three variolites, from Worcestershire; 3 German agate, a Siberian red jasper, red granite, Seeland; a jasperified fossil wood, and 3 others, all polished 13 A large German agate; brecciated, or broken agate, from Brunswick; a red chalcedony, a phacolithas, from Asola; and a red limestone, with fragments of encrini in it 14 A large piece of jasperified fossil wood, from Coberg; fossil wood, turned to jet, and a large piece of coal, with impressions of vegetables 15 Nineteen various granites, porphyres, jasper, pudding stones, trap, &c. some of them polished 16 Impression of anthropomorphos, in limestone, from Wales; 2 sections of ammonitae, a polished piece of fossil wood, and 3 others 17 A small cardium aculeatum; 3 groups of balani, a small pecten, Norway; and a great variety of other shells 18 Twelve various porphyries, granites, pudding stone, jasper, &c. polished 19 Sundry recent shells, of the chersina, alatus, cassida, tellina, and other genera 20 Yellow spars, from Derbyshire; a mamillated spar with white and ferruginous pearl spar, Hungary; a granite, with shorl, pyrites, with cauk and spar, Ecton Mine, and 2 septaria 21 A fossil crab, from Verona, 3 othes, from Sheepy Island; an encrinus, from Brunswick; 2 corals, 2 groups of balani, and 3 more 22 A large pyritical ammonites, cut in two, Germany; a funnel shaped sponge, saturated with flint, Italy; 2 large fossil distaff shells, Hants; and a fossil oyster 23 A striped green and black, and 4 other Italian jaspers, a jaspachates, a granite, and 2 pudding stones, all polished 24 Various fossil shells, corals, and other petrifactions, English, Swiss and Italian 25 A cellular lava, having some of its cavities lined with a mamillated chalcedony-like vitrification, from Italy; shorl in mica, Tyrol, and a globular spar, from Carlsbad 26 Three coal slates, with impressions of ferns, and other plants in them 27 Various fossil shells of the rana, triplex, patella, turris, mitra, and other genera, mostly from France and Italy 28 Native copper, Siberia; white amianthus, Tyrol; asbestos, Scotland; garnets in mica, ditto; cinnabar, Idria, and 5 other minerals 29 A ramose coral in limestone, Derbyshire; a tubipora and another coral, from ditto, and a madrepore, and another fossil zoophyte, from Italy 30 Two ammonitae in yellow marble, from Papenheim; a mytilus, a scarce purpura, Piedmont, and various other petrifactions 31 Sundry fossil shells of the ammonia, arca, lampas, osstrea, trochus, buccinum, and other genera, some echini, corals, &c. English and Foreign 32 Hebraic granite, Scotland, zeolites, Iceland, violet spar, Saxony; and 3 other minerals 33 Three madrepores, one of them polished, a mass of corals, &c. Dudley; a group of nummular corals, a large lamp cockle, Derbyshire, and 6 other petrifactions 34 A broken agate, 2 porphyries, 3 pudding stones, and 16 other polished silices, &c. 35 A fine strombites, a pecten, Wales; 2 madrepores, and 9 other petrifactions 36 A series of 115 small specimens of marble, alabaster, and other calcarea, nearly uniform in size 37 Three fossil corals, a singular lamp cockle, a mass of ditto, an oyster, and 2 other petrifactions 38 Octahedral pyrites, among rock crystals, Cornwall; a rare serpentine stone, zeolite, a white chalcedony, and 5 more 39 A smooth pecten, from Bath; another large fossil bivalve shell, from Italy, and 2 large ammonitae, 40 Twenty-four laminated calcareous stones, with impressions of leaves of uncommon fossil plants in them from Oeningen, near the Lake of Constance 41 A large bear's paw clamp, an alatus, gigas, and a tun shell 42 Pisolithus, or pease-stone, from Carlsbad; brown stalactitical spar, ditto; green and brown asbestos, Aberdeenshire; a hollow agate ball, lined with crystallised amethysts, Palatinate; native copper, Siberia, and garnets, with mica, feldspar, &c. 43 Stalactitical haematites iron ore, from Csetneck, Hungary; and a tabulated baroselenite, from Iberga, Hartz 44 A variety of small fossil shells, echini, parts of asteriae, and encrini, madrepores, &c. chiefly English 45 A scarce porphyry, a transverse section of a large white stalactitical spar, and an East-India granite, all polished 46 Coloured stalactitical haematites iron ore, from Triers, and truncated hexagonal spars, from the Hartz 47 Two large beaded clubs, 3 towers, 2 rhombi, 8 other fossil shells, and a fossil coral 48 A fine cluster of crystallised amethysts, within a hollow agate, from the Palatinate 49 A striped jasper, from Lipari, calcareous stone, from the Archipelago; red spar, from Trieste; a haematites iron ore, and 2 more 50 An anthropomorphos, from Wales; 2 small echini galeati in flint, a tubipora, Derbyshire, and a nautilus, from Sheepy Island 51 Part of a large rock crystal, with shorl, inclosed, two varieties of native oxide of lead, in quartz, from Siberia; brown calamine, from Derbyshire; cinnabar, Idria, and native oxide of quicksilver, ditto; See 8th Day, lot 92. 52 A large ammonites, cut in two and polished, discovering the chambers to be filled with brown and yellow spar, from Somersetshire 53 Granite, from the Krega Torrent, near Asolano, Italy; an undulated granite, or red jasper and a grey variegated marble, the last from Cat Down, near Plymouth 54 Pyritical iron ore, which has been formed within an echinus, galeatus, the shell of which is decomposed and gone, from Sussex; mica, from Siberia; obsidian, Hecla; stalactitical chalcedony, Iceland, and a curious sparry deposition 55 Three curious fossil fish, in yellow laminated marble, one of them having the counterpart, from Verona 56 A large oyster, with 2 balani and a madrepore on it, and a mass of univalve and bivalve shells, in chert, from Meri, in France 57 A small mortar, formed of a black marble, with white ramose corals imbedded in it, very beautiful 58 Various shells of the alatus, clava, rhombus, and other genera, chiefly from Ronca, and other places in Italy 59 Small prismatic selenitae, in a red saline stone, from ; white talc, from Venice; coloured foliated iron ore, Elbe; amianthus in quartz, from the Alps; and an iron ore with beryl, Sweden 60 A mass of vortices in lithomarga, in the Isle of Wight; a nautilus, Sheepy Island, cut in two; two scarce beaked oysters, France; a pecten in calcaccous grit, Maestricht, and 7 other petrifactions 61 Section of a large septarium, consisting of a light brown argillaceous iron ore, beautifully veined with white spar, from Carron, in North Britain 62 A great variety of small fossil shells, joints, and other portions of encrini; corals, and other petrifactions, chiefly from Switzerland 63 Eleven curious varieties of serpentine stones, three red marbles, spotted with green actinolite, and a granite, from Scotland; and a brocade marble, Spain 64 A cockscomb oyster, from Normandy; three beaked oysters, from Furstenberg, and various other fossil shells, echini, and corals, English, Swiss, French, &c. 65 A stalactitical spar, the surface of which is crystallised in rhombs, ramose calamine on crystallised quartz! crystallised pearl spar, Cremnitz, Hungary; and a crystallised quartz with pyrites &c. Hartz 66 A polished madiepore with large stars, Italy; a sponge-like fossil zoophite, ditto; a mass of chalcedonic casts of spiral shells, in chert, France; and various parts of the anjuland stems of fossil encrini in limestone, Dorsetshire 67 An iron ore, half of a cylindrical flint, a brecciated jasper, 2 granites, one of them with garnets, and 5 other stones, &c. from Italy, polished 68 Various species of zoophryte, of the madrepore and millepore, genera, and a sucus on a flint. 69 Granite with a large christal of feldspar, from Auvergne; tourmalines in mica, Tyrol; cobalt, from Schneeberg; black shorl in a grey mica, Spain; fasciculated talc, Scotland, &c. 70 A gypseous stone with bones in it, very rare, from Monte Marte, and bones of a fish's head, with some of the vertebrae, in a hardened clay, from Sheepy Island 71 Coloured foliated iron ore, from Framont; yellow semi opal, from Hungary; and tourmalins in chlorite, Tyrol 72 Cone in cone coral (or stalactites) united to a brown shelly marble, from Wingerworth, Derbyshire; bones of quadrupeds in a red spar, Corfu; and a curious sponge, filled with, flint, Italy 73 Two beautiful specimens of labradore, polished 74 A large leaf of an aquatic plant in an iron stone nodule, from Coalbrook Dale; a long-leaved sern in like stone, from the same place; a graminous plant in a laminated calcareous stone, Italy; wood with pyrites on it, and 6 other fossil vegetables 75 Tridacna elongata, or long clamp shell, from Madagascar. Out of the Calo ian Collection 76 Various ammonitae, a cone, one valve of an hypocephalus, and other fossil shells, 5 mamillated echini, and some fossil corals, chiefly from Switzerland; a crab, Sheepy Island, and 2 other English petrifactions 77 Three varieties of red, grey, a yellow, and 2 dark coloured marbles, from the Canton of Bern, Switzerland; 2 cream coloured marbles, Neuchatel; 2 marble with fragments of encrini in them, Flanders; harlequin marble, Italy, and 3 others, all polished 78 A large specimen of yellow copper ore, crystallised in tetrahedrons, on crystallised quartz, from Germany 79 A scarce fimbriated cochlus, a spondylus, an angulated pecten in flint, and another fossil shell, a rare echinus, the tooth of a fish of the shark kind in chalk, a palate of a fish, Bath; a vertebra of a fish, Sheepy Island, and part of a branch of fossil wood, from Coberg, both ends polished 80 A nautilus, many ammoniae, of several species, with other shells amassed together in limestone, from Somersetshire, and a mass of small shells and pebbles, fram Kent 81 A polished trap, from Italy; striated spar, from the Appennines, and a white jasper, from the Lipari Islands 82 A capital group of white and ferruginous crystallised quartz, sprinkled with crystallised coloured marcasites and combined with galena, partly formed in large exortoedral crystals, from Cornwall 83 One valve of a large cardium, and another scarce bivalve, from France; an oyster, 2 other fossil shells, and fossil coral 84 Crystallised black blend, on white crystallised quartz, Cumberland, and a large specimen of hepatic and yellow copper ore, with green carbonate of copper 85 Three rhombi, 3 musicae, 3 cassidae, 2 coni, 2 patellae, a balanus, and 6 other curious fossil shells 86 White laminated marble with black dendritae, Baden; 3 other marbles; a micaceous calcareous stone, with dendritae; a variegated red stalactatical spar, from Spain, and a Scotch serpentine stone 87 Eight corious fossil exuviae, of animals, viz. a group of serpulae, in chalk, Kent; a nautilites, a cardium, from Normandy; one valve of a solcated hypocephalus, with oysters adhering to it; an alatus, Italy; an echinus, France; another in flint, Kent, and a meandritical madrepore 88 Forty-one small polished specimens of marbles and granites, chiefly from Germany and Switzerland; many of them labelled 89 Various fossil shells of different genera, 2 echini, several corals, and other petrifactions 90 Five portions of quadrangular and pentagonal columns of basaltes, from the Venetian State 91 Green strontianite, from Siberia, very rare; and galena with green carbonate of copper and crystallised white spathose lead ore, from the Hartz 92 Two fossil winged shells, from Ronca; part of a large fossil nerit, and three curious lapidified corals, from Italy 93 A large polished specimen of coral marble, from Devonshire; and another of grey shelly marble, from Purbec Island 94 Wolsram in quartz, Bohemia; fibrous carbonate of lead, Scotland; mispickel, Saxony; and crystalised phosphate of lead, from Freyberg, in the Brisgan 95 A fine rock crystal, with green actinolite, &c. inclosed, from Switzerland 96 A flat piece of chert, filled with chalcedonic casts of spiral shells, many of which are in relief on the surface, from France 97 Nine various granites, and other rock stones, from Italy, polished and labelled 98 Two skeletons of fishes in yellow laminated calcareous stone, from Verona; a fish like stone, from Papenheim; a slender fish in white calcareous stone, Oeningen; and another in black slate 99 A group of large garnets with a little quartz and feldspar, from Bohemia, and a fine specimen of shorl in large foliated mica 100 Fire musicae, 2 rhombi, a spondylus, an hypocephalus, an ostrea, several other fossil shells, an echinus, and 4 zoophyte, from France and Italy 101 Three German agates, a Saxon jasper, a Sicilian jasper, 2 pudding stones, Hartsordshire; an Egyptian granite, and a porphyry, all polished 102 Three spiral fossil shells, an oyster, a group of balani on a pecten, and 2 fossil corals 103 Green feldspar with silver ore, from the Grenades; marble, from Gibraltar; green pitch stone, Hungary; varigated cauk, Derbyshire; a red jasper, and a pudding stone, all polished 104 A large thin polished slab, cut from a curious speckled lava, from Italy 105 A large and carious ammonites, composed of a number of ramified joints, exhibiting the form of the various cells, the partitions which divided them, together with the outer shell being decomposed and gone, from Gloucestershire, rate 106 Half of a large septarium composed of a brown argillaceous iron ore, with irregular white sparry veins, from Derbyshire 107 Pecten marmoratus, E. Indies; a chesnut land snail, Jamaica; a spotted run, 2 helmets, 3 cepae, and 8 other recent shells 108 Part of a jaw, with 2 teeth of some animal in a gypseous stone, from Monte Marte, near Paris; gills and other bones of a head of a fish in clay, Sheepy Island; a vertebra of a large fish, Oxfordshire, and the skeleton of a small fish in a brown marble 109 Crystallised blue and green carbonate of copper, with grey silver ore, and cobalt in white tabulated barytes, from Saalfeld 110 A meandriticral madrepore, from Italy, 2 other madrepores, a carrier, and 3 other petrifactions 111 A polislied fluor, Derbyshire; galena, rich in silver, Johangeorgenstadt; selenitae, on a shell, Oxfordshire; peacock coal, Kilkenny; a fluor, with double pointed crystals of quarts, and 5 other miners s 112 A beautiful pied marble, elegantly veined, from Philadelphia, and harlequin marble, from Italy 113 Pearly rhomboidal zeolites in the cavities of a dark trap, from Fero; needle antimony, with vitriol, Felsobanya, rock crystals, Switzerland, and double pointed ditto, Bristol. 114 A fine madrepora damicornis, or deer's horn coral, formed on an iron bolt of a ship, from St. Mauritius. Out of the Callonian collection 115 Eight various basalts, and basaltinae, porphyries, from the Venetian state, polished 116 A variety of fossil bivalve shells of different genera, from Italy and France 117 A small slab cut from a mass of garnets in mica, and ditto, with fasciculated shorl, both from Switzerland 118 A great variety of fossil shell of different genera, some echini, corals, and other petrifactions 119 A very large and fossil nautilus, from Sheepy Island, Kent 120 A square slab of fine red jasper, polished on both sides; a slab of the Florentine ruin marble, framed with black marble, and a white marble with black dendritæ, Baden 121 A quadrille box, and 2 needle cases formed of straw, a small basso relievo in ivory, 5 turned bone toys, a curious artificial snake turned in horn, and a box medal of Frederick, King of Prussia, 1759 122 Two berylls, from Siberia, some garnets, ditto in an argillaceous matrix, 6 stalagmitae, 2 rock crystals, a chalcedony, and 4 more 123 A very perfevt fossil grinder tooth of an elephant, found 15 feet deep, in a stone quarry, near Wellbourn; Warwickshire, rare 124 A flint from Mount Carmel, cut in two; green porphyry, Egypt; red porphyry, ditto; an English porphyry; 7 nephritic Hones, and 7 other polislied silices 125 Three curious fossil fish in laminated yellow marbles, from Verona, and another in an argilaceous nodule, the last rare 126 An onachine specimen of amethyst, from Germany; and a curious brecciated stone, from Italy, both polished 127 Five ammonitae, a section of another, 3 pectens, two oysters, several other fossil shells, and five fossil corals 128 Rock crystal, Switzerland; pyrites, on fluors, Derbyshire; amethyst, from Hungary; a red gypsum, and 2 other minerals 129 Part of a quadrangular column of spotted basaltes, named by Mr. Strange, Basaltes tigri us, and found by him on a Volcanic mountain, in the Venetian State; along slender quadrangular column of basaltes, from the same Country; one end of each polished, and a large septarium, from Weymouth 130 Eight drawers, containing an interesting collection of upwards of 300 specimens of granites, basaltes, lavas and other mineral substances, chiefly from the Mountains in the Venerian State, and other parts of Italy 131 Ditto 132 Eight drawers, including a scientific collection of upwards of 500 lavas, pumices, scoriae, vitrifications and other volcanic productions, principally from Mount Vesuvius, Dalmatia, and the Venetian State 133 Several shells of the ammonia genus, one of them cut in two and polished, sundry other fossil shells, some echini, part of the bony palate of a fish, Bath, and other petrifactions 134 Dendritical manganese, Triers; crystallised carbonate of baryt, from Lancashire; staurolite, or cross crystals, Andreasherg; and 3 other minerals 135 Various teeth of fish, of the shark kind, the tail of a fish, a jaw of a fish, 2 bones of a tortoise and a crab, Sheepy Island; 2 teeth of large sharks, Malta; 6 fragments of tortoises bones, from Ronca, in Italy; 6 uncommon teeth of quadrupeds, some other fossil bones and the skeleton of a fish, in marble, Papenheim Seventh Day's Sate. FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1800. SHELLS, MINERALS, &c. 1 A VARIETY of fossil shells of different genera, from Sheepy Island, Switzerland, &c. 2 Sixteen various Italian and other granates, porphyries, variolites, and other stones, most of them polished, and some labelled 3 Various spars, crystals, ores, and other minerals 4 Green silky amianthus; from Switzerland; coloured mamillated copper ore, Cornwall; crystallised spathose tin ore, ditto; rock crystals, with blend, Kapnick; and 2 more 5 A parrot with fruit, formed in mosaic, framed, 2 black dendritae, in white laminated marble, from Baden; a ferruginous dendrites; in yellow laminated marble, Aubach; framed, and another dendrites 6 A great variety of small fossil shells, corals, parts of encrini, and other petrifactions, many of them from Switzerland 7 Pale crystallised a methysts, Palatinate; vesuvian, from Vesuvius; and 4 other minerals, from Cumberland 8 Jaws, with the teeth of a sharp headed fish, part of the bony snout of a fish, analogue to the sword fish, 2 fishes tails, and three vertebrae, of fishes, from Sheepy Island; bones, from Gloucestershire; 2 ditto, supposed of birds in calcareous stones, Oxfordshire; a large shark's tooth, Malta; a piece of the bone of a tortoise, and another fossil bone 9 Eleven various Italian and English marbles, all but one polislied 10 Mamillated pitch stone, from Monte Marte; a large crystal of tourmalin in quartz, malacites copper ore in small mamillae, mixed with yellow copper ore, and a twelve-sided yellow spar 11 A curious fossil zoophyte, supposed of the sponge kind. from Touraine; 2 madrepores, from Italy, and & ramose madrepore, in black marble, English 12 Four ammonia, 2 sections of others of the same genus, 3 mytili, 2 cones, some corals, an echinus, clypeatus, and various other petrifactions 13 Six curious varieties of septaria, or veined argillaceous iron ores 14 Red leafy silver ore, with galena, &c. Hartz; crystal. lised native copper, Siberia; cobalt, with red silver ore and red baroselenite, Furstenberg; spathose ore of lead in truncated hexagonal prism, Britany; green actinolite in chlorite, Tyrol, and a quadrangular column of basaltes, from the Venetian State 15 A variety of fossil shells, echini, and other petrifactions 16 Twenty various petrifactions, of shells, fish, &c. 17 Three ammonitae, an indented oyster, and various other fossil shells, corals, &c. 18 Four jaspers, a variolite, an Oriental granite, a red chalcedony, with agate, and 2 more 19 A mass of bivalve shells, from Neudstad; another mass of shells, and a variety of corals, shells, &c. in limestone, from Dudley 20 A large piece of laminated marble, in which the skeletons of upwards of 20 small fish are imbedded, from Verona 21 A large polished specimen of grey marble, replete with shells and corals, from Oxfordshite, and another of black marble, with like contents, from Kilkenny 22 A piece of rock, enriched with red coral, shells, &c. from Sicily 23 A large and fine fossil umbilicated nautilus, cut in two and polished 24 Three partitioned drawers, containing upwards of 370 small square specimens of lavas, from Mount Vesuvius 25 An ammonites, with its impression, from Whitby; a mass of lampades, Banbury, 2 pinnites, 2 fossil woods, and several other petrifactions 26 Crystallised native sulphur, with spar, Spain; rock crystals, Cornwall; brown rhombic spars, within a fossil shell, Dorsetshire; a coloured quartz, Auvergne, and 2 more 27 Six portions of small angulated columns of basaltes, from the Venetian State, polished 28 A large fossil shell of the mya genus of Linnaeus, a scarce long fossil oysler, and a ramose madrepore in limestone, all from Italy. 29 Sundry olivae, cassidae, mitrae, dentalia, and other curious small fossil shells, parts of echini, corals, &c. chiefly from France and Italy 30 Pitch stone, from Shropshire; bitumen in limestone, Derbyshire; rock crystals, Hungary; ditto, with chlorite, a singular iron ore, a specimen of Venetian talc, and 3 more 31 A large and fine slab of circularly veined purple fluor, from Castieton, in Derbyshire 32 Various ammonia and sections of ditto, and a variety of other fossil shells, echini, corals, &c. 33 A fine specimen of cyanite, crystallised in long prisms, and titanium, in like figured crystals, in mica, and a mass of garnets in mica, both from, Switzerland, and rare 34 Striped chert, Derbyshire; a crystallised hollow flint, from Mount Carmel, 3 pudding stones, a siliceous bowlder, Staffordshire; striped jasper, Bohemia, and 4 more, all but one polished 35 A curious specimen of glossy black stalactitical manganese, from Stiria, and a group of topazine rock crystals, from Dauphiny 36 Eleven varieties of preserved fish, fastened on paper, from Germany 37 A polished specimen of striated gypsum, from Cossonnay, Switzerland 38 Various fossil shells, echini, and other petrifactions, English and foreign 39 A large fossil oyster, from Vivarais, in France; a ramose fossil coral, Italy; section of part of a large branch or trunk of a tree, saturated with jasper, polished, and 2 others 40 Thirty-six varieties of serpentine stone, from Germany 41 Part of the flesh of a sperm whale, with 12 of balanus trocheosus, or wind-pipe barnacle, having their teeth imbedded in it, and on its surface, between the balani, a great number of the oniscus ceti Linn. or whale's louse, from the South Sea, rare, and a fine detached balanus trocheosus 42 A fine ammonia, Switzerland; a searce knotted club, France; an alated oyster, Oxfordshire; 2 other fossil shells, and 4 masses of shells and corals 43 Six various sections of small angulated columns of basaltes, from different parts of the Venetian State, labelled 44 A studded hypocephalus, Normandy; 4 pectens, 3 ammoniae, an alatus, a tellina, and 5 other fossil shells, a crab, from Verona, an echinus in chalk, and 3 fossil madrepores 45 Two very long fossil oysters, naturally adhering together, from Italy 46 Twenty-one polished agates, jaspers, variolites, and other silices, and a specimen of jad stone 47 Crystallised copper ore, Cornwall; 2 zeolites, a rock crystal, with chlorite inclosed, an octohedral marcasite, an orbicular pyrites, and 3 other minerals 48 A large ammonites, of a rare species, cut in two, and polished 49 Clear rock crystal, Switzerland; zeolites, Ferro; spar, Andreasberg; a blue artificial crystallisation of bismuth, and 2 more 50 A large glycymeris, from Italy; a nautilus, Sheepy Island; a bread ammonites, and a rare colomnar madrepore 51 A cup, three salvers, a box, and the lid of a snuff box, formed of agates, a crystal box, and a cup, ornamented with foliages cut out of a rhinoceros's horn 52 Nine curious fossil shells, viz. 2 vulsetae, Brunswick; a small pinna, a scarce mytilus, 2 pectunculi, and a glycymeris 53 Three curious fossil fish, in yellow laminated marble, from Verona 54 A large cubic fluor, with pyrites, &c. from Derbyshire, and an outside piece of the landscape marble, from Cottam, both polished 55 Thirty-two various English, German, and Italian marbles, polished 56 Cactrolong, from Iceland, and small tourmalins in mica, with quartz, from Tyrol 57 The tooth of a large fish of the shark kind, from Brussels; three vertebrae, of a large fish, from Charmouth; bones of a fish's head in clay, Sheepy Island; 2 ammonitae, and 2 other petrifactions 58 A variety of curious fossil plants in coal slate, and iron stone 59 A large and fine fossil nautilus, of a rare kind 60 Casts of univalve shells in chert, and 2 other masses of shells, from France; a fossil fish in a white Lithomarga, a lobster in clay, Sheepy Island, and a polished piece of fossil wood 61 A breciated quartz bowlder, from Scotland; 2 scarce porphyries, a breciated jasper, and 5 others, polished 62 A fine fossil nautilus, having its shell, from Sheepy Island; a mass of fresh water shells, Isle of Wight; 3 echini pileati in flint, Kent; a ramose coral in a red marble, the bone of a bird in a laminated limestone, Oxfordshire, and 1 more 63 Four boxes, containing a variety of small fossil shells and corals, chiefly from France 64 Two odd valves of scarce tellinae, a large pecten, 2 other fossil shells, a tubipora, Staffordshire, and a ramose madrepore 65 A trap with kernels of radiated zeolites, which appear to be calcined, from the Venetian State; leuzit, Mount Vesuvius; a granite with short, a large piece of foreign jet. and a copper ore 66 A fossil pecten with adhesions of oysters and baleni, from Maryland, 3 ammonitae, 2 nautili, and 3 fossil madrepores 67 A large specimen of stalactitical chalcedony, from Iceland 68 Two sections of ammonitae, another ammonites, fragments of a large carrier, 3 other fossil shells, a mass of ditto, and 5 fossil corals, chiefly foreign 69 Two beautiful varieties of serpentine stone, from Scotlan; marble with actinolite, ditto; flame coloured feldspar, Labradore; a singular chalcedonic agate, 3 fine porphyries, and 2 more 70 A variety of fossil shells, echini, and other petrifactions 71 Ditto 72 Grey granite from the Adige; grey porphyry, ditto; red granite of the same kind with Pompey's pillar in Alexandria; a curious breciated jasper, and 2 other curious stones, all polished 73 Three lampades of two species, having the internal structure, two of serpula cochleari, or corkscrew worm, part of a serpula limaciformis, 5 terrestrial, and 3 other recent shells 74 A aminated yellow marble, with elegant dendrits on it, from Florence; 2 pied marbles, from Philadelphia; a green marble, and half of a Scotch serpentine stone bowlder, all but the first polished 75 Four curious and rare petrifactions, viz. a large nerita singularis, from Soissons; a fine harp-like voluta, from Courtagnon; the broad-winged spindle, from Hampshire, and a group of fossil balani 76 Native sulphur, from the Cape de Verd Islands; and a white baroselenite, with crystallised blue and green carbonate of copper, from Saalfeld 77 Two patellae, Gloucestershire; 2 coni, 2 pyra, several other fossil shells, and 2 corals, from France and Italy, and a group of 3 palates of fish in chalk 78 Crystallised native copper, with quartz, formed on wood, very curious, a singularly figured quartz, within a hollow agate, and a white zeolites in large crystals, all rare 79 Two fossil fish, a mass of bivalve shells. France; 3 other masses of marine subjects, wood, perforated by teredines, Sheepy Island; a group of cockscomb oysters, Berkshire, and 5 other petrifactions 80 Two English porphyries, a fine clouded Arabian agate, part of a large Bohemian garnet, a green jasper, and 4 other polished silices 81 A very large fossil fish of the plaise genus, in limestone 82 A small grotto, formed of Derbyshire minerals, in an alabaster frame, a marble saltcellar, a pudding stone muller, and 4 cut marbles for laying on papers 83 A scarce terrestrial snail, from New South Wales; a dolphin, a white tower, and 5 other recent shells 84 Two large harp-like voluta, 2 aculeated rhormbi, an anuslus, or carrier, and a flint with the impression of great part of a mammillated echinus, all from France 85 Two curious oysters, from Bassan, and 2 single valves of large rare pectunculi, from Ronca, in Italy 86 A set of 30 polished specimens of Italian marbles, uniform in size, each being 2 inches 3-8ths square 87 A single quadrangular, and a group of 4 conic palates of fish in chalk, a curious echinites, Malta; a small fish in marble, from Ubsrmannshoffen; 3 helmets, a scarce spindle, and 2 other fossil shells, from France and Italy 88 A large echinus libum, from Barbadoes, and a madrepora fungites, with a double summit, Madagascar 89 Native gold in granite, from one of the Mines of Mr. Stroganoff, in Siberia; and rhomboidal pearly zeolites, with a curious mammillated spar, from Andreasberg, in the, Hartz 90 A meandritical and 4 other fossil corals, 2 echini cordati, one of them in a flint, a cone, 3 other fossil shells, 2 masses of ditto, and a polished specimen of fassil wood 91 Garnets in basalt, a basalune porphyry, 5 granites, and 3 other rock stones, Italy, and a variolite, from Worcestershire Gravel-pits, all but 2 polished 92 Part of a mammillated echinus, with many of its spines, in chalk, from Kent, and a curious indented foreign fossil oyster 93 A fine specimen of radiated green cachonase, of strontian, from Strontian, in North Britain; and a neat small septarium, from the Cliffs, near Weymouth 94 Bones of the head of a fish, in a hard clay, Sheepy Island; a number of vertebrae, of a fish, in like clay, from ditto; a long beaked oysler, a madrepore with large stars, and 2 more 95 Ribband jasper, Siberia; 2 other silices, and a brecciated German marble, all polished 96 Five various shells, or their casts, of the ammonia genus, 5 bivalves, 2 impressions of anthropomorphi, Wales; chain coral, from Coalbrook Dale, Shropshire; a large fossil shark's tooth, Brussels, and 4 other petrifactions 97 A capital polished slab cut from a very large tortoiseshell septarium, found on the Dorsetshire Coast 98 Rhomboidal zeolites, Iceland; crystallised tealgar, Vesuvius; white spathose lead ore, Wales; gold coloured seldspar, Labradore; a red mammillated chalcedony, and 2 more 99 A yellow marble, curiously variegated by ferruginous Capillary veins, and a section of a pentagonal column of basaltes, both from the Venetian State, and polished 100 A Sulcated sun, New Zealand; 2 sludded frogs, Meditceranean; a buccinum with its spidermis, New South Wales; pecten grandis, N. America, and trigonella gigas, New York 101 A fine cone, and a searce pectunculus, from France; a voluta, from Hants; a nautilus, Kent; 2 other fossil shells, 2 corals, and an ethinus 102 Three German agates. 2 porphyries, 2 breceiated jispers, 2 granites; and 2 other polished silices. 103 Grey sulphuret of copper, in truncated hexhedral crystals, on coloured blistered copper, Cornwall; columnar 24-sided spars, with blend, &c. Leicestershire; dog-tooth spar, ditto, and crystallised blend, with quartz, Cumberland 104 The back of a crab, from Verona; 6 madrepores, an ammonia, 2 pectens, an alatus, and 3 other petrifactions 105 Portion of an hexagonal column of basaltes, part of a quadrangular ditto, one end polished, both from the Venetian State, and a scarce striped green and yellow jasper 111 A branched fungus-like madrepore, from Kendal in Westmoreland; white marble, with an ammoniac in it, from Italy; dark marble, with oysters in it; Carniola; bones of birds in a dark pyritical limestone, Gloucestershire, and a polished specimen of fossil wood 112 A large polished piece of clear rock crystal, with many hair and needle-like crystals of titanium inclosed within it, from Switzerland 113 Two large vertebrae, in limestone, cut in two and polished, another large vertebra, detached, a long bone in a lithomarga, and bones in spar, Gibraltar 114 Three curious dentritical marbles, formed into pictures, and bordered with other marbles, from Florence 115 A mahogany cabinet, with folding doors, containing 27 drawers, filled with a great variety of small recent shells 116 An ore of cobalt, with red efflorescence, from Furstenberg; violet and green cubic fluors, Britany; tourmalins in green chlorise, Tyrol, and crystallised blend, on opake white quartz, Cumberland 117 A singularly veined agate, a trap, and three granites, from Italy, labelled, and a broken or brecciated agate, from Saxony, all polished 118 Two large oriental green and pearly shells, formed into sugar dishes, a large St. Jacob's scallop, a group of serpulae, and 2 other recent shells 119 A large and fine slab of serpentine stone, from Aberdeenshire, polished on both sides 120 A curious group of yellow spars, with white pearl spar, from Hungary; and a large globose specimen of grey copper ore with crystallised quartz 121 A fine group of serpula semi-cancellata, with small scarlet and white spondyli, and other bivalve shells adhering, from St. Domingo. Out of the Callonian Collection 122 An exceeding sine fossil fish, somewhat allied to the dorey, in a yellow laminated marble, with the counterpart, from a quarry near Bolca, in the Veronese, Italy 123 Two oriental agates, heliotropium, from Arabia; a beautiful labradore feldspar, 2 German chalcedonies, and 2 other polished slices 124 A large square piece of dull-white limestone, or marble, having a curious fossil fish in it, from Purbeck Island, very rare 125 Mineralised gold in quartz, Siberia, and native silver in spar, from Potosi, both rare 126 A fisurated serpula, and a group of serpulae, from Sicily; a chesnut oyster on a group of balani, Guinea; 3 of pholas striatus, and one ditto in a piece of mahogany, 2 pectens, and several other recent shells 127 Two portions of septaria, one of them with a stellated gypsum on it, from Sheepy Island; 2 pyritae, part of a sparry deposition, from a wooden minetrough, some iron ores and other minerals 128 Various small fossil shells of the buccinum, turris, rhombus, dentalium and other genera, most of them France and Italy 129 Part of a hollow Egyptian pebble, the cavity lined with crystallised quartz, slickenside kibble, from Derbyshire; chalcedony, Oberstein; a serpentine stone, and 2 others 130 A scarce long oyster, from Ronca; a mass of club and other shells, and a madrepore, ditto; another mass of shells, from Italy; a cluster of nummular corals, Dalmatia, and a curious funnel shaped zoophyte 131 A fossil fish with its scales, finely pyritified in black slate, from Isleben; another fossil fish in yellow laminated marble, Verona, and another in a grey argillaceous stone, from the promontary of Jocana, near Pesaro 132 A mass of belemnitae, and other marine subjects, in a siliceous stone, from Italy; and a mass of shells of the orthoceros genus, in limestone, said to be found in England MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. 133 A box, containing a great number of neatly made ronnd trays, for minerals 134 A strong box made of fine wood, with brass ornaments, on a walnut-tree stand 135 A pair of elegant French mahogany and sattin wood pier tables, with white marble tops, drawers, and shelves, and leather covers. Once the Property of Monsieur De Calonne 136 A range of upwards of 60 moveable deal shelves, in 4 divisions, 9 feet 6 inches in height, applicable either for subjects of natural history or books Eighth Day's Sale. SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1800. SHELLS, MINERALS, &c. 1 SUNDRY fossil shells of diffent genera, some echini, bones of fishes, and other petrifactions 2 Tetahedral blend with cubic flours Derbyshire; a large hollow pebble, lined with crystallised quartz, coloored iron ore from Elbe, and 1 more 3 A large group of topazine rock crystals, with long crystals of aqua marine among them, from Siberia, very scarce 4 Six various petrifactions, viz. 2 valves of spondyli, 1 of a glycymeris, and 1 of a pectunculus, from Italy and France; an echinus from Malta, and a mass of cockle and other shells 5 Purple copper ore, with green crbanote of copper, feldspar and baroselenite, and a mammilated chalcedony 6 Stellated green zeolite, 2 porphyries, and 6 others, polished 7 A variety of ammoniae, pectines, ostreae, and other fossil shells, several echini, corals, and other petrifactions 8 Part of the scull with other bones of a large fish, coated with pyrites, from Sheepy Island, and another petrifaction 9 Opal in the matrix, from Hungary; flos ferri, Steurmarck; elastic bitumen in limestone, Derbyshire; and dark coloured amethysts, from the Palatinate 10 Fresh water shells in marl, Isle of Wight; ditto in lithomarga, ditto; casts of club shells in ferruginous chert, Montmorency; and part of a large pecten, nearly covered with small balani, Italy 11 Green porphyry, from Egypt; a beautiful pebble, Hartfordshire; a dendritical jasper, 2 Scotch agates, a German agate, a crystallised flint, and 5 other polished stones 12 Polished sections of 2 ammoniae, a cone in limestone, Ronca; a belemnites, Oxfordshire; 2 casts of myae, from Oeningen; several other fossil shells in calcareous stones, 2 echini, and 3 polished specimens of fossil wood 13 A series of 47 fine polished specimens of Italian marble, each 3 1/2 inches, square and labelled 14 A large and fine fossil nautilus, from Sheepy Island 15 Two curious basaltic iron ores, from Scotland; a large piece of obsidian, a red stalactitical chalcedony, Spain; pipe clay, from Warham, Dorsetshire, and a pudding stone 16 Two boxes containing a great variety of univalve and bivalve fossil shells of different genera, from Italy and France 17 Nine various granites, basaltes, &c. from Italy, polished 18 Green actinolite in chlorite, from Tyrol; striped pitchstone, Hungary; iron ore in large lenticular crystals, Elbe; malachites copper ore, Siberia; a singularly figured crystallised quartz, and a crystallized amethyst 19 An exceeding fine fossil fish, in yellow laminated marble, with the counterpart, from Verona 20 Rich haematites iron ore, Saxony; yellow cubic fluors, with white cauck and spar, ditto; globose pearl spar, Cremnitz, and a large specimen of shorl in granite 21 A flying lizard, from the E. Indies; a small humming bird on its nest, a sngular bony palate of a fish, a curious bone of the angel fish, a beautiful insect (busprestis ignita Linn.) a tobacco stopper formed of an eagle's claw, mounted with silver, some eggs of a buz hawk, taken from a magpie's nest in an elm tree at Ridge, April 27, 1793, &c. 22 A large black haematites iron ore, from Nassau-siegen 23 Two fossil cones, an oyster, Montpellier; a group of cockscomb oysters, a pectonculus, a pecten, a mass of shells, and 2 fossil echini, one of them from Montpellier 24 A fossil fish in a white laminated marble, from Papenheim; 2 small fish in like marble, Mount Libanus; part of the skeleton of a slender fish, in blue slate; the tooth of a very large shark, Malta; part of the bony palate of a fish, the gills of a fish, and the vetrebra of a fish, Sheepy Island 25 Two septaria, composed of an argillaceons iron ore, veined with white spar, from Scotland, and another formed of a ferruginous rotten stone, with crystal septae, Durham 26 Two porcellanae, 2 scarce sulcated lampades, a cassida, 3 musicae, 3 rhombi, and 5 other curious fossil shells, from Italy and France 27 A portion of a basaltic column of five sides, and a portion of a larger one of 6 sides 28 Sixteen various polished agates, porphyries, amethist and other siliceous stones 29 Arrow headed selenites, from Nonte Marte; actinolite, Caernarvonshire; a crystallised vesuvian, an onachine chalcedony, a ramose stalactitical spar, 2 cupreous minerals, Siberia; and a baryties 30 A fine mammilated fossil echinus, with several of its spines in their natural situation, imbedded in flint, from a chalk pit. A very rare and interesting specimen 31 Part of a trunk, or very large knotty branch of a tree, saturated with black jasper, and called fossil oak, from the limestone quarries in the Isle of Purbeck, found many feet under the surface, in the stone, and a piece of the same polished 32 Part of a horn of an unknown species of the deer kind, a bone in gypsum, from Monte Marte; several other bones of quadrupeds, fishes, and other animals, and a crab from Ceylon 33 A capital mass of galena, crystallised in very large cubes, from Germany 34 Tooth of an enormous fish of the shark kind, Malta; part of a lobster, in an indurated clay, Sheepy Island; an hysteorolithus, Germany; 2 scarce oysters, France; a pecten, from Thame; another in flint, Kent; and 6 other petrifactions 35 Five small oriental agate dishes, an antique seal, 2 carnelion rings, an antique agate seal ring, some ancient glass tessulae, from mosaic work, a curious artificial avanturine, &c. 36 A small spondylus, 2 pectens, 2 pectunculi, a cone, from Italy, 2 other fossil shells, 3 echini, 2 madrepores, and 1 more 37 Native gold in quartz, from Beresofskoi, in Siberia; bright native copper in spar, from the Pochadaeschian Mines, near Werchsatury, on the highest Uralian Mountains, Siberia; 2 copper ores, from ditto; a sngular hollow cube of pyrites, on quartz, a blue chalcedony, truncated spars, Hartz, and 2 more 38 The major part of a pentagonal asteria, in chalk, from Kent, rare; a scarce mammillated echinus, in chalk, Surry; 2 cylindrical bullae, an uber, and a mitre, from France, and 2 other fossil shells 39 Large calcareous spars, decomposed by calamine, from Wales. Out of the Butean Collection. Shorlite, from Altenberg; and iron ore, containing gold, from Estremadura, Spain 40 A variety of fossil shells, echini, corals, &c. 41 Ditto 42 Five melon flints, from Mount Carmel; a chert, ditto; and 3 jaspers, all polished 43 Plumose gypsum, Derbyshire; 2 asbesti, from Scotland; black shirl in white quartz, valentia, and 24 other minerals 44 Half of a large septarium, composed of a brown argillaceous iron ore, with white sparry veins, from Derbyshire, polished 45 A large ammonites, from Dorsetshire; and a group of small ammonitae, in limestone 45 A variety of curious fossil shells, chiefly from France, 47 Forty-two varieties of serpentine stone, from Saxony 48 Thirty-four specimens of ores, and other minerals 49 A very large knotted fossil shell, of the clava, or club genus, from France, very rare 50 Two specimens of the ruin marble, and two of dendritical marble, from Italy, all but one framed; and a cast from a sprig of sage, coloured, framed and glazed 51 Four very fine masses of fossil shells, from France 52 Part of a large wrinkled orthocerous, from Coalbrook Dale; orthoceri in limestone; a large harp-like voluta, France, and an indented oyster, Brunswick 53 Dolomite with pyrites, &c. and a singularly formed group of rock crystals, from Mount St Gothard 54 Two irone stones, with impressions of ferns in them, from Derbyshire; fossil wood, from Bovey, in Devonshire; 3 jasperified woods, polished, and the top part of a branch of a pine in iron stone, from Coalbrook Dale 55 A large and fine specimen of flos ferri, from Steurmarck 56 Various shells of the patella, cassida, ammonia, rhombus, voluta, and other genera, chiefly from France 57 Twelve neatly made boxes formed of singularly figured holly, and other curious woods 58 A long slender skeleton of a fish in a blue slate, a fish with gilded, or pyritaceous scales, in black slate, Isleben, and two prawns, in yellow laminated marbles, from Verona, rare 59 Two pied granites, from Calabria; 2 Italian porphyries, a variolite, and 6 other curious stones 60 Three curious and uncommon recent shells, viz. calyptra foliacea, or furbelowed bonnet, from Japan; cocklea scabriuscula, from Spain, and the tiger Iendix, from Brasil 61 Italactitical chalcedony, Iceland; flos ferri, Alsace; shorl in mica, Tyrol; coloured octahedral galena, Leicestershire; a curious spar, Cumberland; and a toadstone, Gloucestershire 62 Part of a large fish in clay, from Sheepy Island; a fish in a calcareous stone, supposed from Italy; and a section of a spiral shell, in a hard marble, from Mount Jura, Switzerland 63 A ferruginous ammonites, with remains of its pearly shell, from Siberia; an echinus, from Malta, 2 other echini, a curved cockscomb oyster, France; and an ammonites, Wiltshire. 64 Stellated needle antimony, with baroselenite in thick tabular crystals, from Felsobania, and a group of rock crystals, from Switzerland 65 Five curious petrifactions, viz a scarce alatus, from Ronca in Italy; a fine carrier, the curvated cockscomb oyster, rare, France; a studded hypocephalus, Normandy, and a meadritical madrepore, Italy 66 A large and fine circular German agate, with amethyst in the middle of it, and a large English pudding stone, both polished 67 Native gold in quartz, striated native oxyde of nickel, containing gold in quartz, a large specimen of native copper, and blue and green carbonate of copper, all from Siberia 68 A nerita singularis, from Ronca; a ridged clava, ditto; a cone, 2 other univalves, a sulcated lampas, a studded hypocephalus, a grooved shell of the same genus Normandy; a mya, a vulsella, several other bivalve shells, 2 madrepores, and 2 polished pieces of fossil wood, &c. 69 Four portions of columnas basaltes of 3, 4, 5, and 6 angles, from the Venetian State, polished 70 A fossil crab, from Verona; a crab, in a stony clay, Sheepy Island; a large and fine quadrangular palate of a fish in chalk, Kent; an echinus, and a scarce madrepore 71 A large slab of beautifully coloured iridescent feldspar, from Labradore, polished 72 Several fresh water shells, of the barbala genus, in a lithomarga, an alatus, from Ronca; an indented oyster, a group of large balani on a scallop, a scarce echinus, and a polished fossil madrepore 73 The spiral part of a large fossil chambered shell of the lituus genus, from Gloucestershire, very rare 74 A mass of shells of the vortex genus, from Franconville; 3 other French fossil shells, 2 purpurae, and 2 echinitae, Italy; a madrepore, from Rouen, and 3 more 75 Half of a large hollow flint, or petrisied melon, lined with mammillated chalcedony, from Mount Carmel, polished, and a large specimen of chlorite, with tourmalins imbedded in it, from Zillershal, in Tyrol 76 A large slab of marble in which a number of shells of the orthoceros genus, 2 of them very large are imbedded, from Oeland, an Island in the Baltic, in a gold bordered black frame 77 Dendritical bismuth, Schneeberg; white actinolite, Turkey; black shorl in indurated steatites, Tyrol, and blue crystallised carbonate of copper, from Moldova 78 A large and fine glycymeris, from Italy, and a very large echinus pileatus, from Malta, both rare 79 Grey marble containing shells and corals, from Whichwood Forest, Oxfordshire; black marble with white sparry shells of the lampas genus, and corals in it, from Kilkenny, and grey granite, from the Mountain Valcamonica, above Cedegola, in Italy, all large and fine specimens, and polished 80 A large fistular marine fucus, some lichens, agarics and woods, and various feeds, gums, and other vegetables 81 A very large and fine fossil madrepore, impregnated with limestone, from Derbyshire 82 A beautiful picture, formed of English moths and butterflies, framed and glazed 83 Rose quartz, Siberia; crystallised beryll, ditto; large garnets in mica, Aberdeenshire, and rhomboidal zeolites in trap, from Iceland 84 A neat cabinet formed of India deal and mahogany, bordered with satin wood, containing 17 drawers, including upwards of a 1000 small specimens of agates, jaspers, mocha stones, gems, spars, ores of metals gypsae, lavas, and other subjects of mineralogy, comprising a very great variety in a little compass 85 A very fine specimen of avanturine stone, from the coast of Spain 86 Five odd valves of pecten glaber, from Guinea; crypta maculata, from ditto; crypta patula, from Peru; a balanus nearly coated with red coral, Sicily; and 3 other rare shells 87 A large thin lamina of green slate, having curious pyritical dendritae, on it, from Yorkshire 88 A very curious fossil crab, surrounded with yellow dentritae, in a yellow laminated marble, from Florence 89 A capital specimen of pudding stone, the pebbles in which are very large and of various colours, from Hartfordshire, polished 90 Madrepora cyathus, or drinking-glass coral, with several of gorgonia pretiosa, or red coral, some s;erpulae, and gryphi adhering to a madrepora tibicini, the whole forming a most elegant group, from Sicily 91 Two aculeated rhombi, a carrier, a comb, 2 clubs, and various other fossil shells, echini and corals, most of them from France 92 A very fine specimen of native oxyde of lead, containing CROME, a newly discovered semi-metal, formed in variously figured crystals, on a micaceous sand stone, from Beresofskoi, near Catharinenberg, Siberia. See Dr. Babington's System of Mineralogy, pa. l58, Spec. 2, and page 266, genus 13 93 An interesting series of 123 polished specimens of Italian marbles, of an uniform circular shape, each framed and labelled 94 A large and fine fossil shell of the pecten genus, filled with sand, from Ortenberg, near Passau, very scarce 95 Six curious fossil insects in laminated calcareous stones. Oeningen, four pieces of amber, with insects and water inclosed; one of gum copal, with a beetle and other insects in it, and 3 fossil crabs, from Ceylon 96 A capital septarium, composed of light coloured argillaceous stone, with yellow and rich brown, septae, from the Dorsetshire Coast, cut in two and polished 97 Cinnabar, from Neumarke in Carniola, & basaltiform iron ore, rare, frrom Ossegg, in Bohemia 98 A large flat piece of limestone, having several verterae, part of the jaws and other bones of an animal of the lizard kind, imbedded in it, from the Blue Lodge Quarry, near Bath 99 Prismatic shorl in while quartz, a very fine specimen, from Tyrol 100 A very large and fine tuberculated variety of madrepora phrygia, or lace-like brain coral, from St. Mauritius, in a glazed mahogany case. Out of the Calonnian collection 101 A large and fine malachites, copper ore, from Siberia 102 Two plates cut from a singulary figured siliceous pebble, found near Mankeim; a red and white Italian granite, feldspar, from Labradore, and 2 other filices, all polished, the 2 first on both sides 103 A large and fine fossil oyster, and a curious madrepore 104 A very large and curious boney palate of a fish, from a chalk pit, in Surry; a large and fine nerita singularis, from France; an ammonites, from Archangel, and a meandritical madrepore, all rare 105 A fine specimen of crystallised vitriolated lead ore, from Paris Mountain, Anglesea; sattin-like copper ore, Siberia; and a red stellated zeolite, from Schio, in the Venetian State 106 A fine argonauta, or wrinkled paper sailor, from Minorca 107 A large and fine group of double pointed crystallised amethyst, in the hollow a quartose iron ore, from St. Vincent's Rocks, near Bristol 108 An elegant specimen of plumose gypsum, from Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, and a beautiful coloured copper pyrites, with white globose cauk and copper ore, from Ecton Mine, Staffordshire 109 A curious fossil alated spindle shell, from France, and a fine cast of an echinus, both rare 110 A very fine specimen of cyanite, in long prismatic crystals, mixed with mica, quartz, titanum and feldspar, from Mount St. Gothard, very rare 111 A curious antique porphyry salver, with 2 handles, from Italy 112 Two verterbrae, of some unknown animal in a gypseous stone, from Monte Mate, near Paris, very rare, and the bones of a fish's head, in a hard clay, from Sheepy Island 113 Haliotis superba, from the Gallaphagos Isles, very scarce, and ostrea gigas, from the Friendly Islands 114 A large and fine fossil encrinus, with great part of its stem, in a calcareous stone, from Brunswick 115 A very curious and extremely rare crystal of iron ore, one of the most well defined known, from Elbe, and a clear rock crystal, from Switzerland. 116 Brilliant crystallised tin ore, from Schlackenwald, in Bohemia, coloured topazine floors, with crystallised quartz, Saxony; native copper, Siberia ; gilded iron ore, County of Sayn, and a dog-tooth spar, Derbyshire, all fine 117 Two exceeding fine shells of the alatus genus, and one of the spondylus kind, in a fossil slate, from Italy, rare 118 A large and fine group of topazine rock crystals, from the Pyrences. 119 Brown garnets, with shorl, in a compact granite from Switzerland, and a variolite, from Malvern Hills 120 Fossil wood somewhat allied to that of the cabbage tree, having large pores, and 2 other polished jasperisied woods, a ferruginous stone, with parts of branches of trees of the pine kind in it, from a coal-pit, in Derbyshire, and a coal slate, with ferns, &c. Lancashire 121 A fine large brown reverse chersina, a rare kind of terrestrial shell, from Brasil 122 A small earthen three-footed jug, which having through accident been sunk in the Ocean, several serpulae, a purple and yellow gryphus, some other shells and a sponge are naturally affixed to it, from one of the French Islands, in the W. Indies 123 A curious kind of white spar, partly mamillated, and partly formed in shrub-like forms, most delicately branched, supposed from Stiria. 124 A fine specimen of crystallised native oxyde of lead, with native minium in a calcareous stone, from B resosski, and grey iron ore in large brilliant crystals, from Elbe CABINETS. 125 An excellent low mahogany press, with folding doors, and 3 shelves 126 A solid mahogany cabinet, of fine wood, with a carved moulding, containing, 12 small, and 3 large drawers, each with double brass rings, and locks and leather cover 127 A mahogany cabinet, 2 parts, 7 feet, 1 inch high, and 4 feet 5 inches wide; the upper division, consisting of a case, with glazed folding doors, having gilt frames, including 10 wainscot moveable shells, with moulded mahogany edges; 16 wainscot trays, with like edges, and 36 small wainscot drawers, with striped mahogany fronts; the lower divi contains 21 larger drawers, inclosed with foldin doors 128 A mahogany cabinet, in 2 parts, 7 feet, 1 inch high, and 4 feet, 5 inches wide; the upper division consisting of a case with glazed folding doors, having gilt frames, including 12 mahogany moveable partitioned trays, with moulded fronts, and double brass rings, and 12 drawers with like rings; the lower division contains 8 moveable deal trays, with moulded fronts and double brass rings, inclosed with folding doors 129 A very large well-made mahogany cabinet, near 10 feet high, and 5 feet 7 inches wide, of fine wood, with fluted cornice and double folding doors, containing, near 100 mahogany drawers, adapted for minerals, made to slide in groves, and shift according to the size of the specimens, and having small receptacles in the front of each for moveable labels made under the direction and for the collection, of the late Earl of Bute 130 An excellent large mahogany repository for subjects of Natural History, being near 9 feet high, and 10 feet 10 inches wide, in 2 divisions, each subdivided in 4 parts, containing in the upper division, 16 partitioned deal trays, and 12 steps, inclosed with 4 glazed doors; the under division contains 12 large deal steps, inclosed with 4 double-pannelled doors. Between the two divisions are 4 large drawers, with double brass rings FINIS. Printed by J. Barker, Great Russell-street, Covent-Garden.