THE REPORT OF THE Physicians and Surgeons, Commanded to assist At the Dissecting the Body of His Late Majesty at Kensington, March the Tenth MDCCI / II From the Original delivered to the Right Honorable the Privy Council. London Printed for John Nutt, near Stationers-Hall. 1702. THE REPORT OF THE Physicians and Surgeons, Commanded to assist At the DISSECTING The BODY, &c. IT having pleas'd Almighty God to put an end to the Glorious Life of his Late Majesty King William III. The Right Honorable the Lord Chamberlain issued out his Summons to such Physicians and Surgeons as his Lordship thought fit, appointing them to meet at Kensington, and there to Examine by Dissection into the State and Condition of the Royal Body. The day after the Dissection, the said Physicians and Surgeons being met together again in order to the forming an account of what they had observed, Sir Thomas Millington, Sir Richard Blackmore and Doctor Hannes were deputed as a Committee to draw vp the Report; which they did accordingly. This REPORT was afterwards sign'd by Them, and by the rest of the Physicians and Surgeons, and is as follows. 1. Surface of the Body. Upon viewing the Body, before Dissection, the following appearances were remarkable. The Body in general was much emaciated. Both the Leggs up to the Knees and a little higher, as also the Right Hand and Arm as far as the Elbow were considerably swell'd. There was likewise on the Left Thigh, near the Hip, a Bladder full of water, as big as a small Pullets Egg, resembling a Blane. 2. Belly. Upon opening the Belly, the Gutts were found of a Livid Color; and the Blood contain'd in their vessels, Black. The Gutt called Ileon had in some places the marks of a slight Inflammation. The Stomach, Pancreas, Mesentery, Liver, Gall-bladder, Spleen, and Kidneys were all sound and without fault. 3. Chest. In the Thorax, or Chest, we observed that the Right side of the Lungs adher'd to the Pleura; and the Left, much more: From which, upon separation, there issued forth a quantity of purulent or frothy Serum. The Upper Lobe on the Left side of the Lungs, and the part of the Pleura next to it were Inflamed to a degree of Mortification. AND THIS WE LOOK UPON AS THE IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF THE KING'S DEATH. From the Ventricles of the Heart and the Greater Bloodvessels arising out of them, were taken several large, tough, fleshlike substances of the kind call'd Polypus. The Heart it self was of the smaller size; but firm, and strong. 4. Collar Bone. Upon laying bare the Right Collar-Bone, we found it had been broken near the Shoulder; and well set. Some extravasated Blood was lodged above and below the Fracture. 5. Brain. The Brain was perfectly sound and without any sign of distemper. 6. Mass of Blood. 'Tis very rare to find a Body with so little Blood, as was seen in This: there being more found in the Lungs, than in All the Parts, besides, put together. Doctors present. Sir Rich. Blackmore. Sir Theod Colladon. Doctor Hannes. Doctor Harrel. Doctor How. Doctor Hullen. Doctor Laurence. Sir Tho. Millington Professor Bidloo. &c. Surgeons present. Mr. Bernard. Mr. Cowper. Mr. Gardner. Mr. Ronjat. &c. FINIS