THE NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH INSECTS; EXPLAINING THEM IN THEIR SEVERAL STATES, WITH THE PERIODS OF THEIR TRANSFORMATIONS, THEIR FOOD, OECONOMY, &c. TOGETHER WITH THE HISTORY OF SUCH MINUTE INSECTS AS REQUIRE INVESTIGATION BY THE MICROSCOPE. THE WHOLE ILLUSTRATED BY COLOURED FIGURES, DESIGNED AND EXECUTED FROM LIVING SPECIMENS. BY E. DONOVAN, F. L. S. IN TEN VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED BY BYE AND LAW, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, CLERKENWELL, FOR THE AUTHOR, And for F. and C. RIVINGTON, No 62, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD. MDCCCII. TO T. MARSHAM AND A. M'LEAY, ESQRS. TREASURER, AND SECRETARY, OF THE LINNAEAN SOCIETY. MY DEAR SIRS, IF I were not anxious to acknowledge you amongst the number of those, whose useful information has in various instances tended to improve this Work, motives of esteem would alone induce me to inscribe it to you. The reflection, that for ten years past, it has been sanctioned with no inconsiderable share of public approbation, will not allow me to believe it unworthy of your attention, and its conclusion affords me the best opportunity to testify the favour, as well as the respect, with which I remain, Most sincerely yours, E. DONOVAN. ADVERTISEMENT. AT the conclusion of a Work which has been published in a progressive manner, and either in the form of Monthly Numbers or Annual Volumes has already passed the ordeal of public criticism, the Author can have little to advance in favour of the design, or the manner in which it has been executed. His chief object was to illustrate the science of Entomology on a more extensive scale than had been previously attempted in this Country, and he trusts, upon the whole, his endeavours in this respect have not been fruitless. As a general History of the Insect Productions of Great Britain, it is presumed this Work will be found sufficiently copious and instructive; for though the Author has purposely avoided entering too deeply amongst the minutiae of the Insect race, he has been careful to include whatever is interesting. The selection of Papiliones or Butterflies is extremely ample, as well as that of the Sphinges or Hawk Moths: none of the larger kinds of Phalaeuae or Moth tribes have been over-looked, and the number of those of an inferior size that are extremely rare, or particularly beautiful, are altogether considerable. Those are chiefly alluded to, because general observers are more immediately interested with the uncommon elegance of the Lepidopterous tribes than any others. In general, however, the reader will meet with some information in every department, as nothing material in any cabinet to which he has access has been omitted. The arrangement of the subjects is for the most part conformable to the system of Linnaeus, with occasional reference to the writings of Fabricius. This is designed to assist the labours of the practical Entomologist, and by combining novelty with beauty, and scientific information, may induce many other attentive observers of nature to pursue this pleasing and interesting study. The Author cannot but feel some degree of satisfaction in having at least fulfilled the chief object of his first design, and after the labour of ten years completed a Work, perhaps the most extensive that may ever appear in this form on the subject of British Entomology; but this consideration will not permit him to entirely abandon his favourite pursuit: his attention will be still directed to a science in which the past indulgence of a liberal public, have induced him to believe he may still be useful, and though he cannot, consistently with the conditions of this undertaking, extend it further at this time, should a sufficient number of new and valuable species occur, he will certainly be tempted to transgress, and make some addition to the present selection. ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. ABSINTHII, Phalaena Plate. 304   Aceris, Phalaena Plate. 330   acervorum, Apis Plate. 108 Fig. 2. acuminatus, Cimex Plate. 118 Fig. 2. aedilis, Cerambyx Plate. 72   aenea, Cantharis Plate. 96 Fig. 2. aequatus, Curculio Plate. 121 Fig. 1. 2. Aesculi, Phalaena Plate. 152   Aglaja, Papilio Plate. 302   albicillata, Phalaena Plate. 202 Fig. 2. albinus, Curculio Plate. 348 Fig. 3. alni, Curculio Plate. 249 Fig. 2. Alni, Phalaena Plate. 327 Fig. 2. alniaria, Phalaena Plate. 275   Alsus, Papilio Plate. 322 Fig. 1. 1. amatoria, Phalaena Plate. 33 Fig. 2. anastomosis, Phalaena (reclusa? Linn.) Plate. 124   — Plate. 129   annulata, Coccinella Plate. 243 Fig. 2. 2. Antiopa, Papilio Plate. 89   antiqua, Phalaena Plate. 16   apiarius, Attelabus Plate. 231 Fig. 1. apicella, Phalaena Plate. 57 Fig. 3. apiformis, Sphinx Plate. 25   aprilina, Phalaena Plate. 347 Fig. 1. aquatica, Leptura Plate. 86 Fig. 3. aquaticus, Oniscus Plate. 159   Arbuti, Phalaena Plate. 343   argus, Papilio Plate. 143   arcuata, Leptura Plate. 86 Fig. 1. argentatus, Curculio Plate. 107 Fig. 1. 2. arietis, Leptura Plate. 27   Arion, Papilio Plate. 184   asparagi, Chrysomela Plate. 28   Atalanta, Papilio Plate. 260   atomaria, Phalaena Plate. 248 Fig. 1. 2. atralis, Phalaena Plate. 266 Fig. 4. atriplicis, Phalaena Plate. 262 Fig. 1. 1. Atropos, Sphinx Plate. 289   — larva Plate. 290   avellanae, Curculio Plate. 205 Fig. 3. avicularia, Hippobosca Plate. 261 Fig. 2. aurana, Phalaena Plate. 57 Fig. 2. aurantiago, Phalaena Plate. 150 Fig. 2. aurata, Musca Plate. 142 Fig. 1. Bachus, Curculio Plate. 34 Fig. 1. Bankii, Chrysomela Plate. 138 Fig. 4. Batis, Phalaena Plate. 33 Fig. 1. Bentleiana, Phalaena Plate. 357   Bergmanniana, Phalaena Plate. 157 Fig. 1. 6. Betulae, Curculio Plate. 74   Betulae, Papilio Plate. 250   betularia, Phalaena Plate. 237   bicincta, Musca Plate. 346 Fig. 2. bicolor, Cimex Plate. 297   bidentata, Chrysis Plate. 19   bisasciana, Phalaena Plate. 357   bisasciatum, Rhagium Plate. 94 Fig. 1. biguttulus, Gryllus Plate. 79 Fig. 1. bilineata, Phalaena Plate. 287 Fig. 3. biliturata, Chrysomela Plate. 99   bimaculatum, Phalangium Plate. 156 Fig. 4. boleti, Chrysomela Plate. 78 Fig. 1. 2. bomba, Trichoda Plate. 47 Fig. 2. bombylans, Musca Plate. 151 Fig. 4. brassicaria, Musca Plate. 151 Fig. 1. Bucephala, Phalaena Plate. 3   caecutiens, Tabanus Plate. 131   caeruleocephala, Phalaena Plate. 100   Caja, Phalaena Plate. 15   c-album, Papilio Plate. 199   calmariensis? Chrysomela Plate. 185   camelina, Phalaena Plate. 183   Camilla, Papilio Plate. 244   campestris, Cicindela Plate. 12   cancroides, Phalangium Plate. 215   capreae, Curculio Plate. 121 Fig. 5. 6. cardammes, Papilio Plate. 169   cardui, Papilio Plate. 199   carnella, Phalaena Plate. 153 Fig. 5. cassidoides, Coccinella Plate. 243 Fig. 3. Celerio, Sphinx Plate. 190   — larva & pupa Plate. 191   centuncularis, Apis Plate. 120   cerealis, Chrysomela Plate. 115   Cervus, Lucanus Plate. 13   ceruina, Chrysomela Plate. 78 Fig. 3. 4. chamaeleon, Musca Plate. 31   — larva Plate. 35   chaerophyllata, Phalaena Plate. 233 Fig. 4. Christiernana, Phalaena Plate. 20   chrysitis, Phalaena Plate. 137   chrysops, Hemorobius Plate. 188   chrysoglossa, Phalaena Plate. 350 Fig. 2. chrysorrhoea, Phalaena Plate. 10   chrysorrhoea, Sphinx Plate. 116   cinerea, Nepa Plate. 18   cinerea, Aranea Plate. 156 Fig. 3. cinxia, Papilio Plate. 242 Fig. 1. circumflexus, Ichneumon Plate. 93 Fig. 2. citrina, Phalaena Plate. 340 Fig. 2. clavis, Phalaena Plate. 340 Fig. 3. clathrata, Phalaena Plate. 248 Fig. 3. coccinea, Pyrochroa Plate. 56 Fig. 1. coccinea, Chrysomela Plate. 111 Fig. 5. 6. coleoptratorum, Acarus Plate. 11   colonella, Phalaena Plate. 263 Fig. 2. Columbae, Pediculi Plate. 191   cometa, Trichoda Plate. 26   comma, Papilio (Pleb. Urb.) Plate. 295   communis, Panorpa Plate. 201   complanatus, Julus Plate. 344   compressa, Phalaena Plate. 239 Fig. 2. conchaceus, Monoculus Plate. 5   conflagratus, Scarabaeus Plate. 70 Fig. 2. consortaria, Phalaena Plate. 333 Fig. 2. convolvuli, Sphinx Plate. 228   — larva Plate. 229   cornuta, Cicada Plate. 83 Fig. 1. 2. 3. Corydon, Papilio Plate. 236 Fig. 1. 1. Coryli, Phalaena Plate. 309   coryli, Chrysomela Plate. 321 Fig. 1. 1. cossus, Phalaena Plate. 114   craboniformis, Asilus Plate. 180   Crataegi, Phalaena Plate. 117   cristatalana, Phalaena Plate. 77 Fig. 1. 2. crocata, Tipula Plate. 48 Fig. 1. cruentata, Cassida Plate. 63 Fig. 2. 3. cuculla, Phalaena Plate. 338 Fig. 1. curculionoides, Attelabus Plate. 149   Curtisella, Phalaena Plate. 65 Fig. 4. cyanea, Chrysis Plate. 235   cyanocephalus, Carabus Plate. 86 Fig. 1. 2. 3. cynosbana, Phalaena Plate. 355 Fig. 3. Daplidice, Papilio Plate. 200   Delphinii, Phalaena Plate. 331   decussata, Phalaena Plate 266 Fig. 3. Degeerella, Phalaena Plate 267 Fig. 1. 2. depressa, Libellula Plate 24   depressa, Libellula Plate 81   derasa, Phalaena Plate 223 Fig. 1. Diadema, Aranea Plate 49   Diadema, Aranea Plate 50   didactylus, Phalaena Plate 318   diffluens, Proteus Plate 47   dilatata, Cicada Plate. 138 Fig. 5. dipsacea, Phalaena Plate 327 Fig. 3. dispar, (Phalaena) Plate 163   ditaria, Phalaena Plate 202 Fig. 1. Dives, Phalaena Plate 352   dolabraria, Phalaena Plate 349 Fig. 1. Dominula, Phalaena Plate 141   Dromedarius, Phalaena Plate 350   dubitata, Phalaena Plate 246 Fig. 2. duplicata, Phalaena Plate 233 Fig. 2. Edusa, Papilio, female Plate 238 Fig. 2. — male Plate 43   elongata, Leptura Plate 86 Fig. 1. Elpenor, Sphinx Plate 122   emargana, Phalaena Plate 106 Fig. 1. evonymela, Phalaena Plate 335 Fig. 4. equina, Hippobosca Plate 261 Fig. 1. erythropterus, Staphilinus Plate 308   Euphorbiae, Sphinx Plate 92   — Caterpillar Plate 91   euphorbiata, Phalaena Plate 153 Fig. 1. Euphrosyne, Papilio Plate 312   Europaea, Fulgora Plate 203   Europea, Mutilla Plate 212   exoleta, Phalaena Plate 187   extensa, Aranea Plate 156 Fig. 1. fagana, Phalaena Plate 281   Fagi, Phalaena Plate 328   falcatella, Phalaena Plate 355 Fig. 5. fasciatus, Scarabaeus Plate 140   fastuosa, Chrysomela Plate 194   ferrugineus, Elater Plate 356 Fig. 1. ferrugineus, Dytiscus Plate 68 Fig. 3. 4. festivus, Cimex Plate 101 Fig. 4. Festucae, Phalaena Plate 46   Filipendulae, Sphinx Plate 6   fimbria, Phalaena Plate 208   flavo-cincta, Phalaena Plate 334   flavo-marginatus, Cimex Plate 245   flavo-striata, Cicada Plate 288 Fig. 2. flavago, Phalaena Plate 338   forficata, Scolopendra Plate 198   formicarius, Attelabus Plate 231 Fig. 2. Francillana, Phalaena Plate 355 Fig. 1. Fraxini, Phalaena Plate 171   — Larva and pupa Plate 172   fuciformis, Sphinx Plate 87   Fuliginosa, Phalaena Plate 80   Fullo, Scarabaeus Plate 112   funalis, Phalaena Plate 76   Furcula, Phalaena Plate 272   Galathea, Papilio Plate 258   gamma, Phalaena Plate 265 Fig. 2. gemina, Phalaena Plate 347   gemmatus, Carabus Plate 222 Fig. 2, Germanica, Blatta Plate 341   Germanus, Curculio Plate 34 Fig. 2. gigas, Sirex Plate 197   glauca, notonecta Plate 75   globosa, Aranea Plate 156 Fig. 2. Goettingensis, Chrysomela Plate 286 Fig. 2. gonymelas, Cimex Plate 218 Fig. 2. gonostigma, Phalaena Plate 316   grandis, Libellula Plate 166   — variety with yellow wings Plate 237 Fig. 2. grandis, Phalaena Plate 345   granulatus, Carabus Plate 222 Fig. 3. grossa, Musca Plate 346   grossulariata, Phalaena Plate 4   gryllotalpa, Gryllus Plate 147   guttata (14) Coccinella Plate 43 Fig. 1. 1. hastata, Phalaena Plate 129 Fig. 1, 2. 3, Haemoroidalis, Cimex Plate 218 Fig. 2. Hecta, Phalaena Plate 274 Fig. 3. Hero, Papilio Plate 186   hexadactyla, Phalaena Plate 136   hexapterata, Phalaena Plate 192   Hippothoe?, Papilio Plate 217   hirtus, Hemerobius Plate 113   hirundinis, Hippobosca Plate 268 Fig. 2. hispidus, Cerambyx Plate 64 Fig. 2, 3. hortulanus, Curculio Plate 205 Fig. 2. humeralis, Necydalis Plate 358 Fig. 1. humuli, Phalaena Plate 274 Fig. 1. 2. Hyale, Papilio Plate 238 Fig. 1. Hyperanthus, Papilio Plate 271   hypoleon, Musca Plate 146 Fig. 2. 3. Jacobaea, Phalaena Plate 45   Janira, Papilio Plate 320   Janthina, Papilio Plate 347   Idas Papilio Plate 323 Fig. 2. 2. ignita, Chrysis Plate 7   interrogatiana, Phalaena Plate 65 Fig. 1. Io, Papilio Plate 206   Iota, Phalaena Plate 265 Fig. 1. Iris, Papilio Plate 37   lacertinaria, Phalaena Plate 251 Fig. 2. lacustris, Cimex Plate 118 Fig. 1. lambdella, Phalaena Plate 57 Fig. 1. lanestris, Phalaena Plate 210   lapathi, Curculio Plate 205 Fig. 1. lapidaria, Apis Plate 108 Fig. 2. — Plate 88 Fig. 2. Lappaae, Phalaena Plate 340   Lapponica, Blatta Plate 352   lateralis, Musca Plate 31 Fig. 3. Lathonia, Papilio Plate 73   Leeana, Phalaena Plate 347 Fig. 4. lemnata, Phalaena Plate 266 Fig. 1. 2. leporina, Phalaena Plate. 327 Fig. 1. Libatrix, Phalaena Plate 216   Lichenaria, Phalaena Plate. 342 Fig. 1. Lichenes, Phalaena Plate. 223 Fig. 3. Ligustri, Sphinx Plate. 284   Linea, Papilio Plate. 236 Fig. 2. 2. linearis, Nepa Plate. 105 Fig. 1. 2. linearis, Sphinx Plate. 204 Fig. 1. lineato-collis, Cerambyx Plate. 209   lineola, Phalaena Plate. 360 Fig. 2. litterana, Phalaena Plate. 353   Loeflingiana, Phalaena Plate. 90   longicanda, Trichoda Plate. 26   Loti, Sphinx Plate. 319   lucidata, Phalaena Plate. 97   Lucina Papilio Plate. 242 Fig. 2. lucipara, Phalaena Plate. 230 Fig. 2. ludio, Himantopus Plate. 20   lunaria, Phalaena Plate. 132   lunaris, Scarabaeus Plate. 54 Fig. 4. lunaris, Vorticella Plate. 8   luridus, Cimex Plate. 98 Fig. 1. 2. luridus, Scarabaeus Plate. 323   lusoria, Phalaena Plate. 354 Fig. 2. lutea, Tenthredo Plate. 234   lynceata, Phalaena Plate. 349 Fig. 3. lynceus, Trichoda Plate. 41 Fig. 3. Maegera, Papilio Plate. 279   Machaon, Papilio Plate. 211   maculata, Phalaena Plate. 251 Fig. 3. maculata, Cassida Plate. 285   major, Bombylius Plate. 66   marginalis, Dytiscus Plate. 161   marginata, Phalaena (Geometra) Plate. 293 Fig. 2. marginella, Phalaena Plate. 58 Fig. 1. 2. marginella, Chrysomela Plate. 335   marginata, Phalaena (Noctua) Plate. 150   Mappa, Phalaena Plate. 360   Marshami, Chrysomela Plate. 286 Fig. 1. Maura, Phalaena Plate. 230 Fig. 1. maxillosus, Staphilinus Plate. 96 Fig. 3. medius, Bombylius Plate. 146   Melolontha, Scarabaeus Plate. 264 Fig. 2. melonella, Phalaena Plate. 283   melitea, Trichoda Plate. 29   menthrastri, Phalaena Plate. 189   meticulosa, Phalaena Plate. 139   migratorius, Gryllus Plate. 270   meleagris, Colpoda Plate. 32   minuta, Buprestis Plate. 256   minutus, Dytiscus Plate. 68 Fig. 1. 2. monacha, Phalaena Plate. 227   monoceros, Meloe Plate. 182   moschatus, Cerambyx Plate. 94 Fig. 2. Myrtilli, Phalaena Plate. 221   mystica, Leptura Plate. 86 Fig. 2. Napi, Papilio Plate. 280 Fig. 1. nasuta, Vorticella Plate. 29   neustria, Phalaena Plate. 95   nigro-lineata, Leptura Plate. 353 Fig. 1. nitens, Carabus Plate. 313   nitidula, Chrysomela Plate. 273   nitidula, Cicada Plate. 288 Fig. 1. nobilis, Cassida Plate. 138 Fig. 1. 2. 3. nobilis, Scarabaeus Plate. 154 Fig. 1. 2. 3. noctiluca, Musca Plate. 346   nuchicornis, Scarabaeus Plate. 255 Fig. 2. nupta, Phalaena Plate. 224   nutans, Scarabaeus Plate. 255 Fig. 1. obscura, Silpha Plate. 63 Fig. 4. ocellata, Sphinx Plate. 269   oculatus, Saperda Plate. 305   olor, vibrio Plate. 32   onopordinis, Musca Plate. 62   oo, Phalaena Plate. 179   ophiopsis, Raphidia Plate. 315   orbona, Phalaena Plate. 345 Fig. 2. ovina, Hippobosoca Plate. 268 Fig. 2. oxyacanthae, Phalaena Plate. 165   padella, (Linn.) Phalaena Plate. 9   pallescens, Cimex Plate. 101 Fig. 5. 6. —Larva Plate. 102   paniscus, Papilia Plate. 254 Fig. 1. 1. Panzerella, Phalaena Plate. 106 Fig. 4. papilionaria, Phalaena Plate. 287 Fig. 1. paphia, Papilio Plate. 247   paraple ticus, Curculio Plate. 348 Fig. 2. paralelepipedus, Lucanus Plate. 264 Fig. 1. Par, Phalaena Plate. 338 Fig. 3. parthenias, Phalaena Plate. 246 Fig. 1. patella, Kerona Plate. 41 Fig. 4. Pavonana, Phalaena Plate. 58 Fig. 3. — magnified Plate. 59   Pavonia Phalaena, male Plate. 1   — female Plate. 253   pectinicornis, Elater Plate. 356 Fig. 2. pectinicornis, Ptinus Plate. 326   pendula, Musca Plate. 31 Fig. 2. pennaria, Phalaena Plate. 287 Fig. 2. pentadactyla, Phalaena Plate. 110   pellio, Dermestes Plate. 231 Fig. 3. perla, Hemorobius Plate. 277 Fig. 2. Persicariae, Phalaena Plate. 317   Pinastri Phalaena Plate. 347 Fig. 2. Pinastri, Sphinx Plate. 296   pinetella, Phalaena Plate. 263 Fig. 1. Pini, Phalaena Plate. 178   — Larva Plate. 177   piniaria, Phalaena Plate. 336   pisi, Phalaena Plate. 51   plantaginis, Phalaena Plate. 134   plumosa, Tipula Plate. 22   pluvialis, Tabanus Plate. 151 Fig. 3. pocillum, Trichoda Plate. 14   Podaella, Phalaena Plate. 267 Fig. 3. Podalirius, Papilio Plate. 109   Polychloros, Papilio Plate. 278   polygoni, Chrysomela Plate. 96 Fig. 1. polymorpha Vorticella Plate. 41 Fig. 1. polypoda, Lepisma Plate. 162   pomonae, Tipula Plate. 300   Populi, Sphinx Plate. 241   populi, Cimex Plate. 252 Fig. 2. 2. populi, Phalaena Plate. 307   porcellus, Sphynx Plate. 341   porcellata, Phalaena Plate. 202 Fig. 3. potatoria, Phalaena Plate. 148   Praecox, Phalaena Plate. 213   prasinana, Phalaena Plate. 40 Fig. 2. prasinus, Cimex Plate. 123   prodomaria, Phalaena Plate. 219   pronuba, Phalena Plate. 311   proscarabaeus, Meloc Plate. 43 Fig. 2. prunaria, Phalaena, male Plate. 21   — female Plate. 293 Fig. 3. prunata, Phalaena Plate. 233 Fig. 1. pruniella, Phalaena Plate. 58 Fig. 1. 1. Psi, Phalaena Plate. 133   puella, Libellula Plate. 36   punctata (4) Chrysomela Plate. 111 Fig. 1. 2. punctata (14) Coccinella Plate. 39 Fig. 2. punctata (22) Coccinella Plate. 39 Fig. 1. 4. punctata (17) Coccinella Plate. 39 Fig. 5. punctatus (4) Cimex Plate. 101 Fig. 1. 3. 3. punctatus (2) Dytiscus Plate. 303   pudibunda, Phalaena Plate. 160   purpuralis, Phalaena Plate. 339 Fig. 2. pustulata, (6) Coccinella Plate. 39 Fig. 3. pygmea Buprestis Plate. 282   pygmea Dytiscus Plate. 202   pyramidea, Phalaena Plate. 193   pyri, Curculio Plate. 121 Fig. 3. 4. quadricornis, Monoculus Plate. 2   quadra, Phalaena Plate. 306   quadrimaculatus, Mycetophagus Plate. 185 Fig. 2. quadrimaculatus, Scarabaeus Plate. 70 Fig. 3. quadripunctata, Silpha Plate. 56 Fig. 2. quercana, Phalaena Plate. 106 Fig. 3. quercifolia, Phalaena Plate. 232   Quercus, Phalaena, larva Plate. 103   — winged state Plate. 104   radiatella, Phalaena Plate. 77 Fig. 3. 4. ramidulus, Ichneumon Plate. 42 Fig. 1. raptorius, Ichneumon Plate. 42 Fig. 2. repandaria, Phalaena Plate. 333 Fig. 1. Rhamni, Papilio Plate. 145   rhombica, Phryganea Plate. 220   riparia, Cicindela Plate. 301   riparius, Staphylinus Plate. 167   rivosa, Tipula Plate. 48 Fig. 2. roboris, Phalaena Plate. 299   rosae, Tenthredo Plate. 164   rosea, Phalaena Plate. 40 Fig. 1. rotatoria, Vorticella Plate. 41 Fig. 2. rubago, Phalaena Plate. 338 Fig. 2. rubi, Phalaena Plate. 69   rufus, Curculio Plate. 249 Fig. 1. rumicis, Phalaena Plate. 126   runica, Phalaena Plate. 354 Fig. 1. russula, Phalaena Plate. 214   sabulosa, Sphex Plate. 93 Fig. 1. salicis, Buprestis Plate. 127   salicis, Phalaena Plate. 30   sambucaria, Phalaena Plate. 170   sanguinolenta, Cicada Plate. 54 Fig. 1. sanguinolenta, Chrysomela Plate. 111 Fig. 3. 4. satellitia, Phalaena Plate. 168   scarabaeoides, Dermestes Plate. 23 Fig. 1. 4. Schaefferella, Phalaena Plate. 175   scrophulariae, Curculio Plate. 60   sericea, Chrysomela Plate. 321 Fig. 2. 2. scybalaria, Musca Plate. 346 Fig. 5. Semele, Papilio Plate. 259   semi-argentella, Phalaena Plate. 65 Fig. 2. 3. semi-argentata, Musca Plate. 142 Fig. 2. 3. seminationis, Musca Plate. 125   sex-maculata, Leptura Plate. 353 Fig. 2. simplex, Necydalis Plate. 358 Fig. 2. Sinapis, Papilio Plate. 280 Fig. 2. solstitialis, Musca Plate. 294   spartiata, Phalaena Plate. 342   spectrum, Sirex Plate. 225   spicicornis, Cimex Plate. 135   spinula, Phalaena Plate. 345   sponsa, Phalaena Plate. 324   spumaria, Cicada Plate. 54 Fig. 2. sputator, Elater Plate. 96 Fig. 4. squamana, Phalaena Plate. 157 Fig. 7. stagnorum, Cimex Plate. 38   statices, Sphinx Plate. 204 Fig. 2. stellatarum, Sphinx Plate. 155   stercorarius, Scarabaeus Plate. 264 Fig. 3. straminea, Phalaena Plate. 61   striata, Notonecta Plate. 176   suberaria, Phalaena Plate. 251 Fig. 1. sulcatus, Dytiscus Plate. 68 Fig. 5. sulphuralis, Phalaena Plate. 339 Fig. 1. Sylvanus, Papilio Plate. 254 Fig. 2. syringaria, Phalaena Plate. 181   tecta, Meloc Plate. 240   tenax, Proteus Plate. 32 Fig. 3. 4. tenebricosa, Chrysomela Plate. 276   tenuirostris, Curculio Plate. 249 Fig. 3. terrestris, Apis Plate. 88 Fig. 1. terrestris, Julus Plate. 207   testudinarius, Scarabaeus Plate. 70 Fig. 1. thoracica, Silpha Plate. 63 Fig. 1. Tiliae, Sphinx Plate. 325   Tipuliformis, Sphinx Plate. 52   — magnified, Plate. 53   tragopoginis, Phalaena Plate. 223 Fig. 2. trepida? Phalaena Plate. 239 Fig. 1. trilineata, Musca Plate. 151 Fig. 5. trimacula, Phalaena Plate. 352   triplacia, Phalaena Plate. 298   Tritophus, Phalaena Plate. 359   trochiformis nigra, Vorticella Plate. 26   tumulorum, Apis, Plate. 151 Fig. 2. varia, Phryanea Plate. 277 Fig. 1. varia, Gryllus, Plate. 79 Fig. 2. variegatus, Meloe Plate. 67   Verbasci, Phalaena Plate. 257   vermicularis, Trichoda Plate. 17   Vernaria, Phalaena Plate. 310   versicolora, Phalaena Plate. 158   vespertaria, Phalaena Plate. 233 Fig. 3. Vespilio, Silpha Plate. 23   vibrans, Musca Plate. 346   vidua, Phalaena Plate. 246 Fig. 1. villica, Phalaena Plate. 71   vinula, Phalaena Plate. 85   violaceus, Carabus Plate. 222 Fig. 1. violaceus, Cerambyx Plate. 64 Fig. 1. virgaureae, Papilio Plate. 173   virgo, Libellula Plate. 36   viridana, Phalaena Plate. 144   viridis, Cicada Plate. 54 Fig. 3. viridis, vorticella Plate. 29   viridis, Buprestis Plate. 174   viridissimus, Gryllus Plate. 130   vitellinae, Tenthredo Plate. 88 Fig. 3. vitellinae, Cicada Plate. 54 Fig. 3. vittatus, Cimex Plate. 252 Fig. 1. 1. vulgaris, Vespa Plate. 226   vulgata, Ephemera Plate. 128   vulgata, Libellula Plate. 237 Fig. 1. Uddmanniana, Phalaena Plate. 154 Fig. 2, 3, 4. ulmata, Phalaena Plate. 293   Umbratica, Phalaena Plate. 262 Fig. 2. undulata, Phalaena Plate. 342   urceolaris vorticella, (Branchionus) Plate. 117   Urticae, Papilio Plate. 55   urticata, Phalaena Plate. 349 Fig. 2. ustularia, Phalaena Plate. 82   uvula, Trichoda Plate. 8   Wavaria, Phalaena Plate. 196   Zic-zac, Phalaena Plate. 119   zoëgana, Phalaena Plate. 106 Fig. 2. zonata, Sphinx. Plate. 195   A SLIGHT SKETCH OF THE ANIMAL SYSTEM. LINNAEUS divided the Animal System into six classes. Class I. MAMMALIA. Suckle their young. II. AVES. (Birds) covered with feathers. III. AMPHIBIA. Lungs arbitrary. IV. PISCES. (Fishes) breath by gills not arbitrarily. V. INSECTA. (Insects) two antennae, or feelers Those feelers are the two horns that are affixed to the head. . VI. VERMES. No head. Insects therefore compose the fifth Class in the System, and are divided into seven Orders. Order I. COLEOPTERA. Wings two, covered by two shells divided by a longitudinal future. II. HEMIPTERA. Shells or covers of the wings, somewhat soft, and incumbent on each other. III. LEPIDOPTERA. Wings four, imbricated with minute scales. IV. NEUROPTERA. Wings four, naked, transparent, reticulated, with veins or nerves. Tail without sting. V. HYMENOPTERA. Wings four. Membraneous. Tail of the female armed with a sting. VI. DIPTERA. Wings two. VII. APTERA. No wings. TRANSFORMATIONS OF INSECTS. Many of our readers are no doubt acquainted with the singular transformations Insects undergo, but we trust those will pardon a digression which may be useful to those who have not that knowledge; and without premising farther we proceed to inform them, that Insects in general undergo a material change in their form at stated periods of their lives; there are some, though few, which burst forth from the egg perfectly formed, as Spiders, &c. but the greater part exist in four several states: the first that of the egg, whence the Larva, or Caterpillar is produced; it is at first very minute, but in this state it feeds, some kinds on one or two plants only, others promiscuously on many, they therefore continue to increase in size, moulting several times the outer skin, until the destined period of their dormant state approaches; they then spin a web more or less strong according to the species, and are converted into the aurelia, or chrysalis; and lastly they burst forth in due season perfectly formed. It is under this form they propagate a future race, and themselves perish, as they rarely survive the inclemencies of the winter. The antient naturalists held suppositions very imperfect and erroneous relative to those transformations, but Malpighi and Swammerdam proved by many accurate examinations clearly, that those changes were not suddenly effected, but gradual; and that under the form of the Caterpillar they could distinguish the future changes the Insect would undergo. PLATE I. PHALAENA PAVONIA, EMPEROR MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. Insects of the LEPIDOPTERA ORDER are divided into three Genera, PAPILIO, SPHINX, and PHALAENA, Butterflies, Hawk Moths, and Moths. The characters of the two former hereafter: those of the Phalaena are GENERIC CHARACTER. The antennae setaceous, decreasing in size from the base to the apex. The wings, when at rest, are generally contracted. They fly in the night. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Antennae feathered. No trunk. Wings expanded, horizontal, rounded, entire, with a large eye in the center of each; the first red-brown waved; the second orange. The antennae of the male are broader, and the wings of the female larger, waved with black and white and bordered with yellow. Caterpillar green or yellow, spinous, on thorns and brambles. Length of the moth one inch.— Berken. Out. The conformity and likeness which prevails between the male and female throughout the greater part of the animal system, cannot however in Insects be implicitly depended on; the difference in many is such as even to mislead some very accurate Entomologists, the illustrious Linnaeus not excepted. In this species it is not so great as in many, but such as entitles the female to a figure in a future plate: Our figure is of the male. Albin, ( Plate 25, Subject 37,) has given a figure of the male and female on the same plate, and describes a male to have changed to the aurelia state as in our plate represented July 16, and March 18 following to have produced the Fly. But the time of their appearance depends on the proportion of heat or cold; as the author's subject was preserved from the severity of winter, in a warm room. The usual time to find them in the caterpillar state is August, and in April the Fly. The singular provision which nature makes for the protection of this Fly deserves particular notice; when the time of its continuation in the caterpillar state is expired, by much labour it forms a kind of bag or purse, of a very tough substance; this it fixes against the trunks of trees, &c. by a number of hairs or filaments, which remain on the external surface. It lines the outer case by one of a finer texture, the top of which is closed by several bristles that unite in the center, exactly representing a cap, and excludes almost the possibility of its receiving an injury during this defenceless state. In this bag it passes to the aurelia, and remains until the birth of the perfect insect.—Our figure represents the chrysalis or aurelia in the bag; part appears torn away to exhibit its situation therein. Were we to unite the several accounts of authors respecting its food, it would appear to be a general feeder; it will live on the rose, the elm, and the willow; and on thorns and brambles particularly. PLATE II. FIG. I. MONOCULUS QUARICORNIS. APTERA. Apterous insects are distinguished chiefly by having no wings in either male or female. GENERIC CHARACTER. The feet are formed for swimming. The body is covered with a crustaceous case or shell. The eyes fixed in the shell very near each other. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Grey brown. One eye. Antennae four. Body diminishes towards the tail, which is long and bifid, with three or four strong hairs on each side. A bag of eggs on each side of the tail. Length half a line.— Berk. Out. Although this insect may have been noticed by many, swimming, or rather darting swiftly in various directions in water; its minuteness is such, that the most attentive could never have comprehended precisely its component parts; but the microscope discovers it to be an animal of such singular formation as highly to deserve the attention of the naturalist. It is covered by a firm crustaceous substance, divided into annulations, and armed in several parts with spines and bristles; notwithstanding which, this shell is so transparent that the whole motion of the intestines is very visible by a good magnifier. It must be granted that, but for the microscope, the wonders of the minute creation, would be to us entirely unknown; our ideas could never suppose the existence of those animated forms which occupy the immeasurable space between an apparent atom and nothing. The myriads of animals, thousands of times smaller than a mite, must evade our cognizance, and be an actual conviction of their non-existence. But with all the utility that the microscope can boast, no instrument is so likely to mislead the most accurate observer, particularly if not in the habit of using it; the variations of light, the difference of the magnifying powers, or the damage the glasses may meet with by accident, such as requires every one to examine with the greatest care; one degree of light may bring an object to view, whilst another may entirely blend it with the fluid it exists in; or one glass may discover spines on an object, another glass might have represented perfectly smooth; it is therefore necessary to begin with a small power, in proportion to the size of the object, and to proceed to deeper magnifiers after. There is some difference in our figure, and those either of Barbut, or of Baker, which appears chiefly from our using a single lens nearly of the deepest power convenient to use. Our glasses were the 20th and 30th of an inch focus. We very attentively examined the eyes, and found, not one, but two, placed near each other, on a scale or plate of a black colour; hence arises the appearance of a single eye by a small magnifying power. The tail presents a forked appearance by a deep power, and the eggs are contained in two bags, one on each side the tail. The colour varies probably in proportion to the nature of its food, to pale green, more or less of a red, or of a grey brown colour. FIG. II. This minute animalcula is frequent in stagnant water, or in infusions of vegetables, and is one species of those whose existence can only be discovered by a good microscope. It is very difficult, considering the power those creatures have to distort their true form at pleasure, to fix their distinguishing character: therefore where the definition appears dubious, we prefer being silent rather than hazard an error. FIG. 2. Represents them (magnified) as they sometimes seem to follow the leader in herds; but perhaps it is only the scent of the prey that induces each to follow the foremost, as they frequently swim or whirl in the water separately, with great swiftness, devouring the smaller kinds of animalculae. FIG. 3. Two, magnified by a deep power, when they appear to have feet or sins. FIG. 4. Shews the strange form it assumes whilst depositing its eggs. FIG. 5. The eggs deeper magnified. PLATE III. PHALAENA BUCEPHALA, BUFF-TIP MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae taper from the base to the apex, and are setaceous. Wings in general deflected when at rest. Fly by night. No Trunk. Wings reversed, i. e. first Wings horizontal and second erect. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Antennae feathered. First Wings grey, with two double transverse brown waves, and a large yellowish brown spot at the extreme angle. Second Wings plain, light yellow, length scarce one inch. Caterpillar hairy, yellow with black spots. On Oaks, Ash, &c.— Berkenhout. The delicate assemblage of beautiful down which cloath the upper wings of the Buff-tip Moth is its chief recommendation; the history affords but little for observation, it is hatched from the egg in August, and in June following the Fly is perfect. Its beauty preserves it not from the race of birds who pursue it from necessity, or from an innate desire of cruelty and devastation, and whilst happy in its apparent security, ranging the plain to experience the pleasures of liberty, or to banquet in the nectareous profusion of the vegetable kingdom, he becomes a dupe to his happiness, his pleasures at once sully, and he falls an unresisting victim into the devouring jaws of death. PLATE IV. PHALAENA GROSSULARIATA. MAGPYE, or CURRANT-MOTH. GENERIC CHARACTER. The antennae setaceous, decreasing in size from the base to the point. The Wings, when at rest, generally deflected. Fly by night. Antennae taper, like bristles. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Antennae and Legs black. Body yellow, with black spots. Wings white, with many black patches, and a transverse yellow wave on the first pair. Caterpillar white, with black spots on the Back; Belly yellow. Berk. Out. The Magpye-Moth is one of the geometrae; and feeds on Goose-berry and Currant-bushes, as the name indicates. The Caterpillar is found in May; and in July, the Fly. The Caterpillar, previous to its change to the Chrysalis state, spins a web of a very slight and delicate texture, by which it is suspended horizontally against the branches of trees, &c. as in our Plate represented. PLATE V. FIG. I. MONOCULUS CONCHACEUS. APTERA. Without wings. GENERIC CHARACTER. Body covered with a crust or shell. Feet made for swimming. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Inclosed in a bivalve, ash-coloured shell, from the aperture of which it puts forth a number of capillary antennae, which it retracts when taken out of the water. To acquire a proper knowledge of the formation of this minute insect, it is necessary to use a microscope with a glass stage for objects, or rather such as admit of nicely adjusting a talc as occasion may require: the insect to be taken from the water with a camel-hair pencil, and carefully placed on the talc; after which it may be examined by a magnifier of 1/10 of an inch focus; but in proceeding to a deeper power, let the talc be turned the upper surface with the insect in the drop of the fluid from the lens, and thereby the lens may approach the object to its proper focus; without this caution the lens would be frequently immerged in the water, and entirely obstruct the sight. In the adult state, the opacity of the bivalve shell, its external covering, so entirely obscures the internal motion, that nothing, except the filaments it throws from the aperture or opening, is visible by the microscope. It breaks from the egg perfectly formed, but very minute and transparent; this is therefore the best time to discover its structure, and from one in this state we have taken our figure By the antennae it directs its course, as does the Monoculus Quadricornis; and like it also it hath two eyes fixed in the shell, but it can completely envelop its head in its bivalve covering; its mouth is beneath, but the numerous filaments it darts forth, causes such a violent motion in the water, that the minuter insects are unresistingly drawn between them, and forced to the mouth. The motion of its lungs is very visible, as are also the vesse ram lsfying thence. Its food is carried to, and digested in the deep-coloured tube, or intestine, and the refuse is discharged by a sudden jerk from the extremity of the tube, or anus. Thus it exists, a life of rapine and destruction, enjoyed at the expence of the lives of thousands; and as the objects of its ravenous disposition are defenceless, so are they the sport of their conqueror: the few moments of intermission its craving appetite grants them, is occupied equally in the spoil, first pressing them to death, and then tossing them undevoured into the fluid. But should a more powerful insect oppose him, he immediately contracts his parts, and nothing more than the external covering is open to his antagonist's violence, and he will sooner die ignobly than offer the least opposition. FIG. II. This animalcule is very minute, and appears like a fine membrane without intestines before the microscope; from the appearance of its winged sides, it is supposed to resemble a bird. It is called Bursaria Hirundinella. FIG. III. The back and side view of an animalcule found in ditch-water on duck-weed, very pellucid, and singularly marked in the intestines; tail moveable, and thereby it directs its course. PLATE VI. SPHINX FILIPENDULAE. BURNET MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Sphinx, Antennae thickest in the middle. Wings, when at rest deflexed. Fly slow, morning and evening only. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Antennae, Legs, and Body black. Second Wings red, with a greenish border. First Wings bluish green, with six red spots, in pairs, length eight lines. Caterpillar yellow, with black spots. Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 805. 34. Fn. Sv. 1097. Papilio Phalaena Aries. Degeer Ins. 7. 591. 1 Tab. 44. Fig. 1. We have two kinds of Burnet-Sphinx, distinguished by the appellations of Five-spot, and Six-spot, Burnets; though often considered only as varieties, or difference of sex, they appear to be two distinct species; not only that they are commonly found in parts of the country very remote from each other, but the number and situation of the small red spots which adorn the Superior Wings, constitute a material distinction. The Six-spot is taken near the environs of London, where the other is rarely if ever found, and in some parts of Bedfordshire the Five-spot is very common. As all Lepidopterous Insects undergo some trifling alterations from attendant circumstances, so specimens of the female Sp. Filipendulae has been taken with the two spots near the base of the Wing closely united; and hence arose some doubt as to the existence of any other Five-spot Burnet; the two kinds must not, however, be compared to entertain this supposition, as the Five-spot is not only smaller, the margin of the Inferior Wings deeper, but wants that spot of red nearest the Apex of the Superior Wings, and which must immediately appear on the slightest inspection. The Caterpillars of most Insects of this genus are armed with a spine, or horn, above the anus, in which particular the Caterpillars of our species, does not agree. It feeds on the Genista Anglica, needle furze; on the Ulex Europaeus, common furze; and on the Filipendula; those plants flourish in a sandy soil, where the Caterpillars are to be sought, in May, and June: the Sphinx appears in July. PLATE VII. CHYSIS IGNITA. HYMENOPTERA. Wings four, generally membraneous. Tail of the females armed with a sting. GENERIC CHARACTER. The abdomen hath three annulations exclusive of the anus, the antennae hath twelve articulations, exclusive of the first joint which is longer than the rest. The body shines like polished metal. A kind of collar is very distinct in this genus. The anus is dentated, having one, two, or more teeth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. The antennae are black, the thorax a fine mazarine blue, having in some positions a greenish cast, the abdomen a fine gold colour with shades of crimson and yellow green; the anus hath four teeth or denticulations.— Syst. Ent. 358. 6. Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 947. 1. Fn. Sv. 1665. Exotic Insects, or at least those of the East, and West Indies, for the effulgence, and beauty, of their colouring in general, claim a superiority over the natives of this climate; but the appearance of this Chrysis before the speculum of an opake microscope, may vie with many of the most favourite foreigners hitherto discovered: the richness of changeable colours blending into each other, according to the variations of the light reflected on the surface, is such that we freely confess our inability, or even the inability of art, to equal; though we trust our figure will give some idea of the delightful appearance of the original. The Fly of the natural size is given on the fore ground, the magnified figure above. It commonly constructs its habitation in the chinks of old walls, or decayed trees, but prefers a situation near the entrance of woods where it may reside in silent security. If attacked by any Insect of equal size, it is generally victorious, for such is the amazing strength of its almost impenetrable coat, that it will encounter the spider without much apprehension of danger; and as its strength protects it from many injuries which Insects with tender bodies are exposed to; the species multiplies, and is not uncommon in several parts of the country. It rarely appears from its retreat until the middle of the day, and is then only invited by the piercing rays of the sun. PLATE VIII. VORTICELLA LUNARIS. GENERIC CHARACTER. A worm capable of contracting or extending itself, naked, with rotatory cilia. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Simple, hemispherical, with a twisted pedicle. The small head of this animalculum is crater-form, the margin of the orifice protuberant, ciliated on both sides, the hairs undulating, the pedicle eight or ten times the length of the body. As often as the mouth is opened, the pedicle extends itself; when it is shut, this is twisted up spirally, and their motions are often reiterated in a short space. FIG. 1. the head, expanded.—FIG. 2. when shut.—FIG. 3. the undulated edge. Müller. Ani. Inf.—Adams's Essays on the Microscope. FIG. 4. found in infusions of hay, and is called Trichoda Uvuia. PLATE IX. PHALAENA EVONYMELLA. SMALL ERMINE MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae taper like bristles. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. First Wings silver-white, with fifty black spots in three or four rows. Second wings lead-colour. Syst. Ent. 656. 4. Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 885. 350. Fn. Sv. 1363▪ Phalaena Evonymella feeds on the white-thorn, black-thorn, and on fruit trees. In May the caterpillars are hatched, and as they live in societies of hundreds, or even thousands, by their united industry they spin a web spacious enough to contain the family, and therein they assume their several forms; early in June they become chrysalides, and in about fourteen days the Flies are perfect. The caterpillars of the Pha. Padella and Evonymella are ever found in the same society, and many circumstances may be advanced to prove them either varieties of each other, or difference of sex only, although Linnaeus considered them as distinct species. They differ in colour, the Caterpillars of one being light yellow brown, the other black, and the upper wings of the Evonymella are less of a lead colour than those of the Padella. To gain information on this subject, we, this season, put the eggs of several females into different glasses; the eggs of each female produced both kinds of Caterpillars, they became Chrysalides, and a number of each sort of the Flies came forth. PLATE X. PHALAENA CHRYSORRHOEA. YELLOW TAIL MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. No trunk. Wings depressed, deflexed. Back smooth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Antennae feathered. Entirely white, except the extremity of the abdomen, which is yellow. Caterpillar black and red, hairy.— Syst. Entom. 577. 74. Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 822. 45. Fn. Sv. 1128. Linnaeus in the Systema Naturae, has confounded the Yellow Tail, with the Brown Tail Moth, nor was it generally considered as an error till some time after; but the immense increase of the Caterpillars of the Brown Tail Moth in the year 1780, afforded an opportunity of determining them to be distinct species. Though foreign to our purpose, and properly under the history of the Brown Tail Moth, we cannot pass over such remarkable circumstances as attended the uncommon increase of this species in the above winter. The fears of the public must have been great indeed, when prayers were offered to avert the famine supposed to be threatened by the appearance of those insects in the state of the Caterpillar. In July the Caterpillar is found feeding on the white-thorn, fallow, apple-trees, and on fruit-trees in general, about the latter end of the same month, it spins a web of a tough texture against the branches of trees, &c. becomes an aurelia, and in August the Fly comes forth. PLATE XI. ACARUS COLEOPTRATORUM. BEETLE-TICK. APTERA. No wings. GENERIC CHARACTER. Legs eight. Eyes two, lateral. Tentaculae two, jointed. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Tawny. Anus whitish. Syst. Ent. 814. 24. Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 1026. 27. Fn. Sv. 1973. This Tick is one of those detestable race of animals whose miuteness secures it from danger, while it draws nutriment from the blood, and frequently from the vitals of larger insects. Every animal is tormented by those cruel and blood-thirsty beings, varying in size, in shape, and in colour, but whether they be distinguished by the name of lice, bugs, fleas, or mites, they fall under one point of view, when considered as a pest to the societies of other animals. Beetles are in general infested and severely injured by those vermin. I found about a month since one of the Scarabaeus Stercorarius, Common Dor, or Clock, almost devoured alive by them, little except his shell remaining; yet, in this state it lived several days. There were a number of small brown bags affixed by pedicles to its breast, thighs, and even feet; the microscope discovered those to contain each an embryo, and the pedicle, no doubt, answered the part of an umbilical chord, to extract nourishment from the living creature. I perceived on further inspection their base penetrated the shell, or entered the apertures. FIG. 1. Natural size of the Ticket and Embryo. FIG. 2. The upper side, and Fig. 3. under side, magnified. GRADUAL, from these what numerous kinds descend, Evading even the microscopic eye! All Nature swarms with life; one wond'rous mass Of Animals or Atoms organized, Waiting the vital breath, when PARENT HEAVEN Shall bid his Spirit blow. — — — These, conceal'd By the kind art of forming HEAVEN, escape The grosser eye of man: for, if the worlds In worlds inclos'd, should on his senses burst, From cates ambrosial, and the nectar'd bowl He would abhorrent turn: and in dead night When silence sleeps o'er all, be stunn'd with noise. THOMSON'S SEASONS. PLATE XII. CICINDELA CAMPESTRIS. SPARKLER. COLEOPTERA. Wings two, covered by two shells, divided by a longitudinal future. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae taper. Jaws prominent, denticulated. Eyes prominent, Thorax margined. Five joints in each foot. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Above green-gold. Beneath copper tinged. Eyes large. Thorax angular and narrower than the head. Six spots on each shell. An oval substance at the base of each thigh. Legs long and slender. Syst. Ent. 224. 1. Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 657. 1. Fn. Sv. 746. Scop. carn. 181. Those beautiful Insects vary something in size and colour, the spots on the elytra are generally white, but are often found with spots of yellow; they fly or run quick, are carnivorous, and live in dry sandy places. In the spring its larva is found, which resembles a long, soft, whitish worm, with six legs and a brown scaly head; it perforates the sand perpendicularly, and rests near the surface to ensnare smaller insects. It very difficult, if at all possible, to breed those insects and observe their metamorphoses; we have tried various methods, but have not yet been so fortunate as to succeed. PLATE XIII. LUCANUS CERVUS. STAG BEETLE. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae clavated, compressed, pectinato-fissile. Maxillae extended so as to resemble horns. Five joints in each foot. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Head and Thorax black. Shells dark brown. Horns resembling those of a Stag, forked at the end, a small branch near the middle on the inside, moveable. Shells plain. The Stag-Beetle is the largest coleopterous insect we possess, but its size is insignificant, when compared with those of the same kind that inhabit hot countries or woodlands, as instanced in the Scarabaeus Hercules, &c. It is sufficiently distinguished in this country by the moveable maxillae, or jaws, that project from the head; they are of a dark red colour, and though brighter in some specimens, are rarely of the beautiful coral appearance Barbut and other authors have described. Coleopterous insects in general are endowed with amazing strength, and their arms are equally serviceable for the assault or defence. The antlers of this Beetle are carefully to be avoided by such as attempt to deprive it of liberty; with them it strips off the bark of oak trees, and attaches itself firmly to the trunk, thence extracting the liquor that oozes with its tongue. They are plentiful in June and July, in Kent and Essex, and in many other parts of Britain. The females are known by their maxillae being much shorter than those of the males; they deposit their eggs under the bark of old trees, either oak or ash, and the food of the larvae, or grubs, is the internal substance of the trunk, first reduced to a fine powder; they undergo transformation in this cell, and force a passage through the bark when perfect beetles. PLATE XIV. TRICHODA POCILLUM. TRICHODA. An invisible, pellucid, hairy worm. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Oblong trichoda, the fore-part truncated and hairy, the tail articulated, and divided into two bristles. This invisible animalculum is common in marshy places, particularly in the swamps near the banks of the river Thames. When magnified, the body is pellucid, and appears as two separate bodies, one enclosing the other; the interior part is filled with molecules, and the exterior is membranaceous: they are capable of extension or dilation, and of folding in various directions. At the extremity of the interior part is a muscular orbicular membrane, which is opened or shut at pleasure, and forms the mouth. FIG. 1. The interior part protruded with the mouth open. FIG. 2. The jaws shut. PLATE XV. PHALAENA CAJA. GREAT TYGER MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae taper from the base. No trunk. Wings depressed, deflexed. Back smooth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Antennae feathered. First wings whitish, with large irregular dark brown spots. Abdomen and second wings orange, with black spots. The superior wings in some of this species have smaller brown , and more of the cream colour; in others the spots are larger, and quently two are united to form one. The inferior wings also admit of equal variety; the spots near the thorax are often united, and the small black stripes on the back are fewer in the present specimen than are common to the Moth. The caterpillars feed on lettuces, or nettles. When he is apprehensive of danger, he rolls himself up like a hedge-hog. He becomes a chrysalis in May; and the latter end of June, or early in July, it produces the Moth. PLATE XVI. PHALAENA ANTIQUA. WHITE SPOT TUSSOCK MOTH, OR VAPOURER. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae taper from the base. No trunk. Wings depressed. Back hairy. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Antennae feathered. First wings cloudy, orange, waved and spotted with brown, and a white spot on the posterior angle. Female without wings. The female Vapourer Moth at first sight perfectly resembles an apterous insect; but on inspection, very small wings are seen at the extremity of the Thorax, and the antennae determine it to be a phalaena. It creeps in a sluggish manner, and lays an abundance of eggs. FIG. 1. the Female. FIG. 2. the Male. The Caterpillars feed on white thorn, and on trees in general. It has been known to live on the deadly night-shade, and other poisonous plants. The Caterpillars are found in July, and the Moth in September. PLATE XVII. VORTICELLA URCEOLARIS. GENERIC CHARACTER. A small animal, with a vascular cup; the mouth is at one end cili ed, and capable of being contracted; the stem fixed. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Single, with a short tail, and toothed mouth. This Animalcum is but perceptible to the naked eye, appearing as a small white speck; the microscope discovers the external covering to be so transparent, that all the motions of the animal within are perfectly distinct. It hath a double rotatory instrument, which, however, it can conceal or shew at pleasure; and it hath power to protrude the head and tail as at FIG. 1. or to contract them within the external coat or covering, as at FIG. 2.—When the animal intends to display its rotatory instrument, it forces its tail through the hole at the extremity of the outer coat, and affixes it to whatever substance is near; but when it swims, it moves its tail backwards and forwards to assist it. They are found in river, or stagnant, water. FIG. III. TRICHODA VERMICULARIS. GENERIC CHARACTER. An invisible, pellucid, hairy worm. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Long cylindrical trichoda, with a short neck, the apex hairy. Is found in river water, and can assume various forms, as in our figure shewn. PLATE XVIII. NEPA CINEREA. WATER SCORPION. HEMIPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae, or fore legs, cheliform, wings crossed and complicated; fore part coriaceous. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black brown. Head small. Antennae cheliform. Thorax almost square. Target large, brown. Shells large. One joint in each foot. Length near an inch. In the female the abdomen terminates in two long appendices. Four legs only. There are three species only of this genus common to our waters, though the waters of hot countries abound with various kinds, some considerably exceeding in size even our Sphinx Atropos. The Insect sinks its eggs into the cavity of a rush, or other aquatic plant, whence the larvae are hatched. The perfect insect is found in June, and thence to September or later; they are voracious, and feed on other aquatic animals, grasping their prey between their fore feet, and tearing them to pieces with their sharp rostrum.—They fly in the evening, and thus remove in herds from one pool to another when danger approaches. It is supposed by some authors, that the fore feet of the nepa are the antennae, and if this be admitted, the Insect hath only four feet; but if considered destitute of its antennae, it hath six. PLATE XIX. CHRYSIS BIDENTATA. HYMENOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Thorax joined to the abdomen by a short pedicle. Abdomen divided into three segments. Sting simple. Wings not folded. Antennae filiform of one long and eleven short joints each. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Head and last segment of the body, sky blue, changeable. Thorax, and two first annulations of the abdomen, crimson with gold spots. Thorax with two teeth. The Chrysis Bidentata is scarcely so large, and by no means so common as the Chrysis Ignita, (not exceeding one-third of an inch in length) but is equal, if not superior in beauty and richness of colour. The head, but more particularly the last segment of the body, appears in one direction of light, blue, in another green, in another purple, &c. and the thorax, and two first segments of the abdomen are far more enriched with a golden appearance; the ground colour is deep crimson, but the metallic appearance on the lighter parts, and the number of small gold spots which besprinkle it, greatly diminish the strength of colour, and renders it, even before it is magnified, a superb little insect. It is found in May or June in some parts of Kent and Essex. PLATE XX. FIG. I. PHALAENA CHRISTIERNANA. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Pyralis. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. First wings yellow, with rose-coloured marks. Under wings flossy, brownish grey. The natural history of this Phalaena is so little known, that we freely confess our inability to shew its transformations; and although a deviation from our first intention, we trust the scarcity of the Fly will plead our excuse. We shall occasionally introduce figures of some rare and non-descript subjects, which we hope will be highly satisfactory to many of our subscribers. Our specimen was taken at Feversham; they are sometimes met with about Darnwood in June or July. FIG. II. HIMANTOPUS LUDIO. GENERIC CHARACTER. A pellucid, invisible, cirrated worm. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Curled Himantopus; the upper part hairy, the tail extended upwards. PLATE XXI. PHALAENA PRUNARIA. ORANGE MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Geometrae. Antennae feathered. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings orange, sprinkled with brown, and a semi-lunar spot on the first pair. Female paler than the male. Caterpillar yellow brown, with two spines before and two behind. The caterpillars of this Moth feed on fruit-trees, or on thorns, in the month of May; the Chrysalis is commonly found, rolled up in a decayed leaf, inwardly protected by the web, in June; and in July the Moth. The present figure is of the male. PLATE XXII. TIPULA PLUMOSA. SEA TIPULA. DIPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Head long. Palpi four, curved. Trunk very short. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Brown. Thorax greenish. Eyes black. Fore legs longest. Wings shorter than the abdomen. Is found in the month of April near marshes, and has been frequently mistaken for the common Gnat. PLATE XXIII. SILPHA VESPILLO. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae clavated, foliated. Head prominent. Thorax margined. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Margin of the thorax broad. Shells abbreviated, black, with two orange belts. Thigh of the hind legs large, with a spine near their origin; length one inch. This species, like most of the Coleopterous Insects, delights in filth and putrescence, and are rarely found except in the dung, or dead bodies of larger animals, whose entrails they devour; they prey on the larvae of smaller insects beneath the surface of the earth, or they will destroy each other. Their Grubs are secreted in perforations made in the earth by the female, and therein they change to their last or perfect state in June or July: those Grubs are to be found by following the track of a plough. They fly well with the transparent wings, which are concealed beneath the Elytra or upper Shells. The male is rather smaller than the female, and the orange belts are of a deeper hue: though both male and female vary in the strength of colour when alive, and yet more when preserved in cabinets, as they sometimes become almost brown. All insects are subject to this change, whatever may be the care of the collector. PLATE XXIV. LIBELLULA DEPRESSA. DRAGON FLY. NEUROPTERA. Wings four, naked, transparent, reticulated with veins or nerves. Tail without a sting. GENERIC CHARACTER. Mouth with two long lateral jaws. Antennae very short. Tail of the male forked. Wings extended. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Eyes brown. Thorax greenish, with two yellow transverse bands. A large black spot at the base of each Wing, and a small dark mark on their exterior margin. Body depressed, lance-shaped. All the species of Libellula, but particularly the larger kinds, are considered by many rather as objects of terror, than subjects worthy inspection; and the vulgar denomination of Horse-stinger, contributes to this abhorrence: although it hath no power over animals of such magnitude, it is perfectly a Vulture among lepidopterous, or other defenceless Insects, destroying more for its sport than for its voracious appetite. The Fly is on the wing in May, and June, in almost every marshy situation; the female lays her eggs near the roots of Osiers on the banks of ditches, or sinks them into the stalks of Rushes in the water; they hatch, and an ugly apterous insect, of a brown colour, comes forth; it hath a long body like the Fly, six Legs, and a forked Head, a sharp spine at the extremity of the abdomen, and a row of spines on each side, one at every joint; it plunges into the water, and immediately devours such of the inhabitants, or their eggs, as comes within its reach, and it continues this life of depredation until its next change. They are to be taken with a small hand-net. All transparent objects, in a certain direction before a microscope, reflect the colours of the prism. The Tipula Plumosa exhibits, in this situation, an effulgence of colouring, which its natural size conveys but small vestiges of; and the colours on the wing of this Libellula appears far more vivid when magnified. The body of the male is bluish grey; the present specimen is the female. PLATE XXV. SPHINX API-FORMIS. BEE HORNET SPHINX. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae thickest in the middle. Wings, when at rest, deflexed. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings transparent, with brown veins. Abdomen yellow, the first and fourth division from the thorax dark, purplish. Thorax brown, with two yellow patches in front. Head yellow. Antennae dark brown. Linn. Syst. Nat. The Caterpillar of the Sphinx Api-formis is an internal feeder, and found only by making an incision into the innermost substance of the Poplar, the only tree the female commonly deposits her Eggs on; it i to us unknown, as is also the time of continuing within the trunk of the tree; but in June, early in the morning, or in the evening, the Chrysalis is seen issuing through the bark, from a perforation in the trunk, which the Caterpillar had formed previous to its change, generally to the depth of six or eight inches, or more. Nature has furnished every segment of the Chrysalis with a double row of sharp teeth, or spines, therewith it firmly attaches itself to the sides of the cavity, and, by repeated exertions to break from its prison, gradually forth; thus, when it hath extricated itself from the tree, and the Chrysalis is supported as in our Plate represented, the upper parts burst asunder with violence, and the insect rushes forth to enjoy "the temperature of the summer season." It is rarely found except in Essex. There is another Sphinx, which differs in so few particulars, that it hath been mistaken for the present subject; notwithstanding, it may be easily distinguished by a crescent of yellow in the fore part of the thorax, and thence entitled the Lunar Hornet Sphinx; a Drawing of which Insect, with the larva, has been presented to the Linnaean Society. This larva is nearly the size of the Buff-tip Caterpillar, and of an obscure brown colour; probably the larva of the Sp. Api-formis may much resemble it. It is arranged in many cabinets under the title of Sphinx Vespiformis; but the Sp. Vespiformis, in the Linnaean Collection, now in the possession of Dr. Smith, scarcely exceeds half the size of this subject, and is probably unique. The Lunar Hornet-Sphinx had no place in that cabinet. PLATE XXVI. FIG. I. TRICHODA COMETA. GENERIC CHARACTER. An invisible, pellucid, hairy Worm. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Spherical, the fore part hairy, with an appendant globule. FIG. II. TRICHODA LONGICAUDA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Cylindrical, the first part truncated, and set with hairs. The tail long, with two joints, and terminated by two bristles. FIG. III. VORTICELLA TROCHIFORMIS NIGRA. GENERIC CHARACTER. A Worm, capable of contracting or extending itself, naked, with rotatory cilia. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Top-shaped black vorticella. This species of Vorticella appears, without the assistance of a microscope, as small black specks, swimming on the water, particularly in meadows which are inundated. They are constantly in motion; and two small white hooks are perceptible by glasses at 1—1; by the help of those it is supposed to swim, or they may inclose some rotatory organ. The insect is opaque. PLATE XXVII. LEPTURA ARIETIS. COMMON WASP BEETLE. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae tapering to the end. Shells narrower at the apex. Thorax somewhat cylindrical. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black. Anterior and posterior margin of the Corslet yellow. Four yellow lines on each elytra or Shell. Lin. Syst. Nat. They fly well, and are sometimes found on aquatic plants. They are exceedingly numerous in Kent, in the pease and bean-fields, in May, or on the currant-bushes, and not unfrequently are taken on the fern. PLATE XXVIII. CHRYSOMELA ASPARAGI. COLEOPTERA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae knotted, enlarging towards the ends. Corslet margined, and body oblong. Thorax narrow. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Head, Antennae, and under side of the Body black. Thorax red, with two black spots. Shells dark green, with six yellow spots. Length one line. Lin. Syst. Nat. This pretty Cloeopterous Insect is found in June on the Asparagus, when in seed. Linnaeus calls it Asparagi, from the larvae feeding on the leaves of that plant. It is a common insect, but forms a beautiful opaque object for the microscope. The natural size is given at Fig. I. and the magnified appearance above. PLATE XXIX. FIG. I. TRICHODA MELITEA. GENERIC CHARACTER. An invisible, pellucid, hairy Worm. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Oblong ciliated trichoda, with a dilatable neck, the apex globular, and surrounded with hairs. Müller's Animalcula Infusoria, &c. Invisible to the naked eye, and rarely found except in salt-waters, although we have met with one specimen in the water of the Thames. FIG. II. VORTICELLA NASUTA. GENERIC CHARACTER. A Worm, capable of contracting or extending itself, naked, with rotatory cilia. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Cylindrical, with a prominent point in the middle of the cup. Müller's Anim. Infus. Is invisible to the naked eye, and appears of an unequal size before the microscope is pellucid, with the fore part truncated and ciliated, and moves in the water with great alertness, by the assistance of the circle of hairs which encompass the body. FIG. III. VORTICELLA VIRIDIS. GENERIC CHARACTER. A worm capable of contracting or extending itself, naked, with rotatory cilia. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Cylindrical uniform, green, and opake. Müller's Anim. Infus. The naked eye discovers this species as a mere point: when magnified it is of a dark green colour, almost opake, nearly cylindrical, obtuse at the extremities, and destitute of limbs. It moves circularly, or in a strait direction, and causes such an agitation of the water, that notwithstanding its appearance, some rotatory instrument must be concealed within the body, which the insect can put forth at pleasure. PLATE XXX. PHALAENA SALICIS. WHITE SATTIN MOTH. GENERIC CHARACTER. ** No trunk, wings depressed, deflexed, back smooth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Antennae feathered. Body and wings white. Caterpillar black, with red and white spots. Are very numerous in the adjacent parts of London, and are found in the state of Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Moth, at the same time, though commonly the Caterpillar changes to Chrysalis in June, and to a Fly in July. It feeds on the Willow, the Ozier, the Poplar, &c. PLATE XXXI. FIG. I. MUSCA CHAMAELEON. DIPTERA. Two Wings. GENERIC CHARACTER. Musca, a soft flexible Trunk with lateral Lips at the end. No palpi. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Dark brown or black. Antennae taper, broken. Eyes large. Abdomen nearly circular, with three triangular yellow spots on each Side, and one at the extremity. Linnaeus, in a former edition of the Fauna Suecica gave this insect the name of Oestrus Aquae, but he afterwards discovered it to be a Musca, and called it Musca Chamaeleon. It is one of the most common Dipterous, or two-winged Insects we have; yet though so well known in its perfect state, few have attended so minutely to its changes as to discover that; they form the most singular part of its history.— The female deposits her eggs in the hollow stalks of aquatic plants, or broken reeds, or so provides for them that they cannot, but by some unforeseen accident, be carried away. The egg, in due time ripening, produces a Larva, no way resembling the Parent, but rather a Worm of a most singular structure. This happens about the latter end of May, or beginning of June, if the weather proves favourable; they will then be found in shallow standing waters, crawling on the grass or plants which grow there, or they may be taken floating on the surface of the water. The Body consists of twelve annular divisions, whereof the Head and Tail are two; the Tail has a verge of hairs, which, when entirely expanded, support the creature on the surface, with its head downwards. If it wishes to descend, it contracts the hairs in the form of a wine glass, or entirely closes them at the end; and when again it is rising to the surface, it forces a bubble from a small aperture in the center, which immediately makes a passage for its ascension.— It changes to the Pupa state, and about the middle of July to the Fly. It subsists at this time on the nectar and other juices it extracts from the bottom of the corolla in flowers. FIG. II. MUSCA PENDULA. DIPTERA. MUSCA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Head black. Thorax yellow, with three longitudinal black lines. Abdomen yellow, with transverse black marks. Its habits nearly correspond with those of the Musca Chamaeleon. Like that Insect it once wore the appearance of an Aquatic, and like it also in its last or perfect state, exists by extracting with its Trunk the nectar from flowers. It is to be taken in June. FIG. III. MUSCA LATERALIS. DIPTERA. MUSCA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. * Thorax black. Abdomen bright red or brown, with a line of black from the Thorax; the last segment black, with hairs or spines. Visits flower gardens in the month of June. PLATE XXXII. FIG. I. VIBRIO OLOR. GENERIC CHARACTER. An invisible Worm, very simple, round, and rather long. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Elliptical, with a very long Neck, and a knob on the Apex.— Müller 's Ani. Inf. The Neck of this Creature is in continual motion, and the whole Body is dilatable. It is found in water, replete with decayed vegetables. FIG. II. KOLPODA MILEAGRIS. GENERIC CHARACTER. An invisible, very simple, pellucid, flat, crooked Worm. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Changeable, with the fore part like a hook, the hind part folded up.— Müller' Ani. Inf. FIG. III. and FIG. IV. PROTEUS TENAX. GENERIC CHARACTER. An invisible, very simple, pellucid Worm, of a variable form. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Running out into a fine point.— Müller. A gelatinous pellucid body, stored with black molecules; it changes its form in a regular order, first extending itself out in a strait line, the lower part terminating in an acute bright point, without any intestines, and the globules being all collected in the upper part, it next draws the pointed end up towards the middle of the body, swelling it into a round form. The contraction goes on for some time, after which the lower part is swelled as in Fig. IV. The point is afterwards projected from this ventricose part. It passes through five different forms before it arrives at that represented at Fig. IV. It scarcely moves from one spot, only bending about sideways. It is to be found in river water, where the Nitida grows.— Adams on the Microscope. PLATE XXXIII. FIG. I. PHALAENA BATIS. PEACH-BLOSSOM MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. PHALAENA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae taper from their apex. Wings in general contracted when at rest. Fly by night. * NOCTUA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. First pair of Wings brown, with five peach-coloured spots on each. Second pair light brown. The Peach-blossom Moth at first sight so evidently distinguishes itself, that it can scarcely be mistaken. The upper or first pair of Wings have the ground of a brown colour, which in some directions of light assume a golden appearance; and on each Wing are five elegantly disposed spots of white, having each a center of the most beautiful bloom, or blossom colour, which blend into the white with the most exquisite softness. The under Wings are of a simple colour, and have only a transverse shade of a darker hue across the middle of each Wing. Its truly elegant appearance would alone be sufficient to claim our attention; but when we add that it is one of the rarest and most valuable specimens of British entomology, it will be considered as a compensation for those more common subjects occasionally introduced; and which the nature of our plan cannot permit us to refuse. Our endeavours to procure the Caterpillar have hitherto been ineffectual, although it is very probably to be taken early in the season, feeding on the bramble. It is described to be a brown larva, naked, or without hairs, with a gibbosity or rising on the back, near the extremity. Our Fly was taken in Essex, July 14th. FIG. II. PHALAENA AMATORIO. BLOOD VEIN, or BUFF ARGOS MOTH. LEPIDOPTERA. PHALAENA. ** Antennae feathered. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings angulated, buff, sprinkled with brown, and a red transverse line across each. Margin of each Wing edged with red. The Caterpillars of this Phalaena feed on the oak leaves. They are green, with yellow rings. The Fly is found in Essex very commonly in the month of July. PLATE XXXIV. FIG. I. CURCULIO BACHUS. COLEOPTERA. Wings two, covered by two shells, divided by a longitudinal future. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antennae clavated, elbowed in the middle, and fixed in the Snout, which is prominent and horny. Joints four to each foot. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Shells, and Thorax purple with gold shades; snout long, black. Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 611. 38. Sckaeff. Icon. Tab. 37. Fig. 13. Geoff. Ins. 1. 270. 4. Sul. Hist. Ins. Tab. 4. Fig. 4. Our figure represents the Curculio Bachus, as it appears before the Speculum of an Opake Microscope with a lens magnifying times. It is with this, as with many other species of insects, and particularly those of the Coleopterous Order, that unless they are in some measure magnified, much of their beauty will remain hidden, and much of their structure be enveloped in obscurity. It is not perfectly agreeable to our plan, and may admit of some blame from our subscribers; but when objects so diminutive in size, and so complex in colour, offer to our attention, and it is not possible to represent them in their natural appearance, or in a manner satisfactory to ourselves, we must have recourse to the Microscope for assistance. We consider the confidence at present reposed in our accuracy, and attention, to the natural subjects, evident from the general patronage bestowed on our attempt; it is a spur to our exertions, and we will endeavour, as well by our future, as present correctness, to deserve a continuation of that esteem, and encouragement, so liberally showered on our once arduous undertaking. C. Bachus is near in length, the Shells and Thorax appear of a deep glossy purple, with much inclination to gold; a green and golden hue is seen on every part of the body as it moves in various directions of light. The whole appears before the microscope besprinkled, and spotted with gold and purple; gold in those parts where the light is most powerful, and purple in the shadows. The Snout is black, or of a dark colour, as are also the Eyes; and the singular structure of the jointed Antennae, which are thereon, deserve particular notice. This beautiful insect is as rare, as it is superb, and the larva is scarcely, if at all known.—Our specimen was taken in the middle of June, in a field near Kent. FIG. II. CUCULIO GERMANUS. BLACK CURCULIO. COLEOPTERA. Curculio. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Snout long, black Head, Thorax, Shells and Body black. Two small spots of yellowish white on the sides of the Thorax. Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 613. 58. Scopol. Ann. Hist. Nat. 5. 91. 44. Frisch. Ins. 13. 28. Tab. 26. An Insect found in abundance in Germany, and by no means uncommon in this and every other part of Europe. It is generally taken in June. PLATE XXXV. FIG. I. Shews the natural size of the larva, of the MUSCA CHAMAELEON, Described in Plate XXXI of this work. FIG. II. As it appears magnified. We have taken it since that plate was finished, or we would have introduced it with the Fly. Being unacquainted with any perfect representation of this aquatic larva, we are happy to give it before the completion of the first volume. PLATE XXXVI. FIG. I. LIBELLULA PUELLA. NEUROPTERA. Wings four, naked, transparent, reticulated. With Veins or Nerves. Tail without a sting. GENERIC CHARACTER. Mouth with two long lateral Jaws. Antennae very short, tail of the male forked. Wings extended. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Body Saxon-greenish blue, Eyes distant, remote. Wings of equal length, with a cloud of brown in the middle, and without marginal spot. Length two inches. Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 904. 20. Fan. Sv. 1470. It is neither so large as to infuse terror by its appearance, or so beautiful as to claim the first place in a collection of British insects: notwithstanding there are many inferior to it both in elegance, and colour. The whole of the body is a deep purplish blue, which reflects on one part, a most brilliant colour with a greenish cast, and the clouds on the wings contribute much to its lustre. The Thorax and Head are nearly the same, some few shades of green excepted. It is found in May and June, sporting on the waters, or among the bushes which overgrow the sides of pools, or gently flowing streams; at noon, or after a shower, when the sun breaks from its watery prison, and penetrates the thickets, and the groves with inviting warmth, they are seen issuing from the dark retreat, and overhanging shrubbery; to bask and wanton in its effulgent beams, and fan the gently rising breeze with their lucid Wings. In many parts on the banks of the Thames they heighten the scene by the glow and richness of their colouring; the green, the blue, and the red; the yellow, purple, and the brown, in their richest teints, according to the species; and as they fly in various directions, display themselves in all their native elegance and splendor. FIG. II. LIBELLULA PUELLA. NEUROPTERA. LIBELLULA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Body red with yellow and black lines at each segment; thorax green with yellow stripes. Wings clear, with marginal spots. The body is red, with a yellow band and black mark at every segment; the Thorax green, with longitudinal lines of yellow; the Wings are perfectly transparent, except a marginal spot on each. It is voracious, as are all the species of Libellula, whether in the larva or the winged state; it appears about the same time as the preceding, and is the produce of an aquatic larva. INDEX TO VOL. I. COLEOPTERA. FIRST ORDER. Cervus Lucanus. Stag Beetle Plate 13 Silpha Vespillio Plate 23 Chrysomela Asparagi Plate 30 Curculio Bachus Plate 34 Curculio Germanus ib. Leptura Arietis. Common Wasp Beetle Plate 27 Cicindela Campestris Plate 12 HEMIPTERA. SECOND ORDER. Nepa Cinerea. Water Scorpion Plate 18 LEPIDOPTERA. THIRD ORDER. Sphinx Apiformis. Hornet Sphinx Plate 25 Sphinx Filipendulae. Burnet Moth Plate 6 Phalaena Pavonia. Emperor Moth Plate 1 Phalaena Bucephala. Buff Tip Moth Plate 3 Phalaena Caja. Great Tyger Moth Plate 15 Phalaena Salicis. White Sattin Moth Plate 28 Phalaena Chrysorrhoea. Yellow-Tail Moth Plate 10 Phalaena Antiqua. White Spot Tussock Moth Plate 16 Phalaena Amataria. Buff Argos Moth Plate 33 Phalaena Prunaria. Orange Moth Plate 21 Phalaena Grossulariata. Currant Moth Plate 4 Phalaena Batis. Peach Blossom Plate 33 Phalaena Christiernana Plate 20 Phalaena Evonymella. Ermine Moth Plate 9 NEUROPTERA. FOURTH ORDER. Libellula Depressa. Dragon Fly Plate 24 Libellula Virgo Plate 36 Libellula Puella Plate 36 HYMENOPTERA. FIFTH ORDER. Chrysis Ignita Plate 7 Chrysis Bidentata Plate 19 DIPTERA. SIXTH ORDER. Tipula Plumosa Plate 22 Musca Chamaeleon Plate 31 Musca Pendula ib. Musca Lateralis ib. APTERA. SEVENTH ORDER. Acarus Coleoptratorum. Beetle Tick Plate 11 Monculus Quadricornis Plate 2 Monoculus Conchaceus Plate 5 Proteus Tenax Plate 32 Vibro Olor ib. Kolpoda Mileagris ib. Bursaria Hirundinella Plate 5 Trichoda Cometa Plate 26 Trichoda Longicauda ib. Trichoda Melitea Plate 29 Trichoda Pocillum Plate 14 Trichoda Uvula Plate 8 Trichoda Vermicularis Plate 17 Himantopus Ludio Plate 20 Vorticella Lunaris Plate 8 Vorticella trochi formis Nigra Plate 26 Vorticella Nasuta Plate 29 Vorticella Urceolaris Plate 17 Vorticella Viridis Plate 29 INDEX. SPECIFIC NAMES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, TO VOL. I. Amataria, Phalaena Plate 33 Antiqua, Phalaena Plate 16 Api-formis, Sphinx Plate 25 Arietis, Leptura Plate 27 Asparagi, Chrysomela Plate 30 Batis, Phalaena Plate 33 Bidentata, Chrysis Plate 19 Bucephala, Phalaena Plate 2 Caja, Phalaena Plate 15 Campestris, Cincindela Plate 12 Chamaeleon, Musca Plate 31 Christiernana, Phalaena Plate 20 Chrysorrhoea, Phalaena Plate 10 Cinerea, Nepa Plate 18 Coleoptratorum, Acarus Plate 11 Cometa, Trichoda Plate 26 Conchaceus, Monoculus Plate 5 Evonymella, Phalaena Plate 9 Filipendulae, Sphinx Plate 6 Grossulariata, Phalaena Plate 4 Ignita, Chrysis Plate 7 Lateralis, Musca Plate 31 Longicauda, Trichoda Plate 26 Lucanus, Cervus Plate 13 Ludio, Himantopus Plate 20 Lunaris, Vorticella Plate 8 Melitea, Trichoda Plate 29 Mileagris, Kolpoda Plate 32 Nasuta, Vorticella Plate 29 Olor, Vibrio Plate 32 Pavonia, Phalaena Plate 1 Pendula, Musca Plate 31 Plumosa, Tipula Plate 22 Pocillum, Trichoda Plate 14 Prunaria Phalaena Plate 21 Quadricornis, Monoculus Plate 2 Salicis, Phalaena Plate 28 Tenax, Proteus Plate 32 Trochiformis Nigra, Vorticella Plate 26 Vermicularis, Trichoda Plate 17 Vespillio, Silpha Plate 23 Viridis, Vorticella Plate 29 Urceolaris, Vorticella Plate 17 Uvula, Trichoda Plate 8 ERRATA TO VOL. I. PLATE XXXIV. for magnifying times, read magnifying four times for 6. Bachus is near in length, read C. Bachus is near four Lines in length FIG. II. for Cuculio, read Curculio