Village Courtship. YOUNG Roger came tapping at Dolly's window, Thumpaty, thumpaty, thump; He begg'd for admittance, she answer'd him, No, Glumpaty, glumpaty, glump; My DOLLY, my dear, your true Love is here, Dumpaty, dumpaty, dump; No, no, ROGER, no—as you came, you may go, Slumpaty, slumpaty, slump. Oh! then she recall'd, and recall'd him again, Humpaty, humpaty, hump; Whilst he, like a mad-man, ran over the plain, Slumpaty, slumpaty, slump; Oh! what is the reason, dear DOLLY, he cry'd, Humpaty, humpaty, hump, That thus I'm cast off, and unkindly deny'd, Trumpaty, trumpaty, trump. Some rival more dear, I guess has been here, Crumpaty, crumpaty, crump; Suppose there's been two, Sir, what's that to you, Sir, Numpaty, Numpaty, nump. Oh! then with a sigh his sad farewell he took, Humpaty, humpaty, hump; And quite in despair he leap'd into the brook, Plumpaty, plumpaty, plump. His courage he cool'd, he found himself fool'd, Mumpaty, mumpaty, mump; He swam to the shore, and saw DOLLY no more, Rumpaty, rumpaty, rump. Determin'd to find a damsel more kind, Plumpaty, plumpaty, plump; While DOLLY's afraid she must die an old maid, Mumpaty, mumpaty, mump. FOWLER, PRINTER, SALISBURY.