CHEAP REPOSITORY. THE HACKNEY COACHMAN; OR, The Way to get a good Fare. To the Tune of "I wish I was a Fisherman," &c. Sold by J. MARSHALL, (Printer to the CHEAP REPOSITORY for Religious and Moral Tracts) No. 17, Queen-Street, Cheapside, and No. 4, Aldermary Church-Yard, and R. WHITE, Piccadilly, LONDON. By S. HAZARD, at Bath, and by all Booksellers, Newsmen, and Hawkers, in Town and Country. Great Allowance will be made to Shopkeepers and Hawkers. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. Or, 2s. 3d. per 100—1s. 3d. for 50.—9d. for 25. [ Entered at Stationers' Hall. ] THE HACKNEY COACHMAN; OR, The Way to get a good Fare. I. I AM a bold Coachman and drive a good Hack, With a coat of five capes that quite covers my back; And my wife keeps a sausage-shop not many miles From the narrowest alley in all Broad St. Giles. Tho' poor we are honest and very content, We pay as we go for meat, drink, and for rent; To work all the week I am able and willing, I never get drunk, and I waste not a shilling. III. What tho' at a tavern my gentleman tarries, Why the coachman grows richer than he whom he carries; And I'd rather (say I) since it saves me from sin, Be the Driver without than the Toper within. IV. For the dram-shop I hate and the dram-drinking friend, Yet I'm not quite so good but I wish I may mend; I repent of my sins since we all are deprav'd, For a Coachman, I hold, has a soul to be sav'd. V. When a riotous multitude fills up a street, And the greater part know not, boys, wherefore they meet; If I see there is mischief I never go there, Let others get tipsy, so I get my fare. VI. Now to church if I take some good lady to pray, It grieves me full sore to be kept quite away; So I step thro' the door-way, for here 'tis the sin, To loiter without when one might enter in. VII. Then my glasses are whole, and my coach is so neat, I am always the first to be call'd in the street; And I'm known by the name ('tis a name rather rare) Of the Coachman that never asks more than his fare. VIII. Tho' my beasts should be dull yet I don't use them ill; Tho' they stumble I swear not, nor cut them up hill; For I firmly believe there's no charm in an oath That can make a Nag trot when to walk he is loth. IX. And tho' I'm a Coachman, I'll freely confess, I beg of my Maker my labors to bless; I praise him each morning, and pray every night, And 'tis this makes my heart feel so cheerful and light. X. When I drive to a Fun'ral I care not for drink, That is not the moment to guzzle, but think; And I wish I cou'd add both of Coachman and Master, That both of us strove to amend a bit faster. Z. THE END. This Day are PUBLISHED, Price 1d. ½ each, or 6s. 9d. per 100—50 for 3s. 9d. 25 for 2s. 3d, Watts's Hymns for Children, complete, with Prayers. PRICE ONE PENNY each. 4s. 6d. per 100—50 for 2s. 6d.—25 for 1s. 6d. Tom White the Postillion, Part I. The Two Shoemakers, Part I. Shepherd of Salisbury Plain, Part I. The Two Soldiers. Life of Wm. Baker, with his Funeral Sermon, by the Rev. Mr. Gilpin. History of the Plague in London, with suitable Thoughts, The Lancashire Collier Girl. PRICE an HALFPENNY each, 2s. 3d. per 100.—50 for 1s. 3d. 25 for 9d. The Carpenter; or, the Danger of Evil Company. A New History of a True Book, in Verse. The Market Woman, a True Tale, in Verse. The Roguish Miller, or nothing got by Cheating, a True Ballad. Indentures; or, Apprentice's Monitor. The Gin-Shop, or a Peep at a Prison, in Verse. Fable of the Old Man and the Bundle of Sticks. The Horse Race. Wonderful Escapes from Shipwreck. Husbandry Moralized, or Pleasant Sunday Reading, for a Farmer's Kitchen, Part I. True Stories of Two Good Negroes. Providential Detections of Murders, by H. Fielding, Esq. Advantages of Religion. On the 1st of June, 1795, was published, The Shepherd of Salisbury Plain, Part II. —The Beggarly Boy. —Wild Robert, a Ballad. On the 1st of July, Daniel in the Den of Lions. —The Good Mother's Legacy. —Patient Joe, a Ballad. On the 1st of August. Hints to all Ranks of People. —The Happy Waterman. —The Riot, a Ballad. —The Plowboy's Dream, a Ballad. On the 1st of September, Tom White, Part II. —Noah's Flood. —Dame Andrews, a Ballad. On the 1st of October, Harvest Home. —Two Farmers, Part I. —The Honest Miller, a Ballad. On the 1st of November, The Parable of the Vineyard. —The Two Farmers, Part II. —The Sorrows of Yamba, a Ballad. On the 1st of December, The Troubles of Life. —Sorrowful Sam. —Merry Christmas, a Carol. On the 1st of January, 1796. New Thoughts on the New Year. —The History of Mary Wood, the Housemaid. —Robert and Richard, a Ballad. On the 1st of February, The Touchstone; or, the Way to know a good Christian. —The Apprentice turned Master; or, the Two Shoemakers, Part II. —The Story of Sinful Sally. Told by herself, a Ballad. On the 1st of March, Onesimus; or, the Run-away Servant converted. —Idle Jack Brown; or, the Two Shoemakers, Part III. —Shopkeeper, Part I. On the 1st of April, Conversion of St. Paul. —Jack Brown in Prison; or, the Two Shoemakers. Part IV. —Shopkeeper, Part II. On the 1st of May, The General Resurrection, Part I. —The History of Charles Jones the Footman, written by Himself. —The Hackney Coachman; or, the Way to get a Good Fare, a Ballad. On the 1st of June, Carrying Religion into the Common Business of Life. —The Cheapside Apprentice. —The Election Song, a Ballad. On the 1st of July, Look at Home; or, the Accusers Accused. —The Gamester. —Turn the Carpet; or, the Two Weavers, a Ballad. And other Pieces on a similar Plan, on the 1st of every Month.