ACCOUNT OF THE Court of SPAIN. PART II. ON the Feast of the Annunciation, the Young Queen went to the Monastery of the Incarnation. The French Ambassador's Lady accompanied her thither; but tho' she never so earnestly desired to have an opportunity to entertain her in private, she could not find one single moment to do it; for the vigilant Camarera would not allow the Queen that Liberty. At her return, she served Nine Poor Women at Dinner, and gave each of them a Suit of Apparel, and sive Pistols in their Purse: The Maids of Honour carried the Dishes; the Queen-Mother performed the same Ceremony on her side. But what infinitely surprized the Queen, was to find a Billet privately slipt into her Pocket, and thus Superscribed: For the QUEEN Alone. At first she was in doubt, whether she ought to open it or no; but presently after she had a mind to carry it to the King: Nevertheless the uncertainty of what was contained in it, and after what manner the King might take it, prevailed with her at last to open it. It seemed to be written in a disguised sort of an Hand, and contained these Words in Spanish: The Supreme Elevation of your Majesty, and the mighty difference that is between us, has not been able to efface that Passion which your admirable Qualities have infuted into my Heart. I adore you, my Queen; I die in adoring you; and I dare say, that I am not unworthy to adore you: I see you, I sigh after you; but you don't know my Sighs, you don't understand my secret Languishings; nay, you don't turn your Charming Eyes upon me. Ah, Madam, how unhappy am I to be born a Subject, who find my self possessed with the Inclinations of the greatest King in the Universe. The Queen continued some time surprized and astonished: She could not imagine who this Rash Person was, that had the hardiness to write to her in these Terms; and did not question, but that the Billet was slipt into her Pocket by one of the Poor Women whom she had served. But then it appear'd very strange, that a Man, who seem'd to be of great Quality, would trust his Life (for nothing less was hazarded) into the Hands of a poor needy Creature; for such she must be that could approach the Queen that day. It was true indeed, that she had been amongst the Religious Women of the Inearnation: but although some of them might undertake this business, yet there was little probability to be lieve it, by reason of the Consequences that would have proved fatal to the Party concerned, if ever the matter came to be discovered. Sometimes she thought, that perhaps it might be a Trick of the Camarera Mayor, to see what use she made of this Billet, and then to acquaint the King with it, and turn the most Innocent thing in the World into a wrong sense. After these different Reflections, at last she judged it would be the safest way to discover the Matter to the Queen-Mother, and follow her Advice. She went the next day to dine with her, and afterwards shew'd her the Letter, beseeching her to keep it: That if the King came to know any thing of the matter, she would be so kind as to testify the whole Truth. The Queen-Mother seeing that she was discomposed at it, assured her, that it was not worth the while to torment her self about it; and from whatever Hands the Letter came, if the King was disquieted at it, she would take care to acquaint him with the Truth: So that the Queen left her more at ease than she was before, by reason of this assurance. On this day the Queen arrived to her Eighteenth Year: She received rhe Compliments of all the Lords, and the Ladies made her Presents, particularly the Queen-Mother, who sent her a Sett of Diamonds and Turquoises. At Night there was a Consort of French Musick at the Palace. It was much about this time that the Envoy of Brandenburgh parted from Madrid, complaining, and loudly threatning them with his Master's Resentments. He came to receive several considerable Sums, which the Elector had sent to the King of Spain. They had amused him a long time with many tedious delays, but at last gave him an Assignation to receive fifty thousand Crowns of the Silver that was daily expected from the Indies. When the Flota was arrived, he went to Sevil, but his Journey had no success, because they had ordered the President of the The Contration is a Council where they order all Affairs relating to the Indies. Contration at Sevil to give him nothing. He came back to Madrid with all the Fury imaginable, to find himself treated with so little Respect: He renewed his Importunities; and they for their part renewed their Promises: At last he was so wearied with these continual Delays, whereby they still put him off, that he demanded a positive Answer, and yet tarried longer than he had resolved. But his Master being informed of the whole Proceedings, ordered him to take his Audience of Leave. The Duke de Medina Celi would fain have stopt him, promising to pay down fifty thousand Crowns in four Months: And perhaps the Envoy had stay'd in expectation of them, if he had not been otherwise ordered, although there was little probability that he would have received satisfaction at the time appointed; and so he refused this Proposal. Then they offered him thirty thousand Crowns in hand. He was upon the point of accepting them, when he was given to understand, that this would be paid him no better than the rest. This put him into a great Passion, which made him speak so fiercely and freely to the Ministers, that he did not spare them at all. He shew'd several Persons a Letter from the Elector of Brandenburgh, which was full of Menaces, for the rude Treatment of his Envoy. The Night before he parted, they sent him a Golden Chain worth a hundred and fifty Pistols; but he returned it immediately back again to the Person who brought it to him from the King: The next day the same Chain was brought to him the second time; but he sent it back to the Chief Minister, and told him, He would rather say, he had lost it upon the Road, than accept of a Present that was so unworthy of the Elector his Master. On the other side, the Count de Gubernatis, Envoy from Savoy, seeing that all his Solicitations and Instances for four years last past, had not advanced his Negotiation in the least; and that all the hopes they gave him of granting the same Honours to the Ministers of the Duke of Savoy, as they received in France, were only dilatory Illusions to amuse him, without ever designing to perform them; he departed from Madrid in a great Fury, which was so much the greater, because they refused to satisfy his Demands, in the payment of those Subsidies that were due to his Master. Some of the other Envoys departed also with no less discontents; and as for those that stay d behind, they complained in their turns of the Ill Usage they had received. But Foreigners were not the only Persons that were disgusted, the Subjects of the King of Spain were little better used; and the Count de Balbo, with several Milanese Officers, returned to Italy, without being able to obtain what was due to them, or get the Recompence they demanded. It is indeed certain, that the King had no Funds; that the price of Victuals was not in the least diminished; that many poor Artisans and Day-labourers died of Hunger; and that those men who were supposed to be rich, had Billets often sent to them to send their Money to such and such places, with great Menaces to Assassinate them in case they failed. Another Affair happened, upon which the Court had their Eyes fixt for a long time, and several Persons of the highest Quality found themselves Interested in it, by the means of the Prince d'Stillano, and the Count de Monterey. The first of these possess'd the place of President of the Council of Flanders at Madrid ; it was taken from him by Don Juan of Austria, and conferred upon the Count de Monterey, who had never taken possession of it. The pretence they used to set by the Prince de Stillano, was a quarrel raised for the purpose. He had been banished, but was afterwards informed under hand, that he might, if he pleased, come back to Madrid: so he fell into the Snare, and returned. The K. and Don Juan seemed to be very angry with him, because he presumed to come back, contrary to his Majesty's Order; and therefore to punish him, they bestow'd his place upon the Count de Monterey, who at that time commanded the Army in Catalenia ; and after this usage were so far from revoking his Sentence, that they banished him to his old place. The first thing the Count did after he had been summoned to the Court, was to demand the Oath of his Office, and the King promised to chuse a convenient Opportunity to receive him: But the Queen Mother being informed of it by Don Geronimo d'Eguya, hindered the King from receiving the Oath of the Count de Monterey, because she had a kindness for the Prince d'Stillano, who was altogether devoted to her Service. The Affair continued in this condition, till the Duke De Medina Celi was advanced to the Ministry, who assembled a Juncto at Cardinal Portocarero 's Palace, to examine the Reasons of one side and t'other: The Cardinal presided in it, and was assisted by the King's and Qeeen-Mother's Confessors, by Don Benedetto and by Don Pedro Gil del Faro: They gave the Prince de Stillano to understand, that since his Majesty had disposed of his Place in favour of the Count de Monterey, he had nothing left him to do, but only to submit. To this the Prince answer'd, That by an ancient Law of Castile, the King could not take away his Place, without commencing a Process against him. Upon this the Juncto broke up, but at their second Meeting concluded, That it was in the King's Power to dispose of this Office, who having a great Inclination to the Count, had decided it in his advantage. Whilst the Prince de Stillano continued thus outed, the Queen-Mother was sensibly concerned at the Injustice that was done to one of her principal Servants; and she was perswaded, as well as the rest of her Family, that they could reproach him with nothing but his faithful adhering to that Princess. He still persisted in his Demands to have his Tryal come on; That since they had taken away his Place from him, as from a Criminal, they ought to treat him as one, and punish him according to his Faults. All the Queen-Mother's Faction joyned in the same Complaints; but that did not hinder the Count de Monterey from continuing still in hir Place. It is true, that considering him Personally, he was more deserving than the Prince de Stillano ; that he had faithfully served the King in Flanders, when he was Governour there, at a time when Affairs were in a ticklish condition. He is a well-made agreeable Person, of great Abilities; and we ought to reckon amongst his other good Qualities, his Alliance with the Duke de Medina Celi ; and this was no small consideration, at a time when the Duke did whatever he pleased at Court: For Example, he nominated his Brother to be Vice-Roy of Mexico, which is a Post where they get a Prodigious Wealth in a short time. The President of the Council of Castile receiv'd about this time a Breve from the Pope, whereby he was enjoyn'd to repair immediately to Rome, to give an account of his Behaviour towards the Nuncio ; but they were of Opinion here, that he was not obliged to obey it. It was known at Madrid, that the Visitor-General of the Kingdom of Naples had sent word to the Duke de Saint-Angelo, Dean of the Collateral Council, to depart out of Naples within three days, and to retire sixty Miles off. He obey'd this Injunction, after having taken his Leave of the Vice Roy, and the most considerable Persons of the City; and afterwards went to Gaette with his whole Family. The Vice-Roy, who appeared in Favour of him, was very glad that the City of Naples had writ to the King of Spain about him, with a great deal of Zeal and Affection. The Visitor-General enraged at the Course they had taken, sent Orders immediately to the Duke de Monte Sardo, his Son in Law, to the Duke Della Regina, his Nephew, and to all his other Relations, to be gone within an hour. The Luke Della Regina being a Magistrate of the City, pretended, that he could not be hindered from staying in it. He summon'd his Friends together, and after he had represented to them the Injury that was done to himself in particular, he declared to them, that the Visitor had a design to attack them too in general, as appeared by his severe examining the Conduct of the Princes and Barons of that Kingdom, although by their Priviledges they were exempted from it. 'Twas resolved in this Assembly, to meet again the next day; and accordingly a great number of people came there. In short, there came more than sixty, who elected out of themselves the Prince Dotojano, of the House de Medicis, the Prince de la Torella of the House of Caraccioli, and the Duke de Matalone, of the House de Caraffa: They went to find out the Vice-Roy, who voluntarily engaged to speak to the Visitor General; but he coldly told him, That he executed the Orders he had received from Spain. Hereupon the Neapolitan Lords were extreamly dissatisfied, and several of them wished, that they had some Chief or other to head them, who was capable of a great Resolution. For the better understanding of these Memoirs, I ought to acquaint the Reader, That the Ambassadors, and even the Envoys, had a certain Right at Madrid, which exempted them from paying any Toll at the City Gates, for those things that were necessary for their Families. This Custom had been observed time out of mind; but it being discovered, that some persons had extended this Priviledge farther than it ought to be, and that hereby the King suffered exceedingly in his Dues; the Council judged it expedient to convert it into a Sum of Mony, which was in effect paid by the Forreign Ministers, and the Franquezas (for so they call this Right) were abolished. There was likewise another Priviledge, which is called Immunidad del Barrio ; that is to say, the Ambassadors have a certain Precinct markt out about their Houses, in which compass Justice is not to be performed without their permission, and the Alcaldes dare not pass in the Ambassador's Quarter with their White Rods, which is the Badge of their Authority. Every Ambassador is so jealous to preserve this Priviledge, that some Forreign Ministers have been so hardy as to hang the Alguasils at their Gates, when they found them trespassing in this point. I must confess very few of them have carried things to this extremity, but several have ordered them to receive an hundred blows with a cudgel. Notwithstanding the apparent Risque they run, and the Consequences that such Infractions might carry, the Corrigidor, accompanied with his Officers, passed at mid-day through the Quarter belonging to our Ambassador: They carried with them their White Rods; but he not being informed of it till they were quite gone, could only send to the Corrigidor to tell him, that he was extreamly surprised at his procedure, and that for the time to come, he should remember his Duty better. He answer'd, That he was ignorant, till he was now better informed, that the Ambassador's Quarter extended so far as the place through which he had passed; and that it was sufficient he knew it now. But notwithstanding this sort of satisfaction, the very same Corrigidor a few days after came by that way again, and pass'd before the Ambassador's House at a time when he was abroad. The Marquis de Villars being informed of it, complained loudly of this Insolence. He expected with Impatience what would be the Result of the matter, when an Order from the King came to him, wherein his Majesty revoked the Priviledges of his Quarter, pretending it was not just, that the Ambassador of France should be more favourably treated at Madrid, than the Ambassador of Spain was at Paris. It was said at Court, that in that great City the Officers of Justice went when they pleased up to the very Gates of the Spanish Ambassador, to perform the Functions of their respective Offices: That in the Year 1671. there was issued out a Declaration of the same Nature with this; that the renewing of it was no Novelty, and that since the first Declaration the Ambassadors had only enjoy'd this Priviledge by Sufferance, but that for the future they were resolved to connive at it no more. Monsieur de Villars answer'd, That he owed too great a respect to the King, ever to remove himself from it: That he was assured the King his Master would approve of the Proposal to treat their Ambassador, as they did his in Spain: but then they ought to consider, what Priviledges that Minister has at the Court of France: That it was not necessary there to demand Audience and Permission, which always retard Affairs, in order to speak to the King and Queen, to see them, and accompany them; that he went a hunting with the King; that he assisted at Feasts, and other Ceremonies, as often as he pleased; that he was allow'd to have Six Horses to his Coach, and so to drive all about Paris: That the Ambassadoris Lady went in the Queen's Coach; that she sometimes Dined with her, and that she received several Marks of Distinction, all which served to make an Embassy pass very agreeable: That it ought to be considered, that he did not enjoy all these Advantages at Madrid: And lastly, That he would take care to acquaint his Master with the Declaration of his Catholick Majesty: That he could not have an Answer immediately, by reason of the great distance; and that it was but reasonable and just, that things should continue in the Old State, till it arrived. But the King of Spain issued out a Second Declaration, wherein it was said, That his Majesty persisted in his first Resolution, and that he thought fit to take away the Immunities of the Frenco Ambassador's Quarter, without assigning any Cause. 'Tis indeed very surprising that Monsieur de Villars, who had reason to promise himself very advantageous Distinctions upon the Queen's account, should be the only man, who was singled out from the rest of the Ambassadors, to have his Franchises taken away from him, whilst the others enjoy'd theirs as formerly. He did not fail to send Advice to the Court of France of what had happened; the King was sensibly concerned at his Ill Usage, and promised to see Justice done to him. But Monsieur desiring, that things might not be carried to Extremities, neither on one side nor the other, writ a Letter to the Queen his Daughter, wherein he signified to her his great Trouble and Inquietude about this Affair. He conjured her to use all her Interest with the King her Husband, to engage him to do his most Christian Majesty Justice. She was kept ignorant till this very moment, of what had passed, and was no less surprised than afflicted at it. She took occasion to discourse the King about it at a favourable Juncture, as she imagined; but he answer'd her coldly enough, That it was a long time ago since this affair had been regulated, and that he would dispense with himself for telling her the Reasons. She earnestly importuned him to acquaint her with them; and after infinite Sollicitations, he could only be brought to reply as follows: Esque me quiteram este Embaxador, y me embiaram otro Gavacho. Which signifies in our Language; Let them take away this Ambassador from me, and send me another in his room. It is easie to judg, that the King speaking in these Terms, was not only prejudiced against the Marquess de Villars, but also against any other that might be sent to him. Whatsoever Intreaties the Queen made to oblige him to settle matters in the Estate they were formerly, yet he continued still inflexible, and seem'd indeed to act in this Affair rather by another Spirit than his own, without making any Reflection, either he or his Council, that France would resent the Injury. But they awaked of their Lethargy, when they saw an Extraordinary Courier arrive on the 8 th of April to the Marquess de Villars 's House. They had terrible apprehensions upon them, that he brought a Declaration of War along with him; and the Suspitions they had entertain'd a long time from the side of Italy, sensibly alarm'd them. Our Ambassador had Audience of the Duke de Medina Celi, to demand the Reestablishment of his Franchises, and the Jurisdiction of his Quarter. He represented to him the hardship of his Usage, and the little reason they had to treat him after this manner, and to choose him from amongst the rest to be affronted: That the King his Master was never the Aggressor, but that he would not tamely suffer an Injury, without revenging it: That particularly he was sensible of this, and demanded publick satisfaction for it. The Duke alledged, as he had done before, That ever since the Year 1671. the King of Spain was resolved not to grant the Franchises to the Ambassadors any longer, but that the Relaxation which time causes in every thing, was the reason that the Forreign Ministers by little and little recovered their former Rights; That this was no good Consequence, why it should take place of the Law; and for a Testimony that they had no intention to disgust him in this particular, he might rest assured, that for the time to come, all the other Ambassadors should be treated after the same manner. To this the Marquess de Villars made Answer; That instead of finding any particular Satisfaction for himself, he met with a new subject of Complaint, upon the score of this General Conduct; That since the new Alliance that was contracted between the Two Crowns, the Natural Right warranted him to expect that the Ambassadors of one would easily merit Favours of the other, and even procure them for their Friends; that he was so far from meeting that Usage, that he could get nothing for them but affronts; but that this was not the thing he demanded: That as for the Declaration of 16-1. he was not obliged to take the least notice of it, since having been Ambassador at Madrid , near four years ago, he peaceably enjoy'd all those Priviledges, which now they design to retrench him of, under the pretence of that Declaration. He was not content with discoursing the Chief Minister about this Affair, but demanded Audience of the King, and immediately obtained it. So he presented to him his Letters of Credence, to have this Affair regulated, and said every thing that was necessary to engage him to make necessary Reflections upon a thing that might draw after it such evil Consequences. He reminded him of the Peace that was so lately sworn, and of the Marriage he had contracted with a Princess of the Bood of France , and told him what little occasion he had to disgust the most Christian King; That in truth, his Master believed he did not act by his own Inclinations, and that upon this Consideration he was disposed to receive the Satisfaction he had so much reason to promise himself on his part. The King of Spain only answered with We will see. Veremos, according to his usual Custom. After this, it was deliberated in Council, what was necessary to be done in the business: The Council gave their Advice to the Chief Minister, and he to the King, as is the way in Spain. At last a Resolution was taken up, that the Marquess de Los Balbazez, who had been named to go Commissary to the Ambassador in France, should give him Satisfaction. In pursuance to this Order, he went to the Palace of the Marquess de Villars, and presented to him a Paper that was signed, wherein was represented in terms full of Amity and Respect, That the King of Spain had given necessary Orders to his Ambassador, to give that Answer and Satisfaction to his most Christian Majesty, which he had demanded in his Letter; and that he came to assure him, That the King his Master had so great a regard to all the Motives of Friendship that united their Majesties, that he would still continue the Ambassador of France in all the Priviledges and Immunities of his Quarter; and that he should likewise have the Right of the Franchises paid to him; That if he had them not till this present, it was only occasioned by his own neglect to demand them; and that the King had never any design to take them away from him. It is a thing seldom practised in other Courts to begin Actions of this Nature, unless they have had an important occasion to do it, and afterwards to abandon them with an Easiness, which may in some measure be attributed to their great Weakness; but there are some places where this Conduct is more in Request than others, and the Court of Spain is one of them. Some persons were even perswaded, that this design of taking away the Ambassador's Priviledges, was executed by the Ministers, only out of a Principle of Revenge, because our King had sent word to the Duke de Giovenezzo, that he was willing to give him at his Court all the Advantages that belonged to the Character of the Ambassador of Spain, wherewith he was invested; but that he had no Intention to leave him those Liberties which he allowed to others. And he had a particular Reason to observe this Conduct with him; for it is very well-known, that when he was in the Quality of Envoy at the Court of Savoy, he had busied himself, without any provocation, to put them upon the Design of burning the Vessels of Toulon, and the Magazines of Pignerol: So that the King having very just Reasons to look upon him as a particular Enemy, it was Natural enough to deny him those Favours that are allowed to those Persons for whom we have an Esteem. However it was if the Court of Spain was at the bottom mortified at this matter, they took care not to make it appear; and to take away from our King an Ambassador who was by no means agreeable to him, they immediately named the Marquess de la Fuente to go and supply his Place. The Queen was extremely satisfied to see the business of the Franchises terminate as she desired. The King, who loved her tenderly, notwithstanding all those secret Enemies that did her ill Services with him, knowing that one of her greatest Diversions was to ride a hunting, ordered Three fine Horses to be brought to her from Andalusia. She chose one of the most mettlesome, and mounted him; but she was no sooner got upon his back, but he began to caper, and was very like to have thrown himself backwards upon her, when she fell: One of her Feet unluckily happened to hang in the Stirrup, and the Horse finding this Embarras, ran about very furiously, and dragged the poor Queen after him, to the extream peril of her Life. This Accident happen'd in the Court of the Palace. The King beholding her from a Balcony, was brought to the last Despair; And though the Court was full of Persons of Quality, and the Guards, yet no one durst offer to go and help the Queen, because it is not lawful for any body to touch her, and especially by the Feet, unless it be the Chief of her Menins, or Pages, who puts on her Chiopins: These are a sort of Sandals, into which the Ladies put their Shooes, and make them appear very tall. The Queen always supports her self upon one of her Menins, when she walks any where; but these were Children too small to rescue her from the danger wherein she was. At last, Two Spanish Knights, one of whom was named Don Louis de las Torres, and the other, Don Jaime de Soto-Mayor, resolved, Whatever might happen, to deliver her: So one of them caught hold of the Horse by the Bridle, and stopt him; the other took hold immediately of the Queen's Foot, took it out of the Stirrup, and put one of his fingers out of Joynt in doing her this piece of Service: But without tarrying a moment, away they went to their Houses, and presently ordered their Horses to be saddled, to escape the King's Indignation. The Young Count de Pannaranda, who was a Friend to both of them, approached the Queen, and told her very respectfully, That those Gentlemen who had been so happy as to save her Life, were yet in fear of losing their own. She had the Goodness to speak to the King in their favour, because, as I mentioned before, no body was permitted to touch her, and particularly by the Feet. The King, who came down immediately, to see in what a condition she was, testified an extraordinary Joy to find she was not hurt, and very kindly received the Request she made in behalf of these Generous Criminals. Word was immediately sent to them, who by this time were got on Horse-back to save themselves: The Queen honoured them with a Present, and ever after had a particular Consideration for them. A few days after this Accident had befallen the Young Queen, she received a small disgust from the King upon this occasion: She had a very pretty Spaniel with her, and the little Creature used to lie with her a Nights. The Queen happening to miss her one Night got out of her Bed, and groped up and down the Room for her; the King too finding the Queen was not in Bed, got up likewise to find her. Behold them now in the midst of a great Chamber, without any Light, going on one side and t'other, and rubbing their Shins against every thing they met; At last, the King being impatient, asked the Queen, Why she got up? the Queen answered him, To search for her Spaniel: And is it worth the while, said he, for a King and Queen of Spain to rise out of their Beds, to find a little pitiful Bitch? Being thus vexed, he spurned the poor reature with his Foot, as she came against his Legs, and was like to kill it. At the Cries she made, the Queen, who loved the Bitch, could not forbear to complain in a sweet manner, and came to bed again very sorrowful; but neither the King nor she were able to find it again; and they were forced to call up the Queen's Women to bring them a Light. The next Morning the King went out very early a hunting all alone, without saying a word to the Queen. This disquieted her all day long, and she past the greatest part of it leaning upon the Windows of her Chamber, although the Dutchess de Terra Nova frequently disturbed her, and told her, That a Queen of Spain ought not to look out at a Window. All that day she impatiently expected the King's return, and as soon as ever he lighted from his Horse, met him about half the Stair-Case, and threw her self about his Neck, with that agreeable French Liberty, which she had not yet forgotten: He was perfectly charmed at it, and could not forbear to embrace her often, although it is not the Custom in that Country, where their way of saluting the Ladies, is to press their Arms with their Hands. He was in so good a humour, that she obtained leave for the Duke de Ossone, to come back to Court, and execute his Place of Great Master of the Horse. The Juncta that was erected to determine the Affair between the Nuncio, and Don Juan de la Puente y Guebarra, President of the Council of Castile decided it on the 12th of April. He was entenced to be banished, and turned out of his Office. The Nuncio demanded of them, that they would oblige him to go to Rome, to take off the Suspension he had incurred; but they thought they had punished him sufficiently. Abundance of people said, That these great Names he took upon him, did not belong to him; and that his true Name was Don Juan de Montefillo, and that he was barely a Gentleman of the Province of Castile. He finished the Course of his Studies at Salamanca, and afterwards was made Canon of Toledo. His Behaviour mightily pleased the Archbishop of Toledo, who was at that time Cardinal of Arragon, and taking a delight in his Conversation, trusted him with the Management of all his Affairs. He acquitted himself so well in this Station, that the Archbishop took care to reccommend, and make him known to Don Juan of Austria, whom he extreamly pleased by the Suppleness of his Carriage, and the Vivacity of his Genius ; And whether that Prince had any particular Designs upon him, or only intended to prefer him, to acquit himself of the Promise he had made to the Cardinal, he made him President of the Chancery of Valladolid. Sometime after the Count de Villambrosa, who was President of Castile, happening to die, the Prince gave his Place to Don Juan de la Puente. To say the truth, he only executed that Office by a Commission; but it was a very great Post, and could not fail to draw the Envy of several Persons upon him: And so it really did; for few people were concerned at his Misfortunes: They looked upon him as one of the Creatures of Don Juan ; and those that were always looking out for an Object for their Hatred, when that Prince was gone, vented all their Spleen and Indignation upon him. The people accused him of all their Grievances, and pretended, that he was the Cause of crying down the Money; That being in a Place which rendered him Chief of Justice and the Civil Government, he might, if he had been so minded, have found out some way or other to relieve so many different Persons, that suffered according to their Condition. But the Complaints of private Men, nay, even those of the Publick in general, could not have been able to hurt him, if there had not been a necessity at that Juncture, to oblige the Pope, by reason of the Apprehensions they had of the Designs of the most Christian King upon Italy. Although the Office of the President of Castile is the next in Dignity to that of the Chief Minister, yet all People have not an equal desire to possess it. Don Juan Ascensio, Bishop of Avila, whom the King nominated to it, refused it: An Order was sent to him, to come immediately, but he desired the Duke de Medina Celi to excuse him, and leave him in his Diocess. He had formerly been a Religious of the Mercy, and General of his Order: However, as it is a hard matter to resist the Will of one's Prince, especially when it happens to be so advantageous as this was, he obey'd the second Order that was sent him, and came without any delay. He was a Person of great Discretion; and 'tis certain a Man cannot have too much to qualifie him for the Exercise of so considerable a Place: for the Council of Castile regulates all the Affairs that respect the Government of the States of Castile: it was first created in the Year 1245. by St. Ferdmand, King of Castile ; it is composed of a President and sixteen Counsellors; the President never makes any Visits, and at his House gives the Right Hand to no body. They summon to this Council the Chanceries of Granada and Vailladolid, and the Courts of Judicature of Sevil and Gallicia, which are the Four Seats of Justice, where they determine, by way of Appeal, all the Suits that are judged by the Corrigidors in the Cities, and by the Alcades in the Villages: When the King speaks of the Council of Castile, he barely calls it Our Council. The Court was exceedingly troubled at the Advices they received, That the Vice-Roy of Naples, having with no small pains, heaped together the Sum of two hundred thousand Crowns, part of which he had borrowed to send to Piombino, Portolongone, Orbitelle and some other places which the King of Spain possesses on the Coasts of Tuscany ; the Money being embarked in a Folouque, Eight Slaves found the opportunity to carry off the Vessel: Two small Vessels and a Galley were sent after them to bring them back, but they were gone too far to be recovered: So all the pains of the Marquess de Los-Veles, tended only to set Eight Slaves at liberty, and enrich them for the remainder of their Lives. The Ambassador of Venice seeing that he of France received Satisfaction upon the occasion of the Franchises and Immunities, redoubled his Instances to have Justice done him upon the Alguazils, who had killed two of his Attendants. He received Satisfaction on the 17th of April. The Alcalde who led them on was banished, and the Alguazils were sent to Prison, and were not enlarged but by his Intreaty. If the Count de Monterey was sensibly affected with Joy, to be preferr'd to the Prince de Astallano, as to the Presidentship of Flanders, he was not a little disgusted to see several Persons made Counsellors of State before him; and notwithstanding he earnestly desired to be one of the number, he was disappointed. The King named the Duke de Albuquerque General at Sea, the Count Doropesa, who was very Young, and had no other Dignity as yet, the Marquess de Los Velez Governor of Naples, the Duke de Villa Hermosa Governor of Flanders, Don Melchior Navarra, who had been formerly Vice-Chancellor of Arragon, the Marquess de Mansera Mayor, Domo Major to the Queen-Mother, and the Inquisitor-General, to be Members of this Council. It was commonly believed that the Queen-Mother had a great influence in naming most of these Lords. The Council of State was instituted by Charles the Fifth in 1526. Here it is that they examine the Merits and Services of those Persons that pretend to be made Vice Roys, or to possess any other great Employments: They regulate the most important Affairs of the Monarchy; the King only is the President of it, and the number of the Counsellors is not fixed. Most People were surprized, that Don Carlos Ramirez de Arrellano, was made President of the Finances, on the 8th of April, after he had been so long chained and shut up for his Lunacy and Madness: He was chosen in the room of Don Antonio de Monsalve. No body could imagine for what Reason the Duke de Medina Celi thought fit to trust him with a Post of that Consequence; for he had none of those Qualities that are necessary to make a Man capable of discharging it well; nay, he had some that ought to have excluded him. Amongst the rest, he was Son-in-Law to a Corrigider, named Don Francisco de Herrera, who was mortally hated by the People; and 'tis said, not without just Grounds; since he contributed not a little to the extream Miseries under which they groaned. The Council of Finances, which is there called de Hazienda, was established in the Year 1602. by Philip III. It is their business to inspect the Tribunal, which is called the Contaduria Mayor, and was set up by Philip the Second in 1574. A certain Accident happened at Court, which I cannot forbear to relate, although it is of little Consequence. The Queen had two of the prettiest Parrots in the World, which she had brought along with her from France, and loved mightily: The Dutchess de Terra Nova thought to do a meritorious work in killing them, because they could only talk French. One day when the Queen was gone out to take a Walk, and the Dutchess, to avoid going with her, and to put this Design in Execution, had pretended a slight Indisposition; she demanded the Parrots of the Woman that looked after them, and so without any more a-do, as soon as ever she had got them into her Hands, wrung off their Necks, in spight of all the Prayers and Intreaties that were used to prevent her from killing them. This was a great Affliction to the poor French Women that waited upon the Queen, who when she came back to her Apartment, commanded them to bring her Parrots and Dogs, as her custom was always when the King was not there: for he cou d not endure any of these little creatures, because they came from France ; and whenever he saw them, he cry'd, Fuera, fuera, Peros Frances ; that is to say, Out, out, you French Dogs. All the Queen's Women, instead of going to fetch what she demanded, stared upon one another, and continued for some time immoveable, without daring to speak a word; but at last, after a long silence, one of them gave her an account of the Execution which the Camerera had made of them She was extremly concerned, although she took care not to discover it; but as soon as the Dutchess entred the Room, and according to her custom, came to kiss her Hand: The Queen, without speaking a Syllable to her, gave her two Boxes on the Ear with her hand. Never was any thing in the World in such a Rage and Surprize as the Dutchess was; for she was one of the most haughty imperious Women living, and carried as much State and Grandeur: She possessed, as I mentioned before, a Kingdom in Mexico, and now to be buffeted by a young Queen, whom she had hitherto treated like a Child; this appeared insupportable; she immediately flew out of the Room, saying all the impertinent things that her Anger suggested to her, and assembled together her Relations and Friends, and above four hundred Ladies: With this numerous Train of Coaches, she came to the King's Apartment, to demand Justice of him for the Affront she pretended she had received from the Queen: She made so great a Clamour, and shed so many Tears, that he sent for the Queen to come to him: And as he represented to her the high Rank which the Camarera Mayor held in the World, the Queen interrupted him, and told him, without any hesitation, Senor, esto es une antojo. These few unexpected Words clearly changed the Face of Affairs: The King embraced her with a thousand Testimonies of Joy; adding, That she had done very well; and that if Two Blows were not enough to satisfy her, he consented she should give the Dutchess Two Dozen more. Now antojo signifies in the Spanish Tongue, the Longing of a Woman with Child: And they are it seems convinced by long Experience, That if Women with Child in that Country have not what they desire, and don't do what they have a mind to do, they are delivered before their time of a dead Infant. The King, who believed the Queen was with Child, was ravished with Joy; and though he had a mighty kindness for the Dutchess, yet he exceedingly approved of the Queen's Action: So that all the Satisfaction she received from him was this, Cailla os, est as bofetadus son hii as del antojo ; That is to say, Hold your peace; these Blows are the Fruits of a Woman with Child. The Queen had so much Prudence and Address, as not to take the least notice of the Death of her Parrots: So that she left the King no Room to imagine, that the antojo of boxing the Old Dutchess proceeded from her own Resentments. The Marquess de Villa Menrique obtain'd the Vice-Royship of Peru, which is one of the most considerable Posts, by the means of a pretty Lady, of whom the Duke de Medina Celi was extreamly enamour'd. The King, the Queen, and the Queen-Mother, went together to Buen-Retiro to pass the Holy Week there. After Easter was over, the King expressed a great desire to go to Aranjuez, as it had always been the custom: But the Queen-Mother, who had no Inclinations to be at any great distance from Madrid, because all Affairs were managed there, and the Counsellors never stir out of it; and likewise because the Neighbourhood of Toledo, where she had been formerly confined against her Will, revived a sort of Horror in her, raised so many Obstacles, that the King alter'd his Mind: So he stay'd but a very inconsiderable time at Buen-Retiro, and passed four days at the Escurial. He would only suffer himself to be accompanied by the Duke de Medina Celi, the Master of the Horse, one of the Gentlemen of his Bed-Chamber, and the Major domo. The next day after he was arrived, the Queen wrote a very tender Letter to him, and sent him a Diamond-Ring. He sent her, by way of return, a Chaplet made of the Wood of Calambour, garnished with Diamonds, in a little Box of Gold Filagreen, wherein he inclosed a Billet that had only these Words, Madam, there has been a great Wind; I have killed six Wolves. As soon as he returned to Madrid, the desire of going to Aranjuez, seized him again. By a custom that had been established ever since the time of Philip II. the Kings of Spain were used to go to this Noble House some time after Easter. This is appointed in the Ceremonial of the Palace, which is a Rule they always follow: In it are to be found all the Ceremonies that are to be observed, the Habits which the Kings and Queens are to wear, the Time of their going to their Royal Houses, how long they are to continue there; the Days of going to Chappel, as also those for Bull-Feasts, and running at the Ring; the Hour of their Majesties going to Bed, and Rising; and a thousand other things of the same Nature. But, as it happen'd, there was so great a scarcity of Money, that the King was obliged to stay at Madrid: However, to excuse and colour so extraordinary a thing, they gave out, that the Small-Pox was at Aranjuez, which being scituated upon the Road to Malago, where the Plague raged, and from whence it might easily be spread thither, his Majesty was not willing to hazard himself so far as to venture thither. The Court was troubled at the Advices they received on the first of May, That the Fishermen of Fontarabia, and those of Andaye, had been lately engaged in a Quarrel about the Fishery of the River Bidassoa, which separates the Two Kingdoms. They fought, and several Men were killed on both sides: but what concerned them the most, was, That the Governour of Fontarabia, instead of sending to part them, play'd the Cannon upon the French, and demolished some Houses in Andaye: So that to prevent the Consequences, which might perhaps have proved very dangerous, they commanded him to repair the Houses that were battered, and give the French Fishermen all the Satisfaction they desired. Our Ambassador assured them, that he would write to his Master, and acquaint him with what readiness and complaisance this Affair was made up at Court. The Duke de Medina Celi offer'd to make the Marquess de Villa Franca Counsellor of State, provided he would quit his Place of Lieutenant-General of the Mediterranean, which the King had a mind to bestow upon Prince Alexander Farnese: but he returned him this Answer, That having Reason to flatter himself, that he had discharged this Office well, he could never be prevailed with to throw it up to another, as long as he was capable of doing the Duties of it himself. The King's Confessor was upon the point of being sent away about the beginning of May. The Duke de Medina Celi designed that place for Father Bayona, Confessor of the University of Alcala ; for he imagined he might reckon upon him, and beside, the King had given his consent. They had a mind to bestow the Bishoprick of Plazencia upon Father Francis de Relux, to have a favourable pretence to remove him: But he used all the Interest and Credit he had in the World to keep his old Post, declaring; That he would refuse the Bishoprick; and that if the King turned him off, he would every-where complain of the Chief Minister. Although the Duke de Medina Celi hated him heartily, because he was difficult of Access, and having a great Ascendant over the King, possess'd him with several Scruples, in order to pursue his own particular Views; yet he was forced to let him alone. Every one is of Opinion, that the Duke had done much more discreetly, not to have discovered his Intentions against him, unless he had been in a capacity to put them in Execution, because to shew an ill Will, and not be able to effect our Designs, only draws more Enemies upon our heads, and exposes us to the contempt of all the World, which will be apt to conclude we only are too weak. But this was not all; he left in the Person of the Confessor a Man that was always with the King, and who was sure to oppose him in every thing; but that was not the only thing he had Reason to apprehend. The Camarera Mayor, and Don Jeronimo de Eguya, still continued to possess the King's Favours; They had opportunity to discourse him as often as they pleased, by vertue of their Places, and neglected no occasions to advance and secure their own Interest. This was a sort of a Triumvirate, which might very well check the Authority of the Chief Minister; he very well saw what he was to fear from this quarter, and was extreamly concerned at it; he had long ago desired to remove de Eguya, but he fixed himself every day more and more in the King's good Graces; and the Death of Don Pedro Fernandez del Campo, left him in the intire possession of a Place, which before he had only exercised by a Commission. He likewise obtained a Place of being a Counsellor in the Chamber of the Indies ; and when the Duke used all his Endeavours to remove him from business, he perceived that the King's inclination prevailed above all his Attempts to the contrary; for his Majesty was persuaded, that de Eguya was faithful and necessary to him. The Dutchess de Terra N vo, as well as the Confessor, confirmed him in this Opinion: So that they rendred one another all good Offices reciprocally; and this was a sure and easy way to support themselves. Ever since the Night that the Camarera Mayor had received that Chastisement from the Queen, after a long consideration of the matter, she found, that if she continu'd to observe the same rigorous Conduct towards that young Princess, which she had hitherto used, she could never insinuate her self into her Affections. Besides this, she knew that the Queen-Mother utterly disapproved this sort of Treatment, and that she had frequently spoke to the King her Son about it; that she had represented to him, that there was so vast a difference between the Customs of France and those of Spain, that there was a necessity to make some Allowances, and not to perplex a Young Princess, whose Age, as well as the Sweetness of her Temper, deserved another sort of Usage. The Camarera look'd upon her self as undone, if she did not lay aside all her former Severity; and these considerations prevailed with her to assume a more engaging Air, and to endeavour to relieve the Queen in all her pensive moments, by discovering the King's Humour to her, and the means to please him. Whenever the King was vex'd, and out of Humour, she seem'd to spare no pains to sweeren him; and the Queen being of a frank, easy Disposition, was immediately perswaded, that the Dutchess had taken up a better Temper, and even believed, that she did her all the Services she could. But the rest of the World were of a different Opinion from her Majesty; they knew well enough that this Old Belldame was rather inclined in her own Nature, to throw Oil into the fire, than endeavour to quench it; and they alledged, as an indisputable Proof of this, all the ill impressions she had made upon the King, in relation to the French ; nay, even the most inconsiderable things that came from France: For, as I signified before, the Queen durst not play with the little Dogs she had brought along with her, before the King; and the two Parrots were killed for no other reason but because they talked French: The King was out of humour as oft as any Frenchman passed through the Court of the Palace, especially if the Queen looked upon him, although it was through the Windows and Lattices of her Chamber. As she was going one day to our Ladies Church, Datocha, a poor fellow, who was a Frenchman, came to her Coach, and begged an Alms of her; the King was in so horrible a Passion, that they were afraid he would have caused this Unfortunate Wretch to be killed immediately. The Camerera officiously counsell'd the Queen to order him to leave Madrid without any delay; but if the Dutchess had not prejudiced the King after this manner, it is not to be imagined that the Queen had been exposed to these Injuries which happened so often to her. This is so undeniable a truth, that one day when their Majesties went into the City, two Gentlemen belonging to the Ambassador of Holland, chancing to meet them, they stopt their Coach, out of Respect, and saluted them as they ought: They were on that side the Queen happened to be of, and were apparelled after the French Fashion. This immediately raised the Camarera 's Passion, who commanded one of the Guards to go and demand of them who they were, from whence they came, whither they were going, what business they had in Madrid? And when to this they answered, That they were both Hollanders in the Ambassador's Retinue, she believed it to be a Sham, or at least pretended to believe it, that she might give the King a fresh occasion to commend her Care and Zeal for him: So that she sent to the Ambassador himself to be better satisfied; and when she was fully assured of the truth, she sent the two Gentlemen word, That when they met their Majesties, they should never be guilty of the Presumption any more to go on the Queen's side, to salute her, or look upon her. Nevertheless, observing the Queen to be concerned at this Conduct, as soon as she was informed of it, she thought to efface all this out of her Mind, by sending often to the French Ambassador, and giving him to understand that she was angry with him for coming so seldom to the Palace. She used the same Expressions to the Ambassador's Lady, and told her, That it would be the greatest Joy in the World to her to see them visit the Young Queen oftner, who perhaps was too melancholy in private, and would certainly find no small Diversion to enjoy the Company of Persons of their Merit, and who were of the same Country with her. This did not make the Marquess de Villars alter his Conduct in the least; for he understood well enough what was the meaning of these fair Speeches; but as for his Lady, there seldom passed a day but she went to wait upon the Queen, either in the Queen-Mother's company, or all alone by her self; but notwithstanding the Assiduity of her Visits, she seldom found an opportunity to entertain her in private: She was hindered from doing this by the presence of the Spanish Ladies, who came to make their Court; or else by the King's coming, who went every other moment from his own Apartment to the Queen's; for 'tis the Custom there, that as soon as he appears, all the Women that are in the Chamber do immediately withdraw. Without reckoning the Penance of this extraordinary Solitude, the Queen had other things to afflict her, and one was to find her self clearly destitute of Money; and this, considering the Generosity of her Heart, and her natural Inclination to be liberal, was a very sensible Mortification. She had lived there six Months intire, without having any Money to serve her for her lesser pleasures; and she was forced to borrow a little, to buy a few things she had necessary occasion for, and to keep a few Horses she had brought with her out of France, that were become altogether unserviceable to her, because she had no permission to ride them out at any time. She wanted Money likewise to send back some of her Women that could not comply with the Customs of Spain, and whom they could not consequently endure there. The few Officers that she was allowed to bring with her, were all dismist, even to her Chyrurgeon, who had bought the Place, and performed the Journey at his own Expences. All of them departed; and this consideration redoubled the young Queen's Afflictions, to see she was not Mistriss enough to keep them any longer, or to do them those kindnesses she designed. On the 15 th of May 500 Pistols a Month were assigned her; but this was in a manner less than nothing, because for six Months together she had been forced to borrow Money, and even out of this small Sum she was obliged to lay aside 200 Pistols monthly for some Alms and Charity, which the Queens of Spain were accustomed to make. All this while no Orders were given out about the Currant Money of the Kingdom, nor was the Price of Victuals regulated; a great Want and Scarcity reigned every where, and the Publick Miseries daily increased: it had not rained for six Months together, and this very much contributed to inhance the Price of Corn: So that the People were reduced to the last Extremities: Nay, what is infinitely more surprising, they were not in a condition to pay the Queen the Money that was assigned to her, Gold and Silver being so scarce, that none of it was to be seen. The Bishop of Aquila being arrived at Madrid, took possession of his Place of President of Castile ; and the first of his Cares was to relieve and ease the People of their Grievances. To effect this, he made a strict Examination into the most minute matters, and soon discovered, that the gross Monopolies, and insatiable Avarice of the Magistrates, were partly the occasion of these horrid Disorders. He came to be informed, That even the Counsellors of the Council Royal, by some of their Creatures, took their shares of the Imposts that were laid upon Victuals; and that the some thing was done in the Oil, Chocolat, and other Provisions necessary for Life: That the dors and Corregidors belonging to the Town-Hall, play'd most abominable Cheats in the Corn, and consequently advanced the Price of Bread at least one half above its usual Price. But he was sensible that he was not able to rectifie these Abuses alone; so he discoursed the Duke de Medina Celi about the matter, whose Encouragement and Assistance he promised himself. Nevertheless, whether the Duke were otherwise employed, or had no real intentions to change the Form of the Government, he did not answer the President's Desires, who perceiving that if he acted by himself, the hatred of all those Persons whom he should cause to be punished, would directly fall upon his own Head, he was not willing to Sacrifice himself for the Publick Good. He remembred that in the time of the Regency, a certain Bishop, who was President as he was, having endeavoured to suppress these Abuses, had been poisoned by the Magistrates. In the mean time every thing without exception continued to be as dear as formerly, and Silver was so scarce a Commodity, that one would have imagined it had been all melted down; I once saw at a Relation's House of mine the Sum of almost three thousand Crowns received in Pieces of Bellon and in Ochavos These are much of the same value with the French Doubles, and are scarce an English Farthing , which are a wretched sort of Brass Money, and for the greatest part bad, and yet happy was the Man who in this Universal Scarcity could get this Money. However, I am obliged to say this in honour of Spain, that although the Finances were in that sad condition as I represented them before, yet the King paid all the Pensions that were due to Foreigners very exactly, because he looked upon himself obliged in Honour to do it, and yet to confess a truth, some of these Pensions were not inconsiderable. I knew a certain Lady, to whom he gave Eight Thousand Crowns, and they were constantly paid her in the most difficult times. The Families that were ready to die of Hunger, set themselves to Rob and Murder, being in a manner Authorized in these Disorders by the little care that was taken to punish Murderers as they deserved, and by the extraordinary Partiality which the Judges shew to the Natives of the Country. These Families, I say, that were very numerous at Madrid, assembled together in one of the least frequented Quarters of the Town, and resolved by main force to break open some of the Magistrates Houses, because they principally charged them with the Disorders of the present Affairs, and afterwards to Plunder them in the face of the World, to serve for an Example to others. But as this Design was only formed by a Mutinous Rabble, who had never a Head to lead them on, so it is not to be wondred if they did not push their wicked Intentions any farther. In short, every Man return'd to his ordinary Occupation, and none of them were call'd to an Account for Assembling after this Tumultuous manner. Behold now the Effects which this sort of Connivance and Toleration always produces. The Shoemakers being informed about the middle of May, that the Price of Shoes was ordered to be regulated, presented a Petition to the new President of Castile, wherein with terms full of Respect they represented their Reasons against this Regulation, making it appear that they could not possibly lessen the Price of Shoes, as long as Leather was sold so dear as it was. He sent them to the President of the Chamber of the Alcaldles ; so they formed themselves into a sort of a Body, to meet him with the greater Ceremony: but he being a Man of a sour sullen Humour, fell into a Passion to see so great a number of them; he threatned to Imprison them, and told them, that if their Power were equal to their ill Intentions, they were to be feared, because they were neither better nor worse than downright Mutineers. They muttered a few words, and being at that time none of the strongest, went in a Body to find out their Companions and Friends, and then immediately repaired to the Court of the Palace. They ran under the Windows of the King's Chamber, it is the Custom there when the People complain of the Government, they cried out as loud as they were able, Let the King live, and let the ill Government die. As soon as the King perceived it, he came near the Window, and was extreamly surprized to see so great a Rabble got together, for by this time abundance of other People had joined them. The King sent in g eat haste to find out the President of Castile, who came amongst them, and promised them all the satisfaction imaginable: He moreover told them, they violated that Respect they owed His Majesty, in coming to demand Justice of him with such Clamours and Tumults, and that if they would follow him home, he would presently content them. They very readily went along with him, so he gave them a permission to sell their Shoes at the same Price as they did before the Order was published. This made them return the joyfullest People in the World; but they happened to meet the President of the Alcaldes in the way, who not knowing a Syllable of what had past, and not at all considering that he had to do with an unruly Mob, stopt them to vent his Reproaches and Menaces against them. But this procedure raised their Indignation so high, that they drew out their Swords with a design to kill him, and pursued him so fiercely, that never was any Man under more terrible Apprehensions. He had never escaped their hands, had not their Fury so far transported them, that they took no notice how he saved himself through a little Gate, which he took care to shut after him; but his fear was so great, that he fell dangerously ill upon it. After they had searched for him on all sides to no purpose, they were going homewards, when they saw the President of Castile coming that way; they presently surrounded him, and swore they would not let him pass any farther, till he had signed the Permission he had givem them to sell their Shoes at the ordinary Price. He immediately did every thing they demanded of him; so without any delay they took Drums and Trumpets to publish and affix this Permission to all the Publick places of the City. They suffered this first Heat to pass over without Opposition, but afterwards they arrested several of those whom they found the most Seditious; nevertheless they tarried but a short time in Prison, and what deserved an Exemplary Chastisement, was punished like an inconsiderable Trifle. It is indeed very true, that in order to humble the People, it was proposed to forbid all manner of Tradesmen to carry Swords about them, and to wear black Silk Cloathes with the Golilia. 'Twas likewise designed that this Prohibition should extend to all those Persons who had no Titles, and were not able to keep a Coach: However they durst not put it in execution, because they thought this Regulation would be too difficult and severe to be practised. The Vice-Roy of Naples was not a little afflicted at the loss of the Money which the eight Slaves had carried away with them. He was obliged to get more, but it was no easie matter to find it in a place where they were burthen'd every day with Imposts upon Imposts. He received Orders from Madrid to Let out the Lands belonging to the King's Demain at forty thousand Crowns per Annum ; but no body could be found to take them, although those Persons who had formerly taken them, enjoy'd them peaceably; and this Example one would have thought ought to have encouraged others to imitate them. The Banditti of that Country had for some time suspended all Acts of Hostility, out of hopes that His Majesty would have given them a General Indemnity upon the score of his Marriage; but when they perceived that their Expectations were like to be frustrated, and that endeavours were used to Apprehend their Captain Mattheo Tango, who was just come from Pirateering at Sea, they met to the number of Three Thousand, pillaging and ravaging every thing they found in the Country, and, what is strange, not a word was spoken of the horrible Disorders they committed. The Queen Mother, who was every day at Buen Retiro, and searched all means to gain the Affections of the People, gave three Comedies, with Musick between the Acts, that were represented on a Theatre in the Placa Mayor, that abundance of People might have the pleasure of seeing them without putting them to any Expence. The Comedians play'd for three days together, and the crowd was so great, that some People were killed. The City seemed to be very well pleased with these Shews, for they love them more in Spain than in any other part of the World; and what helped to sustain the publick Joy, was the mighty Expectation they had of seeing a new face af Affairs, under the Ministry of the Duke ae Medina Celi: they promised themselves to find an end of all their present Grievances, without considering, that although his intentions were never so good, it would be a difficult matter to redress them. He had Don Vincente Gonzaga for his Friend, who was very capable to advise him and furnish him with all necessary Expedients to accomplish his Designs, but the execution of them seemed to carry almost invincible difficulties along with it. There was a necessity to be severe, to disgust some, and punish others; to remove several things that had been long established; to give ones self up entirely to Business, and constant Application, before these matters could ever be accomplished: But this was not the Genius of the Duke, and his Natural Sweetness and Bounty suited but very ill with that steadiness and resolution that ought to be observed in these nice rancounters. This gave him abundance of uneasy thoughts; so that Don Vincente, who still press'd him to take up steady Measures, and support them with vigour, had opportunity enough to discover his Weakness. To deliver himself therefore from so rigid and severe a Supervisor, the Duke gave him the Government (as 'tis called there) of the Council of the Indies, upon Condition that he himself should always be the President of it; but as for the Profits, one had as great a share as the other. And now Don Vincente thought of nothing more than discharging the Duties of his New Place, and it was not doubted but he would worthily exercise them; for his Judgment, his Age, and his Experience made him to be considered as one of the Chief Persons of the Council. In the mean time several People of great Merit and Birth were displeased to she the Duke confided in him no longer, they were in hopes that they would have joyned together to Regulate the Money. The good was diminished, as I said before, and the bad continued to go as freely as formerly it did. It was therefore resolved to suppress it for good and all in Commerce, and an Edict was published on the 24 th of May 1680. by which the King suppressed all the Copper Money that had gone for several Years, and People were ordered to bring it in within Ten Days to certain Offices that were set up in all parts of Madrid, where they were to receive Bills of Exchange for it, that were payable in Six Months. But they found a vast inconvenience in the Execution of this Project; for in the two Castiles they had sixteen Millions of this Money, part of which were mixed with good Silver, and the other was notoriously bad. So that to draw these sixteen Millions out of the hands of private Persons, they found in the King's Coffers a Fund of only sixscore thousand Crowns: however, this did not hinder the crying down of the Money; and as for those Persons that had store of it, they were utterly undone. It is an easie matter to imagine what sad Effects these new Grievances drew upon the People, who were miserable enough in all conscience before, and who were forced to buy every thing at excessive Rates. The Ministers of the Inquisition, with their Trumpets, Kettle-Drums and Banners marching before them, went on the 30 th of May in a Cavalcade, from the Palace to the Placa Major, where they ordered it to be published, That on the 30 th of June they would publickly punish all those whom they had condemned to the fire and other torments. It was forty years ago, since a thing of this nature had been seen; and and the Sight was expected at Madrid with as great an impatience, as if it had been the most agreeable Festival in the World. Don Thomas de la Cerda, Brother to the Duke de Medina-Celi, parted for Cales, with so magnificent an Equipage, that a Prince of the Blood could not have a finer. Three Men of War waited to carry him over to New Spain, of which he was made Vice-Roy. They received Advices at Court, That the Count de Fuensalida, Vice-Roy of Navar, had sent some Troops to Fontarabia, under the Command of the Duke de Canzano. This Conduct did not seem to agree with the Orders they had sent him from this place, to give Satisfaction to the French Fishermen of Andaye, who had been abused and injured. On the 16 th of June a Bull-Feast was kept, at which the King and the Queen, attended by all the Court, made their Appearance. This seemed an extraordinary fine Show to the Spaniards, because two of the Combatants were killed upon the Spot, and three Cavaliers more were dangerously wounded. The Queen was so concerned at it, that she found her self somewhat discomposed; however, she took care not to discover it, for fear of disquieting the King. The Count de Gubernatis, Envoy Extraordinory of Savoy, waited for his Orders to depart, but he received a command to attend the Marquess de Dronero, who went Ambassador Extraordinary into Portugal. So he tarried at Court without any Character. We were here informed, that the Spanish Captains, who were at Naples, were not a little mortified at the Prohibition that was issued out to forbid them to go drest after the French Fashion. There is never a Spaniard of 'em all that is not ravished with Joy, as soon as he is out of his own Country, to quit the Habit of it also; and to oblige them to wear it again, nothing less will serve the Turn but reiterated Edicts one upon the back of another. The execrable Secret of preparing the most subtle Poyson, that is so frequently practised in Italy, has been used from time to time in the Kingdom of Naples. The Regent Galeota, who came back from Gaeta, made a sad Experiment of it, in a Dose of Physick, which dispatched him in a few hours after: The Vice-Roy of Naples, who loved him dearly, exprest a mighty sorrow at his Loss, and promised, that if ever he was able to discover the Crime, he would make a notorious Example of those that were concerned in it. On the 30 th of June there was kept at Madrid an Auto de Inquisition ; That is to say, a general Execution of the Jews. The People ran thither in their best Cloaths, and with as great an earnestness as if it had been to the most solemn show. A great Scaffold was erected in the Placa Mayor, where from Seven a Clock in the Morning till Nine at Night, nothing was to be seen but Criminals of both Sexes, that had been sent from all the Inquisitions to Madrid: Their Process was read aloud, and Judgment was pronounced against them: Twenty Jews as well Men was Women, and a Renegado Mahometan, were sentenced to be burnt: Five more Jews of both Sexes, this being the first time they were apprehended, and now repenting of their Errors, were condemned to a long Imprisonment, and to wear a Yellow Scapulary, with a Red St. Andrew 's Cross upon it, which they call a Sanbenito, as those that carry this Habit are called Sanbenitados. Ten more accused of Bigamy, Witchcraft and Sorcery, were sentenced to be whipt, and sent to the Gallies: These wore Pastboard Bonnets upon their Heads, with Inscriptions upon them, having a Rope about their Necks, and Torches in their Hands. All the Court was present, the King, the two Queens, the Ladies, the Ambassadors, the Grandees, and a great multitude of People. The Inquisitor's Chair was placed after the manner of a Tribunal, and was much above that of the King, and a great deal higher. These Unfortunate People were persecuted so near the King, that he heard all their Complaints and Groans; for the Scaffold where they were ranged touched his Balcony. The Grandees of Spain did the same thing here as our Provost-Marshal's Men do in France, they conducted the Criminals that were to be burnt, and held them tied fast with thick Cords: The Famillares ; that is to say, the Domestick Officers of the Holy Inquisition, at the same time led the other Offenders, and several of the Religious, whether Learned or Ignorant, disputed vehemently with them, to convince these miserable Creatures of the Truth of our Religion. Some of the Jews were very knowing in their own way of Worship, and returned very surprizing Answers to their Disputants. Amongst the rest, there was a young Woman, of admirable Beauty, who seemed not to be above Seventeen Years of Age, and happening to be on the same side where the Queen was, she addressed her self to her, to obtain Favour at her Hands: Great Queen, says she, cannot your Royal Presence bring some Remedy to my Misfortunes? Have pity on my Youth, and consider that I am persecuted for a Religion which I have sucked in with my Mother's Milk. The Queen turned away her Eyes, and appear'd to pity her case, but durst not make any intercession to have her saved. Mass was now began, in the midst of which the Priest that officiated, quitted the Altar, and sate down upon a Seat which was prepared for him; then the Inquisitor-General descended from the Amphitheater, drest in his Cope, and having a Mitre on his Head; and after he had bowed towards the Altar, he advanced to the King's Balcony, which he ascended by some Steps that went round the Scaffold, accompanied by some Officers of the Inquisition, who carried the Cross, and the Evangelists, and a Book containing the Oath by which the Kings of Spain oblige themselves to protect the Catholick Faith, to extirpate Heresies, and to support the Procedures of the Inquisition with their Royal Authority. The King stood up, with his Head uncovered, and having the Constable of Castile on one side of him, who held the Royal Sword lifted up, swore to observe the Oath, which a Counsellor of the Council Royal read to him, and continued in this posture till such time as the Inquisitor was returned to his Place. Then a Secretary of the Inquisition got up in a Pulpit, and read the same Oath, which he caused the Councils, and all the Assembly to take. It was about Noon when Mass began, and it was not over till Nine a clock at Night, by reason of the long Sentences of the condemned Persons, that were read aloud one after another. The Constancy and Resolution with which they went to the place of Punishment, had something in it which was very extraordinary; several of them cast themselves into the fire, others burnt their Hands, and afterwards their Feet in the Flames, bearing their Torments with a Tranquility which made them be lamented, that such resolute Souls were not illuminated with the Light of Faith. As for myself, I did not go to behold this sad Spectacle; for besides that it was midnight, and the place of Execution was without the Gate of , I was so concerned at what I had seen in the day-time, that I found my self indisposed. The King could not avoid seeing this horrible sight, both because it was a Religious Affair, and because he is obliged to authorize by his Presence whatever the Inquisition does. We must not believe that these rigorous Examples do in the least promote the Conversion of the Jews ; they are not at all concerned at it, and there are a considerable number of them in Madrid, who are known to be such, and yet are quietly suffered to enjoy their Employments in the Finances. Amongst these Don Aventura Dionis was reckoned: His Father gave Seventy thousand Crowns to be made a Knight of St. Jago, and he himself a few days after this Execution, obtained of the King a Marquess's Title, which stood him in Fifty thousand Crowns. His Uncle was one of the most Famous Jews of Amsterdam: All this was known at Court, but there was not the least notice taken of it; and indeed the General Receipts and Farms are full of these People. When they are rich, the Spaniards content themselves with affrighting them, that they may make them empty their Purses to redeem their Lives. By this means they draw prodigious Sums of Money from them, and provided they are in a condition to pay a good round Sum, they make a shift to escape the Fire, which they deserve as well as the rest. The Duke de Giovenazzo, who from being Envoy at the Court of Savoy, was nominated to go Ambassador to that of France, was ordered to return to Turin. But the Count de Gubernatis, who at that time was under no Character at Madrid, and who was making Preparations for his Journey to Portugal, went to find out the Chief Minister, and represented to him, That the Duke his Master was so ill satisfied, to see that his Ministers were not treated in Spain with the same Respect as they were in France , and especially because they did not pay him these great Sums that were due to him, that he desired to see an Envoy of Spain no more at Turin. The Duke de Medina-Celi answered him, That whatever Treatment was paid his Master in France , ought not to be used as a Consequence for the King of Spain to do the like, who was so far above all other Kings, that he had no Example to follow. The Count replied, That he had no mind at present to enter into an Examination of their Greatness, or the difference that might be between them; but that he had not forgotten, that about Twenty Years ago Philip IV. had declared by the Marquess de la Fuente , That his Ambassador should not appear at the Ceremonies where those of France assisted; and that this Declaration was very well known, and accordingly regulated in all the Courts of Europe. The Duke answered him, That he knew nothing of the matter, and that he could hardly believe the business was as he represented it. In the mean time, they made several Reflections at Court upon the Proposals of the Duke of Savoy ; and Don Antonio de la Cerda, who had been nominated to go to Turin, was recalled home before he arrived there. Nevertheless, they dispenced with themselves so far, as to send to compliment the Duke, upon the Alliance he was going to make with the Infanta of Portugal. This Princess, as it was commonly pretended, was supposed to be poysoned; and what made the World judge so, was, because one of her Officers having carried some of the Dishes from her Table to his own House, his Wife, and some others, after they had eat of them, found themselves extreamly ill, that they believed they should die, and had all of them Marks of poyson about them. This Accident occasioned a great bustle at Lisbon ; the People mutinied, and wanting an Object for their Fury to work upon, they design'd to pick a quarrel with the Spanish Envoy, although they had no Reason for it, and he was just upon the point of suffering the greatest Outrages imaginable. The Portugueses had afterwards a new occasion to grieve them, caused by the Death of Don Duarte Ribero, who was sent Ambassador to Savoy. He happened to die in the Territories of Spain, after so violent and sudden a manner, that all the World was astonished at it; and this served to increase the Suspicions they formerly entertained of the evil intentions of some persons, in relation to the Infanta. A little time appeased all these Clamours, and the Count de Gubernatis departed towards the end of June to go for Portugal. On the 22d of the same Month, the Marquess de Grana, Ambassador from the Emperor, made his Entry. All his Retinue were barely cloathed in Gray, and his Coaches had no Gilding about them. Most People were surprised at the sight; and to say the truth, this was not the right way to please in Madrid ; for there they shew them more or less Respect, according to the Expences they are at in these sorts of occasions. To this we may add, that the People there love fine Shows above any thing in the World; and it being known, that the Ambassador had received twenty five thousand Crowns to defray the Charges of his Journey, and that he drew every Year from the Emperour and the King forty thousand Crowns more, they were ready to throw Stones at him, when they saw him make so scandalous an Entry. Don Diego de Bracamonte, Ambassador of Malta, was the Reason why he made his Entry no sooner. He was still of Opinion that they had not done him Justice, when the Marquess de Villars made his Entry, but that as soon as ever he renewed his Pretensions, he should have Satisfaction given him. Being under these Expectations, he demanded that his Chariot might march immediately after that of the last Ambassador of the Chappel; the Marquess de Grana would by no means consent to it, alledging what had been formerly done by the Ambassador of France, and so that example was followed. This small difference was scarce determined, when the Marquess de Grana had another Contest with Don Geronimo d'Eguya ; he would have had him make the first Visit, as the other Secretaries of State had always done before him. D'Eguya excused himself, by pretending, that all the other Ambassadors has come first to visit him, and that he lay under no Obligations to make any particular Distinctions for the sake of Monsieur de Grana. Upon, this, the other Ambassadors taking notice what ill Advantage he had made of the Civility they shew'd him, unanimously declared, that they never pretended to make that Visit, as if it had been a Duty incumbent upon them; so that D'Eguya was not a little mortified at a Declaration so contrary to his Vanity and Pretensions, and found himself now under an indispensable necessity to go first to the Ambassador of Germany. He tarried till the Court was gone to the Escurial, and took his Opportunity to go to his House on a certain day, when he knew he was not at home: but this did not satisfie the Marquess, who said, he reckoned that Visit for nothing, which he had not received; D'Eguya answered, That he had acquitted himself of his Duty; and thus they did not see one another at all. The Ambassador Extraordinary of Malta made his Entry, which tho' it made no Magnificent Appearance, was handsomly ordered. It was no small satisfaction to them at Court to hear, that the Flora for the Indies, which they believed would scarce be in a condition to go this Year, by reason that the great Disorder of the currant Money had not a little hindred all manner of Commerce, had set Sail out of the Port of Cales, and made a Happy Voyage with the Brother of the Duke de Medina-Celi, who went Vice-Roy to New Spain: But to allay their Joy, they were informed, that one of the greater Vessels had struck against a Rock in the middle of the Bay, and received so much damage, that springing a Leak on every side they had not time enough to bring her off to any place where they might unload and repair her; so that she was lost with some of her Passengers, and all her Merchandize. The Duke of Medina-Celi not being absolutely assured to continue Chief Minister long, thought it the best way to make all Advantages of the present Opportunity. He had nine Daughters, but had only married two of them, and had a great mind to bestow the third upon the Son of the Constable Colonna, who was newly returned to Madrid from his Vice-Royship of Arragon, and had brought his Children along with him. This appeared to be a very Advantageous Match for the Duke's Daughter, and therefore having it still in his Eye, he shewed a particular Respect to the Marquess de los Balbazez, who was Brother-in-law to the Constable. Few Persons penetrated at first into the true Motive of the thing; they thought he did it only to have a fit Occasion to take his Instructions, because he was capable of giving him the best: but the more understanding People soon discovered that the great desire he had to conclude this Alliance, was the principal Reason; for at the bottom the Marquess de los Balbazez had more Reputation at the time when his Embassies and great Negotiations kept him at a distance, than when he was at Madrid. Whether it proceeded from the Envy the World bore him, or that his Presence made them examine his Faults more narrowly▪ it is certain that People had a better Opinion him when he was absent, than when they saw him before them. The good Graces of the Duke still contributed to draw more Hatred and Envy upon him, but they did not last long enough to made him suffer any thing upon that Account. One of the greatest things they usually reproached Balbazez with, was his excessive, Avarice, which busied it self in the most inconsiderable matters, altho he was Master of a plentiful Fortune, and might have lived after another manner, without incommoding his Estate in the least. He was a Genoese, of the House of Spinola ; his Grandfather had formerly commanded the Spanish Army, and this was likewise a great Captain; but whether it were because he was a Stranger, or for some other Reason, the Grandees of Spain looked upon him as much inferior to them, although he was a Grandee as well as themselves, and was of illustrious Birth. They despised him, because he made Advantage of his Money, after the manner of a Banker, which is so seldom practised in Spain by Persons of Quality, that they cannot endure those that do it. His Enemies pretended, that he had committed notorious Oversights at the Treaty of Nimeguen, and that they daily beheld new Inconveniences arise from his ill Conduct there; That this was the Subject of perpetual quarrels between France and Spain, because he had neglected to lay down in plain intelligible terms, what things were yielded up, and their Dependencies, and that every one made use of this Obscurity to interpret it to their own Advantage. It is certain that what they alledged against the Marquess de Los Balbazez, had foundation enough, but the Constable of Castile was the Man that took the greatest pains to expose his Miscarriages to the World. He had no kindness for him for Don Juan 's sake, whose Favourite he had always been, and for which reason the Marquess declared against the Queen. This was the true Cause of the Aversion that was between the Constable and him, and it increased very much on the side of the former, when he saw what a Respect and Esteem the Duke de Medina Celi testified for the other. He needed no more than this to revive the Old Grudge he had against the Chief Minister, and it proceeded so far, that he incessantly heighten'd the Complaints that came from all parts, under the Dominion of the King of Spain, against the Duke. It must be allowed, that the Constable was one of the most dexterous prudent Men of his Age, and that his Rank and great Abilities gave him vast Advantages over the rest; so that whenever he gave his Advice, few People were found so hardy as to oppose him. The Duke was sensible, that he directly thwarted him upon all occasions: This, together with his other Affairs, made him extreamly uneasie, to find himself perpetually engaged in a troublesome Combat, and to dispute against a Man, who, as we may say, took a Pleasure in chafing himself, and who searched all occasions to perplex and disgust him. Therefore in this Affair the Duke took the mildest course; he courted the Constable's Friendship, and made all Advances towards it: He knew that he was fall'n ill, and that though he was not in a condition to go to the Council, he was not so much indisposed, but that he might have his Advice, in case it were demanded. He sent constantly to the Constable's House to consult him upon all important occasions, and this mark of distinction flatter'd his Vanity so agreeably, that he found himself mightily obliged to the Duke. He wanted very little of pretending to be always sick for the time to come, as long as the Duke continued to give him so evident a proof of Deference: However, 'tis very certain, that although he was as well as ever, he would not stir abroad for a long time, only to prolong a thing which filled him with so much Pleasure and Satisfaction. He received another Obligation from the Duke, which made no less an impression upon him; a considerable Benefice happening to be vacant, he best ed it immediately upon one of his Natural S without the Constable's ever demanding it. So many unexpected Favours perfectly overcame him, and made him desirous to do something on his side; so he proposed to submit to a Reference, in order to accommodate the business of the Duke de Cardonne 's Succession. The Constable had espoused his Widow, and the Duke his Daughter: These two Ladies had great Pretensions, and as great Differences; therefore they thought it the best way to determine them by the mutual consent of both Parties: The Duke was sensible, that the Constable, who naturally loved long tedious Law-Suits, shew'd a great deal of Complaisance in this matter; and indeed the Constable was of Opinion, that it would be better to put an end to this Affair, than be ingaged in an everlasting Contest with the Chief Minister. This Chief Minister often assisted the King, and denied Audience to no body; but neither did his Endeavours or Audiences produce any advantageous Effects for the publick Interest, and the smallest Affairs were as difficult for him to determine, as the greatest. The Marquess de Grana knew so well beforehand what he was to expect upon this score, that he could not be brought to accept the Embassy for Spain, till he received express Orders from the Emperour, although for his farther Encouragement he had several Relations and Friends at Madrid ; and that besides his having resided there formerly, the consideration of those Favours he might reasonably expect for his Master's sake, ought to have overcome the unwillingness he expressed to come to this Court. It is true, what served to increase it very much, was the secret Advantage which he his Enemies, and those that envied him, might have upon him, during his Absence from Vienna: But for all this he found he had reason enough to be content with the manner of his usage, the King allow'd him a double Franchise, and paid all the Charges of his House at his Arrival: The Two Queens honoured the Marchioness de Grana, and her Daughters, with several Presents; they favoured him in every thing, yet nevertheless he could not forbear to say proudly, that he hoped he should not tarry there above a year, and that it should not be his Fault if he did not depart sooner. He was a fine Gentleman, had abundance of Wit, Penetration and Conduct; but he was of a prodigious bigness, and found himself mightily incommoded by it: He sometimes could not help changing his Countenance, when he happen'd to be in Company with People whom he was not well acquainted with, when they looked stedfastly upon him. The Court of Spain had such favourable Inclinations for him, that they readily granted him whatever he desired; but they could not forbear now and then to promise him some things which they never performed, and he himself was sensible that they never would. He was frequently vexed upon these Occasions, saying, That it was his Misfortune not to know what he might depend upon: He was concerned at the Misery to which all sorts of People were reduced at Madrid ; and I have heard him frequently say, That whatever Idea's a Man might form to himself of the Publick Grievances, yet they infinitely fell short of what they really were, when he came to see them; and that for his part, he could not imagine what Remedies they could apply to them. It is indeed true, that Funds were wanting for the most necessary Exigencies, and that they were forced to borrow five thousand Pistols for the Subsistence of some Troops that they thought convenient to send to Italy, and the Frontiers of Biscay, by reason of the Apprehensions they had at Court of the Designs of our King. I have heard it often said, That the Couriers could not go, for want of Money to defray the Expences of their Journey, although they had Affairs of great Consequence to dispatch; and the Marquess de Los Balbazez, who knew this better than any body, represented to the Duke de Medina Celi, that there was a perfect necessity to take full Cognizance of the Funds, upon which they might depend for the time to come. The Duke relishing this Proposal, ordered a true Scheme of the King's Revenues to be brought before him: But the President of the Finances, and some others, after they had deliberated, as their Fashion was, upon the matter, that is, with a regard only to their own proper Interests, answered all with one Consent, That what he demanded of them was the Work of several Years. This Answer was sufficient to make him abandon the Undertaking; for the Duke never cared to engage himself in any business that was of long continuance; nay, he had scarce Resolution enough to go through those things which he was obliged suddenly to begin, and as soon to finish. One of the best Examples I can produce to justify this, is his leaving the Camarera Major, Don Geronimo de Eguya, and the Confessor, quietly to enjoy their Places, without endeavouring to remove them; whether it were because he despised them, or that he imagined them to be too powerful to attempt any thing against them; the Weakness which he shew'd in that Rancounter, served only to increase their Courage and Haughtiness; and they went so far at last, as not to fear him at all: They possessed the King with a strong Aversion to him, and insinuated several things into him that were quite opposite to the Duke's Intentions. He was well enough sensible of it, but his natural insensibility hindered him from resenting it: His Gentleness rend'red him contemptible both to one and the other, but particularly to the Dutchess de Terra Nova, who spoke often to the King about him, and explained her self upon her constant Chapter, the Duke, in such bitter Language, that he being informed of it, as he certainly was, every body had Reason to wonder how he was able to endure it. This ill-natur'd old Beldame had only a seeming, and not a real Kindness for the Young Queen, and it lasted so short a time, that her usage served only to make the Queen sensible, that she knew how to moderate her self well enough, when she saw it was necessary for her interest so to do. But as this was indeed a true constraint upon her Nature, and she could not counterfeit the least sweetness of Temper, without a great Reluctance; so she soon reassumed her proper Character, and her Persecutions became more frequent than ever. The Queen, utterly impatient of this Rigorous Deportment, charmed the King one day, by all manner of tender engaging Caresses, till she found him in a Humour to deny her nothing. After some time had past, she told him, That if she was dear to him, she conjured him to give her some testimony of it, that was as well necessary for her Health, as the Satisfaction of her Mind. He promised to consent to whatever she desired. Why then, saith she, deliver me from the Tyranny of the Dutchess de Terra Nova. This Demand surprized him, and it was a pretty while before he returned her any Answer: but knowing that this had disquieted her a long time, he told her at last, That what she requested had never any President, and that no Queen had ever changed her Camarera Major. Ah, Sir, replied the Queen, your Majesty has shew'n me several Fa ours for which none of your Predecessors have left any Example; and cannot you then condescend to grant me this? I consent to it, says the King, taking her by the Hand, I consent to it; but then, Madam, have a care upon whom you cost your Eyes; for after this fast choice it will be impossible for you to make another. The Queen testified her Joy and Acknowledgment, by Thanks proportionable to the Pleasure she received. The first Journey she made, was to acquaint the Queen-Mother with the News, not at all questioning, but that she would almost shew as much Joy upon this occasion as her self. But she was not a little surprized to find her so reserved and cold, as if the matter were absolutely indifferent to her. This mightily perplexed her, and so she discovered the whole Affair to the French Ambassador's Lady, who took pains to put her in heart again, by making her sensible, that the Queen-Mother was only apprehensive of seeing this place filled by some other Lady, who might perhaps be full as disagreeable to her as the Dutchess de Terra Nova was; and that she was of Opinion, that if she proposed some body to her, whom she liked, she would open her self more clearly to her. The Young Queen replied, That she would do nothing in this business, without the Advice of the Queen her Mother-in-Law; That she was minded to have said as much to her, when she first discoursed her about it, but that she seemed to be so indifferent in the matter, that she had not Confidence enough to explain her self farther. The Queen judged it would be expedient to acquaint the Duke de Medina Celi with this Affair, for fear, lest if she made a Mystery of it, and he should afterwards happen to discover it, he might look upon himself to be disobliged, and resent it so much, as to endeavour to hinder the Accomplishment of it: But she still lay under some Perplexities, because she fancied she did not understand the Spanish Language well enough, to be able to hold any long Conversation in it with the Duke, and this was a nice Case wherein she ought to explain her self clearly and intelligibly. She was yet more afraid, that the Camarera, who was always a listening in all parts of her Apartment, and who sometimes slipt into Corners, where, without being perceived, she understood and saw every thing that past, would go and discover what she said concerning her. These Reasons prevailed with her to charge one of her Women in whom she reposed a great confidence, to go to Don Antonio de la Cerda, who was a near Relation of the Duke de Medina Celi, and who besides expressed a great Zeal for her Majesty, and desire him to acquaint the Chief Minister with what had happened, and to tell him, That since the the Queen was resolved to remove her Camerera, she desired him to chuse for her one of his Friends, of whose Fidelity he was assured; and that it was necessary for him to assist her in this Affair, to the end, that acting in Consort one with another, the business might succeed to their common Satisfaction. The Duke received the Honour the Queen did him, with a great deal of Respect and Acknowledgement, and sent his Dutchess that very Evening to return her his most humble Thanks. When she came to the Queen's Apartment, she tarried till the other Ladies were gone out of the Room, that she might have a better opportunity of making her Compliment. The Queen, who knew very well, that the Dutchess was sensible enough of the favourable Condescentions she had made on her side, was desirous to bestow the Place upon her; but the Affair did not succeed as she imagined, because that Lady had too much business upon her Hands to accept the Offer. I have designed it for you, says the Queen, and I am of Opinion, that you will not be unwilling to serve me. The Dutchess thanked her, as in Duty obliged, and told her, She could wish with all her heart that she was in a condition to accept this Honour, and that no body in the World should serve her Majesty more faithfully than she would; but her Health was so ill, that it would not permit her to render her those Services in which that Place, as well as her own inclinations, would engage her. But the Queen continuing to press her still, she told her, That although this Consideration was laid aside, yet she had another of equal importance, which she could never dispence with, That she had Seven Daughters, upon whose Education and good Conduct all her Cares were bestow'd; and therefore she requested her Majesty to think of her no more: However, she durst assure her, she believed the Marchioness de Los Velez, to be the most proper Person to execute this Place; That she was a Lady of great Merit, and illustrious Birth; that she had formerly been Governante to the Young King, and consequently being so well known to his Majesty, could more dexterously humour and please him than any one besides. The Queen very well approved of this Advice, and the Dutchess afterwards withdrew. She gave her Husband an Account of what Conversation had passed between her and the Queen; but he was displeased to hear that she had recommended the Marchioness de Los Velez, because he had already engaged himself in behalf of the Dutchess de Albuquerque, and earnestly desir'd to see her advanc'd to this Post. The Confidence which the King reposed in de Eguya, would not permit him to conceal from him the promise he made the Queen to remove the Camerera. He for his part omitted nothing that might turn off the intended blow; but he found the King was so fully resolved to satisfie the Queen, that he perceived it would be to no purpose to use any importunities with him upon this Score: So all he could do in the matter, was only to acquaint the Camarera with what was designed against her, that so she might be the better provided to bear the shock when it happened. She had some Suspicions of this before, it being her principal Talent to penetrate into the most secret Affairs. This blow sensibly afflicted her, and she could not forbear to speak to the Queen about it. Madam, says she, I should reckon my self extreamly unfortunate, if my Zeal for your Majesty should ever happen to displease you: I have spoken to you with more Zeal, and perhaps with more Freedom than any one has done; nevertheless, my design was only to inspire you with a desire of learning all our Fashions, that so you might absolutely possess the Heart and good Inclinations of the King: The Liberty I took has appeared too assuming; I have drawn your displeasure upon my self, by endeavouring to deserve your Affection; and I am informed at last, that your Majesty desires to see my Place filled by another. The Queen, surprized to see that the Affair she had communicated to so few Persons, had taken Air, answered coldly, It is not worth the while, Madam, to trouble your self about what People say; few Persons know my Thoughts; and 'tis a thing usually practised in Courts, to invent News, and then to relate it as if it were true. The Camarera was not able to draw any Discoveries from this Conversation; but whether her Conscience reproached her for the Conduct she had used, or else she had been informed of the Queen's Designs before de Eguya spoke to her about them; it was some time ago since she suspected that she was to be removed, and upon that Consideration, having examined all the Ladies of the Court, who gave her the greatest Jealousy, she found Three, viz. the Marchioness de Los Velez, the Dutchess de Albuquerque, and the Dutchess de l'Infantado. This is the Cause that she took her measures a long time before, and spoke of these Three Ladies in very disobliging Terms before the Queen, whenever an occasion presented it self. She accused the Marchioness de los Velez for her Haughtiness in all her Actions, and for her insupportable Severity. She pretended, that the Dutchess de Albuquerque hated all the French so mortally, that when she happen'd to meet any of that Nation, she turned her Eyes aside, that she might not behold them; and that she valued her self so mightily upon the score of her high Birth and Vertue, that she had always something or other to say against all the World: And then as for the Dutchess de l'Infantado, she represented her as an old doting Woman, who at the best had never any great share of Wit, and had now totally lost it, by reason of her great Age. She was not content to speak of them after this manner, but engaged all the French Women, who were near the Queen, to insinuate the same Opinion into her, and they acquitted themselves in the matter as well as they could, out of hopes, that if the Dutchess continued in her Post still, she would take care to consider them for their good Services. What they said to the Queen upon this occasion, made but a small impression upon her Mind; and the first time she could find an opportunity to discourse the Queen-Mother about it, she acquainted her with her Designs in favour of the Marchioness de los Velez ; but she expressed as great an indifference at this Motion as she did at first. This gave the Queen no small Affliction; so she imagined that she ought to inform her of every thing that was laid to the Dutchess de Terra Nova 's Charge, as well upon the Affair of Don Carlos of Arragon, whom she caused to be Assassinated, as several other things that rendered her odious. After this, she added the Particulars of the Deportment she had used towards her. But the Queen-Mother pretended, as if all this were News to her, and still continued to speak very kindly of the Camarera ; not that she had the least kindness for her in reality; for she had not forgotten how deeply she had been engaged in the Interests of Don Juan ; and she had not as yet forgiven the Memory of that Prince for the Troubles he brought upon her. The Reason of her using this Conduct with the Queen, was only to exclude the Marchioness de Los Velez, and the Dutchess de l Infantado, whom she did not greatly care for. She thought with her self, that if she desired to oblige the Queen to take a Camarera from her Hands, it would be necessary for her to testify no Aversion for her that was to fill that Place; and that the Queen being desirous to be seconded by her, would demand of her whom she pitched upon, and so take a Person of her own chusing. The Young Queen was aware of her Mother-in Law's Designs: However, she pretended to know nothing of them, supposing that such a one would be always obliged to do as the Queen-Mother directed her: Having therefore a particular inclination for the Marchioness de Los Velez, she was resolved to sound the King's Sentiments upon that Affair, and proposed her to him; but he express'd an extraordinary Antipathy to her: If, says he, you knew the Marchioness de Los Velez as well as I do, I am confident you would never think of placing her so near you; She has been my Governante, and is the only Person in the World whom I dread most. The Duke de Medina Celi desired no more to see her in that Station than the King did, and shew'd as great a dislike to the Dutchess de l'Infantado ; all their Votes concurr'd in behalf of the Dutchess de Albuquerque, and it was agreed upon at last, to persuade the Queen that she ought to chuse her. This Choice had infallibly succeeded, if the Queen could have cured her self of those disagreeable impressions which the Camarera had made upon her in relation to that Dutchess; She often thought of the imperious Humour that was attributed to her, of the pretended Aversion she had to the French ; but especially of what the King had told her, That when once the Dutchess de Terra Nova was removed, and another put into her Place, she must never think of turning her off. She was persuaded, that she should be no Gainer by the change, if she pitched upon the Dutchess de Albuquerque: Nay, that it migh so happen to her, as to be a considerable loser by it. This Imagination hindered her from pushing this Affair any farther; and she thought would be much better to tarry a little, till sh could find out some other Lady, who might altogether agreeable to her. In effect, as she wa searching after one, she was told of the Marchioness de Eytona, who was a Woman of Solid Vertue, great Merit, and had abundance of Wit and Gallantry. In fine, she was every way so well Accomplish'd, that it was necessary for her Majesty to have her near her; and by the Relations she had at the Queen-Mother's Court, and with the Chief Minister, she could not chuse but please both Parties alike. The King shew'd no opposition to her, and the Queen, who knew her, loved her already; so that she was mighty joyful to meet with one whom she liked so well. But this Joy did not continue long; for the Marchioness de Eytona fell sick, and died a few days after. The Young Queen was sensibly Afflicted at this Loss, and not knowing where to make a better choice, she came back again to the Marchioness de Los Velez, because she comprehended no difference between the Dutchess de Terra Nova and the Dutchess de Albuquerque ; And as for the Dutchess de l'Infantado, she perceived well enough that she was not fit for her. But now to propose the Marchioness de Los Velez, was to attempt a thing that could never succeed, for the Reasons I have already mentioned. The Marchioness, who perceived them better than any body, could not endure to be so long exposed to an Exclusion that was so very disobliging to her; So she went to find out the Queen, and returned her Thanks for her great Favours; but she told her, That her Age, and the Trouble she had had with the King, when she was Governante to him, gave her so great a disrelish for the Court, that she could by means reconcile her self to it, and therefore desired her to think of her no more. All these Difficulties seemed to arise for the Satisfaction of the Dutchess de Terra Nova, or at least, they proved the occasion why she continued still in her Place; and that the Queen, utterly wearied to find so many disappointments in her way, was come to such a pass, that she was no longer desirous to remove her. The Queen Mother all the while intrigued more than she, because she earnestly desired to have that Lady turned out of the Palace. What still contributed to make the Young Queen less concerned for the matter, was, that her Mind was taken up with new Troubles, that were more pressing upon her than those she received from the Camarera ; I mean, the Apprehensions they had at Court of a Rupture between the two Crowns. The Queen remained inconsolable, when she considered, that the Peace of Nimeguen, of which she was, as it were, the Seal, was going to be broken. The Love she had for France, and the Obligations that fastened her to Spain, ballanced all her Inclinations; and she often shed Tears, out of a fear only of seeing the War renewed. The most Christian King pretended, That the Spaniards had pillaged and abused his Subjects in several places, and either burnt or taken many French Vessels; That they returned him no Answer at Madrid, to the Complaints he had made; That the Marquess de Borgomaine, who resided at London, in quality of Ambassador Extraordinary from the King of Spain, observed no manner of measures; nay, not even those that Decency prescribes; That he had made a League in the Name of the King his Master, with the King of England against France ; That he was well informed, that as he was upon his departure to go Ambassador to Vienna, he had received private Orders to stay some time in Holland, to try if he could perswade the Hollanders to do the most prejudicial things they could do to France. The King, provoked at so clandestine a Conduct, and so extraordinary in the midst of a Peace, which he had not infringed the least on his part, was resolved to act according to his usual Justice and Equity; and finding himself possess'd with these Resentments, he had nothing to incline him to believe, that he was obliged to part with any of his Rights. He ordered his Gallies to put to Sea, with an express Command to make those of Spain give them the first Gun whenever they met them. He knew that this Affair had been regulated at the same time when Philip IV had agreed that his Ambassadors should never appear in Publick with those of France ; and he made the Duke de Medina Celi be acquainted, that the Conduct he used during the Peace, was so opposite to Peace it self, that he saw himself obliged to seek out all Advantages on his side, as he found it expedient. The King of Spain, for his part, complained of the exact Severity that was shown him in the smallest matters, alledging, that when the Commissioners of the most Christian King were to have adjusted with those that came from Spain, the Limits of what had been yielded up by the Treaty of Nimeguen, the French had refused to Treat with the Deputies of Spain, as long as the Catholick King should take upon him the Quality of the Duke of Burgundy: They added a Declaration to this Refusal. That if within a certain time assigned, they did not Treat by Vertue of another Commission, where this Title was not inserted, they would immediately put the King of France in Possession of the Territories and Rights which belonged to him. So that the King of Spain was content to cut off the Titles he usually assumes with an &c. This League, about which the Marquess de Borgomaine made such a bustle and stir in England, was at last concluded with Spain. It was a mutual Engagement on both sides, whereby they obliged themselves to defend one another, in what place soever they should happen to be attack'd. For this end England was to furnish Eight Thousand Foot, and Thirty Men of War; and Spain was obliged to send an Hundred Thousand Crowns every Month into Flanders, to keep the Garisons there in a good condition, and have Twelve Thousand Men in Pay in Champagne. They were in good hopes, that the Emperor and the Hollander would likewise enter into the League. Don Pedro Ronquillo, Ambassador Extraordinary of Spain, in England, sent a Courier, with a Ratification of the Treaty, which was received at Madrid on the 25 th of June, 1680. Most People were very well satisfied, when they saw the several Motions on both sides, that the War would infallibly be kindled somewhere or other in Flanders. The Duke de Villa Hermosa had demanded to be recalled home, and that another Governor might be sent to supply his Place. The unconcern'd Temper, as well as the Natural Slowness of the Spaniards, held the matter a considerable time in suspence, without giving themselves the trouble to determine it. The Marquess de Los Balbazes was first pitch'd upon to be sent thither: but as soon as he received Advice of it, he endeavour'd all he could to get himself excused, out of an Apprehension that they would engage him at the same time to contract vast Debts, to which his Thrifty Humour gave him an invincible Aversion. Besides this, they found it a difficult matter to meet with any Subject who was to their Mind: The Report ran, That the Duke of Lorrain would go to command there in Chief; Afterwards it was said, the Duke of Newburg would be the Man, for whom the Marquess de Grana did several good Offices. After they had deliberated a long time about the Merits of these two Competitors, at last they cast their Eyes upon Prince Alexander Farnese ; he obtained the Preference, and was named about the beginning of July. He was Brother to the Duke of Parma, and was about Threescore Year old; the Gout very much troubled him, and the Talness of his Stature was very Extraordinary: He had been a long time devoted to Spain, and particularly to the Queen-Mother, at the juncture when she had those great Differences with Don Juan: He had been General of the Cavalry in Estramadura and Catalonia, and passed for a very great Soldier, although 'tis certain he had but very little Experience, and the Management of his private Affairs sufficiently demonstrated it; for he ow'd every body Money, paid seldom, and had not a Farthing by him: his Profuseness and his Mistresses ruined him, and although, after all, he had really a great Estate, yet it was miserably incumbred. It was the General Opinion here, that if the War commenced, Flanders would be the first Victim; and this made them believe, that it would be less ignominious for Spain to suffer this Loss, when an Italian was Governor of the Low-Countries, than if a Spaniard were there. In short, it could be nothing else but this Consideration only, that could possibly induce them to believe they did well to fill this Post with a Man, who never had managed as yet any Affair of that vast importance as these were. They bargained with Don Francisco de Castile, for the Sum of Three Hundred Thousand Crowns, which was to be remitted to Brussels, for the payment of the Troops: And after Prince Alexander had received the Thirty Thousand Crowns which the King ordered to be given him, to bear the Expence of his Voyage, he parted on the 17 th of July, to go and take Shipping at the Groyne in Galicia. He took along with him abundance of Voluntiers, and a numerous Train of Domesticks: He sent a Courier into France, to get necessary Pasports, and left the Court in such haste, that he forgot to carry with him the Patent for his Government. It was not very long before he heartily repented for so doing, and he prest earnestly to have it: However, they promised him one, but deferr'd to expedite it; so that he could only be said to be Governor for the Interim ; and it was believed, with Reason enough that he would not be well pleased with this Usage. He had intrusted some Persons at Madrid to sollicite this Affair for him; but they refused the Expeditions, when the Court would oblige them to take them in such a Form; and after many Petitions on their side, and several Contests with the Ministers about it, it was not at last inserted into the Patent after what manner he was made Governor. In the mean time the Prince departed from Madrid: with so little Money, according to his usual Custom, that he was scarce arrived at the Groyne, but he dispatch'd a Courier away to the Court with some Letters, wherein he demanded Money to perform his Voyage. They answered him very coldly, That they would advise him not to defer the day of his departure, and that they could by no means believe, that he had already spent his Thirty Thousand Crowns. He embarked immediately, accompanied by some Vessels belonging to Biscay, which transported five hundred new raised Men, that had been levied in Galicia, and were commanded to guard the Frontiers. The People in Flanders had not for many Years seen any other Governour but Don Juan ; he possessed the Government as his own till his Death; and although he was at so great a distance, yet Couriers were still dispatched to him, to receive his Orders, even in the most important Conjunctures. To say the truth, the Constable of Castile had been sent thither, as I have already observed in the beginning of these Memoirs, in the Place of that Prince; and he obtained a General Patent, without specifying in it, that it was only by a Commission; but the Queen-Mother would have it so, on purpose to disgust Don Juan. The pressing Necessity there was for Money in Flanders, obliged the Duke de Medina Celi to search with all imaginable Application some means or other to furnish them with some; and he tried several without meeting any Success. Don Francisco de Castile immediately promis'd to remit Thirty Thousand Crowns thither, and afterwards engaged to make a return of Eighteen Hundred Thousand Florins more; upon which consideration they were to give him Two Hundred Thousand Crowns in Hand, and to pay him the rest at different times upon Assignations, which in all probability would never have been paid to him. He questioning it very much, was not willing to be their Fool, and resolved to send no Money to Brussels, but accordingly as he received it at Madrid. They failed to perform the Promise they had made him, to pay him Two Hundred Thousand Crowns down upon the Nail; and he, for his part, failed them in the rest. Now how was it possible to draw such a Sum as this out of the King's Treasury, when it was totally exhausted? The inferior Officers of his House having tarried for their Wages longer than they could well do, except they reduced themselves to down-right Beggary, would have thrown up their Liveries, being resolved to quit the Service, unless they had been partly detained by Menaces, and partly by fair promises to see them paid, if they continued in it still. As for People of Quality, they could not tell what to do: After they had pawn'd their Jewels, their Plate, nay, even their Canopies of State, and their wearing Apparel, they found they had now no more Money or Credit left. The Bankers were not in a better condition, and the Merchants had neither Merchandize nor Money. The inconvenience of proclaiming Money, to go at a lower Price, was sensibly perceived every day more and more, and the Publick Misery still increased. A Man cannot sufficiently wonder that things of so great a consequence were managed with so little consideration: Nay, matters were come to that pass, that in several Provinces they were forced to exchange Cattle for Corn, and Cloath for Linnen, because there was not Money enough to circulate in the way of Trade. Heaven pitied the great Afflictions of those People, and favoured them with a Plentiful Year; but the Price of Bread was not in the least diminished, either through the Negligence or Villany of the Magistrates, who were so far from encouraging the Corn to be brought into the great Cities, that they under-hand hindred it from being carried to those Places. The Queen-Mother's Houshold began to find in their turn, the Effects of these Disorders; she had been hitherto very well paid, and her Domesticks received their Racions, that is to say, their Allowances, either in Money or Provisions; and now when they prest the Treasurers to take care they might have them, they were told, that they might go and visit the Chests of the Treasury, if they pleased, which at present were all open, because they had no Money within. So many particular as well as private Calamities, were yet increased by the Ravage and Desolation the Plague made in Andalusia. It is not long ago since it was altogether uninhabited along the Sea-Coasts from Malaga to Alicant. The Kingdom of Granada was not free from this Pestilence, which spread it self about Sevil and Corduba, and in Estramadura. It was immediately perceived at Port St. Mary, but they would not take any publick notice of it, till after the departure of the Flota for the Indies, for fear of spoiling Commerce. If it had not been for this consideration, it had been visibly perceived much sooner. The difficulties still increased as to the business of Trade, and People were apprehensive that their Letters, Commodities, and Goods, carried the infection with them. It is natural enough for Men to use all necessary Precaution against so dangerous a Distemper as this was. I have already observed that the Duke de Medina-Celi would have fain engaged the King to part with his Confessor, but that finding so many difficulties appear in the way, he desisted from his design: But Father Francis de Relux had not, for his part, forgotten the ill Offices that the Duke endeavoured to do him. He dissembled his Resentments, because he was not as yet so well settled in the King's good inclinations, as to venture to cope with the Chief Minister. But as soon as he found himself upon sure grounds, he spoke to de Eguya, and the Dutchess de Terra Nova, to interest them in his quarrel, out of a desire he had to make the Duke sensible of the Effects of his Power. The old Dutchess was not ignorant that the Duke hated her, and that he passionately desired to see another in her Place: This inspired her with a mortal Aversion to him; and so these Three Persons being always united, raised a considerable Faction against him: But that of the Confessor was carried on more secretly, and consequently was more dangerous. It often happens, that a Man pursues his Revenge freely, when he may safely do it under the Pretence of Devotion; And this was the Case of Father de Relux ; for he incessantly attacked the King in his most tender part, his Conscience. He represented to him the Misery of his People, the Extremity of the State, the Disorder and Miscarriages, which were so far from being remedied, that they were openly encouraged; that no Grievances were redress'd, that every thing came to ruin; that if his Majesty was sensible that he had not Power and Experience enough to regulate Affairs of himself, and to take the Reins of the Government into his own hands, he ought at least, to intrust them with a Minister, who would give him an honest and faithful Account of his Employment: That the debate was not now about a trivial matter, but that his Everlasting Salvation lay at stake; that God, who makes and preserves Kings in their Sovereign Authority, expects that Kings should perform their Duties; that they are obliged to cherish their Subjects as their Children, and to make them happy as far as it lies in their Power; that the Duke de Medina Celi only regarded his own private Interests, and minded nothing but his Family, which was very numerous, and the advancing of his Relations, whilst the rest of Spain groaned under the heavy weight of Subsidies, Imposts, and a thousand other Vexations, which were purposely raised to exhaust them; that he was obliged in Conscience to inform him, that unless he vigorously endeavour'd to apply proper Remedies to these Evils, it was his Duty to deny him Absolution. The King, who continued for some time astonished at these Menaces, demanded of him, whether he did not speak all these afflicting things only to try him? The other answer'd, That he was so far from entertaining any such thoughts, that were so little conformable to the Respect he owed him, that he would willingly have sacrificed his own Life, to have been exempted from the cruel necessity of speaking to him after so frank a manner. The King was very Pensive, and spent several days in consulting himself, without knowing what to resolve upon: He lov'd the Duke de Medina Celi exceedingly, and at last sent for him to come to him. So having shut him up with himself in his Closet, he fairly acquanted him with the occasion of his Uneasieness, and with his Apprehensions in relation to his Salvation: He recounted to him every thing that past between his Confessor and him, and how he refused to Absolve him, because of the general disorder of Affairs; and at last told the Duke, He had now sent for him to comfort him with good Reasons. The Chief Minister listned very respectfully to him all the while, and would not suffer himself to be transported with any Passion against the Confessor's Severity, for fear the King should suspect the true Motives of that Heat. On the contrary he agreed, That he was indeed a Man of Sincerity, and that his Advices seemed to proceed from a good intent: But then he added, That he was a Monk, and had no manner of Experience in the World: That Don Juan had drawn him out of a Convent, where he lay buried; That he never had any Conversation but with Monks, like himself; that he was dazled with the Post to which, by the Favour of Don Juan he had been elevated all on the sudden; that his Head was giddy, and that he knew not how to make any difference between things and times, although this was an Article absolutely necessary in the Conduct of Souls; that he placed the King's Soul in a parallel with that of a private Man; that he agreed indeed, that in the sight of God one were as valuable as the other, and that all the difference that was to be found between them, proceeded only from the diversity of their Works; but then every Man had a particular way to save himself; that a Prince ought to live like a Prince, and a private Man like a private Man, and so after the same manner, a Secular like a Secular, and a Religious like a Religious; that Father Relux, whose Capacity was very narrow, confounded all Estates, and even lost himself in this Chaos; that his Majesty ought not to be disturbed at what he had told him, and especially least of all in the present Affairs, because he assured him, for his part, that he would not lose a moment to set them in the best Order imaginable; that in truth, it was necessary to allow some time for the performance of this; that let a Man's Zeal be never so earnest for the Publick Good, yet he cannot effect it immediately, since it is full as difficult a matter to remedy Grievances, as 'tis easie to desire the removal of them; but that since the Confessor had troubled himself with several things, which did not at all belong to him, if the King would be pleased to take his Advice, he would provide him with one who was more capable of the Post than F. Relux, and would never torment him with impertinent Scruples. The Duke found it an easie matter to perswade his Majesty to embrace a thing that would set his Conscience at rest; and the King had consented that very moment to the removal of the Confessor, if he had not judged it necessary to take the Advice of Don Geronimo de Eguya, and so he told the Duke, that he would make a few Reflections as was requisite, upon the matter. De Eguya coming to wait upon the King, he communicated his Designs to him. After the strict Union that was between this Favourite, the Dutchess de Terra Nova, and Father Relux, there was little probability that he would consent to his Removal, but as he preferr'd his own Interests to those of other Persons, and only served others out of a Respect to his own Advantage: So he found, that the Confessor was so devoted to the Camarera Mayor, and that she so resolutely swore the Downfall of the Duke, that if this Combination continued much longer, the Duke would infalllibly fall under the weight of it: That his Successor might perhaps have less favourable Dispositions towards him, and that he had better sacrifice the Confessor to the Minister, than the Minister to the Confessor. These Reasons appear'd so well-grounded, that instead of inspiring other Sentiments into the King, he fortified those he had already, and this was enough to ruin the Father Confessor to all intents and purposes. They offer'd him, as they did before, the Bishoprick of Avila, in order to observe some sort of Decency in removing him; but he would not accept of it, and was content to continue a Counsellor in the Supreme Council of the Inquisition, where they are always obliged to have a Dominican. The Duke de Medina Celi perswaded the King to take in his Place Father Bayona, a Dominican, Professor of the University of Alcala: He had expressed a great desire long before to see him placed in this Station, and had spoke of him ever since the Ministry of Don Juan. That Prince, who had no kindness for him, would never admit him, saying, that he was a French-man. He was indeed a Native of Navar, but that was the Spanish Navar: He entred into this Function towards the end of July. 'Tis very observable, that in the space of Five Years the King had Seven Confessors. This Alteration gave a fatal Blow to the Dutchess de Terra Nova, and the Chief Minister flatter'd himself, that she would now leave the Palace in a short time. Since People spoke no more of sending her away, and she was well informed of every thing that past, she was of opinion, that they could not find any Lady who was fit to succeed her in her Place, and that she should still continue in it: But the Queen finding all her Stock of Patience spent and gone, by reason of all those occasions of Complaint she still persisted to give her, consented at last to receive the Dutchess de Albuquerque near her Person. But this was not till after she had endeavoured to obtain the Marchioness de Los Velez, and even the Dutchess de l'Infantado. She saw very well, that the Queen-Mother, and the Chief Minister would never give their consent to it, and that it was indispensably necessary for her to take a Camarera Major from their hands, or else to rest contented with whom she now had. Every one gave the Dutchess de Albuquerque a good Character, to efface those ill impressions she had received against her. They took care to satisfy her, That she was ingenious, and well-read in the World; that she was not ignorant of any of the Customs and Ceremonies of the Court; that she would do her all good Offices imaginable, both with the Queen-Mother, and the Duke de Medina Celi ; that she had better make this Choice freely and voluntarily, than express any repugnance to a thing which would unavoidably happen. These Reasons had their Effect; the Queen accepted her, and receiv'd her very kindly when she saw her. She had concerted the matter with the Queen her Mother-in-Law, and the Duke de Medina Celi: But this was not sufficient; the King's Consent remained still to be gained; and he was no less averse to the Dutchess de Albuquerque, than to the Marchioness de Los Velez. The Prejudices he had received against this Dutchess were of the same Nature with those that had been insinuated into the Queen. The Dutchess de Terra Nova, and the Secretary de Eguya, were the Persons who had thus maliciously prepossessed him against her; and nothing less than all the Authority of the Queen-Mother could make him resolve to admit her into the Palace. She spoke to him of it at first very softly and gently, but afterwards in a stronger and higher Tone. She told him, That it was high time for him now to know People of himself, and not to judge of their Merits by what was whispered to him concerning them; that any Person might be so unhappy as to have secret Enemies, and that he was in a miserable condition to depend always upon those that possessed his Ear. When he perceived the Queen-Mother to speak to him after this manner, he opposed the business no longer, and so every thing was adjusted. Don Pedro de Arragon received Orders on the Twentieth of August, to acquaint the Dutchess de Terra Nova with the Queen's Intentions, and with the Reasons she pretended to Assign against her Conduct; that the best way she could take, would be to obey without resistance, and to make it appear, as well as she could, that she retired of her own Accord. This Blow did not surprize her, since she was long ago prepared for it, by the private Whisperings that were spread about the Court. She answered Don Pedro de Arragon in a very few Words, and could not yet bring her self to believe, that the King had given his Consent to her Removal: So she was resolved to be satisfied of the truth of it from his own Mouth. She waited to speak with him, as he was just going to sit down to Dinner, and entertained him for some time in a low Tone; at last raising her Voice to a higher pitch, she demanded leave of him to retire. The King answered her aloud, I give you my Consent, Madam; you may retire as soon as you please. These few Words were like to discompose all the Constancy of the Dutchess; she changed Colour several times, and advanced a few steps to speak in private with him again; but he turned his back towards her, and asked something or other of the Duke de Uzeda. She went hastily out of the Room, and retired to her Chamber to compose her self again; but the disorder she was in, would not permit her to appear before the Queen till Evening; and then she came to wait upon her at Supper, and at her going to Bed, with as unconcerned an Air, as if nothing had passed, though to counterfeit this, gave her a great deal of trouble, because she was throughly netled. The Queen was informed by the King of what he had said to her; however, she had the Goodness not to discover any thing of it, although she had no Reason to be well-pleased with her. Next Morning, the Dutchess, who had not gone to Bed, but had passed the whole Night walking in her Chamber, with the Dutchesses de Monteleon and de Hijar her two Daughters, only waited till the Queen was up, to go and take her leave of her. Her Visage was more pale than ordinary, and her Eyes more red and fiery: She then approached the Queen, and without weeping, or shewing the least Concern, told her, She was very sorry that she had not served her so well as she wished. The Queen, who was a Person of wonderful Tenderness, could not forbear to seem somewhat touched, and to relent a little; but as she was saying some obliging things to comfort her, the Dutchess interrupted her, and told her with an imperious Air, That a Queen of Spain ought not to weep for so inconsiderable a matter; That the Camarera who came to succeed her in her Place, would acquit her self better of her Duty: And so, without saying a Word more, she took hold of the Queen's Hand, and making a shew of kissing it, immediately retired. When every one about the Court knew that she was to go away, they came to her Apartment, shedding Tears, either through Policy, Inclination, or Weakness. She did not seem to them to be in the least afflicted, and casting her Eyes on all sides, she said: I thank Heaven, this is a Place where I shall never set my Foot again; I am going to taste the Sweets of Repose, and to find Tranquility at my own House: I will go to Sicily , there I shall meet with no such Disgusts as I have found at Madrid. In saying these Words, she struck her Fist twice upon a little Table that stood near her, and taking a very pretty China Fan, she broke it in two, threw it upon the ground, and stampt it under her Feet. Thus she was sent away a few days after the Father Confessor; she that never thought of leaving the Court, as well by reason of the Ascendant she had got over the King, as because it was a thing without a President, till now, to remove the Queen's Camarera Major, unless it so happen'd, that she desired it her self. 'Tis easy to imagine the Grief she felt upon this occasion; however, to comfort her in some measure, it was resolved to bestow the Vice-Royship of Gallicia upon the Duke de Hijar, her Son-in-Law, and the Order of the Fleece upon the Duke de Monteleon, who had married her Grand-Daughter. They were likewise willing still to continue to her the Honours and the Appointments belonging to her Place; but as soon as she was informed of the good intentions of the Court towards her, she proudly said, That she would refuse every thing they could offer her, and that this was to give her Incense, forsooth, and break her Nose with the Censer. As soon as she was departed from the Palace, the Dutchess de Albuquerque went thither to take possession of her Apartment; and though she had the Character of a Proud Haughty Woman, yet she did not make it appear, that she intended to Copy after the Dutchess de Terra Nova 's Conduct: On the other hand, she entertained all People with a World of Respect and Civility, and expressed the greatest Affection imaginable for the Young Queen. This Lady was Widow to the Duke de Albuquerque, who was Chief of the Family de la Cueva, and was Fifty Years old. I always saw her wear a little Bandore of Black Taffata, which reached down as low as her Eye-Brows, and bound her Forehead so hard, that her Eyes were swelled with it. She was a Woman of great Wit and Reading, and on certain days in the Week, held Assemblies at her House, where all the Learned were well received. She had only one Daughter, whom she married to the Youngest Brother of the late Duke de Albuquerque, to keep up the Name of the Family. She was passionately devoted to the Queen-Mother's Party, and People did not doubt, but that she would use the Young Queen very well. They were afterwards confirmed in this Opinion, when they heard the King, a little after her admittance to Court, tell the Queen, That he would have her take her Pleasure more than she had hitherto done; That she must walk abroad, and ride on Horseback; and that he was willing she might go to Bed late, provided he might go to Bed at Eight a Clock, as his Custom was. Nay, he was so very complaisant a few days after, as to resolve not to go to Bed till Ten. This agreeable Alteration in his Conduct, gave the World occasion to conjecture, that the Dutchess de Albuquerque had engaged the Queen-Mother to speak to the King in favour of her; and that the Severity which the Queen had hitherto undergone, had been inspired into the King only by the means of the Dutchess de Terra Nova. The Marquess de Caralvo, who was of the Council of State, died about this time: He left prodigious Sums of ready Money behind him; and the Crown gained by his Death sixty seven thousand Crowns; which was yearly given him by way of Pension. The Admiral of Castile 's Lady died likewise, and as he had lived after a very indifferent manner with her always, and was one of the greatest Admirers of the fair Sex in all the World; so he did not over-much complain for his Wife's Death, nor was over-sorrowful to become a Widower. He had accustomed her to see near fifteen or sixteen of his Mistresses live, in his House with him, in very fine Apartments, and all different; and he was sometimes so malicious, when she walked out in the Garden, as to look out of a Window with one of these Creatures standing by him, who let her Handkerchief, or a Ribbon drop, and the Admiral would call to his Wife to take it up, and bring it to the Person to whom it belonged; which she submitted to do, with a Respect and Patience that all the World admired. It happened to be said at Court, That a certain Man was found digging in the Ground very early in the Morning, over against the Imperial Colledge. His Design was to take up some Money and Jewels, which a Jew, who had been burnt, and whose Domestick he was, had buried in that place. The King ordered him to bring what he had found there: It was all locked up in a little Iron Chest, which was full of Pieces of Gold of several sorts; and amongst the rest, there were Two Pictures which I have seen, bigger than my Hand, and in circled round with Diamonds of a considerable Value: about them were Two little Scrowls of Parchment, with some Writing upon them; upon one, The Dutchess de Chievreuse ; and on the other, The Dutchess de Montbazon. It was judged, that the Jews who traffick much, and lend Money upon Pawns, came perhaps by these Pictures after the same manner. They were perfectly finished, and the Ladies were both of admirable Beauty. The King said, that they ought to be sent to the Escurial. I often had the happiness to see the Marchioness de Liche, who was one of the most beautiful and agreeable Persons at Court; her Husband was a Man of infinite Wit: He was much against his Will Ambassador at Rome ; and when he was to go thither, endeavoured all the ways in the World to break off his Voyage. He tarried a long time upon the Coasts of Spain, and was unwilling to depart, pretending that he was ill, and praying them to send another in his room, to whom he offered to give all his Equipage, as a free Gift, or else to trust him for it, at his choice: But the Court was afraid of the Vivacity of his Genius, and he was known to be a Man of Enterprise: For this Reason it was thought convenient to keep him at a distance, and so they sent him fresh Orders to depart, and go to Rome. He appeared there with a great Magnificence, and supported the Honour of his Ministry very well. When the Duke de Medina Celi was made Chief Minister, he writ several Letters to him, and employ'd the Interest of all his Family to get himself recalled. It was positively denied him, because he was feared now more than ever; And it was apprehended, in case he returned home, that he would unite himself with his Brother the Count de Monterei. To these Reasons of State the Duke de Medina Celi joyned some private ones, that purely respected his own proper Interest: for it was an easy matter to take Advantage of the Absence of the Marquess de Liche, to have a certain Law Suit determined, which was depending between them. The Marquess being informed of what had happened, and despairing ever to surmount those Obstacles which the Duke laid in his way, thought the surest Expedient to get himself recalled home, would be to disgust the Pope upon all occasions; And herein he acquitted himself so dexterously, and did every thing to displease the Pope after so disobliging a manner, that his Holiness sent the King Word, That unless he would recall the Marquess de Liche, he must resolve to leave Rome ; intreating him to send another Ambassador in his Place, since he had never seen so disagreeable a one as this in all his Life: But they answered him, That one of the Reasons which inclined them to continue him still at Rome, was, because his Holiness had declared, That he would grant the Rights of the Franchises, and the Immunities of their Quarter, only to those Ambassadors who were then resident in Rome, and that those who were to be sent in their room for the time to come, should no more enjoy them. The Pope perceiving that he tormented himself in vain; and that if he, for his part, had good Reasons to demand the recalling of the Marquess de Liche, the Court of Spain had also theirs to deny it, did not renew his Importunities any more: but being resolved to do all the ill offices he could to the Ambassador, who had on purpose disobliged him, as far as lay in his power, he found an opportunity to quit Scores with him; and he took his advantage of it with pleasure. It was about a Dispensation, which the Marquess de Liche demanded of him in favour of Don Pedro de Arragon, his Uncle, to marry Donna Catalina de la Cerda, Daughter to the Duke de Medina Celi. This young Lady was Niece to Don Pedro de Arragon, who was Brother to the Duke de Cardonne, and to the Cardinal of Arragon ; and the Duke de Cardonne was Father to the Dutchess de Medina Celi: so that there was an absolute necessity for a Dispensation. The Marquess was intrusted with the procuring of it by his Uncle, who writ him word, That he should die contentedly, if he could but leave an Heir of his Name and Estate behind him; That after he had been twice married, without getting any Children, he hoped his Third Match would prove more Fortunate to him; and therefore he desired him not to lose a moment to obtain of the Pope what he desired. The Ambassador omitted nothing to compass it, and gave himself a great deal of Trouble and Pains to no purpose; they still put him off, and sent him sometimes to one, and sometimes to another Cardinal. In fine, after having made him dance Attendance long enough, till he had lost all manner of Patience, they bluntly told him, that they could by no means grant what he demanded, and that the Pope made a Scruple of giving a Dispensation to a Man, who was Seventy Years old, to marry his Niece, who was not yet Sixteen. The Ambassador sensibly resented this Refusal, and sent speedy notice of it to Don Pedro de Arragon: but what gave him a new occasion to be more displeased, was to hear, That at the very moment when Don Pedro was reading his Letter at Madrid, the Nuncio brought him a Dispensation that was expedited gratis, and told him, That he had received it much sooner, if the Marquess de Liche had not appeared in the matter. Don Pedro sent his Nephew word of all these Circumstance: who was exceedingly vexed at it. The Marriage was concluded on the 15 th of , without any Ceremony, at the House of the Duke de Medina Celi, where Cardinal Portocarero married them. All the Spanish Officers at Naples were enjoyn'd to reassume the Spanish Dress: 'Twas believed that the Neapolitans would soon imitate them; but seeing they did it not in the least, an Ordinance was published, by Sound of Trumpet, at the beginning of August, commanding all the Officers of Justice to Apparel themselves after the Spanish Fashion. This Conduct had never been used towards them, had it not been to let them see how great a Heart-burning it was to them, to behold them drest after the French way. The Troops continued still to make Complaints, because it was a long time since they had been paid off: They spoke several times to the Vice-Roy about it, who sent them to the Secretary of War, and he to the Cash-Keeper, or Pay-Master to the Army. He answered them, That the Military Funds were clearly exhausted, and that he was not in a Condition to satisfy them. This makes it sufficiently appear, That the extream Misery, which indeed oppressed the whole Spanish Monarchy, was not only perceived at Madrid. The King being fully resolved to endeavour, as far as in him lay, the Ease and Satisfaction of his People, and thinking himself obliged to the Performance of it, by those things which Father Francis de Relux had said to him, at the time when he was his Confessor, acquainted the Duke de Medina Celi with his Designs to establish a particular Council, where all manner of Affairs should be debated; and it should be composed of the Constable of Castile, the Marquess de Los Balbazez, the Inquisitor General, and Don Melchior Navarra. The Chief Minister was to be the Head of it, but the King reserved to himself the last Resolutions of things, and all Favours, and Disposals of Places. The Duke approved at first of the King's Project, but after he had maturely deliberated upon it, he went to the King on purpose to dissuade him from it, out of an Assurance, that the Council of State would be Jealous of it, which was composed of some of the most considerable Persons in the Kingdom; that this would occasion a vexatious difference between them, and rather hinder the Success and Advancement of Affairs, than promote them. Don Melchior Navarra, Vice-Chancellor of Arragon, obtained all the Appointments and Profits, which the Presidents of that Council were formerly used to enjoy. It was not at all questioned, but that the Queen-Mother advanced the Dutchess de Albuquerque to the Place where now she was to be seen; and People were as fully persuaded, that it was she who got the Prince de Parma to be sent into Flanders, to recompence the great Zeal he had always expressed in her Service. But the Council of State began to be Alarmed at the great Power of this Princess. What is the matter? would they usually say one to another, Are we going to have a new Regency, and is the King resolved to be under Wardship again? What gave them the greatest occasion to talk after this manner, was as follows: The Council having, according to the Custom, named Three Subjects for the Vice-Royship of Peru, out of which number the King generally chuses one; his Majesty, without having any regard to it, named Don Melchior Navarra, who had advanced his Fortune by the means of the Queen-Mother, and was absolutely devoted to her. He was born in Arragon, of an obscure Family, and at first was an Advocate, and afterwards a Counsellor at Naples ; Being come to Madrid, he there became Fiscal to the Council of Arragon, and had the good Fortune to please the Queen-Mother, who was then Regent. She made him Vice-Chancellor of Arragon, which is one of the most considerable Places, out of pure Spight to the Council of State, who opposed her, so that she could not bestow this Office upon the Prince de Stillano. The Juncto of the Government refusing to admit him, she put the other in his Place, that she might always have one of her own Creatures in that Juncto ; and besides this, might always be informed for the time to come of what was transacted there. The Queen had no sooner given this Testimony of her Affection to Don Melchior, but every body stood surprized to see a Man of so mean a Birth, advanced to so high a Post; but when they knew him better, they found him to be a Person of great Merit, Experience and Probity. Don Juan of Austria, who was mightily displeased at his Conduct, banished him, and he came not back to Court till after the death of that Prince. The Queen-Mother being desirous to make him compleatly happy, got the Vice-Royship of Peru for him, which is a very Advantageous Post; for in less than five Years time a Man may very well heap up Three Millions by it, without wronging either his own Conscience, or his Neighbour. Just at his departure, they charged him with very rigorous Orders against the Governors of that Kingdom, who had made an ill use of their Power. This Custom has been taken up of a long time; the Poor and Unfortunate only are made Examples, but the rest make a shift to escape well enough, by giving a good round Sum of Money, which perhaps they have extorted from other People. But as it always happens, that one Man's good Fortune proves an Obstacle to that of another, the Marquess de Santa Crux died of Grief, because he mist this Place. He had been General of the Spanish Gallies, and was a Man of Birth and Merit, but so extremely poor, that he saw nothing else could set him up again, but the Vice-Royship of Peru. He did not question but that they would consider him for the Services of his Ancestors, and remember that the Count de Chinchon, his Father, who had been Councellor of State, was always Faithful to the Crown, and that they would examine his own. Personal Merit. He flattered himself, that all these Considerations would infallibly procure him the Vice-Royship of Peru. He came on purpose to Madrid, to solicite for it; but when he saw Don Melchior Navarra preferred before him, he could not master his Grief, and died within few days after. His Death was attended by that of one of the dearest Persons in the World to him, Donna Antonia de la Cerda, Daughter to the Duke de Medina Celi, and Wife to the Son of the Marquess de Villa Manriquez. She was very young, and yet extreamly agreeable. The Ambassador of the Estates of the Uninited Provinces, had Audience of the King, on the Twentieth of August: He demanded of him the Payment of several Millions that were due from the Crown of Spain to the Admiralty of Holland, ever since the Year 1675. The King was only pleased to say, Veremos ; and that Evening having sent for the Duke de Medina Celi to come to him, I have never, says he, seen so many Debts, and so little Money to pay them; If this holds, I will give no more Audience to those to whom I am indebted. The Duke told him, He hoped that in a short time things would be in a better Condition, and that the Hollanders were rich enough to stay a little longer for their Money. People talked very strangely at Madrid, of the King's recalling the Duke de Veraguas, who was Vice-Roy of Valentia. This little Kingdom is, as it were, annexed to that of Arragon, and is a place where there never fail to be abundance of Murderers, Robbers and Cut-Throats. The malignant influence that reigns here, makes the Men naturally so bad, that when there is any ill Action to be done, they make use of the Bandolero's, who are a sort of Banditti, divided into several Factions, and have each of them their Chief, who are generally seditious Persons, capable of all the Villanies in the World. An Apostatized Monk took shelter amongst them, and they found him to be so resolute and hardened a Fellow, that they chose him for their Captain; but as it happened, the very moment he came to commit an Assassinate, he was taken with his Sword in his Hand. He could not deny so palpable a Crime, and the Vice-Roy was advised to execute speedy Justice upon him. The Vice-Roy was well enough satisfied that he ought to serve him so; but what gave him some trouble, was this, That having to deal with a Religious, he thought that he ought to use more Formality with him. Another Reason likewise stopt him a little; for by the laws of Valentia, some days are allotted to Criminals after they are condemned, before their Execution. He ordered Four Religious of different orders to meet, and consulted them upon these Two Heads: Two of them were of opinion, that he might take Cognizance of this matter with the Archbishop's Consent: The Two others maintained, That although the Laws of the Countrey allow some time to a Guilty Person, and that this was a Monk belonging to the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction; yet for all that, the King's Service demanded a speedy and severe Example; and that the Actions of this Man were so abominably odious, that he deserved to have no Respect shown him. The Duke de Veraguas was of their Opinion, and ordered him to be hanged immediately. The Ecclesiasticks demanded him before Execution; the Archbishop supported them by his Authority, and when he knew it was to no purpose, his Official published an Interdict. The People immediately made an Insurrection, and the Vice-Roy was obliged to shut himself up in his Palace; but being besieged on every side, and apprehending some danger from the Violence of the Rabble, he escaped out of the City well Accompanied. The Archbishop lost no time to inform the Court of what had happened; the Duke too sent thither as soon, and each of them alledged their Reasons. Upon this the King ordered a Juncto to sit, composed of his own Confessor, a Jesuit, and a Dominican. It happened well for the Archbishop that he was of the same Order with this last, and had been General of his Order; He wanted no more to gain the Cause; the Duke de Veraguas was condemned with one Consent, and a Sum of Money was remitted to him, with Orders to come within Twenty Leagues of Madrid, and there to wait the King's farther Pleasure. On the Twenty Sixth of August the Count de Aquilar was named to succeed him in his Place, and within 24 Hours after he departed, to go and take possession of it. If this affair, the Judgment whereof appeared too rigorous, made so great a Noise, the Connivance shown to the Marquess de Las Navas, Vice-Roy of Sicily, surprized People no less. He meerly, for a Humour, persecuted the Archbishop of Palermo, so as to make him leave the City: The King being informed of the Proceedings, was not only content to Reprimand the Vice-Roy for it, but ordered, That the Archbishop should receive particular Satisfaction from him. He wrote a very obliging Letter to this Prelate, wherein he acquainted him how much he was concerned at the Affronts he had received, and sent it to the Marquess de Navas, with Orders to deliver it to the Archbishop with his own Hands. The Vice-Roy received it, and kept it by him; but they being informed of it at Court, a fresh Injunction was sent him: He obey'd this no better than the former. This Stiffness and Contumacy of his, perfectly wearied the Council, without drawing the least inconvenience upon him; so that they no more commanded him to deliver the Letter to the Archbishop. It is very certain, that another Man would not have had this Indulgence show'n him; but the Vice-Roy being, it seems, obliged to marry his Son to one of the Daughters of the Duke de Medina Celi, this is one Reason why he was sure to meet with good Quarter, as long as the Duke continued in Favour. Nevertheless, the Marquess de Louvignies, who was made Governour of Messina, was no sooner arrived there, but he was offended to see the Fortifications and Garrison in so ill a Condition. He plainly told the Marquess de Las Navas, That he could not dispense with himself from giving the Court an Account of these matters. He was as good as his Word, and the Vice-Roy received a severe Check for his Negligence. They had a new occasion to be displeased at Madrid, when they received Advices of what happened at Naples, on the 7 th of September: The Vice-Roy passing through the Toledo-Street, to go to Visit the Spanish Nuns, was stopt by an Hundred Troopers, all armed, and on Horse-back, who Audaciously demanded of him, either to pay them off, or else to dismiss them. So resolute an Action as this was, did not a little surprize him: He promised to do every thing they desired of him, and returned back again to the Palace very suddenly. As soon as he believed himself to be safe, he ordered Six Soldiers to be sent to Prison, and their Tryals to come on speedily. He reformed all the Cavalry, together with the Captains, and the other Officers, as well as the Lieutenant General. This Body of Horse consisted of Seven Troops, and had been kept up above Fifty Years. He pretended, That he had received Orders from Madrid to reform them after this manner; but the real Truth is, he was not in a condition to pay them. The King of Spain hereupon was exceedingly grieved, to behold the Misery to which all his Kingdoms were reduced. But all this evil News was ballanced, when they knew that the Plague was intirely ceas'd in Andaluzia, and that the Chief Magistrate of Cales finding the Port of St Mary free from the Infection, had taken off the Prohibition of Commerce. After this, they immediately begun to load the Gallions. On the Fifth of September there were great rejoicings at Court, because it was the Birth-day of his Most Catholick Majesty: A Comedy was Acted there, and all the Ambassadors and Grandees of Spain were present at it. The Queen appeared so covered with Jewels, that her Diamonds cast a greater Light than six large Flambeaux, as big as Torches did, that were lighted in the Great Hall. A few days after this, the King and the two Queens went solemnly to Chappel, where the Anniversary of Philip IV. was celebrated with great Ceremonies. The Queen being returned to the Palace, found a Sealed Letter in her Pocket, having the same Superscription with that which she formerly received; and seeing written on the out-side, For the Queen alone, she would not open it, and almost distracted her self in thinking what Person it was, that could find the means to come so nigh her, as to slip this Letter into her Pocket. Towards Evening she went along with the King to the Queen-Mother's Palace, to make her the usual Compliments of Condolance, upon the Death of the late King her Husband. The Dutchess de Medina Celi told the King, That she had received a Letter from Ispahan, the Capital City of Persia, which had great Curiosities in it. The King replied, That he was desirous to hear it. All the Company being gone out of the Room, she placed her self near him to read it. The Queen took her advantage of this Opportunity, and told the Queen-Mother, That she had a great desire to see a Picture of Titian, which she had lately bought. As she said these Words, she advanced towards the great Closet of the Queen-Mother, whither she follow'd her. When they had entred into it, the Young Queen gave her the Letter, which she had found in her Pocket, and desired her to keep it, or burn it, as she thought most convenient. I don't know, says she, but it may come from the Dutchess de Terra Nova; but she shall be clearly mistaken in her Project. The Queen-Mother told her, That she had best open the Letter to see what was contained in it. Ah, Madam, replied the Queen, I would never, by my good Will, see any such Letters. The Queen-Mother admired the prudent Conduct of this Young Princess, and bid her not disquiet her self about the matter; for she would take care to keep it sealed by her: And some time after, she recounted this Adventure to the Marchioness de Mortare, and show'd her the first Letter, saying, she believed it proceeded from the Malice of some Persons who designed to do the Queen a Mischief. It was through this Lady's means, that my Cousin and I came to know all that I have written concerning this Affair. The Queen, and the Queen-Mother did not tarry long together, but came to find the King, who told them, That the Dutchess de Medina Celi had read a Letter to him, wherein was contained a very Tragical surprising Accident, and that they would by no means think their time lost to hear it. The Dutchess immediately read the Letter; it was dated from Ispahan, the 18 th of March, 1680, and gave an Account, how, That on the 23 d of January, in the same Year, the City of Masulipatan, which is the greatest Scale of Trade in the Kingdom of Golconda, had been overflow'd by the Sea, and by extraordinary Rains, accompanied with a furious Hurricane: That above Twenty five thousand Persons were drowned there, and that the loss of the Goods and Merchandize amounted to Twenty Millions: That it had Rained Blood for the space of Two Hours, in the Village of Sohou, near Deli, where the Great Mogul keeps his Residence; and that part of the City of Sougean, near Daera, had been over-whelmed by an Earthquake: That the English having received Advice, That the Raja Sevagi, after he had pillaged the City of Danga, threatned to besiege Bombay, (which is a Place that was yeilded up by the Portugueses to them, together with Tangier, upon occasion of the Marriage of the Infanta Catharina, Queen of England ) had sent some Men of War to Bombay to defend it; but that it was very much questioned whether they would be able to hold in out against a Prince who continued to make his Conquests with so prodigious a Swiftness, and who had already defeated Cercan Loudi, a Prince dependent upon the King of Visiapour. He had possessed himself in less than Two Years, of all the Territory situate upon the Coasts of Coromandel. The King of Visiapour being concerned at the Misfortune of this Prince, who was just upon the point of Marrying the Princess Famika, his Sister, designed to assist him, and sent his Forces under the Command of Famika, who was as brave as an Amazon, Beautiful and Haughty. The Prince Sevagi knowing that she marched against him, advanced with his Army, and met her towards the Kingdom of Golconda. She sent a Zagay to him, with a Sabre, and writ to him, That in case he was so pleased, they would decide the Quarrel by a single Combat. He accepted the Challenge, took the Arms she sent him, and returned her others. The Two Armies were drawn out in Battel, with Orders, not to make the least movement as long as the Combat continued. The Princess was vanquished, and surrendered her self Prisoner. The Prince Cercan Loudi, who was with her, was driven into Despair, when he saw his Mistress taken away from him; he threw himself, with his Forces, upon those of Sevagi, and after a long Combat Cercan was taken Prisoner; and the Prince remained Master of the Field. After this, he still carried Famika along with him; and she appeared so charming to him, that he told her, If she was willing to marry him, he would restore to Cercan Loudi all that he had taken from him by way of Conquest. The Princess haughtily replied, That she would never sacrifice her self to one that was a Subject to the King her Brother. Sevagi, who was deeply in Love with her, dispatched an Envoy to the King of Visiapour, to demand Famika of him, and promised, That if he would bestow that Princess upon him, he would serve him as his Vassal. The King scorned the Proposal, treating him as a Revolted Subject, whom he knew well enough how to chastise. When the other saw that gentle Methods signified nothing, he presently fell a Ravaging the Country of Visiapour, from Surat to Goa, except six or seven Places upon the Coasts; so that his Conquests extended as far as Negapatan ; and this, in all, made near 250 Leagues in length. He always carried his Fair Prisoner along with him, hoping to gain her by his Respect and Complaisance; but having had one day a very long Conversation with her upon this Topick, wherein she declared, That all the Injuries either she, or those of her Family, suffered at his Hands, only served to provoke her the more, and that she would never love any one but Cercan Loudi ; the Love of Sevagi was in a moment turned into Fury, and he had the Cruelty to cause a Scaffold to be erected for her, where with his own Hands he cut off the Head of the young Princess Famika, and her Lover. The Queen-Mother having a great kindness for the Marchioness de Grana, received two of her Daughters, who were very lovely and well shaped, into the number of her Ladies. A short time after, the King, the two Queens, and all the Court, departed for Aranjuez ; but the House not being large enough to lodge half the Officers and Ladies, they came back every Night, and lay near it. The Duke de Uzeda, the Count de Altamire, and the two Sons of the Duke of Alva, disguised themselves like Muleteers, with Bonnets, after the English Fashion, pulled over their Heads to hide them; and being dress'd after Fashion, they went every day on Foot by the Boot of the Coach of the Queen's Maids of Honour, to Court their Mistresses, as the Custom is there. Although the King had Prohibited all Persons in General, and Married People in Particular, Los Galanteos de Palacio, as they call it, at Madrid ; yet he was not able to hinder it. It has been a thing established time out of mind amongst them, to entertain the Ladies of the Court, with their Gallantry, although they have not the least design to marry them: And they wait upon them with as much Assiduity, as if they were already betrothed to them. But what is the strangest, as well as the least pardonable thing of all, is, that they ruine themselves by it: I have feen married Men, nay, even those that were Grandfathers, totally taken up in an Amour with one of the Ladies of the Court. The Women, whose Husbands are led away with these Extravagant Fancies, are extremely disgusted at it; and this often occasions horrid Disorders in their Families; but all that these Cavaliers pretend to reap by their Passion, is only, that their Mistresses will suffer them to come and stop under their Windows. Here they sit in the back part of their Coaches, and entertain them by their Fingers, and the Ladies answer them after the same manner, without speaking to them, but only upon days of Ceremony; for at that time, they have the liberty to Accost them before all the World. But what is very surprising, and was never yet practised any where else, the Ladies of Honour belonging to the Queen, receive Jewels, Apparel, and considerable Sums of Money from their Gallants. The Dukes de Montalte ; and de Medina Sidonia, having no Office to oblige them to follow the Court to Aranjuez, sent their Stewards, Cooks, and other Servants, with Gold and Silver Plate, to carry Magnificent Repasts to their Mistresses, as long as they staid at Aranjuez. The Diversion there is but little, because the greatest pleasure one can take, is to walk along the sides of the River Tagus, which wash the Banks of the finest Walks in the World; but the Rains were so great, that no body could stir out When there was the least fair Weather, the Queen rode on Horse-back with all her Ladies, but one of them had the mischance to be carried away by her Horse, and received so much hurt by her Fall, that she died within three days after. This ill Accident troubled the King exceedingly, so that by his good Will, he would not suffer the Queen to ride: When he saw her not, he would still be crying. Let some body go to see how my Queen does, and bring me word, whether she is fallen off her Horse. The King was informed at Aranjuez, that two Portuguese Men of War, in their return to Lisbon, had met a French Vessel, commanded by the Chevalier de Leti: He demanded the Salute of them; and upon their refusing to do it gave them a Broad-side, which they answered with all their Guns; but after a long dispute, he obliged them to strike the Flag. After this, the Vessel continued its course towards Villa Franca where the Ambassador of Savoy waited to be carried over to Portugal. Upon this the King Spain told the Duke de Medina Celi, that there was no question to be made, but his Gallies woul be served after the same manner, if they wer not better provided. The King had a mighty desire when he parte from Madrid, to go immediately to the Escuria ▪ but he could not fully resolve to carry the Quee along with him thither, till he had staid some time at some of the other Houses belonging to the Kings of Spain. He had been told, That it was looked upon to be an ill Omen, to go first to the place where the Royal Tombs are; and since the Queen had as yet been only at Buen Retiro, à la Casa del Campo, at Pardo, and Zarzuela, which are so near Madrid, that she just rested her self there a few hours, after she came from hunting. He was resolved to begin with Aranjuez, to avert and frustrate those evil Presages: Therefore he ordered every thing to be in readiness for his Journey, by the beginning of September, which is one of the finest Months of the Year in Spain: But the Ministers not finding Money enough in the Treasury to defray the Expences of the Progress, dexterously endeavoured to put it by; though in all appearance they seemed to desire it as much as the King did, and daily ordered Mules to be got ready to carry the Baggage. They pretended the Ways were dangerous and bad, and at last, that the great Rains had corrupted the Air. Nay, they sent for some Physicians, with whom they had been practising, to confirm all they said. Notwithstanding these Reasons, the King still persisted in his Resolution to go to Aranjuez, and did not know till the very Evening before he was to depart, that he could not go. He was the only Person that was ignorant of it; for the Ministers had acquainted their Friends with it above Twelve Days before, and all the City was informed, that the King was to stay at Madrid still. The Queen was not a little displeased at these Proceedings; she spoke to the King about it, and told him, that the Ministers might now very well forbear to use them any longer like Children; that if there had been any important Reasons why they should not go to Aranjuez, they ought to have given them timely notice of it; but to put them off, and, speaking properly, to fool them after this insufferable rate, was never to be endured. The King was vexed, and told the Queen, That this should be the last time he would suffer such things at their Hands, and that they should direct themselves for the future, only by his Will and Pleasure. This Discourse was over-heard by some of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber, who went presently to acquaint the Duke de Medina Celi with it, to make their Court by this means. He was terribly disheartned, and feared lest the Queen, who was charming and witty, might come to get a greater Ascendent over the King's Inclinations than he desired; and therefore that he might not displease the King any more, used all imaginable diligence to provide a Fund sufficient to bear the Expences of going to Aranjuez and the Escurial. Till this very moment, he had resolved to break off these Two Journeys; but he apprehended a great deal of danger from the Queen's dissatisfaction; and so to get a Sum necessary for the occasion, he sold Two Offices of the Contador Major for Twenty five thousand Crowns, and received Forty more for a Government in the Indies. He took Fifty thousand Crowns out of an Hundred thousand, that were to be laid out in Equipping of the Gallions. He made use of the Money gathered for Custom, that was to have paid off the Rights of the Franchises, and the Revenues of the Town-Hall: In a word, every thing was got ready by that time the Court came back from Aranjuez, for them to go to the Escurial. However, the King was not able to go as soon as he desired, by reason that the ill Weather increased; ever since the beginning of September never a day passed withou violent Tempests, accompanied by dreadful Claps of Thunder: The Lightning struck abundance of Persons in several Places, and the Hail fell so thick, and in such prodigious quantities in the Forest of the Pardo, which is an House of pleasure belonging to the King, that it broke the Branches of the greatest Trees, and killed so many Birds and Wild-Fowl, that both the Fields and the River of Mancanarez were covered with them, and it was the most surprising sight in the World to behold: The Ancient Bridge de Aranda de Duero was carried away by the Waters of that River, and the Tagus over flowed its Banks with that Impetuosity, that it did an incredible Mischief to the pleasant Walks at Aranjuez. So many Accidents, of which they received fresh News daily, troubled the Court exceedingly; for there was scarce a place in Spain exempt from these continual Tempests: One of them happened on the 26 th of September, in so outragious a manner, that the Gardens of the Countess de Ognate, which are the finest in Madrid, were over-flown in a moment; the Water entred into the lower Apartments of her House, where she kept her noblest Italian Paintings, and her richest Moveables, and all was intirely spoiled by this Inundation. The Torrent, to work out its passage, threw down the Garden-Walls, and broke into that belonging to our Lady's de Atocha. The next Night we all thought, that Madrid would be beaten down about our Ears by the Thunderclaps, the Lightning, the Wind, the Rain, and the Hail. I don't believe any body went to Bed in the whole City; the Churches were full of People who confessed, as if the hour of Death were approaching. The Water of the Mancanarez swelled exceedingly, and spread it self on all sides. The King and the Queen, who impatiently waited for day-light, went in Devotion to our Lady's de Atocha, but at their return they found the Pardo over-flown; and though a Coach had been over-turned a little before, by the: apidity of the Torrent, the King believed that his might pass it well enough, and commanded the Coachman to advance speedily forward towards the Bridge of the bare-legged Augustines: Within a few Paces of the Bridge, the two fore Mules, which in Spain are at a pretty distance from the hindmost, were overturned by the Impetuosity of the Water: The Postillion that led them 'scaped very narrowly; the Mules recovered themselves twice, and were thrown down as often. The King was all alone in the Coach with the Queen, very much concerned, and telling her, that he was in pain only for her sake. In the mean time, some People got hold by the Traces, and so drew out the Coach by meet strength. By this means the Mules got out of the Water; but their Majesties could not reach the Palace, and being affrighted at the great Danger they had just escaped, were obliged to go to Buen-Retiro, where they tarried till mid-night, and waited for the Waters to fall. The Marquess de los Velez, Vice-Roy of Naples, dispatched a Courier to Court, to give them Advice, That the Pope had demanded of them, to send the Marquess Sera, a Genoese, to him, who was Excommunicated for falling foul upon the Apostolick Nuncio 's Courier on Maundy Thursday. The Brief specified, That his Holiness grounded his Pretensions upon the Right Soveraignty the Holy See had to the Kingdom Naples. The Officers of all the Courts of Judicature Assembled upon it, and resolved not to comply with the Pope's Desires, by reason of the ill Consequences that might attend such an Affair. But the King and the Ministers here, could not forbear to wonder, that his Holiness spoke of renewing his Pretensions, which seemed to be adjusted a long time ago. The only Son of the Marquess de Castel-Rodrigo died about the beginning of October ; as did also Don Rui Gomez, de Silva, Brother to the Duke de Hijar. We may say, they were two of the most handsome and hopeful Lords at Court. This last was mightily devoted to Donna Isabella de Mendoza, a Lady of great Beauty, who was not completely Seventeen Years old. She took the Death of her Lover so much to heart, that without acquainting her Mother with it, she got out of her House, covered in a Mantle, and went to the A Monastery founded by Joanna, Sister to Philip IV. Descalsas Reales, there to take upon her the Religious Habit. Their Majesties parted from Madrid on the 7 th of October, to go to the Escurial. The King only carried with him the Duke de Medina Celi, the Grand Master of the Houshold, with two Masters of the House in Ordinary, the Great Forester, and the First Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber, and two other Lords in the same Office, Don Geronimo de Eguya, Secretary of State, and the Marquess de Grana, Ambassador from the Emperor. The Admiral of Castile, who was Master of the Horse, did not arrive there till Fourteen Days after the King: He was naturally so lazy, even when he was obliged to make his Court, that he could not resolve in a less time to go to the Escurial. All the Ladies of the Court, and Six Women of the Bed-Chamber, Accompanied the Queen; the Marquess de Villa Maina, Chief Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber, and the Marquess de Astorgas, Grand Master of the Houshold, went along with her. As for the Duke de Ossone, who was Master of the Horse to her, he tarried at Madrid upon the account of a new Disgust, he had received at Court. The King was willing that the Queen should ride on Horse-back, to take a few turns in the Walks of the Meadows, and to meet him as he came from hunting. She had Four Fits of an Ague, but the following ones were so gentle that she was able to get up a few days after, and divert her self as she had used to do ever since her Arrival to the Escurial. The King, who was altogether taken up with the Pleasures of hunting, pursued the Sport from Sun rising till Night. One day he ordered a Chace to be prepared after the German manner; they had Toils which inclosed a great quantity of Ground, and here with their Guns they killed above Two hundred Bucks and Does. The Queen was at first desirous to be there, but being informed after what manner they used these poor Creatures, she imagined that such a sight would rather give her occasion to employ her Pity, than afford her any Pleasure. The King in all his Chaces generally took no more with him than the first Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber, and the great Forester; he loved to find himself alone in vast Solitudes, and sometimes it was a long while before they could find him. When he hunted after the German manner, he would be accompanied by the Duke de Medina Celi, and the Marquess de Grana. At his return, the Chief Minister following the King to the Queen's Apartment, found that her Majesty did not cast her Eyes upon him; he immediately penetrated into the reason of this alteration he found in the Queen's Behaviour; for to say the truth, she was displeased with him for disswading his Majesty to expedite a Patent for a Government in the Indies, which he had granted to her: But when the Duke knew it, he told the King, That the Queen begged this Grace of him, at the intreaty of one of the Women of her Bed-Chamber, who was a French Woman, who would get considerably by it, when in the mean time Twelve thousand Pistoles were offered for it. The King thought it was the best way to take this Sum, and after this would not hear the least Word of dispatching the Patent, as he had promised. But what provoked the Queen infinitely more, was the Conduct he had used in her Absence towards the Constable Colonna 's Lady. The Dutchess de Medina Celi had passed her Word to the Queen, as in her Husband's Name, That during the stay her Majesty made at the Escurial, nothing should be done to the prejudice of this Lady. Notwithstanding these Assurances, upon which she depended, she was carried away from Madrid, and by an Order from the King, confined to the Castle of Segovia. To begin this Story from its Original, the Reader is to know, that this Lady was Niece to the late Cardinal Mazarine: She brought a very considerable Fortune with her at her Marriage; and perhaps the Family of the Colonna 's had sunk very low without this seasonable Relief. After she had passed the happiest and most pleasant part of her Life at Rome, where she always appeared in great Pomp and Splendor, having the liberty to live after the French Fashion, and according to all Appearances, seeming to be content with her Fortune: She withdrew all on the sudden, without so much as knowing the Reason of it her self, through the ill Counsels of some Persons, who hazarded not a little upon her Account, in making her hazard every thing on her side: So that she departed privately with the Dutchess of Mazarine, her Sistet. They had disguised themselves so well, that none knew them when they took Shipping: And thus they arrived safely in France. The Constable Colonna 's Lady hoped to find here a Sanctuary against her Husband, and some vain flattering Idea's, that were not as yet perfectly extinguished in her Heart, served to perswade her, that she should be well received at Court; but so far was she from meeting any Encouragement to make her Appearance there, that she was prohibited by the King to come there. I have heard her say, That she resented this Treatment with so sensible a Grief, that she was like to have died of it. After this she went to Turin, where she made a short stay, and the uneasiness of her Mind led her at last to Flanders. There she happened to find the Marquess de Borgomaine, of the House of Este, in whom she reposed an intire Considence, without remembering that he was rather a Friend to her Husband than to her self. He flattered her in all her Projects, in order to amuse her, and to gain time till he might receive Advice from the Constable, how to dispose of her; for he had sent him a Letter, by a Courier for that purpose, to inform him, that his Wife was at Brussels ; and in Answer to it, the Constable earnestly desired him to Seize and Apprehend her. He acquitted himself immediately of his Commission, and carried her to a Convent, from whence she was not to depart, unless she would consent to be Ship'd for Spain, as they desired her. When she was at Madrid she delay'd, upon several Pretences, to take the Religious Habit upon her; she loved her Liberty and was desirous still to enjoy it: But the Constable being informed of her Arrival, sent Don Fornand de Colonna, his Natural Brother, with Letters to the King, and the Ministers wherein he beseech'd them, that either by fair means, or violence they would oblige his Lady to enter into a Convent. This Necessity seemed very hard to her; nevertheless she submitted to it, and retired to the Monastery de Santo Domingo el Real, upon Condition, That if she happened to come out of it, she would consent that the King should restore her to her Husband. She continued there a long time, and sometimes in an Evening she escaped out with one of her Women, and often went to walk on Foot in a White Mantle in the Pardo, where she met with many pleasant Adventures, because most of the Women that come there are Ladies Adventurers; and some Ladies of the best Quality at Court, take a mighty pleasure when they can go thither and are not known. The Constable Colonna being ceme to Madrid, in his way to Arragon, whereof he was Vice-Roy, went every day to entertain her at the Grate, and I have seen him show those Gallantries to her, which a Lover may show to his Mistress. He departed in a very good understanding with her; but when the Queen made her entry, she having a great desire to behold her Majesty, did not imagine they would hold her so strictly to the Word she had given the King, That in case she ever quitted the place of her Confinement, he should deliver her into her Husband's Hands: So without any more a do, she went to the Marchioness de Los Balbazez, her Sister in Law, who received her very kindly, and the Marquess made her an Entertainment that might have deceived a Person of less Faith than her self. Seeing these fair Appearances she thought no more of returning to Santo Domingo, but staid with the Marchioness de Los Balbazez. All this while he secretly endeavoured to get an Order from the King, and as soon as he had procured it, carried her to a Convent within Four Leagues of Madrid. So severe a Procedure afflicted her as much as it is possible for a Woman to be afflicted. She wrote to the Queen to demand her Protection; and being informed that the Constable was come back from Arragon, with his Sons, she obtained a permission of the King to go into some Monastery or other at Madrid. But whether it were, that she was not content to be there, or that she had some other Views in her Head, she made her escape, and went strait to her Husband's House: She lived in one half of it, made her Court very regularly to the Queen, visited abundance of Ladies, and diverted her self very well. The Constable left her an intire Liberty to do what she pleased; but when he was desirous to return to Rome, he talked of carrying his Lady along with him thither. She was migtily Alarmed at it, and declared, that she would not go. The Reason was, because she had got her Nativity to be Calculated, and it was told her, That if she had another Child, she should die. This Prediction was so fresh in her imagination that she would rather chuse to return to her old place of Retreat. The King was urgent with her to explain her meaning; She sent him Word back again, That she humbly requested him to grant her his Protection, in the design she had to throw her self into a Convent. The King judged it convenient, That the Inquisitor General, Don Melchior Navarra, and his Confessor, should meet to determine this difference between the Constable and his Lady▪ The Marquess de Los Balbazez sollicited so powerfully, that the Juncto concluded to send her to the Castle of Segovia. This he so passionately desired, that all the last Year he was perpetually troubling his Brain, how to do her some ill Office. But the Constable of Castile, and the Admiral, set themselves all they could to oppose it; and they were not able to obtain an Order for it. They had never obtained one, if the Duke de Medina Celi had not been an Enemy to the Constable's Lady. She being informed of what had past against her, and what Reasons she had to apprehend some Mischief from her Enemies, cast her self at the Queen's Feet, and conjured her, with Tears in her Eyes, not to abandon her in this distress, but to engage the Chief Minister to pass his Word, that nothing should be attempted against her as long as the Court was at the Escurial. The Queen interposed in this Affair, as I have already mentioned; but notwithstanding all this Precaution, within Eight Days after her departure, a Counsellor of the Counsel Royal, with his Officers, Accompanied by the Constable Colonna, and the Marquess de Los Balbazez, who performed the Office of Bailiffs, being all Armed, as if they had been going to apprehend a Ring-Leader of Robbers, rather than an unfotrunate Lady, who was not capable of making the least Resistance, went about Eleven a Clock at Night to break open the Doors of her Appartment, although it was within her Husband's House. She was in her Chamber, when immediately an Alcade of the Court pretended to tie her Arms with a Cord: Seing herself used after so ignominious a manner, she took up a little Knife, which lay accidenttally up on the Table; and as she defended her self, gave him a cut in the Hand. This Resistance made the rest of the Company fall upon her with that barbarous Fury, that they dragged the poor Lady, half naked, as she was, by the Hairs of her Head, and so they forced oer away, like one of the most miserable of her Sex. She was conducted after this manner, all Night long, to the Castle of Segovia, without expressing the least consideration either for her Birth or Reputation, although she had given them no occasion to treat her thus; for in fine, she was actually at that time in her Husband's House, and her only Crime was, her refusing to return to Rome with the Constable, although she offered to go into a Convent, without having the liberty ever to leave it. Most Persons pitied her sorrowful Condition, and took it ill that they broke their Promise to the Queen, and that they durst employ the King's Name, only to satisfie the Malice and Animosity of the Marquess de Los Balbazez. It was for his sake principally that they used this Persecution towards the Constable's Lady; for her Husband was one of the best conditioned Men in the World: He loved her, and as he had formerly given her his consent to stay several Years in a Religious House; so without question he had not now opposed the Conditions she desired, if it had not been for the Marquess de Los Balbazez. He alone managed this Affair, and sollicited the Duke de Medina Celi in the Constable's Name; and that Minister thinking by this means to oblige both of them, gave his consent to what was demanded of him. Nevertheless it was a surprising thing, that he used so rude a Conduct towards the on Cstable's Lady; it had been a more generous and manly part, to endeavour to reconcile the present Differences than to imprison a Lady who was to be Mother in Law to his own Daughter. He ought to have considered, that a Husband and a Wife are easily brought to accommodate matters; and that if ever they came to be Friends again, his Daughter would fall into the Hands of the Constable's Lady, who would then be in a condition to revenge her self upon her, for the Injuries he had done her. He might reasonably imagine, that as she was rich, and had a great number of near Relations, who made a considerable Figure in the World; so they would never see her oppress'd, without regretting her misfortunes, and interesting themselves in her Quarrel: That they would vigorously endeavour to procure her her Liberty, and that at the bottom, when he came to cast up his Accounts, he himself would get nothing but ill will by it. This Affair made a great noise in the World: I knew every particular Circumstance of the Story, because I was intimately acquainted with this Unfortunate Lady, and knew her to be of a good Disposition, and not given to speak ill of other People, and, as it was truly said of her, she was never an Enemy to any one but her self. Indeed it were to be wished, she had been Mistress of more Discretion, and had not been of so easie a Temper as to believe those Persons who advised her ill. She was very lovely, although she was not in the Prime of her Youth; her Eyes were lively, quick and piercing; her Teeth admirable; her Hair blaker than Jet, and in a great quantity; her Stature noble, and her Leg well-shaped. The Queen being informed of her Misfortunes, was mighitily concerned at them, and continued to be very angry with the Duke de Medina Celi, for not keeping his Promise to her. The Calamities occasioned by the Plague, were not the only Evils, which the People of Spain suffered. The publick Poverty spread it self farther still; for the scarcity of Provisions continued, and no Remedies were applied to rectifie these Disorders. No alteration was made in the Government, and the Chief Minister seemed to be possessed with a Lethargy. Every body hung down his Head, and Men were so enfeebled, that they had scarce strength enough to lift up their Eyes and Hands to Heaven, to implore its Assistance and Relief. The past and present Miseries made them apprehend what was to follow; every one made melancholy Reflections upon the sad condition of Affairs, which carried them farther than they desired: But to compleate the general Calamity, after they had for six Weeks together beheld terrible Inundations that did a world of Mischief in several goodly Cities, these Accidents were followed by an Earthquake, which happened two days after the King's departure to the Escurial. We perceived it at Madrid on thh 9 th of October, between six and seven a Clock in the Morning; it was so violent, that it made a general Concussion, and the most resolute Persons were possess'd with fear. This extraordinary Motion was perceived all the Kingdom over, and even at Lisbon, and other parts of Portugal ; but the City of Malaga found the saddest Effects, and sustained the greatest Losses by it. This City is situated in the Kingdom of Granada, upon the Coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, within Twenty five Leagues of the Straights, at the foot of a Mountain, upon the top of which stands a Castle that Commands the Town and and the Port. It is large, well peopled, and rich, by reason of the considerable Trade they drive in Spanish Wine, Oyl, Citrons, Fruits, and other Commodities, which draw a vast number of Vessels to that Port. Its Fortifications, although they are old, are very good, and are adorned with several stately Buildings, which are remainders of the Magnificence of the Moors, and the Cathedral Church was formerly the Principal Mosque. They perceived there a great Trembling of the Earth, which lasted but a few moments; however the Concussions were so violent, that they caused a general fear and desolation in the City by the strange disorder it occasioned. The Harbour, and the Walls on the same side, with their Bulwarks, Towers, and Ramparts were overthrown; the Sea was in so extraordinary an agitation, that the Fishes every where leapt out of the Water; the Vessels that were in the Port, were lifted up above Twenty Foot high, and all their sides crack'd as if they had been in a real Tempest, so that the Mariners believed they were unavoidably lost. Fifteen Convents of Men and Women were ruined after that manner, that scarce one Stone lay upon another; and in that of the Observance of St. Francis, there were Fourteen Persons buried in the Ruins. This Magnificent Church, which had been Enlarged and Beautified in the Year 1521, leaned several times on its two sides ready to overturn, and yet received no damage, which the Inhabitants took for a Miracle. One thousand three hundred Houses were sorely battered, and more than One thousand two hundred ruined. 'Tis easie to judge what a vast number of Persons must have been killed, hurt and buried in this Confusion. As soon as the Earthquake had ceased, the Bishop, followed by his Clergy, and a great multitude of People, went in Procession to the Church, to implore the Divine Commiseration. Assuredly in these sorts of Occasions the most irreligious hardned Persons pray heartily and sincerely. The Inhabitants being affrighted, retired into the Country, fearing to be over-whelmed in the City by some new Concussion, but several Houses fell down all about Malaga ; a great Mountain was perfectly overthrown; the Earth opened in abundance of places, and cast up Water in such prodigious quantities, that great Torrents were occasioned by it, which swelled the Rivers so as to make them overflow their Banks. 'Twas observable that the Wall of the Church d'Alhavrin opened it self the breadth of four Foot, and afterwards closed again, so that the place where this fissure happened, could not be discerned. The Jasper Pillars in the same Church were removed from their Pedestals, but afterwards returned to their old place, and sustained no damage. At the City of Velez Malaga, the Earth opened and swallowed up a River which runs near it; after this it closed again with so terrible a noise, and threw up the Water with so great a violence, that it rose above ten Pikes higher than the Houses, and had like to have over whelmed every thing when it fell down. Several Cities here were entirely overthrown, and the Earthquake did a great deal of mischief at Sevil, Corduba, and at Jaen, where Places and Churches, and many Houses were ruined. It is impossible for any thing in Nature to be more terrible than this was; for no body knew where to save themselves, and Death seemed to pursue them where-ever they fled. A few days after this Earthquake, there happened at Night a Tempestuous Storm, which overturned part of the Roof of the Escurial, broke the Crystal Windows of the King's Apartment, and tore up abundance of Trees in the Garden by the Roots. The King perceiving the Queen to be affrighted at it, was so complaisant as to rise with her, and sent for some Company to come to her Chamber, and comfort her a little. It has been a Custom long ago established in Spain, that when any thing happens, the truth of which they cannot immediately discover, for the Ministers to suspect that France had a hand in it. Thus they had received certain Advice, that the Count d'Estries had sailed with several Men of War in his Company for the West Indies, and therefore they presently concluded, that it was he who burnt Porto-bello ; but they were informed of the contrary by two Vessels, which were arrived from the Honduras at the Port of Cales, laden with Six thousand Chests of Indigo, and Two hundred thousand Piasters. These brought word, that some Bucaniers, commanded by an English-man, had landed at the Port de Bastimentos, and after five days march in the Mountains, had attackued Porto-bello ; that the the Spanish Garison threw away their Arms, and retired without fighting a stroke into the Citadel; that a poor Negro, who was Seventy Years old, had marched out of it, followed by Twenty five Soldiers, and made a brave Resistance, but was killed upon the place, being abandoned by his Men. The Bucaniers carried away Thirty six thousand Crowns, and all the Booty they were able to take with them. In fine, having passed the Gulf of Darien, and being conducted by the Indians, that were Enemies to the Spaniards, they arrived through unknown ways in nine days to the South Sea, within a League of Panama: They imbarked in this place in some Canoos, and passed by Port de Perico, where they made themselves Masters of three Vessels, and several Barks. They went from thence to pillage the Suburbs of Panama, the Garrison of which place, without making any Resistance, retired to a Bastion, with the President and the Auditors of the Exchequer. The Bucaniers continned some days Masters of the Sea, but at last departed, upon Information that a Relief of Four Hundred Men was coming from Cartagena, and that two Vessels were setting Sail from Lima, to oppose their Designs. The Council of the Indies, highly provoked against the Spanish Soldiers, who had shew'd so little Courage upon this Occasion, assembled at Madrid, and resolved to send Three Hundred Veterane Soldiers to reinforce the Garrisons. They gave full Authority to Don Melchior Navarra, who was named to go Vice-Roy for Peru, to condemn without Appeal the Officers and other Soldiers that were found guilty, and to decimate them, in case he found them all in fault, as it was believed here. It was no small Mortification to them to hear of the taking of a Vessel belonging to the King of Spain, the Lading whereof was computed to be worth Four Hundred Thousand Crowns in Goods. Six Ships of the Elector of Brandenburg took her near Ostend. This Prince was highly enraged at the ill Treatment of his Envoy, and it seems the Menaces he gave them just as he left Madrid, were not without effect. 'Twas believed here, that he had done himself too much Justice; but others, who considered this Action without prejudice, were agreed, that it was but Natural for the Elector of Brandenburg to make recourse to violence, after the unfair measures they had kept with him; which he had so much the less Reason to expect, because he was devoted to the Interests of the House of Austria, and had chiefly supported it in the last War. But if these Reasons served to excuse him, there were others that laid some blemish upon him, to use such an Action of Hostility towards a King, with whom he was in Peace, and who had never failed on his side to satisfie him, unless he had been utterly uncapable of paying him: That at the very time when the Envoy from Brandenburg demanded the Money, the King of Spain had not enough to defray the Expences of his Houshold, and that if he had been in other Circumstances, he had dealt better by him. The Court was not a little troubled at this Infraction of the Peace; and now they had a fresh Argument to grieve them. They were informed that the Portugueses pretended to keep the Island of St. Gabriel to themselves, and that although Buenosaires lay so near it, yet they were in a Condition to maintain themselves there. The Coast of Brasil lying so near, favoured, them as well as the River, whose Channel is so very narrow in that place, that it was an easie matter to Command it, and to hinder all Commerce. The Portugueses it seems had entred the the River de Plata ; and all these Circumstances were the more affiicting, because it was certainly known that a Squadron of Brandenburghers was gone for the Indies. This Affair was talked of, and the Council met about it: But those that were well acquainted with the Genius of the Spanish Nation, were satisfied that the Alarm would not last very long; because at Court they look upon dangers that are at any distance, but as so many things that will never happen. The King and Queen being come back to Madrid from the Escurial, every one was very forward to make his Court to them; and on the Fourth of November, which was the Festival of St. Charles, His Majesty went to the Chappel in the Palace, where the Ambassadors Crowned Heads appeared to Compliment him and several of the Grandees of Spain, who kissed his Hand according to the Custom. The King was dress'd in a Suit, the Ground-Stuf whereof was black, with Flowers of Gold, Embroider'd with Pearls, and a large Diamond in the midst of every Flower. His Chain, to which the Order of the Fleece was fastened, glittered with several Emeralds half a Finger long▪ The Queen-Mother writ to the Queen in the Morning, desiring her to dress her self that day after the French Fashion. The Queen carried this Billet to the King, and after she had read it to him, asked him, if he would agree to it▪ He told her, she look'd so pretty in her Spanish Drss, that he prayed her not to quit that Habit on a Day of Rejoicing. The King took away the Receipt and Aministration of the Revenues of of Madrid from the Corregidors and Regidors, when he knew their Cheats and Villanies. He intrusted the management of them to a Council composed of four Persons, Don Lopez de los Rios, Don Andrea Villaran, Don Francisco Carrillo, and Don Joseph Benavidez ; and empowred them to make the Regidors give them an account of their Administration. They were accused to have gotten the Sum of Eight Hundred Thousand Crowns by the Expences of the Queen's Entry, and by the Building of the New Bridge at Toledo, which was carried away by the Waters of the Mancanares. At the same time the Collecting of the Imposts upon Wine, Victuals, and Coals, was taken away from them. These Alterations diminished the Profits of their Offices so mightily, that they could scarce get any People to bid six Thousand Ducats for them, whereas before this Reformation, it was an usual thing to give Ninety Thousand, although the Salaries were not above Six Hundred Ducats. The Chief Minister had sent a Commissioner some Months before to the Frontiers of Biscay, to adjust the Rights of both Sides with the French, but he being fond of his Commission, endeavoured to prolong it, and so decided none of the Differences. There were some Regiments at Bayonne posted all along the River of Bidassoa, and some Brigandines blocked up the Mouth of it to hinder the Inhabitants of Fontarabia from all manner of Traffick. They could not go out to Fish, or commit any of those Acts of Hostility, to which they had been so long accustomed: And now they were given to understand, that they should be kept thus imprison'd till the Court of Spain had consented to a Reasonable Accommodation. Whilst matters continued in this Posture, the Brigandines pretended to go away; immediately the Biscayners began to Fish, but the French coming back upon them, carried them away Prisoners, and made themselves Masters of their Barks. As soon as this News was brought to Madrid, the Ministers began to exclaim that this was an unheard of Violence, and such an infraction of the Peace, as was never to be endured. But his Most Christian Majesty ordered his Ambassador to acquaint them that they then ought to remove the difficulties which occasion'd so many Disorders; or till they were regulated to consent to follow the decisions which the Commissioners of France had made after the Treaty of Peace. A Person of the first Quality who had followed the King to the Escurial, and came back from thence before him, told us, that he had strong conjectures to believe that the Duke de Medina Celi had fallen out with the Queen-Mother. However, few Persons suspected it at that time; but after the return of the Court to Madrid, it was plain and visible. Some People pretend that the Duke was wearied with the great number of Creatures, whom the Queen-Mother daily recommended to him, and to whom he was forced to distribute part of his Favours; that now he did not look upon her as any longer necessary to support his Fortune, and therefore was not willing to grant the frequent Demands she made him; that in order to break off with her all at once, he found it convenient to visit her no more, but express a great coldness towards her. On the contrary, there were other Persons that said, that it was occasion'd by the Queen-Mother her self, who was not able to constrain her self so far as to suffer the presence of a Man, who minded nothing but how to advance his Family or Friends, and never show'd any Civilities to her. There were others still that were of Opinion, that the Duke's behaviour towards the Queen-Mother was not the result of his own Inclinations, but proceeded from the Suggestions of Don Geronimo D'Eguya, and indeed it might be so, if it were not for the two following Reasons: The first is because there was not the least appearance of any particular motive to engage him to desire a Rupture between the Queen-Mother and the Duke; the othe is, that supposing he had such a Design, ye D'Eguya did not at that time stand so firm the King's good Graces, as that the Chief M nister should think it worth his while to giv him so great a Proof of his deference: N 'tis certain that they had a picque against another for some time, the subtil insinuati Humour of De Eguya made him always embrace the Interests of the most fortunate, and he found himself under certain Circumstances, which advised him not to press too far, for fear of disobliging the chief Minister. But notwithstanding the coldness which passed between them, the King when he was at the Escurial, told D'Eguya one day very angrily, that if he was not more punctual for the future, to come and help him in the Dispatches, he would do all the business with Vibanco, who was Secretary to the Chamber, and for whom the King shew'd Inclination enough. The Duke immediately, whether out of Generosity, or Politick, excused De Eguya so handsomely, that he set him right in the King's Favour again; and this Obligation, for which De Eguya was indebted to him, made them be in a good Understanding with one another. De Eguya finding himself so well with the Duke, confirmed him in all the dispositions he already had, not only in regard to the Queen-Mother, but also to the Young Queen. He represented to him, That these Two Princesses could do nothing for him; That the King would take it well to find him testifie a Devotion only to his own Person, and that he would answer him with his Affection better, when he saw it was not divided. His true Design in speaking to him after this manner, was only to keep him to himself, that so the Chief Minister might repose an intire confidence in him. In fine, they were both agreed, that in order to render the Duke an absolute Master, it would be necessary for him to resolve to refuse the two Queens whatever Offices or Employments they begged for their Creatures. The Duke imagined that this Counsel proceeded from a true motive of Zeal, which he thought abounded in De Euguya, and believed him so heartily, that he would do nothing but by his Advice. The Duke was generally complained of, for suffering himself to be manag'd like a Child, by the only Man of Spain, who as he was a Person of the greatest Courtship, so he was likewise of the least Sincerity. To pursue the Project of disgusting the Queen-Mother, the Chief Minister ordered Pensions to be given to several Persons who were directly opposite to her; the Duke De villa Hermosa, who had got enough in Flanders, and the Duke of Alva, were in this number. The Marquess De Astorgas was made master of the Ordnance, although he was Comptroller of the Queen's Houshold; and that single place, with the Wealth he had heaped up in the Kingdom of Naples, might very well suffice a Man of his Age. The Chief Minister afterwards assign'd pensions ro the Women of the Dutchess de Medina Celi, out of the Bolsillo, which is a sort of a privy Purse for the King's House, and other private Expences. He gratified several of his own Domesticks after the same manner, whilst those belonging to the King lay under such great Necessities, that they found themselves obliged to quit his Service for meer Want and Poverty. The Duke de Medina Celi gave one Proof of his Power, which succeeded a great deal better than one could have have believed. On the 13 th of November, he married one of his Relations, whose Name was Don Augustine Henriquez de Gusman, a Cadet of the House of Gusman, very poor, and of little or no Merit, to Donna aura, only Daughter to the Duke de Montalte, who was but fifteen years old, and so rich, that she was looked upon to be the best Match in all Spain, as well upon the Account of her Father's vast Estate, as those of the Marquess de Los Velez, and the Count de Oropeza, whose Fortunes she was to inherit, in case they had no Children. This Affair was the Work of the Dutchess de Medina Celi: Don Augustine de Gasman had waited upon her with so much Assiduity, that to recompence his Services, she procured this Marriage for him. All the World was extremely surprised at it; but no body could comprehend upon what Considerations the Duke de Montalte consented to sacrifice his Daughter to Policy. The Marquess de Los Velez, the Count de Oropeza, and all the rest of their Family were hereupon mightily enraged at the Duke de Medina Celi ; they quitted his Interests, which they had hitherto embraced with Zeal, and they openly declared, that they would resent so dishonourable an Alliance as long as they lived. The Count de Oropeza made particular Complaints against the Duke, because he had contributed more than any one to his Elevation, and that if he had been minded to have taken Advantage of the Favourable Dispositions his Majesty had to him, It is certain, that when Don Juan was dead, he might have been made Chief Minister, notwithstanding he was so young: But as he had a great Respect for the Duke, he imagined, that if he vigorously assisted him upon so important an occasion, he would always remember him for his Services; and that if he did not rule by himself, he should at least govern by his Friend. In this he found both Repose and Security together, he flattered himself with disposing of Favours, and being defended from the Aversion of the People. These Reflections engaged him to employ all his Wit, and all his Credit with the King to declare the Duke his Chief Minister. But for all this Obligation, which was transcendent, and for which he was so much indebted to him, he did not act fairly with relation to the Daughter of the Duke de Montalte ; for altho' the Count de Oropeza was her Uncle, yet he knew nothing of her Marriage. The Marchioness De Los Velez, Grand-mother to this young Lady, was no better informed of it; they were married privately without any Ceremony, for fear lest any one should come to disturb the Feast. The King and Queen being willing to divert themselves, went to Prado, to hunt there till St. Andrew 's Day; they came back from thence, by reason the Queen-Mother had a slight indisposition upon her, and they were desirous to visit her every Day. About this time Don Philip Vinzani, an able Chymist, who came from Naples to Madrid, with Don Pedro de Arragon, received Orders from the Chief Minister to examine the Money, which had been cried down some Months before, in order to separate the Silver from the Brass. It was pretended, that the King by this means would get Six Millions of Peices of Eight, and that he would employ them to send considerable Forces to Sea; for the Pope was willing that the Money which was to be collected by the Bulls of the Crasade, should be laid out to equip a Fleet, to make War against the Corsairs of Barbary. At the same time they were apprehensive, that the Vessels sent to the Indies had suffered Ship-wrack, because they had received Advice, that one of them arrived very much shattered at Barbadoes, and they could not hear any News of the rest. Although it is the Custom of Spain for the King to dine with the Knights of the Golden-Fleece on St. Andrew 's day, his Majesty dispensed with it, to take the diversion of Hunting. As he came back from Prado, towards the Evening, the two Queens went out to meet him, and conducted him to the Admiral of Castile 's House, where they had passed the time ever since Noon. This Nobleman, who was always generous and magnificent, being informed that he was to receive this Honour, ordered the Basons of several Fountains to be encompassed with large Silver-Pots, filled with all manner of Victuals, Flowers and Fruits as the Season produced, and the diversity joyned to the Order had a very agreeable effect upon the Eye. In all the Summer-houses which terminated the Walks, there were little Tables set out with pieces of Crystal, Agate, Cornelian, and Tapistry of Gold and Vermilion, having all sorts of things in Basons, after the same manner as the Tables had. He got all sorts of Fruit counterfeited, particularly of Grapes which hung with their Leaves and Branches in the Grottas ; they were composed chiefly of little Carbuncles of a Pomegranate colour, Topazes, and Amethysts, and nothing could look finer or prettier. The two Queens received a mighty satisfaction at this Walk. As soon as the King was arrived, they went into the House, where Fifteen Ladies and as many Cavaliers immediately appeared, dress'd after the fashion of the Country. The Ladies came at first in their Mantles Tabados, that is to say, all their Face was covered except one Eye. The Cavaliers for their part, wore their Cloaks up to their Noses, and their Hats over their Eyes: This was a sort of Masquerade, and to divert their Majesties they talked with their Fingers, and by Signs for some time, with all the several turns and gestures that are used in this kind of dumb Conversation: Afterwards the Ladies quitted their Mantles, and the Lords their Cloaks, and began to dance a Saraband after the Moorish fashion, holding one another with Taffata-Skarfs of different colours, and quitting them sometimes to carry Flambeaus in their Hands. The Women wore little Caps on their Heads, covered with Plumes that were raised upon the fides very high. When the Saraband was finished, the Ladies kissed the Queen's Hand, and the Cavaliers the King's; their Majesties were pleased to declare, that they were extremely satisfied with this pretty Entertainment. The Duke de Medina Celi, and the Constable of Castile, knowing what Honour the King had done the Admiral, desired him that he would condescend to come and divert himself at their Houses, whither he went along with the two Queens. There were Comedies there; and Artificial Fire-works, and a noble Collation: They omitted nothing that might testifie their Joy upon this Occasion, and their acknowledgment of so great a Favour. On the second of December the King demanded a supply of Money of all the Councils, and a Hundred thousand Pieces of Eight of the Council of Italy. He proposed to sell some Places to raise this Summ, because it was impossible to be raised any other way. The King being informed, that abundance of People died of several Distempers at Port St. Mary, which were chiefly occasioned by the great scarcity of Provisions, told the Duke de Medina Celi, that some way or other must be found out to remedy these Miseries, and that he could not endure to hear any more talk of them; that they had been of a long standing, which made him inclined to believe that all this proceeded from meer negligence. The Duke replied, that he would not lose one moment to redress them, and that if his Life would do the People any good, he was free to sacrifice it. He went home very melancholy, and having retired into his Closet with his Dutchess, I have a great desire, says he to her, to abondon every thing, I slave and kill my self here with business, and after all, meet with nothing but Reproaches for my Pains. When you have once brought things into a good Condition, says she, you may quit them if you please; but if you leave them at present, all the World will conclude that it is through weakness. She added so many reasons to these, that she made him take Courage again, although he was mightily dejected. The Marquess de Priego, his Son-in-law being come to Madrid to see him, as he entred the Room, hit himself a little blow on the Temples against the edge of a Cabinet; he was immediately seized with a bleeding at the Nose, and died of it in a short time after. Our Ambassador prevailed with the King to give his consent to appoint a Judge Conservator, whose only business should be to look after all Affairs relating to the French Nation. The business was decided at last at Madrid, in favour of Constable Colonna, upon the difference he had with the Roman Knights, Subjects to the King of Spain, about the Priority they pretended to dispute with him in the Cavalcade, which is every Year performed to present the the Pope with a white Mare, and a common Schedule for the Kingdom of Naples, which the King of Spain holds in fief of the Holy See. His Catholick Majesty's Council had delay'd to regulate this Affair ever since the year 1668. When the Roman Barons perceived, that it was not determined in favour of them, they searched new occasions to get the Sentence revoked; and to succeed in their designs, they united themselves with the Heads of the Papal Families, to write all of them together to Madrid about the Matter: When the King was told of it, he only answered, What is judged is judged. The Marquess de Liche, Ambassador from Spain at Rome, fell sick; he sent immediately for the Pope's Physician to come to him, and when his Friends demanded of him why he chose him before his own, I am so weary of my Life, says he, that I purposely send for one, who will soonest kill me, if it were only to please his Master. The Pope being informed of this Answer, sent one of the Gentlemen of his Chamber to visit him, and ordered him to tell the Marquess, that he desired his Health as much as he did his Absence, and by that judge whether he wished his recovery or no. About the beginning of December there was a great Earthquake in the Province of Salerne, as also at Naples, and the Places about it, nevertheless it did no damage. It was commonly said at Madrid, that the Queen-Mother had engaged the King to nominate Cardinal Nitard to be Vice-Roy of Naples, and that she hoped in a short time to see her two Favourites with her. The Cardinal was the first, and the Marquess de Valenzuela the second. The Marquess de los Velez, who had no desire to quit his place, sent the King (in order to fix himself in his good Graces) a stately Coach of admirable Sculpture, and Embroidered all over most delicately. But although the King had so many fine Coaches by him, I never saw him in any of them; he just cast his Eyes upon them, and then they were shut up in a Coach house, where time and the dust absolutely spoiled them; the King rather loves to ride in great Coaches of Green Linnen waxed over, made after the same fashion with ours, and which a simple Citizen of Paris would not vouchsafe to go in. The Marquiss de los Velez sent him likewise some Neapolitan Horses, but so finely shaped, that nothing certainly ever came near them. Few days passed wherein the King and Queen did not go a hunting, or else to see a Play; they went to Buen Retiro to behold some Dutchmen skate upon the Ice after the fashion of their Country. Some Ladies sent to acquaint the Queen, that if her Majesty would permit them to appear masked, because they had no mind to be known; they would show her better sport than she had hitherto seen. They were told that they might come if they pleased, and immediately they went upon the Ice in short Petticoats, fine Shooes and Stockings, and Pattins after the Dutch manner; they danced a Saraband with Castanets to admiration, moving as nimbly as the Dance would allow them; but the Ice not being equally thick in all places, broke under one of them, and let her fall into the Water, where she had certainly been drowned, if People had not come to her help immediately. Having lost her Mask by this Mischance, they saw she was a very deformed old Woman, who was near Threescore Years old. When the Queen was told of it, she smiled and answered, That at that Age it was lawful for any one to go masked. The two Queens on St. Nicholas 's day made a Present of precious Stones to the Dutchess d'Albuquerque, because it was her Birthday. She offered them in way of return, some Curiosities of great Value, and particularly a Prayer-book to the young Queen, which was incomparably well Painted, with golden Clasps, and adorned with Diamonds. It being now towards the end of the Year, I went (according to Custom) to wish her Majesty a happy New Year ; she was dress'd in a slight Stuff of White Wool, and had a prodigious quantity of large Pearls about her; she sat near a great Vessel full of Olive stones, and turning over the the Leaves of the Prayer-book which the Dutchess d'Albuquerque had given her, did me the honour to shew it me. See, says she, here are Henry the Fourth, and Mary de Medicis on their Knees, stretching out their Arms in their Oratory; it is certain that this Book was made for one of them. I was desirous to know by what accident it came into Spain , and told her that perhaps Queen Elizabeth brought it thither. Upon this she called for the Dutchess d'Albuquerque, and asked her how she came by it. The Dutchess told her she could not tell, but only that she had received it of her Mother. The Queen said to me afterwards, Are you not surprized to find me dress'd in White Woollen? 'Tis a small sort of Devotion which the King and I perform, but no body shall know the reason of it. Ah Madam, reply'd the Dutchess de Pastrane , we all of us take the liberty to divine. How says the Queen, without mistaking? No, I am not positive says the Dutchess. And for you, said she to me, have you guess'd at the true cause? Yes, Madam, very easily, reply'd I, and all Spain joyns its Vows with yours. Don't you know, says the Queen smiling, that this is none of the best Places in the World to play the Sorceress in, and that we have a horrible Inquisition here? The King entred the Room at that moment, so the Queen rising up, told him with a chearful Air, that she had two Sorceresses to shew him; and that the Dutchess de Pastrane and I had divined the Mystery of her white Habit. The King, although in all appearance he seemed to be in a good Humour, he looked so angrily upon us, and particularly upon my self, whom he knew to be a French-Woman, that I made a profound Reverence; and went immediately out of the Queen's Apartment. An Order was here published to raise the price of Money, which was reduced to a fourth part of its value. Although the Duke de Medina Celi was indisposed, yet he did not neglect to inform himself diligently of every thing that happened, and he was not a little troubled to hear that the Plague began to rage again at Port St. Mary. The Scarcity and Poverty of this Country was so extremely great, that several Persons died daily for want; and the Duke de Medina Cidonia was obliged to send Corn from Andaluzia thither. The Misery was not less at Naples. The Pope's Nuncio, by his Holiness's Order, Summoned the Superiours of all the Regular Houses hither, to oblige them to give the City some Relief in Corn. They granted two in an hundred of their Revenue, and it was hoped that what with this Money, and what with the Charities they drew from private Persons, they would remedy these pressing Necessities: But after some time, Cardinal Caracchioli, Arch-bishop of Naples, acquainted the Marquess de les Velez, by his Vicar General, that the Pope would not suffer the Tax of two in the hundred to be raised any longer upon the Ecclesiastical Revenues. Thus the Vice-Roy found himself disapponited in his designs of raising Two hundred thousand Crowns, which were to be laid out in Corn, and likewise a more considerable Sum that was to be sent to Madrid. To augment the Disorder, which was already great enough, the price of Gold-Money diminished daily in the Dutchy of Bari, which totally hindred all Commerce in the greatest part of the Kingdom. On the 16 th of December they made a Procession at Naples, which is duly performed every Year, to thank God for preserving this City from the Flames of the Mountain Vesuvius. The Body and Blood of St. Januarius, one of the Protectors of Naples, was carried about in this Procession. The King was troubled with an Ague for a few days towards the beginning of January 1681. It is impossible for any one to shew the assiduity that the young Queen made appear during the little time his Indisposition lasted. Two Comedies were acted at Court to divert his Majesty after his Recovery. On one of these days, the King having prohibited all Persons, without exception, to sit upon the Theatre; the Duke d'Ossone placed himself there upon a heap of Cushions, and would not depart. The King took no notice of it during the Play, but as soon as it was over, he sent an order to him, to come no more to Council or to Court. He was not in the least pitied, since he had voluntarily drawn this Misfortune upon himself, and because it was necessary to mortifie him a little. But what principally occasioned the King's Severity is, that he had observed in his Journey to the Escurial, that the Duke, who was Master of the Horse to the Queen, did not follow the Court thither. A little after his return, he sent him word, that he expected him to wait more diligently for the future: The Duke took no notice of this Advice, and as he was one of the haughtiest Men in the World, affected a certain negligence in the discharge of his Office, which obliged the King to acquaint him by a Note from the Secretary of State, that if he did not behave himself better for the time to come, he would dispose of his Place to some body else. He might easily have judged from this, that the King had his Eye fixed upon him, and at least ought to have taken care of himself for some time; but his Natural haughtiness would not suffer him to comply with this constraint. The Duke de Medina Celi did not pass all his moments with content; he was envied for the high Post he enjoyed, and d'Eguya was mortally hated: Both of them had powerful Enemies, and amongst these were reckoned the Duke de Pastrane, and his two Brothers, the Admiral of Castile, the Prince de Stillano, the Count de Monterey, the Count d'Oropeza, and the Marquess de Mansera. They frequently met together, and made severe Reflections upon the unequal Conduct of the Duke de Medina Celi: They observed that he was too irresolute when there was an occasion for constancy; too lazy when he ought to be diligent; and too positive, when he was justly and reasonably opposed. They examined the present State of the Kingdom, the Misery of the People, and the little appearances there were that he would redress them. They proposed Expedients to remedy all these Grievances, and likewise to prevent those that might happen; but as it was not the Publick Good alone that made them thus inquisitive, but their Private Interest animated them, they took all of them different Measures to attain the particular ends they proposed to themselves. It is true indeed, they all concurred in the destruction of the Chief Minister, but when he was removed out of the way, every one was desirous to make the best Advantages for himself; and thus this narrow Spirit of Self-Interest which was so predominant in their Cabals, hindred them from uniting with that sincerity, that makes great Affairs succeed happily. Amongst these Noblemen, the Admiral was most forward to desire an Alteration: He had not forgot the sweetness he had tasted in that short interval, when the Marquess de Valenzuela was the Queen-Mother's Favourite: The remembrance of that Golden Time made him desirous of another like it; for though he was a Person of a great Estate, yet his Expences were so extraordinary, that if he had been a great deal richer, he would have been always in Debt. He desired therefore to contribute what in him lay to the setting up of another Minister, in order to find his Accounts in it; not that he designed to heap up any Money, but to throw it out of the Windows and squander it away, if he could but get enough to serve so. He carefully look'd about him to find out a fit and capable Person to be advanced to this Honour; and at last, the Count d'Oropeza seemed to be the most proper to accomplish his Designs; for he did not doubt but that those particular marks of Esteem His Majesty always shewed him, would have their effect, in case he were supported by a powerful Party. On the other hand, the Count de Monterey, who wanted neither Youth, Wit, nor Ambition, whose whole Deportment was agreeable and Court-like, who had been concerned in the management of several Affairs, who was laborious and vigilant, took only resolute and secret Persons into his Party. He had the justest occasions in the World to be displeased with the Duke de Medina Celi, and Don Geronimo d'Eguya his Mortal Enemy had done him a great deal of wrong before the King. He had painted the Action and Character of this Count in such black colours, that the Young Queen designing to do him some good Offices, and speaking very advantageously of him to his Majesty, he told her, That Monterey might reckon himself happy enough, that he wore his Head upon his Shoulders still. The Count was sensibly disgusted to see the Duke de Villa Hermosa, who had been Governour of Flanders after him, and who had even served under his Orders, made Counsellor of State at his arrival at Madrid, and himself consequently excluded after so disobliging a manner. Besides this he saw that the Marquess de Liche his Brother was detained at Rome against his will, although he daily petitioned to be called home. This gave the Count a new occasion to complain, and made him sensible of the ill dispositions they had at Court to his Brother and himself. The Marchioness de Liche, who was Beautiful and Young, threw her self frequently at the King's Feet, to demand of him the return of her Husband, who was continually indisposed at Rome, whether it were because the Air did not agree with him, or that his uneasiness to be kept there by force, contributed to destroy his Health. What makes the case harder, is, that she did not request to have him come back to Madrid, but only that he might have permission to live in any of his Majesty's Dominions. The greater part of the Counsellors of State were agreed in favour of the Marchioness, and her Entreaties had certainly met with success, if the Enemies of the Marquess de Liche had not taken all Opportunities to confirm the King in the Opinion he had already of him, that he was a Man of the most incureable ill Temper in the World, and that it was not possible for him to permit him to come home, without hazarding the Peace of all the Court. We may therefore easily apprehend, that the Count de Monterey had reason enough to be angry with the Duke de Medina Celi and d'Eguya ; and his Resentments as well as his Ambition made him passionately wish to see another in the Place, that he might effectually Revenge himself upon the Duke, whom he hated, and might have access enough to the new Favourite, to be able through his means to be introduced into the Council of State, and push on his own Fortune. He imagined himself capable of doing it by his Merits and good Management: But although he might with Justice aspire to the most high and difficult Posts, he was obliged to conceal his Desires and Intentions; because he found People's Eyes were still upon him, and that several who made a solemn Profession to be his Friends, served only as so many Spies to watch him. This consideration prevailed with him to put that restraint upon himself, as to live in a sort of Retirement, and that with so much circumspection, as to discover his Designs almost to no body. Nay, he affected to visit the Duke de Medina Celi, and having found him one day more easie of Access than was usual with him, he freely declared to him, that it was not without the greatest Impatience that he beheld the preference the Duke de Villa Hermosa met with, to be made Privy-Counsellor, and himself excluded. The Duke answered him, that he might expect his turn one day, and upon this shewed him some Civility, which perswaded the Count to believe, that he had now perhaps a greater kindness for him than formerly. This Reason engaged him to make his Court regularly to him, and to devote himself to him, at least in appearance. The Duke de Veraguas, sensible of the Affront he had received in losing the Vice-Royship of Valencia, had no other Motive to induce him to think of the removal of the Chief Minister, but only an expectation that he who succeded him in that Place, would do him more Justice, than the Duke de Medina Celi had done: For although the Duke de Veraguas was descended of an illustrious Family, as being of the House of Portugal, and that besides his Youth, he had a great deal of Merit and Capacity; yet whatever Importunities he made at Court to be restored to his Vice-Royship again, he was not able to obtain it. He had received Absolution privately from the Apostolick Nuncio, for having ordered the Monk to be executed, who had quitted his Habit, and was made Captain of the Banditti. It was believed, that having now appeased the Pope, this would facilitate his re-establishment: He daily presented his Petitions to the Council; he demanded of them, that if he were a Criminal, they would treat him as such, that his Tryal might come one, and that his Head might answer for the Faults he had committed; but that if after strict Examination of his Conduct, they found he had served His Majesty well, they would not deny him the Justice that is allowed to the meanest Soldier. His Trouble and his Requests were always equally unsuccessful, he found them perverse and prejudiced against him; and so by this ill usage they obliged him to join with the Male contents. As for the Duke de Pastrane, he had not in the least been ill used at Court, however he thought it sufficient ill Treatment to be left without an Employ. His Wife, who was Sister to the Marquess de Liche and the Count de Montery, being provoked at what Indignities those of her Family had suffered, perswaded him to use all his Efforts to get a new Ministery established. The Duke de Pastrane voluntarily espoused this Party, and his two Brothers, whom he had made acquainted with the Design, were resolved not to separate their Interests from his: One of them was named Don Gasper, the other Don Joseph de Sylva ; the last of these had a very great share in the King's Affections, and his Place of Chief Gentleman-Usher procured him a great Esteem and Approbation. He had Married the Daughter of the Marquess de Mansera ; but these three Noblemen were guilty of a great Solecism in this Affair: For they communicated the matter to Don Sebastian Bibanco, Secretary of the Chamber, out of a Presumption that he was of the same Opinion with themselves, but herein they were mistaken; for he was infinitely more devoted to the Chief Minister than to them, and consequently no sooner knew any thing of Importance, but he immediately discovered it to him. The Marquess de Mansera, Grand Master of the Queen-Mother's Houshold, and her Creature, desired for her sake as well as his own, to see the Government molded into another Form. He was a Man well advanced in Years, whose Merit and Experience might with Justice prompt him to believe that he was fit to possess whatever Place they would assign him in the Ministery. He desired a Juncto to be erected, that he might be chosen a Member of it: But knowing that his Zeal for the Queen-Mother rendred him strongly suspected, and that he ran an extraordinary hazard if he appeared for himself, he judged it expedient to employ the Marquess de Grana, who was his Brother-in Law and Confident. So he discoursed him about the matter, and possessed him with a desire to take all necessary measures to effect it. The other having nothing to fear by reason of his Quality of being Ambassador, laboured very diligently in the Affair, while the Marquess de Mansera expressed but a small concern for whatever happened at Court, unless it were for the Marquess de Grana 's Endeavours to contribute to his Advancement. He seemed to be of Opinion, that for the Interests of the Emperour his Master, he was obliged to procure the Prosperity of Spain, which languished under an extreme Misery that extended it self farther than the Limits of that Kingdom: That it was impossible for the King to Second the Emperour in any of his Designs, as long as the Members of that great Body were declining, and continued under the ill effects of a Consumption, that made them utterly incapable of Action; that it was to no purpose to make any Proposals to the Ministers, because whatever they promised him was never executed. All these Motives joyned together, excited him to make all possible advances to convince the Duke of the Necessity he lay under to erect a Juncto. Besides this he considered that the Marquess de Mansera wou'd not fail of making one of that number; that he would manage himself in the Council according to the Directions he gave him, and that this would be the easiest way for him to succeed in all his Enterprizes. He imagin'd, that the best Policy he could use to accomplish these Designs, would be to use none it all, and so he addressed himself immediately to the Duke de Medina Celi. He began with commending his Zeal, his Industry and Pains, and afterwards passing into a more strict Examination of every thing, he was desirous to make him comprehend, That the Affairs of this Monarchy were reduced to their last Period, unless he took sure and ready Methods to remedy them; that he made a Slave of himself in vain, since it was not possible for one single Man to sustain (like another Atlas ) the weight of so many Kingdoms; that Don Louis de Haro at a conjuncture of less difficulty, had composed a Juncto for his own ease, and herein followed the Example of several great Ministers who preceded him; that a Juncto would serve to determine Matters under the Authority of the Chief Minister, to whom they would carry every thing almost digested in his Hand, and that by this means, business would go on cheerfully and speedily; that at the present time, whatever good Resolutions were taken, yet they continued without effect, by reason of the general Perplexity, which rendred those things difficult that appeared to be very easie; that he ought to consider, that the most accomplished Genius in the World, without great Presumption, could never promise himself to move so ponderous a Machine all alone, and that be therefore counselled him to take some Seconds, of Experience and Ability sufficient, to make him repose one part of his Affairs upon them. The Chief Minister relished these Reasons of the Marquess de Grana, promising to weigh the matter with Deliberation, and afterwards, if he saw good, to determine himself by the Advice he had given him. This gave the Ambassador good hopes, that his Visit would meet with happy success; and as he was a Person of a great deal of Wit, who knew how to set off any thing to the best advantage, and show it by the best Lights, so he did not question but the Duke de Medina Celi would lay hold of the Expedient, he had discovered to him: But the Chief Minister had the weakness to discourse d'Eguya about them; who did not lose one moment to disswade him from this Resolution. He represented to him, that if he composed a Juncto, he went to give himself so many Tutors; that then he could decide nothing but in concert with them; that he would find himself joyned with Noblemen, who were led by their own Passions, blinded with their own Interests, still pursuing their own Ends, and turning every matter to their own private advantage; that notwithstanding all this, he only must resolve to bear the brunt of all, and that every body having their Eyes fixed upon him would pursue all his Motions step by step; that if any difficult juncture, any misfortune, or unexpected accident should happen, he alone must incur the Reproach of it; that the Juncto would never be called in question for ill Events, but that they would all lye at the Chief Minister's door; that it was very just and natural to think, that if he alone was responsible for all Miscarriages, that then he alone deserved to enjoy the Grandeur and Advantages that are annexed to this Place. He turned the Duke's Inclinations so happily by these Reasons, that he resolved to follow them, notwithstanding the advice that was given him to the contrary; so that when the Marquess came to him with Expectations to find him continue still in the same Sentiments, and ready to put them in Execution, he perceived that he was stedfast and inflexible in the other Opinion, and that all the Avenues to him were shut up and hindred. In the mean time the Lords who had associated together, to make a League against the Duke, continued to assemble in private, and to debate of the Expedients that were to be taken to convince the King of the necessity there was to chuse another Minister, or at least to erect a Juncto; but the greatest part of their time was generally spent in making long Politick Discourses, and these same Politicks hindred them so, that none of them offered to put himself at the head of the Party. When the Question was about setting up a Chief, every one stood looking upon his Neighbour; they wanted that Amity and Confidence in one another, which is necessary to cement these Designs; and he that merited the greatest esteem, was sure to find the least Friendship from the rest. Envy reigned amongst them, Sincerity was not observed; and when their Society was examined, there was nothing but Vanity and Weakness to be found at the bottom. Amongst those who were most sensible of the ill management that was to be found in this Cabal, the Admiral of Castile was one of the first. He easily discovered all the defects of the Party, and found it was nonsence to be longer engaged in it; since the Bow was not drawn high enough to send the Arrow to the Butt. He was assured, that the design would be discovered, and that then he should find himself very finely ruined; that supposing it succeeded, and a Juncto was set up, the Marquess de Liche would in all probability be made a Member of it, and for his part, rather than that should happen, he would chuse to go to Hell, because he bore such an implacable hatred to him. This only Idea, that now he contributed to procure an Advantage for the Marquess, turned his Inclinations absolutely from the Society into which he was entred: In fine, after abundance of Reflections he totally abandoned it, and several People were strongly perswaded that he was not content to quit it, but that he went to the King, and acquainted him with the most minute Particulars of what had passed there; nay, that he gave the same Advice to the Duke de Medina Celi. The first Victm the Duke sacrificed to his Resentments, was the Count de Montery, whether it were because his Indignation were the more violent against him, by reason of the Friendship he always pretended to him, and now had violated; or because he feared him more than any of the rest: So that notwithstanding the great security he imagined himself to be in for his circumspect Conduct, the President of Castile sent him word, that he had something to say to him, and therefore must see him that Evening at Court, (for it must be observed by the way, that the Presidents of Castile never go to make any Visits.) The Count was very glad to have this Opportunity to discourse him, having some Affairs to speak with him about, wherein he was concerned. But his Joy lasted but a short time, for the President gave him an Order contained in a Billet from the King, and signed by Don Geronimo d'Eguya, wherein it was specified, that he must instantly retire to one of his Country-Houses. He continued surprised for some time, and told the President, he was ready to obey it; but that being a Grandee of Spain, he demanded an Order signed by the King's own Hand, since it was the Custom, and that while he tarried for it, he would go to put his Affairs in order. In short, he returned to his own House extremely concerned, and got his Equipage made ready, not at all doubting but that the Order would be sent suddenly to him. He received it next day, which was the 15 th of January, accompanied with a Permission to tarry three days longer in Madrid. He passed them there amongst some of his Friends, and afterwards parted for Salamanca. Few People pitied his case, because he was generally envied; and when Fortune leaves a Man, few of his Friends have Generosity enough to declare themselves in favour of him, or to espouse his Cause. He was the first Person whom the Duke de Medina Celi treated ill, and 'tis believed he had not made him serve as an Example for the rest, if d'Eguya by his violent Courses had not sowred that peaceable and sweet Disposition that was so natural to the Chief Minister; for he advised him to punish the Count immediately, to be a warning to others; and he was banished rather because he was not agreeable to d'Eguya, and had too much Merit, than because he was an Enemy to the Duke. The Queen-Mother secretly rejoyced at it, but could not so well conceal her satisfaction, but that it was evidently perceived. The Count had quitted her Party in Don Juan 's time, and 'tis very well known, that he had several pressing Obligations upon him to have used her after another manner; for if he had been willing to have made the best advantage of his Fortune, she had preferred him to Valenzuela, and intrusted him with the management of her Affairs. He had at least as many good Qualities as the other could pretend to, and was of an illustrious Extraction, but being a young Man he neglected the advances the Queen-Mother made towards him. A certain Person, who knew the whole Proceedings very well, told me that Father Nitard was scarce gone out of Spain, when she began to cast her Eyes upon him, intending to honour him with her Confidence. On the Festival of St. Isidore, who is the Patron of Madrid, and on which day a Bull-feast was celebrated at the Expence of the City, the Queen-Mother asked the Count, whether he designed to Combat the Bulls; he told her no, unless her Majesty would be pleased to order him. No, says she, I will by no means Command you to do it, but is there ne'r a Lady here in Court, who has laid any such Commands upon you? If any of them had, replied he, your Majesty might well imagine, that I would not fail to give her this mark of my Obedience. The Queen cried out Jesus, Jesus, Count! Will you expose your Life thus? A few days after this, she let a Paper drop out of her Hands, as he was giving her an account of some Affairs she had intrusted him with; he took it up, and kneeling upon one Knee, presented it to her. Perhaps, says the Queen, you believe it is a Paper of Importance, come I'll leave you to judge of that your self, open it. The Count found the following words there. Estoy toda la noche despierta sola, triste, y deseando: Mis penas son Martirios, mis Martirios son gustos. That is to say, I pass all the Night without sleeping, alone, pensive, and forming desires to my self: My Pain is a Martyrdom, but my Martyrdom is a Pleasure. The Count read these Words with so careless an Air, that the Queen who observed it, snatched the Paper out of his Hand, and said to him, go you insensible, and say your Domine non sum dignus. The Count was sensible of his Fault, and endeavoured to repair it, but it succeeded a great deal worse with him. The Queen-Mother did not doubt but that he had some other Engagement which he preferred to his Fortune; she informed her self of his Conduct, and at last knew that he was desperately in love with the Dutchess de Monteleon. This was a young Widow, Beautiful and agreeable, but the Queen prohibited her to come to Court. The Dutchess de Terra Nova her Mother, was extremely disgusted at it, and this was the occasion why she disengaged her self from the Interests of the Queen-Mother, and joyned with Don Juan 's Faction. In the mean time the Queen continued still enraged at the Procedure of the Count de Monterey ; so that passing from the Extremity of Love to that of Hatred, she gave him during the remainder of her Regency, all the Mortifications she could think of. Most People were displeased with the Admiral of Castile, and call'd him nothing but false Brother, and false Friend. Nevertheless he would have it received for a certain Truth, that he never had any Intention to make the least Discoveries; but that the King having sent for him, told him, that upon condition he would deal fairly and honestly by him, he would forgive him: Whereas on the contrary, if he went about to excuse himself, he was certainly undone; that he knew every thing that had passed, even to the least Circumstance, that the Declaration he demanded of him was rather to know his Heart, than to draw any new Lights from him; that when he would have denied every thing, the King pressed him more earnestly than before: So that upon that Score, he resolved to discover what related personally to himself, but that he had avoided as much as was possible to speak of his Friends. To say the Truth, whether he really excused the Prince de Stillano, or the Court looked upon him to have made but an inconsiderable Figure amongst the Party, the Chief Minister did not make him feel the Effects of his Indignation. It is indeed as certain, that his Punishment preceded his Fault, and that having already lost his Place of being President of the Council of Planders, which was bestowed upon the Count de Monterey, he had some Justice on his side to expect that they would suffer him to live in quiet. The Banishment of the Count de Monterey so terribly affrighted the Duke de Pastrane his Brother-in-Law, that he thought of nothing else but how to get handsomly out of the Intrigue: He followed the Admiral's Steps, that is to say, he readily discovered whatever he knew of this affair, that he might better perswade the King of his Sincerity and Repentance. Secretary Vibanco, to whom he opened himself, had already discovered the whole Contrivance; but in fine, he came soon enough to be favourably received: His two Brothers, who were concerned in the same Cabal, imitated his Example, in reconciling themselves to the Duke de Medina Celi, and they seemed in all appearance to embrace his Interests, with greater Zeal than any of his best and oldest Friends. Nevertheless, the Duke de Pastrane and his two Brothers could not forbear to be a little troubled, for being looked upon by the World as timerous Persons, who had only made these discoveries out of Weakness and Irresolution: This Reason obliged them to use all imaginable means to make it be believed that they had told the King nothing; but that having had the Misfortune to communicate their Designs to Vibanco, he had Sacrificed his Friendship to make his Court at their Expence; that the King had him ready to produce as a Witness against them; that he had severely threatned them, and affixed their Pardon only to their Sincerity; that they could not possibly avoid the doing of this at a Juncture, when they should otherwise have destroyed themselves without saving any Body else; and that if it had not been for these unhappy Circumstances, they had never been capable of doing this Injury to their Friends. People hearkned to them, but gave no Credit to their words; nay, several of their Friends reproached them very frankly for shewing so little Courage and Constancy upon this Occasion. Perhaps the Duke de Veraguas had escaped as well as the Prince de Stillano, and the loss of his Vice-Royship had prevented the Punishment they pretended he deserved, for joining himself to a Party against the Chief Minister: But he was impatient to be restored to his former Dignity, and continually demanded Justice at their Hands; he filled all his Petitions with Complaints, and loudly vented them against the Duke de Medina Celi ; besides this, he earnestly importun'd the King to assign him some Judges; before whom he might Justifie his Conduct in condemning the relapsed Monk, who had betaken himself to the Banditti. So at last he was sent to the Council of Arragon, where he demanded to be re established, as a piece of Justice that could not be denied him, and pursued this Affair with all possible Vigour and Heat: But on the third of February he received an Order to withdraw presently to his Estate in Andaluzia. He begged leave to go to any other place, because the Plague raged violently in that Province; but it was refused him, and he had only eight Hours to prepare for his Departure. One may say, it was only the ill Fortune of the Duke de Veraguas that procured him all the ill usage he met upon the account of his Vice-Royship: For it is a certain truth, that if there were a Law to treat all People after the same manner, who fail in their Duty; abundance of Persons had been severely punished, who were now gratified and encouraged for their Pains: But His Majesty was so exceedingly prejudiced against him, that one Evening when the Queen was demanding of him, whether it were true, that the Duke de Veraguas was Banished: He answered, Yes, and that all those should be treated in the same kind who talked impertinently. This was sufficient to make the Queen know how his Inclinations stood, and as she was very prudent, she took care to change the Discourse immediately. It was now sensibly perceived at Court, that the Duke de Medina Celi, and Don Geronimo d'Eguya opposed the Queen-Mother in every thing, but the true Occasion was not positively known. One day when the Marchioness de Mortare came to Visit us, we spoke to her concerning it; and as she was particularly informed of the whole matter, and reposed a greater Confidence in us than in the Spaniards, because we had no Interests to take, in this Affair: She acquainted us, That some time before the King went to the Escurial, d'Eguya going to find out the Queen-Mother, to shew her a certain Letter which the Marquess de Liche, Ambassador at Rome, had sent to the King: When he was come into her Closet, looked for it in his Letter Bag to no purpose. He then remembred himself, that he had locked it up in his Scritore, where he had several other Papers, which he had no mind any body should see; and sent a little Page for it, who could not read. The poor Boy took the first Letter he found there, and wrapped it up in a Sheet of white Paper, as he had every day seen his Master do the same, when he carried his Expeditions to the King. Don Geronimo d'Eguya tarried all this while with the Queen-Mother, and as soon as the Boy brought him the Letter, without taking it out of the Paper, delivered it to her. It was now towards Evening, and the Queen went to the Window to read it more conveniently: She was immediately surprized to find it was not Marquess de Liche 's Hand, but that of Donna Lucinda Bucados (who was of the House de Barcelona ) one of her Maids of Honour, who was a very Beautiful Lady, and extremely loved by d'Eguya. The Letter was writ with a great deal of Freedom, and signified to him, that he had no reason to apprehend that the Queen her Mistress would censure their Amours. She gave him several Reasons for it, that highly reflected on the Queen's Reputation. After she had read it over, she imposed that constraint upon her self, as to conceal her Indignation for that time, and only told d'Eguya, that she must Discourse the King about what the Ambassador had written to him. As soon as he was gone, she sent for Donna Lucinda, and after she had reproached her for her Ingratitude and Impudence, she caused her to be privately locked up in a little Chamber well grated and barr'd up, and kept the Key of it her self. Here the unfortunate Lucinda was forced to lye upon a sorry Matt, having nothing but Bread and Water to sustain her, and the Queen-Mother frequently ordered her to undergo the Penance of a Discipline. They told those that enquired after her, that she was sick of the Small-Pox, that the Queen had ordered her to be remov'd out of the Palace, and that she was dangerously ill. Don Geronimo d'Eguya believ'd the News, and was almost desperate for two days; but having open'd his Scritore, to take out something or other, he was exceedingly surprised to find the Marquess de Liche 's Letter there, which he thought he had left in the Hands of the Queen-Mother: He search'd immediately for that of Donna Lucinda, and not finding it, he soon concluded where the fatal Error was commitmitted; so he ran in all haste to the Queen-Mother's Apartment, cast himself at her Feet, conjur'd her to forgive Lucinda, to consider her Youth, her Birth, and the humble tender Intreaties he made in her behalf; but he found the Queen Inflexible. Seeing at last that he was not able to move her, he told her he knew a way how to revenge himself upon her. She asked him what it was? He replied, that he would hinder Valenzuela from ever coming back again; and that she should behold him no more. The Queen very much enrag'd at this Answer, told him, that she was sensible enough of the Ill-will he bore her, but that she did not fear the Effects of it; that it was a long time since she had lost Valenzuela, who was indeed one of the best Servants she ever had, but that she was now accustomed to bear his Absence. Afterwards she added these words, looking earnestly upon him, I would advise you for your own sake to hinder his Return, for if ever he comes to know that such a Fellow as you had the boldness to displease me, he would tear you in pieces as a Lion does a She-Goat. D'Eguya possessed with Rage, took the first favourable Opportunity to speak to the King in prejudice of Valenzuela ; He represented to him, That he was a bold intriguing Man; that if the Queen had him with her, they two would raise Factions together, in which they would engage all the turbulent Spirits in the Kingdom; that by this means they would disturb the Tranquillity he now enjoyed; that the Queen still regretted the Time and Authority of the Regency; that it was dangerous to shew Favours to any of those Persons, who had been her Creatures of old. In a word, he so well managed the King upon this occasion, that he bid him issue out an Order, such as he judged convenient, to hinder the coming back of the unfortunate Valenzuela. D'Eguya lost no time about it, and the substance of the Order was, That if they met him upon the Sea, in his Return to Spain, they should take him out of the Vessel where he was, and re-embark him in that which brought the Order, and so carry him to Cartagena in the West-Indies. The Queen-Mother for her part sent away Donna Lucinda in private, with Orders to Ship her at the Groyn, and to Transport her to Flanders, where she had sent word to Prince Alexander of Parma, to get her shut up in a Nunnery. But Don Geronimo d'Eguya having found means to acquaint himself of what had happened, dispatched an Order of the Chief Minister to the Groyne, to bring Donna Lucinda back to one of her Relations, who had agreed to take care of her. The Duke de Medina Celi, espoused d'Eguya 's side in this Dispute with a mighty heat. The Affair blew over at Court without any noise or bustle: As for the Queen-Mother, she spoke nothing at all of it; because it had then been necessary to produce Lucinda 's Letter, which was by no means convenient to be shewn, for the several fierce and disrespectful things contained in it. On the other hand, d'Eguya had no Temptation to speak of it; for being Secretary of State, and under an Obligation to preserve his Spanish Gravity, he was not willing to discover his Amorous Weaknesses to the World. D'Eguya, who was the sole cause of the ill understanding between the Queen-Mother and the Duke de Medina Celi, used all his Endeavours to encrease it still, and in order to accomplish his designs, alarm'd the Duke perpetually with all that he had reason to apprehend from the Resentments and Indignation of that Princess. What he whispered to him, served to exasperate the Chief Minister more and more against her, and this made him keep a fair Correspondence with her no longer. He considered with himself, that he stood firm in the King's Affection, and that the Father Confessor and d'Eguya, who had more frequent occasions to discourse his Majesty than he had, would take care to confirm him in all the favourable Dispositions he had for the Duke. This Triumvirate began at the same time to sow the Seeds of Discord between the King and the Queen-Mother. No body durst acquaint the King with the Reasons that inclined them to act so violently; they had seen after what manner the Chief Minister had treated those Persons who were not of his side, and they had no Mind to draw down his Anger upon themselves. The great Officers belonging to the King's Houshold seemed to depend entirely upon him; the Gentlemen of the Chamber, who waited every day in their turn, pay'd no less abject Submission to the Favourite; and those who had Sincerity enough to speak, considering the Injury they might hereby do themselves, left the Province of better informing the King to some body else, who had more Zeal, and less Policy: So that the Duke de Medina Celi, d'Eguya, and the Confessor, finding a clear Field, gave his Majesty what Ill Impressions they pleased, in relation to the Queen-Mother; they assured him that nothing in the World could make her forget the Troubles and ill usage she had found when Don Juan governed all; that although she had reason enough to believe, that when that Minister treated her so rudely, he acted only by himself; yet it was certainly true, that all was done under the Name and Authority of the King; that therefore she would always remember, it was he that abetted the Persecution she had suffered; and that he ought to consider, that it was by no means safe to repose any Confidence in a reconciled Enemy. The natural goodness of the King, and the Respect he had for the Queen his Mother, hindered him from being absolutely influenced by the pernicious Counsels they gave him; however they prevailed so far upon him as to render him jealous, and consequently cold and reserved to her. She easily perceived it, and was well informed of all their Designs, but whether she judged it was by no means a proper time to endeavour the Destruction of her Enemies, or whether she had some other reasons to disswade her from attempting it; she did not move at all in that Affair, and a short time after, she never went out of her Palace, but only to make Visits of common decency to the King and Queen. The Chief Minister, the Father Confessor and d'Eguya applauded one another for having removed the Queen-Mother from all share in the Administration of Affairs, but fearing left the young Queen might become serviceable to her in this conjecture, they found it conveni ent to render the Queen-Mother suspected to her. They took a very odd way to effect it, but one that served their turn as well as any; that is to say, they began to inspire the King with a dislike of the Queen's Conduct, wherein they made him observe abundance of inconsiderable slight things, which they interpreted to him with so much the more Malignity, because the Queen acting without any reserve as all Persons of Sincerity use to do, never restrained her own natural Temper. Sometimes the King expressed to her some dissatisfaction at it, and this afflicted her extremely, but while she looked about her to find out who those Persons were that did her these ill Offices, some of the Duke's Confidents gave her to understand that all this came from the Queen-Mother, who seeing she had no Children, endeavoured to render the King indifferent to her, that so she might arrive to what she so earnestly desired, which was to see the Arch-Dutchess Queen of Spain. The young Queen found some appearances of truth in what they told her, and this threw her into a dejection of Mind, that really made her an object of Compassion. Another Affliction was joyned to this, and contributed to augment her Grief, and that was to see the little Credit she had to obtain whatever she desired. For although the Chief Minister had promised to be always devoted to her Service, and she had accepted of the Dutchess d'Albuquerque chiefly upon his Recommendation; yet he seemed not at all to be sensible of it, and never obliged her in any tolerable Manner. It was to no purpose that she begged any favour of the King, and it was to as little purpose that his Majesty granted them; for he no sooner spoke to the Duke about them, but the Duke disswaded him from doing what the Queen desired; in such manner, that if she requested any thing, it was sufficient for her to rest assured that she should lose the Fruit of her Desires. The Queen, who had a great deal of Wit and Penetration, and who knew what Obstacles the Chief Minister always laid in her way, could not forbear to speak to the King about him, in a most pressing earnest manner, which intimated to him his unaccountable fondness for the Chief Minister; and sometimes she closed the Discouse with a particular detail of the Disorders which were to be found in all Affairs, by reason of the Duke's insufferable Negligence. The King gave d'Eguya an Account of what the Queen told him, d'Eguya carried all to the Duke to make his Court by it, and this still occasioned fresh Complaints on one side and t'other. The young Queen by this means compleatly lost that little Interest she had in the Chief Minister, and sometimes could not tell what measures she ought to take, to strengthen and support her own Authority. The Queen was considering with her self, what the Occasion might be that made the Duke de Medina Celi neglect to give her that deference he was obliged to pay her for so many Reasons; and the Duke being informed that the Queen's Resentments against him daily increased, made use of the Marquess d'Astorgas 's Confessor, to tell him who belonged to the Queen, that her Majesty made a wrong Judgment of his Inclinations; that he should always be ready to give her all imaginable Testimonies of his Respect and Fidelity, but tha it was an ungrateful displeasing sight to him to see her Majesty shew such particular Favours to Persons directly opposite to him, amongst whom he reckoned the Marchioness de Liche, the Countess de Monterey, the Princess de Stillano, the Dutchess de Ossone, the Marchioness de los Velez, the Dutchess de l'Infantado, and some others: That if she would be pleased to remove those Ladies, or at least not entertain them with such evident distinctions of Kindness, he should receive it with a most sensible acknowledgment, and omit no opportunity to give her all the proofs of Gratitude he was capable of. He added, that without consulting his particular Interests in this, he was obliged to acquaint her Majesty, as being her Servant, that it was not the Custom of Spain for the Ladies to have such free Access into the Queen's Apartment, and that generally they were introduced by the Camerara Major only. The Queen listn'd to this Advice the Chief Minister sent her, but had no Inclinations to follow it; because she found he designed to subject her intirely to the Dutchess d'Albuquerque after the same manner as she had been to the Dutchess de Terra Nova. She knew that in all the differences he had with the Queen-Mother, the Camerara Major always declared for him, that she embraced his Interests with more Zeal than her own, and that she had clearly forgotten all that the Queen-Mother had done for her to advance her to this place. The Queen had no desire to throw her self again into a Captivity, from which she had lately got her self delivered with so much difficulty. Thus she was content to examine the Motives which made them set so many Intreagues on Foot, but had no mind to be the Victim. The Duke had so pressing a desire to possess the sole Affections of his Master, that he could never forgive those Persons who were in a Capacity to become his Rivals; and he added a certain Air of Sincerity to his words, whenever he spoke ill of any one, that the King was really perswaded he had no private by-ends in doing it: His Relations, nay, even his Friends had no more Privileges than others, who were indifferent to him. The Duke was believed, because he always passed for an honest Gentleman; but one ought to have a great Fund of Vertue, not to be corrupted when he becomes a Favourite. He represented to the King, all those that came near his Person, as so many Secret Enemies and Domestick Spies, who had neither Zeal nor Affection for him: And these Impressions wrought so far upon the King's Spirit, that he was scarce ever able to wear them off. The Duke not only did ill Offices to those that belonged to the King's Houshold, but he extended his Malice to all those who were able to maintain any Intelligence between the Queen and the Queen-Mother. He was perswaded, that the Ambassador of France and his Lady, contributed to it all that lay in their Power; and this made him conceive an Aversion for them both: He spoke of them daily to the King, after a very disobliging manner, and laid several things to their charge wherein they were not concerned. This made the King so mightily displeased with them, that he could not forbear to tell the Queen one Day, as they accidentaly talked of the Marquess de Villars, That he had poysoned all the Court, and that he would rather chuse to have an open War with France, than such an Ambassador at Madrid. He after this let fall some reflecting Words against the Ambassador's Lady, which sufficiently testified what strange Thoughts he had of her; although we may safely say, that neither she nor her Husband deserved it. But the Reason why the Chief Minister was so provoked against them, was, because he was well informed that the Prince de Stillano, the Count de Monterey ; the Duke de Veraguas, the Admiral of Castile, and some others had seen him in private, and communicated to him their Designs against him, to which he was to contribute something on his side, by getting the Queen to support the Project. But suppose the Ambassador really knew of their Intentions, this is no good Consequence, that he was willing to second them; and indeed there is little probability to believe it, because the Ambassador had no Reason to desire the Removal of the Chief Minister; and the Duke's Abilities were not so formidable, that the Court of France had any occasion to be apprehensive of him. While the Court at Madrid was thus divided about the little Intrigues I have mentioned, the People continued to cry out and complain of their Grievances, because no care was taken to redress them. It was now a full year since the Duke De Medina Celi had been made Chief Minister, and it was hoped that he would have taken all necessary measures in a matter so pressing and important, as was the easing of the People; but he so far forgot his Duty, that every thing went worse and worse still; and indeed the least Inconveniences sensibly improve in their Malignity, when they are neglected. The lessening the Value of the Copper-Money had occasioned a great Disorder: 'Tis true indeed it might have been managed to the Publick Advantage, but they took such wrong measures in the Regulation, that it became a most horrible Oppression; for the Species of Gold and Silver being thus reduced to one half of its just Value, Foreigners took such hold of this opportunity, that they exported prodigious Sums out of the Kingdom. Besides this, the price of Segovia Wooll, which is an excellent Commodity, and brings a mighty Profit to those that deal in it, rose in proportion to the abatement of the Money; so that no body would buy it, unless they would sink the Price: And things being in this condition, then at last came the crying down of the Money, and this totally compleated and ratified their Misery. There was computed to be of it to the Value of Six Millions of Crowns. The King did not at all take them off, although he had promised by his Edict, to pay the full Value of the Metal, to those who brought them into the Offices appointed to receive them. So all this Money lay absolutely dead: And it is no easie matter to express the Loss which the Bankers, the Merchants, the King's Farmers, and almost every private Man suffered by this decrying of it down. Foreigners were the only Men that made Advantage of this General Misfortune of Spain: They bought this Copper-Money, that was mixt with a good Allay of Silver, for very little, and sent it to Genoa, to Portugal, and other Places. The Council very well knew the Prejudice the Kingdom received by it, and Assembled several times to find out an Expedient to put a stop to it: There were some Undertakers, that offered to treat for all of it, and separate the Silver from the Copper; and as I said before, Don Philip Vinzam, was made choice of in this Affair; but he had not been preferred before others, if it had not been for the Credit of Don Pedro de Arragason. This Man owed him great Sums of Money, and had been twice Bankrupt, and was just upon the Point of breaking the third time; so he was desirous to introduce him into some great business, that he might by this means enrich himself, and be in a capacity of paying his Debts: But this Project did not succeed, because so great a quantity of this Money was already carried out of the Kingdom, and the separating of the Allay was so difficult a matter. These Losses were the cause that abundance of Persons of great Quality found themselves under a necessity of selling their Plate and Jewels. 'Tis true, there is so much both of the one and the other at Madrid, that it cannot well fail in a long time. What made several private Men suffer the more, was, that the Rents of the Town-Hall, which were reduced from Eight to Five in the Hundred, were not now paid at all; because the Corregidors and Regidors, who were concerned in the Payment of it, were such great Villains, that although the City was sufficiently harassed with Customs, Taxes, and heavy Duties, before these People had drained it as long as they pleased, and that they had put some small inconsiderable matter of it into the King's Coffers; there was nothing more left out of so many Imposts, and yet they were not levied for the greatest part, but under the pretence of satisfying the Rents of the Town-Hall. But how was it possible to put things, as they now stood, into a better Order? It was resolved, that there should not be above four Regidors ; there had been more than Fifty, and their Places were worth Sixty Thousand Crowns. It is certain, that before they could reimburse themselves of such a Sum, they must be guilty of great Extortion and Cheating. An Order was sent from Madrid to all the Ports to publish Reprisals in favour of the Subjects of the King of Spain, upon the Vessels belonging to the Elector of Brandenburgh. I have already spoke of the Vessel which that Elector's Subjects had taken away from his Catholick Majesty. The Elector had allowed three Months to redeem her, but they were not in a Condition to do it. The Ambassadors of England and Holland laboured to Accommodate the Business with no Success; because the Elector declared he would be paid his Eight Hundred Thousand Crowns that were due to him, and he would restore nothing but upon that Condition. And therefore the Court would rather suffer him to enjoy his Prize: However, to save the Honour of Spain, the Ministers pretended, that the King would have his Vessel restored before he would do any thing, and that he refused to hearken to any other Proposal till that were executed. The Queen-Mother, who seldom stirred abroad, and who lived a very Melancholy Life at her Palace, invited the Young Queen one day to Dinner, when the King was gone out a Hunting: They afterwards shut themselves up in the Queen-Mother's great Closet, and (as she told the Marchioness de Mortare, from whom I afterwards had the Story) they began to weep and embrace one another very tenderly. The Queen-Mother complained, That the Queen her Daughter-in-Law, had prejudiced the King against her, and that she suffered as great a Confinement, as if Don Juan did still Govern; that she was not ignorant that the Duke de Medina Celi , d'Eguya , and the Confessor did her all the ill Offices they were able; that if she had only these to Combat, she would endeavour to destroy them; that perhaps she might be able to accomplish it, but that when she saw the Queen at the Head of the Party, she had no Courage left to defend her self; that although she very well knew, she had promised to do her all the Injury she could, yet she could not forbear to speak to her of it, rather to ease her self, than out of any Hopes to soften her dispositions. Alas, Madam, Alas, cryed the Young Queen all in Tears, why do you add such stabbing Suspicions to the other ills you have done me? Could you not be conteat to poyson my Conduct before the King, and make him shew me a thousand sensible unkindnesses upon that score, but must you insult upon me too, and accuse me of the only thing in the World I am uncapable of doing? At these words, the Queen-Mother stretched out her Arms to her, and they tarried a considerable space of time without being able to speak a Syllable; so much were both their Minds prepossessed against each other: But at last, when they could speak in cold Blood, and came to examine what had been said on both sides, they were sensible that some ill Persons had endeavoured to dis-unite them, in order to Fortifie their own Party, which was equally contrary to them both. They gave one another an Account of the measures that had been taken, of the Persons that were concerned in them, of those whom they ought to suspect for the time to come, and they resolved to employ all their Interest to destroy the opposite Cabal. They stayed together till it was Night, and on the next day, which was the fifth of February, the Constable of Castile gave the King and the two Queens a Magnificent Collation, accompanied with Musick. The King's Dwarf, who is one of the prettiest Creatures in the World, whom the Constable brought with him from his Government of Flanders, where he succeeded Don Juan, danced a A Ground. Passa Cailla along with a young Girl whom the Queen had taken to her Service, and was newly redeemed out of Slavery. They were both of them dress'd after the Indian Fashion, covered with Feathers of Birds of different colours; they had little Tabors, and played prettily upon them. This Feast was followed by another at the House of Don Pedro d'Arragon, where the Queen danced before the King, which she had never done before, although she acquitted her self that way to admiration. She had purposely learned the Canaries and a Saraband ; so that the King was perfectly charmed to see her so expert in the Spanish Dances, and told her several times as he pressed her Arms with his two Hands, Mi Reina, Mi Reina, eres la mas perfeta de todo el Orbe: That is to say, My Queen, my Queen, you are the most accomplished Person in the whole World. The Queen-Mother sent her that Evening a Watch all adorned with Diamonds, and a Gold-Chain of exquisite Work; she writ a Letter to her, wherein she wished that this Watch would only shew her happy and pleasant Hours. The Queen returned her this Answer, that they would be always so, if she would continue to love her. She afterwards desired the King to tell her some tender thing, that she might send it to the Queen-Mother. The King told her immediately No tengo, que desir. How, Sir, says the Queen, have you nothing to say to the Queen your Mother? I beseech you to give me a Compliment that may please her. The King studied a long time what to send her, and at last said, Ponga os mi Reina, que jo tongo busna salud. That is to say, Write my Queen, that I am well. The King dispatched an Order to Prince Alexander, Governour of the Low Countries, to make a grand Reform amongst the Officers of War and Justice. He gave at the same time the Vice-Royship of Navar to the Great Prior of Castile. The Count de Fuen Salida, who possessed that Post, went to Gallicia, whereof he was made Vice-Roy. The Count de Palma, Nephew to Cardinal Portocarero, had the Government of Malaga, and the Coasts of Granada, in the room of the Count de Cifuentes, and the Duke de Hijar, Son-in-law to the Dutchess de Terra-Nova, obtained the Vice-Royship of Arragon. This Dutchess had not appeared at Court ever since she had quitted it with so great a Disgust: But her Son-in-law having now received this new Favour, she was resolved to go and visit the Queen on the tenth of February. She had already sent to her Majesty, to demand her Permission, and the Queen sent her word, that she should be glad to see her. The Dutchess at her entrance into the Queen's Chamber, seemed at first a little disordered: She excused her not coming to Court upon the account of a long fit of Sickness, and then added, I assure your Majesty I did not think I should have been able to live, after my misfortune to be separated from you. The Queen told her, that she had been informed of her Indisposition, but that this was not a place for her to speak of what made her uneasie, and in effect passed to some other Discourse. The Dutchess de Terra Nova fixed her Eyes continually on the Dutchess d'Albuquerque, as if she had a mind to devour her; and the Dutchess d'Albuquerque, whose Eyes were neither better nor sweeter than hers, looked askew upon her, and they let fall every other moment some Expressions that were a little eager. One of the Footmen belonging to the Venetian Ambassador had committed some Insolence, and the Justices ordered him to be Apprehended for it: But this Minister pretending that it was against the Privilege of Ambassadors, complained of it to the Duke de Medina Celi, but he did not receive so favourable an Answer from him as he expected. This so much disgusted him, that he went to acquaint the rest of the Ambassadors with it, who all agreed to represent the Consequences of such an Action to the Duke de Medina Celi in a large Memorial conceived in very harsh Terms, which they sent to him all at the same time. The Chief Minister carried it to the Council of State, who after they had maturely deliberated upon the Affair, were of Advice that they should set the Footman immediately at liberty. The Ambassadors were resolved, in case they had refused them this Satisfaction, to have forced the Prison to fetch him out. Constable Colonna came back to Madrid in Feburary. The most important Affair that brought him thither, was his desire to Accommodate Matters with his Lady, and to find out a way for both of them to live in Peace. The Marriage of his Son with the Daughter of the Duke de Medina Celi did also take him up very much. The Queen was concerned at the Misfortunes of his Wife, and it was no small trouble to her to understand what ill usage a Person of her Quality received in Prison: Nay, she was particularly obliged to protect her, by reason of the Promise the Duke had made her, and the Confidence the Constable's Lady reposed in it. These Reasons engaged her to charge her Confessor to do all he could with the Constable, in order to Negotiate an Accommodation, and see whether he would carry her into Italy, or suffer her to stay in some Religious Convent at Madrid, as she had already been. But the Constable and his Wife were strangely exasperated against one another: She resented to the Life the unworthy Treatment she had received; and the mutual occasions they had to complain, hindered them from consenting to what might contribute to their common satisfaction. At last, the Constable being earnestly importuned by the Queen, and advised by the Marquess de Los Balbazez, proposed, that his Wife should turn a Religious, and that he, for his part, should take the Habit of a Knight of Malta. This at first appeared very surprising to all the World, but indeed was more strange to the Constable's Lady than to any one; for 'tis certain she had no great desire to that Life, and her Inclination did not very well relish Three mortifying Vows, an austere Cloystering, and a severe Rule. Nevertheless, the Constable was so positive, that all his Wive's Friends were satisfied there was no other way to deliver the unfortunate Lady out of the Castle of Segovia, but by obliging her to give her consent to what he proposed. Thus at last they prevailed upon her to consent to it; so she was brought back to Madrid on the 15 th of February, 1681. where she immediately was shut up amongst the Nuns of the Conception of the Order of St. Jerome. She was so afflicted at her Misfortunes, that she would see no body but her Children: She told them she looked upon her self to be the most Unfortunate Creature in the World, and that she was going to do a thing which might cost her the Repose of her Life; That she beheld the Consequences of it with Terror, but that nevertheless she was resolved to undergo it, because she had given her Promise. In effect, she went down into the Quire, where every thing was prepared for the Ceremony, and she took upon her the Habit of a Novice, but with a formal design to die rather than make Profession. She wore a Petticoat of Gold and Silver Brocard, under her Woollen Robe, and when she was not in company with any of the Nuns, she would throw her Veil aside, and put a Coif upon her Head, after the Spanish Mode, dress'd with Ribbons of all Colours. Sometimes it so happened, that the Bell rung to Chappel, where she was obliged to make her Appearance by the Rule of her Order, and the Mistress of the Novices comming to inform her of it, she clapt on her Frock and Veil over her Ribbons and her loose Hair: This made a very odd and comical Figure, and no body could have forborn laughing at it, had not her Miseries on the other hand, drawn the Compassion of all Persons that knew her; for indeed her Condition was very Necessitous, she wanted Money, had but mean Eating, and yet worse Lodging. One Day as I happened to be in the Queen's Retinue, I entred the Convent; and the Constable's Lady carried me to her Chamber; I was like to have been starved with the Cold there; it was as high as a Tennis-Court, and not to flatter the Place, it was no better than a great Barn. The Constable got a Dispensation from Rome to hasten the time of her Profession: and he himself was obliged, as I have already said, to take the Vows of the Order of Malta ▪ but he was told every day, that his Wife had an unconquerable Aversion to become a Religious▪ and at last had no hopes of it: The Marquess de Los Balbazez, as well as the Marchioness, were not a little concerned to be laught at by all the World. The Constable concluded the Marriage of his Eldest Son with the Daughter of the Duke de Medina Celi, and parted three days after to return to Rome: He carried his Sister-inlaw, and his two Sons along with him. As for his Lady, she still tarried in the Convent, where she wore the Habit of a Religious long enough, and at last quitted it. The King and Queen went to the Jesuits College, to see a Tragedy, where a young Scholar, who Personated a Fury, coming upon the Theatre with a lighted Torch in his Hand, perceived his Tutor in a Corner, who acted a Chymist: In all appearance he bore him a Grudge; for he ran after him, and burnt his Beard and Hair, and pursued him like a real Fury indeed. He play'd his part so well, that the King was mightily pleased with him, and would needs have them begin that Scene again, because it was the prettiest in the Play. The Scholar desired it withal his Heart, but neither his Tutor, nor any of the College, had a mind to be concerned in the other part. The Carnival approached, and a Comedy was play'd the three last days of it at Court. On the 19th of February, which was Ash-Wednesday, the King had a Solemn Service at the Chappel Royal, and ordered the Ambassadors to be told, that he would continue to have one every Week, except Holyday Week. In the mean time the Duke de Medina Celi applied himself seriously to find out means to set a Fleet to Sea by the Spring, and treated with some of the principal Bankers of Madrid, whose Names were Dominico Grillo, Francisco de Monserato, and Ambrosio Dionis. The first engaged to send a Hundred Thousand Piasters a Month to Flanders, the second to remit Fifty Thousand to Catalonia, and the third Thirty Thousand to Navar. But what signified all these Treaties, since they were not in a Condition to furnish necessary Funds? The Court received Advice from Naples, from whence they expected some Supplies in Money, That the Prince de Belvedere, and several of the Principal Barons, were retired to their respective Country-Houses, by reason of the great Disorders and Misery of that City. Besides this, they were informed, that the Inhabitants of Trapan, and of two other Cities in that Kingdom, had made an Insurrection, killed their Governor and Judges, and at the same time had sent to demand Assistance of the Turks. This News found but an Unwelcome Reception at Madrid. There arrived also at Court a Deputy of the Commerce at Sevil, with whom I had a long Conversation. He assured me, that that great and stately City was reduced to a Condition which amazed all the World; That there did not now remain one fourth part of its Inhabitants▪ That the Imposts increased every day; and that this City, which but about Fifty Years ago, was one of the Richest in the Universe, was now ready to sink for want of relief; although the Gallions arrived there, and it still enjoy'd the most considerable Trade of any Place in Spain ▪ We may hence justly conclude, in what a sad Condition the rest of the Cities of Spain were reduced to, since the best of them was almost ruined▪ This Reason obliged me to enquire of a certai Gentleman, who was well acquainted in those Affairs, what the Revenues of the King of Spai might amount to? He told me, That in read Money only, which came from the Indies, they amounted to Thirty Millions and Eight Hundred Thousand Ducats, which in French Money is worth somewhat more than Seventy Five Millions of Livers: But then it ought to be observed, that the King does not touch a third part of this Sum, the greatest part of it being either otherwise gaged or purloined: And yet out of this third part are to be defrayed the Expences of the Palace, the Pensions his Majesty bestows, and the Payment of his Armies. He is likewise obliged to be still sending considerable Sums to Milan, to Naples, to Messina, to Catalonia, and to Flanders: For the Vice-Roys and Governors take effectual care that the King shall not draw a Farthing out of those Kingdoms and Provinces; they keep all the Profits to themselves: And this is the Reason why Money is so often wanting, even for the necessary Occasions of the King's House. But after all, I can by no means be perswaded, but that he is richer than he is generally supposed to be; for there is no probability that otherwise he could be able to give as he does, such considerable Pensions, and so much in standing Wages, to so vast a number of People. It is true, these Liberalities so mightily incommoded him, that about the beginning of the Year 1681. all the Livery-men of the Stables, having waited two Years together for their Wages, left the King's Service on the same day, and looked abroad to get a Livelihood; so that his Horses had no body to look after them, or give them Corn. This appeared so much the less surprising, because the Table of the Gentlemen of his Bed-Chamber, was absolutely laid aside, although it was the only one the King kept in his Palace. The Women that waited upon the Queen had no better luck, and the Court could not be supplied with Money enough to defray the least Expences. This Extremity lasted for a while, and then things were established as formerly. But what is very remarkable, and deserves the last Commendation, the Soldiers, notwithstanding this Misery, continued still in the Service; although there were several Officers, nay, entire Regiments of them that had not received two Months pay in three Years. However, this was the reason that abundance of Garisons were ill provided with Men, and in a very bad Condition, and particularly on the side of Estrà Madura, where nevertheless it was their Interest to have been more careful; because the Portugueses had very considerable Posts in that part of the Country. We saw the Governors of St. Sebastian, Bilboa, and Fontarabia at Madrid, who came on purpose to acquaint the Council of War, that their Soldiers died of hunger, that the youngest of them had deserted, that none but the old and infirm were left behind in the Garrisons; and that in a short time there would be none of these left, unless they gave them a speedy Relief. They had fair Promises made them, they returned back, but were forgotten as well as a great number of others. It is indeed surprizing, and cannot easily be believed; that in this very Spain, so excessively poor and exhausted, as it seems to be, the Flota from the Indies only, in the Year 1680, brought Thirty Millions of Gold. But of these prodigious Summs that arrive there every Year, we must deduct near two thirds which the Foreigners draw away for the several Goods they furnish them with; and besides there is a way found to cheat the King of the fifth Penney, which is due to him, out of all the Silver that comes from the Indies. There is another thing still behind that contributes exceedingly to make the Spaniards so destitute of Money as they are, and that is the prodigious number of French and Dutch who come to help them, whether in the Tillage of the Ground, or in their Buildings, or any other things of a more servile Nature, which the Don Diegos and the Don Dodriguez think so much below them, either out of a Principle of Vanity or Idleness, that they had rather chuse to starve, than resolve to set about them. But Foreigners are not so nice and delicate, they come hither, and when they have scraped a little Money together, they return to their own Country; in the mean time others come in their room, and are employed in the same Work. They are computed generally to be full Forty Thousand, who come in and go out of the Kingdom after this manner, and there is not one of them who does not carry away with him Seven or Eight Pistoles every Year, and sometimes more. It is easie to judge that this arises to a prodigious Summ. The People still continued to cry out and exclaim, and at last the Duke fatigu'd with the great business he had upon his Hands, and with these continual Complaints, resolved to erect a Juncto to set things in order again, and endeavour to relieve the present Necessities. He cast his Eyes upon a Person of great Abilities, whose Name was Don Lopez de los Rios, and whose Vertue and Experience were sufficiently known; for he had always bore some Office either in the Civil Government, or the Finances. He had first shew'd a great Zeal, and the heat of this Zeal did not at all abate in his Mind, but he found himself not strong enough to cope with all the Enemies alone, whom he must expect to create by a severe and steady Conduct. Several Persons, nay, even the Ministers interested in these Affairs, directly thwarted him; and by this means destroyed all that he had established with so much Pains and Industry. On the 23 d. of February a private Act of the Inquisition was performed in the Church of the Dominicans, where Twenty Persons were condemned for being guilty of Superstition, Sorcery, and Judaism. The Duke de Villa Hermosa, who came back from Flanders, arrived about this time at Madrid, and the Duke d'Hijar parted from thence to go to Saragossa, and take Possession of the Vice-Royship of Arragon. Two days after this, which was the 26 th of February, the Marquess de Mondejar was made a Grandee of Spain. The Duke d'Ossone, who now began to be weary of not supplying his Place himself, desired some of his Friends to intercede with the King in his behalf, that he mightcome to Court; and the King consented to it, with this Proviso, that he should perform his Duty better for the time to come. The Count de Pouar, and the Count de Montiel were forbidden the Court; both of them were passionately in love with Donna Francisca d'Alcannicas, Lady of Honour to the Queen, and Niece to the Constable of Castile. The Count de Pouar was under her Chamber Window, and entertained her there with his Fingers, as is the manner of Spain, and told her a Story very much to the disadvantage of the Count de Montiel, who lay hid in a Corner, where he saw and understood all; so that coming towards the Count de Pouar all enraged, with his Hand upon the Guard of his Sword, he told him he was a perfidious Villain, and that he might thank his good Fortune for being in the Palace. The Count de Pouar coldly answered, that he would go out of it as soon as he had told Donna Francisca two or three things he had still to say no her, and that he came seasonably enough to be a Witness of them, because they concerned him. The Count de Montiel transported with Choler, was upon the point of drawing his Sword upon his Rival. But the Duke d'Usseda, Brother to Donna Francisca, passing by that way with the Count d'Altamire, she made them a sign to draw near, and told them with her Fingers what had happened. The two Lords laboured all they could to make up the quarrel between the two Rivals, and succeeded in it; however this Accident could not be kept so secret but that the King being informed of it, forbid them the Court. The Duke de Sejar parted from hence to go and serve in Flanders in quality of a Volunteer. He was a Person of Illustrious Birth, very Rich, and very Young; the reason he did this was only because he was jealous of his Lady. The Count de Talara had the Place of Judge of the Forrests conferred upon him, which was vacant by the Death of the Marquess de la Garde ; and Don Francisco de Manserato obtained the Title of Marquess de Tamarit. The King ordered the Council to discharge all the Receivers of the Impositions, that are laid upon the Provinces: These Officers were above a Thousand, and the suppressing of them must needs be of great advantage to his Catholick Majesty, and to his Subjects. A Vessel which came to Cales from the Honduras, brought News, that the Flota was happily arrrived on the fifth of September, and that the Merchants of Lima offered three Hundred Thousand Crowns to the King, on condition that for an Year and half he would not send the Gallions here. In the mean time, ill Weather hindred the Fleet, which had set Sail from Cales a little before, from doubling the Cape of St. Vinoent ; the bad effects of this Tempest were not only perceived at Sea, for it was so violent in all parts of Castile, that several Houses were beaten down, and the exceeding Rains so swelled the Rivers, that the Roads were o'rflown; and almost all the Bridges carried away by the rapidity of the Waters. This ill news was followed immediately by three Couriers, one upon the neck of another, and the first of them arrived on the thirteenth of March, from Abbot Masserati, Envoy of Spain in Portugal. He dispatched them to inform the Council, that they had received Advice at Lisbon by a Vessel, that the Governour of Buenosaires, having got together abundance of Indians, had joined them to his Garrison; that on the 15th of August, 1680. he had surprised the Fort which the Portugueses had began to build in the Isle of St. Gabriel ; that he had taken the Governour Prisoner, and cut the Garrison in pieces; that the Prince-Regent being provoked at this Insult, had assembled the Council of State, where the Queen of Portugal was present; that they had resolved to raise the Militia, and send 400 Horse, and Four Regiments of Old Soldiers into Estramadura ; that it would be necessary to get Magazines ready on the Frontiers, and to have a General Rendezvous at Eluas ; that having demanded Audience of the Prince-Regent, he had refused it him, and that in all probability a War would ensue. 'Twas expected at Court that the Envoy of Portugal would make his Complaints, but they were extremely surprized to see him take no notice of it at all: So now it was not doubted, but that this Silence certainly presaged a Surprize of the Spanish Territories, like to that which the Governour of Buenosaires had committed in the Indies upon the Portugueses. The Ministers judged it convenient to prevent this blow, and spoke to the English Ambassador about it; desiring him to represent to the Envoy of Portugal, that the King of England would be obliged to take up Arms against him who first broke the Peace, whereof he was Guarantee; that he had also a more particular Reason than this, forasmuch as by the League that was concluded between the King his Master, and his Catholick Majesty, they had mutually engaged to Declare against the Enemy that fell upon either of them. This Discourse was spoke with a great deal of Heat; but the Envoy of Portugal answered him, That he looked upon him to be a Partisan of the Court of Spain rather than an Ambassador from the King of England ; that he knew very well he spoke without Order, and of his own Head: This Answer was followed by a Protestation in Writing, wherein it was declared that the King of England could not upon any Reason whatever hinder the Prince of Portugal from using the Right of Reprisals, and endeavouring to get Satisfaction from the Spaniards for the Injuries received. A little after this, the Envoy of Portugal received an Order from the Prince Regent to demand Publick Audience upon this Occasion; and told his Catholick Majesty, that he demanded an entire Satisfaction from him, and that the Prince Regent desired, that they would set the Soldiers and Governour at Liberty; that they would punish those of Buenosaires ; that they would restore the Ammunition and Cannon; that if the Fort were razed, they would rebuild it, or else surrender the place; that in case the Prisoners were sent into Spain, they would set them at Liberty; that they would receive into the Port of St. Gabriel the Garrison which the Prince of Portugal should send thither; that the Governour of Buenosaires should be chastised, and that an Answer be given in within Twenty Days, or else they would begin Actions of Hostility. Upon this the Council met, and spent three days to deliberate about it. They gave Orders for their Forces to march towards the most exposed, defenceless places, and Don Antonio Panyagua, Master-General of the Camp, was charged to stay there, till he saw an end of this Affair. Besides they set forth a great Memorial, wherein were contained the Arguments which the Envoy of Spain had given in at Lisbon, to make it appear by Authentick Papers, that according to the Limits appointed by Pope Alexander VI. the Isle of St. Gabriel belongs to the Spaniards, and that they have had it a Hundred and Fourscore and Six Years in their possession. After this, they took notice of the Declaration of the Envoy of Portugal, and ended all with a Protestation, signifying, That they were desirous to preserve the Peace, and that they would labour with all Application in this matter. This Manifesto was sent to all the Foreign Ministers to communicate to their Masters; but they had scarce given it to them, when they sent in all haste back back again, for the Copies to Correct something or other, and then they returned them again. At the same time a Rumour was industriously dispersed, that the Nuncio by an express Order from the Pope, had moved them to send an Ambassador to Lisbon, to treat about an Accommodation. But this was really a Temperament they had found out to conceal the true Motives which engaged them to make this Advance. The Nuncio upon this said openly, that he had never interposed in the Business, and that it was impossible to receive any Orders from Rome about so fresh an Affair. The Duke de Giovennazzo was chosen for this Embassy. As soon as he was arrived at Lisbon, he saw the Prince-Regent, who nominated the Duke de Cadaval, and the Marquess de Fronteyra for Commissioners. He would have made his Complaints at first, and demanded Satisfaction; but he was told that they were of a Humour clearly opposite to what he pretended; and that matters were to be done conformable to the Memorial which the Envoy of Portugal had presented at Madrid ; or else let the Affair go whither it would for them. After some slight contestations, he gave his Consent to it, and dispatched a Courier to Madrid, to inform the Court of what he had done. Immediately the Ministers bellowed out against him as a Man of no Judgment, who had violated his Fidelity to the King; pretending that he had infringed all the Rules of Prudence and good Sense, by a Conduct and an Accommodation so disadvantageous to Spain, and that his Instructions furnished him with no such Power. All these Circumstances of Indignnation and Resentment were only offered to the Honour of the Nation: But notwithstanding all this, they did not lose a moment to conclude the Accommodation, and the Ratification of it was speedily sent to the Duke de Giovenazzo. Money still continued to be as scarce as ever at Madrid, and certain it is that it was the greatest difficulty in the World for the Council to provide a Hundred and Fifty Thousand Crowns for the King to go to Aranjuez. The Ceremonial of the Palace, whereof I have already made mention, orders this Summ precisely to be spent in that small Journey, and here they are so exact to follow it, that they would not for all the World lay out a Hundred Pistoles less. But after the Money was once in the King's Coffers, the Council thought to send it to the Forces that were kept on the Borders of Portugal, by reason of the late difference about the Isle of St. Garbiel. The Duke de Medina Celi spoke to the King about it, and proposed that in this Juncture, they might take Money where ever they could find it; but he roundly answered him, Do what you will, provided you don't meddle with that which is designed for Aranjuez. He was not able to go thither all the Autumn, because such a Summ of Money as is necessary for that purpose could not be then gotten ready. He began his Journey about the beginning of April, 1681; being not willing to break any of the Customs that are established in the Ceremonial of the Palace: Philip II. observed it Religiously, and after him the Kings of Spain have looked upon it as Sacred as a Law. Every thing is there set down, the Processions, the Chases, the Solemn Days of Chappel, the changing of their Apartments, their Habits, their Walks, their Journeys, the Presents the Kings make their Mistresses, and what is to become of them when they cease to love them any longer: In a word, there is to be found every thing, from the most essential circumstance of State down to the most insignificant Trifles. The King tarried five Weeks at Aranjuez. This Royal House is within seven Leagues of Madrid. He goes no where all the Year round but there, and to the Escurial in October: These are his two great Journeys. I went thither along with a Relation of mine to take leave of the Queen, and receive her Protection for a young Girl, whom I was to leave behind me in Spain, and was very dear to me. She told me, she would take her into the Number of her Menines, and that I might assure my self she carried her own Recommendation along with her, since she came from France. She honoured me with her Picture in Enamel, incircled with Diamonds, and I sensibly regret the loss of it to this very day. This is not a fit place to tell, how this Misfortune happened to me; perhaps I may still write the Memoirs of another Court, where I resided some time, and which are no less particular than these; and there I shall have a fit opportunity to speak concerning the Portraiture of the Lovely Queen. FINIS. Books printed for Tho. Bennet at the Half-moon in St. Paul's Churchyard. THe General History of Spain, from the first Peopling of it by Tubal, till the Death of King Ferdinand, who united the Crowns of Castile and Arragon, with a Continuation to the Death of King Philip the 3 d. written in Spanish by the R. F. F. John de Mariana ; together with supplements that bring it down to the last Reign. The whole Translated from the Spanish, by Captain John Stevens. An account of the Court of Portugal, under the Reign of the present King. Dom. Pedro the 2 d. with some Discourses on the Interests of Portugal, with regard to other Soveraigns; containing a Relation of the most considerable Transactions that have passed of late between that Court, and those of Rome, Spain, France, Vienna, England, &c. The Right Honourable the Earl of Arlington 's Letters to Sir William Temple, Baronet, from Italy, 1665. being the first of his Employments abroad, to September, 1676, when he was recalled; giving a perfect and exact account of the Treaties of Munster, Breda, Aix la Chapelle, and the triple Alliance; together with the particular Instructions to Sir William Temple, the Earl of Carlingford, and Mr. Van Beuningen, with other Papers relating to those Treaties; as also a particular Relation of the Death of Madam, by a Person of Quality then actually upon the Spot. All Printed from the Originals, and never before Published. By Tho. Bebington of Grays Inn, Gent. A Conference with an Aheist, in four parts compleat. The second Edition. By Will. Nicholls, D. D. An Essay concerning Self-Murther, wherein is endeavour'd to prove, that it is unlawful according to natural Principles, with some Considerations upon what is pretended from the said Principles, by the Author of a treatise, entituled Biothanatos, and others. By J. Adams, Rector of St. Alban's Woodstreet, and Chaplain in ordinary to his Majesty. The certainty and necessity of Religion in general, or the first Grounds and Principles of humane Duty Established, in eight Sermons, at Mr. Boyle 's Lectures, 1697. The certainty of the Christian Revelation, and the necessity of believing it Established, in opposition to all the Cavils and Infinuations of such as pretend to allow Natural Religion, and reject the Gospel. Both by Francis Gastrel, D. D. and Preacher to the Honourable Society of Lincolns Inn. Books printed and Sold by Dan. Brovvn. THE general History of Spain from the first Peopling of it by Tubal, till the Death of King Ferdinand, who united the Crowns of Castile and Arragon, with a continuation to the death of Philip the 3 d. written in Spanish, R. F. F. by John de Mariana ▪ which are added two Supplements. The first by F. Ferdinand Camargo, and C. Salcedo ; the other by F. Basil. Varen de Soto. Bringing it down to the Priest Reign. The whole translated from the Spanish by Capt. John Stephens, Folio. Taylor 's Cases of Conscience Folio. Savedra's Royal Politician, represented in a hundred Emblems. Second Vol. Octavo : Epigrams upon the Paintings of the most Eminent Masters, ancient and Modern, with reflections upon the several Schools of Painting. By J. E. Esq Connor 's History of Poland second Volume. Gentleman 's Recreation, Octavo, with Sculpt. The Art of Glass, written in French by Mr. Blancourt, Translated with Sculptures. Dr. Nicholls 's Essay on the Contempt of the World. Allison 's Voyage from Archangel to Russia. Homer and Virgil not to be compared to be compared with the two Arthurs. Some Books lately Printed for Benjamin Tooke. MEmoirs and Observations Typographical, Physical, Mathematical, Mechanical, Natural, Civil, and Ecclesiastical, made in a late Journey thro' the Empire of China. By Lewis le Compte, Jesuit. The 3d Edition. A relation of a Voyage made in the Years 1695, 1696, 1697. On the Coast of Africa, Streights of Mage lan, Brasil, Cayena, and the Antillels, by a Squadron of French Men of War, under the command of M. de Gennes, by the Sieur Froger, Voluntier-Engineer on board the English Faulcon. Illustrated with Figures drawn to the Life. The Roman History from the Building of the City, to the removal of the Imperial Seat by Constantine the Great, in two Volumes, for the use of the Duke of Glocester. By Lawrence Echard A. M. A new Voyage to Italy, with curious observations on several other Countries. By M. Misson, in two Volumes. Le Clerk 's compendium of Universal History. Chamberlain 's State of England, the 19th Edit. A relation of two several Voyages made into the East-Indies. By Christopher Fryke, Surgeon. Miscellanies by the late noble Lord, the Marquess of Hallifax. The History of the Revolution in Portugal, in the Year 1640. The whole comical works of Monsieur Scarron The History of the Buccaniers of America.