A DISSERTATION ON THE KING's EVIL: WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF A MEDICINE WHICH (Tho' an Alterative, and gives no Uneasiness to the Patient) Has cured MANY of that DISORDER, Even when MOST INVETERATE, And has been found effectual In other Complaints, occasioned by Obstructions, or a vitiated State of the Blood. To which are added, the CASES of many Persons who have been cured, AND A PROPOSAL Highly meriting the Consideration of the Public. LONDON: Printed for J. NEWBERY, at the Bible and Sun in St. Paul's Church-Yard. MDCCLXIII. [Price Six-Pence.] A DISSERTATION, &c. ALL those who are concerned in Medical Enquiries, at least those who have had long Practice and Experience, will readily allow, that the Want of an effectual Remedy for the King's Evil, and all scrophulous Complaints, is one of the Desiderata of the healing Art: For notwithstanding the boasted Effects of the Salt Water, aided with the Use of Burnt Sponge, Millipedes, Aethiops Mineral, Aethiops Antimonialis, and all other Medicines in Vogue, it has not come to our Knowledge, that two Patients have ever been cured of a confirmed Scrophula, where the Glands were indurated, the Joints so affected as to have running Ulcers, the Bones foul, and the Body wasting with a hectic Heat. If, therefore, we are so happy as to point out a Medicine, which, without either Confinement, or giving the Patient any Uneasiness, will in a little Time cure this Disorder, which has been hitherto deemed incurable, we shall think ourselves intitled to the Good-will of the Public. We are not insensible, that some of the Faculty, who are tender of prescribing Medicines to their Patients, which have not had the Sanction of the College, will object to this as being a Nostrum, with the specific Qualities of which they are unacquainted; but these Gentlemen would do well to consider, that they know as little of many of the Drugs and Medicines they now prescribe, as they do of this Nostrum. It is a Dispute, not yet determined, whether most of the Manna exhibited to Sale, is natural or factitious, and those who prescribe and apply Chemical Medicines, prepared by the common Chemists, are in as great a State of Uncertainty as Ignorance and Artifice can place them. But the Objection, which will probably be made to this Medicine, on Account of its Composition being a Secret, may perhaps in Time be removed; for when its Efficacy is firmly established and acknowledged beyond Controversy, the Proprietors have Thoughts of presenting it to the Public, if their good Intentions are not prevented by any cruel and unreasonable Opposition. All the Favour the Proprietors ask of the Public, especially of the Gentlemen of the Faculty, is to give this Medicine a fair and candid Trial in those Cases only, where all other Medicines in Practice have proved ineffectual. This can neither lessen their Profits, nor diminish their Reputation, but will, we presume, have a contrary Effect. It may wrest Patients from the Jaws of Death who may employ them upon some future Occasion, which will add both to their Emolument and Credit; and besides this, they will feel the Self-satisfaction of having acted with Integrity, Justice, and Mercy, which to a wise and good Man is a Matter of the greatest Moment. Those who consider how little Physick has been improved by hypothetical Reasoning, and how much by honest Practice and Experience, will be inclined to grant this Medicine a fair and candid Trial; and when it is found to cure, will, we doubt not, receive, and apply it in Practice as they do other Medicines; since this may be done without the least Reason for Reproach. The having cured one Person with it will be a sufficient Reason for attempting the Cure of another; Experience will aid the Practitioner, and his Practice will be justified upon Principles as rational as any of those on which the Faculty now proceed. All Modes of Practice which are not deduced from Experience are of little or no Effect. Experience first laid the Foundation of Physick, and it is that alone which can support its Reputation. It will be no Degradation of this Medicine to say, it was at first discovered by Accident, and then perfected by Experience; for if we look back to the Origin of Physic, we shall find, that it took its Rise from natural Sagacity improving upon accidental and unforeseen Events. In the first Ages of the World we do not learn from History, that there were any public Professors in Medicine, though it was so effential to the Preservation of Mankind. Homer indeed mentions Machaon and Podalirius with Esteem, but from what appears in that Poem, they seem to be celebrated only for their Art in healing Wounds. The Diseased, in these early Times, were generally placed in the Streets, the Cross-ways and other public Places, for the Inspection and Examination of those who passed by, and all who had Skill in the Disorder, or knew of an efficacious Remedy, thought it a Duty to give their Advice; and when any remarkable Cure was performed, the Memory of it was preserved for the Benefit of Posterity, by engraving the Disorder, and the Symptoms by which it might be known, together with the remedy and its Success on the Pillars or Walls of their Temples and other public Buildings. By this Means a Variety of Rules and Remedies were Registered for universal Benefit; and as those who travelled for Instruction, treasured up this Sort of Knowledge, as well as that of the Customs and Manners of the Countries they visited, the Medical Transactions of one Nation were easily conveyed to that of another. Thus repeated Trials and Experience laid the Foundation of the Art of Medicine, and taught the Virtues, at least many of the Virtues, of vegetable, mineral, and animal Substances, and in what Diseases they might be applied with Safety and Success. Those, who from long Experience and accurate Observation only, had obtained any Degree of Skill and Reputation in the Art were called Empirics; a Term, which however misapplied now, conveyed with it then a very different Idea, and was used as a Mark of Eminence and Esteem; for these Empirics did not, like many of our modern Physicians, employ their Time in writing fanciful Theories and jumbling false Philosophy with intrinsick Truth, but in carefully collecting what others had gained from Experience, in making cautious Experiments themselves, and in writing accurate Histories of the Diseases which came under their Cognizance. This was the Road to Medical Certainty, and had this Method been carefully pursued, Physic would have made a different Appearance from what it does at present, and few Diseases would have baffled the Art of the sagacious Physician: But many of the most celebrated Practitioners, either too ignorant to make farther Discoveries, or too self-sufficient to avail themselves of the Experience of others, fancied that they had arrived at the Ne plus ultra of the Art, and instead of searching farther, employed themselves in accounting for the Operation of Medicines by the mechanic Laws, and in classing the Remedies already known, and tying down others to those Forms which they thought proper to approve. Hence all new Discoveries were deemed Innovations, the Inventors of them branded with the opprobrious Name of Quacks, and both they and their Compositions held in the utmost Contempt. This Aversion to new Medicines long confined the Use of Mercury to Barbers and others ignorant of the animal Oeconomy, who cured their Patients, and acquired Fortunes, while the regular Practitioner obstinately suffered his to languish and die according to the Rules of Art. This likewise was the Case of the Bark, which, though now deemed one of the best Medicines in the World, was opposed with all the Acrimony and Virulence that Prejudice and Malice could suggest. The Consideration of these Things, one would think, should stimulate the Faculty to the Pursuit of more efficacious Medicines than what are now contained in their Dispensatories, and induce them to behave with more Candour to those, who are so fortunate as to make new and valuable Discoveries. Nor should the Aid of the Legislature be here neglected, since small Premiums would generally induce those who have discovered any valuable Medicine to disclose the Secret. With Regard to the Medicine, which is the Subject of this Pamphlet, we can say with great Truth, that it was first discovered by Accident, and applied to the Cure of many, and very different Disorders by a Person who had no Knowledge of Medicine; but falling accidentally into the Hands of one who had more Skill, and also an Opportunity of making proper Observations, it was improved from Time to Time, till brought to the State in which it now appears, and found to be an effectual Cure for this dreadful Distemper. But more of this when we come to describe some of the Cases of those who have been cured. Previous to which, it may seem necessary for us to give some Account of the Disorder itself, and of the Methods hitherto pursued to effect the Cure. Of the KING's EVIL. THE King's Evil appears to have been a Disease of great Antiquity, being the of Hippocrates, and the Greek Physicians, and the Strumae of Celsus and the Latins, who sometimes call it Scrophula. The most common Seat of this Disorder is in the Neck, the Arm-pits and Groin, especially in young Children, whom it also very frequently seizes in the upper Lip, which becomes remarkably thick and sometimes chapped; it likewise very often affects the Glandula Lachrymalis, and brings on a Scrophulous Opthalmia, known by its Obstinacy in resisting all common Remedies. Scrophulous Tumors rarely happen to Adults and old Persons, but when they do, are most obstinate and troublesome, hardly differing in their Nature from a Cancer; in which Case, as a Fever is excited, the Tumor is unequal, and attended with pulsatory Pains, and the Veins over it become tumid and prominent. In the milder Sort the Tumor is equal, round, circumscribed, not very hard, free from Inflammation and Pain, and in most Respects resembling a Schirrus. The Glands of the external Parts are not only affected with this Disease; for those also of the Mesentery are almost always found enlarged, upon opening Persons who have died of it: Moreover the Humour sometimes falls upon the Lungs, and brings on a pulmonary Consumption; and indeed that Consumption is generally owing to a scrophulous Cause, in this and all other Northern Countries. Scrophulous Tumors are for the most part occasioned by Obstructions of the Glands, Want of Exercise, Rickets in Children, Want of Digestion, &c. And it is generally allowed, that a continued Abuse of the Non-naturals may give Rise to this Disorder. It is also admitted, by some Physicians, that it may be communicated by Contagion, and by the vitiated Milk of a pregnant Woman. But the most unhappy and truly deplorable Circumstance of the King's Evil is, that it is but too often transmitted from Parents to their Children, by way of Inheritance, which it does not easily give up, but entails upon late Posterity. Thus the Relicks of the Venereal Lues, a rank, inveterate Scurvy, or White Swellings in any Part of the Body, either of Father or Mother, may put on the true Type and Character of the Evil in the Offspring, as well as the scrophulous Virus itself. When the Disorder is mild, the Tumors moveable, superficial, soft, and seated in the conglobate Glands of young Children, a Cure is not to be despaired of, even in the common Method of Treatment. Nay, it is sometimes known to wear itself off, as the Growth advances and the Habit alters; for which we have also the Authority of Hippocrates. But when the Tumors attack the Tendons or Ligaments, especially if near large Vessels, or press upon the Windpipe or Oesophagus, they are very difficult of Cure; for whatever Way the Swellings are treated, in order to open and cicatrise them, they generally break out again near the old Scars. When the Disorder is violent and inveterate it degenerates into a malignant and corroding Ulcer, by which, not only the Part primarily affected, but also those contiguous to it are corroded and destroyed, and even the Bones made carious. The Tumor becomes worse by being handled, and, because it cannot be brought to Maturation, lasts during the Whole of the Patient's Life. In a word, there is scarce any Disease more obstinately lasting than this, which has been often thought absolutely incurable. The Ancients had but few Remedies for this perplexing Complaint. They succeeded best by the Use of the actual Cautery, and Incision. The only internal Medicine, according to Celsus, was, white Hellebore, frequently repeated; excepting a very absurd one, known only to a few Peasants, which was that of swallowing a Snake. The Moderns have gone to work chiefly with Vomits, Purgatives, Deobstruents, Sudorifics, Absorbents, Antimonials, and Mercurials, and sometimes with Mineral Waters. At the same Time recommending a moderate and slender Diet, lubricating Broths and Jellies, with Exercise, and forbidding all viscid Aliments, as Cheese, Fish, and the like. As to the external Treatment of scrophulous Tumors, it has been attempted to discuss them by mercurial Unguents, Liniments, and Plaisters, premising Phlebotomy, and Purging. If by the Use of these Means the Tumor did not discuss, but increase in Size and Hardness, Suppuration was then attempted; and it should seem the safer and more natural Way of the two; since to endeavour to discuss often increases the Hardness, and turns the Tumor cancerous. In the suppurative Way, all Evacuations were omitted, and a Plaister of Diach. cum Gumm. Burgundy Pitch, or the like laid on, and assisted occasionally with a proper Cataplasm. When the Swelling was ripened, so far as to discover fluctuating Matter, the Part was opened, either by Incision, or Caustic, to give Vent to it; and after the Separation of the Eschar, the Ulcer was dressed with a Digestive, and then healed. Yet this Method has generally miscarried. The Proprietors of this Medicine, however, neither attempt to discuss Tumors, nor to bring on a Suppuration; they apply no Caustics, nor terrify their Patients with the Knife: Their usual Way has been, to leave the Afflicted to the Medicine, and to Nature, which kindly co-operating have always produced an happy Event. In the King's Evil, as in most other chronical Diseases, specific Remedies have been recommended, applauded, and relapsed into Disuse, in all Ages. The Veratrum album, or White Hellebore, has been mentioned already. The Tactus Regalis of the English and French Sovereigns, so long held in reverential Esteem, is, at this Day, if not universally, at least, by the most Judicious, given up, and no longer in Use. Dr. Gideon Harvey 's Antimonium resuscitatum had its Run; and so, in our Days, has Dr. Huxham 's Essence of Antimony. Above twenty Years ago, a Lady of the first Nobility was cured of a very large Tumor in her Neck, by Means of a Specific, then kept a great Secret, altho' it has been affirmed, that the Cure afterwards cost her her Life. This proved to be burnt Sponge, a Medicine adopted indeed by the late Dr. Mead, who usually administered it, mixed with purified Nitre, Coralline and Sugar: But it has been known to fail in a hundred Instances. The late Dr. Russel, who practised in Sussex, laid great Stress upon Sea-Water as a Specific in glandular Disorders; and it has been used in our Hospitals, but is like the rest, almost grown out of Fashion. Lastly, the Peruvian Bark is said, to have done great Service in these Complaints. Dr. Fordice relates six or seven remarkable Cases, in which he gave it with much Success. Dr. Fothergill has likewise administered the Bark in scrophulous Disorders, and avers, that it may not only be given with Safety, but to manifest Advantage, in certain Cases; however that it will not succeed in all. He has never known it avail much where the Bones were affected, nor where the scrophulous Tumor has been so situated, as to be attended with much Pain, as in the Joints, or under the membranous Covers of the Muscles; for when these Parts are concerned, the Periosteum seldom escapes without some Injury; in which Case the Bone will be likewise affected, and then, he is of Opinion, that the Bark will hasten the Progress of the Disease. The Cicuta Vulgaris has been also given in this, as well as in cancerous Cases, and, according to Dr. Storck, with very good Effect in some Parts of Germany; however, in this Climate it seems to fail, which confirms me in an Opinion, I have long entertained, i. e. that various Plants have different Effects in different Countries, as well as on different Constitutions. After all, could a Specific be found out, of such a Nature, as equally to suit the Constitution of Infants and Adults, Respect being had to the Dose, which would act placidly, without sensible Evacuations, or ruffling the Habit; and as Dr. Friend expresses it, per aliquas non patentes Vias Edit. Libb. I. & III. Epidem. Hippocrat. , so as effectually to eradicate this most perverse Disease, the Opprobrium of all ancient and modern Medicine, of what unspeakable Emolument would such a Discovery be to the Afflicted, and what would not the Inventor merit from Mankind? Such a Specific we now offer the Public, which has succeeded in many, and all Cases where it has been hitherto administered; and which is at this Time entrusted to the farther Trial of a Gentleman of unquestionable Skill and Eminence in Hospital Practice, whose Report of it cannot fail of being absolutely decisive and satisfactory. It may not be amiss, however, to lay before the Public, an Account of the Success it has had in those Cases wherein it has been administered by the Proprietors, though Persons but little skilled in the Art of Medicine. The CASES of several Persons who have been cured by this MEDICINE. THE first scrophulous Patient, to whom it was administered, was Mr. William King, of St. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Southwark; who, at that Time, had been long afflicted with the King's Evil, and had near forty running Ulcers, many of them on the Joints, by which he was greatly emaciated, and thought consumptive. The Bones were carious, many rotten Pieces came away from his Legs, and he was, by the Surgeons who attended him, deemed incurable. Yet this Man was perfectly restored by the above-mentioned Medicine; and to satisfy some Gentlemen at Paris, who wanted to be properly informed of the Fact, he made an Affidavit of his being cured by this Medicine, before Sir Joseph Hankey, in Presence of Mr. Weldon, the Notary Public, whose Testimonial bears Date the 15th of February 1752. The next Person, to whom it was administered, was Mr. John Deane, of Saffron Hill, in the Parish of St. Andrew Holborn. This Patient, when he took the Medicine, had been afflicted with the Evil seven or eight Years; which began with a Swelling in his left Eye, and the Glands of his Neck. He had, at the Time of his first taking it, many running Ulcers, which had been often opened with Caustics, and he was informed by the Surgeons of one of our Hospitals, to whom he had applied for Relief, that his Disorder was incurable. Mr. Deane, however, was soon cured by this Medicine, and in the Course of near eleven Years has had no Return of the Disorder. Soon after the Cure was perfected he married, and has had several healthy Children. His Case was also sent to Paris, after being attested on Oath before Mr. Alderman Ironside, in the Presence of Mr. Weldon, the Notary Public, whose Certificate is dated the 13th of March 1752. In Consequence of this some of the Medicine was sent to Paris, where, we are informed, it effected many extraordinary Cures; but the Particulars are not come to our Knowledge: However, that it was tried in one of the Hospitals with Success, will appear by the following Extract of a Letter from Mr. James Burton to one of the Proprietors. "During my Stay at Paris, which has been more than six Months, I have daily frequented the Hospitals, and had an Opportunity of seeing the good Effects of your Pills for the Cure of the Evil, which Mr. Cartier has administered under the Inspection of the Physicians. I think he has eight Patients, all miserable Objects, but I cannot help mentioning particularly the astonishing Effect it has had on a German, born at Deux Ponts, whom I have often interrogated respecting his Complaint. The Distemper began in his great Toe; but by some Applications, used by the Surgeons, the Humour was repelled and fixed in his right Leg, where it broke out in eight Ulcers, which being obstinate it was agreed, in a Consultation of Physicians and Surgeons, to take off the Leg; but his Parents not consenting, other Methods were used to prevent the Disorder from spreading, tho' without Effect; for he continually grew worse, and, after he had been in this deplorable Way for eight Years, his Parents sent him to Paris. Here he arrived in June 1748, and entered the Hotel-Dieu, in St. Andrew 's Ward; where he continued two Years, and during that Time grew worse, on which he was discharged the Ward as incurable, and sent into the Salle d'Osier, where he took your Medicine. He had, at this Time, twenty-one running Ulcers, eight of them were on his right Foot, and eight on his right Hand, the Use of which he had entirely lost. He had likewise a large Swelling under each Arm, the Glands on each Side his Throat were swelled as big as an Hen-Egg, and he had five running Ulcers in his Neck. After he had taken your Medicine about eight Months his Ulcers all healed, the Use of his Hand was restored, the Swellings broke and healed, and the Man is now in perfect Health. I have no other View, in sending you this Account, but to induce you to make it public in England; for it is hard that your fellow Citizens should be deprived of such a Benefit." We have not the Honour to know Mr. James Burten; but Mr. Cartier is now in London, and ready to give Testimony to the Truth of what is here related. Mr. Isaac Harman, Clerk to Thomas Watson, Esq; Callico-Printer, at Morris 's Causeway, Lambeth, was for near fifteen Years afflicted with this Disorder, which mostly affected his Joints; for he had Tumors under each Ham, Ulcers on the left Leg, almost from one Ankle to the other, and three on his right Foot; the Bones about the Ankle were foul, many Pieces came away, and he was so reduced by the continual Discharge that he could hardly stand. He took this Medicine, and was perfectly cured; for, though nine Years are elapsed, he has had no Return of his Complaint, but has enjoyed an exceeding good Share of Health, and is remarkably active and strong. We must observe, that Mr. Harman married soon after he was cured, and has four Children living, which are all very healthy. Mr. John Morgan, Cutler, now living at Mr. Savigny 's in Pall-mall, was afflicted with this Disorder, and admitted into one of our Hospitals for Cure, where his Tumors were several times laid open, and, besides taking other Medicines, he drank a very large Quantity of Sea-Water, but without the least Benefit. After he came from the Hospital he applied for this Medicine, which he began to take about Midsummer 1755. The October following, he found himself abundantly better, and in the next Spring all his Ulcers were entirely healed, without any Loss of Time, or Interruption in Business. He has been now cured near seven Years, and has had no Symptoms of a Return. John Shadwell, now Apprentice to Mr. Waldron Shoemaker in Basinghall-street, was, when about seven Years old, seized with a Swelling in the Elbow. After some Time he was carried to a Surgeon in the Neighbourhood, who told his Friends that the Bone was foul, and advised them to take him to an Hospital, which they did, and he continued there seventeen Weeks, and was then discharged as incurable. He was after this admitted into another Hospital, where he continued fourteen Weeks, and was also thence discharged as incurable. At this Time he had five running Sores in one Arm, and three in the other; one of which was directly in the Joint of the Elbow. He had also Ulcers in his Neck and Face; many of which had been opened with Caustics, and could not afterwards be healed. In this Situation his Friends applied for the Medicine, which is the Subject of this Pamphlet. After he had taken it some little Time, there was a large Discharge from all the Ulcers, and in about two or three Months he was abundantly better in Health. He continued taking the Medicine as directed, and by Degrees all the Wounds healed up, and he has been now four Years perfectly well. Mrs. Vias, who kept a Boarding-School for young Ladies in Harley-street, Cavendish-square, but is now removed to the Boarding-School near Ranelagh-House, Chelsea, has seen the good Effects of this Medicine on a Person who was under her own Care. We shall give the Reader this Lady's Sentiments in her own Words. "A Lady of my Acquaintance, who was afflicted with a scrophulous Distemper, and had Swellings in her Neck and Wounds in her Breast, which would not submit to the Medicines prescribed and applied by the Physicians and Surgeons, who, for a long Time attended her, was in about seven Months perfectly cured by taking your Medicine for the Evil." The Lady Mrs. Vias speaks of has been now cured near six Years, and remains perfectly well. Thomas Moss, of the Parish of St. Olave's, Southwark, had the Evil to a great Degree, but was soon cured by taking this Medicine. Mr. Robert Rees, Apprentice to Mr. Marsh, Woollen-draper in White-hart-yard, Drury-lane, laboured under a scrophulous Complaint many Years, for which he took divers Medicines without Effect, and was three Years under the Care of Dr. Ward. During which Time, the Disorder, so far from abating, encreased to that Degree that he had several Ulcers in his Arms and Feet, a very large Ulcer on the Inside of his right Thigh, many running Sores and Tumors about his Neck, one of which was as large as a Cricket-Ball, and he was so weak that he could hardly walk. He took this Medicine, which soon gave him Strength, and by Degrees all the Tumors dispersed, the Ulcers healed, and he is now perfectly well. Mr. Joseph Poole, one of the Clerks of the Bank, had a Son, who was long afflicted with a scrophulous Disorder, which made its first Appearance when he was about four Years old. It began with a Swelling in one of his Fingers, and in one of his Feet. He took many Medicines from different People, but to no Purpose, and was six Months under the Care of Dr. Ward, whose Medicines disagreed with him, and he grew worse. Upon which Application was made for the Medicine, which is the Subject of this Pamphlet. He had taken it but a little Time before he found himself abundantly better, and soon after all his Wounds healed, and he continues perfectly well. Mrs. Elizabeth Hiller, of Piccadilly, has a Daughter who was long afflicted with this Disorder, and which seized her when she was about two Years old. She applied to one of the Hospitals for Relief, and was continued two Years as an Out-Patient, but received no Benefit, either by the Medicines she had there, or by what was applied by others. When she first entered upon a Course of this Medicine her right Foot was very much swelled and ulcerated, and the Bone foul. She had a large Ulcer in her Hand, and another in the Middle of her right Cheek. After she had taken this Medicine some Time, the Ulcers began to heal, and she is now perfectly well. Thomas Amer, of the Parish of St. Giles's, Cripplegate, in the City of London, was seized with this Disorder, and in the Space of two Years had a Tumor ulcerated in his Thigh, another in his Arm near the Elbow, the third Finger on his left Hand was much swelled, and had an Ulcer by the middle Joint that ran quite through the Finger, the Bone of which was foul, and during the Cure several rotten Pieces exfoliated, and came away. A Surgeon, who lived in the Neighbourhood, told his Friends, that it was a very bad Case, and advised them to take him to an Hospital. Accordingly, he was an Out-Patient at one of our Hospitals for some Months, when the Surgeons said they could do him no Service, unless his Finger was taken off. Upon this he went to Dr. Ward, and was under his Care for twelve Months, during which Time he grew much worse, and his Health was so much impaired, when Application was made for this Medicine, that his Friends did not expect him to live a Month. This Medicine, however, soon restored him to better Health, and by Degrees all his Ulcers healed, and he has now the perfect Use of his Limbs, and has continued well ever since the Ulcers were first healed, which is now somewhat more than two Years. Mr. Bannister, who keeps a Stable-yard in Old Bond-street, has a Daughter who was much afflicted with a scrophulous Disorder. It appeared soon after she had the Small-Pox, and when she was about four Years old, by a Tumor in her Cheek, and others on her Feet, which ulcerated, and fouled the Bones. She had also a Tumor on one Arm, and the Disorder had much affected her Eyes: After taking various Medicines, without receiving any Benefit, she was perfectly cured by this. Mr. John Chandler, at Mr. Smith 's, Watchmaker in Chiswell-street, London, was afflicted with this Disorder. It first made its Appearance by a Swelling of the Glands in his Neck, which being greatly encreased in the Space of a Month, he went to a Surgeon, who applied a Poultice to the Part, and after some Time opened it with a Caustic, but the Wound thus made was so obstinate that it could not be healed. And another Tumor soon came in his Neck, which encreased to a great Degree, and in Time affected his Shoulder, and rendered him unable to pursue his Business. In this State he was admitted into one of our Hospitals, where he continued nine Weeks, and was several times lanced, but without obtaining any Relief. He then put himself under the Care of a foreign Physician, who undertook to cure him; but the Disorder still increasing, and his Health, as well as his Ulcers, growing worse, he, in February last, applied for this Medicine. At this Time he had several very bad Ulcers about his Neck, and his left Breast, all of which healed after he had taken the Pills a few Months, and he is now ( Dec. 13, 1762) perfectly well, and has been so for some Time past. A Gentleman, in the Neighbourhood of St. Paul's Church-yard, had a Child about three Years old, who had many strumous Swellings in the Neck, that were very large, hard, and so obstinate, as not to submit to any of the common Methods of Treatment; which the Father informing Dr. BEVIS of, that Gentleman, agreeable to his usual Candour and Humanity, advised him to apply for this Remedy, having himself experienced the good Effects of it on two Patients before. The Child took the Medicine about two Months, which gave it no Sort of Uneasiness, and the Swellings entirely disappeared. Since this Pamphlet was put to the Press, (that is to say, this 17th of Dec. 1762) we received a Letter from the Rev. Mr. BROWNE, Vicar of Olney, near Newport Pagnel, in Buckinghamshire, (the well known Author of the Sunday Thoughts, and other valuable Pieces) of which Letter the following is an Extract. "Every one must be sensible, that in a Distemper of so loathsome a Kind, as this of the King's Evil, most Persons show a Delicacy in having their Names made public. I have, therefore, concealed the Name of a female Patient; the others I here communicate to you to print or conceal as you think proper, it being to them indifferent: But the Facts are certain and notorious; and it will be of Weight with all considerate Persons to have it publicly advertised, that any who propose themselves for Cure, and want farther Satisfaction, may receive all they can desire, in this Particular, from the Parties who were cured, or from me at Olney in Buckinghamshire, where the Cures here mentioned were performed. "JOHN BUTCHER, Baker, an Inhabitant of the Parish of Olney in Bucks, about thirty Years of Age (from a violent Blow, as was thought, of a large Piece of Wood falling on him) had a Contusion and Swelling on the Nose, which increased and grew very much inflamed with livid and other alarming Appearances. He had the Advice of several Surgeons, Apothecaries, &c. both here and at Northampton; was purged, dieted, bled, lanced, and had several Fomentations applied to the Part, together with Salves and other topical Applications, for the Space of a Year and a Quarter. The Disorder, however, grew worse, and by general Consent his Case was adjudged an inveterate and incurable Strumae. He was, from a florid Countenance and robust Make, now become wan as a Corpse, emaciated to a mere Skeleton, and lay unable to feed, turn, or do any the least Offices for himself, being as feeble as an Infant. The whole Bone of the Nose grew carious, exfoliated, and came all away; the Flesh of the upper Lip was eaten entirely off, and left the Jaw and Teeth bare, and his Speech became so hollow and inarticulate, that those who were mostly with him could hardly understand a Word he said, and all about him daily expected his Death. He could take nothing but a little Pap, or soft liquid Food, administered to him in a Boat, as they do to Infants in the Month; and his medical Assistants had all left him. In this deplorable Case I found him, exceedingly desirous of Life; his Appetite strong and craving, and he had some Degree of inward Strength, which gave me Hopes. I immediately advised your Medicine; it was tried, and he found almost present, and (in using it about three Months) astonishing Benefit; the fetid Discharge and Ulcers were removed and healed, the other Parts grew well; he got up, eat, became hearty as ever, went abroad, and I myself saw and spoke with him at a Place he had walked to above two Miles from Home on Business, which he was now very well able to perform. This was in the Summer about five or six Months after his first taking the Medicine. He worked from that Time at Carting, Hedging, and other robust Labours; helped at getting in Harvest that Year, and seemed as able as any of them; and I believe, and so do his Friends, that he is now as free from the Evil as any Person whatever; and has continued well ever since the Cure was performed, which is somewhat more than two Years. "You are to observe by the way, that his was suspected to be a Family Disorder. One Brother, if not more having died of it, and he has a Sister, older than himself, who is now in the last Stage of a Consumption, which is supposed to proceed from the same Cause. "An Inhabitant of the Town aforesaid who was upwards of thirteen Years old, has been for several Years afflicted with the King's Evil; had sore Eyes, and hard strumous Tumors in the Glands of the Throat, as is common in those Cases. Mr. THOMAS ASPRAY, Surgeon and Apothecary in this Town, undertook her Cure with your Medicine, and also applied Blisters on the Sides near her Ears to promote the Discharge of Matter. She took the Pills regularly about three Months, and has continued now for about the same Time perfectly well. "This Patient's Disorder is likewise supposed to be entailed on the Family, several of the Relations being in some Degree afflicted with it." Mr. Browne relates another Case more extraordinary than the former, of a Boy who had lost the Use of one Foot with the Evil, whom he took in Hand, after the Surgeons had prepared to cut the Limb off. He has by this Medicine recovered the Use of his Foot, but as the Boy is not yet perfectly well, we shall at present take no farther Notice of his Case. One other Circumstance we shall mention, which will undoubtedly have great Weight with the Public. It is the Success this Medicine has had on five Children in the Charity-house called Burlington-school, in Old Burlington Street, in the Parish of St. James 's Westminster, to whom it has been given under the Inspection of a Gentleman, whose Skill and Abilities have long distinguished him as one of the most eminent of his Profession. Though we have not Permission to insert his Name, we cannot omit this Opportunity of returning him our Thanks for his polite Behaviour and great Candour on that Occasion; and, we doubt not, but that Humanity which prompted him to see this Remedy administred to the Children above-mentioned, will induce him to speak of the Medicine as he thinks it deserves. These Children, previous to their taking the Medicine, were examined by the above-mentioned Gentleman, after they had been delared to be in a very bad State by a Surgeon of Character who had attended them. The Medicine was first given them in April last. Two of them are cured, another nearly so, and the other two are in a fair way of having their Health soon established. More Evidence might be produced in Favour of this Medicine, and some Cases inserted which are extremely singular; but many Persons, who have been cured, have desired to be concealed; among which are several Ladies who are since married, and have very healthy Children. Their Names, it is true, would do Honour to this Pamphlet, and greatly promote the Use of the Medicine; but the Public will be pleased to consider, that the Proprietors ought not, nay they cannot, break the Ties of Honour, and betray the Confidence reposed in them, though in Support of Truth. The reasonable Man, we apprehend, will be satisfied with what is above related, yet should there be any so incredulous, as to require farther Conviction, respecting the Safety and Efficacy of this Medicine, they may obtain it, and be introduced to the Proprietors, by applying to the Publisher of this Pamphlet. A PROPOSAL humbly addressed to the NOBILITY and GENTRY of Great Britain and Ireland. THE Proprietors of the Medicine within mentioned beg Leave to address the Generous and the Humane, in Behalf of those poor Creatures, who are unhappily afflicted with all Scrophulous Complaints, especially the King's Evil, which is generally deemed incurable, and of which many unhappy Wretches are daily discharged from our Hospitals. A MEDICINE has been discovered (which is an Alterative, and therefore the better adapted to all Constitutions) that effectually eradicates those Disorders in a short Time, and, during that Interval, visibly amends and strengthens the Constitution. That this is a Truth, will be made manifest by a Number of Patients who have been cured by this Medicine, even after they were discharged as incurable from the Hospitals, and who are at all Times ready to be examined in the most strict and scrupulous Manner. Now what the Proprietors propose, is, that a small House, in Manner of an Hospital, be opened for the Reception of Patients, by the charitable Contributions of the NOBILITY, GENTRY, and Others, which shall be carried on under the Inspection of the Subscribers, or the Inspection of those whom they shall appoint, and which shall be furnished by the Proprietors with this Medicine the first Year gratis, and after that at such Price only as the Ingredients shall really cost; so that the Proprietors desire no Profit for themselves, but will contribute, as much out of their own little Fortunes as they can afford; nor will they have any Concern in receiving the Money, but will leave the Receipts and Disbursements, and all other Matters, respecting the Admission of Patients, and the Management of the Hospital, intirely to those, who shall be appointed to the Trust by a Majority of the Subscribers. Nor is this Application made with a View of raising any Money; it is intended only to try whether a Sum sufficient can be raised to establish a small Hospital, in Case the Proprietors shall make every Allegation appear to the entire Satisfaction of the Public: All that is intreated therefore for the present, is, that every LADY and GENTLEMAN, inclined to promote this charitable Undertaking, will be pleased to signify what Sum they would chuse to contribute yearly or otherwise; when they are satisfied of the Truth of what is here asserted, and see the Scheme carried into Execution by Persons of their own Appointment. Books will be opened for the Names of those who are charitably inclined to encourage this Undertaking; and, when a sufficient Number are collected, a Place of Meeting will be appointed, by an Advertisement in the London Gazette, and other Papers, to elect proper Persons for the Management of the Charity, and to see the Testimonials, and examine the Patients who have been cured. FINIS. POSTSCRIPT. DECEMBER 18, 1763. FROM the Truths set forth in the preceding Pamphlet, and the Candid and humane Proposal which the Proprietors made to the Public respecting an Hospital for the Cure of the Evil, added to their extreme Readiness on all Occasions to give their Medicines and Attendance to the Poor gratis: From these Considerations, I say, one would have thought that all who had seen the Effects of this Medicine, and the easy Manner in which it eradicated the Disorder, would, for the general Good, have lent their Aid towards promoting its Use. It was what the Proprietors flattered themselves with; but how far they have been mistaken, will appear in the following Narrative. In April 1762, a Surgeon of the first Eminence for his well known Humanity, Candour, and Abilities, was accidentally informed by a Gentleman then in Company with him, that a Medicine had been discovered, which had cured great Numbers of the Evil, even in the worst State of the Disorder; the Surgeon answered, that for the Benefit of Mankind, he most sincerely wished it might prove so, and be brought into general Practice, for that this was one of the Desiderata in the Art of Healing; adding withal, that he should be very glad to see the Parties concerned, and be further informed of the Matter. Some Days after this, one of the Proprietors waited on this Gentleman with some of the Medicine, and took with him several Persons who had been cured by it, to give their Testimony of the Truth. After he had examined amined these Patients, with respect to the Situation they were in at the Time they first took the Medicine, and had seen the Scars of the Ulcers that had been healed, he acknowledged that the Cures were very extraordinary, and then said, that there were some Children afflicted with this Disorder in Burlington School, in Old Burlington-street, which was maintained by Subscription, and it would be a Charity to cure them. This was readily agreed to, and five Children were examined, four of which were undertaken, as their Disorder evidently appeared to be the Evil; but the fifth seemed to have a Complaint of a different Nature; however, the Medicine was given to them all. At the Time when this Medicine was first administered to the Children, a Gentleman of the Faculty, who had examined them, smiled at the Attempt, and said there was no Cure for them; however, his Prognostication has proved him no Conjuror, for in the Space of nine Months, two of the four which were undertaken, were perfectly cured; since that another is got well, and in all Probability the fourth would have received a Cure e'er this Time, but for the following Accident. In December last, the preceding Dissertation on the King's Evil was made public, in which the Reader will observe, there are set forth for the Satisfaction of the Public the Cases of many Persons who have been cured by this Medicine; and among others, some Notice is taken of the Children above mentioned. This naturally led those who were themselves afflicted with this Disorder, or had Friends in that deplorable State, to enquire concerning the Medicine, at this Place as well as others; and during the Time that Mrs. Martin continued Governess of the House, who was a humane, discreet, and worthy Woman, the Children were shewn to them, and they obtained the necessary Information; but Mrs. Martin declining that Office to go and live with her Daughter, who was then married, another Person was appointed to the Trust; who, for Reasons best known to herself, or to her Coadjutors, thought proper to behave in a rude Manner to the Gentleman who attended, and not only so, but to falsify the Truth, and mislead those who came to enquire of her concerning the Children; which she did to several, and particularly to Mrs. Baker, as will evidently appear by her Attestation. The Manner of her Behaviour Mrs. Baker generously and fairly disclosed to the Proprietors of the Medicine, upon which Application was made to the Surgeon, at whose Instance the Cure of the Children was undertaken. He, being greatly irritated at such shameful and injurious Behaviour, desired a Committee of the House might be called, and said the Truth should not be suppressed. A Committee accordingly met the 21st of July, 1763, and this Gentleman attended. The Affair was enquired into, and it apperead, that two of the Children were perfectly cured, and had left the House; and Mary Somers, another of them, was called before the Board, and upon strict Examination, was found, and declared, to be perfectly well. The Woman that had behaved so scandalously was then called, and Mrs. Baker, who for the Sake of Truth was so kind as to attend, told the Committee the whole of her Behaviour to her, when she came to enquire concerning the Cure of the Children. The Woman at first equivocated, but at last she confessed the Truth, asked Pardon, and said, she was sorry for what she had done. The Gentlemen of the Committee then asked her, who put her upon giving such Answers? But all they could get from her was, that a tall Gentleman had been there, and talked to her about it, but she did not know his Name. She was then severely reproved; and the Committee desired the Proprietor of the Medicine still to attend on the other Girl who was not yet well, and complete the Cure. This was agreed to; but when he came to the House, some Days after, to give her more Medicines, he found this Woman, who was so submissive and penitent before the Committee, more insolent than ever. Upon which he applied at two subsequent Committees to have Justice done to his Character, and to the Medicine; but as the Gentlemen were not there who sat at the first Committee, he could obtain no Satisfaction, and therefore left the House. That Mary Somers was cured, appeared by her Examination before the Committee above-mentioned; but she is now in the House, and may be examined again and again. And that Susannah or Suckey Pott (for they say she was so christened) and Elizabeth Morris, were cured, will appear by the following Certificates. Mrs. Baker's Attestation. ON Saturday the 2d of July, 1763, I went to Burlington School to enquire after some Children, who, in a Pamphlet lately published on the Evil, were said to be cured of that Disorder. Here I saw one of the Mistresses, who said there had been no Children cured there. Upon this I asked, if I could see any of the Children who had taken the Medicine? After some Time and Hesitation, two of them were called, and I asked one of them, whose Name I find is Mary Somers, if she had taken the Alterative and purging Pills for the Evil? She said she had. I then asked her, if she had taken any other Medicine during that Time, or since? She said she had not, and declared before her Mistress she was perfectly well, and that she had been the worst of them all. Upon which the Mistress seemed greatly confounded, and to excuse herself, said the Girl had never told her so before. I replied, that a Cure of this Sort ought not to be concealed, and that I thought it a very charitable Action of the Gentlemen concerned in the Medicine to Cure the Children of such a terrible Disorder. In answer to which she said, there were proper Persons to give the Children Medicines, and that they wanted no Charity, nor desired any Body to trouble themselves about them. She farther said, that several Persons had been there to enquire concerning the Cure of the Children, and that she had given them their Answer. After this, by the desire of some Gentlemen concerned in the Charity, I attended at one of the Committees, held at the House, which I think was on the 21st of the same Month, and this Affair was enquired into; Mary Somers, who was then examined, was perfectly cured, and it appeared that two others had also been cured, and had left the House; for a Surgeon, who attended, declared before the Committee, that he had examined them before they took the Medicine and since, and that before they took the Medicine they had the Evil, and now they were well. The Woman, who had denied the Truth to me, and behaved so impertinently, was also called, and charged with it. At first she equivocated, but afterwards acknowledged that she did say none of the Children were cured, and that she was sorry for what she had said, and asked Pardon. Upon being asked who put her upon giving such Answers? She said, that a tall Gentleman had been there, and talked to her about it; but she did not know his Name. Borough, Southwark, Dec. 10, 1763. MARY BAKER. THESE are to certify those whom it may concern, that my Daughter Elizabeth Morris, was cured of a scrophulous Disorder in her Cheek, while she was in Burlington School, and during the Time Mrs. Martin was Governess there, by taking the Alterative and purging Pills for the Evil. Witness my Hand, November 28, 1763. ELIZABETH MORRIS. I Suckey Pott was cured of a scrophulous Tumour in my Face, while I was at Burlington School, and during the Time that Mrs. Martin was Governess there, by taking the Alterative and purging Pills for the Evil. Witness my Hand November 28, 1763. SUCKEY POTT. And that the Medicine always agreed so well with these Children as not to give them the least Uneasiness, may be learnt from Mrs. Martin, during the Time she was Governess of the House. I Mary Martin, late Governess of the Charity School, at the End of Burlington-street in the Parish of St. James 's, known by the Name of Burlington School, do certify, that two of the Children in the said School, who were very bad with the Evil, were perfectly cured, by taking the Alterative and purging Pills, before I left the said School; and the other Children who had taken the same Medicines, were in a fair way of Recovery. In Justice to the Public and the Proprietors, I must also observe, that these Medicines never gave any of those Children the least Uneasiness. Witness my Hand, July 21, 1763. At Mr. Lyne 's, Confectioner, in Marybone-Street, near Golden-Square. MARY MARTIN. Now, if there were no such Things in the World as Pride, Envy and Avarice, it would be impossible to account for this Sort of Behaviour; or to assign any Reason why a Man, who had given up his Time, his Trouble, and his Medicines to Cure a Parcel of poor Children, of a Disorder generally accounted Incurable, should at last be insulted for his Pains; but these, and a few other Qualities which are often harboured in the human Breast, will help to unfold the Mistery. The Injury, however, which the Proprietors of the Medicine have received by this Kind of Treatment, bears no Proportion to what the People have suffered, who, by thus enquiring, have been thus misled. The first have been deprived only of a little pecuniary Advantage, or perhaps none at all (for the Medicines have been always given to the Poor) but the last may have been deprived of the Means of recovering their Health, and preserving their Lives. As Orders have been received for this Medicine from different Parts of Europè, as well as from the Continent of America and the West-Indies, the Proprietors find it necessary to sell it out in Parcels, as other Medicines usually are. Notice is therefore given, that a Box of these Pills, with proper Directions for their Use, will for the future be Sold at 5s. with good Allowance to those who buy them for charitable Uses, or to sell again; but those who reside in the Neighbourhood of London, may be attended, as usual, while the Medicine is administred, by directing a Line to Mr. NEWBERY, in Paul 's Church-yard; and those who live at a D e may occasionally consult the Proprietors by L r—The Postage of Letters and Advice to be paid for.