AN ENGLISH ALPHABET, For the Use of FOREIGNERS: WHEREIN THE PRONUNCIATION OF THE VOWELS, or VOICE-LETTERS, IS EXPLAINED IN Twelve short general Rules, With their several Exceptions, AS ABRIDGED (For the INSTRUCTION of OMAI) From a larger Work. LONDON: Printed by J. W. GALABIN, INGRAM-COURT, for B. WHITE, Fleet-Street, and C. DILLY, Poultry. M.DCC.LXXXVI. VOICE Letters, or Vowels, A, E, I, O, U, and Y. A sounds like the French e in bête, as in ca-ble, fa-ble, sa-ble, ba-ker, ha-ven, la-dy, ma-ker. E like the French i in mille, as in be, he e-vil, le-gal, &c. I. The English sound of i must be acquired by ear or imitation. O like the French o, or au, as in go, so, no lo-cal mo-ment, &c. U like ew in few, pew, &c. as in du-ty fu-ry hu-man, &c. Y, when a vowel, like the English i, as in buy, guy, ( wherein u is mute, ) dry, fry, my, dye, &c. in dissyllables accented on the last syllable, as ally, comply, deny, &c. and in all words compounded with the Latin word fio, as deify, magnify, specify, &c. Double Voice-Letters, called Diphthongs. Au and aw like the foreign a, as in maul, paul, sprawl, law, saw, paw. See Rule IV. Oi and oy, as in oil, boil, boy. See Rule V. Oo like the French ou, as in boot, broom, loop, poor. See Rule VI. Ou, ow, as in bound, crown. See Rule VII. Improper Diphthongs, wherein only one of the vowels are sounded. Ai, ay, and ey, like the English a, or French ai, as ai in Bail, dainty, gain, nail, sail, Ay in may, pray, say, way. Ey in prey, grey, they, whey, convey, obey, survey. See Rule VIII. Ae, ea, ee, ei, ie, and oe, like the English e, or foreign i, as ae aether, ea in pea, sea. Ee in eel, deep, feet, meet, steep. Ei in ceiling, seize, receive. Ie in shield, grieve, grief, reprieve, Oe in foetus, subpoena, &c. except in the end of a word ie is like i, as in die, lie, and oe is like o, as in foe, hoe, toe. See Rule IX. and its exceptions. Eu, ew, and iew, like a single u long, as in Europe, dew, view. See Rule X. Oa like o long, as in boat, coat, grown, moan, &c. See Rule XI. Ue like a short e, as in guess, guest. See Rule XII. Ui like a short i, as in build, guild. See Rule XII. A TABLE of VOWELS, DIPHTHONGS and TERMINATIONS, the English sound of which cannot be easily expressed in foreign letters, and should therefore be learned by ear, viz. I long, There are two ways of sounding the long i and y, (though both long,) the one a little different from the other, and requiring a little extension of the mouth, as may be seen by comparing the following words, viz. I and aye, high and high-ho, by't (for by it ) and bite, sigh'd and side, strive and strife, &c but this difference, being so nice, is not to be attained but by much practice, neither is it very material. as in bible, mitre, nitre, pirate. O and u short, before a consonant in the same syllable, as in odd, nod, lord, &c. and in mud, strut, stun, urn, &c. Oi and oy, which have both the same sound, as in oil, boil, coil, boy, coy, hoy, &c. Ou and ow ( not like the French ou, in the pronunciation of which the lips are almost closed, but) with an open articulation, as in pound, our, gown, power. Also the following terminations, viz. -ire, -tion -cious -tious as in dire, fire, salvation, delicious, fictitious, &c. English Alphabet. A a like ai, ay, ey, or the French ê. B b Ba, Be, Bi, Bo, Bu. C c like K before a, o, u,—ca, co, cu. C c like S before e, i, y,—ce, ci, cy. D d Da, De, Di, Do, Du, Dy. E e like ae, ea, ee, or the foreign i. F f like Ph, or Greek Φ, Fa, Fe, Fi, Fo, Fu, Fy. G g like gh, or Greek Γ, before a, o, and u, as Ga, Go, Gu, G g like g soft, or j, before e, i, and y, as Ge, Gi, Gy, except a few words; viz. geese, gewgaw, geld, gelt, get, (with its compounds,) gibberish, gibbous, giddy, gift, gig, giggle, gild, girl, give, forgive, gilt, gimblet, gimp, gird, girt, girdle, begin, gizzard, Gideon, Gibbons, Gilbert, Gilpin. H h Ha, He, Hi, Ho, Hu, Hy, but is mute in a few words; as hour, honour, honest, heir, herb, humour, hostler, thyme, John, Thomas, Thomasin, and Thames. Also in Greek words, when preceded by r, as rheum, rhyme, rhetoric, myrrh, &c. and lastly at the end of words, as ah, hah, Isaiah, Sarah, &c. I i English, or long, like the Greek , or something like the French i before n in prince. J j consonant like g soft, Ja, Je, Ji, Jo, Ju, Jy. K k Ka, Ke, Ki, Ko, Ku, Ky. L l La, Le, Li, Lo, Lu, Ly. M m Ma, Me, Mi, Mo, Mu, My. N n Na, Ne, Ni, No, Nu, Ny. O o long, like the foreign o. P p Pa, Pe, Pi, Po, Pu, Py. Q q Qua, Que, Qui, Quo, Qu, Quy. R r Ra, Re, Ri, Ro, Ru, Ry. S s Sa, Se, Si, So, Su, Sy. T t Ta, Te, Ti, To, Tu, Ty. U u like ew in dew, few, new, &c. V v consonant, Va, Ve, Vi, Vo, Vu, Vy. W w Wa, We, Wi, Wo, Wu, Wy. X x Xa, Xe, Xi, Xo, Xu, Xy. Y y Ya, Ye, Yi, Yo, Yu. Z z Za, Ze, Zi, Zo, Zu, Zy. Ch Cha, Che, Chi, Cho, Chu, Chy, except in words derived from the Greek tongue, wherein it sounds like c hard or k. Ph like f, Pha, Phe, Phi, Pho, Phu, Phy. Sh Sha, She, Shi, Sho, Shu, Shy. Th sometimes like Greek Θ, (or hard,) as in thank, think, thigh, &c. and sometimes like dth, (or soft,) as in thou, they, that, this, though, or tho', thus, thence. Wh Wha, Whe, Whi, Who, Whu, Why. RULE I. RULE II. RULE III. The vowels, or voice-letters, when alone, have the English or long sound, as But, before a consonant in the same syllable, When e is placed at the end of a syllable, the preceding voice-letter retains the English sound, as a and also when they are at the end of a syllable, and are joined to a preceding consonant, as Ba a has a short sound of aw, as ab. abe in babe e and also when they are at the end of a syllable, and are joined to a preceding consonant, as Be e has a short sound of a, as eb. ebe—glebe i and also when they are at the end of a syllable, and are joined to a preceding consonant, as Bi i has a short sound of e, as ib. ibe—tribe o and also when they are at the end of a syllable, and are joined to a preceding consonant, as Bo o is short as in ob. obe—robe u and also when they are at the end of a syllable, and are joined to a preceding consonant, as Bu u is short as in ub. ube—tube y and also when they are at the end of a syllable, and are joined to a preceding consonant, as By The short sound of o and u must be acquired by ear.   A At Ate Ba Bat Bate Ba Bar Bare Ca Cat Cate Ca Cap Cape Ca Can Cane Ca Cag Cage Be Bed Bede (a name) Bi Bid Abide Bi Bit Bite Bo Bon, bon-fire Bone Da Dam Dame Di Din Dine Do Dot Dote Fa Fat Fate Fi Fill File Ga Gat Gate Ha Hat Hate Ho Hop Hope Hi Hid Hide Ki Kit Kite La Lad Lade Ma Mad Made Ma Mar Mare Ma Mat Mate Mi Mill Mile No Not Note O Odd Ode Pi Pin Pine Ra Rat Rate Ri Rid Ride Ri Rip Ripe Ro Rob Robe Ru Rud (colour) Rude Si Sir Sire Sni Snip Snipe Slo Slop Slope Spi Spit Spite Sta Star Stare Sti Still Stile Stri Strik-en Strike Ta Tap Tape To Top Tope Tu Tun Tune Va Van Vane Wa Wan Wane Wa Wad Wade Wa War Ware Wi Will Wile Whi Whin Whine Chi Chin Chine Shi Shin Shine Thi Thin (Th hard) Thine (Th soft) (EXCEPTIONS to RULE I.) Particular exceptions concerning a at the end of a syllable. A is like the French a, or English diphthong aw, in wa-ter; it has a medium-sund between aw and the English a in fa-ther, and the last syllable of pa-pa, mam-ma; and it sounds like a short e, or foreign é, in a-ny and ma-ny. Particular exceptions concerning i. I sounds like the English e, or foreign i, in ac-qui-esce, bi-er, pi-er, ti-er. General exceptions concerning i. I is pronounced short before another vowel in the termination of all words of more than two syllables when it is not radical; as in a′-mi-a-ble, de-mo-ni-ac′, ca′r-ri-age, so′-ci-al, Wi′l-li-am, Sty′g-i-an, da′l-li-ance, va′l-i-ant, Span′-i-ard, a′-pi-ary, so′-ci-al, in-sid-ia′-tor, al-le-vi-a′-tion, ma′r-ri-ed, a′-li-en, co′n-sci-ence, am′-bi-ent, gla′-si-er, spe′-ci-es, se-rag′-li-o, ax′-i-om, pos-te′-ri-or, wa′r-ri-our, con′-sci-ous, i′d-i-ot, pre′-mi-um, &c. But, in the proper names Mari′-a and So-phi′-a, when given to English women, it is pronounced according to rule. Also in af-fi-ance, and the derivatives from the dissyables ending in y, which are mentioned in the example; as al-li′-ance, com-pli′-ance, de-ni′-al, de-fi′-ance, and re-li′-ance, wherein the i When i is substituted for y, in the terminations of derivatives, it retains the sound of the y in the original word, whether long or short; therefore i is short in cā r-ri-er, cā r-rĭ-ed, and cā rrĭ-es; and is like the y in the primitive words before specified in al-li ance, de-ni al, digni-fied, im-plies, &c. retains the sound of the y in the original words, and is accented accordingly. Particular exceptions concerning o. O is like oo in do, (and its compounds,) to, and who, though the latter (who) is pronounced according to the rule in the northern parts of England. U is like the English ou (hereafter explained) in the first syllable of cu-cumber. General exception concerning y. Y, at the end of all words of two or more syllables, (except those mentioned in the example,) is pronounced like a short i, as in carry, envy, commissary, &c. the accent being laid on one of the former syllables. A Repetition of RULE II. respecting Vowels, or Voice-Letters, in syllables ending with a consonant. The vowels are pronounced short in all syllables ending with a consonant, (except in the particular cases hereafter noted,) and the three first vowels have the foreign articulation, without any other material difference except that of being pronounced short. EXAMPLES. A has a short articulation of the English aw, or rather of the Italian a, as in add, bad, lad, mad, &c. E has exactly the sound of the Italian or French é, as in bed, fed, led, red, &c. I has a short articulation of the French i or English e, as in bid, did, hid, kid, &c. The short sound of the two other vowels (viz. o and u ) must be acquired by ear, (see page 5,) as in odd, got, not, rob, &c. and in mud, grub, strut, stun, &c. EXCEPTIONS to RULE II. Particular exceptions concerning a before a consonant. A is like the French ai in a′n-gel, bass, cám-brick, Cám-bridge, da′n-ger, and mán-ger. It has a medium sound between aw and the English a in han't, (for have not,) más-ter, and plás-ter,; and is like aw in hal-ser, (wherein l is mute,) false, and pal-sy. General exceptions concerning a before a consonant. A has the sound of aw likewise before ld and lt, as in bald, cal-dron, al-tar, &c. in all primitive monosyllables ending in ll, (except shall and mall, which are pronounced according to rule,) as in all, gall, fall, &c. and before lk, (wherein l is mute,) as balk, stalk, walk, talk, &c. but, before lf, lm, lve, and before nd in words derived from the Latin word mando, it is sounded like the Italian a, only somewhat shorter, as in half, calm, salve, command, demand, &c. Particular exceptions concerning e before a consonant. E is like a short i in England, pretty, yes, and yet, and like a short a in yel-low. General exception concerning e before s. E is long before s in the ultimate of plural nouns, and third persons singular of verbs when preceded by c, s, z, or g, as in fá-ces, S final in these cases is always pronounced like z. hór-ses, as-sí-zes, rá-ges, &c. but, in all other terminations with silent e, (except in Latin words,) the es may be sounded in the same syllable, as bride, brides; ride, rides; name, names; &c. Particular exceptions concerning i before a consonant. I retains its English or long sound in blithe, endict and indict, (wherein c is mute,) mild, pint, and wild; also in child and Christ, but not in their derivatives, children, christen, and Christian. General exceptions concerning i before a consonant. I is long in all primitive words (and their compounds and derivatives) ending in nd, as bind, rind, wind, &c. though in wind, the substantive, and its compounds, it is sometimes pronounced short. It is also long before gh, as in high, nigh, light, &c. in which gh is mute, having no other use than that of lengthening the i. It is long also before gn at the end of a word, and the g is mute, as in be-nign, sign, and its compounds consign, design, &c. and their derivatives in -er, -ed, -edly, and -ment, but no others; for in re-sig-na-tion, consig-na-tion, sig-ni-fied, &c. the i is short according to rule, and the g is pronounced. General exceptions concerning o before a consonant. O retains its long sound in all words ending in ld and lt, as behóld, bold, cold, bolt, colt, &c. and in all their compounds and derivatives. Particular exceptions of o before a consonant. O is long in boll, bolster, comb, ( wherein b is mute, ) control, droll, folk, ( wherein l is mute, ) force, fort, ghost, gross, holster, host, most, only, post, poll, pat-roll, port, roll, scroll, sloth, sport, and sword, ( wherein w is mute, ) stroll, toll, and troll, and in their compounds, &c. But in compt and its compounds, ac-compt, &c. it sounds like the English diphthong ou, as if spelt count, account, &c. O has the sound of a short u In the dialects of Lancashire, and some other places, the o is pronounced according to rule in many of these words. in af-frónt, at-tór-ney, bomb, bór-age, bó-rough, bró-ther, co-lour, cóm-fits, cóm-fort, cóm-pany, cóm-pass, cón-duit, cón-ey, cón-sta-ble, cóz-en, cóv-e-nant, cóv-er, cóv-et, cóv-ey, dis-cóm-fit, dóz-en, góv-ern, hón-ey, Lón-don, Món-day, món-ey, monk, món-key, món-ger, món-grel, month, móth-er, ón-ion, óth-er, óv-en, póm-mel, póth-er, róm-age, ront, son, shóv-el, slóv-en, smóth-er, ton, thó-rough-ly, won, wón-der, word, world, work, worm, wór-sted, worth, wóm-an, ( in the singular only, the plural being pronounced as if spelt wím-men,) wór-ry, wort, wór-ship, and their compounds, &c. except diÓs;-cov-er and re-cóv-er, which are pronounced according to rule. O is sounded like oo in tomb and womb, ( wherein b is silent, ) lo-ser, gold, whom, and whose; In the northern parts of England, the words gold, who, whom, and whose, are pronounced properly as they are spelt. and is mute in jeóp-ar-dy, leó-pard, and peó-ple, which are pronounced as if written jép-par-dy, lép-pard, pée-ple. Particular exceptions of u before a consonant. U is like a short i in bu-sy, and its compounds, &c. and the s like z. Repetition of RULE III. relating to VOWELS in syllables ending with silent e. When e or ue follow a consonant in the same syllable, the preceding vowel retains its original open, or long, sound. Examples. Ace, face, re-céde, dice, vote, con-fúte, vague, vogue, col-légue, &c. Also ad-více, de-více, en-tíce, suf-fíce, sac-ri-fíce, a-líve, con-níve, con-tríve, de-prive, de-ríve, re-víve, and sur-víve, which are accented on the last syllable. N. B. Derivatives from words ending in e for the most part retain their original sound, even when the e is omitted, as spar-ing, -ed, from spare; wast-er, -ing, -ed, from waste; rang-er, -ing, -ed, from range; &c. The vowel a is long, even before two consonants, when they are followed by e in the same syllable, (except before -nce,) as in ache, haste, waste, change, grange, range, &c. and their compounds and derivatives. EXCEPTIONS to RULE III. General exceptions. The four vowels, e, i, o, u, are sounded short before two consonants, as in fringe, re-venge, solve, serve, tinge, sludge, grudge, &c. Words having the accent on the penultima Last syllable but one. or antepenultima; Last syllable but two. in all which the last syllable, being short, is pronounced as if the e and ue final were absent, as in cál-a-mine, Cáth-a-rine, cát-a-logue, déc-a-logue, de-pós-ite, dés-tine, de-tér-mine, dis-frán-chise, dóc-trine, én-gine, ép-i-logue, éx-qui-site, grán-ite, har-ángue, fín-ite, and its compounds, már-it-ime, méd-i-cine, mín-ute, ( not the adjective for small,) mor-tise, péd-a-gogue, prác-tise, (verb,) pró-logue, pró-mise, sap-phire, sy′n-a-gogue, tréa-tise, and u-rine. Particular exceptions. The following monosyllables are likewise pronounced as if e final were absent, viz. dare, (the verb,) give, gone, have, live, and one. One is pronounced as if spelt w n. There, were, and where, are pronounced as if spelt with the diphthong ai, thair, wair, and whair; but in all other words (except what are mentioned above) the vowels a, e, i, or y, when they come before re When a consonant comes before re and le final, the e is never sounded last, but always before the last consonant of the word, as in a-cre, mi-tre, hum-ble, &c. which are sounded a ker, mi-ter, hum-bel , &c. final, are sounded long according to the third rule, as in are, care, here, mere, desire, fire, lyre, &c. as if spelt air, cair, heer, meer, desier, &c. Particular exceptions concerning i in syllables ending with silent e. I is sounded like ee in writhe and o-blige, though in the northern parts of England the latter is sounded according to rule. General exceptions concerning i in syllables ending with silent e. I in all adjectives of more than one syllable ending in ile, and in all words (except those mentioned in the above example) ending in ice and ive, is pronounced short, as in sér-vile, jú-ven-ile, ca-príce, mál-ice, én-dive, pós-it-ive, &c. Particular exceptions concerning o in syllables ending in silent e. O like a short u in a-bóve, come, cóme-ly, done, dove, glove, love, póre-blind, some, shove, sponge, tongue, worse, and in the termination -dom; and like oo in lose, move, prove, and Rome. Of PROPER DIPHTHONGS. Proper diphthongs have sounds of their own, different from the long and short sounds of the English vowels. RULE IV. Au and aw like the French a in ame, as in maul, paul, sprawl, law, saw, paw, &c. Particular exceptions. Au is like a long o in auf (more commonly spelt oaf ) and hautboy, like a short o in cauliflower, and like the English a long in gauge. RULE V. Oi and oy. The proper articulation of these diphthongs is that which is given them in the English words oil, boil, coy, hoy, &c. (See list of vowels, diphthongs, &c. which cannot be expressed in foreign letters, page 5.) Oi is sounded like short u in tor-toise. RULE VI. Oo is like the French ou in bout, as in boot, broom, loop, moor, poor, &c. Particular exceptions. Oo is not pronounced so full, but partakes a little of the sound of a short u in blood, flood, foot, good, hood, stood, soot, wood, and wool. Oo has the sound of o long in door and floor. Door and floor are pronounced by the vulgar in the northern parts of England as they are spelt, for they give the oor, in these words, the same sound that it has in , moor, poor, &c. RULE VII. Ou, ow. The proper pronunciation of these diphthongs is that which is given them in the English words bound, found, crown, cow, flower, sow, (noun,) coward, &c. For a more particular account see page 4. Particular exceptions concerning ou. Ou is like a short u in bouge, boúg-et, ( commonly written budge and budget,) bór-ough, coún-try, coú-ple, coúr-age, coús-in, doú-ble, doúb-let, joúr-nal, joúr-ney, mounch, noúr-rish, thór-oughly, thór-ough-fare, troú-ble, touch, scourge, Ou in scourge is sometimes like a long. shou'd, cou'd, and wou'd; also in enough, rough, slough, (when it signifies the part which separates from a sore,) and tough, in all which the gh final sounds like f; but ou is like a short o in cough, lough, ( or lake,) and trough, as if spelt coff, loff, and troff. Ou is like o long in coul-ter, course, ( and its compounds dis-course, &c. ) court, dough, four, fur-lough, gourd, mourn, mould, moult, poult, poul-try, poul-ter-er, poul-tice, shoul-der, soul, though; and like oo in bouse, ca-rouse, gouge, through, and un-couth. General exceptions concerning ou. Ou before ght, which has a medium-sound between aw and o long, as in ought, bought, thought, &c. and in the termination of words of more than one syllable, in -our and -ous, it sounds like a short u, as in ho-nour, sa-viour, pi-ous, righ-teous, &c. Particular exceptions concerning ow. Ow sounds like o long in bow when it signifies a weapon or segment of a circle; (but in the verb bow it is pronounced according to rule.) It is like o long also in bowl, (or bason, but not in bowl the verb, nor its derivatives, &c.) blow, crow, flow, flown, (from fly,) glow, grow, know, low, mow, owe, own, prow, prowl, row, sow, (the verb,) show, slow, snow, strow, stow, tow, (noun and verb,) trow, and throw, and their derivatives. General exception concerning ow. Ow final, in words of more than one syllable, is like a short o, the w being mute; as in bár-row, bél-low, fól-low, &c. Three words are independent of this exception, viz. al-low, wherein ow is pronounced according to the rule, and be-low and bestow, wherein it sounds like o long. N. B. Many of the words contained in the above exceptions are pronounced in the broad dialects of the northern parts of England as they are spelt; that is, ou and ow are pronounced according to the 7th rule, as in bound, cow, &c. viz. trough, (making gh silent,) four, mould, moult, poultry, poultice, shoulder, bowl, (or bason, ) glow, grow, mow, owe, own, strow, trow, ought, bought, &c. Of improper Diphthongs. Improper diphthongs take the sound of but one of their vowels, the other being mute. RULE VIII. Ai, ay, and ey, are like the French ai, or English a long, as ai in dainty, bail, gain, day, may, grey, prey, convey, obey, survey, bey, dey, &c. Particular exceptions concerning ai. Ai is like a short e in vil-lain and mur-rain, and sometimes in said. General exceptions concerning ai. Ai when alone, or at the end of a syllable, is like the Greek , or English i long, as in A-chai-a, and the Hebrew names Ben-ái-ah, Is-ái-ah, Mi-cái-ah, Cái-a-phas, &c. Particular exceptions concerning ey. Ey is like the English i in hey! and hey-day! and like the English e or French i in Ceylon, key, and Seymour. General exceptions concerning ey. Ey, at the end of words of more than one syllable, (when the accent is placed on a former syllable,) is like a short i, as in ál-ley, at-tór-ney, bár-ley, gál-ley, hón-ey, &c. RULE IX. Ae, ea, ee, ei, ie, and oe, are like the French i in fille, or the English e long, as in daemon, ( or demon,) beat, dear, lead, and read, (verbs,) meet, feet, re-ceipt, de-ceit, de-ceive, ceil-ing, seign-o-ry, seize, shield, re-prieve, grief, foe-tus, sub-poena, &c. Particular exceptions concerning ea. Ea is like the French é in bread, breakfast, breast, breath, (noun only,) cleanly, and cleanse, ( not in clean,) dead, deaf, death, dread, en-déa-vour, féa-ther, héav-en, héav-y, jéal-ous, léav-en, lead, (metal,) léath-er, méa-sure, mis-téach, péas-ant, phéas-ant, pléas-ure, péas-cod, réad-y, realm, read, (only in the preter tense and participle passive,) stéad-y, in-stéad, spread, sweat, teat, thread, thréat-en, tréach-e-ry, tread, tréa-sure, wéa-ther, wéap-on, wreak, zéa-lous, zéal-ot, ( not in zeal,) yeast, and their compounds and derivatives not already excepted. But like the French diphthong ai in bear, In the northern parts of England, break and great are pronounced according to rule. break, great, swear, tear, (the verb,) wear, wheal, and weal, ( the mark of a stripe, but not in weal for prosperity,) and like a short a in heark-en, hearth, and heart. General exceptions concerning ea. But in all other words before r, when another consonant follows in the same syllable, it is sounded like er or ir, as in dearth, earl, earn, earn-est, earl-y, earth, hearse, heard, learn, &c. Ea before three consonants in the same syllable is like the French é, as in health, breadth, wealth, &c. Particular exceptions concerning ee. Ee is like a short i in breech, (noun and verb,) breechings, and breeches. Particular exceptions concerning ei. Ei is like the long English i in sleight, (artifice,) but is like a short i in fór-feit and súr-feit; like a short e in fo-reign and hei-fer; and like the diphthong ai in hei-nous, heir, lei-sure, (though sometimes like a short e in lei-sure,) skein, their, veil, and vein. General exceptions concerning ei. Ei is like the long English i when it is not followed by a consonant in the same syllable; as in Pleï-a-des, Hei-del-berg, Hei-den-heym, Rei-gate, &c. but in ei-ther and nei-ther it is sometimes like the English a long, and sometimes according to rule, like the English e long. Ei is like the English a in all words wherein it precedes -gh, gn, and -nt, in the same syllable, as weigh, freight, deign, feign, &c. (in all which g is mute,) feint, teint, &c. except in three words mentioned above, sleight, seignory, and foreign. Particular exceptions concerning ie. Ie is like a short e in friend, and like a short i in sieve. General exceptions concerning ie and oe. Ie and oe at the end of a word are always like the first vowel in each diphthong, viz. ie like i long, and oe like o long, as in die, foe, &c. except in two words, shoe and canoe, wherein oe is commonly like oo. N. B. The same is to be observed of the diphthong ue and ye at the end of a word; the former being like a long u, and the latter like a long i, as in due, pye, &c. the same likewise when s is added to make the plural nouns or third person singular of verbs, as dies, foes, dues, pies, &c. and the s so added is pronounced like z. RULE X. Eu, ew, and iew, like a single u long, Eau in beauty (and its derivatives) has likewise the same sound. as in Eu-rope, eu-nuch, brew, dew, view, &c. Except ew in sew, which is commonly sounded like a long o. RULE XI. Oa is pronounced like o long, as in boat, coat, grown, moan, &c. Except in broad, a-broad, and groat, wherein it partakes a little of the sound of aw; and like ai in goal, (for gaol, ) and the g is pronounced soft, as if spelt jail. RULE XII. Ue and ui, before a consonant in the same syllable, have the short sound of the last vowel in each diphthong; viz. ue like a short e, as in guess, guest, &c. and ui like a short i, as in build, guild, conduit, &c. but in words ending with silent e, the diphthong ui is pronounced like the English i long, according to the third rule, as in guide, guile, disguise, &c. Particular exceptions. In the following words, the u alone is pronounced, viz. bruise, cruise, fruit, juice, nui-sance, pur-suit, re-cruit, sluice, suit, and suit-or, which are sounded as if spelt bruze, cruze, nu-sance, &c. N. B. When ua, ue, ui, and uo, follow q in the same syllable, the u has the power of w, which power cannot more easily be expressed to foreigners than by comparing it to the sound of u in the French word quoi! or quoy! as in quar-rel, quack, ques-tion, quick, quite, quit, quote, &c. A TABLE of words, which are independent of the foregoing Rules and Exceptions, with the common Pronunciation expressed in Italics. BUOY, boey; victuals, vittles; colonel, curnel; George, Jorge; island, iland; lieutenant, leuftenant; quay, kee; two, too; yacht, yot; yeoman, yewman; yelk, or yolk, (of an egg,) yoke. A TABLE of Foreign Words which still retain their original Pronunciation, (or nearly so,) notwithstanding that they are in a Manner adopted, by frequent Use, into the English Language. ACcoutre, antique, archives, arriere, banditti, beau, bureau, caviare, cartouch, connoisseur, courier, croup, cuirass, environ, escrutoire, fascine, groupe, intrigue, lieu, machine, magazine, marine, palanquin, pas, piquant, pique, piquet, police, poltron, ponton, prame, profile, rendezvous, roquelaure, rouge, scout, sophi, soup, tête-à-tête, tornado, toupee, tour, transmarine, vermicelli, violoncello, jonquil, adieu. A TABLE, or INDEX, of the Words, which (with their several Compounds and Derivatives) are Exceptions to the foregoing Rules, viz. A. Vowels. Sounded like Rule. Page. ABóve o ŭ 3 21 A-bróad oa aw 11 30 Ac-qui-ésce i ā 1 12 Af-frónt o ŭ 2 17 An-gel a ā 2 14 A-ny a ĕ 2 12 At-tór-ney o ŭ 2 17 Auf au ō 4 22 B.         Bass a ā 2 14 Bear (noun and verb) ea ai 9 27 Be-lów ow ō 7 25 Be-stów ow ō 7 25 Bí-er i ē 1 12 Blithe i ī 2 16 Blood oo ŭ 6 23 Blow ow ō 7 24 Boll o ō 2 17 Ból-ster o ō 2 17 Bomb o ŭ 2 17 Bór-age o ŭ 7 23 Bór-ough o ŭ 2 17 Bór-ough ou ŭ 2 17 Bouge ou ŭ 7 23 Boúg-et ou ŭ 7 23 Bouse ou oo 7 24 Bow (noun) ow ō 7 24 Bowl (or bason) ow ō 7 24 Bread ea ĕ 9 27 Break ea ā 9 27 Bréak-fast ea ĕ 9 27 Breast ea 27 Breath (noun) ea 27 Breéch, -es, -ings, ee ĭ 9 28 Broad oa aw 11 30 Bróth-er o u 2 18 Bruise ui ū 12 31 Bu-sy u ĭ 2 18 C.         Cám-brick a ā 2 14 Cam-bridge a ā 2 14 Can-óe oe oo 9 29 Car-oúse ou oo 7 24 Caú li-flower au ŏ 4 22 Cey lon ey ē 8 26 Child but not their derivatives i ĭ 2 16 Christ but not their derivatives Clean-ly not in clean ea ĕ 9 27 Cleanse not in clean ea ĕ 9 27 Cól-our o ŭ 2 18 Comb o ō 2 17 Come o ŭ 3 21 Come-ly o u 3 21 Com-ats o ŭ 2 18 Cóm-fort o u 2 18 Com-pa-ny o ŭ 2 18 Cóm-pass o ŭ 2 18 Compt o ou 2 17 Con-duit o ŭ 2 18 Con-ey o ŭ 2 18 Con-sta-ble o ŭ 2 18 Con-trol o ō 2 17 Cou'd ou ŭ 7 23 Cóv-e-nant o ŭ 2 18 Cóv-er o ŭ 2 18 Cóv-et o ŭ 2 18 Cóv-ey o ŭ 2 18 Cough ou ŏ 7 24 Cóul-ter ou ō 7 24 Cóun-try ou ŭ 7 23 Cóu-ple ou ŭ 7 23 Coúr-age ou ŭ 7 23 Course, (dis-course, &c.) ou ō 7 24 Court ou ō 7 24 Coú-sin ou ŭ 7 23 Cóz-en (verb) o ŭ 2 18 Crow ow ō 7 24 Cruise ui ū 12 31 Cú-cum-ber u ou 1 13 D.         Dán-ger a ā 2 14 Dare a ă 3 20 Dead ea ĕ 9 27 Deaf ea ĕ 9 27 Death ea ĕ 9 27 Dis-cóm-fit o ŭ 2 18 Do o oo 1 13 Done o ŭ 3 21 Door oo ō 6 23 Dove o ŭ 3 21 Doú-ble ou ŭ 7 23 Doúb-let Dough ou ō 7 24 Doz-en o ŭ 2 18 Dread ea ĕ 9 27 Droll o ō 2 17 E.         En-déa-vour ea ĕ 9 27 En-dict and Indict i ī 2 16 Eng-land e ĭ 2 15 E noúgh ou ŭ 7 23 F.         False a au 2 15 Fá-ther a aw 1 12 Feá-ther ea ĕ 9 27 Flood oo ŭ 6 23 Floor oo ō 6 23 Flow ow ō 7 24 Flown (from fly) ow ō 7 24 Folk o ō 2 17 Foot oo ŭ 6 23 Force o ō 2 17 Fort o ō 2 17 For-eign ei ĕ 9 28 9 28 Fór-feit ei ī 9 28 Four ou o 7 24 Friend ie ĕ 9 29 Fruit ui ū 12 31 Fúr-lough ou ō 7 24 G.         Gauge au ā 4 22 Ghost o ō 2 17 Give i ĭ 3 20 Glove o ŭ 3 21 Glow ow ō 7 24 Goal (g soft) oa ā 11 30 Gold o oo 2 18 Gone o o 3 20 Good oo 6 23 Gov-ern o 2 18 Gouge ou oo 7 24 Gourd ou ō 7 24 Great ea ā 9 27 Groat oa aw 11 30 Gross o ō 2 17 Grow ow ō 7 24 H.         Hál-ser (l mute) a aw 2 15 Han't (for have not) a aw 2 15 Have a ă 3 20 Haút-boy (t mute) au ō 4 22 Head ea ĕ 9 27 Héark-en ea ă 9 28 Heart ea ă 9 28 Hearth ea ă 9 28 Héav-en ea ĕ 9 27 Hea-vy ea ĕ 9 27 Héi-fer ei ĕ 9 28 Héin-ous ei ā 9 28 Heir (h mute) ei ā 9 28 Hey! Hey-day! ey ī 8 26 Hol-ster o ō 2 17 Hon-ey o ŭ 2 18 Hood oo ŭ 6 23 Host o ō 2 17 I.         Jéa-lous ea ĕ 9 27 Jéop-ar dy eo ĕ 2 18 In-stead ea ĕ 9 27 Joúr-nal ou ŭ 7 23 Joúr-ney ou ŭ 7 23 Juice ui ū 12 31 K.         Key ey ee 8 26 Know ow ō 7 24 L.         Lead (noun) ea ĕ 9 27 Léath-er ea ĕ 9 27 Léav-en ea ĕ 9 27 Lei-sure ei ā and sometimes 9 28 Léo-pard eo e 2 18 Live i ĭ 3 20 Lón-don o ŭ 2 18 Lose, -er, o oo 3 22 2 18 Love o ú 3 21 Lough (or lake) o ó 7 24 Low ow ó 7 25 M.         Mam-má a aw 1 12 Man-ger a ā 2 15 Má-ny a ă 1 12 Ma -ter a aw 2 15 Meas-ure ea ĕ 9 27 Mild i ī 2 16 Mis-téach ea e 9 27 Món-day o u 2 18 Món-ey o ŭ 2 18 -Món-ger o u 2 18 Món-grel o ú 2 18 Monk o ú 2 18 Món-key o ŭ 2 18 Month o ū 2 18 Most o ō 2 17 Móth-er o ŭ 2 18 Move o oo 3 22 Mould ou ō 7 24 Moult ou ō 7 24 Mounch ou ŭ 7 23 Mourn ou ō 7 24 Mow ow ō 7 25 Múr-rain ai ĕ 8 26 N.         Noú-rish ou ŭ 7 23 Nuí-sance ui ū 12 31 O.           i       O-blíge o ee 3 21 One o ŏ 3 20 On-ion o ŭ 2 18 On-ly o ō 2 17 Oth er o ŭ 2 18 Ov-en o ŭ 2 18 Owe, own, ow ō 7 25 P.         Pál-sey a aw 2 15 Pa-pá a aw 1 12 Pa-tról o ō 2 17 Péa-sant a e 9 27 Péas-cod Peó-ple eo ē 2 18 Phéas-ant ea 9 27 Pi-er i ē 1 12 Pint i ī 2 16 Plás-ter a aw 2 15 Pleá-sant ea ĕ 9 27 Pléa-sure Poll o ō 2 17 Port o ō 2 17 Post o ō 2 17 Póm-mel o ŭ 2 18 Póth-er o ŭ 2 18 Póre-blind o ŭ 3 21 Poult ou ō 7 24 Poúl-try, Poúl-ter-er, Poúl-tice ou ō 7 24 Prét-ty e ĭ 2 15 Prove o oo 3 22 Prow ow ō 7 25 Prowl Pur-suit ui ū 12 31 R.         Read (perfect tense, participle passive) ea ĕ 9 27 Reá-dy ea ĕ 9 27 Realm ea ĕ 9 27 Re-cruit ui ū 12 31 Roll o o 2 17 Róm-age o ŭ 2 18 Rome o oo 3 22 Ront o ŭ 2 18 Rough ou ŭ 7 23 Row, (noun and verb) ow ō 7 25 S.         Said ai ĕ 8 26 Scourge ou ŭ & ŏ 7 23 Scroll o ō 2 17 Sew ew ō 10 30 Séy-mour ey ō 8 26 Shoe oe oo 9 29 Shou'd ou 7 23 Shove o ŭ 3 22 Shóv-el o ŭ 2 18 Shoúld-er ou ŏ 7 24 Show ow ŏ 7 25 Sieve ie ĭ 9 29 Skein ei ai 9 28 Sleight (Artifice) ei ī 9 28 Slough (Suppuration from a Sore) ou ŭ 7 23 Slóv-en o ŭ 2 18 Slow ow ō 7 25 Sluice ui ū 12 31 Smóth-er o ŭ 2 18 Snow ow ō 7 25 Some o ŭ 3 22 Son o ŭ 2 18 Soot oo ŭ 6 23 Soul ou ō 7 24 Sow (Verb) ow ō 7 25 Sponge o ŭ 3 22 Sport o ō 2 17 Spread ea ĕ 9 27 Stéad-y ea ĕ 9 27 Stood oo ŭ 6 23 Strow ow ō 7 25 Stroll o ō 2 17 Strow ow ō 7 25 Suit ui ū 12 31 Suít-or ui ū 12 31 Súr-feit ei ĭ 9 28 Swear ea ai 9 28 Sweat ea ĕ 9 27 Sword o ō 2 17 T.         Tear (Verb) ea ai 9 28 Teat ea ĕ 9 27 Ti-er i ē 1 12 Their ei ai 9 28 There e ai 3 20 Though ou ō 7 24 Thór-ough-fare o ŭ 2 18 Thór-ough-ly ou ŭ 7 23 Thread ea ĕ 9 27 Thréat-en ea ĕ 9 27 Through ou oo 7 24 Throw ow ō 7 25 To o ŭ 1 13 Toll o ō 2 17 Tomb o oo 2 18 Ton o ŭ 2 18 Tongue o ŭ 2 22 Tor-toise oi ŭ 5 22 Touch ou ŭ 7 23 Tough ou ŭ 7 24 Tow (Noun and Verb) ow ō 7 25 Tréach-e-ry ea ĕ 9 27 Tread ea ĕ 9 27 Treas-ure ea e 9 27 Troll o ō 2 17 Tróu ble ou ŭ 7 24 Trough ou ŏ 7 24 Trow ow ō 7 25 V.         Veil ei ai 9 28 Vein ei ai 9 28 Vil-lain ai é 8 26 Un-cóuth ou oo 7 24 W.         Wá-ter a aw 1 12 Weal (Mark of a Stripe) ea ai 9 28 Wéap-on ea ĕ 9 27 Wéath-er ea ĕ 9 27 Wear ea ai 9 28 Were e ai 3 20 Wheal (a Stripe) ea ai 9 28 Where e ai 3 20 Who o sometimes oo 1 13 Whom o ditto 2 18 Whose o ditto 2 18 Wild i ī 2 16 Womb o oo 2 18 Wó-man, Wó-men, o ŭ & ĭ 2 18 Won o ŭ 2 18 Wón-der o ŭ 2 18 Wood oo ŭ 6 23 Wool oo ŭ 6 23 Word o ŭ 2 18 World o ŭ 2 18 Work o ŭ 2 18 Worm o ŭ 2 18 Wórst-ed o ŭ 2 18 Wór-ry o ŭ 2 18 Wór-ship o ŭ 2 18 Wort o ŭ 2 18 Wort o ŭ 2 18 Worth o ŭ 2 18 Worse o ŭ 2 22 Wou'd ou ŭ 7 23 Wreak ea ĕ 9 27 Writhe i ee 3 21 Y.         Yeast ea ĕ 2 27 Yél-low e ă 2 15 Yes e ĭ 2 15 Yet e ĭ 2 15 Z.         Zeál-ous, Zeál-ot, ea ĕ 9 27 AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING A brief Account OF THE CHIEF PECULIARITIES OF THE ENGLISH CONSONANTS, By the late Rev. Mr. T. S. AN APPENDIX, &c. 1. B is mute before t, or after m, in the same syllable, as debt, lamb, &c. 2. C sounds soft, like s, when followed by e, i, or an apostrophe, (denoting the absence of e, ) as cedar, city, danc'd, &c. C sounds like sh, when followed by ea, ia, ie, or io, making different syllables, as ocean, ancient, precious, social, &c. except society. CC, when followed by e or i, sounds like x, as in accept, accident, &c. C is mute in indict, victuals, scene, scent, science, sciatica, scissors, scission, scymitar, scythe, and the proper names, Scyros, Scylla, and Scythia. In all other cases c sounds hard like k. 3. Ch, when properly English, has the same sound with the Italian c before e or i. Example, child, chain, &c. It sounds also like sh in words derived from the French, as chaise, Champaigne, &c. and like k in words of Greek extraction, as Christ, school, stomach, archangel, &c. pronounced ark-angel. But if arch comes before a consonant, ch has then its proper English sound, as in arch-bishop. Ch in loch sounds like f. Ch is mute in drachm, schedule, and schism. 4. D is mute before ge, as in judge, bridge, &c. also in soldier. 5. F in of sounds like v. 6. G sounds soft like j before e, i, or an apostrophe, and hard (like the Greek γ) in all other cases. Example. Angel, rage, rag'd, giant, ginger, &c. Exceptions to g 's sounding soft. 1. In the participles passive of words ending in g hard (and also whereever g is doubled) it continues hard, notwithstanding the vowels e or i, or an apostrophe, as in dragg'd, begging, digging, &c. 2. In the termination ger, wherever it makes a distinct syllable, g sounds hard, as in an-ger, fin-ger, lon-ger, stron-ger, &c. in which kind of words it may be observed, that the g sounds double, so as to belong to both syllables. 3. Derivatives in er, ed, or ing, from primitives in ng, retain the g hard, as sing-ing, sing-er, from sing; hang-ing, hang-er, from hang; wing-ed, or wing'd, from wing, &c. in which kind of words it may be observed, that g sounds single, and belongs to the first syllable only. 4. In the following words g is hard notwithstanding it comes before e or i; viz. geese, gewgaw, geld, gelt, Gertrude, get, (with its compounds,) gibberish, gibbous, giddy, gift, gig, giggle, gild, girl, give, for-give, gilt, gimblet, gimp, gird, girt, girdle, be-gin, gizzard, Gideon, Gibbons, Gilbert, and Gilpin. G is mute before n in the same syllable, as guash, sign, sovereign, &c. also in phlegm, seraglio, and bagnio. 7. Gh sounds like g hard in ghost, and like ff in cough, lough, laugh, laughter, rough, slough, tough, trough, and enough. In other words it is mute. 8. H is mute in hour, honour, honest, heir, herb, humour, hostler, thyme, John, Thomas, Thomasin, and Thames. Also in Greek words when preceded by R, as rheum, rhyme, rhetoric, myrrh, &c. and, lastly, at the end of words, as ah, hah, Isaiah, Sarah, &c. 9. K is mute before n in the same syllable, as in knave, know, knight, &c. 10. L is mute in balk, talk, walk, stalk, halm, calm, calf, calves, falcon, half, alves, holme, (an island,) and Holmes, (a surname,) psalm, qualm, salmon, could, should, and would. 11. N is mute after m in the same syllable, as hymn, autumn, solemn, &c. 12. P is mute before s, and between m and t, as psalm, tempt, &c. 13. Ph is always sounded like f, except in Stephen, nephew, and phial, where it sounds like v. Ph is mute in phthisic, and is pronounced tizzic. 14. Q is always followed by u, and, when it begins a syllable, sounds like cw, by which (as Mr Johnson observes) our Saxon ancestors well expressed it. But, in terminations from the Latin -quus, and also in words of French extraction, it sounds like k. Example. Oblique, antique, quoif, conquer, risque, traffique, &c. some of which words are now more commonly spelt with c or k, as coif, risk, traffic, &c. 15. S sounds like z. 1. In the third persons singular of all verbs, and the plural number of all nouns, as in has, was, tries, bees, times, &c. 2. In pronouns possessive, as his, hers, theirs, and also when preceded by the comma denoting possession, as father's, mother's, Tom's, Will's, &c. Also in the particle as. Exceptions to the two last Sections. S has its proper sound when preceded by c, k, ck, f, p, q, or t, which admit not the sound of z so easily after them, as in speaks, beats, rocks, Jack's, Dick's, Gilbert's, cock's spur, cat's paw, &c. 3. S sounds like z preceded by a liquid in the same syllable, as damsel, crimson, Thames, Jersey, Guernsey, &c. and also, 4. S, between two vowels, most commonly sounds like z, as daisy, reprisal, pleasant, please, rosin, &c. Except house, mouse, louse, goose, geese, sausage, purchase, promise, case, mason, bason, basis, phasis, and thesis. Except also substantives in use, derived from Latin verbs, as use, abuse, disuse, refuse, excuse, &c. and adjectives derived from the participles passive of some Latin verbs, as recluse, profuse, abstruse, &c. Lastly, Except also the words contained in the next section but one, where s sounds like zh. II. S and ss sound like sh in sure, (with its compounds,) issue, tissue, fissure, pressure, Russian, &c. also in the terminations -assion, -ession, -ission, -ussion, as in passion, impression, mission, concussion, &c. III. S, when preceded by a vowel, and followed by ion or ian, sounds like zh, as invasion, Ephesian, vision, delusion, &c. But if it be preceded by a consonant, it sounds like sh, as in conversion, Persian, &c. S sounds also like zh before -ier, as osier, hosier, glasier, brasier, &c. and in the words leisure, measure, pleasure, and treasure. S is mute in isle, Lisle, Carlisle, island, viscount, and demesne. 16. T, before io or ia, (making part of the same syllable with i, ) sounds like sh, as nation, cautious, Egyptian, satiate, &c. But, if t belong to the former syllable, its retains its proper sound, as question, fustian, combustion, &c. T is mute in words ending with -stle, as castle, thistle, bristle, &c. Th has two sounds; the one soft, as in thy, the other hard, (like the Greek θ,) as in thigh. I. Th sounds soft, 1st, in thence, there, (with their compounds,) then, that, the, thee, these, this, those, thus, thou, thy, thine, their, theirs, them, though, although, beneath, bequeath, betroth, mouths, tythe, seythe, wreath, booth, and in the verbs bathe, mouth, seeth, loathe, soothe, and breathe. 2dly, Wherever it occurs between two vowels, as father, mother, &c. except words of Greek extraction, and also derivatives from words ending with th hard, as earthen from earth, &c. 3dly, Th sounds soft when placed between r and a vowel, as burthen, murther, &c. though in such words d is often pronounced instead of th, as murder, burden. In other cases th sounds hard. Th is mute in asthma, with its derivatives. 18. W is mute before r in the same syllable, as write, wrath, &c. also in sword, swoon, and answer, with their compounds and derivatives. The other consonants have the same powers as in other languages. The Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments, &c. divided into syllables, (according to the rule for spelling recommended by the learned Bishop Lowth,) with references placed to those syllables which are exceptions to the several rules laid down in this book respecting the pronunciation of vowels and diphthongs. The LORD's PRAYER. OUR Fá-ther,1 which art in Héav-en,2 hál-low-ed3 by thy Name. Thy Kíng-dom come.4 Thy will be done4 in Earth7 as it is in Héav-en.6 Give7 us this day our dai-ly bread.• And for-gíve7 us N. B. I the Tables of References, P. E. denotes Particular Exceptions, and G. E. denotes General Exceptions. denotes that it is to be pronounc d , and a line, or-, that it is to be pronounced long. Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 1 a in ha- see P. E. to I. 12 • ea in Heaven. — P. E. to IX. 27 • ow in hal-low-ed — G. E. to VII. 25 • o in come — P. E. to III. 21 • Ea in Earth — G. E. to IX. 28 • ea in Héav-en — P. E. to IX. 27 • in for-give — P. E. to III. 20 our trés-pas-ses• as we for-gíve• them that trespáss a-gainst us. And lead us not into temp-tá-tion,9 but de-lív-er us from (the) E-vil (Bé-ing;) for thine is the Kíng-dom, the Pów-er, and the Gló-ry, for év-er and év-er. Amen. The CREED. I Be-liéve in GOD the FA-THER1 ALMIGHTY,*2 Má-ker of Héav-en3 and Earth;4 and in JESUS CHRIST,5 his ón-ly6 Son,7 our Lord, who8 was cón-ceiv-ed by the Hó-ly Ghost,9 born of the Vír-gin Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 8 c -ses ē see G. E. to II. 16 9 -tion -shon see Table in 5 References to the Creed. 1 a in Fá-ther aw — P. E. to I. 12 * a in Al-, from all aw — G. E. to II. 15 2 i in -migh-ty i — G. E. to II. 16 3 ea in Héav-en, ĕ — P. E. to IX. 27 4 Ea in Earth ĕ — G. E. to IX. 28 5 i in Christ ī — P. E. to II. 16 6 o in ón-ly ō — P. E. to II. 17 7 o in Son ŭ — P. E. to II. 18 8 o in who oo — P. E. to I. 13 • o in Ghost ō — P. E. to II. 17 Má-ry, súf-fer-ed ún-der Pón-tius Pí-late, was crú-cif-i-ed, dead,10 and búr-i-ed;• he de-scén-ded ín-to Hell; the third day he rose á-gain from the dead;12 he as-cén-ded ín-to Héav-en,• and sít-teth at the right11 hand of GOD the FATHER1 AL-*MIGHTY,2 from thence he shall come2 to judge the Quick and the Dead.10 I be-líeve in the HO-LY GHOST,9 the hó-ly Cá-tho-lic Church, the Com-mú-ni-on13 of Saints, the for-gíve-ness14 of sins, the ré-sur-rec-tion15 of the bód-y, and the life ev-er-lást-ing. A-men. Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 10 ea in dead ĕ see P. E. to IX. 27 11 i before gh in right ī — G. E. to II. 16 * a in Al-, from all, aw — G. E. to II. 15 12 o in come — P. E. to III. 21 13 i before a vowel ĭ — G. E. to I. 12 14 i in give ĭ — P. E. to III. 20 15 -tion shon — Table 5 The TEN COMMANDMENTS.1 The first Tá-ble. Of our Dú-ty to-wárds GOD. GOD spake all2 these words,3 say-ing, I am THE LORD thy GOD, which have brought4 thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of Bón-dage. I. Thou shalt have5 no óth-er6 Gods be-fore me. II. Thou shalt not make ún-to thee á-ny7 grá-ven ím-age, or á-ny7 líke-ness (of á-ny thing) that (is) in Héav-en8 a-bóve,9 Reference to the Ten Commandments. Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 1 a in mand au see G. E. to II. 15 2 a in all aw — G. E. to II. 15 3 o in word ŭ — P. E. to II. 18 4 ou before ght aw — G. E. to VI. 24 5 a in have ă — P. E. to III. 20 6 o in óth-er ŭ — P. E. to II. 18 7 a in á-ny ĕ — P. E. to I. 12 8 ea in Héav-en ĕ — P. E. to IX. 27 or that is in the earth be-néath, or that is in the wá-ter un-der the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thy-sélf to them, nor serve them: for I, THE LORD thy GOD, am a jeal-ous•2 GOD, ví-sit-ing the in-í-quit-y* of the fá-thers up-ón the chíl-dren ún-to the third and fourth14 gen-er-á-tion of them that hate me, and shéw-ing mér-cy ún-to thóu-sands of them that love•• me and keep my com-mánd-ments.•• III. Thou shalt not take the name of THE LORD thy GOD in vain; for THE LORD will not hold† him guílt-less that tá-keth his name in vain. IV. Re-mém-ber the Sab-bath-Day to keep it hó-ly. Six days shalt thou lá-bour, Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 9 o in a-bove u see P. E. to III. 21 10 ea in earth e — P. E. to IX. 28 11 a in wa-ter aw — P. E. to I. 12 12 ea in jéal-ous — P. E. to IX. 27 13 a in Fá-ther — P. E. to I. 12 14 ou in fourth — P. E. to VII. 24 1• -tion shon Table in 5 16 o in love ù — P. E. to III. 21 * y final — G. E. to I. 13 † o in hold ō — G. E. to II. 17 and do•• all2 thy work;18 but the sév-enth is the Sáb-bath A Hebrew word signifying REST. of THE LORD thy GOD. In it thou shalt not do17 á-ny• work;1• thou, nor thy son,19 nor thy dáugh-ter, thy man-sér-vant, nor thy maid-sér-vant, nor thy cát-tle, nor thy strán-ger,2• that is wíth-in thy gates: for in six days the LORD made Héav-en• and Earth,• the Sea, and all• that in them is, and rest-ed the s v-enth day: whére-fore2• the LORD blessed the Sáb-bath-Day, and hál-low-ed22 it. The second Table. Of our Dú-ty to-wárds our Néigh-bour.2324 V. Hón-our24 thy fá-ther and mó-ther,2• that thy days may be long up-ón Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 1• o in do oo see P. E. to I. 13 15 o in work ú — P. E. to II. 18 19 o in son ù — P. E. to II. 18 20 a in strán-ger ā See Note on III. 19 21 e in where ai — P. E. to III. 20 22 ow in hál-low ŏ — G. E. to VII. 25 23 ei before gh ā — G. E. to IX. 29 24 ou in -our final ŭ — G. E. to VII. 24 25 o in mo-ther ŭ — P. E. to II. 18 the land which THE LORD thy GOD gív-eth thee. VI. Thou shalt not kill, (or do17 no múr-der.) VII. Thou shalt not com-mít a-dúl-ter-y.* VIII. Thou shalt not steal. IX. Thou shalt not bear false26 wít-ness a-gaínst thy neígh-bour.23 24 X. Thou shalt not cóv-et2• thy neígh-bour's23 24 house, thou shalt not cóv-et27 thy neígh-bour's23 24 wife, nor his man-sér-vant. nor his maid-sérvant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor á-ny7 thing that is thy neigh-bour's.23 24 Di-réc-tions for Práy-er, bé-ing a part of our Lord's Sér-mon on the mount. (Matth. vi. 5—15.) WHEN thou práy-est, thou shalt not be as the hyp-o-crites (are,) for they love1 to2 pray stánd-ing in the Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. * y final ĭ — G. E. to I. 13 26 a in false aw — P. E. to II. 15 27 o in cóv-et u — P. E. to II. 18 Directions for Prayer, &c. 1 o in love ŭ — P. E. to III. 21 2 o in to ŏo — P. E. to I. 13 syn-a-gogues3 and in the cór-ners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Vér-i-ly4 I say un-to you,5 They have6 their re-wárd. But thou, when thou práy-est, én-ter ín-to• thy clós-et, and, when thou hast shut thy door, pray to• thy Fá-ther• which is in sé-cret, and thy Fá-ther,7 which sé-eth in sé-cret, shall rewárd thee ó-pen-ly.4 But, when ye pray, use not vain rep-e-tít-ions,8 as the héathen do;9 for they think that they shall be heard1 0 for their1 1 much spéak-ing. Be not ye thére-fore1 2 like ún-to3 them: for your• Fá-ther7 knów-eth1 3 what things ye Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 3 o in syn-a gogues ŏ — G. E. to III. 20 4 y in vér-i-ly ĭ — G. E. to I. 13 5 ou in you and your ū — P. E. to VII. 24 6 a in have ă — P. E. to III. 20 7 a in Fá-ther aw — P. E. to I. 12 8 -tions.   See Table in 5 9 o in do oo — P. E. to I. 13 10 ea in heard ĕ before r — G. E. to IX. 28 11 ei in their ai — P. E. to IX. 28 12 e in there ai — P. E. to III. 20 13 ow in know ō — P. E. to VII. 24 have need of be-fóre ye ask him. Af-ter this mán-ner, thére-fore,1 2 pray ye:— Our Fá-ther,7 &c. ( See p. 56.) For, if ye for-gíve1 4 men their trés-pas-ses, your héav-en-ly1 5 Fá-ther7 will ál-so1 6 for-gíve1 4 you:5 but, if ye for-gíve1 4 not men their1 1 trés-pas-ses, nei-ther will your5 Fá-ther for-gíve1 4 your5 trés-pas-ses. A short Form of Mórn-ing-Práy-er for a pri-vate Pér-son. (Pré-vĭ-ous Med-it-á-tion.) WHERE-WITH1 shall I come2 befóre the Lord, and bow my-sélf be-fóre the High4 God? — He hath shéwed thee, O Man, what is good;5 and what Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 14 i in for-gíve ĭ — P. E. to III. 20 15 ea in Héav-en ĕ — P. E. to IX. 27 16 a in ál-so, from all aw — G. E. to II. 15 References to Morning-Prayer. 1 e in where aĭ — P. E. to III. 20 2 o in come ŭ — P. E. to III. 21 3 ow in bow (verb) ow according to VII. 23 • but in bow, (noun) ō — P. E. to VII. 24 4 i before gh ī — G. E. to II. 16 5 oo in good ŭ or oo — P. E. to VI. 23 doth the Lord re-quíre of thee, but to do6 júst-ly,7 and love8 mér-cy, and to walk9 húm-bly7 with thy God? ( Mi-cah vi. 6.) Give1 0 me un-der-stánd-ing, ( O LORD,) and I shall keep thy Law; yea,1 1 I shall ób-serve it with my whole heart.1 2 ( Psalm cxix. 34.) ¶ Then, humbly kneeling, say, O LORD our héav1 -en-ly2 Fá-ther,3 Al4 -migh5 -ty2 and ev-er-lást-ing God, who6 hast sáfe-ly2 brought7 (me) Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 6 o in do oo see P. E. to I. 13 7 y final ĭ — G. E. to I. 13 8 o in love ŭ — P. E. to III. 21 9 a before lk aw — G. E. to II. 15 10 i in give ĭ — P. E. to III. 20 11 ea in yea ā — P. E. to IX. 27 12 ea in heart ă — P. E. to IX. 28 References to the Prayer. 1 ea in héav-en-ly ĕ — P. E. to IX. 27 2 y final ĭ — G. E. to I. 13 3 a in Fá-ther aw — P. E. to I. 12 4 a in Al-, from all aw — G. E. to II. 15 5 i before gh in might ī — G. E. to II. 16 6 o in who and do oo — P. E. to I. 13 7 ou before ght aw — G. E. to II. 24 to8 the be-gín-ning of this day, de-fénd (me) in the same with thy mígh5 -ty2 pów-er; and grant that this day (I) fall9 ín-to8 no sin, néith-er run ín-to á-ny1 0 kind of dánger;1 2 but that all (my) dó4 -ings may be ór-der-ed by thy góv1 3-ern-ance to do8 al4 -ways that is rígh5 -teôus in thy sight5 through1 4 Jé-sus Christ1 5 our Lord. Amen. A Práy-er, for the Gift, or As-sist-ance, of the HO-LY SPIR-IT, to be ád-ded to the fórm-er. Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 8 o in to and do oo see P. E. to I. 13 9 a before ll in manosyllables aw — G. E. to II. 15 10 a in á-ny ĕ — P. E. to I. 12 11 i before nd ī — G. E. to II. 16 1 2 a in dán-ger ā — P. E. to II. 14 13 o in góv-ern ŭ — P. E. to II. 18 14 ou in through oo — P. E. to VII. 24 15 i in Christ ī — P. E. to II. 16 AL1 -mígh2 -ty3 God, ún-to4 whom5 all1 hearts6 be ó-pen, all1 de-síres known,7 and from whom5 no sé-crets are hid, cleanse8 the thoughts9 of my heart6 by the ín-spi-rá-tion10 of thy Ho-ly Spírit, that I may pér-fect-ly love11 thee, and wór12 -thil-y12 mág-nif-y thy hó-ly name, through13 Jé-sus Christ15 p .•6 . our Lord. A-men. ¶ Then, áf-ter re-com-ménd-ing Re-lá-tions, Friends,14 &c. to the mér-cy, bléss-ing, and References to the above Prayer and the following. Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 1 a in Al-, from all, aw see G. E. to II. 15 2 i before gh ī — G. E. to II. 16 3 y in the last syllable ĭ — G. E. to I. 13 4 o in to oo — P. E. to I. 3 5 o in who, whom ōo — P. E. to II. 18 6 ea in heart ă — P. E. to IX. 28 7 ow in known ō — P. E. to VII. 24 8 ea in cleanse ĕ — P. E. to IX. 27 9 ou before ght aw — G. E. to VII. 24 10 -tion shon Table in 5 11 o in love ŭ — P. E. to III. 21 12 o in wór-thil-y ŭ — P. E. to II. 18 13 ou in through oo — P. E. to VII. 24 14 ie in friends ĕ — P. E. to IX. 29 pro-téc-tion, of God, let the Lord's Práyer be ád-ded, (see p. 56,) and con-clúde with the fól-low15 -ing form of bléss-ing from the Hó-ly Scríp-tures, 2 Cor. xiii. 14. THE Grace of our Lord Jé-sus Christ, the Love11 of God, and the fél-low15 -ship of the Hó-ly Ghost,16 be with us all év-er-more. A-men. A short Form of E-ven-ing Práy-er for a prí-vate Pér-son. (Pré-vi1 -ous Med-it-á-tion.) GOD is a spír-it, and they that wór3 -ship him must wór-ship (him) in spír-it and in truth.4 ( John iv. 24.) Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 15 ow in fól-low & fél-low ŏ see G. E. to VII. 25. 16 o in Ghost ō — P. E. to II. 17 References to the Evening-Prayer. (Previous Meditation.) 1 i before a vowel ĭ — G. E. to I. 12 2 -tion, termination shon — Table in 5 3 o in wór-ship ŭ — P. E. to II. 18 4 u in truth, from true ū — G. E. to III. 19 This is the WILL of GOD, é-ven your Sanct-if-ic-á-tion, (said an A-pós-tle to the Thes-sal-ó-nĭ-ans,) that ye should5 áb-stain from forn-ic-á-tion;2 that év-er-y* one6 of you7 should5 know8 now to pós-sess his vés-sel in sanc-ti-fic-á-tion and hón-our;9 not in the lust of con-cú-pis-cence, é-ven as the Gén-tiles which know8 not God: That no man go be-yónd and de-fráud his Bróth-er10 in á-ny11 mat-ter, be-cáuse that the Lord is the a-vén-ger of all such, as we ál-so have12 tést-i-fied. For God hath not cál-led13 us ún-to14 un-cléan-ness, but ún-to14 hó-li†-ness. He, thére-fore,15 that Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 5 . ou in should ŭ see P.E. to VII. 23 y final ĭ — G. E. to I. 13 6 o in one won — P. E. to III. 20 7 ou in you ū — P. E. to VII. 24 8 o in know ō — P. E. to VII. 24 9 our, termination ŭ — Table in 5 10 o in bró-ther ŭ — P. E. to II. 18 11 a in á-ny ĕ — P. E. to I. 12 12 a in have ă — P. E. to III. 20 13 a in call aw — G. E. to II. 15 14 o in ún-to ŏo — P. E. to I. 13 † i for y   — G. E. to I. note 13 15 e in there ai — P. E. to III. 20 de-spí-seth, de-spí-seth not Man, but God, who16 hath ál-so17 gív-en ún-to14 us his hó-ly Spír-it. (1 Thess. c. iv.) "—What? Know18 ye not that your19 bód-y20 is the tém-ple of the Hó-ly20 Ghost,21 (which is) in you,19 which ye have12 of GOD, and that you are not your19 own?22 For ye are bought23 with a price; thére-fore15 gló-rif-y GOD in your bód-y and in your19 spír-it, which are GOD'S." (1 Cor. vi. 19 and 20.) "And now," ( my Soul,24 ) "what doth the LORD thy GOD requíre of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk25 in all26 his ways, and to love27 him, and to serve the LORD thy Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 16 o in do, who oo see P. E. to I. 13 17 a in al-, from all au — G. E. to II. 15 18 o in know ō — P. E. to VII. 24 19 ou in you and your ū — P. E. to VII. 24 20 y final ĭ — G. E. to I. 13 21 o in Ghost ō — P. E. to II. 17 22 ow in own ō — P. E. to VII. 25 23 ou before ght aw — G. E. to VII. 24 24 ou in soul ō — P. E. to VII. 24 25 a before lk aw — G. E. to II. 15 26 a before ll in words of aw — G. E. to II. 15 27 o in love ŭ — P. E. to III. 21 GOD with all26 thy heart28 and with all thy soul;24 to keep the com-mánd-ments29 of the Lord, and his stát-utes, for thy good?30 Be-hóld31 the Héav-en,32 and the Héav-en32 of Héav-ens,32 is the Lord's thy God; the Earth33 ál-so,17 with all26 that thére-in15 is. ( Deut. x. 12—14.) —He is a dis-cérn-er of the thoughts23 and in-ténts of the heart. This Text dé-clares the div-íne Om-nís-ci-ence of the lív-ing word of God, our great High Priest, Jé-sus, the Son of God; but it is súrely e-qual-ly áp-pli-ca-ble to all the three di-vine Pér-sons in the GOD-HEAD, éi-ther sép-ar-ate-ly or jóint-ly, Néith-er is there15 á-ny11 créa-ture that is not mán-if-est in his sight,34 but all26 things are ná-ked and ó-pen-ed ún-to14 the eyes of him with whom35 we have to do.16 ( Heb. iv. 12—14. This Text dé-clares the div-íne Om-nís-ci-ence of the lív-ing word of God, our great High Priest, Jé-sus, the Son of God; but it is súrely e-qual-ly áp-pli-ca-ble to all the three di-vine Pér-sons in the GOD-HEAD, éi-ther sép-ar-ate-ly or jóint-ly, ) Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 28 ea in heart ă see P. E. to IX. 28 29 a before nd aw — G. E. to II. 15 30 oo in good ŏo or ŭ — P. E. to VI. 23 31 o before ld ō — G. E. to II. 17 32 ea in Héav-en ĕ — P. E. to IX. 27 33 ea in earth ĕ — G. E. to IX. 28 34 i before gh ī — G. E. to II. 16 35 o in whom oo — P. E. to II. 18 ¶ Then, húm-bly knéel-ing, say, with a due sense of God's u-ni-vér-sal prés-ence, I Húm-bly1 be-séech thee, O Fá-ther,2 mér-ci• -ful-ly1 to look úp-on my in-fírm-it-ies;3 and, for the gló-ry1 of thy name, turn from me all those é-vils that I most ríght-e-ous-ly have de-sérv-ed; and grant, that, in all4 my tróu-bles,5 I may put my whole trust and cón-fid-ence in thy mer-cy, and év-er-more serve thee in hó-li3 -ness and púre-ness of lív-ing, to thy hón-our and gló-ry, through our ón-ly Me-di-á-tor and A′d-vo-cate, Jé-sus Christ our Lord. A-men. References to the Prayer. Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 1 y snal 1 — G. E. to I. 13 2 a in Fá-ther aw — P. E. to I. 12 3 i, or ie, substituted for y, ( l ke the y in the original word,   — G. E. to I. note. 13 4 a, before ll, in word of aw — G. E. to II. 15 5 ou in tróu-bles u — P. E. to VII. 23 6 ou in the termination our ŭ — G. E. to VII. 24 7 ou in through oo — P. E. to VII. 24 i in Christ ī — P. E. to II. 16 Práy-er for the Gift of the Hó-ly Spir-it. O GOD, fór-as-much as with-óut thee I am not a-ble to please thee, mér-ci• -ful-ly grant that thy Hó-ly Spir-it may in all4 things di-rect and rule my heart,8 through7 Je-sus Christ our Lord. A-men. ( From the Cól-lect for the 19th Sún-day áf-ter Trín-i-ty. ) ¶ Then húm-bly réc-om-mend your9 Re-la-tions,10 Friends, &c. to God's mér-cy, pro-téc-tion,10 and bles-sing; ádd-ing such pe-tít-ions10 as may seem most súit12 -a-ble to your9 Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 8 ea in heart ă see P. E. to IX. 28 9 ou in you and your ū — P. E. to VII. 24 10 tion shon — Table in 5 11 ie in friends ĕ — P. E. to IX. 29 •• ui in súit-a-ble ū — P. E. to XII. 31 own13 par-tíc-u-lar case, but with great14 cáu-tion and con-sid-er-á-tion, lest you "ask a-míss." (James iv. 3.) Af-ter-wards read the Lord's Práy-er, (as in p. 56,) with all pós-si-ble at-tén-tion to the méan-ing of each sén-tence, and with an áwe-ful sense of the con-tín-u-al prés-ence of the Di-vine Bé-ing, to whom•5 it is ad-dréss-ed; and con-clúde, as in the Form for Mórn-ing-Práy-er, at p. 65, with im-plór-ing the bléss-ing and com-mu-nic-á-tion10 of all the three di-víne Pér-sons, ac-córd-ing to the ex-ám-ple gív-en in Hó-ly Scrip-ture. See 2 Cor. xiii. 14. Reference. Sounded like. Rule. Page. 13 ow in own ō — P. E. to VII. 25 14 ea in great ā — P. E. to IX. 27 15 o in whom oo — P. E. to II. 18 THE END. A TABLE of the Contents of this Book. A Table of the VOICE-LETTERS, or VOWELS, Page. 3 A Table of the DOUBLE VOICE-LETTERS, called DIPHTHONGS, distinguishing the proper Diphthongs from the improper Diphthongs, with a reference to the several rules whereby they are explained Page. 4 A Table of VOWELS, DIPHTHONGS, and TERMINATIONS, the English sound of which cannot be expressed in foreign letters Page. 5 The English Alphabet Page. 6, 7 The 3 first Rules of English Pronunciation collated together, so as to shew atone view the various sounds which each Vowel regularly acquires by changing its position, in which the difficulty of the English language principally consists Page. 8-11 Exceptions (both General and Particular) to the 1st Rule Page. 12, 13 A Repetition of the 2d Rule, with Examples Page. 14 Exceptions to ditto Page. 14-18 Repetition of the 3d Rule, with some farther Explanations Page. 19 Exceptions to the 3d Rule Page. 20-22 Of proper Diphthongs Page. 22 Of Au and aw Rule IV. Page. 22 Of Oi and oy V. Page. 22 Of Oo VI. Page. 23 Of Ou and ow VII. Page. 23-25 Of improper Diphthongs in general Page. 25 Ai, ay, and ey Rule VIII. Page. 26 Ae, ea, ee, ei, ie, ae, oe IX. Page. 27-30 Eu, ew, and iew X. Page. 30 Oa XI. Page. 30 Ue and ui XII. Page. 30, 31 A Table of Words which are independent of the Rules Page. 31 A Table of foreign Words which still retain (or nearly so) the original Sound, though adopted in the English Tongue Page. 32 An Index of the Words which are particular Exceptions to the Rules Page. 33, 44 An Appendix concerning the chief Peculiarities of the English Consonants, by the Rev. Mr. T. S. Page. 44-55 The Lord's Prayer, Creed, Ten Commandments, &c. divided into Syllables, (according to the rule for spelling recommended by l p Lowth,) with References placed to all Syllables which are Exceptions to the Rules respecting the Sound of Vowels and Diphthongs, whereby the Difficulty of learning to read English will be much reduced Page. 56-74 Directions for Prayer Page. 62 A short Form of Morning-Prayer for a private Person Page. 64 A short Form of Evening-Prayer for a private Person Page. 68 ERRATA. At the End of the Particular Exceptions concerning ou, in p. 24, line 11, add but like ū in you and your. Add these two Words also in the Index of Particular Exceptions at p. 44, under their proper letter V. In p. 27, l. 2 , add the Word yea before yeast, and in the Index of Particular Exceptions, p. 43.