Mr. DAMPIER's Voyages.
VOL. II. PART I. His Voyage from Achin in Sumatra, to Tonquin, and other places in the Eaſt-Indies.
[1]CHAP. I.
The Connexion of this Diſcourſe with the Voy⯑age round the World. The Author's de⯑parture from Achin in the Iſle of Su⯑matra with Captain Weldon. Their Courſe along the Streights of Malacca. Pulo Nuttee, and other Iſlands. The R. and Kingdom of Jihore. Pulo Oro, and Pulo Timaon: Green Turtle there. Pulo Con⯑dore. Shoals of Pracel, River of Cambo⯑di, Coaſt of Champa, Pulo Canton. Co⯑chinchineſe, Pulo Champello, R. and City of Quinam. Oil of Porpuſſes and Turtle. Ship⯑wrackt Men detained uſually at Cochinchina [] year 1688 and Pegu. Aguala Wood from the Bay of Siam. Bay of Tonquin. I. of Aynam, and other Iſlands. Rokbo one mouth of the chief R. of Tonquin. Fiſhers I. River of Domea, the other Mouth. Its Bar and Entrance. Mountain Elephant. Pearl-Iſlands. Pilots of Batſha. They go up the River of Domea. Domea and its Gardens, and Dutch there. They leave their Ships at Anchor above it, where the Natives build a Town. They go up to the chief City in the Country Boats. The River and the Country about it. Leprous Beggars. Hean, a Town of note; Chineſe there. The Governor, Shipping and Tide. They arrive at Cachao, the Metropolis of Tonquin.
THE Reader will find upon peruſing my Voyage round the World, that I then omitted to ſpeak particularly of the excurſions I made to Tonquin, to Malacca, Fort St. George, and Bencouli, from Achin in the Iſle of Sumatra; together with the Deſcription I intended to give of thoſe parts. I do but juſt mention them there; but ſhall now proceed to a more diſtinct account of them.
And to keep to the order of time, the Reader may recollect, that my firſt departure from Achin was to Tonquin, along with Captain Weldon, about July 1688. as I have ſaid p. 505th. of my former Volume. I have there related in a page or two before, to how weak a condition my ſelf and my Companions were brought, through the fatigues of our paſſage from Nicobar to Achin: yet did not my weakneſs take me off from contriving ſome employment or expedition, whereby I might have a comfortable ſubſiſtence. Captain Weldon [3] year 1688 touched here, to ſell the Slaves he had brought with him from Fort St. George; it being in his way to the Streights of Malacca, and ſo to Tonquin, whither he was bound. This afforded me the op⯑portunity of trying that Voyage, to which he kindly invited me, and to which I was the more incouraged becauſe he had a good Surgeon in his Ship, whoſe Advice I needed: and my friend Mr. Hall was particularly animated thereby; who had alſo reſolved upon this Voyage, and was in a weak⯑er condition than my ſelf. Beſides, Capt. Weldon promiſed to buy a Sloop at Tonquin, of which he would make me Commander, to go a trading Voyage from thence to Cochinchina, Champa, Cam⯑bodia, or ſome others of the adjacent Countries: which Trade has been ſcarce, yet has been attempt⯑ed by our Country-men, and there were hopes it might turn to a good account; but this project came to nothing.
However, Captain Weldon having finiſhed his buſineſs at Achin, I ſet out thence with him thro' the Streights of Malacca, and we ſoon arrived at the Town of Malacca: of which Town and Country, I ſhall have a better occaſion to ſpeak hereafter. Here we found the Caeſar of London, commanded by Captain Wright, who came from Bombay, and was bound to China. He ſtopt here to water and refreſh, as is uſual for Ships to do that paſs theſe Streights. By him we were in⯑formed that three other Engliſh Ships had touched here, and were paſt on to the Faſtward ten days before. Theſe 3 Ships came from Fort St. George, in company with Captain Weldon: but his buſineſs [...]alling him to Achin, they in the mean time pro⯑ [...]ecuting their Voyage, got the ſtart of us thus much. The Caeſar was ſoon ready to ſail again, and went away the next Morning after our arrival at Malacca.
[4] year 1688 Our Captain being a Stranger to the Bay of Ton⯑quin, as were all his Ships company, he hired a Dutch Pilot at Malacca; and having finiſhed his buſineſs there, we ſet ſail, two days after the Cae⯑ſar. We were deſirous to overtake theſe four Ships, and therefore crouded all the Sail we could make; having a ſtrong weſterly Wind, accompa⯑nied with many hard Guſts and Tornadoes: and the very next day we got ſight of them; for they had not yet paſſed through a narrow Paſſage, called the Streights of Sincapore. We ſoon got up with them, and paſt through together; and ſailing about three leagues farther we anchored near an Iſland called Pulo Nuttee, belonging to the Kingdom of Jihore.
Here Captain Weldon took in Wood and Water, and ſome of the Indian Inhabitans came aboard us in their Canoas, of whom we bought a few Coco⯑nuts, Plantains, and freſh Fiſh. We ſtaid here not above 24 hours; for the other Ships had filled moſt of their Water at other Iſlands near this, before we came up with them: for tho' Ships do uſually take in Water at Malacca Town, yet they do as frequently diſcharge it again at ſome of theſe Iſlands, and take in better.
We ſailed the next day, and kept near the Ma⯑lacca ſhore; and there paſſing by the Mouth of the River Jihore, we left many other Iſlands on our Starboard ſide.
The River of Jihore runs by the City of that name, which is the ſeat of the little Kingdom of Jihore. This Kingdom lies on the Continent of Malacca, and conſiſts of the extremity or doubling of that Promontory. It abounds with Pepper, and other goood Commodities.
They are a Mahometan People, very warlike, and deſirous of Trade. They delight much in Shipping and going to Sea, all the neighbouring [5] year 1688 Iſlands in a manner being Colonies of this King⯑dom, and under its Government. They coaſt about in their own Shipping to ſeveral parts of Sumatra, Java, &c. their Veſſels are but ſmall, yet very ſerviceable; and the Dutch buy up a great many of them at a ſmall price, and make good trading Sloops of them. But they firſt fit them up after their own faſhion, and put a Rud⯑der to them, which the Jihorians don't uſe, tho' they are very good Seamen in their way; but they make their Veſſels ſharp at each end, tho' but one end is uſed as the Head: and inſtead of a Rudder, they have on each ſide the Stern a thing like a very broad Oar, one of which they let down into the Water at pleaſure, as there is occaſion to ſteer the Ship either to the one ſide or the other, always letting down that which is to the Leeward. They have Proes of a particular neatneſs and curioſity. We call them Half-moon Proes, for they turn up ſo much at each end from the Water, that they much reſemble a Half-moon, with the Horns upwards. They are kept very clean, ſail well, and are much uſed by them in their Wars. The People of Jiſhore have formerly endea⯑voured to get a Commerce with our Nation. For what reaſon that trade is neglected by us, I know not. The Dutch trade very much there; and have lately endeavoured to bring the King, who is very young, to their bow.
At the farther end of the Streights of Malacca, among many other Iſlands, we ſailed by thoſe of Pulo Oro, and Pulo Timaon: which laſt is a place often touched at for wood, water, and other re⯑freſhments, tho' we paſt by it. Among other things, there are great plenty of excellent Green Turtle among theſe Iſlands.
Being at length got clear of the Iſlands into the wide Ocean, we ſteered away ſtill together [6] year 1688 till we came in ſight of Pulo Condore. when having all brought to, and ſpoke with each other, we part⯑ed for our ſeveral Voyages. The Caeſar and two others, that were bound to China, ſteered away to the Eaſtward, keeping to the South of Pulo Con⯑dore; it being their beſt courſe, thereby to avoid the large ſholes of Pracel. We and the Saphire of Fort St Geonge, commanded by Captain Lacy, ſteered more Northerly; and leaving Pulo Condore on our Starboard, we hal [...]d in for the Continent, and fell in with it near the River of Cambodia. But leaving this alſo on our Starboard ſide, we coaſted along to the Eaſtward, keeping near the Champa ſhore, and coming to the point of Land that bounds the S. W. part of the Bay of Tonquin, we doubled it, and coaſting to the North; leaving Champa ſtill on our Larboard ſide, and the dangerous ſhoals of Pracel about 12 or 14 leagues off on our Starboard ſide, we kept along fair by the ſhore, juſt without Pulo Canton.
This Iſland lies in about 13 d. North. It is much frequented by the Cochinchineſe, whoſe Country be⯑gins hereabouts, bordering on the Kingdom of Champa. They are moſt Fiſhermen that come hi⯑ther, and their chief buſineſs is to make Oyl of Porpuſſes; for theſe Fiſh are found in great plenty here at ſome ſeaſons of the year, and then the Co⯑chinchineſe reſort hither to take them. The people that we found on Pulo Condore, mentioned in the 14th Chapter of my Voyage round the World, page 395, were of theſe Cochinchineſe. The Turtle alſo which they catch, is chiefly in order to make Oyl of their fat: and there is a great ſtore of Tur⯑tle on all this Coaſt.
We coaſted yet f [...]rther on this ſhore, till we came to the Iſlands of Champello. Theſe may ſeem to have ſome affinity to Champa, by the ſound of the word, which one would take to be a [7] year 1688 Portugues diminutive of Champa; yet they lye on the Cochinchina Coaſt, and belong to it, tho' uninhabited They are 4 or 5 in number, and lye 4 or 5 leagues. from the ſhore. They are called Champella de la Mar, to diſtinguiſh them from others lying farther down in the Bay of Tonquin, called Champello de Terra. Theſe laſt lye in about 16 d. 45 m. North, but the Iſlands of Champello de la Mar lye in about 13d. 45m. N.
Over againſt theſe laſt Iſlands, on the Main, there is a large navigable River empties it ſelf into the Sea. The City of Quinam ſtands on the banks of this River, and is ſaid to be the principal City of the Kingdom of Cochinchina. As to its diſtance from the Sea, its bigneſs, ſtrength, riches, &c. I am yet in the dark: only I have been in⯑form'd, that if a Ship is caſt away on this Kingdom, the Seamen that eſcape drowning and get aſhore become Slaves to the King. Captain John Tiler was thus ſerv'd, and deſpaired of ever getting his freedom; but after a conſiderable ſtay there he was taken notice of by the King, and upon pro⯑miſe of returning thither again to trade there, he was ſent away. I ſailed in a Veſſel of his after this: but I never found him inclin'd to Trade thither any more. However, notwithſtanding this their ſeverity to Shipwrackt People, I have beeen informed by Captain Tiler and others, that they have a deſire to Trade, tho' they are yet de⯑ſtitute of the means to attain it. This deſire of Trade, they ſeem to have taken up from ſome Chineſe Fugitives, who fled from the Tartars, when they conquered their Country: and being kindly received by theſe Cochinchineſe, and having among them many Artificers, they inſtructed their kind protectors in many uſeful Arts, of which they were wholly ignorant before. 'Tis probable this their cuſtom of ſeizing Shipwrackt Seamen may ſoon vaniſh by the coming in of Trade, which is already [8] year 1688 advancing among them; for the Merchants of China do now drive ſome ſmall traffick among theſe people, and fetch thence ſome ſmall quantities of Pepper, Lignum Aloes, and Aguala Wood, which is much eſteemed for its rare ſcent, and is very valuable in other places of India. They alſo fetch Betle from hence, it growing here in great plenty. I have had no account of any Shipping the Cochinchineſe have of their own, but I have met with them in their open Boats of 4, 5, or 6 Tun; imploying themſelves chiefly in getting Pitch and Tar from Pulo Condore, in fiſhing about the Coaſt and Iſland to get Oyl, and in fetching Aguala Wood from the Bay of Siam; which, whether it grows there or no, I can't tell, but I have heard that 'tis only Drift-wood caſt aſhore by the Sea.
The ſeizing Shipwrackt men has been alſo a cuſtom at Pegu, but whether ſtill continued I know not. They lookt on ſuch as men preſerv⯑ed by God, purpoſely for them to feed and main⯑tain; and therefore the King ordered them to be maintained by his Subjects; neither was any work required of them, but they had liberty to beg. By this means they got food and rayment from the Inhabitants, who were zealouſly chari⯑table to them.
But to proceed; we kept a little without all the Iſlands, and coaſting 5 or 6 leagues further, we ſtood right over towards the N. E. Cod of the Bay of Tonquin. The Bay of Tonquin has its en⯑trance between the S. E. point of Champa on the Weſt ſide, which lies in the lat. of about 12 d. North, and the Iſland of Aynam near the S. W. part of China, on the Eaſt ſide. The Iſland of Ay⯑nam is in about 19 d. North. It is a pretty conſi⯑derable Iſland, well peopled with Chineſe Inhabi⯑tants. They have Ships of their own, and drive [9] year 1688 a great trade by Sea. I have ſeen many of their Ships, ſome of 100 Tun, with Outlagers on both ſides, and others like ordinary Jonks, without Out⯑lagers; but am wholly ignorant of their Trade, any farther than what I have mentioned of their having Pearl Oyſters there, in the 7th Chapter of my Voyage round the World, page 174.
Near the Cod of the Bay of Tonquin there are abundance of ſmall Iſlands, of which I ſhall ſpeak more hereafter. The mouth of the Bay ſeems to be barred up with the great ſhole of Pracel, which lies ſtretched at length before it, yet leaving two wide Channels, one at each end; ſo that Ships may paſs in or out either way. And therefore even the Ships that are bound from the Streigths of Malacca or Siam to China, may as well paſs to and from within the ſhole as without.
The Bay of Tonquin is about 30 leagues wide in the broadeſt place. There is good ſounding and anchoring all over it: and in the middle, where it is deepeſt, there is about 46 fathom water. There you have black Oaze, and dark Peppery Sand: but on the Weſt ſide there is reddiſh Oazy Sand. Beſide the other Iſlands before-mentioned, there are others of leſs note on the Cochinchina Coaſt; but none of them all above 4 or 5 miles from the ſhore.
In the bottom of the Bay alſo, there are ſome ſmall Iſlands, cloſe by the Tonquin ſhore: 2 of theſe are of eſpecial note, not for their bigneſs, but for Sea-marks for the 2 principal Rivers, or Mouth rather of the chief River of Tonquin. One of theſe Rivers or Mouths, is called Rokbo. It diſcharges it ſelf into the Sea near the the N. W. cor⯑ner of the Bay: and the mouth of it is in about 20d. 6m. N. This River or branch I was not at; but have been informed, that it has not above 12 foot water at the entrance; but that its bottom [10] year 1688 is ſoft Oaz, and therefore very convenient for ſmall Veſſels, and it is the way that all the Chineſe and Siamars do uſe. About a League to the Weſtward of this Rivers mouth, there is a ſmall pretty high Iſland call'd Fiſhers Iſland. It lieth about 2 mile from the ſhore, and it hath good an⯑choring about it in 17 or 18 foot water: and therefore it is not only a Sea-mark for the River, but a ſecure place to ride in, and very convenient for Ships to anchor at, to ſhelter themſelves when they come hither, eſpecially if they have not a preſent opportunity to enter the River; either becauſe of coming too late in the year, or being hindred by bad weather.
The other River or Mouth, was that by which we entered; and 'tis larger and deeper than the former. I know not its particular name; but for diſtinction I ſhall call it the River of Domea; be⯑cauſe the firſt Town of note, that I ſaw on its bank was ſo called. The mouth of the River is in lat. 20 d. 45 m. It diſembogues 20 leagues to the N. E. of Rokbo. There are many dangerous Sands and Shoals between theſe 2 Rivers, which ſtretch into the Sea 2 leagues or more: and all the Coaſt, even from the Cochinchina ſhore on the Weſt, to China on the Eaſt, admits of Shoals and Sands, which yet in ſome places lie ſtretched farther off from the ſhore than in others.
This River of Domea is that by which moſt European Ships enter, for the ſake of its depth: yet here is a Bar of near 2 mile broad, and the Chan⯑nel is about half a mile broad, having Sands on each ſide. The depth of the River is various at different times and ſeaſons, by the relation of the Pilots who are beſt acquainted here: for at ſome times of the year here is not above 15 or 16 foot water on a ſpring tide; and at other times here are 26 or 27 foot. The higheſt tides are ſaid to he in the month of No⯑vember, [11] year 1688 December, and January, when the Nor⯑therly Monſoons blow; and the loweſt in May, June, and July, when the Southerly Monſoons blow; but to be particular in them is beyond my experience.
The Channel of the Bar is hard Sand, which makes it the more dangerous: and the Tides whirl⯑ing among the Sands, ſet divers ways in a Tides time; which makes it the more dangerous ſtill. Therefore Ships that come hither, commonly wait for a Pilot to direct them, and if they arrive when it is Nepe-tide, they muſt ſtay for a Spring before a Pilot will come off to take charge of them. The mark of this River is a great high ridgy Mountain in the Country, called the Elephant. This muſt be brought to bear N. W. by N: then ſteering towards the ſhore, the water runs ſhallower, till you come into 6 fathom, and then you will be 2 or 3 miles from the foot or entrance of the Bar, and about the ſame diſtance from a ſmall Iſland called Pearl Iſland; which will then bear neareſt N. N. E. Having theſe marks and depth, you may anchor, and wait for a Pilot.
The Pilots for this River are Fiſhermen, who live at a Village called Batſha, at the mouth of the River; ſo ſeated, that they can ſee all Ships that wait for a Pilot, and hear the Guns too, that are often fired as ſignals by Europeans, to give notice of their arrival.
It was in the road before the Bar, in ſight of the Elephant Land, that we found the Rainbow of London, Captain Pool Commander, riding and waiting for a Pilot, when we and Captain Lacy arrived. Captain Pool came directly from England, and paſſing thro' the Streights of Sundy, touched at Batavia.
He had lain here 2 or 3 days before we arriv'd: but the Spring-tides coming on, the Pilots came [12] year 1688 aboard, and we all 3 in company paſſed in over the Bar, and entring about half-flood, we had 14 foot and a half water on the Bar. Being got over the Bar, we found it deeper, and the bottom ſoft Oaz. The River at its mouth is above a mile wide, but grows narrower as you run farther up. We had a moderate Sea-breeze, and having a good tide of flood, made the beſt of it to reach to our an⯑choring place.
Having run about 5 or 6 leagues up the River, we paſt by a Village called Domea. This is a hand⯑ſome Village: and 'twas the firſt of note that we ſaw ſtanding on the banks. 'Tis ſeated on the Starboard ſide going up, and ſo nigh the River, that the tide ſometimes waſhes the walls of the Houſes, for the tide riſes and falls here 9 or 10 foot. This Village conſiſts of about 100 Houſes. The Dutch Ships that trade here do always lye in the River before this Town, and the Dutch Seamen, by their annual returns hither from Batavia, are very intimate with the Natives, and as free here as at their own homes: for the Tonquineſe in general are a very ſociable people, eſpecially the traders and poorer ſort: but of this more in its proper place. The Dutch have inſtructed the Natives in the art of Gardening: by which means they have abundance of Herbage for Sallading; which among other things is a great refreſhment to the Dutch Sea⯑men, when they arrive here.
Tho' the Dutch who come to trade in this King⯑dom, go no higher with their Ships than this Do⯑mea, yet the Engliſh uſually go about 3 mile farther up, and there lye at anchor during their ſtay in this Country. We did ſo at this time, and paſſing by Domea came to an anchor at that diſtance. The tide is not ſo ſtrong here as at Domea; but we found not one houſe near it: yet our Ships had not lain their many days before the Natives came from [13] year 1688 all the Country about, and fell a building them Houſes after their faſhion; ſo that in a Months time there was a little Town built near our anchoring place. This is no unuſual thing in other parts of India, eſpecially where Ships lye long at a place, the poorer ſort of Natives taking this opportunity to truck and barter; and by ſome little offices, or begging, but eſpecially by bringing Women to let to hire, they get what they can of the Seamen.
This place where our Ships rode at anchor was not above 20 miles from the Sea: but the Trade of the Kingdom is driven at Cachao, the principal City; where for that reaſon the Engliſh and Dutch Eaſt-India Companies have each of them their Factors conſtantly reſiding. The City was far⯑ther up the River, about 80 miles from our An⯑choring place; and our Captains got themſelves in a readineſs to go up thither; it being uſual to ſend up the goods in the Country Boats, which are large and commodious enough; and the hire is pretty reaſonable both for the Veſſels, and the Men who manage them. They are Tonquineſe, and uſe both Oars and Sails. Our Factory at Cachao had news of our arrival before we came to an anchor, and immediately the chief of the Factory, with ſome of the King of Tonquin's Officers, came down to us, by that time we had lain there about 4 or 5 days. The Tonquineſe Officers came to take an ac⯑count of the Ships and Lading, and our Captains received them with great civility, firing of Guns, feaſting for two or three days, and preſents alſo at their return back to Cachao.
Soon after their departure, the chief of the Factory returned thither again, and with him went our three Captains, and ſome others, among whom I got leave to go alſo. Captain Weldon had recommended me to the chief of the Factory, while he was aboard us: and my going up now to the [14] year 1688 City, was in order to have his aſſiſtance in the Voyage to Cochinchina, Champa, or Cambodia, which Captain Weldon had contrived for me: nor was it his fault that it came no nothing.
We went from our Ships in the Country Boats we had hired, with the Tide of flood, and ancho⯑red in the ebb: for the Tide runs ſtrong for 30 or 40 miles beyond the place where we left our Ships. Our Men contented themſelves with look⯑ing after their goods (The Tonquineſe being very light-finger'd) and left the managment of the Boats entirely to the Boats Crew. Their Boats have but one Maſt; and when the Wind is againſt them they take it down, and ply their Oars. As we advanced thus up the River, ſometimes rowing, ſometimes ſailing, we had a delightful proſpect over a large level fruitful Country. It was gene⯑rally either Paſture or Rice-fields; and void of Trees, except only about the Villages, which ſtood thick, and appeared mighty pleaſant at a diſtance. There are many of theſe Villages ſtand cloſe to the Banks of the Rivers, incom⯑paſſed with Trees on the backſide only, but open to the River.
When we came near any of theſe Villages, we were commonly encounter'd with Beggars, who came off to us in little Boats made of twigs, and plaiſtered over both inſide and outſide with Clay, but very leaky. Theſe were a poor Leprous Peo⯑ple, who for that reaſon are compell'd by the reſt to live by themſelves, and are permitted to beg publickly. As ſoon as they ſpied us they ſet up a loud doleful cry, and as we paſt by them we threw them out ſome Rice, which they received with great appearance of joy.
In about four days time we got to Hean, a Town on the Eaſt ſide of the River; which is here en⯑tire: for a little before we came to Hean we met [15] year 1688 the main ſtream where it parts into the 2 Channels, that of Domea, which we came up, and the other of Rokbo: making a large and triangular Iſland between them and the Sea; the Mouths of thoſe Channels being, as I have ſaid, 20 leagues aſunder.
Hean is about 60 miles from the place where we left our Ships, and about 80 from the Sea that way: But along the River or Channel Rokbo, where the Land trends more to the Southward, it ſeems to be farther diſtant from the Sea. 'Tis a conſiderable Town, of about 2000 Houſes: but the Inhabitants are moſt poor People and Soldiers, who keep a Garriſon there; tho' it has neither Walls, Fort, nor great Guns.
Here is one ſtreet belonging to the Chineſe Mer⯑chants. For ſome years ago a great many lived at Cachao; till they grew ſo numerous, that the Natives themſelves were even ſwallowed up by them. The King taking notice of it, ordered them to remove from thence, allowing them to live any where but in the City. But the major part of them preſently forſook the Country, as not finding it convenient for them to live any where but at Cachao; becauſe that is the only place of Trade in the Country, and Trade is the Life of a Chineſe. However ſome of them were content to ſettle at Hean, where they have remained ever ſince. And theſe Merchants, notwithſtanding the prohi⯑bition, go often to Cachao, to buy and ſell goods; but are not ſuffer'd to make it their conſtant reſi⯑dence. There were two of theſe China Merchants who traded yearly to Japan, with raw and wrought Silks, bringing back Money chiefly. Theſe all of them wore long Hair braided behind, as their own Country faſhion was before the Tartarian Conqueſt. The French too have their Factory here, not being allowed to fix at Cachao, and their Biſhops [16] year 1688 Palace is the faireſt building in Hean: but of this I ſhall have occaſion to ſpeak more hereafter.
The Governor of the adjacent Province lives here. He is one of the principal Mandarins of the Nation, and he has always a great many Sol⯑diers in the Town, and inferiour Officers, whom he employs at his pleaſure on any occaſion. Be⯑ſides, here are alſo ſome of the King's River Fri⯑gats, which I ſhall hereafter deſcribe, ready to be ſent on any expedition: and tho' no Europeans come up ſo far as this with their Ships, (that I could learn) yet the Siamites and Chineſe bring their Ships up the River Rokbo, quite to Hean, and lie at anchor before it: and we found there ſeveral Chineſe Jonks. They ride a-float in the middle of the River; for the Water does not riſe and fall much at this place: Neither is the flood diſcerned by the turning of the ſtream; for that always runs down, tho' not ſo ſwift near full Sea as at other times: for the tide preſſing againſt the ſtream, tho' faintly ſo far up the River, has not power to turn it, but only ſlackens its courſe, and makes the Water riſe a little.
The Governor or his Deputy gives his Chop or Paſs to all Veſſels that go up or down; not ſo much as a Boat being ſuffer'd to proceed without it. For which reaſon we alſo made a ſtop: yet we ſtayed here but a little while; and therefore I did not now go aſhore; but had a while after this a better opportunity of ſeeing Hean.
From Hean we went up to Cachao in our Boats, being about 2 days more on our Voyage, for we had no tide to help us. We landed at the Engliſh Factory, and I ſtayed there 7 or 8 days, before I went down to our Ships again in one of the Coun⯑try Boats. We had good weather coming up but it rained all the time of this my firſt ſtay a [...] Cachao; and we had much wet weather after this [17] year 1688 But having got thus far, I ſhall now proceed to give ſome general account of this Coun⯑try; from my own obſervations, and the ex⯑perience of Merchants and others worthy of credit, who have had their Reſidence there, and ſome of them a great many years.
[18]Tonquin, its Situation, Soil, Waters, and Provinces. Its natural Produce, Roots, Herbs, Fruits, and Trees. The Cam-chain and Cam-quit Oranges. Their Limes, &c. Their Betle and Lichea Fruit. The Pone-tree, Lack-trees, Mulberry-trees, and Rice. Their Land Animals, Fowl tame and wild; Nets for wild Ducks, Locuſts, Fiſh, Balachuan, Nuke⯑mum-Pickle, Soy, and manner of Fiſhing. The Market, Proviſions, Food and Cookery. Their Chau or Tea. The Temperature of their Air and Weather throughout the Year. Of the great Heats near the Tropicks. Of the yearly Land Floods here, and elſewhere in the Tor⯑rid Zone, and of the overflowing of the Nile in Egypt. Of Storms called Tuffoons: and of the influence the Rains have on the Harveſt at Tonquin, and elſewhere in the Tor⯑rid Zone.
THE Kingdom of Tonquin is bounded to the North and North Eaſt with China, to the Weſt with the Kingdom of Laos, to the S. and E. with Cochinchina and the Sea, which waſhes a part of this Kingdom. As to the particular bounds or extent of it, I cannot be a competent judge, coming to it by Sea, and going up directly to Cachao: but it is reaſonable to believe it to be a pretty large Kingdom, by the many great Pro⯑vinces which are ſaid to be contained in it. That part of the Kingdom, that borders on the Sea, is all [19] year 1688 very low Land: neither is there any Hill to be ſeen, but the Elephant Mountain, and a Ridge of a much leſs heigth continued from thence to the mouth of the River of Domea. The Land for about 60 miles up in the Country is ſtill very low, even and plain: nor is it much higher, for about 40 miles farther quite to Cachao, and beyond it; being without any ſenſible Hill, tho' generally of a tolerable good heighth, and with ſome gentle riſings here and there, that make it a fine pleaſant Champian; and the further ſide of this alſo is more level than the Champian Country it ſelf about Hean or Cachao. Farther ſtill to the North, beyond all this, I have been informed that there is a chain of high Moun⯑tains, running croſs the Country from Eaſt to Weſt; but I could get no intimation of what is beyond them.
The Soil of this Country is generally very rich; That very low Land I ſpeak of towards the Sea, is moſt black Earth, and the mould pretty deep. In ſome places there's very ſtrong Clay. The Champian Land is generally yellowiſh or greyiſh earth, of a looſer and more friable ſubſtance than the former: yet in ſome places it has a touch of the Clay too. In the plain Country, near the Mountains laſt men⯑tioned, there are ſaid to be ſome high ſteep rocks of Marble ſcattered up and down at unequal di⯑ſtances, which ſtanding in that large plain Savan⯑nah, are like ſo many great Towers or Caſtles: and they appear more viſible, becauſe the Land about them is not burdened with Wood, as in ſome places in its neighbourhood.
I have ſaid ſomewhat already of the great River and its 2 branches Rokbo and Domea, wherewith this Country is chiefly water'd: tho' it is not deſti⯑tute of many other pleaſant ſtreams, that are loſt [...]n theſe, in their courſe towards the Sea: and probably there are many others, that run imme⯑diately [20] year 1688 into the Sea, through their own channels, tho' not ſo navigable as the other. The Country in general is very well watered; and by means of the great Navigable River and its Branches, it has the opportunity of Foreign Trade. This riſes about the Mountains in the North, or from beyond them; whence running Southerly toward the Sea, it paſſes thro' the before mentioned Plain of Marble Rocks, and by that time it comes to Cachao, which is about 40 or 50 miles to the South of the Moun⯑tains, 'tis about as broad as the Thames at Lambeth: yet ſo ſhallow in the dry Seaſon, as that it may be forded on Horſeback. At Hean, 20 miles lower, 'tis rather broader than the Thames at Graveſend; and ſo below Hean to the place where it divides it ſelf.
The Kingdom of Tonquin is ſaid to be divided into 8 large Provinces, viz. the Eaſt and Weſt Provinces, the North and South Provinces, and the Province of Cachao in the middle between thoſe 4: which 5 I take to be the principal Provinces, making the heart of the Country. The other 3, which are Tenan, Tenehoa, and Ngeam, lie more upon the Borders.
The Province of Tenan is the moſt Eaſterly, ha⯑ving China on the S. E. the Iſland Aynam and the Sea on the S. and S. W. and the Eaſt Province on the N. W. This is but a ſmall Province: its chiefeſt product is Rice.
The Eaſt Province ſtretches away from Tenan to the North Province, having alſo China on its Eaſt ſide, part of the South Province, and the Province on Cachao on the Weſt; and the Sea on the South. This is a very large Province; 'tis chiefly low Land and much of it Iſlands, eſpecially the S. E. part o [...] it, bordering on the Sea towards Tenan; and here the Sea makes the Cod of a Bay. It has abundanc [...] of Fiſhermen inhabiting near the Sea: but its chie [21] year 1688 produce is Rice: here is alſo good paſturage, and much Cattle, &c. Hean is the chief place of this Province, and the Seat of the Mandarin its Gover⯑nor.
The S. Province is the triangular Iſland, made by Sea: The River of Domea is on its E. ſide, dividing it from the Eaſt Province, and Rockbo on the Weſt, di⯑viding it from Tenan; having the Sea to its South. This Province is very low plain even Land, pro⯑ducing Rice in great abundance: here are large Paſtures, and abundance of Fiſhermen near the Sea.
Tenehoa to the Weſt of Rokbo, has the Weſt Province on its North, Aynam on its Weſt, and the Sea on its South: this Province is alſo low Land, chiefly abounds in Rice and Cattle, and hath a great Trade in Fiſhing, as all the Sea Coaſt has in gene⯑ral.
The Province of Ngeam, hath Tenehoa on the Eaſt, and on the South and Weſt it borders on Co⯑chinchina, and has the Weſt Province on its North. This is a pretty large Province, abounding with Rice and Cattle: and here are always Soldiers kept to guard the Frontiers from the Cochinchi⯑neſes.
The Weſt Provinces hath Ngeam on the South, the Kingdom of Laos on the Weſt, the Province of Cachao on the Eaſt, and on the North the North Province. This is a large Province, and good Champion Land; rich in Soil, partly woody, partly paſture. The product of this Province is chiefly in Lack; and here are bred a great abun⯑dance of Silk-worms for making Silk.
The North Province is a large tract of Land, ma⯑king the North ſide of this whole Kingdom. It hath the Kingdom of Laos on the Weſt, and China on the Eaſt and North, the Kingdom of Bao or Baotan on the North Weſt, and on the South bor⯑ders [22] year 1688 on 3 of the principal Provinces of Tonquin, viz. the Weſt Province that of Cachao, and the Eaſt Pro⯑vince. The North Province, as it is large, ſo it has variety of Land and Soil; a great deal of plain Champian Land, and many high Mountains which yield Gold, &c. the wild Elephants of this Coun⯑try are found moſt on theſe Mountains. The other parts of the Province produce Lack and Silk, &c.
The Province of Cachao, in the Heart of the Kingdom, lies between the Eaſt, Weſt, North, and South Provinces: 'tis a Champian pleaſant Coun⯑try: the Soil is yellow or grey Earth: and 'tis pretty woody, with ſome Savannahs. It abounds with the two principal Commodities of their Trade, viz. Lack and Silk, and has ſome Rice: Nor are any of the Provinces deſtitute of theſe Commodities, tho' in different proportions, each according to the re⯑ſpective Soil.
This Country has of its own growth all neceſſa⯑ries for the Life of Man. They have little occa⯑ſion for eatable Roots, having ſuch plenty of Rice; yet they have Yams and Potatoes for variety; which would thrive here as well as any where, were the Natives induſtrious to propagate them.
The Land is every where cloathed with Herbage of one kind or other; but the dry Land has the ſame Fate that moſt dry Lands have between the Tropicks, to be over-run with Purſlain; which growing wild, and being pernicious to other ten⯑der Herbs and Plants, they are at the pains to weed it out of their Fields and Gardens, tho' 'tis very ſweet, and makes a good Sallad for a hot Country.
There is a ſort of Herb very common in this Country, which grows wild in ſtagnant Ponds, and floats on the ſurface of the Water. It has a narrow, long, green thick Leaf. It is much eſteemed [23] year 1688 and eaten by the Natives, who commend it for a very wholeſome herb, and ſay that 'tis good to expel poyſon. This Country produces many other ſorts of wild Herbs; and their Gardens alſo are well furniſhed with pleaſant and wholeſome ones, eſpecially many Onions, of which here are great plenty.
Plantains and Bonanoes grow and thrive here as well as any where, but they are uſed here only as Fruit, and not for Bread, as in many places of Ame⯑rica. Beſides theſe here are divers ſorts of excellent Fruits, both Ground-fruit and Tree fruit. The Ground-fruits are Pumpkins, Melons, Pine-apples, &c. the Tree-fruits are Mangoes, a few Oranges, Limes, Coco-nuts, Guava's, Mulberries, their much eſteemed Betle, a Fruit called Lichea, &c. The Oranges are of divers ſorts, and two of them more excellent than the reſt. One ſort is called Cam-chain, the other is call'd Cam-quit. Cam, in the Tonquineſe Language, ſignifies an Orange, but what the diſtinguiſhing Words Cam and Quit ſignifie I know not.
The Cam-chain is a large Orange, of a yellowiſh colour: the rind is prety thick and rough; and the inſide is yellow like Amber. It has a moſt fra⯑grant ſmell, and the taſte is very delicious. This ſort of Orange is the beſt that I did ever taſte; I believe there are not better in the World: A Man may eat freely of them; for they are ſo innocent that they are not denied to ſuch as have Fevers, and other ſick People.
The Cam-quit is a very ſmall round Fruit, not above half ſo big as the former. It is of a deep red colour, and the rind is very ſmooth and thin. The inſide alſo is very red, the taſte is not inferi⯑our to the Cam-chain, but it is accounted very un⯑wholeſome Fruit, eſpecially to ſuch as are ſubject to Fluxes; for it both creates and heightens that [24] year 1688 diſtemper. Theſe 2 ſorts are very plentiful and cheap, and they are in ſeaſon from October till Fe⯑bruary, but then the Cham-chain becomes redder, and the rind is alſo thinner. The other ſorts of O⯑ranges are not much eſteemed.
The Limes of Tonquin are the largeſt I ever ſaw. They are commonly as big as an ordinary Limon, but rounder. The rind is of a pale yellow colour when ripe; very thin and ſmooth. They are ex⯑traordinary juicy, but not near ſo ſharp or tart in taſte as the Weſt-Indian Limes.
Coco-nnts and Guava's do thrive here very well: but there are not many of the latter.
The Betle of Tonquin is ſaid to be the beſt in India; there is great plenty of it; and 'tis moſt eſteemed when it is young, green and tender; for 'tis then very juicy. At Mindanao alſo they like it beſt green: but in other places of the Eaſt-Indies it is commonly chew'd when it is hard and dry.
The Lichea is another delicate Fruit. 'Tis as big as a ſmall Pear, ſomewhat long ſhaped, of a red⯑diſh colour, the rind pretty thick and rough, the inſide white, incloſing a large black kernel, in ſhape like a Bean.
The Country is in ſome part woody; but the low Land in general is either graſſy Paſture, or Rice Fields, only thick ſet with ſmall Groves, which ſtand ſcattering very pleaſantly over all the low-Country. The Trees in the Groves are of di⯑vers ſorts, and moſt unknown to us. There is good Timber for building either Ships or Houſes, and indifferent good Maſts may here be had.
There is a Tree called by the Natives Pone, chiefly uſed for making Cabinets, or other Wares to be la [...]kred. This is a ſoft ſort of wood, not much unlike Fir, but not ſo ſerviceable. Another Tree grows in this Country that yields the Lack, with which Cabinets and other ſine things are overlaid. [25] year 1688 Theſe grow plentifully in ſome places, eſpecially in the Champion Lands. Here are alſo Mulberry Trees in great plenty, to feed the Silk-worms, from whence comes the chief Trade in the Country. The Leaves of the old Trees are not ſo nouriſhing to the Silk-worms, as thoſe of the young Trees; and therefore they raiſe crops of young ones every year, to feed the Worms: for when the ſeaſon is over, the young Treees are pluckt up by the Roots, and more planted againſt the next year; ſo the Natives ſuffer none of theſe Trees to grow to bear Fruit. I heard of no Mulberries kept for eating, but ſome few raiſed by our Engliſh Merchants at Hean; and theſe bare but ſmall hungry Fruit.
Here is good plenty of Rice, eſpecially in the low Land, that is fatned by the overflowing Ri⯑vers. They have two crops every year, with great increaſe, if they have ſeaſonable Rains and Floods. One crop is in May, and the other in November: and tho' the low Land is ſometimes overflown with Water in the time of Harveſt, yet they matter it not, but gather the crop and fetch it home wet in their Canoas; and making the Rice faſt in ſmall bundles, hang it up on their Houſes to dry. This ſerves them for Bread-corn; and as the Country is very kindly for it, ſo their Inhabitants live chiefly of it.
Of Land-Animals in this Country there are Elephants, Horſes, Buffaloes, Bullocks, Goats, Deer, a few Sheep for the King, Hogs, Dogs, Cats, Lizards, Snakes, Scorpions, Centapees, Toads, Frogs, &c. The Country is ſo very popu⯑lous, that they have but few Deer or wild Game for hunting, unleſs it be in the remoter parts of the Kingdom. But they have abundance of Fowls both tame and wild. The tame Fowls are Cocks and Hens, and Ducks alſo in great plenty, of the ſame ſort with ours. The Inhabitants have little [26] year 1688 Houſes made purpoſely for the Ducks to lay their Eggs in, driving them in every Night in laying time, and letting them out again in the morning. There are alſo ſome Geeſe, Parrots, Partridges, Para⯑kites, Turtle-Doves, &c. with many ſorts of ſmal⯑ler Birds. Of wild Water-fowls they have Ducks, Widgeons, Teals, Herons, Pellicans, and Crab⯑catchers, (which I ſhall deſcribe in the Bay of Campeachy) and other ſmaller Water-fowls. The Duck, Widgeon, and Teal are innumerable: They breed here in the Months of May, June, and July; then they fly only in couples: but from October to March you will ſee over all the low watry Lands great Companies together: and I have no where ſeen ſuch large flights, nor ſuch plenty of Game. They are very ſhy ſince the Engliſh and Dutch ſettled here; for now the Natives as well as they ſhoot them: but before their arrival the Tonquineſe took them only with Nets, neither is this cuſtom left off yet. The Net that is uſed for this Game is made ſquare, and either bigger or leſs according as they have occaſion. They fix two Poles about 10 or 11 foot high, upright in the Ground, near the Pond, where the Ducks haunt; and the Net has a head-cord, which is ſtretched out ſtreight, made from the top of one Pole to the other; from whence the lower part of the Net hangs down looſe towards the Ground; and when in the even⯑ing they fly towards the Pond, many of them ſtrike againſt the Net, and are there entangled.
There is a kind of Locuſt in Tonquin, in great abundance. This Creature is about the bigneſs of the top of a Mans Finger, and as long as the firſt joynt. It breeds in the Earth, eſpecially in the Banks of Rivers and Ditches in the low Country. In the months of January and February, which is the ſeaſon of taking them, being then only ſeen, this Creature firſt comes out of the Earth in huge [27] year 1688 ſwarms. It is then of a whitiſh colour, having 2 ſmall Wings, like the Wings of a Bee: at its firſt coming out of the Earth it takes its flight; but for want of ſtrength or uſe falls down again in a ſhort time. Such as ſtrive to fly over the River, do com⯑monly fall down into the Water and are drowned, or become a prey to the Fiſh of the River, or are carried out into the Sea to be devoured there: But the Natives in theſe Months watch the Rivers, and take up thence Multitudes, ſkimming them from off the Water with little Nets. They eat them freſh, broiled on the Coals; or pickle them to keep. They are plump and fat, and are much eſteemed both by rich and poor, as good wholeſome food, either freſh or pickled.
The Rivers and Ponds are ſtored with divers ſorts of excellent Fiſh, beſides abundance of Frogs, which they angle for, being highly eſteemed by the Tonquineſe. The Sea too contributes much to⯑wards the ſupport of poor People, by yielding plentiful ſtores of Fiſh, that ſwarm on this Coaſt in their ſeaſons, and which are commonly pre⯑ferr'd before the River Fiſh. Of theſe here are divers ſorts, beſides Sea Turtle, which frequently come aſhore on the ſandy Bays in their ſeaſons to lay their Eggs. Here are alſo both Land-crabs and Sea-crabs good ſtore, and other Shell-fiſh, viz. Craw-fiſh, Shrimps, and Prawns. Here is one ſort of ſmall Fiſh much like an Anchovy, both in ſhape and ſize, which is very good pickled. There are other ſorts of ſmall Fiſh, which I know not the names of. One ſort of them comes in great [...]hoals near the ſhore, and theſe the Fiſhermen with their Nets take ſo plentifully as to load their Boats with them. Among theſe they generally take a great many Shrimps in their Nets, which they [...]arry aſhore mixt together as they take them, and make Balachaun with them.
[28] year 1688 Balachaun is a compoſition of a ſtrong favour; yet a very delightſom Diſh to the Natives of this Country. To make it, they throw the mixture of Shrimps and ſmall Fiſh into a ſort of weak pickle made with Salt and Water, and put it into a tight earthen Veſſel or Jar. The pickle being thus weak, it keeps not the Fiſh firm and hard, neither is it probably ſo deſigned, for the Fiſh are never gutted. Therefore in a ſhort time they turn all to a maſh in the Veſſel; and when they have lain thus a good while, ſo that the Fiſh is reduced to a Pap, they then draw off the Liquor into freſh Jars, and preſerve it for uſe. The maſht Fiſh that remains behind is called Balachaun, and the liquor pour'd off is called Nuke-mum. The poor People eat the Balachaun with their Rice. 'Tis rank ſcented, yet the taſte is not altogether unpleaſant; but rather ſavory, after one is a little uſed to it. The Nuke-mum is of a pale brown colour, inclining to grey; and pretty clear. It is alſo very ſavory and uſed as a good ſauce for Fowls, not only by the Natives, but alſo by many Europeans, who eſteem it equal with Soy. I have been told that Soy is made partly with a fiſhy compoſition, and it ſeems moſt likely by the taſte: tho a Gentleman of my acquaintance, who was very intimate with one that ſailed often from Tonquin to Japan, from whence the true Soy comes, told me, that it was made only with Wheat, and a ſort of Beans mixt with Water and Salt.
Their way of Fiſhing differs little from ours: in the Rivers they take ſome of their Fiſh with Hook and Line, others with Nets of ſeveral ſorts. At the Mouths of the Rivers they ſet Nets againſt the Stream or Tide. Theſe have two long Wings opening on each ſide the Mouth of the Net, to guide the Fiſh into it; where paſſing through a narrow neck, they are caught in a bag at the far⯑ther end.
[29] year 1688 Where the Rivers mouth is ſo wide, that the wing of the Net will not reach from ſide to ſide, as at Batſha particularly it will not, there they ſup⯑ply that defect, with long ſlender Canes, which they ſtick upright near one another in a row: for on both ſides of the River, when the tide runs ſtrong (which is the time that the Fiſh are mo⯑ving) the limber Canes make ſuch a rattling by ſtriking againſt each other, that thereby the Fiſh are ſcared from thence towards the Mouth of the Net, in the middle of the ſtream. Farther up the River, they have Nets made ſquare like a great ſheet. This ſort hath two long Poles laid acroſs each other. At this croſſing of the Poles a long Rope is faſtned; and the Net hangs down in a bag by its corners from them. To manage it there is a ſubſtantial poſt, ſet upright and firm in the Ri⯑ver; and the top of it may be 8 or 10 foot above the water. On the top of this poſt there is a Mortice made to receive a long pole, that lies athwart like the Beam of a Balance: to the heavier end of which they tie the Rope, which holds the Net; and to the other end another Rope to pull up the Net on occaſion. The Fiſhermen ſink it with Stones to the Rivers bottom, and when they ſee any Fiſh come over it, one ſuddenly pulls the Rope at the oppoſite end of the Beam, and heaves Net and Fiſh out of the Water. They take a great deal of Fiſh this way: and ſometimes they uſe Drag-Nets, which go quite acroſs, and ſweep the Ri⯑ver.
In the ſtagnant Ponds, ſuch as the Mandarins have commonly about their Houſes, they go in and trouble the water with their feet, till 'tis all mud⯑dy and thick: and as the Fiſh riſe to the furface they take what they pleaſe with ſmall Nets, faſtned to a hoop, at the end of a pole.
[30] year 1688 For all theſe ſorts of proviſion there are Markets duly kept all over Tonquin one in the week, in a neighbourhood of 4 or 5 Villages; and held at each of them ſucceſſively in its order: ſo that the ſame Village has not the Market returned to it till 4 or 5 weeks after. Theſe Markets are abundantly more ſtor'd with Rice (as being their chief ſubſiſtence, eſpecially of the poorer ſort) than either with Fleſh or Fiſh, yet wants there not for Pork, and young Pigs good ſtore, Ducks and Hens, plenty of Eggs, Fiſh great and ſmall, freſh and ſalted Balachaun and Nuke-Mum; with all ſorts of Roots, Herbs, and Fruits, even in theſe Country Markets. But at Cachao, where there are Markets kept every day, they have beſides theſe, Beef of Bullocks, Buffa⯑loes Fleſh, Goats Fleſh, Horſe Fleſh, Cats and Dogs, (as I have been told) and Locuſts.
They dreſs their food very cleanly, and make ſavory: for which they have ſeveral ways un⯑known in Europe; but they have many ſorts of diſhes, that would turn the Stomach of a Stranger, which yet they themſelves like very well, as par⯑ticularly, a diſh of raw Pork, which is very cheap and common. This is only Pork cut and minced very ſmall, fat and lean together; which being afterwards made up in balls, or rolls like Sauſages, and preſt very hard together, is then neatly wrapt up in clean Leaves, and without more ado, ſerved up to the Table. Raw Beef is another diſh, much eſteemed at Cachao. When they kill a Bullock they ſinge the hair off with Fire, as we ſinge Bacon-Hogs in England. Then they open it; and while the Fleſh is yet hot, they cut good Collops from off the lean parts, and put them into a very tart Vine⯑gar, where it remains 3 or 4 hours longer, till it is ſufficiently ſoaked, and then, without more trouble, they take it out, and eat it with great delight. As for Horſe-fleſh, I know not whether [31] year 1688 they kill any purpoſely for the Shambles; or whe⯑ther they only do it, when they are not likely [...]o live; as I have ſeen them do their working Bullocks at Galicia in Old Spain; where the Cattel falling down with labour, and being ſo poor and tired that they cannot riſe, they are ſlaughtered, and ſent to Market; and I think I never eat worſe Beef than at the Groin. The Horſe-fleſh comes to Market at Cachao very frequently, and is as much eſteemed as Beef. Elephants they eat alſo; and the Trunk of this Beaſt is an acceptable preſent for a Nobleman, and that too tho' the Beaſt dyes with Age or Sickneſs. For here are but few wild Elephants, and thoſe ſo ſhy, that they are not eaſily taken. But the King having a great number of tame Elephants, when one of theſe dyes, 'tis given to the poor, who preſently fetch away the Fleſh, but the Trunk is cut in pieces, and preſented to the Mandarins. Dogs and Cats are killed purpoſe⯑ly for the Shambles, and their Fleſh is much e⯑ſteemed by people of the beſt faſhion, as I have been credibly informed. Great yellow Frogs alſo are much admired, eſpecially when they come freſh out of the Pond. They have many other ſuch choice diſhes: and in all the Villages, at any time of the day, be it Market day or not, there are ſeveral to be ſold by poor people, who make it their Trade. The moſt common ſorts of Cookeries, next to boiled Rice, is to dreſs little bits of Pork, ſpitted 5 or 6 of them at once on a ſmall ſkiver, and roaſted. In the Markets alſo, and daily in every Village, there are Women ſitting in the Streets, with a Pipkin over a ſmall Fire, full of Chau, as they call it, a ſort of very ordinary Tea, of a reddiſh brown colour, and 'tis their ordinary drink.
The Kingdom of Tonquin is in general healthy enough, eſpecially in the dry ſeaſon, when alſo it is very delightſom. For the ſeaſons of the year [32] year 1688 at Tonquin and all the Countries between the Tro⯑picks, are diſtinguiſhed into Wet and Dry, as pro⯑perly as others are into Winter and Summer: But as the alteration from Winter to Summer, and vice verſa is not made of a ſudden, but with the interchangeable Weather of Spring and Autumn; ſo alſo towards the end of the dry ſeaſon, there are ſome gentle ſhowers now and then, that precede the violent wet months; and again toward the end of theſe, ſeveral fair days that introduce the dry time. Theſe ſeaſons are generally much alike at the ſame time of the year in all places of the Torrid Zone, on the ſame ſide of the Equator: but for 2 or 3 degrees on each ſide of it, the weather is more mixt and uncertain, (tho' inclining to the wet extreme) and is often contrary to that which is then ſettled on the ſame ſide of the Equator more toward the Tropick. So that even when the wet ſeaſon is ſet in, in the Northern parts of the Torrid Zone, it may yet be dry weather for 2 or 3 degrees North of the Line: and the ſame may be ſaid of the con⯑trary Latitudes and Seaſons. This I ſpeak with reſpect to the dryneſs or moiſture of Countries in the Torrid Zone: but it may alſo hold good of their Heat or Cold, generally: for as to all theſe qualities there is a further difference ariſes from the make or ſituation of the Land, or other acciden⯑tal cauſes, beſides what depends on the reſpective latitude or regard to the Sun. Thus the Bay of Campeachy in the Weſt Indies, and that of Bengal in the Eaſt, in much the ſame latitude, are ex⯑ceeding hot and moiſt; and whether their ſitua⯑tion, being very low Countries, and the ſcarcity and faintneſs of the Sea-breezes, as in moſt Bays, may not contribute hereunto, I leave others to judge. Yet even as to the Latitudes of theſe places, lying near the Tropicks, they are generally upon that account alone more inclined to great Heats, [33] year 1688 than places near the Equator. This is what I have experienc'd in many places in ſuch Latitudes both in the Eaſt and West-Indies, that the hotteſt parts of the World are theſe near the Tropicks, eſpecially 3 or 4 Degrees within them; ſenſibly hotter than under the Line it ſelf. Many reaſons may be aſſign'd for this, beſide the accidental ones from the make of the particular Countries, Tropical Winds, or the like. For the longeſt day at the Equator never exceeds 12 Hours, and the Night is always of the ſame length: But near the Tropicks the longeſt day is about 13 hours and an half; and an hour and an half being alſo taken from the Night, what with the length of the day, and the ſhortneſs of the night, there is a difference of three hours: which is very conſiderable. Be⯑ſides which, at ſuch places as are about 3 Degrees within the Tropicks, or in the Lat. of 20 Deg. N. the Sun comes within 2 or 3 degrees of the Ze⯑nith in the beginning of May; and having paſt the Zenith, goes not above 2 or 3 degrees beyond it, before it returns and paſſeth the Zenith once more; and by this means is at leaſt 3 Months within 4 degrees of the Zenith: ſo that they have the Sun in a manner over their Heads from the be⯑ginning of May, till the latter end of July. Where⯑as when the Sun comes under the Line, in March or September, it immediately poſts away to the North or the South, and is not 20 days in paſſing from 3 degrees on one ſide, to 3 degrees on the other ſide the Line. So that by his ſmall ſtay there, the heat cannot be anſwerable to what it is near the Tropick, where he ſo long continues in a manner Vertical at Noon, and is ſo much longer above the Horrizon each particular day, with the intervening of a ſhorter Night.
But to return to Tonquin. During the wet Months there 'tis exceſſive hot, eſpecially when⯑ever [34] year 1688 the Sun breaks out of the Clouds, and there is then but little Wind ſtirring: And I have been told by a Gentleman who lived there many Years, that he thought it was the hotteſt place that ever he was in, tho' he had been in many other parts of India. And as to the Rains, it has not the leaſt ſhare of them, tho' neither altogether the greateſt of what I have met with in the Torrid Zone; and even in the ſame Latitude, and on the ſame ſide of the Equator. The wet Seaſon begins here the lat⯑ter end of April, or the beginning of May; and holds till the latter end of August, in which time are very violent Rains, ſome of many hours, others of two or three Days continuance. Yet are not theſe Rains without ſome conſiderable intervals of fair Weather, eſpecially toward the beginning or end of the Seaſon.
By theſe Rains are caus'd thoſe Land-floods, which never fail in theſe Countries between the Tropicks at their annual Periods; all the Rivers then overflowing their Banks. This is a thing ſo well known to all who are any way acquainted with the Torrid Zone, that the cauſe of the over⯑flowing of the Nile, to find out which the Ancients ſet their Wits ſo much upon the Rack, and fancied melting of Snows, and blowing of Eteſi [...], and I know not what, is now no longer a ſecret. For theſe Floods muſt needs diſcharge themſelves upon ſuch low Lands as lie in their way; as the Land of Egypt does with reſpect to the Nile, coming a great way from within the Torrid Zone, and falling down from the higher Ethiopia. And any one who will be at the pains to compare the time of the Land-flood in Egypt with that of the Torrid Zone in any of the parts of it along which the Nile runs will find that of Egypt ſo much later than the o⯑ther, as 'twill be thought reaſonable to allow for th [...] daily progreſs of the Waters along ſo vaſt a trac [35] year 1688 of Ground. They might have made the ſame wonderment of any other Rivers which run any long courſe from out the Torrid Zone: but they knowing only the North Temperate Zone, and the Nile being the only great River known to come thither a great way from a Country near the Line, they made that only the ſubject of their enquiry: but the ſame effect muſt alſo follow from any great River that ſhould run from out of the Torrid Zone into the South Temperate Zone. And as to the Torrid Zone, the yearly Floods, and their cauſe, are every where as well known by People there, as the Rivers themſelves. In America parti⯑cularly, in Campeachy Rivers, in Rio Grande, and others, 'tis a vaſt havock is made by theſe Floods; bringing down ſometimes Trees of an incredible bigneſs; and theſe floods always come at the ſtated ſeaſon of the Year. In the dry part of Peru, along the Coaſts of Pacifick Sea, where it never rains, as it ſeldom does in Egypt, they have not only Floods, but Rivers themſelves, made by the annual falling of Rain on the Mountains within Land; the Channels of which are dry all the reſt of the year. This I have obſerv'd concerning the River Ylo, on the Coaſt of Peru, in my former Volume, p. 95. But it has this difference from the Floods of Egypt, that beſides its being a River in the Torrid Zone, 'tis alſo in South Latitude, and ſo overflows at a contrary ſeaſon of the Year; to wit, at ſuch time as the Sun being in Southern Signs, cauſes the Rains and Floods on that ſide the Line.
But to eeturn from this digreſſion, in August the weather at Tonquin is more moderate, as to heat or wet, yet not without ſome ſhowers, and September and October are more temperate ſtill: yet the worſt weather in all the year for Seamen, is in one of the 3 Months laſt mentioned: for then the violent Storms, called Tuffoons, (Typhones) are ex⯑pected. [36] year 1688 Theſe Winds are ſo very fierce, that for fear of them the Chineſe that trade thither, will not ſtir out of Harbour till the end of October: after which Month there is no more danger of any violent Storms, till the next year.
Tuffoons are a particular kind of violent Storms, blowing on the Coaſt of Tonquin, and the neighbour⯑ing Coaſts in the Months of July, Auguſt, and Sep⯑tember. They commonly happen near the full or change of the Moon, and are uſually preceded by very fair weather, ſmall Winds and a clear Sky. Thoſe ſmall Winds [...]er [...] from the common Trade of that time of the year, which is here at S. W. and ſhuff [...]es about to the N. and N. E. Before the Storm comes there appears a boding Cloud in the N. E. which is very black near the Horizon, but towards the upper edge it looks of a dark Copper colour, and higher ſtill it is brighter, and after⯑wards it fades to a whitiſh glaring colour, at the very edge of the Cloud. This Cloud appears very amazing and ghaſtly, and is ſometimes ſeen 12 Hours before the Storm comes. When that Cloud begins to move apace, you may expect the Wind preſently. It comes on fierce, and blows very vio⯑lent at N. E. 12 Hours more or leſs. It is alſo com⯑monly accompanied with terrible claps of Thunder, large and frequent flaſhes of Lightning, and exceſ⯑ſive hard Rain. When the Wind begins to aba [...]e it dies away ſuddenly, and falling ſlat calm it conti⯑nues ſo an hour, more or leſs: then the wind comes about to the S. W. and it blows and rains as fierce from thence, as it did before at N. E. and as long.
November and December are 2 very dry, wholeſom, warm and pleaſant months. January, February, and March are pretty dry: but then you have thick fogs in the morning, and ſometimes driſling cold rains: the air alſo in theſe 3 months, particularly in January and February is very ſharp, eſpecially [37] year 1688 when the wind is at North Eaſt, or North North Eaſt, whether becauſe of the Quarter it blows from, or the Land it blows over I know not: for I have elſewhere obſerved ſuch Winds to be cold⯑er, where they have come from over Land. April is counted a moderate month, either as to heat or cold, drineſs or moiſture.
This is ordinarily the ſtate of their year: yet are not theſe various Seaſons ſo exact in the returns, but that there may ſometimes be the difference of a month, or more. Neither yet are the ſeveral Seaſons, when they do come, altogether alike in all years. For ſometimes the Rains are more violent and laſting, at other times more mode⯑rate; and ſome years they are not ſufficient to pro⯑duce reaſonable Crops, or elſe they come ſo unſea⯑ſonably as to injure and deſtroy the Rice, or at leaſt to advance it but little. For the Husbandry of this Country, and other Countreys in the Torrid Zone depends on the Annual Floods, to moiſten and fatten the Land, and if the wet ſeaſons prove more dry than ordinary, ſo as that the Rice-Land is not well dranched with the overflowing of the Rivers, the Crops will be but mean: and Rice being their Bread, the ſtaff of Life with them, if that fails, ſuch a populous Country as this cannot ſubſiſt with⯑out being beholding to its Neighbours. But when it comes to that paſs, that they muſt be ſupplied by Sea, many of the poorer ſort ſell their Children to relieve their wants, and ſo preſerve their Lives, whilſt others that have not Children to ſell, may be famiſhed and dye miſerable in the Streets. This manner of Parents dealing with their Children is not peculiar to this Kingdom alone, but is cuſto⯑mary in other places of the Eaſt-Indies, eſpecially on the Coaſts of Malabar and Coromandel. There a famine happens more frequently, and rages ſome⯑times to a degree beyond belief: for thoſe Coun⯑tries [38] year 1688 are generally very dry, and leſs productive of Rice than Tonquin. Neither are they ſuch large Rivers to fatten the Land: but all their Crop de⯑pends on Seaſons of Rains only, to moiſten the earth: and when thoſe ſeaſons fail, as they do very often, then they can have no Crop at all. Sometimes they have little or no rain in three or fore years, and then they periſh at a la⯑mentable rate. Such a Famine as this hapned 2 or 3 years before my going to Fort St. George, which raged ſo ſore, that thouſands of people periſhed for want, and happy were they that could hold out till they got to the Sea-port Towns, where the Europeans lived, to ſell themſelves to them, tho' they were ſure to be tranſported from their own Coun⯑try preſently. But the famine does never rage ſo much at Tonquin, neither may their greateſt ſcar⯑city be ſo truly called a famine: for in the worſt of times there is Rice, and 'tis thro' the poverty of the meaner people, that ſo many periſh or ſell their Children, for they might elſe have Rice enough, had they money to buy it with: and when their Rice is thus dear, all other proviſions are ſo proportionably.
There is a further difference between the Coun⯑tries of Malabar and Coromandel, and this of Ton⯑quin, that the more Rain they have there, the greater is their bleſſing: but here they may have too much rain for the lower part of the Kingdom; but that is rare. When this happens they have Banks to keep in the Rivers, and Ditches to drain the Land; tho' ſometimes to little purpoſe, when the floods are violent, and eſpecially if out of ſea⯑ſon. For if the floods come in their ſeaſons, tho' they are great, and drown all the Land, yet are they not hurtful; but on the contrary, very beneficial, becauſe the mud that they leave behind fattens the Land. And after all, if the low Land [39] year 1688 ſhould be injured by the floods, the dry Champion Land yields the better increaſe, and helps out the other; as that does them alſo in more kindly ſeaſons. In the dry ſeaſons the low Lands have this ad⯑vantage, that Channels are eaſily cut out of the River, to water them on each ſide. So that let the Seaſons be wet or dry this Country ſeldom ſuffers much. Indeed conſidering the Number of its inha⯑bitants, and the poverty of the Major part, it is ſometimes here, as in all populous Countries, very hard with the poor, eſpecially the Trades-people in the large Towns. For the Trade is very uncer⯑tain, and the people are imployed according to the number of Ships that come thither, to fetch away their Goods: and if but few Ships come hither, as ſometimes it happens, then the poor are ready to famiſh for want of work, whereby to get a ſub⯑ſiſtance. And not only this, but moſt Silk Coun⯑tries are ſtockt with great multitudes of poor peo⯑ple, who work cheap and live meanly on a little Rice; which if it is not very cheap, as it com⯑monly is here, the poor people are not able to maintain themſelves.
[40]Of the Natives of Tonquin: Their Form, Diſ⯑poſition, Capacity, Cloaths, Buildings, Villages, Groves, Banks, Ditches, and Gardens. Of Cachao, the Capital City. Ovens to ſecure goods from Fire; and other precautions againſt it. The Streets of the City, the Kings Pa⯑laces, and Engliſh and Dutch Factories. An Artificial Mole above the City, to break the force of the Land-floods. Of their Wives and Common Women. Feaſts at the Graves of the Dead, and Annual Feaſts: their entertaining with Betle and Arek, &c. Their Religion, Idols, Pagods, Prieſts, Offerings, and Pray⯑ers. Their Language and Learning. Their Mechanick Arts, Trades, Manufactures, Com⯑modities and Traffick.
TOnquin is very populous, being thick ſet with Villages; and the Natives in general are of a middle ſtature, and clean limb'd. They are of a Tawny Indian colour: but I think the faireſt and cleareſt that I ever ſaw of that Complexion: for you may perceive a bluſh or change of colour in ſome of their faces, on any ſudden ſurprize of paſſion; which I could never diſcern in any other Indians. Their faces are generally flattiſh, and of an oval form. Their noſes and lips are proportio⯑nable enough, and altogether graceful. Their hair is black, long and lank, and very thick; and they wear it hanging down to their ſhoulders.
[41] year 1688 Their teeth are as black as they can make them; for this being accounted a great ornament, they dye them of that colour, and are 3 or 4 days doing it. They do this when they are about 12 or 14 years old, both Boys and Girls: and during all the time of the operation they dare not take any nou⯑riſhment, beſides Water, Chau, or ſome liquid thing, and not much of that neither, for fear, I judge, of being poyſon'd by the Dye, or Pig⯑ment. So that while this is doing they undergo very ſevere Penance: but as both Sexes, ſo all Qualities, the poor as well as the rich, muſt be in this faſhion: they ſay they ſhould elſe be like Brutes; and that would be a great ſhame to them to be like Elephants or Dogs; which they compare thoſe to that have white teeth.
They are generally dextrous, nimble, and active; and ingenious in any Mechannick Science they pro⯑feſs. This may be ſeen by the multitude of fine Silks that are made here; and the curious Lacker⯑work, that is yearly tranſported from thence. They are alſo laborious and diligent in their Cal⯑lings; but the Country being ſo very populous, many of them are extreme poor for want of em⯑ployment: and tho' the Country is full of Silk, and other materials to work on, yet little is done, but when ſtrange Ships arrive. For 'tis the Money and goods that are brought hither, eſpecially by the Engliſh and Dutch, that puts life into them: for the Handicrafts men have not Money to ſet themſelves to work; and the Foreign Merchants are therefore forced to truſt them with advance⯑money, to the value of at leaſt a third, or half their goods; and this for 2 or 3 months or more, before they have made their Goods, and brought them in. So that they having no Goods ready by them, till they have Money from the Merchant ſtrangers, the Ships that trade hither muſt of ne⯑ceſſity [42] year 1688 ſtay here all the time that their Goods are making, which are commonly 5 or 6 months.
The Tonquineſe make very good Servants; I think the beſt in India. For as they are generally apprehenſive and do [...]il, ſo are they faithful when hired, diligent and obedient. Yet they are low ſpirited: probably by reaſon of their living under an Arbitrary Government. They are patient in labour, but in ſickneſs they are mightily dejected. They have one great fault extreme common among them, which is gaming. To this they are ſo uni⯑verſally addicted, Servants and all, that neither the awe of their Maſters, nor any thing elſe, is ſuf⯑ficient to reſtrain them, till they have loſt all they have, even their very Cloaths. This is a reigning Vice among the Eaſtern Nations, eſpecially the Chineſe, as I ſaid in the 15th Chaper of my former Volume. And I may add, that the Chineſe I found ſettled at Tonquin, were no leſs given to it than thoſe I met with elſewhere. For after they have loſt their Money, Goods and Cloaths, they will ſtake down their Wives and Children: and laſtly, as the deareſt thing they have, will play upon tick, and mortgage their Hair upon honour: And whatever it coſt 'em they will be ſure to redeem it. For a free Chineſe, as theſe are, who have fled from the Tartars, would be as much aſhamed of ſhort Hair, as a Tonquineſe of white Teeth.
The Cloaths of the Tonquineſe are made either of Silk or Cotton. The poor people and Soldiers do chiefly were Cotton Cloath died to a dark tawny colour. The rich men and Mandarins commonly were Engliſh Broad-cloath: the chief colours are red or green. When they appear before the King, they wear long Gowns which reach down to their heels: neither may any man appear in his pre⯑ſence but in ſuch a garb. The great men have alſo long Caps made of the ſame that their Gowns [43] year 1688 are made of: but the middle ſort of men and the poor commonly go bare-headed. Yet the Fiſher⯑men, and ſuch labourers as are by their employ⯑ments more expoſed to the weather, have broad⯑brimm'd Hats, made of Reeds, Straw, or Palmeto⯑leaves. Theſe Hats are as ſtiff as boards, and ſit not plyant to their heads: for which reaſon they have Bandſtrings or Necklaces faſtned to their Hats; which coming under their chins are there tyed, to keep their Hats faſt to their Heads. Theſe Hats are very ordinary things; they ſeldom wear them but in rainy weather. Their other Cloaths are very few and mean: a ragged pair of Britches commonly ſufficeth them. Some have bad Jackets, but neither Shirt, Stockings nor Shooes.
The Tonquineſe buildings are but mean. Their Houſes are ſmall and low: the Walls are either Mud, or Watle bedawbed over: and the Roofs are thatched, and that very ill, eſpecially in the Country. The Houſes are too low to admit of Chambers: yet they have here 2 or 3 partitions on the ground floor, made with a watling of Canes or Sticks, for their ſeveral uſes; in each of which there is a Window to let in the light. The Win⯑dows are only ſmall ſquare holes in the Walls, which they ſhut up at night with a Board, fitted for that purpoſe. The Rooms are but meanly fur⯑niſhed; with a poor Bed or two (or more, accord⯑ing to the bigneſs of the family) in the inner Room. The outer Rooms are furniſhed with Stools, Benches, or Chairs to ſit on. There is alſo a Ta⯑ble, and on one ſide a little Altar, with two In⯑cenſe-pots on it; nor is any Houſe without its Altar. One of theſe Incenſe-pots has a ſmall bun⯑dle of Ruſhes in it; the ends of which I always took notice had been burnt, and the fire put out. This outer Room is the place where they common⯑ly dreſs their food: yet in fair weather they do it [44] year 1688 as frequently in the open air, at their doors, or in their yards; as being thereby the leſs incommoded by heat or ſmoak.
They dwell not in lone houſes, but together in Villages: 'tis rare to ſee a ſingle houſe by it ſelf. The Country Villages commonly conſiſt of 20, 30, or 40 houſes, and are thick ſeated over all the Country; yet hardly to be be ſeen till you come to their very doors, by reaſon of the Trees and Groves they are ſurrounded with. And 'tis as rare to ſee a Grove without a Village, in the low Coun⯑try near the Sea, as to ſee a Village without a Grove: but the high Lands are full of Woods, and the Villages there ſtand all as in one great Foreſt. The Villages and Land about them do moſt belong to great men, and the Inhabitants are Tenants that manure and cultivate the ground.
The Villages in the low Land are alſo ſurround⯑ed with great banks and deep ditches. Theſe in⯑compaſs the whole Grove, in which each Village ſtands.
The banks are to keep the water from over⯑flowing their gardens, and from coming into their houſes in the wet time, when all the Land about them is under water, 2 or 3 foot deep. The ditches or trenches are to preſerve the water in the dry time, with which they water their gardens when need requires. Every man lets water at pleaſure, by little drains that run inward from the Town⯑ditch, into his own garden; and uſually each mans yard or garden is parted from his neighbours by one of theſe little drains on each ſide. The houſes lie ſcattering up and down in the Grove; no where joyning to one another, but each apart, and fenced in with a ſmall hedge. Every houſe hath a ſmall gate or ſtile to enter into the garden firſt, for the houſe ſtands in the middle of it: and the gardens runs alſo from the backſide of the houſe [45] year 1688 to the Town-Ditch, with its drain and hedge on each ſide. In the Gardens every Man has his own Fruit-trees, as Oranges, Limes, Betle; his Pumpkins, Melons, Pine-apples, and a great many Herbs. In the dry ſeaſon theſe Grovy dwellings are very pleaſant; but in the wet ſeaſon they are altoge⯑ther uncomfortable: for tho' fenced in thus with banks, yet are they like ſo many Duck-houſes all wet and dirt: neither can they paſs from one Village to another, but Mid-leg or to their Knees in Water, unleſs ſometimes in Boats, which they keep for this purpoſe: But notwithſtanding theſe, they are ſeldom out of mire and wet, even in the midſt of the Village or Garden, ſo long as that ſeaſon laſts. The Inhabitants of the higher part of the Kingdom are not troubled with ſuch incon⯑veniences, but live more cleanly and comfortably, foraſmuch as their Land is never overflown with water: and tho' they live alſo in Villages or Towns as the former, yet they have no occaſion to ſur⯑round them with banks or trenches, but lie open to the Foreſt.
The Capital City Cachao, which ſtands in the high Country about 80 Miles from the Sea, on the Weſt ſide of the River, and on a pretty level, yet riſing Ground, lies open in the ſame manner, with⯑out wall, bank, or ditch. There may be in Cachao about 20000 Houſes. The Houſes are generally low, the walls of the Houſes are of mud, and the covering Thatch, yet ſome are built with Brick, and the covering with Pan-tile. Moſt of theſe Houſes have a Yard, or Back-ſide belonging to them. In each Yard, you ſhall ſee a ſmall arched building made ſomewhat like an Oven, about ſix foot high, with the Mouth on the Ground. It is built from top to bottom with brick, all over daub'd thick with mud and dirt. If any Houſe wants a yard, they have nevertheleſs ſuch a kind of Oven as this, but [46] year 1688 ſmaller, ſet up in the middle of the Houſe it ſelf; and there is ſcarce a Houſe in the City without one. The uſe of it is to thruſt their chiefeſt Goods into when a Fire happens: for theſe low thatch'd Houſes are very ſubject to take fire, eſpe⯑cially in the dry times, to the Deſtruction of many Houſes in an inſtant, that often they have ſcarce time to ſecure their Goods in the arched Ovens, tho' ſo near them.
As every private Perſon hath this contrivance, to ſecure his own Goods, when a Fire happens, ſo the Government hath carefully ordered neceſſary means to be uſed for the preventing of Fire, or extinguiſhing it before it gets too great a Head. For in the beginning of the dry Seaſon every Man muſt keep a great Jar of Water, on the top of his Houſe, to be ready to pour down, as occaſion ſhall ſerve. Beſides this, he is to keep a long Pole, with a Baſket or Bowl at the end of it, to throw Water out of the Kennels upon the Houſes. But if the Fire gets to ſuch a head, that both theſe ex⯑pedients fail, then they cut the Straps that hold the Thatch of the Houſes, and let it drop from the Rafters to the Ground. This is done with little trouble; for the Thatch is not laid on as ours, nei⯑ther is it tyed on by ſingle Leaves, as in the West-Indies, and many parts of the East-Indies, where they Thatch with Palmeto or Palm-tree Leaves: but this is made up in Panes of 7 or 8 foot ſquare, before it is laid on; ſo that 4 or 6 Panes, more or leſs, accord⯑ing to the bigneſs of the Houſe, will cover one ſide of it: and theſe Panes being only faſtned in a few places to the Rafters with Rattans, they are ea⯑ſily cut, and down drops half the covering at once. Theſe Panes are alſo better than looſe Thatch, as being more managable, in caſe any of them ſhould fall on or near the Oven where the Goods are, for they are eaſily dragg'd off to another [47] year 1688 place. The neighbouring Houſes may this way be ſoon uncovered, before the Flame comes to 'em; and the Thatch either carried away, or at leaſt laid where it may burn by it ſelf. And for this purpoſe every Man is ordered to keep a long Pole or Bambo at his Door, with a Cutting-hook at the end of it, purpoſely for uncovering the Houſes: and if any Man is found without his Jar upon the Houſe, and his Bucket-Pole and long Hook at his Door, he will be puniſh'd ſeverely for his neglect. They are rigorous in exacting this: for even with all this caution they are much and often damaged by Fire.
The principal Streets in this City are very wide, tho' ſome are but narrow. They are moſt of them pav'd, or pitch'd rather, with ſmall Stones; but after a very ill manner. In the wet Seaſon they are very dirty; and in the dry time there are ma⯑ny ſtagnant Ponds, and ſome Ditches full of black ſtinking Mud, in and about the City. This makes it unpleaſant, and a Man would think unwhole⯑ſome too: yet it is healthy enough, as far as I per⯑ceiv'd, or could ever learn.
The Kings of Tonquin, who make this City their conſtant Reſidence, have two or three Pa⯑laces in it, ſuch as they be. Two of them are very mean; they are built with Timber, yet have they many great Guns planted in Houſes near them, Stables for the Kings Elephants and Horſes, and pretty large ſquare ſpots of Ground for the Soldiers to draw themſelves up regularly before him. The Third Palace is called the Palace Royal. It is more magnificently built than the other two: yet built alſo with Timber, but all open as the Divans in Turky are ſaid to be. The Wall that in⯑compaſſeth it is moſt remarkable. It is ſaid to be 3 leagues in circumference. The heigth of this Wall is about 15 or 16 foot, and almoſt as many [48] year 1688 broad or thick. It is faced up on both ſides with Brick: there are ſeveral ſmall Gates to go in and out at, but the main Gate faceth to the City. This they ſay is never opened, but when the Boua or Emperor goes in or comes out. There are two ſmaller Gates adjoyning to it, one on each ſide, which are opened on all occaſions, for any con⯑cerned there to paſs in and out; but Strangers are not permitted this liberty. Yet they may aſcend to the top of the Wall, and walk round it, there being Stairs at the Gate to go up by: and in ſome places the Walls are fallen down.
Within this Wall there are large Fiſh-ponds, where alſo there are Pleaſure-Boats for the Empe⯑ror's diverſion. I ſhall defer ſpeaking of him, whoſe Priſon this is, rather than Court, till the next Chapter, where I ſhall diſcourſe of the Go⯑vernment.
The Houſe of the Engliſh Factory, who are very few, is pleaſantly ſeated on the North end of the City, fronting to the River. 'Tis a pretty hand⯑ſom low-built Houſe; the beſt that I ſaw in the City. There is a handſome Dining-room in the middle, and at each end convenient Apartments for the Merchants, Factors, and Servants belong⯑ing to the Company to live in, with other conve⯑niences. This Houſe ſtands parallel with the Ri⯑ver; and at each end of it there are ſmaller Houſes for other uſes, as Kitchin, Store-Houſes, &c. run⯑ning in a Line from the great Houſe towards the River, making two Wings, and a ſquare Court open to the River. In this ſquare ſpace, near the Banks of the River, there ſtands a Flag Staff, purpoſely for the hoyſing up the Engliſh Colours on all occaſions: for it is the cuſtom of our Coun⯑trymen aboard, to let fly their Colours on Sundays, and all other remarkable Days.
[49] year 1688 The Dutch Factory joins to the Engliſh Factory on the South ſide: I was never in it, and therefore can ſay nothing of it, but what I have heard, that their ground is not ſo large as ours, tho' they are the longeſt ſtanders here by many years: for the Engliſh are but newly removed hither from Hean, where they reſided altogether before.
There is nothing more in or about the City worth noting, but only a piece of Work on the ſame ſide, up the River. This is a maſſy Frame of Timber, ingeniouſly put together, and very ar⯑tificially placed on great Piles, that are ſet upright in the River, juſt by its Banks. The Piles are dri⯑ven firmly into the Ground, cloſe one by another: and all the ſpace between them and the Bank is filled up with Stones, and on them great Trees laid a-croſs, and pinn'd faſt at each end to the Piles: ſo that the whole Fabrick muſt be moved before any part of it will yield. This piece of work is raiſed about 16 or 17 foot above the Water in the dry time: but in the wet Seaſon the Floods come within 2 or 3 foot of the top. It was made to reſiſt the violence of the Water in the rainy ſea⯑ſon: for the Stream then preſſeth ſo hard againſt this place, that before this Pile was built, it broke down the Bank, and threatned to carry all before it, even to the ruining of the City, if this courſe had not timely been taken to prevent it. And ſo much the rather, becauſe there is a large Pond juſt within Land, and low Ground between it and the City: So that had it made but a ſmall breach into the Pond, it would have come even to the Skirts of the City. And tho' the City ſtands ſo high as that the Land-floods never reach it, yet the Land on which it ſtands being a ſort of yielding Sand, could not be thought capable of always reſiſting ſuch violence. For the natural Floods do very of⯑ten make great changes in the River, breaking down [50] year 1688 one point of Land, and making another point in the oppoſite ſide of the River; and that chiefly in this part of the Country, where it is bounded with high Banks: for nearer the Sea, where it preſently overflows, the Floods do ſeldom make any conſi⯑derable change, and move more quietly.
But to return to the People. They are cour⯑teous and civil to Strangers, eſpecially the trading People: But the great Men are Proud, Haughty and Ambitious; and the Soldiers very inſolent. The poorer ſort are very Thieviſh; inſomuch that the Factors and Strangers that traffick hither are forced to keep good Watch in the Night to ſecure their Goods, notwithſtanding the ſevere Puniſhments they have againſt Thieves. They have indeed great Opportunities of Thieving, the Houſes being ſo ſlightly built: But they will work a way under Ground, rather than fail; and uſe many ſub⯑tle Stratagems. I am a Stranger to any Cere⯑monies uſed by them in Marriage, or at the Birth of a Child, or the like, if they uſe any: Polygamy is allowed of in this Country, and they buy their Wives of the Parents. The King and great Men keep ſeveral, as their Incli⯑nations lead them, and their Ability ſerves. The Poor are ſtinted for want of means more than deſire: For tho' many are not able to buy, much leſs to maintain one Wife; yet moſt of them make a ſhift to get one, for here are ſome very low prized ones, that are glad to take up with poor Huſbands. But then in hard times, the Man muſt ſell both Wife and Children, to buy Rice to main⯑tain himſelf. Yet this is not ſo common here as in ſome Places; as I before obſerved of the Mala⯑bar and Coromandel Coaſts. This cuſtom among them of buying Wives, eaſily degenerates into that other of hiring Miſſes, and gives great liberty to the young Women, who offer themſelves of then [51] year 1688 own accord to any Ssrangers, who will go to their price. There are of them of all prizes, from 100 Dollars to 5 Dollars, and the refuſe of all will be careſſed by the poor Seamen. Such as the Laſcars, who are Moors of India, coming hither in Veſſels from Fort St. George, and other places; who yet have nothing to give them, but ſuch Fragments of Food, as their Commons will afford. Even the great Men of Tonquin will offer their Daughters to the Merchants and Officers, tho' their ſtay is not likely to be above 5 or 6 Months in the Country: neither are they affraid to be with Child by White Men, for thir Children will be much fairer than their Mothers, and conſequently of greater repute, when they grow up, if they be Girls. Nor is it any great charge to breed them here: and at the worſt, if their Mothers are not able to maintain them, 'tis but ſelling them when they are young. But to return, the Women who thus let themſelves to hire, if they have been ſo frugal as to ſave what they have got by theſe looſe Amours, they ſoon procure Huſbands, that will love and eſteem them well enough: and themſelves alſo will prove afterwards obedient and faithful Wives. For 'tis ſaid, that even while they are with Strangers, they are very faithful to them; eſpecially to ſuch as remain long in the Country, or make annual returns hither, as the Dutch generally do. Many of theſe have gotten good Eſtates by their Tonquin Ladies; and that chiefly by truſting them with Money and Goods. For in this poor Country 'tis a great advantage to watch the Market; and theſe female Merchants having ſtocks will mightily im⯑prove them, taking their opportunities of buying raw Silk in the dead time of the Year. With this they will employ the poor People, when work is ſcarce; and get it cheaper and better done, than when Ships are here: for then every man being em⯑ployed [52] year 1688 and in a hurry of buſineſs, he will have his price according to the haſte of Work. And by this means they will get their Goods ready againſt the Ships arrive, and before the ordinary working Seaſon, to the profit both of the Merchant and the Pagally.
When a Man dies he is interr'd in his own Land, for here are no common Burying-places: And within a Month afterwards the Friends of the de⯑ceaſed, eſpecially if he was the Maſter of the Fami⯑ly, muſt make a great Feaſt of Fleſh and Fruit at the Grave. 'Tis a thing belonging to the Prieſts Office to aſſiſt at this ſolemnity; they are always there, and take care to ſee that the Friends of the deceaſed have it duly performed. To make this Feaſt they are obliged to ſell a piece of Land, tho' they have Money enough otherways: Which Money they beſtow in ſuch things as are neceſſary for the Solemnity, which is more or leſs, according to the quality of the deceaſed. If he was a great Man, there is a Tower of Wood erected over the Grave; it may be 7 or 8 Foot ſquare, and built 20 or 25 foot high. About 20 yards from the Tow⯑er, are little Sheds built with Stalls, to lay the Provi⯑ſions on, both of Meat and Fruits of all ſorts, and that in great plenty. Thither the Country People reſort to fill their Bellies, for the Feaſt ſeems to be free for all Comers, at leaſt of the Neighbourhood. How it is dreſt or diſtributed about, I know not; but there the People wait till 'tis ready. Then the Prieſt gets within the Tower, and climbs up to the top, and looking out from thence, makes an Oration to the People below. After this the Prieſt deſcends, and then they ſet Fire to the Foundation of the Tower, burn it down to the Ground: and when this is done they fall to their Meat. I ſaw one of theſe Grave-Feaſts, which I ſhall have elſe⯑where occaſion to mention.
[53] year 1688 The Tonquineſe have two Annual Feaſts. The chief is at the firſt New-Moon of the New-Year; and their New-Year begins with the firſt New-Moon that falls out after the middle of January, for elſe that Moon is reckon'd to the Old Year. At this time they make merry and rejoyce 10 or 12 days, and then there is no buſineſs done, but every Man makes himſelf as fine as may be, eſpecially the com⯑mon ſort. Theſe ſpend their time in gaming or ſporting, and you ſhall ſee the Streets full of People, both Citizens and Country Folks, gazing at ſeveral diverting Exerciſes. Some ſet up Swings in the Streets, and get Money of thoſe that will ſwing in them. The Frames are contrived like ours in the Fields about London in Holiday times: but they who ſwing ſtand upright in the lower part of the Swing, which is only a ſtick ſtanding on each end, being faſtned to a pendulous Rope, which they hold faſt with their hands on each ſide; and they raiſe themſelves to ſuch a prodigious heighth, that if the Swing ſhould break they muſt needs break their Limbs at beſt, if not kill themſelves outright. Others ſpend their time in drinking. Their ordi⯑nary Drink is Tea: but they make themſelves mer⯑ry with hot Rack, which ſometimes alſo they mix with their Tea. Either way it hath an odd naſty taſte, but is very ſtrong: and is therefore much eſteemed by them: eſpecially at this time, when they ſo much devote themſelves to Mirth, or Mad⯑neſs, or even beſtial Drunkenneſs. The richer ſort are more reſerved: yet they will alſo be very merry at this time. The Nobles treat their friends with good Cheer and the beſt Rack; but indeed there is none good in this Country. Yet ſuch as they have they eſteem as a great Cordial; eſpecially when Snakes and Scorpions have been infuſed therein, as I have been informed. This is not only accounted a great Cordial, but an Antitode againſt the Leproſie, and [54] year 1688 all ſorts of Poyſon; and 'tis accounted a great piece of reſpect to any one to treat him with his Liquor. I had this relation from one that had been treated thus by many o [...] the great men They alſo at this time more e [...]ecially chew abundance of Betle, and mak preſents thereof to one another.
The Betle Leaf is the great entertainment in the Eaſt for all Viſitants; and 'tis always given with the Arek ſolded up in it. They make up the Arek in pellets ſit for uſe, by firſt peeling off the outer green hard rind of the Nuts, and then ſplitting it length-ways in 3 or 4 parts, more or leſs, accord⯑ing to its bigneſs. Then they dawb the Leaf all o⯑ver with Chinam or Lime made into a Mortar or Paſte, and kept in a Box for this purpoſe, ſpread⯑ing it thin.
And here by the way I ſhall take notice of a ſlip in the former Volume, p. 318. which I deſire may be corrected: the Nut being there by miſtake call'd the Betle, and the Arek-tree call'd the Betle-tree, whereas Betle is the name of the Leaf they chew. In this Leaf thus ſpread with Chinam, they roll up a ſlice of Arek Nut, very neatly, and make a pellet of about an Inch long, and as big as the top of ones finger. Every man here has a Box that will hold a great many of theſe pellets, in which they keep a ſtore ready made up: for all perſons, of what quality ſoever, from the Prince to the Beggar, chew abundance of it. The poorer ſort carry a ſmall pouchful about with them: But the Mandarius, or great men, have curious oval Boxes, made purpoſely for this uſe, that will hold 50 or 60 Betle Pellets. Theſe Boxes are neatly lackered and gilded, both inſide or outſide, with a cover to take off; and if any ſtranger viſits them, eſpe⯑cially Europeans, they are ſure, among other good entertainment, to be treated with a Box of Betle. The Attendant that brings it holds it to the left [55] year 1688 hand of the ſtranger; who therewith taking off the cover, takes with his right hand the Nuts out of the Box. 'Twere an affront to take them, or give or receive any thing with the left hand, which is confined all over India to the viler uſes.
It is accounted good breeding to commend the taſte or neatneſs of this preſent; and they all love to be flatter'd. You thereby extreamly pleaſe the Maſter of the Houſe, and ingage him to be your friend: and afterwards you may be ſure he will not fail to ſend his Servant with a preſent of Betle once in two or three mornings, with a comple⯑ment to know how you do. This will coſt you a ſmall gratuity to the Servant, who joyfully acquaints his Maſter how gratefully you received the Preſent: and this ſtill engages him more; and he will com⯑plement you with great reſpect whenever he meets you. I was invited to one of theſe New-years Feaſts by one of the Country, and accordingly went aſhore, as many other Seamen did upon like invitations. I know not what entertainment they had; but mine was like to be but mean, and there⯑fore I preſently left it. The ſtaple Diſh was Rice, which I have ſaid before is the common food: Beſides which, my friend, that he might the better entertain me and his others Gueſts, had been in the morning a fiſhing in a Pond not far from his houſe, and had caught a huge meſs of Frogs, and with great joy brought them home as ſoon as I came to his houſe. I wonder'd to ſee him turn out ſo ma⯑ny of theſe creatures into a Baſket; and aſking him what they were for? he told me, to eat: but how he dreſt them I know not; I did not like his Dainties ſo well as to ſtay and dine with him.
The other great Feaſt they have, is after their May-crop is hous'd, about the beginning of June. At this Feaſt alſo they have publick Rejoycing; but much inferiour to thoſe of their New-years Feaſt.
[56] year 1688 Their Religion is Paganiſm, and they are great Idolaters: Nevertheleſs they own an omnipotent, ſupream, over-ruling power, that beholds both them and their actions, and ſo ſar takes notice of them, as to reward the good, and puniſh the bad in the other world. For they believe the immor⯑tality of the Soul: but the notion that they have of the Deity is very obſcure. Yet by the Figures which they make repreſenting this God, they manifeſtly ſhew that they do believe him to excel in ſight, ſtrength, courage and wiſdom, juſtice, &c. For tho' their Idols, which are made in human ſhapes, are very different in their forms; yet they all repreſent ſomewhat extraordinary, either in the countenance, or in the make of the body or limbs. Some are very corpulent and fat, others are very lean, ſome alſo have many eyes, others as many hands, and all graſping ſomewhat. Their aſpects are alſo different, and in ſome meaſure repreſenting what they are made to imitate, or there is ſome⯑what in their hands or lying by them, to illuſtrate the meaning of the Figure. Several paſſions are alſo repreſented in the countenance of the Image, as love, hatred, joy, grief. I was told of one Image that was placed ſitting on his Hams, with his Elbows reſting on his knees, and his Chin reſt⯑ing on his 2 Thumbs, for the ſupporting his Head, which lookt drooping forwards: his Eyes were mournfully lifted up towards Heaven, and the figure was ſo lean, and the countenance and whole com⯑poſure was ſo ſorrowful, that it was enough to move the beholder with pity and compaſſion. My Friend ſaid he was much affected with the ſight thereof.
There are other Images alſo, that are in the ſhape of Beaſts, either Elephants or Horſes, for I have not ſeen them in any other ſhape. The Pago⯑das or Idol Temples, are not ſumptuous and mag⯑nificent, as in ſome of the Neighbouring Kingdoms. [57] year 1688 They are generally built with Timber, and are but ſmall and low: yet moſtly covered with Pan⯑tile; eſpecially the City Pagodas: but in the Coun⯑try ſome of them are thatched. I ſaw the Horſe and Elephant Idols only in the Country: and in⯑deed I ſaw none of the Idols in the City Cachao, but was told they were generally in humane ſhapes.
The Horſe and Elephant Images I ſaw, were both ſorts about the bigneſs and height of a good Horſe, each ſtanding in the midſt of a little Tem⯑ple, juſt big enough to contain them, with their heads towards the door: and ſometimes one, ſome⯑times two together in a Temple, which was always open. There were up and down in the Country other buildings, ſuch as Pagodas, or Temples, Tombs, or the like, leſs than theſe; and not above the heighth of a man: but theſe were always ſhut ſo cloſe, that I could not ſee what was within them.
There were many Pagan Prieſts belonging to theſe Pagodas, and 'tis reported that they are by the Laws tied to ſtrict rules of Living, as abſtinence from Women, and ſtrong drink eſpecially, and en⯑joined a poor ſort of Life. Yet they don't ſeem to confine themſelves much to theſe Rules: but their ſubſiſtence being chiefly from Offerings, and there being many of them, they are uſually very poor. The Offerings to the Prieſt is commonly 2 or [...] handfuls of Rice, a box of Betle, or ſome ſuch like preſent. One thing the people reſort to them for is Fortune-telling, at which they pretend to be very expert, and will be much offended if any diſpute their ſkill in that, or the truth of their Re⯑ligion. Their Habitations are very little and mean, cloſe by the Pagodas, where they conſtantly attend to offer the petitions of the poor people, that fre⯑quently reſort thither on ſome ſuch errand. For they have no ſet times of Devotion, neither do they ſeem to eſteem one day above another, except [58] year 1688 their Annual Feaſts. The people bring to the Prieſt in writing what Petition they have to make: and he reads it aloud before the Idol, and after⯑wards burns it in an Incenſe-pot, the Supplicant all the while lying proſtrate on the Ground.
I think the Mandarins and rich people ſeldom come to the Pagodas, but have a Clerk of their own, who reads the Petition in their own Courts or Yards: and it ſhould ſeem by this, that the Manda⯑rins have a better ſenſe of the Deity, than the com⯑mon People; for in theſe Yards, there is no Idol, before whom to perform the Ceremony, but 'tis done with Eyes lift up to Heaven. When they make this Petition they order a great deal of good meat to be dreſt, and calling all their Servants into the Court, where the Ceremony is to be perſormed, they place the food on a Table, where alſo 2 Incenſe-pots are placed, and then the Mandarin preſents a paper to the Clerk, who reads it with an audible voice. In the firſt place there is drawn up an ample account of all that God has bleſt him withal, as Health, Riches, Honour, Favour of his Prince, &c. and long Life, if he be old; and towards the concluſion, there is a Petition to God for a continuance of all theſe bleſſings, and a farther augmentation of them; eſpecially with long life and favour of his Prince, which laſt they eſteem as the greateſt of all Bleſ⯑ſings. While this paper is reading the Maſter kneels down, and bows his face down to the Earth: and when the Clerk has done reading it, he puts it to the burning ruſhes, that are in the Incenſe-pot, where 'tis conſum'd. Then he flings in [...] or 4 little bundles of ſacred paper, which is very fine and gilded; and when that alſo is burnt, he bids his Servans eat the Meat. This Relation I had from an Engliſh Gentlemen, who underſtood the Lan⯑guage very well, and was preſent at ſuch a Cere⯑mony. This burning of paper ſeems a great Cuſtom [59] year 1688 among the Eaſtern Idolaters: and in my former Volume I obſerved the doing ſo by the Chineſe, in a Sacrifice they had at Bencouli.
The Tonquineſe Language is ſpoken very much through the throat, but many words of it are pro⯑nounced through the teeth. It has a great affinity to the Chineſe Language, eſpecially the Fokein dia⯑lect, as I have been informed: and tho' their words are differently pronounced, yet they can underſtand each others writings, the characters and words being ſo near the ſame. The Court Lan⯑guage eſpecially is very near the Chineſe; for the Courtiers being all Scholars, they ſpeak more ele⯑gantly; and it differs very much from the vulgar corrupted Language. But for the Malayan Tongue, which Monſieur Tavernier's Brother in his Hiſto⯑ry of Tonquin ſays is the Court Language, I ne⯑ver could hear by any perſon that it is ſpoken there, tho I have made particular inquiry about it; neither can I be of his opinion in that matter. For the Tonquineſe have no manner of Trade with any Malayans that I could obſerve or learn, neither have any of their neighbours: and for what other grounds the Tonquineſe ſhould receive that language I know not. It is not probable that either Con⯑queſt, Trade or Religion could bring it in; nor do they travel towards Malacca, but towards China; and commonly 'tis from one of theſe cauſes that Men learn the language of another Nation. The remarkable ſmoothneſs of that Language, I confeſs, might excite ſome people to learn it out of curioſity: but the Tonquineſe are not ſo curious.
They have Schools of Learning and Nurſeries to tutor youth. The Characters they write in are the ſame with the Chineſe, by what I could judge; and they write with a hair Pencil, not ſitting at a Table, as we do, but ſtand upright. They hold their Paper in one hand, and write with the other: [60] year 1688 making their Characters very exact and fair. They write their lines right down from the top to the bottom, beginning the firſt line from the right hand, and ſo proceeding on towards the left. Af⯑ter they can write they are inſtructed in ſuch Sciences as their Maſters can tutor them in; and the Mathematicks are much ſtudied by them: They ſeem to underſtand a little of Geometry and Arith⯑metick, and ſomewhat more of Aſtronomy. They have Almanacks among them: but I could not learn whether they are made in Tonquin, or brought to them from China.
Since the Jeſuits came into theſe parts, ſome of them have improved themſelves in Aſtronomy pretty much. They know from them the Revo⯑lution of the Planets: they alſo learn of them natural Philoſophy, and eſpecially Ethic [...]s: and when young Students are admitted to make Gra⯑duates, they paſs through a very ſtrict examination. They compoſe ſomething by way of trial, which they muſt be careful to have wholly their own, for if it is found out that they have been aſſiſted, they are puniſhed, degraded, and never admitted to a ſecond examination.
The Tonquineſe have learnt ſeveral Mechanick Arts and Trades, ſo that here are many Tradeſmen, viz. Smiths, Carpenters, Sawyers, Joyners, Tur⯑ners, Weavers, Tailors, Potters, Painters, Money⯑changers, Paper-makers, Workers on Lacker were Bell-founders, &c. Their Saws are moſt in frames. and drawn forwards and backwards by two men. Money-changing is a great Profeſſion here. It is managed by Women, who are very dextrous and ripe in this employment. They hold their Cabals in the night, and know how to raiſe their Caſh as well as the cunningeſt Stock-jobber in Lon⯑don.
[61] year 1688 The Tonquineſe make indifferent good Paper, of two ſorts. One ſort is made of Silk, the other of the rinds of Trees. This being pounded well with wooden Peſtles in large Troughs, make the beſt writing Paper.
The vendible Commodities of this Kingdom, are Gold, Muſk, Silks, both wrought and raw, ſome Callicoes, Drugs of many ſorts, Wood for Dying, Lacker Wares, Earhen-Wares, Salt, Anniſeed, Wormſeed, &c. There is much Gold in this Country: It is like the China Gold, as pure as that of Japan, and much finer. Eleven or twelve Tale of Silver brings one of Gold. A Tale is the Name of a Summ about a Noble Engliſh. Beſides, the raw Silk fetched from hence, here are ſeveral ſorts of wrought Silks made for Exportation, viz. Pe⯑longs, Sues, Hawkins, Piniaſco's, and Gaws. The Pelongs and Gaws, are of each ſort either plain or flowered very neatly. They make ſeveral other ſorts of Silk, but theſe are the principal that are bought by the Engliſh or Dutch.
The Lakerd Ware that is made here, is not in⯑ferior to any but that of Japan only, which is eſteemed the beſt in the World; probably becauſe the Japan Wood is much better than this at Tonquin, for there ſeems not any conſiderable difference in the Paint or Varniſh. The Lack of Tonquin is a ſort of gummy Juice, which drains out of the Bodies or Limbs of Trees. It is gotten in ſuch quantities by the Country People, that they daily bring it in great Tubs to the Markets at Cachao to ſell, eſpeci⯑ally all the working Seaſon. The natural colour is white, and in ſubſtance thick like Cream: but the Air will change its colour, and make it look blackiſh: And therefore the Country People that bring it to Town, cover it over with 2 or 3 ſheets of Paper, or Leaves, to preſerve it in its freſh native colour The Cabinets, Deſks, or any ſort of [62] year 1688 Frames to be Lackered, are made of Fir, or Pone-tree: but the Joyners in this Country may not compare their Work with that which the Eu⯑ropeans make: and in laying on the Lack upon good or fine joyned work they frequently ſpoil the joynts, edges, or corners of Drawers of Cabinets: Beſides, our faſhions of Utenſils differ mightily from theirs, and for that reaſon Captain Pool, in his ſecond Voyage to the Country, brought an in⯑genious Joyner with him to make faſhionable Com⯑modities to be lackered here, as alſo Deal-boards, which are much better than the Pone-wood of this Country.
The Work-houſes where the Lacker is laid on, are accounted very unwholeſome, by reaſon of a poiſonous quality, ſaid to be in the Lack, which fumes into the Brains through the Noſtrils of thoſe that work at it, making them break out in Botches and Biles; yet the ſcent is not ſtrong, nor the ſmell unſavoury. The Labourers at this Trade can work only in the dry Seaſon, or when the drying North Winds blow: for as they lay ſeveral Coats of Lack, one on another, ſo theſe muſt all have time to be throughly dry, before an outer Coat can be laid on the former. It grows blackiſh of it ſelf, when expoſed to the Air; but the Colour is heightned by Oil and other ingredients mixt with it. When the outſide Coat is dry, they poliſh it to bring it to a gloſs. This is done chiefly by often rubbing it with the ball or palm of their Hands. They can make the Lack of any colour, and tem⯑per it ſo as to make therewith good Glew, ſaid to be the beſt in the World: It is alſo very cheap, and prohibited Exportation. They make Varniſh alſo with the Lack.
Here is alſo Turpentine in good plenty, and very cheap. Our Captain bought a conſiderable quan⯑tity for the Ships uſe: and of this the Carpenter [63] year 1688 made good Pitch, and uſed it for covering the Seams after they were caulked.
The Earthen Ware of this Country is courſe and of a grey Colour, yet they make great quantities of ſmall Earthen Diſhes, that will hold half a Pint or more. They are broader towards the brim than at the bottom, ſo that they may be ſtowed within one another. They have been ſold by Europeans, in many of the Malayan Countries, and for that rea⯑ſon Capt. Pool in his firſt Voyage bought the beſt part of 100000, in hopes to ſell them in his return homeward at Batavia, but not finding a Market for them there, he carried them to Bencouli on the Iſland Sumatra, where he ſold them at a great profit to Governor Bloom: And he alſo ſold moſt of them at good Advantage to the Native Malayans there: yet ſome thouſands were ſtill at the Fort when I came thither, the Country being glutted with them. Capt. Weldon alſo bought 30 or 40000, and carried them to Fort St. George, but how he diſpoſed of them I know not. The China Wares which are much finer, have of late ſpoiled the ſale of this Commodity in moſt places: Yet at Rackan in the Bay of Bengall, they are ſtill eſteem⯑ed, and ſell at a good rate.
The ſeveral ſorts of Drugs bought and ſold here, are beyond my Knowledge: but here is China root, Galingame, Rhubarb, Ginger, &c. Neither do I know whether any of theſe grow in this Country, for they are moſtly imported from their Neigh⯑bours; tho' as to the Ginger, I think it grows here. Here is alſo a ſort of Fruit or Berry ſaid to grow on ſmall Buſhes, called by the Dutch, Anniſe, becauſe its ſ [...]nt and taſte is ſtrong like that of the Anniſeed. This Commodity is only exported hence by the Dutch, who carry it to Batavia, and there [...]ſtil it among their Arack, togive it an Anniſeed b [...]vour. This ſort of Arack is not ſit to make [64] year 1688 Punch with, neither is it uſed that way, but for want of plain Arack. It is only uſed to take a Dram of by it ſelf, by the Dutch chiefly, who in⯑ſtead of Brandy, will ſwallow large doſes of it, tho' it be ſtrong: but 'tis alſo much uſed and eſtemed all over the East-Indies.
There is one ſort of Dying-wood in this Coun⯑try much like the Campeachy Log-wood, tho' whe⯑ther the ſame, or Wood of greater value, I know not. I have heard that 'tis call'd Sappan Wood; and that it comes from Siam. It was ſmaller than what we uſually cut in the Bay of Campeachy; for the biggeſt ſtick that I ſaw here was no bigger than my Leg, and moſt of it much ſmaller, and crooked. They have other ſort of Dyes; but I can give no account of them. They dye ſeveral Colours here, but I have been told they are not laſting. They have many ſorts of good tall Tim⯑ber-trees in this Country, fit for any ſorts of building: but by relation none very durable. For Maſting the Fir and Pone-trees are the beſt. Here is much Wormſeed, but it grows not in this Kingdom. It is brought from within the Land, from the Kingdom of Boutan, or from the Province of Yunam, bordering on this Kingdom, yet belong⯑ing to China. From thence comes the Muſk and Rhubard; and theſe three Commodities are ſaid to be peculiar to Boutan and Yunam. The Muſk grows in the Cods of Goats. The ſame Countries yield Gold alſo, and ſupply this Country with it: for whatever Gold Mines the Tonquineſe are ſaid to have in their own Mountains, yet they do not work upon them.
With all theſe rich Commodities, one would ex⯑pect the People to be rich; but the generality an very poor, conſidering what a Trade is driven here For they have little or no Trade by Sea them ſelves, except for Eatables, as Rice, and Fill [65] year 1688 which is ſpent in the Country: but the main Trade of the Country is maintained by the Chineſe, Engliſh, Dutch, and other Merchant Strangers, who either reſide here conſtantly, or make their annual Returns hither. Theſe export their Com⯑modities, and import ſuch as are vendible here. The Goods imported hither beſides Silver, are Salt⯑peter, Sulphur, Engliſh Broad-cloath, Cloath⯑raſhes, ſome Callicoes, Pepper and other Spices, Lead, great Guns, &c. but of Guns the long Sa⯑ker is moſt eſteemed. For theſe Commodities you receive Money or Goods, according to contract: but the Country is ſo very poor, that, as I for⯑merly obſerved, the Merchant commonly ſtays 3 or 4 Months for his Goods, after he has paid for them; becauſe the Poor are not employed till Ships arrive in the Country, and then they are ſet to work by the Money that is brought thither in them. The King buys great Guns, and ſome pieces of Broad-cloath: but his pay is ſo bad, that Merchants care not to deal with him, could they avoid it. But the Trading People by all accounts are honeſt and juſt: That I heard a Man ſay, who had traded there ten Years, in which time he dealt for many thouſands of pounds, that he did not in all that time loſe 10l. by them all.
[66]Of the Government of Tonquin. The 2 Kings Boua and Choua; the Revolt of the Co⯑chinchineſe, and Original of the preſent Conſtitution at Tonquin. Of the Boua's confinement, and the Choua's or ruling Kings Perſon and Government; and the Treaſure, Elephants and Artillery. Their manner of making Gun-powder. Of the Soldiers, their Arms, Employment, &c. Of the Naval Force, their fine Gallies and Management of them. The Watch kept in their Towns, their Juſtice and puniſhing of Debtors, and Cri⯑minals of all ſorts. Of the Eunuch Manda ⯑rins: Their Promotion and Diſpoſitions. Of their ſwearing upon a draught of Hens Blood: and the Trial by bitter Waters in Guinea. Of the Mandarins Entertainments: The Chop-ſticks uſed at Meals; and their kindneſs to Strangers.
THis Kingdom is an abſolute Monarchy, but of ſuch a kind as is not in the World again; for if has two Kings, and each ſupreme in his particular way: The one is called Boua, the other Choua; which laſt Name I have been told ſignifies Maſier. The Boua and his Anceſtors were the ſole Mo⯑narchs of Tonquin; tho' I know not whether as in⯑dependant Soveraigns, or as Tributaries to China, of which they have been thought to have been a [...]ro [...]tier Pro [...]ince, if not a Colony: for there is a great [...] between them in their Language. [67] year 1688 Religion, and Cuſtoms. Theſe 2 Kings they have at preſent, are not any way related in their Deſcent or Families: nor could I learn how long their Government has continued in the pre⯑ſent form; but it appears to have been for ſome Succeſſions. The occaſion is variouſly reported; but ſome give this account of it.
The Boua's, or antient Kings of Tonquin, were formerly Maſters of Cochinchina, and kept that Nation in ſubjection by an Army of Tonquineſe con⯑ſtantly kept there, under a General or Deputy, who rul'd them. When Cochinchina threw off the Tonquineſe Yoak, the King had two great Generals, one in Cochinchina, and another in Tonquin it ſelf. Theſe two Generals differing, he who was in Cochinchina revolted from his Soveraign of Tonquin, and by his Power over the Army there, made himſelf King of Cochinchina: ſince which theſe two Nations have always been at Wars; yet each Nation of late is rather on the defenſive part than on the offenſive. But when the General who commanded in Cochinchina had been thus ſuc⯑ceſsful in his Revolt from under the Boua, the Tonquineſe General took the Courage to do ſo too; and having gained the Affections of his Army, de⯑prived the King, his Maſter, of all the Regal Power, and kept it with all the Revenues of the Crown in his own Hands: yet leaving the other the Title of King; probably, becauſe of the great zeal the People had for that Family. And thus the Kingdom came wholly into the Power of this Tonquineſe General, and his Heirs, who carry the Title of Choua; the Boua's of the Ancient Fami⯑ly having only the ſhadow of that Authority they were formerly Maſters of. The Boua lives the Life of a kind of a Priſoner of State, within the old Palace, with his Women and Children; and diverts himſelf in Boats among his Fiſh-ponds [68] year 1688 within the Palace Walls, but never ſtirs without thoſe bounds. He is held in great Veneration by all the Tonquineſe, and ſeemingly by the Choua alſo; who never offers any violence to him, but treats him with all imaginable reſpect. The People ſay they have no King but Boua; and ſeem to have ſad apprehenſions of the loſs they ſhould have, if he ſhould dye without an Heir: and whenever the Choua comes into his prefence, which is 2 or 3 times in the year, he uſeth abundance of Com⯑pliments to him, and tells him, that his very Life is at his ſervice, and that he governs and rules wholly to do him a kindneſs: and always gives him the upper hand. So alſo when any Ambaſſadors are ſent from the Emperor of China, they will de⯑liver their Meſſage to none but the Boua, and have their Audience of him. Yet after all this Pageantry, the Boua has only a few Servants to attend him, none of the Mandarins make their Court to him, nor is he allow'd any Guards: All the Magiſtracy and Soldiery, Treaſure, and the ordering of all Matters of Peace or War, are en⯑tirely at the Choua's diſpoſal; all preferment is from him, and the very Servants who attend the Boua, are ſuch only as the Choua places about him. Beſides theſe Servants, none are ever ſuffer'd to ſee the Boua, much leſs Strangers: So that I could learn nothing as to his Perſon. But as to the Choua, I have been informed that he is an angry, ill-natured, leprous Perſon. He lives in the ſecond Palace, where he has ten or twelve Wives; but what Children I know not. He governs with ab⯑ſolute Authority over the Subjects, and with great tyranny: for their Lives, Goods, and Eſtates are at his Command. The Province of Tenehoa is ſaid to have belonged properly to his Anceſtors, who were grea [...] Mandarins before the uſurpation So that he now [...]e [...]s to have a particular value [69] year 1688 for it, and keeps his Treaſure there, which, by report, is very great. This Treaſure is buried in great Ciſterns full of Water, made purpoſely for that uſe: and to ſecure it, he keeps a great many Soldiers there; and commits the charge, both of them and the Treaſure, to the Governour of the Province, who is one of his principal Eunuchs.
The Choua has always a ſtrong guard of Soldiers about his Palace, and many large Stables for his Horſes and Elephants. The Horſes are about 13 or 14 hands high, and are kept very fat: there are 2 or 300 of them. The Elephants are kept in long Stables by themſelves, each having a pecu⯑liar room or partition, with a Keeper to dreſs and feed him. The number of the King's Elephants are about 150 or 200. They are watered and waſhed every day in the River.
Some of the Elephants are very gentle and go⯑vernable, others are more indocil and unruly. When theſe rude ones are to paſs through the Streets, tho' only to be watered, the Rider or Dreſſer orders a Gong or Drum to be beaten before him, to warn People that an unruly Elephant is coming; and they preſently clear the Streets and give a paſſage for the Beaſt; who will do miſ⯑chief to any that are in the way, and their Riders or Keepers cannot reſtrain him.
Before the Choua's Palace, there is a large parade, or ſquare place for the Soldiers to be drawn up. On one ſide there is a place for the Mandarins to ſit, and ſee the Soldiers exerciſe, on the other ſide there is a ſhed, wherein all the Cannon and heavy Guns are lodged. There may be 50 or 60 Iron Guns from Falcon to Demy-Culverin, 2 or 3 whole Culverin or Demi-Cannon, and ſome old Iron Mortars lying on logs. The Guns are mount⯑ed on their Carriages, but the Carriages of theſe Guns are old and very ill made. There is one [70] year 1688 great Braſs Gun, much bigger than the reſt, ſup⯑poſed to be 8 or 9000 pound weight. It is of a taper bore; of a foot diameter at the mouth, but much ſmaller at the britch. It is an ill ſhaped thing, yet much eſteemed by them, probably be⯑cauſe it was caſt here, and the biggeſt that ever they made. It was caſt about 12 or 13 years ago, and it being ſo heavy, they cou'd not contrive to mount it, but were beholding to the Engliſh, to put it into the Carriage; where it now ſtands more for a ſhow them ſervice. But tho this is but an ordinary piece of workmanſhip, yet the Tonquineſe underſtand how to run Metals, and are very expert in temper⯑ing the Earth, wherewith they make their mould.
Theſe are all the great Guns, that I ſaw or heard of in this Kingdom, neither are here any Forts, yet the King keeps always a great many Solders. 'Tis ſaid that he has always 70 or 80000 conſtant⯑ly in pay. Theſe are moſt Foot, they are arm'd with Curtans or Sword, and Hand-Guns of 3 foot and an half or 4 foot in the Barrel. The bore is about the bigneſs of our Horſe Piſtols, they are all Match⯑locks, and they are very thick and heavy. The Soldiers do all make their own Powder. They have little Engins for mixing the ingredients, and make as ſmall a quantity as they pleaſe. They know not how to corn it, and therefore it is in unequal lumps, ſome as big as the top of a mans Thumb, and ſome no bigger than a white Pea: neither have I ſeen any Powder well corn'd, that has been made in any of theſe Eaſtern Nations.
The Soldiers have each a Cartage Box covered with leather, after the manner of the Weſt-Indian Privateers: but inſtead of Paper Cartages, theſe are filled with ſmall hollow Canes, each containing a load or charge of Powder; which they empty out of the Cane into the Gun; ſo that each Box has in it, as it were, ſo many Bandeleers. Their Arms are kept [71] year 1688 very bright and clean: for which purpoſe every one of them has a hollow Bambo to lay over the Barrel of his Gun; and to keep the duſt from it as it lies over the wrack in his Houſe. When they march alſo in rainy weather, they have another Bambo, to cover their Guns. This is large enough to cover the whole Barrel, and very well lacker'd; ſo that it is not only handſome, but alſo preſerves the Gun dry.
The Soldiers when they march are led by an Officer, who is leader of the File: and every File conſiſts of 10 men: but as I have been informed by one who has ſeen them march, they don't keep their ranks in marching. The Soldiers are moſt of them luſty ſtrong well made men: for 'tis that chiefly recommends them to the Kings ſervice. They muſt alſo have good Stomachs, for that is a greater recommendation than the former; neither can any ma [...] be entertain'd as a Soldier, that has not a greater ſtroke than ordinary at eating: for by this they judge of his ſtrength and conſtitution. For which reaſon, when a Soldier comes to be liſted, his Stomach is firſt proved with Rice, the common ſubſiſtence of the ordinary People in this Kingdom: and according as he acquits himſelf in this firſt tryal of his manhood, ſo he is either diſcharged or entertain'd in the ſervice. 'Tis re⯑ported, that at theſe Tryals they commonly eat 8 or 9 cups of Rice, each containing a pint, and they are ever afterwards eſteem'd and advanced, according to the firſt days ſervice: and the greateſt eaters are chiefly imploy'd as guards to the King, and commonly attend on his perſon. The Pro⯑vince of Ngean breeds the luſtieſt men, and the beſt eaters: for that reaſon thoſe of that Province are generally imploy'd as Soldiers. After 30 years ſervice a Soldier may petition to be disbanded; and then the Village where he was born muſt ſend another Man to ſerve in his room.
[72] year 1688 The Horſemen are but few, and armed with Bows, and long Spears or Lances, like the Moors and Turks. Both theſe and the Foot Soldiers are very dexterous in uſing their weapons, and ſhoot very well either with Gun or Bow; for they are often exerciſed by ſhooting at Marks. The King orders a ſhooting match once a year, and rewards the beſt marks-man with a fine Coat, or about 1000 Caſh, as 'tis called, which is a ſumm above the value of a Dollar. The mark is a white earthen Cup, placed againſt a Bank. The diſtance they ſtand to fire at it is about 80 yards. He who breaks the firſt Cup has the fineſt Coat; for there are others alſo of leſs worth and finery for the reſt, that have the good fortune to break the other Cups, or Caſh in lieu of them. This is all at the Kings charge, who incourages this exerciſe very much, as a means to make them good Marks-men; and they generally prove ſuch. They will load and fire the quickeſt of any People. They draw the Rammer at one motion, and powring down the Powder and Bullet, they ram all down at one motion more. Then they withdraw the Rammer, and put it into its place, at 2 motions more. All the 4 motions are performed very dexterouſly and quick: and when they ſhoot at a mark, they level, and fire at firſt ſight, yet very ſucceſs⯑fully.
Tho' the King of Tonquin has no Forts, yet he keeps always a great many Soldiers in the Fron⯑tier Towns of his Kingdom; eſpecially on the S. W. part thereof, to check the Cochinchineſe, his implacable Enemies: and tho' there ſeldom hap⯑pens a pitch'd Battel between them, yet there are often Skirmiſhings, which keep the Soldiers on each ſide upon thier guards: and ſometimes there are conſiderable excurſions made by one or other party into the Enemies Territories, where they [73] year 1688 kill, ſpoil, and bring away what Booty they can find. The King alſo has always about 30000 near his perſon, and quarter'd in or about Cachao, ready on all occaſions. The dry ſeaſon is the time for his Armies to take the Field, or go againſt an Ene⯑my: for in theſe Countries there is no marching in the Wet ſeaſon. When he ſends an Army by Land on any expedition, the General, and other great Officers are mounted on Elephants. Theſe have neat little boarded Houſes or Caſtles faſtned on their backs, where the great men ſit in ſtate, ſecur'd from the Sun or Rain. They have no Field-pieces in their Armies, but inſtead thereof they carry on mens backs Guns that will carry a four ounce Shot. The barrels of theſe Guns are about 6 or 7 foot long: but tho' one man carries one of them on his back, yet he cannot hold it out to fire, like ſmall Guns, but reſts it on its Carriage, which is another Man's burden, and they two manage it between them. The Carri⯑age is only a round piece of Wood, about 4 inches thick, and 6 or 7 foot long. One end of the Carriage is ſupported with two Legs, or a Fork of three foot high, the other reſts on the ground. The Gun is placed on the top, where there is an Iron Socket for the Gun to reſt in, and a Swivel to turn the Muzzel any way. From the britch of the Gun there is a ſhort ſtock, for the man who fires the Gun to traverſe it withal, and to reſt it againſt his ſhoulder. The uſe of theſe Guns is to clear a Paſs, or to fire over the Rivers, when the Enemy is ſo commodiouſly plac'd, that there is no other way to move him; and they are carry'd by theſe two men almoſt with as much eaſe as Mus⯑kets. In theſe Land-expeditions they carry but little Baggage, beſides their neceſſary Arms, Am⯑munition, and Provender: ſo that if they are routed they lightly ſcamper away; and generally [74] year 1688 in theſe Countries the Diſpute is ſoon [...]over, for they will not long ſuſtain a ſmart Onſet.
Beſides the Soldiers on the Frontiers, and thoſe who attend the King about Cachao, he has many others that keep guards in ſeveral parts of his King⯑dom, eſpecially in the great Roads, and on the Rivers. Theſe ſearch all exported goods, to ſee that no prohibited goods are ſent out of the King⯑dom, eſpecially Arms: and no prohibited goods brought in. They alſo look after the Cuſtome, and ſee that all goods have paid, before they may paſs further. All Travellers are alſo ſearch'd by them, and ſtrictly examined; and if any perſons are taken only on ſuſpicion, they are uſed very ſeverely, till they can clear themſelves: ſo that no diſaffected or rebellious perſon can ſtir, with⯑out being preſently known; and this renders the King very ſafe in his Government.
The Kings Naval-force conſiſts only in a ſort of flat bottom Gallies, and theſe ſeemingly deſigned more for State than ſervice, except to tranſport Soldiers from one place to another. Theſe Veſſels are 50, 60, or 70 foot long, and about 10 or 12 foot broad in the waſte; and the 2 ends near as many foot high out of the water, eſpecially the hinderpart or Stern: but the waſte or middle of the Veſſel is not above 2 foot and an half from the wa⯑ter, that being the place, by which all the men go in and out. from thence towards each end, it is gently and very artificially raiſed, to a conſiderable heighth, ſo that the whole fabrick appears very graceful and pleaſant, as it moves on the water. The head or forepart is not altogether ſo high as the Stern, neither is there ſo much coſt beſtowed on it for ornament: for tho' it wants neither carv'd work or painting, yet 'tis not comparable to that of the Stern, which has great variety of carving and is curiouſly lacker'd and gilded. The place [75] year 1688 where the Captain ſits in is the Stern, and is neatly covered to keep off the Sun or the Rain. and it being higher than any other part of the Veſſel, ap⯑pears like a little Throne, eſpecially that of the General's Galley. This is more magnificent than the reſt, tho' all are built much of one form. From the Stern to the waſte, it is covered over with a ſlight covering, to ſhelter the Men and their Arms from the Rain in the wet ſeaſon, and the ſcorching Sun in the dry. Before the waſte there are places for the Oars on each ſide, and a plain [...]ven Deck for the Rowers to ſtand by their ta [...]k⯑ling. Each Galley carries a ſmall braſs Gun, either Minion or Saker, which is planted afore, and looks out through a Port in the Bow. They have a ſmall Maſt and Matt Sail, and they are rowed with from 16 [...] 20 to 24 Oars.
The Soldiers are always the men that row, and they are all naked, except that they have a nar⯑row piece of black Cloath like a Saſh about their Waſtes, which is brought between their Thighs, and tuckt again under their Waſte. Every one ſtands upright behind his Oar, which lies in its [...]otch on the Gunnal, and he thruſts or puſhes it forward with a great ſtrength; and they plunge their Oars all at one inſtant into the Water, keep⯑ing exact time with each other: and that they may the better do this, there is one that ſtrikes on a ſmall Gong, or a wooden Inſtrument, before every ſtroke of the Oar. Then the Rowers all at once anſwer with a ſort of a hollow noiſe, through the Throat, and a ſtamp on the Deck with one foot, and immediately plunge their Oars into the Water. Thus the Gong and the Rowers alternately anſwer each other, making a ſound that ſeems very pleaſent and warlike to thoſe who are at a ſmall diſtance on the Water or Shoar.
[76] year 1688 Theſe Boats draw about 2 foot and a half wa⯑ter. They are only ſerviceable in Rivers, or at Sea near the Shoar, and that in very fair wea⯑ther too. They are beſt in the broad Rivers near the Sea, where they may take the advantage of the Tides to help them: for tho' they row pretty ſwift when they are light, yet when they have 60, 80, or 100 men aboard, as ſometimes they have, they are heavy and row ſlowly againſt the ſtream. Nevertheleſs when there is occaſion they muſt go againſt the ſtream a great way, tho' they perform it with great labour.
The Soldiers in theſe Veſſels are equipt with Bows, Swords, and Lances, and when many of them are ſent on any expedition, they are di⯑vided into Squadrons. They are diſtinguiſhed by their ſeveral Flags of different colours; as appear⯑ed by an expedition they made up the River, a⯑gainſt ſome of their Northern Neighbours, while we were there. There were then about 60 of theſe Galleys ſent out up the River; and they had from 16 to 40 Soldiers in each, all well armed. Their General was called Ungee Comei, who was a great Mandarin, and was the perſon appointed by the King to inſpect into our Engliſh Traffick; being made director or protector of the Engliſh Factory, who uſed to ſpeak of him as a generous man. There were two more great Officers under him, each in a Veſſel by himſelf. Theſe three had Flags of diſtinction: the firſt was yellow, the ſecond blue, the third red or green. They went away from Cachao towards the Mountains, but did not return while we were there: but ſince we came from thence, I have been informed that the expedition prov'd fruitleſs, and that the General Ungee Comei was much diſgraced.
[77] year 1688 When the Galleys are not in ſervice, they are dragged aſhoar, and placed in Houſes built for that purpoſe; where they are ſet upright on their bottoms, made very clean, and kept neat and dry. Theſe Galley-Houſes are 50 or 60 paces from the River ſide; and when they bring the Galleys into them, there is a ſtrong Rope brought round the ſtern of the Veſſel, and both ends ſtretched along, one on each ſide: then 3 or 400 Men, ſtanding ready with the Rope in their Hands, wait for the ſignal; which being given by the beat of a Gong, they begin to draw withal their ſtrength; and making a great ſhrieking noiſe; they run her up in a trice into her place. This alſo is their Soldiers work, who having thus Houſed all their Galleys, return to their Land⯑ſervice.
Some of the Soldiers are employed alſo in keep⯑ing Watch and Ward, for the ſecurity of private Men, as well as in the King's buſineſs: and the Tonquineſe are obſerv'd to keep good orders in the Night in all Towns and Villages; but more parti⯑cularly in the great Cities, and eſpecially at Ca⯑chao. There every Street is guarded with a ſtrong Watch, as well to keep ſilence, as to hinder any diſorder. The Watch-men are armed with Staves, and ſtand in the Street by the Watch-houſes, to examin every one that paſſeth by. There is alſo a Rope ſtretched croſs the Street breaſt high, and no Man may paſs this place, till he is examin'd, unleſs he will venture to be ſoundly bang'd by the Watch. Theſe Men can handle their Weapon ſo well, that if they deſign miſchief, they will dex⯑trouſly break a Leg or Thigh-bone, that being the place which they commonly ſtrike at. There is a pair of Stocks by every Watch-houſe, to ſecure Night Ramblers in: but for a ſmall piece of Money a Man may paſs quiet enough, and for the [78] year 1688 moſt part only the poor are taken up. Theſe Watch-men are Soldiers, but belong to the Governor or ſome other Men of great Power, who will hear no Complaints againſt them, tho' never ſo juſtly made: and therefore they often put Men in the Stocks at their pleaſure, and in the Morning carry them before a Magiſtrate: who commonly fines the Priſoners to pay ſomewhat; and be it more or leſs, it falls part to the Magiſtrate. Neither dares any Man complain of injuſtice upon ſuch uſage, in this caſe eſpecially; tho' his cauſe be never ſo juſt: and therefore patience is in this Country as ne⯑ceſſary for poor People, as in any part of the World.
But notwithſtanding theſe Abuſes, they have one Cuſtom in the Adminiſtring Juſtice, that is pleaſing enough. For if a difference or quarrel at any time happens between 2 mean Men, and they are not to be reconciled without going before a Ma⯑giſtrate, he uſually conſidering their Poverty, lays no heavy mulct on the Offender, but injoins him this as his penalty, that he ſhall treat the injur'd Perſon with a Jarr of Arack, and a Fowl, or a ſmall Por⯑ker, that ſo feaſting together, they may both drown all animoſity in good Liquor, and renew their Friendſhip.
But if it be a Controverſy about a Debt, they take a very different Method. For the Debtors are many times order'd to be Priſoners in their Creditors houſes, where they are beaten, or kept with a log of Wood made faſt to their Legs, to hinder them from run⯑ning away. Theſe poor Priſoners eat nothing but Rice and drink Water, and are tyranically inſulted over by their rigid Creditors, till the Debt is ſatisfied. Their Corporal Puniſhments upon Malefactors, and ſome times upon others are very ſevere. Some an loaden with Iron Chains faſtned to their [...] with logs alſo like the Debtors, but now mentioned Others have their Necks incloſed between 2 grea [79] year 1688 heavy Planks made like a Pillory, but moveable, for they carry it about with them where-ever they go, and even when they go to reſt they are forced to lye down and ſleep in it as they can.
There is another ſort of puniſhing Inſtrument not unlike this, called a Gongo. This alſo is made to wear about the Neck, but is ſhaped like a Lad⯑der. The ſides of it are 2 large Bamboes, of about 10 or 12 foot long, with ſeveral ſuch rounds or ſticks as Ladders have to keep the ſides aſunder; but much ſhorter: for the 2 ſide Bamboes are no farther aſunder, than to admit of a narrow room for the Neck; and the 2 rounds in the middle are much at the ſame diſtance from each other, on each ſide the Neck, forming a little Square: thro' which the Man looks as if he were carrying a Ladder on his Shoulders, with his Head thro' the rounds. If either of theſe Yokes were to be taken off in a ſhort time, as in 6, 9, or 12 hours, it would be no great matter: but to wear one of them a Month, 2, 3, or longer, as I have been informed they ſometimes do, ſeems to be a very ſevere puniſh⯑ment. Yet 'tis ſome comfort to ſome, that they have the Liberty to walk abroad where they will: but others are both yoak'd and impriſon'd: and the Priſoners in publick Priſons are uſed worſe than a Man would uſe a Dog, they being half ſtarved and ſoundly beaten to boot.
They have a particular puniſhment for ſuch as are ſuſpected to fire Houſes, or who are thought to have occaſioned the Fire through their neglect. The Maſter of the Houſe, where the Fire firſt breaks out, will hardly clear himſelf from ſuſpicion, and the ſeverity of the Law. The puniſhment in this caſe is to ſit in a Chair of 12 or 14 foot high, bare-headed, 3 whole days ſucceſſively in the hot ſcorching Sun: this Chair is ſet, for his greater diſ⯑grace, before the place where his Houſe ſtood.
[80] year 1688 Other ſmaller Crimes are puniſhed with blows; which we call Bambooing. The Criminal is laid flat on his Belly on the Ground, with his Britches pluckt down over his Hams: in which poſture a luſty Fellow bangs his bare Britch with a ſplit Bam⯑bo, about 4 fingers broad, and 5 foot long. The number of his Blows are more or leſs; according to the nature of the Crime, or the pleaſure of the Magiſtrate; yet Money will buy favour of the Executioner, who knows how to moderate his ſtrokes for a Fee before-hand. Otherwiſe his blows uſually fall ſo heavy that the poor Offender may be lamed a Month or two. After a Man has ſuffered any of theſe puniſhments, he can never obtain any publick favour or employment.
They have no Courts of Judicature, but any ſingle Magiſtrate iſſues out his Warrants for the apprehending of Malefactors, and upon taking them immediately tries them: and as the Sentence is final, and without appeal, ſo 'tis no ſooner paſt, but 'tis executed alſo without more ado. Their puniſhment in capital crimes is uſually beheading. The Criminal is carried immediately from the Magiſtrates Houſe to his own: for there is no com⯑mon place of Execution, but the Malefactor ſuf⯑fers near his own Houſe, or where the fact was committed. There he is placed ſitting on the Ground, with his Body upright, and his Legs ſtretched out: and the Executioner being pro⯑vided with a large Curtane or Backſword, and ſtriking a full back blow on the Neck, at one ſtroke he ſevers the Head from the Body; the Head com⯑monly tumbling down into the owners lap, and the Trunk falling backward on the Ground.
Theft is not thought worthy of Death, but is puniſhed with cutting off ſome Member, or part of a Member, according to the degree of the of⯑fence. For ſometimes only one joynt of a Finger [81] year 1688 is chopt off, for other Crimes a whole Finger, or more, and for ſome the whole Hand.
The Magiſtrates and other great Men of this Kingdom are called Mandarins. Moſt of them in Office about the King are Eunuchs, and not only gelded, but alſo their Members cut quite off quite flat to their Bellies. Theſe, as I have been informed, are all very learned Men after their way, eſpecially in the Laws of the Country. They riſe gradually by their merit or favour, from one degree to another, as well they who are employ⯑ed in Civil as in Military Affairs: And ſcarce place of truſt or profit goes beſide them. No Man is permitted to walk familiarly about the King's Palace without the leave of the Eunuch Mandarins; and for this Reaſon having ſuch free acceſs to the King themſelves, and excluding whom they will, they engroſs his favour. This is taken ſo much to Heart by ſome, that through envy and diſcontent, they often pine away, as is commonly ſaid, even to Death: And I heard of ſuch an one, who was called Ungee Thuan Ding: Ungee ſeems a Title of Honour among them. He was a Man of great Learning in the Laws, ex⯑tremely Politick, and mighty high Spirited. This Man ſought all the means imaginable to be pre⯑ferred, but could not for want of being an Eu⯑nuch. He fretted to ſee his Inferiours raiſed: but plainly ſeeing that there was no riſing without removing that objection, he one day in a rage took up a ſharp Knife, and qualify'd himſelf ef⯑fectually. He had a Wife and 6 or 8 Children, who were all in great fear of his Life: but [...]he was not at all diſmayed, tho' in that condition; and the King advanced him. He was living when I was there, and was a great Mandarin. He had the care of the Armory and Artillery, being great Maſter of the King's Ordnance.
[82] year 1688 There was another Mandarin alſo, one Ungee Hane, who finding himſelf baffled by the Eunuchs, was forced to make himſelf one to be upon the level with them. This Gentleman, it ſeems, was Lord of a Village or two, where both he and his Tenants were often plagued with the do⯑mineering Eunuchs, and having born their Malice for ſome time, and ſeeing no end of it, he a⯑greed with an expert Gelder to caſtrate him: For here are many in this Country, who profeſs this Art, and are ſo expert at it, that they will undertake to cut a Man of any Age, for ſo many thouſand Caſh as the Man is Years old. 'Tis report⯑ed, that they firſt put the Patient into a Sleep: But how long they are curing hm after the Ope⯑ration is over, I know not. I heard of but three Mandarins of any grandeur in the Government, who were not Eunuchs. One was the Governour of the Eaſt Province, whoſe Daughter was married to a Prince of the Royal Family. The other two, who were Governours of Cachao, were alſo married Men, and had Children, and one of theſe married the Kings Daughter. All the Mandarins rule with abſolute Power and Authority in their ſeveral Precincts, yet in great Obedience to the King; who is as abſo⯑lute over them, as they are over the Common People.
Theſe Eunuch Mandarins eſpecially live in great State. Many of theſe have command of the Sol⯑diery, and have Guards attending them at their own Houſes: There being a certain number of Sol⯑diers allowed to attend on each Mandarin, accord⯑ing to his Quality. They are generally covetous beyond meaſure, and very malicious. Some of them are Governours of Provinces, but all are raiſed to Places of truſtand profit.
Once every Year the Mandarins receive an Oath of Allegiance to the King, from all the principal [83] year 1688 Officers under them. This is done with great Ceremony: they cut the Throat of a Hen, and let the Blood fall into a Baſon of Arack. Of this Arack every Man has a ſmall draught given him to drink, after he has publickly declared his ſincerity and readineſs to ſerve his Prince. 'Tis eſteemed the ſolemneſt tye by which any Man can ingage himſelf. This way of giving ſolemn potions to drink, is uſed alſo in other Countries, on different occaſions. As particularly on the Gold Coaſt of Guinea; where when Men or Women are taxed for a Crime, be it of what Nature it will, but eſpecially Adultery, and the matter cannot be proved by Evidence, the Fetiſſero or Prieſt, decides the difference, by giving a Potion of bitter Water, to the Perſon ac⯑cuſed: which if they refuſe to take, they are ſup⯑poſed to be guilty without farther proof: but if they drink it off, the event is ſaid to be, that if the Perſons be guilty, this Water immediately ſwells their bodies till they burſt; but if innocent, they are not hurt thereby. What tricks the Fetiſſero's may play in compounding this Water, I know not: but this kind of Tryal is frequent among them, and ſeems to be a remainder of the old Jewiſh Tryal by the Waters of jealouſy, ſpoken of in the 5th. Chapter of Numbers. I am not ſufficiently inform'd whether the Event of the Tryal, be ſuch as it was among the Jews; but it ſeems they have a ſtrong perſwaſion of it: and a guilty Perſon does ordinarily ſo dread the being brought to this Trial, that for the moſt part he or ſhe chooſe rather to ſuffer the puniſhment of the Country, which is to be ſold to Europeans as Slaves. This potion is called Bitter⯑water, and 'tis given by way of Trial upon any light ſuſpicion even of a ſmall injury. This account I have had from ſeveral, who have been in Guinea, but eſpecially from Mr. Canby
But to return to the Eunuch Mandarins, tho' they are bitter Enemies to thoſe whom they take [84] year 1688 averſion againſt, yet on the other Hand, they are as kind to their Favourites, and as complacent to their Viſitants, whether Foreigners or others, feaſting them often. They Love mightily to be viſited, eſteeming themſelves highly honoured thereby. When they treat any, they are beſt pleaſed with thoſe who Eat and Drink heartily; for this they ſuppoſe proceeds from their Love and hearty Affection to them: And indeed the Ton⯑quineers in general are very free to their Viſitants, treating them with the beſt cheer they are able to procure.
In their entertainments, and at their ordinary eating, inſtead of Forks and Spoons, they uſe two ſmall round ſticks about the length and bigneſs of a Tobacco Pipe. They hold them both in the right Hand, one between the fore Finger and Thumb; the other between the middle Finger and the fore Finger, as our Boys do their Snappers. They uſe them very dextrouſly, taking up the ſmalleſt grain of Rice with them; nor is it account⯑ed mannerly to touch the Food after it is dreſt, with their Hands: And tho' it be difficult for ſtran⯑gers to uſe them, being unaccuſtom'd to them, yet a little uſe will overcome that difficulty; and Per⯑ſons that reſide here ought to learn this, as well as other cuſtoms of the Country, that are Inno⯑cent, that ſo their Company may be more accept⯑able. All the Tonquineſes keep many of theſe Sticks in their Houſes, as well for their own uſe, as to entertain Strangers at Meals: They are as ordina⯑rily placed at the Table here, as Knives Forks, and Spoons are in England: And a Man that cannot dextrouſly handle theſe Inſtruments, makes but an odd figure at their Tables. The richer ſort of People eſpecially the Mandarins, have them tipt with Silver. In China alſo theſe things are con⯑ſtantly uſed: they are called by the Engliſh Sea⯑men [85] year 1688 Chopſticks. When the Eunuch Mandarins dye, all their riches ſall to the King, who as Heir pre⯑ſently ſeizeth on their Eſtates, and by it gets vaſt Riches: For there is but little Money in the King⯑dom, but what falls into the Clutches of theſe Birds of Prey. This probably may be one Reaſon why the King is for preferring none but them; for they are excellent Spunges for him: and whatever ſome have ſaid of their Love to Juſtice, I could never learn that they deſerve that Character: But thro' their oppreſſion, and injurious dealings, trading is diſcouraged, and the Country is kept Poor, which otherwiſe might be a flouriſhing King⯑dom. After all, as very Eunuchs as theſe Man⯑darins are, yet they are as great admirers of the Female Sex as any Men, and not ſatisfied without them, but they all keep ſeveral handſome young Wenches to dally and ſpend their time withal. They alſo love to be courted by Strangers to favour them with a Miſs of their procuring. Nothing will ingage them more than to petition them on this account; and the Perſon thus ſolicited will not fail to procure a young Damſel for his Friend, be it but for a night or two, or for 4 or 5 Months. Ever afterwards he will take a more than ordinary care of the Perſons he has thus brought together, and their affairs; and this baſe ſort of Office is here accounted very decent and honourable. Yet the common Baudy-houſes, tho' extreamly rife here, are by all of them accounted hateful and ſcanda⯑lous
[86]Some Veſſels ſent from Cachao to Tenan to fetch Rice. A Rencounter with ſome ſup⯑pos'd Robbers. Caſh, a ſort of Coin, and Pearl-Oyſters. The Author's ſecond Journey up to Cachao: Of the Pagoda's and Funeral Tower and Feaſt he met by the way. the French Biſhops and Miſſionaries at Hean, their Houſe, the Author's entertainment there, and diſcourſe with one of their Prieſts. The ſtate of their Miſſion, and of Chriſtianity, in theſe Idolatrous Countries. His making of Gun-Powder. He goes on from Hean to Ca⯑chao, and after a ſhort ſtay there, back again to the Ships. Of the Improvements that might be made of our Engliſh Factory here. The Author's departure from Tonquin.
I Have already ſpoken of my firſt going up the River to Cachao, and my returning back again to our Ships after a few days. There I lay on board for a great while, and ſickly for the moſt part; yet not ſo, but that I took a Boat and went aſhoar one where or other almoſt every day: and by this means I took as particular notice as I could of the Country, and have ſupplied my own obſer⯑vations with thoſe of our Merchants reſiding there, and other Perſons of Judgment, and Inte⯑grity.
During this interval, Rice being dear at Cachao, as it had been for ſome time, both our Merchants and Natives were for making up a Fleet of ſmall [87] year 1688 Veſſels, to fetch Rice from the Neighbouring Provinces, both for their own uſe and to ſupply the Markets: and they never go in ſingle Veſſels, for fear of Pirates, who infeſt the Coaſts with their Canoas, and ſhelter themſelves among ſeve⯑ral little Iſlands, lying at the edge of the Eaſt Province, and bordering upon the Province of Tenan, whither theſe Merchants were bound.
Captain Weldon was one who concerned himſelf in this expedition, hiring a Veſſel and Seamen of the Tonquineſe, and ſending ſome of his own Men with them as a Guard, among whom I would very fain have gone, had I not been indiſpoſed. Mr. Ludford, who had liv'd ſometime at Cachao before our arrival, was another Undertaker, and went himſelf on board the Bark he had hired; but Cap⯑tain Weldon ſtaid behind at the City, yet took care to get a Commiſſion from the Governour of the Eaſt-Province for his Veſſel. In the Commiſſion 'twas expreſt, that his Boat ſhould be armed with [...] or other Weapons, and that his Men ſhould reſiſt any that came to oppoſe them, or any Veſ⯑ſels in their Company; and that they might kill and deſtroy any Robbers that they met with. The Paſſage to Tenan lay moſt within Land, thro' Creeks and narrow Channels, among the Iſlands before-mentioned, which are ſo many, and lye on the Eaſt-ſide of the Bay ſo thick together, and ſo nigh the ſhoar, that at a ſmall diſtance off at Sea they appear to be part of the Main. This little Archipelago lies within the precincts of the Govern⯑our of the Eaſt-Province, from whom Captain Weldon had his Commiſſion, and who was a very great Man in the Court of Tonquin. When the Fleet came to this place, ſome who lay here came forth; and they concluded they muſt be the Pirates, come to ſeize their Prey as at other times Theſe always chooſe rather to take the outward⯑bound [88] year 1688 Veſſels, becauſe then they have all of the [...] Caſh or Money aboard to purchaſe their Ladings; but in their returns they would have only Rice, which theſe People do not ſo much regard. At this time Captain Weldon's Dutch Pilot, the chief Man whom he ſent in his Bark, was aboard Mr. Ludford's: and when the ſuppoſed Pirates came up, Mr. Ludford and he made the Seamen row the Bark to meet them, and in a ſhort time got ſo near, that they fired at them. Theſe Men not expecting to have met ſuch a reception, for the Tonquineſe have no Guns, but in the King's Gallies, thought to ſave themſelves by Flight: but were ſo eagerly purſued by Mr. Ludford, that at laſt they yielded to his Mercy, after they had loſt one Man in Fight. He, joyful of this ſucceſs, ſecured the Priſoners, and made the beſt of his courſe to the next Town on the Coaſt in his way; there deliver⯑ing up his Priſoners to the Magiſtrates, and gi⯑ving a full relation of the Action. He expected a reward for his pains, or at leaſt to be highly ap⯑plauded for it; but found himſelf miſtaken. For the Priſoners obſtinately denying what was al⯑ledged againſt them by Mr. Ludford, ſaying they were poor Fiſhermen, they were immediately ac⯑quitted as very honeſt Perſons, and Mr. Ludford was accuſed for committing a Riot on Men who were about their lawful occaſions. Mr. Ludford brought many of the Natives, that were in his company, to juſtify what he had done, but to no purpoſe; for he was fined 100000 Caſh, as our Merchants call it, for the Man that was killed. Caſh are a ſmall kind of Copper-Money: and 'tis the only Coin they have of their own, if it be their own, and not rather brought them from China. They riſe and fall in value according to the want or plenty of them, or as the Women-exchangers can manage them: but at this time they were at [89] year 1688 the rate of a Dollar a thouſand; ſo that his fine was 100 Dollars. When Mr. Ludford ſaw how hard it was like to go with him, he thought to clear himſelf, or leſſen his fine, by bringing Cap⯑tain Weldon into the ſnare; ſaying that he had no Guns in his Bark, but made uſe of Captain Weldon's, and that Captain Weldon's Pilot was aboard his Veſ⯑ſel, and aſſiſted in the Action. But neither did this help him: for upon trying the matter at Cachao, whither 'twas carried by Appeal, Captain Weldon's Commiſſion ſaved him: ſo that Mr. Ludford was forced to pay the Money, which was more than he got by the Voyage. This might be a warning to him, how he meddled with Tonquin Pirates again; for it was not enough for him to plead that they came with an intent to rob him. Indeed if he had been robb'd, he might have been pitied by the Magiſtrates on complaint of his misfortune: but yet it is very probable, that if he ſhould have taken them in the very fact, poſſeſt of his Goods, theſe Vermin, would have had one hole or ano⯑ther to creep out at; ſo corrupt are the great Men of this Kingdom. And indeed 'tis not improbable that theſe Fellows were Fiſhermen, and going a⯑bout their buſineſs: For there is good Fiſhing in all the Bay of Tonquin clear round it, and there are many Boats that go out a fiſhing, and the Fiſhermen are generally very honeſt and harmleſs Men; except now and then, they attempt to make a prize of ſome poor Veſſel they meet, and can overcome by their numbers without fighting; for ſuch an one they board, and ſtrip all the Men naked even to there Skin. Among theſe Iſlands alſo, by report, their are plenty of Pearl Oyſters, that have good Pearls in them; but the Seamen are diſcouraged from fiſhing for them by the King, for he ſeizeth on all he finds. But this by their way; nor was any thing elſe obſervable in this Voyage to Tenan.
[90] year 1688 Theſe Veſſels were 5 or 6 weeks in their Voyage to and from Tenan: And at their return Captain Weldon's Bark went not up to Cachao with the Rice, but unladed it into our Ship to ſupply us. Soon after this I went a ſecond time up to Cachao, not in a Boat as before, but on Foot along the Coun⯑try, being deſirous to ſee as much of it as I could: and I hired a Tonquineſe for about a Dollar to be my Guide. This, tho' but a ſmall matter, was a great deal out of my Pocket, who had not above 2 Dollars in all, which I had gotten on board, by teaching ſome of our young Seamen Plain Sailing.
This was all I had to bear my own charges and my Guides; and 'twas the worſe with me, becauſe I was forced to make ſhort Journeys every Day by Reaſon of my Weakneſs: It was about the latter end of Nov. 1688, when we ſet out. We kept on the Eaſt-ſide of the River, where we found the Roads pretty dry, yet in ſome places dirty enough. We ferry'd over ſeveral Creeks and Brooks running into the great River, whese are Ferry Boats always plying, which have a few Caſh for their fare. The Feaver and Ague which I brought with me from Achin was gone: yet the Fruits I eat here, eſpecially the ſmall Oranges, brought me into a Flux. However tho' I was but weak, yet I was not diſcouraged from this Journey, being weary of lying ſtill, and impa⯑tient of ſeeing ſomewhat that might further gra⯑tify my curioſity.
We found no Houſes of Entertainment on the Road, yet at every Village we came we got Houſe⯑room, and a Barbacue of ſplit Bambooes to ſleep on. The People were very civil, lending us an earthen Pot to dreſs Rice, or any thing elſe. Uſually after Supper, if the Day was not ſhut in, I took a ramble about the Village, to ſee what was worth taking notice of, eſpecially the Pagoda of [91] year 1688 the place. Theſe had the Image of either an Horſe, an Elephant, or both, ſtanding with the Head looking out of the Doors: The Pagodas themſelves were but ſmall and low. I ſtill made it dark Night before I returned to my Lodging, and then I laid me down to ſleep. My Guide carried my Sea-Gown, which was my covering in the night, and my Pillow was a Log of Wood: but I ſlept very well, tho' the weakneſs of my Body did now require better accommodation.
The third day after my ſetting out, about 3 a Clock in the afternoon, I ſaw before me a ſmall Tower; ſuch as I mentioned before, as erected for a time in honour of ſome great Perſon deceaſed. But I knew not then the meaning of it, for I had not ſeen the like before in the Country. As I came nearer to it, I ſaw a Multitude of People, moſt of them Men and Boys; and coming nearer ſtill, I ſaw a great deal of Meat on the Stalls, that were plac'd at a ſmall diſtance from the Tower. This made me conclude that it was ſome great Market, and that the Fleſh I ſaw was for ſale: Therefore I went in among the Croud, as well to ſee the Tower as to buy ſome of the Meat for my Supper, it being now between 4 and 5 a Clock in the Afternoon. My Guide could not ſpeak Engliſh, neither could I ſpeak the Tonquineſe Lan⯑guage: So I aſkt him no queſtions about it; and he too went readily in with me; it may be not knowing my intent was to buy. Firſt I went round the Tower and viewed it: It was four-ſquare, each ſide about 8 foot broad: at the Ground the heighth of it was about 26 foot, but at the top ſomewhat narrower than at the bottom. I ſaw no door to enter into it: it ſeemed to be very ſlightly built, at leaſt covered with thin boards, which were all joyned cloſe together, and painted of a dark red⯑diſh colour. I then went on to the Stalls, which [92] year 1688 had ſheds built over them: and there I viewed the Fruits and Fleſh, each of which was ranged in order apart. I paſt by abundance of Oranges packt up in Baſkets, which I think were the faireſt I ever ſaw, and for quantity more than I had ſeen gathered all the time I was at Tonquin. I paſt by theſe, and ſeeing no other Fruit, I came to the Fleſh-Stalls, where was nothing but Pork, and this alſo was all cut into quarters and ſides of Pork: I thought there might be 50 or 60 Hogs cut up thus, and all ſeemed to be very good Meat. When I ſaw that there was none of it in ſmall pieces, fit for my uſe, I, as was cuſtomary in the Markets, took hold of a quarter, and made ſigns to the Maſter of it, as I thought, to cut me a piece of 2 or 3 Pound. I was ignorant of any ceremony they were about, but the ſuperſtitious People ſoon made me ſenſible of my errour: For they aſſaulted me on all ſides, buffeting me and renting my Cloaths, and one of them ſnatched away my Hat. My Guide did all he could to appeaſe them, and dragg'd me out of the Crowd: Yet ſome ſurly Fellows followed us, and ſeemed by their Countenance and Geſtures to threaten me; but my Guide at laſt pacify'd them and fetched my Hat, and we marched away as faſt as we could. I could not be informed of my Guide what this meant; but ſometime after, when I was return'd to our Ship, the Guide's Brother, who ſpoke Engliſh, told me, it was a Funeral Feaſt, and that the Tower was the Tomb which was to be burned; and ſome Engliſh Men who lived there told me the ſame. This was the only Funeral Feaſt that ever I was at among them, and they gave me cauſe to remember it: but this was the worſt uſage I received from any of them all the time that I was in the Country. When I was out of this trouble, my Guide and I marched for⯑wards. [93] year 1688 I was both weary and hungry, and I think my appetite was raiſed by ſeeing ſo much Food: For indeed at firſt ſight of it I concluded to have had a good Supper; but now I was likely to ſup only on Rice, or a Yam roaſted, and two Eggs, as I us'd to do. For tho' there were Fowls to be bought at every Houſe where I lay, yet my Pocket would not reach them; and for other Fleſh, there was none to be had, unleſs my way had lain thro' the Town when it was Market day with them.
Two Days after this I got with much ado to Hean, for my Flux encreaſed, and my ſtrength decreaſed. I preſently made towards the French Biſhops, as the likelieſt place for me both to reſt at, and get larger Informations of the Country, from the European Miſſionaries, whoſe ſeat it is. The Biſhop's Palace is a pretty neat low Houſe, ſtanding at the North end of the Town, by the ſide of the River. 'Tis encompaſſed with a pretty high Wall, and has a large Gate to enter at. The Gate ſtands fronting to the Street, and runs up with Houſes on both ſides, and ends at the Palace. Within the Wall there is a ſmall Yard, that goes round the Palace; and at the farther end of the Yard there are ſmall lodging-rooms for the Ser⯑vants, and other neceſſary Offices. The Houſe it ſelf is not very large nor high; it ſtands not in the middle of the Yard, but rather neareſt the Gate, which Gate is open all day, but ſhut in the Night. That part that fronts the Gate, has a pretty neat Room, which ſeems to be deſigned for the reception of Strangers: for it has no communi⯑cation with any other Room in the Houſe, tho' joyned to it as one building: the Door by which you enter it, fronts to the Gate, and this Dooor alſo ſtands open all the day.
[94] year 1688 When I came hither I entred the Gate, and ſeeing no Body in the Yard, I went into that Room. At the Door thereof, I found a ſmall Line hanging down, which I pull'd; and a Bell ringing within, gave notice of my being there: yet no Body appearing preſently, I went in and ſate down. There was a Table in the middle of the Room, and handſome Chairs, and ſeveral European Pictures hung upon the Walls.
It was not long before one of the Prieſts came into the Room to me, and received me very ci⯑villy. With him I had a great deal of Diſcourſe: He was a French Man by Nation, but ſpoke Spaniſh and Portugueſe very well. It was chiefly in Spaniſh that we entertained each other, which I under⯑ſtood much better than I could ſpeak: yet I aſk'd him Queſtions, and made a ſhift to anſwer him to ſuch Queſtions as he aſked me; and when I was at a loſs in my Spaniſh, I had recourſe to Latin, having ſtill ſome ſmatterings of what I learnt of it at School in my youth. He was very free to talk with me, and firſt aſked me my buſineſs thither? I told him that my buſineſs was to Cachao, where I had been once before: that then I went by Water, but now I was moved by my curioſity to travel by Land, and that I could not paſs by any Europeans without a Viſit, eſpecially ſuch a famous place as this. He aſked me many other Queſtions, and particularly if I was a Roman Catholick? I told him no, but falling then into a Diſcourſe about Re⯑ligion, he told me what Progreſs the Goſpel was like to make in theſe Eaſtern Nations. Firſt he began with the Nicobar Iſlands, and told me what I have related of that matter, in the 17 Chap⯑ter of my Voyage round the World, page 177, for this was the Perſon I there quoted, and from whom I had that Relation; as he told me he had it from the Friar, who wrote to him from Fort St. George. But [95] year 1688 that Friar having been a Paſſenger in Captain Weldon's Ship, from one of the Nicobar Iſlands to Fort St. George, I aſkt the Captain's opinion of that relation ſince my writing that Book, and he gave me a quite contrary account of the People of Ni⯑cobar; that they were a very perverſe, falſe and thieviſh People, and did not deſerve the good character the Friar gave of them.
But to proceed with the diſcourſe I had with the French Prieſt at Hean. He told me, that in Siom the Goſpel was in a very fair way to receive incouragement by the means of a French Biſhop there, and ſeveral Eccleſiaſticks he had with him there to aſſiſt him: That the great Miniſter of State, Conſtant Falcon, had embraced the Ro⯑miſh Faith; and that the King was very much inclined to it, the Courtiers alſo ſeeming well enough pleaſed with it. Inſomuch that 'twas hop'd that in a ſhort time the whole Nation would be converted: And that tho' the Country People in general were againſt it, yet by the ex⯑ample of the King and his Court, the reſt might come over by degrees; eſpecially becauſe the Prieſts had free Toleration to uſe their endeavours. As for Tonquin, he told me that the People in ge⯑neral were inclined to embrace the Chriſtian Faith, but that the Government was wholly averſe to it: that the Miſſionaries who lived here did not open⯑ly profeſs to be Teachers of their Doctrine, but that they lived here under the notion of Mer⯑chants, and not as Clergy-Men; that this was a great Obſtacle to Chriſtianity, yet nevertheleſs they found ways to draw the People from their Ig⯑norance: that at preſent they had about 1 [...]000 Converts, and more coming in daily. He told me, that here were two Biſhops, I think both French Men; one of them was entitled the Biſhop of Aſcalon the other of Auran; and that here were [96] year 1688 ten Prieſts of Europe, and three more of the Natives of Tonquin, who had been ordain'd Popiſh Prieſts. But ſince I have been informed, that theſe French Biſhops were not ſuffered to live at Cachao; neither may they at any time go thither without a Licence from the Governour; and ſuch a Licence alſo muſt be procur'd by the Favour of ſome Mandarin who lives at Cachao, for whom the Biſhop or other Miſſionary is to perform ſome trivial Work or other. For the Miſſioners living here are purpoſe⯑ly ſkill'd in mending Clocks, Watches, or ſome Mathematical Inſtruments, of which the Country People are Ignorant; and this gives them the op⯑portunity of being often ſent for to Cachao by the Mandarins: And when they are there, a ſmall job that would not require above 5 or 6 Hours to per⯑form, they will be twice as many days about, pretending great difficulty in the work; by which means they take their liberty, privately to teach their Diſciples that live there; and then alſo they enjoy themſelves with the Engliſh and Dutch Mer⯑chants, to whom they are always welcome.
As to the Converts theſe People have made, I have been credibly informed that they are chiefly of the very poor People, and that in the ſcarce times, their Alms of Rice have converted more than their preaching: and as to thoſe alſo who have been converted, as they call it, that is to Beads and new Images, and belief in the Pope, they have fallen off again, as Rice grew plentiful, and would no longer be Chriſtians than while the Prieſts adminiſtred Food to them. Yet I cannot think but that theſe People, who have ſuch Notions of a ſupreme Deity, might by the induſtry and example of good Men, be brought to embrace the Chriſtian Faith. But as things ſtand at pre⯑ſent, it ſeems very improbable that Chriſtianity ſhould fructify there: For as the Engliſh and [97] year 1688 Dutch in theſe parts of the World are too looſe Livers to gain Reputation to their Religion, ſo are the other Europeans, I mean the Miſſionary Prieſts, eſpecially the Portugueſe, but very blind Teachers. But indeed as the Romaniſts are the only Men who compaſs Sea and Land to gain Proſelytes, ſo they may ſeem to have one advantage over Proteſtant Mi⯑niſters in theſe Idolatrous Countries, that they pre⯑ſent them with ſuch kind of Objects for Religi⯑ous Worſhip as they have been uſed to already: For the exchange is not great from Pagan Idols to Images of Saints, which may ſerve altogether as well for the poor Souls they convert, who are guided only by ſenſe. But then even here alſo, theſe People having been bred up in the belief of the goodneſs of their own Gods or Heroes, they will more hardly be brought over to change their own Idols for new ones, without ſome better Argu⯑ments to prove theſe to be more valuable, than the Miſſionaries ordinarily are able to afford them: and If I may freely ſpeak my opinion, I am apt to think, that the groſs Idolatry of the Papiſts is ra⯑ther a prejudice, than advantage to their Miſſions: and that their firſt care ſhould be to bring the People to be virtuous and conſiderate, and their next, to give them a plain Hiſtory and Scheme of the Fundmental Truths of Chriſtianity, and ſhew them how agreeable they are to natural light, and how worthy of God.
But to return to the French Prieſt; he at length aſked me if any of our Engliſh Ships brought Pow⯑der to ſell? I told him, I thought not. Then he aſked me if I knew the compoſition of Powder? I anſwered that I had receipts how to make either Cannon or fine Powder, and told him the manner of the Compoſition. Said he, I have the ſame receipts from France, and have tryed to make Powder, but could not; and therefore I think the [98] year 1688 fault is in our Coals. Then he aſked me many queſtions about the Coals, what were proper to be uſed, but that I could not ſatisfie him in. He de⯑ſired me to try to make a pound, and withal told me, that he had all the ingredients, and an Engine to mix them. I was eaſily perſwaded to try my ſkill, which I had never yet tried, not knowing what I might be put to before I got to England; and having drank a glaſs or two of Wine with him, I went to work; and it ſucceeded ſo well, that I pleaſed him extremely, and ſatisfied my own de⯑ſire of trying the Receipt, and the Reader ſhall have the Hiſtory of the Operation, if he pleaſes. He brought me Sulphur and Salt-petre, and I weighed a portion of each of theſe, and of Coals I gathered up in the hearth, and beat to powder. While his Man mixed theſe in a little Engine, I made a ſmall Sieve of Parchment, which I pricked full of Holes, with a ſmall Iron made hot, and this was to corn it. I had 2 large Coco-nuts to roul in the Sieve, and work it thro' the holes to corn it. When it was dry we proved it, and it anſwer'd our expectation. The Receipt I had out of Captain Sturmey's Magazin of Arts.
The being ſo ſucceſsful in this put me afterwards on the renewing of Powder at Bencouli, when I was there Gunner of that Fort. There being then about 20 Barrels damnified, which was like mud, they took it out of the Caſk, and put it into earthen Jars, that held about 8 Barrels a piece. Theſe they call Montaban Jars, from a Town of that name in Pegu, whence they are brought and carried all over India. In theſe 'twas intended to ſend the Powder to Fort St. George, to be renewed there: But I deſired the Governour to let me firſt try my ſkill on it, becauſe we had but little Powder in the Fort, and might have wanted before any returns could be expected [99] year 1688 from thence. The Salt-petre was ſunk to the bottom of the Jars, but I mixt it and beat it al⯑together, and corned it with Sieves which I made of my own old Parchment Draughts. I made thus 8 Barrels full of very good Powder before I went from thence. The French Prieſt told me in concluſion, that the Grandees make all their own Powder; and ſince I have been informed, that the Soldiers make Powder, as I have already ſaid.
I ſpent the remainder of the day in the Palace with the Prieſt. He told me that the Biſhop was not well, otherwiſe I ſhould have ſeen him: and that becauſe it was a Fiſh day, I could not expect ſuch entertainment, as I might have had on another day; yet he ordered a Fowl to be broiled for my Dinner, and I dined by my ſelf. In the E⯑vening he ſent me out of the Palace, deſiring to be excuſed, that he could not entertain me all night: yet he ordered his Man to lodge me in a Tonquineſe Chriſtian Houſe not far from thence. The People were civil, but very poor, and my Lodg⯑ing ſuch as I had met with on the Road. I have ſince been told, that the new Chriſtians come to do their Devotion in the Palace at Night, and for that reaſon probably, I was ſo ſoon diſ⯑miſt.
I was now again pretty well refreſhed, and might have gone to Cachao City a foot: but fearing my ſtrength, I choſe to go by Water. Therefore I ſent back my Guide: yet before he departed back to our Ships, he bargained with a Tonquineſe Water⯑man for my Paſſage to Cachao.
The Tide not ſerving preſently to imbark, I walked about the Town, and ſpent the Day in viewing it: in the Evening I embarked, and they chooſe an Evening for coolneſs, rowing [100] year 1688 all night. The Boat was about the bigneſs of a Graveſend Wherry, and was uſed purpoſely to carry Paſſengers, having a ſmall covering over-head to keep them dry when it rained. There were 4 or 5 more of theſe Boats, that went up this Tide full of Paſſengers. In our Boat were about 20 Men and Women, beſides 4 or 6 that rowed us. The Women choſe their places and ſate by themſelves, and they had much reſpect ſhewed them: but the Men ſtowed cloſe together, without ſhewing any reſpect more to one than to another, yet all very civil. I thruſt in among the thickeſt of them at firſt, but my Flux would not ſuffer me to reſt long in a place. About midnight we were ſet aſhore to refreſh our ſelves at a Baiting place, where there were a few Houſes cloſe by the Rivers ſide, and the people up, with Candles lighted, Arack and Tea, and little ſpits of Meat, and other Pro⯑viſions ready dreſt, to receive us. For theſe were all Houſes of entertainment, and probably got their living by entertaining Paſſengers. We ſtayed here about an hour, and then entered again on our Boat, and rowed forwards. The Paſſen⯑gers ſpent the time in merry Diſcourſe, or Singing, after their way, tho' to us it ſeems like crying; but I was mute for want of a perſon I could converſe with. About 8 or 9 a clock the next day I was ſet aſhore: the reſt of the Paſſengers remained in the Boat, but whither they were bound I know not, nor whither the Boat went quite up to Cachao. I was now 5 or 6 mile ſhort of the City, but in a good path: for the Land here was pretty high, le⯑vel and ſandy, and the Road plain and dry, and I reached Cachao by Noon. I preſently went to one Mr. Bowyers Houſe, who was a free Merchant, with whom Captain Weldon lodged; and ſtaid with them a few days: but ſo weak with my Flux, which daily encreaſed that I was ſ [...]a [...]e able to [101] year 1688 go about; and ſo was forced to learn by others, in a great meaſure, ſeveral particulars relating to this place. This my weakneſs, joyned with my diſappointment; for I found that I was not like to be employed in any Voyage to the Neighbouring Countries, as it had been purpoſed to me, made me very deſirous of returning back again, as ſoon as might be: and it hapned opportunely, that Captain Weldon had by this time done his buſineſs, and was preparing for his departure.
I went therefore down the River again to our Ships, in a Veſſel our Merchants had hired, to carry their Goods aboard from Cachao. Among other freight, there were 2 Bells of about 500 weight each, which had been caſt at Cachao by the Tonquineſe, for my Lord Falcon, the King of Siam's chief Miniſter of State, and for the uſe of ſome of the Chriſtian Churches in Siam. The perſon who beſpoke them, and was to carry them, was Captain Brewſter, who had not very long before come from Siam in a Ship of that King's, and had been caſt away on the Coaſt of Tonquin, but had ſaved moſt of his Goods. With theſe he traded at Cachao, and among other goods he had purchaſed to return with to Siam, were theſe 2 Bells, all which he ſent down to be put on Board Captain Weldon's Ship. But the Bark was no ſooner come to Hean, in going down the River, but the Gover⯑nor of Hean's Officers came on board the Bark and ſeized the 2 Bells in behalf of the chief of the Engliſh Factory; who underſtanding they were de⯑ſigned for the King of Siam, which they were not ſo ſure of as to the reſt of the goods, and the En⯑gliſh being then at War with the Siamers, he made this his pretence for ſeizing them, and got the Governor to aſſiſt him with his Authority: and the Bells were accordingly carried aſhore, and kept at Hean: This was thought a very ſtrange [102] year 1688 action of the chief of the Factory, to ſeize Goods as belonging to the King of Siam, while they were in a River of Tonquin: but he was a perſon but meanly qualified for the ſtation he was in. Indeed had he been a man of ſpirit, he might have been ſerviceable in getting a Trade with Japan, which is a very rich one, and much cove [...]ed by the Eaſt⯑ern people themſelves as well as Europeans. For while I was there, there were Merchants came every year from Japan to Tonquin; and by ſome of theſe our Engliſh Factory might probably have ſet⯑tled a Coreſpondence and Traffick. but he who was little qualified for the ſtation he was in, was leſs ſit for any new undertaking: and tho' men ought not to run inconſiderately into new diſcove⯑ries or undertakings, yet where there is a proſpect of profit I think it not amiſs for Merchants to try for a Trade, for if our Anceſtors had been as dull as we have been of late, 'tis probable we had ne⯑ver known the way ſo much as to the Eaſt-Indies, but muſt have been beholden to our Neighbours, for all the product of thoſe Eaſtern Nations. What care was formerly taken to get us a Trade into the E. Indies, and othet Countries? What pains parti⯑cularly did ſome take to find out the Muſcovites by doubling the North Cape, and a way thence by land Trade into Perſia? but now, as if we were cloy'd with Trade, we ſit ſtill contented, ſaying with Cato, Non minor eſt virtus quam quaerere parta tuiri. This was the ſaying of an eminent Merchant of the Eaſt-India Company to me: but by his leave, our Neighbours have encroached on us, and that in our times too. However, 'tis certainly for the intereſt of our Merchants to imploy ſit men in their Facto⯑ries, ſince the reputation of the Company riſeth or falls by the diſcreet management, or ill conduct of the Agents. Nor is it enough for the chief of a Factory to be a good Merchant, and an honeſt [103] year 1688 man: for tho' theſe are neceſſary Qualifications, yet the Governour, or chief of the Factory ought to know more than barely how to buy, ſell, and keep Accompts: Eſpecially where other European Merchants reſide among them, or trade to the ſame places; for they keep a diligent Eye on the management of our Affairs, and are always ready to take all Advantages of our Miſ-improvements. Neither ought this care to be neglected where we have the Trade to our ſelves, for there ought to be a fair underſtanding between us and the Na⯑tives, and care taken, that they ſhould have no reaſon to complain of unjuſt dealings, as I could ſhew where there has been; but 'tis an invidious ſubject, and all that I aim at is to give a caution. But to the matter in hand, it ſeemed to me that our Factory at Tonquin might have got a Trade with Japan: and to China as much as they pleaſed. I confeſs the continual Wars between Tonquin and Cochinchina, were enough to obſtruct the deſigns of making a Voyage to this laſt: and thoſe other places of Champa and Cambodia as they are leſs known, ſo was it more unlikely ſtill to make thither any profit⯑able Voyages: yet poſſibly the difficulties here alſo are not ſo great, but reſolution and induſtry would overcome them; and the profit would abundantly compenſate the trouble.
But to proceed, we found there was no reco⯑vering the Bells: ſo we fell down from Hean to our Ships: and Captain Weldon coming to us in a few days, and Captain Brewster with him, to go as a Paſſenger in his ſhip, together with one or two more; and 2 Ships who came with us being alſo ready for their departure, we all weighed anchor, and took leave of Tonquin.
[104]They ſet ſail out of the Bay of Tonquin. Of the R. and Country of Cambodia: Of Chi⯑neſe Pirates ſettled there, and the Buggaſſes a ſort of Soldiers under the King of Siam, both routed by the Engliſh in his ſervice. They paſs by Pulo Condore, are in fear of the King of Siam, and enter the Streights of Malacca by Brewſter's Streights. They arrive at Malacca. The Story of Captain Johnſon: his buying a Veſſel at Malacca, and going over to Bencalis, a Town on the oppoſite Coaſt of Sumatra, to buy Pepper. His Murder by the Malayans there, and the narrow eſpape of his Men and Veſſel. The State of Trade in thoſe parts. and the Reſtraint put upon it. Captain Johnſon's Veſſel brought to Malacca by Mr. Wells. The Author's departure from Malacca, and arrival at Achin.
IT was the beginning of Febuary 168 [...] when we left his Country. We went over the Bar 3 Ships in Company, the Rainbow Captain Pool Com⯑mander, bound for London, and Captain Lacy in the Saphire, bound for Fort St George, and I was in Captain Weldon's Ship the Curtane, bound thither alſo. We kept Company ſome time after our de⯑parture from Tonquin, and having an Eaſterly Wind we kept more to the middle of the Bay of Tonquin, or towards the Eaſtern ſide, than when we entred: by which means we had the opportu⯑nity of ſounding as well in the middle of the Bay [105] year 1688 now, as we had on the Weſt ſide of it, at our co⯑ming into the Bay.
Coming out of the Bay of Tonquin, we ſtood away Southward, having the Sholes of Pracel on our Larboard, and the Coaſts of Cochinchina, Cham⯑pa, and Cambodia on our Starboard. I have juſt men⯑tioned theſe Kingdoms in my former Volume; and here I have but little to ſay of them, having only ſail'd by them. But not altogether to fail the Readers expectation, I ſhall give a brief account of one or two particulars relating to Cambodia: for as to Champa I have nothing material to ſpeak; and Cochinchina, I have already ſpoken of in this Volume, as I went to Tonquin.
The Kingdom of Cambodia ſeems to be much ſuch a kind of Country within Land, as the lower parts of Tonquin: low Land, very woody, and little inhabited, lying on each ſide a great River that comes from the North a great way, and falls into the Sea over againſt Pulo Condore. I know not the particular product of Cambodia, but in the Veſſels mentioned in my former Vol. p. 399. as taken at Pulo Uby, and which came thither from Cambodia; there were beſides Rice, Dragons Blood, Lack, in great Jars, but it looked blackiſh and thick; and the yellow purging Gum, which we from thence call Cambodia, in great Cakes, but I know not whence they get it. This River and Kingdom (if it be one) is but little known to our Nation, yet ſome Engliſh men have been there; particularly Captain Williams and Captain Howel, the laſt of whom I came acquainted with ſome time after this at Fort St George, and I had of him the following account, the particulars of which I have alſo had confirmed by the Seamen who where with them.
Theſe two Captains, with many more Engliſh men, had been for ſome time in the ſervice of the King of Siam, and each of them commanded a [106] year 1688 ſtout Frigat of his, mann'd chiefly with Engliſh and ſome Portugueſe born at Siam. Theſe the King of Siam ſent againſt ſome Pyrates, who made ſpoyl of his Subjects trading in theſe Seas, and neſt⯑ed themſelves in an Iſland up the River of Cambodia. Captain Howel told me, that they found this River very large, eſpecially at its mouth; that 'tis deep and navigable for very great Veſſels, 60 or 70 Leagues up, and that its depth and wideneſs ex⯑tended much further up, for ought we know: but ſo far they went up, at this time, with their Ships. The Courſe of the River is generally from North to South: and they found the Land low on each ſide, with many large Creeks and Branches, and in ſome places conſiderable Iſlands. They bended their Courſe up that branch which ſeemed moſt conſiderable, having the Tide of flood with them, and the River commonly ſo wide, as to give them room to turn or make Angles where the bending of the River was ſuch as to receive a con⯑trary Eaſt, or South-Eaſt Sea-Wind. Theſe Reaches or Bendings of the River Eaſt and Weſt were very rare; at leaſt ſo as to make their Courſe be againſt the Sea-wind, which commonly blew in their Stern, and ſo freſh, that with it they could ſtem the Tide of Ebb. But in the night when the Land-winds came, they anchored, and lay ſtill till about 10 or 11 a Clock the next day, at which time the Sea-breezes uſually ſprang up again, and ena⯑bled them to continue their Courſe, till they came to the Iſland, where the Pirates inhabited. They preſently began to fire at them, and landing their Men, routed them, and burnt their Houſes and For⯑tifications; and taking many Priſoners, returned again.
Theſe Piratical People were by Nation Chineſe, who when the Tartars conquer'd their Country, fled from thence in their own Ships: as choſing [107] year 1688 rather to live any were free, than to ſubmit to the Tartars. Theſe it ſeems in their flight bent their Courſe towards this Country, and finding the River of Cambodia open before them, they made bold to enter, and ſettle on the Iſland before men⯑tioned. There they built a Town, and fenced it round about with a kind of Wood-pile, or Wall of great Timber Trees laid along, of the thickneſs of 3 or 4 of theſe Trees, and of about as many in heighth. They were provided with all ſorts of Planters Inſtruments, and the Land hereabouts was excellent good, as our Engliſh-men told me, ſo that 'tis like they might have lived here happily enough, had their inclinations led them to a quiet Life: but they brought Arms along with them, and choſe to uſe them, rather than their inſtru⯑ments of Husbandry: and they lived therefore moſtly by rapin, pillaging their Neighbours, who were more addicted to traffick than fighting. But the King of Siam's Subjects having been long harraſſed by them at Sea, he firſt ſent ſome Forces by Land to drive them out of their Fort: till not ſucceeding that way, he entirely routed them by ſending theſe 2 Ships up the River. The 2 Engliſh Captains having thus effected their buſineſs, re⯑turned out of the River with many Priſoners: but the South Weſt Monſoon being already ſet in, they could not preſently return to Siam, and therefore went to Macao in China; as well to wait for the N. Eaſt Monſoon, as to ingratiate themſelves with the Tartars, who they thought would be pleaſed with the Conqueſt which they had made over theſe Chineſe Pyrates. They were well entertained there by the Tartarian Governor, and gave him their Priſoners: and upon the ſhifting of the Monſoon, they returned to Siam. There they were received with great applauſe. Nor was this the firſt ſucceſsful expedition the Engliſh have [108] year 1688 made in the K. of Siam's ſervice. They once ſaved the Country, by ſuppreſſing an inſurrection made by the Buggaſſes. The Buggaſſes are a ſort of war⯑like Trading Malayans, and mercenary Soldiers of India: I know not well whence they come, unleſs from Macaſſer in the Iſland Celebes. Many of them had been entertained at Siam in the King's ſervice: but at laſt being diſguſted at ſome ill uſage, they ſtood up in their own defence. Some hun⯑dreds of them got together, all well armed: and theſe ſtruck a dread into the hearts of the Siamites, none of whom were able to ſtand before them; till Conſtant Falcon the chief Miniſter, commanded the Engliſh that were then in the King's ſervice to march againſt them, which they did with ſucceſs, tho' with ſome conſiderable loſs. For theſe ſervices the King gave every year to each of them, a great Silk Coat, on which were juſt 13 buttons. Thoſe of the chief Commanders were of Maſſy Gold, and thoſe of the inferior Officers were of Silver Plate. This expedition againſt the Chineſe P [...] ⯑rats was about the year 1687: the other broyl with the Buggaſſes was, as I take it, ſome time before.
But to proceed with our Voyage, we ſtill kept our way Southward, and in company together, till we came about Pulo Condore; but then Captain Pool parted from us, ſtanding more directly South for the Streights of Sundy: and we ſteered more to the Weſtward, to go thro' the Streights of Malacca, thro' which we came before. Captain Brewſter and another of our Paſſengers began now to be in fear that the King of Siam would ſend Ships to lye at the mouth of the Streights of Malacca, and intercept our paſſage, becauſe there was a War broke out between the Engliſh Eaſt-India Company and that Prince. This ſeemed the more likely, becauſe the French at this time were imployed in that King's ſervice, by the means of a French Biſhop [109] year 1688 and other Eccleſiaſticks; who were ſtriving to con⯑vert the King and People to Chriſtianity, thro' the Intereſt they had got in Conſtant Falcon. Particu⯑larly they were affraid, that the King of Siam would ſend the 2 Ships before mentioned, which Captain Williams, and Capt. Howel had commanded a little be⯑fore, to lye at the weſt end of the Streights mouth; but probably manned with French Men and French Commanders, to take us. Now tho' this made but little impreſſion on the Minds of our Commanders and Officers, yet ſo it hapned, that we had ſuch thick dark weather, when we came near the firſt Entrance of the Streights of Malacca, which was that we came by, and by which we meant to return, that we thought it not ſafe to ſtand in at night, and ſo lay by till morning. The next day we ſaw a Jonk to the Southward, and chaſed her; and having ſpoke with her we made Sail, and ſtood to the Weſtward to paſs the Streights, and making the Land, we found we were to the Southward of the Streights firſt mouth, and were gotten to the Souther moſt Entrance, near the Sumatra ſhore: but Captain Lacy, who choſe to go the old way, made ſail again to the Northward, and ſo paſſed nearer the Malacca ſhore by the Sincapore, the way we went before. His was alſo the beſt and neareſt way: bBut Captain Weldon was willing to ſa⯑tisfie his curioſity, and try a new Paſſage: which we got thro', tho' we had but little depth of Water: and this Entrance we paſt is called Brewer's Streights.
Brewer's Streights are ſometimes paſſed by ſmall Ships, that ſail from Batavia to Malacca, becauſe for them it is a nearer cut, than to run ſo far as Pulo Timaon, or the Streights of Sincapore. In this Channel, tho' in ſome places we found but 14 or 15 foot Water, yet the bottom was ſoft Oaze: and it lies ſo among Iſlands, that there cannot go a [110] year 1688 great Sea. Captain Weldon had alſo a Dutch-man aboard who had been this way, and he profeſſing to know the Channel, incouraged our Captain to try it, which we affected very well, tho ſometimes we had but little more water than we drew. This made us make but an eaſy Sail, and therefore we were 7 or 8 days before we arrived at Malacca; but Captain Lacy was there 2 or 3 days before us.
Here we firſt heard of the Death of Conſtant Fal⯑con, for whom Captain Brewſter ſeemed to be much concerned. There alſo we found, beſides ſeveral Dutch Sloops, and our Companion Captain Lacy, an Engliſh Veſſel of 35 or 40 Tuns. This Veſſel was bought by one Captain Johnſon, who was ſent by the Governor of Bencouli, in a ſmall Sloop, to trade about the Iſland of Sumatra for Pepper, but Captain Johnſon being killed, the Sloop was brought hither by one Mr. Wells.
Being thus inſenſibly fallen into the mention of this Captain Johnſon; and intending to defer what little I have to ſay of Malacca, till my coming thi⯑ther again from Achin, I ſhall beſtow the reſt of this Chapter in ſpeaking of this Man's Tragedy, and other occurrences relating to it; which tho' of no great moment in themſelves, yet the Circumſtances I ſhall have occaſion to relate with them, may be of uſe to the giving ſome ſmall light into the ſtate of the oppoſite Coaſt of Sumatra, which was the S [...]ne of what I am going to ſpeake of: for tho' I ſhall have other occaſion to ſpeak of Achin and Bencouli, yet I ſhall not have opportunity to ſay any thing of this part of that Iſland, oppoſite to Malacca, unleſs I do it here. To go on therefore with his Story, it ſeems Captain Johnſon was part owner of the ſmall Bencouli Sloop: but thinking it too ſmall for his turn, he came to Malacca, intending to buy a larger Sloop of the Dutch, if he could light of a bargain. He had [111] year 1688 the beſt part of a thouſand Dollars in Spaniſh Mo⯑ney aboard, for which one may purchaſe a good Sloop here: for the Dutch, as I have before obſerv'd, do often buy Proe-bottoms for a ſmall matter, of the Malayans, eſpecially of the People of Jihore, and convert them into Sloops, either for their own uſe, or to ſell. Of theſe ſort of Veſſels therefore the Dutch-men of Malacca have plenty, and can afford good pennyworths; and doubtleſs it was for this reaſon that Captain Johnſon came hither to purchaſe a Sloop. Here he met with a bargain, not ſuch a Proe bottom reformed, but an old ill ſhaped thing, yet ſuch a one as pleaſed him. The Dutch-man who ſold him this Veſſel, told him withal, that the Government did not allow any ſuch dealings with the Engliſh, tho' they might wink at it: and that therefore the ſafeſt way for them both to keep out of trouble, would be to run over to the other ſide of the Streights, to a Town called Bencalis, on Sumatra; where they might ſafely buy and ſell, or exchange without any notice taken of them. Cap⯑tain Johnſon accepting the offer, they ſailed both together over to Bencalis, a Malayan Town on that Coaſt, commanding the Country about it. There they came to an anchor, and Captain Johnſon paying the price agreed on for the Veſſel, he had her deliver'd to him. The Dutch-man immediate⯑ly returned over to Malacca again, leaving Captain Johnſon with 2 Veſſels under his Command, viz. the Sloop that he brought from Bencouli, and this new-bought Veſſel. The Bencouli Sloop he ſent into a large River hard by, to Trade with the Malayans for Pepper, under the Command of Mr. Wells. He was no Seaman; but a pretty intelligent Perſon, that came firſt out of England as a Soldier, [...]o ſerve the Eaſt-India Company in the Iſland Santa Helena. He liv'd ſome time very meanly in that Iſland, but having an aſpiring mind, he left that poor, but [112] year 1688 healthy place, to ſerve the Company at Bencouli; which tho' 'tis accounted the moſt unhealthy place of any that we trade to, yet the hopes of preferment engaged him to remove thither. After ſome ſtay there, he was ſent with Captain Johnſon to aſſiſt him in this Pepper Expedition; more becauſe he could uſe his Pen, than his Hands in Sea ſervice. He had 3 or 4 raw Seamen with him to work the Sloop up into the River. Captain Johnſon ſtayed near Bencalis to fit his new Veſſel: for with other neceſſaries ſhe wanted a new Boltſprit, which he intended to cut here, having a Carpenter with him for that purpoſe; as alſo to repair and fit her to his mind. He had alſo a few other raw Seamen, but ſuch as would have made better Landmen, they having ſerved the King of Siam as Soldiers: and they were but lately come from thence with the French, who were forced to leave that Country. But here in the Indies, our Engliſh are forced for want of better, to make uſe of any Seamen ſuch as they can get, and indeed our Merchants are often put hard to it for want of Seamen. Here are indeed Laſcars or Indian Seamen enough to be hired; and theſe they often make uſe of: yet they always covet an Engliſh-man or 2 in a Veſſel to aſſiſt them. Not but that theſe Laſcars are ſome of them indifferent good Sailors, and might do well enough: but an Engliſh man will be accounted more faithful, to be employed on mat⯑ters of moment; beſide the more free Converſation that may be expected from them, during the term of the Voyage. So that tho' oft times their Engliſh men are but ordinary Sailors, yet they are pro⯑moted to ſome charge of which they could not be ſo capable any where but in the Eaſt-Indies. Theſe Seamen would be in a manner wholly uſeleſs in Europe, where we meet with more frequent and hard ſtorms, but here they ſerve indifferent well, [113] year 1688 eſpecially to go and come with the Monſoons; but enough of that.
Mr. Wells being gone to purchaſe Pepper, Capt. Johnſon went aſhore about 5 or 6 Leagues from Ben⯑calis Town with his Carpenter, to cut a Boltſprit; there being there plenty of Timber Trees fit for his purpoſe. He ſoon choſe one to his mind, and cut it down. He and his Carpenter wrought on it the firſt and ſecond days without moleſtation. The 3d. day they were both ſet upon by a band of armed Malayans, who killed them both. In the evening the Sailors who were left aboard, lookt out for their Commander to come off: but night approaching without ſeeing or hearing from him. This put them in ſome doubt of his ſafety; for they were ſenſible enough, that the Malayans that inhabited thereabouts were very treacherous: as indeed all of them are, eſpecially thoſe who have but little Commerce with Strangers: and there⯑fore all people ought to be very careful in dealing with them, ſo as to give them no advantage; and then they may Trade ſafe enough.
There were but 4 Seamen aboard Captain John⯑ſon's Sloop. Theſe being terrified by the abſence of their Commander, and ſuſpecting the truth, were now very apprehenſive of their own ſafeties. They charged their Guns, and kept themſelves on their guards, expecting to be aſſaulted by the Malayans. They had 2 Blunderbuſſes, and 3 or 4 Muſkets: each man took one in his Hand, with a Caduce-box at his Waſte, and looked out ſharp for fear of any Enemy. While they were thus on their guard, the Malayans in 6 or 8 Canoas came very ſilently to attack the Sloop. They were about 40 or 50 Men, armed with Lances and Creſſes. The darkneſs of the night favoured their deſigns, and they were even aboard before the Seamen per⯑ceived them. Then theſe began to Fire, and the [114] year 1688 Enemy darted their Lances aboard, and boarding the Veſſel, they entred her over the Prow. The Seamen reſolutely defended her, and drove them overboard again. Of the 4 Seamen, 2 were deſ⯑perately wounded in the firſt attack. The Malay⯑ans took freſh Courage and entred again; and the 2 Seamen who were not wounded, betook them⯑ſelves to cloſe quarters in the Steerage; and there being Loop-holes to fire out at, they repulſed the Malayans again, forcing them into their Canoas. There bellies being now pretty full, they returned aſhore without hopes of conquering the Sloop. The poor Seamen were ſtill in fear, and kept watch all night; intending to ſell their Lives as dear as they could, if they had been attacked again. For they might not, neither did they expect quarter, from theſe Salvage Malayans: but they were no more aſſaulted. Theſe two that were wounded, dyed in a ſhort time.
T [...]e next day the 2 Seamen got up their Anchor, and run as nigh the Town of Bencalis as they could, it may be within half a mile. There they An⯑chor'd again, and made ſigns for the People to come aboard. It was not long before the Shaban⯑der or chief Magiſtrate of the Town came off: to him they told all their misfortunes, and deſired him to protect them, becauſe they were not of ſufficient ſtrength to hold out againſt another attack. The Shabander ſeemed very ſorry for what had hapned, and told them withal, that he could not help what was paſt, for that the People that did it were wild unruly Men, not ſubject to Government, and that it was not in his power to ſuppreſs them: but that as long as they lay there ſome of his men ſhould lye aboard to ſecure the Ship; and he, in the mean time, would ſend a Canoa to their con⯑ſort Mr. Wells, to give him an account how things went. Accordingly he left 10 or 12 of his own [115] year 1688 Malayans aboard the Bark, and ſent a Letter writ⯑ten by the Seamen to Mr. Wells; who was, as I have ſaid, dealing with the Natives for Pepper, in a River at ſome diſtance.
It was 2 or 3 days before Mr. Wells came to them. He had not then received the Letter, and therefore they ſuſpected the Shabander of falſhood; tho' his men were yet very kind, and ſerviceable to the 2 Seamen. Mr. Wells had heard nothing of their diſaſters, but returned for want of Trade; at leaſt ſuch a full Trade as he expected. For tho' here is Pepper growing, yet not ſo much as might allure any one to ſeek after it: for the Dutch are ſo near, that none can come to Trade among them but by their permiſſion. And tho' the Natives themſelves were never ſo willing to Trade with any Nation, as indeed they are, yet the Dutch could ſoon hin⯑der it, even by deſtroying them, if in order to it they ſhould ſet themſelves to produce much Pepper. Such ſmall quantities as they do at preſent raiſe up, or procure from other parts of the Iſland, is lickt by the Dutch, or by their friends of Bencalis for them: for the Town of Bencalis being the princi⯑pal of theſe parts, and ſo nigh Malacca, as only parted by the narrow Sea or Streights, 'tis viſited by the Dutch in their ſmall Veſſels, and ſeems wholly to depend on a Trade with that Nation, not daring to Trade with any beſides: and I judge it is by the friendſhip of the Town, that the Dutch drive a ſmall Trade for Pepper in theſe parts, and by it alſo vend any of their own Commodities: and theſe alſo trading with their Neighbours into the Country, do bring their Cmmodities hither, Where the Dutch come for them. The People of Bencalis therefore, tho' they are Malayans, as the reſt of the Country, yet they are civil [...]nough, engaged thereto by Trade: for the more Trade, the more civility; and on the contrary, [116] year 1688 the leſs Trade the more barbarity and inhumanity. For Trade has a ſtrong influence upon all People, who have found the ſweet of it, bringing with it ſo many of the Conveniencies of Life as it does. And I believe that even the poor Americans, who have not yet taſted the ſweetneſs of it, might be allured to it by an honeſt and juſt Commerce: even ſuch of them as do yet ſeem to covet no more than a bare ſubſiſtence of meat and drink, and a clout to cover their nakedneſs. That large Continent hath yet Millions of Inhabitants, both on the Mexi⯑can and Peruvian parts, who are ſtill ignorant of Trade: and they would be fond of it, did they once experience it; tho' at the preſent they live happy enough, by enjoying ſuch fruits of the Earth, as nature hath beſtowed on thoſe places, where their Lot is fallen: and it may be they are happier now, than they may hereafter be, when more known to the Avaritious World. For with Trade they will be in danger of meeting with oppreſſion: men not being content with a free Traffick, and a juſt and reaſonable gain, eſpecially in theſe remote Countries: but they muſt have the Current run altogether in their own Channel, tho' to the de⯑priving the poor Natives they deal with, of their natural Liberty: as if all mankind were to be ruled by their Laws. The Iſlands of Sumatra and Java can ſufficiently witneſs this; the Dutch having in a manner ingroſt all the Trade of thoſe, and ſeveral of the Neighbouring Countries to them⯑ſelves: not that they are able to ſupply the Natives with a quarter of what they want, but becauſe they would have all the produce of them at their own diſpoſal. Yet even in this they are ſhort, and may be ſtill more diſappointed of the Pepper Trade if other People would ſeek for it. For the greateſt part of the Iſland of Sumatra propagates this Plant, and the Natives would readily comply with any [117] year 1688 who would come to Trade with them, notwith⯑ſtanding the great endeavours the Dutch make againſt it: for this Iſland is ſo large, populous, and pro⯑ductive of Pepper, that the Dutch are not able to draw all to themſelves. Indeed this place about Bencalis, is in a manner at their devotion; and for ought I know, it was through a deſign of being revenged on the Dutch that Capt. Johnſon loſt his life. I find the Malayans in general, are implacable Enemies to the Dutch; and all ſeems to ſpring from an earneſt deſire they have of a free Trade, which is reſtrained by them, not only here, but in the Spice-Iſlands, and in all other places where they have any Power. But 'tis freedom only muſt be the means to incourage any of theſe remote People to Trade; eſpecially ſuch of them as are in⯑duſtrious, and whoſe inclinations are bent this way; as moſt of the Malayans are, and the major part of the People of the Eaſt-Indies, even from the Cape of Good Hope Eaſtward to Japan, both Continent and Iſlands. For tho' in many places, they are limited by the Dutch, Engliſh, Danes, &c. and re⯑ſtrain'd from a free Trade with other Nations, yet have they continually ſhewn what an uneaſineſs that is to them. And how dear has this Reſtraint coſt the Dutch? when yet neither can they with all their Forts and Guard-Ships ſecure the Trade wholly to themſelves, any more than the Barlaventa Fleet can ſecure the Trade of the Weſt-Indies to the Spa⯑niards: but enough of this matter.
You have heard before, that Mr. Wells came with his Sloop to Bencalis, to the great joy of the two Men, that were yet alive in Captain Johnſon's Veſſel. Theſe two Seamen were ſo juſt, that they put all Captain Johnſon's Papers and Money into one Cheſt, then lockt it and put the Key of it into another Cheſt; and locking that, flung the Key of it into the Sea: and when Mr. Wells [118] year 1688 came aboard, they offered him the Command of both Veſſels. He ſeemingly refuſed it, ſaying, that he was no Seamen, and could not manage either of them: yet by much importunity he accepted the Command of them, or at leaſt undertook the account of what was in the Sloop, engaging to give a faithful account of it to Governor Bloom.
They were all now ſo weakned, that they were but juſt enough to ſail one of the Veſſels. There⯑fore they ſent to the Shabander of Bancalis, to deſire ſome of his Men, to help ſail the Sloops over to Malacca, but he refuſed it. Then they offered to ſell one of them for a ſmall matter, but neither would he buy. Then they offered to give him the ſmalleſt: To that he anſwered, that he did not dare to accept of her, for fear of the Dutch. Then Mr. Wells and his Crew concluded to take the Pepper and all the Stores out of the ſmall Veſſel, and burn her, and go away with the other to Malacca. This they put in execution, and preſently went away, and opening Captain Johnſon's Cheſt, they found 2 or 300 Dollars in Money. This with all his Writings, and what elſe they found of value, Mr. Wells took in his poſſeſſion. In a very ſhort time they got over to Malacca. There they ſtayed expecting the coming of ſome Engliſh Ship, to get a Pilot to Navigate the Sloop: for neither of them would undertake to Navigate her farther. Captain Lacy coming hither firſt, he ſpared Mr. Wells his chief Mate, to Navigate her to Achin. When we came hither they were ready to ſail, and went away 2 or 3 days before us.
To return therefore to our own Voyage, Cap⯑tain Weldon having finiſhed his buſineſs at Malacca, we ſailed again, ſteering towards Achin, where he deſigned to touch in his way to Fort St. George. We overtook Mr. Wells about 35 Leagues ſhort of A [...]hi [...] againſt the River Paſſange Jonca: and ſhortly after [119] year 1688 we both arrived at Achin, and anchored in the Road, about the beginning of March 1689. Here I took my leave of Captain Weldon, and of my friend Mr. Hall, who went with us to Tonquin, and I went aſhore being very weak with my Flux, as I had been all the Voyage. Captain Weldon offered me any kindneſs that lay in his Power at Fort St. George, if I would go with him thither: but I choſe rather to ſtay here, having ſome ſmall acquaintance, than to go in that weak condition, to a place where I was wholly unknown. But Mr. Hall went with Captain Weldon to Fort St. George, and from thence in a ſhort time returned to England in the Williamſon of London.
[120]The Country of Achin deſcribed: its Situation and Extent. Golden Mount, and the Neigh⯑bouring Iſles of Way and Gomez, &c. making ſeveral Channels and the Road of Achin. The Soil of the Continent; Trees and Fruits; par⯑ticularly the Mangaſtan and Pumple-noſe. Their Roots, Herbs, and Drugs, the Herb Ganga or Bang, and Camphire: the Pepper of Sumatra, and Gold of Achin. The Beaſts, Fowl, and Fiſh. The People, their Temper, Habits, Buildings. City of Achin, and Trader. The Husbandry, Fiſhery, Carpenters and Flying Proes. The Money-Changers, Coin and Weights. Of the Gold-Mines. The Merchants who come to Achin: and of the Chineſe Camp or Fair. The waſhing uſed at Achin. A Chi⯑neſe Renegado. Puniſhments for Theft and other Crimes. The Government of Achin; of the Queen, Oronkeys or Nobles; and of the Slavery of the People. The State kept by the Eaſtern Princes. A Civil War here upon the choice of a new Queen. The A and the other Engliſh in a fright, upon a ſeizure made of a Moors Ship by an Engliſh Captain. The Weather, Floods, and Heat at Achin.
BEing now arrived at Achin again, I think it not amiſs to give the Reader ſome ſhort account of what obſervation I made of that City and Coun⯑try. [121] year 1688 This Kingdom is the largeſt and beſt Peopled of many ſmall ones, that are up and down the Iſle of Sumatra; and it makes the North Weſt end of that Iſland. It reaches Eaſtward from that N. W. point of the Iſland, a great way along the Shore, towards the Streights of Malacca, for about 50 or 60 Leagues. But from Diamond point, which is about 40 Lagues from Achin, towads the Borders of the Kingdom, the Inhabitants, tho' belonging to Achin are in leſs ſubjection to it. Of theſe I can ſay but little; neither do I know the Bounds of this King⯑dom, either within Land, or along the Weſt Coaſt. That Weſt ſide of the Kingdom, is high and moun⯑tainous: as is generally the reſt of the Weſt Coaſt of the whole Iſland. The point alſo of Achin, or extremity of the Iſland, is High Land: but Achin, it ſelf and the Country to the Eaſtward, is lower, not altogether deſtitute of ſmall Hills, and every where of a moderate heighth, and a Champion Country, naturally very fit for cultivation.
There is one Hill more remarkable than ordinary, eſpecially to Seamen. The Engliſh call it, the Golden Mount: but whether this name is given it by the Natives, or only by the Engliſh, I know not. 'Tis near the N. W. end of the Iſland; and Achin ſtands but 5 or 6 mile from the bottom of it. 'Tis very large at the foot, and runs up ſmaller towards the head; which is raiſed ſo high, as to be ſeen at Sea 30 or 40 Leagues. This was the firſt Land that we ſaw coming in our Proe from the Nicobar Iſlands, mentioned in my former Voyage. The reſt of the Land, tho' of a good heighth, was then undiſcerned by us, ſo that this Mountain appeared like an Iſland in the Sea; which was the reaſon why our Achin Malayans took it for Pulo Way. But that Iſland, tho' pretty high Champion Land, was inviſible, when this Golden Mount appeared ſo plain, tho' as far di⯑ſtant as that Iſland.
[122] year 1688 Beſides what belong to Achin upon the Conti⯑nent, there are alſo ſeveral Iſlands under its Juriſ⯑diction, moſt of them uninhabited; and theſe make the Road of Achin. Among them is this Pulo Way, which is the Eaſtermoſt of a Range of Iſlands, that lye off the N. W. end of Sumatra. It is alſo the largeſt of them, and it is inhabited by Male⯑factors, who are baniſht thither from Achin. This, with the other Iſlands of this Range, lye in a ſemi⯑circular form, of about 7 Leagues diameter. Pulo Gomez is another large Iſland about 20 mile Weſt from Pulo Way, and about 3 Leagues from the N. W. point of Sumatra. Between Pulo Gomez and the Main are 3 or 4 other ſmall Iſlands; yet with Chan⯑nels of a ſufficient breadth between them, for Ships to paſs thro'; and they have very deep Water. All Ships bound from Achin to the Weſtward, or coming from thence to Achin, go in and out thro' one or other of theſe Channels: and becauſe ſhipping comes hither from the Coaſt of Surrat, one of theſe Channels which is deeper than the reſt, is called the Surrat Channel. Between Pulo Gomez and Pulo Way, in the bending of the Circle, there are other ſmall Iſlands, the chief of which is called Pulo Rondo. This is a ſmall round high Iſland, not a⯑bove 2 or 3 mile in circumference. It lyes almoſt in the extremity of the bending on the N. E. part of the Circle, but nearer Pulo Way than Pulo Gomez. There are large deep Channels on either ſide, but the moſt frequented is the Channel on the Weſt ſide. Which is called the Bengal Channel, becauſe it looks towards that Bay; and Ships coming from thence, from the Coaſt of Coromandel, paſs in and out this way. Between Pulo Way and the main of Sumatra, is another Channel of 3 or 4 Leagues wide: which is the Channel for Ships that go from Achin to the Streights of Malacca, or any Country to the Eaſt of thoſe Streights, and vice verſa. There is good riding [123] year 1688 in all this Semicircular Bay between the Iſlands and Sumatra: but the Road for all Ships that come to Achin is near the Sumatra Shore, within all the Iſlands. There they anchor at what diſtances they pleaſe, according to the Monſoons or Seaſons of the Year. There is a ſmall Navigable River comes out into the Sea, by which Ships tranſport their Commodities in ſmaller Veſſels up to the City. The Mouth of this River is 6 or 7 Leagues from Pulo Rondo, and 3 or 4 from Pulo Way, and near as many from Pulo Gomez. The Iſlands are pretty high Champion Land, the Mold black or yellow, the Soil deep and fat, producing large tall Trees, fit for any uſes. There are Brooks of Water on the 2 great Iſlands of Way and Gomez, and ſeveral ſorts of wild Animals; eſpecially wild Hogs in abun⯑dance.
The Mold of this Continent is different according to the natural poſition of it. The Mountains are Rocky, eſpecially thoſe towards the Weſt Coaſt, yet moſt that I have ſeen ſeems to have a ſuperfi⯑cial covering of Earth, naturally producing Shrubs, ſmall Trees, or pretty good Graſs. The ſmall Hills are moſt of them cloathed with Woods; the Trees whereof ſeem by their growth to ſpring from a fruitful Soil: the Champion Land, ſuch as I have ſeen, is &;some black, ſome grey, ſome reddiſh, and all of a deep Mold. But to be very particular in theſe things, eſpecially in all my Travels, is more than I can pretend to: tho' it may be I took as much notice of the difference of Soil as I met with it, as moſt Travellers have done, having been bred in my Youth in Somerſetſhire, at a place called Eaſt Cocker near Yeovil or Evil: in which Pariſh there is a great Variety of Soil, as I have ordinarily met with any where, viz. black, red, yellow, ſandy, ſtony, clay, moraſs or ſwampy, &c. I had the more reaſon to take notice of this, becauſe this Vil⯑lage [124] year 1688 in great meaſure is Let out in ſmall Leaſes for Lives of 20, 30, 40, or 50 pound per An. under Coll. Helliar the Lord of the Mannor: and moſt, it not all theſe Tenants, had their own Land ſcatter⯑ing in ſmall pieces, up and down ſeveral ſorts of Land in the Pariſh: ſo that every one had ſome piece of every ſort of Land, his black Ground, his Sandy, Clay, &c. ſome of 20, 30, or 40 Shillings an Acre, for ſome uſes, and others not worth 10 Groats an Acre. My Mother being poſſeſt of one of theſe Leaſes, and having of all theſe ſorts of Land, I came acquainted with them all, and knew what each ſort would produce, (viz.) Wheat, Bar⯑ley, Maſlin, Rice, Beans, Peas, Oats, Fetches, Flax, or Hemp: in all which I had a more than uſual Knowledge for one ſo young; taking a par⯑ticular delight in obſerving it: but enough of this matter.
The Kingdom of Achin has in general a deep Mold: It is very well water'd with Brooks and ſmall Rivers, but none navigable for Ships of burthen. This of Achin admits not of any but ſmall Veſſels. The Land is ſome part very Woody, in other places Savannah; the Trees are of divers ſorts, moſt unknown to me by name. The Cot⯑ton and Cabbage-trees grow here, but not in ſuch plenty as in ſome part of America. Theſe Trees commonly grow here, as indeed uſually where-ever they grow, in a Champion dry Ground, ſuch at leaſt as is not drowned or moraſſy; for here is ſome ſuch Land as that by the Rivers; and there grow Mangrove Trees, and other Trees of that kind. Neither is this Kingdom deſtitute of Timber⯑trees ſit for building.
The Fruits of this Country are Plantains, Bo⯑nanoes, Guava's Oranges, Limes, Jacks, Durians, Coco-nuts, Pumple-noſes, Pomgranates, Man⯑goes, Magaſtans, Citrons, Water-melons, Muſk⯑melons, [125] year 1688 Pine apples, &c. Of all theſe ſorts of Fruits, I think the Mangaſtan is without compare the moſt delicate. This Fruit is in ſhape much like the Pomgranate, but a great deal leſs. The outſide rind or ſhell is a little thicker than that of the Pomgranate, but ſofter, yet more brittle; and is of a dark red. The inſide of the ſhell is of a deep crimſon colour. Within this ſhell the Fruit appears in 3 or 4 Cloves, about the bigneſs of the top of a man's thumb. Theſe will eaſily ſeperate each from the other; they are as white as Milk, very ſoft and juicy, incloſing a ſmall black Stone or Kernel. The outſide rind is ſaid to be binding, and therefore many when they eat the Fruit, which is very delicious, do ſave the rind or ſhell, drying it and preſerving it, to give to ſuch as have Fluxes. In a ſmall Book, entituled, A new Voyage to the Eaſt-Indies, there is mention made of Mangaſtans, among the Fruits of Java: but the Author is miſtaken, in that he compares it to a Sloe, in ſhape, and taſte: Yet I remember there is ſuch a ſort of Fruit at Achin; and believe by the deſcription he gives of it, it may probably be the ſame that he calls the Mangaſtan, tho' nothing like the true Mangaſtan.
The Pumple-noſe is a large Fruit like a Citron, with a very thick tender uneven rind. The inſide is full of Fruit: It grows all in cloves as big as a ſmall Barly-corn, and theſe are all full of juice, as an Orange or a Lemon, tho' not growing in ſuch partitions. 'Tis of a pleaſant taſte, and tho' there are of them in other parts of the Eaſt-Indies, yet theſe at Achin are accounted the beſt. They are ripe commonly about Chriſtmas, and they are ſo much eſteemed, that Engliſh men carry them from hence to Fort St George, and make Preſents of them to their Friends there. The other Fruits mentioned here, are moſt of them deſcribed by me in my firſt Volume.
[126] year 1688 The eatable Roots of this Country are Yams and Potatoes, &c. but their chiefeſt bread kind is Rice. The Natives have lately planted ſome quanities of this Grain, and might produce much more were they ſo diſpoſed, the Land being ſo fruitful. They have here a ſort of Herb or Plant called Ganga, or Bang. I never ſaw any but once, and that was at ſome diſtance from me. It ap⯑peared to me like Hemp, and I thought it had been Hemp, till I was told to the contrary. It is re⯑ported of this Plant, that if it is infuſed in any Liquor, it will ſtupify the brains of any perſon that drinks thereof; but it operates diverſly, ac⯑cording to the conſtitution of the perſon. Some it makes ſleepy, ſome merry, putting them into a Laughing fit, and others it makes mad: but after 2 or 3 hours they come to themſelves again. I never ſaw the effects of it on any perſon, but have heard much diſcourſe of it. What other uſe this Plant may ſerve for I know not: but I know it is much eſteemed here, and in other places too whither it is tranſported.
This Country abounds alſo with Medicinal Drugs and Herbs, and with variety of Herbs for the Pot. The chief of their Drugs is Camphire, of which there are quanities found on this Iſland, but moſt of it either on the borders of this King⯑dom to the Southward, or more remote ſtill, without the precincts of it. This that is found on the Iſland Sumatra is commonly ſent to Japan to be refined, and then brought from thence pure, and tranſported whither the Merchants pleaſe after⯑terwards. I know that here are ſeveral ſorts of Me⯑dicinal Herbs made uſe of by the Natives, who go often a ſimpling, ſeeming to underſtand their Virtues much, and making great uſe of them: but this being wholly out of my Sphere, I can give no account of them; and tho' here are plenty of Pot-Herbs, [127] year 1688 yet I know the names of none, but Onions, of which they have great abundance, and of a very good ſort, but ſmall.
There are many other very profitable Commodi⯑ties on this Iſland: but ſome of them are more pe⯑culiar to other parts of it than Achin, eſpecially Pepper. All the Iſland abounds with that Spice, except only this North Weſt end; at leaſt ſo much of it, as is comprehended within the Kingdom of Achin. Whether this defect is through the negli⯑gence or lazineſs of theſe People, I know not.
Gold alſo is found, by report, in many parts of this Iſland: but the Kingdom of Achin is at preſent moſt plentifully ſtored with it. Neither does any place in the Eaſt-Indies, that I know of, yield ſuch quantities of it as this Kingdom. I have never been at Japan, and therefore can make no eſtimate of the great Riches of that Kingdom: but here I am certain there is abundance of it.
The Land Animals of this Country are Deer, Hogs, Elephants, Goats, Bullocks, Buffaloes, Horſes, Porcupines, Monkeys, Squirrils, Guanoes, Lizards, Snakes, &c. Here are alſo abundance of Ants of ſeveral ſorts, and Woodlice, called by the Engliſh in the Eaſt-Indies White Ants. The Elephants that I ſaw here were all tame: yet 'tis reported there are ſome wild; but I judge not many, if any at all. In ſome places there are plenty of Hogs; they are all wild, and commonly very poor. At ſome times of the Year, when the wild Fruits fall from the Trees, they are indifferent fat, or at leaſt fleſhy: and then they are ſweet and good: they are very numerous; and whether for that reaſon, or ſcarcity of Food, it is very rare to find them fat. The Goats are not very many, neither are there many Bullocks: but the Savannahs ſwarm with Buffaloes, belonging to ſome or other of the Inhabi⯑tants, [128] year 1688 who milk them and eat them; but don't work them, ſo far as I ſaw. The Horſes of this Country are but ſmall, yet ſprightly; and ſome⯑times they are tranſported hence to the Coaſt of Coromandel. The Porcupines and Squirrels are ac⯑counted good food by the Engliſh; but how they are eſteemed by the Natives I know not.
The Fowls of this Country are Dunghil Fowls and Ducks; but I know of no other tame Fowls they have. In the Woods there are many ſorts of wild Fowls, viz. Maccaws, Parrots, Parakites, Pigeons, and Doves of 3 or 4 ſorts. There are plenty of other ſmall Birds; but I can ſay nothing of them,
The Rivers of this Country afford plenty of Fiſh. The Sea alſo ſupplies divers ſorts of very good Fiſh, (viz) Snooks, Mullets, Mudfiſh, Eels, Stingrays, which I ſhall deſcribe in the Bay of Campeachy, Ten⯑pounders, Old Wives, Cavallies, Crawfiſh, Shrimps, &c.
The Natives of this Country are Malayans. They are much the ſame People with thoſe of Queda, Jihore, and other places on the Continent of Ma⯑lacca, ſpeaking the ſame Malayan Language, with very little difference: and they are of the ſame Mahometan Religion, and alike in their haughty hu⯑mour and manner of living: ſo that they ſeem to have been originally the ſame People. They are Peo⯑ple of a middle ſtature, ſtraight and well ſhaped, and of a dark Indian copper colour. Their Hair is black and lank, their Faces generally pretty long, yet graceful enough. They have black Eyes, middling Noſes, thin Lips, and black Teeth, by the frequent uſe of Betle. They are very lazy, and care not to work or take pains. The poorer ſort are addicted to theft, and are often puniſhed ſeverely for it. They are otherwiſe good natured in general, and kinde⯑nough to ſtrangers.
[129] year 1688 The better ſort of them wear Caps fitted to their Heads, of red or other coloured Woollen Cloath, like the Crown of a Hat without any Brims; for none of the Eaſtern People uſe the Complement of uncovering their Heads when they meet, as we do. But the general wear for all ſorts of People is a ſmall Turban, ſuch as the Mindanaians wear, deſcri⯑bed in the 12th Chap. of my former Volume, page 326. They have ſmall Breeches, and the better ſort will have a piece of Silk thrown loſely over their Shoulders; but the poor go naked from the Waſte upwards. Neither have they the uſe of Stockings and Shoes, but a ſort of Sandals are worn by the better ſort.
Their Houſes are built on Poſts, as thoſe of Min⯑danao, and they live much after the ſame faſhion: but by reaſon of their Gold Mines, and the fre⯑quent reſort of Strangers, they are richer, and live in greater plenty. Their common food is Rice, and the better ſort have Fowls and Fiſh, with which the Markets are plentifully ſtored, and ſometimes Buffaloes fleſh, all which is dreſt very favourly with Pepper and Garlick, and tinctured yellow with Turmerick, to make it pleaſant to the Eye, as the Eaſt-Indians generally love to have their Food look yellow: neither do they want good Achars or Sau⯑ces to give it a reliſh.
The City of Achin is the chief in all this Kingdom. It is ſeated on the Banks of a River, near the N. W. end of the Iſland, and about 2 miles from the Sea. This Town conſiſts of 7 or 8000 Houſes, and in it there are always a great many Merchant⯑ſtrangers, viz. Engliſh, Dutch, Danes, Portugueſe, Chineſe, Guzarats, &c. The Houſes of this City are general⯑ly larger than thoſe I ſaw at Mindanao, and better furniſhed with Houſhold Goods. The City has no Walls, nor ſo much as a Ditch about it. It has a great number of Moſques, generally ſquare [130] year 1688 built, and covered with Pantile, but neither high nor large. Every morning a Man made a great Noiſe from thence: but I ſaw no Turrets or Stee⯑ples, for them to climb up into for that purpoſe, as they have generally in Turky. The Queen has a large Palace here, built handſomely with Stone: but I could not get into the inſide of it. 'Tis ſaid there are ſome great Guns about it, 4 of which are of Braſs, and are ſaid to have been ſent hither as a Preſent by our K. James the firſt.
The chief Trades at Achin are Carpenters, Black⯑ſmiths, Goldſmiths, Fiſhermen, and Money-chan⯑gers: but the Country-people live either on breed⯑ing Heads of Cattle, but moſt for their own uſe, or Fowls, eſpecially they who live near the City, which they ſend weekly thither to ſell: others plant Roots, Fruits, &c. and of late they have ſown pretty large Fields of Rice. This thrives here well enough; but they are ſo proud, that it is againſt their Stomach to work: neither do they themſelves much trouble their heads about it, but leave it to be managed by their Slaves: and they were the Slaves brought lately by the Engliſh and Danes from the Coaſt of Coromandel, in the time of a Famin there, I ſpoke of before, who firſt brought this ſort of Huſbandry into ſuch requeſt among the Achineſe. Yet neither does the Rice they have this way ſupply one quarter of their occaſions, but they have it brought to them from their Neigbouring Countries.
The Fiſhermen are the richeſt working People: I mean ſuch of them as can purchaſe a Net; for thereby they get great profit; and this ſort of im⯑ployment is managed alſo by their Slaves. In fair weather you ſhall have 8 or 10 great Boats, each with a Sain or haling Net: and when they ſee a Shoal of Fiſh, they ſtrive to encompaſs them with theſe Nets, and all the Boats that are near aſſiſt each other to drag them aſhore. Sometimes they [131] year 1688 draw aſhore this way 50, 60, or 100 large Fiſh, as big as a Man's Leg, and as long: and then they re⯑joyce mightly, and ſcamper about, making a great ſhout. The Fiſh is preſently ſent to the Market in one of their Boats, the reſt looking out again for more. Thoſe who Fiſh with Hook and Line, go out in ſmall Proes, with about 1 or 2 Slaves in each Proe. Theſe alſo get good Fiſh of other ſorts, which they carry home to their Maſters.
The Carpenters uſe ſuch Hatchets as they have at Mindanao. They build good Houſes after their faſhion: and they are alſo ingenious enough in building Proes, making very pretty ones, eſpecially of that ſort which are Flying-Proes; which are built long, deep, narrow, and ſharp, with both ſides alike, and Outlagers on each ſide, the Head and Stern like other Boats. They carry a great Sail, and when the wind blows hard, they ſend a Man or two to ſit at the extremity of the Windward Out⯑lager, to poiſe the Veſſel. They build alſo ſome Veſſels of 10 or 20 Tuns burthen, to Trade from one place to another: but I think their greateſt in⯑genuity is in building their Flying-Proes; which are made very ſmooth, kept neat and clean, and will ſail very well: for which reaſon they had that name given them by the Engliſh.
There are but few Blackſmiths in this Town, neither are they very ſkilful at their Trade. The Goldſmiths are commmonly ſtrangers, yet ſome of the Achineſe themſelves know how to work Metals, tho' not very well. The Money-changers are here, as at Tonquin, moſt Women. Theſe ſit in the Mar⯑kets and at Corners of the Streets, with leaden Money called Caſh, which is a name that is gene⯑rally given to ſmall Money in all theſe Countries: but the Caſh here is neither of the ſame Metal, nor value with that at Tonquin; for that is Copper, and this is Lead, or Block Tin, ſuch as will bend about [132] year 1688 the Finger. They have but two ſorts of Coin of their own; the leaſt ſort is this Lea⯑den Money call'd Caſh, and 'tis the ſame with what they called Petties at Bantam. Of theſe, 1500 make a Meſs, which is their other ſort of Coin, and is a ſmall thin piece of Gold, ſtampt with Malay⯑an Letters on each ſide. It is in value 15 pence Engliſh, 16 Meſs, make a Tale, which here is 20s. Engliſh, 5 Tale make a Bancal, a weight ſo called, and 20 Bancal make a Catty, another weight. But the Gold Coin ſeldom holds weight, for you ſhall ſometimes have 5 Tale and 8 Meſs over, go to make a Pecul, and tho' 1500 Caſh is the value of a Meſs, yet theſe riſe and fall at the diſcretion of the Money-changers: for ſometimes you ſhall have 1000 Caſh for a Meſs: but they are kept uſually between theſe two numbers; ſeldom leſs than 1000, and never more than 1500. But to proceed with theſe Weights, which they uſe either for Money or Goods, 100 Catty make a Pecul, which is 132l. Engliſh weight. Three hundred Catty is a Bahar, which is 396l. Engliſh weight; but in ſome places, as at Bencouli, a Bahar is near 500 Engliſh weight. Spaniſh pieces of Eight go here alſo, and they are valued according to the plenty or ſcarcity of them. Sometimes a Piece of Eight goes but for 4 Meſs, ſometimes for 4 and a half, ſometimes 5 Meſs.
They Coin but a ſmall quantity of their Gold; ſo much as may ſerve for their ordinary occaſions in their Traffick one with another. But as the Mer⯑chant, when he receives large Summs, always takes it by weight, ſo they uſually pay him unwrought Gold, and quantity for quantity: the Merchants chuſe rather to receive this, than the coined Gold; and before their leaving the Country will change their Meſſes for uncoined Gold: perhaps becauſe of ſome deceits uſed by the Natives in their Coining.
[133] year 1688 This Gold they have from ſome Mountain a pretty was within Land from Achin, but within their Dominions, and rather near to the Weſt Coaſt than the Streights of Malacca. I take Golden Mount, which I ſpoke of before, to lye at no great diſtance from that of the Mines; for there is very high Land all thereabouts. To go thither they ſet out Eaſt⯑ward, towards Paſſange Jonca, and thence ſtrike up into the heart of the Country. I made ſome in⯑quiry concerning their getting Gold, and was told, that none but Mahometans were permitted to go to the Mines: That it was both troubleſom and dan⯑gerous to paſs the Mountains, before they came thither; there being but one way, and that over ſuch ſteep Mountains, that in ſome places they were forced to make uſe of Ropes, to climb up and down the Hills. That at the foot of theſe Precipices there was a Guard of Soldiers, to ſee that no uncir⯑cumciſed perſon ſhould purſue that deſign, and alſo to receive cuſtom of thoſe that paſt either forward or backward. That at the Mines it was ſo ſickly that not the half of thoſe that went thither did e⯑ver return again; tho' they went thither only to Traffick with the Miners, who live there, being ſeaſoned: that theſe who go thither from the City ſtayed not uſually above 4 Months at the Mines, and were back again in about 6 Months from their going out. That ſome there made it their conſtant imployment to viſit the Miners once every Year: for after they are once ſeaſoned, and have found the profit of that Trade, no thoughts of danger can deter them from it: for I was credibly told, that theſe made 2000 per cent. of whatever they car⯑ryed with them, to ſell to the Miners: but they could not carry much by reaſon of the badneſs of the ways. The rich men never go thither them⯑ſelves, but ſend their Slaves: and if 3 out of 6 re⯑turns, they think they make a very profitable jour⯑ney [134] year 1688 for their Maſter, for theſe 3 are able to bring home as much Gold as the Goods which all 6 car⯑ried out could purchaſe. The Goods that they carry thither are ſome ſort of cloathing, and liquor. They carry their Goods from the City by Sea part of the way: Then they land ſomewhere about Paſſange Jonca, and get Horſes to carry their Cargo to the foot of the Mountains. There they draw it up with Ropes, and if they have much goods, one ſtays there with them, while the reſt march to the Mines with their load; and return again for the reſt. I had this relation from Captain Tiler, who lived at Achin, and ſpoke the Language of the Country very well. There was an Engliſh Rene⯑gado that uſed that trade, but was always at the Mines when I was here. At his Return to Achin he conſtantly frequented an Engliſh Punch-houſe, ſpend⯑ing his Gold very freely, as I was told by the Maſter of the houſe. I was told alſo by all that I diſcour⯑ſed with about the Gold, that here they dig it out of the Ground; and that ſometimes they find pretty large lumps.
It is the product of theſe Mines that draws ſo many Merchants hither, for the Road is ſeldom without 10 or 15 ſail of Ships of ſeveral Nations. Theſe bring all ſort of vendible Commodities, as Silks, Chints, Muzlins, Callicoes, Rice, &c. and as to this laſt, a man would admire to ſee what great quanities of Rice are brought hither by the Engliſh, Dutch, Danes and Chineſe: when any arrives, the Commanders hire each a Houſe to put their goods in. The Silks, Muzlins, Callicoes, Opium, and ſuch like rich Goods, they ſell to the Guzurats, who are the chief men that keep Shops here; but the Rice, which is the bulk of the Cargo, they uſu⯑ally retail. I have heard a Merchant ſay, he has received 60, 70, and 80l. a day for Rice, when it has been ſcarce; but when there are many ſellers, [135] year 1688 then 40 or 50s. worth in a day is a good ſale: for then a Meſs will buy 14 or 15 Bamboes of it: whereas when Rice is ſcarce, you will not have above 3 or 4 Bamboes for a Meſs. A Bamboe is a ſmall ſeal'd meaſure, containing, to the beſt of my remembrance, not much above half a Gallon. Thus it riſes and falls as Ships come hither. Thoſe who ſell Rice keep one conſtantly attending to meaſure it out; and the very Grandees themſelves never keep a ſtock before hand, but depend on the Market, and buy juſt when they have occaſion. They ſend their Slaves for what they want, and the poorer ſort, who have not a Slave of their own, will yet hire one to carry a Meſs worth of Rice for them, tho' not one hundred paces from their own homes, ſcorning to do it themſelves. Beſides one to meaſure the Rice, the Merchants hire a man to take the Money; for here is ſome falſe Money, as Silver and Copper Meſs gilt over: Beſides, here are ſome true Meſs much worn, and therefore not worth near their value in tale. The Merchants may alſo have occaſion to receive 10 or 20l. at a time for other Commodities; and this too beſides thoſe little ſumms for Rice, he muſt re⯑ceive by his Broker, if he will not be cheated; for 'tis work enough to examin every piece: and in receiving the value of 10l. in Meſs, they will ordinarily be forc'd to return half or more to be chang'd; for the Natives are for putting off bad Money, if poſſibly they can. But if the Broker takes any bad Money, 'tis to his own loſs. Theſe ſort of Brokers are commonly Guzurats, and 'tis very neceſſary for a Merchant that comes hither, eſpecially if he is a Stranger, to have one of them, for fear of taking bad or light Money.
The Engliſh Merchants are very welcome here, and I have heard that they do not pay ſo much Cuſtom as other Nations. The Dutch Free-men [136] year 1688 may trade hither, but the Company's Servants are deny'd that privilege. But of all the Merchants that trade to this City, the Chineſe are the moſt re⯑markable. There are ſome of them live here all the Year long; but others only make annual Voy⯑ages hither from China. Theſe latter come hither ſome time in June, about 10 or 12 ſail, and bring abundance of Rice, and ſeveral other Commodities. They take up Houſes all by one another, at the end of the Town, next the Sea: and that end of the City is call'd the China Camp, becauſe there they always quarter, and bring their goods aſhore thither to ſell. In this Fleet come ſeveral Mecha⯑nicks, (viz.) Carpenters, Joyners, Painters, &c. Theſe ſet themſelves immediately to work, making of Cheſts, Drawers, Cabinets, and all ſorts of Chi⯑neſe Toys: which are no ſooner finiſh'd in their Working-houſes, but they are preſently ſet up in Shops and at the Doors to ſale. So that for two Months or ten Weeks this Place is like a Fair, full of Shops ſtuft with all ſort of vendible commodities, and People reſorting hither to buy: and as their goods ſell off, ſo they contract themſelves into leſs compaſs, and make uſe of fewer Houſes. But as their buſineſs decreaſes, their Gaming among them⯑ſelves increaſes; for a Chineſe, if he is not at work, had as lieve be without Victuals as without Gaming; and they are very dexterous at it. If before their goods are all ſold, they can light of Chapmen to buy their Ships, they will gladly ſell them alſo, at leaſt ſome of them, if any Merchant will buy; for a Chineſe is for ſelling every thing: and they who are ſo happy as to get Chapmen for their own Ships, will return as paſſengers with their Neighbours, leaving their Camp, as 'tis call'd, poor and naked, like other parts of the City, till the next Year. They commonly go away about the latter end of September, and never fail to return again at the Sea⯑ſon: [137] year 1688 and while they are here, they are ſo much followed, that there is but little buſineſs ſtirring for the Merchants of any other Nations; all the diſcourſe then being of going down to the China Camp. Even the Europeans go thither for their di⯑verſion: the Engliſh, Dutch, and Danes, will go to drink their Hoc-ciu, at ſome China Merchants Houſe who ſells it; for they have no tippling Houſes. The European Seamen return thence into the City drunk enough, but the Chineſe are very ſober themſelves.
The Achineſe ſeem not to be extraordinary good at Accounts, as the Banians or Guzurats are. They inſtruct their youth in the knowledge of Letters, Malayan principally, and I ſuppoſe in ſomewhat of Arabick, being all Mahometans. They are here, as at Mindanao, very ſuperſtitious in waſhing and cleanſing themſelves from defilements: and for that Reaſon they delight to live near the Rivers or Streams of Water. The River of Achin near the City is always full of People of both Sexes and all Ages. Some come on purpoſe to waſh themſelves, for the Pleaſure of being in the Water: which they ſo much delight in, that they can ſcarce leave the River without going firſt into it, if they have any buſineſs brings them near. Even the ſick are brought to the River to waſh. I know not whether it is accounted good to waſh in all diſtempers, but I am certain from my own Experience, it is good for thoſe that have Flux, eſpecially Mornings and Even⯑ings, for which reaſon you ſhall then ſee the Rivers fulleſt, and more eſpecially in the Morning. But the moſt do it upon a Religious account: for there⯑in conſiſts the chief part of their Religion.
There are but few of them reſort daily to their Moſques; yet they are all ſtiff in their Religion, and ſo zealous for it, that they greatly rejoyce in making a Proyſelyte. I was told, that while I was [138] year 1688 at Tonquin, a Chineſe inhabiting here turn'd from his Paganiſm to Mahometaniſm, and being circumciſed, he was thereupon carry'd in great ſtate through the City on an Elephant, with one crying before him, that he was turn'd Believer. This man was call'd the Captain of the China Camp; for, as I was in⯑formed, he was placed there by his Country-men as the chief Factor or Agent, to negotiate their affairs with the People of the Country. Whether he had dealt falſly, or was only envied by others, I know not: but his Country-men had ſo entangled him in Law, that he had been ruin'd, if he had not made uſe of this way to diſingage himſelf; and then his Religion protected him, and they could not meddle with him. On what ſcore the two Engliſh Runagadoes turn'd here, I know not.
The Laws of this Country are very ſtrict, and offenders are puniſhed with great ſeverity. Nei⯑ther are there any delays of Juſtice here; for as ſoon as the Offender is taken, he is immediately brought before the Magiſtrate, who preſently hears the matter, and according as he finds it, ſo he either acquits, or orders puniſhment to be in⯑ſlicted on the Party immediately. Small offenders are only whipt on the back, which ſort of puniſh⯑ment they call Chaubuck. A Thief for his firſt of⯑fence, has his right hand chopt off at the Wriſt: for the ſecond offence off goes the other; and ſometimes inſtead of one of their hands, one or both their feet are cut off; and ſometimes (tho' very rarely) both hands and feet. If after the loſs of one or both hands or feet, they ſtill prove incor⯑rigible, for they are many of them ſuch very Rogues and ſo arch, that they will ſteal with their Toes, then they are baniſh'd to Pulo Way, during their Lives: and if they get thence to the City, as ſome⯑times they do, they are commonly ſent back again; tho' ſometimes they get a Licenſe to ſtay.
[139] year On Pulo Way there are none but this ſort of Cattle: and tho' they all of them want one or both hands, yet they ſo order matters, that they can row very well, and do many things to admiration, whereby they are able to get a livelihood: for if they have no hands, they will get ſomebody or o⯑ther to faſten Ropes or Withes about their Oars, ſo as to leave Loops wherein they may put the ſtamps of their Arms; and therewith they will pull an Oar luſtily. They that have one hand can do well enough: and of theſe you ſhall ſee a great many even in the City. This ſort of puniſhment is inflicted for greater Robberies; but for ſmall pil⯑fering the firſt time Thieves are only whipt; but after this a Petty Larceny is looked on as a great crime. Neither is this ſort of puniſhment peculiar to the Achineſe Government, but probably, uſed by the other Princes of this Iſland, and on the Iſland J [...]a alſo, eſpecially at Bantam. They formerly, then the King of Bantam was in his proſperity, [...] priv'd men of the right hand for Theft, and may full for ought I know. I knew a Dutch-man ſo ſerv'd: he was a Seaman belonging to one of the King of Bantam's Ships. Being thus puniſhed, he was diſmiſt from his ſervice, and when I was this time at Achin he lived there. Here at Achin, when a member is thus cut off, they have a broad piece of Leather or Bladder ready to clap on the Wound. This is preſently applyed, and bound on ſo faſt, that the Blood cannot iſſue forth. By this means the great Flux of Blood is ſtop, which would elſe enſue; and I never heard of any one who died of [...]t. How long this Leather is kept on the Wound [...] know not: but it is ſo long, till the blood is perfectly ſtanched; and when it is taken off, the [...]lods of Blood which were preſt in the Wound by he Leather, peel all off with it, leaving the [...]ound clean. Then, I judge, they uſe cleanſing [140] year 1688 or healing Plaiſters, as they ſee convenient, and cur [...] the Wound with a great deal of eaſe.
I never heard of any that ſuffer'd Death for Theft. Criminals, who deſerve death, are executed divers ways, according to the nature of the offence, or the quality of the offender. One way is by Im⯑paling on a ſharp Stake, which paſſeth up right from the Fundament through the Bowels, and comes out at the Neck. The Stake is about the bigneſs of a mans Thigh, placed upright, one end in the ground very ſirm; the upper ſharp end is about 12 or 14 foot high. I ſaw one man ſpitted in this man⯑ner, and there he remain'd 2 or 3 days: but I could not learn his offence.
Noblemen have a more honourable death; they are allowed to fight for their lives: but the num⯑bers of thoſe with whom they are to engage, ſoon put a period to the Combat, by the death of the Malefactor. The manner of it is thus; the perſon condemned is brought bound to the place of ex⯑cution. This is a large plain Field, ſpacious enough to contain thouſands of People. Thither the Achineſe, armed, as they uſually go, with their Creſſet, but then more eſpecially, reſort in Troops, as well to be ſpectators, as actors in the Tragedy. Theſe make a very large Ring, and in the midſt of the multitude the Criminal is placed, and by him ſuch Arms as are allowed on ſuch occaſions, which are, a Sword, a Creſſet, and a Lance. When the time is come to act, he is unbound, and left at his liberty to take up his fighting Weapons. The ſpectators being all ready, with each man his Arms in his hand, ſtand ſtill in their places, till the Malefactor advances, He commonly ſets out with a ſhriek, and daringly faces the multitude: but he is ſoon brought to the ground, firſt by Lances thrown at him, and afterwards by their Swords and Creſſets. One was thus executed while [141] year 1688 I was there: I had not the fortune to hear of it till it was ended: but had this relation the ſame even⯑ing it was done, from Mr. Dennis Driſcal, who was then one of the Spectators.
This Country is governed by a Queen, under whom there are 12 Oronkeys, or great Lords. Theſe act in their ſeveral precincts with great Power and Authority. Under theſe there are other inferior Officers, to keep the Peace in the ſeveral parts of the Queens Dominions. The preſent Shabander of Achin is one of the Oronkeys. He is a Man of great⯑er knowledge than any of the reſt, and ſuppoſed to be very rich. I have heard ſay, he had not leſs than 1000 Slaves, ſome of whom were topping Merchants, and had many Slaves under them. And even theſe, tho' they are Slaves to Slaves, yet have their Slaves alſo; neither can a ſtranger eaſily know who is a Slave and who not among them: for they are all, in a manner, Slaves to one an⯑other: and all in general to the Queen and Oron⯑keys; for their Government is very Arbitrary. Yet there is nothing of rigour uſed by the Maſter to his Slave, except it be the very meaneſt, ſuch as do all ſorts of ſervile work: but thoſe who can turn their hands to any thing beſides Drudgery, live well enough by their induſtry. Nay, they are encouraged by their Maſters, who often lend them Money to begin ſome trade or buſineſs withal: Whereby the Servant lives eaſie, and with great content follows what his Inclination or Capacity fits him for; and the Maſter alſo, who has a ſhare in the gains, reaps the more profit, yet without trou⯑ble. When one of theſe Slaves dies, his Maſter is Heir to what he leaves; and his Children, if he has any, become his Slaves alſo: unleſs the Father out of his own clear gains has in his life time had wherewithal to purchaſe their Freedom. The Markets are kept by theſe People, and you ſcarce [142] year 1688 trade with any other. The Money-changers alſo are Slaves, and in general all the Women that you ſee in the ſtreets; not one of them being free. So are the Fiſher-men, and others who fetch Fire⯑wood in Canoas from Pulo Gomez, for thence thoſe of this City fetch moſt of their Wood, tho' there is ſcarce any thing to be ſeen but Woods about the City. Yet tho' all theſe are Slaves, they have ha⯑bitations or houſes to themſelves in ſeveral parts of the City, far from their Maſters Houſes, as if they were free People. But to return to the Shabander I was ſpeaking of, all Merchant Strangers, at their firſt arrival, make their Entries with him, which is always done with a good Preſent: and from him they take all their diſpatches when they depart; and all matters of importance in general between Merchants are determined by him. It ſeems to have been by his Converſion and Acquaintance with Strangers, that he became ſo knowing, beyond the reſt of the Great-men: and he is alſo ſaid to be himſelf a great Merchant.
The Queen of Achin, as 'tis ſaid, is always an old Maid, choſen out of the Royal Family. What Ceremonies are uſed at the chuſing her I know not: Nor who are the Electors; but I ſuppoſe they are the Oronkeys. After ſhe is choſen, ſhe is in a manner confin'd to her Palace; for by report ſhe ſeldom goes abroad, neither is ſhe ſeen by any People of inferiour rank and quality; but only by ſome of her Domeſticks: except that once a Year ſhe is dreſt all in white, and placed on an Elephant, and ſo rides to the River in ſtate to waſh her ſelf: but whether any of the meaner ſort of People may ſee her in that Progreſs I know not: for it is the cuſtom of moſt Eaſtern Princes to ſ [...]reen them⯑ſelves from the ſight of their Subjects: Or if they ſometimes go abroad for their pleaſure, yet the People are then ordered either to turn the [...] b [...]ks [143] year 1688 towards them while they paſs by, as formerly at Bantam, or to hold their Hands before their Eyes, as at Siam. At Mindanao, they may look on their Prince: but from the higheſt to the loweſt they ap⯑proach him with the greateſt reſpect and venerati⯑on, creeping very low, and oft-times on their Knees, with their Eyes fixt on him: and when they with⯑draw, they return in the ſame manner, creeping backwards, and ſtill keeping their Eyes on him, till they are out of his ſight.
But to return to the Queen of Achin, I think Mr. Hackluit or Purchas, makes mention of a King here in our King James I. time. But at leaſt of la⯑ter Years there has always been a Queen only, and the Engliſh who reſide there, have been of the Opinion that theſe People have been governed by a Queen ab Origine; and from the antiquity of the preſent conſtitution, have formed notions, that the Queen of Sheba who came to Solomon was the Queen of this Country: and the Author of an old Map of the World, which I have ſeen, was, it ſeems of this Opinion, when writing the old Hebrew names of Nations, up and down the ſeveral parts anciently known of Europe, Aſia, and Africa, he puts no other name in the Iſle of Sumatra, but that of Sheba. But be that as it will, 'tis at preſent part of it under a Queen, tho' ſhe has little power or authority: for tho' there is ſeemingly abundance of reſpect and reverence ſhewn her, yet ſhe has little more than the title of a Sovereign, all the Govern⯑ment being wholly in the hands of the Oronkeys.
While I was on my Voyage to Tonquin, the old Queen died, and there was another Queen choſen in her room, but all the Oronkeys were not for that Election; many of them were for chuſing a King. Four of the Oronkeys who lived more remote from the Court, took up Arms to oppoſe the new Queen [144] year 1688 and the reſt of the Oronkeys, and brought 5 or 6000 Men againſt the City: and thus ſtood the ſtate of affairs, even when we arrived here, and a good while after. This Army was on the Eaſt ſide of the River, and had all the Country on that ſide, and ſo much of the City alſo, as is on that ſide the River, under their Power: But the Queen's Palace and the main part of the City, which ſtands on the Weſt-ſide, held out ſtoutly. The River is wider, ſhallower, and more ſandy at the City, than any where elſe near it: yet not fordable at low Water. Therefore for the better communication from one ſide to the other, there are Ferry-boats to carry Paſſengers to and fro. In other places the Banks are ſteep, the River more rapid, and in moſt places very muddy: ſo that this place, juſt at the City it ſelf, is the moſt convenient to tranſport Men or Goods from one ſide to the other.
It was not far from this place the Army lay, as if they deſigned to force their paſſage here. The Queens party, to oppoſe them, kept a ſmall Guard of Soldiers juſt at the Landing-place. The Sha⯑bander of Achin had a Tent ſet up there, he being the chief manager of her Affairs: and for the more ſecurity, he had 2 or 3 ſmall braſs Guns of a Minion Bore planted by his Tent all the day, with their Muzzels againſt the River. In the Evening there were 2 or 3 great Trees drawn by an Elephant, and placed by the ſide of the River, for a Barricado againſt the Enemy: and then the Braſs Guns were drawn from the Shabander's Tent, which ſtood not far from it, and planted juſt behind the Trees, on the riſing Bank: So that they looked over the Trees, and they might Fire over, or into the River, if the Enemy approached. When the Barricado was thus made, and the Guns planted, the Ferry-boat [...] paſſed no more from ſide to ſide, till the nex [...] morning. Then you ſhould hear the Soldiers cal⯑ling [145] year 1688 to each other, not in menacing Language, but as thoſe who deſired peace and quietneſs, aſking why they would not agree, why they could not be of one mind, and why they ſhould deſire to kill one another. This was the Tone all night long; in the morning as ſoon as Sun was riſen, the Gu ns were drawn again to the Shabanders Tent, and the Trees were drawn aſide, to open the Paſſage from one ſide to the other: and every Man then went freely about his buſineſs, as if all had been as quiet as ever, only the Shabander and his Guard ſtaid ſtill in their ſtations: So that there was not any ſign of Wars, but in the night only, when all ſtood to their Arms: and then the Towns-people ſeemed to be in fear, and ſometimes we ſhould have a Rumour, that the Enemy would certainly make an attempt to come over.
While theſe Stirs [...]aſted, the Shabander ſent to all the Foreigners, and deſired them to keep in their own Houſes in the night, and told them, that whatever might happen in the City by their own civil Broyls, yet no harm ſhould come to them. Yet ſome of the Portugueſe, fearing the worſt, would every night put their richeſt Goods into a Boat, ready to take their flight on the firſt Alarm. There were at this time not above 2 or 3 Engliſh Families in the Town, and 2 Engliſh Ships, and one Dutch Ship, beſides 2 or 3 Moors Ships of the Moguls Sub⯑jects, in the Road. One of the Engliſh Ships was called the Nellegree; the name taken from Nelle⯑gree Hills in Bengal, as I have heard. She came from the Bay of Bengal, laden with Rice, Cotton, &c. the other was the Dorothy of London, Captain Thwait Commander, who came from Fort St George, and was bound to Bencouli with Soldiers, but touched here, as well to ſell ſome goods, as to bring a Preſent to the Queen from our Eaſt-India Company. Captain Thwait, according to cuſtom went with his Preſent [146] year 1688 to the Queen, which ſhe accepted; and complemen⯑ted him with the uſual Civilities of the Country; for to honour him he was ſet upon an Elephant of the Queens to ride to his Lodgings, dreſt in a Ma⯑layan Habit, which ſhe gave him; and ſhe ſent alſo two Dancing Girls to ſhew him ſome paſtime there: and I ſaw them at his Lodgings that Evening, dan⯑cing the greateſt part of the night, much after the ſame manner of the Dancing-women of Mindanao, rather writhing their Hands and Bodies with ſeve⯑ral Antick Geſtures, than moving much out of the place they were in. He had at this time about twen⯑ty great Jars of Bengal Butter, made of Buffaloes Milk; and this Butter is ſaid alſo to have Lard or Hogs fat mixt with it, and rank enough in theſe hot Countries, tho' much eſteemed by all the Achineſe, who give a good price for it; and our Engliſh alſo uſe it. Each of the Jars this came in contained 20 or 30 Gallons; and they were ſet in Mr. Driſcal's Yard at Achin: What other Goods the Captain brought I know not.
But not long after this he being informed that the Moors Merchants reſiding here had carried off a great Treaſure aboard their Ships, in order to return with it to Surrat, and our Company having now Wars with the Great Mogul, Captain Thwait in the Even⯑ing drew of all his Seamen, and ſeized on one of the Moors Ships, where he thought the Treaſure was. The biggeſt he let alone: She was a Ship that one Captain Conſtant took in the Road ſometime before, and having plundered her, he gave her to the Queen, of whom the Moors bought her again. The Moors Merchants had ſpeedy notice of this Action of Cap⯑tain Thwait, and they preſently made their Applica⯑tion to the Queen for ſatisfaction. But her affairs at this time being in ſuch a poſture as I mentioned, by reaſon of their inteſtine Broyls, ſhe ſaid ſhe could do nothing for them.
[147] year 1688 It was 11 or 12 a Clock the next day, before we who lived aſhore heard of Captain Thwaits proceed⯑ings: but ſeeing the Moors flock to Court, and not knowing what anſwer they had from the Queen, we poſted off to the Ships, for fear of being im⯑priſoned, as ſome Engliſh Men had been while I was at Tonquin, on the like ſcore. Indeed I had at this time great cauſe to be afraid of a Priſon, being ſick of a Flux, ſo that a Priſon would have gone near to have killed me: yet I think it fared not much bet⯑ter with me, for the Ships I fled to afforded me but little comfort. For I knew no man aboard the Do⯑rothy, and could expect no comfort there. So I and the reſt went aboard the Nellegree, where we could more reaſonably expect relief, than in a Ship that came from England: for theſe which come ſo long a Voyage, are juſt victualled for the Service, and the Seamen have every one their ſtinted allowance, out of which they have little enough to ſpare to Strangers.
But tho' there were Victuals enough aboard the Nellegree, yet ſo weak as I then was, I had more mind to reſt my ſelf than to eat: and the Ship was ſo peſtered with Goods, that I could not find a place to hang up my Hammock in. Therefore it being fair weather, I made a ſhift to lye in the Boat that I came aboard in. My Flux was violent, and I ſlept but little; ſo I had the opportunity of obſerving the Moon totally Eclipſed, had I been in a condition to obſerve any thing. As ſoon as I per⯑ceiv'd the Moon to be eclipſed, I gazed at it indeed, as I lay, till it was totally obſcured, which was a pretty while: but I was ſo little curious, that I re⯑membred not ſo much as what day of the Month it was; and I kept no Journal of this Voyage, as I did of my other, but only kept an account of ſeve⯑ral particular Remarks and Obſervations as they oc⯑curred to me. I lay three or four days thus in this [148] year 1688 Boat, and the people of the Ship were ſo kind as to provide me with neceſſaries: and by this time the Moors had got a Paſs from the Dutch Captain then in the Road, for 4 or 500 Dollars, as I was then told, and Captain Thwait delivered them their Ship again, but what terms he made with them, I know not. Thus that Fray was over, and we came aſhore again, recovered of the fright we had been in. In a ſhort time alſo after this, the Achineſe all agreed to own the new Queen, and ſo the War ended without any Bloodſhed.
I was perſwaded to waſh in the River, Mornings and Evenings, for the recovery of my Health: and tho' it ſeemed ſtrange to me before I tryed it, yet I found ſo much comfort in the firſt trial, that I conſtantly appyed my ſelf to it. I went into the Ri⯑ver till the water was as high as my waſte, and then I ſtooped down and found the water ſo cool and refreſhing to my Body, that I was always loth to go out again. Then I was ſenſible that my Bowels were very hot, for I found a great heat within me, which I found refreſht by the cool water. My Food was Salt-fiſh broyled, and boyled Rice mixt with Tire. Tire is ſold about the Streets there: 'tis thick ſower milk. It is very cooling, and the Salt-fiſh and Rice is binding: therefore this is thought there the proper food for the common people, when they have Fluxes. But the Richer Sort will have Sago, which is brought to Achin from other Coun⯑tries, and Milk of Almonds.
But to return to the ſtate of Achin, before I go off from it I ſhall add this ſhort account of the Sea⯑ſons of year there, that their weather is much the ſame as in other Countries North of the Line, and their dry Seaſons, Rains, and Land-floods come much at the ſame time, as at Tonquin and other places of North Latitude. Only as Achin lies within a few Degrees of the Line, ſo upon the Suns croſſing the [149] year 1688 Line in March, the Rains begin a little ſooner there than in Countries nearer the Tropick of Cancer: and when they are once ſet in, they are as violent there as any where. I have ſeen it rain there for 2 or 3 days without intermiſſion; and the River running but a ſhort courſe, its head not lying very far within Land, it ſoon overflows; and a great part of the Street of the City, ſhall on a ſudden be all under water; at which time People row up and down the Streets in Canoas. That ſide of the City towards the River eſpecially, where the Foreign Merchants live, and which is lower ground, is fre⯑quently under Water in the wet Seaſon: a Ships Long-boat has come up to the very Gate of our Engliſh Factory laden with Goods; which at other times is ground dry enough, at a good diſtance from the River, and moderately raiſed above it. I did not find the heat there any thing different from other places in that Latitude; tho' I was there both in the wet and dry Seaſon. 'Tis more ſupportable than at Tonquin; and they have conſtantly the Refreſh⯑ment of Sea and Land Breezes every 24 Hours.
[150]The Author prepares to go for Pegu. Among other [...] a Ship arrives here from Merga in Siam. Of the Maſſacre of the Engliſh there. His in⯑tended Cargo for Pegu. The arrival of other Engliſh Men from the City of Siam. The Author ſets out for Malacca inſtead of Pegu. They are becalmed and ſoon after in great dan⯑ger of running aground. The Coaſt of Sumatra from Diamond Point to the River Dilly. They water there and at Pulo Verero; where they meet a Ship of Danes and Moors from Tran⯑gambar. Pulo Arii, and Pulo Parſelore, a uſeful Sea-mark to avoid Sholes near Malacca Shore. The Author arrives at Malacca Town. The Town and its Forts deſcribed: the Con⯑queſt of it by the Dutch, from the Portugueſe. Chineſe and other Merchants reſiding here. The Sale of Fleſh and Fiſh; the Fruits and Animals. The Shabander, State of the Trade, and Guard-Ships. Opium, a good Commodity among the Malayans. Rattan-Cables. They prepare for their return back to Achin.
AS ſoon as I was pretty well recovered, I was Shipt Mate of the Sloop that came from Ma⯑lacca with us, which Mr. Wells had ſold to Captain Tyler, who lately came from Siam: and I was ſent aboard to take poſſeſſion of her, about the begin⯑ning of May, 1689. He who was deſigned to com⯑mand [151] year 1688 her came to Achin Mate of the Nellegree; and we were now to go to Pegu, but before the middle of June he left the Employ, being ſick, and loth to go at this dead time of the year to Pegu, becauſe the Weſterly Wind was ſet in ſtrong, and the Coaſt of Pegu is low Land, and we were both unacquainted on the Coaſt. I was then made Commander, and took in Goods in order to depart for that Coaſt. In the mean time Mr. Coventry arrived in his Ship from the Coaſt of Coromandel laden with Rice, and a ſmall Veſſel belonging to Capt. Tyler came alſo from Merga much about the ſame time.
This laſt Ship had been at Merga a conſiderable time, having been ſeized on by the Siamites, and all the Men impriſoned, for ſome difference that hap⯑pened between the Engliſh and them. Neither was a Priſon then thought hard uſage by them, for during the Havock was made of the Engliſh there, many of thoſe who lived at Merga were maſſacred. Thoſe who were impriſoned, were kept there till all the Engliſh who lived at the City of Siam, on the other ſide of the Kingdom, withdrew from thence: and then theſe Men had their Liberty reſtored alſo, and their Ship given them, but no Goods, nor ſatisfacti⯑on for their Loſſes, nor ſo much as a Compaſs to bring with them, and but litle Proviſion. Yet here they ſafely arrived, this being a better Ship that I was gone aboard of, Captain Tyler imme⯑diately [...]itted her up for the Sea, in order to ſend her to Pegu.
By this time my Veſſel was loaden, and my Cargo was eleven thouſand Coco-nuts, five or ſix hundred weight of Sugar, and half a dozen Cheſt of Drawers of Japan work, two were very large, deſigned for a Preſent to the King. Beſides this, Capt. Tyler, for ſo we uſed to call him, tho' he was only a Merchant, ſaid he intended to ſend a good quantity of Gold thither, by which he expected to gain 60 or 70 per [152] year 1688 Cent; for by report the King of Pegu had lately built a very magnificent Pagoda, and was gilding it very richly with Gold: beſides he was making a large Image of Maſly Gold for the chief Pagod of this Temple. By this means Gold was riſen in its value here: and Achin being a place abounding in that Metal, much of it had already been ſent thi⯑ther from hence, and more was going in other Veſſels, belonging to the Moors of Achin, beſide what Captain Tyler deſigned to ſend.
It was now about the middle of Auguſt; and tho' I was ready to ſail, yet I was ordered to ſtay for Captain Tyler's other Veſſel, till ſhe had taken in her lading, which was daily ſent off. Her Cargo alſo was Coco-nuts, and ſhe had about 8 or 9000 already aboard: When I received an order from Captaln Tyler to hale aboard of her, and put all my Cargo into her; as alſo all my Water-ca [...]k, and whatever elſe I could ſpare that they wanted; but withal he deſired me to be ſatisfied, and told me I ſhould in a ſhort time be ſent to Sea: but that Ship being the biggeſt, he thought it more conve⯑nient to diſpatch her firſt. I preſently did as I was ordered; and finding that I ſhould not go this Voyage. I ſold alſo my ſmall Cargo, which conſiſted only of ſome Coco-nuts and about 100 Nutmegs, which had the Shells on as they grew on the Trees. I bought all that I could meet with in the Town, and paid about 3d. a piece, and expected to have had 12d. a piece for them at Pegu, where they are much eſteemed if the Shells be on, for elſe they don't value them.
About this time the George, a great Engliſh Ship belonging to one Mr. Dalton, arrived here from the City of Siam, coming thro' the Streights of Malacca. He had been there ſome years trading to and fro, and had made very profitable Voyages: but the late Revolution that hapned there by the Death of the [153] year 1688 King, and the unhappy fate of my Lord Falcon, cauſed the Engliſh to withdraw from thence. The French were all ſent away ſome Months before, being not ſuffered to ſtay in the Kingdom: but before this Ship came from thence, the Broyls of State were over; for the new King being ſettled, all Tumults which commonly ariſe in theſe Countries at the Death of the King, were appeaſed. The Engliſh were then deſired to ſtay there, and thoſe who had yielded up their Places and Offices, were even in⯑treated to accept them again, for they owned that they had all ſerved the Nation faithfully. But not long before the Revolution, the Governour of Fort St. George ſent for all the Engliſh from thence particularly, and from the Service of all other Indian Princes, to come and ſerve the Eaſt-India Company at the Fort, or where elſe they ſhould ſend them. For that reaſon they all came away with Mr. Dal⯑ton, and he, in kindneſs to his Country-men, re⯑fuſed to take in Goods or Freight, becauſe he would have room enough for their paſſage, and their Houſhold Goods: for here were ſome Families of Men, Women and Children.
They were a long time coming from Siam to Achin, becauſe they came againſt the Monſoon; and in their paſſage they touch'd at Malacca, and when they arrived at Achin, Mr. Dalton went aſhore and hired an Houſe, as did alſo moſt of his Paſſen⯑gers: and among the reſt Captain Minchin, who had formerly ſerved the Eaſt-India Company at Surrat, but on ſome diſguſt left that place and came to Siam. There he was made Gunner of a Fort, and maintained his Wife and Family very well in that Employ, till the Revolution there, and the Companies orders came and called him from thence. He being now deſtitute of employment, the Merchants there thought of making him Com⯑mander of the Veſſel that I was in, becauſe Cap⯑tain [154] year 1688 Tyler was minded to ſell part of her. Accord⯑ingly they met about it, and the Veſſel was divided into four parts, three of which were purchaſed by Mr. Dalton, Mr. Coventry, and Capt. Minchin, and Captain Tyler kept the 4th. The next day Capt. Minchin came off with an order to me to deliver him the poſſeſſion of the Ship, and told me, that if I liked to go his Mate, I might ſtill keep a⯑board till they had agreed on a Voyage. I was forced to ſubmit, and accepted a Mates Employ under Captain Minchin. It was not long before we were ordered for Malacca to buy Goods there. We carried no Goods with us, beſides 3 or 400 pound of Opium.
It was about the middle of September, 1689. when we ſailed from Achin. We were four white Men in the Veſſel, the Captain, and Mr. Coventry, who went Supercargo, my ſelf and the Boatſwain. For common Seamen we had 7 or 8 Moors: and gene⯑rally in theſe Country Ships the White-men are all Officers. Two days after we left Achin, being becalmed under the Shore, we came to an Anchor. Not long after a Ship coming in from the Sea⯑ward, came to an anchor about 2 mile a-head of us. Mr. Coventry knew her to be a Daniſh Ship be⯑longing to Trangambar; and therefore we hoiſted out our Boat, and thought to have ſpoken with her: but a ſmall breeze ſpringing up, they weighed their Anchors and went away; neither would they ſpeak with us, tho' we made ſigns for them to ſtay. We weighed alſo and jogg'd on after them, but they ſailed better than we. We met little Winds and Calms, ſo that it was ſeven or eight days be⯑fore we got as far as Diamond-point, which is about forty leagues from Achin.
Being about four leagues ſhort of that point, Cap⯑tain Minchin deſired me to ſet the Land, and withal prick the Card, and ſee what Courſe we ought to [155] year 1688 keep all night; for it was now about 6 a clock, and we had a fine gale at W. S. W. our courſe yet being E. S. E.
After I had ſet the Land, I went into the Cab⯑bin to look over the Draught to ſee what courſe we muſt ſteer after we came about the Point. Mr. Coventry followed me, and when I had ſatisfied my ſelf, he aſked me what courſe we muſt ſteer? I told him E. S. E. till 12 a clock, if the gale ſtood, and then we might hale more Southerly. He ſeemed to be ſtartled at it, and told me, that the Captain and he had been pricking the Card, and thought that S. E. or S. E. by S. courſe would do well at 8 a clock. I ſaid it was a good courſe to run aſhore; he argued a long time with me, but I perſiſted in my opinion, and when I told Captain Minchin of my opinion, he was well ſatisfied. Pre⯑ſently after this we had a pretty ſtrong Tornado out of the S. W. which obliged us to hand our Top⯑ſail. When the ſtreſs of the weather was over, we ſet our ſails again, and went in to Supper, and ordered the Man at Helm not to come to the Southward of the E. S. E. We ſtayed in the Cab⯑bin till about 8 a clock, and then we came out to ſet the Watch. It was now very dark, by reaſon of a Thunder-Cloud that hung rumbling over the Land: yet by the flaſhes of lightning we plainly ſaw the Land, right a-head of us. I was much ſurprized, and ran into the Steeridge to look on the Compaſs, and found that we were ſteering S. S. E. inſtead of E. S. E. I clapt the Helm a Star⯑board, and brought her to N. E. by E. and N. E. and we very narrowly eſcap'd being caſt away.
When we firſt went to Supper we were 3 leagues off Land, and then E. S. E. was a good courſe, the Land lying E. S. E. parallel with our courſe.
[156] year 1688 But then the Man at Helm miſtaking his Com⯑paſs ſteer'd S. S. E. which runs right in upon the Shore. I believe we had alſo ſome counter⯑current, or Tide that help'd us in, for we were quickly got into a Bay within the points of Land. So that 'twas now abſolutely neceſſary to ſteer Northerly to get out of the Bay; and by this time Mr. Coventry was ſatisfied with what I told him in the Evening, and was convinced of his Error. I un⯑dertook to direct the Man at Helm, and the Wind continuing, I kept off till ten a clock: then I ſteer⯑ed E. S. E. till 12, and then haled up S. S. E. and in the morning we were about 4 leagues S. E. from Diamond-point, and about 3 leagues to the North of an Iſland.
The Land from hence lying S. S. E. we ſteered ſo; but meeting with calms again, we anchored ſeveral times before we came to the River of Dilly, which is 28 leagues from Diamond-point. The Land between ſeems to be uneven, moſt of it pret⯑ty high, and very woody: and 'tis ſaid that all this Country, as far as the River Dilly, is under the Queen of Achin.
About a League before we came to that River, being within 2 mile of the Shore, we ſaw the Water of a muddy grey colour, and taſting it, ſound it to be ſweet. Therefore we preſently filled ſome of our Water Caſk; and 'tis an ordinary thing in ſeveral places to take up freſh Water at Sea, againſt the mouth of ſome River where it floats above the Salt-water: but we muſt dip but a little way down; for ſometimes if the Bucket goes but a foot deep it takes up Salt-water with the freſh.
In the Evening we had a fine Land Breeze, with which we ran along the Shore, keeping on a wind, and ſounding every now and then. At laſt we were got among the Sholes, at the mouth of that River, and puzled to get out again. The River [157] year 1688 is in Lat. 3 d. 50 m. N. It ſeems to be very large, but it is not well known, but only to the Natives, who inhabit it; and they are not very ſociable; but are, by report, a ſort of Pirats living on rapin. In the Morning we ſaw a Sail ſtanding off to an Iſland called Pulo Verero, lying in Lat. 3 d. 30 m. N. ſeven Leagues from the Mouth of the River Dilly. We having a fair Wind, ſtood after them, intending there to wood and water at Pulo Verero. For tho we took no freſh Water the Evening before out of the Sea, yet at the River of Dilly it was brackiſh: for tho' the freſh Water is born up by the Salt, and it might be intire without mixture, yet by plunging of the Buck⯑et ſomewhat to low, we might probably take up ſome of the Salt water with it. They came to an Anchor about 2 or 3 a clock in the After⯑noon: but the Wind ſlacken'd, and it was 8 a Clock at night before we came thither. We An⯑chored about a mile from them, and preſently hoyſed out our Boat to go aboard: for we judged that this was the Daniſh Ship, that we ſaw when we came firſt from Achin. I went in the Boat, be⯑cauſe Mr. Coventry told me, that Mr. Coppinger was Surgeon of her, the ſame Perſon who was with me in the Boat when I was ſet a ſhore at the Nico⯑bar Iſles, but was not ſuffered to ſtay with me. Mr. Coventry was now in the Boat with me, and we went and haled the Ship, aſking whence ſhe came; and who was Commander; They anſwered, they were Danes from Trangambar, for 'twas the Ship we took it to be. Then they aſkt who we were? I anſwered Engliſh from Achin, and that Mr. Coventry was in the Boat, but they would not believe it till Mr. Coventry ſpoke and the Captain knew his Voice: neither did they till then believe we were Friends; for they had every man his Gun in his hand, ready [...]o fire on us, if we had gone aboard without haling, [...]s Mr. Coventry would have done, in confidence [158] year 1688 that they knew him, had not I diſſwaded him. For it ſeems they were extreamly afraid of us, inſomuch that the Commander, ſeeing us follow them in the morning, would not have touched at theſe Iſlands, tho' he was in great want of Water; and had not his Black Merchants fallen before him on their Knees, and even prayed him to take pity on them, they had not anchored here. Theſe Merchants were Inhabitants of Trangambar on the Coaſt of Coromandel. They having no Ships of their own, when the Danes fit out a Ship, on any Voyage that they are inclined to, theſe Moors are obliged to joyn Stock with them, and they firſt make an Offer of it to them as a kindneſs: and the Moors being gene⯑rally deſirous to Trade, frequently accept of it al⯑moſt on any Terms: but ſhould they be unwilling, yet dare they not refuſe, for fear of diſobliging the Danes, who are Lords of the place. In this Ship I found Mr. Coppenger: and he was the firſt that I had ſeen of all the Company that left me at the Nicobar Iſlands. The next morning we filled our water and weigh'd again; the Dane being gone a little before. He was bound to Jihore, to load Pepper, but in⯑tended to touch at Malacca, as moſt Ships do that paſs theſe Streights. He alſo ſailed better than we, and therefore left us to follow him.
We ſtood on yet neareſt to the Sumatra Shore, till we came in ſight of Pulo Arii, in Lat. 3d. 2 m. N. Theſe are ſeveral Iſlands lying S. E. by E. ▪Eaſter⯑ly from Pulo Verero, about 32 Leagues diſtant. Theſe Iſlands are good marks for Ships bound thro' the Streights: for when they bear S. E. at [...] or 4 Leagues diſtance, you may ſteer away E. by S. for the Ma⯑lacca Shore, from whence you then may be about 20 leagues. The firſt Land you will ſee is Pulo Parſa⯑lore, which is a high peeked Hill in the Country, on the Malacca Coaſt: which ſtanding by it ſelf amidſt a low Country, it appears like an Iſland, [159] year 1688 tho' I know not whether it is really one; for it ſtands ſome miles within the Shoar of the Continent of Malacca. It is a very remarkable Hill, and the only Seamark for Seamen to guide themſelves through certain Sands that lye near the Main; and if it is thick hazy Weather, and the Hill is obſcur'd, Pilots, unleſs they are very knowing in the Sound⯑ings, will hardly venture in: for the Channel is not above a League wide, and there are large Shoals on each ſide. Theſe Shoals lye ten leagues from Pulo Arii, and continue till within 2 or 3 of the Malacca ſhoar. In the Channel there is 12 or 14 fathom water, but you may keep in 7 or 8 fathom on either ſide; and ſounding all the way, you may paſs on without danger.
We had a good gale at Weſt, which brought us in ſight of Pulo Parſalore: and ſo we kept ſounding till we came within the Shoar, and then we had the Town of Malacca about 18 leagues diſtant from us, to the S. E. and by E. Being ſhot over to the Malacca ſhore, there is a good wide Channel to ſail in, you having the Shoals on one ſide, and the Land on the other; to which laſt you may come as nigh as you ſee convenient, for there is water enough, and good anchoring. The Tide runs pretty ſtrong here; the Flood ſets to the Eaſtward, and the Ebb to the Weſt: and therefore when there is little wind, and Ships cannot ſtem the Tide, they commonly anchor. But we being in with the Malacca Shoar, had a weſterly Wind, which brought us before Malacca Town, about the middle of October; and here I firſt heard that King William and Queen Mary were crowned King and Queen of England. The Dane that left us at Pulo Verero was not yet arrived: for, as we after⯑wards underſtood, they could not find the way through the Sands, but were forced to keep along without them, and fetch a great Compaſs about, which retarded their Paſſage.
[160] year 1688 Malacca is a pretty large Town, of about 2 or 300 Families of Dutch and Portugueſe, many of which are a mixt breed between thoſe Nations. There are alſo many of the Native Malayans inhabiting in ſmall Cottages on the Skirts of the Town. The Dutch Houſes are built with Stone, and the Streets are wide and ſtraight, but not paved. At the North Weſt of the Town there is a Wall and Gate to paſs in and out: and a ſmall Fort always guarded with Soldiers. The Town ſtands on a level low ground, cloſe by the Sea. The Land on the back⯑ſide of the Town ſeems to be moraſſy, and on the Weſt ſide, without the Wall, there are Gardens of Fruits and Herbs, and ſome fair Dutch Houſes: but that Quarter is chiefly the habitation of the Malay⯑ans. On the Eaſt ſide of the Town, there is a ſmall River which at a Spring Tide will admit ſmall Barks to enter. About 100 paces from the Sea there is a Draw-bridge, which leads from the midſt of the Town to a ſtrong Fort, built on the Eaſt ſide of the River.
This is the chief Fort, and is built on a low level ground, cloſe by the Sea, at the Foot of a little ſteep Hill. Its form is ſemicircular, according to the natural poſition of the adjacent Hill. It fronts chiefly to the Sea, and having its foundation on firm Rocks, the Walls are carried up to a good height, and of a conſiderable thickneſs. The lower part of it is waſhed by the Sea every Tide. On the back of the Hill, the Land being naturally low, there is a very large Moat cut from the Sea to the River, which makes the whole an Iſland; and that back part is ſtockadoed round with great Trees, ſet up an end: ſo that there is no entring when once the Draw-bridge is haled up. On the Hill, within this Fort ſtands a ſmall Church big enough to receive all the Towns-people, who come hither on Sundays to hear Divine Service: and on the Main, [161] year 1688 beyond the Fort, the Malayans are alſo ſeated cloſe by the Sea.
The firſt Europeans who ſetled here were the Portugueſe; They alſo built the great Fort: but whether they moted round the Hill, and made an Iſland of that ſpot of ground, I know not, nor what charges have been beſtowed on it ſince to make it defenceable; nor what other alterations have been made; but the whole Building ſeems to be pretty ancient, and that part of it which fronts to the Sea, was in all probability, built by the Portu⯑gneſe; for there are ſtill the marks of the Conque⯑rours ſhot in the Walls. It is a place ſo naturally ſtrong, that I even wonder how they could be beaten out: but when I conſider what other places they then loſt, and their miſmanagements, I am the leſs ſurprized at it. The Portugueſe were the firſt diſcoverers by Sea of the Eaſt-Indies, and had thereby the Advantage of Trade with theſe rich Eaſtern People, as alſo an opportunity, thro' their weakneſs, to ſettle themſelves where they pleaſed. Therefore they made Settlements and Fortsamong them in divers places of India, as here for one: and perſuming upon the ſtrength of their Forts, they inſulted over the Natives; and being grown rich with Trade, they fell to all manner of looſeneſs and debauchery; the uſual concomitant of Wealth, and as commonly the fore-runner of Ruin. The Portugueſe at this place, by report, made uſe of the Native Women at their pleaſure, whether Virgins or Married Women; ſuch as they liked they took without control: and it is probable, they as little reſtrained their luſt in other places; for the Breed of them is ſcattered all over India; neither are there any People of more different Complexions than of that Race, even from the coal-black to a light tawney. Theſe injuries exaſperated the Native [162] year 1688 Maylayans here who joyning with the Dutch, as I have been informed, found means to betray to them their inſolent Maſters the Portugueſe: than whom there are not a more deſpicable people now in all the Eaſtern Nations: and of all they once poſſeſt, they have now only Goa left, of any place of conſequence. The Dutch are now Maſters of moſt of the places they were once poſſeſt of; and particularly this of Malacca.
Malacca is a place of no great Trade, yet there are ſeveral Moors Merchants always reſiding here. Theſe have Shops of Wares, ſuch as come from Sur⯑rat, and the Coaſt of Coromandel and Bengal. The Chineſe alſo are ſeated here, who bring the Com⯑modities of their Country hither, eſpecially Tea, Sugar-candy, and other Sweet-meats. Some of them keep Tea-houſes, were for a Stiver a man has near a pint of Tea, and a little Porrenger of Sugar-candy, or other Sweet-meats, if he pleaſes. Others of them are Butchers: their chief fleſh is Pork, which you may have very reaſonably, either freſh or ſalted: Neither are you deſired to take any particular piece, but they will cut a piece at one place, and the like at another, either [...]at or lean, as you would have it▪ Others among theſe Chineſe are Trades-people; and they are all in general very induſtrious, but withal extraordinary Gameſters: and if they can get any to play with them, all buſineſs muſt ſubmit to that.
This Town is plentiful ſtored with Fiſh alſo. When the Fiſhermen come in, they all reſort to a place built purpoſely for the ſale of them. There are Soldiers waiting, who take the beſt for the Officers of the Fort, Whether they pay for it, or that 'tis a Toll of Cuſtom belonging to the Gover⯑nor I know not: but after they have ſerved, the reſt are ſold to any who will buy. The man⯑ner [163] year 1688 of ſelling is thus: The Fiſh which every man brings in is ſorted, yet all ſold by the lump at once, in the manner of an Outcry or Auction, but not by raiſing, but lowering the price: for there is one ap⯑pointed for this ſale, who ſets the Firſt price higher than the value of the Fiſh, and falls by degrees, till the price ſeems reaſonable: then one or other buys. But theſe firſt Bargains are commonly bought by the Fiſhwives, who retail them out again. Oyſters are [...] great plenty here, and very good when the [...] [...] [...]alt, but ſometimes they are freſh and unſavo [...].
As for other Proviſions, their Rice is brought to them from abroad. Such Fruits as they have are much the ſame as I have already deſcribed and are proper to the Climate, as Plantains, Bonanoes, Pine-apples, Oranges, Water-melons, Pumple-noſes, Mango's, &c. but theſe are only in their Gardens, in no great plenty; and the Country is all covered with Wood, like one Foreſt: and moſt of our Walking-Canes uſed in England, are brought from thence. They have alſo a few Cattle, Bullocks, and Horſes, &c. having but little Paſturage, but good ſtore of tame Fowl, Ducks, and Poultry. The principal perſon in the Town is the Shahander, a Dutch man, next in power to the Governour, who lives in the Fort, and meddles not with Trade, which is the Shahander's Province, who ſeems to be chiefly concerned about the Cuſtoms of Goods.
This Town has no great Trade, by what I could ſee, but it ſeems to be deſignedly built to command the paſſage of Shipping, going this way to the more Eaſtern Nations. Not but that Ships may paſs far enough out of reach of their Cannon; but Guardſhips belonging to the Town, and lying in the Road, may hinder others from paſſing. How the Portugueſe managed their Affairs I know not; [164] year 1688 but the Dutch commonly keep a Guardſhip here; and I have been told they require a certain Duty of all Veſſels that paſs this way, the Engliſh only excepted: for all Ships touch at this place, eſpe⯑cially for Wood, Water, and Refreſhment.
Two days after our arrival here, the Daniſh Ship came alſo to an Anchor; but reporting that they were bound to Jihore, to lade Pepper, the Dutch told them it was but in vain for them to ſeek a Trade there; for that the King of Jihore had agreed with the Dutch to Trade only with them; and that to ſecure that Trade, they had a Guardſhip lying there. I had this account from the Surgeon, Mr. Coppinger, who ſeemed a little concerned at it: becauſe when he told me this, he could not tell whether they ſhould proceed thither or no; but they did go thither, and ſound all this a ſham, and Traded there to their own and the Natives ſatis⯑faction, as he told me the next time I met him. This of Jihore being but a ſmall Kingdom on the ſame Malacca Coaſt, 'tis not of ſtrength ſufficient to reſiſt the power of the Dutch: neither could it benefit the Dutch to take it, ſhould they attempt it; for the people would probably forſake it, and it would be too great a charge for the Dutch to ſettle it themſelves. And therefore they only endeavour to ingroſs the Pepper Trade; and it is probable enough that the Dutch might ſometimes keep a Guardſhip there, as they do at other places, particu⯑larly at Queda, Pulo Dinding, &c. For where there is any Trade to be had, yet not ſufficient to maintain a Factory; for where there may not be a convenient place to build a Fort, ſo as to ſecure the whole Trade to themſelves, they ſend their Guardſhips, which lying at the mouth of the Rivers, deter Strangers from coming thither, and keep the petty Princes in awe of them. They commonly make a [165] year 1688 ſhew as if they did this out of kindneſs to thoſe Peo⯑ple; yet moſt of them know otherwiſe, but dare not openly reſent it. This probably cauſes ſo many petty Robberies and Piracies as are commited by the Malayans on this Coaſt. The Malayans, who inhabit on both ſides the Streights of Malacca, are in general a bold People, and yet I do not find any of them addicted to Robbery, but only the pilfering poorer ſort, and even theſe ſeverely puniſhed among the Trading Malayans, who love Trade and Pro⯑perty. But being thus provoked by the Dutch, and hindred of a free Trade by their Guard-ſhips, it is probable, they therefore commit Piracies them⯑ſelves, or connive at and incourage thoſe who do. So that the Pirates who lurk on this Coaſt, ſeem to [...]o it as much to revenge themſelves on the Dutch, for reſtraining their Trade, as to gain this way what they cannot obtain in way of Traffick.
But to return to our concerns here. I have ſaid already, that we had only 3 or 400l. of Opium in Goods, the reſt was in Money to the value of 2000 Dollars in the whole: but we did not pre⯑tend, that we came hither purpoſely to trade, but that finding our Veſſel unfit for the Sea, we put in here to mend and repair her. Leave was granted us for this; and I prepared to hale our Veſſel aſhore, at the Weſt end of the Town, not far from the ſmall Fort. It is there ſoft Oazy ground, near a mile off ſhore, and it deepens very leiſurely, being ſhole water juſt by the ſhore; and when the Tide goes out, it leaves the Oaz dry a quarter of a mile from the ſhore: but a mile from ſhore, you have clean Sand, and about 4 fathom at low Water. Our Veſſel floated in cloſe to the Fort, and lay not 20 yards from it, and at low water it ſunk down into the mud: that we could not fit the after-part, as I would [166] year 1688 have done. Opium, which is much uſed by the Malayans in moſt places, was a great Commodity here at this time: but it is prohibited Goods, and therefore tho' many aſked for it, we were ſhy of having it too openly known that we had any. But in ſhort, Mr. Coventry found a Cuſtomer, and they found means to get it aſhore, while the Soldiers of the Fort were at dinner. The Cuſtomer was a Dutch Man; and the price he was to pay for it was as much as he was worth: and finding it to be nought, he would have been off his Bargain; and when Mr. Coventry would not releaſe him, he abſconded. But Mr. Coventry having an Intereſt in the Shabander, he compell'd the Man's Wife to pay for the Opium, under the Name of Gold; for ſo Mr. Coventry call'd it. The Shabander chid Mr. Coventry for ſmugling with an inferiour, when he might have done it better with him: but ſtood his Friend in compelling the Woman, tho' unjuſtly, to pay for the Opium. I ſaw this Dutch-man on board his own Veſſel, when he had bought the Opium, and he was very penſive and ſad. He had a pretty fine Houſe without the Gates, and a Gar⯑den which maintained his Family with Pot-Herbs, Sallading, and Fruits, beſides ſome for the Mar⯑ket. This was managed by his Wife, and he himſelf had two Sloops; and either imployed them in Trading among the Malayans for Pepper, carrying them ſuch Commodities as they wanted, eſpecially Opium, or by hiring himſelf and Sloop to the Dutch Eaſt-India Company, to go whither they would ſend him. It was not long ſince he had been at the Spice Iſlands with Rice, which he ſold at a profitable rate: but he told me he was not ſuffered to bring any Spice from thence, except eight or ten pound for his own ſpending: nei⯑ther was there ſo much profit that way for him, [167] year 1688 as by trading at home among the Malayans, either on the Coaſt of Malacca or Sumatra. For tho' he and other free Men are not ſuffered to trade for them⯑ſelves to any places where the Company have Facto⯑ries, or Guardſhips, yet they could find Trade enough nearer home, and by this Trade the Freemen of Malacca pick up a good livelihood. It was on this Home Trade that he was now bound, and the Opium had been very beneficial to him, had it been good: but he went away and ordered his Wife not to pay for it, but left Mr. Coventry to take it again; and upon the Shabander's compelling her to take it and pay for it, ſhe complained they were utterly undone, for the Opium, when it came to be examined was really very bad, and worth little or nothing.
Here Mr. Coventry bought Irons Bars, Arack, Canes, and Rattans, wherewith we load our Veſ⯑ſel, which was now ſet afloat again. The Dutch brought moſt of our Goods aboard, and were more kind then I expected, for they had not uſed to Trade with us, and I believe the news of our Revolution in England had ſweetned them; for they often drank the Konings Health with us very hear⯑tily. While we were here we made two new Cables of Rattans, each of them 4 Inches about. Our Captian bought the Rattans, and hired a Chineſe to work them, who was very expert at making ſuch wooden Cables. Theſe Cables I found ſerviceable enough after, in mooring the Veſſel with either of them; for when I carried out the Anchor, the Cable being thrown out after me, ſwam like Cork in the Sea: ſo that I could ſee when it was tight, which we cannot ſo well diſcern in our Hemp Cables, whoſe weight ſinks them down: nor can we carry them out but by placing two or three Boats at ſome diſtance aſunder, [168] year 1688 to buoy up the Cable, while the Long-Boat rows out the Anchor. To conclude with Malacca, our Goods being all aboard, we fill'd our Water; and got all in a readineſs for our departure back again.
[169]The Author departs from Malacca. They loſe a Yard, and return to refit. They ſet out again, and run on a Shole, but get off with the flood. Pulo Sambilong. They loſe their Mizen-yard, and put into Pulo Dinding. The Iſland and Fort deſcribed; The oppoſite Coaſt. Tutaneg, a ſort of Tin. The Enmity between the Dutch here, and the Malayans on the Coaſt. A Ren⯑counter with them. They leave Pulo Dinding and arrive at Achin. The eſcape of ſome Eng⯑liſh Priſoners out of Bengal. The Author ſets out again from Achin, and arrives at Fort St. George. Its pleaſant Proſpect. He goes thence to Bencouli in Sumatra. Its ſight at Sea. Point of Sillabar. The Scituation of Ben⯑couli, Houſes, Weather, Soil, Fruits, Animals, and Inhabitants. The Pepper Trade here and elſewhere. The firſt ſettlement of the Engliſh here. The Fort, and uſage of the Natives. The Concluſion of the Supplement.
WE departed from Malacca towards Achin about the middle of November 1689. Mr. Coventry being weary of Captain Minchin's Company, had bought a ſmall Veſſel of 7 or 8 Tuns, and laded her alſo with the ſame kind of Goods. This he commanded himſelf, having a Portugueſe Pilot, and 3 or 4 Mariners under him, and we ſet out both Ships in Company together. We had now in Captain Minchin's Ship but 2 white Men, the Cap⯑tain and I, the Boatſwain being gone with Mr. [170] year 1688 Coventry; but we took in as a Paſſenger one Mr. Richards an Engliſhman, who having lately married a Dutch Woman at Malacca, came aboard us with her, to go as Paſſengers to Achin with us.
We had a Land Wind in the morning and about 11 a clock had the Wind at N. W. a pretty ſtrong gale: and at 12 our Fore-yard broke in the middle. We made ſigns to Mr. Coventry to bear down to us; who weighing before was a mile to Windward of us; but he kept on, fearing to return, as having bought his Ship there by ſtealth: and we therefore returned alone into Malacca Road. As ſoon as we anchored, Mr. Richards was ſent aſhore to buy a new Yard; I gave him the length and bigneſs. It was Evening before he came aboard again, and he brought aboard an old Yard much too big and too long for us. This piece I ſhortned and ſhaped to my mind, and by 12 a clock at Night, had it fixed and ſlung, rigg'd and the Sail bent to it.
Then we weighed again having a ſmall land Wind; but the Tide of flood was againſt us, and drove us to the Eaſtward. When the Ebb came we jogg'd on, and got about three leagues, anchoring when the flood came, becauſe the Winds were againſt us. Thus we continued plying with the Ebb, and ancho⯑ring every flood, till we came to Pulo Parſelore, where the Captain told me he would not go out the ſame way we came in, as I would have perſuaded him, but kept the Malacca Shore aboard, and paſt within the Sholes. But in a few Hours after we ran upon a Shole, driven on it by the Tide of Flood, which here ſet to the Eaſtward, tho' by our reckoning it ſhould have been half Ebb, and the flood ſhould have ſet Weſtward, as we had it all the reſt of the way from Malacca: but the Sholes probably cauſed ſome whirling about of the Tide. However, the Sand we were ſtuck upon was not above 100 yards in circumference, and the flood being riſing we [171] year 1688 waited the time of high Water, and then drove over it, having ſent our Boat to diſcover how the Sholes lay, while our Ship was a-ground: Mr. Ri⯑chards all the while being in great fear, leſt the Malayans ſhould come off in their Boats and attack the Veſſel.
We were now afloat again, and ſoon got without all the Sholes: yet we did not ſtand over towards Sumatra, but coaſted along neareſt the Malacca ſhore, it being now moſt proper for us ſo to do yet; for having the Winds weſterly, we could not have beat under the other ſhore. 2 or 3 days after this we had ſight of ſome Iſlands called Pulo Sambilong, which in the Malayan Language ſignifies nine Iſlands, there being ſo many of them, lying ſcattering at unequal diſtances from each other. It was near one of theſe Iſlands, that Captain Minchin in a former Voyage was like to looſe his hand by a prick with a Cat-fiſhes Fin, as I have ſaid in my former Vol. p. 149. und tho' his hand was cured, yet he has loſt the uſe of it ever ſince; and is never likely to regain it more.
We ſtood in pretty near the ſhore, in hopes to gain a freſh Land Wind. About 10 a Clock the Land Wind came off, a gentle breez, and we coaſt⯑ed along the ſhore. But a ſmall Tornado coming off from the ſhore about midnight, we broke our Mizen Yard, and being near a Dutch Iſland called Pulo Dinding, we made in for it, and anchored there the Night enſuing, and found there a Dutch Sloop, mann'd with about 30 Soldiers at an anchor.
This is a ſmall Iſland lying ſo nigh the Main, that Ships paſſing by cannot know it to be an Iſland. It is pretty high Land and well watered with Brooks. The Mould is blackiſh, deep and fat in the lower Ground: but the Hills are ſomewhat Rocky yet in general very Wood. The Trees are of divers ſorts, many of which are good Timber, and large enough for any uſe. Here are alſo ſome good for Maſts and Yards; they being naturally [172] year 1688 light, yet tough and ſerviceable. There is good riding on the Eaſt ſide, between the Iſland and the Main. You may come in with the Sea Breeze, and go out with a Land Wind, there is Water enough, and a ſecure Harbour.
The Dutch, who are the only Inhabitants, have a Fort on the Eaſt ſide, cloſe by the Sea, in a bend⯑ing of the Iſland, which makes a ſmall Cove for Ships to anchor in. The Fort is built 4 ſquare, without Flankers or Baſtions, like a Houſe: every Square is about 10 or 12 yards. The Walls are of a good thickneſs, made of ſtone, and carried up to a good heighth, of about 30 foot, and covered over head like a dwelling Houſe. There may be about 12 or 14 Guns in it, ſome looking out at every Square. Theſe Guns are mounted on a ſtrong Platform, made within the Walls, about 16 Foot high; and there are ſteps on the out ſide to aſcend to the Door that opens to the Platform, there be⯑ing no other way into the Fort. Here is a Go⯑vernour and about 20 or 30 Soldiers, who all lodge in the Fort. The Soldiers have their lodging in the Platform among the Guns, but the Go⯑vernour has a fair Chamber above it, where h [...] lies with ſome of the Officers. About a hundred yards from the Fort on the Bay by the Sea, there is a low timbered Houſe, where the Governour abides all the day time. In this Houſe there were two or three Rooms for their uſe, but the chiefeſt was the Governours Dining Room. This fronted to the Sea, and the end of it looked towards the Fort. There were two large Windows of about 7 or 8 Foot Square; the lower part of them about 2 or 3 foot from the Ground. Theſe Windows were wont to be left open all the day, to let in the re⯑freſhing Breeze; but in the night, when the Go⯑vernour withdrew to the Fort, they were cloſed with ſtrong ſhutters, and the Doors made faſt til [...] [173] year 1688 the next day. The Continent of Malacca op⯑poſite to the Iſland, is pretty low champion Land, cloathed with lofty Woods; and right againſt the Bay where the Dutch Fort ſtands, there is a naviga⯑ble River for ſmall Craft.
The product of the Country thereabouts, beſides Rice and other Eatables, is Tutaneg, a ſort of Tin; I think courſer than ours. The Natives are Ma⯑layans, who, as I have always obſerved, are bold and treacherous: yet the Trading People are affa⯑ble and courteous to Merchants.
Theſe are in all reſpects, as to their Religion, Cuſtom, and manner of Living, like other Ma⯑layans. Whether they are governed by a King or Raja, or what other manner of Government they live under, I know not. They have Canoas and Boats of their own, and with theſe they fiſh and traffick among themſelves: but the Tin Trade is that which has formerly drawn Merchant Strangers thither. But tho' the Country might probably yield great quanities of this Metal, and the Natives are not only inclinable, but very deſirous to trade with Strangers, yet are they now reſtrained by the Dutch, who have monopoliz'd that Trade to them⯑ſelves. It was probably for the lucre of this Trade that the Dutch built the Fort on the Iſland; but this not wholly anſwering their ends, by reaſon of the diſtance between it and the Rivers mouth, which is about 4 or 5 miles, they have alſo a Guardſhip commonly lying here, and a Sloop with 20 or 30 armed men, to hinder other Nations from this Trade. For this Tutaneg or Tin is a valuable Com⯑modity in the Bay of Bengal, and here purchaſed rea⯑ſonably, by giving other Commoditiesin exchange: neither is this Commodity peculiarly found here⯑abouts, but farther Northerly alſo on the Coaſt; and particularly in the Kingdom of Qu [...]da there is much of it: The Dutch alſo commonly keep a [174] year 1688 Guardſhip, and have made ſome fruitleſs eſſays to bring that Prince and his Subjects to trade only with them; but here over againſt P. Dinding, no Strangers dare approach to trade; neither may any Ship come in hither but with conſent of the Dutch. Therefore as ſoon as we came to an Anchor at the Eaſt end of the Iſland, we ſent our Boat a ſhore to the Governour, to deſire leave to wood, water, and cut a new Mizin yard. He granted our re⯑queſt, and the Boat returned again aboard, and brought word alſo that Mr. Coventry touch'd here to water, and went out that morning. The next morning betimes Captain Minchin ſent me aſhore to cut a Yard. I applyed my ſelf to the Gover⯑nour, and deſired one of his Soldiers might go with me, and ſhew me the beſt Timber for that uſe; but he excuſed himſelf, ſaying, that his Soldiers were all buſie at preſent, but that I might go and cut any Tree that I lik'd. So I went into the Woods, where I ſaw abundance of very fine ſtrait Trees, and cut down ſuch a one as I thought fit for my turn: and cutting it of a juſt length, and ſtripping off the Bark, I left it ready to be fetcht away, and return'd to the Fort, where I dined with the Governour. Pre⯑ſently after dinner, our Captain, with Mr. Richards and his Wife came aſhore, and I went aboard. The Governour met them at Landing, and conduct⯑ed them into the Dining Room I ſpoke of, where they treated the Govenour with Punch, made of Brandy, Sugar, and Lime-juice, which they brought with them from aboard: for here is nothing, not ſo much as the Governours drink, but what is brought from Malacca: no Herbs or Fruit growing here: but all is either fetch from Malacca, or is brought by the Malayans from the Main. It is not through any ſterility in the Soyl, for that is very fat, and fruitful: neither is it through lazineſs o [...] the Dutch, for that is a vice they are net guilty of [175] year 1688 but it is from a continual fear of the Malayans, with whom tho' they have a Commerce, yet dare they not truſt them ſo far, as to be ranging about the Iſland in any work of Husbandry, or indeed to go far from the Fort, for there only they are ſafe. But to return to the Governour, he, to retalliate the Captains and Mr. Richard's kindneſs, ſent a Boat a fiſhing, to get ſome better entertain⯑ment for his Gueſts, than the Fort yielded at preſent. About 4 or 5 a Clock the Boat returned with a good Diſh of Fiſh. Theſe were immediately dreſt for Supper, and the Boat was ſent out again to get more, for Mr. Richards and his Lady to carry aboard with them. In the mean time the Food was brought into the Dining-Room, and placed on the Table. The Diſhes and Plates were of Silver, and there was a Silver Punch-Bowl full of Liquor. The Govenour, his Gueſts, and ſome of his Officers were ſeated, but juſt as they began to fall to, one of the Soldiers cried out, Malayans, and ſpoil'd the Entertainment; for immediately the Go⯑vernour without ſpeaking one word, leapt out of one of the Windows, to get as ſoon as he could to the Fort. His Officers followed, and all the Servants that attended were ſoon in motion. Every one of them took the neareſt way, ſome out of the Win⯑dows, others out of the Doors, leaving the 3 Gueſts by themſelves, who ſoon followed with all the haſte they could make, without knowing the meaning of this ſudden conſternation of the Governour and his People. But by that time the Captain and Mr. Ri⯑chards and his Wife were got to the Fort, the Go⯑vernour, who was arrived before, ſtood at the door to receive them. As ſoon as they were entred the Fort, the Door was ſhut, all the Soldiers and Ser⯑vants being within already: nor was any man ſuf⯑fered to fetch away the Victuals, or any of the Plate: but they fired ſeveral Guns to give notice [176] year 1688 to the Malayans that they were ready for them; but none of them came on. For this Uproar was occaſioned by a Malayan Canoa full of armed Men that lay ſkulking under the Iſland, cloſe by the Shore: and when the Dutch Boat went out the ſe⯑cond time to fiſh, the Malayans ſet on them ſud⯑denly, and unexpected, with their Creſſets and Lances, and killing one or two, the reſt leapt over⯑board, and got away, for they were cloſe by the Shore; and they having no Arms were not able to have made any reſiſtance. It was about a mile from the Fort: and being landed, every one of them made what haſte he could to the Fort, and the firſt that arrived was he who cried in that man⯑ner, and frighted the Governour from Supper. Our Boat was at this time aſhore for water, and was filling it in a ſmall Brook by the Banquetting⯑houſe. I know not whether our Boats Crew took notice of the Alarm, but the Dutch call'd to them; and bid them make haſte aboard, which they did; and this made us keep good watch all night, having all our Guns loaden and primed for ſervice. But it rained ſo hard all the night, that I did not much fear being attack'd by any Malayans; being inform⯑ed by one of our Sea-men, whom we took in at Malacca, that the Malayans ſeldom or never make any attack when it rains. It is what I had before obſerved of other Indians, both Eaſt and Weſt: and tho' then they might make their Attacks with the greateſt advantage on Men armed with Hand-guns, yet I never knew it practiſed; at which I have wondered; for it is then we moſt fear them, and they might then be moſt ſucceſsful, becauſe their Arms, which are uſually Lances and Creſſets, which theſe Malayans had, could not be damaged by the Rain, as our Guns would be. But they cannot en⯑dure to be in the Rain: and it was in the Evening before the Rain fell, that they aſſaulted the [177] year 1689 Dutch Boat. The next Morning the Dutch Sloop weighed, and went to look after the Malayans; but having ſailed about the Iſland, and ſeeing no Ene⯑mies, they anchored again. I alſo ſent Men aſhore in our Boat to bring off the Mizen-yard that I had cut the Day before: But it was ſo heavy a kind of Timber, that they could not bring it out of the Woods. Captain Minchin was ſtill aſhore, and he being acquainted with it, deſired the Governor to ſend a Soldier, to ſhew our Men what Trees were beſt for our uſe: Which he did, and they preſently cut a ſmall Tree, [...]about the bigneſs and length of that which I cut, and brought it aboard. I imme⯑diately went to work, and having fitted it for uſe, bent my Sail, and hoiſed it up in its place. In the Evening Captain Minchin and Mr. Richards and his Wife came aboard, having ſtaid one Night at the Fort; and told me all that hapned to them a⯑ſhore.
We now waited only for a Land Wind to carry us out. The former part of the Night we had much Rain, with Thunder and Lightning, but no Wind. At one a Clock we had a ſmall Land Wind, and got up our Anchors. We got out before Day clear of the Iſland, and we ſteered along ſhore to the North⯑ward, intending to keep this ſhore aboard for 20 or 30 Leagues farther, if the Winds did not favour us; for the Sea Winds were now at N. W. This Day we kept near the ſhore, and the Night enſuing; but the next Day the Wind coming at N. and N. N. E. we ſtood over for Sumatra, and the next Evening we paſt by Diamond Point: And the Wind coming at E. N. E. we got, in about 2 Days more to Achin, about the end of November 1689.
Here we found Mr. Coventry, who had got hither 2 or 3 Days before us. Captain Minchin went aſhore with his Paſſengers, and was diſcharged of his Com⯑mand. I kept aboard till all the Goods were unla⯑den, and then lay aſhore, and was very ſick for a [178] year 1690 Fortnight of a kind of Fever. But after Chriſtmas I was ſent aboard again, by order of Mr. Coventry, who had then bought out Mr. Dalton's and Capt. Ti⯑ler's ſhares, to take the Charge of the Veſſel, which he had then laded with Pepper, Cubebs (which I think grow ſomewhere in Sumatra) and Tutanegg, which he bought of an Engliſh Veſſel that came from Queda to Achin; and with theſe he had alſo ſome of our Malacca Cargo, which we kept on board, viz. Rattans and Walking Canes. With this Cargo we were bound for Fort St. George. We took in alſo 2 Engliſh Paſſengers, who had eſcaped out of Priſon in the Mogul's Country. The one belong'd to the Defence, Capt. Heath's Ship, which I came home to England in afterwards; he was Purſer of it: the other was a Midſhipman in the Princeſs Ann, which return'd to England at the ſame Time. But during our War with the Mogul theſe Ships had been in the Bay of Bengal, to fetch away our Effects from the [...]. of Hugly. Theſe 2 Men, with 2 or 3 others, went a⯑ſhore upon ſome Occaſion, and were taken Priſoners by the Mogul's Subjects; who ſent them a great way up into the Country, where they were kept in cloſe Cuſtody, and often threatned with Death. The old Anabob, or Governor of the Province, be⯑ing remov'd, and a new one coming thither, he re⯑leaſed theſe Men, and gave them leave to go to the Sea ſide, where finding a Dutch ſhip bound to Bata⯑via, theſe 2, and one more, went aboard her, the reſt getting other Paſſage: But ſhe meeting with that Engliſh Ship coming from Queda, which brought the Tutanegg I but now mentioned to Achin, they left the Dutch Ship, and went to Achin with the other Engliſh Veſſel; and thoſe 2 were now for going with us to Fort St. George.
'Twas about New-years day, 1690. that we ſet out from Achin again: We ſteered away toward the Nicobar Iſlands, and came in ſight of that, which I had been formerly ſet aſhore upon. But leaving [179] year 1690 it on our Star-board, we ſtood more Northerly up into the Bay; for by Mr. Coventry I had learnt there were Northerly and North Eaſterly winds in the Bay at this time of Year. We ſtood over there⯑fore as high as Pallacat; and having then a fair North Eaſt Wind, we run along the Coaſt till we came before Fort St. George, which was about the middle of January.
I was much pleaſed with the beautiful proſpect this place makes off at Sea. For it ſtands in a plain Sandy ſpot of Ground, cloſe by the ſhore, the Sea ſometimes waſhing its Walls, which are of Stone and high, with Half Moons and Flankers, and a great many Guns mounted on the Battlements: ſo that what with the Walls and fine Buildings within the Fort, the large Town of Maderas without it, the Pyramids of the Engliſh Tombs, Houſes, and Gardens adjacent, and the variety of fine Trees ſcatter'd up and down, it makes as agreeable a Landskip as I have any where ſeen.
But 'tis not my deſign to enter into a Deſcription of a place ſo well known to my Country-Men as this is. It may ſuffice to have mentioned it; and that after ſome Months ſtay here, and meeting with Mr. Moody and Jeoly the Painted Prince, I prepared to go for Sumatra again; to Bencouli, as I have ſaid in my former Vol. p. 512. I ſet out from Fort St. George with Captain Howel in July. 1690. we ſteered a pretty way along the Coaſt of Coromandel, before we ſtood over for Sumatra; and then made the beſt of our way for Bencouli. I have in that Volume ſpoken of my Arrival there: but having given no account of the place, I ſhall do it briefly now, and ſo ſhut up this Suppliment.
Bencouli lies on the Weſt Coaſt of the Iſland of Su⯑matra, in about 4 d. S. Lat. It is a place noted enough at Sea; by reaſon of a high ſlender Hill in the Country. It has a ſmall Iſland before it within which Ships ride. The point of Stillabar lies 2 or 3 [180] year 1690 Leagues to the Southward of it, and runs out farther than any part of the Shore, making a ſmall Bay within it. Beſides theſe marks, when you come within 2 or 3 Leagues of the Shore, you'll ſee the Engliſh Fort fronting to the Sea, which makes a fine ſhow: On the N. W. of the Fort is a ſmall River, at the Mouth of which is a large Store-houſe to put Pepper in. About a quarter of a Mile from the Sea ſtands a ſmall Indian Village, cloſe by the River; on the ſame ſide that the Fort is on, and but a ſmall diſtance from it. The Houſes are ſmall and low, all built on Poſts, after the Malayan manner, as at Mindanao and Achin; for 'tis a Swamp that the Town ſtands on: But the Malayans uſually chooſe to build in ſuch low places near Rivers, for the con⯑venience of waſhing themſelves, which they greatly delight in; as 'tis indeed a part of their Religion as Mahometans: And if they can, they will have their Houſes ſtand on Poſts over the River.
The Weather here is none of the pleaſanteſt. There are great Rains chiefly in September, October, and November, and pretty great Heats. But when the Wind blew hard, which 'twould often do, the Air would be chill: And the Sea-breezes in fair Wea⯑ther were generally pretty freſh and comfortable. The Land Winds coming over Swamps, uſually brought a Stink with them. 'Tis in general an un⯑healthy Place; and the Soldiers of the Fort were ſickly and died very faſt. On the South ſide of the Fort is a fair champion Savannah, of a Mile or Two Square, called Greenhil. It produces long thick Graſs: The N. W. part of it fronts the Sea, and the S. E. is bounded with lofty Woods.
The Soil of this Country is very different, ac⯑cording to its different poſition: For within Land 'tis hilly, yet thoſe Hills are clothed with Trees; which ſhews it to be fruitful enough. The low Land, near the River, eſpecially near the Sea, is ſwampy, producing nothing but Reeds, or Bamboes: [181] year 1690 But the higher Ground, which is of a reaſonable heighth, is very fruitful. The Mould is deep, and is either black or yellow; and in ſome places Clay; or ſuch Mould as is very proper for making Bricks.
The Trees in the Woods are moſtly large bodied, ſtraight and tall: They are of divers ſorts, ſome or other of them fit for any uſes. The Fruits of the Country are much the ſame as at Achin and Malaca, viz. Limes, Oranges, Guava's, Plantains, Bonanoes, Coco Nuts, Jacks, Durains, Mangoes, Mangaſtans; Pomkins, Pine apples, and Pepper. The Roots are Yams, and Potatoes: Rice grows here pretty well alſo; but whether the Natives ſow enough for their own ſpending or no, I know not. The Land Ani⯑mals are Buffaloes, Bullocks, Deer, Wild Hogs, Por⯑cupines, Guanoes, Lizards, &c. The tame Fowls are Ducks and Dunghil Fowls, both in great plenty. The wild Fowl are Parrots, Parakites, Pidgeons, Turtle-Doves, and many ſort of ſmaller Birds.
The Natives alſo are ſwarthy Indians, like their Neighbours of Achin. They are ſlender, ſtraight, active, and induſtrious. They are ſociable and deſi⯑rous of Trade; but if they are affronted, they are treacherous and revengeful. They live together in Towns, and ſpeak the Malayan Language: Con⯑forming themſelves in their Habit, Food, and Cu⯑ſtoms to other Malayans; who are all, ſo far as I learnt, of the Mahometan Religion. There are ſome Mechanicks among them; a few Smiths: But moſt of them are Carpenters, and let themſelves out to hire to the Engliſh at the Fort. The Hatchets they work with are ſuch as they uſe at Mindanao, ſo con⯑trived as to ſerve alſo for an Ads. Here are alſo Fiſhermen, who get a livelihood by Fiſhing; and there are ſeveral ſorts of Fiſh on the Coaſt, beſides plenty of Green Turtle: Such of the Malayans as live near the Engliſh Fort are uſually employed in the Eaſt-India Companies Service, to work for [182] year 1690 them: but the Country People are moſt Husband⯑men. They plant Roots, Rice, Pepper-buſhes, &c.
Pepper is the chief vendible Commodity in this Country, it thrives very well on all the Coaſt; but the greateſt quantity of what is exported from hence, is either brought down this River out of the Country, or fetched from Sillabar, or other places bordering on the Sea in ſmall Veſſels. Pepper grows plenty in other places of this Iſland; as at Indrapore, Pangaſanam, Jamby, Bancalis, &c. It grows alſo on the Iſland Java, on the Coaſt of Malacca, Malabar, Cochinchina, &c. The Coaſt of Malabar is ſaid to produce the beſt; or at leaſt there the Natives take moſt care to have the beſt, by letting it grow till it is full ripe; for which reaſon it is larger and fairer than here, where they gather it too ſoon, to avoid loſing any: for as ſoon as it grows ripe 'tis apt to ſhed, and fall in waſte to the ground.
It was the Pepper Trade that drew our Engliſh Merchants to ſettle here. For after Bantam was loſt, our Engliſh, who were wont to trade thither for this ſpice, were at a great loſs to regain the Pepper Trade, which now was in a manner fallen with the other ſorts of Spice into the hands of the Dutch: tho' the Pepper which we were wont to fetch from Ban⯑tam did not all grow on this Iſland Java, nor perhaps the tenth part of it; for as I have been informed it came moſt from Sumatra, particularly from Bencooly, and the adjacent parts. For this Reaſon it behoved our Merchants to get an Intereſt here to prop up their declining Trade. Yet, as I have been told, the ſucceſs was more owing to the Natives of this place than themſelves; for that ſome of the Raja's of the Country ſent Ambaſſadors to Fort St. George to invite the Engliſh hither to take poſſeſſion, be⯑fore the Dutch ſhould get it; who are never ſlack to promote their Intereſt, and were now ſetting out on the ſame deſign. But however that were, the Engliſh had the good fortune to get hither firſt: [183] year 1690 though ſo narrowly, that the Dutch were within an ace of preventing them, their Ships being in ſight before our Men got aſhore. But the Dutch coming thus too late, were put by their deſigns; for the Engliſh immediately got aſhore ſome Guns, and ſtood ready to defend their intereſt. This might happen about the Year 1685, as I was informed; for they told me it was 5 or 6 years before I came hither: and the Engliſh immediately fortified them⯑ſelves. The Fort, as I ſaid before, fronts to the Sea, and ſtands about 100 paces from the River. There has been a great deal of coſt beſtowed on it, but to little purpoſe; for 'tis the moſt irregular piece I ever ſaw. I told the Governor the beſt way was to new model it, and face it with Stone or Brick, either of which might be eaſily had. He ſaid he liked my Counſel, but being ſaving for the Com⯑pany, he rather choſe to repair it, by the making ſome Alterations: but ſtill to as little purpoſe, for 'twas all made ground and having no facing to keep it up, 'twould moulder away every wet ſeaſon, and the Guns often fall down into the Ditches. What was poſſible to be done I endeavoured to do while I was there. I made the Baſtions as regular as I could upon the Model they were made by: and whereas the Fort was deſigned to be a Pentagone, and there were but 4 of the Baſtions made, I ſta⯑ked out ground for a 5th, and drew a plan of it, which I gave the Government; and had I ſtaid longer I ſhould have made up the other Baſtion: but the whole Plan is too big by half for ſo ſorry a Gariſon; and the beſt way of mending it, is to de⯑moliſh all of it, and make a new one.
The Fort was but ſorrily governed when I was there; nor was there that care taken to keep a fair Correſpondence with the Natives in the Neighbour⯑hood as I think ought to be, in all Trading places eſpecially. When I came thither there were 2 Neigh⯑bouring Raja's in the Stocks, for no other reaſon, but [184] year 1690 becauſe they had not brought down to the Fort ſuch a quantity of Pepper as the Governor had ſent for. Yet theſe Raja's rule in the Country, and have a conſiderable number of Subjects: Who were ſo exaſperated at theſe Inſolencies, that, as I have ſince been informed, they came down and aſſanlt⯑ed the Fort, under the Conduct of one of theſe Raja's. But the Fort, as bad as it is, is Guard e⯑nough againſt ſuch indifferent Soldiers as they are: Who tho' they have Courage enough, yet ſcarce any Arms beſides Back-ſwords, Creſſets, and Lances, nor skill to uſe Artillery, if they had it. At ano⯑ther Time they made an Attempt to ſurprize the Fort, under pretence of a Cock match; to which they hoped the Garriſon would come out to ſhare in the Sport, and ſo the Fort left with ſmall Defence. For the Malayans here are great lovers of Cock⯑fighting, and there were about 1000 of them got together about this Match, while their armed Men lay in ambuſh. But it ſo [...] that none of the Garriſon went out to the Cock match, but one John Necklin, a Dane, who was a great Gameſter himſelf: And he diſcovering the Ambuſh, gave notice of it to the Governor; who was in Diſorder enough upon their Approach: But a few of the great Guns drove them away.
I have nothing more to add but what concerns my ſelf; which is not ſo material, that I ſhould need to trouble the Reader with it. I have ſaid in my former Volume, p. 519. upon what Motives I left Bencouli: And the particulars of my Voyage thence to England are alſo in that Volume: So that I may here conclude this Supplement to my Voyage round the World.