

S [...]'d by J. FIELDING, PATER-NOSTER ROW. [...]



ABOUT the Year 1769, the Author of the following Tract, being frequently Witneſs to the Miſeries [4]attending People that had the Misfortune to be burned or ſcalded, was induced to apply himſelf ſtudiouſly to obſerve the Effects, and to find a Remedy that would quickly reſtore Nature, and one ſo ſimple, that it might in general be readily adopted in all Families. —This Deſideratum was accordingly, after many Experiments about that Time, acquired, and Numbers that have been miſerably ſcorched and ſcalded have been inſtantaneouſly cured by following the Author's Method.


THE outer Dreſs of Ladies being of late Years compoſed of Gauze, Muſlin, and other inflammable Articles, which blaze away ſo violently, when they unfortunately take Fire, that the moſt dreadful Miſchief has enſued, too ſuddenly for Prevention. The Numbers of the Unfortunate have much increaſed with the Faſhion;—how many have of late been moſt miſerably ſcorched and defaced;—how many have ſuffered a lingering death, under the moſt excruciating tortures;—while the Methods uſed as Remedies have only [6]ſerved to lengthen the Term of their Miſery.

THE Author preſumes, that the Utility of his Method will entitle it to a favourable Reception with the Public, and that there need no Apology for the Publication.

IN the Uſe of Oil, and ſeveral other Things that are applied as Remedies for Scalds and Burns, it may be obſerved, that Nature denies their Admiſſion into the Pores of the Skin. That the acid Perſpiration, [7]Plenty of which is generally upon the Surface of the Skin, together with the continued Action of Nature through the Pores, are Repellers of ſeveral Things that would be Remedies in theſe Caſes.

THE Author ſurmiſed, that if this acid Perſpiration was to be overcome, or continually waſhed away as it is produced, that Applications might then take Effect; and in Conſequence of thoſe Obſervations, after repeated Experiments, he laid down the following [8]eaſy Rules, which, when practiſed, were never known to fail, but many and ſurpriſing Cures have been performed; and ſo far from giving Pain, that the Pain cauſed by the Burning or Scalding ceaſes immediately on the Application. Whereas ſuch violent Pains are produced by the Application of Spirits, and ſome other Things, that the Remedy is worſe than the Diſeaſe, and the Patient lingers out a moſt miſerable Life, and dies the moſt excruciating of all Deaths.


TAKE Soft Soap (Hard if that is not to be had), diſſolve it in boiling Water, exceeding ſtrong, in as little Water as poſſible; then make it cold immediately, by the Addition of cold Water; be careful to obſerve, that there be full ſix Ounces of Soap in every Gallon of this cold Solution, and Half a Drachm of Sal Tartar:— Then put in the injured Part, and move it gently about, keeping it there Half an Hour: For a recent Matter this is ſufficient; if it be of long Standing it may be continued or repeated as Occaſion requires.


MIND to have Solution in Proportion to the Nature of the Caſe. If a Perſon is ſcalded or ſcorched all over, he or ſhe may ſtand or ſit up to the Chin naked in it, and frequently immerge the Head, or let ſome Perſon continually pour plentifully of the Solution upon the Head.

IN this Caſe, it will take 50 or 60 Gallons of Water, and from 18 lb. to 22 lb. of Soap, with about two Ounces of Sal Tartar.


THIS will be ſtrong enough to take off all Greaſineſs and Dirt from the Body, without rubbing. It will keep the injured Part ſoft and cold, while the Circulation regains its uſual or a new Courſe, and innate Nature repairs the Havoc made by the Fire.

A FEW Caſes, among many, here follow, by Way of Elucidation:

A BOY having his Leg ſcalded, by a Pan-full of boiling Water being thrown upon it, after trying various Methods [12]for three or four Days to no Purpoſe, was cured by keeping it in the Solution (prepared as abovementioned) about Half an Hour, ſo that the Pain never returned, and the Leg healed in a very ſhort Time.

IN like Manner, a Man was cured who burned the Skin off his Hand, and terribly ſcorched the Fleſh, againſt a hot Plate of Iron.

THE Author having accidentally ſlipped his Arm, almoſt up to the [13]Elbow, into a Copper of Water that was boiling furiouſly; he put it into cold Water, which immediately took off the Pain, which was become exceſſive; while immerſed, it was benumbed and ſenſeleſs, but when took out of the Water, the Pain returned with great Violence.—He therefore kept it in this Situation while the Solution was making as above.—The Soap being diſſolved and cooled well, he plunged his Hand and Arm in it; the Pain never returned, the Numbneſs went off, and the Limb as it were [14]revivified; he continued it in the above Solution about 15 Minutes, and never after felt the leaſt Pain or ill Effects from this terrible Scald.

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