Addreſs to a Locket.
The Words from Emma Corbet.

COME, thou ſoft and ſacred favour,
The remembrance chaſte impart;
Take thy ſtation on my boſom,
Lightly lodging near the heart.
While that tender heart ſhall flutter,
Thou the ſecret cauſe ſhalt ſhare;
Whether pleaſure or diſaſter,
Thou ſhalt ſee what ſtirs it there.
When the hopes of happy tidings
Shall the ſweet ſenſations move,
When the white and winged agents
Whiſper friendſhip, whiſper love;
Then, all ſympathetic thrilling,
Thou the roſy form ſhalt guide;
While, as runs the [...]iddy treaſure,
Thou'rt the genius of the tide.
Happy, when this heart is ſinking,
Thou ſhalt ſooth the riſing ſigh;
When with woe ſurcharg'd, 'tis heaving,
Thou ſhalt ſee the reaſon why.
Come, thou dear and decent favour,
Learn what thou wilt ne'er impart;
Fix thy throne, and fix it ever
In the regions of my heart.

Appendix A


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