The APPRENTICE'S MONITOR; OR, INDENTURES IN VERSE, Shewing what they are bound to do.
Proper to be hung up in all Shops.

EACH young Apprentice, when he's bound to Trade,
This ſolemn vow to GOD and Man has made.
To do with joy his Maſter's juſt commands,
Nor truſt his ſecrets into other hands.
He muſt no damage to his ſubſtance do,
And ſee that others do not wrong him too.
His Maſter's goods he ſhall not waſte nor lend,
But all his property with care defend.
He ſhall not buy nor ſell without his leave,
Nor lie, nor injure, nor at all deceive.
Taverns and ALE-HOUSES he ſhall not haunt,
Thoſe ſnares to Youth, thoſe ſcenes of vice and want.
At CARDS and DICE he ſhall not dare to play,
But fly from ſuch temptations far away.
O Youth! remember thou to this art BOUND,
See that no breach of this in thee be found.


MY Son, behold what GODS commands impart;
Love GOD with all your ſtrength, and mind, and heart.
Take care that you unto another do
What you wou'd have another do to you.
On theſe as on their great deſign and end,
The Prophets and the Law alike depend.

Appendix A

Sold by S. HAZARD, (PRINTER to the CHEAP REPOSITORY for Religious and Moral Tract) at BATH; J. MARSHALL, at the Cheap Repoſitories, No, 27, Queen-Street, Cheap-Side, and No. 4, Aldermary Church Yard; and R. WHITE, Piccadilly, LONDON; and by all Bookſellers, Newſmen, and Hawkers, in Town and Country.

☞ Great Allowance to Shopkeepers and Hawkers.

Price an Half-penny, or 2s. 3d. per 100.—1s. 3d. for 50.—9d. for 25.

[Entered at Stationers Hall.]

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