CURIOSITIES In the Tower of London.
CHAP. I. Of the ſmall Armoury.
THE building itſelf, called the new Ar⯑moury, where theſe arms [20]are laid up, is a moſt no⯑ble and magnificent ſtruc⯑ture. It ſtands north of the White Tower, and ex⯑tends in length about a hundred and thirty yards, in depth about twenty. It was begun in the reign of king James the ſecond, and finiſhed in king William's.
You go in at the weſt end of this grand build⯑ing, behind the chapel, and aſcend a ſpacious and lofty [21]ſtair-caſe, at the head of which you turn to your right hand, and entering the room before you, you will ſee one of the greateſt, curioſities, in its kind, ever formed by the art of man: Here are arms, we are told, ſufficient for a hundred thouſand men at a minute's warning, laid up in a moſt ſurprizing artificial order and beauty, all bright and clean to admiration.
[22]Juſt within the door, on the left hand, are, firſt, two lofty beatiful pyramids of piſtols, ſtanding upon the crown, globe and ſceptre, in curious carved work.
The ſecond is called a wilderneſs of arms; that is, pikes, carbines, muskets, bayonets, halberts, ſwords, piſtols, &c. ſo laid up, that you have a proſpect through all their ranges to the farther end of the [23]room, which is three hun⯑dred and forty-five feet long; the ſight of which is enough to ſtrike one with wonder and amaze⯑ment.
The third is a figure of arms taken at the Bath in the laſt rebellion in the year 1715.
Fourth, is the form of the waves of the ſea, made with ſwords.
Fifth, repreſents half-moons [24]and fans, made with piſtols and bayonets; and the form of a target in the middle made with bayo⯑net blades.
Sixth, two pillars of pikes, in imitation of flut⯑ed work, with fine carved capitals, of the Corinthian order.
Seventh, a pillar made of pikes and ſwords, for the ſea ſervice.
Eighth, are blunderbuſ⯑ſes [25]in the form of pillars, with capitals of piſtols all the way up; and on both ſides bayonets in the form of the waves of the ſea.
Ninth, carbines for the horſe ſervice, and marine hangers ſet in checquer-work.
Tenth, carbines for the horſe, lined with pikes.
Eleventh, are ſwords and bayonets in the form of half-moons and fans, ſet [26]upon ſcollop-ſhells of fine carved work.
Twelfth, is the ſun riſ⯑ing, repreſented in a ſquare frame, guarded with ma⯑rine hangers; and oppoſite to that, in the middle of the room, are four beauti⯑ful twiſted pillars, made with piſtols up to the top, which is about twenty two feet, the heighth of the room: and in the centre of theſe pillars, is the [27]form of a dropping ſtar, made of piſtols; upon the left is the form of the ſun ſetting, made anſwerable to that of its riſing.
Thirteenth, repreſents the form of a pair of gates, made with ſerjeants hal⯑berts.
Fourteenth, are carbines hanging in ſurbelows and flounces.
Fifteenth, is the form of a whale's backbone, made with carbines.
[28]Sixteenth, repreſents the grand witch of Endor, cal⯑led likewiſe Envy, or Me⯑duſa's head; with the fi⯑gures of ſnakes ſtinging her to death, made with three rows of piſtols, ſet with curious art; the features are of fine carved work.
Seventeenth, at the far⯑ther end of the room, on the left hand, is the ar⯑mour of king Henry the fifth, who conquered [29]France, with his flaming ſword in his hand: he took more men priſoners than he had in his army.
Next is the figure of a fiery ſerpent, the head and tail of carved work, the body of piſtols.
Facing the window, at the eaſt end, is the form of a large and beautiful organ, made with ſix thou⯑ſand piſtols, ten ſtory, or ranges high.
[30]Between the windows, at the ſame end, is the re⯑preſentation of the Hydra, or ſeven-headed monſter; three of which heads are above, and four below, and not one like the other, all of carved work.
Next, is king Henry the ſixth's armour; he was crowned king of France: his father con⯑quered the country, and this prince loſt it.
[31]The firſt curioſity on the other ſide, coming back again, is the figure of Jupiter in his fiery chariot, drawn by eagles, in the clouds, with a thunderbolt in his hand, in carved work, guarded round with bayonets.
Second, is the ſtar and garter made of piſtols and bayonets; with the thiſtle, roſe and crown over head, in carved work; and be⯑low, [32]are birds, and other curious creatures, in fine carved work.
All the way down, on this ſide, are the ſame fi⯑gures of arms, &c. an⯑ſwerable to thoſe we de⯑ſcribed in going up on the other.
Laſtly, you are ſhewn a great parcel of arms ta⯑ken in the aſſaſſination plot againſt king William, par⯑ticularly a blunderbus, [33]with which the conſpira⯑tors deſigned to have ſhot that prince as he rid in his coach to Hampton-court; this hangs up over head: below, near the bottom, is a carbine, with which Charnock deſigned to have ſhot him as he rode a hunting.
Hence are likewiſe ſeve⯑ral arms taken in Scotland, in the laſt rebellion: par⯑ticularly a curious piece of [34]the late lord Mar's; and a large broad ſword with which a highlander ſtruck general Evans, and cut him through his hat, wig, and skull-cap.
There are in this ſmall Armoury, beſides theſe principal curioſities which I have mentioned, many fine things, which my young readers will be highly delighted to ſee. Here you pay Three-pence.
[35]The next curiouſity is the train of artillery.
CHAP. II. Of the fine train of artil⯑lery.
THE grand ſtore⯑houſe where this curious train of artillery is kept, is directly under the ſmall Armoury, upon the ground floor; where there [36]are a great number of cu⯑rious braſs cannon, of va⯑rious ſizes, all mounted upon carriages.
Firſt, you are ſhewn a parcel of new battering cannon, each carrying a ball of twenty four pound weight.
Second, a train of ord⯑nance, which carry balls of twelve pounds weight.
Third, fine field-pieces which carry cartridges of [37]ſmall ſhot made up in bags.
Fourth, a couple of ſmith's forges upon carri⯑ages, for conveniency of travelling, compleatly fur⯑niſhed for repairing any kind of iron-work, that may be wanting upon the road, or in the camp.
Fifth, mortar-pieces, which throw bomb-ſhells of thirteen inches diame⯑ter.
[38]Sixth, a great number of mortar-pieces for the ſame uſes, of various ſizes, caſt in the reign of king George the firſt.
Seventh, the drum-ma⯑jor's fine chair upon a car⯑riage, in which he ſits, with two kettle-drums fix⯑ed before him, and is drawn by ſix horſes in great ſtate.
Eight, a curious braſs cannon, made for Henry, [39]prince of Wales, eldeſt ſon of king James the firſt; of which the carving alone coſt two hundred pounds. It hath this inſcription up⯑on it, Thomas and Richard Pit made this piece, Anno 1608.
Ninth, two French pie⯑ces of ordnance, taken with count Tallard at the battle of Blenheim, in the year 1704.
Tenth, one of the firſt [40]iron guns in England, in⯑vented about 360 years ago: it is twelve feet long.
Eleventh, the firſt in⯑vented braſs cannon, of a⯑bout fifteen feet in length.
Twelfth, a large mor⯑tar-piece which carries a bomb-ſhell of eighteen in⯑ches diameter, and 500 weitht, and throws it two miles.
Thirteenth, a fire twiſt⯑ed braſs cannon, twelve [41]feet long; called Queen Elizabeth's pocket piſtol: which they merrily tell you was deſigned for her horſe's furniture when ſhe rode a hunting.
Fourteeth, two curi⯑ous braſs field-pieces, of three-bore barrels, taken from the French at the memorable battle of Hoc⯑ſtedt, on the ſecond of Au⯑guſt, 1704.
Fifteenth, a mortar [42]which throws nine ſhells at a time.
Sixteenth, an engine of ſmall mortars, which throws thirty hand-grana⯑dos at a time.
Beſides thoſe already mentioned, there are a great number of other braſs field-pieces, of vari⯑ous ſizes; and on the walls, &c. a multitude of inſtruments made uſe of in war; ſuch as crows, la⯑dles, [43]wedges, ſcrews, hand⯑ſpikes and ſpunges; and harneſs for the horſes which draw the train, &c.
Over head you ſee a trophy of ſtandards, co⯑lours, &c. as in Guildhall, taken in the laſt war with France.
And, laſtly, in going out there are two very cu⯑rious braſs cannon, twen⯑ty four pounders, taken at Vigo, anno 1702. by the [44]preſent lord Cobham. The breeches of theſe guns re⯑preſent couching lions.
Here you pay Two pence each perſon.
Next you proceed to the Horſe Armoury.
CHAP. III. Of the Horſe Armoury.
HERE you are firſt preſented with a [45]view of the ſigures of the horſe guards that attend the kings, whom you will ſee preſently all on horſe⯑back in bright armour of poliſhed ſteel, and ranged in beautiful order on the other ſide of the houſe; as alſo of a great number of foot-guards, ſtanding be⯑tween the horſe, &c.
Second, over head is the famous lance of Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, [46]king Henry the eighth's general in France.
Third, a ſuit of tilting armour, with which the nobility and gentry uſed to exerciſe, before guns were invented.
Fourth, a curious ſuit of armour made for king Henry the eighth, rough from the hammer, and ne⯑ver filed.
Fifth, a little ſuit of ar⯑mour for king Charles the [47]ſecond, when he was prince of Wales; with a piece for his horſe's head, of curious workmanſhip.
Sixth, my lord Cour⯑cy's ſuit of armour, great champion of Ireland; and the large two-handed ſword he took from the champion of France: for which gallant action he and his ſucceſſors have the privilege of wearing their hats in the preſence of the [48]kings of England; which is continued to this day. The lord Kinſale is now head of that noble family.
Seventh, a ſuit of In⯑dian armour; ſent as a preſent to king Charles the ſecond, from the great Mogul, which is ſaid to be a defence againſt arrows, darts, and poiſoned lances, made uſe of in that coun⯑try.
Eighth, a little ſuit of [49]armour made in remem⯑brance of Richard, duke of York, who, with his brother Edward the fifth, was ſmothered in the Tower between two fea⯑ther-beds, about two hun⯑dred and fifty ſeven years ago; the former being about eleven years old, and the latter thirteen.
Ninth, John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaſter's ar⯑mour; he was both ſon [50]and father of a king, but never king himſelf. It is ſaid he was ſeven feet four inches high.
Tenth, is the comical figure of Will. Somers, jeſter to king Henry the eighth.— He is called an honeſt man of woman's making—wears his horns upon his head to prevent the making holes in his pocket; and becauſe he was dim-ſighted, he would [51]believe neither the king, queen, nor any of the court, that he was a cuck⯑old, till he had put his ſpectacles on; with which he is repreſented by way of ridicule to this day.
Eleventh, is an ill fa⯑voured old inſtrument, cal⯑led the collar of torment, which we are told was for⯑merly put about the necks of ſuch women as either proved falſe to their huſ⯑bands [52]beds, or took too great a freedom with their tongues.
Now we come to the kings on horſe-back, who are placed in the following order: Firſt, a curious figure [53]of king William the third.
Second, another of king Charles the ſecond.
Third, of king Charles the firſt.
This ſuit of armour, which is ſteel, richly gilt with gold, coſt, as we are informed, fifteen hundred pounds; and was a preſent from the city of London, when he was prince of Wales.
Fourth, of king James I.
[54]Fiſth of king Edward the ſixth, the firſt prote⯑ſtant prince that ever reign⯑ed in England: He was the royal founder of three hoſpitals, all which he gave to the city of Lon⯑don; viz. that of St. Tho⯑mas's for the relief of the ſick and the lame; Chriſt's Church for the ſupport of freemens children, who are orphans; and Bridewell, for training up of youth, [55]and the encouragement of ſeveral uſeful branches of our Engliſh manufactures, &c.
Sixth, a curious figure of king Henry the eighth.
Seventh, of Henry the ſeventh, who killed crook⯑backed Richard the third, in Boſworth-field, Leiceſ⯑terſhire; ſome ſhort time after he had ſmothered his two young nephews in the Tower.
[56]Eighth, of Edward the fifth, who was proclaimed king, but was never crown⯑ed; the crown hanging over his head. He was ſmothered with his bro⯑ther, as mentioned above.
Ninth, of Edward the fourth, father of the two laſt named princes. This king was remarkable for his gallantries with the citizens wives, particular⯑ly with the famous Jane Shore.
[57]Tenth, of king Henry the ſixth, crowned alſo king of France, at Paris.
Eleventh, of Henry the fifth, who conquered France; the ſame prince whom we mentioned in our chapter Of the ſmall Armoury, to have taken more men priſoners than he had in his army.
Twelfth, of Henry the fourth, ſon of John of Gaunt,
[58]Thirteenth, of Edward the third, who was re⯑markable in having the kings of France and Scot⯑land priſoners in England at one time; for which reaſon he wears two crowns upon his ſword.
Fourteenth, of Edward the firſt, who fought ſeve⯑ral battles againſt the Turks and Infidedls in the holy land.
Fifteenth, a noble fi⯑gure [59]of William the con⯑queror, duke of Norman⯑dy.
Laſtly, the walls and cieling of this fine Armou⯑ry, where all the above⯑mentioned curioſities are depoſited, are every where ornamented with ancient breaſt-plates, ſwords, &c. For the ſight of the whole each perſon pays Two-pence.
[60]I have now told my young readers all the fine things that I know of in this pompous place, ex⯑cepting one,
We next proceed to the Regalia.
CHAP. IV. Of the Regalia in the Jewel Office.
[61]THE ineſtimable trea⯑ſures which we are now to give our young readers a particular ac⯑count of, are depoſited or laid up in a dark, ſtrong ſtone room, about twenty yards diſtant from the eaſt end of the new Armoury.
[62]Firſt, the imperial crown, with which all the kings of England have been crowned ſince the time of Edward the confeſſor. It is a very rich crown of gold, embelliſhed with pearls and precious ſtones of divers kinds; namely, diamonds, rubies, eme⯑ralds, and ſaphires, with a mound of gold on the top of it, encircled with a band or fillet of gold; adorned [63]alſo with precious ſtones, and three very large oval pearls; one on the top of the croſs, and two others hanging at the end.
This crown is compoſ⯑ed of four croſſes, and as many flower de lis of gold, upon a rim or circlet of gold, all embelliſhed with precious ſtones.
The cap within is of purple velvet, lined with white taffety, and turned [64]up with ermine, thick powdered in three rows.
Second, the orb, or globe, which is put into the king's right hand im⯑mediately the king's right hand im⯑mediately before he is crowned, and borne in his left upon his return into Weſtminſter-hall.
It is a ball of gold, of ſix inches diameter, en⯑compaſſed with a band or fillet of gold; embelliſhed with roſes of diamonds [65]encircling other precious ſtones, and edged about with pearl: on the top of it is a very large amethyſt, of a violet or purple co⯑lour, about and inch and an half in heighth, of an oval form; which being en⯑compaſſed with four ſilver wires, makes the pedeſtal of a very rich croſs of gold, of three inches and a quarter in heighth and three in breadth, ſet very [66]thich with diamonds; hav⯑ing in the middle thereof a fair ſaphire on one ſide, and a fair emerald on the other, embelliſhed with four large pearls in the corners of the croſs, near its centre, and three large pearls at the end of the ſaid croſs.
The whole heighth of the ball and croſs together is eleven inches.
Third, the royal ſcep⯑tre [67]with the croſs, which has another jewel of great value under it.
It is of fine gold; the handle plain, and the up⯑per part wreathed: It is in length two foot nine inches and a quarter, and in compaſs three inches at the handle, and two and a quarter about the top. The pommel at the bot⯑tom enriched with rubies, emeralds, and ſmall dia⯑monds. [68]The top riſes in⯑to a flower de lis of ſix leaves; three whereof are upright, and three hang⯑ing down, all enriched with precious ſtones. Out of the ſame flower de lis iffueth a mound or ball, made of an amethyſt, gar⯑niſhed with table dia⯑monds: and upon the mound or croſs quite co⯑vered with precious ſtones, with a large table diamond in the centre.
[69]Fourth, the ſceptre with the dove, of fine gold, in length three feet ſeven in⯑ches, and three inches a⯑bout at the handle, and two and a quarter at the top. The pommel gar⯑niſhed with a circle or fil⯑let let of table diamonds, and in ſeveral places with pre⯑cious ſtones of all ſorts. The mound or ball at the top, embelliſhed with roſe diamonds; and on the top [70]of all a ſmall Jeruſalem croſs, whereon is fixed a dove with wings expand⯑ed, as the emblem of peace and mercy.
Fifth, Saint Edward's ſtaff, all beaten gold, in length four feet ſeven in⯑ches and a half, and about three inches and three quarters in circumference. This ſtaff, which is gar⯑niſhed alſo with gold, is carried before the king at his coronation.
[71]Sixth, a rich ſalt⯑cellar or ſtate, made in the form of the ſquare whire Tow⯑er; which is wrought with ſuch exquiſite art, that words cannot well expreſs it. This inimitable piece of gold plate is uſed at all coronations.
Seventh, the curtann, or pointleſs ſword of mer⯑cy. This is a broad bright ſword, the blade thirty two inches in length, and al⯑moſt [72]two broad: the han⯑dle is covered with a fine gold wire four inches, be⯑ſides the pommel an inch and three quarters, which with the croſs is plain ſtell gilt: the length of the croſs being almoſt eight inches. This ſword of mercy is borne naked be⯑fore the king at his coro⯑nation, between the ſpiri⯑tual and temporal ſwords of juſtices, of which it is the cheif.
[73]Eighth, a noble ſilver font, double gilt, in which the royal family are chriſt⯑ned. This is likewiſe a great curioſity with re⯑ſpect to its workmanſhip, antiquity, and ſolemn uſe, and is highly worthy of our young readers obſer⯑vation.
Ninth, a large ſilver fountain double gilt, which was a magnificent preſent from the town of Ply⯑mouth [74]to their royal maſ⯑ter king Charles the ſe⯑cond; the workmanſhip whereof is very curious, and the value very great.
Tenth, the rich crown of ſtate which his majeſty wears on his throne in par⯑liament. It is embelliſhed with divers large roſe and table diamonds, and other precious ſtones; but moſt remarkable for a wonder⯑ful large ruby ſet in the [75]middle of one of the croſ⯑ſes, vauled at ten thouſand pounds and upwards: as alſo for the large emerald which is ſeven inches round; a pearl, the fineſt in the world; and a ruby of ineſtimable value.
Eleventh, his royal high⯑neſs the prince of Wales's rich crown.
This and the crown of ſtate laſt mentioned, when⯑ever his majeſty goes to [76]the parliament-houſe, are carried by the keeper of the jewel-office, attended by one or two of the war⯑ders of the Tower, pri⯑vately in a hackney coach to White-hall; where they are delivered to the proper officers, who with ſome yeomen of the guard car⯑ry them to the robing rooms, where his majeſty and the prince dreſs them⯑ſelves. His majeſty wears [77]his crown on his head whilſt on the throne, and that belonging to the prince is placed before him, to ſhew that he is heir apparent to the crown. After the king has leſt the houſe, and is diſrobed, both the ſaid crowns are conveyed back to the Tower in the ſame privated manner.
Twelfth, the rich crown of ſtate, with the globe, [78]ſceptre, and diadem, which queen Mary, the conſort of his late majeſy king William the third, wore in proceeding to her co⯑ronation.
Thirteenth, an ivory ſceptre with a dove on the top, made for the late king James's queen. This is in length three feet one inch and a half, the pom⯑mel whereof and garna⯑ture is gold, as is alſo the [79]mound which croſſes the top. The dove is gold enamelled white; at the bottom it is about two inches round, at the top an inch and an half, or thereabouts.
Fourteenth, the golden ſpurs, which are very large and maſſy, and curiouſly wrought, of great antiqui⯑ty, and are worn at coro⯑nations; as are the armil⯑la's, which are golden [80]bracelets for wriſts.
Laſtly, the ampulla, or eagle, of pur gold finely engraved, which holds the holy oil the kings and queens of England are an⯑ointed with. It ſtands on a pedeſtal with its wings expanded. The head ſcrews off at the middle of the neck, for the conve⯑niency of pouring in the oil; the neck being hollow to the beak; the holy oil [81]is poured out into the large golden ſpoon ſet a⯑part for that purpoſe, thro' the point of the beak; the heighth of this gol⯑den eagle from bottom to top, including the pede⯑ſtal of foot, is about nine inches; the wings where⯑of expand about ſeven in⯑ches. The weight of the whole is about ten ounces. This and the ſpoon are curioſities of great antiqui⯑ty.
[82]There are, beſides the ineſtimable treaſures above particularly mentioned, ſe⯑veral cuirous and valuable pieces of plate and other rich furniture, not uſually expoſed to publick view; a particular deſcription of which would be too redi⯑ous to be here inſerted.
However, for the fur⯑ther information and a⯑muſement of our little readers, we ſhall cloſe this [83]chapter with a poetical account of the bold and unparalleled attempt of a deſperate villain, with o⯑thers of his aſſociates, to ſtrip the jewel-office of the royal crown, globe, ſceptre, &c. with the happy prevention of their wicked deſign; in which had they ſucceeded, the loſs could never have been repaired.
[]CHAP. V. Of the Line, Batteries, &c.
[100]THE line is a nar⯑row, neat, paved way, juſt within the bat⯑tlements of the wall which ſurrounds the Tower; up⯑on this line, which is about half a mile in compaſs, are four batteries, which by means thereof have an [101]eaſy communication one with another.
The firſt entrance up⯑on the line is juſt beyond Traitor's bridge, where is a clean paved walk about ſeventy yards long, called the ladies walk, becauſe 'tis much frequented by the fair ſex in ſummer evenings. On the left hand is a pleaſant row of ſhady trees, extending from the one end to the [102]other; and on the right, the wall which encompaſ⯑ſeth the Tower; over which is a delightful pro⯑ſpect of the river Thames, with the ſhips, boats, &c. paſſing up and down, as alſo of the wharf belong⯑ing to the Tower, on which are planted ſixty one large iron cannon.
At the farther end of the ladies walk you de⯑ſcend the ſteps, and going [103]on a little way you aſcend the line again, where pre⯑ſently you come to the firſt ſix gun battery, which commands the river to the fouth: here ſtands a centi⯑nel, as there does likewiſe at each of the other bat⯑teries.
Of the Devil's Battery.
From this battery, at about two hundred yards diſtance, you come to a ſpacious, ſtrong, ſtone battery, where there are [110]eight large iron cannon mounted. This battery is at the north corner of the eaſt end of the Tower.— From thence you paſs on to the fourth battery, where there are ſix guns, which point towards the north. The guns are fired from all theſe batte⯑ries, and from thoſe alſo of the wharf, on ſome particular rejoicing days, ſuch as the king's birth⯑day, [111]being the 30th of October, and his return from abroad; and from the wharf alone, on all other royal holidays, and likewiſe as often as his majeſty goes to the parlia⯑ment houſe, and on the 29th of May, 5th of No⯑vember, &c.
From the laſt battery we proceed to the royal mint, where all the gold, ſilver, and copper coins [112]and medals are ſtruch; be⯑longing to the manage⯑ment of which there are ſeveral officers, of whom the warden is chief.
I could very willingly give my young readers a particular account of the art of making of money, but I am afraid it might tempt ſome naughty per⯑ſons to counterfeit, the current coin, for which I ſhould be juſtly blamed, [113]and become in ſome mea⯑ſure acceſſary to the fatal conſenquences that might attend it.
CHAP. VI. Of the inſide of the White tower.
I Muſt firſt inform my young readers, that the inſide of this grand Tow⯑er [114]is not publickly ſhewn, but as they, in proceeding from one place to the o⯑ther, in order to ſee the rarities, paſs by it two or three times, and will very likely be inquiſitive to know what is with inſide, I ſhall therefore endeavour to ſatisfy their curiouſity.
This Tower is a large magazine, or vaſt ſtore⯑houſe, filled with prodi⯑gious numbers of various [115]kinds of inſtruments. of war: The vaults, which perhaps are the largeſt and fineſt in all the world, are filled with bags of ſalt pe⯑tre, for the making of gunpowder. Upon the firſt ſloor are ſeveral ſpa⯑cious rooms; one of which is a ſmall armoury for the ſea ſervice, for ten thou⯑ſand men. Which arms are of various ſorts, very cu⯑rious, and laid up in beau⯑tiful order.
[116]In another room are a multitude of fine cloſets, preſſes and lockers, all fil⯑led with an almoſt incre⯑dible number of tools for the war ſervice. As to gunpowder, there is but little kept in this place, only ſo much as will ſerve for the uſe of the garri⯑ſon. This Tower has three very high ſtories, and, upon the top of all, fine leads; and, what is [117]ſurprizing, water from the Thames is forced by an engine to the top of this lofty Tower; where it fills a ciſtern of about ſeven feet deep, nine broad, and about ſixty feet in length: being the biggeſt that I ever ſaw or heard of.
The walls of this ſtrong Tower, are, at the ground⯑floor, one and twenty feet thick; at the ſecond, [118]about ſixteen feet, and at the third about ſeven feet thick. At the ſouth ſide of this White Tower is a room, formerly a chapel, where are kept the ancient records of this nation.
I ſhall next tell my rea⯑ders the time and ceremo⯑ny of opening and ſhut⯑ting the gates of the Tow⯑er, and ſo conclude this hiſtory.
CHAP. VII. Of the ceremony of opening and ſhutting the gates of the Tower.
[119]AT half an hour after nine o'clock at night the bell on the top of the governor's houſe rings, to warn the inhabitants or others to go out, or come into the garriſon, as their [120]affairs may require: At the ſame time the drum beats over the ſpur guard, at the entrance into the Tower, to give notice to the ſoldiers who are ab⯑ſent from duty, to come in; likewiſe at ten a-clock the tattoo beats, Go to bed, Tom, from the main guard, which is at the weſt ſide of the white Tower, quite round the Tower, to the place from whence they ſet out.
[121]At eleven o'clock (which is the hour they lock up the gates, both in winter and ſummer) the yeoman porter calls a ſerjeant and a file fo men to attend the keys to lock up the royal Tower; who pro⯑ceed with him to the ſpur guard, or outer gates, which being ſecured, they go back to the main guard; where the yeoman porter cries, God bleſs the king; [122]the guard, who are drawn. up in order, anſwer Amen: From thence they go to the governor's houſe, where they lodge the keys; after which no perſon, up⯑on any account whatſo⯑ever, can either go out or come into the Tower, till next morning; when the ſame ceremony is again obſerved at opening the gates; in the ſummer at half an hour after five, [123]and in the winter at ſeven.
About half and hour after nine, before they look up the Tower, one of the warders, with a guard of ſoldiers upon duty, locks up the gates upon the wharf, and, drawing up the draw-bridge, locks the gate which leads to it, and ſo retires into the Tower, after which no perſon can go out, or come in.
[124]Having now ſhut the gates of the Tower, I have nothing more to add concerning the curioſities of this place — but I beg leave to inform my young readers, that the Hiſtory of Weſtminſter Ab⯑bey is now in hand, and will be got ready for the preſs with all convenient ſpeed: Subſcribers are de⯑ſired to bring or ſend their names to Thomas Boreman [125]Bookſeller in Guildhall, or at the Boot and Crown on Ludgate-hill, London; and they ſhall be carefully inſerted with due order and diſtinction; each pay⯑ing down Six-pence a Set in part at ſubſcribing, it being a large and expen⯑ſive undertaking.